Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 7 Jan 1886, p. 3

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VIIIIIQ l\$\Q' O 0 Annu -uuu-as-nut. Jiet. a gut _twelve l-nonths back some white man told do Pa-ufessor dab be;hud' jusoaa good _a _x{igh_l5._:l:o4_a pianer, :gold watch an span of horses as a. rich man. He was laoldythatathe aristocracy war coinin money out of his labor.` He was made to believe dat; depuaun who wouldn t pay two dollars` to hey a ki_tchen"ceilin' wvhitewashedl waa an op- preesor. It was d'pour`1ded into him dab, if he 301: on de fenceall summer an talked agin de blue blood of due kentry, somebody would furnish hi__m roast tur- key all motor. .1 `Illa-.-u ll` -nu. an-- LA-p Ian nvna 1.6`; LV.I.ll\J 1 ULI. . ` What are automatic couplers, Mil- M dred 7 was Amy s next question. T nu-an U-Lrx` 1-snn::v1n .rI1nu \4ll'c\l I VVGU LIJLIJ B IIUJLV lilIUD|oL\JI.l0 I am not positive,-was the reply, `-`but I infer that they are a. sort of at- tachment to the new marriage license law, but I l_1a.sk Augustus when he calls to-night. ` - ` .:.5_..'-__. |IIlUl._U anuuuu uv gala a`,-.'.u Oh, that s 311 right, t.hen' He wants credit for a bill of goods Since it seems that he : settle ' T ' u-r nos 9. "Y:1__1 1,- I_-,'I __'Lu__1 11` `aB;Yl'lla:;`_u.I noticed that myself, replied ` Mildred. ' ' 1:111-1 . I , , ,. ,,___,'| ,_;__ 1'21 -4-~>-.-'-- _ Moved but Not Settled. Philadelphla. Mercha.nt- Glad to see you, Mr Porter." 0', say, do `you know George Sparks of your place '1" _ Tu-.`nv.;1 R`-nunninnrul-,_`C V-.. U.-. nut-stint` UGULEC KJPKWI 35 `II. J\J\.II. LJIQUIJ U H Inland _Merchant- Yes. there about ve years a.go.` H nu. LL..L ... ..'l1 ..:...l-.5 51...... when ret Jay cum arouvndi he had de cash heady for his landloxd ' _`;`-._l. L__I__- ......_AL.. 1...`. IILLGII LIU BU|l|lLU\-I ' I didn't sa}y3that hehad settled. It isn't likely that _he'll ever settle. He owes everybody in town. = ' \.l IILILI-I? 1 5\I\I\L Ullllu I ' _ Proprietor- Aboud vat Brice, my frent--two for a cavorter '1 Countryma.n- N 0, two for five." , Proprietor- Do you vant a Madagas-V _car ller and a. Skaneatles wrapper or] choost 9, blain imported 'I _ I.-..-...Lu-~uuno\_._ unnvunn`-AI` -:1: anal` I luasenl V U _l\ V5|l CI IJIKUIII IIIIFUI. lJC\A U , Oou_ntryma.n- Plam importedis good nOugh fur me. . . 61:: World Zanibar and Germany have signeda treatyof commerce. ` an-nnn Hunt-union: nun :I\.l|Xl1:I'Il'I C-`yarn- Ill. UGO Ill vilbuluvl UV 0 German nanciers are interesting them-A se1ves_in__Ch1g;ese railroads. T A ......:_J. ....... 1 .._._. ..-_.. LL_L -..'.1-_ L..- ya` 1 s.gn_ cg; _\JanL}_:_|y9U Lcnlgsa uguuuo % A reprgrt fron_1 ,Lu11a. says that order has been restored in that city. . (`I-Knivnun `u nn:(1-n Kn man:-nu nL t-`,1.v'lar|v'|t) U.CU'IlV>I\-IVlIU\Il.\l\4I I:-I VIII. -QIUJ I . . Cholera 1s~sa.1d' to be ragmg at Cayenne, theicapital of French Guiana. Dunn `Inna -\eno\n`n:n.qn4-l `Ln can you . Not Paul-tlcular. . L Countryman (in a Harlem cigar store) _-- Gimme a. good cie:a.r." `Du...-5-Jab:-\cg_`C A `nan 1` urn` `ahyngnn vnrv uf "i7l:;yI":1`)eVi1;;`;;:>`<;l;`it:1.;.&;i1e ya `.1 1886 -a yeam of j'ubil_ee.; _ THE AQXANCF-, He` moved In thanking the public of Barrie and vicinity for the liberal patronage bestowed upon him in the past, begs to state that he has at con- siderable expense "increased his baking facili- ties and is now prepared to don. larger business than ever. a . 4 BREAD Made in the various styles and quality the best --Delivered in all Darts of the town. [PIC-NIC PARTIES EOCIALS 85 WEDDINGS supplied at short notice and on reasonable ' karma Corni_ce Poles, and all kinds of Furniture made _to order by v ompetent workmen. Also I Planing and Turning Done on Shortest Notice. | . c\.v-o--sv-`ax.-v`:-nno-r OONVE YANOER, 4-c., ISSU ER OF MARRIAGE LICENSES CITY or LONDON, ENGLAND, . Capital 2.000.000; deposited with the Govern- ment at Ottawa $100,000. Reserva fund ` 50,000 Sterling. ' 0 THE MEROANTILE FIRE INSURANCE CO canon ..--_-v u - ..-.. _.-.- -u-vv-- vv.-- THE WATERL00 MUTUAL FIREniN'UR- ANCE CO. Capital, $500,000. THE NORTHERN ASSURANCE COMPANY. OF ABERDEEN AND LONDON. 9 A4. ...u. ..A.. .-... LEADS_'_l'_:l_E VAN. ].=`.a'. BROVVN innm unsunms BIJMPANY 1| A (`t'\1"!!I'I(`1 t`? AAA l\I\l\ ' "' ' "' ;;%iI'sT23Ioo "" '" Has the Largest Surplus of Assets over Liabili- ties et any Fire Insurance Company in the world. ?o1r1rI01:- Up-staar7;oNDoN HOUSE, % ' T on Lennox dc Lennox Flat. ` Parlor Suites. liedioom Suites, ` Sideboards, Easy Chain, &c., ` Barrie Senf. 11. 1878 Licensed. Auctioneer for the Cotinty of V Simcoe. . . Orders left ` at the ADVANCE Oice wilibe promptly attended to, and information will be furnished parties requiring Mr. Ford's services. as thougly he had himself been consulted. Sales taken in prices to suit everybody. I n?2~;aoaeu-:, A GONVEYANCER, COMMISSIONER mH.c.J. I Auction Rooms and Ofce. --Few Doors North of Wellington Hotel, Baveld st.. Barrie. manufactured fresh every day, ' k your graoer for them and you will other. ~.m:nn;I1 an 6- 1`m:N~rU_nE T Izovulir ANlI sou). now Last. `RIFLES AND sum` GUNS, We have recentlv published a. new edition of Dr. O_u'lve1-well : Cele- brated Essay on the radical and er- manent cure (without medicine) of er- vous Debility. Mental and Physical Incapacity, Impedimente to Marriage. etc, resulting from BXCBBSGS. ma-D.oin`n in n. angled nnvnlnnn, nnlv R nnntm m- she 11? s 'Price in a, sealed envelope, only 6 cents, or two postage stamps. V_ The celebrated author. in this admirable Essav, clearly de_monstra.tes. from thirty years successful practice. that alarming consequen- ces may be.ra.d1ca.1ly cured without the danger- ous use of `internal medicines or the use of the knife; pointing out a. mode of cure at once simple. certain and effectual, by means of which every sufferer. no matter vshat his condition me be, may cure himself cheaply, privately an radically. - ._ . mw"l`hin, T.nr-.tnrA nhnnld be in the hand: nf Capital $500,000; Government deposit made. -rm: .u_3ovn'Amc ALL swoon` COMPANIES. van -- -.._ PosT.oFF1c:"1UILDING, BARBIE. 8-I10 !'8.G.lO8|ly. - . 1$"l`his Lecture should be.in the hands of every youth `and ever ' man in the land. . A dd:-an: the GTILV RWELL MEHTGAT. n. Agent for the following Insurance Coinpaniee 5.75 11.155 .I.l\_/\J|l|.I&ll Dll\lILl>I-I. I-l.\l`JlA UJAU uuuuu VI. and ever 111 Address the oUL`v RWELL MEDICAL co; 41 Ann St.. New York. 1-`oatoioe Box450. DBMINION BAKERY JAMES EDWARDS, 103` A Fishing: Tackle, Axe vloaszunt toTtr;ke'. Conitniu their own TPIn'gutive . Is- n. safe, sure, and Te'ect uI1V dcatroyer To! vain:-3 Ainv Chi1(jren.9t Adnll V indlyo Rates Moderate, Losses Equitalbly and "Promptly Adjusted.` : JAMES EDWARDS, A scan` :11 Dos:-I FU HNITURE LrmrmAN*s `wonm %Pow:m:1zs%.1? GEO.R.FORD, _' MANHOOD Ternih on a.pplfdation,'. T ` $'|'U D10 :-.-Up-stairs, Wesf of Fire Hall. Collier street. Barrio. Lessons given in all Branches of Painting, Drawin , &c.. `Sun. ` Terms appl cation` - .V1'I'I I I1!!! o..ITn.ntn'lrn, feat nf EQRTRAIT EAINTER 1% ` _----w.'.---- -..w-' an on-can Capital, .e3,ooo,ooo staring. AMMUNITION, &o. H. PULLAN BISGUITS OFFICE AT TEE- _.__ ._...-_ _-`op... IrRliv!`I;1-;IICK _J BROWN 2-" 2% L."` ' I f` __ / F` '/ _ =5 : -7;` PULLANS no nun-vs vvwv av vv-v DAVID DOUEALL I Tn Paar n tho Marl THE LV J. \I\JL&JJI-I `In `I,te:1: o the Mafrket How nssronsm 3""IUIjw I Agent at Barrie 11-1! 50 Inches, 1 comm; 3'21-i3r$r}Z3"p3s in the pa1{)er will be sold at an advance of one third on a ove rates. This rule will be strictly carried out. CONTRACT CHANGES. Advertisers will please bear in mind that no- tice of intention to change advertisements must be handed in to the oice not laterthan Saturday at 10 o clock, and the copy for such change must be in the ADVANCE oice not later than 12'o clock noon on Tuesday, in any week ; otherwise the advertiser's announcement may not be made public until the week following. A J--___4_-_-___ __:'I1 _...L L- ..1I-._.._:l A... -.._- LLA2__ vv.u Aanaiovnaauaa nan - .--u---.a.- Condensed advertisements on First Page, such as Wants of all kinds. Lost and Found, Property for Sale or to Rent, Specic Articles, Etc., Etc., must be accompanied with the cash. and will be inserted-Fu'st `insertion. 2 cents per word. each subsequent insertion, 1 cent er word (names, addresses, and gures counte as words); but a. reduction to 1 cent per word will be made when the number of insertions of the same matter exceed FOUR. ` .-...u.- Ano- CONTRACT ADVERTISING. Contract advertisements will be taken at the tollowlng rateginwhich are drafted on correct commercial p ciples, and, as they will be strictly adhered to in making new contracts utter present contracts expu-e, there will be only_ one [price for all: llnch .... .... 1 2; Inches ...... ..' . . . . 5 Inches, } Column.. 10 Inches, Q Column (IA `f_._I.-_ 1 l"I.\1_-_._. 10 61' 0830- auueu. ' * er two months--the three monthly rate with 10 per `cen added. ' A1I'I_-l...._..J ._-..2L_...... Z_ LL- -..-A_ -.1I `LA your -e of ..v.. -111 ....-s... r......--v .....r.. ....v .. V-.. ..v..v .. -..... Advertisers will not be allowed to use their space for advertlsing anything outside their own regular business. Should they do so, transient rates will be charged for such adver- tisement - [THE mruenn AnvAuc| TRANSIENT ADVERTISEMENTS. V First insertion, 10 cents per line. Each sub seuent insertion. 4 cents per line.` T ending notices. 10 cents ner.1ine for first in- sertion; 5 cents per line for each subsequent _ Insertion of the same matter. Innml nmnznl nu:-I llnvnrnmnnt nvnrtinn `For one month--the three monthly rate with : 15* er cent. added. an furn vnnnfl-ua_4-Inn fin-no rnnnfl-v v-oh: In the Matter of the Circulation of the | Northern Advance. COUNTY OF SIMCOE, `z_ I, Samuel Weslqy, ~ T0 wrr: of the town of Barne, I... 61.... IV.-usodvcv l'\' qI1nntin 1-u-nv-nvnfnn nf Tun UUUINT! U1"buV1UU.w, :, 1, nu.u1ue1 Wesley, T0 ' of in the County 01`. Slmcoe. proprietor of THE NORTHERN ADVANCE newspaper, do solemnly declare that the actual weekly circulation of THE. NORTHERN ADVANCE is no fewer than THIRTEEN HUNDRED AND TWENTY COPIES. And that `I am thAn11hI1 nhn1~ nf fl-an ani THIRTEEN numurusu AN U 1 vv_'1cN'1' Uuruss. And that I am the pubnsher of the said NORTHERN ADVANCE and therefore have full knowledge of the said facts. And `I make this solemn declaration nnnsmien- . KDOWICQSO OI DB6 Blilll. HLULS. And I make. this solemn declaration conscien- tiously believing the sa.n;e to be tyne, and by virtue of the ac_t passed 1n the_Th1rty-seventh ear of Her Majesty's reifn intntuled An Act or the su presslon of V0 untary and extra-J1 ici'a10a.t s. ` hanlnwn 1-snfnv-n vnn\' 10131 Ullnlullo Declared before me at the Town or Barrie, in the County of Sim- coe. this 28th day of Felgruary. A.D.. 1885. HAUGHTON LENNOX. ` A l".nvnI-niaainnnr in , and nlsome Remofics-all Unsightly Bunches. .~.-p I Spinal Mgngi_t'.is. Sprung Knees. Quitter. msernon or me same manner. Legal. Oicinl and Government advertise menu; will be charged at above rates. E1AUBl:.l'l.'0N unzmvuzx. A Commissioner in B.R.. -,&'.c., for County of Simcoe. [Gi1es Liniment . _-_.-a.j.._ Ne stable should be wlvithout lit. `Railroad. V mining and express companies. all use Giles Liniment. and m the great raqlng -stables of Belmont and Lorillard it has achleved wonders. One trial will convince. A . `X7:-{fa `nn (1TI.n`.R Rnv 3482. N-Y. 13.0. who ADVERTISING -RATES. The Advance has a Sworn Circulation ot'l`hlrteen llundred and Twenty Copies, Almost, it not; quite. double that of any other Paper published in Barrie. 3"ADVEBTI8-EBB SHOULD NOTE THIS 1uc'r.'8 (12 lines solid nonpareil make one inch). snO\\7-- yin! ious . One trial will convmce. .. VVrite DR. GILES, Box 3432, l\`.Y.A P.O. will, without charge, give advice on alldiseases and also on the management of cattle. Soldby all druggists at 500. and $1.00 bottle, and in uarts at $2.50.` in which there is great saving. `he Liniment in white wrappers is for family use; that in yellow for cattle. Giles Iodide Ammc-)-1:ia Horse and Cattle Powders. USED by all the leading horsemen on Jerome Park, Fleetwood, Brighton Beach, Sheeps- head Bay and Bull s Head. Never disappoint, are Tomc,. Alterative and Diuretic. Destroy Worms, Cures Indigestion Colic, Bots, Sore Throat, Catarrh`, Founder, Pink-eye and Rheu- matism. The dose is small and the power is great. The Powders are guaranteed and Pur- chasers failin to obtain a cure money refund- ed. Sold oy a 1 druggists at 25 cts. a box. W. G. MCGLEAN, IMPORTANH BILIOUSNESS, 0 vspspm, INDIGESTION, .lA UNDIOE. ER YSIPELA8, SALT RHEUM, HEARTBURN, 1154040115, `._.I __.-_.- __, , I-ill UVBTY IPGCIQS OT OISEGSC arising TFOVTI disordered LIVER, AKXDNEYS. V8TOMAuH, a - BOWELS on BLOOD, v- ~~-v---. ---- v-----, And every species of disease arising from disordered LIVER. xxnneva s1'oMA..H. 'I'.%m1LBu1gu%& eo.. No. of Inches Run an To owmms or srocx. XEFORE using A41-eow-39 j\_N|Ii_L Cl`JFx E-.`.0+R RELIEVE CONDENSED ADVERTISEMENTS. 7|=T o|r _ don. (3 mos) (mos) ( One Inser- Inser- . Inser tions. tions. u|_y `,5.-.-\.--.v.V.. . Cures.Lameness in Cattle. i ?)I`z2IhiE.3*,* * mops Y; FLUTTERINO IIF 9'!!!` ll Flvllal I . THE 5'ro/man, mmvsss or THE smr, p.lI.`_-g- -._n_ .- _ I 5V! 0 I-llllv or THEUHEART, new/ry or Till` T'I\lJll'\lI Found`er,\Vca1.-: Limbs.` Iodide Ammonia KARK ' SAMUEL WESLEY. ` Proprietors, TOR DI 'Pmon} non: H5 1600 Ann .... Agent. Brrie, Ont Spavin, ttingbonev 2ws4wi [AI-'TER USING never etors, TORONTO. 15 00 25 00 .4. -4 Windga_1ls. *r\_:1 ,_ 1 3600 Moo 3 3 1113351" tions. I1 111- \ 62 rnani Its searching and healing properties ere known throughout the world. For the cure of Bad L633. Bad Breasts. (`I `I II? I-vi I ' I ' " 1 giving tone. energy and vigor to jzhese great MAIN SPRINGS or LIFE. They are condent`lK recommended as 8. never failine` remedy in _ canes whm-n the rmnntitntinn from whntnvar it {s_an irA11i{{1;m;dy. It effectually rubbed on the neck or chest. as salt into meat, it cures Sore Throat, Diptheria. Bronchitis. Colds. and even Asthma. For Glandular Swellings, Ab- scesses, Piles, Fistulas, |GOUTa RI-IEUMATISM, Very! _ he_1P- IYW5 .-.n An :- v vv vnnuaa vvuauati vu uuo [iiVe, Stum5.6i1Tfidneys g.`11g1LB&qvv_g13 4.1.. _. -__ -__-_.._ -_.A ._|..-__ rcuuuxuluuucu 55 II UUVCF l.l.l.l|( reuwuy In I_H cases where the constitution, from whatever cause, has become impaired or weakened. They are wonderfully efficacious in all ailments incidental to Females of all ages, and as a Gen eral Family Medicine are unsurpassed. - V- --v v--V v- -- .-`u-- `pow-any 9. W.9nds"5?F5Ej and .U" T3: And every kind of skin disease, it has never been known to fail. | Thu Duh: ant` (\:v\r\r|nu-sf own Rlnvuvufnnfno-or` ' UUUU JSIIUWLI LU Hill. The Pills and Ointment are Manufactured only at 533 oxronn smm, LONDON, Ant` or-n unh-I Iru-r n" `fan:-Inna AC Ilnitdnnn And.-;re sold by all Vendors of Medicines throughout the Civilized 'World: with direc- tions for use in almost every language. l9H'Pnv-nhmzm-n sahnid Innlz tn thn Luhpln nn I.-JULIE IUI.` USU 111 GIHJUEII BVUI) xuuguugtc. l:vH'Pu1-chasers should look to the Labels on the Pots and Boxes. If the address is not 533 Oxford Street. London. they are spurious. 'i`h1s Great Housenela Medicine ranks amongst the leading necessaries of Life. Th fntnnnn 13*! V|l1IV`fw #1-in Dian!` nn nn uuu waning necessaries 0! mm. These famous Pills purify the Blood. and not most powerfully. yet soothingly on th 1'_|._-__ l _ 1 fr! 1 -I `In 1 5. H_}L.!-vIA?s P-i-I-8 say- % For Sale by wwu- ouu,uuu avuu 02/er one-Ital/' million qf Dr. Chase : Recie Book: were sold in Cdrxadzz alone. l1'e want e"."cry man, Vwoman and child who is troubled wit}; 1.z'zu-r Com- flaint to try this excellent rcmcafy. ' I A I'll FQ positively Curt: Luca: l.UlIIpl'dlIlL3. ' Sommunc New. Gwen AwAv Fnss Wrapped around every bottle of Dr, Chase's Liver Cure is a valuable Household Medical Guide and Recipe Book (84 ages), containing over we useful recipes, pronounce by medical men and druggists as invalu- able, and worth ten times the price of the medicine. iI"iA'is`h`ri'&"6 dI,'oie'iiijEEa'dEEm. A JUHN WOODS. AGENT, BARRXE. . _ In,` L I G3 . . Itis a well known fact that an inactive liver causes -a dull, sallow complexion, liver s`pofs, pimples, etc.; Chase's Liver Cure is the only remedy that will most positively cure these complaints. Qnur:-runui Ill.-|u mcu ulnv Inn.- IVAlUI'1L.'D l1ElVIC.IJI' The unqualied success of Dr. Ch:1se's Liver Cure in Liver Complaint rests solely with the fact that it is compounded from nature's well known live; regulators MANDRAKE AND DANDELION, combined "with many other invaluable roots, barks and herbs, having :1 gowerful effect on the Kidneys, Stomach, Bowels and I.-ma . |:nn nnn cnl n Vinnvl owerf: lood. /\ ` HHV :- Y uu - Liver Complaint. Dyspcpia,` Indigestion, Iiiiiolhl`. .j;u_mdice, Heada.che,_ Dizziness, Pain in the 1;; Costivenese or any disease arising from :1 dcrangzcd ii` DR. CHAsE's LIVER CURE will be found a mu; ; certain remedy. ; _ nu A-lnllsela DEA] Ehv WE$'E"S`LiVEE ?iL!.S Will thoroughly cure you. Thsy do not gripe or purge, but act mildly, and whenever used ' are consldered price- Iess._ They have proven `Io be the 110 he To all sufferers from Indigestion. Disordered Stomach. QREATEST IJsAefIheV:_1'11~an clT_ be rlicved from -`you:'.:::.s2ry. 30 Pi':33:;1' :: hex, ,~ -n - - - rm: THEY ARE AN ABSOLUTE mm. PERFECT cams HlJLL0WAY SM0|NTMENT nv3m=.Fs|K%on IINDIGESTIEH, `WHEN wnv surnsli mom em EEORGE MONKMAN, DRUG GIST, 13.5 It 1-} IE. OF` THE AGE cu) . __`y5\TuR'E's REMEDY ........ .,. -6` T\.. [')\'1cn'c I I. :i,:L._<%s`. /:4 UH LIIC X\lL||lC) 3, xjtvlusl 500,000 SOLD nu`//inn n/' Dr (`Iv/yer : BLESSING Juan; I z rncu _LAD|l'-ZS: ...,.s AL-` .-..-. . 7` ('kEBE-ATFE n: U cunvnnn I t:. u 5-3 :'-_'- D? I _|f\DA'l/R `I. `- \ lthd, 14 she mlillg 113 7 .0/{U652/5:7: 5LiBu IS 11' -Yb`. ls, )~ pret- ncd at f lace y bust. am to are by Mine VV LI K1 LLIILJLI ' . But Ambi?ion continued '10 regard Griselda with an eye of covetousness ; the song Griselda_ sang to her baby seemed to exert a` wondrous spell over t11e_spii`it.' . . .~ _ . T I know 3 way, suggested Deat1_1, by which we can possess ourselves" of these two-you '01" the mother and I or: the child." ' 1`: 1 11' 1-..--. L71, ll(Il.I\J 51.: ndvuoavlu After having come into a great city,- they wene walking in a ne street when they beheld at the window of a certain `house a lady who was named Griselda. She was sitting at the window, fond-. ling in her lap her child, a betiutiful little infant that held out his dimpled arms to the mother and prattled sweet little things which only a. mother can understand. V e \ What a beautiful lady, said Ambi- tion and what a wonderful song she is singing to the child. u '\T,\-- .~..\.. ..-....\:nn (Jan rrnnl-`nor nu 'I'7l\I1 mod Death and Aujbitlion walked in the street and talked ofG1ise1da and her child. ' n - cn,-_ I-JUL \./3.11.1`-oil Griselda was a famous singer. She sang in the theatre of the great city, and peopleicame from alleparts of the world to hear her songs and join -in her. praise. Such a voice had never before been heard, and Griselda s fame was equaled only by the riches which her art had brought her. In the height of her career the little babe came to make o her life all the sweeter, and Griselda was indeed very happy. 11.! I '0 I The Beautiful Mother negnuea by Annex. txon: Death Robs Her and Leaves With Her "Eternal Sorrow." - Once, has Death walked the `earth in ` search of some fair ower upon which hecould breathe his icy breath, he `met the graceful and pleasing spirit who is called Ambition. - ll _, ,;I `l'\, AI, ::I,n Au .uug.:-.45 \-v vnnv V--- You may praise zine "mother as you ` will, said Death, but it is the 'child which engages my attention` andabsorbs `my admiration. ' _How I Wish the child were mine. 1 . 1 CU IUI LUU lJ\.ll\ll.`AlllL Luuuuuno Tell me how 1' may win her, said he to Death, f` and you shall have the babe. -.\ . -u A -1I,u 1` 1 IALLKLJULLLV LIL~`\g . ` 1 `f Go to the door and see, said Gri- selda. .-n u '. . . .. 1 1 .Who is avt; ct1l1e U do_or.?" int] hired Charlotte, the old nurse. ` It must; be somebody of consequence, for he knocks w1th 9. certain condence only those In ` authority have." 1 II `If! ballvu La Luv:-`nuns: Good-morrow," quoth Death, let us journey a time together. Both of us are hale fellows ; let us henceforth be travelling companions." \`|'__ A ...-L-'Lu'nun In Ann np `Inn Inabi- ILKLVLILIII-I \J\JIJl $$$$$ III 5 I N ow Ambition is one of the most easily vcaroled persons in the world. The soft w rde of Death attered him. So Death a d Ambition set out togeth- ', L,..__'I L111 ? uuuu. Ambition s eyes sparkled. He'lo'ng- ed for the `beautiful mother. `I ll 9-`I i "E=`i=Y mm TELLEB! LIV J./\.uu\.aa v-sq`. -..- er, hand in hand. A L`... `L....:...... .... cE;111't.(-sying Vuryf low, for the b_1_*i1liaIit .-xttiie of tlic-`sVt1'_a'n9;-ers .daz,z1edAheA1`. ' V _ `AL h:w(3 a message from" the king, flint`. the 111esseng(:r.: Uld Llburlotte` could hardly -be1ieve her, `( zl1fS. _-A Iimssage from Lhe_kin`g! Nevexbecfore had such bonor bef'a1lnA one in Gxjise1da s station. " '0 Iv` \, \/1AlIJ\/A\.AIAv u uyv-u;ua4 The 'nissuge besoughtz Griselda to alp-.1 pour in; the tlieatre that night before - the king, who knew` .of her wondrous voice, V but had, `never heard it , And with the message came a royal gift of costly jewels. the like Qf which Gri- selda had never set eyes upon. 7 u \r-., _.__-..A_ _.-1-._-_, n ..-:,1 A .,.;L:4..'....- J\ Lu uuu L.I\Jv\L LJ\/U \.J\.Iu ullvui - You cannot refuse, said Ambition in a seductive voic_e. Such an oppor tunity never [before was a'orded.you and may never again be offered. It is the king for whom youare to sing !_ _ I`1_.:....l,].. LAAILALAJ A-..J _..-up-L A ];r\nnn_ LLILII` LlLsI.IU .But .An.1bition and Death remained as guests in Griselda s household. T The child grew restless as the day advanced. -From the very moment that Death had entered the house the little rne seemed very changed, but Griseldh was so busy listening to the attering speeches of Ambition that she did not notice the ush on her infant s cheeks end the feverish rapidity of his breath- ing - ' I 'l)-_L 'I\.._LL _-4. ..__:_,_`l__ S_ .- --..'...... Al` \JL.L\J LKJLJS .\J| V1 ,g\J|...Q J \.l\g jg`; us: I - Griselda hesitated and cast a. linger- -ing lookkat her babe. ' .1 'I'.]'....... ..... l`...-.. 0,... L1... 31.31,! 7, nn:I1 , `Rig; ALA ' J\lLllL yuv JJ\Jl Iulnuuu ~ Have no fear for the child, said Death, - foi` I will care -for him while you are gone. V C`.. L..L-....-.. L1`- -'-.r~:u\uunl>:r\:v AIJIH-znn J vu unu g`vn.auo So, between the insinuating advice] of Ambition and the fair promises of Death, Griselda` was pursuaded, and Lhe messenger bore back to the king word that Griselda wouldsing forehim that night. 13.-. A._._LIL!-._ .....:I T\....4.1.. ..........:.m.J it an II.I\JlJV 'Iuv-wnusao The child's hands are red hot, said ,o1d` Charlotte, the nurse, _and there seems to be strange t1femorsin his l_iA1,;1`_s1` SHORT TALES BY THE MOST EMININT WRITERS 0!` THE DAY. ' You shall `so please the kivnlg with your beautiful face and voice, said. Ambition, ." that he will confer wealth and title on you.'\You will be the most famous woman on- earth ;;_better than that, your fame shall live alway ; in bietory--it shall be eternal 1'" l `I I I` . 2', L,_ _, _., OI-I Iaawvun I ov unluuan VII \lII\lIvIIIhI 0 And Griselda smiled, fur the ?pi1cttL1re' was most pleasing. . u N... -`L:lJL_ L-...1.. -..... .__'.I L_4. 9? -..!.1 `HE-;i.3ut Death sat g1-imlyy in 3 corher of the room and never took his eyes from the crib where the little one lay. - So C11ax'lott`e went. to . the. door, and , time was` a `messenger from the: inn and the messengetj uwas accom. -s L`. J ant-1ary 7 , 1886, ssed i_1d s` V 1); J t !A1.(5:. (LAl\.l l1L\.I lLA_\4IJLJ\4AJb\ -_--.v-.. .._`...v._. two ])ex`.s0ns attired `in ifoya1A c'mx1;7>j.1I1ic1is'; Vvcre Ambivtionj .h, 1-mt t11(-y wexe so sp1enc1i' you .ne:vmf v."_ould Zh-ave :1`e'g:0g,_ H". "V - A A V.` ' ~ ._. A 3 _f" `Lwdy G_r1_s<}1da- _ab1de'=here.? ' 1.1:?c=sf~e'n_ge1'. w ' " - ' ` 1\`1`\lI 1"..`* "Q-TiiE4d old: cm-A1o:%te`,`! y bxfilliant ; ,1 _.,1..1 L`... The theatre was more brilliant that night than ever b fora. It had been noised about that Griselda would sing for the king, and lords and ladies in their most imposing raiment; lled the great edice Lo overowing, whiie in the royal box sat: the king himself, with` the queen and the princes and prineess-V lee. _' . V ' \s.'o1 ' It will be 9. great triumph, said Ambition to Griselda, and Griselda knew that she had never looked half so beautiful nor felt half so ready for the great task she had to perform. There was mighty cheering when she swept before the vast throng, and the king smiled and bowed when he saw that Griselda were about her neck the costly jewels he had sent her. But if the applause was mighty when she ap- peared, what was it when she nished her marvelous song and bowed, herself from the stage! Thrice she -was com- pelled to repeat the song, and a score of times was recalled to receive the homage of the delighted throng. V Bou quets of beautiful owers were heaped about her feet, and` with his own hand from his box the king threw to her a jewled necklace far costlier than his previous gift. A _ n._;-_1.1_ L.-....:...J r..;..._ 1...- .:...'.... KIDIIIJH `II II ... ..,....... _ And Griselda believed the words of Ambition She did` not stop to kiss her little one. She called his name and threw him a kiss, and hastened to her carriage in the street below. The child heard the mother's voice, raised his head, and stretched for his hand to Griselda. but she was gone and Ambi- tion had gone with her. V But Death remained with Griselda s little one. ,..-...,.... 5.--. V As Griselda hurried from her dress- ing room to her carriage -she; marveled that Ambition had suddenly and mys-V teriously quibtedher presence. In his place stood the `gure of a. woman, all in black, `and with large, sad eyes and pale face. Who are you 2 asked Griselda. . 1 am the Spirit, ofbternal Sorrow, said the wmn-an. ' ' T \ I\JU4I\JJ`II For shame 1" cried_ Ambition. See how the glow of health mantles his cheeks and how the re of health burns in his eyes. ` V ._.1 n_:__1.1_ L-1:.._..,:| 4.1.- .......:|.. -1` -And the` '.:=t'ra_ng'e, Sad woma`I1`wen-till` with G1-iscldalintfo the . carriage and to Grise1da.sh'o11`:e..-' ` . V ` n J . O;d'Chv.1`1Qtte, - the , nurse,` met -tjhnx at th_e door.'p - S119 was Very` _\\-bite. arid" she tre1i1b'le.d asif. with fear}? ' ,\ . - ` ' -'1`h'en .Grise1dz'1, seemed '- to 'a\_vakenA f'1'QIn'r:td1fea'm:. ` - ' `H A `of mi life. UUU VJ IWDU I `J Hum. I must loo_kT my best, she` said, ~` for this is to be the greatest triumph" u;_A_A.:p__1 . _.;_ .;_:n Griselda e w to the chamber where s1_1eAhad left him. There stood the little cradle where he had lain, but, the cradle,-wusempty. ' T VW-ho has taken him away 2 Vcr.ind T G1`iselda, `sinking upon {her knees and stret.<':hing her hands in agony to | Heaven. - ' ` * ' ' .u.`u- v V... Death took himlgway but an hour ago, saidold Charlotte", the nurse. uuv `LI-lllIIUl\lI-I IIIJIJ Ill\J5I.lIt\ao N onsenae, quoth T Ambition, `vtise an 07d women's fancy. 'Thi's'enviooe old witch would have you` disappoint the king--the king who would lead` you with riches and honors ! cc- .I__..1.... I........n;....-.J .;.;..l (1..:....l.J.. Us Iuy lll.Uo You are very beautiful; you wiil captivate the king,- said Ambition. It "HI... ALSIA :1: uutuunuv :1] nmnnlrat` UGPUIVCILU vuv anus uuau Samba-Iionv-Vs:-. The child is very ill, croaked old`- Charlotte, the nurse ; he does not seem to be awake nor yet asleep,` and there is a. strange, hoarse rattling in his breathing. ll 13...; .~`nn-`An " A I'I\k:.':I\I\ Then Griselda thought of his fevered face and his pitful little means and sighs ; of the guilefulflatteries of Amhi# tion that had deafened her mother's ears to the pleadiu gs of her sick babe ; of the brilliant theatre and applause of royalty and of the last; moments of her lonely, dying child. ' ' n_:_-1.1_- -........ .....J 4.....- H... ll V76!-LL lav!-awn: Inn. USO theday leugthehed:-Edd Griselda listened to the graceful atteries. of L Ambition, But Death eat all the time gazing steadfastly on the little one In the cradle. The candle: were brought, and Griselda arrayed herself in her costliest robes. - 4 A All ,`I,_`_,,!,`I ment. 0 the UI-IV DIIIU VI IIw,vaInunv vv u-av vv-up . Griselda was momentarily` `alarmed, 1 but Ambition only laughed. a 11' _____ __ H -.--n. A ....I..:4.:.... u '93.. IA u. unu-uu V`-`l\'1.y chil(`l.?.sl1e.aske(1, exitedly. __ `` He is-g_one, - replied old Charlotte, the nurse. A A Il.\IlJ\J Nay, not 'so,.Oft'not.her, saida solemn voice; I am with thee and will abide with thee forev_er. _ . ..1 ..,..e.,, ..,...5 .... ... And Griselda arose and tore the kingly jewels trom her breast and threw them far from her and cried: 4 Oh God`, it ismy punishment ! I am alone rs ~ - I lD\lb\A\J Vvlvl-A UV av: I H` `(ihiselda turnga and lgdlugeld upon the tall, gloomy gure that ap'proache_dV her with these words. - ' b -Is. (`I F! . The lame-Kiln club. , . I can't: see dat Prof. _ Trespass Johnson am in the hall to-night, said Brother Gardner as he looked up and down. ` De fuck am, I didn't zaot.ly spect he would be. Sartin events hev occurred to render his absence a neces- sity, --De Seckretary will _.turn tohis name on .de roll an scratch it nff,. and. _ write across it in red ink de word ex-_' pelled. `ITL-.. LL- q1\nInl\`t|III! `ant: nnuu:n:-I An` -body, and he groans Who tosses from on: sjde of his cradle to the other __1> lJ\lIl\.a\JI When the Secretary had carried out the request the President continued -: 1 ,_.-'I'1,_ T `L _ _ . _ - -.. ULLU IL HUDU vuv 4. Luna-uvn. vv-avngguvu. . .. . p to a; y ar ago Prof. J uhnson was an active member of dis club. He was not only a worker in our cause, but he was industrious _as' 9. ` man. If {he couldn't get; work o.t~.a.dolla!?- an a half a day he got it fur a dollar.~ If he couldn't hsv toast duck for S1i`nd'ay he, put up wid abeef-bone soup. His fsmily `had plenty to.-eac:sp \to:1,no"ar:,;-an vv ova; v vs us was: it was ;`.`1`1ewpi_ri`t'. oi Ebernzil.SorrOw. tuna VJ I nuns vuu - De climax cum las' nite, I heard dat he had bin toastin dam de rich` must divide "with him, an I concluded. to watch my `hen-coop. About leben o clock`_de Professor {showed up. I had twenty-two choice hens. He had none. He was gwine to divide wid me an take 'leben.. My frens, I can't 'zactly discribe what happened arter I got. my paws on him, but I know hewent away empty-handed. limpiu, sore an in de hands of an oicer. He am no longer a. member of dis club. If dar am anv odder member wid eocialistic ideas now 1 would be_`a good time fur him tomake 3 a. grab `fur his bat. an bxck down sta rs; f A ,J..,...`..:1,;...... t`..I1..,....,]' \T..+ .. _..... V ~ Her Efforts in Vain. sAn exchange says: Mme. Ristori. after. her American discomforts, is livingcosily in Parlsf `This poor old lady made her audiences quite as un- comfortable as she could have been her- self. Her `efforts. to be young and sprightly were pitful, and she should not. have made the last American tour, when along, as she is rich,_ she could have remained cosily in Paris. A - ' Not His Practice; ~- - . Recently a ranting Uhicago c01n'_n'1unist gathered a, crowd: and enmrtained themf withhis diatribes on -the ixxequalitiei of riches and poverty. _ He was in the midst ofhis ery declaratioxms that the capital of the rich belonged to to the laboring class- es, when a clear voice rose from the CI`0_Wd.I V ' 1 n 11 . 1 ,,,,1-rL-__-__u luv. Ian. vv nlawwluu In " Many of you saw how he was af-` fected. He begun to hate honest work. "His mouf began. to grow bigger. While his cloze growed seedy his importance increased daily. When his wood-pile grew low he cussed Vanderbilt. When his children becum bar fut he swore at de aristocracy. When his landlord bounced him for non-payment of rent he howled an raved about oppressors an tyrants; l I D '1 1"` 1 D"""' .'." 1"" """" "i " '`V`` "" " 1 "' " "" A deep silence follo*.ve_d'. Not 1; ma:n moved. - oA'rA.Rnr_i-A rucw TREATMENT, Perhaps the most extraordinary success that has been achieved in modern medicine has been obtained by the Dixon treatment for Catarrh. Out of 2,000 patients treated during ; the past six months, f-uliy ninety per cent. i have been cured of this stubborn malady. This is none the less startling when it is rememe bered that not five per cent. of patients pre- senting themselves to the regular practitioner are beneted, while the patent medicines and other advertised cures never record a cure at all. "Starting with the claim now generally be- lieved by the most scientic men that the disease is due-tothe presence of living para- sites in - thetissue, Mr. Dixon at once adapted his cure to their exterm nation-this accom- plished. he claims the Catarrh is practically cured.and the ermanency is unquestioned,as cures etfected y him four years ago are cures `still. No one else has ever attempted to cure Catarrh in this manner, and no other treat- ment has ever cured Catarrh. The apDlica- tion of theremedy is simple, and can be done at home. and the present season of the year at the most favourable for a speedy and perma- nentcure,the inaiority of cases being cured in one treatment. Sufferers should correspond with Messrs. A. H. DIXON &SON, 305 King y street west, Toronto, Canada, and enclose I ; stamp for their treatise on Catarrh.--.Mon- ` "'4 (U: 43'/(Ir. IVOI`. I7; ` I Ulihf W U E You ve got a gold bw atch, and I ha.v_en t guy. I want yours. "Wan nnnnlrn-an civnn nnnntv- ('Ull'Yo .I. VV_|.lol1U JUULO. The speaker was nonplussed. Recov- ering himslf, however, he said : I bought thls watch `and paid for it. Don't make any difference permsted the voice, vou ve got a gold watch, and I l1ave'n t-I `want it ! nu . 11 ,`l_,,-1_.'I ._._1 LL. \ DIIW VUIUU, V\l\.I VU \JU Ch 5\}l\A VV(l|-_\llL, Il1|J\R N `want - \ The talker was checkmated, and the {meeting broka up. I ' . Augustus Would Know. T T I see by the papers that automatic couplers are to be generally introduced, I remarked Amy to` the High "School girl, last night. T ' V..- r ..-'a.:.....: 44...; ......... .1c M ......1;n.1 1 [313

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