p pupruuu 1.1 uzu Lllllanu u-u. v.- ....., LEMJMUAMLRUNM _ ' W__sp:1:nN. oN.fr. }J.%cuL\/snwau.-s Be ;; ,1 FOR A v9,4_,__ .-.` - `nnn ....-..... ` \V.._-AND--'\ LIQUDRS Has remdvfedltfb THE NORTEIERN ADVANCE- CITY 'LQND(v)ii.7fIg}NGi;A.N1..3,~?; .0 V" Capital s2.o'ihi0oo; ie `ment at Ottawa 8100.000. Reserve fund v 50,000 Sterling. THE MERCANTILE FIRE INSURANCE (:0 Capital 3500.000; Government deposit made. THE ABOVE ARE ALL STOCK COMPANIES. .-.-... -cc . ---nu-uv t\f\ IIIIIIIIV A I` Ilrfxfn '\YSI'YI\ gnaw v an an... _..._ ...-vv- '..'__- -.-___ 'ru:wA'rERLoo MUTU HRE INs'U_R ANCE co. Co.p!tol,`8500.000; R `- THE NORTHERN ASSURANDE COMPANY 015' ABERDEEN AND LONDON. _ #3--` `an Ann nnn cVA.-_1.1..... In thanking the public of Barrie and vicinity for the liberal patronage bestowed upon him in the past, begs to state that he has at con- siderable expense increased his baking facili- ties and is now prepared to do a larger business I-hon in-nu-, MUD uuu Ln_ 1 than ever. Mad 1 the vari usvstyles and unlit th hes -Defiv%red in a.l?na.rts of>th e`toqwn. y 6 . :ra- ".-`Ja'tF`-?W.?v-;\' >1. -. 00NVEY AhI{}ER, COMMISSIONER IN 11.0 J- -0P'FICE-- Up`-sta 1;.rs LOVDUN HOUSE, | & on.Lenno:c do Lennozc Flat. 4 II ,lm PIC-NIC PARTIES SOCIALS 8:. WEDDINGS ' ....m.n..a .-.1. nhrn-1' nntine and on reasonable %%LEAos_'I'_I-is VAN. % F`. J . oozv VE VANCE R, _c~c., Ll |ISS_UER or MARm.Ac;.E LIOENSESA . A...-opin Animan. sxuuu -Jr. v-u,vvv,vv-.- Has the Largestsurpius of Assets over Liabili- ties nt any Fire Insurance Company - in the world. ' _F1}x'u'he ise, Prowl amt msmmhcs cowvmv 21 ASSETS. $25,000,000.- T !-LlII I Barrie Sent. 11. mg manufactured fresh very day.V Ask yohr grooer for them and you will useno other. Mthi 117313113 Wwtern iRa,i'1w;'y3s. Agent for following Insurance Cqmbaniee I-J-J-l-`l&'v..:\;nc- ----___ To all points Exist and West. and Manitoba For tickets, rates, etc" apply to T . IROBT. QUINN, Ixgncil I_ General Passenger Agent. *:~Je-::.:-R`c$TJ'G1'-a: 'ricKETs' cc. 3 \r,__..'A._L.. - CH ARLES. `VV'AY, Land and Insurance Agent, Life,_1?'1'2re and Accident, _ A Ofce. East side of Owen Street. next door to V the Bank of Toronto. ' . . _ Barrie. 21st March. 1883._ 12-137. "1'! I\JIIl 11 208': OFFICE BU1L1)'_~I"G,L BARBIE. _____._._: TORI nommlou BAKER? Licensed .Ai1`ct:inneer forthe'County of Simone Ordere lefteat the ADVANCE Olce wili tyne. romptly attended to, and information will be urnished parties requiring Mr. Ford's services. as though he had himself been consulted.` Sales tgaken in prioes-to suit everybody. I Auction Roms and Oice. --Fw Doors Noftb 'oE_`We1lin`gton Hotfe_l. Baveld 313.. Barrie I0-NIC PAR'[`1ES suuzanu 5: vv muum u. supplied at short notice and on reasonable terms. . u-mmn-mm: J BROWN JMI13s EDWARDS, `I-mow-`II in 17- I-`IJRN = TUBE _hB0lII'.ll'l` `Nu soul)- * Rates Moderate, Losses Equitably and Brqrn/ptly `Adjusted LID uuun U1. ;v;uuuv- rzrmts mu sum` mlws, FA ?rREMAN~sj `VR1*~` PoWDfERS- V Are pit-:n.snnt to mks. [Contain their own Pqrgutive. Is >a, safe, sure, and _om;-t_zul ~tl9!Dl' Aotiwornza in Childrenor Adnl HW km- Iituu --. - ' C4` A`75" `have recemlv fmhlished a: neirf V `, , , mun: rn`,c11'I'e(wIt,l1_v t.An~ed_1<`v1'1.1.e)`0f N91`-_ vous T?eh'i1it_v. Mex-~uI'a'zd Physical] Int-abacity, Immadimems to Marriamz. ec . resulting `from excI`s=ws.. -. ` A ~ . . nazrlirusn I | _Y;`t -ppm1V_Ied ;Essuy.on_the radical and per- n A. -mfk-d'en\*eione. only 6 (V.-eri't,s`. or -:-= *`edi'iom nf =.l)r'. ':|l-IV0l',IV8II 8 'Cjele- . `J I" e-`stm"S. . '('t)l`11i'nfZ4:`ii n`~'n1xt~v$o'r " in this g1dmAii-able; Essa , ct: 9,1-I, d1n~nst.Iate.~. fm_In Muvrtsi .V'.e8J.`8- mica-es fnl pun-ti-4-. hat. u`?m_-nnng vo`n'scquen'- ct-ti Intiv he r`a.d1'c:l_\` cu`-er.` wmhmr *the~,r`ang'c-r- 0,,;u8e of. _i_m1-Anal ,u_odi<'w-es 92: the uge ot3,t,he k'Hi1e:)pin[ir]`;_{ ,nu_t,: l_`!I]:~d_e of (an/re a._V_,nt_)_cE`7- ;m,:1; ~ptan_nn 1ot F<*ccmnl. bymevms of whmh I ! l.UL'_lll (`I4.j\_,`uu \AV\4|a`I VF`-'.l.\4" v.v':q *'.vv----- v_- \ `-e(_,e1,.`_.d1ffgry;` nn"m=nv`Ie~vI\ hm. his3:cm1dit.ihri I "my h,'......m`:g._\-<.=`I1l`+-~.*} iIus.e-If u:'heu|;1y.,: piiiyagely 1 , V1-'ad_i.(*,a.Hy. `,1 . ' ..r:.l*'I`hfn T.m-tiiro: si'iu\|!d hniiiii of nnn r>an1_Lmu_v. ., j 'E'Thi8 Lm'.tHr(` x-Very yowth and 5 \' A4-lrnnn u! (`I I. every Y0tn unu - v V Addre-as thr 'I`l,\ 41 Ann 81.. New Yul GEO-R.FORD. gxcvscws- _ vv , - ; " ~ '1: - " ,' ._~j ~,' - az? Price_in a.:eg.1c~d.en_\`el0DB_. 0`1_Y,.C0"'8- 0.1` .371. n.m`m`ge- stafh'ns. . . " v 4AAJ'4ov-.r-~--q- ..--.' .-v....-v capiun. `3,000,000 sternng. A959. a---- Lessonn given in all Branches of Pa.int.ing. Dru-wins. &c.. &c. Termn on vmnlication. . s'ru I) no :-Up-stairs,` West of Fire Halt. COHielBt!'86t. Barrie. I\7I%ANH;0OD jamvrnm j.1AtN'rER I BISGUITS VAMMU.NI:'I`I0N.. &;o. BREAD ---r----__`- - _., OFFICE AT 'riIE~ _._ _-o-no '\'1\?l'I "u'l";ArlVv"E-VEBVVARDS, _ ~ Agent at Barrie _ . A-n THE cnPT. SMIYH, Agent; N. 8: N. W. RYE-. - A........L . ' Tia-r-win If "'2 snuum m' ,l_ll Lne nanus U] v M '1ii:m ilifhv` la.7' - ' .V F H \\'- Hi L MEDICALL C0`. ark; ,I-'nst,1 Ice B01450. shupid `e haV11d:s'_Of xv n. v`\-nu iliitha` `lni 7 1:: L rv-D LLAN now nssronsm PULLAN'S Fishing: ijacue, IOR 'i3aie. 1 9-tf. ll-ly lInch..........:....,!1 '25 Inches . . . . . . . . . . .. 5 Inches, } Column.. 10 Inches, 1 Column ' 20 Inches, 1 Column Anviics-1 =7?not_qu1i.. i`"f:a bl `-th to. 1 th .""l< "`?" AtPaperp c silk in n3re.' ` Q'Anv1m'rIsnRs snouma NOTE THIS 1ucT.' (12 lines solid nonareil make one inch). TRAN_8IlI.NT_ ADVERTISEMENTS. First insertion, 10 cents per line. Each sub se uent insertion. {cents per line. \ v ding notices, 10 cents oer hue for-`rst in- rtion: 5 cents" per line for each subsequent nsertion of the same matte ; Legal. Ofcial and Government advertise mcnts will be charged at above rates. CONTRACT ADVERTISING. . Contract advertisements will be taken at the following rates. which are drafted on correct commercial principles, and. as they will be strictly adhered to in making new contracts after present contracts expire, there will be only one price for all : r - 5 _ ` ADVERTISING RATES. the `Adv?/gnce `a `sworn Circulation of-'_1`hlrteo;| Hundred and - ` Twenty Copies, &`l4l_Q5!3,-;IJf'nOt qmtqdouble that of any other " ` Paner Duh shed in Barrie. `For one month--the three monthly rate with 15 er oent. added. * or two` months-the three monthly rate with 10 per cent. added. E Preferred positions in the paper will be sold at an advance of one third on above rates. 'l`h1s rule will be strictly carried out. CONTRACT CHANGES. Advertisers will please bear in mind that no- tice of intentlon to change advertlsements must be handed in to the office not later than Saturday at 10 o'clock, and the copy for such change must be in the ADVANCE office not later than 12 o'clock noon on Tuesday, in any week ; otherwise the advertiser s annouv cement may not be made public until the Week following. . ,1 _________ ._ _'..:*n _-..4. 1....`..1`l.........1 4-.` `Ion nnniu uvu uu Luuuv yuusu; uuuu uuu vs... .V..... .. -.... Advertisers wm not be allowed to use their space for advertising anything outside their own regular business. Should they do so, ' transient rates will be charged for such adver- uuiwntmivunyu nu v ;unsa.;n.:u4-g...` .. \)' 3 Condensed" advertisements on First Page, I such as Wants of all kinds. Lost and Found, Property for Sale or to Rent, Specic Articles, Etc., Et.c.. must be a'.ccom anied with the cash, and will be inserted--F rst insertion, 2 cents per,._wor_d. eachsubsequent insertion, 1 cent or `word (names. addrr sses, and gures counte as words)` but a reductiomto 1 cent per word will be made when the number of insertions of the same matter exceed FOUR. li1'the,_1VIaite1; olfvthbe Circulapionbf the I A * ANortl'nern.Adv ance. COUNTYOF SIMCOE, 3, I, Samuel Wesley, TO WIT: ; . of the townof Barrie, in the Courity of Simcoe; prdprietor of THE NORTHERN ADVANCE newspo. er,_do solemnly declare, that _the -actual wee yclrculation of `THE NORTHERN ADVANCE is no fewer than THIRTEEN HUNDRED AND TWENTY Copnzs. A-n:I~ that 1 `Ali: the nnhiiaher of they said | THIRTEEN HUNDRED AND '1 WENT! uuruss. And` that I `am the. publisher of the said e N'0R.TI IERN'ADVANCEA and therefore have full. :kn`aw1e`dg`e of [the-said facts.` - " < ` Ant? l'-' nrmlui. thin solemn declaration conscien- . ' Ant! 1" ma_.Ke.tms solemn ueumruuun Uuuuuu:.u-- 'tionsly.b9l1ey11:j;he same to be true, and b ilir` V of-then 586;! i n7the'Thjrty-sevent . Lyat1"1 f Her"Majer'.s*reign intituled An Act Wto; tghg surpreggiopvof voluntary and extra-J u- lciglat "J." v :7 .. . - '. ` _ IJe p1atedbefore me at the Town or Barrie, in the County of Sam: coe. this '28t.h day of February. A.D.,1885. SAMUEL WESLEY. 1 HAUGHTON LENNOX. ~ A f`nnrnniou`3nnnv- in l1AUln'I*un unn1VuA. TA ommissioner in ` `kc ; for County of bxmcoe. umpoaTAgw j . vs. ;z:'ez::_.*\ * A T.\fAL3E. i.1.~`3K Giles LiI1iII1B1113 I0[1i[1B & Ammonia,` Renmves a11 UnsighVt1y Bunches. ` . I -srv.'nv\nun :n (`nVI`.0 Srung Knees; I Spinai Mengitis. Quitter. \{,lul:lA_:3.l`. -- Wintlgalls. No stable should be `without it. Railroad, mining and express companies all use Giles Linui ent ann in the great raving stables of Belmont and Lorillard it has-achieved wonders. One trial will convince. Write, Dlf. GILLS, Box 3482, N.Y. P.O. who will, without charge. give advice on all diseas cs a.nd'ul2~o on the management of cattle. Sold `by all d-uggists at 50c. and $1.00 bottle, and in uarts at -`$2 50. in which there is great saving. `he Liniment in whitewrappers is for family use ; that in yellow for cattle. Giles Iodide Amn_1o-Eta Horse and Cattle ` ' V` - Powders. USED hi all the leading horseinen on Jerome Park, Fleetwood, Brighton Beach. Sheeps- .head Bay and Bu1l s-Head Never` disappoint, are Tonic. Alterative and Diuretic. Destroy Worms, Cures Indigestion Colic. Bots, Sore Throat. Catarrh, Founder, Pink-eye` and Rheu- maiism. The dose is small and the power is great. . The Powders are guaranteed and Pur- chasers failin to obtain a cure money refund- ed. Sold oy a 1 druggists at 25 cts. a box. . -'w.c. MCGLEAN, ; 41.-eow-39 ' - Agent. Barrie. Ont IVERPOOL Sc LONDON 8;. GLOBE IN- su RANGE commm Y. 7 LIFE XiT).F1RE. INVESTED FUNDS - - over $30,000,00l~ ` "FUNDS INVESTED IN- CANADA - 900,001} .z....m-em Pmmm Pavment. and Liberality in `FUNDS IN V R95 l'11.'u 1J.V- unu nun :1uu,uuI security , Prompt Payment, Liberality thg adjustment of its Losses are the prominent features 01 this Company. _ ' nAwAnA- ROAR!) HF` DIRECTORS: rimivlsn N6. of Inches Q-no no IGEFIIIBB DJ buxn uuu-|P'U-7 - ,.0ANADA BOARD OF DIRECTORS 2 .Hon. Henry starnes. Ghs.u'ma.n ; 'l`hos.Cra.`mp. Esq.. l)ep.-Ohairnmn; Theodore Hart. l<.3q.: An 8 0. Hoover, Esq.; E.` J. Barbeau. Esq. nglrnnnnu affected at Mode1'a.t.e Rates 01 Angus L}. Hooper. h.sq.; 11;.` .1. uurueau. ILA-sq. ` Lnuurancee etfected at. Moderate Premium. Dwelling. Churches and Farm ` Properties insuredat. specially Low Rates ` AG.E.G.SMlT_11, - JOSEPH ROGERS. ~ Res.eSecy., Agent. Police Cour Montreal. A , __ Barrie .rnE95oK`s7BEsrFavw fro OWNERS or STOCK- union: usme CONDENSED ADVERTISEMENTS. _,, Y!_._A >3 -aecy., Montreal. U116 J Inser tion. 4 l*`fg|s 95 an. 111; L1 \LlA\JLA\I|au Cures Lamencssjin. (`a'tL3e. Founder, AVVeak .Lin1bs}. ' tions. _ (3mos) * 18 26 Insere In_ser- tlons. (6 mos) ( PRICE FOR 13 65 2509 All l\l\ 1600 l\AAl\ 2ws4m: Spavin, Ltingbonc ` Aneausmo V - '52 puer- . tlons. Q (1yr.) giving tone, energy and vigor to these great MAIN dramas or Lm 2:. They are conden recommended as a never failing remedy in cases where the constitution, from whatever cause, has become impaired or weakened. The are wonderfully efficacious in all ailment inci ental to Females of all ages, and as a Gun era] Family Medicine are uns urpassed. This G17-eat Hou;=eho1d Medic_ine ;'aks amongst the leading necessaries of Life. 'l"In:mn fnrnnun Dina nnrifv tho Hlnn Ant! and u;vuv yv vv vn;.u.- ` vu wanna L_iv_er, Stom5.i1:I"{vi}if1' and Buwalx. __ .__ -._-....... _....I uni.-nu On Glnnnn -nu-O IJHQS ltfllul UK ll6UCB5ul'lCH U1 IJLIU. These famous Pills pm-if the Blood. amino! most. powerfully. yet sooth 113151 on the TPIH C }reati Its searching and healihg properties are known throughout, the world. . For the cure of Bad Legs. Bad Breasts. I CTI 1`: 1 any I it is an infallible remedy. If.eft ectually rubbed on the neck or chest, as salt into meat. it curel Sore Throat, Diptheria Bronchitis. Colds. and even Asthma. For Glandular Swellings. Ab- scesses, Piles, Fistulas, L LIJD vuxu UL zauu Jzvaug l0'd Wwds S! " {`_ W .U"4*r8: And every kind `of skin disease, it haanevor been known to fail. The Pills and Ointment are Manufactured nn`11-r nf [H6 1 only at :0 . _ um UIIE uIII$&I E9II$$l1' And are sold by` all Vendors of Medicjneo throu out the Civil1zed World: wlth throe- tions or use in almost every language. I pr:-1).-nlmaoy-u ahnnld Inn]: tn the Labels on | tions for use in almost language. 15' Purchasers should look to the Labels on the Pots and Boxes. If the address is not 53-3 Oxford Street. London. they are spurious. GOUT; HHEUMATISM. i$TS LIVER PELLS For. Sale by ~PLAX'f 9H9!-1-ovmfs PILLS :\EATEST . . H AV E V U U Liver Complaint. Dvspcpsia, Indi estion, Biliousnesz jaundice, Headache, Dizzinr ss; ain in the Back. Costiveness or any disease arising from a deranged liver, DR. _CHAss s LIVER CURE will be found a sure ant` ......L... n u-nun-A17 IJR. L;l'lA2l$ D 1.4 certain remedy. In A NATURE'S HI'.NI Luv _ The unqualied success of Dr Chase's Lwer Cure it: Liver Complaint rests solely with the fact that it is. compounded from nature's well known_ live regulators MANDRAKR AND DANDELION, combmed wxth many other "Invaluable roots, barks and herbs, hav1ng`a ~'i~werful effect on the Kidneys, Stomach, Bowels and ood. . 500;OOO SOLD } 0':/er one-Izalf million of Dr. C /za:e': Recie Boobs were sold in Canada alone. PV'e want ezmy man. woman and chi/xi who is troublczi wit/L Liz/er Cam pIaz'nt_ to try this excellent remedy. LA D I ES I-l`\IJIE~J ` It is a well known fact that an inactive llver c:mse.< a. dull, sallow complexion, liver spots, pimples, eu:.`i; Chase's `Liver Cure is the only remedy that will mos`. positively cure thee complaints. cmmumn um. GWEN AWAY FREE SOMETHINB NEW. uwcn nmu run: Wrapped around every bottle of Dr. Chase's Liver Cure ` is a valuable Household Medical'Guide and Recipe Book (84 pages), containing over 200 useful recipes, pronounced by medical men and druggists as inva1u< ' able, and.worth ten times the price of the medicmc. .. --...-nan n An (\_I. l..-...|._ |'|.,...u_,,] able, ancrworm Len umc: Luc: gnu. \............ A I. EDMANSDN &. cn., Sole Airauroru, . [ A _ SOLDBVY ALL DRUGGISTS. D1 iii _ `Ehoae;augisl_y cure you. The": do not grip: or purge, but act mildi *, and whenever used are `considered pride- " Iea.` `They have woven to ba ihe ' V333 oxronn STREET, LONDON, 3 A...` -141 In-r n11 Vnnnru nf Mnini HnLLnwAv'?mNIMm' "V024 `r%%E'W JJUE 'T!.'O`.'.'1$ 1` *2-w:L`L= CURE OR RELIEVE ..91uous~s8,`f DIZZINESS, V V %..ovs2=r=sIA. : % ~-vn0.P3:rf, % %n:`0zeEsrIom%VT . ; `FLU jsmrva ' n.~.'r=.1nInr' I nr `a-1.-`.1- ,~'.{5g:pA CHE: -. . y: 111:. (}A\.lll, ':A ndAe'vTem/ species of disease -basinsv f"""' fifsordered L_.VER.,, K`4D,NE`{8.._` stbivdo ` 1 3`).-`4. ."5`*. 3"..3F~9"*'7- 1v2~;%;;~;:3FFa ma ;; s?~.3sIK on INDIGESTIBN, WHEN I luul II 0] yhich _( i7:L}?iEZ21s.4f ":7'~'RHEUlI1,`-. :5 A n-r nnnA"r _ - ii-.29T:3s Va:ai be relieved from 9*'i:v::;e3'y. 3OPiH.sin abox. ' Sc. per box; 5' boxes for $| - ` _ Er /iLL DRU.GGi.STS' AND ' ` 0551.533 (N-M50/ciwss ` UUJ ~ GEORGEMONKMA N, DRUGGIST. BARBIE. ly these complaints. v Somammo New. Gwen AwAv FRE .A ...........+ ..,.-m knnle of Dr. Chase's Liv _ ;::.ffcfer ft - Efiscrdered :mBuRu& Ma. edy. _ NATURE'S REM EDY I!c..A .......-nu nf Dr Chase's Lin 2F `Tm A2; Assam`. F%E-WET CUBE IEPI BLESSING xterfit and B; .~d on1y.ix1h1;Iu - ._._.__i__- HAVE n.._.....nm'n _T.H:`jC/ELEBRATED \ '1` __\n'RAKP >9 De Ge=:AsE's% ;gucnL I C Iupu_ LADIES. f'...-o 1-L-at an I am 5;1c!'Egesiic)_n., ` atomabh. " ` "'b'F#;;:HgAnr,% AOI_DITY- or V. % llf' n`-p.-.n.'- -.'. ""'f"fi1 .'rc:."~.,-amt, ~wmv5.93 ~ s 05 ms .9xnv,_ DJ. : .... 4-nnfc r\:rnn`nt Inn": A E Prvpfic `I1nit;1Lion: Piefgpg Tunon re` L12 rluauuuuu. ' _ _ _ hiladelphia. wumrmv has been ned M for bigamy: A ne of one cent vamy is prefcrzxlnle to one sent to jail e same n'eu`sie.' A . _ F.'l`L-I-'..'\'.\' .\'1<:n'r.~`, made miserabl_e by that c L`(\\1g_11. .\`ln1nh`e (`ure 123 the remedy I u. Suld Ly Jnhn \\'Qods, Barrie, and l 1 .1 . '11,, 1v '1` IIAL`I{I.\ <: corcn can be so quicklv by Shilolfs Cure. We gaurantee it. y John Woods,. Barrie," and M."J. n, Alluudalc. " ' ' I` n,,-.1 VI\)\.I\`A>.J .....-_, V..,,, le. A T A her of the Biblelclass :. In what f the Bible is the expression-folnnd, flesh is grassA?V Student ' Er-- k1nt y of Sin` U. `UH.l Hy. uuuu vv u;.n..-, __-...-.--, "V" `}I.iym1in, Allguclzxle. % _b A _ . e_-M. s-,inngh:_1s the fclowilxg refrain :' .hu.r me closer, closer sti_l_l_.. Of t`h.:Te a1'c fmluent rests to g1vvea; >:.`t;::'-,ln.`('.h) UUL1|]_)1y. _ ' 1 . `1{\_. .x- _.~,.m":1\:A1{\\iL11 Dyspepsia and Liv- };`.;..,m;~:': S1:ilnh's-Vitulxzor is guatn ` 1 t.._mm.- you. Sold by John \V_u0ds,_ zm1T.\1..l. Hamlin, Allaudzzle. A L'1v;1`j___'y_l11.'111 lxaving fenmrked that vmul-d be z_L ti_'ne nav'e_i11 the church, 1z1.1`_y.wliiszpvrod that she. knew the tn whmu :1xu1`vfuVx'1`c,d. T v_ .\l:1.H .r`I'I&1-il), 11`e`u`..fh' :1__nt1-sweet breath ' by .\'l1i1g(l1`.~:(f:1*::u'rh Rvmedy. Pric_ e \I, 9' A .h.Zl:','ul1l:` i(_. L21(Il`Vf_l`C'0. S(>1(_l_by John 3:1. 2:, A l3!1rx'i(*,'az2l1 J -;Hg1mlin,9Allau- AU. ' . e td bccnxnc a robe bust man. mm: })'acl{, sMc or ches`, use Shi1)h's [ 12u5t(-l`. Price 25 cents. Scld by ..1,.v {n1ns.t delicate individual A in the? `should he tread upon alady s_train, _ /'o0(_1s, F_iu.1`ri_e,Aand M. Hamlih,. `,'I John Woods, Barrie, and M. J. Ham- landale, on a guarantee. -It cures prion. ' ' ntributor writes: I send you a. mous poem. If published , send copies. All right--addressed to place? ._ . ` T V" IIAL`KI.\`<: Shilolfs We it. , Lam \\'nnda_. Barrie." 011's mrmt and Consumption Cure is" In H` ` \\1'.\z ;,'=-.: is ulazil. ymi 1`.'ee<`l fur ]:xtiu12,_li.<. cal .-\}-piatitv, ])i7_.7.1ncss, l..;)'inpl'0u1:s of l.>`yspep.x'i2).. Price 10 L'(`.I1t.~ [wr lmtlle. {Sold hV'J. W700(lS, . .-md M. .l. Hamlin, Allagtlalo. `_ ` clam`: .\'uiv, Klaus, if I say the l>lcssc-Ll his six children, is` that '01` passive 2" That is acuive, cot; and ',what is passive '2 "The "ms blessed with six children. ng lady (in slioe ` store): Have stout call shoe, suitable for a. ser- a.t`a price not to exceed `two dollars '3 Clerk (over-worked) : ~`0h ! yes Er-A-wha.t size do_you wear `l r. Fangle, what was - the" `spirit of hat I see mentioned in the papers so Yell. U39 1.` TUCILIDLI 6 V v Vanna - V V cixpel all kinds of worms. rthe board with '1. shingle and be , wa'k the plank. ` atfuly relieved by Shi1oh s Cure. Sold p Woods, Baryie, and M. J. Hamlin, tor who is a stick should be club-T P. Whooping Cough and Bronchitis. al Pills purify th Blcod, regulate ,` Liver and Bowels. n may have no'ea1-for music, yet mind to play. _ ' prmg-time of, life--When you die- /bent pm under you. A 9 111 , ,_ u._.__.... ....H ....-nnnn nvnvrnn Sawing: Sandwiched V with Pare.-3 V phs for the sex-1ous-'l.`he Beet the Scissors can Find. el plated watch-{Dog with a new \J\_a---v r-- .___-,_, V A w s Worm Syrup will remove worms e, quicker than anyvother Medicine. le who went south for the winter" , have found it. e little things that _tell-especially e brothers and sisters. V ettle Rash, Itchingi Piles, Ring uptions, and all skin diseases, use w s' Sulphur` Soap. b ylvania. allows a. man to marry her-in-law, but he doesn't. Ohio man who sold his wife for ts positively declines to throw in a. a 5. gls far as I can ascertain, my dear, ed Fangle, it. was Jamaica rum. 1'r'rm=: rnmas wlucn . _ ma: wnom wont!) run , I r, Stroud. W ROOM `chicken thief is annex-hen trick d_,r (co applicant) : What; wages T nuexpect`. as nurse? lApp1ica.ut : w ould is` the baby, mum '1' Lady - en mo ths. Applicant. :` `Widm)t um, mum, two dnllars an a. half a. ' ; wid laudnnm two dollars. ` " . Gilns, M. I". Milfordf ,Del., March 8:1. [)e~:u~ Sir-Al10ut three years a 70 a lmttlc `(if yum` Iodide Ammonia Lil?l- V It cured my horse of spavin, andthe cc of the Li:15m'*tib'\n`a.s. used in thus _ . It c11!`e.l all achs on man i\_s_ wellfiisv 's._ `It is all used `up now.-,._jPlnga9,js})";1~, :10 bottle more by expmsg, V and 50. 0_ T3. Address; Haskel|;.I:LB V'V 87'. `0rd,AKe11tz 100., Del. fbSo 1d bV,,}W ` the .cheerfi1 l thinds ' abrut fh-_ uleuce of hyd rophobi-a..is the atatetndnt by the Worms or they may destroy ren. Use Freeman s Worm Pow- ,,1 _1t I.:....-an AS mnrm: m (:t:'\ an e'\'.<;x'.. t._}nink wh`:rt;you`5wou-ldj ztil L110 Emkc of -We*:s'tv:11it1ster_'s Village pustnr : A;_\'u ; bn,t.I` ,inm:+ \vund.uI`edv\\'ha.t th'e..Dnke' A he liiu} in an exchange that 0uida a pete` a i'e dogs and her villa at Florence is lled with them. ' i " ` ll ..- `1:"I`\;\mIgv| T6 nnnrnu [in Inn them. , _ . " `~ - -Mrs. Elberon--ItV geems to me Exeter wears loud-colon Mr. Elbron-`_`B9 clgggitnble, my des;i""?'% Perhaps you don t_. kno",W"that poor Mrs; I Exgter is totally deaf. ` , , 2 LL _ _'_'.}A_._L-...`-..p. -9.-an.-A-nu 11:0-VV8;1VO3s is line viva: w; `av-v -~--v------ A Fair Inference. d:>:.leV1"-"Yea, that was painted by one of the ,old_ ngas,-__ tors. But I beg fyour pardon, you must not is mch it with your umbrella." " A ` (J I]....A.u.I..u.-up lvfknl- n {Mn rnninr 7 `I03 Ii `HUI! ll: Wlhu yutu unuusvuuo Old Ha.rdp1ayer-_Wha.t a the matter? Ain t it dry 7' Rev, J ._ G. Fallis, Dntton, certifies : _For some years my wife has been troubled with Dye epsia, and has tried one thing after anot er recommended with but little or no effect till advised to give McG1-ego:- s Speedy Cure :9. trial. bince taking the first bottle I have noticed a decided improvement, and can with condence recommend it to be one of, if not the best medicine extent for Dys- ......-...... 'l`l.:.s innnlnalvn maiciinn fnr T.i\mr --..v--- r. -_-_.__ The discovery ofwtvzlllelinstantsneous process} of taking photographs has been quickly fol- ' lowed in the medical world by 3 perfect and instantaneous remedy for all acute aches `and pains, as Neurailgla, ATo othache,~~--Rheums.'- tism, etc. Thisevaluable remedy is called Fluid Lightmng,-and is sold at 25 cents a bottle by Geo. Monkman, Druggist. 1.19 How to Anchor` the Boys. Many suggestions are given ..to farmers about anchoring the boyskon the farm, but A none seem to t the case better thanthe direction -to give him some share in the prots. Something that the can call his own, and which he can improve by indus- try. _ Sometimes the bent may be very pronounced, but ordinarily it is what you i makeit. It is easy to interest the little boy in small fruit culture, or,in the care of young stock, whose growth he watches with keen interest "because the proceeds are to be his- very own. As you value your good name with your boy, deal as uprightly Wlth him as you would- do with your neiql1bor s son. Don't let it be- boy s calf, but father's`: cow. I When he has gained some money by hard work and the means you have given him to use `for himself, don t -say to him as another father did : Dan, you may lend me that. money and I will give you my note for it The money was handed over mostr_eluct- antly, and that was the last the `boy ever saw of it`; That boy concluded to` quit farm life at the earliest day he-could'.i m : L A__ 1' 1---... 1.-.: 1.... H... `handout 0!, 1! not one ut-no Luuuxunuu uauuuv _uu u_yu- pepsin. This invaluable medicine for Liver Uompluint, Indigestion, Kidney Com laints, is purely vegetable. Sold at Mon ma.n"s I Drug Store. Trial bottle Given free. ,,,;%A 4.4 Iarm 1116 at use euruuuu ua. . Two boys I knew, had ylgltllelhxrdest earned money, selling apples `around the; village from a. bag carried. on an old horse : back. bought a. call. It grew Well and was watched and tendedf with "pride, and there.wer'e' variouscalculations over the wa.y..the -money should be invested. But one day acattle dealer came along and they saw their pet sold with the rest of the young cattle ;and one of thesevboys remembered when `The was gray.-bea.rde_d~ that they never saw anything of the money '\7'-_-- ,a:w,....`-.L .J..'I 1\v\I\"1'\I)iI For-nxor rnan- bllnlv but: y_ uuvp; navy gen; v;_uu5 ,u.. ynnu ...,._..-.,_, . Very different did another farmer man- age. [He gave his boy anvacre on the farm he was a. mind to [pick out, with leave 10 use all tloeifertiliz are he pleased, and `various other facilities for making his -A small farm a success, A. The boy chose `to set; in small fruits, for which there was` 9. good market, and every year saw him more of an erithnsiest in this culture, and very soon they brought*him in amost handsome return. City life had no charms for that youth as he greweup. "`L---- ' ,2l..H...'l-{+ -~ - in nminhinu H1}: ` CHH.I`lIlB l.Ul` Luub yuunu an uu 5;uu 'u1.Iu _ ~ There is a. delight in Watching the growth of trees and plants of one s own setting that is of a,; most elevating, . ren- ing clmracter; A It is a foil tomany of the temptations of life, which` are to be found in the country as well as the city _ A good paperon the -subject, and a. personalin-c tereet in the culture wi_llcca.use an intelli- gent lad to take hold ofit with vigor, and will invest country life witlle new charm. ' No wunder`O1.i,ve1' \Vendell Holmes said gtlmt the best poems 3-he had ever made were the trees l1'6`h:1Cl -planted -along the winding river. V_ Would that every "waste place ? 3."-()l1l} our "f:mners :l1omes might tliisyear be planted with a. vine,` bush or tree. \Vhat a change it wo,ul(lmake' in the face of the landscape. andfin the lives [of the dwellers in these homes V _ A A Blaze at Lvittle 1;aris. M `PARIS, Ont., Feb 9`---This morning a. re totally destroyed the wooden_ row of buildings known as. App1eby s block, `on River stteet. It consisted of seven stores. 1\ 11 `ll ,, ,,,_-,..- 1--.. 430 Knn Q :-\ ` \ Hol1owuv's 21115 A * This purityinp, and regulating Medicine should occzisionally be had recourse to during foggv, cold, and wet weather `These Pills are the b-`st preventive of hoarseness. sore tlirnat,ql1insey, pleurisy, and asthma. and are sure remedies for congestion, brnnchitis, and inammation. A mod-erate attention" to` the (lire-cions`f(>lded round each box will en able every invalid to take the Pills in the most advantageous manner ; they willithere be taught the proper doses, and the circum- stances under which thev must be increased ' or diminished. -HolluWla.V'8 Pills not as `alter-' atives, aperients, and tonios. Even when these Pills have been taken as the"la.st resource. the result has `always been grati- fiimz. Even when they fail to cure, they assuage the" severity. of the symptoms; `and i diminish the `daugei-3'~:f'=~==`~* ` ~ i ..L---... ` b Shakspeaha-e's Mistake. L . g h ' There ! said Mrs` G'ummidge, ptittinql aside her _pa.per.`f "Grind. fu1LiUi e De- vereufx Blake.~/ V . % [.',, j~:.~ , . _ What has {the done,~rIiy. dets1*~'?= =' , . She says that`Sh'aksphimrWs`h. brute, , `and that. the h.p1 4.y' fThe,_Tam'i_m'_:; of the` ' Shr?ew'_du'e5 Wmim.n ~gi70s'sii:jnIst._ice.f -T. " T _ ``Well,'. I. think myself-A-1t Vwmtl have been true!` to nature if .ish*e,h;_1.du t t-ktnL n.1ed |.her . .~ ~- His Heart was Touched, _ _ _ He had- bean ._ g_..yi`r1;g "t.:)Vs:et-.} -lr1tT it long time, but n_'ever- atatgdj jljh 0h'jact of; his _ visits, and she - was ==-:daabi_rm13:';:of1; knowing. a0methin2_of his rum-`e. K `1'l`he` `mac T nigmyg `he called he seemed _to bezqnihe-'s_ad,_urnd J ulb \.u red 3 than Ila`-av ! _ .v_. v` .;,,u_ ' . sad, `and 1| call Solicited hetjqn e nlirchil? ixgg'e1se _vvhepe. IIUUJII I ` _i? "911. ,1! _'*dor..'t" ki1d;',' i;he;rvrs;;6nded,_ "f `I hagx;:fmt1ch`bane;ifto com- ! . ' `lrut bitter cup has been place to your lips. `Yes. Henry ; my parents are dead. `And 13 there nu b ttex ness in that Mary? Is it not very, very sad to_ be an orphan `I (G! Ann:-Avian it :n'ununrn Inn}. nnn nnn__ T A Popular Novelist. What is your business ?" a. passenger on a railway train asked of a ch3_m__ce ac- quaintance. V " _ 4 "I run a writer of popular 11)v:ls. 3 What is your name 3" . `.'N1ck Smith. Well, I d-an t believe I read any of your novels. But perhaps you employ a nom de plume. ' " ll`? _ D! .l\D I0 HUD 161 , V?l_'J DVnu`vu__uo us`: unyusuu I `Of course it is Henry, but you see--- and the `blushed y;`iv;idly-_--fit relieves you of the enxb`a.rrass'sIiient.,,l5~ Iskfather aftr` several `well developed Asiiglis h saiutiiii `-Life is full, very full of bitterness, is ' iiuma 1 -1.__I.L-- I--. 43;. I .t._L_ ._;--.;;_J-J Whut is your name '1" I change it very frequently " Why so 7" ' . Well, you see, I am emnloyed `by a. publishing house to continue the works of men who die in the zenith of their fame. I have nished `Hugh Conway, and I am now waiting for=Wilkie Collins to die. ._, ,, -4- BU Ill]. illlul \lIsUun\no Don t allow a cold,in the head to slowly `and snrelvdevelope' itself into Cataarh when you can be cured for 25 cents. . A few applications will cure incipient Catarrh. ' * " One to two boxes will cure ordinary . Ca- tarrn. _ L- c--- 1.-..-- ....:I1 ........ ..L...n-sin (`Yo T3Y'I'[l.' I - Sold` by all dealers at 250. gar box. Try Dr. A; W. Chase's Canarllan Aatarrh Cure- take no other- it will cure you. ' For sale by all dealers. _ One to five boxes. will cure chronic Ca} } tarrh.` ` n 1 1`1__'_ .11 .1._'|-.... -4. oz- ....... kn! '1`... 7 Spreadint the Gosnel. _ A certain divine, who had wandered. in the course of his travells, beyond the cou- veniences of the railroad, was obliged to take a horse. Being ' unaccustomed to riding -he said to`his host: I hope you are not so unregenefatelin these parts that you would give -- me la`. horse whomwould throw *3 good -Presbyterian minister?" Wall, I"d`uuno,; was the reply. We believe in spreadin the gospel." - Should Talk Entzlish. 7 A prominent New York Adruggiat is spending theiwiuterin San` Antoniofor his health; ` Wh_a.t mont your trade be. s'tranger;?. `asked the genial clerk .of the localhofel. I " am 1:. pba.rmacist.. ~ A jwhat.did you say '2! A pharmacist. Why t1on t,you` talk English and,say you. are a. hoes d0ctor`?....' T ` l . ' Selling at Cost. V A citizen stepped into an.uVp town drug `store, and c:3.lled.foi a: ,couple of pills` which-he"swallowe'cl -How much l" he" asked. Fnfty cents, sir Fifty cents 3 Why, the druggiat on the block below never charged me more than five. Then ['11 make `em f(_)_ulf._ I ll drive that man outo f business if I have to sell goods at cost. . ' be-Q.-.-_.-i ` _ Under the Same Head. V Remarkable isn t. it, the great age to which some anim'a.ls'at.tain? 1 have just read that a Pittsburgh donkey has recent- ly died at 57 `yea.rs. ` " . I didn't know they. lived tn be so old. "Nor I Oh,Tby the Way, Hnhbs, how old are you? My wife was asking me yesterday. . : -..L',\I I `I_In.1 -- `Lot 6, Con; 8, Vcspra.`200 acres, half a mile 1 from Minesing Stmion, frame house and stable, 10 acres c_1cared, lmlance 'tiIl]bL`I'0d with pine. tumarac. cedar. "ash. etc.` ' . - ` um \.V'nqf. int 14`. L nf 10.. mm. 10.~ rm acres. ` \ near the villaare of .Mine9ing.-- A never fni ivg uunarac. ccaar. 3.511. cm. Also West; :1: of E nf 10; Con. 10.` nor es. Tat!-eam runs through the lot. Good land, 10;; iwvlling house, about 20 acres` improved. bal- ance timbcrcd with elm. `ash ; etc Holh pur-. eels will be sold on very Lr`ea.sonub1eV "terms: in order to settle the estate 0*` the late J vhn K em. 1:... O-nv-rnu nnd nnnditinna atmlv to AMRS. order settle the estate of me mus .n-u_u mam. For te1_'ms and conditions apply MRS. KB7NT. Mmering. P. O. or to LOUNT, S'l`RATIIY. &..LOUI\"I`, Solicitorsetc .` Harrie. 5-8 mm a:lTWM{&sua1vnmn; mun ay haw] quart or. I.` , Razors "and Scisors Ground and at on short- Notice . 5-1 _ GEo1ii M6kMAN cums? AND DBUBEIST. --`w1ube*rouna-- . 2 nouns wasiuiiiiaa annms HOTEL. uuu Inn | nYHB I IIIIII k A call solicited forf all kinds of V . DRUGS. PATENT ME_DICI N ES. DYE % STUFFS.- SOAPS, ,coMBs,. J AN D BRUSHES. ' 5:3-c~PPosI%1`tE`4BAR RI-E . H OTEL, DUNLOP STREET. L **nLax;*:f;=aMs WINES I beg tostate that I have opened a New family * T . Wme and Liq' or Store. _. % _vEXT noon T0 akwix or commsncz. } an orders` sent by mail wi-1b dgnyer-.d free of fright.c1.arRe+,_even_ Saturday and Mon, dy. to patrons fr om Ban-xv and vicinity. _, 1 I 1111 I-../IJ/IL [J/1'17`, Hg; PRESCRIPTIONS canard-LL? oompounnnn. TOILET AR.TICLES--A FULL LINE. `K A L `jI`b.vs. em." " I " -_ .'. . . sii1;s.JCheixi11s zui P my VVon1 gr all kinds 1 -'l'.I.,lIB l.`I:I._lIu V}. ;5. 3 Ln In a. n"1{1ch'_lt'171`ge:-V _sr`-vie Ufhan 1(;!P.:!.0VVf ()I"e;... AT SUTT`?"`T9_ V Where-se iI1Lc!1vd`:)';arr3 ins: Qn t11_~ ._ _ _. _ .._ _n-- A Feeds hoe