Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 7 Jan 1886, p. 1

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341 292 49, uvu-o---- w ' There was fine skating on the Bay on New Year's day. especially on the Allaudale side, {and hundreds participated in the exhilerat 5ing sport. In pleyang shmney one or two of the boys ventured too near the month of the creek at the head of the Bay and paid the 1penalty `by a` cold hath. i The ` Chautauqua; Literary and Scientic Ci:-_cle will hold its next meeting in -the ?buse tne'hteof the Congregational church . on Tueedsyeevemiag. the 19th - inst_., when a. ;pleas'a.ut.a.nd protable time is_ expected. The New Convent. ' Our reporter took a look through the new Convent the other day which is now nearly ready for occupation. By the politeness of Mr. J evons, Mr.-Fletcher's foreman, he was enabled to see every part of the building and obtain from him what information he asked. The building presents a very ne appearance. It is situated on the west side of Mulcaster street the - main front facing -St. Mary s Church. Entering the front door into a spacious hall the first room in the right is the parlor nely nished in mahogany. This contains a replace thiugh the room is heat- ed by steam from radiators covered by orna- mental screens with marble tops. The ceil- ing of this room has a line centrepiece. I` old iug doors open from this room` into the chapel which is also nished with mahogany On the left of the hall-a doorway leads to a corridor that skirts four music rooms. On the second at their isa large communion" room for the Sisters and to the front a sew _ ing room which looks out on to Mulcaster. street. There are some eight rooms on this gllat furnished with wardrobes and all con veniences. On this flat there is a very nice bathroom furnished with hot and cold water. The interior of all the rooms in this flat are finished in stone color tinted which gives 8. eyes. The woodwork in the halls and al the rooms with the exception of those tine appearance. The bulding is heated throughout with steam from radiators which diffuse through the rooms a warmth of the most comfortable sort. The attic is not nished, but when necessary can be convert ed_iuto a number of pleasant and commodi- ous rooms. At present it contains nothing but the tank from which Water is distributed to all the rooms below. the tank being lled bymeans of a forcevpump in the basement. The basement has kitchen, pantry,` store- room and furnaceroom. All the heating apparatusand plumbing was done by Mr. J. Plaxton and seems to be just what it ought to be. .All the woodwork is of the most substantial kind and finished in -the most workinanlike manner, the paintingzraining, plaster work, glazing and indeed the whole work reflects the greatest credition Mr, R Fletcher, the contractor. and the workmen he has employed. Our reporter was inform ed that the building notwithstating the superior, character of the material and work- manship has not exceeded in cost the con- tract price. ` pleasant mellow light very grateful to the` mentioned is in grained oak and has a solid -. A Turnover. Last Thursday evening two men were driving along Dunlop Street with a. horse laud buggv and going eastward. when nearly opposite M0rrow s auction rooms, by some means or other the buggy upset, the horse became detached from it and started at a lively `gait on his jownhook. A crowd` soon- gathered round the overturned" buggy and` upon rightinv it one of the men was quietly reposing andevidently waiting for develope- ments. Hehad received I `few scratches. but with that exceptionno injury was re- ceived. The horse was _soon captured and the men "proceeded on their way: Whether `too much Warner's Safeure had any thing to do with the'misha'p, four reporter could `not bositively aay.~ - ' CIUIXUU W IUUSC _ Mr. King, 60c. Worth bread tickets ; Rev. E. Daniel, $1 ; Mr. John Goddard, $1 ; Mr. F. J. Brown, $2.50 worth bread tickets; plants in pots, 4 vegetables, etc., from Mrs. Justice; neighbors through Mrs. Mullett, rocking chair and cushion ; pieces. of print for quilts from. Mrs. Russell Ardagh, -Mary Mason and Amelia Duield ; Mr. Ellis, mending boots; St. Paul s vestry, Innisl, $5; quantity of bread from Fleichman & 00., Mrs. Elder in the Home, $5 earned by her ; "Mr. Vansicle, 1 cord slabs ; many kindnesses through the year from Mrs. Janes, Mrs." Mullett and theMi_sses Wiman; and also from them, Mrs. Justice and Mrs. Dickinson at Christmas, delicacies; Mr F. J , Brown, $1.05 worth `bread tickets, 5 lbs. fruit biscuits and 1, lb. tea; cake from C. 0. Sunday School fete ; and Dr. Ardagh s kind services, especially an attendance of seven weeks on Mrs. Thompson, are warmly recog- nized ; also the kindness of the local papers in inserting these notices gratis. -(lash ex- penses for the Home for the year, $127.42. I PIRHLSU IJLILUUBII. UIIUI Lilli]. Up to this time there have been in The |Home for longer or shorter periods,fty- seven individuals. This includes infants, `two caretakers and their families and three - special sick nurses ; some were only received temporarily. others let go to friends` three were found impossible to keep. and seven deaths took place. This year six lived in the Home for short periods. One woman pined to ,go back to her little shanty, and kind neighbors in Innisl, who, during her stay`of nine months, -were very good in con- tributing to this inma.te s support through `Mrs. Murphy, and Mr. Ross, Mrs. Turner I and Mrs. Thompson died. and nowthere are but two livingin the house. q:....,. 1...; 1............ 4:... :,.i1,{...:..... ,.m`.+.-: llllll VVVU l.l.VALl ALI IILIU l1ULlU. Since last January the following [contri- butxons have been received and are gratefully acknowledged : I\/In Winn Rn u-rnr-#1` khan!` fzinlznfu ~ paw V. ._.v......_.. v... -...-.. - -...-.a- ' era are new to subscribers after the for has expired. dependents Clubbing List will be sent any person asking for it. Any one. E wishi [ cosubscriue for one or more apers or mug ' ines. in connection with The nc1epend- em, n save money by ordering from our Club Lisg` Addxess v T ' . 'FH'E r N] )EPl-1}NI)F`.NT.' Ullul CI-In ` The Home was opened in December, 1873, and now at the end of twelve years it may be of interest to a few to know what- has been accomplished in furtherance of the end sought. Very poor results in man s sight, but if even one soul has here been `brought to Jesus there will be [theme for I praise through eternity. TTn in fhha `Hung I-.1-morn Burro Bonn in The cc-113:. uuuvjvnnnun --wjv In submitting their 12th annual report, the managers must again record their sense of God's goodness in connection with this Home." _ That His hand has been manifested I111 sustaining and blessing both it and the builders in many V numberless sways. Blessed is the" man that trusteth in the Lord is the unchanging declaration of our God veried in `the experience of all His children.- ` "IL -' 'I`I"-._,- Z-.. __.,,,_,`I 3-- `I\_-_.__L_._ I-_-James Speers, 340; Richard Bell. 296; Wm. Cunningham, 148 3 Alex. Stewart, 141. ORo.-Reeve, Chas. Drury by _acclama.- tion ; Deputy-Reeve, Jas. Ross by a.cclama- tion; Councillors, Donald McLean, 136; Duncan Fletcher, 130 ; Chas. Atkinson, 128; Wm. Addison, 121 ;_ Robt. Leigh,_53. - A1-dash Tnlemorial Home. Brett, Midhurst, No. 3251 ; 2nd, China Tea. Set, Mrs. P Fowler,,St.` Catharines, No. 65; 3rd, Handsome Photograph, John Galiva, Parry Sound, 2008; 4th, Valuable Oil Paint- ` ing, Mary Loftus, Apto, No. 2987; 5th, Set of Beautiful Uleographs, Mrs. E. H. Crew, Barrie, 2425; 6th, Silver Pickle Castor, i-James O Brieu, Toronto, 2726; 7th. half dozen Silver Plated Knives and Forks, E. Skelly, Hamilton, 1830; 8.h, Handsome Ilruet Stand, Carrie McGuire, Barrie, 231 ; 9th, Queen of Angels, John Dennis, Apto, No. 2419; 10th, Handsome Parlor Lamp, Mrs. J Uheeseman, Barrie, 492 ; llth, Valu able Oil Painting, Mrs. Thos. Brett, Mid- hurst, 3250; l2th, Gold Cross, Mrs. S. Bvrues, Barrie, No. 1212; 13th, One dozen Silver Spoons, 1). Murray, Penetang, 1353; 14th, Handsome Chromo, Mrs M. Shanacy, Barrie, 655 ;' 15th, History of Ireland, Mrs. John U Neill, Barrie, No. 2365; 16th, Valu- able ,Alb'im, Very Rev Dean Harris, St. Ca.tharines. l32l ; 17th, Valuable Clock set in porcelain, Mrs. A. G. Davenport, Hills- dale, 2616; 18th, One dozen Silver Forks, Mary Haves. Uro, 2553 ; 19th, Silver Watch, Marv McDonald, Barrie, 495; 20th, Gold Chain. Mrs.` McDonald. Minesing, 2709; 21st, Half dc-zen plated Knives and Forks, W. Sheppard, Allandale, 440; 22nd, One dozen SllVeI` Spoons, Mrs. Jos. Patton, Meaford, 1076; 23rd. Gold Cross, A. Reba- taille, Quehec, 1453; 24th, Half doz. Silver Spoons, Mary Carr, Ushawa, 340, 25th, Beautiful Prayer Book, J. E. Chalue, Pene- tang, 522 ;'26th, Silver Cake Basket, Thos. J Soritch, Barrie, 817; 27th. Handsome Album, Mr. Apnlebv, Barrie, 1058 ; 28th, Fine .l a.sIev Shawl, 'l`hos. Wood. Hawk- stone, 2396; 29th. Boy's Suit, VVm. Camp- bell, Barrie, 2678; 30th, _Va.luable, Meets- chaum Pipe, Jae. Byrnes, Clinton, Mans, 1555'; 31st, Barrel of Flour, M. Connell, Vine, 1266; 32nd, Oil Painting, F. P. Hooli-V han, Peterbor-i, 2783; 33rd. Caddy of Tea, Jas. Donohue. Thornton, 1896.; 34th,iHand- some Quilt, Mrs. Moriarity, Bradford, 938; 35th, Girl's Velvet Suit, J no. Cain. Sunni- dale, 1627 ; 36th, A pretty Alarm Clock, F. Carpenter, Barrie, 1660; 37th, Large Ohromo, C. McGuire, Barrie, 233 ; 38th, Pair of Fancy Slippers, Mrs. J. Maloney, Barrie, 1143; 39th, Fancy Table, 0. Charlebois, Toronto, 3127; 40th,. Parlor Lamp, John Mulcahv, Urillia, 1261; 4131:, Silver Butter Dish, James Casey, Barrie, 97 ;, 42nd, 0l_v'1d s Suit, Wm , Lehaiie, Do_wneyville,~536; 43rd, I Large Picture: Bltnm the;Crib{ to the 'Cross,` lst, Lives of the Irish Saints, Mary C. ` Mary Mcl)onal,d, Toronto, 2269; 44th, Pair. of blankets,-We. -`Sibbeth; .Braoebri(_lge. 122 5; 45th, Table Scarf;. 5W. Williaullla .Allandale,- 1230; 46m, Tea Set,j;,M;r., James O'Connor, 1 ' _'l`oron-to, 4&2 ;_ 47511`; _.EinbIfoidere.d{ Cushion, 'A.. Quinn ,Grenf_el,, 2632,; 48th, 7Larg_e ` ,P,ioture,_ Mo-'suligh!T-. Watson V.W,eymoi1tn, 'v.3`5i .5.$'f;:iN;t39;: Qnis. "B.#rr! 354 3 .4-9th...Hsdsnhr$: -5r19r.L$hp; i e . rs. wg: R-.-as ;3|=.-"f g_l'l.*.`.*',.i1,!".0_!. 49.;?,0bb; - A. 6` ;..98*iaI;19t. `4. Bazaar and Prize Drawing. The Bazaar in aid of the new convent was held in the town` hall during the last three days of the year, and was well attended especially during the afternoons and even- ings. There "was a large display of useful, fancy and ornamental articles tastefnllv ar- ranged on. theevarious tables and presenting _a most attractive appearance. The prizes for the grand drawing were placed on a separate cable, and drew remarks of admir- ation from many on account of their great value. The ladies who had charge of the tables weremost obliging and attentive to all visitors, who left the hall, after enjoying their smiles. with lighter hearts and purses. The interest taken in the bazaar by the people of all denominations speaks well for their generosity and good feeling towards the Sisters of St. Joseph, who` feel very grateful to their benefactors. A littleover one thousand dollars was realized and will be quite a help towards diminishing the debt on the convent The grand drawing of the valuable prizes took place on '_l'l1ursday evening, under the supervision of a com~ mittee, before the very large audience which was present, when the following names were read out as the winners of the prizes : ' -_ -...-s. up l'\l I iv , - .-- c-vv Wnnnouncement of Christ Church, Reformed Episcopal, Rev. William H. Barnes. Rector. services in Lecture Hall of new (hurch, Col*_1er-st. Sunday after Epiphany. Morning ` subject. Soul-depths and Soul-heights. Sun- day school and adult Bible class at 3 p.m. 1 Conrmation studies and evangelistic services ` Wednesdays at 7.15 p.m. Service of song, Fridays at 7 p.m..and conference for Bible studv at 7.45 p.m. Subject for this week postponed and the topic of the Week ot prayer considered. Special Evangelistic services begin (U.V.,) Tuesday, J an. 12th. I` I 101- I nu-In -The centest between Ross and Cross was all the talk on Monday. It was Cross and Ross in the morning, Ross and Cross at noon,`a.nd in the evening Ross was cross be- cause Cross was_ Reeve. V T Conveyancers. 0FFICES--OVel` Fm-quho.rson s' Grocerv Store, Dunlop St.. Barri/e. Ont, _ 51 -Don t forget to bring-your Wife s mother to see funny Jimmy, at the Town Hall on. Monday evening. It will cheer "the old .1a.dy s spirits, and raise you a hundred per cent in her estimation. - ............., , -.~-- --..... Come early and `ure a beautiful Silk; Dress 20 per cent. ` than regular prices ` w. 1:. Phillips & -The closing moments of the` year 1885 were spent at the Collier Street Methodist; church in solemn prayer and in" hymns `of praise. ` ' -.. ...' .. - . .... 7 ;BIi6n;$r"'i\{oey 1! Money 1!! to loan "at f low rates. Mortgages purchased. Barrie ` I on & Savings Company. `IF A I. R 1`! II '7'? R. Phillips & C a giving 10 per cent. discount. ' \ x -T-Ifnyou wantewduit of Clothes W. Phillips &, Co. -VfV;1`1-ter on Tuesday mornmg, ianow and ' 9. cold north wind. 1 Remember the b ' [xsucount at W. R. Phillips & Co. V -1VIutBs, Caps, na Filr Mantles, choice and cheap, at W. Gray at Cos. Don't forget the ranf sale at R. I :1 `ll ... n I ` . --Monda.y1`:he rain urd down-aill day. T-Read W. R. P ps'& Co s. new adver- tisement. V J Which, Linked Together, Construct a` `Taco. Ind-An--..A..I_... ___I 4! _.__.l___ IIANY IIINORZ .HA'l"1'EBS MIICHLY PARAGRAPHEM PENUIL POINTS. Tlxe most inuntial religious go. States. ~-'l`he Spectator. London. E -nnwvc vain-Ina 1:515 IJIIDIII -inter of I.ocal_ History. Liberal Conservative Meeting, A meeting of the Barrie Liberal Conserva- tive Association was held at the oice of the president, H. H. Strathy. Esq , last VVed- nesday evening. There was a large attend- ance. Delegates were elected to the Liberal Conservative Convention held at Stayner yesterday; Much business of importance to the Liberal Conservative party in this riding was transacted, and an enthusiasm was evinced which marks the vitality of the great party which so successfully guides the destinies `of the Dominion. Struck Ile." Mr. John Powell made a lucky strike on New Year a day. c\Vhile boring for water on his lot in the 5th Concession of McGil- livray. a. vein of surface coal oil was struck at a. depth of 175 feet, and I5 feet In the rock an oil bearing series. The gas forced obstructions to a. height of 40 feet above the surface, and when ignited burned for some hours. -The oil pumped up has proved to be pure petroleum. The location of the farm where the lucky strike has been made is six miles from Parkhill. ------ v--1---- --n- -uuu-rnnrvvnnu To-night another of those pleasing enter- tsinments which have made the rink so popular under its present management will take place. There will be the grand carni- val and prizes to the best drssed lady and gentlemen, then the tableau under the di- rection of Mr. Barraud, the artist, and then the rink open `for skaters The band asl -usual will enliven the proceedings with music. Grand Military Ball. The annual military ball under the auspices of the 35th Battalion was held at the town hall on Tuesday evening. In consequence of the report of the names of those present not being received in time we hold the whole report over- till next week. `It was, how- e'ver a. grand success, there being about 100 c who joined in the merry ` dance, and s elt like saying : On with the dance, let joy be unconned. - - wu-w-vvvv.v- ow Thenumerous friends of Miss Mockridge having made her a handsome present for her kindness in oiciating as organist at various times in Trinity Church, she desires to con- vey to them her warmest thanks and to assure them she is always willing to meet their wishesvin-advancing the interost,of the I I church. . V --vw-- ntgqvu --v..-- v_ ---. -v-.j--.,. Dr. Rob rt Ramsay, of Orillia, one of the most prominentAMasons' in Canada, died on Monday night at 317 King street west, To- ronto, Some time ago he had one of his legs broken on York street and was taken to the General hospital. Having recovered sufficiently to be removed he was taken to his rooms, King street west, at about half-past seven o'clock on Monday night. He died of heart disease three hours later. The remains were taken charge of on behalf of the mem- bers of the craft in Toronto. The deceased was bornein London, England, on`March_ 21st, 1841, and was therefore in his forty~ fth year. He was was eight, years of age when his parents brought` him to this coun- try. He has had honours conferred upon him by almost_ every rite in masonry, not only in this continent but in,Eur0pe and Africa. Masonic literature will suffer a. severe loss by his death. As a Masonic Writer he was known all over the continent. At one time he published the Gavel, a Masonic publication of rare merit. He was substitute Grand Master-General of the Sovereign Sanctuary of Canada. at the time of his death`. The _fnnera1 will take place this morning at 7.45 to the Unionstation The remains will be interred at Newmaiket. There is to be an entertainment by the Mechanics Institute some time during the month, about the 26th, of which due notice will be given. The Directors have determin- ed toihavea lecture every month 11 on some popular subject We believe the ev Mr. McLeod, Mr; Haugbton Lennox and others have agreed to glel1veI_"I_lectnrei;1the course. vw ---av-v-wvv L BEAU! . ZPPUQI I3`-I L\'I. IJIIC Pl IDIJI-I510. I T On Thursday last M. Cardiff was brought up before the County Judge on a. charge of stealing $60 from one Charles Ward. The case was partly heard and then adjourned so that the Crown might produce Ward who has not as yet shown up. Mr. Cotter ap- peared for the Crown, and Mr. Pepler for the prisoners. A A --w -u-cvcva-a-av agave-Una qua:-nuns On Thursday last Joseph Rolston and W. Terriif were brought .up on trial before his honor Judge Ardagh. This is the patent right case about which so much has appeared in the newspapers during the last two weeks. There were three charges in all of which two were for false pretence against the prisoners. On one charge evidence was given at length for the Crown, taking up all day Tliursday, when the court adjourned until Monday last for argument of counsel. The argument took up nearly all day Monday, after which the judge found both prisoners guilty. The hearing on the second charge was postponed. As to the third charge for not printing across the note as required by the statute, on ac- count of the important legal objections raised by Mr. Pepler, the counsel for the prisoners, the judge reserved a crown case for the opinion of the judges in Toronto. Weunder- stand a civil action is likely to arise out of these notes V in which the evidence of the prisoners -(whose mouths were necessarily closed in this criminal proceeding) will be given. J. R. Cotter Esq, County Attorney, - appeared for the Crown, and H. Lennox, Esq-. for the private prosecutor. F. E. P. Pepler, Esq appeared for the prisoners. I 7 lhn r[`l`II1I-urdatr Inc ! `J (`.o'v-1-11.`? I1-ran luv-nnrvkl> l THE ]NDI`PEND];1NT. Set of Glass Dishes, Miss Lydia Hinds, Barrie, 906 ; 52nd, Child's Fancy Dress, D. McLaughlin, Montreal, 1362; 53rd, Picture of Barrie Church, A. Simmons, Midhurst, 837.; 54th, An Alarm Clock, G. Haumer, Barrie, 3056; 55th. Fire Screen, J. Kergan, Bradford, 2463; 56th, Fine Chromo, J. Kelly, Phelpston, 2964; 57th, Git-l s Suit, Hattie Carroll, Thornbury, 1370; 58th, A Parlor Lamp, S. A. Kennedy. Barrie, 389 ; 59th, A Beautifully Embroidered Dress, J. T. Crawford, Penetang. 20; 60th, An Oil Painting with" Grand Frame, H. M. Boyd, Woodstock, 564; Cleopatra Chair, Mrs. M. Fennell, Allandale; Oil Portrait, Mrs. Wm. Shanacy, Vespra. ; Plush Cushion and Table Scarf, John Clayton, Barrie; Fire Screen, Mrs. McLennan, Barrie; Gold Watch, VVm. O Neill, Barrie; Candelabra, VW. H. Cross, Barrie; Wax iFlowers, Rev. M. Gearir, Apto ; Large Doll, James E. Hinds, Coiling- wood ; Set of` Oil Paintings, Miss Nelly and Regi McDonald, Barrie; Consolation Prize, Table Scarf, Birdie Hinds, Barrie. Presentation to Miss Mookridge. Grand Carnival and Tableau. The Machin Agents Again. I`r\1. Death .amsay. Mechanics Institute. ' As a team belonging to Mr. W. Caldwell of this town, in- charge of his son. was cross- ing N. & N. W R. track at Kempenfeldt Point. The loaded sleigh was stopped close to the track. Just at that moment a train came out of the cutting not more than 300 yards distant. It did not take Tom` very long to slip the bolt and hustle his horses oifthentrack. In `ten seconds after the train came thundering by dashed the tongue of the sleigh aside and passed on leaving Tom to shudder at what might. have been had he not been quick to think and prompt to act. The excellent band of the 35th Batt., gave the old vear 3 send off, by playing some of their choice pieces through the streets to- wards midnight on New Year's Eve. They marched through V&l`l0l18 parts of the town and made the last evening of the year plea- sant and `cheerful The readiness with which the band always tries to entertain our citizens, deserves cummendation and sub- stantialaupport, which we `are glad to know is cheerfully rendered. Police Court. . On Tuesday afternoon John Campbell, stopping` at White s Corners in 01-0, was charged before the Mayor with stealing night jars of bea.r s grease from J ames Mattice who` lives in the Muskoka. District some fortv miles above Bracebridge. Constable Greer found the stolen grease at Campb vll s place. of residence and arrested the man. Chief Constable Rogers conducted the prose- cution and the Mayor committed the prison- or for trial. " ' _ _ --..vJ vnnunn Von vvn-vvn In The ladies who are getting up the conceit for next Monday evening are to be congratu- lated on the magnicent concert which they promise us. We have never before had in one concert one of the rst soprano in Canada, the nest lady violinist in the Do- minion, a lady pianist who probably stands without a superior in Canada, a comic vocal- ist who is too funny for anything with- out being in the least vulgar, and in addition our best local talent. lt is safe to say that such` a concert has never yet been held in Barrie. It is to be hoped that every one will turn out and assist in making it a finan- cial success. The hall should be jammed to the doors. CHH(lI'CH.- Q`! . A good 3" to make the acquaintance of The Izldvpttnd t is to- send 30 cents tor a `Trial Trip of mnth. ` V - \1;`l\`l \lL`\V fVf\Y\T`IT`Q TFTWTNIF Last Sunday week the pastor of this church (Rev. J. .\I Wilkinson, B,A.,\ an- nounced that the Quarterly Board of the church Wanted 350 to balance the half year I on the minister s salary and requested them to lav by a small portion on New Years day and put it on theplate the first Sunday in the new year. At the same time stating that he believed it would be raised. Some smiled and thought it could not be done coming so soon after anniversary services. The result, however, proved that the pastor was not wrong in his calculations for the collections for the day amounted to the re- spectable sum of $52 01, `which made the sceptical ones feel ashamed. \Ve say Well done Pastor Wilkinson, and Well done West End Church. . V I Welst Ward School Election. SIR,-I would take this opportunity "of thanking those friends who nominated me and those who voted for me as a school trustee for the West \Vard. I did not ask to be nominated, but had I obtained the position I would glarilv have devoted such time and ability as I have to promoting the work of education in the common schools of the town. It was industriously circulated that 1 was not legally qualified for the position, and no doubt this statement pre- vented some from voting for me who other- wise would have done so. This statement is merely'the- opinion of an interested party. If I was notlegally qualied I would not have allowed my name to be brought forward, and in regard to this matter of being quali- ed there seems to be a very general opinion that if my worthy and successfu_l opponent is legally qualied, it is the only way he is qualied for this important situation. Of this, however, I cannot speak If the bring- ing forward of "my name has led to a little ' more interest being taken in the election, and if it should tendto breaking up a little the stagnation that has existed about school matters in the `past, some good will have been accomplished - T... Well Done West End Methodist Church. Ill UIIC Qlcan I do not think it proper under the circum- stances to discuss the facts, but in common justice to our client, cannot let your report pass without simply stating that the facts in it are distorted and exa;_rgvr.ite and the report generally highly colored, unfairly ad- versly to Mr; \Vray. 1 rln nnf lrnnuy z-.4` r|r\I1uvr-n LA... .-... 1.. .-mL..L Juvu us uuCb|1ll(`4 uu_c l)cuu1u;_',- UAVH 2tUvl(Hl. I would also take this 0 )OX`tl1Uit of ro- . . . P` . Y . P testin in the Interests of ustice auzmist the _ J _ e grossly unfair and comments in your last `issue ofa. case of Regina vs- {alston and Terriff in which we are acting for the `pris- oners.` It is the _more unfair and improper as it is a serious criminal case and is still pending for trial. It also seems to contain internal evidenceof having been furnished .to you by some one interested an :1 prejudiced `and in order to affect the pending trial. \ Yours, etc., L` `D D 1')..." .... Re (Kin; :2; `if-:'1::s'ter. I notice a report in. the columns of your widely circula.ted.pa_1per of a recent case of the Queen vs. `Webster, tried at the last sit- tings of the General Sessions 03 the Peace. 1 T t'1nn;vIn Ln ...... 44...; 3... LI... :..a,.......a- l'\` I... usu ' UL ULLG \JUl-|CIGl. IJCBBLUUB U5 D110 1. C1301 : \ Ibdesire to say that in the interest of the Prosecutor, (Mr. VVray) I acted. as Counsel at the trial, assisting the rCrown Counsel and that my rm is acting for him in a. civil action for damages arising out of the same oceurrence, nrrv pending and awaiting trial at the assizes. T 1 A . I - VVLBLY vi: .111. VVly- ' T I do not know of course how or in what way`yoI1r rcport was received but it. would. on its face appear to have been tarnished by ` I Mr. Webster, or on his behalf with the ob- ject of affecting the pending civil action. I urn"|]:l clan fol!-a thin nnnnnh~...I-n ..F .\..,\, I The Admission of Correspondence Does J Not Necessarily Imply that We Hold big- t\_I_.I-_... -3 ALA uIv._;4.___ LETTERS ADDRESSED TO THE EDITOR THIS WEEK. v`/'. T*.I\"'l`l -~'.\I.u1<- .1'vacher `ind ciasq ccrti-. (-11:0,, for -,\l(-Kc-lla.1'_ Hinge. Also two Icucht.-1'8. nmlu or funule, rd class cmlilicatie. fur \\':u-ls 2 und 3 Towns p of.McK_elIu.r. ' Ad- dress, sL::tim.: Balur) m" cxpv.riu11ce, `JOHN AI{.\ 1S'|`l{l).\G, Cllilil` n School Board,-l\1(;-\l |:..n,..- H n - 1-9 WHAT THE PEOPLE HAVE TO M. ----_.vvy_-.._.., _.-I.-. vnnuuv vvv A-vita the Opinions of the `Writer. The following letters addressed to the Editor of `THE Nowmzaw ADVANCE, have oeen received tor publication : December 3151;, I85 5. {$1-00 . . SINGLE corms. FIVE CENTS. I:ER ANNUM IN ADVANCE. Trinity Church Concert. A Narrow Escape. ((1 u\l. I am, X . m1"(;urs respectfully. D. I). MCLEOD. guy. F. E. P. PEPLER. , I r Iixlm-.-*i\.:rw.(1. Int `.23, _.I. of .\'u\'-mbm' Inst. :1 )HJ V A 1 J5 Dunn-1 I. xx, 1351 L /.y DL1'K`.=.'l/.1 auu. . 7 (1(mI`_S011th of . Ua1dwel1 s rcsxdence. H2110 .:~2;3U1)e1' week 1-1)- v'l`HA \'1<:1>.-- Came into c premises otthc n. 1, Oro. about the 9 _iom'l1'ng hull. V '1`lie o\\'1m- (::m:h;1\'<- the szun by proving prnncrty and pa.\ixx;.,-* 1.-.\'1u`.-n.acs. JUUN KEY. lhtlston -.1`. 0. 1-4 _ 7 on 3 noomz amok PREFERRED. ADVA _ E OFFICE.` _ W` l.."IlIA HOUSE WANTED] [HERBERT sMi'1`ri iiiaviyrag leased the stone Blacksmith Shop. Clepperton-st., next to the Simcoe Hotel. is prepared to do all kinds f work. Horse Shoeing of the latest. improved tyles, preventing of interfering. forging. oon-- motion. and tender feet carefully treated. _ ullders supplied and estimates furnished. A 16 1. LV1H.[10Il_u.88lHE8(1 Dy IHSV. 1. u1uuy..Lv.u.'. Joseph N. Booth, son of J. D. Booth. Esq.. to M Na Lavina. Kneeshaw. dau hter of the late ` Mr. John Kneeshaw, al of AWest Gwillimbury. TH!ERRY--WO0I)WARD.-'-On December 17th, at ` the Ho'cl de Ville. Brussels. and afterwards at Christ Church. by the Rev. W.. R. Stephens, M. A.. the Baron Thierry de I z1llandt,0fDuinreIl, the Heuzue, Holland,. to Edith Sarah. daughter of the late W_m. \V(])odwa.rd. Esq , Capt. 2nd Staffordshlre mi itm. - - Jou.\'so.\' ~Sc11R1EBER.-At Trinity church, Barrie, on 'l`uesI1`ay. Jan. 5th, by the Rev. E. Murphy. Incumbent of Innisl, assisted by Rev. \Yxn.~ Reiner, recetor-assistant. Barrie. E. F. B. Johnson. Deput Attorney General of Ontario to Sarah, ex est daugh- ter of W. C. Schrieber, Esq.. Allandale. II\l-_I `Iv. ']4ILY-MACFARLANE.-In Colvlingwood, at the reaidence at the bride's father, on the 28rd ult.', bv the Rev. Mr. Rogers. Mr. J. Lily, of Hamilton. to -Mary A., third daughter of Mr. N. Macfarlane, of Collingwood. 'Boo'm--Kma:EsHAW.- On 30th December. at the residence of the bride's mother. by Rev. I. Mahony assisted by Rev. I. Liddy. Mr. Jncmnh N Hnnth nnn nfJ D. Rnnfh, man RELIG10US~&%LITEB.__AB,Y W:EK_LY_. ____ ____' ', _.___._ ..-- ..___ _ ,, -.. _.._.__..__.. I)}U\'A i;]C':-i%O>;{B.T A G, Berczy sti`c*et.. 2nd tlnnv unnth of . (-`,RIdw'P.H R rnsidtmce. S>'H(`S (H H10 _\'(`1U'. J\I1_V' HIIHIDC U1 1 lH" 1l`(l6' | :~mlo`m. will show t11:Lt_ Jts cont ts are marked l u TOMAN WAN'l`}Jl).to _cook for .9. 1ew sa.w l_ mill hands; vwork hght; apply gglthis we. . V l\.H-5 I ll`) v-11:11` } .0. uv. V- v. - V. 74......` lied. :wIN.--A t Barrie. on the 2nd _inst.._ in the 70th war of her age. Selina. M&l`1&, widow of the axle Wm, James Irwm, M. A.. Cantab. vn, __~\,_. , ---..~--_--.v. NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC . THE INDEPENl)}N'l` is one of the best p&p(:1`s in the world. Its good poi ts are many :mdst1'ikin_u,`. They have only beostated to he upm-<-r:iuIo(1; and for proof f our. claims .`Lp]|(`:ll nmy hntakcn to any 0 the fty-two Ls.~'11(*s()fH.<` yvzu`. Any numhe of The Inde~ -..m.l..`nv uvi1l._-l.n\uHm11'f:x r-nnf fa urn Inn!-lznrl Tvc*)L. xxxv. No 1. WHOLE No.1759.] T SAMU :1. Wmsnscv. Proorietor. _ 1 MONEY TO LOAN. . . \/\I\ - uv -..... ,...-.--V-um 'i`I;1`: :lv'i'$?t`o snscnlnults: Illuslrill mus. pnccs, I `ction:< for Jnlzmting FLO ER Sul Fl 0.4-1nt~r'i1LIlv.' tn . 1\'1:.\v ,\i)vE1:TiS1z3iizNTST The largst, the, ablest; the vbfst -vvu V- ..-- --..._.... \4an\r\.Iv- - w. A.'L1:1~mo;': 8; 00., . . . . , . . . p -- PEC1 MEN COPIES FREE. |B|.AGKSMIT_H fsnop I` B T iiL-13" `'lL`I1(l(`IH, \\'1ll SHOW IIIIH. IES COIN. kw` ' ' '_-x m_I{1'|`\', .\'.:\1:n:'1`Y Sc` 1-; -:1`c~:t Hninkcrs. the Erelt S Err-at `mu-1~'. nmn of the higl st` .~.i<-mm`, litux'ai.11x1'v; art. `tr 5L _1it-mr_\`_ an 1-`duca.ti0n 1.` 1. .111`dc-p:n'tnr(*_nt+_nf human kn _ its 1i-1 o1`r`-nnmmnors. Rel _ X (`().\1l`l!l`I1lICNF'l'VENI` n.....oIH.. t\`\ ......:..uH- .- Married. i`EREST.4-The : ........ .:o,..\ H... n New York. E-gun in the iiinf ` The ` F. x. Martin 96, J; 0; iiekabb 33, F. Ball ` 77, J. Anderton 56, F. Hood 55.` A ` SCHOOL TRUSTEES. In St. Patr1ck s Ward, F. J. Brown went in by acclamation. ' Q6- An.-1....-n KIT.-.-I 4-kn In-an an-nlhlnd-an LL] IJJ CUUICIIIJQULUIJA St. Andrew's VVard the two candidates were James Purvis and J. G. Strong. Mr. Strong retired in favor of Mr. Purvis. In St George s Ward the candidates were Rev. IW 1\ TunT.m.A ,Tnnnv~Jn Dunllnn Ant` 11' `KT ' J. `W. Mo;';`(;;v`l-;(-)`-,: s; McKay 123, D. Far- quharson 114, John Hines .112, John Barr 103, R. Powell 91, John Cheesman 58, J. Palmer 6. A A ' CENTRE WARD. . Robeft; E. Fletcher 230, S. Caldwell 200, John PlaxtonV185, 0. -H. Lyon 184, R. A; Dutton` 104. A V : T v .~'Civnlili<.'. .`\H|_|1ll\,'\.`\l\|l`;l 1 lI`4l\l`JDl.--.lHl5 gm: :1 the e'1'e:1t rv-writers, the rr-at sit reputation in illdc-p:u~vnmn1+nflnimun 'ledg'e. make up its orr-nn!rih11Ior.~;. Rel'im_1, philosophy. lit:x-:'mm>, tr 'els, discoveries. :.l(yi'l1`.~&>.illl1lI'lll <-inn`-(-.ix'uble pics are embraced :1 il1:- .-mum-t.~=, and L`,\ (`.l`_V ody old or young, Io-tn-nwrl .'l'Hl imlun.1'n4.-ll, wit our. x`c;::n'(l to sex, . [ind something u1'si..-<-illl lnlI*l'(`Hi, in o\'(rx'_\ ssne. liiI*mv`_\'_ `(`(lll(`,.il0n l. 8. story. an art. it an u<.rri<-,ult r, .11. financial and a. political pnqn-,1` co1nbine( _` 2 ' V Bl{i<`,Al)'l`l{. ()Al\`I)() , E\RNVES'I`I\'F.SS.~- The lnrlmu'-,nrlent. is 'ie .,-` 0 no denomination ;it H the or;.,'a.n 0' no cl ue or pzirtyin state or C/ll1ll'('ll. IL is free. it-refore; to discuss all ~1l1'.`Sll<)nS, and to me: its mind candidly, It i.-31101 -`l\\'(3YV(db_V fcuorfuxor. It i.-= a.vi9,`or- ous defender of -_' Evangelical faith, it proaclurs practical ri iteousness. and earnestly bll])p( rts all lIlO]`1Lll`L rms. All` its c-ol u`mns- tlw :J.d\'ux`liSiv g as w . ll nsvthe reading`--a.ie free from . evcrythimz oA douhtful or objectionable clizn-:u-ier. No mu 5 ,1` what a. person s religion. poliiics, or prof:-ss n mwy be. if he desires to Keep up wnli th l)I`lL.'lli(`St minds a , thinking of. the ablest pens auto wx-itinszw ou and what the world at large .35 doing-110 slm ` read The Independent. VIVVFII DCL` l\ `WV"D`l'V'DI.`I'-FEDE- S -+- It IS a." religious, times and know what the` T .13.. Richanlnon, 250 '0 F. Wattie, . _ A 243 John Kerfoot, ' 202 Capt. Leadlay, 198 AI LIs'roN.--Reeve, J} Stewart; Council- lors-McMa.vler, McGarvey, Cunningham. Allen. Y\_ _____ 'I'\ VIN` (E l`I inc. | CoLLINGwooD.-M ayor, John Nettleton ; Reeve, G. Moberly; Deputy `Reeve, John N ettleton ; Councullors--First Ward-H. Evison, W, J. Frame; Second Ward H Foreman, Robert Wright; Third Ward-E.` Bennett, James Henry; Fourth Ward- C. E. Stephens, N. B. Hillborn ; Fnfth Ward- A. Mcl)ern_nd, R`; Conn. T `I1 v v n : n n n n x ; n n . u. Qnnblu . I `....... ...'`II...... ORILLIA.--MaYOrg John McOosh ; Reeve, J. B. lhompson; Deputy Reeve, Wm. Ram- sa.y;Councillors-South Ward--J. J. Hat ley, W. J. Gilpin. H. Robbins ; North Ward -V. Bertram. S. S. Robinson, R Mdrner; West Ward--Jno. Bern, Col. Robinson, R. J. Sanderson. - rg__A___, __ __#___ It `-11 1- -Ir U I KIGIIIICI llluln PENErANGU1sHENE.--Mayor, W. J . Keat- ing'; Reeve, C. McGibbon ; Councillors-`-H H. Thompson, C. G. Gendron,` G. H. Wright, Z, A; Hall, A. Chalue ,..and J. Smith`. ' - - (V__.-______ 1'i,._,, `II `II (`I I IN. "'sG`}'nXLf'ii1Z2`3', Robe; Pacan; Deputy Reeve. W. Switzer;0onnct1lors- Roseborough, Brothers, Matthews. .:``-' I W` A u 'l`I\IlY\YnI!Y'I') , Danna `KT 1' --.-...` INNIsFIL.'-Reeve, G. P. McKay. 461, Wm. Metcalfe, 315 ; 131: Deputy Reeve. Jno. Rose, 446, John Gordon, 280; "2nd Deputy Reeve, E. A. Little, 451, S `J. Reid, 886; Councillors--James Black,- 496; Wm. 'J.V Scrougie, 411 ; Edward McConkev, "356. lX7nnm (11:17: I vnhnn-nu! , ,, Dnnnh T D KIWI IJHEIU TIL , I.H\IV'I.I:`-I b'J.U\}IJQ9" I""II' Wnsr GWILLIMBURY. - Reeve, J . D. Booth ; Deputy Reeve, J. Mc_Afeo ;Counc11- lors-W. Evans, ~W.>Robinson, E. J es. A`l\TAY A Donna "1 nnsi-{nun n.. I\Annl-11 LLIJDIJI BRADFoRD.-Ree.ve, Thos. S. Graham; 1Counci11ors-4John Bowles, Thos. DewLon, Wm. Campbell, Samuel Lukas. \ 1 Rwwrnn Zpanlrn Tkna Afltinn o l`.nnnn" 1 VV ILL; \JK|J-IIJLIKFII, KJQI-I-IK-|`7l JJlLK\`_'Du 1 1 BEE'I`0N.-Re_eve, Thoa. Atkins; Uouncil- lors G. T. Clark, W G. Stephens, W. H. K Mitchell, Wm. Parkins. PI . nu..." . 'n......-.-..... `D.....-..< ru.-- 1).. &V.LIU\4IlUll, VV LL15 J. QIKXLLIDI CARDWELL Townsmr.-.-Reeve,l Chas. Ro- bertson; Councillors -- John Kirkland, Joseph Wilson, Allen Wilson and F. W, Coate. ' _____________ '|____, `I'_I ,, `T An! A i child rcn.- fir" 'I`hro.en1onths..g1'. T 75 One yea:-........'..$3 O0 M)1u'n10nths. . .531 ()0 '|`_wo years . . . . . . .. 5 00 Six months,... . 1 50 Fxve yea.rs.... .. . .10 00 - ("un any 0 make abetceq investxnnt of $2.00 to $3.00 t_ n one which w1'] Dav 52 Div ends During the Year '! T ` Every int igc-nt family needs agood news- paper. It . A nnn `Jr fn vnnlrn 01-an nnnnn`nI nnnn Af Tho 's a necessity for parents and` wuuunus, vv nu uruxynv, Lmlluuaul uupuuuux. . MIDLAND -`--Reeve, W. 11, Bennett ;0oun-7 cillors--J. Freeborne, R. Murphy, N. Mo- ` Corvie, D. Hewis. - 4 f\nvvv nQ1l;h- Tnk-1 Lf..t"....|.. . 1)--.-`- { W1?:NER.-Reeve, E. B. Snzidersg Con- \ ` cillors--S. L. Devlin, W. McBeth,i 'M: Mc- `: ` Eachern, S. L. Perkins. ' V . : 4` " I)...-H. ` . srvxvxvvnnvn ' DALL . 'I)-LL-_ . l`i*'$`x`v'is'Zi?p"."i'.izZ32f"v'rT` .p.;.g5n; Deputy Reeve, W. J. Beattv ; Councillors- Belfrfey, T. Robinson, 8. Robinson, A. Smith. -3 cu ` I-Uli V` o LHVQIJH, ` VV 3 LBUUIIIBUII {Hg (JULIE; ' ADJALA.-.-Reeve, T. Ronan ;~ Deputy` Reeve, P. Small ; Councillors;-Thosx Ryan, Thos. Guest, James Holland. ; - = - ' 13.... 0--.... Q...........l D.'.........{. 9r'm"_T.... .I.llUDa \J|lUD|l, UIIII-IUD LIULIQI-I\lo . `I ' V ` EssA.-Reeve_, Samuel Rogqrq, 302. J as. F. Lyons, 257 ; lat Deputy Reeve, T. W. 'i_ Lennox bv acclamacion ;'2nd Deputy Reeve, v J as. Chapman. by scolamation ; Oounoillorsf LVLUIJUCILI J.U`J "I'."l1.os\./.' Pearcey, 119 L1; &VJ.\JII\3I J-Iv: \I\II-Illa! HUMPHREY.--Reeve, Scott; Councillors--. ` Frazer, Shuttleworth, Sirett, and Lawson. l MI n nntunxr l`nu7\7utr~rn Dnnuvn A A.-`Ink can 1 L LIlQUl' LJIII-IUUIUVVIII VII. \ IICIlU, Qllll IJQVVUIII-In MORRISON TOWNSHIP -Reeve. Adolphus Wiancko ; Councillora-James Young. John ` Canning, Wm Sample, Michael Ulipsham. 1 MTTII A\`!h _-__'I-Poona `X7 El D........c4. . 41...... 7 1.31` mar. T J. Diclienson, 97 Dr. McCarthy, 137 2ND mar. W. C. McLean,-106 "l`L..~.c. Dn nnnnn u I10 150. Box 2737, nu cu " uxjv uncu- . (`Elie xiaesult-s of the polling are the. foilow mg: . ' - ' L I Ross, Dickinson, and I-`earcey laid away- Mr. Mccarthy and McLean on the ' up Grade. s ' In spite of the, dismally gloomy atmos- phere, and an all day rain on Monday, the elections for Municipal Councillors made the time lively. There .was' scarcely a word said i about these elections till the Nomination day when the interest began to show itself by the number of nominations. For the Mayor- alty there was no contest, his Worship Mayor Sewrey being elected by acclamation. The chief interest in the election centered about the reeveships. ` The contest between Mr. W. B. Cross and Mr. G. H..Ross was the subject of general talk, speculating and some betting, while -the deputy reeveships I were scarcely less exciting. Good humor and pleasant joking characterized the day s operations, and the little pointers from the I ADVANCE went straight home, giving food for thought and prompting to right action. I One feature of this election was the number .` of lady voters who , went `to record their votes. Rain did not seem to damp their in- terest in the new duties which they have as- sumed. So far as We could see none of the `evils predicted as the result of women vot- ing have been brought about in _the places ' Where the womans ffranchise has been freely and largely, used. ` l`kn nnanll-o nli 4-kn r \r\l`r1'r\no nun J-inn $'..lnr.s \ REEVE. \\'ES'l`. W. B. Cross, 115 T C, H. Ross, 119 w. n. cnoss Is nuuunrs Nnw 1>o1>u- ` D - 1 ----:--2 1 ,UUR MUNIGIPALT ELEGTIUNS. L D YV_Zl\L Ill-I-\J \IQI-l\-Kl-LIQUKIP V'\/L`) I-I-I370 uIt1:Leod,.Joseph Pullan and E. W. : votes for each candidate were, E. W Kmg. ' _ ` 120 Joseph Pullan, - - 98 Rev. Mr. Mc Leod, 48- Municipal Elections; VESPRA.--FOR REEVE. `J. Sissons, R. Orrock. Alex. Finly, John Johnson, COUNCILLORS WEST VVARD. Io-1,1 i c. 1) EP.UTY -' REEVE; C0`UNCAILL_0R"S.' EAST WARD. \\'I:s'1`; cmbimm. EAST. 1'IE IHW (`IX 132 126 98 l_56 .V1l.`r;\7|]` A 110 THE BARRIE, COUNTY OF SIMCOE, ()NTARIO,%THURSDAY, JANUAEE 7, 1E V E CAN LENI) MONEY at rates consider- `; ably lower than any one else in the County, and on terms of repavment to suit bor- rowers. Having at our disposal a. large amount of old country funds,`we can advance . moneys as low as 5 per cant. `KIT- __.__;-I1_ _-_:A_ AL... \.__!_.___..I -__L_A__ 263 153 INTERESTS OF BARBIE, THE COUNTY OF SIMCOEV AND THE DOMINION OF _ CANADA OUR CRITERION. 223 167 70` 60 67 59 man; 69 63 265 V 353 305 304 . .._.....v., -.a vvui -v .. ..... .. r..- ...... We especially invite those having real estate or sale, or (1e81!`0u of purchasing. to call upon us. '0 have :1 lax-are amount of farm angl ito vvn property for sale. and have many appli- cations by intending purchasers. `Our rates [will be found liberal. Mortgages, Notes, &c., Pilrchased. Collections nmde_. Conveyancing done, and In aumnces ofoall kinds effects d. V

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