Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 4 Mar 1886, p. 4

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, j___---.. ~q_. Wishes to a.nnouuceAtha_t he has opened out in jiTU&u2--- ~ AN large and oonmodioudstore available and convenient in m-:-ry `ALL NE? A1\)-i;;TE-S'1` DESIGNS. .B.A.E.I={.IZE Q WHEELBARR()\`E'S, And all kinds of Wheel Work. The abort urekept in stock and made to order. A large stock at our Show Rooms to chocso from. .-/.-Ju;\/V1.1 HEAVY Ha; LIGHT WAGONS, DRAYS, CARTS`, MERCHANT TAILOR, An 8 Pugs. 48_ _0olum'n Newspaper; ll Published from the Omce. Dunlop Street. Battle. in the County of Simcoe. the Pro- vince` of Ontgario. Canada. every Thurs- day morning. by A. SAMUEL VVESLEY, PROPBIETOR. 3 old stand, next door to Farqubarso: 5 Brown's new block to Messrs. Cuufir-r. DUN LOP STREET, PHAETONS, March 4, 1886, `W8. P8) 048?) fax` .5`; DE MOCR A T` 37 .l XIU Elkigh ; threat 9 at one 7 where nonfifo anmanenr. Last Thursday the fourth session of the fth Dominion Parliauient was opened with the accustomed ceremonies. The speech read by the Governor-General vin- dicates somewhat -the "nature" of the session s legislation, so far as the govern- nent is concerned, and called attention to some of the most impvortant questions re- lating to the public welfare. The House. is congratulated on the suiciente harvest of last year," and on the prosperity and substantial progress of the country. I II 4_,.,._.__.--L_-._ __ A I rntnl `hill! 11;: 1. ed in birth lvll LII Anni hcari L1 in n 1` a tum Mr g cxmj Hull 7sick I th;.'~; I uuu--u--.------- `-- -a---v V- The suppression of the iizsiirreciion in the N urth-West. is referred to, but intima- te: that after such a. rebellion there will. linger a disposition to disquiet, which will have to be kept in check by judicious precatitionary arrangements. nu 1-7 I , 1 I ; El ,_, 0W1` I '1Ahu\ Ilurl M1 ref; Hit llcni Mr -1: A\'(.3 24th. Fm. (four ;'t'gc;;| 1}? TERMS OF sUB'scR1PTIdN.. $1 Per.An_num in Advance. $1. give D: an M of I) R-- born Th Kn} M `s 0)-in` u--.|u ' .Th Dom 19,-'54 ban 1 H No new dame Willtbe added to the Sub- scription List until the money is paid. _ Rlihnnrihers now in an rears for three months a ` . Hon `PD: ocription List unm me money 13 paw. I [Subscribers now in snd over will be charged 81 50 per annum. - ~3 Volunteers? Scrip and Lan d.t ` ` . We understand that the land warrants for the, York and SimcoeA Re}ziment_Aare now being sighed by the Minister of Mihtia. and will be sent to the "Minister of - the Interior. to be recorded. It appears", however, to be necessarvtfor evervfdne entitled 156 land to ; notify the Minister bf` Interior `wh"ether" he` will take land or scrfp, and to enclose _a cer'- ticate of identity to prevent fraud, -` V --.-------O-+-u------- ` -1 saw -Gr '9`: is tho placo to buy! cheap and goo & ry goods. } ....._,, "um vuu uuuul wuwu 13 nusaune " "' There is one large lake in the north- east corner with slightly tainted `water. but surrounded with excellent hay lands. Numerous springs of good water are- fuund alto -g the banks of the Saskatche- wan and Eagle Creek. The telegraph` lines and the Battleford trail passes south of the river. The book contains three. moms shnwinqethe relative position of the tom 11 :hips. The so tler can learn from these descriptions just what sort of land he is going on before he sees it, and ` also the advantages and drawbacks. -, The great diiculty, however, is` that these usetnl books do not nd their way intothe hands of the general public. - `Ia-vs I\4IlIlllO 0utlines.--The North Saskatchewan River crosses this township in an easterly direction, with the usual half mile belts of timber along the river. The portion of the-township south of the river is open prairie with a. rolling or knolly, surface, dotted over with granite and limestone builders. Part of the township north of I the river is thickly dotted with clumps of poplar trees. Snue of the western part `is suitable for fuel. The soil is first and second class. part clay and part a -good Band loam on clay subsoil. _ V _. Subdivision.-A ridge of sand hills crosses the north-east corners, and is well Wooded, and there is abundance `of rail timber on the south bank of the river and along the valley of Eagle Cseek; a. tribu- tary, from the south which isAlka.line " -'c :1: tsuntu `_-._.. `l_`I_- 2 -` As an example of the information o'er- % ed we will take for an example Township J 39, Range X, west of the third Initial ` Meridian. - ' V ' _ - .. ._.._.,_... -, -.... -. u. an iv you AU.I.lUUl`&U3- We have received from Ottawa 3 de- partmental volume. published under the ; authority ot Hon. Thomas VVhite, M`.nis- ', ter of the Interior, containing descrip- tions of the Townships of the North West Territones between the third and fourth Initial Meridians. This book must prove very useful to those who are designing to _ta.ke up land in those townships. The townships are in this book placed `in ranges, the number of the range being at the ton of the page and the number of the township inpheavy figures on the left I side. ` V e I Tawnshxps of th North` West Territories. `[7. L._._ _., -,2- The Ea.st'Suncoe election case may be 8 id to have been concluded onlythis week, as on Tuesday last Mr. McCarthy` received an order ofthe High Court of Justice calling" upon Mr. Drury to pay the costs of appeal,.amounting to some seven hundred dollars. We learn, on what we believe to be excellent authority, that the entire costs of the trial amount- ed to upwards of -four thousand dollars. all of which, of course, Mr. Drury has had to pay. It would be `a triing matter were Mr. Drury, like Mr. Cook, expert in devisingnieans for reconpinehimself at the public expense, by means of fat timber berths or other Government favors, but we will do him the justice to say that . hisstrongest opponents will not suspect him if evenadesire to avail himself of I such questionable assistance. o--Packet. e N OTE AND COMEN'l'. THE Orillia Packet says a Barrie Gritl paper gives as a reason for the Reformers 1 of East Simcoe nominating Mr. Cook in preference to ample material at home. that in times past he. lled a ' breach_ in the county which less courageous`poli_tic- ians would notedare to face. J ust so. ` It was apretty big breach, and it took t.venty-eight thousand dollars to ll it. The Packet is rlght, and yet Mr; H. H. Cook has the face to talk of the corrup- tion of Sir John Macdonald`s government.` A our: iimnms... We regret to eee a journal of the in- uence and standing of the New York Tribune taking the same ground on the _fishery question as the reieeting Senator from Maine. `Our sheries are of great value and we do not intend that these ri,rhts'shall be infringed upon. If the United States shermewwant to have the privilege to sh in Cinadian Waters they will have to give a reasonable compensa.- 9 tion either by way of treaty privileges or 3 in cash. ` Any attempt to violate our laws by taking sh according to the notions of Senator Frye or those who are in favor tzkinglourysh any way," will be prompt- ly brought to . the rightnbout by our marine po`jce. Noedonbt the {Dominion Government will enlarge the force eqliall to the emergency. T M they had that of Mr." Blake. felt disposed to indicate what strength this Dominion, the Australian colonies and the other dependencies of the crown could bring to the great empire by those closer relations which were necessary. to ` the common good, there was not a word in Mr. ABlake's'that would tend to do his \ countrypservice. `He (Sir-John) was glzd to" know that foreign speculators who sought to draw'emigrants away from this country could not quote him in favor of i their schemes against his own land, nor ` place his portrait- on their pamphlets as i ' Sir John showed that the speech of the honorable leader of the Opposition was calculated to set man against. man and race against -iace, rather than smoothe down aperities and produce the harmony that ought to exist. ` H18 words (Mr. 1 Blake's) would no doubt be carried 1 to the North -West, and would tend to cause -dissatisfaction . among ; the Indians ratherthan to quiet them as 1 was so necessary. Altogether the speech j of Sir John placed.Mr. Blake in a position ; anything but favorable, and in a` light not 1 creditable to one who ought to possess the` broad liberal and patriotic views of a man occupving the position wf the leader of | Her Majesty's Loyal Opposition. V l le}zimsnt _`are g); her er of '5 , I-.N>.'la.-I II-A *I......: 1..- ~~- I A h;-s besnv, fntroduced in the 4 ~Bri_tish~Pa.1-liament to compensate the suf- 'fe!rs by the late riots in London. An area, oftwenty acres. in Sazchon, a } Saxon village, suddenly subsidad, and i .wa.s overowed with watr so an Jdenly 9 ;that three men were drowned. I W ._-`. ---.v-v-- run QJJVIJUI A lot Vgorthless pot-`n`1'et_a.l* `bayouets 1 inthe British army were furnished by a. I German rm. . ` , ,` ,._-`w_---.'- .Rev; Hugh Stowell -I-gown, a preminent Baptist minister, is dead. `Commercial depression in Sweden is greaterjthan it has been since 1857. . The" Commercial Bank of South Australia has `suspended payment. A `|_;_ _1' _-_Al`I -The mgm mm. w. E. Forster is again conned to his bed. -' T Au uucu uuu. uruxucu. ' J. I T F.'S'.mpson, Toronto, passenger, bruised ; about the head and chest. '- A 'i`he_ Socialist leaders have been aenf up for trial. ` * ' Vienfxa is suffering from a partial water I famin e. | _ The Servian Government has abandon- ed military Drepa.ra`ti.ona.A j y-` 11- I `rm. -- - W-.i:;K:)vL'l:lenry, _of Oshawa, passenger, bruised about head and body and badly shaken. . 7 1` A. n.o -- LII Bay .. -.-uuuAuJ, KJIIIJUUU L_'Ul.CB|4UlC5u . W.,J Cooper, of Barrie, passenger, 1n- jaredabout head and cheat. though not seriously. 'I'..l-H. l...l.......-- -B f\~L---A - _..---.., u um rvvwullanlly uuuuppy. I Sir John Macdona1d s reply was "in th veteran atatesman s best style. He regret-V td,_ that while Mr. Blake's health had been much improved by his visit to Europe, his temper was. unfortunately, 8.5.. bad as ever. He administered a well: merited rebuke to the Opposition 1le.de r7 forhislack of any allusion to" hisknative land, and the great future in`store fbr - her in this tran`s'-A-t,1ant-i specl`;`. _ Whilt he (Sij.`Jo!;n)`invhen4's1.3ek';tx_gA jih` ,.E_!_lVg1.lVI"I!d_ Smith, Hamilton, passenger, in- iured slightly about head and chest. = J. M. Shack, Turomo,passenger, slight- ly injured and bruised. F"_Q.w.n..,... "I1......-.1.-- ----~~- ' ' ' Us unuuu (IJU_tl|l IIIIV HUG uuu 112116 W. Wray, Toronto. train hand, serious- 'ly burned and hand Iacerated. T.` J. McCormack, Toronto, baggage- man; injured about head, and leg broken W. Leadley, Toronto, leg broken. This man is . the ion of Robert Leadley, ex- Reeve of Vespra, and brother of Captain Leadley, Simcoe Foresters. \x7 1' n..A..-- -1.-1'-um: ....uouu, a mauux auaru uuu is 31138102 up 2 Patrick -Hynes, mail` clcrk, Toronto, bruised and injured about the head and body, probably fatally. ` ` Jnrnnn n`l"..m.m.. w...:l ..l.._1-` fI1-_.-_-A, vuuy, psuurnuly nanny. James O'Connor, mail clerk; Toronto, bruised about the head ahd right; leg W- Wrav, Tnrnntn In-nin '|~m..A ......:...... IIJ .un.u. un.uI:IU|| uuua ucrxuua _uIJ ury. The following is a; list of thexiujured passengers and employee who were taken. to Toronto. "Several others were left; at ; Thornhill who escabed with only a few bruises. a fearful scare and a. shaking up Patrick -nvnpn mail n]...I-Ir 'l`.\-anon g.1\IIll \lI ULIIU IJ\I"II. James O Cbnnnr; one of the mail`! clerks, and a. passenger who was injured, gave their experience 1n the revolving cm. O Connor said he grasped the iron railing near the tc'p of the 05.1` and held on to it while the cat. turned over. and the:e- byvsaved himself from seriuus injury. The fnllnwina in a` Hat. n6 911..-;..:.......J u u an-u swauuzua uu MCI.` 11105. The engineer ran his engine tovThorn- hill with the news and to get assistance. Two medical-men were soon on the spot attending to the wounded, and sleigh: were shortly inrreadiness to take them away.- But the night was bitterly cold, and some of the wounded were frost bit- .ten before they could be taken from the % BCGDB. (`Q IIUIJIICI Superintendent Webster "was soon on `hand to do all that could` be done for the wounded passengers` and employee: The news agent, Wallace, died in an hour after `The was taken out of the ruins. `Altogether 1 there were from eight.y,to one hundred persons on the train, among; them Mr. Neill of this town. "I'__,, _, Aim - >- uv nu urvuu auuvu l.v1Cl'l.'Cu DU The next car to this was the passenger coach which contmned fteen or twenty bassengers, includingseveral ladies. This also ,followed the mail car down the em- bankment. Seats. were torn frnm their fastenings, and several were wounded by falling on them. in the darkness and confusion several ladies were trampled ; upon, and one received severe injuries by a mam standing on her face. I Ai\Iv;r|nnun man 1.}... ......_-A 1- n'- -- \JI-D 5|; -.-nu uusxlnlull -uctu: ucwuialueu 8: short time ago, and was still suering from the injury. He was standing near the stove, and was `thrown violently against it, severely injuring his back. Those in the smoking car were huddled together, and when it went down the em- bankzuent the stove was broken to pieces, and the burning coal ew around in every direction, P.)or.Wallace, the news agent, ' whowas making his first trip, was so ter- ribly injured that he died shortly after-' ward. This car took tire and was soon blazing from end to end. Fortunately most of the passengers had escaped before the fire had made much headway. Two men were found lying near the s'0ve and were taken out,` one of whomi was the news agent above referred to I`|'||,_,, __,__.s. A__ 4.- `L3, -1 . T\ivo""s151:}~ici1iI:.s AGAIN. The speeches made by the Hon. Ed- ward Blake on the address in leply to the speech from the throne and that of Sir J ohnMacd onald in respouse,could `not have been in greater contrast It is extraord'inary but it is nevertheless true, that Mr. Blake found something to commend in the Governor-General s speech, but after all, his effort was char-. acterizcd by the usual meeting and ex- hibition of contempt so peculiar to the. leader of the Opposition. i That he had no solid ground for complaint was manifest by his having to call up old and worn out charges that have long since been dispos~ ed of. His allusions to Hon. J ohn Car- ling as Minister of . Agriculture disposing of his farm, and to that the new Minister of Justice, was peculiarly unhappy. Riv Jnlnn Mf....A.....`..1_19- _,;1' ' - A FATAL HARGEF/I TEAM! ' omnmax xnmmp AND ABOUT TWENTY 1 wouxmnn. -4.4... uuuuu-..:u \:u\.aa1JU,u wuu it U'.'W u1'u1ses.4 `Next to the baggage car _Wasgtl1e mail ; coach inlwhicll-were Messrs; P Hynes, J. ` O'Connor and W.*Lea.dley, all mail clerks. Hynes, who is one of thdvoldest and best known mail clerks on the hue, was injur- ed in the collision -near Newmarket a. O`Ia\&` `:rv\.\ nu.-. ---- J ~A- - 1"` I` 1 A Runaway Team Throws Three cars on` the Track Over an Embankment -V-Onecgoaoh gets on Fire. The southex-n'bound mailitrain on the Northern Railway was run into on Friday night b y a farmer's team about a mile north of Thornhill station. The team be-' longed to a man named Watson, which became frightened by the shriek of the whistle. `Just as the engine and tender had passed the crossing the frightened horses dashed up. They ran in between the tender and the baggage car. One horse was instantly killed but the other was uniniaired. The driver miraculously escaped, and was found later on in a sort of semi-conscious condition beside the track. The coupling between the tender and baggage car` either broke or gave way ; the horses were pushed aside, but the sleigh coming- in contact with the car threw `it from the rails. This was follow- ed by the mail car and a passenger coach, the three bumping along over thesleepers for a considerable distance. and then roll- ing about forty feet over an embankment, two on. one side of the track and one on the `other. - I-any V.lLL('.4l 1 he night was, pitch dark, and the shock having extinguished the lamps the scene was one of, terrible-confusion and `agony, The cars were crowded` with passeugers."many of them being ladies. The .in':ide of thecars were utterly wreck- ed. by the shock and rolling over. One car contained a. quantity of luggage be- sides Mr. Stimson of Vicker s Express 00., and the haggagexnan, Mr. T. J. Mc- Cormack. McCormack had his leg broken ~ and Stimson escaped with a few bruises.- Naivf fn fkn Ir -u-.n.......... ...... 4.-.. LL- . --'| o1a World ' - ` The Greek eet has returned to Sa.la.mis' THE NORPHERN ADVANCE. . -/--a -u - 5- o ` Honor Ro11-Miso Boys Division. i Senior (Pass. - Annie F lctcher, Selma Jus- tice. Douglas Stewart, Morty Lyons, Annie M cDonald,` John Miller, "Louise Crompton, Alf. Wingrove, Lydia Brown, Minnie Bing- ham, Ernie Bari-and, John Millar, Edith "Hubbert. J nior Class.+Beckie Ayerst, Maggie, Ottaway, Ernie Purvis, Louie Crease, I Fred Hammell. Louie Brown, Archie Woods,` Sadie Rankin, Frank Harper. Fred Trelea-S oven, Annie Rogers, Aggie, Keenan, Ethel` Esidsworth. V _ i 3 I \II\IIJI'}l0\Il'I ' I - Honor -roll in Miss King s Division,l. Model School. for February. Seniors-M. ' Lightfoot, A. Lightfoot; J. Thompson, L." Lower, M. Swinnerton, A. Greenwood, S. Blackstock, M. Sidsworth, A. Crompton, J.-l Leslie, F. Ward. B. Booth, M.- Lile, E.| Leighton, R. Henderson, L. Urry, C. Ellis, E. Boys, H. Vnliers, E. Caisse, H. Cooper, E. Johnston, A. Ford, I. Craney. Juniors -'-_S Ellis, L." Whittendale, J. VVi1kes, N. Laertv, M. J anes, F. Coo r, L. Edwards, L.` Gordon, H. Plaxton, F. u2hes;`F. Kidd, F. Davis, E Prior, L. Ellis, V. Gilrie, A. Leighton, G. Pringle. ' W V l I -A---. J. `-1. , I: - -- - V H-ulElo.nor roll for February of Divlsion VI Model School lst ()lass--W. Potts, Ronald McDonald. F Carley, Frank" Lloyd, Ethel Gillman, May Wilson, Robt. Mayor, Vitlet`. Morley, Maud Rosa, Charlie Kelsey, Charlie` Story. James Grant, Rosie Meeking. 2nd Class-- Maggie Cooper, Willie Reid. E -die Davis, '1 illie .\8Vlll8S, George Mann- drell, F loasie Cnlverwell, Lena Atkinson, (`librd Carley, Eddie Williamson, Truman Kidd, M,ab=1 Booth, Norman Harvey. Mabel Bingham, Ethel._King. Ada `McLean, Ella Cromptov. * Willie Holmes. Martha Sewrey, W. Lac, 9 DA.-A- .._`1 3.. II '.,_ 77: I -- - - nova-ova: Attorney General Garland is in muddy water. He is disreputably mixed up in a suit of the Pan-Electric Speculation, against the Bell Telephone patent. He is a stockholder by gift in a company that is attempting to invalidate the Bell Tele- phone patent, by which the stock of this ' Pan-Electric affair would be made of im- mense value. A suit is brought by the Attorny General s oice and the Attorney General and annmber of members of Con- gress are directly interested in it. . How they became interested and what `the game is will likely form the subject of inquiry. Harper's Weekly says: It is a very painful and very diicult one for the President. Whatever the result of the investigation or of the suit, the Attorney General s usefulness in\his oice is prac- tically gone, and we are glad to see that he promises a frank. statement A of the whole transaction. A .The situat1on. cannot continue without the most serious injury to the administration. Republican insti- tutions which are so frequently held up asso unmeasureablysuperior to our own are anything but free from the leaven of corruption. .lt is now in order `for the Toronto News to give us a homily on, Democratic Institutions. 'l,`Model Schocl. P. Hunter. (W. Short-~ ` --.Hono'r Ro1l}c;;"F."::l;:-`1'1`a'v..r;L, Division No. feed, H. Grant.) (1: McKee, W. Neill.) (C. ` Smith, S. Janes ) (W. C._Hunter, A. Meek- inn W Tjnxn-I.\ `U Hanna- \ \7-..._'-. II ?- .vv-, can nu-uv. -.o :u.c.LLuv, V1; J.\U.Ill._) `U, S.vJanes )`(W. A.,Meek- ing, K. LInyd,) W. Harper, A. Young, W ' Rodgers,) (H. Carley, A. Harper, C. Mc- Carthy, E .Rodgers,) (J. Findley,` W. Wood, A. Johnson. E. Spotton.) (T. Smith, B. Plaxton, J. McMillan, VV. Spry,) P. `Lyon, B. Booth, G. Bogart, VV. Crease, W. Hunter. r " . 7' _ V ' '5 -1 -1'- mar" ' iket. . Beef. hindquarters. . . . . . .. Beef, forequatters. . . . . . . Beef, per side, per cwt.... Dressed hogs, per 101 lbs. Mutton, carcass, per cwt. . Lamb, per lb . Chickens, per pair. . . . . . . . Ducks, per pair...... Geese, per lb Turkeys, per lb .. Butter, tub, per lb. . . . - . . Butter, roll, per lb. . . . . . . Lard, per 1b.... . .. Tallow.......... . . . . Eggs, perdozen Potatoes _ per bag. . . .. . . Apples, per bushel . . . . . Omons, per bushel . . . . . . . Turnips, `f Beets, u as "ratrots, Parsuins, . . . Cabbage, per doz . . . . . . . . Hay, perton Straw, per ton... .. . . . Flour, B0.ker s, Flour, Family, Flour, Pastry, Oatmeal, per 100 lbs . . . . . Cornmeal, "` uooa,.. WashedWonl Unwashed WcoI.... .. .. I` per 10C lbs 16- - O70lI.I 3030!! 0 60.... 0 06 009.... 0 10 0 16.. . 000....` 006.... 020.... 035 040 .. 040.... Sorihg Wheat. Fusll Wheat . . . Bar1ey........ cIllcII`C The Price: Ruling m the Local, Toronto. Montreal and English Markets" --A Resume` of the Week. Tun NORTHERN ADVANCE Oxdrrcs, Buuun. Mar. 3, 1886. Barrie Grain Market. Avast ~I*OC0l RYe..occuono TEE STAT!!! OF.'.l'HE MARKETS DURING THE PAST WEEK. ' GRAIN, LIVE max AND%PB.IlDUUE.' Big `Discount this Week on Men s and Boys Over- coats, Men s and Boys Suits. B Big` Discount ou Ladies Cloth and Fur Lined Mantles, Ladies and Ch11dren s Ulsters. Big Discount this Week on all Dress Goods, Cash- meres, Black and Colored Dress Silks and Satins, to Big Discount on Velveteens. "iBigDisoouI1t on Black and Grey Goat Robes. Lots of cottons and Flannels, Cheap. _ - Innluglnaugg..- - --__l_I A _ _ ll wCASH CLEARING SALE The statement is made that the estimate of receipts in the public accounts has been fully realized, but regret is expressed- that the outbreak in `the North-West has added largely to the expenditure. -The document isa plain, simple statement of facts, V clearly signicant of usefui and practical statesmanship such as the country needs. New Spring Goods in grat variety at W. `R Phil=i{vs & Co's. . See our Dress Gobda, Gloves, Hosiery, Embruideries, etc, all imported, pm es low. See our `-Scotch, 'Eng1ish,4Irish and Canadian Tvfevs, French an} English VVoratedzs. ' All W. R. PHILLI/PS&CO S. S -l`RONG & DONNELUS ` ROUGE mums,- The Soh6o1s. VIP 1-: rters.... 400 cwt....-0. 5 5 25 .. ss,percwt.. 550 007.... pair-........ 030.... ir.......... 060.... 006 .b er lb....... 010 ... er lb....... 016.. .. II. llIn.IIOU (`IOODOIO an bag-.....'.._. u.- ushel .. 1shel....... . . . . . .. 010.... 030.... `.` 020... uric 30:. u loz .. 030. 13 00 .. l...o'....'.- ,per 1 75 .- , " 200.... H u, 001bs 2 00 200 0018 01.... 0 10.... 00 b 00 for 75 . 00 08 S1: 40 60 07 10 16 18 9 6% 23 4 G. 45 v. 50 Va 15 30 '-'-"- 25 30 35 00 G 50 00 000 50' 50 50] 20 12` V UU-III 005.... IMPORTANT TO ALL! STILL GOING ON. I_'."' "U 7 5' The House is warmly congratulated on the completion of the Canadian Pacic Railway so important in developing the resources of the great North-West, and so valuable as a great highway for the em_ pire. The sheries question is referred to, and the necessity of making provision for the protection of those valuable sources of wealth by the extension of our present system of marine police. A measure for the consolidation of the Statutes is to be introduced, and one for the more simple and economical transfer of land in the North-West. The expediency of improv- ing -the judiciary system of the `N orth- West T.-rritories will be considered. The law relating to the office of Queen s Printer is to be amended, and a measure providing for the representation in parlia- ment of the North- West Territories. Bills will be introduced to prov_ide r a better mode of trial of claims against the crown ; for regulating Post Office Savings Banks in British Columbia and the N orth~West Territories ; for expediting the issue of patents for Indian lands ; for the adminis- tration of the rights of thecrown in the foreshores of the Dominion; for the es- tablishment of an experimental farm ; and forthe amendment of the Chinese Immi' gration Act. a \ J .for Cake Tallow 1! brought to the Ta. uurjui I. XXI \ Farmers will get the highest Toto nto price nnery. I Ilnl (`An [lI.I.- -- O -- ' % * MERCHANT TAILOR, Eight Doorsliast at Old Stand, McCarthy s ck, BA.I'-lPI.IE1'. mums, comNnoiifn LSSK"n%b`bIiKix`1}I3i7kWta1o1:.xxnt`11v *4` .-.\;;u cumce ASSORTMENT :.'F CHRISTMAS mus. 51% ... ua.n;.UAJ IJJ-LI\JL). \-'1' l`I:1VV U BO0Ki!TIiTl8?ERY! FAKEY 5-sags: A`| .T. mum run ~r Arnrvnrn nnm.,.-..,.. N.B.--You will find Clayton at his stand, next Fa Grocery, having re-leased his new store in new block Mes: Vain` &. Booth. j eWe have experienced and accomplished salesmen who take the gm was pains to fit people well and honestly advise them as to their requirements. _, \Ve make no losses in accounts, for we have none. We sell as we `:.v._r for cash. and for cash only. .We carry an immense stock` of good serviceable and stvlish Boon um: Shoes that can be thoroughly relied upon. _ We are buundto sell Boots and Shoes at lower : 2 bought elsewhere in the county. The reasonsewhy we can do this are these : Our expenses are very low for the business we. do. goods and get the largest possible discount. A W'ASHING'LON POLITICAL SCANDAL. j VVe have a f partxcular. , - _..v v\l vnau 131111151`,- Cash Paid for lljdes and Sk1ns.`E| "I {off W. H. CROSS & CO. J 0 H N 0 L A Y T DUNLOP STREET. BARR &. HENRY. MANUFACTURERS. F CAHRIAGES, BUGGIES, K. BLA UKM 01:32 Io,F`2coA LBS. for wANTabT buund1to and prices than v.hc-_v . man In 9114:. nnnnlru TI-A|E_|`()RTI-JERN ADVANCE, , nv ___,_.__.-_

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