1 PROSEGUTIQN FOB Srunxa A BARN.-- The court on Monday was presided over by Juutioei-Dtitlil, _Broixghtoh Aar._d` Gra- `A-an - :- LAND SALT In Barrels, `Bulk and Bags. In Bulk, Baa-ro1sa;nLd Bags. -A Resume 6! file Week. Tun Nonmnnn ADVANCE Omrrcs, Buuun. July 8, 1885 Barrie Grain u-ket. `I7L..L g A __ . '_ - 4 THE GOLDEN BEAVER, 'V_Vehave the largest ; Steal; of iMILLINERY AN DRESS GQODS1n Barrie, Tastes differ. Kn0Wing*th1's" We have determined to_ keep our stock large a enough, and._ of such a wide range in variety, style sand price, as to exactly meet the Wantsit of 1- the many, Those who buy from ?us,I1eed sntt %o away thinking It is not exactl Whag-ti I Wall A M s s ed,but Isuppose it will do. 0% the eontrar_y_We can and will make you say I have found ust What I wanted, and am well satised wit style and price. See our MILLINERY AN D DRESS GOODS beforeyou buy. .1" " a'.*:-2:; s |."I'ul;e rstoase tried. win against John ` nouns serene vou Buv on Lawn for (treason I. Hnsuitn; . : 'Buckwhea,U SEEDQMANL IUV ~62 IFII THAT'S ALL WE ASK. OROMPTON & RYAN. I Nu` oe. V ~ J. OULVERWII.L'8 (}U'l'l`lNHn SWINE PARLOB SALMON J.:.uw Luz an ultra auguuy uuumgeu Dy mould or discoloration a deduction of 25% shall be made, and a further proportionate reduction where the damage is more serious, and that where a car or pile contains both nrime and damaged bark, an estimate shall be made of `the relative quantity of each, and the deduction made only on that which is more or less damaged. A 'Pl\ann nlnnnnn nnl-. in in nu" um" ,.......I-.' _ Carl! 3 and Labaws Celebrated Ales ways on Ind." -v .OppoaiteAB. Hinds`Do;n}11_i6n House. DUNLOP smkmr . BARBIE. : , ' ` 1 . 9'ly _____........__...._..__..______,__.__._~ H-;!:J:,{Y!J.=|_-ABD S 3-1-1=:.1-I-o1-I si Is THE PLACE TO" GET A I A sum AND suremun enncEnIEs.l PAUSE JUST 11232.! 25 :GRiA>SS..SCYTElES, CRADLE scrrnns, The Largest Stock of these Goods in Town, st Prices Lower V than ever. These clauses got to in any way consti- tute an agrqement on the part of Tanners to receive any damaged bark where, they have xmtmcted for prime quality. PARIS GREEN! wnotesms AND RETAIL HA.RVES'I' TOOLS! EL1zABmTi1,smmE'r. BARBIE i READER! uquons AND cumns. HEAVY HARDWARE? LAKE; HURON DONT FORGET THAT __.v `Tb GET SOME mwtluv, vyvu, Lung Ill uuunu vuv UH-1'5. 3RD-'I`hat where an agreement between buyer and seller is entered into to buy and sell bark by weight, that a gross ton of 2,240 pounds shall conetitutv a cord. A AS TO QUALITY-.- That the standard of first or prime quality hark shall be bark which is bright on the esh and free from mould or discoloration of my sort, and peeled the same season. _ 'I`L..d- L... -11 I..--I- ..I:.._|.u_ .1__.--,_: I, '. B. CAPONS. SNATHS, STONES, Cures Dizzmess, Loss of Appetite, I/ullgestzon, 1')/[7.ez.s: Dyspepsia, Jaundice. Aectiuns of the Liver am! 11'. ..' Pimples,jBlotcIws, Bails, Ilumors, Sal! It/we/ne, .'.'/1. Erysipelas, and all diseases arising from I//:,vz3.r2' .7 Deranged Siomach, or irregular action gz` /,'u: L14;-..'.f H101` la 5-lv MACHINE OILS, GRINDING STONES, HORSE HAY FORKS, ROPE PULLIES, HARVEST MITTS, _BU|LDlNGHARDWARE- 5155815 _ 11311 pl. luv u u. avg V--7 of 0;aores, two t stream runs throu Within a mile of HN KENT. Min churches ' OR SALE.-L0.'1` 6, com. s. VESPRA 2" acres, well timbereds within half 9. miie of railwnyptatzlon. There is 3 im vem nt the pro ertY- . hag ry:no9n:u P133391 lot 0. 10. Con 10. V39 pm o.net1n339:&;'3..`;'33 1he nrop1'tY-. 6R sALE.-Lo.'r vmspmi mi 6 1-nnrnv ntnnn I`hAI'n is 8 1101158 nd minion, also. a. few Travellers to so . "Am GAS Mncnnms, for making All` Ga.:od_ ANTED. A RESIDENT AGlN'l's`_ every Villtige. Town and City n<>utIl_1<:;m5% e: cent. `cheaper than coal em1a.l_lY 89 as oFireor power re uire . ade 111811 sags` from 15` Burnerstol. . for Private H0`? es` Stores. Hotel. Factories. Mills. Streets. MI? e_to..a.ddress: Tm: CANADIAN Am GAS Mggviel. MANUFACTURING Co, 115 St. Francois 43- 41 Street. Montreal. P.Q. \1U.lu (Leave Hamilton at Ar;-ive at Barrie. 1-1-xv` IUCILIH uvuuuvuu an Uuvu unlit! U1 uuuruugu. (3 That where bark is open, bowed or curly, that a deduction shall be made ampl to allow for allopen space, and where bar imrepiled for measurement that it shall be, as above, 6'feet high and well packed, bark to bark, to for-in a solid ile ;.all open and curly bark being made at or broken, and the pieces laid close. 9\vn7'I`3\..l- III`-unis L--In 3 n m . . . . . .....l ._ LL- Ghlhlivliv Aaunnnnv -- _- _. abme sotrrii. Loarve 'BuA-rle at 6.47 a..m.. 4-42 P-m Arrive at Hamilton 11.35 n.m.. 9-259-m , -n,___,-- 'A-_ m-___;.. -6 . 15': .m.. GOiNG SOUTH. Leave Gravenhurst.---- 6.15 a.m.. 2.40 D-In Leave Orillie, 6.00 a..m.. 8.15 a..m., 3.55 P-01 Arrive at Barrie. 6.45 s..m., 9.30 n..m..4.40 P-In NORTH SIMCOE--GOING NORTH. , an an - _. Q 00 mm Leave Barrie at Arrive at Penetanguishene, 1:00 p:m:. 11-00 P-m GOING SOUTH. Leave Penetanguishene at 4.40 3.111.. . } Arrive at Barrie 7.15 8.111.. V: 10.07 5.111. and 4.42 D.m. QKILVU BI! LJIILIJLIIIVIJ Inguv u---u Tr~ins leave Ba.rrie'for Toronto at 1 __._._..\ WANTED IDENTAGENTIN Do- ""'*`~ir-3".`Zy"' Village. To an, a few Tmzglglggity of the sell our Nay; PURVIS BROS. `-.\IIl-`\X K \I\J .1110 A v: .nv;v-wu- Leave Collingwood 5.50a.m.. 8 10 a..m. 3. Leave Barrie; 7.15 3.111.. 10.07 a.m.. 4.4 Arrive at Toronto. 10.10 a..m., 1.50-p.m.. 7. Mugkoka Express, onda_ys only ....11.4 a..m. \ MUSKOKA BRANCH-GCl1VGN0RTH. Leave Bu-rie, 11.20 a..m.. 3.35 p.m. 8.50 p.m Arrive at Orillia. 12.07 p.m.. 4.55 p.m.. 9.40 p.m Arl'.atGra.venhurst.1.`20 p.m.. 7.10 p.m. GOING-I*I_O11TII. lnnve T'o1-oxuato. 8.00 a..m.,1.1.45 a..m.. '.l0 } Ar at Bartie. 11.18 a_.m.. 3.30 p.m.. 8.`._ ` Al` at Collinawood 12.25 p.m.. 5.25 p.m. 9-50 j Mnslcoka. Express. Saturdays only. . . .1330 P-31- " " " .57 - GOING SOUTH. For Toronto. .._A , n1n.__..0 NORTHERN RAILWAY (Ill? RIIUUC9 IQIKI VIVHOO 2No-Thu.t when bark is measured on the cars that each tier on the cars shall be measured separately on its own merits, and allowance on the foregoing basis made for all loose, open, curly or short cut bark. ' I-I-I`-unnn an nnnnnnn .1. L-..L---_ GOING NORTH. Man at 8 5 July 9 1 _m__,,, .3,5- 3TH. 3.50 11.18 1 7.15 &.m.. nu uuyus unuu IIIUUUIIIK IIBIIIIUIFI WI! 11010 at Toronto on .the 9th of June for the mission of bark lneasuremefnt and clessi_,s cation. The followin '; rseolutions. Vere unanimously passed. the firm of W.` H. Cross & 00., Barrie, and forty others were represented: ' . ls'r.-That for the purpose of measure- ment- . (1) Bark shall be flat, so that each sheet shall lie jolose one on the other, formin thereb _a solid pile, and that this pile shal be not _ ethane feet high.- (2) That Bark shall be uniformly cut, fully 4 feet long, and where not 4 feet long but over 3 feet 9 inches. that 3 feet 9 inches shall be taken as the length ; andwhene less than 3 feet 9 inches and over 3 feet 6 inches`, that 3 feet 6 inches shall be taken as the length, and so on, no less than three inches- iteing deducted in each case of shortage. IR) That whnrn has-Ir in Angus luunnal l\- mu` 0: g|qg1'_u_gpu,_ uuuuw, W_l_:l_ wt` Iul:B. In addition-to7lihIO.'1ree lgrge jentl {rill he erectdlor the use of `-.visitors,' and 1 liege dining lpll and n Ytvillion to sent one thou- sand persona. Al made welcome. are ' invited slid" fwill be' Enterprise will -make four trips on`Friday and Saturday, leaving` Barrie at 8 30 and. 11 30 a. m.. and 3 30'and 8 30 p. m., meeting the trains from" Toronto. The services on the camp onnd will oommsnce by a.` " Con- eeoration Meeting at 10 a. In. on Friday, tube conducted by. the Rev. _J. M,,Kerr, Pastor of Agnes St Churoh...,'.l`ioke1aby the boat 25 cents and return. No char e to grounds. Mr. Pike from Toronto will _ on OLA nrnnndn an "`3\nI-align with n `mung -n... sluuuuua ll-ll: L tnv IIVI-ll LUIVLIUU Wul U0 III! the grounds on Thursday with a. large hum- be ('1 dd bltetaf' .afa;`Zi.. .`. . .%.`i'.; ~3."...f"1..'?... '..`3.'..h" ';n {'1 Second Quarterly Thursday, Jglv 16, 0 gonads! in. Barrie huradby, July Secretary. e Fair-will be held e new agricultural ember the date, G. B. RYAN, camp at Sllvivh; Point. The 381101 St. `Methodist Church,` Tot-on to. intend going into camp for four days, commencing Friday, July 10th. Tickets are good to come by anytrain on Friday and 3n'tnrdav and return Monday. Excursions will be from 0l'ill|lIa Gollintgev:;o;:.tP!:ne-- expec a un-. tang, etcx, e'to.`, and it dreds will avail themselves of this cheap trip to one of the most pleasant summer re- sorts to be found in `Ontario. The steamer 'IaV..L-.._...'_- __III ___I_, 1- _, A._.!_._ ._ `I3__`|--_ ,~._ _- _-_._ _____-_ -- uu.--..-v- -uv-vca vs my sert, andv That for all bark slightly damaged by nnnl nr dismnlnrntinn .n Am-Innnn `J 0510/ &Olll5l:Vl_l'l'I9I_`!'ll`1'lgl8h;9l` `- nu-vutonuu_-on-rnu. `no congregation}! the AgnoI`8t.. Int church. Toronto, to Go Into 3-1. -5 lm Kano Kglmb Burk Davsrexngnt. V A An important meeting of tanner: was held :5. Tnrnnfn an Oahu Gil: 4-.` Tan. 0.... AL. .11. --G 6-6~-_...a:.n '1'|Dhone Extensions. 5!?! X_i....L_..- rs `HIV UBUUUILI l.I.I Iva GIL`! WWI YCUU IS IIUUKO The result of the examination being -such ` as to show that that condence is not. misplaced. VICUIU UCUIIIJVU, EEC QUKVKI IIICUUIIGIIJ IIU the evening : enjoyment The assemblage. was resided over, very ably and court- eous v, by Mr. Corbett_,_ whose eioiency and urbamty were such 9.: to oallfor 5 -`very heantvv vote of thanks at the close. TL- -uunnnwona A` gunk an `aunt: nninknn A` `VIII, ucuuuy VUVD VI. vuuunw uv UIJV vnvuwu The presence of such 9. large. number of parents and friends shows the very :hea.rty `interest taken in school matters in this" section ;a.nd it speaks volumes also as to; the esteem in which Corbett is held; rnL_ _-.,_-u .2 AL. ___....___.A.:.._ I_-:__ .....I. _____....___,__ Don't You Forget It. That Tom Bet-re.ud_ hes the biggest came!-a;' north of Toronto, and his 11 x l4.photoe are ne artistic productions. Tom is bound to. keep level with the highest Amorioen eixd Canedien.Art. ' ' - -&O `V WU|.Il\I IIU II5I-VVI\Il UV IIWEIVUU IEWII' tion of the Thornton B1`-aae.Be'nd, some of g whom, doubtless, were present at consid- erable sacrice, .and_ added materially to 6-kn nuvnir-1:-urn : An-:t\I!vv\Al| n`Q%\k`QlIQ The following deserve special mention : apeeches-Rev. J;. J. Oochrane, M. A. and Mr. W. K. Huger, of Thornton, and Mr. A. Bayoroft, of Egbert; a. dialogue entitled Renement ;" recitations by Ella and _Maggie Torrance, Stephen Gross, and _Robbie Wallaoe. . ' 'I"l... n:u\nnIO\1Ih A` `LA an-A-' A--4-L -2 `"1"~F.`S i'zI`gf"2? 113` i\uI"i:ees Ayrest, of Cooketown, was very superio}-, and` the meeting was `much enhvened b {he |music of `an orchestra composed 0 Mus; 'I\.._.... l'\.............I. -8 VI...-..L.._ .....I A Messrs. Amoldh 1-KWIU III (`II V` UIJV$UCT UUIOIPVHYK VI 5' Donna, Oraranxst, of Thornton, and. -g---, and Maw. It would be" "grateful to neglect men- .|.:.... -4: n...`vIn.".....a..... 12. ... n.'.;.: -......`. -2 u vvv nvynuvu no uuvu uvur purwxeu. Then followed a very. interesting and "nicely varlsd program, consisting of music, speeches, etc , all combining to make it a. very enjoyable and most suc- cesgful entergainxnent; * - _. v\lIOl At the close of the examination. an excellent tea was disposed -of by the pupils and many friends of the school, and from actual experience, ,we have no hesitation in saying that it was one of the best repasts we have ever pai-taken. Than CA-'II.u.....I .. -...._ ._a.-...'._;:._.. _-.JI vo av ton. Thornton. Advance Correspondence. On June 30th u1t., the half-yearly ex- amination of Mount Pleasant School was held by the amt Mr. J. A. Corbett, assisted by Messrs. W. K. Hagar, of Thornton Public School, W. Dawson, of No. 4, Essa.` J. E. Holt, of N o. 3, Essa. and Dr. Hunt, of Thorn- tnn _ Public getic teacher,` `.---- ....-uuuuvu uv uuv uyuu, capuuuug to witness a tragedy, but found Bates had been carried home, and itvwas impos- sible to tell how serious his injuries were until he sobered up. Some thoughtless person informed Mrs. Bates that her hus- band had been killed, which so affected her as to bring on a series of fainting ts that lasted for sometime after `her fears had been allayed. Bates might make a good witness tor a Scott Act prosecu- tion." V ._ - ..-._v------a av: nnnn Ian (J. CURVE- It was reported that a" man named Bates had been brutally and fatally as- saulted [by the proprietors of the Blue House on Dominion Day. It appears that Bates went into Blue at hotel on that day and demanded whiskey which was refused as he was then` intoxicated. Bates" became disorderly and the proprietors threw him out so violently as to render him insensible, and as the report stated, kicked him in a. brutal manner. Our reporter, says the Collingwood Enter- prise, hastened to the spot, expecting Witn 8. ffdv Hui Fnnnt` Rnlvnn - -.._.w--v tvlllllll-I The Ram Ioipphone Co. announces the completion -oi\'a~ lfrunk Line, eaetfrom King'- ston as far as Prescott," connecting also Gan- anoque, Brockville and: Maltland in Ontario, as well as Ogdensburg, Canton, Hewelton, Ric-hville, Potsdam and other points in the State of New York. The Company has a large force of men at present engaged in building lines, and will be able to complete new extenaionein many different `directions shortly. = .. J"..- -..--1 so There was a drunken Indian in the streets on Saturda . If the Town `Con- stable had arreste him, and the Mayor committed him for thirty days if he re- fused to tell where he got the liquor, one practical step would have been taken to-' wards putting a stop to the sale of whiskey to Indians on this side of the lake. This might only serve to confine the traic to the Crooks Act side of the lake, but even that would besomething gained.-Packet. ` YA. _.-_ ..-..-~L-- - _-_-_-. - av The Packet says: "Our friends the enemy were very enthusiastic on Friday night, very enthusiastic, indeed, and it might naturally have been expected that they would be very liberal. The band pumped vigorously around the streets" for them till all hours, no doubt with great expectations. A collection was taken up at the close of the demonstation. and it amounted to the magnicent sum of eight -dollars ! That s just like `em, llVL__.- ` W- v--v vo v-ow villls Before the Mayor, last week, Andrew Turnbull pleaded guilty to a charge of as- saulting Matthew Robiuson, and paid a ne of $5 95, `inclusive of costs. John" Robins paid $5, inclusive, for trespassing upon the property of Thomas Patterson. Obadiah Phillips charged Mrs. Henry with larceny, but failed to appear to sus- tain the charge, and the case was dismiss- ed with oosts.-Orillia Packet. 4 wuu u_w WOO Yul DIIIULIFIVUI WIDOIIQG a number of cltlzens. Bicyc as are a very small crop around here, and the st:-snger s machine was the subject `of a two hours discussion hat the express oice. And yet Orillia claims to be out of the bush. and the reason npromieee, to be the beat sewer known. . I - ~'- . ` unu uutuuwll are IIUW IlO0Klll EOMDIKOKS, Condiictor R. Onirneryof Lia vcenetrucytien train, had hieleg hrokennnd badl y"'3r'nsh- ed at Braoebridge last Tuesday. It is possible amputation will have to be resort- ed to. Mr. W. Hanna, of Port Carling, re- `oeived a. present a1 few dn'ya,gn'go of a seventeen ,Idol1n"rf enayzohair from the .pupi1lfe-bf` _-t11" e.'.Sn_bbe_t`h Tschool of `that nlnnh ` Saturday evening a. men rode up street on a bicycle, says the N ewe-Letter, and he was very attentive! watched by numbar Of OitiZHfII, Rinun an own a noun- . Dominion Day a ltttle son of Mr. James Bow got his ngers badly crushed at the wharf on board the Carriella. The boy : hands were on the railing of the boat, and when she came in contact with-. the whirf were oa._ught.--0ri1lia_Newn-; Letter. 1 - _ W3'.a"'.`Ia!."`.`v;'e" i'-". -".. _ 0`&`UctedAfortl|e~" W" 'l`h`g ' ,. tlev.Tro bl. _..f.?,l'3'2o."3`a .`. ..n:o'1 ualu.,:'u?.r. .'. The barn was not carried away en bloc, "but was taken `down and the material carried away; The taking was admitted but criminal responsibility denied. The prosecution was conducted by Mr. " Ed- ward Marga . Mr. Haughton Lennoxi acted for the defence and obtained an nfdnr l";I'1'\;II:l\lI I11 AA-A Gazette says: `F Sum- mer tourists aro now flocking to Muskoks, IQQIIIII "A-a\!i|;nn- In L. ALA L--` a.._-nsinuu `IJIFUIIIUIIBUUI `W151! 8 Q1521 gold- headed cane. - The .Chim nh of England miahion ;t; Alma is steadily growing. .Fift-y-eight baptism: have ken ,plqo_e a,tethig,n_:iuion. --Oobe Col llla ldnen-l.'a. w*n~n '1`. W. `Gray at C9! Hop and Supper. There will be 3 danee and supper at the Dominion Hotel, Angus, on Monday even- ing , -' Jhly lath. `A good social time is 9rogm'g_Ied:2totboee who attend. Tickets ad- urftting no to the dance and supper 750. .l and lntor`-;.tlh --'1"ho narrow or the Meat. Th? Frpe. Grant Gazette navy Mr. Hmmna:nmmm'.`..1a. .-mm. '. man. .......1 u u nu uuv uuxuuuu Ill]! order dtsmmmg the case. ;Th_ Fl'_!%8.. Gazette 8.875; Hlgmno ~'promenades with a 8132 gold- headed cane- I , a;..":.:a:::3:.':x 0; and two brother: forforoible entry in Belle Ewe. 0'7. Qosnd posts ?~'"!II;*iIis in :11: `to chm, .jo17.oo. Mr: II-dun animal lnwl-.lm nnuunniina. -; M, `x: ims-nuc.'r nuns. Moved by Councillor Cross, seconded by the Reeve, that the Mayor be author- ized to re-execute the lease to the W. R, Joint Stock Agricultural Society contain- ing a clause allowing-the Society to take `away from the grounds an of their build- ings at the expiration of eleaee, provid- :1 the lease` at that time was not renew- After eomedilouuion this was adopted- without a ..diviaion. _ _ . The Council then adjourned. BU IIIIV HCICI III VLVV, I Uonnctlloga roan, iapoke against the motio nun uuvn uuuy I'D- uaed am_i_r very rope:-1 too. earoey and others n which was lost on a division, all vbting against it except the move: and aeeonder, tlvwava vval avaunwu Irv uvuvyvu U IJUBIIIIULL Councillor McLean said he thought the Reeve did not know what he was talking about. Neither of those ierztlemen had refused to not until the ve and N. King had appointed Dr. Oliver ~-Inspector at the salary of M00, and then they re- Fnnn Ant`. var-1.7 nu-nnnsnhr has - `Will UV 3 "DC? "`I``.. Reeve Ross said Councillor" McLean did not know what he wa talking about. He had seen Dru. Wells and Ross and they positively refused to accept the position. nnnnillnr MnTnnn unit} ha +Iunu.-uh; LI... .....5.... Councillor McLean_ opposed it. He thought the work of inspection had been satisfactorily done by Drs. Wells and Ross without any remuneration. He -saw no necessity for paying $100 to get done what could be quite as well done for nothing. ' He considered it discourteous to those gentlemen after what they had done to leave them out now it was pro- posed to attach pay to the oice. If it was absolutely necessary. to a point a Medical Health Oioer and give im a salary, he thought it was but right thateither Dr. Ross or Dr. `Wells should receivethe `ap- pointment; He knew that either was ready to do the work._ 1).....;. D .... ..:.a n...'......m.`...~* `u--`r .-.. .1 .....u wan xuuuuuy uucu span.) uuu. UUBW.` . ' The question of law seems to be a formal -objection, and the defendant's counsel speaks `condently of the result when it is brought before the Court of Queen's Bench upon a certionri. Mr. Creswicke appeared for the prosecution. . ` _.A. J.L\lInIb want I` An animated discussion took place on this motion. The Reeve supported the motion in a speech of considerable length. _ ` W. W fIv.mBowMAN, Chairman. On motion the Report was adopted. MOTIONS. Moved by C. H. Ross, seconded by Councillor Lennox, thatthe Council ap- point Dr. Oliver `a Medical Health. Officer and a Sanitary Inspector for the town, and the Committee on Finance and Assess- ment be instructed to provide in the es- timates this year the sum `of one hun- |dred dollars to pay his services, this being recommended by the Board of Health. _ A ` ' O nu vnvuu nun aavu aaulu wuuo. Your Committee would recommend that the Town Inspector carefully look after tenants of the said Market House, as members of the Corporation have been informed that animals have been slaughtered inside the building. and would also recommend that the stalls now vacant be marked To Let. All of which etc. .1 `ll 1-: i an - v-v vu dlcllllllvllu 1|: BO ! 8 :0 _ . Your Committtee has visited the Mar- ket, etc., and more especially the stall occupied by Mr. Marrin, and can see no cause for. complaint whatever, as we nd every thing in connection -therewith is clean and free from taint. \7....-.. f1-.__.._:LL- _ W, I `I Am. W mm\.?`V:Wi'i. Cnoss; Chairman. On motion the Report was adopted. ` Councillor Bowman presented his Re- port on Market. It says : Vmno nnmmzuhm 1.... ..:.:...a u... mt... CLTVUUIIIWII "0 It recommended the payment of ac- counts to the amount of $816.76. The Report thus concludes: V . Your Committee do not recommend the payment of one dollar` to Mr. F. M. Smith as requested in his petition, as we consider it quite out of our` jurisdiction. nf whinh Aim A Report from the Board of Works re- commended improvements and repairs in various "parts of the town. On motion it yes adopted. `Councillor Cross presented a Report of the Standing Committee on Finance and Assessment. ` "1 _____,, Q I n! - ' ` Va vwllun I A lzrge number of aocounte were presented and read, and on motion all papers were referred to the. proper com- mittees. V A communication was received from Mr. Scott in defence as against the charges of Councillor Anderton. Mr. Scott writes to the Council on the ground `that a ma- jority at thelast meeting refused to` go into an investigation of the charges. He denies` having any tools belonging to the town. What few were not worn out he gave up. ' He says he never. had a cor- poration crow bar. He _ explains about the harness. _ For some live -years he used his own without any charge to the town. He denies ever discharging a man except for incompetency, and he never did work in corporation time with- out the knowledge of- the Council, and if workgwas done in the manner alleged the proceeds were turned into" the town treasury: A `muslin U\IIu\nLou-n Al ---A---14- ~ - - vyuuunaa `GUCCI suvvnlvvulvuvv, unuulgw nuu `distraction to my property. Now 311,. I would- ask your honorable, + hndv ha in Ihnbb Q--IIA3n`n1InnnJ"u 'Q-Q` ~- soott Act Case-Jurlsdlot1on. Queen v. Maxwell.-Prosecution for sell- lug liquor. and was up before Barrie Justices ` on Friday last. 'l`he offence was admitted, but Mr. Lennox, counsel for defendant, contends that under the Statute when the Mayor of the town sits no other Justice can be asso Jlat'd with him, that the court being con- stituted of the Mayor and Mr. King that there was no jurisdiction whatever to trv the case. It was nally agreed that the questions of law should be reserved for de- cision by a superior court, and the defend-' mt was formally fined $50 and costs. 'Tl\A nnnninn AC lam (Ina!-nu in LA .. .....;-1 Barrie,.June 29th:uf . o 1). 7V. Dllfo A petition was received from J. E. Williersssking to be reimbursed for the loss of a cow which fell into a sand pit in the eastern part of the town, and was so injured tht the had to be destroyed. Eltzie sum asked was $45 less 85.25 for the 1 e. . . V L-II AILIDJUL unu vvuuvauvla Ul UIIU ('3:;";:ozation of the Town of A Barrie in ;0onnc'il now _`ussemble1.v 17"-.-- ` .-_.._,_1,: ___- __ ,, , I.` n now _a_ll..1 .would. ask honorable, body vauld` be to%makoa`-drainu-ound` my pro arty. tl!li..b aaavins me any fur:=h=.=..-n-:e- .. I III UIIVI IICIIWWU And if yonoee t todd I0, Vlwvillforego the damage sustained by me. Man `R W Q1:-inn: Llli\`JU}IUll IIUW `DBGULIIUIUV-lo Your `complainant (humbly sheweth ` that whereas. we {d1`8i!18_h8_V03 been dug in _Col1ingwod'd etreetat the rear of my. property in theaaid town`. of 'Ba'rrie_ have directed the water through my premise": not a. "mature! water `course, thereby causing great inconvenience, `damage and ' nnntv-nnl-.inn in ma mmnunbn nounotxnowwha:'ou"runng_ " V The regular meeting of the 'Town Council was` held on Monday evening. His Worahip`~Mayor`Sewrey in the chair." All the Councillors present except`Deputy Reeve 1*Diokinson. -The minutes of the leet meeting were read `and conrmed. ___ ; L _PETI'1'ION_8. l ` , V ` Petitions were reeeived from various eraone. T t - e ' To the. Mayor and Councillors of the nnFPAOn`:An `Ln manna A` Dn-u;A ' About and counomer vuuauva III L1!-IIIIU UH All of. wh'<:`1t1,et3; or A"8A;_Cl'l`AB_.Y omwzuouzons. uvuvuuvu. ovoly uuy lu uuu uwuul, Z0 The corresponding month of J mm,` 1884 - No. on roll. 34; averswe attendance, 27 ; every day, 10. - 'l`kA l`|I\$%l\V\l\U|r`:r|n:- -;....4L ..f r._._- 1l'\l'\'|'\ _REPOR'1`s_. 1111:: NORTHERN1yVAN0E; 'ia's"'."." 7 s':'?a. L 1 an: Special qubiaom t_o jobl_}ers and others , 'requiringlu-ge - qusnhtiba. Millet, `Btickwhen; Carrot, Mange], Com, ` ' `And every visriety of Field` Add Gu-den RAAAI ' ` BARRfE$ ` Clo ver, HEADQUARTERS LAND PLASTER, ! ---uruuul In on at T. W. Gray as 9:. 'Cl'8H9 .. UVUIJ U5 , IV _ The corresponding month of June, 1883-- No. on roll. 30 ; average attendance, 22. The other divislons show a proportionate in- TURNlPSEEDl UV") F Nvsters a.auuu,PU1 llloooo tattoos-0 I: .I.].uooI U T8.110W...............`...o 0 060000 Egga,perdozen.......... 0 11... . 0- 1-2 Potatoes, pox-bsg........_. 025... 030` Hay, pal-"ton 10 00... . 1100 Straw,per ton . . . . -5 00.... 650` Flour, Bake:-'9, per 100 lbs *l~ 75..'- _ -2200 Flour, Family, - 2' -2 00 Flour, Pastry, V . 2 40-... 2 50 Oatmeal, pet-l'00lbs 200.... 250 Common], ' 2 00.... 2 50 Wa.shedWool 016.... 018 _Unwa.shedWool.......... 0 9.... 0 10 ROUGH HIDES. Cow, per 100lbs. ........$ 6 00 15023 6 25 Steel._ u u A__ AKA -inn JJUUL. LILll|lll,|l.I'UUl'3g t 0 o o 0 - 0` Beef, foregnartera. . . . . . . . Beef, per nude, per cwt... .. Mutton, carcass, per cwt. . Lamb, per lb ...... Chickens, per pair . . . . . . . . uIvvIIO,',1lUl`llJ-coo-ou- . Turkeys, rlb..;. ... B tte tu 1b.... n:+.+... mu n. THE STATE OF` 13% MARKETS DURING THE PAST WEEK. The Price: nixnng in the Local, Toronto. ullllfhnn` n-.I 'n....~u-I. 1--..u__L._ ` sum, LIVE man my PRUDUBE. duo. M.9BQTHVlE|..L. Barge quantities imported seed in all the leading varieties. M Honor Roll. The honor roll for Senior Department of W. School is as follows for June : Marks obtainable in 4th class were 500, of which Jae. Swinerton made 367 ; Ida Hadson, 306; Arthur Morrow, 362; Teenie McLeod, 357 ; Mark Hunter, 330; Louie Pass, 330. 3rd Class, marks obtainable 300 -Sarah Nelles, V256 ; Kate Campbell, 2344.; Albert Lane, 231 ; Wm. Penstone. 229 ; Luella King, 228 ; Maud Gregg. 216. GENERAL REPORT. _ No. `on the roll for the month, 44; aver- age attendance for the month, 39 ; No, who attended every day in the month, 28. TBA nnrrnnnnncl u n n m an. at 1...... 106.4