Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 14 Jan 1886, p. 3

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WA(reV.yVc>u the conductor '1 faskegi `a lad'| on an excursion train. "I am, r_en1ied' Auction Rooms and Oicef--Fev.v Ddors North M of Wellington Hotel. Bavfield st.. Barrie. Barrie Seot.ll. 1878 RIFLES AND .\`H0 l`%%GlINS, AMMUNITION, &o. H.PuLI_.Au Has the Lareeli Surpiue oi`, zksseize ever Liabili- ' ` ties of any Fire Insurance Company in the world. | CONVE YANCER, 4a., %' [ ISSUER or MARRIAGE LICENSES lnom nnsumcs COMPANY I ASSETS. $25,000,000. `to -- `-.n.mwn`.I| s1u3_ FURN irvnl-3` BOUull'l` AN!) 501.0. Parlor Suites, Bedroom Suites.` Sideboards, Easy Chain". &c., Cornice Poles, and all kinds of Furniture made A to order by` ompetent workmen. Also Planing and Turning R Done on Shortest Notice. rsnvvvux '\r\1'O:-u .-- Made in the various styles and quality the best -Delivered in all Darts of the town. . In thanking the public of Barrie and vicinity for the liberal patronage bestowed upon him in the past, begs to state that he has at con-. siderable expense increased his baking facili- ties and is now prepared` to do a larger business than ever. - BREAD Tm; Ihav. G120. H. TIJAYER, of Bourbon,| 1nd.. says : Both myself and wife owe our`: lives to .\'hi]ol1 s Consumption CAure.L Sold by John Woods, Barrie, and M. J. Hamlin, Allandgle. PIC-NIC PARTIES OCIALS 8: WEDDINGHS` -supplied at short xiotice and on reasonable ' ' erms. ` FREDERICK J BROWN POST oFF1oi::'1iI1LDING, BARBIE. LEAD%S_T_l-1E VAN. BROWN manufactured fresh every day. Ask your. grocer for them and you will use no other. TBE ABOVE ARE ALL STOCK COMPANIES. THE WATERLO0 MUTUAL FIRE INSUR- ANCE CO. Capital, $500,000. THESNORTHERN ASSURANCE COMPANY . OF ABERDEEN AND LONDON. l`I__lA._I an l\l\II AAA nu :- `o1r1r1*c1+.'- Up~stair;I30NDUN HOUSE, 1 on Lewnoac c Lennoac Flat. Are pleasant to tnke.- Contaira their own Pnrgutive. Is a. safe, auto, and cectnalr Iuavnr otyorms in Children or Adlll ' 1"REEMAN S1 % % `wonfm powm-ms; Capital s2.ooo.ooo; deposited with fhe Govem ` ment at Ottawa $100,000. Reserve fund - 50,000 Sterling. THE MERCANTILE FIRE INSURANCE 00 Capital $500,000; Government deposit made. The wicked pzuugrapher never feels his` total depravity so much as when` he sees his items going around cred}ted to an honest religious weekly. * 'r.V.__ `l\., , I ' - % FJAS. sc3oGGu-:`.- convmncnn, COMMISSIONER IN H.C J. Rates Moderate, Losses Equitably and Promptly Adjusted. JAMES EDWARDS. A man} of Dawn. ~ Al`IE__3P_`KARDS " Agent for the following Insuranc Qompahles CITY or LONDON, ENGLAND; DOMINIOH BAKERY FU HNITURE GEO-. R." FORD; Lessons given in all Branehea of Painting. Drawin . 850.. &o. Terms on apnl cation QTU 0 IO :-Up-stairs. West of Fire Hall. Cnllinr at:-Ant. Run-I-in. 6 -up-suurs, vv an 01: mar street. Barrie. A bae ball player` elected to the legis- I latnre, is said to have` been very successg fu1- in catching the eye of the speaker. ' SHAW, MANHOOD ]zomA1T1;5AmTE1z I ...a-gauaunllllubi -LLLVJI I.l\IL` IJ\J apital, 3,000,000 Sterling. BISCUITS OFFICE AT THE .-.-. _.'4.-- \w\O;u -13X\`7'I"15" ii3ALL, 7 In Rear 0 the Market ` THE %uow_ ggstonsnn PULLAN'S ;\'l:l{ \'()l` .\1.\1-Ia m'{se1ab1c by Tmligestion, - co11st1p:1't;iou,' (lizziucss, loss of appetitge, y-C1 low .skin.`.' Shi1uh s Vitalizer IS a positive cure. Hold by Jnlm'~\Voods.- Barrie, and M. ' J. Hamlin, Allundale. 4 - - 1 wt:-ninja I Agent at Barrie TO 11-1! .E'UlVlJD 11.` V DAD 11311 11` Lilli.` ALIA ' UUU,UUU I Security.` Prom t.Payment, and Liberality in I the adjustment 0 its Losses are the prominent features ofthis Company. RANADA RGARD n`I' nrnlnnmnnn 0 LUBUILLUD VJ null: vvusyuuj o CANADA BOARD or Dunno-ronsz Hon. Henry Starnea. Chairman ; Thos.Cra.mp, Esq,. Dep.-Chairman; Theodore Hart. Esq.: Arlxgua C. Hooper, Es}; E. J. Barbeau. Esq. nnnrnnnnn Affm`-.tA at 1V| nAv-mtg Rattan nf Angus U. nuupur, nu .; Ii. .1. Duroeau. nsq. Insurances effects at Moderate Rates of Premium. Dwelling, Churches and Farm Properties insured at specially Low Rates 1'! `E II mitrlnvr I't\t\11\1'|1 vr|t\t\'nI'l1n vo vcvu lnI.rIA-\r\. uuv I-rgvvv-I---.1 ---v 11 Aviuvulnr 6:37. 0. SMITH, JOSEPH mamas. `RA: -Qnnv A aunt, Dnnn nnr Farmers will geo trl1e7hig;he1st Toronto price tor Cake Tallow I. brought. to the Tannery. Eoash Paid for Hides` and slung. `Q ` 4611` W. H. CROSS 8: CO. IVERPOOL & LONDON & GLOBE IN- SURANCECOMPANY. LIFE 4133 FIRE. I INVESTED FUNDS--1- . Over 330,000,000 FUNDS INVESTED IN CANADA 900,000 Hanna-ltv; P1-omnt. Pnvmnnn and Lihnrstlitv in . EGAKE TALLOWII FOR I)YSI FI'.H`lA and liver complaint, you v have a printed guarantee on every bottle of Sh11uh s Vitalizer. It never fails to` cure. Sold by John Woods, Barrie, and M. _J.* llzunlin, Allandale. .' . ' '-SVVUUDQ \7Jll HUB 8011. Inammation of the Kidneys.BrighL's Disease, Diabetes, Incontinence of Urine. It is the only Liniment in the world, possessing alterative powers. Can be taken internally ; cures Cramps and Colics, Diarrhoea. and Dysentery. ' will 4lVt5 uuvusc Ull am tlfeware of uns counterfeits. The-gen in the glass and me name over each cork VVoak_ Back. Enlarged Joints, Paralysis. Rheu- | matlsm. Neuraigia, Diphtheria. Sciatica, Prolapsus uteri; Female Vv'eak- `. - ' ness. V The best and only certain remedy to relieve pam of all kinds, no matter of how long stand; mg. Instant relief guamnte d crip 19s., _Swol- len Jomts, Varlcose Veins. Bites 0 Insects or Sick Headache. No oil or grease ; is clean and sweet ;` will not soil. A I YI'\f1hI'I'\IV\nf;r\v\ nft-l\nT. r1-`Aw.-. I)..:n.1..4 .. I1.'..A....`.. Sold by all Druggists. Trial Bottle 25c. Write Dr. GILE,_box 3.482 N. Y P. 0.. who will give advice on all diseases free of charge. 12FBeware of nus.-rnnnlnm: dpnlprn and 1018-1 UH-LBS." Declared before me at the Town or Barrie, in the County of Sim- coe. this 28th day of February. A.D., 1885. HAUGHTON Lmmox. I A (Ynrnrniuninnnr in IJA UUl1'l'UN JJIELVLVUIL. A Commissioner. in B.R.. &cc., for County of Simcoe. LINIMENTIODIDEAMMUNIM 1115 comes BESTFRIENB In the Matter of the Circulation of the -Northern Advance. COUNTY OF SIMCOE, I, I, Samuel Wesley, _ TO WIT: ' of the town of Barrie, in the County of Simcoe. proprietor of THE NORTHERN ADVANCE newspaper, do solemnly declare that the actual weekly circulation of THE NORTHERN ADVANCE is no fewer, than THIRTEEN HUNDRED AND TWENTY COPIES. And 1 SLITI nnhliuhnr nf fhn 13153:` A womvan has intvented a. Win'd_ovt' and pad it patented. -Now who will invent a husthole and get a. patent on it? . I .. ra -. 1uu1'.'rn;n2N nuuunuzu AND 1 W112N'l.'Y UOPIES. And that I a.m_ the publisher of the said Noaunax ADVANCE and therefore have full knowledge of the said facts. And I make this nnlnmn Am-Inrnnn nnnanenn, . xuuwxeuge 01 L36 8810 IECLS. . And I make this solemn declaration conscien- tiously believing the same to be true, and by virtue of the ac; passed _in the Thirty-seventh year of Her Ma.) esty s relgn intituled An Act for the suppression of voluntary and extra-J u- ` 1cia.l0a.ths. nnn1nrnt` knfnnn we-:4 D UN N S BAKING _E;9_V_\lQER _-- ...- ....._.. `.......--v ~...u-- `any n uvnn l.\ILA\l 11 Allan Advertisers will not be allowed to use their space for advertising anything outside their own regular business. Should they do so, transient rates will be charged for such adver- tisement V ` ` vv--.r..--_.uu L111 - AaAln1IL)L.VLL`4A` 10- | Condensed advertisements on First Page, such as Wants of all kinds. Lost and Found, Property for Sale or to Rent. Specic Articles, Ete., Etc., must be accompanied with the cash, and will be inserted-First insertion, 2 cents per word. each subsequent insertion, 1 cent er word (names. addresses, and gures counte as words); but a. reduction to 1 cent per word will be made when the number of insertions of the same matter -exceed FOUR. I . -... -- `(Ian vvuu; wuuuun 18' Preferred positions in the paper will be sold at an advance of one third on above rates. This rule will be strictly carried out-. CONTRACT ` CHANGES. Advertisers will please bear in mind that no- " tics of intention to change advertisements must be handed in to the office not later than Saturday at 10 o'clock, and the copy for such change must be in the ADVANCE office not later than 12 o'clock noon on 'l`uesday, in any week ; otherwise the advertiser's announcement may not be made public until the week following. A Aw.-...:..n..n u.:n -4. `I... ..H........:| 4.. -___ n, .-,, 1 Inch .............. .. 1 2} Inches .......... .. 5 Inches, i Column.. 10 Inches, i Column 20 Inches, 1 Column l5*For one: m31&tl(1i-the three monthly rate with M er cen . a. e . * or two months-the three monthly rate with 10 per cent. added. Jv$I")....l...._..) .___.!L3_ __ 2,. LI , , , _ ,, no I unseruon or we same matter. A 1 Legal. Olcial and Government advertise ~ ments will be charged at above rates. CONTRACT ADVERTISING. Contract advertisements will be taken at the following rates which are drafted on correct commercial principles, and. as they will -be strictly adhered to in making new contracts after present contracts expire, there will be only one price for all: The Advance has a sworn Circulation ot Thirteen Hundred and Twenty Copies, t Almost, if not quite, double that of any other Paper published in Barrie. "ADvlI.'B'rIsERs SHOULD NOTE nus ).uc'r. (12 lines solid nonpareil make one inch). ' TRANBILNT ADVERTISEMENTS. First insertion, 10 cents per line. Each sub se uent insertmn, 4 cents per line. . ending notices, 10 cents per line for first in- sertion; 5 cents per line for each subsequent insertion of the same matter. 11:01] l1$nin] and flnvnwnvnnni nunuthu. The conrmed dead beat sincerely sub-b scribes to the saying: Call no man i happy until heeis dead. e NORTHERN Anvnuc? The speediest _tmd most certain medicine m the world. No. of Inches Space. ALL FAMILIES USE IT. D llll. 1' LI. , Res.-Seoy., Montreal. CONDENSED ADVERTISLM-ENTS. _____1 -,1_,,, GILES [(1,000 LBS. OF IUC uu uu QISUHSUS lI'(3U OI (',l!.I`g( .. uns'1{upulous dealers and The -genuine has the name blown Iacsimile of the dx'scoverer`s mh nnrlz J(Lnnur-`10 WANTED; S1I'L0u s CURE will immediately relieve crcup, whooping cough and bronchitis. Sold by'John` Woods, Barrie, and `M. J. amlxn, Allandale. , - ' IUDIIIKD Iivllllllg Agent. Police Cour ` Barrie ' SAMUEL WESLEY. U URSUUVCFU 40-cow-39 D m . Inser- ` tions. (smos) ( 2500 4600 53600 -1400 . M0115. y 1yr.) 52 Inser- tions. [1 rrvu \ Dxuuu. DUU,UUU 3Ul-U Over one-half mil/ion qf Dr. C /msc'.r Recife 1 oa1': were sold in Canada alone. H : want ez-cry man, woman and child who is traullat' zu/t/z Lizrcr Com- plaint to try this excllcnt mm-.1}. I A In re ` The cientist wim sxiys {that a person could not live over ve days without water is suspected of being a. milkman. ' 1' n .1 1 I All pU3lllVCly CUTE IIICDC |.UlllyliU|l|.b. Sommmc New. GIVEN AWAY FREE Wrapped around eve bottle of Dr. Chase's Liver Cure is a valuable House old Medical Guide and Recipe Book (84 ages), containing over me useful recipes, pronouncerl) by medical men and druggists as invalu- able, and worth ten times the, price of the medicine. ? Fnllnnlnnn R an A I I . n up n iI"iA'NSbJbI.`iiiiE}5dfEm. JUHN WOODS. AGENT, BARBIE. ` For Sale by I-HUI I-..a It is a well known fact that an inactive liver causes a` dull, sallow complcxxon, liver spots, pimples, etc. ; Chase's Lwer Cure 15 the only remedy that wxll most positively cure these complaints. , ' Gnu:-rumn Ilmu mcn Auuv. Inc: lVlA|U|1:.'D ru'.IvIl:.uI The unqualied success of Dr Chase's Liver Cure in Liver Complaint rests solely with the fact that it is compounded from nature's well known live regulators LIANDRAKE AND DANDELl()N, combined with many other invaluable roots, barks and herbs, having .1 gowerful effect on the Kidneys, Stomach, Bow.els and I.-mrl gnn nnrr en: n ` Vunnvn ower-1. lood. A . "' `S ' V? . . . Liver Complaint. Dvspepsia, Indigestion, lix.'.un~n `_[.1undice, Headache, Dizriness. Pain in tlzc PI. . certain remedy. Costiveness or any disease arising from :1 (lcr:ux~,;c-.l li` DR. Cu.-\sE's LIVER Cums will be `found a. mu: .~ l\ln'l'llDE'Q DI-"MPH vvv vnl uuv Ulllhlul, I-UIIIJUIV, And are sold by all Vendors of Medicines throughout the Civilized World: with direc- tions for use in almost every ]uIly,'1lil[:'". 'Purchase1-siahrmld lnnk tn the Lnhnlq nn uuua 1u1` use m uunost every w.ng11ag". t$'Purchasers.shouId look to the Labels on the Pots and Boxes. If the address is not 533 ~0xford Street. London. they are spurious. :.._. .. _..s_ . .,._.__.__ 1116 I.` only at E0! a... -. ..u. go outv Hagyar s Oil is positively gua.ran- I teed to relieve or cure rheumatic pains; sore throat, croup, deafness, colds, cramps, aches, pains, bruises, 'frostbites, chilblams, stilf cords, and all lameness and soreness, when used internally and externally according to ` directtons. ' _._._- --\.-v;1 And every kind of skin disease, it has never been known to fail. ' The Pills and Ointment are Manufactured only - - _--..-.1, -vvuvu In"\l IJIUIIIUI it islm infallible remedy. If effectually rubbed on the neck or chest, as salt into meat. it cures Sore Throat, Diptheria. Bronchitis, Colds, and even Asthma. For Glandular Swellings, Ab- scesses, Piles, Fistulas, `G-OUT; RHEUMATISMa 1;; , - Its searching a_.nd healing properties are known throughout the world. For the cure of Bad Legs. Bad Breasts. In I II1 - n - - --- uu..|.v UL JJ :3, Dau .L)1'UI1vUbU. ` --.u vuv au. 1.41:5 0|d Wounds, Sores and Ulcers. H In .-... .`..e..n:1.1._ _____ _ , Bewa}e of Counterfcits 4: Genuine \Vr:1pp-cd only Lure an every box. F: those CeI`cbr:'1ted.P_i1ls s ,,I .._._...v-, --.-..nvJ u wuu JJUII U13) giving tone, energy and vigor to these great MAIN srmxes or LIFE. They are condeng recommended as a. never faxlinsz remedy in cases where the constitution, from whatever cause, has become impaired or weakened. The are wonderfully efficacious in all ailments inci ental to Females of all ages, and as a Gen eral Family Medicine are unsurpassed. To allsufferers from lmilgoson, Disordered Stomach. Us"fheni and be relieved from yourmisery. 30 Pills in a box, 25:. per box, 5 boxcslfor $1 F03 SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS A/'~./D ' DEALERS IN MED/AC/.-`/E3 _-.... ,... u v..uu,y, ;cu nuuuuxugly U11 U18 Liver, Stomach, Kidneys a,ndB0we1s, zivimr tnnn nnnv-av and van"... on 41.-.... ._._--L we xeamng necessaries of Life. I [ These famous Pills puri the Blood, and not most powerfully, yet soothmgly on the T u'.--.... (`lL-_.- - -1- 17! ,1 `I -I - A dude is one of the new cane, coats has the general appezpraxlce of a. pera.mbu- latiug pmwipexf. ' I11 4- -11 In` For sale by all (1cn1ers.) T.` Mll.BlIl:N a (31).. Proprietors, Toov , v_.-.------ - I11? This reat Household Medicine ranks amongst the leading necessaries of These famnma Pill: nun-ifw 1*}-no D1nt\n` .....: --A- Will thoroughly cure you. They do not gripe or purge, but :59? mlldly, and whenever used are considered `price- less. They have proven to be the 2 2 Unlocks all the clogged avenues ofthe Bowels, Kidneys and Liver, carrying of gradu:xlly without weakening the system, all the impurities and foul humors of the secretions; at the same time Correcting Acidity of the Stomach, curing Bili- ousness, Lyspepsia. headacb es. Diz-. ziness. Heartburn, Constipation. Dryness of the Sk1n.Drops,v. Dim- ness pfvision, Jaundice, Salt Rheum. Ilrysl ehs, Scrofula. -Fluttering oi the eart. Nervousaness and General Debility; all these and many other simi- lar Complaints yield to the hnppv influence -4` nnnnnntr 131' nn-n -n-rrnmtvbe Sample Bottles 10c;Regu1ar size $1. wssrs Lama PELLS Cc3REATE l\l IIIC lI(l l'JV I'll ;r'13iI'i"136`i5i< ' '"1'.oon B1TT1:1z'f ' 11$ Ev 1'0 HEALTH; $iK%EWh8 I ` " .. I S1nLon s (`A'rA1:1m REMEDY-a. posltwe cure for catarrh, diptheria. and canker mouth. Sold by John Woods, Barrie, and M. J. Hamlin, Allandale. ' THEY ARE AN ABSOLUTE AND A PERFECT CURE H},59wA?_PI'LLs [Hall 533 oxronn smear, LONDON, 1 are unl hv an Vnnam-a. no *u...1:n: H0_LLOWAY _0lNTMENT nvs:=sFsnK on lND|GEST!8\!, V ` T was ' _;_____;_ .j.._..-._.=_ ., wnv swan ram GEORGE MONKMA N, -DRUGGIST, BA R RIB. OF THE AGE CR"!-\TURE'S REMEDY :C..A ....... or nf hr }`I"ICl-l'\` ' `V UH UH; 1\Iu|lC_y3, usuunu 500,000 SOLD nu //1'/an 11/ Dr {V1/1::-'e A l`3A.~;AL INJECTOI: free with each bottle of ShiIoh a Catarrh Remedy. Price 50 cents. Sold by John Woods, Barrie, and M. J. llamlln, Allandale. . '11 2 c_nt: au { h...~.\...`-.`.. :01. lml BLESSING ,Cl4LnL It lI(LKl _LAD|ES_ wu-9 pk-`In on 1 ;4:1_nd' B;1se Imi::1zi y in Blue, \'.'i'.h si I" . ` I ' I i;11'p \ nvw Worms oftcn cz_u1se serious `illness. Thel cure is Dr. Low : Worm Syrup. jlt destroys and cxpels worms ciulently. 1v . u . 1 - :1 In (I You can inject morphine in the calf of yomj leg, but you cannot take qnunne by barking your shin. ' * ` v ` 1` . 1: \ .1. I 0. .1 1 -at _(to traveller :) "An is it the next ! train to Barrie ye want ? Fmth that wint` an hour ago, sQrr._ - ` . n `I. I The signs of wons are well-known, buf: the remedy is not always so well determined. Worm Powders will destroy them. -1.. r\ u -u 1 . 1 1 Moses must have been one of ntihe rst tootballplayers as he was found among the rushes. _j ' l 7 1:<`ox'f1;i;nT;;1-c;s, bldtches. taxi, and all itching. tumors of the skin, use. Prof. LoW S Magic ' Sulphur soap. 7 - .1 ' n in: ~ I jwhcre a fash-iu1mb1e woman `hangs her N'l1;e7tf3:rZZ(;-1-<)th_eVe3' quarters-The closet! bust gannents. 1 - RA` A French engineer after. a. series of-ex- T periments with a loaf of bread baked by a. Vassar College girl," now announces that the tunnelling of Mont Blanc is practic-. able. ' V ihlignii 1s;11;T;r;".,.% 'g.m,1;,od ,,;1;i;i;;, J liver regulator and mild purgative forall seasons. T . ' I ZSecond 'tl;oughts are glweys `best. Woman was an afterthought of creation.` The daughter of the millionare of the future will probably be a billion heiress. \7 `I I1, 1 ,, I` '7 vw ` `Arneng manufacturers of preserves there is always more or less jellyously. 1 IV 1 And the cloud weddedshadows sings ' a poet. Sort of a. bigger-mist eh ! , A peculiarity of stage banquet is" the great variety of supes. T T`i3Lc; the ibjajby is}. llttle yeller _it s| no sign he is a. Chinaman. .._;&msri<;_;vv 15iov} iQ`i{1 a bad habit-A ' [good .thing to cut adrift. 111:! II '1! To an a1lgator--Thy sweet smileg haunts me still. " i D- Uwrnnni -vo v uuwn nv-ua - no twat the sqgurs can Find: At 9. stand-still--Pea-nuts; A musical crank-~t~he handle of an orn. A._ u-.1:..:,.... 4,; 1-..1-_n rm... L..-I- ..z IJUIILI V] o The Light [of 'Asia.--V-The` Japanese` Lantern - T , 1 Scrofula is known by swelling of the glands of the neck, abscesses" sores, a pale countenance, low vltality. and general signs of bad blood. Burdock B!oodABittera cures the scrofnlus condition by making pure healthy blood. ` LKILII I V ; An edition de looks--The book of . beauty. T , ` . ` ~ ' VFL.-. T.n.1~.L .-J A n:n mkn` Tnnnnnnp. Witty Sayings Sandwiched with raw! __..-I.- J`.- LL- 3-..]--_-. HILA Q-..` rnx 1.rr'rmI.: "rmNGs wmcn -mum run: wnomn wonnn KIN. i tru'ncHEs or HUMOR mf PATHDS, January 14_, 1886. U tuna. Q-can Ivvun-to vv Av-av`. iv oven Q I graphs for the Se:-1ous-'.'I'.'he Best LL- GA!----nu II.-- E:-A Both Famules Rich. I hear,. he said to a boy who was i hanging round a Woodward avenue grocery 1 qhe other day, that your folks" have had 3 some gnodvluck ? ` * "Yes. we have that," was the answer. Your mother was left $5,000 . by -the death of an aunt, they say ?"- _ `tl\`\ ma 3:-u That Hnnnnnn I`.C"'(`!\II$ IJUGIJII UL CIII CIUIIU IQIIVJ EIIJ I Oh, no, air. That happened nextdoor to us. Our good luckwas-in having dad sent up for three months and giving the family a. chance to recuperate. .Wo just feel rich, we do` 2 Tomatoes as Food. It is known that "the essence of the tomato made into a pill acts on the liver, and to that extent must counteract bilious-A nessend all forms of fever. - The free use `of gs is known to rnultitudeg to `obyiet_.e constipation in a grant many Icses; every i I` It is piy is-(lr~nAi~t'te(i":av` I McGregors Speedy Cure is the safest, most reliable and by for the cheapest remedy for impure blood, loss of . appetite, and all similar troubles. It is not necessary to take a great quantity beforieiany result is produc- merits. Trial bottle given free`a.t Monkman_ _s \ i drug store. T constipation, liver complaint, indigestion, ed. .A few doses will convince you of its" A young man began his rst . letter to his sweetheart like this :--``My dear Julia :~.When ever I am tempted to do wrong_I think of you and I say : Get thee behind me, Sa.ta.n.e _ Au 3 l European Armies. . A-well-inf_ormed correspondent. who `is 1 said to be officially connected with the ' German general staff, has during the last two months contributed to the Berliner Tageblatt a `series of articles on the arm- ed strenqthof Europe. In the eventof war, the disciplined soldiers that could within three months be sent into the eld by these countries may be numbered .as ` 000; Bulgaria, 72.000; Greece 61,000; Eastern Ronmania, 25,000; Montenegro, 24,000. The same authority estimates that the maximum `available strength` of the great powers for warlike. operations in European Turkey within three months of the outbreak of hostilities would be: Russia, 810.000; Germany 430,000; {France. 420.000; Austria-Hungary, 320, 000; Italy, 207,000, and Great Britain, 80,000. V follows: Roumania, 102,000; Servla, 73,_ The city of London is thevmost wonder- ful place in thewhole world, and its fre- quenters themost wonderful people. It is the smallest of cities, but the most valuable. It has an area of.one square mile, but that one square mile produces a rental of 4,000,000_per annum, and its inhabitants pay one-seventh of the gen- eral rates of the whole metropolis, !which has an area of 120"square miles. Land is sometimes now sold in the `country at about1O per acre. which is equal to one halfpennv per square yard. It has been sold in the city at $640 per yard, whlch is equal to over .3,000,000_ per acre. In ` other words the price of a square yard of `, land in Lombard street has realized a sum that would purchase a nice little free- hold estate in Berkshire of not less than 64 acres. It is calculated that 10,000` people enter the city -daily Sundays `ex-` cepted, in lmpvs of making money with- out toilim: or spinnmgz, `T car-.uuzi~...a mew wanaraiicnr; Perhaps the most extraordinary succoll that has been achieved in modern medicine i `has been obtained by the Dixon treatment for Catarrh. Out of 2,000 patients treated during a the past six months, fully ninety per cent. have been cured of this stubborn malady. This ' is none theless startling when it is rerneing bei-ed that not ve per cent. of patients pre- senting themselves to the regular practitioner are beneted, whiie the patent medicines and other advertised CUTLI never record a cure at all. Starting with the claim now generally be- lievedhy the most scientic men that the disease isadue to the presence of living para- sites in the tissue, Mr. Dixon at once adapted his cure to their exterm nation--this accom- plished, he claims the Catarrh is practically cur'.ed.and the permanency is niiquestioned,as cures` eifected by him four years ago are cures 3 still. No one else has ever attempted to cure Catarrh; in this manner, and no other treat- ment has ever cured Catarrh. ` The apDlica- tion of~the remedy is simple; and can be done at home..,and the present season of the year at the most favourable for a speedy and perma- nentcure,the ln8i0l'ltY, of cases being cured in one treatment. SulTe_rei's should correspond with Messrs. A. H. DIXON &SON..305 King street west, Toronto, Canada, and enclose stamp for their treatise on" Catarrh.-1llon- `xrcal Star. Nov. 17. 1882.. I I J I The young man who conceived the idea of-saluting the daughter of 9. rich old chap by introducing a branch of mistle- toe into the house, said `he might have ` parent s mizzle toe. ; succeeded had it not been for the aged Who held the pass of the Thermopylae S against the Persian host? And the ` editor s boy at the foot of the class said: "Father, Ireckon He holds an annual on every road in the country that runs _a passenger train. E we- Yes ; or perhaps something to- ` ward the lowering of the bonnet would ` serve the same purpose. `TI! I I 1 :1 A .C lint C \l I i -No prizes give with our overcoat: and Suits. our pr ts won9t admit of I our giving even a .00 Stiver Watch with everv tenth or t entieth purchase. 1 We don9t bei ieve in t 9 way of forcing trade. We prefer to s 1 our overcoat: at Rock Bottom Price instead. H01. ` for bargainlspat '1`. WI . G y as Com. . LVI llT\ In ` `I .1 . nIC _,`--v -v --u C013 -w `av no She-- Don t you think that something ought to be done toward uplifting the stage ?" V `[1.-._s V..- . .... ......l......... ...........n.:..... A... Some one advertises in "a. Philadelphia I paper for a. young man to play a piano r ' --white or colored." We never saw a_ 4 white piano, but it seems there is- such a I breed in the marke`t. ` the court.eous oi`clal, and my name in Wood. "Oh that can t be,i said the boy. for wood -is a non-conductor. ` f There are. four Taylor: `in the New =York Legislature. There will probably be some new measures introduced about 1 the clothes of the `session concerning & breeches of the peace. I was prepared to` die, the anguish and pain excrutiating. Phvymcians gave me no! relief. Giles Liniment Iodide Ammonia. re- moved the pam and cured me. Annie Cox, Armonk, W astchester 00., N. Y.. Sold" by W`. U. McLean. McGregor s Sneedy cure. ..___I_' 1-- _ ,I__-.'LA_._`I London, tn; Great. 01* `I per An`! V He squirted. - The other day, just after the City Hall janitor had mopned off the tiling in the I lower corridor, a farmer entered the build- ing on a. tour of inspection `He stood for a moment to look over. the clean, fresh look- ing tiles and then shoved his ha.nd in his pocket and brought up an enormous plug of tobacco`and.whispered_to himself : ' u(1.....o 1n-iIn`\n I hub -.L..L .. ..L......... L.` A Liver cure. O.ne single trial of Dr. Chase's Liver Gure will convince the most skeptical and conrm better than thousands of testimonials that it. is a sure cure.` Medicine and ieceipe book. $1. Sold byiJohnA Woods. 4 .._44;TA4e ___.j L |I\IIIII\l\t\J $|I\. VVIIIHPCIUQ "U uuuuull 0 `4`Great:.Jerush but what 9. chance to sqmrt tobacco Juice around ! Old Running Sores. Sores and ulcers, or absesses hard to heal. areVdue to bad blood or scrofula. Purify the blood with Burdock Blood Bitters and the worst sores spcsdily heal as the general I health is restored. ` A Living Ehesudm H Question`--`TIs tzhls hfe worth hving ? An- swer--`.lt all depends upon the liver `2 If torpid or inactive it [causes a dull, tough, languid feeling. Dr Chase's Liver Cure ives health and buoyancy. Sold : by ohn oods. I399 LI IJIIU U` 'IIUIl '7 II? \ll\l|ll IOU IIIIIVII You have often heard your mother blowing me _up for bringing company home without previously notifying her? Yes, sir. ` _ ' Well, that is as much like a. tornado as anything I know` of. But you needn t tell your mother th Lt {I said so, however." Very Like a. Tornado. ' Papa, what Isa`. tornado 7" M asked a. youthful seeker after information. Glancing nervously a.rouud the room to see if the coast was clear he said: 11`? - `I 1 A urezmns company out \Vest; adver-I tises second-hand guns and revolvers." Second-'ha.nd guns are no doubt used on watch on land and mmute-guns at sea`. -r VUIUU l.L\'Il.l u.ly vv ||.v I . Oh, well, I ll give you some advice fur nothing. If ym1 ll only wait a. few days you ll probably be a. free man. I led a bill for her yesterdav ! V VThis prevalent malady is the patent of: most of our bodily ills. One of the best remedies known for dyspepsia is Burdock Blood Bitters,-itrhaving cured the Wurst; chronic furmsyafter all else had failed. I we Invvo-var nvwonvuvn v-- www------. The poor `cripple who has to use crutches on account of rlleuinatism, stiff and swoollen i joints, contracted cords, `and other aches, ` pains and lameness. may throw aside his crutches. if he Wlll try H'agyard -s Yellow Oil faithfully. ` ` T 5 . Got I_t'Free. . I d like to consult yuu on a. private _matter, he said to a Griswold lstreet. law- yer the other day. - How much for your advice 'I ` unu,-.9_ __--.._1:_... L- 4.1.- _.._.. \I7L._|. uuynuu x '1`hat s according to, the case. What is it? . V - . I want to `ask if I d- better get a. di- vorco-from my wifq? MINI. .....H T lI --D:|ll\ IIl\I` an.-..... ..A.-1.... 3.... Took on` the Nights. .1 A Mehigan avenue barber invented a. preparation to remove grease and paint, and went to a. printer to secure a. proper label for his bottles. He had. `written aboutwhat he wanted, and closed with: HA...`I ......\..1.. ...I.... ......... ..l,.n..... ...:ll 2...! 01113 (Ill IIIVIIIIIIIIJIIJ Illllll. Are there any people who don t wear clothes? queried the printer. Q1. T nan IInv\1;nI' fkn knnknu ooII n IJIIJUIIUU Oh,'I see, replied the b;:ber after a. little reflection; and he changed` it to read: - uulnvxn UALU llblllll n 1 1 ,1 u.-- _--- u__ IUCUU u ' A _"All peop1e_who wear` clothes_ in the daytime, `etc. V _ mg -..._.._.-:_ GUUUU `W Llalll I19 WIIIJUUU, Illlla Uluwvu V And people who wear clothes will'Erl`d. this an invaluable thing; uA.,- LL-._-' __.. .........I.. ..L.. .!.....H. ..........l _ Say, didvyou ever read `Half Hours wxth Insects .1 said one travelling man to another. No, I never read after I. have gone to bed, was the reply. A n ; 117 . a I M Quinsy. At this season of the year quinsy and vanoua forms of throat T complaints prevail. Hagyard s Pectoral Balsam is an excellent throat and lung mediclne, that cures quinsy, coughs, colds, bronchitis, and all throat and lung troubles. .l.Ull uuguu DU UU anB_LLlau|Uu UL Juunpvxno I Well, to tell the truth, responded] the other party. I do hate to steal the timber likea darkey, but these cedar trees make such bully fence rails that I concluded to drop all pride of race. Not Too Proud. A gentleman who owns a ne tract of cedar land not far from Austin, '1ex., a few days ago was told that some negroes were cutting down the timber, so he rode out to see about it. To his astonishment he found a wealthy white neighbor, with a team and wagon, hauling o' the tim- ber.- ' ' ' ' :1II 1I 1' A , !,I.,.1 f1,1`___-I 99 __1.1 Why, I am astonished,` Colonel, said ` the owner of the land. ` I heard that a. lot of negroes were stealing my timber. You ought to be ashamed of yourself. `6Tn" On Ibnlf I-`an l>nu1I-M I-nannnrinra I U vxuvn vuv vuuvg. I-Il.5|av- Been working at my books down at the oice. _What'ailed em "I" My cash account wouldn t balance. 016. Smith was looking over the books this afternoon, and he said he d give me. till to-morrow noon to see that cash balanced cash-on-hand account. ` `Can you nd the error 1 Oh, I've found it and made every- thing balance. [brought $39,65j down from the house, you know ! Don't be Deceived. Beware of anyndruqgist who will try to induce you to take anything inplace of Me- Gregor & Pa.rke s Carbolic Cerate. It is a marvel of healing for sores, cuts, burns, ctr`. No family should be without-it. It has no equal. Get McGregor & Pa.1'ke s, and have no other. Only 25co per box at Monkmanfs. T If Iialanced. What are you doing down town at this time of night I asked one pedestrian of another in front of the City Hall at 10 o'clock the other night- Dania -wur\cn`s:-run: nu` -new `\nn`7a Anlnrn ni- An unnarallelelc-lwsensation is being created I all over Ontario by the wonderful and un- equalled manner in which neuralgia, tooth- ache, rheumatism", backache, headache, is removed by but one application of Fluid Lightning. No olfensive, disgusting drugs need be taken for days.` It is an instant cure. Tzy a. 250. bottle from George Monk- man, druggiat. A : intelligent druggist knows that `a table- spoonfulwf white mustard seedy swallow- ed without chewing is useful in the same . direction, has been used for that purpose `for a century, and for that reason is kept in every good drucz store for sale. The seeds pass from the stomach -unchanged, but are supposei to act on the bowels delicately. The seeds of the "tomato act l in the same manner; hence the fruit, while it is palatable to the taste and `nutritious to the body. has a hpalth-pro- moting effect on the liver and the whole digestive system. i crutches Rendered Useless. ; . I A f_c1egra_.pheI' who 1s locked up 1n the }\ings_tm1 l cnit.entiHry has signied that` he is zm-xiuusly waitingfor the si_.:nal to 9) _ ' . H , . , \ , . ut Dyspepsia. THE NORTHERN ADVANCE ,+.. We have recently published a new Iii`: edition of Dr. Culven-well : Cele- ] 53]} brated Er-may_on the radical and er- V manrnt. cure (wlthont medicine) of er- vous Debility. Mental and Physical Incapacity, Impedlmenls to Ma.rrla.g`e, etc , resulting from excesses. A hliininn {n n annln nnwnlhnn nu-n R nnsslrn 4-nu How LOST, BW() postage suuupu. ' _ . The celebrated author. in this admirable Essa". cu arly denmnstmtes. from thirty years successful practice. that alai-mung consequen- ces may be radically cured without the danger- ous use of internal medicines or the use of the knile: point.i_ng*out a- mode of cure at once simple. cev~ta.m and effectual. by means of which every sufferer. no ngatter vshat his condition mu be. mu.) cure hlmselt cheaplyuprivately an radically. V 1@"l`hin I.Ar~.tn1-A nhnul `ha in an hand: nf excesseg. t mp:-we in a. sealed envelope, only 6 cents, or two postage stamps. 7 Thu celebrated n.nf.hm-, in this nr1mirnHIn nun PH-GIUBI ly. E'1`his Lecture should be in the inands of every youth and every man in the land. A Add:-nan mp (`.I'TLVH`.H.Wli!lJ.MlEnTr1AT.(`!n.- UV/BF) )'U`|Llll1llu BV9`.l')' 1118-11 In 5118 1311(1- Address the (JULV ERWELL MEDICAL Co; 41 Ann St.. New York. Post OfIice,Box 450. Licensed Auctioneer for the County of 3 Simcoe T V V Orders left at the ADVANCE Omce wilrbe gromptly attended ;to. and information will be urnished parties requiring Mr. Ford s services. as though he had himself been consulted. Sales taken in prices to suit everybody. J`}1 hills` of th river si tipped: by the goldml sunshine, but the meditative , smitur has_tu be tipped by the. vo1unta.ry `Contributing "guest. fl! 1\ :1 at run a -1-. 'I

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