Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 17 Dec 1885, p. 7

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FANCY Goons. Cheap Woolsi and Braids Lee s Block, Apply to ETAMPING FOR BRAIUING AND EMBROIDERY, Silks, Canvases, Patterns, Glwnille, Cards, Tassels, Tabda Drapgr, 4}-c. J."U 11 U5 11V V no Luau 11.` van nun. - :wU,Uuu Security, Prompt Payment, and Liberallty in the adjustment of its Losses are the prominent teatures of this Company. ` nnarnA RnA'Rh nl' nrnlenvrntu: 0 DUNLOP STREET r . BARRH}; V 9-ly. BRICK mum AND DWELLINGI FREE MAN'S IGIIYSTAI. PALACE STORES! LIIDUIIIUB Us uuxu vuunynuyo CANADA noun) or DIRll:O'rORS,: Hon. Henry Starnee. Chairman ; Thos.Ox-amp, Esq.. Dep.-Chairman; Theodore Hart. Eaq.; Angus _C. Hooper. 11:33.; E. J. Barbeau. Esq. Innnrnnnnu nffnntn At Mndnrntn Rntnn nf u AL\.l\.l ;ab-.vu S}m.m's CURE will immediately relieve crcup, whooping cough and bronchitis. Sold by John Woods, Barrie, and M. J. Hamlin, A-llandale. V - - IT Carlinga and Laba;tt s Celebrated Aies al- ways on hand. IVERPOOL 8c =LoNuON an GLOBE IN- SURANCECOMPANY. Lin-E A1375 FIRE. INVESTED FUNDS - - Over 330,000,000 FUNDS INVESTED IN CANADA. 900,000 Rama:-itv DI-n`mntPn.vmAnt and Tdhav-ntvfn _S'I'I1I'I'C3IEI S] IS THE PLACE TO GET CHEAP AND SUPE|'GBOCEH|E$. I.l_QU_ORs' `AND CIGARS. nnmovnm Silks, Chenilles and `Fancy Wools of all kinds . Toys, etc. ..._ . ,_n _-u_sL-_1 I_-n-_- _'___-\.--:__ -I_-...._1_-_- .5 vi up, \l\4\.II GA call solicited before purchasing elsewhere. Angus _u. nooper, ms .; 131. a. naroeau. naaq. Insurances effecte at Moderate Rates of Premium.` Dwelling, Churches and Farm Properties insured at specially Low Rates Ii IR I` t`I"TlI'I?I 'I\$`II'\"I U\I\l\'`\l! .n. ovyvn v G. F. 0. n}i7i'H, JOSEPH ROGERS. `RAn_.QAnv,_ A grant. Dnllnn (Innu- uuo us. an limit-`av-Q, any 11 g-u-vvy , L. _Varn1snuwavs1n stock. L REPAIRING,PROMPTLY DONE. ALL WORK WARRANTED. V `A 106 Agjent Yo? Agrioulwidl Imp?no"eta.' 111171.` III}! A bluff 53.4.. -A.I__ 111-13-- Au enterprising reporter, writing of a. wreck at sea, stated that no less tha'n iullrtcen of the unfortunate crew and pas- sengers bit the dust. h=AR"Y"'tii"i`*n"A'nIEl v.-.w - I\r ._ _--~.., --...-_v- _ 04U'rIo1-.-Aey' dealer found selling other 0115 as Lardine Oils willhe rosecuted. 1';-42 Aj'_-.--',"-.'*'.| H 1 1 otAT1-nnks from 500 n "1'-1:>o;;5: $1` 3:22:13 Satohelsat Bottom 9 Prices. Also V Single and Double Hamess,.GoZIars, Sad- h dles, Curry Combs, Brushes, Whips, * ' " and Lashes, At hp:-loss t$:;1gt1B%v:lr$2$:1 sltlotxaeuu O} `and '__..A .`\--'_'-.'o`o.f cu'\4\-l'n1\II|O co C-`Ascot ` ; 90 0110106 ampng `[811 OM16!` KIDGB OI I1'l_&GDJ,n85. These glrls were to earn their livmg on these machines. Why did thev take singers? Branch olee, Barrie, next door to J. J. B1-own s. Q-52 . WM. STEPHENS. Menager. The only GENUINE Lardine on the market is made by McCOLL BROS; & _Cq., of To- ronto, and when buying ask for OU VV llJUX 3 `$1005. 5 " Wxlson. - 2t Davis. - ~ one Hundred and Eighteen distributed their choice among Ten other kinds of machines. Thane air-In warn tn our-n thphv Iivino nn thnnn %PAusE JUST j HERE. MRS. STEPHENS :-w- ---v--- : GIVE M s`u1d1o.!' mvield Street gm-ac. E .1 c7ILL; --Sign ofth; -Golda}. .-no-19 I901: Dvsrxrsu. and liver complaint, you have a printed guarantee on every bottle of Sh1luh a Vitalizer. It never fails to cure. .\'u1d by John Woods, Barrie, `and M. J.- Ilamlin; Allandale. , I 9! ,_,I,-_'I DON'T BM|sLEn| uauauuz I , The Sin er has taken the First Prize ovef a1l comp_ itors more than Two Hundred times. ma-`=25 ""'II I':~ V I A After the Chicagore the Relief _Cemmittee undertook to furnish Sewing Machines to the needy women of that city. Applicants were ermitted to choose from sixteen different inds of machines 2.944 applicants were fur- nished with machines. ,.,,._,-.. -- -- MACHINE 0|I:T %I;|An.m?:'ss *EMPO#RIU|V%I. f D-%-%.I"`1.`b'=:*_`5.??'-Tf~ munmg LIIIIBIICIOIIS OI OE-DB1` OBVYIHS 1Vl.(` I1lll63 '5 The p_ublic will draw xtq wn mference; Goyl is contmually counter-tel d ; brass and t1n never. . . . mu-G-as Gompnies have sprung up in every 'ba.ri: of 1 theUnion~ for makmg an "Imita.tion,Si'nger Machine. ` mu nun un `cairn.-31:11: nnrnnnninn Cnurinnpi `lun- ndthimilar `companies fornied foi- making Imitations of other Sewing Machines? The n'n'hlin. will rn_w its: own infsn-Anna, Gnl {smvzav%mn msmo1m'cKT; M&&NN?575$TAN- - ......., .....~--.\------ ! eha.n't be gone long, remarked -Hllzipur`, as he left. the bhouse the other uvuniu;,r. "Not going anywhere in par- tu-,ul:u' , nnly gollxg out to take the air," I`. . .\-xx-.'.`I|.l \n`- nun An n.nl- nnrno `mnnnn sold on]; 13}; `Also, Manufacturers of Cylinder, W301, i Engine, and Harness Oils. 11.1.1 .._1_. L_ '2`11*H;|51 a`1';J_1n_r<".- g 1 J .!.-.w`.x:sm':.ur 9!. =1: _. .on1';QumN, at General Passenexf Acent. V `lm , Com nies have rung u ever " Lha ITtI?ihn~fnr'mulR1:r an lmitntin-,1 E _In a much larger scale than heretofore._ BAYFIELD STREET- J . L E E. as s C N, FURNITURE DEALERS. Opposite B. Hinds Dominion House, READER! _Sun.u11 .- CA'l`AI{I:II ` REMEDY-a. positive curu fur catarrh, diptherla and canker mouth. `~'.ml.1 by. John \Voods, Barrie, and M. J. Hamlin, Allaudale. 0.: ' V, Iv auu. unlauuluvu 2,427 Chose Slliger Machines. 2 Wheeler 8: Wilson. 127 Howe. 32 Wilcox 8c Gibbs. "X7Hnnn Where she intends carrying `en the MGOLL'S Lnnnma DONT FORGET THAT DLVLJ. 1'11 Res.-S ' "1 BA.IR.BIE.T |l!.'B00y., Montreal. TYXY-" , ".a'.'FI' alY 1, .-f_ .L`l`) FILE)` _.`_' [11 `fit `i'1J__n\_~.`x (4: W W) uaiziw .r.,': {)6} War`! Zilaf & ' `M33133!- v I ' U, ..V . I ..--_ -4.- A 4.-4-.6 DA-ml` ~ &i`6,RYPi`ozIc4 M Has removed to PURVIS BROS., Barrie. _ `-LI_ __ A crying Evi1.-ohi1dr$x}'afr'tten fret- `ful and ill when worms are the cause. Dr.` L0w s `Worm Syrup safely. oxpels all "worms. Ul'.L-.I. `..I.`.L\J.:;J:a.a.`: ""' M-'~" Xd-i&" ""& ` +5 99 W s....4,u, ...m*B - I .14) ?.'I.:.;- 'r_ 3: 31 `mt .-rt-sllllxtl ninnhnx-.15-{~11 nvr, ` ._oN_ _1N_ 3'2? UDIIFII ISUISIIIE Agent. Police 0 $1`:- Barrie BAR `IRON, [McALLISTER, STORY & CO Y. Flight Doors East of 01d Stand, McC'a.rthy s Block, where his numerous patrons will mm a larger assortment of Direct from the Manufacturies in Europe A full Stock of V HORSE SHOES, HORSE NAILS, . CARRIAGE AND SLEIGH WOODENWARE * See SCOTT S Goods before buying elsewhere, as he has the Largest Stock in Barrie. , . ullglllllll Lu v u n v w v v u - v-3. - - - _ _ _ _ . . - _ , ._ This is the poetry of motion said the editor, as he shied a. T bundle of .very blank verse into the waste paper basket. -- III o _ _.`___ `___`_~ MA|.l.|STER, STORY 8: 00., cnmsmisann NEW YEAR cums: rR_INan & PLAIN, f___ _ rv nu one ;selling out at Dost Prices, cups and Saucers, Toilet Sets and Vases. CHILDREN we have an immense assortment of TOYS, &c., Building. Blocks, Alphabet Blocks, Tool Chests, Drums, Sleighs, Pnnb;nn nnlinnu Ti-nn 'Rnw.'In. In. Plush Whisl;Holders, Plush Hand Bags, Plush Dressing Cases, Plush Mirrors, Plush Alhnms, h T_.Plu`sh Papetries, Plush Photo Frames. yFon% CHRISTMAS 2 SCOTT I_H_E ROOKSELLER AMPLE PREPARATION FOR THE HOLIDAYS. Josnpn LEEGHTON, One Door West of Queen's Hote|,* Barrie, A L`hica;;ube11eVwex1t to the seashore lastsummer and left.her bathing shoes 11-zmging out of her hotel window todry, W1u':rc11pu11a.}0ca1 newspaper announced that the hotelhad put up new awnings of a unique design. - L1, 1- 1' an I 0 `I- G. BLA C'I('1VI01ll+I, Hasremoved to more convenient and larger premises WoBz"BoxEs' AND WRITING ZDESKS. In packages suitaie '1-`e;:;e:s,~%r;11:'5-c:'t<: w - -u WPRANGS AMERICAN CARDS-71 Buyers will find the Prices Interesting. REMOVED I SEASONABLE SUITINGSI NORWAY IRON & STEEL, BEST PROOF COIL CHAIN, ANVILS AND VISES, BOTHWELDS BLOCK, opposrrz STATION. UN DE%RTAK_E__R., inn`: - , -.--._. CXIJCI LIILIAA Al. vs Mr. Cobb recently married Miss Webb ; he knew they were intended for each other as seen as he spider. - To Remove Dandrutf._--`.`lea.nse the scalp with Pmf. Low s Magic Sulphur Sdap. A delightful medicated soap for the toilet. '7 i`-- -~--K-- l\: u~\n`;nrn gn:[` Ilardware ! than ever, at extraordinary low prices. MERCHANT TAILOR, Have received a Large Stock of ordinary GARPENTER Ann Luvnn .l.|)\JL UHUDUS, .IJl ul.l.|I Iti5.c`>.c:l:i;1`gJHors eas, Iron Banks, &c.V Always on hand. - HAS MADE - Is Now MAKING omacr PHOTO- GRAPI-I8 FROM cum SIZE up Torn x I4 CABINETS BOTI-IV.7V'.EL LLLLLLL K, _.\_uuu ,\uuJ HIIALIH uuu vu vuuuv vonv vino! " U czwcful that you do not come home mr-ti~,vlxt', was Mrs. ]`uniper s-injunctlon. 'A1:nv\"ou MADE miserable by Indigestion, (`mi-;hp:Ltinn, dizziness, loss of appetite, yel 1u\\' .~;l\iu'! Shi1oh1 sTVita1izer 18 a posxtive. .-um. Sold by John Woods. Barrie, and M._' J, Hamlin, Ailaudale. mrec 1011.3 llluh UU EUUU an Iuavuunuuunuuu How so? .`.`Why, just see how naturally he puts down three and carry one." FROM $3.00 PER DOZEN. BARBIE, icongrezatlonal` . . A church, oLl.IEIl-sT.= smut. and prices always in tock_. All orders will re- plete. Caskets and Cof- ns of various designs ceiye careful attention. WF`uiierals TfTu1T-n`ished com- OPP08I!i.'I THE Scrofuloas, swellings, eruptions, skin dis- eases, varicose veins, swelled joints of the hands and feet. Female troubles of all kinds cured by Giles Liniment, Iodide Ammonia and Giles Pills. Sold by W. 0.. McLean." . lll'1 pu -.--u--u ,, , V. -.-v _... oooal-II "7 flueme, Sweet Home was W6! !'9t' 1y 11-_yed in New York and diatiuclily hear)ddby telephone in Chicago. New York- ers are now engaged in listening to the fairy tread of Chicago ei1`l"ft by the same instrument. . ` T u]0rUu;_.;u. . It seems natural (doesn't it '2) that when '3 In-a.n s business gets run down he " winds it up. ; Worms often destroy children, but Free- man's Worm Powders destroy worms, and expel them from the system. _ `p (1 I I ,,__-L.L1.. .... n..n-:nA man 0 -oocvna vs Regularity is the main spring of M9 `ml regularity of the bowels is one of the most essential laws of health. Burdock Blood Bitters regulates the bowels in 3 natural manner. curing constipation and prsventing Eerlous disease. II vs ear w W" ? 1 """ " ._ The man who was cured-by a meaineriet says he was trance-xed. T The rule of three is said to be for the third person to clear out. . If ym shoold want to have your ears pierced, just p1nch the baby. . G0od.bye in the telephone remmd,s one of autumn ; it is the yell 0 leave. uig};1l1:n;;f1 t::tlore any stars begin to shoot. Many 9. women who does` not know even the multiplication table can gure in society. V 1 11:11,. ...... Han ':nIvnr:+.A nut-nnvn 't it, `that you always see the but nuw W ""." ' [ V A sound snggeBt10n-N ever turn a deaf to the telephone. A mkn moor nl1I'Al""'|V n. mnmnrit 0c1ct_y- _ _ - S Vatinnal Pills are the favonte putjgatlve E1 anti bilious medicine ; they are mild and thorough. V , __'..L.......1 IA,-..-u.n l ii 'I\ I-kn} mhnn - - - - . . N uwuvg I've never saw a. play, said a stage- Crponter. to an actor._ 5 Watch out for Your grammar, Mr. Carntei 3"` laid-`the; actor. Why? I haven't done nothing Wroqg, have 1.? Oh, no ; you merjbly` put In a. ` Placed in a, (L 1... - ` scene. saw where you should have... cl II UVUIIGO Mildred 2" Yes. mammo-A ,`-` WW2` are you doing with that bandbox 7, ';_i`f fair girl hung low `her head, _a'Q|i` mantled her rosy cheek. S1308 .%ch!1_3: A continued the motheryutrnly. " `_` 133% What are you doing with u -' banabox 2" Mildred Maguiro looked up THE LITTLE THINGS wnxqn mg; THE wnom wonnn KIN. 1 r--_.. -.-. V. ........-.----, -------- Alexander Gun, an nfcer in Scotland, 1)ci1 )g;- dismissed from h`s employment for miscunduct, an entry was made in a. book kept for the purpose as follows : A gun discharged` for making 9. false` zeport. 11- in __A_ 1"'I`I_.___L___ @1E1EsoF%H'dffANn rLATHos.v ~Decembar 17,` Sandwiched with rain. - .-.-__.-___. 1-11.- 15..-; He might achoost as vell be deaf. I heard youjsay dot~'Gilh2ooly'vu'Tover his ears in debt, and, van dot vasan-,_.how vill he hear mit dose ears 7" Mishter Sil- verstone, I bays` you vages to aellgoota, and ven you comes dot funny piahneas, I (`nnlzn 1-rnl-no wanna nah-vluir nivnvv 'IKu'nLd-nu Kosciusco Murphy ' recently passed his examination, and is now a member of the bar. His strong card is in getting the truth out of witnesses. The following is a sample of his system of examination : Are on a married man 7 No sir. - I am a achelor. Will you please tell the court and j ury how long you have been a bachelor, and what are the circum- stances that induced you to become one '1" AsV_Colonel Billaon was going down the steps he met a suspicious looking boy `with a lot of` bills. " Is Colonel Billaon u son. I thought you said Colonel Bill- ofce up-stairs 7" Yes ; but I m not in -or rather the Colonel's not in. Ain't you the man '3' No; my son. I d like to nd him. I ve got a. telegraph money-order for him. Let s see. Who is the man you want? Colonel Bill- ings. I am Colonel Billson. Perhaps the most extraordinary success that has been achieved in modern medicine has been obtained by the Dixon treatment for Catarrh. Out of 2,000 patients treated during the past six months, fully ninety cent. have been cured of this stubborn ma ady. This is none the lessstartling when it is remem- bered that not ve per cent. of patients pre- senting themselves to the regular practitioner are beneted, while the patent medicines and other advertised curcl never record a cure at all. Starting with the claim now generally be- lieved by the most scientic men that the disease is due to the presence of living para- sites in the tissue, Mr. Dixon at once adapted his cure to their sxterm`nation--this accom- plished. he claims the Catarrh is `practically oured,and the ermanency is uuqu~estioned,as cures e`ected y him four years ago are cures "still. No one else has ever" attempted to cure Catarrh in this manner. and no other treat- ment has evercured Catarrh. ' The applica- tion of the remedy is simple, and can be done at home, and the present season of the year at -the most favourable for a speedy and perma- nent cure, the maiority of cases being cured in one treatment. Sufferers . should correspond with Messrs. A. H. DIXON & SON, 305 King street west, Toronto. Canada, and enclose stamp for their treatise on Catarrh.--Mon- treal Star. N 09- I7. 1882. ` Illl\-I VUII JV IIVIIIWD HUI) 5|-IIIIJJ EJLQIIIIUBU docks your vages right ava . Mish te:- Pookgeeper achoost scharge iahter Sil- vnimi-nun I'II'\ 151;}, GI-na.r'Innun `Ida wanna n viv VVILHVVEVO IJUIIIIVQIU DULITI I3 Il&LLIIUl Kill verstone up mit veidollara his. vages of! for vun second-hand. joke. ~ V` `I ? 'II' I .1 c u n Wmf WILL YOU cou h when Shi1oh e Cure will give immediate re ief. Price 10 c2133., 50 L'tS., and :31; Sold by John VVoods, Barrie, and M. J. Hamlin, Allandale. j T (V AI,.`I k ""` There are women inlthis Aworlr , says Sam Jones, who haven't struck a lick of work with their ownhands for years;.; V. They board and lay round about ; all they`. . do is shop, shop, shop. Hell isfull of .1 such women "as that. That sort cannot go,` to Heaven. Mr. Jones would makes :5 poor oorswalker in-a large dry-goods eni- porium. His remarks would _hurt trade. 1-? Did; Go. A woman entered the Police Court the other day leading a. boy about T 12 years old by the hand, and as soon as she could get the ear of the Judge she said : vans: nnnnm I `\n`:nI'1n knw 5 Your Honor, 1 beeve this boy will have to be sent to the Reform School. Is he a bad boy ! - `.`I I e is that. I can do nothing with him. - . ' Does he run out nights? - Well, I can't say as to that, but he callsvme names, refuses to mind me and has several times broken my windows. And yon want himsent up !" Yes, sir. . Is be your only son 7" . . Oh, no, air. He s the son of one of my neighbors,` and I ve been waiting two whole weeks to capture him ! The boy didn t go up. A Prospective- Bridegroom (to prospective bride): Would it be possible, do you think, dear, to postpone our wedding until Monday? I atnin receipt of a dis-. patch calling me to Buffalo on important business. Prospective Bride : I'm afraid not, George. dear ; the wedding presents are only rented until Satin-day.~ T5415, 15 _- I hl T5 I Little Boy (near the Polo grounds): Hey ! Johnny, was (lay a _bi ewjence at de game ter day '1 Johnny who observ- ed the game through a. knot-hole): Bout two toueand. Little Boy (incredulous): Must have been mor n that. Johnny :` D ye mean cops an all? Little Boy : van " Tntunnn o` l` Dana` L-..- L.{....-...I Holloway : Plus . Good spirits.--Everyone `has frequently experienced sudden personal changes .from gaiety to gloom. 'l`he wind and weather of tentime receive the blame when a a faulty ~ digestion is alone the cause of the depression balance of which produces a sense of fulness furre tongue, and wholesomely stimulates the liver, and act as a gentle aperient to the Holloway s Pills can be honestlv. recom-_- mended for harmoniously attuning circula-- tion and respiration dusturbanee' of the and oppression after eating. They. clean-the. bowels. They healthfully rouse hothllhodyj` and mind. Holloway s Pills are the best known antidotes for want of appetite, nausea, atuleney, heartburn, languor, depression, and that apathy so charaoteristio of pohronig derangement of the digestion. 1 . Ehe oa.nl;erTTv:nrm'o`fj1;h.e bloodv is Iscrofuln; that gnayvs upon the. vitals and consumes the body. Consumption is but lung scrofula. Burdock Blood Bitters is one `of the best known combinations to cure scrofula. .. L VD: 4 I8}*:e-"` Why 31:: Wife n_ev6r asked nlntorbngy; ll,LL-__L__ ...._. :33-` .- -`.._-.'.L 1-.....- uuu uuuuu ll man. suy_;u9 ggvqg . I u_IympathizKe'withvyou, r, Roberts My w1fe ;ha.an t asked me for money; since we were. mtrrieq.` V` L , T __ ` .0, 3heT _l'1a:a%n t,p eh`? Maybe; `:59 : _I_-...I. 0|! l`n1-: REV. GEO. H. -TIIAYER, of Bourbon, 1nd.,'says : Both myself andwife owe. our liws to Shi1oh s Uonsumption Cure. Sold by John VVo0ds, Barrie, and M. J. Hamlin, Allandznle. deantly. l`ll`llwI cannot tell a.` lie, *mot_l_1er, she said colmly.. I store your bondbox to make" 9. bustle for my Mother Hub`-1` bar . `.` Foolish gir , murmured her` mother, fondly. Why don't you 1199 hogshead and gain style '1' V. _ "77BI.LB','xL'y"w?r'E .1m5E $333 ins: me to death. There isn't a. day that she doean t ask mefor mon,eIr. _ DAAJ` ll!` , _L_-___LL}_- .L.2LL ..-.. WU WUIU` ll-`IC1llVlU\ l`u _ she hasn't, dumb? T L 'N'o' - _ n.-._-__ _'_L ` ,cNo" . V . .,,,_` _ ._ Or goes through `your. pockets "while you're anlbep 1"` , * " V. _ ` N0." U ' .1 1- `-`Why doeunit -h,%"` Xowfor tt.-(may 1", ? i , er fath_e'rTkeeps.f her. _,Kepa%.;,m_q,j ` too. `f I ,' WW .\. .` .. ;`v ;.I(! 1.21".` V \ Ithe -vxotiihiim `a D3t2oi,terJf:Ina,J li9 ' i'n`g', - lone: beoaecx qnowu} I i the. Vrhe oecupeqiia ik rif' road rpnuina 1_nto Chicago`: ,we!:e;.'o1e`ngdZ out` by-=9. thief a few nights ago: -'i`A'xh'onf' .ondii1t2 !`*V5iW5 *h1`5i*tTi'W5L`$f 5,.'f*.k. down namesvand amounts. ` ' 1 n1|._L _....r......... 1.... 9" n-Inn` Man 113:. OATARBH-A TREATMENT. I\,_I__,,_ Al, , DWI] IIIIIIUIVIIIIL uuluuuuu I "What was your loan '1" asked the Des nvuu vvyn an Inn ! Luuuxv DU`! 3 i Johnny :` Bout tree toltsanq, ` "Tom " `In . , . W. V ` --J`. ~'.v . V .`z{>...` JF l`cacher--Can you multiply together uUncrete.numbers 1 (They appear uncer- talu.) Teacher--- Wuat. will be the. pro- duct of forty apples multiplied` by six pmlmls of beef ? Small boy-(triumph- imtly) mince pies. ` T\ 1 I ,, ., .._,__`-,'__L ____ LIB D U17 U SUI LILB UIUIJAQ `QIIUIILIL any 3 J poring. the-eecta of an in- duigenoe in such sinuous fare, use McGregor s Speedy Cure, 5 sure and "effectual remedy for dyspepsia, constipation and all affections If nl-Arman`-I ant` ]I'lrAn kn tlnzsunon IUlDVD. uuu UIIIDD IIIUIIIIIGIIIBILI V. 2pains.;ao`re_z_:eoa. and h_n;neneu8. . troiter o.f.hia.fsA_eat-mate. _'_' . H 7 _ V It was $17, but I shall Jay V `$150. Whzitwas yours ?j - , .. . _ Only: $12, shall give `in the true Q: g3El1 re-a fo:o_l.;t'o'ldo V ' f v "I ` Well, I only want what I" lost. When the} conductor came along he in- Good, morning, slit. . A Good morning. . V - " Beg pardon. but did I understand you `to say that you gave your horse turpen- _tine for the botts T Yes, sir. - Well, -I tried it end it` killed my T horse. V A "It killed mine, air, ' _ - . 1 Oh--er--_'e,r:-good mornmg. 1` Good morning. Ladies Only. i The complexion 18 often rendered unsight- ly by pimples, liver spots, and yellowness. These it is well known are caused" from an inactive liver and had blood. Dr. Ghase s Liver Cure, puries `the blood and whole system. See Recipe Book for toilet recipes, hints and suggestionson how to preserve the complexion. $old by John Woods. Smith-Funny idea of having pockets in night-shirts. 1...... HT .:...'.!4. 1...-.. '..L....:. 4.1.-.. A 5|: ALl5I4|v'I-1111: lawn Jones-I don t know about that. A pocket in a night-shirt might be handy at times. . . A ' ' * S.-_-In what way '0" ~ ' J. --".Well, you see, if you kept a. little change in the pocket and dreamed that you went into 9. bar-room to get a. drink. you would have the money to pay for it. TS. (rr.using1y)--Tha.t7s so. . . " `-., ,4g:.ndlMustard?`i . T V _ Well, therehis` much to b"e,saigl. The question asked of the banqiieter at the average eboar ing house, calls up remini- scences of ' close contiguity to the horns, and webeefstgak three cuts south thereof. He,`of [ .00ui's9; will pa.ss,'nnle`ss it occurs to him that -hheneeds 3 hi _e' for his trunk. -Shoqld in...-'. t- __.. .._" _._~.... u_- ---L_ -1 __ __. Good morning, air." Morning. , ' ` `I--er-beg your pardon. "I beg yours, sin. '- May I ask what you gave ;your horse for the botts_ '3" 1 ' L{I'lI,,,,_ , ' 99 McGregor & Parke, Ofs Hamilton. 0n_t., are the manufacturers-of the greatest healing and purifying compound known for sores, burns, cuts, scalds, salt rheum, frost bites, etc. It is called Mc- Gregor & Parkfs Carbolioi Ce:-ate. Be sure and et McGregor & 1 a.rke_ s Carbolic Oerate sold v Geo. Monkman. at 25. a. box. .' Haw is that you, a. healthy, robust woman come to ask alms 2 I` beg par- L10n,'m2L(1am,`but I am a. poor widow with live ur six c11i1dren.'f' V - every case. The Best Cough Cure. The best remedy for non h andall [throat mud lung troubles, i_a one rt Mzfloosens and dislodges the tough mucous, clears the_bron- ochial tubes, and allay: irritation.` -This is `what Hagyard a Pectoral Balsam does in - Another Maionlc seoretwnlsolonectl. ' ff`What do_ those letters stand. for ? baked` a. cnrio"u'd~-wife`? bf liar -`hu`sband~ - as I, ,1__J __ I__'._ 'Il'-_-__- ___ f<>`rZcr1pe;;eiia;,~co;1VI:i'pu"ti_o"I1 iE:&'ii1"3`e'EiBB3 cf the stomach and liver. Sold by George Mnllhfn 'l`I-:11` Iuninn `IIAQ L IILIU DUULIIIUII auu. IIVVI} IDUI` jikougman. Trial bottles free. ' . Caution. _ _ T Any liniment or other` medlcme that can- not be taken internally is unsafe for ordinary use. Hagyard s Yellow Oil,_ the prompt pain reliever, is safe and reliable for all aches and pains, and ?can be swallowed as well as apphed. American Indian Paintings. The painted rock jof `Santa Barbara County, Cal., in 150 feet high and upon it are many color paintings in a good state of preservation that are thought to be the work of Indians. There are two caves in this giant rock , one at its base an_d another some sixty feet up, and in each of these are\pictures of animals. ' DI ll vuaauuw VV_II\J Vb IIVJI aatlun-II.s.I\A (ID gluxzwlqoked a;..1_1 onio_.gegl. _ `, TV We1l ,'g:1l1 y,I:my l:oxe,"' 'he. r`p1i`d` A $ A A I I Q n I rum V\l1II'VIQ {C 1'\lll\I`Il -- w -. --- ; Mrs. Arlinpton-I want a. thermome- ter. Give me the best you have. . nn`:n:nn_,n1` `nnnn :3 Ann 1.` `Ln Ilvbo \lbVU luv llalv IJUIJU Juli LIIIIUI Optician-Well, here is one ef the finest Venetian glass, and the very best quicksilver. . Mun AIu1:nn`nn ,,',,"nu\:n`vi:`nnn 9 T -nnul .,............... . Mrs. Ar1ingt_.on--'g"Quickeilver 7 I want it for my drawing-room. Haven t you any thermometer with quick gold? I sha.n`t mind the cost you know. EMU lU}u\Uu. nIa..Iuu LIL Uuu..nuau . ssWe'1l`, gaauy; raugf he."rdp1i`d' encouraaingly, I_preau_me 11; is because they oa.n t_aitd6fvm.g" V V She postpopqd furthgr qliiqhing. (` A A N.\.`<.-XL 1.\'J1:C'1`0I>. free with each bottle nf >'hiloh'a Catarrh Remedy. Price` 50 cents. Sold by John Woods, Barrie, and M. J. Hzunhu,` Allandale. Th 8410;-at of sudden. The rea'aon'w1iy`Ha.`gyard a Yellow Oil is so po ular with the _peo le as a household rem for pain, is m t a fact that while ngnnu :vu:I|n1|Ih` l|!|`II Indiana vnnIn knh a. I 1: null LUUU LU ILULI lllulvlll-SWO. V P 7`l1'i right-a right: compa}t_1y7 yvill" promptly made good the loss. _And you"I My name is Blank, of Detroit, re- lied tl;,De&goiter, `and `my loss was only Thirteeu7a6i1ars, eh? All riglit. The compa_\ny-' will make a.- rigid investigation of vourimse I - `Something very suspicious ;about it} very!, You may be" the chap Iwho did-g the rebiiing ! ;, yp" :to`.a. Piece of B} t Beef 3. jail "-Mun!-,nI-A 9` ' l'l.l.|Uu , 13 us uuv luuv vunu vvuuv many f_i1;i 1:1e';1`t`|uonl _rel.ieve,_Yellow Oilhoth `relieved. and cures r eumatiamknd all Iohel, mains- `soreness and lnmenena. - M ~ ulu VD, UIJ at home. " "`771i'1}a`&}Z"'smith, of Milwaukqe, and. I lost just $150 50, replied the .o'_`n'e`.;_' AH ..:...l.L ..n -....LL.` _......_-.._ _:-nz. ~ Whylzjggoy Dootori. ` j Consult a dgitidx-` tor6 or.8`-oz. `bottle of medicine $1 -co.nIult`;'J_ohn %W;90ds and he zwillygive you a 12 oz. bottle of Dr. Oha.se a Llyor-.0ure.ufor:$ls -and-_~.aL ;lJ-9.8b.1..:39iPr B001!-free. 'I;1t,.' H van, .1. U/Ill yvnull vvuuu J. AUDI!- When thejconductor cgme along quired: .cn7,.n ....._;.- ..:_- ._-- ..-...-_ -_n \lI.l\a\.I a *` Well, lgents, give me nams and amounts, please. _ MI? '-snrvun :1: A: _..J 1 ';m;.`maa,;.:s;:2~.';au w`;~o%";rf%a%: ~ .b;:?:': f : bgqbfm-5;Mo writ an ;-:3 ,r:.;.le;\) M unt}-'3 _A__, .r .1:.1__I; ._;.I_ _, ____ -1i)liD.J! I say, Brown, that dog walking V01 ), three legs must be good at mathematlcs. ..u,._. -,gm nxxn... 4... can Imm 1 ;`8i i::Py:s':;"'il`<`1'{-l.;:."t'z.oaVstoh y.,;,.` at ti:-st; I'm abarbor. n. Iunw uuuvn I \ Turpentine, sir. ~ A _ ` Oh, thanks-er-er---good mormng. Good morning. ' C at. :'.-.1`.`.'HY" ~wh.e,m: a -.1"-.;X,g.;:nm'u_H -_' `- '-Anutxnouozunaood. From ~ . w Y`3iI,;4Iil'i)-;., . 9 ;." '1, Nam0.'.> ;!a-W ` 4 ::g.Jo$on._" ; A 1: er . Yes, six-;I am given .that1diatinction I ` TL -L Ibo `c-n-an 1n`tndOI [Smith Saw It. Such Advice. -In Style. NORTHERN; ADVANCE. ';.32arr&"l a free ght. Some one has said; it may be that the diamond is the stone for `an engage- ment ; but give us theold cobblestone for __._ _,_z1I :___.._:l:..A...`l-- ....`|:......

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