Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 25 Feb 1886, p. 7

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Wantuolumt. __ I went "to make `a square rbm-inesi pro- position. to you, said a stranger to the `occupant of an oiee on Gas wold street the` other day. ` - V `.`I ll hear its, air. - 2 I m heir to _at least $30,000,000, and m.l.`Iell-" . " I. L1 B17] Ij _ A; a you ode of the Lawrmce-Townley claimants 2" . :11 II` 1- -1 n 1 . .- KJ\r\I KWIJJ It'LllIl`' \l\J ll` I "Na.w! . Expect to see anything? Naw ! - nlnwu I a .1 \.r_za.| '7) ""`:.l\Ta.vs' 1 See anytllingto kill? 6 Nu In I . Mc(;rgor s S`pe`edy cure. W ..'_.....-'l___l_ _ J. ILL . ll , , A. D1-n'p of Blood. \0ottonadebeforo buy?- {Barrie sept.11. 1878 To all poinvis Irasgzand VVest, and Manitoba-. For tickets, rates, et<;., apply to V V R031`. QUINN, `cm. SMITH, Agent N. 8: N. W. General Passenger. A gent. ca:-IABLES WAY, Land and Imurance Agent, Life, Fire and ' A ...'.-L...-I - - 011100. East side trwt, next`door to the Bank of Toronto. Barrie. 21st March, 1883. T 12-ly. I We have recentlv published a new edition of Dr. Culverwelvs Cele- ] l brated Essay on the radical and er- - manent cure (without medicine) of er- vous Debility. Mental and Physical Incapacity, Impediments to Marriage, etc , resulting from excesses. ' A@"D-{no in n nnnhui Avnnnnn nnhr R nan!-an 4-nu excesses. E'Price in a sealed envelope, only 8 cents, or two posta estam s. The ce ebra author. in this admirable Essav, clearly demonstrates. from thirty years successful practice. that alarming consequen- ces may be radically cured without the dan r- ous use of internal' medicines or the use of e knife; pointing out a mode or cure at once simple, certain and effectual, by means of which every su'erer._ no matter vshat his condition ma be, may cure himself cheaply, privately an radically. ' ` j% L CONVE YANCER, 4-., |:ssuEnoI=MARnIAc.-E L:.IcNsI_:s_ |nnvAL INSURAlgpApjJAMPANY 1] A nnruianihn Has the Lar_gest 0-! Asset; aver Liabili- ties of any FircTInsura.nce Company in the. world. A Northern 86 North Western Railways. J{v 1 ioonL A, R 131 {TH ROUGH: TICK tacos Licensed Auctioneer for the Connty of Simcoe. ` Orders left at the ADVANCE Office will be promptly attended to, qnd information will be furnished lxlmrtxea requirmg Mr. Fox-d s services. as thoug he had himsplf been consulted. Sales taken in prices to amt everybody. How LOS_'|_'. U105; DIIJAVOVA` may c an radically. t.1l"l`.hh: TAM Mad 1 the various stylesa. a q lit th b -Deleivr in all Darts of thg tovlvlg. y e_ em j 'sncomn-nun FURNITURE BOUGHT AND sou). i Auction -Rooms and Oice. --Few Doors North of Wellington Hotel, Baveld st.. Barrie.` 311118 1180611119 61100.10. 06 1n H18 113] every youth and ever man in the land. Address the CULV RWELL MEDIO1 A1 A non `rainy `fnnli IJnnI- (\nn `Dav. A QVBTY youbn IIIIU. CV6!` H1811 11] B110 13 o ' GULVA MEBfcAL Co. 41 Ann St.. New York.- Post Oloe Box 450. In thanking the public of Barrie and vicinity for the liberal patronage bestowed upon him in the past, begs to state thet_he has at con- siderable expense increased his baking facili- ties and is now prepared to do a. larger business than ever. BREAD Sunty of Sim PIC-NIC PARTIES 7S;OCZL(1LS 8: WEDDINGS ` supplied at short notice and on reasonable - terms. ' I if-4 4.Fis7`nng': 'TgcIde, i RIFQLE In) sum` GUNSA . "AMMUNITION, aw. %% I-l.vP|._ll.L`AN = LEADS_'|'_l_*|_E \_/AN. F`. :r. B1.=:.c >v N: capiu1a2.ooo.ooo; depoeited-with the Govern ment at Ottawa 8100.000. Reserve fund 850,000 Sterling. - THE MERCANTILE FIRE INSURANCE 00 Capital $500,000; Government depoait_1nnde.. THE Anovy: ARE ALL srocx ooMPAmI:s. THE WATERLOO MUTUAL FIRE INSUR ANCE 00. Capital, s5oo;ooo. THE NORTHERN ASSURANCE COMPANY OF ABERDEEN AND LONDON. lN__2A.-I no AAA AAA nu ,,1v 01<'FIc71sV- Up-stairs L0 NDON HOUSE, % . . _ on Lemmas &: Lennoaz Flat. 1 lnanufaetured fresh every day. ' Ask your grocer for them and you will use no other. % 4 ;,mom5;~;E % % POST OFFICE BUILDING, BARRIE._ _J AS. SCROGGIE, GONVEYANGER, COIIIISSIONER IN 11.0 J . ~ 1:`REEMAN S T Awonm .Powm-ms. Are pieqsnht to take. Contain their own f P|u'gntive.V Is a. sufo, pure, a.nd~_eHectn8I dlotnnnr at worms in Children at Adnl DOMINION BAKER `E Agent for the following Insurance Companies .1 MES EDWARDS, Rates Moderatejgw Equitably and Promptly Adjusted. JAMES EDWARDS, A annf of uni!!! G;o;R.FoRD, CITYOF LONDON, ENGLAND, Lessons given in all Branches of Painting, Dmwin , &o.. &o. Terms an app cation ' :-U um ,W t F %Te"n?15%ome`{m.`. n.?r'u3. MANHOOD % ,7`5oRT1zA1T '1`5A1N'rE1z 1 E PLAx'rgIJ .._-._--_ ___-. ..-.., -vnvaay `Capital. 3,000,000 Sterling. nuy. Lecture should be in the hands of` Mali and-Avnrv man in than `Inna, 'A'sET'f'23,7ootI<>'oH." :`.~m\m}v .7 BISGUITS vva. Luau: VREDERIICK J BROWN vvvIvvv_ 1.5 3UlVl Agfident. THE _I_Iow| ggstontn I GO TO PULLAN'S Agent at Barrie lfon 11-1}` * Razor! mid Grdund and et on short Notice _ _ ` ' 5-1 FUNDS IN VJS'l`112l) IN CAN ADA - 900,000 I Security. Prompg Payment; and Liberality in the scustment of xts Losses are the `prominent features of this Company; - HARTAHA ROADTI OI` I'\.Y`l)I`.l'Vl|l\t)n 0 7:" GULVERWEl.l. 8 " IiAIncL`1'rIm; 61 smvm; mum [ fmz cEoK7s'BE:TTFEIENB In the Maitr (if tlle (iirculation of the Northern Advance.- COUNTY OF SIMCOE, } I, Samuel W'eslcy, TO WIT : ` of the to_wn' of Barrie, in the County of Slmcoe, proprxetor of THE NORTHERN ADVANCE newspaper, do solemnly declare that the actual wee_kly circulation of THE NORTHERN ADVANCE 18 no fewer than THIRTEEN HUNDRED "AND TWENTY COPIES. Ant` fhnf. T dvn 1hnr'n1hI1'al1orv n'F thn l-.43 uuuwxcuge U1 lI1.6 ualu UJULS. _ - And I make thls solemn declarzmon conscien- tiously believing the same to be true, and by` virtue of the not Qtassed in the Thirtny-seventh year of Her Majes y .s reign intituled An A ct for the suppression of voluntary and.exu-:1-J u- icial Oa.t.hs. 7 Declard before me - at. the Town or Harrie, V in the County of Sim- coe. this 28th dayof . . Febru_a.ry. A.D.. 1885. SAMUEL VVITSLEY. HAUGHTON LENNox.- . A "(".nmminsn'nnn1v in El.AUU.'l'U?w' JJJSNLYUK; A [Commissioner in B.R.. `kc, for County of Simcoe. _:A_LL K1)" "VVeak Back, Enlarged Joints, Paralysis. Rhcu- I ' matism. Ncuraigiu, DiPl1t_he1`ia. Sciatica, ` Prolapsus Uieri, 1< emailc W'eak- . ness. . The bcst and only certain remedy to relieve pain of all kinds, no matter of how long stand- ing`. Instant relief guaranto d cripgles. Swol- len Joints, Varicose Veins,.Bites o Insects or Sick Headache. No oil or grease; is clean and sweet; will not soil. ' l TnHn'rnvnnfnn nFf}\n'Y~h-Innrya 1)w:n-1-.4>"n n:nnnnA BVVUUL; Will UUL BUN. _ Inammation of the Kidneys,Bright `s Disease, Diabetes, Incontinence of Urine. ' It is the only Liniment in the world possessing altemtive powers. Can be taken internally ; cures Cramps and Colics, Diarrhoea and Dysentery. Sold` by all Drliggists. Trial Bottle 250. Write Dr. GILES, box 3,482 N. Y P. 0., who will give advice on all diseases free of `charge. @Beware of unscrupulous dealers and counterfeits. The enuine has the name blown in the glass and acsimile of the discoverer s name over each cork 40-eow-39 IVERPOOL 5;" LONDON 8: GLOBE IN- sURANcEooM1=-ANY. 7 LIFE AND FIRE; AINVESTED FUNDS-.--_ - Over $30,000,000 FUNDS INVESTED IN CANADA RAI-In-{tv P1-nmnt. ps1vmnnt.n_nd I .i}\nvIn`1-1: zn LOIIUILJUD UL uuln \1uLupuuJ a ` OANADA BOARD 03' DIRECTORS : `Hon. Henry Starnea. Chanrman -, Thos,Cra.mp, EBq.. Dep.-Chairman; Theodore Ilart, .Esq.: ; Angus O. Hooper, Esq.; E. J. Barbeau. Esq, Inanrannen etfented at Mndnrntp Rm. nt nugua u. nuupur, .mHq.'. 114. J. uurneau, msq, Insurances etfected at Moderate Rates or Premium. Dwelling. Churches and Fairxn Properties insured at specially Low Rates G. F.,C. SMITH, JOSEPH ROGERS . Ran--Ranv- . A annt Danna (`jun- v..............,...., ...a V ....g -.-1.4.-;;;;1 Au: I 1 Condensed advertisements on First Page, such as \Va.nts of all kinds. Lost. and Found, Property for Sale or-to Rent, Specic Articles, Er/c., Etc., must be acconipanied with the cash, and will be inserted--First insertion. 2 cents : per word. each subsequent insertion, 1 cent per word (names, addrts_ses, and g1u-cs counted as words); but a reduction to 1 cent per word will be made when the number of insertions of the same matter exceed FOUR. A l.l l.|.l{'l.'lSl.`JN l'1U1VUli1!}l) AAV U '1 WENTY KJUPIES. And that I am the publisher of the said NORTHERN ADVANCE and therefoae have full knowledge of the said facts. Ana 1' make thin nnlnmn rlpnlnrnnn nnncmion, . LINIMENT 100103 AMMONIA! " DUNN S BAKING _EQWQER V{ ` k,elG{1t_ w- -- ...._...v r......... ....v-. -um, n us... nvsav vv `ub- Advertieers will not be allowed to use their space for advertising anything outside their own regular business. Should they do so, transient rates will be charged for such adver- tisement v .. ---._ -- `awn uv.-u. uuuuua a'P:-ererrea positions in the paper Wm be solgl at an agivance of one third on above rates. I`h1s rule W111 be strictlv carried ou`. coxmucr CHANGES. Advertisers will please bear in mind that no- I tice of intention to change advertisements must be nanded in to the office not later than Saturdayat 10 o clock, and the copy for such change must be in the ADvA.\'cE oice not later uhan 12 o'clock noon on Tuesday, in any week ; otherwise the advertise1"s zuxnou'-cement may not be made public until the week following. A A-n-ndinnun uv."H no- 1\l\ ..I1...-.n,`l 4- _...- 41, .,2.. lIuch...'.... . . . . . . . OI : Zflnches . . . . . . 5 Inches, 1 Column.. 10 Inches, i Column 50 Inches, -1 Column [ `For one month- the three monthly ratewith 15 per cent. added. ` `For two months-the three monthly rate with 10 per cent. added. ' A Arx$I1.._n-_____j - -A tnaeruon or uge same matte`. _ Legal, .Oic1al and Government advertlse 'm nts WIU be charged at above rates. . C035 TRACT ADVERTISING. Contract advertirenmnts will be taken at the following rates`. which are `draw (1 on correct [commercial prmciples, and, {is theyxwill be strictly adhered to .in making new contracts aftexhpresent contracts expire, there will be only one price for all: [3-OPPOSITE BARBIE HOTEL, % ~ i DUNLOP STREET. * 3' ADVERTISERS SHOULD NOTE THIS FAC'l`.'E` 1 (112 lines solid nonpareil make one inch). 'rRANsn.N'r ADVERTISEMENTS. First insertion, 10 cents per line. Each sub sequent insertion. 4 cents per line. Reading notices, 10 cents uer line for rst in- +ertion; 5 cents per line for each subsequent 1 nsertion of the same matte`. IAMTDI n$nn` Dl\l" llnvnnnvnnnb nn-nntinn _ RATES. The Advance has a Sworn Circulation of Thirteen Hundred and Twenty Copies, f Almost, 11! not quite double that of any other . Paper pubiished in Barrie. .____..__....._._._-._n_.j-.}- THE NORTHERN ADVANOEI The speediest and most certain medicine j in the world. FYI Iusa No. of Inches Space. ALL FAMILIES USE `IT. `CONDENSED ADVERTYSLNI EN TS. G-ILES D1111 1 LI, Res.-Seoy. , . Montreal. ?!? l5 "One ' _ tlon. Ir_aser I ; as; unnrn nuunnb Agent. Pohce Cour - Run-wl: Inser- 1 ' tions. _ l3mos);' sali as 2 59!: 5603 ' 8 75 V 16 00 PRICE FOR ifs unis 6 00 >3 8 14 oo 26 I 52 Inser- Inser- tio3s., tions. >;(6n1os)j(1yr.) 1355 66 2500` 4500 4600: 80 00 UUUI` Barrie 1 ILU only at E0!` vvv vlul VI!!! hlllvlul-I, EIIIIIIIJIV [And are sold by_ a_11_ Vendors of Medicines throughout t_.he (/`1v1]1zed VVorld: with direc- Llons for use 1n,u1most` every Iangzlmgo. ` ?E'PI)r(:lm.='.m'R nhnnl lnnlz tn Hm T.nhnIcl nu . uuua 1U1' uzsu m_u.unAu:sL every li1n;Z11R'(`. ' 1?H`Purc1msors should 14ookto.tho Labels on the Pots and Boxes. If the address is not'533 Oxford Street. London. they are spurious Its searching and healing properties are known throuzhout the world. Wnr H-an nnro nf Ln! 1 A... 13...: n._..--L_ _- .`.- 1: \.JIU\'l|J) it is an infallible remedy. If effectually rubbed on the nenk or chest, as salt into meat, it. cures Sore Throat, Diptheria. Bronchitis, Colds. and even Asthma. For Glandular Swellings. Ab- scesses, Piles, Fistulas, ;GoUT,_RHEIqMA'1`Is . ` And every kind of skin disease, it has never ` `been known to fail. The Pills and Ointment are Manufactured onlvat For Sale by , , ___-___-u .. ---v- --y U1 you, `giving tone, `energy and vigor to these great MAIN n-pm.\'Gs or LIl~"\`.. They are condentl recommended as a never failinw remedy in a__ cases where the constitution, from whatever cause, has become impaired or weakened. The are wonderfully efflvacious in all ailments inci ental to Females of all ages, and as a Gen eral Family Mvdicine are unsurpassed. uurullznout me world. For the cure of Bad Legs. Bad Breasts. Old Wounds, Sores and Ulcers: :9 .'.. .. :..a..11:1._v.. ._.__--_1_ 1-. m . . \I vv \4lL.\Illl . _y un DU 1 U11 bill? L'ii;, Stoma.ch, Kidneys and Bowels, 'nriw~Inn- 4.`..- .....-._,..... ....A ...... __ EWCTIUI C|1CCL'UH IIIC l\lLll|C_)'.V, \)l\JIllL\\-ll, uuvvuna auu 10.d- 500.000 SOLD " Over one-Izal/' mr'llz'on qf Dr. Chase : Recife Baal-s were sold in Canada alone. 1! : want arm-yvuavz, immzan and clzild 10/10 is tron/tint wit/L 1.z'm'r Com- ` flaint to try this excellent rw1c'zI'y. 3 - I A-D I I-' PUDILIVCI) curt: IIICBC (.'Ulll[JldllIL>. , sommunc Ntw. GIVEN Awnv FREE \Vrapped around everybottle of Dr. Ch2Lse's Liver Cure 7 is a valuable Household Medical Guide and Recipe Book (84 gages), containing over me useful recipes, pronounce by medical men and druggists as invalu- able, and worth ten times the price of the medicme. - FIIIIIIMII Q3 Q I I I 3 A5 I iI"'iiA"N"bri'a" 6Iqi':gj{;E::f_{ru. l~l\Y 'I\ 'I\ NAlUHL'b r1I'..IvI:uv _ The unqualied success of Dr Chase's Liver Cure in Liver Complaint rests solely with the fact tlnarit i~ compounded from nature's well known live- regulators _MANDmu AQVD DANDELION, combined with many other invaluable roots, barks and herbs, having :4. gowerful effect -on the Kidneys, Stomach, Bowels and 1...": nnn nnn an: n "wANTm>.| LHLIIL3 It is :1 well known fact that an inactive liver causes a dull, sa1_low comp1_exion, liver spots, pimp1c, chi. ; Chase's LIVE! Cure is the "only remedy Llut will mus: V pditively cure thse complaihts. can:-1-umn Iliu mun: mnv Cori Thi Great Houreehbld Medicine ranks amongst the leading necessm-ic=: of Life. 'l`}It-`-in fnrnnna Dill.` nu:-H!" 41... `Dl...L.: .....a -_a. we leauxng necessul-1c=: of Life. , These famous Pills purify.the Blood. and act ` most powerfully, yet soothmgly on the f_I_____ (1L_ ,-1 1-1-01 , 1- - . . Av:-. 1 us) _ _ _ Livevr Complaint Dvspevia, Indigcsnon, T`;x .mv_:~nc:: jaundice, Headache, Dizziness, Pain in 11;: lI;u~i Ljostiveness or any disease arisirg from :1 der:u2;:c-d livz: . DR. CHAs1a s `LXVER CURE will be found 21 mrc am certain remedy; _ nu n-rllnrvc nl-`M rnv ?B`c\w_/arue of Counterfeits and T333 .- 7:- E339 -geii and be _relie~.vezl from yoaar r.-25:-;-ary.' 30 Pliis in a- box", ` 25. per box, 5 boxes. for $| F6}? -5445 BYVALL om/so/srs /mo DEALERS /IV MEDICINES _ For sle by all dealers. V T. MILBIJRN &(I0., Proprietors. Tm-oi`, '.I)'.JVVUI.3, ILLELILUJ3 C0111} .LlJ.VU_]. \.alI}JuE of graduallyimthoux weakemng the system, all the impurities and foul humors of the secretions ; at the same time Correcting Acidity of the Stomach, curing Bili- opsness, Dyspepsia, Headaches. Diz- zmess. Heartburn, Consmpation. Dryuess of the Skin, Dro sy. Dim~ ness of Vision. J aundice, Sa 1; Rheum. Erysliipelas, Scrofulan Fluttering oi `the ears, \Te'rvou1=!1ess and General -. Debility; all these and many other simi- laf Complaints yield to the hrmpv inuence A` nnnnnntr 1:-r nnn nrrnmunu aroaq Sample Bottles 10c ; Regular size 1')... __I_ L__ _'1I j_,I L!) LIIC IIAI 2,`I'13t`I'ii"i`i`>`&Ei<"'i'.oon 31iE'1iif ' Unlocks all the clogged-gwjentxeswghe` B-)we1s,T Kidneys and L1ve_r, Carrymg nf'r:-rnumlhr u-hhnnl \u.=al.>pninn1hp cvctpm T KEY TO HEALTH; HL.&.wA:$ P-"u-s REE RN%FaBSi.iTE `AND '. PERFEGT CURE" % y up 533 OXFORD STREET, LONDDN, 1 urn anm hr n Vm~.Am.u A: *.\/r..A:...' HD_L LW`AY -0lNTMENT `GEORGE MONKMA N, ` DRUGGIST. BARBIE. :\)lv\"l'UI-'-lE'S REMEDY ....... or A6` hr l`l\a I :1 :1 PP; . '6i.13 'B'Y' I4Li."i$iIL?'c{c;'f'i-Li.' ad 611ly_in I111 ;)0.\'. Free 1_1 1 1\'II .llLILL I 1. IIu.u_ LADIES _ 9...; `Ln; ..... . pn- I `. 1 1 IQ "cent." x xsu..u;\ _V luul air. . THE ',_s EBRATED `L "\D'I"!`n|n.oIul .1'i}'-'v:!"la:zW 3 _Imit:1tio.ns. . whh gna- package of =5? 5 Q 1-It 4 . 5 '50|1`A-. `) Ldresa` 11:, the dress-;xnaker,f may_ not be -mo1Vnl>ere4l :'1Vl ter_hAis death, but in be (1ex 1ied l'1-mt few u1_0n hzwev made bustle 111 life. - _ MIC; (";\'m1:1:r1 A.h:`..\1l-:mf---1L p()siti\'e r unmru 11, dipthe1`ia. and canker mouth. >\`- John \\'ooil_s, . ;zn`z`ie, and M. J. n, Alhmdalc. - . V~ l".L(`Il155 str:1nge that" we novcr meet- an who has dmwu a- lottery prize ;. (- freluent,lv hear of the man who w}thi_u one or two numbers of it. ` _`.\~\L I.\'.i v.("1`oI: free with each bottle hlfs ('uturrh Remedy. -1 :-ice` 50 cents. [b_y.I'ul*111 \:`{oodS, Bzlrris, and: M. J. 1:, .-\_Handa10. T - . A . h.n:cture is called fx':z-en music, me buiwldings look as if ot_he orches- d been struck with a. -hcavyfrost. 9; I they were tuning theix instruments. \" WILL You cough when Shiloh 8 Cure` '\'e -Immediate relief. Price 10 cts.A, 50 ml $1. Sold by._John Woods, Barrie, . -I. Hamlin, Ailandale. , \n in Pen-ns_y1\`:-mi ao, it is said. they w'LNuS where you can kiss all the` _\w-u want to at live cents apiece. V-u.mn'm is a. good .`s`Lzue'for zn poor vl)\'sr-1zI*.~'1A and liver complaint, you printed guarantee on every bottle of s \'ital'izcr. It never fails to cure.` y John Woods, Barrie, and` M. J. 11, Alvlandale. T V ` s will come and go ; but woman Will p+rf.ctly happy until she can have Hznclmd to her slluulders, so that` .. !....I.. nu L. nu.-I ....34nu.. L h:ult:~--"\Vc1.1, I o1'.t'(;-:1`, I want you me .all ihz1t ha.ppened during my .Here s a dollar fur you. ' 't's.'xy a word. umber, in looking for an obstinate tiun in a waste-pipe, found part of dst of a ten-cent pie. By hard sud a. careless servant. he Antiquary a5-Collector of curios \'c you anv genuine R0x.na.n~fal- n...1.`;.. l._'L: . N . . . _,:\ ..... _L-r--Thc buys promised me $52 if_I` ing he got it out, and the family. v \/ J nu fun 1 but: ugnav .twvnfnwAJ 'Il&' _."` l)ca._1r (off his gua.1"d)---I am but the/y re all being rusted and b9 ready until next week. A Giles, M. I`. Milford De1., March fl "innv q;r__A`\n|1I- C-`uvnn tynnun nun e:1t+No, sir, not at all. But I `me in doubt. how to frame my an- as to give you the precise infor- fnr which you seem to ask." ollard ls, having defamed one of ima.te_s, of him receives a superb fe font : ` In.u II {ha heard anger of .b U1 LIDLIIILIIJV \:5 UI nunvun .54.--(`vo- _ In the c1`1oirTof the organist- Lr)`v s Worm Syrup W111 remove worms - use, quicker than any other Medicine. working horsef takes his meals at `out and does his work a. la. cart. Nettle Rash,` Itching Piles, Ring Eruptions, and all skin diseases, use ow s Sulphur Soap. ` _ udent of human nature ,sa.ys-any- can be sharpened. Put 9, lead pen- u_'oman s hand and see. T `_ ' my the Worms or they may dostzjoy ildren. Use Freeman s Worm Pow- hey expel all kinds of worms. -r 1 1- ,,,,;__ ---._...l-- !'essOf--Does my quektion trouble` V`?! nu-1<, New Jersey, Vlms :m-'anti-toba.- up-mty conlpirsed of young ladies. is :1 good thing. \\ e` hope` all [the - Indies in that town will-give up y, the, are you annoyed ? to him, ds a friend common. ._`_.,,r_ V. I .1 I r~.-......... _ Detained on the Road. en I lxveu nu Kansas, said a De who`va.s telling stories in an in- uice ahfew days ago, I insured _se with an agent against re. came anuther agent who insured; lightning, andel Lookbthat in." I Iu'- l1tI\UlD.|.,\llll 'J_l(lllL UL IJII\.( V1 lllvuoo -----v of Mersey is nriti strained. e oldest and largest tree in - the is a chestnut near the foot of Mount We knew it was a. chstnut._ wlmoping `cough and bronchitis. Sold in \\'umls,_ Barlie, and M. J. Hamllu, H10. V - r-n s Crm-1 will immediately relieve.` uuvuxu AAJUAU |JJ u.\l.Il\2aD, avuu A "All . U D.` Atldress, Haskell Le.Wis, , |{u.nt; 00., Del. % Sold ,by W. C. n Joyful News. - certainly glad tidings to the 001' in- he informed of a remedy t at will. mpt and sure relief in case of painful Such . a remedy is Eagyard s Oil. a.da.pted for mternal and external 1 ordinary aches, pains, lameness and It nnl-an I-'|nnn-nut-u'n-u mnuuunlni- , \_1ul7-`g 4>- | 0 1'llllUlll IJUL, U1:I'Uu 0. l)enr,Sir--Al)0ut three. years ago lmttlc of your Iodide Ammonia Lini- ~l It_ cured my horse of spavin, and the 5 of tilm `Liuimenb was used in the . It cured all aches on man as well as , In is all 115011 up now. Please send jlmttle more by express, and Iwill' 5 n r\' A.1,1..`..m. rI....I.,.n T.....:.. ' needs no can ally adapted the conden ent to not getables at he average t fty txmea 'ona1 Pills purify the Blood, vregulate ch, Liver and Bowols. . - j ould seem as if rie matches were ht kind tor burglars use. T ' ' ertisement of a._ church-.S'ngers L J 1.- AL- ..LA_'..B LL- .... u\::- av, \4\ 1-.. v.-- -..-__.. V- .. _,-,-. Mcrseyis used for a water supply, e takers.c;omp_1a.in' of the water. The -, 1- xx .__..__ -._ A4. ..4..........A ui'1`!.1;1v&1.kes ueglige!;tly the wound; propos des but.t'.es," .m.,.......\., ., ......-...,..u,.., >5-.Lix_s11, dizziness, loss of Jappetfce, yel- ;m " >.'l1il<>11fs Yitalizer is a positive ulul |vyAJ0h11 Woods. .Ba1'rie, and Jlixy .'\`ll:Ll.1(1.'L1(.`.V ` > = T A ' ~- :x\`.o1`:\g,[u.]ii'g uf IL. '10C`)m0tiVeT iS_. )L~:n's. In 1'm_1;~st -pain a, 1nc'0mOti\'e l is H_z.". t '1-tTw`i.ll 1u:vo.-.1` be old enough bi*!._(_`t d:L'nce`1', even if had `the My limbs. ` " ' ` i - the Scissors can find. _ st of time---The middle of the hour- {liyll av. vnnv Ivwn ovuow - -v --v-v _... muuuau _y uuucu, pmuls, uuueueas anu b. It cures rheumatism. neuralgia, hroat, croup and all inammatony n"-rm: rmxas wmcn nun] '1-an wnou: wonm um. I $0! 55855 hrwunnio vv nvnnvun `I-aphs for the ser1ous-'l'h;.-gs; ` 51.- u-|.....-... (I-.. BI-I u-zv. (_`-1~;fo. }*I.' Tun:-11:, of Bourbon, 1 ,:s- z. linth myself and wife owe our- Si1`il(_l1 s (`<)1.1_s1i1npti<)11 Cure. . Sold \\<<,1s, Ii-a1'1'ie, and M. J. Hamlin, |.. ` ' . bruary 25,1]8.8,6. g_-~ Vs: Furnish rwise-, Prom sayings sandwiched with Para-L ..--_I.p. Egan 6`nA nhlnuun ll `AC. ry (`xi-'t_o:i1a>1`-- _`H:L\tn you a nice rut l:$iHu1:_n'ck? .1 think a. good him and 1 would like to h_ave_- his L-11 -\I`A.'l:II misemblev by Indigestion, \ 11;uv/:I\nL|C! `nun AF onno+ro no`, nuuu uu ILL ; |JlA'J|.|J.`.I\l&l) DU vuvuv Lnk up to and criticiz-3 her own What can I du for y_0u, . Of Vitulvlmportance. It is just as essential that the human body l should have pure blood, as that a. tree or` plant should have sap to nourish and invig-. orate its growth. Nearly all our bodlly ills arise from unhealthy blood; Burdock Blood Bitters puries this fountain of life, and re- gulates all` the vital organs to healthy action, - , Mr. ma.` . i It Vhappenediduring a history recitation that somebody quoted: [11 fates the land to hastening---to hastening-- and could get no further. Who can nish it '1 Who can nish it ? cried the pro- fessor, and catching Ki'tty s steady gaze, he said, Miss Morris? A - `To hastening ills a prev, \ Where wealth accumulates and men decay, But I just happened to see it in `I*`ain1ilia.r. Quotations yesterday. -. That was the reason I knew, said Kitty, blushing. And who wrote it ? asked the professor,_ smiling, Ibid. I beg . your pardon. _ iwas deafness. -It said lbi-d. He was Very mom askiugyller the date of Ibid s birth, but he refrained. The professor s pet alarm- 'Au ua Iv L\4IuuAu|.u:uJ vvunauuj rIJ\lL\4|Dl.J, (IVY To ptjesentit, niceiy engraved, fo, 8` V trnstfed clerk on New. Year s Day as 9. re- c gnition of long and faithful service, `conveys the sorrowful fact to the t. `c. `that ye emp1oyer s act is an economical stave-o"v against his hirelin,<;; s hoped- for raise in salary. . ' I ll uuuusnlaa in. hold it in the center, `with; the handled portion downwards, is _intended by the eeminate "mower to_ demonstrate sitively top- ea.vy,, aw, that I- -- nevah `swing been used to manual labah, aw, find it a widicuiously weighty burden, aw. I "`r\ vxinnnnvxl 1.5 v\1nn`vv nnnnn roan-I $A at this: Aw, this stick is weally so paw-_ gv-_..._._..._ .._. _.__ . . Threatened Danger. - In the fall of 84 Randall Miller, of Mait- land, N. 8., was prostrated to his bed with an attack of incipient consumption. Cough iemedies all failed. He rapidly grew debil- ituted, and friends despaircd of his recovery. He tried Burdock Blood 'Bittere, with im- mediate relief, followed _by a speedy cure. T It Was Mutual. Two men who were ra;il-fencing along Michigan avenue under the inuence .of drink the other day met at Rowland street. After a long stareat each other one turned a.wayvw_ith the remark 2 h"l`.~.n I-n.-I I Tun Lad I 7l....L ..`I1-..I.`I vnnv vulnlvu IIIVI-U vv nus; Illlll LUIAICJLB 0 Too tad! Tot; bad! Zhat feller d be one shmartest men in or country fee did git z`urunk. T 7|... 4.5L.-...1...J....I ..m.... 1.1.... .......1 _....-.... .4;u Emu uuauuno 1 The other looked after him and mourn- 7 fully soliloquized : uD,;,,.. ........ u .1L/r:...1..;' ._- ;.- n-..;.._..__ __ vv vwvwouvn u o vwuuvnoovovwo T 1e probabilities are that we shall have much damp, chilly, sloppy weather durmg the coming season juen the weather to con- tract; sudden colds. Be preparedfore them by having on hand Hagynrd s' Pectoral Bal- sam. 9. safe, agreeable and 'speedy.c1_n'efor colds and their consequences - v Scott : Emule-ton or Pure H Cod Liver OH, with Hypophouphitea. very palatable and eicaoiousin Wastin Diseases; Dr. C 'l`.. Bromser. Rochester. N. A.. says : "After lxavin used Scott's Emulsion. with decided bane t_ upon myself. _I have taken great pleasure in recommendingit eince"in the various-conditiotie of "wanting, in which it indioeted._ ~ V` ~ ' .r L : To pedest:-i-maize on a `crowded "side- walk with it run through the `akimbcied elbows and across the back--with ends prnjecting beyond each arm-intimates- that there is plenty bfrooln out in_ the middle of the street for other "people who don t care to be swiped off into the gutter in passing. . 1 l I`.. k,.I.J 34; 3... LL.-.. .......L..... ...:1.L'\ LI... ` .,,,.....`.....~.. . _ V Poor man ! Might go to .Congress as K well as not but for zhis awful habit. It's \ really -to bad; I must shee him and tell L him of er degrading uences of zhrink. ~ Tnxneenced It. ' A Harvard student who got into a quarrel on a young lady s account, and came out considerably the worse for it,. was complaining to her of therough usage I he had received for her sake, gll'\I, ___ II I! ' 1 I II`: I n Fing of F01 alls. -- uvuwovuun :9. VUUVQ `WI How are you getting on `I asked Yeast of young Crimsunbeak, * whom" he met on thestreet the other day. First- rate, was the young man's reply. .What are you doing? furt-her queried Yeast. "I m a medical director in an institution d~wn town. A medical director !" Yes ; you see I direct envelopes in` a patent medicine house."y- "Oh." _ * ` ' - To carelessly graceftllly `drop it d3 -. notes the exhilaraliun of t-uo [much high priced ne wine aboard ; while to awk- Wnrdly get intangled up among the legs -arid plump the bearer forward on, his nlasalabutmexlt sadly goes .- to prove a wholesale consumptitm of common ve- cent red, red liquor I - ' I11 1 -I u -on ` Oh, well, 3 id she, `-`it ought to con- n sole you to know you are more than ever ` in the fashion. n . [V How do you mean 9" _ ` - \ Why beaten brass, you know, is- all ` the rage. V To carry the upper end in the overcoat pocket, with the bottom part sticking straight up in front, sigmes that the nickle p1a.te has `worn off from its bogus `leaden head. andthe same would blacken the dndelet_ s tan- colored glove if held in ` his hand. . . . T .3 _ _ . ` To point with it at a_ rare old painting .in a picture gallery indicates that the check boy was asleep when the visitor came through the entry door. To hurriedly slip it down the pantalbone- leg and walk along with it concealed. therein, evidences that it has previously being feloniously magnetized from some hall-rack and the rightful owner. is approaching. ' ' To poke a. person in the ribs with it-- who is standing up on, a chair three rows ahead of the pockist at V9. slugging match, insimxates : ` `Down in front. To tap it on the pavement at every step, means 2 Object is no monev to aie-,I m 1 trying to wear out the ferule. ` ' __ 3 IIUIIDU \_iV|-Il\LII II PU IIIIIUII HCIUI IIIIQII that, remarked one of the listeners. And yet I lost it inside of six months." How could it be '1" Well, there came a freshet in the river and house, barn, fences, haystacks and all went sailing `down stream. The agent who insured against freshets got there just one day too late. ' u IVW uuyu u usury uuuwu`vu ;,u_Iv wuv su- sured again is cyclones, and I struck .8" bargain with him. The next caller in-, sured against water spouts and explosions and I thought I might as well encourage him. V ` A house couldn't be much safer than -nil` -hvmnulrgta nun II` ``\a ':nnIIsniIn ;7f; days La`ohap.cZIlled on ; me` Vwhowinl -nuuui nun`:-uni nnninnnn an!` I :6-nab Q`-. The Language of th cane. A Medical mreotornhlp._ weather Probabilities. _Z:_:. T A Sensation. A_n unparalleled sensation is being created all over Ontax`io_by the wonderful and un- equalled manner in which neuralgia, tooth- ache, rheumatism; backache, headache, is removed by but one application of Fluid Lightning. No offensive, disgusting drugs need be taken for days. It is an instant cure. Try a 250. bottle from George Monk- mun, druggist. O-3. ' His Choice. V - Kill anything? asked a. citizen of th suburbs who met b a. boy carrying. a gun. T ~ . A ' ~H\`r..... H9 Then what on earth are you tramping arouudin the slush and mud for '1 `` Cause it s my birth lay. Well, what of that ? -' . I ve elther got to do this or hold birthday party. _ Guess you do'.v t know what it is` to be a boy: Don't ;e Decelved. Beware of any druqqist; who wi'l try to induce you to. take anything in place of Mo- Greqor & Parke s Carbolic Cerate. It is a ` marvel of healing for sores, cuts, burns, etc. ` No family should be without it. It has no i /equal. Get McGreg_or & Parke s, and have `e no other. Only 250. per box at Monkman s. lIllJ" ll UNI \L VVTU I193? 5 ` I "`Vhell,_ he dean freeze, oxvactly to 1 death, but he oomesawful near him. _H0w near 7 _. ` A buy comes und tells me dot some- pody vhas lymg on der snow; und IA gnes ondt` and prings him in. Yes A . j .UudV1 pr-'urs tree big drinks of whisky down his throat, und 1 pays myself thirty `to und says- he Il have me arrested und 1 : eents oudt of his `packet, und he comes vlnalkeoudt. _ ~ v _ He didn't have any gratitude? No. He,.said vhat ailed him vhas ts, und all dot whisky vhas wasted. Duffs the wery last time I Safe anypody from freezing to death if you_doan' forget :+ ` -see Grnla-v'9:;5 In; elpewherey Net Ox.-1.ot1y'.T.. . A reporter who heard that a man had `been found frozen to death _on Michigan avenue interviewed a. saleonist on the subject and was told : ' I "IXTLAII 1... 11...... _n---- ----L7-- L- Parasltical Growth and Disease; > I [Ha.rper`s Bazar-.] Every physician knows that bacteria are to be found swimming along` their fatal way in the veins of `patients in typhoid, scarlet, puerperal, and other `fevers, to saynothing of small-pox, dip- theria, measles, septic cmia, and the rest, that they `ire of material sub- stance, and that they propagate each after its kind and not after another , showing active, force and individual ex- istence, This individual existence and continuing active force, in fact; is seen to exist -"in the earliest and most minute form of life; in the initial atom of` bio- plasmc,`as-one may say. . Thu All` Ainfinh -in nalnl-inn fn flan nu-nnnlv an-vvun wave vw nI|IUV\|J IIIIJ U0 It is _ popularly admitted everywhere that iMcG*egor s Speedy Cure is the safest, most reliable and by farthe cheapest remedy for constipation, liver `complaint, "indigestion, impure blood, loss of appetite, and all similar troubles._ I t isnot necessary to take a great quantity before any result is produc- \ed. A few doses will convince you of its merits. Trial bottle given free at Monkman s drug store. --1:---Q$L-jjj luuuunu (ID VIIU LIJGIJ Dal. - , The old distich in relation to the great eas that have little eas to worry and to bite `em; while little eas have lesser eas, and so ad innitum, if possibly vulgar,_ is certainly true, and shows that the idea of the animal para- site is not at all a novel one. Even the little y has his parasite, that may be observed when he dies on the window- pane, and hangs glued there in a tiny fuzzy mould. Tn o'nn~in-I {>1-Ha w-\n~nnn~N~~:nn1 nun.`-LL A. La. Llplunj LLl\J|.ll\-lo To avoid this parasitical growth, or to destroy it, then,` demands our best ef- l forts, let us nd `it Wherewe may; and regarding it as a -malevolent and malig- nant-enemy, it is something curious-to ' see that the cleanliness which is next to godliness ` is its 1 only exterminator. Plenty ' of water,- then, plenty of sun- shine, plenty of- air-the great cleansing. processes of ,na,ture--wi_ll -be. our safe- guards against our `general enemies, the especial enemy, needing still more espe-' cial measures. 'l\--_.1_' 41.. .._g ' _-"_"-,;9 ,1. - -`V-0 Ulilrl. xuuaburca. ` 7 People who see ' particularvvdisitations of an angry Providence -in the mortal diseases that rob their homes of their chiefest treasures should look to it rst`, and make sure that they themselves are not the an ry prov-idenoe. with choked drains, fou rclosets; decaying vegetable heaps in -uncleansed. refrigerators, the T gathered moisture on whose interior walls partakes of the nature of slime gndk poisons the milk. the. children '0 I _ , V An Artendlnnidihdll In Tunis.` [Chicago Times.] French engineers have suoceededv in nding water `in the desert country of southern Tunis. At a. depth of ninety- one meters they reached water, which rushed from the ground with such velocity that it ce.rried along stones weighing twelve _ki1ogra.`ms and threw them high into theair. The well yields 8,000` cubic meters of water a. minute. It is not g-ene1;ez1'iy"l':1_;ewn that on the iniddle stem underneath a cotton leaf is a small cell. or cav_it that contains a. drop of blood Whlc can be seen by ptfeesing between the thumbnails. n : VI III I&I-IJ IIQ _ Item. My family runs back to the Crusaders. As I was saying, being tem- porarily hard up, I'll sacrice-u "'No use-no use !" _ "But I ll take 810 formy chance. Nouse, sir! One of the heirs, who is good for $45,000,000, was in here yes- terday and sold me hisqcluim for $7, and .I don t carento Invest any further. I ve only gjt about twe:5nty years to live. and I ca.n t possibly spend that $45,000,000. Good day, 811' You might go across to the tailor shop and try him. I guess he s the only man on the str;et.who hasn t0 . bought one of the clalms. 37 .PLAXT( NA9.

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