THE HJEWELLFJR. --j' -i7 A And all Fxlndral Requisites .I*`\11'1:i; . * :`*4!~*'{i Orders by.Telegraph `cr Otherwise, 1`rm_n1rt`;; [attended to. ' ~r\. 1\z\`1"|rAtV1n It , -,__ cq._A_,__1 Manufacturers a.ndT Sole Agents for th 6_0l;x1t7y of SiI1)Q.r,.:. '-BY USING THE-:- COFFINS AND GASKETS 01:` `ALL 1 :30- ? "I In stock or Made to Order. STEAMATWORKS A'N-D sxiow 12003.1. R.-S'I'., BAR R I E (io.9.) HUCLI DU: G.` 0; ADOHLMAGE, Manager, Stramrl. January 28, 1886_ JOHN 1>L_Ax'rm=` I303 ! '.l'AlaI8 BY `I'll MOI!` IIININT WRITERS OI` `I'll DAY. JOHN PLAXTOS A M THE ed , ` VII, W was [111 `denied pofte A ti last b An comm Nat Tlxver seaso` The Ottau Ma M \Vatc On hurst ml} t. pe'op1 Tht Dairy last \ no Dreaded Ilothor-In-law and the Run- away G1r1-'.l'l|o Lennon of 3 Snow- -inrm Thif have b -A31";-.| $3652 law. It i wili 1) onto Ind. , 1|V(`s b\ I'M Allan comet) low CUTE. J. H :1 Fm tumu Sulpl. VV1Ili: at-nu-1 Vvzu s jurir; A December snow-etcrm-the ratof the aeaeon-waa just beginning to fall as the younger portion of the Fair- weather family, rosy with exercise, rushed into the back parlor where their Aunt,Lizzie sat, busy with some patch- work. " ` i 1 n r `I .-A_2_n Il'!I_2_ }3I`()(.3.q from 1 Mfr: .1i sfiill - T}: f8t(.`l ans; . ' A 1).- thnm C_ul'(` aud 4 Tht the 1% VVm u Vbulyl-1 that sink 7 U1 IIJSCV-I Ill vv :3 A laugh frorn `his sisters -followed, joined in by their aunt, who was sitting near the re, and who drew the disap- pointed little victim of Jack Frost/s machinations into her" lap, to dry his apron. Aunt Lizzie, who, with her husband,` had come to` spend the holi~ days, was a great favorite with her nieces and nephew ; for, though years had drifted snows of an enduring winter over her brown hair, her yoice and smile still wore the freshness and cheeriness of Youth. 3'.il Sin E11.` .011` Ass Jvu lu\rn uv vuuu mu. 5... . A ,Well, gtrls, I was t.h1nk1_ng,Just bafure you caxneiu, of ajmost memor- able snow storm, which occurred one New Year's Eve, shirt.)-ve years ago." 11 f\I I A II _, - ,3.) A._._ ......_..._ ........... 4 um. .4 ..--V -....vJ _- - J --._... -V- Oh 1 tell us 1" said two eager voices, as the girls drew their chairs nearer the tire, while Aunt Lizzie, pushing her` spectacles buck, and looking out into the fast. gathering twilight and whirl of falling s:1uw.;keh, began : ' (I T .....n. O-Ln-1 n niml Al` Acfnn \ M11. How cuzya snow-storm makes one feel, said Grace, sitting down opposite her aunt, in a luxurious arm-chair; Please u-ll us a story, Aunt Lizzie. I'm sure you have one in your mind,` you look so thoughtful. V ..\Tr..n -:..1.- I ....... L:...1.:...... :....4-I Wvlo " Isn,t. it too bad, Aunt Lizzie? This snow will spoil the skating, cried Madge, who was `fourteen and` 3 romp. But it will make good sleighing; for We damp and heavy : so it won't. be likely to drift-, observed Grace, who was seventeen. and the young lady of thefamily. ` 13 _LL1.. LL- Lukas at 6:.-u- uunnnn PHD nun: IIJ Robbie; the baby of tour years,` swelledwthe chorus with a wail _over the V loss of several ne icicles, which he had " bringed in to kvep. A I......L (`mourn kin chain:-n Cnnnurntl V-'90.. vuv avast: UVL I Meantime, the short wintry twi- light had closed into darkness, and the elds were already white with snow. I found a pieceuof` candle, but didnot Consulting her letter, which 1 had kept, I found in it all necessary infor- mation in regard to the journey, a." part of which was to be.mnde' by stage. I fair] y hugged mvself when I remember- . ed that Papa s generosity on his recent home visit had left me in possession of `plenty of `L pocket money; and my dreams, that night, were visited by . visions of farmhouse kitchens after the style. of `Washington Irving _ loved to gdeaovibe among the old Dutch settlers, While s- motherly old lady keptssying,: `7-Bliss um; .=..=.'. ..i.:m.....;.u .. -1... 1. _-' v-.,-v- ,went through the lower part of the house, and found everything pain- fully neat, orderly and desolate. In the kitchen was one of those `by-gone works of art, a Bay, `State stove. _ Be- sides this, the room contained chairs, a table, a chintz covered iounge, and an old-fashioned clock, the latter o which I set going for company, ' then kindled a fire in the stove. `When we were warm,-I explored the pantry ,for-some-. thing to eat. Alas`! For my antici` pation of apple pies, buttermilk cook- ies, and long rows of milk pansfwith creamy yellow surface! Everything was bare and empty. There were piles of picturesque blue crockery, embellish- ed 'with the most astonishing ydesigns, and all the other paraphernalia suitable. to the place, clean, orderly, and empty. I had. few cakes in my` `bag which ', II had bought for Robbie's lunch on the way,_and these I gave him 'for"his sup ; per, making up_ my mind; that, inwthe morning, I would. --try nd, -the 'nearest1neighbor.l.' :. , you _` ._ -n.'ll-'-._u-__- '. Lil- - -- --......p -u-uvy nun vunsuwug i"` `Never mind ln Sister will try and get. in some of the Windows, and get; `her darling something to eat, I said, making an ebrt: to speak cheerfully,and- trying, as I spoke, to raise one of the windows. To my relief, ,it- yielded; and, as it was low, I had no 'di"1culLy in climbing in myself, and lifting in Robbie. ` F __---- _.- ....-u oAJ\/UBUIJSULU l.I\J|-I-I ULIC uluuun. `f `I don t like this auntie ! came -in _a doleful wail frr.-m Robbie at this mo- ment. `.I want to.go home _!V - so `Dnr... ...L:l.J I `CI - L...) --L... ,1 v _.-v-- v-V in. , Weary and heartsick, I approached the door, and,'. raising the old brass knocker sent a hollow appeal t-hrough cheelmonlse. Receiving no answer, I re. ` peated it'-ande again, but; alw-.:y_.~; with the same resultz. "At last`. I tried Lhedoor, only to ndit; securely fasten- ed. Investigation showed that eever_v curtsainfwas downand every door lack- ed. My denrs, I can-never forget. the hurrornof chat moment). Aunt; Delilah wae nuceac home ! ` V l - ........ ..v.. vvv -.nv-.n-\. - For a moment my heart failed me. The rumble of the stage wheels had already diedaway ; and there we swan- derers stood, miles, for aught ;I knew; from avhuman habitation, outin the bitter winter's .cold, and witnout the slightest knowledge as to when my_' auntomight return. As I stood in mental debate, a snowake fell on-my hand, and looking up, 1 saw that the -`air was fast becoming lled with the little white messengers from the clouds. to `T-Aruu In-.. .L:.. -._..i:- H , _'"_fl"ooL'.cl;ii'<; "g Veigxten only" a few cakes since breakfast, ' xx 11? - T, Well, pretty soon we reached the house. It was a. story and a half farmhouse, from which the paint had departed, leaving it 9. whitish brown, standing behind a. ghostly row of tall poplars, which have never since failed to send 9. shudder through me Wherever I have seen them. V . v-rv I-don t know, I answered faintly. A sickeningfeeling of hornesichness was settling over me, and my one com- forting thougbtwas that Aunt "Delilah might possibly fail to take the same View of the case that Ihad, and would send us directlyhdme. I was vainly trying to rally my courage when the stage stopped in the dreariest place imaginable, At first glance` I saw no- house ; but the old man directed me to take a lane at my left, andI would soon come to it. The building was partly out of sight over the brow of an hill, the roof only being visible from the street. He kindly took down the bars which barricaded the entrance l to the lane; and, thanking him for his trouble, 1 took Robbie by the hand and 1 walked over the hull. ` The next morning, ` making a pre- tense of taking Robbie outefor a wallr, I concealed in small traveling bag under my shawl ; and so we set out out on .our journey. I was in a fever of- ex- citement, and my cheeks burned like re ;' but no one noticed, my -confusion, and in a short time Robbie and I were whizzing away on the morning train V at A L A`... L3..p.s'..L--...._.. _.I..-- '..... L...` _--_- -._._- .._ _.._.- ._ ...., -.h..., ..,..... T `Well, _he responded-he was a lank sharp featured old man--with a good-natured chuckle, `I ve run this here stage nigh -onto fteen years,, and I've never been off the right track yit, not if 1 knowed it. Seems kinder lone-- some to you,I guess. Going to"st~.ay lzmgin these parts `I he added, ' looking at me cu:-iously, tr 1, or ` sn- lru \a up um. n4\J '7 .u....._...-..-- You can imagine what an unhappy household uurs must have beenwith such constant jarring. The crisiscame, one evening, when a battle ensued, in which we were defeated. Robbie was uumpelled to obey, while I, who had been sent to my room, listened to his passionate screams with a heart `nearly bursting with iudi2nation.~ I sat plan- ning until late, and the .sum total of my conclusions was that I would run away and take Robbie with me, where he he would be out of the reach of such tyranny. V . (LT- ...... L.-..L L- fV...._.J.....-.....__.L.. Ivuaugvuv Iuuvuu vv o-v--nuv vn vvu-AQVIJ uvuas-an " The `town of Westbrooke, Connecti- cut, in which Aunt Delilah resided, was a `ourishing little seaport; but that -_ day, I was informed, lived about six miles from the town proper, in a local- ity known as ` Horse Hill.` I was not very, favorably impressed with the ' country ; for after the first two miles of travel, we seemed to .-leave civilization behind us. We saw nothing but bleak elds, lonely woods, and now and then a solitary farmhouse. The elds were covered with broad patches of rock.sbe- tween the crevices of which grew a wilderness of bayberry bushes, whose thick, stubby growth gave the country a look of indescribable melancholy. As we went onward the signs of human life and settlement grew less and less' frequent, and nally, unable any long- er to endure the tertible sense of lone liness which was creeping over me, I ventured to ask the driver if he was sure that we were on the right road .7 u nIT..nI L- ..-_.,--_:l-_n L- ,_- _ . .... ...._, ....__, -- -..- ........-.. -...... " At the liretetopping plac: `we had to exchange the cozy, comfortable car for the inconveniences of at time-worn stage, withou_t springs, whichwas wait- ing at the station, and which, for the next six miles. jolted us over the roughest and wildest of country roads. in "NI... 5...... -9 `IT..-sI....-..I.- (`I........_L: -- no .- nvns III!-VLUVIJ ALUIIJ UAHGUDUIUUQ `: Well! s(5met.ime-iteaeeme<'i like years afterward-I was awakened by the hoarse barking .of a dog, together v'-- v- wanna.-v vIUvJ us ' I` stood for a moment petried by my discovery ._ Strange, shadowy shapes seemed to rise from the corners of the room and mock me, whilethe mournful wails of the wind, as it swept around the house, seemed. like wild inhuman laughter. I tried to move, but for a time was incapable of doing so, At last the plate fell from my hand with a silvery clash, and 1`e_d from the room. Even Robbie was a comfort, and crouching down 7beside him, I cried until I7fell`as1eep from exhaustion.` h THAI I ..`.L...-s:...- 3.. _'-_, , , `I an The date was about two weeks before. The poor old lady's` absence was at once and fore ver explained ; for in my nerve- lessha/nd I held her cofn plate, which had been removed according to the cus-;of those days. HT ..1...-.:|'r;.._ ..x ...;_..--1. . ._-L;,sn-:| 1 I was destined to obtain the desired information sooner than I f had antici- pated. On reaching the room below, I was engaged in replacing pieces of the linen which I had scattered about, when I was attracted by the glitter of` something metallic. V It proved to be a small silver plate bearing an inscrip- tion. Taking it close to the window, I managed to decipher the words : ` JELILAH somnasmr. D: `l\........`L._... nnn.L ~ Ionn - "J vi can vuv n\I\lln I Through this opening I pushed my I signal, _ the brushy part being large enough to form its own fastening. Then I retraced my stops in a hurry ; for the rats were scarnperiug about, and -the temperature was below zero. I paused one moment at the window at the head of the stairs to look outon the `universe _of. sky anclsnow, then turned away. heartsick. Oh_!_ where was" Aunt DelAil_ah? V . ~.,.-- In a. moment a. brilliant idea cttme to my mind, and, selecting at `piece of linen, I groped about in search of ink; Failing to find this, I took a dish bf stove polish` as a substitute, and, with the aid of 9. stick, traced upon the white `cloth, in mammoth letters, the word ` HELP. This I fastened to the broom handle in the form of at ag, and then, withifastbeating heart, stumbled up the short, steep stairs "leading to the attic", where fortune favored. my design ` by a. gap in the roof. IL 'I....-.-.._L LL:.. _...._E.. .. 1`, Y 1 -.--_.---. rv---- Long I pondered over the embers of the last chair, raeking my tortured brain for a suggestion which` might solve the problem of our deliverance ; but in vain. At last the coldness of the atmosphere drove me into the next roomeinvsearch of more chairs, or other combustible material`. This apartment contained among other articles of furni- ture, an old-fashioned bureau. Its brass trimmings gleamed through the darkness, and arrested my attention, and, obeying an impulse I never could ,..-.A. A .. T A. .. ,,,'l _, ,1` .1 1 Hf", - 7-`; ...a v... _.....l..<.-.v .. ogvvvn v u - u nu account Im`,_.[_ opened one of the Vdr-a.w~ .ers.` ' -It contained a. collection of lincn, probably woven` by Aui1t_Delilah her- self.` T - - T ' { 1` But, with ' one of his home visits ` ' hm 'n=.0ught ms bmuctning w`hi(:h_-I little lzkul Ll` uxpect(ad---2.1 1e.v' M-amm'.4._ I c-an well rcxm.-u1_1)(-:1` the rage and.despait tl1at7ti1led'n1_y heart; when I heard the *r'.e'.v9. I had heard" arid read the Ly:-qmny of stepmothers until _I fully believed Lha_t. nothing better could be: in store tcr us. ' V ` ` Just before night-fall he felldasleep. and I walked restlessly up and down the room, planning ways of escape from my self-sought prison. ' But all my schemes, on second thought, appeared impracticable. To burrow through those drilts, with Robbie in my arms, was impossible ; we should both perish Had the house V been on the highway, there would have jean a chance that soonor-late we might hail some passing traveler. But` alas ! I remembered that. the roof was visible from that stand point. u T -__ T ...__.~.J-..-.J _...... LL- -.._L..__.. V ' ; :l`e:1 rs,V I 3;: ha? New Year's day '! < "How Robbie beg- rged for food, and I; half starved, had before me the vision of a well-set table, with all `the delicacies which always graced our board to` whet my appeti'e ; how, when thewood was gone `I broke up the chairs and burned them ;'and how the candle, which I had lighted to please Robbie, burned low in its socket, and finally" left us in that semi-darkness which never brightened into noon. `F All day long the storm raged furiously. I could hear the hollow moans of the wind, and the sweep of the snow as it drifted still higher against" the house.` I had little time for reflection, however, for it took all my ingenuity to amuse Robbie, who. hungry and frightened, begged constant- ly to be taken home. All that long, wretched day I told stories, sang songs, aod playedrgames with` him, while I comforted him and myself ever and anon with the -oft repeated. fable: `Aunt Delilah will come to-morrow. . light it, lee; we should need is more at some future time. So I luv down on the old cliintz sofa, with Rhbbie clasp-. ed cioaein my arms, and we both soon fell asleep. (I `"`I:_.__ T .._..`_A LL45 . can-an `Al! ;I\ Q IUII TIUUVO _ When I awoke the room lay in a gray twilight, while the storm still raged furiously without. Groping my way to a window, for a glance at the weather, I discovered that the window was blocked up with an embankment of snow, and that the other two were in a similar predicament, a small aper- ture at the top of one of them letting in _a new rave of light. ' The'n,'and only then, did the real horror of our situation present itself to me. We were in_ danger _ of starvation ! The house stood in a hollow, and the snow had drifted down from the neighboring hills, making escape impossible. In my agony I had no hope that my iriends would nd us out; I had covered our tracks too cleverly. N o earthy help seemed likely to reach us, and there, in the gray light of the New Year morn- ing, I fell upon my knees and soobed out a prayer to Him who sees us w_her- ever` we are, for help and forgiveness. ll 43.... T A-.. -gnoonun L`.-.......-go t-inf uuusutslg DU{!1I:4lVvDI`Jl. Died `December 20th, 1849, Aged 59 years. ' T" THE NORTHERN ADVANCE. O'_Fla.nnigan (just promoted from day laborer to section boss on" the railroad)- "Moike Dooley, come into the shanty. I discharge you at once, not that I have a.u_vt hing agin you, but I have the stor- ity. e, - _ Weak stomachs. -The distressing symp- toms arising from enfeebled digestion are almost number"-less, and all of them can be readily dispelled by these admirable Pills. They clean the furred tongue and remove all unpleasant tastes from the mouth, with atnency, and constipation. vHolloway s Pllls rou'se the stomach, liver, and every other organ, helping digestion to that healthy tone which fully enables it to "con- vertall we eat and drink to the nourish-' ment of our-bodies. Hence these Pills are the` surest strengtheners and the safest restorative: in nervousness, wasting and chronic debility. Hollow_ay a Pills. are in- fallible remedies tor impaired appetite. ei-notations, and a multitude of other dis,- agreeable symptoms, which render miser- able the lives of thousands of our fellow cfeatures. These Pills are approved by all e asses. V ` . F .-a u- vnv `nova: yu gov:-av, on-av. ...-.wu - Come to see her, she had a broken nose, a short leg and a case of cauarrh. I guess I'll let the matter go until I can comedown here and spend about two days looking around. '1`hatll sort. 0 give me a. chance to look over the aristocracy and make a pick." J `vi-Q anuA\aI-l\J\lnll I :1 about an hour he returned, look- % in a bit downcaat. and said : 9 `L l`|....;.. A... ....- L-.. "L- 1.-.! .. I......I_...'- -.......J. -To go back to Grandmamma. s would do no good ; for she was a. peace ahfe old lady, who had a horror of quarrels 5 and that, besides, did not suit the. spirit of my adventure. At lastahappythought struck me. My `own mother had an aunt living in the `country, about twentyjmiles_ away, who had written to me, the previous sum- mer, inviting me to visit her. Shewas a maiden lady by the name of Delilah Somerset, and though said to be rather eccentric, would, no doubt, give us a welcome, especiellyowhen "I should in- form her of our unnhappy relations at home. A ' ` `d -v ...--v- gay. us aqu--usa-..... w Well, any.thing else-'1" `asked the stand keeper asTt.bhe man was ready to 30- L 4 u\T- ..-LL:_.._I-.. l'..-..L -|..I2...;`.`ll.`-_. v""NO, nothing else. Much obliged for your kiz.dneas. ' " __ _:_.,,-- ,., L_,-,, l__ ___.;.._`__.J 14.1, Katie, come here. This man want a wife. A Yes, sir. . ` I _ Worth $7,O0O,Agood, tempered, and wants to marry before noon.7 I see, sir. ._ `? `VVill you have him '3"? I can t, sir. I jAust.Aengaged myself | yesterday. . Cn:n`t: you nd him some one, Yes, air. If he will kindly wait until I get somebody to tend the stand I'll go with him to a woman who asked me to nd her_a husband." ' st`-and-keeper looked arouind for` a n.1.inute and then snapped his nger at a girl 23Tyea.'rs of age, who came from _a sh stand. _ __ _v __ v --u 7;;-4. `.';'f jgfnk 1 _wo.{1a.*_ My last: Twirel was cros--eyed, and I don't `see {why I" should be so particular about at cata- I ract3" - A ' T H -I -u---.- up \4 V-- i lznow, but -I can t waste much time. I'm worth $7,000, andhave a` mild disposition, and will give some woman a'goo_d home. . Areyou very particular as to looks? Not very." V - . If you get a Woman with 1]. c.-`ltat'ac't on the left: eye, but all right`. otherwise, would you t'ak_e her T .0 (T .Li`,,L rr , 11- 1|: 1 . 0.-I --~- `to UV navnj As for the young doctor" and his.` mother, we kept up their acquaintance, ; and-but here are your papa and uncle, now. Go tell Papa you have learned an adventure of his early history, and 9 ask Uncle Doctor if` `he has ever been sorry that l spent that New Year s day at Aunt Delila.h's. yuan`. -vJ --v- `'1 ua-pv uugv-au you-nu a I want to ask your advice.` I live in one of the northern counties. Have been 9. widower six years. I want to get married again. I came down here to buy some ` machinery and I've concluded to `kill two birds with one stone and take a. wife back with the machinery. How shall I go to work to nd one to day '3" e u 1.1. ____.;__ _l_-__L __;:-- Iv .,_, 1!. .1 .1 uv ---w vn-v vv Vain. I It's pretty short notice," replied the stand-keeper. uT L._.._. 1.--`. r .._.v. ____a. _.-_-,u,l He Will Return. The other morning a man with gray hairs and many wrinkles stood around one of the stands in the Central Market for a time and nally offered the keeper a cigar and made some ohservatxous about the weather. This broke the ice, and by and by the stranger said : T ` __L 1' __,,_. -J__-- (KT .._-_.I. L- uvuavouu-v-nu --u vv n... .-?_.J V.__.._'_J After Mamma died we went to live with our grandmother ; and. as soon as he was old enough to run alone, Robbie fell` almost, exclusively to my care. I worshiped ' the` little fellow, who was as handsome as a picture; and, as no one "interfered with me, petted and spoiled him_to my heaxt s content. Our father was a sea captain, and only came home twice a year; but, girls, his visits were "worthy of remem- brance. If you could see the presents ll: .`.tlw;'.j:5 Came laden with, and curiosities and souvenirs _fr`oin. heym-nd ~1.. :4-Ha" e ` ' e l A , . n My stepmother? Well, girls, the T first d4wn of c nsciousness brought the sight; of her face while her tears fell * over me, Then and there we were re- couciled ; and she ever.was to Robbie and myself all that a. mother could be. Under her careful training, Robbie grew up to be the noble, useful man he now is ; and what we both are, we owe largely to h'eI`. V LL A- 1`... LL. ..-.-.... .--L-_' .....,} L1- _.:- with the sound or aolne one battling with the snow; then ` halloo ! was shouted in a clear,` manly voice. __ __;,_._.4. I' .__.. .5 `Ian Annu- IIIUIIIIIIIA III C lavas, IIIHIIIJ vvavvu " In an instant I was at the door, tugging at the rusty old bolts until my fingers were torn and bleeding, while I screamed like one in the nightmare. Finally I pulled thedoor open. I re- member being buried up to the chin in the bank of snow which fell in,-and that "a man e head, clad in a fur,cap,' was coming toward `me from the other side of the white drift. II I uluu UL vanv vIun\v unann- `We're here! We're here !' I cried, faintly; and then everything be- came indistinct. I know that some one rubbed my face with snow, and said, `poor child, in an unfamiliar voice; but after that everything is blank. 1 was delirious for several days, 1 was told, and came near having a fever in spite of the excellent care I received from my unknown friends.` My ag, as 1 afterward learned, caught the at- tention of a young physician, as he was returning home at night after visiting a patients He took Robbie and myself home with him, where his mother, a dear old" lady, took the best possible care of us, telegraphing our friends as soon as they could learn their address.` The letter which had been sent advising I18 0! Aunt Delilah s death, had been Sent to my grandmother, it proved, which accounted for my ignorance of the news of her death. ` o-.- Holloway : P111: Nature. PRESENTS! WE mT31@ESiP mm @H1m>E3@ 8iI@@K I A IN` BARBIE, AT 0R0ssou'r sAws AND AXES! I1\ \ Put 1:}; ;l;(;r-t gouge`. :1 full stock of IronvPipe for Steam, Water and 2333. Glopje _Valvc-9. N0! and Check Valves. Steam Gauszea. and Water Glasses. All work in mm hue V M vromptly attended to. --- - one-xv vs? Axrn11\\' iB>%DIES1F>IE&*$iI@ M1 @1Ht@@:9 My stepmother was a tall, - bloncle `v-zuly, whuse fair, girlish face almost be liud her thirty years, and possibly we might have been ti-iends, had it not been for Robbie. He was a. high-tem- pered liitle fellow, thoroughly spoiled, and self-willed to the last degree. But to me he was perfect. ;. and I 1esent_e_d the slightest attempt of [control on the [nu't. of our new Mammu. 7 u'\)'... ....... :....._-._:_... ...L..L ..... ....L'.......... CHRISTMAS * AND NEW YEAR S STOVES 2 `"`sTE>vEs 2 2 ALL THE MOST APPROVED`MAK.ES, WITH THE LATEST AND BEST FURN1SE{INQi L AT MANUFACTURERS PRIg`I:J'." . CvrvV,`\ |GmasMm; UNDERTAKER, BARRIE AND STROUD, ERRJRIE sT`ovE&ruI1mx_cEnEPoI \VA."I'GllES, DUUOIJI "ALL uUU,LuIIlg|U "Luu tuu zuuu av LI rapuuuvu uv nu ILIJILI uuu u-tzu-n v-anunnv uu u u" WARRANTED to cook meats, puddings, onions and other vegetables ;'tVa= time without emitting anv unpleasant odor or mingling in avor. The avegagc: C05; of the Cooker will be about One Cent per week and will save about fifty tlmvstha` much. 1 0 1 1 1 ( I1,L_ _._2_-_ _._J L-_ __._'_-._ 1... `I`1-.....,I.. JUST ARRIVED! ILUII-I IUI `C III ULIJUDUJ -It is the only Cooker that has a safe regulating safety valve that needs no care 0; attention and cannot possibly get out of order. , It is the only steam cooker with an escape steam tube that is equally adapted L- use on a gasoline stove or common cook stove. It is the only cooker with perforated dishes an arranged that the condenaig steam will notmingle with the food as it passes down from one apartment to anothey TXTA DD A 'KT'lV'IT1\ L- ..,.,.'I. ......-...L.. n...l.-I3.-.n,. (\r|;r\r\1I l|'\I] .-.41-.nn unnnbnklnn at 9.... No Steam in the House. No Offensive Odor. No Burning of Food, No Frost on Windows. No Dampnoes on Walls. N o Tough Moat- Threekinds of meat, four kinds of vegetables and two puddings may be com,- at the same time and over one holeoin the stove, by the steam of one quart of wage; consequently about one half of wood is saved in preparing dinner, which occupje. about one-third less time. ` II T`! _,j n--1____ :_ ..__;.____;_.1 ._ ; --.._....._ .......-.. ..._:.........l.. T; 1.--, Aulllus uuv " L1-any-u, II I was then a glzll-of: fteen.` My. mother died three yearsbefore, leaving me a little brother only so. few months o`.d. whom we call `Robbie, out of compliment to the young gentlemen present. No nods and smiles, young ladies, and no questions asked, though you are at liberty to draw your own conclusions as to the family history. 4, A1--_,, II___.._. _1:...! _- _...._A. L- uuuuu uuu-vlulu Luna unnu- The Diamond Cooker is constructed on a common sense principle. It has stem {tight covers that prevent steam and odor from escaping, without rubber packing (,4 useless machinery. T6.` 3.. than l\U\II' l`,n:J;n-u O-Inn` `inn Qlvnl-innonu Qfnunn Qirvnol I} `non `an Hour} :r\ -- uIUP ILIIIIJIIIILUI-J I It is the only Cooker that has Stationary Steam S.igpz_1.l. It can be heard in am part of the house, thus absqlutely preventing the posslblhty of any danger of burnin_. from forgetfulness. 1 . :_ `.1... -_1_ n-._I-.... n..; 1.... _ ..-z.. _...L...1-a.:.... ......L.-. ....l.... 51...; ..,....a.. ...,. ..-_- Better Cooking and Less Work` DIAMOND STEAM GDOKER! COOKING MADE ms; What We Claim for the Diamond Steam cooker : SOUTH" SE)E'D'UNLOP STREET, NEXT noon TO THE CAN.TON `TEA sfom-:. _4__.n.__?__... TIME. LABOR & MONEY SAVED Ml!-ls & PLAxrou's_mBRATE= _EB_".A_e'55 ill. It has received twenty-seven State prizes and ten prizes in Canad a. Patented March 1st, 1882, and November 27th, 1884. AGENTS; '\VAN'!`II>_ "vvuuv an uwtuuuy mu may KBPB saylng: E` Bless you, my children," as she heap- ed our laps with nuts and apples, ` ' .\ f'2F.<>'bes,m Crape. A.)-I all w11nnmn1pnIu;D;+DQ "-(`Ill'7`i'-.'hl\'(: _' S'IA.TES_, SLEIG-I-I BELLS, PLATFORM 3. AND OTHER .'. SCALES, AT .J.HENDERsoN'S- Which we are nowselling at a Great Discount. % STOCK OF WAL'r H we. A. DUTTON S 'I"I'_-0_N .1389?-7 as nus use, mu ems: nouns wmmuw Sl.AM;MNt:.> R. A. DOUGLAS, .NEW AND. IMPROVED um um! STORTTELLERAI