` WP 5? ;l&BB_ 01'- .$191'8 Onragive in suur `ham. A'.L...'}.;.1 100 Columns and 100 Engraving: in eachbissue. A4330 YEAR I|.5O A YEAR. . Send three, -20. staxns for Sample Copy gang- 11311 or '1` German) of the Owns? AND Bus am- ounrunu. Jovmux. is run woam. -ORAN GE J UDD C0.. DAVID J UDD. Pres. 751 Broadviay, New York. N - ...--- - II. I lI\II'I'\I I U" CALLS the attention of the pea le of Barrie and surrounding country to t e fact that he has leased the stone Blacksmith Sho (from Mrs. Ste hens) Clapperton-st., next to e $im- coe Hote where he is prepared to do all kinds of work. one shoeing of the latest improved styles, preventin ot inte ferin . t ' . con- traction and teder feet car3ful,ll-yguttlgeated. Btlxlders supplied and estimates `furnished. H. SMITH. |gngEa1cAN AGBIEULTURIST HERBERT SMITH. PROPRIETOR I f`IAT.T.Q flu` ..LL.._4.:-_. ,. .. _ ULHUU 0781' UC and Saturday. fiBARR|E@AND BLAGKSMITII SHOP !4 Money to lend. at lowest rates. Agent for Dominion Grange Fire Insurance Associ- ation. Canadian Mutual Aid Life Insurance and Reserve Fund Accident Associations. THOS. S. MCLEOD, Dalston. } Olce over oulter 8: Vaix-`s. Barrie, Tuesday 1 ' 6-Iv .._. ." -- U'-oaI Ave vs Iuo Jun, Lecturer on the Eye, Ear and Throat. Trinity Medical College, Toronto, Surgeon to the Mer- cer Eye and ar Inrmary and Oculist and Aurist tothe Sick Children's flospitaldate cum. cal Assistant Royal London 0 hthalmic Hospi- tal. Mooreelds, and Gen London Throat and Ear Hospital. 1'7 nhnn-H Street. Toronto. May be consulted with reference to Diseases of the Eye, Ear Throat and Nasal passages. Special attention to Cross Eyes and Catargggl _yv_u Jvu navy unu an uuv IIIJUUULU. She did not look excessively annoyed, and in truth was enjoying the . _a.dventu`re quite as much as he wins, but she only said : You have the finest horse there I ever saw. Howl should like to "ride hir x}'. _ v `- auauuaugu may souun Ann west sum. The Northern Belle, will leave Collingwood for Parry Sound every MONDAY and THURSDAY at 1 p.m.. returning same evening, and leaving at 9 a in. every Tunsn ur and Fmnav, for Mea- ford, Owen Sound. P in Isle, Wiarton, Lions Hea. Club and Squaw slands. Ca ing al so at Tobermoray. Michaela Bay and Providence Bay on the Friday tri$only. For information as to Freight and as e, am-ly to any agent of the above Railways. t e nursers on board the steamers. or to the Great Northern Transit Co y (Limited) Collingwood. matrix A Q I l`|\Tl`I (11! A Q n A II1:1I"hl'\\Y for Killarne , Manitowaning Little Current, Kazawong. ore Bay. Spanis River, oma Mills, Thesaalon. Bruce Mines, Hilton, ich- ards, Garden River, and s. s. 1>Ac11-`re. ' cm. P. M. cmpnm. S. S. ATLANTIC, CAPT. Rom. D. F001`:-:. s s. NORTHERN BELLE. CAPT. us. mssmvr. - The ne new steamers Pacific and Atlantic. win run `as follows, `during the season, (weather permitting): . Leave Oollingwood at 1 pm) ; Meatord `sf 3 p. m.; Owen Sound at 8V p.m., and Varton at 11.45 pm. every WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY 1-.. -rr:n-__.._ Il'....:4.-..-...l_.. 714.51.. tV....._....4 . eh . Makin 2 close connection with. the Northern and orth-Western Railway at Collingwood Canada Pacic Railway at Owen Sound. an the Grand Trunk Railway at Wiarton. seoncmiiv uus,j ' ' ROYAL MAIL. Ann's sAnsAun1LnL' has cured me of 4 Insgnmstory -Bhotjmptlsm, [with . jhlcllxi I hgvg snerelfpr mapy years. `V V -`Dumb, 145."; 2, 1832. w. n,1s_1qonn." iutnrlnnb `hr * g l . C The Satgaay Steamer-calls also at Cockburn I '4-Aland _ PDIIAIC Canes `rm---- ..-v__ ..f.___.___ -I"ID ' `mu; oombinedirltln` Iodide of Potas- hnd Iron, and is the eafeet,'moet reli- `gbri, `and inoot -` `mood-purine: that ~ eanbe ueed.~j It mnriebly expel: all blood -5 * them the system, enrlohee and renew ` the blood,` and rmbm its vitalizing power. }IS in the; beat known,.remedy for so:-ofula and all Scromloue Complaints. Erythr- , 'elnI, Eczema, Ringworm, Bjotchee, Sores, Bolle, Tumors, and Eruptions of, the Skin, as also for all diso;ders.ca.used ` by: thin.,and.impov.erished. or corrupted, eonditionot the blood, such as Rheumatism, Neuralgla, Rheumatic Gout. General Debtlity, and Scrotuloog potarrh. %o'i-IJ.o;Ay:7Z_5S;i3weII,Mss. _' samfpy .1_1%nz`_ug1s`u;. Q1, out bottle! for as `. i;:`;i-i:"oonW w 6-tr-ct f an-ups:-Illa and otpor` blood-purifying ,'_ ;_Q_l'__.I 'A-.ILI-' 7an'1I.:`A 1| au`n-A man never oeen naaen by a. lady." I should not be afraid as long as saddle remained rm. What is ;name? lll'III I on A . .- - AvS9rsa.pa.rilla.% co Lnxndwoon MONEY. muuinaton `nheumansn Cured. "'iG'i.'-i-"3"-"I-E. mums. -L.-.'..I-.. GL...-.4_ ...II.. _I_;` -5 I`. r--ww :-- ROYAL MM L, 1' Annnnnfinn II13f}| `El U V :.='.oR 1885, Iilileizs ems. AT rm POGKET DIRECTORY . AT THE KEIIPENFELDT mmm, B..RLli.!E- wuuaxa uuvu SUV Uu nu BUKIIU Wu There would have been no trouble in your getting off, he said, with one of his-frank, contagious smiles ; -but then your horse might have got away, or you would have to lead him some distance at least. Perhaps it was well that the girth gave way when it did; for it would have broken in a few moments more in any event Therefore I hope you will toler- ate one not wholly unknown to you, and getmit me to be of service. 6-Y...3.....J `I L . _ . . -1 ' BUI'1:I.a v nan manna WANTED! `RlFLEW:l"Nl) sum GUNS - J 5, , AMMUN-`1_`_' -... mu Auction Rooms and Oice. --Few Doors North of Wellington Hotel. Baytield st.. Barrie. Licensed Auctioneer for tho County of Simcoe. Orders left at the A1)\'.a.\'c1~: Ofco willbe 1-omptly attended to. and information willbe shed parties requiring Mr. Ford's services. as though he had himself been consulted. 85103 taken in prices to suit everybody. SECOND-HAND FURNITURE I BOUGHT AND SOLD. IIIIIIII IILII XIII-II ILlLIAu-" I ` . J . , t 9:" `t3'M8nure must be free from sa11(1adf5.rtL `C Parlor suites. Bedroom sullen, ` Sideboards, Easy Chain, cc Cornice Poles. and all kinds of Furniture mm to order by ompetent workmen. Also Planing and Turning Done on Shortest Notice. DAVID DOUGALL, In Rear 0 the Market | ____._________. - nu Lue venous Sty l EH00 | -Delivered in all Darts v-mu. .1--- PIC-NIC PARTIES SOCIALS & WEDDING: supplied at shortv !:g1t_in<`;g and 0 T880nab1e ` mxnnnicx J BROW N > xfvs u.uu sun In: UU UL EUIVIUU. Indeed I have only cause for thanks V I have interfered with your ride, and am putting you to trouble. HT am. An!" ..:.J:...... A3-.. ..'I--_.--.7 `I nuuerume expe ties and is now than annu- --- OFF I C'E-- Up-sta in L U YDUN 1 on Lennox cf: Lennozc Flat HUU.3g_ 1 }\.'.7A3- SCRO , CONVEYANCER; COHMIS manufactured trevah every (1, grocer for them and you will 11%}; n%'mirW '1'!` `TWIN TI I 4l\J:cu-._ -- _ GEO. R. FORD, FURNITURE soo BUSH ELS OF THE JUDICIAL V...-uu5 Jvu vu usuuuto. | "I was only riding for pleasure, and as_ ye_t' you have had all the trouble. cl... Au ..'-; 1. -1- -..--__.-_.-I_ ` THE VOPDII THIS 0FF|0E- Fishing PULLANS av. . PULLAN I think I can mend it with a. strap from my bridle so that it will hold until you get home, he said ; but I am sorry to say that I can not make it very secure. Will you hold your horse a. moment 1" ` HT ....... :...l..I..4....J L... mt- nun-.__.: 1' FOB T ackle, Witt! A gr The \ I've 15:11.13: 1 U IIUEIIII, IIVDIDGUIIJEIJO I.am1!`Z[r. Clifford, and, believe me, I am wholly at your service. If you had not been so good a. horsewoman you might have met with a. very serious accident. (`Mnnn 1'|nv-nlrn nun Ann Ln -.A.q 1 3-4 eat, I own 1 ELI phi-If] hevca when ' Ay blood mend In in th but. Bi head clai they by J "Alla C ros ...uvu -uvu "nu a waxy uuuuua uuuxuuut. I More thanks are due to you, I 1m- agine, she replied ; though I suppose I could have got off in some way. E"-r'1 IDl`AV nynnlr` hung knnn nn L..A..l.'I.. 3.. 5:34 r9I1i| siye the ed t > sista V110 5'5"-""J . She blushed like the western sky, but tie was so grave and apparently solicit- ms, and his words had made his course seem so essential, that she couldnot take offence. Indeed, he was-now giving his whole attention to the `broken girth, and she could only await the result of his ex- s_m_inati(_>n. ` -r SVGVIIUVB U I! HUI. -I-JGIIVIDI Xeur horse is too high fori you to dis- mount in that way," he said, quietly. V and the saddle might fall after you and hurt. you. Pardon me, and he encircled her with his right arm and lifted her gehtfy "off. imsn tn`nntun;1 `:"l\ $`nn --nu`-.\--. -1-.. L.-L vu uvsu lulu. IIULDU G IIIUIIJVLIU I | x ' ;:.I am indebted to Mr. Clifford, I think ? she began, hesitatmgly. I 9111 MI! nl:`.\nA ant: l-u\`:n-on .~... T I know that, she replied, laughing. Helplossness is always awkward. I am only too anxious to reach ground in sa.fety,`a.nd`\she (Stopped the rains and reached out her hand::._ j ' n.U';___, 1, I A n 1- '9 began. V Indeed P -IIJELIIVLVIJB I. IIIIVU IIU l'lJllV_l IUDUUIUUI He bowed, leaped lightly to the ground, and fastened hiehorse by the road-side ; then came forward without the least em- harrassment. Your saddle-girth has broken, he said. I fear you must die- mount; Shall I lift you off? You main- tained your seat admirably, but a very slight movement on your part will cause the saddie to turn. 1('l'I__, . . II I 1- I '1 1- u'`(J3:ei:t:aiihly, 7 `she replied, smiling so gleuantly that the words did not seem angracious; I have no other resource. 11.. L........I 'I.........,I 1:...LLI... J... AL. ............'I Iouuuull-Ill `,|98;'<!|!? ,W&.I I-I,II.yIg1u' pIv_- side, and looking up to her in intelligent appreciation. Thus in her preoccupation Burt was permitted to draw comparative- l'y near, but as soon as she observed him it was evidently her intention to pass rapidly. _As she gave her horse the rain and he leaped forward, she clutched his mane, and by a word brought him to a stand-still. Burt saw the trouble at . once, for the girth of her saddle had broken, and hung loosely down ' Only by prompt action and good horsemanship had she kept ner seat, and now was quite helpless, for if she attempted todismount, the heavy saddle would turn, with un- known and awkward results. She had mcog-nized Burt, and knew that he was a` gentleman ; therefore she patted her horse and quieted him, while the young man came promptly to her assistance. He, secretly emulting over the promise of an adventure, said, suavelv, as he lifted "his hat, I 66311:... H ____ ...... ...:H ........ ....:L ....... A... M:N.i'i:s Hargrove, will you permit me to] aid you 1 I -an-.,..a...:.;1..n -1... ......1:..;| _....:n:..... ...g -"-. jT '*w vv-..-. us , 4L . hi. yr __`_'-fr I -"*,':r . t I003!` arrival in. the n.eiighborh66d ,'hiid" `l:iiisi iie'tran- e sactions with the` Ch'ord s. and had. learned enough about them` to awakena desire for social relations, and he had . courteously expressed his wishes. Maggie _ and. Amy had fully intended compliance,` ' but the harvest had come, time had passed, `T and the initial call had not been mailer` Leonard was averse to such formalities,` and, for reasons already explained. Burt `-. and Webb were in no mood for them. They would not have failed in neighbor-.,-pf liness much longer, however, and a call was proposed for the rst icomparativelygg ieool day. A little n3ident now occurred: which quite broke the` ice, and also, _some- , what disturbed Burt's serenity. Amy 5 was not feeling. very .`well, and he. had gone out alone for a ride on his superb black horse_'_1`hunder.' V After riding a few - miles in a shady" road, whe're the willows interlaced their branches overhead in `a; long Gothic-liliearch,`-he saw M183 Har- grove, mounted also, coming slowly to- ward him. He never forgot the. picture she made under the rustic archway. _ Her. ne horse was pacing alon with a stately tread, his neck curved on er the `restrain- ing bit, while she was evidently amusing herself by talking, for the want of a bet-. `An nnrnmnnunn `(I an ailllnnfln AID- ` IIULDUII. ll 00151115, nun. Uuw vvuuv U; a liver. ter oompenioq to an immense New- foundhnd'd031 . . . , _. lookix_1_`g_ up_to_her intellig_enc wan` t-r;ot4'tin` apt - fl.i?i' utunws s:mALs'ronv.l I. 2. non. .!" she_ aid, lifting bet -'*.e'y"e-' great F`1v31 l the his He the other day. Now, take my advice, .' h'.f' dd,` _ '15- (1 koeie 2`:?"1`>..;.ro1~`$.-1".`."~ . .3i33%w`3 Strawberry. I have never known it to f ; in mi :-ua`.n'i`9 I26.-"I-mt-n........... .. n........1-:_.n... uulawuurry. 1. nave never Known II? 150 I in biiriugf my . kind `jof `Summer Oomplaintlsf `!""` `.'. P"i.. `~...`.}'F"F.` . "..!'..1_',;:;}?"1Pl81l13- " send one gentleman to is"no`ther on om` street the other day. Now, take renlied hi: `Fnn an {an nnrnv Amman:-L -...I vulva H is absence had caused little remark in the family. It had been taken for granted that hewas at Dr. Marvin's, or the par- sonage, for the young fellow was a great favorite with their pastor. When he en- tered the sitting-room, however, there was a suppressed excitement in his man- ner which suggested an unusual experi- ence. He was not slow in relating all that had happened, for the thought had occurred to him: that it might be good `policy to awaken -a little jealousy in Amy. ~ In this `effort the` was obliged to admit to himself that he failed signally. Even Webb's searching eyes jcduld not}: detect a trace of pique. ' She only `very much amused, and was: nlaughinoly ..pro-; fuse in her congratulations to Burt. Moreover, she was genuinely interested in Miss Hargrove, and eager to make her acquaintance. If she is as nice as you say, Burt," she concluded, she would" _.mak_,e a plessa!._1t...a-ddition to our little 4 ex-, ; cursions and `pleasure parties. Perhaps ` she s old and bright enough;-t0;ytalk : Webb, and draw him out of" hid ` learned ` preoccupation, she added, With I shy - glance towardtheone who was growing a too remote =from' `her eiuiiifi '11 I`; . V-1; - a. nu: av vvwus J. van unruly IIIOVG, I11 [I11] down with .I}l}iOni6` " ggid on_e` gn_t1"e'iphn"_t ifndther street , ......-:u:. I vssvsv UU any 1UI'll.IllWy 5" . Burt was the last one to have any scruples on such grounds,tand be resolved to have his lark out, as he mentally characterized it. Mr. Hargrove had been something of a sportsman in his earlier days, and thevvoung fellow s talk was as interesting to him as it had been to his daughter. Fred, her younger brother, was quite captivated, and elegant Mrs. Hargrove, like her daughter, watched in vain for mannerisms to crlticise in the i breezy youth. The evening was half ` gone before Burt galloped homeward, ` smiling broadly to himselfgat the adven- turn ture. `I"L| ..--.. ...u uuunsauwa auugulugly (U10 .111!!! OI her mishap. _ There was `evidently the utmost condence" between the two. _He met her in like spirit with her own, and interpreted her unspoken wishes by so cordially pressing Burt to remain to din- ner that he was almost Aconstrained to yield. You will be too late for your own evening meal, he said, "and your [ kindness to my daughter woulpdmbe ill re- quited, and our reputation for hospitality \ would suffer, `should we let you depart withouttaking salt with us. After all, Mr. Clifford, we are neighbors. Why shoul-l there be any formality? 5 Buff WEI loaf nun `l\ L..-- ----- It must be admitted that his sensations kept pace with hers. Many had found Miss Ha'rgrove s eyes singularly effective under ordinary circumstances, but now `her mood gave them an unwanted lustre and power. Her color was high, `hertalk animated and plquant. Even an enemy, had she one, would have been forced to admit that she was dazzlingly beautiful, and inammable Burt could not `be in- difzferentpto her charms. J He knew` that i he-was not, but complacently assured ` himself that he was a good judge in such" l matters. " _'r1' --- suwv UV} 5. Mr. Hargrove met them at the door, and his daughter laughingly told . him of nynn '13-:A--L1-- LL A 3 mg woe Blmply a" tamer, he uncon- sciously asserted by every word and `glance that hatwas her; equal. j She: had the penetration to "recognize from the start that she could not patronize him in the slightest degree, that he was as high spirited as he was frank and easy in man- net, and she could well imagine that his mirthful eyes would ash with anger on slight provocation. She had never ,met just such a type before, and every mo- rnent found her more and more interested \ and amused. ' 1 l'A. __ ,, no Aotod wue1y'. V`p`I am so weak I can hardly move, all "tun dwn w1'I:h"i'~`:f'9hiniif`$nni'ii|A"i`:fm.m'nI.:..L n ' VVAIVEVQ V . In a moment he vaulted lightly upon 1 his horse, that reared proudly, but, at a. word from his master, arched his "neck: ' and paced as quietly as Miss Hargrove _s,. e _;better.-tra_ined ;a_n_`;. . Esgim laugh] "*W (l)El'rdl8VOw thawed ` . G1:-undy :h V013; ' . ewas so vi `wit, you an zifgormzndngiis triw of spiifits `sin hirreaist-p `b t t iss. a rave oun or own heiges tingling with `pleasure. The A epi-. sode was novel, unexpected, and prom- ised so much for the future that in her deligllitful elcitemneat sli`; ca:ll5d(}a!)lV?`_l; tion ityto* em a" 'el ',' '_ sportive mclwlod. bghey hadnnot lgoili; a mile et er , are one won d ve thougliggtshey had been acquainted for years. Burt's frank face wasvlike the opentpagelof a"iid-tl_itbex socie y gir saw no_ mg ini up a un - ing good-nature, and an enjoyment as spnpipe as her fown. _Sher was. (tin tlge er or races 0 provincia ism an ru ,- tioity, but was agreeably disappointed at their absence. He certainly was un- marked, and to her-taste unmarred, by the articial mode of the day, but there was nothing under-bred in his manner or language. He rather fullled her ideal of the light-hearted student who had biought away the air of the university . without being oppressed by its -learning. She saw with a curious little blending of pique and pleasure that he was not in the least afraid of her, and that, while claim- T ing to-be simply afarmer, he uncon- vacirmnlv Alan!-hul I... ......-- ----I -~J [ wvas nu. vuv .pwu\I'l.U- LLUVV. ggrung your are ! she sand. - `_`Yea, he repli_od,_ laughing. -'1 alegl i velope1my muscle, 1f not my brains, at ` college, ` ` Til n aunt;-nap:-ml `n- .._-_IL_.I I!,,l I-I Vare! (LT? 111303 111 UD Iqll6TIl'r3o" H7 - _ AI was coming to call upon _ you this .`?QB.k With-$139 ladies of iou`r ..hQiIa"e, - ._afIev hat. and said laughl ._ingly : Lhope it is not presumption to` '1imaginea slight personal bearing in your remark. At least let me prove ' that; L E have` some claim to the title by seeing you safely home. Will you mount? Put : your foot in my hand, and bear your ; whole weight upon it, and none upon the ' saddle. e L `.`You d_on t know how heavy I. am. Z` 1 No, butI know I can hft you. Try. _ Without the least effort she found her- self in the saddle. How strong you, are ! she said- 75301.. . % ; ``I assure you_of the trg , of what I H" ntI2."7.5nn / t 0 in-nnn a. nu-oust _yuu VI. ouu Iarugu Ul. Inns 1. . 5 , s`~- x aay,`3.; `ed; umily, turning `i?'.l`hen. throw- 1 . ', W. " ` ` ?{'1`hen, mg head`: ` 333 3 :`_j proudly, he ,adde, V 195:: Vmust knov'v_ that `we are: I ' '9 ` :f;,midsummei' brings" the in nn`vi 6i1ted 1a.bors."` W335 n -l:n`|I> nfnnagnb 3-g:L-L:.._ .E 1.2. nuvvv, Avast vsnuvs . Q guujgulgup. O H -9 1! .n what ?e`.1`1.`}n* pwqechn, kle walling 2'! T Some pbpl regard'1t`ais' farmers 30. I -`~`S. people orqvery `silly. There is no hlgner rank than that of a. gentleman", Mr. Chox-d.. x L HA lznnlr 2.9` `H. l....L .....a ._:.1 .-...-.1.` ulcxugu uuv 1_uuvvII_g DI-Ill uuwuuwu 500!!! With a alivht ptquant imitation of his manner 511 -aid": ft-`bier. zvou: hunt know, Mr. Clifford. is a ' mercliah. ` `Ii ....-.L $1..` an A.-......'lI.. ...-..._.-L-LI- _ In -9: I aIvvvIIvI'Vll|lIllI9Io. '-mf" I :_..Mr.~ \Bee`ohe1-in {that o -gent_leln`n.n `visitihz Y.1%.and;giP -Iwivvnitha` Vsy-n-% nbnim, with iti b` ' ` `tables and bowl- ing % alleyr, remarkecf to the `pi`Of;Bl_':lJ3.f` vqho was escorting him : Forty-..1ive.y'u-If ago I. wuexpoued from .thin>`.mllMn ::m~.-..'... nun vnuurung mm ".l"orty-,xive.yea ri.` igo I.wu.exp`elled from thiawqqllede ' nine-pins. Arid hea_d'_iI;_:".!fNo , vv nu 1 Luur vuw I Of course. Say, I want to le so me- thing. I don t know what you call it, .but a. `lawyer ought to know. Suppose I :`a.i?l,'you was a thief `I What would you 0 2. v Punch your head. . . h.l.?W o! no! `What would `you do in w _._, 7 . *` `rec `man . at : exactly w tI :`IIEile::geneiral'de Bl'11al. I ' want. She'll roar and take on, and I'll le 9, general denial and , `plead `privilege I one feats. 'l`hat. s` what I fwu dfter--that s} 'wht ll-hunnbleher in {no `time. -"Say- f I . ~ " _ .*-W111'rikhriu!H16w`;9m:VZ149t. ~fiu349- 3.,,G._`11 9l'l`l!':1.r; 0: .P:l0.of 11.5039!` `"5" . .',V ., `. V-..'.` 8"` *7` `MI wine. out. n`;`?l1itet n'?ii~:o;i13rinn: ~ra;nb. lAwle't;~i:1i;htc-:-mu oh; : `obleegigcl-;:hip&++s-- I" ov8:..?m~` . a x 1. F ;, 2, _'. . 'u'.?. `urea in etiquette. nu Viv (IL:-LIV (IV JVll_L IIULLIQ I J I think we may as well dispense :~ tvith , it altogether, she" .?said,-.. laughing. `It. would be too hollow a formality after the hour we must spend together, since you think so slow a pace is essential to safety. Events, not we, are to blamefor fail` I. imam Anuusuuntu `A ' LIZ: I v::BeenA opespiee 7" e `.`K rect. J net whoring off to go `home. When I git there she'll say I've bin o"n '9. tear" and ahe_ l1 jaw and le a dozen a- dalwits. Who? 5 -Your wife '1 un: .... ...- one r He had a wizz-wazzy, `go-as-you-please gait as he approached a citizen standing in the door of a drug store, and he took off his hat and made an old-fashioned kerchy before asking : ' Say, be you a lawyer?" `.`Well,' I know something of law ! " `Say, then you` can help me out. I "was out last "night. Indeed, I m_ out vef..Ve quuuec, we uioraitar ot Uanada. On last Sabbath morning he gave his congregation here a brief sketch of some of the more important measures passed at the Assembly, referring especially to the proposed amalgamation of the Colleges. He concluded a sermon brimfull of inter- est and instruction, with an earnest and eloquent appeal to his congregation to endeavor to make this year even more fruitful in every good word and work than any of the past, and we are praying for and expecting nothing less. u wuuiauu, Aauuuv iucnnlgnls. _ 1st junior--(Ol1ie McClain, -Florence Cunningham)", (Ferguson Acheson, Harry Morris), Frederick Arnold- " Highest daily attendance, 40 ; average, 36. . ' A . i We are glad to notice that the Rev. S. Acheson, M. A., of the First Essa Presby- terian Church, has returned from the meeting of the General` Assembly of the Presbyterian Church of Canada, which held its sessions this year in Montreal. He reports having spent a pleasant and protable time while away. At the nlnnn n*F H-in Anna...)-.l.. I..- L--I- _ .uu.-mu v usuaw vvuuu awn r At the close of the Asaezhbly, he took a trip down the St. Lawrence to historic Quebec, the Gibraltar of Canada. nn `nub Q:.I-J-...tL ...-_-Z-A-- 1 vuuuzusuuuq .Lu.uu.uu I uurcuy. 2nd class-Jos_ie Spears, ` Alice Chap- man;.Ra.chel McKnight. V lat senior.--Norman Merrison, Minnie Nicholson, `John McKnight. 11}. 'ir|n;rn-_I(\I'ln IIl..t'VI..:... "I71-----~ vauuyuawu , VHDLLUIUU . 5.0 munulni. 1' . ` 3 d cla8a-Lottie Dinwoody, W. H. Cunningham, Minnie Pearcey. 2nd l!`!I.I._...Tn`=n gnnnua AIL`;-u (`L-- -u-,-van an -noun. \8IIIlUlI Io) Below will be found the monthly honor list of this school for the month of June: 5th class--Maggie Dinwoody, [Bella Chapman, Chm-lotte.A. McKnight. `3|-J nlnn_T.nM:.. n:.........:.. nr tr _-v av-v-can U009 \IIWII' Mayor liodth got it right and left at the "Council meeting on Monday night for needlessly wasting the public funds.- Orillia Times. It is said there are ten cents yet ' left in the I Orillia town treasury. -P1-lnted Lawn nd Musllns at T. W.` Gray J: Con. s ' The Orillia. Ti s man says: In the course of two or three weeks we will (sic) have the" best "supply of the best spring water in the Dominion. Of `course he has personally examined every locality from ocean to ocean and from the Arctic to the United States line. _ Aauwnnvlluv plllll In I Clalm Iorptne new asylum against Orillia for superior advan- tages. That's hard -on Orillia editors who do not seem to know that there is any other place in the world. ' --Plnk, Sky a Cream Nmvs Yelling at '1`. W. Gray 00%. ` The Reeve of Beeton has been called upon to settle a number of complaints arising from a ` boy s quarreh Some twenty dollars changed hands as the re- sult, the lawyers getting the cash. 1ur-_--_-n - - - .of__ `IVA Illlllltlo `-`lint it_ seems asking a unn . . .- ' .". .-"'k' \n.u/nd. an-mu 9 ; l-..-v vu--pyuvgwo _ , V10 [III] X1100 - V, . Old Mrs. John Armstrong, of Bradford, fell down- a. few days ego and fractured her leg in two places. Being advanced in years this is s most serious accident for has- |f1.=;;`..I;;..;1".'.26;.:.":o..7'::;..1e mm |_neu'_-Qu_arry_Ialand last Friday, caught a xgaglpngnge weighing l9 pounds. Who es next 2, , . - ':'8eme more hime mehtiened I `by. the Midland Free Preu. The Lily Hunt- er-sailed in-pm French River to Midland, '---`Youth : Bead - ` e suite cheap at the Cash Store. . Gray at Go. nu 1:... LL - . ` F I A ~ K u 'in"the_ vhainds of ,Maste_r George `Booth burst a"fe`w_d'gfLys ago, and Split the lliqone of one of her ngers.-`--South Simcoe on the head by aheavy -piece of plank at Mr. Ga.1fnett u m,ill-o.nWedneadsy.- lat and severely cut. ` , _ . . 7*E:'.'3';?7? '. "*'-."". " """: ` I V . 1 ' _` 'It lg spud that Re_v..J. W. .Ann1s_ Rue a1graj_l; address at._th6 laying of the corner -stone Of _the _ne w_ Methodist Church` at .Ed2ar-'. `_- .1, H` ~ es 2: .`~...5.x-.`- U.` -. Beeton. peculto h h lid the 20'; oltnffv.-`~ % `"7 t -9 : 3 1nub`o:- nu Io . c --Vwnne .lV.lll Gm & 0q,Uo burner`! . IXOEANGIS As 1.0011.` xnws; `Hills! 'lliunder. At the sound of his name - the beautiful animal archedhis neck and whzinnied. There, be quiet`, `old fellow, and speak when you are spoken to, Burt said. He is comparatively gentle with 1ne, but. uncontrollable by others. ` 1 have now `done my best, Miss Hargrovze, and I "think you may mount in `safetyiif you'are willing to walk your horse quietly home; But Itruly think I ought to accompany y_o`u, and I will do so gladly, `with your permission. ' 1(1),... :1. --.....- -_1_:---. _ h_-- `I 1 p "1-"I'\,'a ` A , E`, Iiawkstone; puts in a. cldim A fqtthe` new wlnm .m..:..-; n.:n:- n-.. _.._ -_A_ { 5- 3-.N0- 1. Bus. (B1-aden s.) n1 :3` L. E_____ j A! .u VA me waniga. C11} is; ';:fp;T1;;aTa?`i5 .=s9A-TJ-:2. hm Dd.-._Bw..I9 Jgmel M9nr9Al.,P. , . I a;;..:`-5" food ferment soon after eating, unuso, auuuiupuulcu DY I (1 A Is the. tongue coated? Is there "pains in the side and back ? Is there a ful- ness about the right side as if the liver were enlarging? Is there costiveness ? Is there vertigo or dizziness when rising suddenly .V froma horizontal position? Are the secre- tions from the kidneys scanty and highly colored, with a depositafter standing? Does accompanied by flatulence or a belching of gas from the stomach? Is there frequent palpitation of the heart? These various symptoms may not be present at one time, but they tor- ment the sufferer in turn as the dreadful disease progresses. If the case be one of long `standing, there will be a dry, hacking cough. atteu ed after a timeby expectora- tion. In verv advanced stages the skin as- sumes a dirty brownish appearance, and the hands and feet are covered by a cold, sticky perspiration. As the liver and kidneys be- come more and more diseased, rheumatic pains appear, and the usual treatment proves entirely unavailing against this latter agon- ising disorder. The origin of this indigestion or dyspepsia, and a small quan- tity of the roper medicine will remove the disease if talcen in its incipiency. Itis most important that the disease should be prompt- ly and properly treated in its first stages, when a little medicine will effect-a cure, and evenwhen it has obtained a strong `hold thecorrect remedy should be persevered in until every vestigeof the ' disease is eradi- cated, until the appetite. has I the digestive organs. restored to a healthy condition. The surest` and most eectual remedy, for this distressing complaint` is _Seigel s Curative Syrup, a vegetable aration sold -by all Chemists. and Medicine endors throug`lIioi%r.::1he L ro rietors, A.. . .. ite, imi ~17, F31-- iiinigdon-Road, London, tad stril_ies at the veryfounda and drives it, root and `branch, out of the system. ` ~ . ` . V -thglzarket, Place, , Pocklin , n. York, 9 i i*br 21' ,,183a-- . i Sitar: 33.6.5 .!;8|?91 l`..*9':!|r mths.1ys- lPP9`!i;$a.in_m, . . ., .1 ., 4, .19` W ,, l . \ l r 0'l%l0l"i S'in`a1 . 30` .3113 after spend- I..A isagreeable. malady is V returned, and . .P"' ' world,"and by the it E._C. This Syrup " hon of le disease, ` .e` iueyg` 5.. e `u -in"-.` f`.`.. - An Alarming Disease Atluotlng a Numer- , one Glass. , . The disease commences with a slight de- rangement of the stomach, but, if neglected itin time involves the whole frame embrac- ing 'the kidneys, liver. pancreas, and in fact, the entire glsndular system, and the afflicted drags out a miserable existence until death gives relief from suering. The disease is often mistaken. for other complaints ; but if the reader will ask himself the following questions. he will be able to determine whether he himself is one of the alicted :- Have I distress, pain, or diiculty in breath-_ ing after eating ? Is there a dull, heavy feeling attended by drowsiness ? . Have the eyes a yellow tinge ?_ Does a thick, sticky, mucous gather about the gums and teeth in the mornings, accompanied by a disagreeable. t88t8? IS the tnnann nn:14:nA9 1. LL... .....--won yuan vvnuuuu ~_yUI.u` ull.l.lU. ' I want you to sympathize wid de heathen of Africa, but keep a little money by you for de heathen in your own nay- burhood. Let us now parsed to attack" de bizness of do meetin. V uuuu nvuuuunlav yuux uuy U|.ll'. "I want you to go to de theater, but doan use money dat should go to pay an honest dt. KIT, III Of a stranger ! _ I wish I knew how to bring about 92 formal introduction. I have I_n_et_ your. father. ;WillV_. you not in the emergency defer the introduction un- til we arrive at -yol1_1'*home/9"` -' I urn nnnuu urn cu:-J1` ;l:.._ V V_.2LLV uvuvv In|ClIIIu . I want you to sing an dance, but cloan skip Thursday evenin prayer- meetin . to do it. A :1 ___L - .m;"Iuvav1`1 t `)":>u";4) keep yer eyes oped in a. hose trade, but doan let do contribush- un-box pass widout your dune. 1 T wan` HA `I\ Au-.'~.-...LI..:_- .-:J 3- vs uvvnvv: lllll WUIIILI III in GUIUIIKUIUH. I want you to go to do circus, but doan scandalize your naybur. "T wnnf. vnn +n nm +.-. An I~Ln..L.-... 1...; W J *~'-5'"-- ' . An when you come to siversge up do world it isn't so wen'y bad. Consider our ills-our burdens---our.sorrows--our woes disappintments --- do numberlesss set- backs an painful surprises human esh `am heir to, an de man who steadfastly refuses to effendoagin do law or de morals of society am worthy of all admjration. I Can} I7l\II I-A nun Ln 4:1` A--.---- L--L i'T??ii21.c'i'Imfu"'.'`:"ie3'`.'f"a$i wgilm cell fur eich a sermon, on . no .~pertickler cause toebuae de world; . True Christian-, itymn ;held4in':de-eemereverenoe =a's_ ea... ihnndreq y?a.I;a_ago',:: but Christian-hyp`ocnsy_ em eanm-.to~aee.frew.... We-am placed heah: as free. moral agents. It onemnn. feels dot he eu1 t.be saved vridont e_`-ea.r- tin "amount of royinimd eingin an- re- pentance he onld be nllowedihin way; If anoder man holds det he kin occupy a. front seat at de circun -widout 3 crime bein .che1-ged up to him by do -reoordin angel! you has no right to pitch into him; If rehgun am not a matter of conscience what am it `I If eonscienceguides one man to de right an anoder to de_ left, you has no right to admire one an con- demn do oder. `Judge not that ye be not judged. V` `5 An in An ..A-.- &-`-2_-..._ ..- -_.. J- ' worlunaq grown wwueu. as us: un `IL UVIJ [Ber centi*"per ly a.r fer _'de llStV.;Ve'y a_l`3 wa'n -7'incidenta.lly `announced `data-de "m,- crease of Bxbles was 600,000. pr`y a1f, an `de increahe of 'pf.eaeh`r:a a.bou.t", twelve per cent. He was pained` to disk1vei'_`_a.gr9w- in lethargy in de` cause of religung but a_n- nouilced dat 3,844"new churcl_1ea"war bullt 1awy ar. He was 3made and` -to learn day erime xwas ' increaainli all-' ober `de e world,` bu= gge're d"da.t twenty.-two evangelists "had been steadily at-work eeekin" to turn "lg. people" r'om,.de -error of -deir` ways. It I .u..~. o u'-& -ngbn :6 nnb If An urn!-Ir` PUUPIU If-l'UIIl,'IlU `Ul'l'Ul.' Ill '\IUll- W Q Do I can't jiat make it out. If do world `am gr`owi.n .wickediin:S-do fa`6a=of all an Chrilhianityf :am.%..~ do'm . dais : nunthin wrong. If 4,000 new churches and 2,000 new pr.eachers .b:-ing about a; feeling of lethargy on de Jubject of Ohrintiuiity, `we'd better build mo :-,ntues'tand"fewer .chn_rchea. I-f: Moody:Lan .Ssnkey am in- oreuin , crime instant of , reducing! do re- cord, day had better be called in. nfn. :...|. -.... ..... :.:.....a- .a.. .....l ....' "W """' ,, ` I henrn a sermon de. Odds: .S\.1!_1.d"-Ya `gaid Bi-qther Gardner! as he #996 UP 39?` nodded to S,amue1,S,h1;,i,`1;,(>'_fl1_l',11_ (I070. t`1}0 lamp: 2. little and gcohomlze on o.11-,- '31 " erhxon by,f` whitgef 'd1a.'1"gyme_1_1V_dja`t 1:811 t ma'k t nohbw.` `HE 7_lowe_d t1}9et- (10 I world had grown w1ck ed a't`de rate of ten ...'..`.. ......J..."...-.~.. .9... Fun '41.." Ian}. 'vAv n.rn.. fgih Wod. r I__'__ _ .'.............. [An .I\AA.Q9 Qnnd ll i fear he would be ungant. libs` never been ridden by lady." I hlllli kn &`DlI:A nu. IA_~ -_