Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 17 Dec 1885, p. 8

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\I&\I 0 12 WV`! 033 055 055 _nuuA.ou.na nuan nnnnl EUR. SALE IN V . the Towmhig or ve rs. cons: of the Westiof lot 6,l1n he 4t_h on., , qon, g 100 mores moreor one. A good creek runs on the lot. For further particulars at the An- _vmon 011109. or to the owne_r,. _ B__ `TING. Voookstown . . L 89-11 ' rumor Notice !' VALUABLE BUSH mam non sum: IN * w.;..".1.'E2!'.P'.`3.` .2`.Y'R!- 9;-1-39:0! the HERBERT SMITH having leased the stone ' Blacksmith Shop. Clapperton-st., next to the Simcoe Hotel. is prepared to doell kinds of work, Horse shoeing or the latest iinproved atyles, preventing of interfering, forging. con- traction and tender feet carefully treated. Builders supplied and estimates furnished. 16 mun cu1*r1Ni;&`sh'mf?;i*AnLon New Bookstore islnow opef with a Stock of X-mas and New Year : cam, Fan Goods, Toys, station- ary; Prlzo Books andy Books. BLACKMORES OLD STAND, "Our goods are all marlxed in plain gures, and thel lstock - large, varied and well assorted. A fare chan to buy overcoat: cheap, now at '1` . Gray at 009:. :ro1>1>osITE BARBIE HOTE"I7., H ` STREET. IA XMAS BOX TO THE PUBLIC Do not be misled, but come in and see for yoilrselves that` we are really giving Do not forget the place, OUR GENUINE 20 PER GENT. DISGOUNF SALE! OVERGOATS CROMPTON 8; RYAN. SPECIAL VALUE .,_.__. _'---, The $506 aeouritywin the Beeton . incorporation appeal case has been deposited with the county treasurer. The appeal will likely be heardein January. V ' 11 r? n1,,__-_ _.-_LI:-1.. J.I_-._I-.. LS- .I--L-._ va. ouLv|.=.nw:|.L's , BARBIi < Inucxsmtpl _snoI> 1 THE GOLDEN BEAVER. BIG BARGAINS! SUITS! L. S; & C. L. SANDERS, OPPOSITE THE su\.s,;m:RsETT HOTEL. -AND- --- ESTEND \ BOOKSTORE. -~--.... -_. - _.._--,-. .... -._, -- _ E. H. Traves publicly thanks his doctor for so quickly xing n) his fractured skull- He says that inside 0 six weeks he had hunted and shot three ne deer. * , IIIOIT .5-l Watchmakers and Jewelers," I ' .Dunlop Street, Barrie.` -1s_ I, ma. uu'uuna.--'1`nst the Eleurv Implement - - Shop keggby Joseph Steele. in Barrie. will be 7 durln ....e.:P..:**mo..:.r'; *1 Samdayzzt. 8 " U810 LESSONS. -; re- celve a. limited. number of music pupils, voosl a.n(1'Inntrumenta.l. For particulars as to he - time of lessons. -eto.. apply at No. 3 R 'l`erraoa.. 41-15 _ --- , AID N0'l`ICE.-'l`hat the Fleurv 11.111111611191113 "`J_ !.-I'P'* S1=213J9,B9!.<~ will Arman an - -~ - - OR SALE.-LO'I` 6, CON. 8, VESPRA 200 acres well timbered. within half a miie of railway station. There is a. house and some imrovement upon the pro erty. Also West ha of the East half of lot 0. 10, Con. 10, Ves- pra; consisting otlio acres, twenty cleared. A never failing stream runsthrouzh the proxigrty. Terms easy. Within amile of churches.s res, post olqo. &o. JOHN KENT. Minesing. 49-ti! Farmers will `the hig;1;st Tofonto price for Cake Tallow 1! brought to the Tannery. aafoash Paid for Hide: and Sklnura 461:! ` . W. H. CROSS Sc 00. l%cA K E TALLOWI Mr. M.`Cra.igie, days ago shot a. very fine otter. Its measurement was ve end a. half feet from tip to tip. rl I an. n I0,000 LBS. OF WANTED. Yllll ASWFIEEAIEMANTLES CROMPTON8;B_YAN, - f'\I\I l'\r-An rul- $3%\.W7E gm ----BY BU YING---- GRANDNVALUE` GOLDEN BEAVER. no SMOKERS; For all the noted Brands of Imported 33% Domestic Cigars. Tobaccoa, Meemchaglgl A 1 " GI Bo `Dc Pipel, &O-9 &0-o $0 Con To ocoD ` (2, Si of the Indian Chief. P'.1d er. - nf`n:'1' Dunlap Street B"`' uligbg-In ' "Ii 1:g1.;`%y;;.m: ii `;;:e;;;.;,'".;;;;u;;" $4.. La.mbert.lately married the girl the said youth wanted. Th? course of true love. FARM FOR SALE.-122 ACRE FARM FOR farm for sale or rent, Lot 23. 7th Con. V0?` DPB. 1} miles fromBarrie, on good road; land 19 Sandy loam with clay bottom; 90 acres cleared and well fenced, all under cultivation. 40 acres In crop. balance seeded down ; good well cg W3-tl`. 8 small pond in the barn yard; 00 house, large barn 60 x 40. stable under the art` that will hold 20 head of cattle. driving and 1m plement sheds, shoe and pi houses. &c.. 8 good yonn orchard. ihbe so d on easy terms or rented or a number of years. Appli 815 the ADVANCE Oice, or to the owner on t 6 DP0 vninnn zsempenxemr, nag. . The above Ian 9 are offered especially cheat) and in nearly every case a. very small cash ai- ment will be accepted. and easy terms V011 for the balance. ` Tho I-vnnnwsf fI\TI`?I'I `nfu nnn Inn I\I`II|(\}1Qf\d on I01` me oatance. ' The vacant town lots can be purcha_sed Q0 still easier terms, in case the purchaser mtenf E to build immediately. Apply to ,_--..u W811 BIEIIBLBQ, uuuuu o Luueu 11'0IIl AHIBIOII. . TIN Y.-E. } 88 in let Con., (except 4 acres) 3 very d fgzrm; 81200. N } t 9 m lat Uon. 100 acres good land. price $1000. N i VESPRA.-W. iof 24 in 6th C011,, ama1lclear_- 115, well wateredand timbered. soil good. art nf 22 in 6th Con. Vnnnm `Imam-ma, stood mg, weu wuereaana umnerea. sou gooa. art of 22 in 6th Con. Vespra, 110 acres, good house and burn; $1200. Qnvnrnl Pen-Ir '|'.ntn Want nf Mr T4`.umn'n real- nouse ana oarn; aswuu. Several Park Lots West. of Mr. Ewa.n's resi- dence and havmga. ne view of Barrie and Kempenfeldt. Ba . Thu nhnvn Inn 5: turn nan-Ad. pane:-inllv (`.he8D UIVIDD bvvu luuu, LILDIFUICIDI UL K/lllllu All 1 uu Unw- in 0 ORTH ORILLIA.--Pa.rt of Lot 3 in 1st(`on.. 80 30., 40 cleared, excellent soil. good buildinprs. property well watered, a. rst-class farm especi- 3113 Azggpted for stock rmsin ATITAQAIJA 1:`x..'1..+1 :. on. mm - 1VU'1"1'AWA:5A\iA.-111 9 or lot 1 m. am x'qn.; asplendid farm 90 acres cleared. good bu11d- ings. plenty of water from a never tailing stream. no waste land. fl\`lPlVl'TllQ`lP'l"l.I KT 1. T.nf A {vs 1141-. (`nu ma BBI`88I. I10 WESBB 18110. TECUMSETH..-N 9 Lot 4 in 11th (`.on.. 100 acres. Aboutsoaorea cleared. A ood farm. well situated, about 3 miles from A1 `atom. TTNV _N! 1 RR in Int non lnvna-nt A any-:xq\ R. ofalgradfo 3; got a pre- sent of 1a beautiful goat `slim robe from his congregation A few days ago. 1].. ll'-T\L-._..-.. _..A.--r-- I I` T` can ue easuy clearea. T INNISFIL.-~N i of Lot 19, and South .{:of Lot in 20, the 12th Con.. 100 acres each. Both ex- cellent farms. V r MEDON'l`E.-E i of W i of 6 in 1901 Con: v0 acres good land, x-st-class orchard 1n full bear- inc, we near. 111 me rownsmp. FLOS.-Pa.rt of N 510 in 7th con . 90 acres. about 30 acres cleared aml free from stunms.m` w frame dwelling house, soil good, balance of lot can be easily cleared. INNTQWII. __NT 1 nf T.nf 10 nnr1'QnnHx lnf 1.01 ___,` - nu...-....-. - FARMS ESSA.-E of Lot 5, and part of Lot 1; . in 7th Con. Essa. 138} acres, 100 acres clcared and free of stumps, balance well tilnlwrcd. The cleared land is rst-class the Tbuil(1in;:.~a arq large and in good repair. the farm being one 01 V the best in the Township. FInH.-Pnrt nf N 110 in 7th r-nn Q m"I`|`R. nuyumu street. A oargam. ALLANDALE.'--A comfortable double Dwel- lin House on Bradford street oppoiteblorthcrn sta ion. 10 good building lots well situated. rcmueuuc. 0-`JOU. A 5D16_Ddid building` site of 4:`; acres. near Mr: John Hmes residence. on the V\'cst snde or Bayc-Id street. A bargain. ALLANDA I.Ef-A nnmfnrfnhln dnnhln WW9]- uuuuueu ; QLZUU. Cottage and lot nearly opposite Dr. Ardagtrs residence. $350. A nnlnni }'nn'1{nrr cfn AI .4) nnr-nu nnnv` \Tv- mr. umpuocx sresxaence; Z00. Dwellm House on East snde of Owen street. occupied yMr. Bothwell, most conveniently situated : 81200. uccupxeo. by Mr. I situated ; $1200. (`.nH'Aon and In!- quurwny lnsuuments. t'r1ces $130 to 5400. That comfortable 2 story Dwelling occupied by Mr. L. Buttereld, with small oice in front. and two lots price 81000. Hand hnilrilno Inf. nn Rnaa ah-not oHninu'nr7 and lots 81000. , Good building lot on Ross street adjoining ` Mr. Craddock sresidence; 3m. l)W]linD nnlln nn Want and`: nf wnn ah-not r. "isiL*is?;n} {;c{.r{Z} of the Boeton World, sports a $100 fur overcoat. How about f`Glawed s. is it like Joseph a? lVI_..-_ -1 I`I-_-______,, 1 `r II? `rt uu uue Duncun sues. Several com ortable houses and cottages on Charles street; an excellent opportunity fora mechanic to get a comfortable home asthese houses can be paid for by small monthly or quarterly instalments. Pnces $150 to $400. Tht nnmfnrfnhln `2 nfnrv lluvnllino nr-nnvoil Au (Jug: we uuuamg sue. 'l'eI'I1)S easy. I ` 3} ac_res 0; ya_ca.nt1a.nd South of Anderton a brewery adyoxmng railway tra.ck.suitab1c for any kind of manufacturing business. A number 1' vmmnr Inn: nn Hr-ndfnrd and any nuuu U1 munulacturlng ousmess. A number f vacant lots on Bradford and Charles streets, South of Buttereld's foundry. all fine buildin sites. ` Qnvnr-cl nnrn nu-1-akin kn...-...- ....A ...-.u.-.,Jm:. nn uuluury 111 L118 mlu. 4} acr_es [at corner of Bayeld and I);U.!on streetg, _1mmedjately north of Bigelow property. An ehgxble budding site. 'I`erms 3* acres of Vacant Land Qnnth nf Andm-Mn`: BARRIE. -Bayview Saw Mill (Perkins) with about 4 acres of "land, and two large waiter lots: to be sold for less than half the cost of the ma chinery in the mill. AL nnrc-ant nnu-nan n nnwR.m`A nut` h.,hm~ [ (TOWN AND FARM PROI EP.TIES) 'F:R. SALE CEIEAP. i1"'E&3 t'Z=,`c 1ro"r`?s"t`Ec;1`;";-;'1Ia`i`:?`;'.` ` OT AWASAGA.---E } 0 lot 1 in. 8th (`on.: Lnnlnndid n-1n 90 am-an nlanl-ad ovnnd hnild- 13-ly LADIES YOU CAN VALUABLE LANDSW Bradford Masons will hold 3 grand eon- cert in that place in January. The most popular singers in _the province have been secured. T - S'I`RA:'i`IiY & AULT, A Barristers. Barrie ROBERT HUBBERT. - last week. vpatience of the editor of the S. S. News has given out and he threatens to publish the names of deadbeat subscribers in J anuarv. Resolved that the drunkard is a greater nuisance that the lazy man, was decided in the negative by a Tottenham debating c_lnb 3132? 53537036 `iZt'1'.T` HIEAA Rind tnenu Inn |lDDt'.l.'ll.)Ul.' uvu: vuu vuuuv: . Wiuaome of our subscribers kindly lot `gal hoa'r`!rom"tf1em ig ghe Vwoo L;\F_9,l}9p Soihowniwen are izrying to ` gull the fafmers in the neighborhood of Rasemont with wash- I . ing machine rights. ~ I n .1 mi 1' "'1`heZ$out1`1 News says there was on November 37th a poorly attended meeting in Bradford. . rt 1-` v -. ; }`h;6$.{J 1i{;," Esq., J. 9., Reeve of Beeton, was injured by a. cow on Tuesday evening. ' A ...._ .. l\1.'--_.. T -__-_`I-_1_ ,5 an I 7 7A son i;<;1-1;i"a;de, of Muskoah. cut off the great toe of his right foot while out chopping a few days ago. 1 )... II __ `I'_',:,'l,__ , 11' W. `Christie : mill at Severn Bridge was closed for the season last Saturday. The seo.son s cut was 5,000,000 feet of lumber an!` 0 Ann mm Ink Mrsi ZK<:lZs-ey, of Dunchurch, has been ap-V! pointed by the Ontario government issuer of marriage licenses. gr 1-. 1 nu -w . -.---V Mes;`s. Rag Chew, Freeborn, Whifel and Murphy are candidates for seats in the 5 Midland Council. .. V ' | v`Mr. Jeifa, of Bondhead, lately sold a thorough-bred cow and calf to J. O. Hanley, of Hastings._ . A 1` . - - - I ._,- __."_----- -o-----ova rnnvvo I A oolfzstown is to have a. Legion of Select} Knights A. O. U. "W. instituted the.e .3hort- 9 ly. V . n v I `on u - no- V Mr. John N icol, of Niolston, lost `a. ne I colt last Sunday by the bursting of a blood vessel, . `ll an . -....- Tine editor of the Bradford `Witness is in luck. He u_ye.... A beautiful roaetof beef was the edi`l:Or i lot on Monday list ` from a` kind friend and eubecriber from the country.` ~ urm ....... .0 null! nnhmpihm-n kimllv "Int '11: Mre. Montgomery, of lsebfight, was kick- ed by a horse last Wednesday and severely injured. It 1171* n1\ II n... -- And condensed Into Interesting Par ' graphs for Advance Readers Who - ' Like The narrow or the Meat. . u Diphtheria is reported at Ever ett. I ' A large shingle mill is to be built at Ket- rme. Tc->ttenham debaters khave settled the tobacco question. A '1.2___ I IV` ' U ` " -` ` ` John l3eV1ilieV1')uying wl'1ea.t at Everett end V `paying the highest market price. [ f`V..-I-..L-__ :_ L, L n o. c unU1FiREAM--nlsmli mans, cAp'run.n:n'nY smcom AND ms-rnwr nxcn mans AS noczu. NEWS, Print;"t;ti"3"_nooia-ls are in the list of} Bradford entertainments. ' I vs... VNTewt"onARobinaon has an olci f'u.}iA.ion edT !_ _ z__ ._ u__L.-I.. )1 -...l LL- ....I.. LL:.._.; I....I-:..... .:J?n'7oi1ZZZacB}o2`iy 1:`? `"Ti'| to make it a. complete vlllage u a woollen .....:I1 .. A-l-I-. mill and I I-mr}-mp : nhnn, formerly fractious WI!!! 67017 Iolllll 0 We don ! he] love trade. - We giro!` at Rock llotto . OIIIIOIII purennueo ans way of forcing can our oyotooau Price: umoul. `llo ! -. ' .'`` J I l pher, a `picture fra fe maker,__a` - . ,, The Goldwater Investigator talks this way, people complain of vdull times, but, some of our merchants say that they were never better with them. The town itselt his swarming with commercial drummers` and vendors of cheap`-jewellery. Our village has oertamlv improvedat a great rate during the passing year. having stores erected and ac- cu ied by men in lines we have not had beg):-e. What we want now is a Khotograp _ ent1st,_a woollen mill andaax mill. - .__~ _. -No prizes `given our _oveI-coats and suits. our 13 W0 ?[u4_lmIt.ofi our giving even 3 .00 I verylwntch with en tentho entlethpurehue. `radon : allows ' _-_-__ _ _.. ______._. fnteresvt invtheir behalf. '_L`l.ie git? was ac~ coinpanied by'en.appropriate_ address. . Mr`. Day a reply contained poms timely advice to `the young embryo to chers. -BldnketI ' a` quilt: at slaughter .PrieeI,.at '1`, ray #4 C095. The Beeton Vwd says, Mr. McDermott s letter re the Treasurer s' Bonds has caused quite a commotion among the County Coun- cillors, and there is some talk of having a special meeting of Simcoe e Senators at an early date to inquire into the matter. Midland Free Prese.-Mr. John M0001- lum has a hen of the Plymouth Rock breed that laidvan egg one day of this week which measured 73 inches one way and 6 the other. Bring in" your large hen fruit. Yes, bring it on and let .us have something` be- sides culls when we buy by the dozen. \ El1` ? $i`Za"{2.`;`e'e`$1" `112 "i>ra'zI`Ja`;a1 o Institution, Mr. Isaac Day, with a ILUIIDII II st :31? style- grnphic pen and handsome inkatand, In tbkenof thir" appreciation of" his bghalf. The gift 'a:c~ interest in their --."..__._2, .1 I _..- kindly` _ --- . .. 7 At. J amesv Banning : Camp, Uington, the other day three hundred and eighty,-seven logs, containing 42,247 feet. were put up in rat-class style by one team and teamster, three rollers, two trail cutters, and one man to stamp and measure logs. AII:_L-,, 11' ` II nu 0 - -- Some 400 ratepayers of Innislil have sign- ed a` requisition to Mr. E. A. Little, son of the late `W. 0. Little, requesting him to become a candidate for the position of second deputy-reeve of the township. He has oom- plied with therequest- CI___I"l'7 . _ _ _ ,, , 11! A nu-Iv .. u Sam Weaver, an old hunter of Watt, shot a bear the other day which dressed 650 lbs. Jake Bogart who, the Free Grant Gazette says knows all about bears declares this is the largest he ever saw and that the pork on its ribs was very thick. `l3.......I-o - _L.....I_`___ ___n . , , u - Alliston Herald.-The anniversary of the Alliston Methodist.Sunday School will take place on Sunday, 13th Dec. Rev. J. W. Annie. of Barriey will preach at 10.30 9., m. and 6 30 p. m., and address Sunday School scholars `and parents at 3 o'clock. AA I`-g.--u I. 1'! _ IF- lh.__.II4.. nu ma mi1'f:':ZiZe'iii"E'fI .}`S F. `hJ'p. ' Theeeizni-annnal meetin of the Muskoka Teachers Association was eld 1n tne Brace- nbridge Public School last week. The at- tendance waa good and the work done was ' of a p'ractica.l and usef 1 nature. --Just recelved,- ercoats bought at a discount of 25 cent. H0! 101' Bar- i gains at T. W. ay an 0095. ` V ' ughter Arlces laI t week, and to be Id at slang tor prices, gesfect Flnln overcoats. '1`. W`. Gray 0. t :7 Envy: "115'c:"'1,;nu. lfull `The n ils who attended the B3;-Adford Model a ool on the eve of their `departure fur Rnrn nrnnnnth tho `PI-inrnn] AC {dual- Sir Richard oatwght is billed to paint: Ta. dark icture of Canada : woes at Orillia. on the 171: inst. Sir Richard as "a. mixer and muddler of gures, and "ruin and destruc- tioner painter is undoubtedly champion of Canada. Rev. Garrioch, of N ipissrng, has been appointed by the Barrie Presbytery to take charge of the Burk s Falls station, as well as a general oversight of the Barriedale and } Katrine stations. 1; very interesting missionary hneeting has lately been held in Georgina Island. The Indians were much aected by the accounts of the condltion of their brethren in the Northwest. | George Richardson, of Oakley, had" his head and hand severely cut with an axe 3 l few days ego,.and James Dennison had his leg badly out also. "Dr. Pinkie is doing the | eurxzerv. ' Z -'-WD_(;l'l t forget the silk handkerchief: at I 250. each. j W. R. Phillips & oo. TL- ....-....._!_ -_L___L ,1 \.`v- . ' " "'J surgery. Mr.'Greenleee Master of the Braoebridge Model School received 3' writing desk from the pa ill` in attendance with an appropri-~ ate and trees at the end oftthe aeaqon. , ' somebody will a'eeetha'.t our con from is not compelled to eat his beef raw. With his beautiful roast he ought to have wood to cook it. --. - v... .-- -cu on-nabrrw` \lI \JUn I The season : output of N ichol'a saw mill, Gravenhurst, which was shut down last ' j Thursday was 6.500.000 feet of lumber, , 2 250,000 lath and 10,000,000 shingles. I Mr puukuy Ll... 1-1.- m ______ -_ -1 11- 11, I _..v-- -u-vu nv,vVV \lV\I QLIIII It | Vlvivuby, the lute Treasurer of Midland, gave an ovster supper to the council and 1 iothers` a few evenings ago. The Calling- wood Enterprise should now delivers lecture i on guzzling. --UVl3l'lJ0ll.lB` buy at very . C00 . > -:)v;;;;:'ats, t ,1)! goat chance vet, to buy J p can. '1`. W. Gray at Don I \I UI. nuuo. Druw um Oow is 2 ears old. '1'v1ng horn. w to on belly. A11 mntion of her whm-nnhma B 3r:."%v'i1i:`27*?.`i333'n13"`3"z`:g`;?o7n3n'ii v"1`. "`1`n`: " u` 1 11 here'_ bou wm ' 'I "b5s.-%n3v$z.'. omn-nn.. bi 'w3s'3s`1 d.- STORE AND DWELLINWG FOR SALE" OR to":-out in the vilisge of Ivy. H Possession can be givennny time after 1st January, 1886. This is 9. good opening for 3 pushing and enter- Prisin man as it is the on] store in the vil- be d` hen th win it in toMs.ni- tabs. 1. %. L1lJI3I01.gvy.u 8 4~63p age. -I be post oinoe isin this uilding.- It will. so \.7 OK II-0 I0ow1s2 1 Inluun in}: O ""D' --' """ 7*." "".' V7" ' . The Cavdwell Sentinel (aye there are thrc ad or four individuals in that town whose public indecency is calculated to `bring a cure upon the place like unto a second Sodom. IndianL Teas a Specialty. ` umnquntmr. % "LOVI moss, Jno; ll. BOTHWELL. The Largest andhoioeat Assqrtment o Teasin Town. Splendid Value in GREENS L T Iqvclu. ooooooou 0OUuuuo sh68I')Ski!l8........-.`..o- -no Tallow, Farmers cake. .... 0 061... i mmcs AND SKINS-lNSPEC'l`ED. No. 1 Steam, 60lbn. and up 0 08;. . . u 9 u '_ to H D 0'71 V ROUGH RIDES. Cow, pe:"l00 ........$ 6 Q4-1.1: 5 COUCH.` 1.1 " _' ' Ca.rrots,"` Parsnips, ....... Cabbage, per doz.. . Hay, per ton ......`...... Straw, per ton..... . Flour, Baker's, per lftlim G Flour, Family, T Flour, Pastry, . ` ounce " .` UIIIOI lWashedWonl Unwaahd Wool.... 6 00 5 00 5 00 5 30 Mutton, carcass, per cwt.. 5 50 . 6 00 Lamb, per lb. . . . . . ..;.. V0 07.... 008 Chickens, pet-pa.ir........ 0 35...._ 0 40 Ducks, per-pair.......... 0 60.... 0 60 Geese, perlb ... . . . . . 006. . 007 Tnrkeysdgerlb... 009.. . O10 Butter, tu , per lb....... 015 . . 0 16 Butter, roll, per lb....... 0 17.. . 020 `Lard, per 1b.... . . . . . . .. C 09.... 010 Ta.llow........ . . . . . . .... 0 06.... 0 6 Egga,perdozen......... 018.... 020 Potatoes perbsg........'. 030... 035 Apples, per bushel. 0 40 ~- 0 45 01110118, per bushel 0 40.... 0 50 TumiW,. ouooooo 0'10:-on 0 " ` ' Barr! "" ' '5 '<:'e'n'e}'.{i i}-Que; mu lt. " Beef, hindquarters. - . . .. ..$ 5 00 to 3 Beef, foreguarters. . . . . . .. 4 00.. . . Beef, per a1de, per cwt....-. 5 00. . '. . Dressed hogs, per 100 lbs. n.,g,.- -u" u * n on. [ spriug.WhE'...:: \ Fall Wheat . . . . . . . B`rleyuonc oceano- () -I ...-""'.. `D--- LUCD 0|-CO RWQICCIIO The congregation mg! minister` of the Gravenhhret Preabyteuan Church were smoked out of the church lest Sundsy morn ing. The east wind was the cause. ` nu- _ rI-...1_-1I a.`_L:_.'.1 .~-.... .n_ .... ._- .u_'__, -' ' The Price: nuung u; the Local, Tbronto. Ilontreal and English Markets -A Resume or the Week. _ Tm: Nomrizuzx Anvmcn Orncu, g ` A BARRIE, Dec. `:16, 1885 1 Barrie Grain Market. CI..__!_L-,1f7 A A -- ' ` ` V"-1-nms_'rAnor-rnnuAnxn?1-snunnnz. ' -an ms-r wnx. I GRAIN, LIVE STUGK AND PRDDUBE. JW srngumn Jinan. THE piziusms of Rob: Bro Lot 19 Con. 9, Vespra. vlngmifk, IV old. a` place 011' one 11. w tn on hallv. Anv nm-nnn nrhrlno Infnr- f Cows, all weights. . . 9 u -u . BLACKS, THAT IS Ee}'I.CITI,'i' `per cwt....-. . was, cwt. . .. p&ll'.....no |irlO'... III. 0000-- II 000 CI 102-: _IOCIIC lI.C.II.IU. ,per 106 lbs as u i .00lbs_..... FOR THE NORTHERN ADVANCE. -- -- ----w vv-vr---- v u A. Clsdn dreemore, and J. W. Hogarth oi Alliston, are booked for a. two mlle skating race on the Alliaton rink. Stakes $25. it I` :1: - ...sooo.to$ooo IIIuOII IO 055.... 065 .... 032... ..... 050.... Ann A-- AND JAPAN S V II II o 1o.'I;. \ WI... 0 070III 0 06....- C vvoall 018-cl ! l\1I| Vino 530.... 2 00.... A10 ne tiruss bridge 300(fn(e(t M has | just been completed over a branch of the Muaskoka. river openin g a convenient road. 1'! __,,,L`, ,, An

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