DRUGgvI;;&:1:}i\`jZ1iEDICINES,I DYE ' s'1'UFFs,J SOAPS, COMBS, I ~ AND BR`Us11Es.' %` HE GLASGOW 8: LoNi)oN INSURANCE ` Company, of Great Britain. ` - * V --;w:11 berouna-'-'_ _ 2_`DOORS.WEST 0F THE BARBIE HOTEL % `GEORGE MONKMAN, cnamnsnnn DRUGGIST, am noon TDABANK or couuanics. iTvEN AWAY! 4 Large Tlntypes for 50 Cents. 0 Large Gents for 50 (tents. ' 18 Small Genus for 50 Cents. T 12 Sunboams Photo for 81. Remember this, it takes an` artist to make a. good Tintype as well asa. Phoio. My gallery has been thoroughly retted for work. None but rst-cln.ss work made. V . T_ u n {An 14: wm-th 50a. to see thls matrument 1=mssuaI1='r1o1~zs CAREFULLY comrovzmnn. The only GENUINE Lardine on the market is | made by MoCOLL BROS. 86 (io., of To- I ronvo. and when buying ask for We have just nished stock-taking ; this gives us a chance to see exactty what we have, and what lines we are carrying surplus A stock in. . ' _ . V New York's great successful dry goods man, A. T. Stewart, used to say If there is a poor side to your melon, put the poor side up.. This is not that general rule-bnt we are going to do it. I . - _ In every stock some lines of goods will accumulate -to.make these go out there inust be some inducement, we won t carry over Winter Stock if `we can-help it. Therefore, PRICE must make them go out. Someeoods are a little of} in style, but GOOD ENOUGH if sold at the price of an article much inferior in uality. - ' , c This iathe poorest side of our melon,--(he poorest line we have to offer. WE HAVE MANY SPECIAL LOTS TO OFFER`! 1!? We shall do just what we say 1 , We will always keep faith with the public. . .NOTICEA,BLE AMONGST OUR OFFERINGS JUST NOW, ARE: LOT No. 1 ~ 50 pairs all Wool White Blankets, from $2 per pair, up. These are less than mill price to day. - L() l` No. 2-25 Heavy Wool Shawls at 90c. and $1 00. Worth 50 per cent. more. . LOT N o. `3-About 40 Mantles, at prices just cut in Two. That means that for these goods your quarters will do service as half dollars." A POSITIVE FAG'l`-$2 50 Mantlcs for $1.25. $4 00 Mantles for $2.00. $5 Mantles for $2.50. . $10 Mamles for $6. We won t carry a mantle over if we can help it. - They must all go ! i . LOT No 4 --About 90 pairs Ladies Fine All- Wool Cashmere Hose, dark solid colors. Former price 60c., now 40c. per pair. LOT No. 5 --About 60 pairs of Ladies Lined Silk Gloves. iiormer price, 50c., 60c. and 75c. - Now 25c. per pair. NOTICE MEN. A PLUM FOR THE MEN. '50-FIFTY - 50. Yes, just about Fifty Stylish Tweed Suits. A Special Lot at 20 per cent. o". That means that our Splendid $10 Suits will only cost you $58. And in the same proportion for many lines higher and lower in price. Bargains in men s shirts and underclothing. ' . IE3 A Word to Mothers who have boys.--What a bother boy s stockings are- to knit, we mean. Well, we have 20 or 30 pairs of boy s Scotch Knit Hose, for boy s who wear short pants. These will go out at v30'per cent. off, don t miss them. There are a lot of other bargains knocking about, `but we think we have said enough for this time. 5 The place, DON'T BE:MlSLEi -ov--. ___ cum`ox.-'An dea1er_;ou:1d sel-1-1.1); ;t'l;;1; ilsashsrdine willbe, roaacuted. 17-42 A MRS. M. E. MORROW MACHINE OIL!` oney to loud at lowest rates. Agent for Dominion Grange Fire insurance Associ- ation. Canadian Mutual Aid Life Insurance and Reserve: Fund Accident Associations. THOS. S. MOLEOD, Dalston. Omoe over Ooulter 85 Vair s, Barrie. Tuesday and Saturday. 6-ly 'ro11.};'r. `z\~rxir1cI_3:.`--A FULL LINE. gnu inulun -L Mljl-WINIER.SAlEKT E. B. GRUMPTON & co s. """' I J. on Lvanwzuas V ` um mm; & snavm; mama I Razors and Scissors Ground and at on phort Notice ' ' . . 5-1 Barrie, J an. 1, 1886. -u:V)_-OPPOSITE BA RRIE HOTEL, DUNLOP STREET. .' new `M A180, Manufacturers or uyunuer, wow, nglne. and Harness Oils. Sold only by . . . PURVIS BROS., Barrio; IIIIIIJI L! U"AIIlIII\lLI IUIFIJIIIIII And Cattle Spices. Admitted by all to`be the best in the market. , A :1-Egg `Ft-)0d.. VA stimulant which makes Hens lay in the coldest weather. No- Poultry-keeper should be without it. OF FI :-~ Collier Street, Barrie. M0LL's LABDINE A_ca11 soliciticgkilfor all kinds 9! -4-AGENT FOR--- 2; B. cnompron 8; co., Tl-|%E dilaeu BEAVER, TWA Dnnrn 7ont nf nonAnrnnn'a nninnw nusnlnn Q0:-out [Inn-{n Two Doors West of Henderson's Cotner, Dunlop Street, Barrie. [ Come and Buy Boots, Shoes and Slippers at our low p1-ices,` [and get a Handsome Guter, Sleigh or Dell, FREE, with every 1'h'ree Dollar purchase. > Our seven clerks have been kept extra busy the last two Weeks, handing out these Sleighs and Cutters, with every big bundle of shoes sold. GLAYTGWS 5 GREAT 5 GIFT 3 SALE 5 PHENOMENAL t~;UCCESS Owingto the 1a,teness of the Winter season, we have decided to sell out our Fur Goods and at your own prices; All goods made in the building. Look for Big Hat for 1 I . 3-3 a if-'!"~*a -..'~.-"'\ ao f"\ i Siinieifiui` Q: A Chance in Furs EightLDoc'rs-East or ad `fsieast REMOVED: rARi3iF"iiijf'f'ri{n:s; Silke, Chenille: and F -hey Wools of all kinds Toys, etc. 4 - an , up 04 , 5: I. _n-_- .._.__I_-...l_... ..Innu-Ln-A J. Vin, vvun EA call solicited before Iinrchasinyz elsewhere. M RS. GEO. DUDLEY, HOUSE, SIGN g FRI: seq BAY-`FIELD STREET. NORTH or Simeon HOTEL. ' DUNLOP STREET. BA.'RB.IE, 37 ONT. H. P. SANDERS, MERCHANT TAILOR, LLIIII Av:-av v vs. - MANN S 02D T/->.ND, G. BLA CKJV1 ORE, PAINTER! In 3 much larger scale than heretofore. 33$ Come and see us. Where she intends can-5 ing on the A__ .:_`_| ASTRAGHAN & FUR GDATS. ' `F-'*"_1=`_E -9-'1', STILL GOING ON THIS WEEK. Has reI-noved to _ 4 STEPHENS McConk`ey s'B10ck and J. J. BroWn s New Block. MERCHAN1 TAILOR, Yours for Bargains, JOHNCLAYTON, 13 &.ZE-'i.I=?_IE... __AN.D:. By wen the onlv Frank Lazarus (Late of the rm o Lazarus 85 Morris) renowned spec- tacles and eye glasses. 'l`hann Snentnnlen and Eva Glannen have been (80188 8110 eye KIEFBBB. These Spectacles and Eye Glasses have been used for true past 35 years. and given in every instance unbounded satisfac inn. They are the best in the world. They never tire. and last man Years withou* change. `R9 the fnllnwino fsntimnninl 2 VI VA June It use v vs unnvg u-onu -u-p-u vuuv an til`! 1*" -7 many ears R the following testimonial : ` I have great leaaure in certifying that I have worn Spectac es manufactured by `Frank Lazarus for fteen ears. and they e1_xcel all others I have used or olearness o1'.vis1on.and ease while wrltintz or readin . Jams Gun- II-REY, A.B., late incumbent mity Church. Wolfe Island. FKEY. A-13., IEIB lncumuenu }l'l'll].IL] \JLlll.l'Ull. Wolfe Island. For sale by J. HENDERSON, - 49-48 Hardware Merchant. Barrie. 0 SMOKERS. For all the no hnmnax in Gian rm *1:-rive I-l1U SMUAEHU. _the noted Brands of Imported and Domestic Clgars. Tobaccos, Meerschaum and ' G. B. D.Pipe.a, &c., 856.. go to the Central A 1 Tobacco Depot. Si n of the Indian Chief, Pound Maker. E. BET ELL. Dnnlop Street. Bun-ia. n tn:-I n, PRESERVE YOUR.\IGHT HIUISC |'n 1 Ontario. ALUABLE B_USH FARM FOR SALE IN ~ the 'I`owns_h1p of Ves ta. consxsting of the ` West 4} of lot 6, In the 4th on.. containiru 100 g acres. more or less. A_ good creek runs on the j lot. For further parncumrs 3 pl at the A0 VANCE Office, or to the-owner. A BANTING. Cookntowu _ 3_2tf. rthfs "Bis: trcal vo1II'| (I. luv 1 press. I K \ \\\ press" `than- Bf Ex- arm- CW unyn G50: Lilla. UUULJ uvuu \.lL vuuvlv other property were destroyed. J. T. Harvie, Esq., Reeve of Graven- rst,1s President of the Gravenhurstl d Muskoka Agricultural Society. a The Presbyterian Sunday School of yner are preparing a, cantata, and the izeus are promised a treat shortly. Squire Derham of Tottenham, fell on e ice the other day and cut the back of .. Ln.-I an-vnnnlu`. [In in nll vu:nr1\f onu::n !) IUD UHU HD1101. ua:_y cinlu uuu vnsu uuvn UL head severely; He is all right again. \ A young man from Mulmufwas recenh drowned in the Detroit River near ` indsor. His name is S. J. Dunsheath. 1 The Everett grain buyer purchased 00 bushels of wheat last week, and the t-stion is asked How is that for Ever- r. Blaquiere is again stock- his mill at Muskoka. Falls. e would like to hear from a team that beat the Clipper Mills boys. hey areto have afat man s race at"? Alliston rink next Thursday. ` ` he races at Duck Lake last week are i to have be_en_very successful. a favner is to have another general store i a book and stationery business. - b l pecial services are being conducted at A 'chemont by Rev. Robert, Holmes. _ verctt is a;z:iin free from the .blacl_{` out which caused live-deaths there. Ir. l`vIcC<>sh, Mayor of Orillia is down `plank Sl(l(.`W1tll{S,. and does not want umre ofthem. ' _ `he l}ra imposed a ne $3 and (;nslS $4. 70 on l{ul_)ert' Lowe f.or_ i-ltiy to animals. The Adjala Branch Agricultural So- ty has $123 92 of cash "on hand Mr. hn Kelly is President. ` . e The Cardwel1Sentinel says there are ty or fty cases of diphtheria of more less severity in Alliston. ` e `Oliver Reve11`s barn in Mara was- burnt ew days ago. Thirteen head of cattle .3 ..&Ln.. nuns-an-ol>u uvnmn (`calm-)'\17nt1 C. T.Ioore s liqor store at Atherly son fire a. short time ago, supposed to ve resulted from the bursting of a. coal Lr (,,`;:1'\"x\\`('H !'?_\An,z~.;f1.'L);t Az: z.\v ]i.l..I;S <;f`n;1c Iu!_ ."LjI1YiI1L`-1 11`. Inll \\}b;L-`:l1.i1J full` rm. m-:\r Bra( x1i2Lc11i1xe w: v It. i& said courting in Wat Essa `has M (upped in consequence of the bad stafe of (rruads. Alas! the days of chivalry c indc-yd over when bud roads will" stop at. dullghtflll exercise ' As the l`t'.:sll1t at the revival services | C - . . . . I` , :11 .1 `l.- -\u-`ntlllul w'1llent.er on its 1-: \g:~.r1:L.xL um-li ulzcn It" will appear m W (lnss \\1tll, nu a.':lditim1al fen 1x.1..1;sof'n:1Ll1I:g`x11utle1`- Give usyuur _' ' V \`s'. .lul1x1stm1 tln-uslwd 400 bushels \\ lnlzu. in fuuI`,lm\1rsun1\Ir,H.l\lIcK:|.y s rm. Braclfm-d, on the 18th inst, sv13x`x:tty`fz_1st`woI`k. ' Jnlm Amler son,A a Gmvenlmrst mam cuss-y a Camp a. few d'&L_\YS- ago. His in- rics an; very severe and half his body Ill rcunaina pamlyzed. 7 ' -1- . -q 1` "Q" s k1mcl_{cd senseless by 3. fallingjtree at c lmlclline was :1 hurse power one. That_; l 11 the old oicers have been e.ppoint~ by the West Gwillimbury Council ex- t the assessor._ The salaries have been uced. . ' r. McKee. P. S. I., inspected the iston Public School last week, and ex- cipline. A carnival is to be held in the Baprie ller Rink next Thursday evening; and `It-igh load uf ()rillia.ns are going down '(::Lx`1`y oil the prizes. --News Letter. '1 lm. Witm .83 says there is talk of orgrn' 1: :1 ymxx;_i nn`n'a C(1lSeI`VIl,Yi\ 6 ASSOCI- (II in 1:1-:'-.t:tKml. It: there [Is 1.: x J n..-.u.-mxl. 'J.`t1eidL-2; is an (`X- ssed himself well satised with the a ..., ..... wan... ..` [mu ........ ..\,.....,.,.. My hvltl at Mz1g:11iett;;V\'z_:11, - twenty-ve w .m-.nx3n-rs \VUi`-.5 added to the Px`esbV- 4 ma: c-n1:roq:L'i'n1. and aboujt the same" ulmlxti I m`-`._-1' in tin: Mctlmdists. ' `:2: .1-}*=:1 \\'ilki11snn um '1-vsi min his _ _ _ .. ., , .3 T man as tcmc}w1' In bectmn No. 2, Essa, V Vs ;n-muted with a secretary" and rs. -\`'ilkinsnn {L u'hzt11ot. `There '5 an address and s.u1.pe1'. Au lt:Tx1,im1 was arrested at Bracebridge t, Tuesday afternoon charged. w1_th bbingga cnmrade at the junction dur- g the afternunn. It is feared _ the _ unded man will not recover. Jnhn Lloyd King nld ' his team on nnday to H. Isaac's for $440 We have en teams passing through this town that 'ver thrown in-.-.Cardwell Sentinel. }A Mitchell Square correspondent of the rillia News Letter sa s that Times in at section are dol ill. `Very likely at correspondent c'a.usz ht his dolefulness tening to the `speeches. of Sir Richard rtwright. The Tottenham `Council has adopted the -. A-sn-in-u. Aw Lab-:-an. Ann- nal: n:`nn `kn uldn t br1ng h2.lf the money with the la Forrest is again at his post in the Iadford High School. T ' t is `said business in Cookstown is king up wonderfully. omebody has stolen the Colliugwood vation Army banner. 1'. Bridgland is chairman of cebridge School Board. ol. O`Brien has been addressing his stitnents up in Musknka. ' ml ` , _',,_;_-__ _L_-I, the -:1 'r\ _r._i`l;ox11as Burgess is this year Reeve },Mdum and Wood. ' ' LIIU JUUUUIIIIQIII \J\II-IIIIJII uni 3\l"P"c. IIICV T4 system of taxing dogs, and after the I h of February next. all dogs running large within the municipality will be able to be killed Look out for aboorn the sausage -business. ` ` An old resident of Tossorontio. Mr. I sac McCreary, died on the 15th inst., ( d was buried at the Presbyterian .3 emetery. Rosemout. He is said to have !c' ttled in that region when it was a `a bowling wilderness. I Orillia Packet.--Early last month; '- at . rl died-in town of virulent typhoid ` ver. The body was placed-in the .vault I the Protestant Cemetery, and. there . mains at present. though the weather '1 s been qnitemild enough for giving ~_it oper burial. -We do not `know FM is FNTY%%GREAM-DISTRIGT DEEDS, 6I?1'l:;:I:'1;eMarrmu;>"v; ;?1;'iz'S'11'ea{i.-' Mr. Philip McRae_ is Assessor for Mara.` grhere is talk of abolishing the `billiard pm in Alliston. e_3d_. :1 Condensed into Interesting Partv " graphs for Advance Readers Who I lI-- ma Inuvoetuu-I! A {Gun Haul! J anua-ry .28, 1886. - wrunmn BY smcon: AND nxswmcr EXCHANGES AS LOCAL NEWS, 38 UVl.'. _ The wife of Mr. W. Tobraham eloped two weeks ago with a. man named Dan Brown, a carpenter, who has been work- ing in Huntsville the past year. They intended to beat Tobraham out of some money but the old man was too sharp for them. He threatened them with arrest and they skipped to Toronto. 1-: wur 4~:_.__..`-' ANA _4uII 1n"`C`n\I$ I-V- Ivl uuuuu use:-wavy .. .. -..... ....-..-- The anniversary of Kississabeta Lodge, I.O.G.T., will be held in the Temperance Hall, Vnllaze of Rama, on Saturday, Jan.- 30th. James B. Nixon, General Super- intendent of Juvenile Template and of- cer of the Grand Lodge, will deliver a -lecture. Miss McPherson will preside at the organ. Tea served from 5 to 7 o clock. Pubhc meeting at 8. - TN A T\_,____ _.E, On Monday a. heifer belonging to Mr. Bowerman fell through the ice just above the bridge and was carried over the falls. She managed to get tllrough the raging water alive and swam to the edge of the -ice.` Two or three men got the `beast safely to land and she is now as lively asever. p p lt_ 111 rn-L....L....... ..1,......A wanna vu-vJ u-.-I.y,.--~. v- _-_ -1`. W. Gray ` Co. s;l_lV _a'll` their As- trachan Mantle: n a guarantee. .5 -rr- 1- 1 o In-louv ou-.vv....a _. V The Reeves and Deputy-Reeves of Orillia and Orillia and Matchedash will no doubtxnake an effort to" induce the County Council to meet again in Orillia next June, and since the members were so highly pleased" with their visit here last summer, it ought not be dizicult to persuade them to come again.--Packet. Once in ten years is all that Orillia ought to ask in that direction. ' T A _-__ __2_.-'l A freight` train on Sa.turda.v last - while proceeding north, ran off the track about a. mile north of the J unct1on. . Among the 'cars_was one loaded with dynamite, which ranaga.instarock.. An engine was sent to help, but four miles north of Hunts- ville it also left the track -Muskoka| Herald. -9 i South Simcoe News :-A very painful accident occurred on Monday last to Mr. Thomas Cave of Newton Robinson. This. gentleman was threshing on- his own farm when the gearing got choked up. and in order to clean it out Mr. Cave reached under the arm to draw out the tangled straw. In doing so the sleeve of his coat was caught by the "spindle, and ina trice `-itwas a tight between the injured man and the machinery for life. Mr-. "Cave c:iuuht_"hol"(l of the brace of. the table, while the 11mcl'iiiiex_'y rolled on with re- lsntlc-rss fury until every_stitch of clothing was t(.)1`Iil11-8llX`e.ds from his body, the ()-HIV articles left being his Abozjts and `a small purtiuii of the arms of hiscoat. _He received a._ number of severe -bruises and scratches, but with good care will soon be able to be about again. It was a narrow escape. 0!) an Lu vuav uuvuusuuo - ` - \ . ..- _,-_ ..________._A responsible, but the Board of Heal?-ha` ought to see that the public hea.lth;_be5not glonaer endangered by what -appears` to us gross carelessness on the part. of `some-' ibody. T . " A A young man whose name is unknown to the Witness stepped on the ice at the ` bridge at Bradford last Sunday week and _ fell through going tothe bottom - As: he rose he grasped the ice and held on till asanstance was rendered, - " IJUI ` I The Grand Master` General of the Sove- reign Sanctuary of Royal` and Oriental Freemasonry has issued a circular direct- in.-; that all the emblems of the Order be draped in mourning for the space of three months in respect for the memory of the Ilate Dr. Ramsay.` - ' V in 1 4| The first consignment of wood frame this District per Northern and Pacic J unctioh Railway was delivered at Fa1ken- burg by Mr. Peter Smith, and put on the cars by Mr. Kirby on Wednesday of last I week. It was consigned to a. station near Toronto. Muskoka. Herald. MrgGordonier, who lives about three miles from Bracebridge had his house and its contents destroyed by re a. short time ago. The neighbors generously built built hlm a. new house and otherwise as- sisted the unfxrtuuate family. _ I_.n...._..4. -I____-- _-4 4- I v -0ve1-coats, _e bi%gesl: cinance vet, to pr '21:) at very 10 cats. '1`. W. Gray at .0. ' ' --No'prlzcn lven with our Overcoats and Suits. 0 ` r prots won9t admit of our giving e u at $2.00 Stlver \Vutch with eve rv tent or twentieth purchase. \_Ve don ! be] iev in um-.4 way of forcing trade. '0 prefe to sell our Overcoats at. Rock Iiuttonr rlces instead. Ho! (`An I... uoIn'1x`I|sr on 'I`, -, lllunlr Ar I".n,ht- ! The Orillis Packet says : ` Some of Mr. J. D. Edgas earliest missionary work 1 for the Grit party was done in Orillia. 1 Was hxs poetical faculty developed up in that neighborhood ? Orillia has not much reason to be proud of that. V I `I 1'! I IEL IIOCK ISlIlI.0IlI~ I'I('.U! lllhtulltln tor bargains, at '1`. ". Gray :2 Com. 4.11:. 1 1 `, , in the Mechanics Institute library, said a. friendly visitor to the Packet yesterday. "The biography of Sam-Sum---Sa.m-oh, what do you call him l--the great inde- pendent. newspaper editor?" Sun ,l Hu;1hes,of`the Lindsay Warder. the Packet :_-mgzgestetl. No,that; s not the name. "Then it must be 'S:un_ Wesley V of the Barrie ADVANCE. They are the only editorial S.-nus we know anything of No, no, no " exclaimed * the ` friendly visitor, with his eyes set and his ngers in his hair. "You c2u1 t mean Sm1'- the gentlemmi who writes the leading , an-teicles for the Bobcztygzeon Independent; l1isf1'()nt name is. Adolphe, was V next hazahded. No, but I can tell `you now who I do tneu.n--Sam Bowlea, of . the Springeld Republi`t`.b.n.' It's a. new book, out only a few Weeks and one of themost . ente-taiging and useful of late publica- tions. use give Bertram, or Wallace, or_ some of those eople 9. pointer about it, will you l" Ill Messrs. Bertram, Wal- lace, and those people generally ' kind- Il :el-luy'l\-1.:'a,-l).>.;R`liey ought have ` ly consider the pointer delivered here-e with.vl-,-0rillia Packet. T entlrely recovered. __ . A number of our young folks were drwen by Mr. J whn McCabe to the resldenoe ofhie fe.ther~in-law, Mr. Greaver, on the eighth 1 Concession. `last Wednesday evening, where -a very lovely time -was spent in singing, E dancing, etc. The company returned home `at an early hour much pleased with the evening s entertainment. .- . `Una ova nI'nnnnrI`I'.n1AlII`lI Big Bay Point. Advance Corresnondenoe. We are sorry to state that Master Louie Cullen, who has been bedfast for the put few months, eulferinw from that terrible dis ease known as white swelling, elthou h` attended wnth every care and comfort is on y very slowly recovering. - We hope to see his cheerful face soon again in our midst and be entirely recovered. A .......Lu. A` M... unnna fnllui were driven evening's entertsammenu. We are pleased to learn` that the. popula- tion of the Point has been increased another soul(er) We wiahto congratulate Andy. | To in unvnn-Ar` l-.hn.I'. twn hill` Vounil Bonner; we vuuu. vu Uvlluluvuau-vv .._.._, . I It; is rumored that two of our young men paid a. visit to, Gravel Hill the other after- noon and if we behave it spent a very en- j_vable time. They Will 30 on with their `Tom foolery. V . T The following` letters _addressed the i Editor of Tris Nonruaaw ADVANCE, have Jeen received tor publication: ' A Brieflfeply. ~ - - Sir.---The only reply I feel it necessary to make to the letter that appeared in the AD- VANCE of last week signed a Friend of the Schools,`is a very brief one. If the writer of that letter thinks that by writing in such a strain he can i intimidate me, or prevent me from stating my views on school matters he is quite mistaken ` He 11 ay succeed in frightening the children by this style of hit, V but even in them it has only served to de- stroy every vestige of respect. When` he signs his name to -his communications the public will know better what value to put upon them. `And my opinion is that were he to do so, it would not add very much to their weight. And though he writes as a very `candid friend I do not propose to con- sult him, as to any discussion of educa- tional matte-rs`I may feel called on to take part in. Nosuch letters will prevent me from continuing to take a deep interest in the education of the rising generation in the community. Our school law is probably as v near Aperfeotas that of any country-. All that is requir_ed'is, that it should be faith; fully admmz'stn'ed. And I have no doubt the Trustees on whom the responsibility rests, will enieavor to see that it is, and perhaps none the less because of the little discussion. that has arisen. '-And in doing so they deserve the fulsest sympathy and sup- port of the community, and from no one will they receive this with greater cordiality and good will, than from . \7'........ A`..:4.Lc._11-- Oro Council. a ORo, 18th Jan., 1886. The Council elect for Oro for the year `I886, viz: Charles Drury, Reeve ; James` Ross, Deputy Reeve ; Duncan Fletcher, and Charles Atkinaon_ Councillors ; meet in- ac- cordance with the Act respecting the Muni- cipal Institutions` of Ontario, and having made and subscribed the `Declaration of Qualication and of oice were organized` as a Council. ' ` 1 I, 41,, -l__:_, -_.,1 , 11,',_.,,5I ULIU \J\l|lI.lUIlo The minutes of list meeting were read and "confirmed. 11_,___'_;,.1 'i'I_L_'L3-_ -2 `l -L_. '1 ___1__ ___-I Presented. Petition of John Aoonly and j 12 others, requesting a grant of money to repair road on the 2nd Oon., for ditching and cutting hill, supported by 20 days extras labor in case grant is made. Laid over till time of apportioning road monies. l..~.mmnn:no4-,::.n 3-unrn nnunnnn Anrinv-unn Vin UIIIIU U]. BPPUI IIIUIIII-I5 IUQU LllUl.IlK4'Uo Communication from Duncan Anderson in regard to releasing Mrs. J. May, widow. from taxes for 1885. Laid over to next meeting. Mr. McLean `to make inquiry.- Communication from A. G. Cavana, P. L. S.. asking to be employed in case professional services may be required. Communication from Registrar General s oice, certicate of Registrations by Division Registrar for year ending 31st December, 1885, viz: Births 95, Marriages 15, Deaths 35. ACCOUNTS. Arthur Bell, spikes and work on bridge at Lot 8, Con. 1. $4 77 ; S. Varley, snpolies to indigent Wm. Crowe, 6 months to Dec. 16, 1885, $24 ; Thomas Jory, board of indigent, 3 R. Sloan, 6 months to 1st January, 1886, $36; P. Murray, printing nomination bills and ballot papers, $5.50; expenses of muni- ` cipal election for 1886, $52 25 ; Division Registrar for year ending 31st Dec., 1885, $14.50. ` TL- 7". gun.-.-gnu. --nu `:1l\`1lCl|`l\l: `ll vgnuv an- 3 \./`ll-Il.l|JIIu The Reeve took the chair and `addressd the Coun_cil. 'I`\I__ ___._,_L-._ -1 I_'._L __-__LZ_.. 1-..- ___, _'I -_j UUHIJUB UUW lJlUBUI.IDU|.ln On motion of Mr. McLean, seconded by Mr. Ross, Donald McKinley was appointed Auditor on behalf of. the Council for the I current year. The Reeve named Thomas S. MacLeod as the other-auditor. ' nu: ___-___'I-,1 1.-. u. Iuo; inL3)v gut. vvo The Txeasurer Was `instructed to pay ac- counts now presented. nn I`I\l\":I\l\ lu` MI` MnT.nnn annnnnri 11`? LVJKUIJUUU C15 ULIU \lUl1Cl'(IuUlUUlo ' On motion of Mr. Atkinson, seconded. hy .Mr. Fletcher, the Clerk was instructed to give notice that the Council will receive ap- plications till noon on Monnl-.:.y, the 8th of February next, for the olli;-es of Assessor and Collectoniresnectivelv for` the current year. ' The Assessor will he required to re turn the Roll completed and certied not ` later than the lst of May next, ensuing. Applications toibe ma.xle,in theshand writing of the appl-ic./mt. > The Collector to state in his application the names of. his securities, whosrequire to be resident freeholders. The ; Clerk was instructed to send eminutes of Council to Barrie and Orillia newspapers for _puhli.ca.tion, one copy to each place; A:-`:nn\nnnA I-n girls walxruunriv I107". 5+. _Pu|)1|U'dDl()Il, UUC UUPY LU UGUU PldIUG- ` -Adjourned to Ssh February next, at 10 o clock, mm. George Tudhope, Clerk. Lmrmns Annnmsshn TO 'rn_nEnrr6n ' . wars wmx. . `The Admission of correspoizdenoe Does A. Anna-nuIIuu funugiuu A.L_J. III- CI-I_I uocv / van vs vvnavwyvuuvuv III! Not Necessarily Imply that {We Hold - the Opinions of the Writer. Lefroy. - Advance Co'rre_spbndence. ` The Churchill Union Brass Band intend 3 holdinga grand concert in the Grange Hall ? here on Friday erening next, 29th inst. = Sgtne of the best local` and foreign ,, talent `N have promised to be present and assist the affair. Will wind up with a. grand hop. Than nvuniin` nn;uu;1\nnV|H l`YIn0f.;hrf ;I`\ An, (lull. V1 ALI. vvluu. up vvnvu. nu 6-wu-n -nut-u The annual missibnary. meeting in con. -nection wit.h`Presbyterian Church will be held here on Thursday evening next; Depu- tation, Rev. Messrs.-. Atcheaon, Leishmen and others. ' ` II` ['1 ` 0 I I I, , fil C III {WHAT THE PEIJPLE HAVE TO su. iwi\`li:x;(?;`r`r:;gg`, musial teacher, Ohurhm. `has 9. large class of pupils here and Bell Ewart. May she meet wxth `grand succeed is the wish of you correspondent. I , K/Innnua (LI.-..'.. Dunn A3 . I"nunnI-A 1-noun 0 p.31` 5 pm} 5 p.tn I I0 DUO W10" UL Jllu. uullruyuuucuu, VMessrs. Gi1pin.Bros., of -Tornnto, have _arri.ved home, we hear to remain tor _a. short time. 1n!,_, n_n, 'n__,, _, -2 ..:_L-_.:_ 1'1._.l._.... :. HILUI V uxun Us a Miss Bella. Burns, of Victoria. Harbour, 18 here vis_iting friends at present. T f1 1) Knlfnu .Ml III p nun Inna}: nnfzabm. U U vLa_|'.nu Lllcuua can 1.): cncuua ` u 2} P. Mcfiay. M. M. P., our most esteem- _ed Reeve, gave us a call on Monday on his way to the countv town to attend the Cqunty Council; ' T ' e Apto. Advance Correspondence. A young man named Geo. McLaughlin living at Anten Mills. had a pretty close call one day last week. He went out to chop one morning and was found about an hour afterwards by his brother in a senseless condition. His shoulder was badly shat- tered, his collar bone broken and one of his eyes injured. It appears that the injuries were caused bv a falling limb. The safer- ing man was brought home and the services of Dr. Allen immediately secured. He was improving at last accounts. \-r-__ --_.-- .- ..- 4.- A-.." \l.....I-.. n.-a - lnngrnvvno-B -v --vv ---v--v-w News comes to us to-day, Monzlsv, that a young fellow from Edger, named Hntchison, meeting with his death. He was loading sow logs for Mr: O. J. Phelps mill when one of the logs slipped_ off the load striking his head and killing him instantly. Tl(ar1?iTe(,w Tiawat present visiting at Mr. P. McAvoya. The Misses Fitzgerald of Mt. St; Louis. were visiting friends in F103 on Sunday. -1`- Win n`Nn;` nnnn` for W:nn:nnn n xnuuun In IJIUB u uuunlu ` Mr. Wm. 0` eil starts for Winnipeg a. week from next Monday. He is the pos- sessor of a huge stone-pipe, which is eaid. to havebnen once owned by Big ` Bear. 'f"lVI.UJ |a:oo. - -Men : Fur Ooalieap at '1`. W. Gray B m- ' IA LIV |`_?ou_rs?ai.thfu11y, HUM THE N -QRTHERN; _TADVAN CE. IUIII. MAL D. D.McLm. lTH0Ws%v1svITI0Nrows, |G!('QF1IEiWALK.-. For raisin-g calves wi-thout milk. The greater: thing on earth. No farmer should be without it. Ground Oyster Shells, Bone Meal, an 1 `Eggine . for POULTRY. ' Ground Oil Cake. Ground Flax Seed, and Cot- ton Cake Meal. Worm Powders. &c., for CATTLE. Special quotationsyto dealers` and others re quiring large quantxties. |B!AL.AlE_MEE!: llla u--av -1-.--V- Iiiuo. M. ,mOTHWELL, BARBIE. -._...- |THE QUEEN INSURANCE COMPANY of London. England. HE PBCENIX FIRE OFFICE OF LONDON England. - ` HE IMPERIAL INSURANCE COMPANY of London, England. _ b