Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 28 Jan 1886, p. 8

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{11 05 ';.u_' 05 .'_ 10: 11` n [U av - l1030| 400; - Suhdl dos? ALL OUR GOODS ARE BEAN NEW. WE BOU T THEM CAREFULLY AND RIGHT. READ`. E CASH GOT US E INSIDE TRACK. E DUI 43 8 ;'n W161}. Colic hlsura [[ 7' town In natinna cations Will be VV H. Co -m ,- l'OWl`1`.-1, amoun money. COULTER, 1 VAIR & BOOTH respe fully ask the ladies of Barrie and the general public to com and look through their selection of New ressand Fancy Goods 1n every shade. R.` S. BOOTH, the popular and W known salesman, W111 make this department a Specialty. Our stock of Hosiery, Gloves, L e and Ribbons W111 please_ the ladies. G The Gents Fnrnishing Depar ent Will` be very attractive, having every novelty in that line Special value in Sh1rts, Ties, Glove and Felt Hats. Our staple and heavy goods only require to be show: to prove the1r value. We W111 ca y a cornplete stock (of General Dry Goods. G l'I"I1- - `I"I--_--1 _-..J.---_-._._-.' ___- `I __-_..._._-.II rn1{\Af\ t\A'IT74\t\l -III:-in 4- L- -1 I-I ( In .1. yo Bale. VVU C.` or sale Inn \\1 Bzms A0 I. utuu n Itnul Ann. I`. 5|lI `Sire RP) , ofix refs I\. EI)().w 41.. ., .AMm I_'v Ur I'].:l EVA .\' -iuuunucuun Ul uuo uuuwvy. The days_ xed for the alnnual show this year are the 4th, 5th, 6th and 7 th October. 7 The following oicers were elected: President, J. L G. McCarthy, M. D. T lat Vice, W. H. Partridge. `Znd Vice, Geo. Sneath. AUDITORS. urw the n n on . \ll Mr. \-`I .: Mex .-(3 U; " l`ru: DON` IIUII.` All I Xfn uvuU_y~ Va 4 an nu In TI.`. Nee. Raikes; J.no. M. Bothwell, . John Darby, E. D. -Morton, M. D., I). Garvin, Thns. Craig, .1. J . Brown. Li. A. Dutton. The following is the report of the Directors. I To the members of the West Ridinlz Electoral District`Agricultural Society: . I Your Directors in making this their Report to the eleventh annual meeting` of the So- ciety, have to congratulate the members of the Society upon the marked success which has attended their efforts during the past year. - rpnyn manna Qhll `Ln Ql\A:n`I9 L-_!_._ L-,,| ~Jon. Sissoins,i 7 if V _ ` III5 BUIIIU IIIU llll IUIV III The Town Council designing the park, which had hitherto been used no on exhibi- tion ground, found it necessary to provide other ground for public amusement. They oooordmgly purchased the ground which is now known on the West End or Agriculture] 911'} - and in nnninnnnn with Izhn M-nan JUIIIQ Two vears ago the Society, having for . some years previously been in almost a. mori-. bnnd condition, began to show signs of hav- ing some life still left in it. . v NIL- ll'|....... n-__-:I .1_._:_._:_._ LL- n, I uvw nuvwu OI Iouv Iv UID nun or dgrllllllillrll ark ; cud in conjunction with the then Bond of this Societv, luid it out on a plan end in a manner suitable both for the pur- poee of public apart: in well u for the pur- poses of the tunnel show. nnI:nn QR: darn: IIAII `Jun ll......I 4' `X2... Dining the same year the Board of Direc- tors erected a. buildmg on this park for this. purpose. It was roqmeite for them heving no means at their disposal to borrow 3 suit- able sum upon their own personal reeponeibi 'tiee. V __g,_rAA _|IIIA, I,I|o Alt": once "'55; am exhibition held in this" building ehowed how inadequate it was in size and capacity, and unsuitable in architectural de- sign. a Tovendeavor to rectify this want of space, the followin year.;;_a temporary shed was put up, but ati 1 the apiiie supplied was not nearly equal to the requirements of the ` exhibitor-w. ' 'I`|.- __I.1I.3L2-.__ .2 1.]. -__, .L_- UCIIIUIIIUI F. The exhibition: of these two years in point of exhibits and attendance had been great maps inndvence on_n|l previous shows, and. warranted yom-V l_)u-ectou in making dolne D. F. MoWatt, R. J. Fletcher. John Dickinson, Secretary, John A. Strathy, Treasurer. DIRECTORS. 0UR1V[0'l"l`0 lsn 12;:-n'Y AND-FA[R PL The number of days for holding was in- creased to three, ` the price of admission placed at 25 cents. Each member s ticket was arranged to give three admissions. Com- plimentary tickets were issued to the County and Town Council. and to the Directors of the Boards of Agriculture of the neighboring townships. The show was extensively ad- vertised, the prize list was increased both in number and to aslight extent in value of prizes ; and as a` result, the exhibition of this year proved a success even bevond our most sanguine expectations, so much so, that the large. commodious and very handsome building erected by the enterprise of the Joint Stock Company, though multiplying our former space by three, was lled to its u'most capacity, and the sheds, though al- most surrounding the entire park, were far too few to give room for _the entries offering. The cattle and horse sheds were more than I lled, and those intended for sheep and swine did not even accomodate ithe sheep alone,so that there was none left for swine. In the poultry shed, with coops for 400 entries, the space was all taken up, so much so was this want of room felt that already there is the cry for more, not only in these outside departments, but also in the main building. hi, _,__._,'I j,_, 9 .1 I .u special etlbrt this year in order to placethem selves on a level with the requirements of the public, and to keep the Society abreast of the advances made by neighboring societies. They thereforeinterested some of the merchants and business men and others of Barrie "and the neighborhood to come to their assistance. This was successfully done and a Joint Stock Company formed, which, at a. large outlay, erecteda main building and sheds andoutbuildings, which it was hoped would give all the accommodation that could possibly be required for years to come. On the second day of the show the new 2. buildings were formally opened by His Honor J. B. Robinsdh, Lieutenant Governor of the Province, and one of the most pleasina episodes of the exhibition was the reception V accorded to that gentleman by `the school . children of the town and neighboihood under I the management and guidance of J. O. Mor- E gen. Eeq., Inspector of Schools. The attendance at the exhibition as evi- denced by the receipts at the gates was near- ly double that of any previous year, and the exhibits in almost every department showed as most enconra ing advance both in nu'mbers and quality. he improvement in the class of horses was not so marked as in others. It seems to "your Directors that there is _V room in this neighborhood for a class bred between the thoroughbred and a heavier class to pro- duce stock which would be suitable not only- for home use, but also for foreign demand, such a gclass as would answer for cavalry horses, etc. , and which is almost unrepresent- ed in this vicinity. In the heavy class, how- ever. while still there is great room for im- provement, yet year by year the advance-is 4 quite perceptible. Tn anti]: it in not Can nan,-ale In in: Olugle 8-. ii R HIIIUU VIII UU`lUIIlIVI In me. it is not too much to say that in T the breeds hitherto represented at our `annual shows that it would be dionlt to make much improvement. There are herds of Shot-thorns, Hereforde and Polled Angus owned in this neighborhood that would prove fair antagonists to any exhibited "at any show in the world. We had to regret the absence of Messrs.` Hay & Paton s herd of Polled Angns owing to the ` illness of one -of the valusble'dame of that herd. Jerseys were well represented by Mr. -Smith's herd and others. Your Directors think that next prize list might be extended to others of the miloh breeds, Holstein for instance. The Grades class as is nsnslin this neighborhood can scarcely be distinguished from the thoroughbred end waswell represented. In nhnnn mIui`In`uus`aiis'A.i.'-`$3.... LI... -..__u__._- uuuluusuutcu qsuu wuu_v!'I-an represented. In sheep, while 'mein(gning" the excellence -attained in the long woole, the short wool: AINHGUAL MEETING AND ELECTION OF OFFICERS. are being much more nnmereualv represented and by specimens showing vast improvement. l Tn awning `knit: Inna nn IIIIIAL `A run`-A at | IIl\C II UVUUIIIIVIIU Cl-IUVIIIJE VCUII lI.I.I.II\IVVIIIWIIUo In swine there was not much to note, ex- cept that our local breeders were more than able to hold their own against stock import- ed as prize winners from England. .T . IA II I `I 0. I I II I \iI-KJ\llIIZlJlC WISIJIUJIII UL \.I\J5G As far as regards the exhibit made within the main building, it is noticeatle the use that ismade of these annual shows to bring before the public articles of more than aver- age merit, such as Rolph Smith & Uo. en- gravings ; Dimzman, Rugsley & Co's soap ; Fleischman & Co's yeast ; Mr. Quart-y s axle; gage ; articles that it would be imposible to extend our prize list to, but which add greatly to the attraction of theshow, and in no other way can they be as serviceably ad- verrtiaed - ,L__ V 1 1- I V VI U156`-ls The past year was not propitious to grain, spring wheat in this neighborhood being a comparative failure, while fall wheat, though yielding fairly well, did not, as a general rule, prove a tirst-class sample. Barley being about an average yield was" badly dis- colored. Oats asra rule were light. In all the other departments the display was well above the `average, more especially was this the casein roots, both in sample and number. The fruit list was well llediin the apple sec- tion, but plums and pears were noticeable` by their almost entire absence. -It would appear ; that what with the curculio and black rust or tree blight that these fruits will sooner or later be exterminated from this part. It be- hooves then those of us who are more es- pecially interested in this department that they disseminate as far as lies in their power a knowledge of all remedies and means which are of service against, these pests and plagues, and to see that such enactments as are provided by statute are enforced; The small display of grapes made" was most`cre- ditable in samples when the cold and back- ward season is considered. It is an intima- tion what may be done in this line in this part of the country in an average year. Thu nvbailnifinn n` Inn!-_ lannun nlonfn man Z `In };0u1try the exhibit Wascneefiy doubled in numbers, and there was almost as great a stride in excellence. ` A ____p,_;__,,_ ;I,!__,__, ._,_,LI,-'I,,,,_ _ ,1 IV UL IIIJU UVIDIIUIJ Ill Qll QVWICSU JCZIo ~ The exhibition of hot-house plants was simply magnicent, and was moatattrzvstive. 'l\ n I I Your Directorscannot close this short re- sume of the exhibits without commenting on the large and creditable display made by Mr. Shaw and his classes; It must have been a surprise to many to see and learn that work I ot that artistic nature was being taught in this neighborhood. I wins C-ha Ann `Ln '\:nnn`Aunn at Ll... 'I"--... UII ID ucsqu IJUI lIULle During the year the Directoreot the Town- ship of Veapra 'Agricultural Society threw in their lot with us, as well as the newly or- ganized Horticultural Society of the town of arrie. thus extending the inuence of our Society as well as materially adding to our resources. It is hoped that the venture made by these two societies will not only have proved so advantageous to them that the union will be continued in the future, but also that it will be an inducement to other `townships in our immediate neighborhood to act in a like manner, and from a united Agricultural Society cagohle of coping with any other soeietv outs: e the larger cities. JBL- -__-_.._;___ _.'_n. '__,L HUI l`lW II-I CJIDUIIUI-IVO- A new featnrethis year was the large and creditable exhibit of dogs. Au `on an vvnnn-via u17`\;`\:I-. inn:-IA n-1;l\:n __, --_-_ ------. -....-..- -_.. ...,.,... .......... `The at, ement entered into by our Directors the Board of Directors 0 the West Simooe Agiicnltural Joint Stock Com- pany for. the use of their buildings, is that they the West Riding Simcoe Agricultural Joint Stock Oempany shall be entitled to 25 per cent. of the gate receipts every year, and thatuall monies that remain (her from what- soever sourcs after this Society has paid all Barrie, Jan. 1886. -ave` its Iuvvvvl uuuwu uuour onus ouuluuy nus paw. an ice. ltebilities ehalloalso belong to the said company. `And the Joint Stock Company on their part agree to provide` suitable buildings and $0 keep them into. t and proper state of repiur. - T COULTER, VAIR & BOOTH. THENORTHERN ADVANCE. Your Board of Directors have also executed 5 a quit" claim deed giving to the Boagdkof l Directors of the Joint Stock Company" `all . their right and title to the buildings and; sheds they had in the West End Park over I and above the lumber and sheds which they had already handed over as representing I their twenty shares in the Joint Stock Com- ; pany, the Joint Stock Company on their part : agreeing to assume the liability of the note amounting to $700 which was given by the : Directors of the year 1883 for the purpose of `J erecting the building which now forms the ; back part of the main building. ` J ` I T to pay off an outstanding liability amounting I57" 7 " __" --"`__ '-'_--- Your `Directors in -concluding. desire to. draw your attention to the gratifying tinan- f cial success which have attended their efforts ; this year, and _which is exhibited in the i Treasurer sstatement They have been able 3 to $320; They have paid an increase in the prize list of about $450. They paid over to . the Joint Stock Company as their share of l the -gate receipts, $334.94.` They have paid 3 all our liabilities for this year,_ which. as you ` will see by the accounts are no small sums. All this indicates that at last we are estab lished on such a rm and substantial basis, furnished with such handsome and large. buildings in a well planned and laid out park, as for the future with very small effort on the part of our successors in ofce will en- sure an ever increasing success in_ the years to come`. T ` The American senate and the Canadian Fisheries. The American Senate is supposed to be a dignied body dealing with internation- al questions with judicial calmness. The `speeches of some of the Senators a few days ago on the Canadian sheries ques- tion were very far from this. V There is a very strong feeling against the appoint- ment oi a commission as recommended by the President. _ V - Senator Frye from Maine presented the following resolution : Whereas, the President has recommended Congress to provide for a commission to settle and . adjust the sheries question ; and where- as the sheries question has been settled for ten years past under the treaty of Washington at a cost of ve and a half million dollars in money and a remission of six million dollars of duties in that period ; and whereas that treaty has re- sulted in an increase of ve hundred vessels and ten thousand seamen` to the Canadian shing eets. with acorrespond- ing decrease in the shing eets of the United States, therefore. ' u`D...-.`I.....I ol..-a :5 .- st... .....:..:.... J n.- The Government was defeated on the 26th, ona motion introduced by Mr. J. Collinga, Liberal member for Ipswich. He moved in amendment to a motion of Mr. O Brien, regretting that the Queen did not announce in her speech any mea- cures for the relief of the sufferer: by the depression in trade and agriculture, etc. nIu.nu\:'-can-`L -n-- --_..Z-.1 _..--_-L Al YIIIUYK XUZVTW UwcIl I Resolved, `that it u the dpinion of the Senate that a oommiuiont clothed with LL- .___.-.__ .;_D_..._.-J A_ __- , W &v` 9 & V&U1DI 111 %V 1 1T1&CVnr I.VvC7- 7- The ffgeral patrone;e"_We v'2'i'61ved :n_our eroBi~3'rT}a1i g7i\'r'es1'1s condence in saying to al our customers and the pub11c at the same .sp1r1t of energy and fa1r play that marked our success W11 be fully ma1nta.ined1n our ex nded tradenW1th them. s Remember theSta.nd ROWN S NEVV BLOCK, opposite J. J. BroWn s store. UV Uuull II UUIIIIIIIUDIIIII UIUIIIIUDI Wlllll ;1:;;>owera refer}-ed to ought" not to provided for by Congress. 4.? UpI>V.DlUII Lu uuuu nuu OKIIUULUIIFQ, 050. This amendment was carried against the Government bya majority of 79. It is said Salisbury will resign on Thursday. Gladstone is ready to accept office,- but it is probable Lord Hartlngton will be instructed to form a government. The Parnellites voted against the Government , in a `body. r L THE STATE OF THE MARKETS DURING ' THE PAST WEEK. Spring VVheat . . . . . Fall Wheat .. . .. . Barley . . . . . Oats . . . . . .: I1--- The Price: Ruling in the Local, Toronto. I Montreal and English Markets --A Resume of the Week. THE NORTHERN ADVANCE OFFICE, BARBIE. Jan. 27, 1886 Barrie Grain Market. on - vvv - A .. a. A A- Omons, per bushel .. . . . . . 0 40.. mocha; TlT....I A 10 Beef, hindquarters. . . . . . . . 3 Beef, foreqnarters. . . . . . . Beef, per side, per cwt... .. Dressed hogs, per 10) lbs. Mutton`, carcass, per cwt. . Lamb, per lb . . . . . . . ..... Chickens, per pair. . . . . . . . Ducks, per pair...... Geese, per-1b.... . . . . . Turkeys, per lb . . . . .. 0- 09.... Butter, tub, per lb....... 010 Butter, roll, per lb . . . . . . . 0 18. . . Lard,per 1b.... . . . . . . .. (`00.... Ta.llow........ . . . . . . 006.... Eggs, per dozen . . . . 0,20,... Potatoes per bag. ........ 0 35 ... Apples, per bushel. . . . . . . 0 40 Turnips, 0 10.... Beets, 0 30.... Carrots, T " 020 ... Parsnins, 0 Cabbage, per doz . . . . . . . .- 0 30... . Hsy,perton 11 00 ...l Straw,perton........... 500.... Flour, Baker's,-per IIOC lbs 1 75.. .. Flour, Family, 2-00. . . . Flour, Pastry, 2 40.. .- Oatmeal, per100lbs 2 00.... Cornmesl, 2 00.... Cow, per 1001133. . . . . . . . .6 6 00 to 1 OIIIIIIO 6 60000! Sheepskins . . . . . . . . 090... '1-`allow, Farmers cake. . . . . 0 06}. . . * HIDE AND SKINS--lNSPEC'l`ID. No. 1 Steers, 601bo. and up 0 08}.-. . at 2 (I V to u `o 07*. (C R It (6 ` CC _ n kl GRAIN, LIVE swuux AND Paonuun. ill \J\II IIIIJVQI `Washed Wool . . . . Unwashed Woo1.... . .. Wm mom AGRICULTURAL sow. ' ECOND-`HA-ND oaem WAN'I`ED.- A small oneiatate maker. price. and how long in me. BOX 4, BARRIE. M WINES All orciers sent by mail will be delivered free of freight cm: as, every_ Saturday and Mon- day. to patrons om Ban-Le and vioinitv. T Ififlgv IVA IJ"\`l\4--IO I beg to state that I have opened a. New family Wine and Liqn or Store. Barrie General Produce Market. '1` o{wa,`.u weights. . . Q u u . .sufT'~ I 'Z?"ii/ 1"'6Z1fi`Ei`3}y, 1rters.... ... 2, cwt...... , 10) 388, 3 rpair ... axr . .. Iona - on- . . . .. zen 'b8g.'........ bushe1....... )ushe1....... (I '` IOII::I ~ '..`....'. 0doz.. 400.... 5 480 .. 5 50 O 07.... 0 300000 060.... 0 06 0.09.... 018.. (` 00.... 040 .. 40.... 30!!!! 030.... 030.... ooluuotcoooa 00: )nO I O U 0 I I I I O 0 '3,-per y (C C` 6` ll 100lbs *1-cannon ... 70010000 II'no 6 00000. 75.... `2'o0oa-0 240...- 018.... 0 10.... LlQUORS.] Interesting Report 5: the Directors-H-"rho Marked Success of the Last Year '1s Encouraging. s Tue annual meeting of the West Simcoe Agri . ultural Society was held in the Council {Jhamher last \Vednesda.y. The attendance was about as large as usual and various mat- ters of interest came up fvl` revlew. 'l"l\.. ..l........ ;r\ 4.1..` ....l.... ..-_..4 VA, 7 AI ROUGH RIDES. .-.-.-$000to$0O0 0 71 0 55.... O 30 '52.... 0 50.... 0 74 0'75 0 33 0 55 0 55 SUTTON, OiIT. Toronto . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Toronto , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ., Toronto . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . .. Ottawa . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Northern Ra.ilwa.y(Nox-th) . . . . . . . . . . . . Grand Trunk East. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Northern Railway South)..., . . . . . . .. North Simcoe Raxlwag, Penetangui-` nhenn and Midlnr. .ii1"?1i'*$`??.iay`.f."....`f'; . .'.' f..".`..... . 3 1 British` Mails. ma (N. Y.,) Mondayj , and Tuesday . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ma (Halifax) Friday . . . . . . . . . . . . . . DAILY MAILS DUE FRO)! uuruu OILUUUU I1.lillW8. , l CX1(3luI1K1ll- shene and Midlan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Newmarket . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Newmarket . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' Hamilton and Beeton Branch Rail- `ITO! ywsuuuvu (DJ-I\A JJCKEUUII LII (Iuhll 1\u.Ar | . Way . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - I Meaford Branch Railway" . . . . . . . . .. 3 Collingwood . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 1 Collingwood . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. E Orillia. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Orillia. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Hillqle, Craighurst. Dal'ston. Crown excepted. Mone Orders granted on an Money Q!` ` Ofces 11 Canada. United States, Great Brit`: Prince Edward Island. Newfounmmd i India, and Savings Bank deposits l`CcviVL`d tween the hours of 9 9.. m. and 4 p. m. Rezistered Letters must. he handnd in 1515 nun un nnnuunuuv uaunu up 1|`; fcvguyv. The clause in the rules respecting the` per. centage reduction from_prizes was rescinded, as consderable dissatisfaction have been ex- pressed. l Inna n1nI\ (1l')`l\QIn:o1-A1` LL-L _.___I!-_ 1' tween ule ours or 9 8. m. and J R stared Letters must be handed in utes tore the close of each man. 'l`hn `lnffnv-u Inna n`I Afnn inn!` vv\nfh`I"1 uwu 0610115 we 01086 0! eaon man. _ The letters (and all other man mattcd; taken from the street letter boxes every Sundays excepted, at 7.30 o'clock s. m. and` o`olock and at 8.80 p. m V 86-11 J. EDWARDS P091111 IUUULILIISUIBIICLIU, nuuusuu H1111 North Simcoe Railway . . . . . . . . . .. Grand Trunk East . . . . .. .. . . . . . . . . . . __ Ottawa . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Orillia. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Orillia. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Collingwood . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Collingwood . . . . . . . . . . . . .- . . . . . . . . . . . ; Northern Railway North . . . . . . . . . z Meaford Branch Railway.... . . . . .. ! Hillsdale, Craighurst, Dalston andi ' Crown Hill _ , _ _ , _ , , , , , , . , , , I'1l.US(lB-IC, l./'I'&lgHu1'3lu, UILJELUH unu [ Crown Hill . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ` 1 Rugbv. Edgar Steele. Mitchell's! I Souare and Jlf. Om , . . . A _ , , . , , , , , ` Mitchell's} Square and East Oro.. . . . . . . . . . . .. 1--Grenfell. Tuesdn; and Friday. . . . I 2-Micll-.urst, Mo:-...ay, Wednesday; and Fridav . . . . . . . . . A , . , ` I111! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . * R by. Edgar, Ste 1e ..~ . . . . . . . . . . :_1 idhursn, Monday. Vvednesday and F1-idnv . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. > . j Office hours.8a.m. to7p.xr..-S1 I excepted. `Mnnnv (II-rim-n xrrnnfn nn uh Mnnnv I Toronto ....... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Toronto... . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Toronto... . .' . . . . . . . . . . . . .A . . . . . . . . . . .. Northern Railway South . . . . . . . . . . o . Newmarket . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..-. . . .. N ewmarket . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Allandale . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Allandale .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Hamilton 8: Beeton Branch Itailwuy Penetanguishene, Midland and Kynrth .\`in\r-no Way ! In v FANGY GOODS. Cheap Wools and Bruit jj Q -1 1-1-urxc-4-L i`P.`.3CE;2TG- FOR BRAIDING AND Emmolnf Silks, Canvases, Patterns, CM Cards. Tassels, Tabte Draper. ` GIIYSTAI. PALACE stun! YA vuubua It was also determined that application should be made to the Town Council to in- crease the area of the West End Park as the space is too small for even the present re- quirements of the Society. _ Thu Java Rvnrl Fnvu I-kn an-.....`I ..L.._ 4.1.2- HEEBERT SMIT `he sgamxm ghgphgng leased the st f work, H 0tel. 13 ,;,e`8Dpenon.a:., nef} Ityleg, m_ev"Y :%Shoing Jltatrd to ao_a11k1f `*8 = *-=e=reu"..:.**.**;:,:..:::1?.: :%$ t -`Notion . gm-1 tender feet carefully ' hed Bnnden V 'PD11ed `nd e"-`mates furms VFREEMAN BARBIE POST omc '1VLlU.Ll lLl'U Ir. LI and Fridtm. :)AILY HAILB FOR BARBIE J anuary 28, 1896, BARBIE SHADES NEW GOODS! NEW RIOES 1 SPLENDIDEASSDRTMENT, GREAT VARlETY,'VE|V cums PATTERNS, uznnuuc sm EVERYTHING Pl:`.BF* TLY NEW. N0 oLDs'rocK, NOOLD

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