ms. _sTEJPHENs ve2;i;g.a?;:m": 53253: W * %*"=*" '* p_rIi`I 0381 otggxn lat (Jon. IQO acros,gogd_ lgnd, nr 3 a*i s.`?'.1T:::5.?:.f23:2ifi?.*` ;`. ?-.:-* ` ' W. sores in` 6th'Con.. imall o1'.m:m}_ mu . the 1st Con., 100 acreaeach. Large clearings on 3:parcels.. ':Chea. propertigs. TECUMSETH.-- Lot'4 m 11th (`on.. 100 acres. About 80 acres cleared. A good fgxjm, I wel1situa'.ted- about 3 milm: frnm Al .-.9-.. nu1'1_Avv A-:|AuA.-1si 3 or 101 . 1 in 8th COIL; a. splendld farm. 90 acres cleared, good b'uild- ings. plenty of water from a never, fbiiling stream. no waste land. , ` V :_1anGf huivoa AF Tn`.-u O0 O! ....J 112 _-__ B DIUUI LII, I10 WBSBB I811: OR0.-`-East halves of" Lots 33 the Con., ':Cheap Dronerties. . 34 and 35, in a.ci3s.' `About 8T)"ac} Eleared. ood fa wel1situa'te . . about 3,mil_es from A iston. 1 TIN Y.- . } 88 in 1st Con., (except 4 acre vnrv crnnd n-m - 11900 i V, -___ `EC - ... ...uu \ uu., `'omi~n ORIL_LIA.-Part of Lot 3 in 1stCon so ac., 4o cleared, excellent soil, good buildings`: 1 property well watered. t- 1 f ` '. all adapted for stock r:1sir1?g.c ass arm especl 0TTAWASAGA.-E l of lot 1' in 8th Con - asnlendid farm. 90 acres nlnm-pd o-nna 1.-..:1. uun.. mu acres eacn. both excellent farms. . MEDONTE.-E 501? W 5 of 6 in 10th Con; 50 ecres good land, rst-class orchard in fullbear- mz. ~ . - nuyuvm street. A bargain. ' ALLANDALE.-A comfortable double Dwel- j ling House on Bradford street opposite Northern ` sta ion. ` - 10 good building` lots well situated. FA R M3 FLOS.--Part of N } 10 in 7th con , 90 acres. about 30 acres cleared an _ freefrom stumns,new frame dwellin house, soxl good, balance of lot can be easily c cared. INNISFIL.-S. Q at 3 in 14th Con., soil and buildings ood. about 60 acres timber on lance , cheap. terms very easv. N l of Lot 19. and South #01` I mt. 2n in +1.. mu. " Hello, Judson ; how are you 7" "l rctty \\'cT]. thank you. "lluw are you at home ? . _ T-f Wife says Fm rather grumpy._ "1 uiiderstand that a policeman was ziiiurcd at the fire. How did it-hap- ycn? What was he there for?" ,I be"-` .ieye11e.was trying to arrest the amed. Wm \_\ IH. \_uI' Cough when~Shiloh s Cute :11 give immediate relief. Price 10 cts., 50 \ c:e.,, and 31. Sold by John VVoods, Barrie, ; and M. J. Hamlin, Allandale. - | uwuur on uulanc cneap. terms 5 19, South for Lot 20, in the 12th Con.. 100 acres each. Both excellent farms. MEDONTE.-E L M` W 1. n1 R in mm rs-.. . zn , ,,_-- -_. --v.-v. and two lots - price $1000. Good building lot on Ross streetadjoining Mr. Cruddock sresidence : Dwelling House on East de of Owen street, occupied y Mr. Bothwell, most conveniently situated ; $1200. ` Cottage and lot nearly opposite Dr. s l residence, 0. s T Asplendzd building` site of 4a.c1-es. near Mr. John Hines residence, on the West side of Boynld street. A bargain. V ALLANDALE----A cnmfnrltnhln nliln hum: . uavvvvug uuyvsudu .l{LIVVuy lal'u0I(, 3 anz kind of mamaoturin business. . number 1 `vacant lo s on Bradford and Charles streets, South of Buttereld's foundry. all ne bu1ld1xzl11 sites. Several co ortable houses and cottages on Cha.rles_street: an excellent opportunitytor a mechamc to get a comfortable home as these houses can be paid for-P13 small monthly or quarterly instalments. ces $150 to;$400. That 00Il1f0l`t&b1e 2 storv Dwellino nnnns-ulna quurwrny msuuments. Prices $150 t0;$4(XJ. hat story Dwelling occupied by Mr. L. Butte:-eld, with small otce in front. and lots Qnnd h`I'|(iino Inf l\I'I Dana ad--nu-.6 ...l.'..__:___ 1 uxuuery 111 M18 mm. ' 4} acres at corner of Bayeld and Dalton streets, immedjately north or Bigelow property. An eligible bmlding site. Terms easy. . 3} acres of vacant land south nf AnArl'nn'n Cheaper than any House in or north ot,To~ unto. - All euglme nunamg site. Terms 3; 0; _Vacant land South of Anderton'e brewery adjomin railway track, suitable for an! man oturin nnrnhnr f `x-mmnu In .. .... 13_...:n-..1 -._; (TOWN AND FARM PROPERTIES) FOR SALE CEIEJLP BARRIE. -Ba. _vi;;:v-v Mill (Perkins) with about 4 acres of and, and two la.'rge`wate1-`lots; to be sold for less than half the cost of the ma- ohinery in the mill. 4} uni-An at nnhnnn no n....a..1.a .._.1 -n..u-.. -v...v v 1v\n av MANN's"'ov-D ;sTA_ND. uuupenxexuu nu. The{s' are -`oered especihnf cheap und in nea.r1y_everv case a. new small nnnh nnv- ` The` c\'xstoT1[nZsf kissing babies {is bing :,ust1y censured these days. It is c'oward`- .ytu kiss the poor little helpless things.` We'd ratlwr take somebody of our size. I`.... I 1: rn I` 1'u~ 1 HoasE%BLXI\ikETs; gnllmmam . 1331;? desirable dressing. Dr. J. C.A yer & Co}, Lowell, Mass, ` sold by al1_Dru`ggisto: Amws rum moon is entirely free from uncleanly, dangerous, or injurious sub- stances. It prevents the hair from turning gray, restores gray hair to,its original color, prevents baldness, preserves the hair and munnnA4-_ IA- .7" - `_ _ . -_- -........5 vuv vs nun ullrllio 2d. T6 prevent too rapid change of color. 3d.` As a dressing. ` It has given entire satisfaction in every instance. Yours respectfully, L I1V-- 4-..- - VALUABLE}LlNDS reasons : - Where sh intends carrying on the -n-- ...__A...-;._' --n.__ - . Tm: Ilxcv. (mo. II. TIIAYER, of Bourbon, Indz. says : Both myself and wife owe our iivcs to .~`hi1oh s Consumption Cure. Sold .1-Nolan \\'u Barrie, and M. J.`Ha.mlin', -Allandalc. T . ` A P. T. L LE 0 O R E, Moore's Block. Dunlop-st. Barrie. lst. To revent falling out of the hair. In or- ._.._._A.,A - rs.-Seoy., ' Montreal. o-P--7:- I:r`rluI'.l1lPd oi vlmarr Ev I 415-2Jooi;')_n`4"e -BIG STOCK OF Mhinv ' Hag re_1Tnove:drtd- used in my household for three nnunnn at Wlllg m Btucks n B`. -`- Is11Tt;. it outrageous? The next day after Hardup failed his` F t in a brand-new bonnet. !" 004" H \ 5') b0? .35 afraid tb at [ lardu p had been spec uln- That accounts for it. I rthe hair and scalp, and 1;, time, a gory superior and -1.. .. CRANE. n..v-u-.r.: _u(..;I 1. u 1 ms :1 (.`vA'1_.')`EvJ`E'; u 1 '5 :5 'f' igt ."6%` . {V/Rvs." __.*9n;m1n1.i2. .& upo uluul 11115!-U11. . Com, 4 acres) a ._- -u -van`. Barristers. Barrie Royal2ndReaderS ..............................'....5c Royal3rd Readers Ancient Mariner and Warren Hastings, C-hase s Notes. . ,60c, Ancient Marinereand Warren Hastings, Buchan s Notes.60c. Orthoepist and Verbalist. Autl1orized`Edition, each. . . . . .50c. Ortlloepist a_:nd-Verbalist, Gage s Edition. . . . . . . . T. . . . . . .35c. Ba1.dwin s Art of School Management. . . .- . .i . . . . . . . . .60c. iFx'ercise Books. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .at 2 3, 5 and 10cts. each. iSchI`;l(:iliq_S;(I))L[;)il(i`:)si' Slates, Scrlbblers and Copy Books, and other A. SBO'|'T,0P%POS|'l'E B-R. STATION, BAIIEIE. salmon l00KS, Eight Doors East of 0.?d Stand, McCarthy s Block, F Tramp ( to On V9 me EMCALLISTER, STORY & 00' Y. - _Direct from the Manufacturies in Europe A full Stock of HORSE SHOES, HORSE NAILS, K CARRIAGE AND SLEIGH VWOODENAWARE T Always on hand. . J0s1::PH` l.EmH1`0N, 3` BEZIITEQ I LIE BAR IRON, where?` his numerous patrons will n`; a larger assortment of S_C()_1`_T S BOOKST()R,E! Ono Door Vlost of Queen : I-lotol, Ba :-rlo, Has removed to more convenient and larger premises VuNDERTAKEm ' . . H` '3 ' : `Q Funerals furnished com- I ' T A ` I , plete. Caskets and Cof- Orders by mail promptly attended to. Ii1'ststm1.-1xt~-:IDisterrible to think zzow much time is lost in a yearwith card :1aying I ' \ \`m.,....1 J1- iL\V__ -__-_`_:_n,, 3,, 1 SEASONABLE sumwcasz Buyers will find the Prices lntresflng. REMOVED ! `ALLISTER. smnva 00., NORWAY IRON 3; S l`EEL, R I?LAC'Ii']VI ORE, WHOLESALE AND BETA IL. SCHOOL BOOKS! than ever, at extraordinary low prices. Hardware ! It used 10 be Worth makes the man, but .l1o\\' it is \\ _`urth_mak*es the woman, ; and the ~\*.'1112u1 gnmkes \V0rth. (Paris :;amg please copy.) ` , A .\'.{.~..~\_1. `l\.n:u'n1: free with each bottle :',~'l1iluh's (`utarrh Remedy. `Price 50 cents. HM by_Julu1. \\'<,>ods, Barrie, [and J. ihmlln, .-\l1amIzL1c. A ' MERCHANT TAILOR, 1 Have received a. Large Stock of ordinary CARPENTER AND RES'l`{PR()0F. cuu. CHAIN, . ANVILS AND VISES, u; ATI)- Is Now MAKING bmscr PHOTO- 'aRAPHs' FROM {camp SIZE up Torn x I4 CABINETS BAR RAUD THB PH%Tl}BAPHB[l,% Bcfrtr-IW:1E}IQ=s BLOCK,` mm $3.00 % PER nozsu. .B.A.Fi.IE7l IE, ; nd; "prides ,alAways in %_ { ..._.,_ Agtopig, Ali-Vorders w`x}l re- "7mi`ig`r;`.' plete. Caskets n : of A._variou's` designs _.-- L 7 T Smmu'.< (u .\m_:u REMEDY--3 positive .ure for-catzm 11, dipthena. and canker mouth. Sold by Juhu \\'0OdS, Barrie, and M. J. ` Hamlin, Allz;11da]`c. I1? .1 I .1 ' on Su3Lun's (`rue will immediately relieve T crcup, whooping cough and bronchitis. Sold `.5`J0hn \\'u>ds, Barrie, and 1. J. Hamlin, Allandale. T . T T Father--" What is your favoritehvmn, 1 (hire, my darling ."'i Clara~The one 3.-nu L'_]_lZ1S(`L1 :1 way uver the fence last night, Mr pa. T - u 11 .. .. h.......\.'. _ ____:;_;___ :L"`Ia111-glzul this coffee does not owe me 3nvtl1in;,v, said a boarder a_t the breakfast zale. -"I don't believe 1t would ever -; settle. ` I`: , '11 ' , ,_, _ 1,`_L_I,_ _.-I!_, U56. . Prof. LQvv`s Magic Sulphur Sou .-Heal- mg, sootlnng and_ clea.nsu_1_g for al eruptive diseases of the skm. Delightful for toilet uw- . ' Lives are waste. ` M1011 " "' ""' ' _ ` 51?1ia,dg must be an easy game, for 1t : mostly d - I . 1 I . me ghoemakers are notonous y ong- -Egrthe lasters, for Instance. _ A M mwith 9, noisy dog calls him Tree, ` A e all the bark is on theoutside. 1 W: Lawn; Worm. Syrup will remove alt. hand, of worms from clnldren or adults. lrouze is a very fashionable hue nowa- days but brass has not entuely gone'ou'jt._ I Society is a fraction who_se numerator is clothes and whose- denonunator 1: cash. The Barbers Gazette of New York Cm, has failed. It was strapped. Next! It is 9, Maine husband" who.haa dvuhbedt hi. wife Crystal, because she 1s alwayson . me watch. Freeman_ s Worm Powders are safe in all cases They destroy and remove worms 1!] Lhgldren or adults. Flats are growing popular in N ew York. New York lists are unpopular the country 0\'I'. . . ` We fear the Montreal courts will hold that the matter of compulsory vacclnatlon .5 ultra virus. 1 A Boston man writes the Globe that he has ayed 46,000 games of crlbbage. nut alwnvn nllnwarl tn run tn ~. Jones c `an. . 8118 dog kory be V "39 he has a rough bark. The only nerpet Q . ual motion is its falrglll/18 about berpei. "`'"`' ``I must 8. 11 ea` Y game, it,` jars. sa 8 3531! iv v..-._ `_ _ WW ' for the Ser!ous-'1`he I the Scissors Can Find. vebawi 0111) hP8--Man delt The foot ball and arnioa. seam: Domestic sauce is kept 11 V ghl THINGS. ward: 1 on: wonnp KIN . WHUMUR w - Btov "D '_"a' `HID Juan UUUII IUUIIU I'll ll_l!_5 a sohd rock, where it must have `r Dana T4 :. .......11-*_-_ L-.' _-;_- 1. ; , NO`7enlbel A` u "jU,\l\Jo usaavu vs vnnwnllnsvo not always allowed to run `to mg has just" `been found`i n {be H m.nL ...1--.._ :1. _-___-L L-..`-` Luvxx, IVLJGLO Ll! Illull `I-laV'U It is needless to say h 1, or hecould not have re- Lu only delay ! )all geuon . . In Inf here`, _.&mil" his (fog Hickoxfy because saixdwiohed with -Pa:-an; .- 1-1-..]--gnu Than `Q3. 19,1885. Z-The Ban; ` 'OAfl`gRBl-`!_-A l;{nw`rn3gg'A_o'frn3tcNr. - Perhsps the most extrsordinsry success that hesgbeen achieved in. inoernmedioine has been obtained byvthe Dixon treetmsint for Cstsrrh. Out of 2.000i'1petients"tre'sted during the pest sin _months,,fully ninety per cent. have been cured of this stubborn mslady. This is none theless stsrtling. when it is remem- bered thst not five per cent. of pstielte pre- senting themselves to the regulsrpractltioner ere beneted. whiie'the_petent medicines end other advertised cures never record 3 cure st sll. Starting with the claim now generally be-` lieved by the most scientic men that the . disesss isdne to the resence of living pere- eites inolthe tissne,, ,r.,Dixon__st o_.nce,adapted_ his. cure to their, OXtfl'.1!l: nation,-_-{this _ec_co'm~. plished. he clsims thencatsrrh is prsotlcslly cured,snd `the ermsneny is unqneetilonedgse cures` eectbd,-. y;,h" `gfogrfyeigg ego .ei'5.fd0t, still. No`, one else} . I-svermttemiljtdi ,WIh'I?e `On tsrrh. -in: this-3. manner; end*.moE=,oth'er.~ tree`:-._A -`meat his"`eVerlcn;. C}ts' '-"*I;h?a t`,P%!.*c'7 ;ti6IiL fi;`t!i='|:l'i'I`ai;i2 . ay2i.;n;:.s. !i~i5gi?ae1iti9 it -_l1ou:e;*end.:ith.e `vesent-aesqosretstl 9-/s_enrl,st. nah`; th, wt!` ogre lefors speedy end perm: " `$31338 esksiiisesgag-.-eg__bem.g.curza:w3 i , _ *.::*_ ..;. .::."'i.""`&I.`H`.u-are nBnnTd'_corr:h0n UI!}'C\I` lu \ tives. "Soil told- -behind. I got left. So did several other Mr. Brown's Experience. I went tothe skating rink the other night. - I didn't tell anyone I- was going, not evenymy wife. I,vkne_wifIdid,she would want__ to go, too, and` as I, intended to try, ykating I preferred to make my debut unatteiided b uiy f_riends;_ai_id rela- . _ l"`i_.Ann-f-that s my wife--that I` was,` going;t9-gprayer-meetin g. She looked rat,li,er;,;s`ii`i`p:_'ised--for I am 00*? generally 8: r6g7ula*i`., a ttendant-but at once laid asi_dg.,li'i'} 8ei{vjiig.a,nd announced I161` llll a6lllzl_OIl1Q me. saw that W0u1dnW`.:;3b.'.5 s'Ii`_4; so.' .when she ap peared few minutes later with cloak and - bonnet I assumed an annoyed tone and said: 1 declare, Mary , Ann, Ithave a pressing business engagement for this evening which had entirely slipped my. mind. However, seeing her countenance fall, - I ll, go round bythe church and leave you qt:prayer-_,ineeting.o She lock? rather grieyed and zdisappointed, `a`, ndi;, ; - together s9j;f" ocent`-`that I almost re 5 ed and_mefr`t y called myself a brutefcr deceiving thedear little woman so, but I had detertninened to go to the; rink, so"I quieted my .con_science by registering a solemn vow that just as soon as I had learned to skate 1 would take her` along with me-tolook on. Well, after leaving my wife at the church door, I brought up I at the skating rink in due time. Isome- what timidly took my place among the I skaterson the oor. but as ,_'I watched their graceful evolutions, and noted the appar- 4 ent ease with which it '.was performed, I boldly `struckout. I immediately-ifndot sooner-struck something else, too. It was the oor. Yes, I sat. down a little more forcible than elegant. -My head` flew back and my jaws snapped together like a turtle catching at a y. _ The sud- den concussion set my brain in a whirl, but after two or three vain efforts, and graspings at theempty air, I righted my- self.` By this time the perspiration was starting" from every pore, but I wasn't going to be discouraged by one fall ; so, after relieving ,myself of my coat, I cautiously` started in again. I thought this time 1 would go slow and_easylike till I got accustomed to the motion ; but, bless you, the moment those rollers got the least little encouragement _to start away they went like chain lightning, and you .either_.h`ad to keep up ,with_ them or yen would be; most` unceremonipiusiyi left fellows? about -"112"-o*clocl :` thatinight ` 1 reached my ownvdoor. With the as- sistance of a policeman and aT_'ca_ne I managed to hobble there from the doc-g tor s ofc, ldespite*?hislearn'est' entreaties i to ca1l,.an, ambulance. .. .,VVi.f9fr11n8l{,- a pecting` little i woman'-is in` a` constantg 4 state of worriment lest 1 have another at- `1 a.....i. ..c ...m+n innrrimntnrv rhmimatini 7 I Ubllbu UI. vvuxsnunvuu Lvuv ;. nllnvv ....v..--..- tack .of acute. ina!;'1mat9:y`qr};;;; I don't -it_hipn1g ,I; nqt `th1a~:_fa]l.~ -I: Inuenza. . This is an epidemic worse end more de- pressing than an ordinary cold, and requires prompt remedies to break it up. Hagyard s Peetoral Balsam is a trustworthy remedy for all forms of colds and their dangerous results.- ' - L uau cuav IJJLUGU JUN I Hobaon Jones--V-f`On the lawn tennis grounds in her fa.ther s own yard." Hobson Jones--Yes; Miss Clara. gave me every reason to thunk that she was in- terested in me ; but when I asked her to be my wife she unqualiedly refused. MPH. an 'Rn"inn___r\n --"H-" ~~~~ "-3- Ivu n.uJ vv uu nuu uuq uuuuauly 19111800. Mrs. do Bullion--A-On what grounds did she refuse you ? Hnkann ,T.m.... 7 en. LL- LAW - ms Mlcssns. T. Emnuxson & Co: Geutlemen,-Your medical guide and re- cipe book is without exception` one of the, most complete and useful little books of the sort that I have read. Many of the recipes contained in it are worth far more than the . rice you charge for a bottle of Dr. s andrake - Dandelion Liver Cure. Yours, etc. , John Woods. n Xulggpulla `o1so'kmith_is dangerous- ly, il1;3y(;`itI_if.f`c lari(1e(frs eentrgcted while shoe- ing a -h)'_rse.=" Afndr. s Pennsylvsnia wo- man ~is`~ suiferingi from s sprained ankle contracted while shoeing a hen. There seems to be a fatality about this shoeing business. -' Mlcssns. 8`C .: .`.A'I"lurv\nn. `7A---- What is usually the nationality of a boot-black.-m dear 7" asked Mrs. Caution whileiherhus and wasstud ing the score of an Allegheny game. I it varies, replied Caution. Sometimes they are Polish, and sometimes -Shinese. ' If Peo le troubled with colds, mould em Aver s Iizlherry Peetoral ` before` going to )church or places of entertainment, they would avoid coughing. greatly to the com- fort of both speakers and hearers._ Public sneakers and singers nd that the Pectoral wonderfullyincreases the power and exi- bility ot the voice. ((`lViIn - Pride :'"*~'-" E'*."'9'f-Y -99165.2" 331'" `?3!"I1_151on' of ,ap;`,1. . Gd la. cow us 9. mystery. Nntimnl nm. __ ,- . _ -_.- v .,.V.,. in1vi?i't`I11 .E;v)1l :;c';ar..'.`:;.c.:l.l..l.t..1:.;l.: ';`.?..f.`3`.`E` may applaud" -H ,. . znon~ot.apb1ea%31L3i 523;` mvstarv E- ` r.- -Shaw looked liken-ve;ry, melancholy `so'.n .'.but; was .a .ha p1`>y' d6V % Inme . and family. He ujvdre grdtesque, .9hes' 9i!d:='10n2 gray hair: Es I>* ` i hit! lastlyears -hej had 'manv'-- warm efrinde, : who .ape_'a`-k` in. the highest manner of2'hi_s, . Riqhlipigs offheart ar_rd'head.;_' ;ed_1;ca.ted p.;1d.posaed"excelleamitljitexzbty 1 germ >' ...,.... (_U:-v',7rA._: .9 M1"."Sha{w l'e a'vfes[ja` gv;:iaow,*;`wd"dh&gh- 5 te1;s and seye1ja1.grapdchildrqn._. One of I * liiidanzghfera wqs,ma.rrii t6 a.' r`11iT_lior,_1 a'.ire_ 1 of _South.Americg,_jhe `othr _b , 'A'y_`2lthy broker of New York City. " ` " ` 1 '4,` ( vv |l_l.\A A568 ll\JU\.I lllIllI_l|UJ I33 K UIJWIWIIVL VVGIF, at least, equal to his good fortune with his-pen. What estate J oah . left is not yet; known, but there is no doubt that it is of considerable value. ,His services on the platform commanded high rates, and his literary productions were paid for ex- ceedingly well. One weekly paper alone in New York paid him $100 a week for a half column of matter- In 1873 he began the publication of his "7Farmers _Almin`~ ax," ja `book. which in its second; .'v_ear, had a:eale.of1127,000`copien, and in .ten:years `Held `netted `the ' /authorA.tanid_ fplpblihterb $30,000 each. . mm. m........ `l..,.l...'.l 1:1... .. -..;'....\.'..'v..i:.;.L.'.1...1.'. Ilggmouth Rocks-and Wyapdottes. CHICKS*%a?`3l%z.a`f%,`:':1`:?"i:`:,`:;::.`: Singlq Gon'1b. Brown and . White `Levghgxv-n(._ 'r;3;R,Angu_s, 1 _ `35-479 FDS The 6'n1Y CH?-NUINE Lnrdli Eh` ' .r1`.1`z,i`1-ket V is . mgd? by MOOOLL` jBRO_B. &'-CO.,',Of T0- - .- ronrm ,u.=d,whe.n.. buximz ask. for. .4;-.77 ;._; 7'; !_._:`_w_`. i `op-95`: _ agv. uvyvauzu '1 vyun. uvvvu. Hula. ens on the.,mule?` {`sIew ed` ound the spel in'g, f and mailed it virith the signa ture Josh,Bill_in s, to',.the New,,York Era. it was pu lished_ and went the round of the press. From that time for~ ward the quaint, misspelled productions of Josh Billings commanded reat popularity, and were remunerative to%)oth author and pnbliahers. He was equally fortunate as a public lecturer, subsequent to a brief period of comparative failure. At the close of the war, after having de- livered a few lectures, in country towns -, he spoke in Philadelphia at the invitation of the Press Club, and made what he call- ed the rst success of his life. Hencefor- ward his acceptability as a speaker was, ad Inna} Anna` `n his titers!` `l\Q`I`IVUil\ n-:51. . co. are .6111... overv- rices for 30sdaVs, that -To We GTE thing at reduce their customers ` where for bara , the biggest bar- gains gain W 11 found at Gray9s. see our $2 2 Heavy. bite Blankets. y not need to go else-- (!ll!IBlUU .llU`'1'!` V *DON TBE Mus LED :: .r _-W" ` .1... 'H' `Tl .l- 51263:: .4` ' V mu on-yvuvnaw vs 451 vaxuuuu, 1.19 LUIIIUIIULI UlI1llUI" nia in. 1848, but did not remain there long. Returning East at the age of 27, " he married. ; Accompanied by his. young New England wife he soon after started for the West`. where he was again not suc- cessful. Finding. himself at the age. of 40 with three young and growing daugh- ters, with no facilities for their education, he went East and settled at Poughkep- sie, on the Hudson, `where he took up the business of an auctioneer and dealer in real estate. Poughkeepsie" ,' had a small -daily newsp.8Der,. and itsseditor upon hea,r~ ing,-`the words of Wit and wisdom .t.hat;fell from Mr. Sha:w s lips while engaged in 12's calling, invited . him , to .'..write_.'for his journal. -V He consented, and contributed about forty articles, among which "was an essay on the mule. They were published and fell at. A Why? was the problem. Reading a sketch by.Artemus Ward and` comparing it with -work of `his own, Mr. Shaw concluded that the secret of his failure'was.i,n the correctness of his spell- ing, He ; accordingly took down. jhis essay on` tlie.,lmule,' L` slewed` `round the '.'l'\JW$`Q!'.I"IQll -f lJH"" -11.1 gminiat6b'u0a19 I-.n!:m:mn'nv mi UN! 1: out uvu uuusvsuauo "Mr. Shaw was of good family.` Both a his father and grandfatherwere members i of Congress, and the .former acted as po- litical manager for Henry Clay in New England. He was born, in Lanesboro, Berkshire 00.," Mass , in the year 1820. From the time oflhis birth until 1834 his life was spent at his native place. 1n the year last named, when he was only 14 years of age, he joined a party animated with the resolve to cross the plains to the Pacic Ocean and colonize under the Mexican Government. The project fail- ed, and Shaw thereupon pursued the avocation of ifrontiersman, turning his hand to everything presenting him a means `of livelihood. He reached_Califor- ah. :.. 10,40 1...; .::.1 ..- L _-, , ::;;: "55-rxe; I'.S&'p n. 14 cnniwti chaff ...4,...b . . . Y 4_ _ . becond dxtto -+- Xes, especlally Flu shulingz. ' T , nmnmr w.isn'aw. Josh B1`1nn_gs. _.-,3umorous Author and Henry W. Shaw, Josh Billings of ipopular.litei'ature and tho rostrum, died at Monterey, Ca1., on October 14, 1885 America loses in him a wise as well as a funny man. Much sagaclty lay under- neath his humorous saying. f` Josh . was not the first philosopher to wear the cap and bells. His readers and his audiences would have been but few, had not Josh made the hard good sense of his utter- ances palatable by the devices of the pro- fessed humorist. `IE... C1L__ ,, D l 1 A an -s -- !3# 51i3`=:` 5 olxvhn ofnnn %- uu-n.l:'Wonns. . V 1m'zaa.aj'o_m Gamma by 2.1;. Holden. Six little words there are 1 Which bind me every day- ::;-.--'1.-: % :;{,-;=-,n-s.-" :1 ow; ' "I :i:Ln-h thnian 133$ MddLi'S7LK`iiIN*EJ f9;`'g?`_`t% AP!!! 5 II 11 BJ()(} 9...3.:M::*zasesmg:24:aa~:zu; noun` a uvuly plif. 7IJmust the metes anti bounds * In which, on every hand, Mankind -restrains my acts, And Nature bids me stand. `I.-can"--that it the dole ' Of action. strength and art, 7 Of science and of skill. The Sn reme may impart. I will the richest. crown lories thewhole; There of freedom true - Impressed upon the soul. I dare, the mystic words To be read right, before . Th'er ll move the look whxch bars _My eedom s swinging door. yIAm`ay thenite is; `Midst innities it oats ; Innite light which gleams Of finite sunbeam motes. ' I shall, "I must, I will, `_'I_,can, `y`I dare,f`I _may., These six-words bind me just In life, from day to day. a Only as I amtaught, Know I what, every day, Ishall, I must, I will, I can, I_ Vdare,aI may... ` "we ,1-re." "1 ma . thsthigh hwy` Inacr1b_ed,npo_n the heart, T llllpell_1ng to 11;: goal My being : every part. ~ "I llllltn the Innfan tint` LA.- cut ' .m1:m. Jill-J ._mo01: Bzloqaljsq J iiswfisfiiwzi Mrs UNI nnnn nl dd,-mun Imntnn mu '1 THE NORTHERISEJADVI i"u??i`4f 3 amqa- 69': Ln'}nL rf,-nu: Fox `l3\sl'l~`l'.\lA and liver complaint. Y0 1 have a printed guarantee on eveyv b0l7t_1 f_ ` Sh1loh s \'itali'/.cr. It never fails to cure. `Iold by John Woods, T Barrie, and M. J-. `Hamlin, Allandale. "I throw my love to him and_ it hath gone astray, sings Lillie Drake, In an ex- llange. Let Lillie be comforted by thf rcrlectiun that a woman never could throw anything stmight. Am: Not` .\i.\w: niiso1'a.b1e`by Indige8ti01 s .0[lStl]l{1tlHll, lirziiicse, loss of app6til79_ X91 mi; akin`! .\`hilnh's Vitzallizer is a positive fire. Sold I-3; John Woods, Barrie, and M- `. Hamlin, Allzimlale. V ` London Truth announces that the Prince {lllalcs lS colonel of forty `English __1'8"v Wis ; and the statement is',cre9gt1ng 9' dark suspicion that he has. Kellsllckf blood in his wins." ' \-.14 id --4 A . T . '1: ALI `:.:':'-` 7.-`I *1 `VJ ` f: ( .` V, I's `:-IL\:LlI A:-.L.;..-vain. ..m.._'_;' can-...n_,. _- 3 -n-_ I Eu N we IN vn;a'r1s;u IN UAN ADA. - . 9oo,ooo Security, Promgt Payment. and Liberality in the adjustment 0 its Losges are the prominent features of thin; Company.` ; I ` ~' ` ` CYANADA B dAnn nu nrnuznn-nun . "I1" L-"'- -`V'V-' -"Junta--(JIIO|a`.i$ -JR Yul ! dJaH 9?bPnt:i>ast/stind`~.W6BtavandmIan1toba. :EHr nlng$s.31'ntuo3ta'dInnly';.t5!:3d~iu": 0 .{ W, 1 . .6`; 4'1 rf`m,`htn-s .-fan! ufuna.-:-....._'..P.`_-.-j.`_ . Y... -,..,..... 0 Iozmou .3 ac] |.cIplIu.I. UD V1 '41-I? V`_-"_-H91-l.Y-_ _ I g` _` CANADA BOARD or nmnovrons: t . Hon. Henry; Stag-neg.; .'1`hos.Ora.n1p_ Esq.. Dep.-Chairman; -Theodore Bert Esq.: Ang11sC.Hoopex-,>Esq.; E. J. Bs1_`beau,Esq. ~ Insurances effected at Moderate Rates of Premium; Dwelling, Churches and Fume Properties insured s V specially Low` Rates . jG.n'."c.JsMrrH, I0'SEPHROGER8. ' ` "Res.-Seoy.,` Age`nt,Pol1ceConr Montreal- ` R'n'v-I-IA n~nl\A v um. uauuv SINGLE &DOUB LE"i1A_nNnss uv,...13........ 1\_..--..L4. -_'1-2.4.; nu,_, ...---- v-gu-- vvjow :---- jcuvnt-I133} For Havy Draught o1-`Light Carriage use, in 3 . . anv Mountingrequired, V Aywnvsuuisrocx oi Minn: in onuan. 7 IVERPOOL 85 LONDON scv GL6}E IN- - SURANCECOMPANY. T 1,195 I175 Euu~:.. INvEsTni1) FUNDS . - over,ooo FUNDS INVESTED IN CANADA ` - I Semn-itv. P1-omnt Pmrmnnt an}! t.Ihm...u+.,:.. 1 ms u.uuve.1u.nus are -orrerea especially cheap and in nearlxevery case 8. very small cash; _ y- mom; will be accepted. and easy terms ven forthebalance; ' 4 . . ` The yam-ant town lots can be purchased on still easler terms. in case the purchaservintende to build immediately. Apply to A STRATHY & AULT. 1Q:`I1 I 'l')-_._:..A._.__ *r|-__1_ '- --nu VCIIID. .Lefrt11ving frnghas jus be .5 - V "f ruck, whet ne:gr`f0T agps. nee 3d.crt1scd, or hecou .``d 30 100g uxiuoticed. Ava-`L. 0 Strin%Be11s, Broad, Loubie and`Sin le Bells rushes, Curry Combs Whlps. _ nee T Pads of all k1nds._ arnesn 0113 .. and Varn1shes.', vyvu `call sgiliitd b`e;:)re purchasing elsewhfe. iNo_1f1A_;hern .&%1{Qnth;V:[esj:ern Raways. gra ,ss;a~.m ,.t,2r=3:me .8985]-38 and! I7'.A.]R.__l[_1E}IE{S!` REMOVED! }FAl%i5YVi5ii"f3 n In lar`ge'r'aca.le than heretofore. Silks, chenixxes and Fancy Wools of an kinds . Tqys. etc. . * 1 Juan A ....ii ~.;I8-!L;J L_n-_- ____-L - -s_.. -1.` .., u ' | wuwreu anu umnerea, 5011 good. ` M ;Port or 6th Con; Vespra, 110 acres, good house and burn; $1200. ` . _ Several Pa.rk_Lote Weatgof Mr.-Ewan`s resi- dence and havmga ne new or Barrie and Kempenfeldt Ba}. 'l`hn nhrnm inn :1 am. :nam-mi m...-...hI.. -1. ...... 1_1nsl: cuss. a.u_ o_1ea.rea.'an e_xceuent_1'ar1n; _ l i of 24 111 6th 0011.. small clearing, well watered and timbered, soil good. M I `P.I't Of .in 6 ) CO1) _' Vnnm-1 1 IO urn-an nu-nu! av UIUE \Ul1lULlCBQ- AYWS Sarsaparilla works directly and promptly, to purify and enrich the blood. 1 =1I1provet} ie appetite, strengthen the nerves. ""1 brace up the system. It is in the truest V altcrative medicine. EVGTV i.nV'lid , would K . ive it 3. trial. MT8. F.--`. :2? a `Ian t outrageoug? T1_18f ay Hardun failed his M