Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 31 Dec 1885, p. 3

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U; nun:-_u-Ju q umgun -uunoouavun I-I) uv I })!`a.:I)ll1ti(3 to the time,that the universal` animation, is to wish our friends A .\l<-i-ry Cliristmas.l, . Besides its plea- Sl`.l't`S, the clay, to all thoughtful persons, hu..~: its duties. If we are glad `at the e-wnt that this `commemorates, we are s also thankful for it. In following our cneluni of giving a Chirstmas picture, we, this month, present one which il- lustmtes one feature in the observance of the day. It is a general custom for fumilii-s, to repair to their places of V\'<)l`Sl1l[), and there to offer thanks fur` the event of which Christmas day is the anniversary.` It is 9. pleasing sight to see those who are no longer young. `accompanied by -children and children s children, entering the house of worship, to joinin the services of the dav. , The child nhturally accompanies her gr'and~ parents, for she well knows ` the source of the choicest of her Christmas gifts and who for the rest of the year, grants her such indulgences as grand-parents only allow. How well the artist has represented the reverential air of the oldpeople, the self-satised content of the young parents, and the happiness of the child, as three generations enter the vestibule of the`church,an examination ofthe engraving will show. At this holiday time, the American Agricul Lurisi, as it enters so many families , would carry with it the greeting, to yonnz and old, of A Merry Christ- 7 Viv-`I-23 '-lgont at Ba. _rrle GO TO 11-1! ...v- -av g...-vv rm.-.--v u........ .1... vv\/`van -v..v vv -..!,u Advertisers will not be al1o_wed to use their space for advertising anything outside their own regular business. Should they do so, transient rates will be charged for such adver- tisement ~ ` V.--.....-..,.... --.. . ..-.--..........-. -.... , . Condensed advertisements on First Page, such as Wants of all kinds. Lost and Found, Property for Sale or to Rent. Specic Articles, Etc., Etc , must be accompanied with the cash, and wil be insei-ted-F1rst insertion. 2 cents per word. each subsequent insertion, 1 cent er word (names. addresses, and gures counte as words); but a. reduction to 1 cent per word will be made when the number of insertions of the same matter exceed FOUR. ` In the Mntter of the circulation of the Northern Advance. COUNTY OF SIMCOE, } I, Samuel Wesley, -ro WIT: , of the town of Barrie, in the County of Simcoe. proprietor of THE NORTHERN ADVANCE newspaper. do solemnly declare that the actual weeldy circulation of THE,NOR l`HERN ADVANCE 1s no fewer than THIRTEEN HUNDRED AND TWENTY COPIES. Ail!` `fl-unf T or-n fl-no rnahliuhnvv nf fl-an an{ V Knowleuge 0: L38 sum uwts. And I make this solemn declaration conscien- tiously believing the same to be true, and by virtue of the not passed _in the'.'l`hirty-seventh year of Her Ma._]_esty s re: 11 intxtuled An Act for the supp:-ess1on of V0 untary and extra-J u- icial Oaths. Declared before me at the Town or Barrie, in the County of Sim- coe. this 28th day of Wnhrnxu-v A n `IRQS QAMITFTT. \UFI.WV ..-- r - \:\4-nus uuun wus- &'-l;rele`rred positions in the paper will be sold at an advance of one third on above rates. This rule will be strictly carried out. CONTRACT CHANGES. Advertisers will please bear in mind that no- I tice of intention to change advertisements must be handed in to the office not later than Saturday at 10 o'clock, and the copy for such change must be in the ADVANCE office not later than 12 o clock noon on Tuesday, in any week ; otherwise the advertiser's announcement may not be made public until the week following. A ,1____l , _ , _ _ __'2n _...;_1.. .n._.___1 ;. ---_ 4I.-9__ 'l'H.IK'1`l$l5N HUNDRED AND 1 W.IN'.l' UUPIES. And that I am the publisher of the said Nonrmmx ADVANCE and therefoxe have full knowledge of the said facts. And 1 main: thin nnlemn declaration annsmipn. : UU. lalll 0011 UH) U `I;?`ebruary. A.D.. 1885. HAUGHTON LENNOX. A l",nrnrniaa3nnnII 1'1 "NI" 'ZII{i"x{d very quiet, hoping the horses would remain in sight until day- light should give me a good view of them. I had to wait for a. full hour, but when. the light grew strong the spectacle was one to make a man s `blood tingle. The circle had been enlarged until it was half a mile across, and mylittle camp was the center. Every horse, and there were 129 of them, stood with his head to this cen- ter, and soldiers could not have taken positions on the skirmish line in more precise order. T rsnuv n X n n v\:vv|n` ET.` nu`-Anal -v:LL D.AUUl1'l'UN unanuuax. , A Commissioner in B.R... &c., for County of Simcoe. ` I Weak Back. Enlarged`Joints._Para.lysis. Rheu- matism. Neuraigia, Diphtheria. Sciatica, Prolapsus Uteri, Female VVeak- ness. The best and only certain remedy to relieve pain of all kinds no matter of how long stand- imz. Instant relief smaranteo d crinnles. Swol- pain of all kinds matter stand- mg. rellef guarantee cripgles- len Joints, Varicose Veins. Bites 0 Insects or Sick Headache. No oil or grease; is clean and sweet: will not soil. Tnornvnnnn nMnv:Annwn 1):-o:rv`\f'a h:annun BWCCBZ W111 HUD B011. Inammation of the Kidneys.Bright`s Disease, Diabetes, Incontinence of Urine. It is the only Liniment in the world possessing alterative powers. Can be-taken internally ; cures Cramps and Colics, Diarrhoea and Dysentery. 1 Inch .... . .. . . . . . .. . . 1 2} Inches .......... . . 5 Inches, } Column.. 10 Inches; 9 Column 20 Inches, 1 Column W111 KIVB HQVICB U11 [lull (1lS(`3H.BUS`1l'B 01 cuuxgn. Beware of unscrupulous dealers and counterfeits. The enuine has the name blown in the glass and acsimileof the discoverer s name over "each cork 4(_)-eow-39 A*For one monththe three monthly rate with 15&er cent. added. an f1nn'nnnnl>I-an flux: flaw-no vnnnfi-11:1 waft: Ii) 61' UUl.ll_n _lH.l(.lUUo `*`l `or two months--the three monthly rate with 10 per cent. `added. jI'T_-l.< _ _ A _ _ ..3L-___ 1.. LL- ._....__ -___'1I L- LINIMENTKEDIDEAMMUNIAI Sold by all Drugglsts. Trial Bottle 25c. Write Dr. GILES, box 3,432 N. Y. P. 0., who will give advice on all diseasesfree of charge. 33?`!-laurnrn ni` nnnrw-nnnlnna nnlnv-I: and met to catch up." 1;;;.;;;;f,;,;;.;a;,..;;` for? calves in October, lambs" in May, -and pigs in the last week in March or `early in April. 1)-_-n.___ A-._ 1.1.- 1_-1:_1-__ _L--_Ij 1.- CONTRACT ADVERTISING. Contract advertisements will be taken at the following rates, which are drafted on correct commercial principles, and, as they will be strictly adhered to in making new contracts after present" contracts expire, there will be only one price for all: . _ Dunno? `s'rn'r. :3A.BB_I:E:, 37 . O.NT.- G"Anvm`n'rIsnBs snoULn NOTE THIS 1uc'r.m ` (12 lines solid nonpareii make one inch). TBANBILNT ADVERTISEMENTS. First insertion, 10 cents per line. Each sub uent insertion. 4 cents per line. 5: notices. 10 cents ner line for first in- sertion: 5 oents per line for each subsequent lnsertxon of the same matter. Tnan` l'\%nCn1 IIIII llnnnnnvnnnf an`!-rovlfhsn IHHBFUUII 01 5118 831116 Illlloiaiofa Legal, Omcial and Government advertise i ments will be charged at above rates. A H. P. SANDERS, MERCHANT TAILOR, ADVERTISING RATES. The Advance has a sworn Circulation ol Thirteen Hundred and Twenty Copies, Almost, if notquite. double that of any other e Paper published in Barrie. [THE NORTHERN AnvAm:| - j a v `Jnlocks all tlxe clogged avenues ofthe B-qwels, Kidneys and Liver, carrying 01 gradually \\lllIOLll. \vc:.kening the system, l:1llLl1e`i1npuri'=.ics and foul lmmors of the secretions; apilxe same time Correcting . . , . . . Acidity pf the Stoxnacn, cunng B1_11- ousness, uysp.-_psia. .uea.o;acr es. D1Z- ziness. heartburn. Cons".ipa.tion., Dryness. of` the Skin. Dropsv. Dim- ness pf Vision. J aundice, Salt Rheum, Bryan elas, Scrofula. Pluttenng oi the eart.`Nervous-mass and General Debility; all these and many other simi- lar Complaints yield to the happv inuence nr 'n1 1"D'nnntr 131' Ann ..'n1~mm't=Dc| ul.uu.uua )"lL`n| ul nu: nu;-tr nu 3?1ffRnocK 31.001) %1311='r}:R.` ~----, -- -- Poultry for the holidays should he pushed forward in` the fattening Coops`. Be careful not to over-feed, and to give variety enough to keep up the appetite. Mix charcoal in powder with the food, Pigs will fatten rapidly if kept warm, and nothing niakeshsrder, rmer pork, than sound corn meal. e ` Sample vBot1:1es 10c; Regular size $1. For sale by all_ dealers. T. MILBIIBN dz (1).. Proprietors. 'l_'lol-on`- The speediest and most certain medicine in the world. No. of Inches Space. A , I ALL FAMILIES USE I'I`. CONDENSED ADVERTISl!.MENTS. ra=*':.=.g_`_"g-Ha_ '\~*J`L! [EV "' L`- I. uvuuu \1 mu: 9 I pitied my own animal. He stood with the lariat drawn taut and trembled in every limb, and he was as wet with sweat as if I had gallcped him twenty miles. I realized how he must long to break away and join the wild rovers and forever end his drudgery. ` T .`.I...m.J nu; .'.:...,. 4.. W... '-,..L L... c...... ..t _ tlon. U110 Ipser 4 1 7"? g|i i > SAMUEL WESLEY. " 10 Inser- tions. (3 mos) m ` Inser- . tions. (6mos) ( PRICE FOR 555 moo 2 so]; 4 oo|i rnn nnp 1:366 I-\lL\lV\ll \Jll\l Assn us uuava I dared not rise to my feet; for fear. of alarming the drove, but,` "nevertheless, I had a clearview of -each horse. Most of them were magnicient animals. Manes down on their shoulders and tails on the grass. They were of variouscolors, and they ranged in age from the yearling colt up to the veterans probably 20 years old. The bays predominated, but every color was present. w- 1...: 1...-.. ,.r.........:..... ......1. '..u..... 3 5 $600 1400 ' UUULI ISLIUVVLI LU 18-]!- The Pills and Ointment are Manufactured only at - 533 OXFORD STREET, LONDON, And are sold by all Vendors of Medicines throu hout the Civilized World: with direc- tions or use in almost every language. 13' Pnrr-.hn..cwrn nhnnlri Innlz tn the Lnhnlq nn ULUIJU 1Ul.' LIEU Ill RIJLIIUSD GVCI) Jllglldg. 18' Purchasers should look to the Labels on the Pots and Boxes. If the address is not 538 Oxford Street. London. they are spurious. it isitrm i1;fa;1li1i)v1e`r-e'm7a T If eirectuauy rubbed `on the neck or chest, as salt. into meat, it cures Sore Throat, Diptheria Bronchitis. Colds, and even Ast1_1ma. For Glandular Swellings, Ab- scesses, P1168, Fistulas, And every kind of skin disease, it has never I been known to fail. ' 'I"|-sn Dilly nnpl f\n4~.\n..6 4....` Il.......l'....4.......l an recciv`-tv For Sale by Its searching and healing properties are known throuzhout the world. For the cure of Bad Legs. Bad Breasts. In! `I II? IVI giving tone, energy and vigor to these great MAIN enemas or Lure. They are condentl recommended as a. never failincz remedy in 9. cases where the constitution, from whatever cause, has become impaired or weakened. They are wonderfully efficacious in all ailments inci ental to Females of all ages, and as a Gen eral Family Medicine are um tn-passed. _ :_-___-".. _.-.---v-- v--' - V- -_v \1 nu V- 4;-so 44 a. you `Java-uuu. Old Wounds, Sores and Ulcers. 11 HI til Unvll ll \lVe had `been observing each other about ten minutes, when a jet-black stal- lion, who was the leader of the herd, gave a snort, threw up his heels into the air and broke off at a gallop, followed by the drove in single le. They ran in a._' true circle, and they made the circuit ve times before stopping. Then, at another signal from the leader, the circle broke and thehorses wheeled into a long, single line, or company front. m...\..... L ....... ..1A V\I\` 1.-.... An..- 1...; G-OUT; RHEUMATISM, -v '9`: u V-nu... ' J vv uvvu-go.-3-J van -1 lifwvmvh KW? anvwelsz ..R._:____ . ______ -__1 -_ 9f'hi Gieat Hohsehold Medicine ranks aogmt the leading necessaries of Life. I"'hc-an fntnnncfpilln nun-ifv tho Rlnn and cant `most. powerfully, yet soot ngly on the IIIJU IUEILIHK IIUUEBUIIFIBB 01 14110. These tamousPil1a pur' the Blood, and act `TIC C ,.*'. '.-.!-."."W. .$ Plfus EJVVCIVII-ll CUCUL UH IIIC I\lUllC) 7', k U"1`v`|) 14"-"'\-`J Gill ood. 500.000 SOLD` 02/er one-Iuzl/' mil/ion qf Dr. C /Iase:'s Rccf/u: Boo/I`: were sold in Canada `alum. I! '5 want crwry man, Vwoman and c/ti/41 70/20 is trml`/':z' `EU ?/L 1.[.'u:r C um- ! plaint to try this `excellent rzmmfy. , I A n I I-' 9: PUbl|lVC|y CUYC IHCSC CUIIIIJILLIIILD. SOMETHING New. GIVEN AWAY FREE , \Vi-apped around every bottle of Dr. (.`h:\se s Liver Cure is a valuable Household l\ledic"al Guide and Recipe Book (84 ages), containing over 200 use;{u_l,;:ccipes, pronouncexl) by medical men and druggists as invalu- ` able, and worth ten times the price of the medicine. 1 "IIIIIRQII Q QQ Q I I I X It I i'."Ii"ra"A'iIs`ii ri'[iidI.'o'i"X.iiiE'diErd. ` A ; JUHN WOODS. AGENT, l3'f1_ I-F5 [J I E3 It is a well known fact that an inactive liver causes a dull, sallow complexiongliver spots, punplcs, etc.; Chase's Liver Cure is the only remedy that wlll most positively cure these complaints. Gnu:-rumn Ilcm mcn lluuv Inn: , IVAIUHIL3 nr.Iu:.|.v V The unqualied success` of Dr Lhasa s Lxver (.ure m Livei* Complaint rests solely with the fact that it is compounded from nature's well known live; regulators RIANDRAKR AND DANDELl0N,'C0l11l)lncd wnh many other Invaluable roots, barks and herbs, havxng :1 gowerful e`ect on the Kidneys, Stomach, Bowcls and lnnrl I-_-nn Ann cnl nv - llLl\-, I-It Uvlutlwnly LLUIJU` Troop horses could not have done bet- ter. 1 thought at rst the line meant to charge me,` but at a. signal it made a. left wheel and , galloped straight" off on the. plain fora mile. Then {it broke, assumed the shape of 9. triangle and returned. When the leader was within pistol-shot he wheeled out and the horses formed in a square, with the four yearlings in the center. They galloped off for a mile or so, broke again and returned in two ranks. .-I' I ' . AV I:. V U u Liver Complaint. Dyspepsia, Indigestion, I)i'.iu1: jaundice, Headache, Di7.7in-. Pain in the I`.:.rk Costiveness or any disease arisirq from .1 dcramzed liver. DR. CHAsE's LIVER CURE will be found a nun: and certain remedy. l\l A1'nnr."c nrnnrnv WE3'E3 A?iLS Will thoroughly cum you. They do net gripe Gr gag.-:4;:=,T rm` act miiaiiy, maa V133-kEi~3V::` used are considered. price- less. They have gtvc-van to be 1523 To an 3i:$<=-__ \1\.uu1.I\, n Au|::v-\A uuny . .. ture on every box- F1 _thcsc 'Ce`!ebrntedT Pills : on of :1 2 cent: Beware was gazsfrea mm ,7? Sij imdahe H5. @RE.ATES' 5 Hi] yhwv! ;o..a: zz`: :33: as I had `an almost` irresistible desire to kill the leader with a bullet. Indeed, I reached for my rie with that intent, but then came the reflection that it would be little short of murder Such another per- fect horse I had never seen. His black coat shone like silk, his & limbs and kody were perfection, and he had the speed and, bottom of a. race-horse. Not a halt was made tor a full hour, and `then it was only preparatoryto taking _a. swift departure. The last maneuver was a circle -at a slow trot, and each horse whiunied in a coaxing manner to my own steed. Poor Selim! He struggled in the most frantic manner to `break loose, and when. nding all "his efforts of no avail he threw himself down on the grass and actually groaned his disappoint- ment. ` V .1 . 1 1 II HOLLOWAY S UINTMENT C`. 3?'E?SiA iki EEORGE MONKMAN, DRUGGIST, BARRIE._ .53/?LEr73 l. / /$754 my. NATURE'S REMEDY :::..,: ........-.\.. ,.r n.. (1.-.c...'c I L , nd" zr_<:-i .-`cu .clH.nb ILIMLH LADIES. {Lao ol-...o r\r\ 1 WHEN III\Jl_I I10 I rose up then and waved my blanket. Instead of rushing off in affright, as I ex- pected, the leaderof the band deliberate- ly approached me a few _rods and stood and snorted and pawed as if sending forth a challenge. Then set up ashout- ing, waved the blanket some more, and he took his place at the head, formed the band at `.`company front, and then went off at a gallop and maintained it as long` as I could see the waving line. ` and Has; Imitaons." {_i:1 1`-Inc. \\`it}1 "sigma--. ?rcc trial 1\;1c1<.*1ge of sent `to any address.` : stamp. 5" "\,""V`-'2` *.u`UI-U I Q--- :L V.-. v".Jz::; UTE END :'.:. :d front *2. max, 5 `:63 $1 /`-W0 Six `things are requisite to create a. happy home Integritymust be the archi- tect` and tidiness the `upholsterer. It must be warmed by a'ection,. lighted up with cheerfulness. and industry must be the ventilator. renewing the atmosphere and bringing in fresh salubrity `day bv day ; while over all. as a. protecting can- opy and glorv, nothing will sufce except the blessing of God. A christmas-'rhree Generations. . Christmas is the family holiday, and in the` family it is eminently the children's day. What parent so poor, that does not endeavor to makethe day memoralnle to the little ones! It is a pleasing thought that on this day, near- ly all over the world, the hearts of all tum towards the children, and that tll(.`_V:11`8 made happy in memory of The Child, who was born centuries g ). Ohirstmas, too, is themost joyous of lmli(l2ayS;`an(l merriment is so ap- .. .L,. 5.. LL.-. LZ..~.. 4L.\L J-L- .-....--..-......`- " (J '1 here are some persons who never suc- ceed, from being too indolent to attempt anything ; and others who regularly fall, because theinstant they `nd success in their power they grow indifferent and give over the attempt. A dull man is so near a. dead man that he is hardly to be ranked in the list of the living ; and as he is not to. be buried whilst he is half alive, so he is as little to be employed whilst he is half dead. . _ Caution. . Any liniment or other medicine that can- not be taken internally is unsafe for ordinary use. Ha.gya.rd a Yellow Oil, the prompt pain reliever, is safe and reliable forlallaches and pains, and can be swallowed as well. as`! applied. - l ' If a.'man empties his purse into h*'I head no man can take it away from. him." An investment in knowledge always pays the best interest. . --.. __'L- -_ ...-..._-_----.. I:_... __ _ uuu uunu u-uu.u.;u. The man who is suspicious lives in a. constant state of unhappiness. It would be better for his peace of mind to be too trustful than too guarded. -- _-v- -- c People have a custom of excusing the enormities of their conduct -by talking of their passmns, and ifthey were under the control of a. blind necessity, , and sinned because they could not help it. ' I "A :t~1:'ani;n;}'xo is not a.sha.t'r;ed Zof himself I need not be ashamed of his early condi- tion. ' ` ` Gems of Thought. Claus l.ulllU- Isn't he going to get us there before midmght ? he growled as the train slowed up. Then, as the speed increased until we seemed to be ying, A he con- tlnued : - .11": III 1 no .u . '1 1: run . When we_1ha.d. run ten or twelve miles_ in the manner described the conductor came through our car on his way forward. He had an anxious look on his face, and did not stop to answer questions. Before he was out of the coach, however, there was a terric crash, the forward end" of the coaches were smashed` and splintered. and then we rolled down an embunkinent and I brought up in a. eld. ' . I 1.0- nvnn l`_..rl n -can-nu. `l|nL ncvnu-v rumor: nus:-I IJEIEIJII Ilu Llualll up valv \J\JIl\l-ll\III\ll u Fruit Gardeh. > '1-`inc seasr)n'in many localities has in.-use line, that there should be but .litIlu:mtum11 workleft unnished. If ;my \V'ul`l{ s1lgqHHi(Nl for the former two 1:v,:1:il..=sst'ill remains undone, complete it 2:1 .~11r`<>. lieforesnow falls, pick up 1.` t~;:-H, lul-ls, stakes, zuzd whatever will V`.-~'<,~l' u-e ln-renfLeI', and hou:-`e_ them, _io_(< tlwr with laxlklers, baskets and "u:m`<-ls,e:u1d let useless stu' go to the ` \V0()(l.pilv, or rubbish heap. . . . Y1 ung orclxarils should he prepared" to pass the winter safely.. Make ' surface drains; l1(.-31) up a cone of earth around` the ` trees, and press it rm ; smear 2 the trunks with bloody meat to keep off the' 1'-abbits, and especially make sure of the fences and gates. . . .It is a mistake to delay taking scions and shoots for cat- tings, umil `towards spring; success is `greater with those that have not been exposed to severe weather. ...Trees that were heeled-in, shouldv have the earth over them rm and smooth to shed Pill val II I vunuvaao One of the passengers who lived in a. town fteen-or twenty milesahead of us, and who had a dozen or more parcels piled up ~`on'the_sea.t, soon began to fret and fufne. 1.1 .1 . A vmIU1:3 il have us off the track? That engineer is surely drunk! Some one ought to hunt up the conductor ! IXTL-.. ._-`L-_n ....._ L-.. __ L.....l._- _.:`I.._ The Christmas, ofsorrow. "We were coming up through Missouri on the afternoon before Christmas last year. It was terribly cold and bitter, and the snow lay deep on the tracks. There were dozens of men on the train with Christmas bundles, dozens of women with Christmas packages, and as the afternoon waned and we passed station after station the people dropped `off one by one until only a dozen of us were left. Soon after leaving a small station we all noticed the `singular actoon of the train. For a mile ortwo - we would be hauled along like lightning and then the speed would slow down to fteen miles an hour without ap- parent reason. l\.... ..E .1... ...................... _.L.. ]:.....7 3... .. I-I nan u All In uvnwac .. ,. It was God's mercy that every man and woman was not killed outright, but strangely enough, none of the passengers were even -badly bruised. When we had extricated ourselves from the wreck we went forward to the engine. It was off the track, on its back, andnnder the broken wheels and twisted and bent ma- chinery lay the engineer and reman, both dead. .-i I 1 ` - 1 Illl 1.5:. uvuuo Some one crept into the broken window of the cab to shut off the steam, and when he reappeared he had a package with the engineer a name on 11:. Instde was a. toy horse, three or four wooden soldiers, a whistle and other childish playthings. He `as well as others had some one who was` eagerly expecting Santa-Claus. `Mn 1.-.: ...... :.,a... 4.1.. ...\.... an .' J!..,.:..I..a. vf~"vLoJ \.lA'trI\J\JULIl Nltulmusn van-nun We had run intothe rear of a. freight - train which was takinga. aidingto. let us pass. We werejust fty seconds on her time. As their-a1-uvmen gathered .to res- cue the bodies from the wreck one of them took a. paper from the dead engineer s hand. It was a.'telegra.m received at the last'I`ta.tiun and read 2 `I .1 .\ The plough boy wept, for the wreck v;aa {than-nn ah... 'lhene we accounted for - the wild" run- I hing of the traiu-for what had before been a. mvstery. There were the Santa Claus gifts for the dear boy at home ; there was the telegram blasting all hopesv _--destroying all, visions of happiness- shatteriug in one moment/"a thousand plans for the future. b And men gathered clnserand wiped away tears and whis- pered : ` uA...`.J ...`I.... ........ ....... --.....c.\_:. LL- ._.-.1_ -_ V1 LUIS G IUI UV IILICII HUI-IU IIIIU DLICIU UIUGM through. The frightened team ran off with the plough With the apeedof the wind from the plough . 7 `Inn hnnnh ` ' 1 null IIIIV DVVWIL III. UIIU I'll-ILL LIUII-I Ill-IV boy, though _ [He shouted, whoa ! And into a. slough It plunged where the mud was soft as dough. Which There is Mental Food for the Broad Raiser as won as the Broad Eater-Fron1 the Best Sources. It is very poor economy to starve In Voung animals. Too often they lose` during the winter, what esh they have made in the summer, and come out in the spring no better than when they were weaned; besides using up time and food to restore their strength the next; summer. We have seen young stock which were worth twelve dollarsinethe fall, sold in the spring for seven or `eight dollars, after having been fed through the winter. It is this sort of bad man- agement which has no doubt given rise to the general complaint that farming. idrges not pay. ' 1 .l.ll\l '7 9? U, `UL U85`? VV VH1 7' T 1 _ e `1".3'o{{i'.h He ed that night from the farm to the j borough. yvsvm -_ ' And who now can comfort the mother- less wioow ! What a. Christmas the mor- row will bring her !" OATARRH-A NEW TREATS! ICN1`, Perhape the most extraordinary succese that has been achieved in `modern medicine has been obtained by the Dixon treatment for Catarrh. Outoi 2,000 patients treated during the past six months, fiiliy ninety per cent. have been cured of this stubborn malady. This is none the less startling when it is remem- bered tiiat not live per cent. of patients pre- senting themselves to the regular nractitioner I are beuetited, while the patent medicines and other advertaeti cures never record a cure at all. starting with the claim now generally be- | lievi.-d by the most scientic men that the disease is due to the presence of living para- sites in the tlstlle, Mr. Dixon at once adauted ms cure to their exterm nation--this accom- plished. he claims the Catarrh is practically ciired.and the pernianency is uiiquestioned,as cures eifected by him tour years are are cures still. No one else has ever attempted to cure Uatarrh in -this manner. and no other treat-. ment has ever ciiied *Catarrh. The apnlica- tion of the remedy is simple, and can be done at home. and the present season of the year at the most favourable for a speedy and perma- nentcure,the maioritv of cases being cured in one treatment. Sutferers should correspond with Messrs. A. H; DIXON &SON, 305 King street west. Toronto, Canada, and enclose stamp for their treatise on Catarrh..--.Mon- "" aI: Star. I70 I In Mitigation. ` Well, Ethallnda De Wiggs, I don't see how you could go` and engage your- self to that old Slimpkins. Why, he has not a. tooth in his head, exclaimed Miss eWigg s dearest; friend when she heard of the engagement. H\K7..II- An..- um ; Hnounnln H1-Inn vnnnf. The soil was hard, for the land was rough- Itley on the shores of an Irish lough _--_ Buthie well-fed team was stout _a_nd tough, And he plied his bough to flank and hough. He toiled all day and" the crew and chough Flew around his headythongh he oft` cried ah nn ah &' IF" IIc`\"` LIV UIU` IJIIUI-I But his plough at. eve struck a hidden aough With a. force that" sent the share clear. A.`I_..-___L LIUQU L3|4IllL\'II (~ll\_I `\J'-.`.l n ' . Fred was burned` to death tins , noon 1 ~ Mary. V - 'T`knn nun` nnnn-...L.\.J 9.... $1.... ....!L`l' .....- IJLU Uusqsu ILIUIIVU Well, dear was the reply, you must not" be too hard on him on that account, for he was born that way. V nun; L- 0.1` ,I..J..u 1--.... A-l...L nn T lUl' uu was Hutu uuau way. Wahe? Id1dn t know that, or I3 wou1dn t` have said anything about it, `was the sympathetic response. . Why Employ Doctors. T Consult a. doctor for a. 6 or 8 oz. `bottle of medicine $1 --consult John Woods and he will give you 9. 12 oz. bottle of Dr. 0ha.se s Ltver Cure for $1, and a valuable Recipe Book free. .__..-. \.uLvA.n u v \.1u. ugoyun ..- ... vUI.\a -.--...-s-v.1 - -V -I&\IvI min. and if need be ditches should be made to carry away water. If not ina 8lx'(ilt(`1`e(l, place, evergreen boughs laid ovmvt.l1ei1' to1_)s,a'ord the best protection, but hay or corn-stalks will answer; .~;H`:LW invites mice. . . .The pruning of ':::a}>()\in_GS should be completed before :~.m'<'1`(3 weather, especially if the wood is" to he used for cutting. . . .lf black- lsm-ios and raspberries are to be` pro- imguted, take up the roots, cut them into threcror four inch pieces, place an inch of soil in the bottom of a box, then a la yerof the root-cuttings, another lziycr of soil, and T so. on . alternately. Keep the l)ox in a cool cellar, or bury itoutsidc in a dry sandy place, below the reach of frost; _ 7 . The plough my wuZfeI1"'behina his plough, ` For his lungs were pound" and he had no Ann uh . ! .n.'v| u|uc(;uuIl51:I;Ivtllv ruuuu I10 J LIGU. 11 ~ He guided his tealnwith a pliant bough, And watered it` well at a wayside trough. Among well-bred people a mutual de- ference is a'ected;V contempt of- others disguised ; authority concealed; atten- tion given to each in his turn and an easy stream of conversation maintained, without vehemeuce, without interru ptic m. without eagerness` for victory and without a any airs of superiority. . THE NGRTHERN AnvAm.; Has th La.r_ga;3t: vA`sVs'e`tVs gver Lithiu- ties of any Fire Insurance Company A in the World. T In thanking the public of Barrie and vicinity for the liberal patronage bestowed upon him in the past, begs to state that he has at con- siderable expense increased his baking facili- ties and is now prepared to do a larger business than ever. _ BREAD Made in the various styles and quality the best -Delivered in all parts of the town. PIC-NIC PARTIES EOCIALS & WEDDINGS uI1nn13nH nf alnnnf nnfitin nn nu nnoanvuh`-Jo Parlor Suites. Bedroom sullen. I Sideboards. Easy Chain, &(-2., Cornice Poles, and all kinds of Furniture made to order by ' ompetent workmen. Also I Planing and Turning Done on Shortest Notice. l -`..owv\ -up-xc-vpun-o I OONVE YANCER, 4-c., , f | ISSUEROF MARRIAGE LICENSES Live Stock Notes, Coarse fodder, like corn stalks, hay from wet ground, bean vines, etc., should be fed first, and are best out up and fed with a little meal upon them, if there is any reason for economizing; When there is no such reason, they should be cut into foot lengths so" as to make the manure less difficult to handle -in the spring. When cows have eaten all the coarse fodder they will give them good hay, then clover hay, and nally a feed of roots, with meal and bran. In this way they will eat with better appe- tites, and the results either in 'esh, milk or butter, will be very marked. Most farmer's err in doing exactly the reverse. Feeding ground feed rst, then hay, and then let them,`."p,ick over the coarse stuff. Do not neglect - regular salting. "Keep no stock that it will not pay to winter. ; either sell,,; or have a quiet, funeral. Attempt. to winter no more stock than you can bring through in good condition. 'A V, half starved animal stops growing, and goes. back so far, that it takes half tne ]s_ui_n- lnom uusumcs BUMPANY I . AS:*1"TS: s299- - . kw ,1-1, II Barrie Sent. 11. 1878 Licensed Auctioneer for the County of Sitncoe. Orders left at the ADVANCE Office will be romptly attended to end information will be urnished parties requixfmg Mr. Ford's services. as though he h_a.d h1ms_elf been consulted. Sales taken in pncos to amt everybody. A LEADS _T_+3_E VAN. F`. J . BROVVN THE ABOVE ARE ALL STOCK COMPANIES. THE WATERLOO MUTUAL FIRE INSUR- ANCE 00. Capital. 8500.000. THE NORTHERN ASSURANCE COMPANY OF ABERDEEN AND LONDON. ,, 4, u an 1... AAA an; l of Wellington Hotel, Baveld st.. Barrie Auction Rooms and Oice. --Few Doors N ortb T 0FFIOE- Up-staarEoNDoN HOUSE, ; on Lennow :1: Lennox Flat. 4 Capital a2.ooo.ooo;-' deposited with the Govern- ment at Ottawa $100,000. Reserve fund 50,000 Sterling. THE MERCANTILE FIRE INSURANCE C0 [ Capital $500,000; Government deposit made. manufactured fresh every day. Ask `your grocer for them and you will use no other. now L081. FEmT` TREAsUnY. | We have recentlv published a new 1 edition of Dr. Cu'lverwell9s Cele- ; brated Essay on the radical and er- manent cure (without medicine) of 91'- vous Debility. Mental and Physical Incapacity, Impediments to Marriage. etc, resulting from excesses. ` 043-0.-inn In In undln nnvrnlnnn h~n`|v R nnnfn n-II - .". Jays. SCPIOGGIE, , convmucnn, co1mss1oNEn1Nn.c.J. Agent for the following Insnranoe Companies GXCESSBS. tt'Price in a sealed envelope, only 6 cents, or wn postage stamps. A The celebrated author. in this admirable Essa . cu arly demonstra.tes. fro_m thirty years successful practice. ihat alarming consequen~ ces may be rat` ically cured without the danger- ous use of internal medicines or the use of the kuise; pointing out a. mode of cure` at once. ~imple. certain and e ectua.l,, b _ means of which in er) sufferer. no ' matter vs at his condition ; udy b3,i ma.) cure himself cheaply, privately rn " cally. l . . HT` his Lecture should be in the handsjof -\ ery youth and every man in the land`; a ddm-an the (`JTLV IBRWELL MEDICAL Co.` ~|:co~n-n NIT. Ftjnn +'rU1u} ' Boll!-`ll,'l` AN!) sou). FUR Fishing: Tackle, ` AND SHOT I GUNS, AMMUNITION, &o. - I-I. PULLAN yovlm auu every man m we mnu. A dd was the CULVERWELL MEDICAL Co.` 41 Ann SL. N ew York. Post Office Box 450. POST OFFICiiJ"I;"I';I.I-:1)-I-1-*1. -G, BARRIE. DOMINIDN BAKERY JAMES EDWARDS," Rates Moderate:-f;ss-es Equitably and Promptly Adjusted. - JAMES EDWARDS, A nnnnlr n6 `Dans-I commn ran rm: FARMEB AND ` ms rummr _ A .I`REEMVAN S4 . WORM` POWDERS. Are pleasant to take. `Contain their own Pnrgntive. Is a. safe, sure, and eectlul bcavnr at worn: in Children orAdnlQ. 1\.j'LV1U FAR]. LED D\J\g'.I.A.IJD & VV l!alJlJ_.I.J.V I1` supplied at short notice and on reasonable I-nwnnn FU HNITURE GEO.R.FORD. CITY OF `LON DON , ENGLAND, Lessons given in all Branches of Painting. Drawin . &c.. &o. Terms on app cation QTI I I1 I (1 I..'I'Tn.nf.n.i1-n want nf Terms application STU D I O :-Up-stairs, West of Fire Hall. Colher street. Barrie. MANHOOD December 31, 1885. }oR1*RA1T13A1NTER I ` __.-.-- .-.-.u an.` gov Capitai: 3,000,000 `gt;-r`l'l.1;g. BISCUITS ornom `AT THE av- ...-.- VREDERICK J BROWN -av; vvuv av vv-V "EAVID DOUEALL I Tn Pnnrn OI-an Ila:-1 THE II\I\J\J-LLJJJJ L lfltear 0 the Ma 1-ket How RESTOBEDI The Grandest Sight onthe Plains. I had camped near the forks of the Platte, and was aroused just at daylight by footsteps around me. After listening for a moment I felt sure that they were the footsteps of horses. They seemed to be circling around me-not at a cantor- not at a trot, but at a moderate walk. It `was well that I had secured my horsein a thorough manner, for I -never saw him so excited. He tuggedand pulled at his lariat. stood up on his hind legs, neighed and snorted and pawned and pranced, and it was his action that gave me a clue to the identity of my visitors. They were wild horses! 7 Had they been Indian ponies my trained nurse would have remained as dumb and silent as a post. Indeed, In- dians would not have approached me in that manner.

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