Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 4 Mar 1886, p. 1

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McLean-Farquharson;Move(i in amend- ment that this Council do not senda delega tion to Ottawa, but memoralize the `govern- ment. T ' nu_:A'L....__.I_L ._ _ _-___A.L__ IS__ I,_ I I__L_ :._ vvullt HIJULL UIIV GUUQLIUIUU. U1 IIIIU HUVUl'ulUUUUn A communication was receivedfrom G.'G. ' Smith, Chief. of the Fire Brigade, asking that aleighs be procured for the Fire Engine, and that rubber boots be furnished the men of the Brigade. ' An...uun.. 3- .-. ..-..2...-.. ....._.......- _-.__ ...._ vuv yn l_W\JVl Accounts from various persons were pre- sented and read. ` . 1|- ..._L_'.._ .11 ;I-___ .1-__,,.,_, L, ; .11. A communication from Mr. `Peck, Secre- tary of a convention in Peterborough, which is urging on the government the unnortance of another grant to assist in further going on with the Trent Valley Canal. `After giving the resolution passed at the Peterborough meeting, it urged the anpointment of a dele- gation by all the municipalities interested in the canal to go to Ottawa on .the 11th of March to urge the claims of this important work upon the attention. of the government." A nnnnnnnninnfinn man IUnnn:I1nI`I"unvv\ f_"f1 To the Mayor and Councilihof the Town of _ Barrie. _ p b ' ` GEN_TLEME.\*.---')wing to recent [changes in the License law, the Provincial Government have re-appointed me License Inspector for West Simcoe. Under the circumstances if I accept the position I cannot retain my seat in the Council as Councillor as the law pro-V hibits it. I therefore _resi n my seat as Uouncillor for St. George's Vard in the Town of Barrie. ` ` I T,A_,_ '17 II ,, , UAIIVIJ . Town CLERK, B.umIn,-Some of our sub- scribers in Barrie have been writing to us to take note of the offer made by your Town Council for bonusfor manufacturers. If you 'would insert the notice under the heading. lBusiuess, eto., in the Daily Mail, I am. sure it would direct attention of all those `who are likely to take hold of the proposal. The expense of this would be very slight- two cents a word each insertion. - I will be clad to hear from you. Yours truly, . Tuonms W. DYAB. A communication from R. A. Douglas notifying the Council that their lease for telephone has expired, that the rentiwas re- ` duced to $25.00,` and asking that the lease be renewed. _ run an - - -n IIU [VI-IUVV Ulln Thefollowing was received from Uouncillor Morrow : - I'\,__ II n u IIIIIIIIIJ U`, P. A petition from E. B. Crompton and a number of others praying that the Council lwonld make public the By-law .of the` Council offering a bonus to manufacturers to establish certain works inlthe town. ' COMMUNICATIONS. ` ."1`he_following was received from the Mail Office: " T m..---_- 1-1-..- ,, n L : n I - us puuuusauucz` in one V!` (330 VV_Bl'(.l. Mrs. Caroline Bouke prayed for a remiag aion of taxes on her lot on the ground of in- ability to pay. n A nnfifinn `rtivn T4` D I"-A-an-LA- ----3| - _ --- onva`uu. J. B. Scott baked `for the position` of Road Overseer in the West Ward at $1.50 per day. Alexander Dunlop asked for the position of pathmaeter in the West Ward. ' Ml... n..-..I:.... n...-|-.. _..----.I L- - mu ' UK cunuua cm: (.6!) Po Lu All the members present except Councilloi . Morrow. The minutes ef the last meeting were read `and conrmed. , Councillor Morrow Resigns to Become License Inspector-Animated Debate --'n-ant Valley Canal Delegation. The Town Council met ihv the.Couxi1cil Chamber on `Monday evening. - 9. "IR Wnrnhin tho Mntvnu nnnnnai `LA on... [ \.JlllllJI.lUl. uu `Luuuuu.~_y C\'Cl.llUg. ' - H15 Worship the Mayor opened. the pro- ` credines at 7.20 p.` tn. ` _ tho rnnnnlxnwu rnnnnnnlu .-u........L f`|......-:1l__, LOCAL ETENTS FROM THE: PENS OF ADVANCE REPOR'1`ERS.. T {TOWN AND TRIBUTARY TALESL!| MOTIONS. PETITIONS. . ~ JOHN W. MoRROw. BARI tIE, March lat. THE IN l`ERE[S('Tl`S on` BARRIE, -Lo !"`the Poor Indian. The Indian entertainment at the Town Hall on Monday night was not what the peo- ple ` had been led to believe it would be. Barrie is a musical town and somewhat` fasti dious in its tastes. There is indeed muscal ability here of no mean order, and it alwavs expects something good for its money especially` from outsiders. We think those who brought Crow and his family here were- not well informed as to their musicahstatus. Some parts of the. show were amusing enough, but the effect upon the nerves was cnthe whole anything but pleasant. 'Wha.t with the freezin temperature of the hall, the encoring of t eboys, the pedal tattooing and Indian music, the average_listener.wonld feel that he was getting, to a pretty remote distance from the celestial. . - _ Trinity Church Choir. There will be an entertainment at Trinity Church School Rooms to-morrow (Friday) evening. by , the church choir. Refresh- ments wiil be served and a good programme will be presented. This will be the last of the season before Lent, and it is expected that 0 large number will be there. v UV, VICIUO b Mr, Cracker, grocer and e.al`1e1-. of Dnnlop street, in phone >1`-ex,no've` to Gait. ' Shooting at a- Nightwatohman. .Mr. Taylor, nightwatchman at the Barrie station, of the Northern. Hamilton and N orth-Western "Railroad, says that last Fri- day morning about 2 p. ni. he was in the station and two men came to the door and tried to open it. He asked what they want- ed, and told them that if they did not go awav hewould attend to them, or words to that effect. They tried to force the door open, hutvfailing in this red through the window. We `noticed a clear cut bullet hole in a ane of glass inthe window Taylor says e was red at in the yard as "short time ago, but says he has not the least idea who is doing the shooting not why. He" says he is a stranger and has not been in his present position of watchman but ashort time. There appears" to us to be some mystery about this that requires investigation. I `At i special meeting on Monday. let March, , it was decided that Messrs. J. D. Morrison, D. Baikie and W. Morrison repre- sent Barrie Uollegiate Institute in a. debate with Oollingwood Collegiate Institute on March 19th. Mr. Wm. Reid, 2nd Vice-President, pre- sided last Friday, and after the minutes of the last meeting were read and approved, Misses Crompton and Forsyth rendered a piano dnett in splendid style. Then follow.` ed a reading by Mr. Hindley ; another duett by Misses (lrompton and Doan ;,a reading by Miss Fraser; and a chorus by several members of the Society. Miss Shortreed acted as critic. Her remarks were Just and `to the point. These meetings seem to be getting more entertaining each succeeding ev.ning. A ' A4! a nnnnin` vnnninn nn Mnnrlnn Ind- VIII-ll GI U UL IIUUUSIGPIIJO _ Undernealth is` a sketch of the history of I the town` and its industries beautxfully writ- ten in German Text. the whole fcrming one of the most charming and attractive pictures one could desire to look;upon, and is exceed- 'in:zly'eredita.ble to the artistic, taste of the Messrs. Barraud uuu vvunuu vauuuu tau nu auulauu uuuuuuuu. These views consist of one large painting which will occupy_tl.e centre of a. handsome frame. It 18 a. view of the town taken from Simpson's Brewrey. and gives a` magnicent idea. of the lay dotted with boats as it up- p a.rs in the summer, and 9. very tine View of the town sloping up from the water. Around this central pictureare groupe_d photographs of the'Post office, Cpart House, Collegiate In- stitute. Central School,-West Ward School, Presbyterian Church, Market building. Camping` grounds, view of Strath Allan, Barrie from . CresWicke s Hill. All these are 8 by 10 inches in size. Besides these are ten views of Berrieand vicinity 5 by 8 inches. We need hardly sav that these pictures are the finest specimens of _the beau `tiful art of photography. TTHAAI-nnnfh en a nlrni-1-ha A ; "111: hiafnrvy nix` . Apgrand musical and literary entertain- ment and tea meeting was `held at the Oran e Hall. Allandale, last Wednesday in aido the Episcopal Church fund, which proved a success in every respect. The . tables were beautifully arranged with the choicest delicacies, and after ample justice had been done to them the tables were re- moved. The large audience took their seats to listen to the varied and interesting pro- gramme which had been arranged for the occasion. There were many enc ires, some of which met with a prompt response. Rev. J. J. White ably lled the chair and with ap- propriate remarks began the intellectual part of the entertainment. `This consisted in solos, duets, trios, qnartettes. violin sclos, instrumental selections, etc., etc. In which the following ladies and gentlemen perform ed conspicuous parts, Miss and Mr Swinner- ton, .Misses Mason and Mr. Boys, Miss Dollery. and Mr. E. Fisher,` Mr. Bedford. Mr]. S. Sanders, Mr. Smart, Mr. Barraud, Messrs. .Gorman and Arnold, Rev. Mr. White, Mr. J. Henderson, and St. George's Choral Union.` Miss Mason and Mr. A. Barraud ably played the accompaniments. On the following evening the children were entertained to a free tea. A splendid juvenile entertainment was given, showing that there is some ne talent dex eloping in onr` midst. The two entertainments produced the sum of $57.00. 409- Barrie at the Colonial Exhibition. J Musical and Entertainment. , The idea was a good one to have Barrie represented at the Colonial and Indian Ex- hibition at London the coming summer Messrs. Barrnud Bros. have preparedsnme magnicent views of our town and neighbor- hood which cannot fail to atti act attention. 7I`L....... ..: -.... ..-.._:_L -r _.-_ .___ [OFFICE] vuv I wvwuv. IUI vu. "sully A motion to change the time of the meet- ` inc-s of the Council from seven till half-pa.st \ seven was lost. ` VB`..- ('1.-....-:`I 11.-.. - 12, ,1 vv ulalauxuuuu wuuu JUBPUUVUT wuuuuu salary. Ma.r[rin-`-Oross--Ordered, that the resig~ nation of Councillor Morrow be accepted, and that the Mayor do issue his writ; to fill the vacancy forthwith. A vnn6:nn I-A ta`-Anon:-Ira `Juan A` LL- ...--L V GllV__V \4 Hill: \JGI'I IUU Ball--'Plaxton-;'-Ordered. that Writ. Mile ; be appointed wood Inspector without: salary. ` ` Mnrrin_`nrnnn_rdarnA Hands {aha -m.:n. "cu, I. llIJ\lJ\ll.l uuu JJGII. NAYs--McLean,` Fanquharson, McKay, McNa.bb and Martin. Ca|dwell-Ball--Th`at the Mayor and lst DeputyReeve be the deputation` to proceed to Ottawa in the int rest of the Trent 3Va.lley C`-anal. Carried [)_II 'l'\l__L,. I nl . 1-vv ' u-~-u Lncu. AYnAs-Mc!Carthy, Fletcher, Cros, Cald- . well, Plaxton and Ball. `. '\T.un-. ll-` ..-_ I"-V_,.-,! \' '7 ` tied. X7... COUNTY OF SIMCOE, ONTARIO, THURS DA_Y, MARCH 4, 1886. \NAY$ -Mc'Carthy,WFletcher, Cross, Cald- well.` Plaxton and Bali; The original motion was thenput and car- ried. A 9 :I.yi`1lo ';3u;u;1:;i..then adjourned. BARRIE. THE COUNTY 01? SIMCOE AND THE DOMINION or CANADA OUR CRITERION. B. C. I. mterary Society I (I `I `KT I5 ' I 0to_Galt. nlvu uLllU`1u uuu uuuuuy ul. EIWEUII. Mr. Cook's attention having been drawn to what he evidently deemed correctly a suitable tract of pine land and also where a site for the erection of a saw-mill would be suitable for the carrying on of the lumber business on auextensive scale. Mr. Cook accordingly had erected a large mill. tted with all the latest_ improvements, which could be had at `that time, in connection with which he built a number of dwelling houses, the occupation` of these houses tending con- siderably to add to the population. Mr.. Cook, by the way, deserves great credit in having been instrumental in assisting to make Orr Lake what it now is, but itmust not be understood that Mr Cook was the pioneer in the lumber trade of that district, although the letter in the Urillia Packet of February 19th, would cause peopleitoascribe all the credit` to Mr. Cook as being the founder of Urr Lake. I may here state that Captain KW. F. ,0rr is the party who might J.UUV. A short time previous to thl date (which I may state was six or seven years after Captain 0rr s debut) Geo. Cook. Esq., made his appearance on the scene, who had been engaged in the lumber business on an exten~ sive scale ;in the County of Hwton. Mfr (`.nnlz u lnlifnnfnnn `\nl7:r\nI Luann -3----- Bravo. I Soon afterwards Captain Orr. in association ! with some capitalists in Toronto, were I etfective inhaving a lumber rm organized, I under the name of W. F Orr 8t 00., out the as Kempenfeldt, near Barrie, that being the nearest shipping point, entailed too great an expense upon the firm. Captain Orr, then after mature consideration of the obstacle in lumber having to be drawn by teams as fari the way, in the shape of expense, proponnded and had carried into eect a scheme more protable in reaching a market, namely that of constructing a railway from lllmvale station, on the North Simcoe railway, to Orr Lake, the construction of this railway was c m- menced in the fall of 1879 and completed in 1880. . .o -..-.a So far back as the year 1872, Captain W. F. Orr, who for many years was well known as a general merchant and lumberman in the County of Wentworth as also Coroner of said county` and City of Hamilton, with the view of carrying on business in the lumber trade, in a n are north` westerlv direction, at what is now known as Orr Lake, purchised about 3000 acres of Virgin Pine Timber Land, and in the following year of" 1873, had erected on the north bank otithe lake, a steam saw mill, which was the first mill in operation at this place. Qnnn n:"(nlI'I'!'nvI4Jn (`nu-dual.` I`-.. 3- ----A3-l-3 -- - "511 uvutlil G lV'Uln -Having observed a letter in the Orillia Packet, descriptive of Orr Lake, its industry, population. etc. Allow me to take the lib_- erty of submitting a few facts for the infor- mation of the public, and those who may be interested in the rise and progress of {Orr \ Lake. I u .u ....... ,. .. . .... Any donation sent to me will begratefully I re 6 ved and acknow'eiged by our Treasur`- 01', William Fowler, Esq M. P., or by ' ` Your obedient servant, Tnos. J. BARNARDO. The Rise and Progress. of Orr Lake. Sm -Your kindly inserting the following will confer a. favor.` El ---:.._. -L__._..,j _ I,L;, 0 as l\ un- Braid! i I Ulallll at-ulu VVUI. n. I Lnviteeverv one interested and disposed to help, to communicate with the Superin- tendent of our Canadian Home His address is : Mr. Edward Duff, Dr. Ba.rnardo s Dis- tributing Home, Hazelbra.,' Peterboro , Ont. Christian people throughout the Do- minion willing to render assistance to that ' which 18 most assuredly Christ : work. are i invited to communicate with Mr. _Du' orl avuuuuu, auu. Lu In uuu cuay bu Lfcuuu uxul. I consider that such a result out of 1.734 ! already placed out by us in Canada (880. being within the last 4 years) is. eminently I satisfactorily, and ought to dissipate the{ fears of any as to the real nature of our. emigration work. `I '...'+.. .......... M... .'..L........L...I .....1 .1:....._..-:| uuu uuuj ul. ounlullcxy I It is withgreat satisfaction that I amable to record, after some years work in Canada, that not one of our girls is known to have be- come vicious or immoral. Every one of them 13, we believe, earning her bread honestly. and not one has yet has been any charge upon` the rates or any expense to the public `of Canada. I think this fact alone speaks volumes for our work. Of the boys I regret -to say four have misconducted themselves ; 2 have been dish 11 s , and four have developed hopelessly lazy and mdolent qualities. The first `2 have very properly been punished for their misconduct. One of them I have since been able to return to England. Of the 2 who proved to be hopelessly lazy and indo- , lent, I have sent one back to England, and I will send the other back also as soon as.I can get him. but he has gone off on his own account. and it is not easy to reach him. I nnnc.:Am. 4l...4- .....-.1. .. ........`la. ....a. ..t 1 Ha; DUUl.UUye The young people we send to our Colonies are the ower of the ock. We pick out the very best, and send only these. Thev must always be without Dhysical defect or 'ta.int of any kind, thoroughly sound in limb and of good health. They must also be morally without fault. We never send children who are known to us to be nntruth- ful, dishonest or vicious, but only select those who have been proved by their resi- dence in our Institutions here to be worthy of esteem and respect. As: far on nnacnhln nnnmn nl-.3113 L-.. 1....-- UL uoucotu aauu {GD GUI}: V > As far as possxlhle, every child has been` 2 Well trained in some branch of industry, -- ` 1 the girls as domestic -servants. the boys in_ 1 various trades, all of whom have been I } taught them independence of character and I the duty of self-help. . l If: in Ix7if}|`arnnI: noofuv-uirinn I-LAO 1 .......`..I.e1.. n uyuu wulvu. UIID "U13 ID valucu. UI1. First, we have never sent out pauper children; that is to`say,- children who have been .bred.- in the workhouse, _ or who have been trained in the workhouse, are not the class we send out. All those coming from our Institutions have" either been orphans or rendered destitute` at an early age, They have all of them been received into tl!ese,In- istitutions in England, have received there a careful industrial and Christian training, and have not been (unless indeed they were very young) sent out to Canada until we were satised that they were fairly trained to be- come industrious and virtuous members of society. Thu Itnlinn run:-\`v\`n `mun an-`.1 L. A.._ l'1.`I-_3-.. I _`---_----..........,, -...3u.,y v u vvv asvsu the Opinions of the Writer. The following letters addressed to the Editor of Tim NORTIIERN Anvnwn, have Jeen received tor publication : Dr. Ba.rna.rdo s Home. DEAR SIR,--'I reioice to know that through- out our Colonies the work our Institutions are doing in planting out children is receiving increasing encouragement from the most thoughtful classes of the community. . I would likenhowever to tell you the p.-inciples upon which the work is carried on. Wino turn `anon. -\t\I-vluln an-u` The Adxhleeien .0!` Correspoxidence Does 1 Not Necessarily Imply that We Hold 61... lI.ml...I-..... -9 LL- CC,._lA .1, LETTERS ADDRESSED ?ro THE Barron rnzs WEEK. V { WHAT THE PEOPLE ENE I" A Almostanunawdy. . As Dr. Ross was retnrulug t`(om 'l`olIen- dale last Saturday, his horse Ueoame nervous at a boy who was "hangog on` behind. and making an attempt to s_kip, the cutter was overturned, spxllnng the doctor out. He hung on` however and soon got his nervous beast under control. 0 damage. Ponce Court. . John Dales. a. young man in the employ of Jago 81. Leslie, who have a sort of tea. store on Durlnp street, was before the Police Court yesterday charged with violating the Hawkers and Pedlars Byelaw by takmg orders for tea through the town without license. Mr Plaxton appeared for Dales, and the magistrate reserved judgment for the purpose of looking upsome pointawwhich the case mvolves. .3 9: -uuvvw v We notice a disposition on the part of peo- ple who come to town on Saturdavs and other market days to monopolize places on the sidewalks to the inconvenience of ladies who want to pass along. It is almost im- possible sometimes for them to get through the crowd that stand talking without the slightest regard to the rights of passers by. This arises 11`: doubt from_ thoughtlessness, and could be remedied by the word of our town constables to "move on. - credit sale. WEDNESDAY, MARCH 24. -Farm stock, implements, etc.. at lot. 17, con. 5, Oro, at 12 o clubckVnoon. Refreshments provided. Ruchard Mnirhead, proprietor ; G. R. Ford, auctioneer. Row at a Presbyterian social. 1 On Tuesday night two men went into the ` Presbyterian Church. Strnud, where a social l was being held and cleaned it out. Ladies a.l- I must dead with terror had to be taken out through the windows. Although a lot of men were there. these two rnizns one of `whom issa _bAlacksmith~named Graig, were ` permitted to commit this outrage without " any attempt to arrest them. A messenger was sent to Barrie for aid, but when the constable arrived the birds had skipped. The Savage Band. The celebrated Savage Band. now aiding in the revival services at the West End Me- thodist Church, are attracting a good deal of attention. The little church is crowded at ` every service bv worshippers and enquirers, and some led there perhaps by curiosity. The Band consists of two females and four males, and their singing is exceedingly sweet and is a great aid to the services. l`hey have some- I thins: appropriate to theexperience of every one which has a wonderful effect upon all who are seeking to lead a new and better life. - Tea Meetmgo The annual tea meeting and entertainment held at Essa Townline Presbyterian Church on Tuesday, 16th inst., was a success. The church was lled to its utmost capacity. Tea was served in good style bv the ladies of the congregation, after which a good pro- gramme entered upon. Addresses were de- livered by the Rev. Wm. McConnell, of Craigvale, Rev. C. E Manning, of Thornton, Rev. _W. A. Duncan, of Churchill, and the i Rev. R. Rodgers, of Collingwood. The speeches were pithy and well received. Choice selections of music was rendered by the choir of the congregation. A handsome I a 1m was reahzed. Tipping the Wrong Wink. ` A couple of rustics, Jock and his wife, he- longing to the bone and sinner of the country. entered one of our grocery stores ` the other day and began winking with the left eye at the clerk and whispering in a sort of mysterious way. Winking and nod- ding with extraordinary energy the old man said we want a little of something you know-just w. leetle we drappie The clerk taking in the situation said he could not give them any as they had not given the right wink. Those who wanted anything like that should wink with each eve in succession and then with both, then they would be known to be all right. Just then the pro- prietor entered and knowing nothing of what had taken place stepped behind the counter - when the old woman began winking at him. rst with one eye and then with the other and then grimacing in sucha queer wav that astonished the gentlemanly grocer. What do you want mam '2 asked the grocer. The` old woman getting, up closer to him winking and grimacing as though she had tic dol or something else, said I want something." Well, what do you want? repeated the dealer in sugar and candy. Ah! you know, I just want a bottle of whnsky. You can trust yer life to me,I ll nevi r squeal. When informed that they did not keep the critter in that store she kept on winking as the clerk had directed and said, I know better, and if ye don t give me something l ll l never buy another herring in your shop As ; the two left they were practicing what they {thought was the right wink for further { experiments. ' o+e---j- vvl y Jumuy vanes um name. i Captain Orr having acquired _ valuable i property in the town of Calgary and large ` mineral interests in the vicmity of the Rocky Mountains, his attention now is naturally much occupied in that direction. Not wish- ing to encroach any further on your valuable I space I am, J USTITIA. n....1..n... 1'.V,.l.. on 1002 noun a L||.l.l.l.lUI:l` ul uvyeiuug HOUSES. ` In the year 1882 Messrs Hayes; Sons. of ; Toronto, purchased from Captain Orr 1000 acres of pine land on which they erected a a large mill, also in the year 1882 Captain Orr sold his railway to the Northern Railway Co. and undera contract with that company had completed an extension of railway from Orr Lake to the village of Hillsdale. I may state that the foregoing particulars are cor- rect as to period and from whom Orr Lake very justly takes its name. r~.....+..:.. n..- l.....: . . . . . . -:.....a _-1..-L1- .I.uv ncnuuo U1 uu:urpu1'u.hlUn.WaB was under the latter charter a. broad guage railway was constructed from Elmvale to Orr Lake, about l the same time they added two more mills to their property in conjunction with which I -were a number of dwelling houses. ` Tn T7093` `Moan:-a Ha... I. Q1... 1-.` - vvuvln av aunu UCKIVCB 105 name. In conclusion allow me to say that the V4 business of Captain Orr and partners `increas- ing it was found necessary that they should secure incorporation, in order that the scheme of building a branch rzulway might be more rapidly completed. Incorporation having been secured they were then, as now, known as the Flos Lumber Co. and Flos Tramway Co., of which Mr. Zimmerman is manager, Captain Orr still being a member. The result of incorpora.tion.Wa.s that under th ltflnl` nlwnl-for n lmnnnri nnnnn III-\:'IIfA\Qv --.--. ..u..-u. ulilu uuculvaa Uclug one uruo 1U.(1]DI' man of energy and enterprxse here and through whose efforts Orr Lake owes much of'its present prosperous condition and from ` whom it also derives its name. In nnnn`nu....._ -11.`.-- -4 L J` ` " properly speakjng be` the recipient of the` honor and credttas being the_ first lumber} man nl-" nhnrnvv .....1 5-4-............. 1.-.... ..._.1 J. CIILI UUDlll|Aa F35} Lake , Feb. 27, 1886. Move On. ___. -_,... ---Honor Roll of pupils in Second Division, West Ward School. Seniore.--G. Coutts, .'l`. McFarland, Minnie Barr, Flora McRae, Maggie Robertson. John Hayes, Minnie Longhnrst, Josephine McDonald, Ernie Hanmer, Marion Milding, Bessie Javan, Libbie Sheets, (Otto Plaxton, Oscar Thur- low,) Ralph McRae, Ernie Hatch, N. Bailey, Willie Ravnor. Juniors -Ted Clarke, Ella. Morrow, Annie Bradford, Geo. Sheppard, Maggie McMaster. George Smith, Walter Ormsby, Annie Jones, Maggie McDonagh, Herbert Barr, Lily Scott, Harvey Gregg, Jessie Rogers, Harry King, Atalanta Mar~ tina. . ` r The Great March Sale. We desire to direct the attention of our readers to the important announcement of Grompton & Co. on our eighth page. .Thcse annual March sales are always anticipated with interest by the people and the crowds who press into their shop on these occasions, always nd that their purchases give the best of satisfaction. This year the induce- ments to purchase are greater than ever. The stock is large, prime, useful and cheap. There can be no doubt that the present I March sale will be greater than any preceed- I ing ones. _ -e-- v-v--3 In: 5.55 AIOOUI Mr. Arthur Barraud intends shortly to leave Barrie for the Uapa of Good Hope. He intends to reside in that part of the world | for some time. ~ Christ Church. '6 undntand that Ohnat Uhurch, (Re- form Episcopal), on Oolher street, will be dedxcated next Sabbath day. |r.p1s':opa1, uouner street. near Owen, Rev. William _H. .Barne.~= Rector. Quinqungcsima. Sunday. .Pre.-Dedicatorg Servicl s in the nuw church edi`-e Morning subject. "The Right ' and Left Hand Pillars at the entrance uf King t5olomon s Temple.`-` -vening subject. "A Pile of S"ones fro n Jordon." Sunday school and adult Bible class at 3 p. m. Conrmation studies and evangelistic services Wednesdays at 7.15-p m. Service or song, Fridays at? u.m. and conference for Hible studv at 7.45 D. m. Lenten srrvices begin with sermon on Ash Wednesday at 7.30 p.m Special after services of an evangelistic character held at the close of Exeuing Prayer. and sermonon Sundays and ntthe clo.~e of the .Friday evening Bible study. _ Tl1eGospel Ma.le'Choir assists in the singing. . v\uQ - .- - ... -_. H"Interestin to the re-open our dress akin March 15th, under he Harvey-a lady w adies. We shall department about anagement of Miss. has the benet of twelve years experi in a- first class city trade. We can gu an our patrons entire satisfaction. E. B. Orom on & Uo. Announcement of Christ Chutch. Reformed Episcopal`, Co-lier Street, Rev. l R)lPn0d I?n1\I'nI" nIII"\lIIIc) rrnnlnxn -We regret to karn tnat; the house of Mr. Jasper Raddall, of Rugby, was burnt last Thursday night with nearly all its con- tents. The wind was blowing strong at the time, and the building was soon a. mass of ame, which prevented anvthing being then taken out. ,_ ,_r-_._ V..- cnehancrlwet E. B. Cromp- ' gzylarge lot of Staple "&c., belonging to the K Bug bargai ton & Co's compri and Fancy Dry Goo insolvent estate of bridge, which they rate on the dollar off at their Grea. bought at a low ich will be rushed March Sale. .\/lackie, of VVood-' -Mr. Thomas Littlehales, son of Mr. Littlehales of this town, has been engaged as tenor in the J etferson Avenue Presbyterian Church choir, Detroit, Mich. We are pleased to see our boys making their mark when they leave home, especially in Ameri- ' can cities. -Ha.ve tpeoprlef the right to destroy the beauty of the trees on the streets in front of their houses under the pretence ef trimming them ? A I -.S 1;;'zar-c11_1:;d-11:a.;I1;' vEug1ish breakfast bacon and pure lard llc per lb., roasts of pork and '-hops Sc., fresh pork sausage 3 lbs. for 25c., at Ma.undrell s Pork Shop. TI __._ ,1, A , _,_ ..._-r. ` -How about a cow by-law? l Barrie to have one or are our gardens and ornamental trees to be the prey of vagrant animals? Come gentlemen of the Council speak out, ..z,:n__ L____, _;, , I 1 n 1` rs ts ,r-__-_ _..- -....--.. -V-u-.nv\-"9 - First Court of Revision under the new Franchise Act in Barrie on the 30th inst. --Don t forget tha. ' V . R. Phillips & Co. have 9. beautiful sto f new_Eu1broideries. -It is funny to_ witness persons yielding to the force of the blizzardettes at the points. -Mrs. Gillem intends to start a resta.ur ant in the premises vacated by Mr. Crocker. `I _j_A__,,, ,, 11 Al I ,, r___.._... .....--v_. v. `u-.. `Jl\J\;LI\rIu -In1;ensely cold weather for a few days. very lzngely decreased the wood pile and caused frequent use of the coal scuttle. TI` I ` this instrumeni res fpr nothing. ---Buyers will Ii T. \V. Gray &: Co : stock Well assorte at all `tlmes with the newest and cheapest goods in the market; --Ten cents saved and deposited each day with the Barrie Loan & Savings Company at 5 per cent; will in ve years amount to $206. 96 ; ten years, $471 89. --It xvii] pay yo to_ buy next Winn`-r9s 0vercoats from 11 during this month, as we must nmk roonu for Spring Goods. '1`. IV. Gray Co. ,_l ,__.._-D v.. ..-ovuuuu-1 unannvo --.(joastingon the streets stlll continue: to the inconvenience of pedestrians; , --Councillor Morrow has been re appoint- ed License Inspector-for North Simone. n- .4-1 . -vs ----.. .. . v...u -.-Whitean 0 ton table_linens,- eta, in great variety at . Phillips & Co. -St. Pa.trick s Society held its regular monthly meeting on Tuesday night. (V.-.....L_... -._ A.L- -rL -The cold of the last few dziys has been very severe. -Divis1on Court here to`-day, there are not many cases. -Pa.rtial haloes round the sun have of late been frequent. --Dress goods !_ e goods very cheap at W . R. Phillips & CW -March has this year been true to his ro- cord of coming in like a lion, - Leave your or r or a. new springsuit at VV. R..Phil1ins &. - ucavu yuur ur I` oranew sprlngunlz at W. R.. Phillips & -Thcre will have to be a new election of 9. councillor for St. George s VVa.rd. -4The 35th Battalion Band mu be lat tho Roller Skating Rink thls evening. (x7|._:4.-.._Jn_L___ nfu . u I C Which, Linked Together, Construct a. Very Interesting and Gossipy Chapter of `Local History. -Excessively windy and ca-Id last Friday. - Assizes begin one week from Tuesday. -11 hlte and gra G1-ay s. PARAGRAPHER S :PEN[}IL POINTS. 50 Cents. Cents. Cents: or $1 . artist to make: u)_ Mv null- ` $1.00 PER ANNUM IN ADVANCE. . SINGLE OOPIKSL mvw: nu-.-my-n MINOR I 1.121 x1.LVLVUVl. 11` J1UVAN' (XJPIRS. FIVE CENTS. ._______._.__________j.? Going to Africa. AMATTERS Mucnmr utton A 1 value at t\I Mono Great nnlnlllld 0114' mm IgALLERY| . - a n 3 >11 .19" J0` vml in 3137!? 04'! all nu ullbl rI all >r.gN:g cLosx i__.----O-o----:-u The Trotting course. _ Last Friday there was an interesting and `W1? trotting match on the ice courts. Three horses were entered, Hines yon) : 15110 gmketown Black and McAlpinee eorrel.. oAlpine e horae won in t hree straight belt! -_ The best time 2.59. ' - . Barrie Literary So01tYo ' We understand that the eaeey of MI . Huntnr on The place of the United SW39` in History at the Barrie Litererv Inafltllg on Tuesday evening, was a very. edmmb 9 one. Lack of space prevents BIIY f03'th notice of it this week. ' csdayz _ . _ , >T 4 uociu For three weeks the weather has bee`! 5 stormy or so intensely cold that but .htt1- has been dune on Sa.turdn.yB in F5 wV..-f mm-lmt. \Vhuthas been brought In ha! inf (licatetl n.1i.ttl: stiffening in pl`i033s but on- the whole the prices arv as in our last quota}.- tinns. A ` `V In (fA.`\ I.E.\'l) MONEY at rates consider- (.0 My lower than any one else in the rm vim` `W1 0r_)tm'n1s of repsvment to suit bor- ~ '*\'|!1: at our disposal a large iilllount of old uullntry funds, we can advance .lIl()l|t`,yHu'L:I1UWll~4 5 per cmt, P \`D noun.-.:.-.11.. :.._.x., -1, -_ 1 , u , _, _., -1 ,_,A_A_ d have a lame amount of farm 81' gown p1`opart.y for sale. and have many 89915` mtiuxm I ' )y mmnding purchasers. 011!` 1'``'`5 will be found liberal. Mortgages, Notes, &0o9 P|'l"'d C0lle<-t,ions made. Conveyancing dn- `nd ll<.\lu`du(:Ub of all kinds c'ect+d- I try - ~------```` ` " ()mrIcr:s4 --Over Farquhm'son s Grocervjstore. Dunlap Sr... B ` urme. (mt. 51 24 j Oonveyanccrs. MU .~:l.'1.1, OH. LET UN BLAKE STREET. \`~;u'l<-I um-dc-`n and small House. For par- :wnlzu'1~u'upl_\' to * , m:'I`FR MOLACHLAN. 1 1v`.-`mun-y, 2:4:-:1. lh'.S($, BARRIE. 8-ll-p ` ...__.___.___._.. 1 null iLH_V' purr-nu uugtruig lU uuu any name Liit-r*In.uI` m~.~it-ing therwise to amend the sum -, may, nu or be! e the Twenty-this (1 day` ot'.\1zm-h, 1x'~4t'._ tiuiiv to the said Revising mil;-.-t-, or it on to him by registered letter at it-...o1ii-.-on-plztmmfutl .vess.un0tice in writ- i.n_-.:1n lhtrfortn fm thnt. urpoe` contained` in tho .-tmlulu to the said et. as nearly_as may or, M`! it g `mih Ihc nam or names objected `.0, mid the 1,.{I'()um]H Of Obj tion. 01` the name or nzunt-s propo-mi to be B. ed to the list. with 1ht'):l'()lll|(1H1h(!I`Uf0!`, and atticulars of the qttaiitimttion and residenc or the persons _ who.-o LIUIICB are proposed t be added. or the -pnrlit'l1lnx's-of unyother pro d amendment, and the grounds therefc r: (1 every such notice: must he s gned by the p_ son so giving notice. and tmtst set. forth his 1- idenoe, `occu- tmtion lllid post-otiice address. the event of he person so giving notice obj ting muno of any person already on e siat, the person so objecting must also del er to, or mttil-to the lust known address of e person whose mum-. is objec. ed to, by realsie (1 letter. and ut the some time as the notice is ven to tho lit-vising Otiicer, 9. copy of the noticegiven. Uil.!t`(i zllth February, 1883. "` WM. BOYSEK {\lnnI\ (nu fhn nhxntnvunl Rlntnlk on` `HI-\'i~ to the [\.\"m;1; IMMEDI vrm-.Y a Reneml srv-I .unt in u family oftwo craons. No wash- inu. .-\m1lyt.') MISSVREI ER. at Mrs. Pep- `xx".-=. .\Iu.r\' .5`Lroo.t.. 90- vv Ivl . 99'! 331". _R('\'i5il1g Omcer forthe electoral _dlst.rI of \'urLh rimcoe. Barrie P. O. 10 _\IZ('VI~`. V.` \VA l`KINS, \'et~rinar,v Dentist, . will hour the Harrie House. Murch. 8th, u_ntil l.'~:t.h. lH86. i<`ile holders and tiles and Y`l|']'l`l` f()I`}H)!`_I-`('. demis-try for sale. PROF. `R. WA'1_1 ollmgwood, Ont. ' . 3 mzsmv ms 591:1 DAYOF Manon, '86. lllllyllhl and mu Llic-rum. ;;....... ..... mg. Apply to MID" *m"rt._ .'\hu'_v Street. rm: I-`}<}\'I.s`lI\`(`:V Omr1cI`R,. {or am meo- l:.rwl`\I)iuI|'ia-I n!'Nurth s1'n\nnn in tho Dnn- Uuu1`tjH0uiSg, in tha Town of Barrie, .`\U(-'llU||Lf|`-l', um 0 Uh utuvua U1 LOW 13 and 1-! in: (fun. 7. Town ip of two, conLaining2x.0 .1(:l`t`H,- more or lanes. I which about 150 are said :u be cluurcvituld `u der cultivation and free {ruin slumps. on the premises in new muxmc barn with _;_'uod x-1'u'l1:u'1l. aid to be a. log house-, a eds and stables. also a in the Township of (Sm. N131? AND PIRSUANT to the power of Sale! ncertuiu mortgage by James May quzaid In 11 Vendors which will be produced i 211 the time (sale. and on default of payment of mm mu1*ys thereby secnrerl, there will he mrcrcd r sale by Public Auction at um Queen's 1 tel an the Town or Barrie`. on 'l`Ul3l)AY th I6th_day 01` MARCH. A. D.. " N-,6, at One 0 ock, p. 111.. by J. W. Morrow. I .-\u(=tioncm'. the out halves of Lots 13 and 14 l in (`can 7 |`nwn in nf Ill`?! 1-nnIninhuy.o n with mm-,lmay-1'uttilne Of 831 `l`EH3\'Ia' : Ton per can at limeof sale. 211!- 1m 11 per cent. within `an month thereafter, and lmlzu1(`(- to be L`-.uuI'ed. 8. mortgage of the umn "ism fur 5 years with in -rest at 6 per cent. _n-urly, or rll('}l 0 her terms a may bearranged i I1`urt'm-th. 1- nnminnhurn nnnl NOTICE! mu tr.-Luw U1 um Iuw Jul] `ASHE. Fur terms and condic 8. apply uto MR8. Kaw. Miuesing P. O..Vor t LOUNT, STRATRY &, Luu.\"r. Solicitors, etc., B tie. 9-12 . . V V .--.v roll. as 4; vAV1\.uABi. a FARM '\ ln lhn '[`(`,1I_'nuLfn AI an mama. `aw acres. mu: 8 mue on. fraxjnc house and stabm. alantce tunbered with pine, . 8 O. 10. Con. 10. 50 acres. near from Minesing. 10 acres cleared, Iunnuac, cedar. :1 Also W 5 of E & the Village 01 M1118 list. A never falling stream ' runs through the lot. Good land. 10? dwelling ba 9. home, about 20 acres mproved. nce- tim- `bcrvd with elm. ash, e . Both parcels will be the eatute of the late Job snld on` very reasonable rum in order to settle "Kent. nu nnnlu , On Ilnn Fur tnmnu nnil nnndir V Juan-u (.`00PH{, Phe slon. Nf()'l`ICP`..-SLra ed on my remiscs. Lot. 10.~ _` Hm. 4. F105. 0 or about ebruary lat. 1886.` m,.~..~71-av-, red. vial '2 yen_rs old. Ownezcall n ml 1 :4 y primimz an erpmg and ta.1 1 P: C) i -Mus. J. E. GR-E . havinit re-furnished her. ' new ostublivhme uite cnmfortabny. can mrcmnlxlndutr--A Icw mo entleluen boarders. I.m_v lmv.!`(.l at moderate tcmrs; _Tmc Jiomg. .; John slim-t-. . - . 9-13-p v;\`I1_\' 1:04: Hi:{'H..'I`1 Fe-rI'11rLl1. 1' n:n`Licul:n`.8 a p `V nu 5:11:12: urscr uL Lune U1 Hull 7.310573, FA LCONBHIDG Q I`-bruury7`23T1'd, 18.36., 'l`no.\ixs-"x.~'.- 'nu.vn fhn NOTICE TO THE Puauo. .'xz-u \.1;.[,|_'1. ' L.ot.6.z`v0n. 8. V68 1'6. 200. acres, halt a. mile rmn T\'Iinm`inu'. Al. nn, frnmu hnncmnn at-ulna \ lI(_I.'\Il'5' "V." town. the \ daughter. .---:-1---- moumo LOAN. VALQABLE` FARM? I 3. ~ (`n1nJI._\'. uh Simcoe. in thesaid Province, M. 'l'(*n u'ufQck in the forenoon. on , E V VOL. xxxv $.29. {vnnnm No. 17671 S.-l\!U.:L VVESL`-2Y. Proorietor.' . 1` In ' l._1|.\u ur`r.L\_JI` IL l0_l` 1110 111100` ml\l)isI}'I!l,(Jl'Nu1`Lh mnxcoe, In the Pro- uf Qnlnrio, upyointed` under "The Electoral `Ivar.111"hulchvgiV(`B.N(>Vice'lhaL he has j a.~mi`~.u.m1 publiahcd in the manner direct~ Ihv ` aid Act, the first` general` list of '4 fun` It` rnnini K1: m.m'u.l Hi.~xh-int. nnrl that nu` H1111: nut, Lm: 1|!'BL gtmcrul I150 OI ~` fur maid `Q; sittingptgv-;~uz1nt to the said" Act - prulllhiillltlj-I`cVlSl0n of such list at the u mi-1 Idle ctoml Distritm, and that Vf-?rT)riE DENTISTRY. 1.. mmobjc fun: to any name on the 1 nm_\`. 111 un Alime before the said day, My pm-mu d iriug to add any name 1. or <`.(*.~irinu' otherwise In nmnnd Hm "~n{i?',{ cu. M g For wor . 7. A.&;3`;eag 3, uy was interesting ;ing match ice us Pony. 1 McAlpine s sorrel. .n won in thrnn .a-....:..|..a. 1...-.- AUCTION SALE OF T ,-,--0n Fcblvuary 26th ins}... at books- 3 wife of Mr. Dwid :T_h'{mpson of a E mun} ` to A I{WICK. 'l` nznxm-n LL vv tun, 'l`uRON'I`o. ' (1. I completion OI Ianu wuus. Mr. McLean complained that he and those who thought with him were made to appear as opposing the construction of the canal, but that was not true. They simply differed as to the method of bringing the matter be-' fore the government. ' Dr. McCarthy reminded Councillor Mc- Lean that in speaking against the motion he had said that the money spent in sending such delegations had better be spent in `making improvements in the town, and therefoie that it was the matter of expense that constituted the essence of Aglr. McLean's opposition. He . did not -believe in this cheese-paring 'style. '1 he, WWII 05 3311110 would never progress by that inethcd of doing things. The small sum required for this de- legation would be well spent in placing the interests of Barrie to the front. _ _ ' This amendment was lost on. a d_1.VlIl0n.- YIA8 s-Councillors. McLean, Farquhsrsoni McKay, Mcabb and Martin. lVU.. It was argued on the other hand that this `town is deeply interested in the com-` pletion of the canal, and that a d<;lega*."on trom the municipalities along the route of lthe canal would be more likely to impress the government with the fact that the peo- .ple were in earnest about this matter, and would pay more attention to it than they would to `a mere formal memorial. A few hundred dollars spent~in this way would be a mere drop in the bucket compared with theadvantages the town would reap by the completionvof the work. V Mr Mnl can nnmnlnined that he and those GI V0 It was contended on one side that it was an unnecessary expense to send a dele- gationto Ottawa every year to urge the gov- ernment to makean appropriation for the Trent'Valley Canal. It was not like a new work about which the government knew nothing. A memorial sent to the member for North Simcoe would be even more effect - McCarthv~Fletchef-i`hut this Council send a. delegation to Ottawa. to advocate the l claims of the Trent Valley Canal. ' `ll 7 `N I '1`his`brought on 9. pretty lively debate in which Messrs. McLean, McCarthy. Farqu- harson, Ball, Caldwell, McKay and Cross took part. ' - 10-. Iilh nnnlmnlinr` nu nnn chin Inhale -ll-, Inna nvuvvu Hum aunu On motion all these documents except that on the Trent Vallev>Ua.nal were referred to their respective commlttees. It was meas- sary to deal with the one re the canal. m:Powrs.- ' ' Report N o. 1 of the Board of Public Works presented and read. . Thtn Ivonnvnvnnntln flan`. nnr'nI-n Ln onbnu-I yl UHWIIUWIL QIIUI ICC! This recommends that tenders be asked 'for 35 cords of cedar for- street crossings, not to be larger than eight inches in diameter nor less than four inches at the smaller end,` and to be reen timber subject to inspection. Report 0. 7 Finance and Assessment. This report'recommends the payment of accounts amounting to $228.09, which had! been carefully considered and found correct. " It` recommends also that tenders be asked] for corporation printing- an nnninnn hnflu 6-Jinan rnnnsofn uln-n JUL UUl{llUl GUIUII III lllllllulo On motions both these reports were adopted. ` _ lln'I`l f\\TGl

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