f earn- wn and e more D0016 l`8.Il(1 unronsmre teams BIIQ HQWBS. All importe and direct from the imported stock. Aunlv to ' T [BRICK mum Aw uwr*unxal ooN'T3IiiisfIf51 `' jU UH.-V- ~nn `Mnnnlnntuu-on. -1 n_u_.a-... an--_s . w. U. asunmmxsmu, Or to Allandale WILLIAM GRAHAM, Foreman Manor Fafm, Shantv Bay P.O. . All.-.n.Inl.. 6-..; 04.1.. loo: unpurliei Apply to b`H}R()PSHlR;l<} {Stlh;l+:P I ALWAYS IN storm on Mime in ohm. AChes .pe_r than anv House in or north of '!`o~V ronto. ' ' P. J`; 1V.[OC),`R. 1+3, Tstrin%Be11s, Broad, Loub1e and Sin le Bails rushes, Curry Combs Whips, nee Pads of all kinds. arnesa Oils an:-I Vnnniahau poorf in - hat will painful agyard sV external ness and euralgia, V mnaton y IXUIIIIJBIILCIUL nay. - v The above lands are `oez-ed especially cheap and in nearly every case a. very small cash pay- ment will be accepted. and easy terms given for the biuance. A ' . '`\n tvnnnnlr rn1Ivn Info nnn `xn wsuqnninnnnil A-. LU!" IJLIU Ullililllilia . V The vamant sown lots can. be purchased on still e_a.siev' terms, in case the purchaser intenc` 9 to bmld immediately. Apply to, For Heavy Dfaufght br_ Light F`-arriage use. in * - . ' anv Mountmg required, LIUUUU uuu Ultlfll; .l`4UU - Several Park Lots West of Mr. Ewa.n's resi- = deuce and having a.-ne view of Barrie and ? Kempenfcldt Bay. 'l`hn ahnvn. Inndn nrn `nnrn nnnm-inllv nhnnn SINGLl:3`&_Ii).tIm1_3f-a~:_7:g;1~'_"HA_RNESS % v-n wu- I V I ESSA.-E } of Lot 5, and part of Lot 12. in - 7th Con. Est-n. 138 acres, 100 acres cleared and free of stumps, alance well timhered. The cleared land is rst-class. the buildings are large and in good repair. the farm being one of the best in the Township. FI.n,_Pn.rr. nf N 1.10 in `Itch nnn on any-ma D118 D886 m E116 JJOVVIISDII). FLOR.-Pa.rt of N 10 in 7th con , 90 acres, about 30 acres cleared and free from stumps,new frame dwelling house, soil good, balance of lot can be easily cleared. . TNTNTQWTI._NT 1-nf T.nf 10 in fhn 19?}: l".nn Ull U6 em-my CH: .H:I'8(l. INNISFIL.-N ; -of Lot 19, in the 12t,h,Con. `I00 acres. An excellent farm. ` II4`I\(l\T'I`I4`. IF 1 n! `U 1 A9 A a'n inn-. nun . an LUU UUFUH. [LII UXUUUUIIL Lunu. NIEDON'I`E;-E Q of W i of 6 in 10th Con ; 50 {acres good land, rst-class orchard in full bear- InQ_ . . C.4'\)I%Q aU\l\ IWIJVI I-IlIIU \-IIIDLITI U5 VIII-L\A ILL LICK} K'\)(Il' 1ng.v ' ORTH ORILLIA.---Part of Lot 3 in lstCon.. 80 a(:.. 40 cleared, excellent soil, good buildings. property well watered. a first-class farm especi- oa.llI8.da ted for stock raxsing. T AWASAGA.-E J; of lot 1 in 8th Con.; asplendid farm, 90 acres cleared. good build- ings. plenty `of water from a never failing stream. no waste land. TECUMSETH.--.N } Lot 4 in llth "on.. 100 acres. About 80 acres cleared; A {good farm, 1 well situated. about 3 mites from Al ston. 'l`l 1\1V ._W. 1. R9 in Int (`nu lavifnnf A nnn .u\ n WUli1ll.l.&laf`ll.&!:lug!;1l4 oi ll];-BUS IFOID AIIISCOH. ) M '1` .-- .1. . V 11 st on., (excbpt 4 acne in very good farm; $1200. _ T VESPRA.-W. as of 2! 111 6th Con., sma.1lc1ea.r- inf), well watered and timbered. soil good. 7 art. of 22 in 6th Con. Vespra, 110 acres, good house and ham; $1200 Rnvnvnl pnt-L Lntn W:wf.nf Mr Ewan`: Fnui. = 1'U5lU.llUB. u')DU. . I A splendid building site of 4; acres, near Mr. = John Hines residence, on the West sxde of Bayeld street. A bargain. . . ALLANDALE.-A comfortable double Dwel l lit: iliouse on Bradford street opposite Northern 8 On. 1 A . (1 - 10 good building lots Well situated. > 21.11 11118 Dllllul BIDCS. ` Several com ortable houses and cottages on Charles street; an excellent opportunity for a A mechanic to get a comfortable home as these `houses can be paid for b small monthly or quarterly instalments. Pr ces $150 to 8400. That comfortable 2 story Dwelling occupied by Mr. L. Buttereld. with small office in front. _ and two lots - price $1000. nnd huilrlino Inf. nn Rnsm ntr-Ant nininina and Good builtiing lot on Ross street adjoining Mr. Craddock sresidence; $250. Ilwallino Hnuxnn nn li`.n.nt. mn nf nun:-n ah-not Jul`. UPHUUUUK BFUBIQBDCG; ` Dwellin House on East sxde of Owen street, -o_ceupi_ed y Mr. Bothwell, most conveniently sxtuated ; $1200. Hntfnovn an}! Inf. nmn-Iv nnnnnitn `Dr, A I-no'h n nxuuuusu. ; 1`UUo Cottage and lot nearly opposite Dr. A1-dagh s residence. $350. ' A nnlnni HI1iI1'no nifn nf Al nnrnh non-n `Mfu- --UUCTUUC-`: v--l Also. `Manufacturers of Cylinder. Wool. Engine. and Harness Oils. n nou`uv I...- 88165] sold only bv 1111 61131016 uuuqmg 8168. '1'6I'IIlB 6&8]. _ 3} acres of vacant land South of \_nderton a brewery adjoining railway track, smtable for an! kind of manufacturing business. I nnmhnr f vnmtnf. Int: nn Rt-ndfnrd and `P dun." aux K1110 OI Il18I1llI8(.`>Ial1I'lIIg DUBLDBBB. number 1 Vacant lots on Bradford and Charles streets, South of Buttere1d'a foundry, all ne buildin sites. ` Quinn-nl nnrn nv-I-chin Banana nn on!-fauna Ah \JllI-FIJI 1 A1lcndal_e.rSep't. 8th. 1885. 01.111161`) 1n 1:116 111111. 4; acres at corner of Bayeld and Dalton streets, immediately north of Bigelow property. An eligible building site. Terms easy. 3} acres: nf vnmnt land Qnnth nf -\ndartnn h BARBIE. -Bayview Saw Mill (Perkins) with about 4 acres of land, and two large water lots; to be sold for less than halt the coat. of the ma chiners in the mill. 41 any-ma at nnrnnr nf Rnxval and nnltnn Some grand Shrobshire Ram nd Ewes. All gnpgrtp crown AND FARM PROPERTIES) FOR SALE CI-JZB.AP_ uu PUIIIEB H1 uunaua. 8.110 [-118 VV 68Lel'Il ST-8C6 3. Tlckets may be obtained and_also information about the route and about freight and passen- ger rates from , . ROBERT B. MOODIE. A Western Freight and Passenger A ent, ` 93 Rossin House Block. Yor st.. oronto, n. Pn'l"lI"NGER_ U. l.`U 1".l`l.LV unn, . v V Chief Superintendent. Railway Otoe, Moncton. N.B.. May 26. 1885. IIVII Z" I C"? TIIUT ?.`I &I' I `II - will nd it advantageous to use this route. as it is the quickest in point of time, and the rates are as low as by any other. Through freight is forwarded by fast special trains. and exper- ience has proved the intercolomal route. to be the quickest for European freight to and from all points in Canada and the Western State 3. Tuhbnfn Innwl-uh nhfninn on!` clan {I-sfnvwnntinn LIIK 0&1`! 011 I111 l:uI'Ul13'l1 FY8138. ` _ I `First-class refreshment rooms at convement distances. V - -V | ' IMPORTERS AND sxmiens. ...:II ...`I 3; -.1__._A._ __.-_-_. 4.- ___- 4.1.}. __-.__L.' A- 3; growing son and d. Those Oil have th. ltis` relief for DLIUIIU nnuwuy . ' Elegant rst-class. Pullman bu e't, and smok- ing cars on all through trains. l'`iI-nfpnlnnn refreshment rooms: at nnnvnninnt . JUIIII, l.V..D.. Wllal10l1lo UUEIIEU. . Close connections made at Point Levis with the Grand Trunk Railway and the Richelieu and Ontario Navi ation Company s =teamers from Montreal, an at Levis with the North Shore Railway. Elnonnt vst.r~.`lm:s:| Pullman 1-\n n'f. nn urn:-'\'It- -u--- y-:c:-, ,-: From the West for all points in New ollrunsowlck, Nova Scotla, Prince Edward Island, `Cape Breton ana Newfoundland. All the popular sea bathinnr, fishing and plea.- sure resorts ot Canada are along this line. - Pullman nnrn leaving Mnntrnnl nn Mann! 1111 BRIG 1'U501'l'3 OI L78aIlllu(1 {H76 8110113 IIHS HUG. Pullman cars leaving Montreal on Monday. Wednesday and Friday run through to Halifax, and on"[`uesday, Thursday and Saturday to St. John, N.B.. without chance. filnnn nnnnnntinnn nuuin at Dnint. Lnvin mifh BIG STOCK T OF HORSE BLANKE_Ts_ THE` DI'RET_:"T__BLO_UTE *n!____. L`. _ 119, _; INTERGOLONIAL RAI LWAY. BAYls_` IELD_. S.TREE'1' MANOR FARM, 13-IY VALUABLE LANDS M00l.L s LAiinii{E_ Moorefs Bloc}: Dunlop-st, B1irx'ie. W. C. SCHVREIBER, Avllandn` '1 5']. Klllllu rI.H;I'U` and Varnishea. `FURNITURE DEALERS. :_..._.--.-a.`.j._.._ , y.. u...- u-`ns _LZ -._.I . AT` THE. --ON-- .S'l`RAfl`HY'& AULT, A V Barristers. Barrie _1N_. SHANTY BAY no. THEJNORTHERN ADVANCE. manna, P. 0.. azvv -.-ya D.IlJ.\/Jain) NIJJLL I. .I-TLUMJ` at pnces that defy competitiori. mhn O\.~|kI;n nvsn-nn:nbA nu nu kI$IUWE UIICIII IJUIJ UUuJPUvIDIULI' The public appreciate our move in the matter of giving good goods at -low prices, and daily swell the volume of our.tra.dee. _ We shill be happy to show you through our stock, SC00L Biiblis, `UR FALL AND WINTER STDCK IS NOW `COMPLETE with a. 1arge_and elegant assortment of t.he_NEWEST AND MUST APPROVED STYLES OF BOOTS, SHOES, SLIPPERS, RUBBERS, OVERSHOES AND MOCCASINS, 11". nltlnun flan} A-nfvv nnrr\r\n6-H-u'n-`x NED ,r.Y's N :~4T()R H,` IRAQ"! l'1I'\`I')`LT`l B`l) I113 `IRTTTIF 'l)l\T\T"l1D "Boo-rs AND guess: tin the , 9 MCALLISTER. STORY & CO Y. Direct from the Manufactries in Europe A full Stock of THORSE SHOES, HORSE NAILS, CARRIAGE ANl_) SLEIGH WOOD-ENWARF. BAR IRON, Just received a large stock of Wall Paper from the Ameri- can, English andhome markets. MALL|STER. STORY 8: 00., FULL STOCK or scHooL suppu ES. A. SOQTT, His lon'g experiemie in the business has en xbledhim tol kbuy these goods at the` Bottom Prices. 7 | Desires to`thank.tdheVcitizends of Barrie and surrounding neighborhood for their kind patronage during the past year. and begs to state that he is. not behind thetimes with his large -stock of ' `finer of `I l1a.d'aL ho was ed her y maid er the e trus- far as. T THE BOIDKSELLER .l0sl1}Pll l.EFGH"bN, .~oH0oL BOOKS, STATIONERY an WALL PAPER. Ono Door West of Queen s Hotel, Barrie, NOTE PAPER, ENVELOPES AND BLANK aooxs .A'I` TORONTO PRICES % Buyers will find the Prices Interesting. NORWAY IRON & STEEL, , BEST PROOF COIL CHAIN, ' ANVILS AND vIs:1:s. - T Funerals furnished com- " `:3 V gplefe. . Caskets and Cof- IMPORTANT TO ALL 'soU'rE EAST CORwNER-(-)F'F'IVE POIN'i`:.%. Ilurdware ! sures, PENS, INKS, ETC. S 00 T `F, w,H.*MYEr.s & sow. ---WHO ARE IN WANT OF---- Have received a. Large Stock of ordinary W Eb'1`bh\l) B(mKs'mRE. CARPENTER AND Always `on hand. %---ALL KINDS OF.- daf of your I I uv`-`I , ,1? z I 3183.35. `Ya ! Is :Now_ Ivmxme .|:u2Ec 1' PHOTO-i BARRAUD "BOT:-1WE:LL s BLOCK, mom $3.09 Paanazen. GRAP:-gs rnom Toma snze THE PHHTHEBAPHER, UP 1'o'nx I4 cABam.:1r s, R IE, . stock. All (jrldbrs will re- :Z1l1 bUL`ly a tree or -!; Moon} 1 :1 iuvi_-__';-_ mhlv ills - ceive careful zittntion. and `prices always. in . _ - 7 ' 4 gifongregailonal ` 4 T ` ()IIur(-.1-a,,;" ns o,f ariotxs designs i GHLLIERIST. 8443! E. OPPOSITE THE COUNTY OF SIMGOE, V PO R 1886, Published by the Proprietor, S. Wesley, Barrie. Copies 25 cents at the office ; or sent by mail, postpaid, on receipt of that ' sum. -rlnn Nonrnmnx Anwmcn Is the best One Dollar Weekly Published in the County of Simcoe, and has the largest circulation. is. WESLEY, Publisher and Proprietor Blarik Forms of any kind printed to order. Ii" And th a tone I CHATTEL -MORTGAGE, DISCHARGE OF ASSIGNMENTS OF CHATTEL MORTGAGE. % ABSTRACTS OF TITLE, ETC. IVISION COURT BLANKS, MAGISTRATES BLANKS, ` SURROGATE CUURT BLANKS, CONSTABLES _ BLANKS. POGKET DIHEGTORY I RENEWALS OF T i FARM LEASES, EQU1TY OF REDEMPTION, T STATUTORY LEASES. DEEDS, MORTGAGES, , CHATTEL MORTGAGES, - QUIT CLAIM DEEDS, ASSIGNMENTS OF MORTGAGE AGREEMENTS OF [Ajr TORONTO PRICES. 7 BOOKS `AND PAMPHLETS, JUI) 1 CIA L DISTRICT ? aeAkedT NOTE HEADINGS,` LETTER HEADINGS, MEMORANDUMS. , WEDDING `INVITATIONS, WEDDING CARDS, XLISITING CARDS 'Il'I'.If\l"I'I'AIl f`lA'I'\T\K`1 MEMORIAM CARD-S, PROGRAMS, ORDERS OF `DANCE, MENU CARDS, LABELS. CARDS, IJ.I.'lLJ..IJJ-U \-II. RECEIPTS; cHEcK& ORDER&3 ENVELOPES @`I respectfully solicit an opportunity to furnish estimates for all kinds of work in all the styles of printing, such tnuuxnmunn Pnmms. PROMPT AND TASTEFUL EXECUTION --OF ORDERS OF ALL CLASSES 0F-- PRINTING HOUSE, numur ST.. BARBIE, HAS UN RI VAl_.LED FACILITIES THE Nonrnsnu Anvnucs -STEAM-- POSTERS-P1ain and Ornamental. BLANK FORMS I886. STATEMENTS, BILL HEADS, NOTE CIRCULARS, `LETTER OIRCULARS. l"1;1`I"I'\7`l1D( ` DODGERS, _FLYERS, Always kept i-nu stock ----OF THE--- ---or THE: ---FOB. rm:-- Encfside zvy win-. 51` Ilt} v I; .-':`.u]\1e. . A full line of MORTGAGE. A full line at all prices. SALE OF LAND `HOUSE LEASES. SNIPES, ETC. ;'family of wt} LI With _ .:;I(;_;i3a,I a cage. bin China. . L "so"-11001.7 {|(.>1Ksd_ayS. imd the - 4th Of tul.1.-- me le chap} .1"...`l`.. 12138. keeper: . l)u;- oure for-, or:.\ Ia1Tc'. A H;`(-1 \V ('.?m1gh : uu.\"c1y. .'.V:1\~. .'..; ' \.\l ,_'J1_1u `mi f-'1 fl!- ;wLjred : `(.1 ud `S. do .nu-.o u {ihat _-"his I .uu nun uu LUDILLIE an an Lu nus lilgllb 81111:" Case of paralysis, of course, rephed the doctor. Oh, no, it; isn t. He has been exam- ined by some of the most eminent Laur- geons, and they declare that it 1sn t. If it wesa. case of paralysw he couldn't move hit arm, you know. How long has it been so `ll Over twenty years, he tells tne says he'll pa any doctor $5,000 to restore.` the natural eeling. Had a.'l;;a:1 Arm. V _ V The other day a well-known Detroit doctor was eating lunch in a restaurant alongside of a. business man, when" the, latter remarked : Nut`? just saw a c;a.se.to interest 39011 in the cigar store. There is :1 man there who has no feeling at all in his right a: m. "noun n? 1\nI0n`Iv:|:n .. ............ 1! ...._I;.J JV .1"m goin up Michigan avenue to Twelfth street`. Do you happen to have a. couple of street car tickets I . . 6-QC! 7I`L.'.. J- `I\I\ -.....,.L H .._-I-2......'l iie waas` handed adstamp. When he had licked it on and mailed his letter he said : " ~..u . _ _ ' _ ~ j I -want {o mailfa. letter in the box here, but I" nd 1 have no postaqesta.mps. Llfyou-P-3". . 4 u 1 I . -nu. I . _ The Wrong".-Men. . "`Excnseme," he said, as he halt-ed a ggmtlciiiziii in the `corridor `of the City llall,` will you lend me you-r-'eye-Vg1a;sses' LL n1I)I1l{`l_lf4. V, ` . A _ - He piii't,l;mn on his nose _to read a let- 1~Fr, and n:tunw \Vll}l) : t ` T _ '_l`li:uil fl Iluve you the correct time. All I Tau-lliuty 1"" '. - _ . He set his watch and conl`1dcnt1a.lly in- <`illll`(*4'] 1 . . '_ ', _ -' -ll'2nfe1i t any tobacco about you, eh 7" He was handed `a box, and after. help- ing `himself t) a'libeml ahaxe he remark- . ~ ' "N11-.v.' 1.11-11, 1'i5_f11t W hen 3. 1113.11 wo11 t givc. to the <;1'p11:1`1,1s you km s-1t 111111 down as tum 11101111 to livc.. 011' behalf of the Icetlc axvuls 1111.11 of which c:~111 t;re111c1n- `1 7 bun. th<:1r paw 11411` 1_u:1w, I thank you. if you ever come our way stop and see the_ c}1i1lre11 m1rH1ez1.1' them bless your name; T0111, you and Jun git 0' the road and let the` public pl1i1zu1thro'pist pass 011. `I'm ts\11`pI`1sed that _yOll"d stand in a. gentle? 1112111-`s way ! Good night, old fel; Heaven will s1ml_v rewa1'd you I ' - .. ` III lI\'\\L `IL III"IK\JJ ' A-I-IlJ_U IIJ W, I "?1o11bct.! Iieplxcd hxs two compan- :1ms. T ./r1-1 . mx '~1. .I~ I o:\.u Ar uatnuu uu.\I LJ\.AI.ll.\IlIJ\ylO ` \Vi11`they E Won t we. purceed [tight Vtlu.-re and ;,rive- it to em afore Sagurday ni_w_;lxt*! You d-on t take us fur" a passel of ;_:u_nts without fec1in s, do ye F V _. If hodous, said one of the others, _as ho, spit nu his lmwls and gripped his club rifrc-M1, `.`I mu~1t clmw "my reptltaslllm, J`\'u zxllns bum: known as the friend of the - m.`f.'ms, :1n? l I_ c:u1"t;'l' w nobody to throw W1: hints that rm :1 liarzuld al1yp()c1'ite ! ";\m1i!`.a t,h'u_s:11x'1c wlth me!:added 1 K7]. UILLIIIL D(IIl\.| 5 Being_as you are a. well-known philan- thropist, mebbe you d like to donate a._ couple of dollars towards a.nAorpha.n asy- lum. ' Where is it-? . Out near Chicago. , I don t just re- member the exact dunensions of the building, nor the number of little kids .-.3 is cryin their*b1'essed:eyes out fur their dead paents, but I` know", they is sadly in need of money. Ain't it 30, boys ?" l`\'.\n `nu? l 1-.n\l:nr] `nI.n 6-nvn hnvnnnn ....,`u If I give you will the orphans ever see it 3". asked the Detroicer. ` ` ~uuv-n .1 1 \n I 0 1- For the Orphans. _ . .-\ Detroit poultry buyer was in Macomb County a few days ago on business, when, just about dark, the horse became fright- ened at some object along the road and run away. The man was thrown out of the vehicle, but notbadly hurt, and after he had pulled himself together he started on after the horse. Pretty soon he en- countered three stalwart tramps, each one of whom had a club. As they obstructed the road he was forced to halt, "when one of them said 2 III 1'1 IV GD LII Vial`? J. VV \lllUJ"Il||JlIl Aaron came in, called me a. wooden- legged liar, and I was pitched over the fence ` into the road. They ve' got this war business down so ne that you can t go around playing `roots on the country no more, and the best way is to own right up that you got drunk and gotin the Way of it locomotive. ' ` T " `Stranger. our regiment wasn't with- in 20 miles of Gettysburg during the war ! `I said Twenty-Fift-h 1 Of course the Fifth wasn't there. - n run In ' `I, , J` ,,, A , I .-I. IIULJ VVGIDIJ U ULIUIUC `Oh ! I'll call 1n my brother Aaron he was in the Twen.ty-fth. A1-\-I/xv` t|nv\r\I\ In nn"nA runn n II-v(\l\(`t\v\ VJlLltl|rLJ I-IIOD 1! UL \.l\A0 " `Oh! Brother Jim was in that com- pany ; I ll him in. ' "Jimcame in, took a square look at me and remarked : ll1!`1a I n `I: -.1 ' clrcu H1 pretriest` ` WU] Id: 7 Vcfr take it sca rce-_ French-. can girl, ` Shut It? ll. ' All 1110 Bob came in, and he swore `a mighty oath that he was there alone. He so'rt o preempted that monument. and remem- bered the inscription to` p. word. How- ever, to give me the benet of the doubt, I was asked to name my company and regiment. 1xT'\ I T1~n.I /\IC 9 I V5515: utlvo .`Company B, Fifth Ohio, -I` promptly answered; . mlnk ' nnnfknu nvnh 1'n Ln` An -an "73`?Z3 1;:7,?&'{Zi"i3i11. ` y brother Bob was behind just such a stone, and I ll call 113m in. _ - T `I II; VUIIJUUULJ, U\J\J J. J} VIII` `IIIILI III. "Bill soon came in, and he wanted to know what pa'.'ticularT gravestone I took shelter behind. .I said it was a. Scotch granite monument. - u (l\l- 9 ._'_....;..1 13:11 nu- L._;u. .'_ `l\_L> IUL hlllll-IV]. I `?fWhere did you lose that leg ? asked. the woman. ` V V " `At Gettysburg. `Slt down till I, call my husband. . He came in from the barn, and I was `asked where my regiment was stationed in the battle. " `In the cemetery, I rephed.` T ` `Oh! Well, my son Bill was in the cemetery, too, I'll call him in. , ` HDSH n n n n n n man :91 nut` LA II'IllI\"n\l` {A No More Roots. L No, I didn t lose that leg in 1116 war, replied a. stranger yesterday, as he leaned up against the cold wall of the postoi oe. I used to claim that my leg was shot off at the battle of Antieta.m,p but one day something happened to cure me of lying ` I was stumping along the highway` in Ohio, and stopped at 9. farmhouse to beg for dinner. 1"! _,I,_;1_,A1, (15.1 1 February 18, 1886. . i V3 'x-vnit,:r- 1x;md;n 1 civexj two `silver-.' '1 Ln, L311 trzmlp rucoi'vcri`the_m. --7---v-~v-+1- Shc Clasped. I want to ask your advice about a. novel I am writing, she condentially remarked to a Woodward avenue. book- seller yesterday. M I shall be happy togrive it. yThe hero of my story is wounded by Indians and comes-home with his arm in a sling. " ` That s good. a V . My heroine meets him with great joy and he clasps her in his arms. ` Perfectly proper. . I'd do it myself. Yes, but don t you see that one of his arms is in a sling? `How could he clasp ? That so. And yet he must come home, wounded." V He must. " -V . - And she must be clasped? I She-ought toibe. . . ` * A . Yes, that's `so, but you must look out fur the critics. How would it do to have her clasp him '1" 7 Wouldn t it look immodest? N ot und-er the circumstances, and you i can add a foot-notethat the_joy of seeing him carried her off `he? balance for 1! moment. Yes, let `her clasp and-_ take ti o _ consequences. If youget the right kind of covers on abook you needn't care much about what is inside. i ' ` (11? ! 3 I -.I II I T 7 Anxlduu to Please. . Master of the House-L-`v`If any one galls tell them I'm not in.`- . . d..........a. 4-.` bkn `Du-:ndjAn-ur` tn`-nu` _|IUll tuulu I. III HUD Illa. Servant of the Pet-iod-And what will I tell them if they don't call 'I - ` ! IDIJLIIIU VV IIIIU LU InllI.\I\J' Very well, my heroine shall clasp-: I ' thank you ; good day. ' u L a "' `- V lb i-sTea.si'er for a. woman to defnd her virtue n.gaius`t1nen-than her reputation against wnnen~;---[R?ychebrunnen. 7-4-, ._ .4 A w.oma.n,Vthe more curious she is about her face, is commonly the more careless ` about her house.-[Ben.JoAnson.A , 'r.1 , '1 I` -' unuvvuu uuu \.`\Il:\)I-VI. UUEIVL V0 0 That's why I never travel on the. ac-; commodation train. It never has no decent place to smoke in. what Great Authors,_lTh1_nk or Women. ~ Womzm is the crown- of creation.- [Heber. T ` `He that takes a. wife I ta.kes_ ca.re.~- ' [Fra.nklin. . - ' - - Women teach us 1'-eposle, civility and -di;_I;nity_.4-[Vu1>taix'e. ' _All that I am my mother fn_a.cle V-mo.--` [J., 0. Adams. _ . . . l I wish that Adam had died.with~ all his. ribs in }1ia.budy .--_[.Bo11cic:m lt. " ` It? on n . n . -l at L "" VVc')n1en:-' forced `out of their `natural -character become` furies.--[Wm. Hazlitt. `T -,1 1- \ L . -_-..-_- . Learned women are ridiculod 1.eca.`use they put to shame unloarned men.--4 [Georga Sand. T ` I was taken,` at after trustees on and mrv to For where there is any duthor in` world that catches such beauty . as a. ..muu s eyes ?---[Shak`espear. ' 1.5 vv Iv AIILLSJ up IHIU PIJJU a She leaned over and took alighted cigar" from the man ahead, touched otfher pipe and after blowing out a. few whiifs of blue smoke she quietly observed : V rl"1nG n uyktv 1 nnnnu `IInrv;\` nu. `L15 an . L` No man chl `either live piouslyor `die I righteous without a. wife.--[ic_hter. _ A I`I7_,,, ,,, ,'I A I :1 -1 I a. V | "" `"5" All the" rgsonings of {nen_a.re not worth one sentiment of women.-|_Volta.i1_`e- T______j ____ _ 1 I I I Dwlu - Ma.da.m' the next coach is for ladies. (`I know it, she replied. This is the smoking-car. Don't I know. it ! she snapped, (`and didn't I come in here to take a. smoke ! Do you suppose I haven't travelled enough to know what car to get into when I want to raise the wind off mytstomach with -a. few whiffs at the pipe 2 T lnnnnd I\ inn nu.` `(\t\`9 :. `:...1.l-A.` ..:....._' V Women detest Elie rpetxt through a. professional j-:a.1ousy.-[_Victor Hugo. A11 LL--_-__-__:_. 1' 1. was As she made no move towais changing cars the ofcial stepped up to `her and said : ' 1111- 1 - .1 . u u _ u -- she Knew It. _";'fAs the morning train going west drew up at Brighton the other day an old lady ` with the legendary satchel was helped aboard the coach }:y the brakeman. ` In- stead of entering it she passed into` the smoking car and took a seat. Pretty soon the brakeman put his head into the door . and called out : ~ ` Madam, this is the smoking-car. Yes, she replied, as she investigated 1 her satchel. L ' ' The rear coach is for ladies. i l(`T-, )9 - in that has been nu I 113 L` ls VI 'I'E`Tu l1W'_l`. Perhaps the most extraordinary success achieved in modern medicine has been obtained by the Dixon treatment for Catarrh. Out of 2.000 patients treated during the past six months, fully ninety per cent. have been cured of this stubborn malady. This is none the less startling when it is remem- bered that not live per cent. of patients pre- senting themselves to the regu`ai' practitioner are beneted. while the patent medicines and other advertised -cures never record a cure at all. Starting with the claim now generally be- lieved. by the most scientic men that the disease is due to the resence of living. para- sites in the tissue. r. Dixon at once adapted his cure to their extermnation-'-this ,-accom- plished. he claims the Catarrh is practically cured,and the ermanenoy is unquestionedgas cures effected y him four years Jgo are cures still. No one else has ever atte pted to cure Catarrh in this manner, and no other treat- ment has ever curved Catarrh. The applica- tion of the remedy is simple, and can be done at home, and the present season of the year at the most favourable for a speedy and perma- nent cure, the inaiority of cases being cured in _one treatment. Sufferers should correspond with Messrs. A. H.` DIXON & SON. street west. `r Nov. 17. 1882. 305 King 4 Toronto, Canada, and enclose . stamp for their treatise on. Catsrrh.--Jleru ` Did this happen all at.once? asked ; the doctor. * V - 3 ' - ; Yes, sir. There was no warning: ` whatever. - T - Does the arm fall dead ? - T Perfectly dead. You can stick your . knife into it without my feeling; a sensa- tion." s "That s odd. Let me feel of it. .v The doctor put out- his hand, made'_,one grip, and then turned on his heel and left. the place, his face as red as paint and his gait somewhat eccentric, ` TL ........ .. ........a_.. ....A. Mi r!\ I'\I\)'l `, aha It`-. 1y zu-twn. auvuv uvluv vv IJCIII VVVVIIVI. IV, It was a. wooden arm. The "real ' one 3 was shot off at Gettysburg. ` I'llsee hun,d remarked the doctor, and when dinnerewas over the two went in_to the cigar store and the medical man 1 was introduced. - l(1\`, I A` ` I II I All ' ` .1. III} -Yes. OATARRH-LA '1"1u:.u'suu~u~.1 PIPHIIII Ivan-O Au`-L-___J2__.__ _ '- Courtship and Marriage. ' Chap- 1`. Maid Tone. Chap. II. Maid won. Chap. III. Made_ on".._ A Iuluu vauy UV PURVIS BROS.. Barrie CAUTION.--AnY `dealer round selling other oils as _Lardixze 0113 will be roseouted. 17-42 Apnliy to The only GENUINE Lardine on the market is made by McCOLL BROS. 8: (0., of To- ` ronvo. and when buying ask for - ~ I.%.e %s :B1oc1;, J