Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 4 Mar 1886, p. 2

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`Ll ULIU Illa! 115060 DUI V LUV: - "And you consider me the Woman that would make you happiest? u*r:r.......-.2... m 1xr.-11:... .....;.........,z .4. .. An...-. '5`5lii, Vai1ity!'he cried, in an almost girlish ecstasy, how happy you have made me I He tried to takeher hand, but--.- ' hnm7# 19 ,3... ...m .....u:..... 1..-...,..1\....1- um- ' u` LI`t" `_nec(-Tssary, I can; but will that be needed ?. The lad spoke with his own frank; spirited ail`. , T " ta T..,1..... #1". ..m.".....-1a ',1\T--; 1' ..1...n 1...-.. A auvi ny:n.i:1U )f youi`se1f. *Now; I shall kfiow whether you, love me L from your heart or not. T : M ` ' ' T apuxu: DUI JUUBIJ . Io.=:ent for you because I have a greabideal to say. I have been thinking over our last conversation. Can `you stay a long time this evening? Of course her time was his, at which she nodded her satisfaction. Then; resting her arm on the -gate, she began, in the same earnest, self-collected voice: ` "Do you really love me? . I do, Willie replied, not making any` protestation, but speaking wiih a seriousness ` like her own. vvvu 1 41-v y ,1-no "Fi1`str,`. I she said,` you must _pub. your whole trust; in me. Q There must be no reserve. _At once and forever you must believe_ that I am all a woman ought to be. As you i think me, such shall I be. She spoke like one who saw the f tliureroll out "before her clearly. "Far-fetched her words might; seem, but she uitV2tere(l' them with ; matter-of-fact precision. They were words weighed; beforeliand, not thrown off in excitement. M Well might Willie 1isten"-in- wonder. \Vi]1 you turn l>a.(.-k now? she asked. - Do you wish to unsay what-you have said`! You are~still,free. ' ' 2 "HM... :1 n7.'m.\ '....:.1. c'n..a. .-.... 1-- 1._-__J A J vu. . .e `_"l`l1ereis something more, shecontinued. You have a good position in this place, and ne prospects. Can you throw up all for my sake! He started at this, If we marry we must leave England. _You must begin life in Americavor one of the colonies. You will have to break with all your friends and come away--with-me only. M11? ml-In flunatn (`;m/I111`-:a\n 8.. L1,. -...'... L__:. IJVLLLU uvvu_y- u/tlllv (II-D Ullbuu Freely she threw diiculties in his way; but `her words with me only _ were uttered with designed sweetness-.-a hint that she would repay him all he - se.criced.- Now, in the face of this new condition, Willie somewhat hesitated; but his hesitation rather increased the force of what he said when at last he spoke. _ _ v - T no.1-\ 11-1.171: var` `4unnn ns; A;-u...`-...- -_..I ____ ... nyunvu ` . I vIAcan give up-home and country and pros- pects for you, he said, but _may I not know ; why ? ' HA4 mu ` ".\Y.\4....-4.:1 -11 1-..- 1.--- _1_,, u Herenthe young woman, - of the double` or treble pm which V it suited her scheme to play, gathered her face into a look of sorrow and scorn. l.l`l1.....`|.. ...Ln Iyunnrn I-Inn onnnn~:n~ .3481 ` IEARN 8L l\ 1U1tUt115U'lV, DA-IV1\.1D1.IuuD,` Solicitors, Conveyancers, &c. `Money to Loan; Oice-Over 1)." J. Murr-his`on sV Store. Market Street. Ba rrie. Branch 0fce~-Potter's Block. Tottr.-.nhmn. - ~ 7 EDWARD J. kIEAu 4_'. D. C. x\ILmc_Ix1so1~,:. .,._.__. _v.`__.._. ., __.. , $00K 01. BUIIUVV uuu avI.uu.. .People who knew the meaning of evil names. Give me a. newmune, Willie. Q.-.. _ ...I ~l`-on-nu u-n'Iru'o'h -hurl-, +I\+1101'* II` anwnngl-_ ea`. IJIVU ula up 1.10" unnuv, Iv Luau. Swing! from rakish jest to tearful earnest- ness in a second. Am Inot right? Actress I--actress from her false cheek to her heart : core! Of course I tell the tale as it was told to me, and` write down gravely, melting voice, humid eyes, and all the rest of it. Do I believe she felt it? Do I believe in Mr. Punch s fatherly love when he is rocking his baby to sleep? No. I repeat, the woman was an actress; and actress is that actress Anne uuu guns. _ What Shah] I call you? Beauty, Love, Truth? Anything bright, anything good 1 Qt... awn-u`r'u~l 4-hut: van}: flan rnnffuar nchin on/-I ; 1. uuu 3 .L;uJ uu:u5 an obulu |~AAJ vn.lz.n-Ia Bvuu. 5 She smi1d,Athen put the matter aside, and I spoke 'se'riousIy. HT ;-nn4- Fnv rrnn Hnnnnan T 1111112: A rn-no . an] ... `F J . amglgeqg you love me? ; -. u Imow nothmg " |'{(,{au Jvu uuvv o_uu.u: .n_.vq GIIU BUl`l.V1V.l.lCU- ' No, Willie said; let me be bound to . you. ` T ` ' ' - H'I`L...... .'.. ..',._....a.I.:-.'_ ...-__ M _I__ __, 1,,-,_, , 1 111;. I Not now. Not until all has been done, she replied. _ Remember, Willie, you ask me"to marry you, I tell you what our mar- riage will involve; If you ask me to explain myself, I cannot explain. Bub Sen, you` can ' go your way, and I shall go mine. He said nothing. More than this, she said, re-_ garding him with a resolute and searching look, you mushkeepethe fact of our engage- menl;-if we bee_on_1e" engagedea profound secret "No one'-_-'not your nearest _friend- mu_stk_now why you` are leaving England. 'We must be married privately, and we must leave England that day. ' ' But, Vanity-I--- l `he said. .' Speak on, she cried. Now is the time to speak. Saywhatever is in your mind, Your ` [fat.her--are you` ;going to . leave him? ` \lVUU- She repeated in the sweetest bone: Give me a new name, Willie. And the ]ad s head went:th way his heart had gone. _ - ' H'\\7l~.n- L-hull T no 1711113 `Ronni-.17 T.`-nvn I. (II A him? '1 (Y Illlll V 161 arm ' Secret;1y'P . Yes. 7) 'Fdr a moment bofh were `silent. T1.1en` Vanity Aspok: _ T _IfV hejkne he`even suspected-that I had a. thought of marrying-she stopned herself. Something she must not` utter imd risen to her lips. ` ` ' - T T-Young `up-(11 can .-.;.-...`..._I... _`___-A_ 1 I OUN'[`.- S'1 R-1\'l`1iY Sc LOUNT, BARRIS- tcrs, Solicitors in High Court of`Justice. Notaries. Public, Crnxveyuncers; Olllocs over the Bank of Toronto, Bu1'x'i<:. * V T - '_\_\f_.Lou.vr. Q.C., H. H. STRATII-Y, G. W. L(;_UN':. `;{vv|1 vu nun Jlllih _ Have you no. scruples about leaving him in this way? Willie ventured to ask. ' "None."_ _ -~ - She stooderect, haughty, inexible, more beautiful than ever. She had stated her eterms and waitedefor his reply with an air `almost deant. And.Willie was s.o di`erent! *jEager'e11<')ugh, it is true: full of affection, `but. somehow` rather like a man` whase atfength _of- will depended on a source out- side himself : who might suddenly fail in action if` the supply of energy from without iwer-`cuho . For the present, *howeveri,V the : _rs`upply oyvedAfreely. _ Va.ni_ty's collected air, andtbecalm way in `which she -had` made . he`r.m-ysterious stipulations,vga.v`e her a new "hold on .W'illie?`-the g'l`8.Sp`..<*Of` the-.. rmer 2*-nature `upon the--weaker. 1 She -was,-in his- Veyes,ino1_e"th@n afbeauby now.` Bhelwas a clee.r-'he_ad_el, womaiyfcapable of" an extra; ,.,_- nu nun, run LU! ;, mofe than afbeaul-;3'r gow. She was a_ r-headed of an extra- THE NORTHERN ADVANCE uruuz_:.uu euu. - Should I" be able to work my way in the colonies? he `asked her, not thinking how ' quickly he had `learned to look up to her and trust her judgment. T M - "7;-su vIvAI11r` kn a`-Jo clan nnntnnna o rnon*n_ lJI,'uaU HUI JUIJEIJIUIIU. . You would be able, she answered; mean- while,'you are not without means of living. I can rough it. I shall enjoy roughing it,bif you are with me." Second tender touch! It - was the more tender because otherwise her manner denoted determination rather than-' feeling. `Willie stood and pondered. T I have just one word more, continued Vanity. There must be no delay. If we marry, it must not be later than aemontb from this day. i r..r.-21.-,.1,.n1m.1 .... 17.;..:+..1.. +'..;... vivna .. 1:+n.. LLIJLLI Ll-Ila v V VVi`;1ie looked up. Vanity/ s face was 9. little t1l11'11 .`d aside while she gazed wistfully at} the setting sun, She thought he had given her up, and he saw a. quiet tear fall from her cheek into the grass. Her whole look A and attitude were sad, and he1:.sadness conquered him. 411-7, -1 , 1- ,-,, -,,'.1,,_-,__, T ,___ H, , 1-,,. m?V.7an_ity, living or` dying, I am yours for- ever and ever! A ' Atress-actress and silly, silly boy! Ull LLU L|UI) III LIUU lllUo' - - '/What she feared was that sometrhing "would come out during the mimth. Wliat she'hr..ped was so to fmcinate VVHI that, `if anyth g came out, he. ,WO_u1d credit . not his eye: nor- his ears, but her on};-.. -The` womanwvas a ' sorceress! Not"only_ must she enslave his af- fections; his very 1_'easo n' must be'captivated.T Q1; kn.-w~.'n 4n n1'l..-nu-.-..-. ...l L. 4-1. . 1...! -- (`Yarn fordinaryv purpose; 6119 who ould conduct his life and her own to some sucoesslul and brilliant end ' urn- -_,1_1 fl..- _`I.1.. L- .........'l- .....-u av-.. 8.. LL- CHAPTER xi; `vurrnr ASKS A- man vmma. For more than an hour they talked in: V overs fashion, -for, diiculties having been urmounted, Willie wished to enjoy himself. But amidst every tender speech Vanity-be A. RADENIIURST. BZRRISTER, AT-T . torney, Solicitor in Chancery, Conveyan- cer. 850. O1cc-First Door South of'Post Ottlce, H1nd`s Block. Owen Street. Baxfrie. ;9-48 ` ll-.109: V Will you trust me? An ` when he vow he would, her reply came with misgiving: Are you sure you will trust; me ? H An mu-n on {hot T Ihrn 1\n nnqxxrnrn 5111!. Anti her rejoinder was} It will kill me if you do not trust rue. `\7U'!.n+ cvhn (non-n11 l`l l!b lrhnf eAh1n`11T|1n 'n.'n11`:` yd IVY VK.Ll\J\.I'Ol_l, .7 I_I|,| \Jl.I\7\4l V` lloLl\.L (J43 L\JLL`f'V I)- Thure is a story in the `Arabian Nights, VVillioea terrible story! Of con'I shuddered as I read it. ` Youought to hear it now, my . boy, . Tell it me; theri.v`.o . T T Atlhe top of, a .rugged, stony mountain ~was a. precious charm. . Myriads of men had toiled up the enchanted mountain, trying to secure the prim. But by enchantment each had turned into 9. black `stone; and there stood the fatal mountain, covered with black ostone, in which were ixnprisoneoll: the souls of those who haxl failed :' and the [prize was; overhead, un1:ouchcr.1b"y human} hand." For; as each'co1npetitor strtvxggled up , the rough way, he heard all sorts of voices varying at` `him from behind. '.l`l11'eatm1i11gr `voices! Taunting voices! . Sc'.o.`.clh1g -voice-`I Tondex" vvoices! Arid one-or other" of the voices causdethe ftoiler to t1ll`ll his lmvl. mul `VIXIJII he tmlrned his`he:14.', he fell by the _wnysnle,fa black and senseless sfone. - ' ' What. is this to xnol -`V W'jlh'e :.2sl:e='1. At last one went; up `the hill ` with brave, rm, -I`(`SOll1te`h(`a!'(".'- "Every .voice`_ca1lcd in Vain; The summit- was new. The voices grew louder, more c1<-ar1fnl,'a11Il more be- Awi_t-ching, but none avails 1. *'l`;he climber nevei' turned back; me prize was won, and "the encllantxnent `broken fo1'eve1', . Brave man, said Willie. . V ` ` Ah, "Willie, Willie! It wasa woman who broke the spell; the men had `not constancy. They thought of themselxres. The `voices spoke to their inmost wish and th(ught, and go they could not but hearken.- V ` ` ` ` And how did thewoman overcome 9 -Bacause she `thought of the" man she I ..._....:l m ` '1) JUCW loved X 11: n vv \ LLAULI. D LJUKAI. DB (11 U D\.'LlJo "`The voices only spoke to her, and of her, threatening her, beseec-hing her. _ Had the enchanters known hervhearjt-'-had one voice butoput on the tones of the man she loved, and _ca.11e:l `out, as if in anguish, Come back--.com'e. back [to mo! she, too, had faili, and turnerlto stone. Q1... `.........,.,1` ....,a +1.... 1:1... .. ....a _..4-.._.-'_ l;uu;uuu_y, _ uuy, \.U I-UVU to DU U1 LLDU. - But do you love me? Truly? T I am no Sure. If you go on trusting me, you must face all sorts of dark doubts about my char- acter. If you y to me and say, `Exp1ain,`. my reply wil_l be, `I cannot explain. VVhat then, Willie! ~ ' `-`I will trust you. . It must be trust that is more than trust. In me, thus surrounded with doubts-horrid doubts-you,' my poor boy, must put a faith such as` few men would put in the most tried friend. Questions may be asked concerning me` which, were they asked concerning a loved and loyal wife; might` drive a. brave _ husband to frenzy. What then, Willie? iA, ATTOG '-urn:-n caf. An fhn n-sqtxlsv-all U.` Lwuutuun, Inc 1 U1] [Och-1I_I||. uxu-u U5 \.0|.1Jbl.\ cI.\/I.4`Jo She began to ajlegorize with the lad," Clev-T ex-ly enough, ymi observe, and zL folluwsz C6'Y`L..nn in. l\ ..4-.-...-.`- 5.. 6-`... G A ..;.`l-.-.. T\T:....I..4-.. S lvvuul ` And why could not the voices allureher! W(-men s hearts are soft." T ` 'L`rI"`_- __-_'--., _,, , ,,, A , I ,, I A I cuncu, auu Lu} uqu. uu DUU.Ll``- , _ She `paused, and then, like a sad refrain, tame the old words: _ ' . Trust me, VVi1lie-trust me, whatever the cruel voi c esVsay! V ' ` b T a` o . -wo.... . ""?7i1"s?`n;"i';f}5{"fIi{I '1Z{'; 11`}l{aro1a you, _and`gu1de . you wlnther I will. And while I `lead you-along the unseen way, voices will cry, `Madman! Imbecilel Tear the bandage from your eyes. .Look what woman `leads you! Look to wl_1at a precipice her false and cruel hand is guiding your steps! What; then, Vvillie?" . T. ' ` - 1.\`n...+ +k....a 1-rn.-.. u.-- ..'___-L, '. . 0 11.":1Z3%b':~i'fi3I 1<`UNDS"l`O LOA . on Real Estate ut10west~1'a.t`es. Farmers Notcs l)isc(n-mted. (`ollections made in any part o'f the County. Raul Estate bought and sold. Couvoyzuxcing in all its bx-unchc.-s; l\:lur= a riage L1cnsL.s lbsllud. ` 0mccOvcx' Canadian Rn.nlz.ni (`.rnnnw.r('.a.` Dunlon L-'t1`c-6t. :15-13" - ;1'a,'ed an dnxigty whlr-h, .she could no; dis- \.n u wluu-J QLNJ l _ :.El'1"l.`t you ! exclihned Wiliie, almost. patiently; .why, to love is to trust. T MD.-.`l.\......1.\.... .....2 m..-'.1--o 1 ____ uuuuuuu vv :4 01.1111. vv uuv vuuu, Iv nun! `Willie's eyes were set on the ground. He hesitated.` But when he looked up into her face he became like one ine. trance, and re- nliprl 2 ' ,,.m.. I will trust you still. - A sort: of natural eloquence, from her own excitement, now speech more impressive than ever. T:"I./\ Qvnii '\r\II" 1-4- ....- L1.-.__: AJDLI V V LL11!) I What then? Why, the mechanical re- sponse of a man wl1_ose' sense and reason were in captivity. . And, after `A Cleopatra and Anthony, who blames myinexperiencedlad? _YouAshall blindfold me! You shall guide me P ' v If you listen to the voices--if you loso faith in me--our love dies inan hour. AVNay. more, I may turn out all they would have you believe I am. V But it you trust me Lblindly-o-trust. me1fu1ly-at last I shall open your eyes. and you shall see." ' ' TlI +.`1n #1111 ml-nanny; AD Ln-A -'---AL-- ---A ' ' .m we Iu_u stream or ner Impet-uous utter- ance she stoped suddenly. Then the wondering boy asked: What. shall I see? - A woman you have rescued from infamy andagony I - Andas she said this she broke out in a passion of wegsping. _ ~ . . Afterward she grew more tranquil,` and still they talked. The safi-on of the sunset had died of! the west, and the stars were shining. `Willie felt happy now in spite of his sacrice. Vanity had been speaking. freely,` delighting him " with her freshness, her "simplicity and a..- curious mixture `of childish pleasures and womanly good sense. Willie could not but wonder that she, free , and familiar with `strangers, was so modest," so ax-tless with her ufanced husband. She `grew shy just when other women would have cast their shyness aside. This,- of course, was her vgrtfuiness, but how could he under- ` stand than 1-..]. AI, , that night; four week=, at the same h DIQLIIL IJI.lU;U" At last they must say good-by. Every- thing had been` arranged; how "Willie should leave his home and situation: the time and place of their marriage. -Theywgn-e to meet _ 0111`, `and. y togetlmr. Willie asked Vanity no further questions about tar` posijgion or its exigemm-s. One day, she said, she' would ` `LIV. '-tun VJUD. uuu. _yUu auuu 8176. ' In the full stream of her impetuous 110.8 nhn :fh1'cnnn-I cnulrlnnlxr Block,` 0 ._0nta.r}o. '|JLl. I3l_IrIO YIJIL VVIJI. IJI ILUU [I10 I sure. as that I live, he answered . -.AavJ vsgna LU 111636 =, hour, Willie bout lzer. y, 'sIx6 springing made her . I an `an vuuv` anwuncp; I159 _There is" 9. great awakening of the sluggish organs of the human system * whenever Hur- dock Blood` Bitters is twken. It arouses the 'torpid liver to action. regulates, the bowels `and thefkidneys, puries the blood. arvd re- ;ore a?'ls'hea.1tny tone to the system` general-` . y. _:. If the proof samrip as clear as the noonday sun. `.!Tone,"` he cried fervently. _I the proof seems as clear as the noon- thy sun? _ ' `.`I will shut my eyes-z. , ' . . .Remember the enchanted mountain, Willie-and the voice:--and the fate of those ' who looked back. _ I u I I will not forget. _' A A Then for an instant the vision changed. The menaqing, resolute woman, imperious in her beauty, vanished; love t1'embl:.;-d on Van- E ity s parted lips, and she assumed z.n_ air of the most 1angu'isln'ng so1'tne.<.. - ' Dn1i1n1|': u.:\v II. a.,u'-.;a An 47... (|Ill'.)'|1| .'I nfllan tn uuullu uuxu BC. ' He had another trouble. His promise to me bound him to disclose an he proposed to . do; and he told me like an honest young fel- low, though his cheeks were pa.1e,`a~ '1 once ortwice tears Stood in his eyes. Now, _what was poor old Dv'.Bock to say? 01? course, I advised, argued, scolded, even pretended to lose" my temper, which did no good in the world. Indeed, when I watched VVi1lie pleading for _ his sweethearf, protesting his confidence in her, I felt as if she must be bet- ter than I thougll`-. But -these were the factc. f'.How_evm-,whox1 Willie begged me to keep his cret. _I promised to do so-reluctantly, I ._ r can "935. expiaiu all. I H A n 11n`}.1 Oxplalu uu. . . And until we meet you will think no evil of me! V ? - - - r .5 1 [that I would 'main`ain-"`to' carry Qn this i _`gg;I\J guvun, u.1A\A.-7u\Jvv \.lJ_l.L1 L15 ?- Being aclr-termtnorl nleanwhilm miss"--` rexpcctably. _ T . ` - She did not notice what I said. - V J . No woman cares t'o_1-V a man who has to be ` m'g'edbyb her from step to step.-_ A; if a knight were to be pricked 03 to cmubat by a `1ady s ne(=d1e.~ ` ' L Here I follnclnothing to Say. I V A -The wo_mnu.1ooks for`brave1`y inlbe man," yo'ungn1is's continue- .She is'brave When Vitselfif he 'wil_I`die -ivith her. _T he is brave, dares what ha da1'e=, follows wherehe leads, and she will not fear" deatlhv ',,, 1 `After his`la,tVpa.rti1T1g-.with Vanity; VVh'c `Snow spent a. slepless 1j_i_:;ht._ It; was no eeasy mat_t,er to comply. with Vanity`s .de-__ mands, and, at thesame time, maintain [in ~.theeyes of the world the appearance _of `a rational beit1g.- VBm1nd to keep -theefacts secret, how coultl \Vi11i,e explain his cme~_r_1ur;-t to his `friends? He was to throw up his situa-. tion, leave his home, settleiu a f'>1'ei';n land, A and the only reasouhe couldallege for thus tearing his life asunrler must. be" Shy1ock s-- It is my` Ahu'mov.'." - W'i11ie_, rc-ecteal ' with ,sQnie meortication that his" `acquaintances would sayjthat he had gone out of his m1'n(L_ 5 `Plea 'nrnc-nan} nl cal!-x'.... .-...4- .4-,\;_ - '_---- UIOCK, ODDOSHC LL10 1iu.11way-muuuu, 1,'u.rr1u, ,_ . ` 51'-ly l` T A IN OUR HANDS FOR 1NVES;I`- , menu on_ good freehold security at lowest ratrs-of int,e1'.-st. No principal money esuirod until end of the term. `S'1 1tA'1`HY 8; LT. So11citors,&:c., Barrie. . . . vv\Ju_1u may luau uv uau gum: Uub 01 [HS l111I1(l-. - The. p1'osp.2ct of setting out for 0. new country was not, indeed, without its (-harms. He had a Snmll capital, and though he c0u`=.d uoti_n1rt_1'ed"atelylecide what line of life he sh_ou1di pursue, he was free from anxiety. Besides, `to young men the very idea of for- eign lands is inspiriting;vthey have not sense enough to value their "own. Then Vanity would be with him-he and she together sharing sweetness" and toils as only lovers am. If ha mum hm. tnim A.'...m- ..,.......u.. Acuua nu avvvuuucaa auu UUL13 ES only IOVGFS can. `ff he could but take ight secret`y, (lodging all [those terrible questionings with which his kind friends would be sure toi.tor- turn '}\'3n1' T! Inn nnnla ......1.. ..u.'............ L. H V1.1 um -uuu. u usuua VVUUJU U6 sure EO,IOI`- 15-L him! If he could only disappear from . England without notice, and report progress from New Zealand when it suited his conveni- ence! But, as a. general` rule, the happiness of two lovers and the requirements of human so- ciety` do not coinci-;1e. Life has thorns with which to torment: us, even under cover of V the blushing ruse-leaves of wedding clays. Tin-ninrr inntfnr: nvnv in his ....:...J 1\`:n: uni`; -UALL-11.51115 Lvotrlctlvca UL VVl1`U.UJUg' a.V. i'1fu1`ning matters over in his mind, W_illi.a\ came to a prudent coixclusion. He 1'eect.e.1 that, after all, the secret gliiculty which so 'm11chtli. to a great "extent imag;na.ry. After their ma.rriage, _wl1en sl1e.conled all to him, its dimensions mig;-lit bemuch relucerl. Arcor he decided not to break with England anal home _o,1_1 at_,once. He resolved. to ask for thleo months leave of absence, judging`, like the` careful` young man he was, that if," when `Vanity and he were man and wife, there still appeared a necessity fo1'_e'n1ig1'atlon,V then would bethe time for giving `notice to his employers. V This plan relieve] his mind immensely. It screened himfrom that severe cross-examination which so Startling a step as leaving England forever must have drawn Viupon him. Still better, it postponed the step itself toe time when cooler -judginont and clearer sight would be possible. So Willie steered through `the `rocks gnd rapids _'of his -present` cours . ' 'lJ'n `I-`AA nnnd-'l..,.... A._;..__s_1, -I-um I\J\ l-I. V1 L.lL\lLI VV (AD IU UIJC 6 V C I V ' V I l ` 1 He could` not tell, so quickly had she..own `away, T . A - ~- 4 ' mas AND I TALK THINGS ovzn. ` ' 1 There Istopped again. A V ` V I Miss, said I, huw do you like `VVi1lie by this time? V V _. T Better. _ ` I It is quite plain, ni'n3<:, that the lad is` `doing his best, to Carry` on things respect- ubly. ` 9111 0 1 nu . 1 u Kbllllc I "I suppose.s0. This she said in her dryf Way, lifting` her pretty eyebrows after her ` (fashion. -Then` she added, f`I w_.'asAnot; tl1ink- ` ing of his respectability.- - '6-'Nr.-.w....:.-I 1' ssn... 4. ....:,....n .4...` r..n-..... ;uus.LA. A; .up vv 1}} u.u; vv1I.u_ I.u:1. V I j I was going to say something about respa-c tability. again, but. somehow did_ not see where it would come i_n.' j ' _ A CHAPTER XII. . `rm: PLOT I8 THICKENED BY` am. an xcrcus I uuu nnsuav Asnnnbxsuvu-.u_:) uxu.vnn\..v.v. Adiicull hill. 'io0k'-which was it she gave? . , V '\ Remember the prizeon the sumnut ofthe A dying 10ok --a playfu'_1,.1o0k-a ooquettish 1 IL. nm.1.1...,.+ +nn ..,. .....;,.|.1'.. 1.-.: ..t.;. 4.5.-.. ' Hf5}1.I,:oGE:11.s, ct0Nv3r.YAN~E i< `C4()'1\ A1; ' missioner `in Queen's Bench." J\uctionccr.~ Appraiser.'a.nd Commission Agent; for the sale of Houses, Lands, Farlu Stock, Household _ 1"u1'niLu're, Goods, \Varcs. 8.10. Also for the collection of-Rents Notes and Accounts. O1ce-~Poli'ce Court. L arric. man,` don t; you! ' \JL I-IIO L.\./n?l.I\.\*L4(.lLlllVl_L _lVa . ' No? send I. 13ut, m1ss"-what follows ` I said being dvrtennixled to bring her to the J point--you do like a- res:pe<-table "young 1 cent. up ,.,...-.,.`,. ,1.-......'.c 13..--.. .-.-..._-_` Luulst uuu I-I JUIAS Oh, of course, doctoI"![ Every woman likes a rspecfable: y0ung'7man_. '._B_11t`wl1at - pleases me in` -\Villie is that he begins toba- ;have 1ike a loV*er, and.show courage. ; LLT)-:_. A. .1 A___;,, A Grea.t_ Awakening. . .. ......-A. -_.,|, CHAPTER XI. ._;;`.uV` uuu. uuuu I-till nlvwl Uy-`ii saw-1og_ ` It was wuss nor that, he replied . I was hugged by a hear about a year -`arm, and I haven t.got my shape back" yet "" V 1 How did it happen ? V Well, I was in, a. lumber c _ amp ,,n Georglan Bay. 1 was a. teamster _ _~ and [ went one morning about four. at-1.,,.k U feed the oxen. It was pretty clan-lc, hu- as I knew the way to the shed I :ii.e];;-, take a` Kl-;mtern,> I was within tv c-;,e_`_- ,:_.__, uf_the-stab1e`v.`hen some- oody 2*i.:s~.< }._j: fore me. I took him for em of :3 _l about the camp, and says I : If `Well, partner what is it 2" He stood there,h1uckinr_; the i `Come, now. no fnolin !' The fellow sorto` sniiibrl in I : 1 R, if making fun of me, and l j:::;i `; j , him, celculating to ing him i.-r. drift. I wasn t two seconds (lia.' that I had tackled a hear I saw; :. . forfeit the gate-money, but IIL 1,}; let me. He puthis paws a.I'011ml :u._ _~.; j settled back for a hug, never muki: A; I effort. to use his teeth. It was lilo, U ` '...' v_. u ,sque(.-z9..d in a. carpenter's vise, only :;.,re_ so. I hadn-t time to yell before my l.,~. _;,:`; was gone, and I felt myself being H 1lY-_-]_L-': made no answer, and I calls. on: ; l _ until, all of a. sudden, my senses 1...? never bit me at all I [ll 1 When I came to, half an llr)l'lI`l`r1.`. v'-r_ .v f in the snow and the bear had g 1;-;. v -.u. weirnpowso-.`Ao{)v The om: erTof' a sample r<;:_u : 'd<>1p;sfrectA was _g1'ving his wa1'm.ba.th yesterday when a :m.a'n entered, felt in all his put`. `three times ove1",'aud than said 'L|[ ..-...,1'./.LI....- - ..._ _.._ .l I -____ re " Hugged by a. Bear. ` A man who was around the ferry (1, x the other day looked so lopsided M with such an odd gate, that he was siifm if he had been run over by a saw`-log_ ed I-Iv tron rI1I1an an-Q #1-\..L 7 L- , `V`And'y.our present shape of thatsqueeze I _' ` AIt is, butyou ought to h: right away after! `Why, 52'` more shape-to me than a xvi; my -appetite was tixktll aw: months. inn over by a S: layfdnwn and letthree of me socmer-thanJake annfh-. r nun:-\.\4 unnuvu uuva, uuuu unnwnb uu:L'v I. was 1Qokin;_r_f(.r x;zyark?, In I've Inst it. My name 1's 1. V.\'u1.~~ ITd&>an hear of Vcgu, I gm _ t_h salrmnit as he stopped wad .him.a. looking over. M ` u1:>....L....... `....4 x... A... 5. :_ "5Perhapsiu, but thutis You have probably <,-bscrved press that our great BN1} away -?'A ` -`..1'L_n' ,1 ,, (I ROGERS & Vi; REER'SAGENER_AL AGENCY - in the town of Barrie, for the collection of. Chattel Mortgages, Rents. Debts, etc. `We are also prepared to hndertake General Detective V Business for Legal Firms. Merchants-and others a_t moderate ratrs. Oltlce : Police Court, Bar-_ me. P.0. Box 223. T -- ~- A------ 117" (Ion-u-"n ' . Bill Nye on Halos. Jamc`s-The halo which you :~-.._. see in so many pictures is not WHYX: .. lpresnt time anywhere, es'peciully i`: climate. In the early his`.m'y : z \ world peopl went bare-headed, Ham; `began to wear the halo, and ufur gradually adopted the laurel-m-mth. ` later on the plug hat. I -D:\'(\r\1n lIt|(\vv\ In L --.. up yr u._y '-.-\fh'e11, der"She.1'n1an. pa Hancock -vhas dca'dt. He is, poor. nmuf EH Seyniotir, McClc1'i2in and Sherman will soon g0~-Sl7.- low, .z'm;d m a. few bx'icf__w. -the great statesmr-n` -aw`. no more on earth." _.`What shall` yum C`... asked the man as he \\ip:_*. _bjIer "(ff [}'. luff. _ - Why, ;'prr:}: .1 _;rr;n. J .v P j_" ' thei1'memor_v.` er. My idea is b_r01;zeTa.njd ;.g'raui never: pcr- ..I7....'J ..... 1:1 -..__.,,,.. ,,......,..e.... `> 4 _"Do`t s how I belief," he sxjd 9...: from bf-hind the bar. _, \V a1kix25__r 1 original proposer he'_toa.k him by `pushed him to` the duel`, r>fezu red him out into four degrees In in" away that mecmt Lu;~.'mcs~:. said .1; ' ' ' ` "1 i1z1 \"e just; been an-71:11 chance to gay e\'c~.1 wiih the in came yes9crda}'." said a yx-nu; 2 was shivering in a J: 111.-i`:`~t.`.:1 as - way yest.erd_ay X114 vruin .HOW was it .1" A "\V'ell, they've been Izh;-_-v.;c-iii: _e me in for :1 V2153 nd I` hiid mv mi: up to get revenge if they di.1. 17 mg, mister. I ~dnu t wvur uni}: : or overcoats, or go to the b;u`h:-v'. don't always have 87.0 in my wniii '. ' was a gentleman and a. schnlar. `\ .yesterday an overfed policeman Wiliiu to me and gave me :1 collar. Ho . hung around so long that the sight mt` gave him_a pain. . ` . "And. you were taken down 2" Of course; The Sefgearxt asked name,.a.t_ze, occupation. birthplace ax. on, and I gave it t_'o him straight. V E3 was laying forhim Pretty soon he ~ `` '.Where was your father born .1` I-refused" to tell. .. He coaxed and threatened. I was rm.. He Sk-iI`l1`1iSht`d1|ii.".f ine for half an hm1`r,`but he didn't 2 ' ixxfornnation, and had. to luck me up out it. Pm gt`-ing to lay fur 'mn :`: day. ' " H()'\V Z" ` Why, I'll prnhably be run_ in and `the Sergc-gmt WU] ask me mother is livin_.,r I _wJu t (4-ll hmv. sir; I'll be hung r.-st ! .\\'Al'1L-n thu tackle me they get huldk-f :1 ch 1} Willget eveuor perish in the :ut;n-.` \/Il\\ J`-u AAAlLa u-.r ;_ `dings ? `iuterrup'c:l cf:-.e_ -wiped the bar.` "`Wl1_y',}7\>s. r\'1:y:hi1;; forward the movclncni M on your patriotis1n. c.n,;-.2. 1... ... 1' LI\':.4 c H L Asa!-vs VA; U11!) tlsu Ital : People seem to have grown l*S`i`7- less robust as the country grew <>l`c1` 4` civllizationadvanced farther and m-[lit A cherub would fly for days Wllll :t_ P of light wings and never feel the owl-. lal. gradually people began to leave Ilw , . `4A._,_l - measure at the orchard fur g-leaf K, 11: ` and then the next jump was Cln-.~`-T ;r` `T `tors andvfur overcoats. It's all `z`-; rand yet_a man who would :~.'v--'_-i_`.j,` gI'.and wmtere carnival at St. I _. -,w1nterA wearing nothing but an v-0!-*" _ioned halowith-a hole. in it v...1;`a7: V.- ~-" attention ' Y;)u'd petter 1.g'.1:~:s: for ,a Tbo1ic'e.nmns to m i What is good for a. calm ?" is :- jcften asked, but seldom snti:1`.z.t M L. 3W9-l'ed_b. - `We can answer` to the s II [of all. 'if ,thy will follow 01x1'n=i`-' pry, .HAngya`rVd s Pectoral Balsznvr, .p1easant `audgcertain throat and l.m1.: 5,`o1_d`,by:nltlgdruggts. ~> -"-~``;._~"1-4. _;'-_f.: Q ;. , u , I...l'.u MUSIC LESSONS. -Miss'Mock1'idge wi1l_re- ceive a limited number of music pupi1s,_ room! and instrumental. For particulars as to terms. time of lessons, etc.. applv at No. T8= Russell '1`errace. - ' _ 41~15 .' "'_` '01 7" "-" "H """' _ K] > -18:50 GraV s2 `Cottonadx-In-mu . hingvelnewhe: e. _ ymi like! mterrupmiaji He `Did --S'0_II'1th'iI`iK3 ,/ranitc -Gctt_ing:- 23!; been . March 4, 1886 nght to ' hz`.f\_' "Why, sir, |a11.a'wi1ip l;1.~1l axkeu a'vm-y fur n ;=mw-I.~:,r- rec. of (?zn`1':.:; an..f}1:.r'1;n1g. A-"Even. A. LENNOX 3:-00., COI\"VEYAN(`ERS,- eLc.- Moncytolottn. Notes discounted. Collections`n1nde._ 1nsuru.nceseifected. Estates managed; Oices over 1<`arquhurson's~ store, l>unl,opstrecVt, Bu.1'1'ic. _ V '45-18 . f:11't}i ,_-. -7- , . LENN_6& LENNOX, BARRISTERS, AT- torneys at-Law, solicitors in Chzutcery, V Conveyamders. &c. 0iIices-Corner of Dunlop and Owen Streets, Barrie. . . - J. 'I`. LENNOX. - HAUGHTON LENNQX. 'l`;mSPRO ARRISTER, SOLICI'1`uR O of the Suprcxne Court, Conveyzmcer. 8:0. Mane to Loan. Omccs over S_o.nders Bros.,_ JOWCl0I`S.D11lllDDS]31QL`t'Btt1`l`i(3 .. . V T mags 1410911505 1::~suL`-u. umuu-+~uvu; Bank-`of Co1n111crce.vI)11n)o1) MIL HOLT, INSURANCE BROKER VAND. . Genem1Agc11t. Real Estate bought and sold. Cullectionsnmde in any part of the County. Money to Loan. Olcc--Bothwel]'sv Block,` opposite the Railway-Station, Barrie, nnfnrln * '_ ~' 51'.]_V ;_V.I 16 `T ONEY TO LEND ON REAL" ES I`A l`E '-M` . Six pm` ccnt..-invtorest. VLENNUX &.`L}<`.N- NOX, So1iciLo1-He, Barrio. ' _ T BICJARTI1 Y , A PIGPLER 8; MCCARTHY, `13a.rrist;e1's. Solicitors, Notaries. 820., Money 10 Loan. Barrie, Alliston and Gmvenhurst. ' I)'AL l`0N N1CCAR'l`1IY,Q.C. E. E. P. PEPLER. J. A. M-::CA1z'ru\*. T D. F. MCWATT. h 0 J sioner, Conveyance:-, Issuer ox Murr1'age Licenses under the new Act. Moneyto Loan at Modqrate Interest. C1ee1no_re.>O_nt. 61y HN MACKAY. A UC l`I()NEE_};.-COM-MIVS-i ENNEDY, GAVILLER 85 HOLLAND, Architects, P. L. Surve ors, Valuators, &c. Plans and specications or bui1dingsVprc- ared. Town and Village Lots laid out.` Farm ines carefully located. Timber limits examin- ed, 850., &c. Toronto Olce---4 Mall Buildings. Barrie OIce-McCarthy's Block. Collingwood OIce-Long s Hlook. - Tuos. KENNEDY. MAURICE GAvILi.n:R.' . ' `U T Ilnrt A\`!I'\ 51.11? JV`. 'UUlllI U9 1-: Burma. ' . ' Barrie, 1st Oct. . 1885. OSEPH SWAN, AUo?rioN.imR FOR Tnii, ' County of Simcoe._ Terms reasonable. _0tIlce atmy Store.Cra.ighu_rst. 46-ly _ ` .Montana. U.S. '1'II_08. JSENNEDY. IVLAURIUE UAVILIJM1. ` W. J ,_HoLLAND. 51-ly W-.o MOVITTIE, D. L. SURVEYOR AND - . TReal Estate Agent, Calgary N, W. T. Correspondence solicited with regard to 1nvest- ments in Province of AlberLa.,N.VV_. 1`. A. W. MoVI 1"l`IE. Address Calgary,` vm. Benton, ARRIE FOUNDRY, ENGINE 85 BOILER . WORKS---H. SEWREY, ,Mo,nu_factu1`er_of every dnscription of` Emzines-. Boilers. -Saw Mill,_Grist. Mill, Shmgle, Lath, and Wood- working Mzwhinery. ~ . |s1L_l'l1.ll`J FJJIXLVILVKI lVlllJlJ." l2.I!lkl. 15131411, Cm-pent,er'and Builder, and Manufacturer mg of ail kinds done promptly and satisfac- I Tot Doors Sash, Blinds, Mouldings. 8&0. P.la.n- ` [$01-11v-. Fa.ctorv,'John street. Barrie. @ _\ *:.~__.4 '1`. BANKING, CLERK COUNT -xFsIM-- . com. will be at his office, at the Court- House, Barrie, every Saturday. , Residence and 'P.0. Cookstown. ' T ' 4 _..__o H- ENNETT. DENTIS1`. . Barrie, Ont... Oiee. Sanders` Block. ffmizosite new -Post Olee. Visits 1 edale and Waverley the rst Wednesday of every month. Wye- brldge and Midland, the next da.y1'1`hursda.Y). Peneteng the foilowing day (Friday`. Vitaiized Air tor painless extracting a. specie ty. 6-15 I U011] Barrie - R: W. A. Rdss. LicexitiateTT Tc`tW{1; Royal College of Surgeons. Edinburgh. Licen- tiate of the Royal Co11ege~of' 1 hysio1ans. Eng- I -land. Oice and residence m Brown's. New Block. Barrie. ' . 2~26 ` R. J. L. G. `IVICCARTHY --OFFICE AND` Residence on the Wes_t side of J ohn~ S_t.;" Immediately opposite Mr. Geo. Ball's Planing. and Sash Factorv. 3 \' : _ T1-118,3 QUl1`EN\ S"H0'1`EL.--,A. W. 1s11ov\nr_1~7; ronrlctor- m1rn.b |'|nn`f. Annnrntnnnlinn a... I uxna u,U113lL'N'b` .l;l.U'1`B;L.--A. W. BROVVN. J.` Proprietor. Excellent accommodation {or the. travelling public. Bar oudiarder'we1lsup- alled with the best. Good stabling and atten- vehoatlers. Lug agent ' ta 1-xveyed free to andtrom all trafns. 1Fe%vF3or({vet of Mar- ket street on Dunlap atxfeet. T ovu -. u V. . - . . . _ - -. GEORGE ROGERS. :_:t._llClIl!l`E_OTS` A310 Vshvftongz [OSEPH ROGERS. CHIEF oc z~T?1'ABg.E,` 3 Ciounty of Simcoe. 0foe-Police Court, 1 81'!` 6. - {ARRIHJ PLANING MILL.--GEO. BALL, 5 ("Int-nnnf.nr'nnd Rnildnv and Mn.nI1-fn.ntI1rAr ` -5::I-1Y T0 LOAN.-$~250,000 atxtnd Ggper | `cent. J. '1". SPROUL, Solicitor, etc.,| HENRY." APPRAISER & BILL POSTER, . &c. Rents Collected, Servants Provided. R-.. nn_n0'nh-I: mmnnim Rank or Commerce.. ONEY.--A large amount of rivate funds to land on strzuglu 1ouns,_at owest rates. Mm ! A wvn V P RIP! ~.I`.1{ Kr. 1\.`[(`.(`,A RTHY. T. LITTLE. M.DT.,V o.1vi.. _. ' . r , -(".h1n-. to le_n(\.0n slrmgnu 10uns,_zu IOVVUSI ruu:-:5. McUAR'l`I1Y. 1* E1 lA 8.: MCCARTHY. _ T.\II(:'1`10+V'IsI'c1::s, 1`:'[1_`0.T: msonnmnnds.` -MANUFACTURE; ......__._...__._._......_.. .._.__._....._. PHYSICIANS; -,DEiTIT_; V IIOTELS. U.LVl.. cm_uoVhi.11,Vont.~ >35 WM. GREEK. _41-tt . ._uu.uuu 45-lyv Kill, .1. .|\LlU\rV UUVV l.`U II.`-JJIULLIUUA ILAJ vv sung; Was ever laughter like hers?. Full of `mockery. full `of heedleslmess, full of wild ` frivolityand reckless `disdain! _Wil1ie `was petried with surprise. _ ``You re an angel, quoth he.` _'l`1'a la! D ye think so? quoth she. _ Tm la !" `She caught up a snatch of a song, and with 9, gay,n1most ixnpudent, air, but with the` most sparkling execution, she trilled o? these scoing lines. Then she stopped, considered Willir tor` a{ moment with mock gravity, T V then broke anew into laughter, ' V All the Wllile Willie stood like a. Sta hue. ' ` Good-night, Wi1lie,. she said, dipping hima taunting courtesy. , Lilia this style, sir? _G00d-night!" T A....1 Al? rs`-In u'nnf- our] Md "r1aIn`I` cI'u |1.'A [0 lllktuh uu uuu V: _ e ,` Never, except at this gate, saic1;tVa11it-y, decidedly; and never unless you nd me here, .without: asking me to `come. Now she was grave, decisive, almost stern. You hear? she (,-1`iedV.' . I hear. ,A I T Them-obey. ` And she-was gone. A But mark my words: our Mr.- Shakespeare knew what he was sayingzwhen he remarked that the tongue of a weuchtcan cut a. smaller hair than may be seen. In her crying, in her laughing, in her seriousness, wecantsee Va,nity srazer-edge tongue darting like the fang'of a snake, but doing work which nmy - be invisible to our eyes,'but not to "hers. A most .desigm'ng young wmimn. V\'as not Willie Snow [her slave? Did, shenot know it V `well ! ._ . - 311'? k'l'l|\Jb|'ll.l5LAlJb And off she went,` and be 'neither spoke `nor ngovg, Presently she re_tu1`nod with a serious face. . . . .. u'r\- IL I` ____ ._L _....... ---....\-..'m- T \n\n\l Ln I11 -Bernums uvw-:.. ' Dm1`t forget your. promise. [may be" in 335+, and_I may be in" ea1'nest,;- S1111, you are not to _1'epeatu`Vvo1`dIha_ve said. _Re1_nem-_ ber, that would set people. `talking, wlm`-h _I hate. "And dhn t write tome; \v11atn`.-xfor you Add, don t..w1-ite to pie." :1 A _._ T _..._..- . l4\r "nu Ann?-.9`? Cu/nn'1-A11.` `do, don t .wrm3 to me. " 'Am I never tosee you agum?" inqu'ir<:d;.f ' 'Wi11i0;KJ1ding his speech at -last; _ Are we to meet no morri .6 1.17 -_-, _.4. -6 L'l...'..' Nat-n H .~t\:r1- `rnI\:'Iv CHAPTER VIX. ALL.FOR HER; _ j A ` A morning or two later a letter came to . Willie Snow addressed in `a woman s writing. The lumclwwas strang:e', and Willle s mind was full of his sweetheart, so before he opened the envelope his tllouglxts flew to` her. ' With trembling ngers he _drew fo1'th.u little pink shleit, which emitted a whiff of heliotropeg he saw that the` writing was genteel; and then read-the short, sweet note: i . ` u'I'n _- .__ 1.11-- 4.- ...-..A. ...... LL:.. ........1...... -..-' --:- Dominion Grange Fire Insurance Astoni- 'Mouey to loud at lowest rates. Agsxit for ntion Canadian Mutual Aid Life Insurance and Reserve Fund Accident Associations. THOS. S. IMOLEOD, Dalston. Oice over Coulter 8; Vair s. Barrie, Tuesday and Saturdav. 6-ly Luuu vuv IJIJ\I1 ., .... V./- _--.. . - . . If youlike to meet me this evening, one? hour earlier than usual, you may. Of" course this is private. Dmft come unless you really wish.+You1's, S. H. ' - ` MD Cl `(Tan haul Ixnl-inn ntn-no in gnu Ilnbn IIWVU I-1GINl`l Then remember me as a boy -remembers his first love. ' V _ ' ' ' . And you-how will you relnember me? - In a marvetous way her gay, wild manner reappeared. There she stood before him, -tossing.11e'r head daintily, sn1i1ing1_v,mock- 1'ng1y--~just the old irting Vanity of their rst interview. - ` V urn ,_ -2 'Il'_. _-.,.LA.-.. L.;...I LIINU JLIIJKVI V IDVV. Remember you-you? pfetty beyt As at atterer! As a young 1_over 'o.`ho came to me reeling off pretty speeches; by the ` yard, l1 ke'1'ancyT ribbons! As a curious im- pertinent, who played at question and an- swer, autltgot mystified "and lost the game!` Oh, I know how to rem`e1'nber my Willie!" 117-- --.-.. 1_--._1..4.,... In". l.n...c.2 `1'Z`nl1 nl `but you need not stay. I.`- 1..Ul.u -f, kn .uI.- . M`!-:11 . S.-You had better come in euiy case, ,_1 n,_1, u , :1 -av-v J v-- ;---v-r- .-~ Poor Willie had. no head for business` that day. His brain was swarming with a mul- titude of delightful ideas; but still in the few ca1mer`int_ervals that relieved his excitement he pondered what I had told him. It was of the essence of _Willie s character not to sus- pect any onehe loved-. Of Vanity he could think no evil. Assuring himself. however, that `she must be in some _exu'aordina,rv po- sition, he resolved to be cautious. an-:1,.'.. 1.......:..1...~9 n.,.....i.+ nr:11:'.. cc.-....a_ .{.. ` zuuuu (I.-`I LU1 LIIHV uvv uo H18 foolish heart beat high as be repeated,` Isuppose fdr the hundredth `time , that his might bethe hand which would extricate beau- tiful Vanity from this unknown difculty, which he pefsisted in, believing was `not dis. honorable.` V And so, fulltof hopes and dreams, he walked up to, their meeting place. 7|".-. `X7411-in {Lia 1'u`n1-viauxy tiynu A9 an-I;-xu}-my; There can be nothing so bad as you de- scribe," he said. - V ~ Forget you}.-`is it likely, after what 1 have heard? V ` urn: _ A - A- _ I.-_ ...........__I....._. 3114011! uu xcmuvou. LU uu uuuuvqa. I , _For her sake," thought .W11l1e, Just as much as for my own. - ' T -n-._ .o..,.1:,.1. 1........4. 1m..4. I..'..!. '...'. 1... ..........4...,1 - LIU wcunvu up UU uuulx IIJULIUIJIE lJAu\L`. To Willie this interview was of supreme _1mpo1'tia`nce, and his mind was 01$` edge with expectation. Vanity stood ~waiting at "the '_ gate as usual, and he remarked that she was dressed with`pa.rticu1ar `care,-and, so far as attire went, looked her best. They shook . hands nerv'ously. Willie, jin dread` of; the ' `opening of the conversation, had "prepared so. 'q1iestion.beforehand which he now pin; with an air ofgayety. ` ` ` - Why does Miss Vanity Hardware sign `her notes.'S. HR!" ` ` T Ann _____ _-' 11'.-_'_ rr-_-'.u._ _-_ .._;. in; vv `.. uU:`]`3:(;Jcu&:{1&::lB:; Vanity is not Miss Vanity; Miss Vanity is Miss SuAsa.n.T This _odd an- swer she made .pretty and witty with her niru _ HEWSON. 8: CRESWICKE, BARRISTERS, Solicitors of the Supreme Court of Judi- suture of Ontario, Proctors, Notaries, Conve - anoers, &c. Mane` to Loan. Olnces-Bot - we1l n_s Block, opposn e N. 8: N. W. Ry. Station, Bur:-1c`. ~ L . O. E; Hmwsox. A. E. H. CRESWIGKE. HEAIRN 8; 1\I(i.I-{C1.I"ISON, BARRISTERS,` q..u..;m.-a nnnmm.nn.m-a. &.c. `Money aux u :5 yuua. I , f _ _ Well. you sop, replied Susan -Hardware. she was so good,'sir, and so demure, and so) unconscious of her own merits, and blushed `no, sir, when spoken to, that at first they called her Miss Modesty. - HAL. mm \mm.. -an...T+ ....... .`.. -.._-u_ :1 en, mid Willie, `iwhy did he -ever get such a ham.-3 " ' u1'Y1'_i'I _.__. __-. H _____I_'-.l C(,_,,_ `ff q .` A "Q1'1bite~so, sir. -BuVt;,1is time iwenvt on, the young flung, grew up, and changed forthe `worse, -and liked preu,..y gowns` and Paris" `A gloves an (1_ ribbmls, and she` looked people stjoaight. in the face ; then t:h_y. c_al_;l.e].her"V Vsinitiy. "- An +\..-`... ......:.`.....:.,x ..;L1- --- _:__ .1. .' . .... name ! . L .f\ \,(ag.1vr\I LAUL, Luxuau Lful-`J,ll.I:I. Ah, said. Willie, ,_!L_ ,_` 3.. ,7: 4. . I (uuU'y. - ' A ` Agil this was said with an __air of .. f1'ivo1ity,` am:1`yo,t. s_11e1(lj.dgnot seem:-in '3 light mood-V _ after all; more as: if sho` were used. to jest even when si&'1.7 at -hiaarh. M ' . lA.-..! ___1_- Is ._..1_,;..1 1112,--, u . ' "V thse names?. U V Cu. W .l.IU.L| ISLOIR all 'IAU_Rl Us " And who, askisd V`Vi1lib.;`fga,ve 4 .. urn. .._,.___ an {I . u . '.- ~u.-I ucuuoav . ` , -~.0h, my godfat/1leI"Sb land` g S1:1ch nice,xespecta_b1e people. j A .. _ ) Rnrin-nohy \\`. 1'21 *g env'rl u..sL..-_-~n_ -. " r;.55\,.l'), nzapcutwuua IJCUIJIU. ' Seriously, Wiilje whocdlled Vyou--) Va_nit__y? T ` _ VANITY HARDWARE. By 'ALA_.L-IUI1;. J S. JOHNSON. BARBIE, IMPORTER .013` . and Dealer in Goa? of -all kinds. and Georgetown, Grey and G31 lph White Einishin Lime, Cements of all lands. Flre Bricks an Plasterers I-_Ieir. Storehouse at the Northern Railway Swxtch. foot of John street, near the depot. The bond of this Lime is better than` that of any _other kind. and the nish superior. O1cea-Corner of John and Elizabeth streets. ` ,{`.t;h1t was .5; pretty Ayouv all- IUVU you LIUVV, LIVU llh , ' Do you really believe, she went on, Win}: I. composure that . signied careful thought, that you love me enough to marry me, and live with me all your lifelong? - T An 99 `KT1'INn con ;-I nu a rnon ccnru T will `V \JLIl\` Ll-JCIIXIF J VJLI U -Happier! VWil1Aie answered, with a deep, expressive` sigh-happier than tongue can ml`?! ' ' ' ' . LLrr\-'I_, -__. 11?-In`, u 1 _ ..:_I 111 _--- -_..--..... JULIJ. D UL-LAD .IJVu.l ' uuu U V U1 LJAVI be She looked grand in her loveliness. .Reso- ' lution was inher face, where everyfeature seemed compact with the intensitv of a great purpose. Inspiration shone in -her eyes, as if _tbe light ofea. nob1e fut1i1'e. were reected `Dthere. ` Force of character was expressed in i the ring of her voice. ' Aqueen! a queen! she seemed to stand `besidehim, o; docile, amiable .you-th. ' M . - V V (Th `7nnH-.171 ha or-{ad {in an chruncf`. nr1'r11'uk Your beauty .made~mes' No other reasrJn`-r.>'1ly my _beauty? Your beauty` made me Love yourself. I love you now, not it. ha An I\nnvv I-\n1ln-nu 97 also nuxnf. nn n7{i'.}-=. Iive_ with all life long? _ `A I do Willie said, as a man says I W111 in the marriage service. 5`Ar\A wnn nn'ner1nv- nan f-Inn xvnrnnh fhnf: UULII , ' Take me, Willie, she said. I am yours: . yours this hour. and evermore. Qlnn 1f\I\"7(\I" nrunnrl 1'v1 `inn 1n\rn`Hnnac; nnan, L1,`) UL IUKL l4\J l?J\>U'l-IUI I-lI.I\.IV, IIILII Don t, she said, putting him` hack. 4 `We are not making love. We are - talking about something that will affect, our. whole lives. When this is settled, make love if you like. She slid one glance of momentary playfulness at him. \Villie, she contimled, resuming her gravity, I will change the \vl1ole course of my lifefor you. , True, it will be no great sa,cri_ce-.-sh.e shook her hca,d-hut,' be the sacrice greater little. I make it. Can you - do so much for me! Can you. give. up your_ country and all your prospects in England, M all for me? ` LL10 . '._ 7 I tain. w the power of drawing others to themselves-.-' l persons--having ll\J L . I That she threwia spell over Willie was cer- Are there; I wonder, people born with noteverybody or__'anybody, but particular some inborn peculiarity `tvshich_attracts certain elect spiritsl? Willie 31 was coolenough with other girls. ` other young men would have`. been cool enough with Vanity. Just as you may draw a magnet over 9. -heap of "copper parings without'moving them, while a chip of steel will obey its own nature and y up inst-antly, Vanity` had a. kind of magnetic inuence o_ver her lover. T - No doubt - U. Collected, servants rrovxaec Olce up- tairs oppos' e Bank of Commerce..

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