Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 31 Dec 1885, p. 7

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Angus U. noupur, naq.; la. a. nurneau. naq. . Insurances effected at Moderate Rates of Premium. Dwelling. Churches and Farm G. F. 0. SMITH, . IOSEPH ROGERS. Ree.-Secy. . Agent. Police Cour Montreal. Barrie Properties insured at specially Low Rates I Has now 9. lar a supply of Trunks from 500 up I to I95: Ya no and Satchels Bottom ' P1-icea..Also. V SingleIa';nd Double Hamegs, Oolldrp, Sad- dles, 0u~rry'C'.ombs, Brushes,` [Whips ,' " - a md'Lashes, ' .. ,,#;_-_A- _...n. ___-__I_-.i__ '9 no - CAUTION.-Any d(<:e-v.1Zef*t7<)unii eiing othet: oils as Lardine 0113 will be a: rosecuted. 17-42 Lt prices to quit verybod . Hnrneu 01 and . .Varnlsh`alwa,vs natock. V V : nun`; rnrxin nnhubmr v ndiru A 1 -r 4FANTGY'IiJfiinIE ` Silks, Chnilles andWI<::ncy wools of'a.1l kinds ; -A Toys, etc. - H-,-an -_w 1_-12_s;._.1I_-n-_-___,__,1,-_o, ,, 1 1 - vi -4, vuy. Ea A call solicited before purchasing elsewhere. ' The only GENUINE Lardjne on the market is made by MOCOLL BROS. 8: Co., of To- rnntn and when hnvinnr malt fnr Also `.;1gA;_eAntfor 46:5-gklmraz Implements. GIVE ME .41 CUILL.--Sign of the `Golden u..a.u.. n n'...n-u 94.--; n.-..:- .on_m III V `'4 `I418 it lvtllllulln "9 ll UL VI-I9 \JUI\IUII s.ad1a."'B'.vna1d st ms"'3mie. V20-19| - Fm. I)\'Sl Fl'.~'IA -and liver complaint, you ' lave a printed guarantee on every bottlej of I Iauilin, Allandale. .\m1oh s Vitalizcv. It never fails to "cure. Hold [by John Wo_ods,; Barrie, and M. J.` .-o an -1` IIo(i?t11rL1,1L85 iworthwastem Raways. 'i'_o `}1'1'f pom} Vlvcoa? 5:1; Wwst. Qndinitanitob; Fortjckepa.rates..etc.,'apply to A ` . . % A;vAus;r.. Rom`. QUINN, Agent N. 85 N, W; Rn. . General Passenger Agent. 7 Barrie`, 9-tf. Cheap Wools and _lraids% :0"! ` `-TCT`C *:'A.:w.r::.=-11\'rG- ' _ FOR BRAIUING AND EMBROIDERY; Silks, Canvases, Patterns, "Chenille, V Cards, Tassels; _Tabt`o Dmpe-, `fro. |cnvsTAI. PALACE stokes ntemovfm s:EpA11aii~iT;"13iz d1h'7'i.'35i~rE. ALL WORK; ?15::cK1a-rs MRS. STEPHENS 1. [ Dry-,r:{00ds mefc$hanf:--`.`You would like a place in my store, Mr. Shawmut? Have you had much clerical expe'rience? v Mr. Shawmut-~Well, no. The fact is 1 mm not a church member. ' DON T BEMISLEDI - Also. Manufacturers of Cylinder, Wool, T Engine, a.nd.Ha.1-ness Oils. , ('V-IJ .._I_ l._ HARNESS EMPORIUM. 13-. F'17=a_s.>1t_- 1 $DD1y to MAGHINE 0l|.! Lee s B1oc1:.,11 FREEMAN? DUNLOP STREET .4 - BARRIE. Ca.rlin;zs and Labaws Celebrated Ales al- ' ways on hand. ' ' BRICK ST: 3:; MD nxvmlxa. Tm: REV. GEO. H. TIIAYER, of Bourbon, .ln`d.. says : Both myself and wife owe our lives to Shi1oh s Consumption Cure. Sold by John Woods, Barrie, and M. J. Hamlin,_ .~\1L'111 " IS THE PLACE TO GET ` A cum AND SUPEHIUHIGHUBEBIES. uquoks AND CIGARS; `s'I-R1-1-c;':E1*s 1l1l1U1LlLlUUn Why did thev take singers? A Branch olee, Barrie, next door to J. J. Brown's. 1171:` nnuvmu-urv'rn-`Iraq an-.. _ -,,_ _._.__v . _v... ....-v 2,427 Chose Singer Machines. 235 ` Wheeler 8: Wilson. 127 Howe. 30 Wilcox 81'. Gibbs. A5 Wilson. 2 Davis. One Hundred and Eighteen distributed their choice among Ten other kinds of machines. l`hm:A oh-In warn tn any-n their living nn thaan ULIUIUU u.u1_uug 1611 OM18!` Kll1(lS.0I .IIl.8-01111188. ' Thqse girls were to earn Ihe1rl1v1ng on these machlnes; Iiilnuv a'I ilunur I>an`r4u QI-gnu-.-an!) nus: JUST HERE_.i v..-~-.1 ta After the Chicago re tne Relief Committee` undertook to furnish Sewing Machines to the needy women ofthat city. Applicants were Eerxmtted to _choose from sixteen different mds of machines 2.944 applicants were fur- nished with machines. I` nn-4Iu UK. 373%! Siiiiger hgasfiin thg mm Prize over all competitors` more -`than ;Two Hundred times.` Whv 1* ~ ` ' Lll.lIuUl.l1l.1Uo Why are _not similar companies formed for making Imvtations of other sewing Mm hines 2 The nuhlic will draw its nwn infarnnna, nnl umlung mnwuons or owner aevymg mm mnes '1 The public will draw its own Inference. Gold is continually counterfeited; brass and tin never. axnamn `First Fascnn--iMy eldest son was born wxth twoteeth. Second ditto (not to be outdone)--Mine had slight indications (if n `donut: 'I`l.-.$....1 /5n:u1vu-urn`-ants`-1tv\ ,, -qua.` Sold only by mm? ` .3 ' . Companies have sprung up in every art of the Union for making an "Imitation inger Machine. \ `Irina an-A nnf arn1nn l\I|ri\I-|nI\1'nn O.`-nnnn J..- MA~N=`5`;5sn,~o, r.sm vmnman MITS T0 emf] In a much larger scale than heretofore." BAYFIELD STREET- Opposite B. Hinds Dominion Hotise, Where she intends can-5_ing'on the --1: L...-g__ nj:-_.. READER! Mc0LL S LABDINE "A genuine patriot, said an election .mtur.reAce11t1y, must at all times be ready tu die for his country, even though 1: should cost him his life ! (Thunder- in_; applause.) - A N.v\.\'.-XL I.\'.JEc'roR free with each bottle at" .\`l1ilol1 s Catarrh Remedy. Price 50 cents. .\Id by John \Voods, Barrie, and M. J. 1.1401111), Allarjclale. 3 IUD U) LVIUUUIJIJ DIVUD. X \xU., UI route, and when [buying ask for FANGY GOODS. DONT FORGET THAT BA.RRI'E. Has removed to PURVIS B_ROS_., Barrie. FURNITURE DEAi.ERS. "%7v'iuT'i-1EI>}iia1TT1Z;%I _.]N`_.. ,oN Am: YOU .\1AnE`misera.ble by Indigestion, ' V1-uI]Stlp.lti()D, dizziness, loss of appetite, yel- '~ (.1 (lt)/Ila 1.- 1-;w skin? Shil0}1 s Vitalizer 15 a positive mxrc. Sold by John Woods. Barrle, and M. -J. Hamlin; Allamdale. T __ ` * L:u]_y uf the 11pusc--Uh, `my 9,racio'us ! \ou are guillg to sit down in my me I . 9-15 - !Eight Dom East of 0rd Stand. 1'tIcCarthY s mack, MCALLISTER. STORY & CO Y. i TDirect.from the Manufacturies id Europe A full Stock of ' HORSE SHOES, HORSE NAILS, CARRIAGE AND SLEIGH WOODENWARE BAR IRON, {Selling out at Goat Prices, Guys and Saucers, Toilet Sets a11AdVa,ses.A f A" T See SCOTT S Hones befere buying elsewhere, as he has ;the Largest Stock in_Barrie. MAL|.|STER, STORY & 00., C_H_RIS'IMAS AN D N YEAR CARDS, GED & PLAIN , 1'__ ___7 1-4 Au 9-: FOR.THE CHILDREN we have an im-mense assortment of 'l'OYS, &c., Building Blocks, Alphabet Blocks, Tool Chests, Drums, Sleighs, Rocking Horses, Iron Banks, &c. -v\\\.'A:\- 11.11135 IIQKI. BIISIIU LIIQIUQULULIW ii a lgeardf. Third (triumphantly)-A- htlyd daughter was" born ready vacci- na 8 .3; - Pluh Whi$Holders, Plush Hand Bags, '. T Plush Dressing Cases, Plush Mirrors, Plush Albnms, - Plush Papetries, Plush Photo Frames. where. his nunlerous patrons will n :a larger assortment of F08 CHRISTMAS! SCOTT THE i<;()0KSELLER JOSEPH uzaan TON, AMPLE PREPARATION FOR THE HOLIDAYS. G. BLA UK]?! 0RE9 One Door West of Oueen s Hotel,;' Has removed {to more convenient and larger premise `WORK BOXES`AN'I; WRITING DESKS. I V U The canker worm of the blood is scrofula, t1x;zt ,gnaws upon the Vitals and consumes the body. Consumption is but lung scrofula. Burdock :1ood_ l {1tte`rs is one of the best known combinations to cure scrofula. WPRA Nbrs A M E R1CX 1iV**C'A R'D.S `cm Buyers will findthe Prics Interesting. REMOVED ! SEASONABLE summesz NORWAY nmN av. s'l`EE!., BEST moor` COIL CHAIN, . ANVILS AND VISES, BOTHWLLLEBLOCK. 0PPOS1TE STATION-h UN DE RTAKER. Ilardware ! In packages siabie for S. S. '1"eachers, krom So. to 50c. than ever, at extraordinary low prices. Regulanty 15 the mam_spr1ng of llfeo 9' regularity of the bowels 18 one Of @119 `I330? essential laws` of health. B|11jdk B1 Bitters regulates the bowels In a natal! manner. curing constipation and oP!'9Vnt", serious disease. MERCHANT TAILOR, Have received a Large Stock of ordinary CARPENTER AND Always on hand. - HAS MADE - IS NOW MAKING mm-:c1' PHOTO- GRAPI-IS FROM cum SIZE % `UP To II x I4 CABINETS BARRAUD BOTIEiI'VV'.ELL'S BLOCK, mm $3.00 was nozsu. THE PHHTHGHAPHBH, _-.. --vu Son-Father, whatis all this. noise` about that Greece and Bulgaria; and Ser- Via. qnd the rest of the little fellows are makmg 1" T ` l'..&L.... l :\1 .1 I . - .1 SSE hat EAPIF3. IE, icons:-egallonal Church. stock. All order; will re- chive careful attention. n: of various designs and prices always in Funerals furgished com- plete. Caskets and Cof- 00l.L|E|lZ8T.= BARBIE. OPPOSIJLE THE S1uL011`s CAT.-uu:11 .REME1)Y-a positive cure for ca.ta'rrh, diptheria and canker mouth. Sold by John Woods, Barrie, and M. J. Hamlin, Allandale. Barrie, A leading Chicago paper gives its read- ers Points on Stage Rubbing. There is nothing like making a. paper useful to Its subscribers. A hint to old bachelors zv Oldbeau (to. young rival, before young lady to whom they are both a.ttentive)-"`Why, ,9! bless me, Charley, how you've grown . /N \A4L\.\J, A&\JIv lllthltl Axuuvv Jvu I J(}1I]I1iC~"[ guess, `enough for day. ` -u~:.x1u}.'. I` . 1`ath9r-` Oh, they are hungry`; `they '9 crylng for a piece of Turk9y,_ , _L ; povuuinn... T\-_t,, O ova II t-fl\J\J\I UL &lII19 O r )9 aralysxs, Deafness, Running Sores, Salt [`h`=1"I1. Neuralgia. Diaeased'Lwer,' Bright : nD1sease_ at the Kidneys, Diabetin,Tdi`schur'g,e's Of all kznds; cure guaranteed : Giles 'L_1ni.-, Igent Iodide Ammonia. and `Gilel `Pills. W0 0- I I u. BM! Beverages. ' - Mrs. Begosh--Algernon, I am ahbclvcb-A d- You have been drinking again !"- _ M211; Begosh--`-`I confeah it, my love- n can t exist wishout_ drinkin _ au_t_h_m . Mg:_dri_x3k." _ 11-` . ' . ' -"Er M.f-SW sh---But n0t_ 1:,i:`l97' 9", wretzi. 6 y dn"" Y0 d"_u-k `what ? I drink nothing else. Mr. Begoah (feeling1y)'--PI: bligh- Sw|,m1 s CURE will immediately relieve `crvup, whooping cough and bronchitis. Sold V by John Woods, Barrie, and M. J. Hamlm, Allandale. _ T ' . The fashion in dogs is changlng in New . York from red Irish setters to clipped fox terriers. The old `style of sausage still prevails, however. A ' 1 I f`1__A_ '11 ' 1',A,` I` . ~ I --3.. .('uCst---"Uh, that don't` make any mflcreuce ; I never eat `pies, anyhow. '1`! I (`AI 11 1- PI. elgzttc-S. V Z A ('ryi11g Evi1..--.Cl1ildren are often fret- r`u1:md ill when worms are the cause. Dr. I...-."s \\'m'm Syrup safely expels all worms. nu n I - I `Y " 3 Dr. 'I`:m11er.says_that with the unaided .-y.-(m'1_\'abm1t 5,U0O`sta'rs can be seen. up 'l`:x.m1cr11z1s cvidentlv never been on A L;\" ""777 7 7 7 77 77 V V ' Sunset Cox says he can't get `any good oysters in Constantinople. Don t kick, Id mzm. Aiu : Tu1key_go0d_ enough for. you. _ ` m n _._ ....\ l\....Jl....11` I-1--..-- LL- _,_1__ uuv. .,..5__V A ba-mud - be_e attitude alsptglta `ggrg h9'PPY when the vnth the etimz readv for bxgilrlleysur hand, Wm'u1s' often destroy `children, but Free- man s Worm Powders destroy worms, and. expel them from the svstem. /1 l,, 9: I VV1 LIJU J .~-.=,. National Pills are th . - A . and anti bilious medicines .f:K<;r1te PuF3t1Ve thorough. ' yam mud and W1. :_ _._;_ _______ L`M ` *`~-.. 1` Jilin.` lllcxxmve l)a.ndrulf.-`.?1ea_nse the scalp with Prof. Lnyv s Magic Sulphur Soap. A dcliglatful medlcated -soap for the toilet. t'.\Dlu1_uv- v The man who takes a. hint_is not "neces- sarily a thief. .j - Seems as if Hallowell, M_e., Ought to be 3 good town for the telephone. Hmv to get up a. dinner of great variety ..A.11uw yuur cook a wide range. 1<`jne--Tw0 dollars and costs. Finer-.-` the judge. Finis--t.he prisoner. ,,1 T)."II... ...... #1.... 9-.-Anita as-......-J.2_- 2 117 D9 ])Ullu\.A nu .....--vv~ " J *" II ' A 9:0 between--Ham in a. sandwich. A sound instructQr--A`music teacher. It is diicult job to set a. hen or aigood e.\iample. V _ _1_- :.-l-.... .. 1..'...a. .. ....L '........... "witty LITTLE THINGS rum THE W30Ln: wonnn KIN HEs%F Human. um mans. y Sayings Sandwiched with Purg- graphs for the Serious--'1'he Best - the Scissors Can Find. Lo fare--Iridian meal. [Close connections-Buttona. Buundin ca1f--the youthful ox. Bound in morocco--my lady s feet. "7---- 1 _ ......,].....I.. Nitt Decelnbef 31, 188.5. 0116 vtuvvvs M vlnululavuu JAVA nuuuo And I have seen the soul of man just in that condition. I have worked with him, prayed with him and wrestled with him day after day and week after week, and the devil would administer opiates to his soul and he would say : `J ust let me sleep until this service is over--this last hour's service of the meeting. Just let me sleep through this. And I have aroused him and we have sung, Come humble sinner, and on and on, and then he said : J ust let me sleep -through this last verse. But if I die, thatmerey ` sought . That on the King have cried, -. V It's thenjto die-:-,'_de_ligh`tfnl' liought-- As sinner ueYb1_`tdl`-Ad. '_ . And he sang" the verse thro'ugh,_, and he slept, until in-' hell he _opened his eyes,- how mensleep overitheir immortal inter.- t 5 r '39? men sleep ovierfthei interest pf their souls ! ' ' t closed hiliyes and, slept and slept and, wide awake- `forever ! . (.011, A brother; (can. you sleep that way? 011,; brother !. Oph, vv The Secret of Success. V ; The reason why Hagyat-d s Yellow Oil is so popular with the `people as a household remedy forpein, is-in who fact that l while; many linimente only_'_re1ieve, Yellow Oil both relieves and cures Arheumetiem and 7s'1,l,ehea,1_ pains, soreness` and lu'meneu.: _ V with our overcoat: and sluts. out. out: .won9_t. admit of our giving even $2.00. ;Itlver-Watch with everv tenth'o_ wen*tleth.pm:chaIe.' --No prize: 31 ' We d'ot1"t believe ll wdy of forejugt trade. We prefer to_ all -`our overcouu at Rock Bottom Pr 3, Instead. `no ! for bargains. at '1`. W. y as 00%. The saddest attitude of the soul as it lies on the brink of perdition is the atti- tude of slumber. A man sleeping over his immortal interest '1 Can you imagine a man like that? In our Statecwe have a Mr. William A-(Rogers, President of the Marietta Female College. One morning his wife was indisposed and he sent his servant to the drug store for quinine In a few moments the servant came back. Mrs. Rogers took the powder and put it on water, but as soon as she had swallowed it she walked to the front porch, and to her husband. who was in the ower yard, she said : Husband, that was not quin- ine Ietookjust now. I sent for quinine, ,but I am satised that was not quinine. her tongue. She rinsed it down with Mr. Rogers ran down with all his might -to the drug store and said : What was that you sent my wife ? The druggist threw up his hands .and said : Sir, I have sent enough morphine to your house to kill a dozen persons. Mr. Rogers ran over to the Doctor s ofiice and carried two physicians home with him - They admin- ous remedies, and directly a death-like stupor began to crawl over her frame, The agonized husband turned to-the doc- tors and said ': Is there any chance to save my poor wife T Yes, they re- plied, if we can keep her awake for four hours we can. give her life. T_hc.minutes_ `seemed like hours and they walked her up and down the oor, and threw cold water in her face and whipped her person_ with cruel switches, and every means was used. Directly that death-like stupor became so oppressive that she turned toher husband and said : Husband, please, sir, let. "me go to sleep," and he said, Oh, wife, if you go to sleep you will never wake up again in this world. I know that, she said, but please, sir, let me go to sleep; -And they walked her up and down the oor, and , directly, , when the stupor over- whelmed her whole `being. she turned to her husband, and said : Husb and,,please istered emetics and strong coffee and vari- 4 I sir, let me sleepifor just ve niinutes.- and he said: "Wife, If you go to sleep for ve minutes, you will never wake up. 1" Arise! Arouse ,. And thus they waited until the four hours had passed, and th doctors pronounced her safe. ` Ana 1 La. ...... .. 4.]... ..,...1 1'\cI\4\lIQ\ .'.-_1. :.._ Ladies Only. The complexion is oftenrendered unsight- ly by pimples, liver spots, and yellowness. These it is well known are caused from an inactive liver and had blood. Dr. Chase's Liver Cure puries the blood and whole system. See Recipe Book for toilet recipes, hints and suggestions on how to preserve the complexion- Sold by John Woods. ' } . A Sermon by Sam Jones. ; The following is an extract from a ser-` mon by Rev. Sam Jones, at St. Louis, Mo ! 1 V W1gt`a.l1 s Wit. On `the collapse of the rebellion, ex- Senator Wigfall fell in with a party of Union soldiers in Texas. Being well dis- guised, he entered freely into conversation with the soldiers of the guard, in course of whivh he asked what would they do }v:_ith old Wigfall if they were to catch 1m. 17 I1! W -Trve him right, replied Wigfall. "If I were with you I should be pulling at the end of the rope myself. V Fluid Lightning. All sufferers from that terrible torment, Neuralgia, can be made happy in one mo- ment by a single application of Fluid Light- ning brisklv rubbed on painful arts, and Without using anv disgusting me icine day after day with little or no result. Fluid Lightning also cures as effectually Tooth- ache, Lumbago, Rheumatism, Headache, and 18 only 25 cents per bottle at Geo. Monk- man s Drug Store` . n A IIIIIOC `fWe would hang him ccrtaln, was the reply. V HQ.-......,. L1... _...L& 7 .......1I...1 \IT1....C..Il |'iT uuv VI-no Taxpayer -These Indian wars are dreadfully expensive. It costs as much to ki1la.n Indian as it does to build 9. scl11_eol-h`c>`t1se. - In 11`! u '-.r ' .- \JJI\J\Il'II\l QUUI _Ma.n-About-T knbw 'it;' but then,.you get so much more for your money. _ ` "`1iiLx1T&$E}T'1'"w`S73?~Ei a?"'o: it--ho"s the very man for the Apaches; knows all- about em. ' ' - AlfI'II CI in -A "rare elm" >to buy overcoats cheap, now at '1`. . Gray an 0095. Cholera Preventative. I In order to withstand Cholera and such like epidemics a: perfect purity of blood,` and the proper action of the stomach are re quired. To insure that end, in the cheap- est, most available and complete manner, use McGreggor s Speedy Cure for Dyspepsia and Impure Blood. There is no purer, safer or more reliable remedy in existence for In- digestion, Dyspepsia, Costiveness, etc. Ask your neighbor or any person who has used it. Sold by Geo. Monkznan. Trial bottle given free. " '-'."i ." W0 1axpayer-I see Sheridaufa` going out West to reinforce Gen. Crook, Juan. A I-.nn+_'I".-.......' fVV`I-.'I -.E :1 L , guided woman ! 'Yot;;i(on tLread .newsh papers. . Water is .dilutid_a'ewage ! Wgter gab poison. - Better paush before `it's too ate-: ' Exnensive Relatively (my. V-......... hf __- cu. ,-_g ,1 9 . J. uuvvnnuu Neither the engineer nor reman even looked at him. He thought of climbing into the cab and waking them up, but gave up the idea. -on second thought, and returned to hisiseat in the car. Just as he reached it the Chicago express came rushing past, and in half a minute his own train moved on. V T I'll I'll I1 ` I I `I I` uaVuif::`&es,,inde.ed;- and_if you were to die, John. 1 would just be as" fond of gay thiorg; 1'33? ;o,,Wmn #0 snrrro on-any mg. n ov .- . * Ilawssa I vvvvu vnnt ` "` W`i1y, they must a.-been `waiting for _`that train ! he said to the man behind I him. r\1 n I 1 99 `Oh. certainly. ' And you knew it all the time 1 Of course. , A _ _ , Then, sir, I want 60 say that you are, .a pizen-mean man not to tell me 01 it, and I wouldn t sell you taters`if you offered $4 per bushel ! _ _ Boils, blotches,_pimplea and fostering some are indicatnona of mpure blood that should never be no looted, or ill health and erhaps incurable` iuease may": result." urdock Blood Bitte;ap1griliea_the blood by acting on the four cardixiaf f>oi'n't"a of "liea.lth-th ` Lnnnnnk. Hanna`: ,`;IAIm and ~ - . . I01` L o wowkn! ..Wb. Km- ` A Scotch I9. dIy, at her dou`ht_r n wed- ding. was a.'skod._by an` old friend whether `she might oohgratulate her `on`the_ even t. yherq?;,*a1wayg as .0 "Yes, yet, rep11ed"th e` mother," upon the` whole_ itis wary satiafa_utory.y It is true Jenie 11` , tether good ;j but -then Ithing 1" o 7 4.; _.,\.,.. ,,`,;. __L ..r7 2 .. adv avvuw vluv vusulvvb uxluuav an uuv VJUo The engineer looks down upon him as calm and placid as a June morning, but has no reply. ' A Anything give out I N 0 reply. The reman is next appealed to, but if Mr. Davis was ten thousand miles away that` reman could not have been more oblivious of his existence. 11 `T 1 O9 .1 n Uultvlvun VI. LILD IJALQUULIUUQ ` Now you look an-here ! says the farm- er, as he advances a foot nearer. I want to know why in Trophet this 7ere train is fooling around here alongside of this swamp instead of tending to bizness '1 l Mebbe you ve gottime to fool away, but ' : um When your horse igfgalled,` scratched or cut, or has an ugly sore, bathe twice daily, and apply McGreg'gor & Parke s Carbolic-` Cerate. %t is undoubted[y the `finest healing and cleansing application for it. Be-sure you get McGreggor & Parke s. Sold for 250. per box. at Geo. Monkman s Drug Store. .__-:--`, -- .--.-q- -----vv- 7. A tradition has long prevailed that the waters .of Lake Tahoe, in California, would not'susta.in a. human body, and. that many dariner-swimmers had perished `by venturing into its treacherous depths. Prof. La. Conte and the young. men of his scientic expedition have ' exploded. this delusion by swimming the lake.- ` Second` ha;-I-):I:('1-(1:wo _v:v'i;3_-`-Are -you as fond of me as you were of your rs: hus-. band dear '2 V ` `I730- (t.1T-__ !_.n__`J, .__J EB _. __ ___._- vv-ax v--vs l The best remedy fornough and all throat land lung troubles,`is one that loosens and dislodges the tough mucous, clears the bron- chial tubes, and allay: irritation. This is what Hagvard- s P-eotoral Balsam does in every case. r . . Ill}-I15 I.lIn|av- What s_the matter ? he derneuds as he looks the engmeer square in the eye, Tho nnnvsnah Innlru Aaxtnn Iunnn `:1-an nu [VIII WC` II-IIlQl' PUIIIUB UL ll` stomach. bowels, Inter and_ bloc ; _ `_..;'.-'_, ; " --BonhtV Lat?` Ila inter ees _la_nt week. and to be sold laug tar prices.` nan-fnnt Flttlnzz Overt: II. '1`. \l.Grnir gauv vv 5 The farmer goes out and walks down to the rear of the train, but nothing is in sight. Then he heads aboutfor the loco- motive. -When he reachesit he nds the reman oiling up and the engineer smok- ing. He ca.n t see that there is a. single wheel missing--not a. one. The cow- catcher is in its accustomed position- smokestack, cab and tender are seemingly all right, and Farmer Davis begins to feel indignant. . ~ 66 \XTL..J.9.. H... ......u..... on 1.... .1...._..__.3_ __ ...., .......... Ill ......_,. Mighty singular, isn t it I he queries of the man behind him as he draws "in his head. V . ' Yes. . _ Ever-know a} train to stop this way before? " ' Never. ' e Someone ougntto nd out the cause ' of it, hadn t they 7" ' Someone certainly had. Well, I'll go out. and look around a. little. If .they ve come to stop a-purpose to let some train run into us I want to know it." VCJDJ I Now that the train has come to a. stand- still without just cause or provocation something should be done. Indeed, somethingehadl` be done. and Mr. Davis is the "man to do it. He throws up his window. crawls out as far as he can, and looks up and down the train. He sees nothing to alarm. and nothing to indicate the cause of delay. ' Gs 1\/I':..1... ..........I.... :....n. :1. on 1.- -.----.: H _ The Man Who Wants to Find Out. When the train comes to a stop on a siding between two stations ssmething has got to be done. The veteran railroad - traveller either nulls out a newspaper or -settles down for a cat-nap, and the respon- -`sibilityof nding why the train is stand- ing here instead of thundering along twenty miles away devolves upon Farmer Davis. Mr. Davis got on two stations be- low, and is going three stations _beyond. He was at the depot just an hour and a half before train time, and he spent the long interval in reading railroad advertise- ments and walking up and down the plat- form. He didn t ask the station master if the train was on time over twenty times, which was letting him down very GESV. .-.uu vs-an; uavau uuu uuuusuu Amnuu U116 . sand, And soon the ehinlng reach was burnished A o'er ` K ` " " 'With Heaven s bright gold,` and every wave- let bore ' ` ` 1 The marvelous imprint of the Almighty : hand. Day after` day the wasting billows fret The gr-av-browed cliffs that stand against the sea. ..And- mark the limits of the wave a control- .So there are tides `in every human soul That, surging onward in their ow, are met By the `grim barriers of eternity. nuuv uusuugu uuu ccuuxug M5165 U1. lllgllli the roar _Of swelling tides lled sll the sleeping land. With early morn the sunlight kissed the nnnrl ' The billow ksea swept -forward o'er the r.+..-m ~ LIIU XIIIU " ` J qua awcyu-~1uI.'w.uru U01` 5118 strand x _ . And clasped with strong _white arms the kcliffbound shore, Whiin 4-l.........L. 41... ....|...~.:..... ..:..1.... -4: _:_,1_ . yuuuuuuu auuru, _ . While through the echoing aisles of night \ the mm- Awo'mVan in Georgia lived "forty-eight. days on water and then died. Water is :L pretty thin diet, for a fact, but we know some sailors who have lived nearly all their hves on Water. wlmm1ng in I.-`aka Tahoe. h.J:O:(\v\ "\n:`I\v\nI v-\nnIvn:1nt: 61 The Best vgovugh Cure. Horsemen, Attention; II I , Madam : Notion. Impuro Blood. .= - _,,,_-,I__ _,, 1 E,,L__',, ,, THE NORTH;/12.N ADVANCE. anuuguwr `IIIUQQ1 .0 To 0 DVULVUD LL` V DIDLIBIJ LL` \/ILLVAUA ' UUU,UUU Security, Prompt Payment, and Liberality in the adjustment of its Losses are the prominent` features otthis Company. CANADA noun) or nmnwrons: ~ Hon. Henry Sternes, Chairman ; Thos.C1-amp, Esq.. Dep.-Chairman; Theodore Hart. Esq.: Angus C. Hooper, Esq.; E. J. Barbeau. Esq. Inaurnnr-An nffnntnd at `Mndm-ntn Rntm: nf IVERPOOL Sc LONDON .8: GLOBE IN-7| SURANCECOMPANY. . LIFE A_F1nE.` INVESTED FUNDS - - Over $30,000,000 FUNDS INVESTED IN CANADA 900,000 snnm-itv_ P1-omnt Pavnmnt- and Tdhnv-stlitvin Mistress_~[ am glad -to meet [you :L=__::Lin, Mary.- I have not seen you," since ).u left us. Where are you now T V .\I;xry-----I. m nowhere, mumg I mar- xh;-cl Jun, the coachman/ _ , ' \`\'u\' w: H. Yul cough when Shiloh a Cure V \* Ell _Lfi\'` 17`muc-diate relief. Price 10 0133., 50 t.~:., and Sold by John \Voods, Barne, ;.:~.d M. J. Hamlin, AlIa.nda1e,- V TcLg:hcI`A~-"_[f your father _ gives you two uppics and your brother `gwes you three, how many have you ?" l._1.nn.\ 4! ....n.... .....\..,..In ... t\v\t\

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