aomd Nomi: Min no Fink` -_w -a-vv abma scum. February 4, 1886. -o-av. lnonnm` nunmm'l'- A {are pr LITI- 7 00 a..m.. 1 11.33 a.m.. 1 '1 icku .v\'gcnt. __..- 1lH"` L945 Accou Bradfor Wattie, ' th;: 1 at No new name will be` added to the Sub- Ioription List until the money is. paid. . Ruhnm-ibars now in a- rears for three months I Paton mnnicm Fa.nuer;- mince ( ru lio Soho One f sad 4 W( 3.u1}:- follm-. :4 'I'w:nN'1 Ounoil`l ourlt vb) - audit. THE Appended is a. short abstract of thoe qualied to vote under the new act. The qnalcatiun is not in any way dependent on the Assessment Rolls. Real property is referred to in every case except _'In- come and Fisherman. 1. Owners in Towns..`..,.` -` $200 00 T_, 'IT,ll_ __ pain A ...-... 4.: _-nu .` Dl( .`.`I I)riur_\ find Om} 1 1 Of thc: Sim-_~I liccnsu ' chargy-. Tay, ui ]I..l.'. bl'id'__u Sam 1.111 Iwhe mm: be? Ioription List unnl me money numxu. Subscribers now in Ind over will be charged 81 50 per ennum. Wllhm .!'8Ce[.'u OH 1.: This r I81 tn ch:u_;_v. Ross Con ncnl than in bridges of vibe Drur Dance the ad v ant Tre or : che Cum pan The (1 Ultra! rep--rt l` . A111; ...._, ...., 'l`h+- the Eq 0'Cum Ind_Br dare to Buil River, The Secretary or other oicers of the local Liberal-Co-nservatives Associations W111, on application, be_ pleased to render I them every assistance. - ' V l LVV .. Adjt|H,] n-L... nu U A_1i mi] In in; Cu V The` ojg.` .1- `It:-_ M :n Fell You are reminded. that the Revising Ofcer for this Riding is now at work pre-' paring the Preliminary list of Votera, and thet all who are entitled to vote under the New Franchise Act must at once apply to have their nqrnee inserted, otherwise they will lose their votes. NEW FRANCHISE LIBEB,AL-GUNSEVATIVE mmmun ONTARIO PARLIAMENT. Our local parliament was opened last Thursday with all the "pomp and circum- stance usual on" such, occasions. The speech put into the mouth of the Lieuten- ant Governor is characteristic of the little premier. The Montreal Witness says it was a rather dreary a'air. That is pretty rough from a Grit pen. There is in truth but little in it, and goes to show that in reality very little law making is required and that annual Seseionsof the local house are not absolutely necessary. We canrnost heartily endorse that part of the speech whichexpresses pride in our` . brave citizen soldiers who went out to quell the rebellion, and then returned quietly to the "peaceful. pursuits of industry. Mr. Mowat crows over the Liquor License de- cision by the Privy Council, and] in . the spirit of` the politician seeking victory for a party, rather than the statesman, look- ing for the good of the country he desires to make out that the Dominion _ Govern- ment isattempting to deprive Ontario of - her rihts,delayin g'the settlement of ac-` counts, and Ou_itaric stimber.` All a W` M? MOW-td9Efvr.PI9ly pvilrty put.- .. '> Farmers` Sons. Income -.: TOWNS. in 0 na- In Vnllages and Townships . . . . . . 150 Of.` 300 00 I 1 1 way of} legislation, and what there. is,` is chiey in the character of amendments- Two measures pressed upon the -attention of the government by Mr. Meredeth last` session are to be dealt with, and we are to have some more consolidation of - Statutes. Immigration will have no en- g-luragement in consequence of the glut- ted state of the labor market -Mr. Mowat has taken into his sexism consideration" - the question of the parliamentary build- ings,.and promises that work will begin as soon as it is practicable. The speechfis a milk and water affair, demonstrating that ` Ontario has pretty expensive machinery to manufacture the few laws that she actu- ally needs. One measure the country hoped to see recommended in this docu- ment is unfortunately omitted, that is the project of acquiring for the public the National Park at Niagara Falls. The` Commission has nished its `work and it is time this important matter should be settled. As a state document the speech is more notable for whatit isn. t than" for what it is, and must be unsatisfactory alike, to the friends and to the opponents of Mr. Mowat s Administration. try in "the gpgers which threaten the state, may send backein grctel` Strength the party in favor` of theunity of nheE:n- pire, but of that there is no positve cer- minty with our presen_t imperfect` know. lezjge of the feeling `of the `new voters. We feel certain, however, that Mr.`Glad- I st_0ne's lease of power, should he form a l ministry, will not be of long duration. l _ ENGLISH POLITICS. o ` - - The defeat of Lord Salisbury s Govern- ment lasteeweek shows the uncertain ten- ure, with the `present House of Commons of any administration that can be `formed. Mr. Gladstone may form. a government, but he will depend entirely on Mr. Par- nell s Irish Parliamentary brigade, for its existence. What special system of Home Rule _Mr. Gl_adstone_ intends to give" to Ire-land, we do no not know, but anything that will tend to lessen the tie which binds Treland to the Empire will meet with such opposition that will shatter any administration by vwhomsoever formed. It is a most singular condition of things, when the integrity of the Empire is threatened by a small body of men hold- ing the balance betweentwo great politi-, cal parties. The only help for su'c_h_ an _ unfortunate state of _affairs, is the strengthening the one party that the com- bination of all other parties in the House I- will not aeot it. An appeal to the coun~ PA1BL_iAMENTARY- BUILDINGS. `_The ()urario.Prexnier says that unex- pected difcnlties stood 1n the way`-of` be- glnninlg. the erection of `new parliannent buildings [last summer, but that a com- mencement will be made as soon as `the weather will permit in the spring. V What were the difculties ? One no doubt 'was an,`in'sui sntno of money. Three- qnsrters of a. million of dollars have been voted for this purpose, tut more than double that sum will be required to con- l strugt the lmilding which Toronto _wants as an arcllitectuml Iadornxnenf. The taxpayer nmy wellnsk if it is i`i.:ht to spend this large" sum of money more to gratify the people 0f,Toronto than to af- f.r8 a.C'cm11oda.tim1 to the .representatives of Qx1rari<). Out` contexnporary the Lon- don Free Press says ' ..rI'Iu IN! 1! A V` - _ NOTE AND COMMENT. BI-'MARCK'S speech in the Reichstag a few days ago. gives one a pretty good idea of a. German -Prime M1uister e idea of freedom. The euhgcct was the expulsion of the Pelee from Eastern Prussia. 'l`heir expulsion was jnsued on the ground that they usnallysyxupathize with the oppon- outs of the government. The allusion by the Chancellor to the government : inten- tion of expropiatimz the land of the mem- bers of the Polish nobility who live in Paris and Monaco caused a great uproar. It is stated that the Prince gavea master ly historical survey of Prnssia s relations to the Poles. The chapter that treats of the great national "robbery by Prussia. Russia and Austria in dismembering Poland must have been intensely inter ' iasting. Perhaps the Chancellor skipped that humiliating page in European his tory In readinlr Bismarck's words one is strongly reminded of'the days of Stabrd and Land in the time of the Stuarts in- know nothing of Ii`-erty as gllsh speak- England. ` The German peole evidently us ing people understand it. ` V The question is, Can the farmers of the Province 'a'.)rd to vote so lame a sum of money--the price of six or seven of our g amlest cathedrals--for mere `architectur- al accnmodatiun I As the Witness writer observes : `It would be easy to secure the accomodation, if the buildings were made cheap. Butdoes not the whole plea for new buildin consist in this: that it is `accommodation that is Wanted, rather than `appearance? records are `unsafe in the present build- ings. That is what they say, but it is the sheerestv hyprocisy. The dncnments are quite safe as it is. The only interest to be served is the aesthetic craving of Toronto fur `architectural anpearance. The present chamber is an excellent one in its way, and would serve for many years to c me ; and probably if we have a new one it will be like that at Ottawa. badly lighted and ventilated, and general- ly pestiferous in arrangements. 1f De- partmental Buildings are required,` that is quite anotherthiog. Let them be built at any reasonable cost a But the proposal, to spend a million at the outset on build- ings for `architectural appearance mainly, will not be favorably regarded. That it is because the r A rnmur which scans to have originat- ed in Boston was prevalent on Sunday that Mr Pmncll had been assassinated. Iuq airy was made of L-mdvon concerning the ropurc, cm! a prompt rccpunca was received that the report, was not true. [THE BRITISH PULITIGKL > URISIS. an Gmmsronn has Vronnmn A' mmsrnv. a Stop Gap?-'l.`he Queen Ab- p dlcation to Hr. Gladstone as Premier i Without a Promise. LONDON, Feb. 1.-Mr. Gladstone has succeeded in forming a ministry. He sub- mmed and the Queen accepted his cabinet. It is not certain that all these who ha\ 0 been chosen will act with the Premier`, and it is possible that the . present draft - will be subject toreview. It is reported in London that the Queen practically in- timated she would prefer abdication to Mr. Gladstone without denite promises. an. n....... D..........L... L..- MC:...on . The genial temperature during` the week, together with the lighturries of snow daily, tend. to make this season `equal for out-door exercise to any past -_Vea.!'. A gentle easterly wind prevailed in the week, that in the 2 first days, 24th gnd 25th, were N of E.,- depressing the temperature beluw zero 10 and 4 respect- ively, after which it ranged at night from 10 to 2U above zeru--in other Words the frost `at liiuht registered from 12? on 26th, to 42 on 24tl1+m_:an . 27 of trust, or 5 above zero. The daily ex- posed teinperature registered .24 3 on Sunday the 24th, tn 52'uu 26th--a. `mean daily` Wa.!'' of '38 3 .- The daily mean] iteiupera.ture was, lowest 7 3- ....(25 3 of! fros_t)--on 24511," `to(3 7- on 26th---a niean for .113 week. 23, or only 9 9 of frost. The simrtestidaiiy range was 18 to 36 on 26th, and the longest 10` to 51 on 30:11- `extreme in the week (32 3 . 11.1.`. Uluuuuuup vvauuuuu ucuuuau y|uu.uuvu- Sir Henry Ponsonbv, her M!jesty s private secretary, insisted on a concise` declaration of the Liberal leader's policy .a'nd frankly announced that any under- taking tainted with separatist legislation would not be acceptable. The position which the Queen has assumed throughout the crisis is looked upon as. strictly con- stitutional-, but it indicates to the people that the crown is still an important factor in British politics and that although the Queen can theoretically do no wrong she has the spirit to resist what she regards as wrong in her chief minister- and ad- viser. Nobody believes that the govern ment will exist long rm... 0--.... A........:..a:...... .: ..... I-Ln c,Lii..... I For the 4th Week E-nd1ng January 30th," C QQII ,'1`he Vjbaromefer indicated a. depressiA of .63 in the week-nearly two-thirds of an inch. ' The atmospheric disturbance '.pccurrd in three days, and still remainedou Saturday night. -7|... ......\..n6-. .3 .........C..|l ..n R .]..u.-. 3.. 11 LLIAILAILII II" it KJIU I1 :3 J ' Uur1u,_{ the month of January the'low- est temperzuure has been 22 - bclmv Zeno. the average being 195 be-1'-w fur that month in the last 13.years. In January, 1880, - the lowest temperature was 5 abuve zero, and in 82Vw-as 35.? below zero. In January, 80 the h1ghe.sttem- perature was 683, and theyluwest dally t -mperatnre was 42 3 in 8J. The Inuwy days xn the past uwnth was, 15,` whxch 13 the average gures for the past. 13 years`, but the depth uf snow fall, 21 111., was only half the average 41 iu.; the heaviest fall of 76 in.` occurre in 75, and the smallest, 6 in , in 8U The days in which rain fell in January was 4, a_.ud the depth 1-5 m.; the 13 years being-4 days, and depth '0 9 m. The total am-uut ut sunshine was 73 hours in the month, which _is below the average, 99, for the sa.m_e month in" the past. 13 years. Mr. Fenton, County Crown Attorney,` full dad in his room at Toronto on Sun- day momiogvwhilo .u)no;a I opuugg u... u. C The oauoegu aid to be on anuunnui '1 f the aorta. He seemed to have been m.-he than usually cheerful on the any odors, and In at the mu-tinge of J come Leslie 51: .Tunn.n- Tu-Cull. .....I I...-I _ I-'.-..- -.,n._ uuu not on out Iuurrulgu us uuuulu 1465110 to James Wurfolk. and had along tum with Uanon Damoulin whu perfortmd 1.1.6 oereluuny. V _ . I -AII Illl I'D 0 Chill I` To & `:5: 0` 0". 0 ' ` g IJIVIIU VVIII KFAIWU I`-Ills I The Press.Association gi ves the follow- ing',as the latest forecast of the -cabinet : Mr. Gladston'e,`First Lord of the Treasury and Chancellor. of the." Exchequer ; Sir Willia.m.Vernon Harcourt, Home Secre- tary ; Earl Granville, Lord President of the Council ; R-ght Hon. Hugh Cmlders, Secretary for War. The remainder ' re -lia.ble' to alteration, but thev will probably be as follows : Mr G. O. Trevulyan, President of the Boardof '1` ; Mr Ar J. Muudella, President of the Local Gov- ernment Board ; Elfl Spencer, Secretary for Foreign Aflliirs ; Earl R sseherry,` Sec- retary for the Colonies ; Earl Kimberley, Secretu.ry_for,I:idia; Mr. J.,Cnamber1aiu, , First Lord of the Admin-a.lcy; ` Mr. J. Morley, Chief Secretary for Ireland. It is understood the Queen objects to Mr. Morley, because he is pledged to Home I BN9: BARRIE METEOROLOGICAL REPORT. The Oldest man In canals. Coleman Freeman, a. colored man, died at Wmdeor a few days ago at the age of 122 years. A short time ago a. colored man named Moore, who reuided about halfway between Puce sud` Lmle Rnvers. | d-ed at the age of 110 or 120. and among the guest: at the wake was-as whnte woman whoee mother named .K~Jn|`n`edy_ in. ntul living on the Olltakilll of `Weather in her 'l'04t.h year. Windoor in `"n_ putrierchel I IJJJIIILI Ilsa.) 3 slAv|.|\,:oo~ - We got; about 16 h_our_s" sunshine in 3 days, from a posexbie 64-34 Lhe sun was a.bove~ the horizo.1 in the work. Foul` uays were` fu.llfc1uuly.4 ` - `IL... ..........;I:.... ......,l.. .... ..... ...,;...L...... .- . Fire Fiend.` V Toronto had a. $20,000 blaze on the 29th of January. is was tho Toromo Lead and Uolor C-mpany s premises -ou the Esplalmde. David Brown. the fore- man, was ba.dly burned`, and Wm A.ken- head, book-keeper, was injured by jump- ung from a.- window 20 -feet-from the ground. , M ~ ' ,'nk.. Dnnvn n null" n..,n L`..n`; nun Qt Dunn: LVLKIII VI VIII` There was a. re at Blenheim. Ontario, the same day In buxluiugs occupwd by Sutherland & U_o., tailors, and Du id Brown, photographer: Luau about $1200. &\.auuuuuu\.I VAL vucuvu;uu~v IIISIIUJ { o _ `The a.1uount' of snowfall on 5 days in 11 hours was 4 mches..< _ T ` II? , In` 1 1- - n` :uuJu Iv i LL\J ;u_n;A Jl\l\I` . '1`uepreva,iling winds were smxtI1erri 5 days, uurbheru 2 days`, we;`sw'rly> '2 (.13.) s, and easterly 5 days. The dzuly Stfuliglh attained by t.l_1e$e wil1d~_w'aves were calm in 3 days, and from _1 to "3-1051,13 in the rumxiu ug`4 days. ' ' A `A ?n.....'.... n..-.......u..,.: `r.'........-... n.,.-1.... $f"i;1|;ui1ydu s Dr_ug Cu a bluck at St. Paui, .\linn;, was destroyed by tire the same day. Loss $250000. Q . ...~... A.... 4221) nnn G--. ...... ......J .'... Walmg res occurred in Monj;reul- ' n .13-1- n. THE NORTHERN ADVANCE Nail, Atxlvricnn Iancks, Knobs, Hingm, 1 Paints, Uilsn Glass; Putty, . ;Axe.<, Saws-- --)( ('ut. Hand, Panel, Rip, ? Chain, Ropv, l.mI.t.mns, Lamps, Goal Oil. Jon-es Spzulvs; Shovels, Scnnps, ` Breech and Muzzles Imadingn Shot Guns, Spurt,in,r: Rim, W inchester. Kennedy, Colts, Bob Runn--rs, Sleigh Shoe Steel. SOLE AGENTS FOR THEVREVERSIBLE WOVEWIRE DOOR MAT. . THE NORTHERN ADVANCE; . n n. n........ Ifnuwnnnllfg llmnmrmm MANUFACTURER IN mm: or BOOKS! .STA'|'llNEIlY! FANGY E0008! ALYUMS, G0]lP\Nl0V.\`. RL~\\|K |f0!!KS. | AS\' I31|HK\'. lIl`}&|0R\\'DU\I.V, 810. EC? CHOICE ASSDRTMENT 5F EHFJSTMAS CARDS. .233 Big Discount this Week on Men s and Boys Over- coa.ts,Men s and Boys Suits. 1 D D Big Discount onLa.dies Cloth and Fur Lined Maniziers, sLa.dies a,ndChi1drer1 s Ulsters. Big Discouritethis week on all Dress Goods,Ce.isi1- , meres, Black and Colored` Dress Silks and Satins. D Big Discount on Velveteense. } _ ;BigAD_i_soourii_3_ on Black and Grey Goat Robes. F0l{_ soul I) (10DlFOR'!` N evv Bookstore. Lots of cot.ton_.s and Flannels. Cheap. A--I- --.._---I------- ._ LEAVING BARBIE! THE GREAT;-:%sT%% BARGAINS EVER OFFERED! GIeE.ARlNG- SALE Uiiivj---- Airs Page. 48 Colemn Newspaper. `II Published from: the 011109, Dunlop street, Battle. in the County of Simcoe. the Pro- vince of Ontario. Canada, every Thurs- - day morning. by SAMUEL wnsnnm, _.l l.i0l nm'ron. STRONG & n0NNEm.9s CASH CLEARING SALE CPNTINUE 5 T0? 331% 325'? SLEEP ON THE WOVEN WIRE MATRASS. V V -' -.-_______ T ,__, Are doing their" utmost to exel-ute the numerous orders on hand at the lime [)rnlui~'-q` Should any delay occur our patrons WI. kindly excuse it. as no article from eitln-r 4.3. partment will be allowed` to be SLIGHTED in any particular, through the pI`t_':su1`r.: of business now upon .us. - . Astliissale gives you a chance that" mav not occur again for years. dort fail tak- ing advantagelor it. Every DoIlars Worth Must be sold. Unvfil stock(is_d'i. se_d of. It v_el| f"0vI:Ttl1(i)se who (can possibly do so,- to callear|y-in the day, as thp store is then less crowded, and tlney can be more satlsfactorily attended 10, The Managers of R :B_:B.ovv 1\T s BLocI; H` .New Spring Goods in great variety at R` Phillips & Go's. See our Dress Goods, Gloves, Hosiery , Embroideries, etc , all imported, prices low. See Our. `Scotch, English,VIrish and CsuadianfTweeds, French and English VVor.~stCd;;. An snitsguaranteed a perfect fit at PA RALI;ELE'D -8- SIICCESS ! OUR MILLINl2RY.%%AN1) DRESS-MAKIt=IG_ DE_3PAI_?.TMENT:i; 2 Ir:-Barrie, and talge this Opportunity Of assuring them that we shall 4. Sons of Owners: H 5. Tenants who have T paid one years rent (in money or money s worth. on one or different propenties (including lodgings, &c.,) at $2 00 a month, V or $6.00 a quarter, or $12.00 nbhalf year, ` V . or $20.00 a yeear. ' V ` 6. Occupants of nroperty of the values above stated for Owners. Wishes to ixnnoulice that he has opened out in VAN ENTIRE STOCK uni NEW GOODS. ALL NEW AND LATEST DESIGNS. ls most atisfactory evidence that we are giving our friends sold by 1&1). I)1U(;Al, L, Thecrowded state of our store since we commnced our IMPORTANT TO ALL 1 PURVIS Enos. 'a:1'|;%I3IJrchasers"4%'.sLhould see these gee-es. < _ % sTl~: 0 1_\` G- 8:} ]`)(>N N s1'n.L some one. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. $1 Per Annum in Advance. $1.. . , 11-14- `L- Gui..- W. R. PHILLIPS & OO S. MARKET BUILDING. ZTHE :.sux1\1E: LOW : mmnsz JOHN WATSON. 7 -I We AIKVIJ D. yIVIDlU.V. CA1-dwell J_unction -Going .\`orth- 907 am. 6.30 p.m Gomg b`ouIh- 9 u: a.m ; mo p m. C. V. R. DIVISXON Tmtlewood Junv timv.-Goirg North 10.13 a.m. 6-29 D 111- U-0.`ng 9011111 9.23 u1u.;G17p.... T1?` `I T-A . - . w--r vv 0.: .. V Barrie. Sept.1. 1885. NORTHERN ' RAILWAY . GOING N()I.{ I`H. : lm'v~'1oront0. 810 u.m.. l2(`(h1.n'..-"I'._ I`m A1` at Barrie. ll.3.a_m_. 3271- II . .` '-5`! 1 tat. Collimzwoco 12 iv p.1n.. 5 :0 1 n. U..`.' ;.m` GOING SOL"I'.H. For'lm'm1In. Leave (`ollingwood R.05a.n-. 8 3031.11. I` Y -88-}78 Brfie. 7.30 u.nI.. 10.2. u.1n.. 4 -17 I -1 Arrxvt--at Toronto. 10.`. 5 a.m.. 2.v:,'xo.1n.. 7..-- 1'-ID \ '_.v1USKOKA BRA-\(`-H-u(:u~u Mm ! H. * Leave Barrie. _ 11.85 a.m.. 3.40 n.m. S `'_'I'-"` ` Arrive at Orillia. 12.20 p.m.. 5.20 gm. 9 `lav 1 1.35 J.U`.. 7.00 11.11 ---* -" l lVI\i\Vt\ L\l\IIlIVII i \J\IAI`\J \)\J\J Illa Leave Grsvenhurnt..---- 6450:: m.. 2 45 P- Leave Orillia, ' 6 20 a..m.. Arrive at Barrio. 7.05 a.m.. |Yt\l)!!IIl _uI \Il'\tn u.` 8.35 a..m.. 3- 9.5.0 u..m. 4.4 .`.`u... , 8. .Arrivea.tPenetanguishene.1.35 p.m.. 11. ..._--.- ... ..--5.-v. u-vu n.uI.. U.\.Vu..1u. 1.1- D"" NORTH SlMCOE-G0lN(:` N()H'l`}l. Leave Barrie at 11.0: a.m. 5 GOING SOUTH. Leave Penotan shone at 6.15 a..m.. 2- Arrlvoat Ba. 0 8.10 a.m.. 6. A_l Q -I n be 40 p. 10 D- (All trains: urls~' oIher\\is* spericd: and dry art from I m' n Eta-tun, norm l(! _ InP,m'1'L'ms.-Gn'ng \\ ut :1. Lou recs at *8 10 a..m.; Pucic Expxcsr. 1 (.3 `xpress. 4 15 p.m. - Gomg Eaat.- I. imitvd Exrrrss, 8 `:5 `Mi\ c d (for ' uvc-10-k ax d1nl,onmr i 1c gm 4 25 n n. : Montreal Exrrvsx-, '8.U0 nm. ARRlVALS-Fr0n the Ea`!-->t.Jo1nsI.~ '8.3U a..m.; .\` ix (1 (from 112- V! .`r ck mm art diate stauonb). 11 50u.m.; Toronto lax; n .-* D m. HOW THEBATTLE IS 'WON.- _ Some of our Grit cou'temporari_es affect to believe that a Genera1 Election isnear at hand. We have no reason to look for such an event till the present parliament expires by lapse of time, but the battle will be pmctically lost orpwon in the next two or three weeks. Every `conservative who is entitled to vote under the new franclxise should be enrolled. Our local associations slllllllnl see to this ixnpoi`-teuit matter. It is all well enough to be en- thusiastic at conventions and associations when llstvliing to the speeches of our re- presentatives and party guides,-~but en-' thusiasxn without effective action, is like faithwiiliout works ; it isdead and leads to defeat. To win victory votes are need- ed, and therefore every conservative vote should be secured. Organization is ab- solutely necessary.,.It will not do to leave, this till just before the election. A The oicers of our associations should know to a positive certainty, who will be for us, and who against us.i Nothing should be left to chance. As a. rule, our opponents are better organized than we, and as it is right to be taught, even by an enemy, the lesson, should be improved. N 0 Con- servative vote should be lost through apathy or carelessness, and. no bad vote should be permitted to be recorded against those principles of Conservatism, the ap- plication of whichhas broiiglit such bene- cent results-. as the building up of our industries and the construction of the grandest public works in the world. I I 1 P 111- V ] r rom mp VVest.-l imited Express 9.15:1 m.; Atlantic LXI ress 5.05 p 11).; Menu: uI'1-.x_ ms. ] 8.15 p.m.; Mixed 11.-20. SI. Illi Ic`.'nv-non I --`61.41 `C`_.- _...u. 11." 01-. I1` \l\IJO`\H &\J I II- { have Ron-to at 7 07 ;.m.. 4179-!` f \n-ive at Hamilton " 40 - rm. 9 ON Tr incl ave Barrio for Toronto at 7.30 8-13 I037 mm. and 4.47 n m. i, """ """ 6AI-IV-- 1:: M 1+! rnrm rv-- farm for ave or rent. Lot 23. 7th Con. V" .r~. 1} Illilo-3 from Barrie. c 1: good road; I-nd *3 `N15! loam with clay bottom: 90 acues cleared 9` "9" Med. > I] under cuitivation 40 acre` " "D- btlahce veeded down : wood well 0 W8-MI`. as small pond in the barn yard: IF! 2 rouse. largo barn 00 x to. stable Imd the MT ` Ilemant ah-'u. sheep and pig houses. ? Ihat. will hold 20 hand of cattle. drlvimzund 31. &c.. and mum: orchard. Wlllhe mm on my term "7 "0'|t0d for 3 number of sears. A pply at '11! '`,3 0300. or to the owner on the D" nines. - __ the adv Trgf 01:8 Che pan; The C` Conn`: Warden 0.10 p.uI.; mlxea 11.20. 3 St Louis Express. Limited Ex} rose. Month 31 ;Exm'ess and Pauc Express. nuukcd ' I141 p daily Including Sunday. A U U1 1` have Hamilton 5!. u-rive at Barrie. 4`.-no` ..-------------; 7 ARM -rm: SALE.- 12: AFPF PAPM F0 .n- 11 ...ll... 0.3.. f)-_..a- _ _ .__-.I _-...I . land `I }i'jA"i5.]U{i%:{ N PM me i~A:L M`: o`.~'rAmo mvnslon`. \uvAN` nines. KL! '1` G. AND B. DIVISION. _...---..-. --vv .1.- some sOU"l:i~l'.' 7. Fishermen owning land and gobds Worth $150.00. A 8. Indians.