Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 25 Feb 1886, p. 3

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mccoLL'sLAnirjg 1L-Q1:-.: .-...-n -vu Ava-na.A44u., ' Foreman Mangr Farm. ` Shantv Bay P.O. Ivnyhn dz...-.+' on. ma: -.Mocb>1;e s Block ]`)unlop-st. ' Bzln-rie. j FURNITURE -DEALERS. AT THE S'l`.RA'i`fIY 82`. ALULT, T .4Ba."rristers. Barrie I 3 5-_'o[N~j.- - u-v rvnavvw IILAIIII \|Ul.J UUHJPUUIDLUM , The .pablic~ appreciate our mdv iinlthe xiiattvei of A giving good goods at low ` prides,_and daily swell the volume;o our trade. We sl1al1.be happy tqshoyw you thgougli our stock. K/U. LILU UUUAILL (NU I-r,\lV\l rlLl\All\-[BO Inside of a. Week she threw a. clock at me. Next day she went mto 9. mad t and kicked two panels out of a. door, and several panels out of me. saw me in two wnth a case-knife. my chin as I slept. She stole my watch and pawned it--sl1e plundered my wallet ---she placed a. torpedo in my path, and she tied with a man who was selling pat- ent stove hlacking-three packages for twenty-ve cents, warranted not to raise any dust or spot the carpet. She tried to 1 She 1 sought to explode 9. can of tomatoes under ` I VNEI1.LY*s NEW -ToRE, Gl'\`l'TfI\1"_'I' 13A Q! `f\13 1'`l'1T`l `lII\`I"LT'I\11 SCHOOL Boons, I HURTFALL AND WINTER STOCK IS NOWMCOMPLETE with a. large and . . elegant assortment of the NEWEST AND MOSTAPPROVED -STYLES OF BOOTS", .SHOES, SLIPPERS, RUBBERS,' -OVERSHOES AND MOCCASINS, .+.- .-`m`.-... +1..+ A56 ...-.........4:4:.... Y\ \ C'\I KIJJLL J. JHLUKJJ I at price; AtN}`1:t defy competition, L - 1:.-nlr-uIv:n nw\vunnn:.\Ln Ana moors AND snons: McALLISTER, STORY & co Y. Direct from the Mainufacjturies in'Europe A full Stock of ' if HORSE SHOES, QORSE `NAILS, CARRIAGE LAND SLEIGH. WOODENWARE Always on l1and.e ' T Buyers will find the Prices Interesting. BAR IRON , MALL|STER. sronv & 00., | Just re.ceived a large stock of Wall Paper from the Ameri- can',_English and home markets. [Let em fall I ` _ _ . 1. stand on very Icy corners and want and grin and anticipate. r ,.,.,.a`:...\..;., ....,J ,.1....,.1.1,. T ...L. 1.-...'.: FULL STOCK on-' SCHOOL SUPPLIES.` His long xprienncevin theibusiness has em bled him to` buy these goods at the Bottom Prices.` . | Desires to thank the citizens of Barrie and surrounding neighborhood for their kind patronage during the past year. and begs to state that he is not behind the times with his large stock of A ` ' JOSEPH LEa(:H'1`0N,% . AA` nneu-I-an Ann THE QBOIDICSELLER SCHOOL BOOKS, STATIONERY so WALL PAPER. Ono Door Vllost of O_ueen s Hotel, Barrie, NOTE PAPER, ENVE|.OPES,OANO' BLANK BOOKS V O O AT '[`ORONTO%PRICES. _. so 0 TT, orrosrrn STATION. NORWAY IRON 8L STEEL, BEST PROOF COIL CHAIN, AN VILS AND VISES, /[.mnt!1e're, but I-immovable, implac- able unrelenting. T ' ' u ND E R T A KER. IMPORTANT TO ALL '<)_tI_'1`1? EAST oo1iYI ER7>F 'IvE POiN'E. Ilumlwm-e ! SLATES, Pans, iuxs, Etc. w. Mvens & son. --WHO ARE IN WANT OF--- Have received a Large Stock of ordinary ` BOOKSTORE. CARPENTER AND We were plice; happiness kick- ed the beam at 2,000 pounds. l....:.?l,. .. .. ....-...J. -1... 61.-.`... .. ..'l....I- ..L - --b--ALL KINDS OF--- IS NOW mAKmG DIRECT PHOTO- GRATP!-IS FROM CARD SIZE . . UP TO I: x I4 CABINETS . ` BARRAUD OT T, BOTI3I`VVELL S BLOC] FROM $3.00 PER DOZEN. THE PHBTHGBAPHHB, BARR IE, ;r.+-1:; . 25$ Congregational 5 Church, 1], glauoxuuyg tiulului, ysv1:va.aJu After that I hastened the marriege day. I had long ago determined never to marry ` one of these women who kxck the step- Iadder through the back fence as they take tumble. . and A prices always in ceivie careful attention. ns of various `designs stock; All orderswill _re- Funerls furnished com- plete. `Caskets add Cof- CIILLIERZST. BARRIE. 0PPOSI'i'E THE THE NORTHERN ADVANCE Is the best One Dollar Weekly Published in the County of Simco`e,"a'n'd has the largest circulation. Ns. wnsm, Publisher and Proprietor GOUNTY. `OF SIMGOE, FOR 1886, Published by the Proprietor, S. Wesley, Barrie. Copies 25 cents at the oice ; or sent by mail, postpaid, on" receipt of that `sum. A ' UILILIIJLIIK LUDUs ' Grazious! but how ' beautiful ! She` didn t go down with a. swoosh and a ker- ` plunk, but descended like a bird-slow- ly, gracefully, quietly, properly. _ A 94.... LLAL T Inna!-nncu` Iv}-no nncntllinnn Ann , Bl;`mk Form of any kind printed {Q `order. '. POGKET nnmaeronvz ----or 'rm~:--- -. ASSIGNMENTS OF CHATTEL MORTGAGE. ABSTRACTS OF TITLE, ETC. DIVISION COURT BLANKS, . MAGISTRATES BLANKS, SURROGATE CUURT BLAI\`I{.<, T OONSTABLES BLANKS. IRENEWALS OF % CHATTEL MORTGAGE, DISCHARGE _OF_ EQUITY OF-_ REDEMPTION, T , STATUTORY L'_13AsE.s. FARM` LE._A.sEs-, IDEEDS, MORTGAGES,- A CHATTEL 1v1o1>fi7GAGEs, 1 ` QUIT CLAIM DEEDS, V ASSIGNMENTS OF 1\I(RTG.iGB AGREEMENTS OF` ' AT TORONTO PRICES. 1v1E:u0m.!m1 CARDS, % -PROGRAMS," .. T ORDERS OF DANCE, ` MEN U CARDS, ' TLABEL$ _-'L\Jll unua tau-_~-.:y-.u So did -I. My love never grew cold. She took oc- casion to fall a.ga.in_-this time off 3 step- ` ladderoin the back yard as we trained a i . . | chmbmg rose. I I`..- ..`.-H... I Lu` `runny `\nnIu:`u | LA BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS, JUDICIAL DISTRICT *TN0TE HEADI1\`IG_S,` : LETTER HEADINGS, MEMORANDUMCS`. WEDDING Il\ V'1TATIO`-NS, ' - WEDDI.\ G CA1`{D.\`.' % VISITING c.u:1.< .l.lJ.`l.I..L.IH.I.\l \/I. fREcE1PTa ` CHECK& ORDER&3 ENVELUPES CARDS, respectfully solicit an opportunity to furnish. estimates for all kinds of work in all the styles of printing, such ]BllllKANl].l[lH rnumws. P|l0MPT AND TASTEFUI. EXECUTION ` . -0F ORDERS OF ALL CLASSES OF- 1 numor ST.. mans, I HAS UNRIVALLED FACILITIES `PRINTING HOUSE, tall UVUI BUWLI LL] tllllillv n_ Quicker n chain-lightning I made up my % mind to marry her. 1 had fully deter- ` mined never to marry a woman who s1ip- ` ped down likeeabow-legged quadruped and made herself an object of ridicule to the public. The NORTHERN AnvANcE .--$TEAM- POSTERS-P1aii1'and Ornamental. BLANKjFORMS STATEMENTS, BILL HEADS, NOTE CIRCULARS, LETTER CIRCULARS. FVTFT DFIVG DODGERS, FLYERS, Always kept in stuck ----or 1~Hn+-` ---ron rm-:-- I ll be 'l1anged! I ll be hanged if it` wasn t the most graceful thing `in, the books--the prettiest, sweetest, daintiestl fall ever seen in public !_ - l\..:..I...._7.. :5`-|n:r\ 13):}-Ivn-:nrv T nnntin ns-\ I `A full line of` MORTGAGE. A full line at all priv SALE OF LAND HOUSE` LEASES. smprzs, :1;'r<: an CII.lIJl' Cltltllvilvllvll llv LIVIII V659 I-llly\lU&UVp I mean anrangel In female cIothing-- $14 ha.t-sea1-skin sacque $8 bootsean ` such a face and form ! As we were about to pass she fell. _ _ There was no bag of-sand business about it, but she simply uttered a. little shriek -a very httle one--tossed up. her right arm, and then gracefully settled down In a. heap, with-one foot; and ankle peeping out from under her dress. ` nu u 1 ,,...,II 1711 L- 1__._-'....: :1: :1. `She ro_u-n'o Tumbled. ` j T` It was on a corner. . V { On a public, icy coprnei-1 ' V As I approached it_ from one direction` an angel. approached it from the opposite.` I unnnnv: nun nnmn` In `nu-v\n`1a `I5 ; Months passed. Q . ALI T February 725;1336. ruuuvu. I19 UADIIIIU UH` Ulfrll ll 9 vcnred,nnd the rmanency is unquestioned. cures effected y him four years ago are cures still. No one else has ever attempted to cure Catarrh in this manner, and no `other treat-_ ment has ever cured Cntarrh. The IpDlicI- tion of the remedy is simple, and can be done at home, and the present season of the `year at the most favourable for n speedy and perma- nent cure, the majority oienses heingvcuredin one treatment. Sulferers should correspond with Messrs. A. H. DIXON &SON, 305 King ttreet west. ' Toronto,` Canada, and enclose stamp for their treatise on Qatarrh.--Mow ereal Star. Nov. 17. 1883- oA'rABnH..a isisvv rnnarnnxr. Perhaps the most extraordinary success that has been achieved in modernlmedicine` has been obtained by the Dixon treatment for Catarrh. Out `of 2,000 patients treated during the past. six months, iuliy ninety For cent. have been cured of this stubborn ma ady. This is none the less startling when it is remem- bered that not ve per cent; of patients pre- senting themselves to the regular practitioner are beneted, while the patent medicines and other advertisedcurcs never record a `cure at all. Starting with the claim now generally be- lieved by the most scientic men that the disease is due to the presence of living para- sites in the tissue, Mr. Dixon at once-adapted his cure to their`ve'xterni: nation-this ?-a_'ccom- plished. he claimrthe Catarrh is practically -cured.and the nermnnem-.v in nnnnm.+.;mma .. -unwvunu Juuunk`, ur: 1.\.ILLU"D . I Rome-yn- -My pa is going to get me a goat." , . . Fa.irchi1c1--*`I ve got twenty goats. {.-Where are they? A T F.-0h, they re down in New York in 'pa s office. ' R- Why don t they bring them here '?" ' I`-`.-They re sick. V ~ . A `pause. Finally Romeyn speaks : I saw Anthony s Nose last summer. Fa1rchi1d-+I saw Anthony himself. R.-Anthonv s Nose is a rock, and it broke off and fell into the water. F.-"`I saw it fall. -. V. ` Romeyn s mother, an interested listen-. Aer, at this point deemed it expedient to interpose with a. `moral lesson. Why, Fairchilgi, saild she, `fdidnyoit ever hear fI`35 3i`ii3wih;?ti1.~ R. s mother--You know, Fa.irchild,_ they were -struck dea.d for telling lies. _ F.--Yes`, I saw them struck._ ' "A 'R. s mother-Fairchi1d, do you know rvfvlere thegr :v.e1;lt'l!1 (Very impressively )5`- _ Tgy wen o e . j (.l' L...-._ :1. 1' , .1 ' wv JLllIaIU\.l\A vuu ucu. LUMLGLIJUULULL .De usual emblem of sorrow will be .tied to de doah-knob fur de space of ten _ays, but beyzmd dat pint it, will not be . prudentto venture. I - ' Cou1dn t stop that.B6y . T j b 1 Rpmeyn, a Montclair, N. J ,, boy, aged 5 converses with his friend of .equ-all T Y mature years, as follows 1 _ I 1)....-....... t\/T.. .`.. .'-.. ,_..:..-. L- H 1 uuv uvunup IIUIIJ one .ll.'UllW PI!` 01 Una saddle, while the lady transfers the rains I -i was in life; ' Befo delrberin an tllogy on 9. deaf! `man we cught to be posted as to what he *1./5 A; vs J.uIv unuu-nut: I Moas grave-stun: `am silent liars. ' g Moas enlogies contain four falsehoods` ` to one troof. n 1 . u n - - '- - ul LU uu'1Jul}ll o V _ ' ' A .If'a. m:..u am honest an uprlght de lfa.ck.no.e :ln t be placed on his gra.ve-sttm to make people remember it. urn .. VV|fI"\ 1.....1...,1 ..L....2L._ ::A1-_ 1. EU \llA\J UL\J\.'LI 1 I Mons of d tears Shed fur de A, dead outside of -our families am workedup by` la. fo ce~'pump. T 3 urn-.. ...... ..-... 1.....--g _..5 . .1- vv nuwuv truvrla-V LvsAav|.I.IUUL LL: b_ F a. _n1e.I} hefs l_1]1a charity--if ` he his 111 orgwm ~-1 _ e as aimed de rever- egxce and respect of men` Ta.n e women, you km'lea.ve hls grave unmarked an i will | l_)ehunted' out an remembered. T uh. ___.__1 ..-__LI__._ p on .` uuuu ULUULIUL B UHOLOUDULZ "Why all dis citement oher ode death of a. member? asked` Brother Gardner, [as he looked up and. down the aisles. We knowed de dead brother as a. poet an a leckturer. We can t` tell whether his wife amgrieved or rejoiced. We `doah know whether he was strictly honest or a great rascal. He may hev had a. tender `heart, an he may hev bxn a brute in his ways.` _He may hev bin sober an law- a.bidin ,- am he may hev bin 9. hard drink- er an a. law-breaker. yr!!!` I ! I l"iekles Smith moved that some member ~ be selected to deliver an eulogy on the {dead brother s chgracter. ' Al`X7'L__. _`II .11- I, `I -'| ` va. uvuuvuauvu uu Luswasuwu uu nun W110. Sunset Johnson moved that Paradise Hall be closed for the space of thirty days. ' D:..I.L.... G....:LI.. ....__,._1 J.L-L ___-- , I JJL\l|tlI.\lL ,uuuuuI. Dill \JUA, UL LVLLBDLUBIIJEJI. Samuel Shin moved that a resolution` | of condolence be forwarded to his wife .. G.........|. 1'-.L__..A._ ._-..___.n u._; 11",, 1- Denitions. A taking tit1e-Pickpocket. A dead imita.tion--CIi.talepsy. Within an ace of it - The king. Slaves of the weed`---Gardeners. Always on ice-The polar bear. Come to stay-Your poor relations. , Badly stumped -The'.le'less veteran. ' Out on the y--Vt-The eqoaped _oonv,ict, j Poetical juntice-Killing the bad Doeta. Old round'era-'l.`he hands of the clock. in A German `count-Eina, Zwei, Drei, U50 LJIELIUUV LVILICIE V8 IIIUIZVQI C\tUR" '1`his ranks critics of music. , Some `-men - say that they wou'.d rather hear one bal- - lad than the whole of Beethoven. No . doubt persons who have advanced but a i single step would say so. Melodies are only one step away from love of single sound, as of the horn or bugle, or what not; when one hasadvanced beyond that, the love of melodic strains is developed. People say they do not care for `what is called harm- _n;. Of course they don t ; `they are not high enough up. When persons come to harmonies they have only simple ones. That is natural. But when we come to Handel, to Bach, to Beethov-_ en, we have then the supremest develop- ments of music, `and the mere outward form is comparatively last in the sweep of the inwardness that it is carrying along with it. As the vast multitude of persons are not developed very -highly, so t :e, vast multitude of persons do not like these `masters ; but, if they ,live long ,enough, they will ; for I think" we shall `have something of the music of earth even 1 in Heaven. .l....m, Iauw nuuulu. vvwu but! 1615 nana 1115 her riding skirt em ugh to enable her to place her left foot fairly and squarely into the gentleman s' palms, which should be clasped rmly together. This done, she should drop the skirt, place her left hand upon his right shoulder, bend her knee, and give the word ready or a signal, and at once spring from her right foot up and a little toward the horse. The gentle- man at the same moment, must raise his hands and move them toward the horse. The lady must, when rising, press orbear lightly on his shoulder, and also. keep a rm hold on the second pommel, which she must not relinquish until sheis seat- ed. The gentleman should then retrieve" the stirrup from the front part of the Saddle- ,$Q'I'|-:AQ- {hunk doesn- ' Brothern Gardner on Eulogies. Whenthe meeting had bean duly open- ed the Secretary announced the death of I Brother Gilmartin Cox, of Mississippi. Qnmnnl Q1531`: rnntrn i>'|1o- o ~nonn1nd>nn . IJU V7 VII U UU H.011: F.-".[ know it. I saw them go. A Henry Ward Beecher on Hnslc. A The beauty of moral conduct is, "in many respects, like that to which music is an analogy, and is a` higher form of it. Single, sounds are sweet and beautiful, and yet theyia*.'e the` lowest forms of music. A; succession of sounds, or melodies, rise still higher. Combinations of sounds in harmony rise higher `yet. When the symphonic` forms are taken, and sounds arenot sounds alone, but are expressions of qualitiesand feelings, the movements, and like itself, then we reach thehighest forms of musical ecstasy. l vIIL.'. ......I... ....:i:.... ,4: .......:.. u,...... ........ `to her left h; `over t.he"seoond pommel. dud _her_ left over the third. She will then be ready in have her fnnf. nlmmd nn tho nu-inn vuu. vuv sunnug Jauu nus Iauvu. UV ICUI k :0 have her foot placed 9n the stirrup. "W" W "8 PURVIS BROS., Barrie. CAU'l'ION.--An dealer round selling other . oils as Lardiue Oyils will be rosecuted. 1742 The only GENUINE Lardine on themarlwzet is made byMcCOLL BROS. & Co., of To- ronto. and when buyingrask ton MKBHl%NLE0ll! Alan, Ilnnaisnhu-an. -4 n..I:...1..- 1tr..-1 Apply How a. Lady Should Mount. The most graceful way for a lady to reach the saddle, and the one that is taught in the best riding schools, says the American Horsewoman, is by the assist ance of a gentleman. The rider's educa- tion will not be complete until ahe has learned this method of mounting, which, when accomplished easily and gracefully, is delightful to witness. - In it the rider will have three distimt points of support`, namely, the shoulder of the gentleman, the united palms of his hands, and [her hold upon the pompmel. The stirrup- having been placed across the shield cf, the saddle in front of the pommells, the lady, holding the reins and the whip, with its point down, in her right hand,- ' which must rest upon the second pommell, -should stand with her right side toward the horse s left, about four or ve inches e from it, her left A shoulder being turned slightly back. Then, taking a rm hold upon the second pommell with her right i hand, she should withthe left hand lif lxnn s~A.... ..l.:..L ..... .- .1. 1.- __-_I,1 1 . importe Some grand Shropshire Rams and Ewes. An A. and direct from the imported stock. Apply to V W. C. SCHREIBER, Or to Allandale P. 0.. WILLIAM GRAHAM, .E..-..-........ `II'......... 'IN-_...` `DON'T B_M|sLED [BRICK srmm Aw IDWELLINGI .~ Cheaper than unv House in or north I of To- ronto. ' ' _ P.' a9.:_1vJ:fooRE,_ FOR SALE SHROPSHIRE SHEEP! Stri11%I3eI1s, Broad,` LoubTe and Sinle Bells? rushes, Curry Combs, Whips, Knee Pads of all kinds. Harness Oils and Varnishxfs., T ~' r?O(1-II-I" A 1$C1- -.-jg - -_--:._- -;.uao.z.\ SINGLE @i>if.a@";iIARNEss .. ..__ `r\__- ALwAvsm stock 032 Mime in onntn. -1_- v.:.-- vcjurji-1 QQOL1UQIChJ For Heavy Draught or_ Light Carriage use, in : anv M o_unt.1ng requxred, , ` , LU!` M15 UL|alU.IlCU._ . ' ' _ The vacant town lots can be purchased on still easier terms, in case tl1e`p_urcl_1a.ser intends I to build immediately. Apply to ~ .a4uu;- <.>f- cuuI`sC do 8' 1Iaven;t If b"en_ TU`vcz`:ev1' cf,_1lighw:1ys in my town for -the [1astthirtee51`_vars ? You needn t .snap a. f1u;'m's 11-ml t1'bec`uuse hevasks -a cimli gm-stio'.1 ! Was the n1_essa_r__;e -in "poetry ? `Uid._\'H1 ever see :1 PK`8S_i('.1I1b S_`lI1S.-l I\ . ... . ' 3 ` ' L..,, FAR 1\a::E: 1=Ls: Ll 80 am. 40 cleared, excellent; soil, good buildings, 35I'0R'rH 0RILLIA.--Part of Lot 3* in 1stCon.. ' property well watered, 9." first-class farm especi-' all adapted for stock ralsing. . OT'1`AVVASAG`A.-E of lot 1 in 8th Com; a splendid farm 90 acres cleared. good build- ings. plenty 0 water from a. never failing stream. no wasteland. V 'l`I4`.(`IT1\/1'.Q`lE'l`lI KY 1 `rno A :... 1141. 1`... 1m\ Bhltiuul. DU \V&BL6 l8.l1(1. TECUMS}_]TH._-.N 5 Lot 4 in 11th Con... 100 acres. About 80 acres cleared. A good farm, well situated, about 3 miles from Alliston. 'I`INY.---E- 1 R8 in Int 0011,, lnvnnnf 4. nn-n-:x:\ n Au1l1]Jclu6{ub Day. I _ _ _ The above lands are oftered especmlly cheap - and in nearly every case a. very small cash pay- ment will be` accepted.-and easy: terms glven forthe'ba.lance.. ' ' "`1'1n 1YnrnnusO- rnu.-. 1A4. ...... I... ......._1.._...-; __ U116 U680 U1 KIIU '.l'0VVl1SI]1p. FLOS.-Pa.rt of N mo in 7th con , 90 acres, about 30 acres cleared and freefrom stumps,new frame dwelling house, soil good, balance of lot can be` easily cleared. TNNTSFTI. _\I 1 nl T.n+ 10 1.11` nm mu. (1.... J.UU ` u.Ul'CB. `I111 UXU6llCnB I8.I`.|'I1. 'MED()NT}'].--.E 5- of W 5 of 6m 1(_Jt-h Con; 50 acres good land, rst_-class orchard 111 full bear- inrr, - uua. us. ing. Vf) KUUU. LBIFIII; .lZUUn VESPRA.-;-W. i of 24 in 6th Con., sma1lclea.r- ing, well watered and timbered, soil good. ` art Of ' 22 in 6th Con. Venrn. H0 norm: onn mg, wen wa_t_ered and timbered, soil art of 22 1n 6th`Con. Vespra, 110 acres, good house and barn; $1200. Rn,vn'rn.'l purl: I.n1.q \.Vnut nf NIH. `lPum.\`.. ......I nuuue u_.nu Lmrll; @1200- Several Park Lots \Vest of Mr. EWa.n`s resi- dence and ha;v`nga. ne view of Barrie and. Kempenfeldt Bay. I`hn n.hnvn.1n_ndn QFA nfhu-Ari an-nan:n1h-r nknn. AL.|\ uuu \\"T;3',- I don t -` you know Tw*h a.t V .} rcsidcut s iuesmge is !' exclaixned the 111311-. ,. -7 - , -- can uc cusuy-c1ea.I`e(1. INNISFIL.--N of Lot 19, in the 12th Con. 100 acres. An excellent farm. v`r\/l'F`.hnT\Y'l`h`. _h`. 1. n? vv 1 A4! R 4.. 1r.+1.. rt-.. . zn H uu muuuwu, uuuub 0 1111505 II'0[Il AIIISEOI1. TIN Y.--E. } 88 in 1st 0021., (except 4 acres) a very good farm {$1200. I VH1RDRA,.-W Inf `)1 in Ann (`rm ..-.m..n -1--- Jllall _so1d only by nu) 1u'1u. Ft-reeb. A ourgaxn. ` ALLANDA. LE.-A comfortable double Dwel ling House on Bradford street` opposite Northern station. - I . 10 good buildinxz lots Well situated. FARMS T ESSvA.-E 5 of Lot .5,` and part of Lot 12. in 7th Con. Essa. 138% acres, 100 acres cleared and free of stumps, balance Well timbered. '1-`he `cleared land is first class. the buildings are` % `large a.n(_1_in good repair." the farm being one of 1 the best xn the Townshzp. 1I'10`..--P.TK Of N k `I 0 in 7` ,1 I-nh on nnroo --`- u`. f I'- I U'U*-- ' v.-- I Also, .MAanufa.ctu1-era of Cylinder, Wool, e, and uarness Oils. nhl niuv I... . and two lots - rice 81000. p - Good building lot on Ross street adjoining` Mr. Craddock sresidence; $250 Dwelling House on East side 615 Owen street. Jul`. urauuocx sresmence; zoo. Dwellin `House of street, o_ccupied yMr. Bothwell, most conveniently sltuated ; $1200. ` Cottage and lot nearly opposite Dr. Arda.gh s[ residence. $350.` A splendid building site of 4.5 acres,-L near Mr. John Hines residence, on the Wext side of Bayvld street. A bargain. `ALLA NDA I .13`. ._..A r-nrnfnrfn hln Rnnhha `nu-no] quurwrly lnsuumente. rrxces $159 to 8400. That comfortable 2 st_ory Dwelhng occupied by Mr. L. Buttereld, wxth small office in front. and lots price Gnnd hnilriino Inf. nn Rnuu uh-no} nr`l1'ninn.-.- um um: uuuum sues. .. Several com ortable houses and cottages on Charles street; an excellent opportunity for a mechanic to get a. comfortable home as these houses can be paid for by small monthly or quarterly instalments. Prxces $150 to 8400. comfortable 2 storv Dwellincr nmmnlm-1 any xunu or manuracturmg ousmess. A number f vacant lots on Bradford and Charles streets, South of (Butte:-eld s foundry, all ne buildin sites. Qblrnrnl nufnkln Banana nhp` nA&nn.An nu. \A;A\4\J \J\IALl.\.A\l`.I ` ' Why. the _1 rcsi~.;1e11t' lxn writfexl a. I message. -1m-ssngc ? A `IVVI 311.; has, .eh Z Writes` a purty good, haml, Isnlspuscl Whogotthevmessage ? `'1: was sent to Conqress.. A ` . *`i`l.\ actly.V "hat was purty white in the 'l rcsidcnt, eh? I ll be hanged if "I would do it unless they paid me purty 1 well. \VhatVdid Congress want of the9 - n Au cuguue uuuulug SIV`. Terms easy. 3} vacres of vacantland South of Andertoxfs brewery adwining railway track, suitable for any kind of manufacturing business. number f Vannnf. lntn nn R1-ndfnu-:1 and nzuuut y Allandale. Sept". 8th. 1885. U11U.lUl') 1X1 5118 111111. ' 4} acres at corner of Bayeld and `Dalton street_s, _immedjo.te1y north of Bigelow property. An elxgxble bmlding site. Terms 3} acres of Va(`.n.nt`]nnd Qrmth nf Annv-fnn n ~ BARRIE. -Bayview Saw Mill (Pei-kins) with about 4 acres of land, and two large water lots; to be sold for less than half the cost of the ma cliiners in the mill. ' L nnrnn nf. (Int-nnn mp D...-A1,: .....1 nan-.. cmez uupernncenaen Railway Omce, Moncton. N.B.. May 26, 1885. (TOWN AND FARM PROPERTIES) T FOR .SALE CI-5IE}.AP. uu 011108 111 Uolllllu 5110 M18 VV BBEGPD SERIES. ckets may be obtained and_also information about the route and about trelght and passen- ger rates from ' , ` V ROBERT B. MOODIE. Western _Freight and Passen er A ent, 93 Rossm House Bloc Yor st., bronto, D. PO'l`TI GER, ' Chief Superintendent. Railwnv Oft-A. Mnnnfnn N R , `Msur 95: 15295 IIIII C" I -llU I'II`$ VIII 9 I Ell? will nd i_t advantageous to use this route, as it is the qmckest in point of time,`a.nd the rates are as low as by any other. Through freight is forwarded by fast special trains. and exper- ience has proved the interoolonial route tube the quickest for European freight to and from all oints in Canada and the Western States. nkatn mnv ha nhfninn nn nlan infnwrnnfinn mg ours on an tnrougn tralns. I First-class refreshment rooms at convenient distances. ` mpomns AND EXPOBTER n.:l! act: :4. ...1___L_ _...g.__ L. __._- ;I,;, ,._,,1 , _ n n T BIGTSTOCK OF V HORSE BLANKETT Wanted a.-Civil Answer. . '*`.\'hu't is'this about the President s mu-s:a:1;,vc." he cqntidexltiully asked -of a 1n:m.uccupyir_i_; ax window-sil_1 in the Post- Lfmcu c0I`1`id_u!'. ' I ..IIrI I\. as .'u uuuu, J.V.D.. Wltnollt cnanze. Close connections made at Point Lev_is with the Grau`d_Trunk,Railway and the Rxchelieu and Ontano Navi ation Company's steamers from Montreal, an at Levis with the North Shore Railway. ` Elnnnnt i-nf..t-Jam: Pullvnnn hnhf, and EI11n]2._ DIIUYU IBIIH Elegant y:-:3,-Elaas, Pullman buifet, and smok- ins: cars on all through trains. First-class rnfrenhmnnt I-nntnn at nnnvnninnf. I nun: 11130113 OI uanaaa. are 8.10118 IBIS 11138. Pullman cars leaving Montreal on Monday. Wednesday and Friday run through to Halifax, and on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday to St. John, N.B.. without chance. a lnnn nnnnontinnu nnnn of `Dnn T_nvn'u n-1361. --v-- -rtlitwi .I5$I\- From the Wet to:-`all points in . , New Brunswick, Nova Scotla, Prince Edward Island, Cape "Breton and Newfoundland. _ A All the popular sea bathing, shing and plea- `sure resorts of Canada are along this line. Pullman cm-s leaving Mnntrenl nn 'l\/Innnv BAYEHH-D S-rR-Ei51`< MANOR? FARM, snnm BAY_ mo. |NTER00|.0NlAl RAILWAY. % THE} DlRE`E2__T__I_`,l`()_UTE t`-.\_. LL- T`l7-;_L - _ ' 13-vly vALuA3iE LANDS vu.J.\.| ;LLLJ Lvslu uuvsunkawvut I cachinnate and chuckle. I am heart-T less. Let: em fall [gracefully or other- wisc.- Let em descend like feathers, or w1tl1a. bump that shakes the elartll, Let "0ll1'SCI`LLIll)le,0l.l all fours, mad and cha_g- I rincd, or let em rexnainin graceful posi- - tion until some wfc-l1earted fool rushes up to extend at-llzuld. T I r- 11

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