Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 14 Jan 1886, p. 5

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9524 IIIII vv-I ---w Iuiit -III "" I-I' will nd it advantageous to use this route, as it is the quickest in point of time. and the rates are as low as by any other. I`h_rough freight is forwarded by fast special trams. and exper- ience has proved the intercolonial route to be the quickest for European freight to and from all points in Canada. and lhe Western States. Tinbnfa rnnw HA nktn1'nnH nn clan fnfnhrnnfinn 8.11 I_)0ll1In3 Ill uanuua. 8-IN] I118 VV B8l.e!'D DVHJCS. Tnckets may be obtamed and_also Information about the route and about freight and passen- ger rates from . Rnnmnrr R Mnnnna 11161. Ull[l$"lIlbC'IlUCH Railway Oice, Moncton.` N.B., May 26, 1885. Agents wanted everywhere to earn money in distributing the Smfs Premiums. ' The most interesting and advantageous offers ever made by any Newspaper. i '1`he `Best Newspaper in America, and K by far Mm Host Readable. Beautiful and Substantial Premiums in Stan dard Gold and other VVa.tcl1es. Valuable Books, the Best Family Sewing Machine known to the trade. and an unequalled list of objects of real utility and instruction. ` V No Subscriber ignored or` neglected. isomethitxg for all. ` - ` `Cheaper than an? House in or north of To- ronto. T P. 02- MOORE, JUIIII, LV Du VVILIIUUII ULIHJIKU. Close connections made at Point Levis with the Grand Trunk Railway and the Richelieu and Ontario Navigation Company's steamers from Montreal, and at Levis with the Ixorth Shore P.a.iIwa.y.V A W.lnrrn,nt u-nt.n1nn pnrnnn 1.111!-`J1-, nn nrnn`r_ 3 .sn0wat(>I`tn was prevailing at St. uis, Missouri, on Friday night. DDOFG .l'..1lW&y. _ E|`ega,nt rst-class. Pullman buifct, and smok- mg cars on all through t ..us. IF`!-af_'r-`nun rd?!-nehrr tn 0- rnrn-nu hf` nnrn-nxnnnl~ [I12 G&I' ()1! B11 Bfllgll L ..u.-J. _ . ' _First-class rfreslur cut rooms at convenient ` distances. V ~' ` r -w:;ws1'H!s Avnrxvwsvs _ .. 4 F'.A.IB.]ht[lE3E.S! Strin3Bells, Broad, Loub`e and Single Beile rushes, Curry Combs, Whips. Knee Pads 01! all kinds. Harness Oils ,nn4-I `Yaw-n1'nh...: I1!GI3E= &3i?>ifi*:?='LI4RNESS 5"" " . '-'". """"" " For Heavy D"aught or_ Light Carriage use, in ` . anv Mountmg rcqulred, ALwAvs In stock on MADE 10 onnm. SHRUPSHIRE swamp 1 ` Some grand Shropshire Rams and Ewes. All imported and direct from the xmported stock. Apply to V W. C. SCHREIBER, _ Or to * A llandale P. 0.. From the West for all points in New 'B1-unswlek, Nova. Scotla, Prince Edward Island, Cape Breton ana Newfoundland. All the popular sea. bathinsr, shing and plea.- sure resorts of Canada are along Ihis line. r nllmnn nan: leaving M'nnt.t-en] nn Mnnrl av -..,.. J,"III, o.noJu ;una|nu 1m-11 in x?lmt_cn1yV mvus thu Wurst tene- M lmams, u_m_1 is the meanest lzuldlord H16.` City _ _ . ` `evc-'nt_v-l'nvo. fzunihes have been render- luum-loss, and a. thousand people own nut uf er11pl<>ynyex1t by uuds at lttm, New Ynrk. wv, I*`znh-rJuhn Dlmh, phstbr bf the larch Hf the Szt_cre(1 Heaft, Wilkesharre, 1:-1\n In1.1] l`1nn4l `n\t\`- Qnmrinuu .-. 6`-up. 'ur\I\` ' sure I'8BOI`I8 OI Ull-(Rt l:ll'6 8.10113 IBIS 1108. ullmau cars leaving Montreal on Monday. Vvednesday and Friday run through to Halifax, and on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday t-oSt. J ohn, N B.. without chance. ` (`Jnan nnnnnntinnn nan:-In at Dnint T.nvI'n uril-In VV n U. DLII1 WILLIAM GRAHAM, nnwx STHHE Axnnxvmna %Lee _s T B10011, GIVEN AWAY! T H % 9.'B.FT.. 30. U T E INTERGDLUNIAI. % RAILWAY. 4 Large Tlntypen for 50 Cents. 9 Large Gems for 50 vents. 18 Small Guns for 50 Cents. 12 Suubeamn Photo for $1. Remember this, it takes an artist to make a good 'l`int_\`pe as well as a. Pho~o. My gallery ` has been thnroughly retted for wprk. I\'oue ` ibut rsr.-clxss work made. N I) ,_,Yr Eu \1'nr.f}'|-r'\I|rI. In nan thin 1'nrh-In-nnnf REMOVED! .;n;\. uuunux un t_n~;u '1. |Jlb\J VIJVVII UL \JuuIl, . was "almost totally destroyed by re Thursday evening last. ' he business failures in th[e.U;niVted nbcr in any week for a year. here is `a great exodixs of negroes now 11;; on from Nut-th and South Carolina. iuzuuzx and Georgia to the West; *h.- 1;;.ia..ning of a dinner party .cnm- Hlasz tinny In-rrplu is puzzling the doc- :a":-.ml pt-<[lc`<=f l u1esIiI1e, Texas. i:.- (Mm-.1 >$I:1h~s is al1n<>_stt}'1es:i:ne' as m mi !`I `-in the L`:1u.xnjLtee lust Decem- `teg last week were 3.16, the greatestf `.~.wl`1:`11 lill`zm 1.:Lss'i~clA by the Senate iFAitt$Y"tiiiiiif'f" fiifin1E1 MRS. STEPHENS Silks, Chenilles and F&i1o_v Wool: of all kinds _Toys. etc. ` .1; II _ ,In_14-jI._A__-..--__I____!__-I__:L___ _ av; w, unv- WA 09.11 solicited before purchasing elsewhere. The only GENUINE.L8.rdih6 on the market is made by McCOLL BROS. & 1 0., of To- romo. and when bpying ask for :61` rules Irom ROBERT B. MOODIE. '\K7nntn.I-n I-I`:-nio-ht and I DAILY. per Year (without Sunday) ....$6 00 DAILY. per Month (without Sunday) .. 50 SUNDAY, per Year . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 1 00 FOR EVERY DAY IN THE YEAR . . . . . . .. 7 00 WEEKLY, per Year.;...v ............... .. 1 00 Address. THE SUN. New Yor__k-Citv. Aliandale. Sept. 8th, 1885. ' DON'T BEMISLED MAGHIN E OIL! , (ir();]w-(1 dead last Sunday m the 'pul-' , n'ge(i 38 years. A ;mws"I`.`Stevenson, a. New York city Hm-r, is mussing. He left. his" home on - 5:11 of I)'C(*ll1b(3" with $l',O()O to pay mun aL~d'has1mc since been seen. T om worm ' `hp Princess nf \\'nles is seriously ill". `. AIL`, .. .. L. I I.l\IUI U, 'Vlll\lB"(lILIIJ, ` .\mhs zm:_yin;,r in the directionofu ow-mm.-_-*Any d;3'v;1ef round'en{ng other oilsjus Lardxne Oils will be` rosecuted. 17-42 BIG STOCK or % HORSE BLAN KETS,` Barrie. Jan. 1, 1886. ` Minws 0 -A'D-VT/AND, 15UI)l!4I`Vl.' D. JVIUUUIIS. Western Freight and Passenger Agent, 93 Rossin House Block. York at... Poronto, n pn'r'rn\xnw.R mmon FARM, SHANTY BAY P.0. `Also. .Manufacturers of Cylinder, Wool, - ' Engine. and Ilarneas oils. , an _1~j -_1._ l._ sold only bv BAYFIELD STREET- In a. much larger scale than heretofore. 000 ti1()r1\1n1(mt to Jnhn.McCul- gh is talked of in Philadelphia. D4 . THE sun 2 Where she intend carry ing on the Mccows LARDINE ..... - v. .w.. ..----.-, Foreman Manor Farm, - ~ ha.ntv Bay P.O. | 1 r1 , ; n4I (nnr RATES. "BY M s IL, POSTPAID : ,, tr _ ,, l__,!LI -.:;_ ru,-,', ,1 4 Moo:-9'5 Black Duqlop-st. Barrie. 1101186 DIUUK. 1 011$ Bin. 1Ul'UI.|LU, D. POTTINGEB, t hief Superintendent. Mnnntnn N R Mn_v 93 15125 *1 {U1 .Kll]ul'!..l'.luJ'LlU` /and V'arn1shc~a.. Has removed to` .FURNITURE DEALERS. v}111;::i-in protests against Austria s lpri-`E118. no z\nc}1nr`Liner, Sxdonian, has been m (.11`.su.-ily. T mnhl.-S has arisen over the widening _ he Suez canal. ` IX hundred Arabs fell in the ght ; with British at Knsheh. _ rance is about to consolidate her debt a great national loan. ussian Nihilists. have robbed a posi- ce of 13.000 roubles, ` [ t. is denied that France has completed eaty with Madagascar. - PURV_lS' BR_OS.. Barrie AT THE I `Come and Buy Boots; Shoes and Slippers at our low prices, `and get a Handsome Guer, Sleigh or Doll, FREE, [with every Three Dollar purchase. 7VOur sevenclerks have been kept extra busy the last two Weeks, handing out these Sleighs "and Cutters, with every big `bundle of shoes `sold. IA XMAS BOX TO THE PUBLIC !GLAYTON S '-`GREAT: cm: SALE! Our goodslare all marked in plain figures and the stock - ' large, Varied and Well assorted. Do not forget the place, | Owing to the lateness of the Winter season, we have decided to `sell out our Fur Goods and at your own prices. All goods made in the building. Look for Big I-Ia.t for sign. - l\ (\III'\kI('\ O f\f\ IPHENOMEN AL SUCCESS rra.ngemen`ts are being made for an- er meetmg of thetErnp_erors. he Emperor of. Germany and the _Pope _e. been exchangxng decorations. . 1 11 Friday one thousand Turkiah troops 1 arked from Aleppu fur Salvinia. | tnnamese rebels have murdered Au 3 nch missiunal'y and 500 Christians. he London Times says that a. critical dition of a`-airs exists in Burmah ' I 'I\ Do not be imisled, bfjt come in and "see for yourseylves that we are really giving ' A Chance in Furs Eight Doors East of Oicl Stand, McCarthY s '81:: ck, W|NES All orders sent by mail will be delivered free of freight charges every_ Saturday and Mou- day. _to patrons from Barne and vicinity. `I'l'\lI)l.- 4-Allfrlluf I beg to state that I have opened a New family . Wine and Liqr or Store, GEO. DUDLEY, HOUSE,SIGNrFRSC(/ BAYFIELD STREET. nun GENUINE 20 Pan cam. msooumr SALE! PAINTER! in NEWS} counmnsmu MAUHINE. G. BLA CIKZVI ORE, . `NORTH or SIMCOE HOTEL. E Come and se us. AT suTToN1 v yuvgvuu on v-.-.. ...n...u. ..-nu. LE W1Sj0AMIL`72m(3'1V, ASTRAGHAN & FUR COATS. I BIGBA.R(}AIl\TS! LIQUORS. STILL GOING ON THIS WEEK. - v--.~-r-4 an. aaun|uw&& J Psuyteux/' T is greatly annoyed at . ited States plagiarism of his methods. ` eneral -Stephenson is cmssing the 44.1" . l l1nnn-n Ann-um-o `l\........... McConkey. s Block and J. J. BroWn s New Block. L. S. & 0. L. SANDERS, MERCHANT TAILOR, Yours for Bargains, SUTTON. ONT. JOHN CLAYTON, B Aruazxzm. R. SIMMONS & CO. Watchmakers and Jweelers, Dunlap Street. Barrie. art with HE IMPERIA L INSURANCE COMPANY of London, England. 0 SMOKERS. For all the nu nnvnnn I in (`Jan ra I `U 1V1U.lLl.`Jl1.U. J. For noted Brands of Imnorted and Domestic Cigars. Tobaccos, Mr-ex-schaum and G. B. I). Pipee, 859.. &c., go to the Centml A 1 Tobacco Depot, Sxgn of the Indian Chief, Pound Maker. E. BETHELL. `Dunlap Street. Barrie. n tnri n- 3 THE QUEEN INSURANCE COMPANY L London, England. - HE PP (E.\TIX FIRE OFFICE OF LONDON England. HE GLASGOW 8: LONDON INSURANCE Company, of Great B1 itain. ` LVIEKUF. Ontario. I v LUADLD D_UUIl. rnruu FUIS. Dhl LN the Townshnp of Ves ra. consusting of the VVest of lot 6. in the 4th on.. containirg 100 acres. more or less. A_ good creek runs on the lot. For further partlcmars aigply at `the AD- VANCE Ofce. or to the owner. T BANTING, Cookntown ~ 326. MRS. M. E. MORROW VALUABLE BUSH FARM FOR SALE IN H-an Tnwnnhin nf Vpnnrn nnnainfina nf an J a.11uafy T14, OF F I OE :- Collier Street, Barrie. ---AGENT FOR----_- Dan lj4_y"s _I1ahCia1 - he Radicals, it is saild, wilTl raisea. stmn concerning the operations in the dam. ` '- 7:Ll.-rs in Ft is proposed to form 9. Britiah_protec- 1_.u~t. to .thcvB\-mnese.Tl1Vruno has was rm: PITE on-r or A' DOZEN commns INTO omn. - H lit. (.'x1n11,- of Nmkf York, sa'ys`Trin'ity. V int,hut_ci1y,mvustlnawnrst mast-5, a_.m_1~is meanest V ,.;o..` u -yum.-puunlnull ID crossing V-I18 1th 1,000 men to occupy Dungo- \--,v.--..-.-..v rl-n-Y.-xi-pg. Lu`: Llllljkitv Nu!`tlH:]'l1 l)ukatuhav1ng sep-V bf?-I (`itch farulp-r .sLo1'1ng his- diiculties are in- `t0.V1)\1i.1 (1A uuuu1_y luovnnnvu II usvu U. Ll. \.In JuV.I.U' Earthyv. D. D.G.M. , T Bro. E. W. King, J. P.G.`, " H. B. Myers, N.G_., , V. "J. Valleau, V. G., J. Mclntosh, Rec. Sec., P._ G., G. Vlckers, Per. Sec., . P. G., J. Payne, Treas., ' F. Man`, R. S.N.G ,_ - G. Wilson, L.S N.G., T . H. Martini, Ward, ` ' P. G., VV. S. Carson, Con. , ' " VV. 0. Andrew. R. S.V.G.-, ` _ C. Jones. L.S.V.G., I .0, Lane,-L.S.S., VV. G. Strong, R.S.S., `.` Chas. Coles, I.G., VV. Campbell, .O.G., Robt. King, Chap., P. G , J. L G. McC;n'thy, Phys. On Mondav` evening last, after the busi- ness had been transacted in Barrie Lodge, No. 63. the iollowmg oicerstwere installed in Bethuel Lodge, No. 9, 1.0.0. F., by P.G.,,` John Payne. T ' Sieter Mrs. Hammill. N.G., (1 `ll..- l___L._2 `T fl U1 |Io/ LIIU UCIIAIEU UL UIIU LIEU ID I-llllll-IIJVVIJO ' The following are the principal sufferers oflthe re :--J0seph Hewitt, of `Kincardine, soles of his feet completely burned. off, and his body- more or less burned, the face - in particular; John Morrison, a. sailor from Manitoulin Island, head and face badly burn- ed; William Scott, of, Draper, badly burned about the face and lees ; Kenneth Morrison`, sherman, of Doe Lake, face, hands and feet very badly burned; John Stamp, of West Gravenhurst, face and one foot and both bands` "burned ; Robert VVaimsley, of Doe Lake, one foot badly burned; John Robins, of" Draper, hands and face burned; ` Charles Wisnman. of Draper, hands and fac,6 liadly burned. Three others areslightly burned. Installation. . At theregular meeting of Barrie Lodge. N o. 63, 1.0.0. F., the following officers were publicly mstalled by-Bro. J. L. G. Mc- n....nm n n n M Royal Arch Masonry, At the rrgrular Cnn'vm':atinnf of Signet Royal Arch Chapter, N0.34. G. R. C., held in the M:n~0uic Hall, Dunlap Street, Barrie, on 'Iuesday the 12th inst`, the fullnwinq oicers were installed hv R. F.- Com. J McL. Stevenson. Past Grand Supermtend. ant Tnronto District for the ensuingeyear : Ex.-Gomp'Wil1izun Downie, Z. M. Ex. Daniel Spry, VI.1 .Z, 'Ex. Geo. Monkmatf, H. Ex. ` R. A. Douulas. J. = T R. A.. Dutton, S.E.A A. O. Ga.rdvn,' S N. V. Ex} "` C. `L Sanders, Treas. ' u ' _u at H `cc R. R. Holt, Chaplain. .S.`Wesley, Prin. Soj. H. Dnllery, Sr Soj. G. G. Smnth, Jun. Soj. E Hethell. lat Veil; I'\ n n .11T_:1 Nearlyn Holocaust. GRAVENHURST, Jan. 12. -This morning, ; about half paft four, Ta.it s boa.rding~house 1 at Germanis was discovered to he on `re. The inmates, seventeen men, were asleep up stairs when thev were awakened by the rushing of the ames. Three men `dashed down the stairway before it fell, while the others broke out through a small window in the end of the `building, about two feet square, but in conseqnenoeof the jamming and struggling did not get out till all were more or less burned. The men did not save a. single article of clothing. some having the shirts burned o` their backs`. They escaped in a. state of nudity while the thermometer stood at 20 below zero to a neighboring house, where they now lie. some in a very critical condition. Dr. Corvell, of Graven- l:urst,- was called to relieve the suiferera and reports them in a. verv helpless condition. withorit money or clothing. Most of them are lab`oring men and have families to sup- port. ,/ The cause of the re is unknown. "I`ln'n Fnllnminn nrA flu: nrinninnl nnfrnrprn Russian agents arb; stimulating agitatioh iagainst Austria in Servia, , and against l'_Prince Alexander in Bulgaria. The London Stand;ad` says that" peer- ages, etc. will become as cheap as they are in F ance aqd Germany.'. ' T is u . n -Iuvussaa. L - . V . "J has been egtabllshed at Pzttsburg. The snow blockade and [interruption to vel at l it`tsbur'g is uuprgcedented. V An _Americ:m company are going to ild a line of railway from the falls to. e Mlixpool. A ' The Cigar makers of NewY0rk have ml tn take a `reduction of wages and :u'u't n. strike. ` . H V ' )i.~put_c}1es from lVIo1l1tanaTand Dakota. \al\/.|lll.ltL\JL. u\1 uu Jauwuuu idly e:1stu'i1I`d Km a vessel flying the United States g lmft American pmtsl. last year with in tn cross the ocean. he buaimss part ufthe town of Cuba, '-..I...,.... ...+-..n.. .:..........,..: 1.... 0.-.; .m1;L a cold _wzwe with . snowcoming . . | The latest information from Peru indi-_ icatea that all revolutionary measures have iceased in that country. ' nun -r I (V. C .0 to:-ate over the Bechuainas to the Upr Zambeaie. ' ly affected. ' '71 TIZt 1;i>ort_ed that Princess Christian, daughter otthe Spanish Queen, is mental- -r 1 At a abinet meeting in Lodon it was {resolved to push the question` of a modi- ed Home Rule; ' A Reform Needed. One of the greatest gnuisances at public en- tertainments [is the everlasting eucoring by the small boy and thoughtless youth. A programme is usually published and that is all which is paid for, 5not double of what is contracted tor. It is all right to recognize by recalling to the stage those who have done meritorious work. but toencore every body is a. sort of promiscuonsness `as it were, which robs the encore of 311 value to those who really deserve it. - The first draw of the Primary Competition for the Ontario Tankard was played at the rink in Barrie on Tuesday, A between the Orlllia and Churchill clubs, and was won by Onllia by a majority of `nine points. ' ' ' WRITING. ! 1. Write the fnllnwilliz letters end. ,qm'es :-A, B, l-', H. M. .0, P, N, T. M. ,T lX, tlt. qq, rms, ptl, llyh, qu. 3, 6; 7,9.--_ `I ol|I`l_l 7` V` `L , vul/Q Value 5 fl `I7-' 2. Write the f--llbwing passage :-"I had been often told that the rock -befolje |me was the haunt of a genius and that lsevbex-al had been entertained with music who had passed by it. but. never heard that the musician had before made him-_* self vis1ble'.i" T ` ~ ` ' ' Bro. arvard C>lle,r_ze is greatly excxted over use of small-pox reported there. A crematory to be heated "by natural n `In... l-\..1\--\ n..L.'.L\I3.-.Ln.~I'n 'l)iI-o..Imn.n. .I'll\c Ex. Ex. . Ex. Ex. Fx. `IN y L10: r Mrs. Martini, V.G., ' M. Bird, Rec. Sec , . Mrs. W. J. Valleau, Per. S'ec.. E. King, Treas., Mrs. B. Edwards, R.S;N.G., E. -Stephens, L.S.N.G., A. Bird, RS V.G., _ A. Vickc-rs, L S. V.G., . Mrs. Lane, IG., 4 F. Strong, Organist, J. Payne, VVard, \V. S. Carson, 0011., H B. Myers, ().G., H. Bird, 'Uh'ap. Our Educational coliunn. Ea ma by Dtddakalqs. .12 IICUIIUII. `LEV V Ullu D. Ramsav. 2nd Veil. J. J" Buckley. 3rd Veil. H." Jennings, 4th Veil. `Chas. McTnnws, D. Of C- R. A. Rose, M.[). P. Lambert, Q Stewards D. Dunn." Standard Bearer. J no. Mnsgrove. Sword B. Thos. Monre, Janitor. J. McL Stevenson, Tn'l.s Robb. King, Sn, A. B. McPhee. C H.'Bnsmko, E-Ex. Cc_>m._. ' J no. R":-ygeraou, ' Dan}. Sm-y, V C. L. Sanders, Rep B -B' -4- ` Curnn J -I, _ I"I._.!.. (b) make thy forests `glad. Elsewhere the poetspeaks of mhe gay company of trees. Explain both of these expres sinus, and `also leave thee wild and sad. --Valne 6. . I\ In! 11 I 1 1.1 an ' `;5r V`-$,7'hat words in the third` stanza. show that tug is the right word to use here ?-Value 12. . " - l'\ I1` I 1 ll (a) Explain L the meaning of hues. What other expressions are used for this word in the poem 7 -Value 8. II\ 1 TH` I you v-~..-..._._v-.._ -.--. Tnrouto man is charged with fraud, ich was 900 lbs short. _n spite of the small-pox epidemic the A ntreal Board of Trade report that busi- s last` year was fairly pro_.~perous.s * =k. The steam re engine-was crippled, . the remen had to go back to the hand me. . . It the electric light, stuck, plant and tlwut ct-mputitinn for lighting. I (l1\ld1.nu:+ due on Sl(lCl{ Suld after the ('l.'u'.'1linn lu-lung t.u' the seller audnot xlae 1-11rcla:l.=ex'. Culmnou senseseems `llzu suie of llllS jlntlgllwllt. Umted States. ~ I\'ine inclws of sninv have fallen at 133.14 ing undertaken to Sell 8 ton of hay, here were three res in Oshawa last: J`he ()t't.~.wa Gas Company has bouvszht-l -tract, and tl1e1`ef(n'a the capital. is J11:lgUl\lcl{L*IJ-'/.16, of Lambtnn, decides 3 (c) Thu gentle wind and -thy fair smmy noon. Quote, or give In ydur own words, the poet s description of these.-Value 4 I.J\ XXTJLL ...`I.-..-.4. ....'l....... Anna 4-]... ......L Luvu -- v usuu ((1) As what isgighe soft south westre~ presented in l. 7, and life inl. 1171-- Value '8. I1 \ `I7! ; E ' , J`, A .l`,!_,J W`:)`Give i)`;'ie"f`i.y in your own words. the poe_t?s idea. of Va. lot { too blest. What do you think of such a lot ?---Value 9. /n"\ \XI1-...4- :5 `Ln t\I\I\i`I(ilI`Il'\'\ :ru nnrnnn Inn \I\I qllw UIAII-III vs Uuvna In .nvv I v t-Axuv (:5) What is the connectlon in sense R tween the rst stanza. and the second and third ?-V.ll1e 4. . ' A nu .1 1 1 .1 lllllI\-I I> I uauv L 2. The savage men gathered round the cage that moment, and .amidst a dead stillness the bird uttered some very una- certain chirps ; but, after a while, he seemed to revive his memories, and call his ancient cadences back to him. one by one, and string them sotto vac. -And then the same. sun thathad warmed his little, heart at home came glowing down on him here, and he gave music back for it more and more, till at last, amidst breathless silence and glistening eyes of the rough diggers hanging on" his voice, out burst in that distant land his English song. It swelled hislittle throat, and gushed from him with thrilling force and purity ; and every time he checked hissong to think of its theme--the green meadows, the quiet stealing streams, the clover he first soared from, and the spring he sang so well-a loud sigh` from many a rough bosom, many a, wild and wicked heart, told how tight the listeners had held their breath to hear him ; and when he swelled with song again, and poured with all his soul over the green meadows, the quiet brooks, the honey `clover. and the English spring, the rugged mouths opened, and so `sta_ved`, and the shaggy lips trem- bled, and more than o_ne drop trickled from erce unbridled hearts down brunzed and rm_".ved cheeks. Dulce Uommn. I \ I`?! . ` v 53 away; I % "`Ed"vich wha{"Eii{gs"A'2i 3Ss ulJ"}3}.t ask the question in the tst stanza? - Valued; _ IT? a. 1 . . .. u (e) Write explanatory notes on col- ored shades,,`_`a. lot `too blast, that makes men-mad, its little hour.-- _Vali\1e8 ' 1| u . ' 1:: .1 an 'Z}`)Wl5)isting11ish betweexi stray -and rove -Valu_a 2. I \ A I 11 ll: ,,lI II! "g:,;f`:a:.: ;.;:;*;:.;m:5.;:;%;" o2 ":1;:;"'para. gmph .?--Val ue 2. - n.\ n:-.-`:-._ -_-1. -1: 1.1.`- L-n----:..... .. 5...... . .. _ . (b) Give for each of the following a meaning that may be put for it in the above : savage, to revive his memor- ies, call his ancient cadences hack to him, string them sotto voce," "theme. `fbmnzed and rugged cheeks, dulce domum --Value 14. v ' I \ I`? ` A 1` II I Hug cholera is `raging [in Wabash, u1ntg,'Imi1ana. _ . '11-I'lil`]e accounts from Dakota. of the erity of the weather. 1-: 313,11 I 1. U: av _" III The convict was sentenced to teen tv lashes. _ A The iinports exceed the exports. _ James was a gallant in hismauners. The lawyer enteied a protest. ` _ The conflict continued three days. The refuse was removed ` during the night. ' v w -nun-n 1 on-wn - his voice,. quiet stealing strea.ms, he Wvlvvlvllv V wnuv ;1 (c) Write exp1ana.tory notes on the fol-` lowing: glistem'mg eyes, hanging on . . . \ swelled with song.--Va1ue 8. l.J\ T\:..L...-_..1-L L_A._.__.. I` ...._.L ,3 ` Ill-II-lJ\J \ll c Accentuate the italicised wbrd in the following: ' rm..,. ..,......',.J ........ ..-._:...-_...1' 1..- 1. .......x.. (e) What other description is given abovq of the quiet stealing streams, the clover he first: soared from. and the spring he sang so well.-- Value 3. In un...a. ........:.. ... ........:....1.... ............L . Indicate fully the.pronuncia.tion of the following words :-Towarda, campaign; Incomparable, baptist. barrel, auxiliary, anticipate, aisle, indict, indisputable, in- hospitable, forecastle, ewe, choir, toll, humour. ' UM DIHVI (d) .1`)`iutmguish between. T gush, ow, and"`trick1e; soar and fly. vn-an uuun "- V nauu U M --Value 6. l \ IIVI . .1 I n .0 a ` alu utnnn" u\r VVUII " V IILIICI U- (f) What wm-`d3 in particular accnnn for the effect. nf theT1a.rk s songon the sav- age listeners 'I--'Va.lue 4. 't\n I 1 -I ugu an Ilvlu It` I HIIIIU I (g) "(``::ote a. stanza. yoit have read that also shows the effect. nf an English song in a distant la.nd.-_-Va.lue 2. . j A '.1\ `I'\ ` III in the smug-shine ?"-'-Value (I \.IlBl(IlI|l l(Ivllu.*- V (IMHO QC ` 4 (h) Describe the past that shone out 9 (\....s.. 3...-...... LL- ...... .... 5.; II||\4 u\ru5 uII|IIU I V (lI`IU U 3 Quote from the passagm you have memorized one containing one or more noble thougts. and give its meaning in your own words -Value 9. ` lrd's Eye View of the World for. Three Days-- Canadian. United States T and General News. Toronto is to have a. new theatre on e site of the burned Royal. , 1 The Business failures in Canada. during .. 1..-; .....,.I. .....m...4 5.. 4.......4.. I 1. Dene the following terms :--Factor. Prime, Number, Multimication. Write down all the Prime Factors of 2310.- Value 12. ` nun; (b) What is the least numbr ff:-`$1.1 which 1224 and 1656 may each `be taken an exact numher of times 7-Value 14. I, _A I ,1 l,._ A __A_,, '"3'.i'aIIn}1`.?`3v"1.8 fIae".f'Z? LE 'I'{.' in one year, and 2/7 of the remainder the next year. had $900 left. "Find the amount of his fortune at first.-T-Value 11. TIYL A _. _A_.L3-_ L,I_____ ,.,_., 1EI\ `I IN nluuuuu nu IIIU nus vunaw nu usuua v nun: 4. What quantity taken from 159 will make it exactly divisible by 12 5/6 3-- Valn_n10. . ` ` . \ n I- vAnnn' '_ .',,._n,,, __ .u V CIIIIU LV. 5. Express 3 71976minnfes ad tile: decimal of a. week -Valne '10. II II1I'._L _I| 11H!D .._A. -1 I--...L_.. _-_; uUU|IunI an vvvtgn ? v uuv .Lv. 6 _WJ;;t will _1175o E-ems lumber cost gt $27. 50 per thuu[saud ? --Value 9. ' n 17,. _-._ `.L. ....:a.. ._n I. _._.l_ A:_-_ - ,_ .1 all LI`-7| VII"|l_WIl\4' I " I KUIKIC I10 7. Name the units of lvngth, time, and sterling mnney.--Value 6. Q 'Ia'V...... Gian -:nnv\|n 1'-`Ln-us;-L nnnn nan E-.. BIA`-Illa!` u.|"uuJ- 7 v 8. Fina the uimpl:3 interest on $800 for 3 vents at 55 per cent.v-'Value 11 0 A nlatuuu. has it-noun rm`-..._ . clan ....L nuu Va A g ya-uug `mu ()2 gun \.I\lllUuj' V lll|lU Jul 9. A ctsteru has three pipes : the first W1 fill it in ten hours, the sec-ond in 12 `h'_ 1n_js and the third if! 15 hnura, ' In what, * tiIhP"Wi]l may together ll the cistern '1- Value 17. T Ontario. Reader. . 1. , O a.utumn_! -why so soon Depart the 1111133 that make thy forests a. , - . . ` . Ifhy gentleg mud and` thy fair sunny noon, ` - I . V And leave thee wild and sad '3 V A - Value 1; .L:Au "uD|||\-no llusntunwnu Inc v --a.--ow -an-nua--B last week amount to twenty. V Moutrealers are complaining of the fre- mxcy of highway robberies in their cjty. he notorious Col. Walker has taken oath of utce as Middlesex County Re- trar._ T - 2. (_z)' Reduce tb simplest form :- And. leave the vain low strife That` makes men" ma.d-the tug for wealth and. power, ` ' The passions and the 03:88` that wither life ' _And waste its little hour. _I,_ In Ah, twere a lot too blest,d - For ever in the colored shades to stray ; Amidst the kissesof the soft south-west To rove and dream for aye `; `T`I`t\ K ORTHOGBAPHY AND ORTHOEPY. LITERATU-RE ARITHM ETIO, THE NORTHERN ADVANCE, Value 10. [Value 5.` 3.33% I eter `Darfour has arrived at Winnipe ving walked _the whole distance from ebec I here seems but little hope of either` of victims of the Beamsville tragedy re-_ ering. he verdict of the McDo`n.a.1d-Hobbs bbing w1t.h a. barber s scissors in Toron- ` was accidental" death.

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