\ The Washingtcpnauthorities and cus- 1 tom collectors that from and after July 2nd all merchandize shipped ` from one part of the United States to another by way of the Dominion will be liable to. duty as ordinary importations from foreign contigious territory. ' on World Cholera. is decreasing" in Calcutta. Bismarck is to attend his son : wed-T ding. . The Queen has oifereid a Dukedom to Earl Spencer. '_ A _ The prospect for good crops in Bengal and Madras are bad. i A Mr ( ) Donnell,- Home `Rule Member * for Dungarvau, is dangerously ill. ' A commercial difcnlty between France ' and Roumaxiia -_is likely to be settled. V V -_ u__1.' a.I....'.-.3- I unu Lvuuuaw--nu nu ....--J __ V `The Russianupapers say. that the "re- ported rising in Turkestan is exaggerated. The German Naval demonstration against Zanzibar has been` countermand- V""'-l"l;e" 7 Galunhn Na ...1 . ' The poiiqe hgve beein seizing iseditious.` prints and documents in Bulgarian libra- - nu An fies. nee. Sir Peter.Lum_ade_n is to V be decorated with the Grand Cross of the Order of the Bath. ; Much Iiokneea is re rted among the Runiian troop: near erat. It is rumor- fed they will move on that deity in the autnmn.. ~ . `e There; are reports _that_--,Ruuia and Uorea; haze; -concluded. a secret treaty ',V.I.Rhuiar a protectorate over- thatfu na.j; h j ` g - . \l`l.'IllIr`Ily -' V14 -LI ' lat majority Wu 6!). His wife ' It the [519 of {Lima want Peru annexed to -the nited States while the imwnppan iopenlyz advocate. a. United 8tp.'teo=prote9toraee. I _ ._. -u--... T VGener`o.Zl:(v:"r;<$;url_:o s B. nssienV commission- erto 'repo rt7"o`n the state (if Poland Jaye the peop1e h_at.e.'the Russians and recom-_ mepde more repressive meuurea, . T told Ran h.ChurchillA.wa:s `returned for Woodstock zover ` his Iopponergt Mr. , Corrie Grsutuby amajority ofa127. i His ; x-- .....'.:....:a-,. -.. an ` I-`Ii: wife won [the 3 DD for Q In nv . of ;jv.oi1 T tl;e` l9ct1onfo*?hittxTandM:t. a::71u;1~ two `aoat girl `qr'n;d'utt.es ftfbm`0xford1`unning : the oouno for him: '. `\ I. `I , 71..---3-`gi ju.u:;f;v1`:):.d:.:jK-gkl. in. Berlin` 0!tBn.d ' inn . .:'1`he talk into import muons from 1 l Austria and Itqly. _? A ` 1 . wr Q 0 , l'I,!__-` 5!-IDU5 I.& t In run- . Baker l;u};a'l.e-ffT London, for Cairo 4 `F1-id;'y night charggd with a secret unis`- "`!`.1i_``?5'*: $6 F.r1sn * 5.9-L ,,,-__J_ L-.. UDVIJ Qluvnnn saw an v-v..`- --~-_ . Kin` fhe English gd;erhment determined to hold Suak_im,' Koroske, 5 N Wedy Halts, and Aesouan with garrisons. } ,9- -2 CO_I2_L.-.._ .._..-A.-"I L g VV LLCLLD, uuu unvuvuu-a vv atop ..-.-_..V.__ . The Mai-quiet of Salisbury presided at banquet given to Baton McDonald the newly appointed Lord Advocate tor Scot- land. The French government have with- drawn their demand for a xed date upon which the English troops shall evacuate Egypt. ` ' cL`__ __.'._L-....I.._& `C C`|n J85 pm , Dr. Garnett, Sniperintendent of the Reading Room of the British Museum for ten germs, has been presented witha.testi- ` moms . - I ,. 1 L`. A IEVII I-G5 Attention hos lately been drawn to the fearful` mortality among children whose. lives are insured. lt means child mur- ` der to a shocking oxten . . I l'lI,,,,Al_ 2.. `I- binin F Labouchere, Editor of .0 Truth, is de- lfending a libel suit against him instituted 0 by Mr. Irving; Bishop the mind reader. ` I The damages are $150,000. mi- 'n..:-_-_- -1 111-1... .. n.\nnnnnt`vA Hm % '1'ne qamagea are m_ou.wu. V 'l`he_Pri1_1ce of Wales 1- cumxnends the Gordon -Memoria.l to be a. home for. train- ing childreh for military. and civil life,- The committee" agptove _of the recom- mendation._T- ? IIJKJIl\IlllA\ I nag Sulcides in Austria. have become alarm- ingly nu'tne.rou`s. There were `twelve re- ported on Wednesday and one `case was that of a. military ofcer who stood in from; sin cannon and fired by means of a. stmk blowing 'mselfe.1l to atoms.` --For Barzal n Men ; Ready-Made Suits go to T. W. ay 6: (3095. 7 : Was. M11 W8: W1? Itinerantdof the Hospitals of the Chief Cities 1 AF Il`nr1In nr` Yrnlnnd Qntlnd. Itinerants of Hospitals 0: me umet umes of England, Ireland. Scotland. France. Ger- many, the Umted States of America and Dom- 2 inion of Canada. ti? Formerly Surgeons of the British and late Surgeons of the United States Army and Navy. trA1so Members of the College of Physicians and Surgeons, 0nt., &c., &c., will professionally , . V A oHr{731u~I"1"E"f:i`iiZiifING E IYIVII A --bu L/I1 Ani Nlsnvous DEBILIT w3;`h.:z:1: manently Cured, no matter of how long standing, and all Chronic Diseases of the (Jhest-Aln Chronic Diseases of the 'l`hroat--All Chronic Affeetlons of the lleal-t-All Chronic Alfections of the l.ungs-l@ Such as Consum tion, in its First and Second Stages- oneh1t1s- Asthma - convulsive Asthma - convul- slons-Catarrh in the Heads-Catarrh in the Throat and,~Lungs--Catarrh of the Kidney_s-Catarrh of the Female Organs. RHEUMATI SM s's : .`?.`:`& 1%: CURED, whether ACUTE or CHRONIC. -- - -.. mm'm1In\1.R-l'IsIIl'.lIII.C The Celebrated E1_u'opea:n and Anxnchn Physicians and Surgeons, . ` ~ A ___ -`_.-._. UIJlClSl.lg Wuulnluu ..---._- AI.L BLO DD DISEASES "` ' Scrotu- la Serofulous Ulcers-Running Sores- Salt Rheum -Scurvy- Eczema-Porego -and Skin Diseases of Every kind and Description @'ClJRED!-1'Dro sy in all Parts of the Body Cured.--m idney Diseases-Bright9s Disease of the Kid- ne s~Cancer of the Kidneys, &c., ace. Al Diseases of the Urinary or ans-- tzifchlorosis, or Stoppage of the ens- trnai Dlscharges -CAN( ERS in their J1\JIJ gla Worst Stages Cured without the use of the knife. ' Epileptic DYSPEPSIA, ERYSIPELAS, F1tg,or . u..In.m- sinlznnsm. _. Anoulecuc Fug or I U.lL).l.-Jill. U111 .I;I-1.Iuu4.a..uuuu, . I i Falling Sickness, Apoplectlc I.nsu m` Sense and Motlon-PaI the Kill] e. ADYSPEPSIA, FiiL`3`3`3 i Loss of Sense and 1VIotlon-Paral_vsis- Pnlsy-NeuraIgIa-Chorea, or St. Vitus Dnnceh - Goitre, or Thick Neck -- P03 - puses In all parts of the body cure - Abscesses-'l`nmors- Lnm bago - l{emor- ` rhoides, or Piles-Hemorrhage of the Lungs, or Bleeding from the Lungs, ice. n M1 -1 1,.-__ W`:-nrn Ini'nn('.V to ngs, 0|` nlcuunu-5 nu vun Unnv .......E.., .. _ . l mu K I I F ` Dlseases of Ulnldren ';?1..'.`:':i';%` Fevers and Agnes of every description, and :1 1 other Diseases too numerous to mention, whether Acute or Chronic treated successfully. - - n . 1 -n _ , ommtn.-I nnnr-ps:nfn'llv.no Diseasessfss"y'e`;% STAN DING. Diseases of the Ear J: STANDING. FEMALE DISEASES: nf wnw LONG STANDING. u.uu`u1u; UU vuuuun uvu u-u -any Q.TJEBIN"S IEIOTEL, --FROM--- Monday, July Iain, ---T0-- TIuIrday, July |6th, .._L _ _._.. ....4D.\....n- Cunnn I I IIlI.In ulvuuvuw uu......, -.- __ of now LONG STANDING. All persons suffering with Chronic Lingering Disease 5. or any other Disease. whether Acute or Chronic. should bear in mind the Im nrtance nf. liming an Opportunity to Consult( ee of Charge). Physicians of such Skin and Exper- ience as DOCTORS MCCULLOCH and G.RAN'l`,_ who are L_h-_* mort successful Medical and Surgical Practitioners and Specialists on the Continent. of A mei ica. ' T M?` CALL PROM PTLY on the Aeovn DAYS and DATES (mind; the time and place). When 8' TRUE and Ho\` r M` CONSULTATION will be GIVEN FREE or CHARGE. . N nv__.qm nnsted Bills and Circula.ijs__fo_i_- the * iIMPORTAN_'l`_ 10 THE SICK * N.B -Sec posted Circulars for the Testimonials and Certicates of Cured Patients themselves. which testify to the above facts. 050., W111 pxuusomuuu-u VISIT BARRIE, _._.--_-------- . AU` T`|ON'sALE ,\muABn.m |tmn PROPERTY 2* reet, ently ` NDER AND BY v1R`rU.E or the power; of sale contained ln a certain mortga e which will be produced at the time of sale. t ere will `be offered for sale,a.t Public Auction. by George . Ford. Auctioneer. at the -* ~ --- - -----"HA1-rnr1:I .oh' and a. s1ied,slso 0. frame eta "'- VIII u 7---_ ' at 12 o'clock noon, the following freehold premises : - . PARCEL l.--Lots No. 16 and 17, on the south side of Sophia Street, in the Town of Barrie. On the premises are erected four semi-detached rsme houses. . - PARCEL 2. -Lots 17 and 18. on the West side of Elm Street, as shown on` 4 red plan No.. 22, of the Town of Barrie. s property con- tains about half an acre. in well situate at the head of Kempenfeldt Buy. On it is n roh cast house. one and a.-half stories hglgh, a. t- e. Good w water on thenremises ; . . V Tmufs `--L'l`en.p`er cent. at the time of sale, ten . oent..in thin-ty`dsys thereafter. and the .u....... in in nmmrd -bra mortgsge on the runsqu unv at the~AD-.1 ` BANTING, 8Mt.' 1 t. Fora. Aucuoueer. M um BARRI E HOTEL; BARBIE. v--7w--_', - - By all who are sutfering from -_`vuI'1 1' 'I"LTI"1TTI)' I&I I -.'T----u- and may be consulted at the 1 rm 0% -1`? S 1% `I11 f\PfI = i or low, In we gun uou., Uvuvuxmug hanoworleu. A good` creek rune on1 .. em-than nnrt.innia.rsamnly the 1 ---SUCH AB--- ON , treated successful1V.no matter of HOW L01V_IG 1 treated` .successfu1'y. - no matter of HOW LONG I of everyudeacription I comm. NO MATTER Painted Linen vWir1dow Shades; Curtain Poles and Rings, Children s Carriages, Hartsh"rn Shade Rollers V V Grand Rapid Carpet Sweepers, Common Sense Lamps, Electra-Plated Ware, Ice Cream Freezers, I Coal Oil Stoves, " ' Refrigerators, e j r Door Mats. ' - J Baskets, mu EIIB .011 nt. '7 un- `Come and See Us. ' Opppsito .` Queen -s Hotel - P681- SPRING OF I885 K Above criticism, and SANDERS BRO S. WATGHMAKERS AND Jiwsuans m nnam WALTHAM, E ELGIN AND A swlss WATCHES, BOTIIGOLD AND SILVER. CELEBRATE!) ENGLISH WAULKENPHAUST BOOTS! ls 4 NQW Q SMS1x\? S `= *$I SIEIE3 'I'Ii,E3]!dI! SIEIIEI 'I'III.*.';".BII! Which we are now selling at a Great T Discount. , wen 3 . . . . ~ __LT SREPASIRING IN ALL ITS BRANCHES A SPECIALTY. " & ALL WORK VGUARANTEED. ChAY l`01\ S FAMOUS snow 110% TINVIARE WHOLESALE AND RETAIL,` STOCK OF WALTHAM So stylish and appropriate for spring time, that ' purchasing them is a pastime. Now open and ready fbr the lucky purchaser. ESTABLISHED 1359. :. A. DOUGLAS, SPECIAL VALUE THE JEWELLEB. nd unequalled in Ftyle, Variety` and Price Ladies and Gentleman's ----FOR THE--- BARBIE. OTTON,_ BROS. No Trouble to Show Goodn- ELEOTRO-PLATED WARE, WEDDING PRESENTS, GOLD HEADEDEOANES, AND JEWELRY of latest design. arcelj `land uable and we}- nnrn wants NIL.` lbattle of Batoche. The e intelligence has e deceased was we uuu: u. ...... .,.__,, braced bayonet charge that decided the created a wide-spread feeling of 1-93;-in . the House of Commons, of which he W amoat popular member. Col. William; was engeged to Mrs. Banks, daughter of Sir Dam McPherson, and was to have been married on his return fr t ( Vorth-West. Mrs. Banks is 1.3;` wig}? her father on the continent The York Rangers and Simcoe Fore`:- zers have received orders to return home I and are expected to reach Winnipeg on Tuesday from Touchwood H111 _ Th Queen s Own and the Seventh Igusilierg are on their way home.` own Views er the Tax on Whisky and` Untaxed'1`empera.nce Drinks. _ , 1 ve been eittin a.t1_1i of 1 3`?2`B,a"_lw: W-1. my teddy an my pxpe, an won ermg whst s comin ower. neat 8. ; we've been sairly humbled, an it's aye gettin the langer the want`. Bit the ntherafternoon, when -I sent doon Mirren. that : the ser- Vm 133319, ye ken, for a. wee drep tee 9 mak teddy, an she came back wi her ' mooth open, and te1l t me the whisky was we shillings a gallon up,` I must say that ' {am dum foonered. 1v{4m:\L Xnnmu " nnvn Rnf.t.v-- Wh8.t S I Wis tamy (lull; luuuuruu. ~` Oh, Jeems, says Betty, -A wha.t s wrang at a ? D ye'think it's-the R0051)- iansi" . . Ay,'this is what I hea.rd`dhegent s in the omnibus talking shoot, I remarks ; the Government -s punt twa. shillings on the whisky tae help tse pay for making the railway oot in the Soudan. I mann see the minister about this ; gie me my hat. s ` . T When I went up tae the minister s,.him an` Mr. Pinkerton were sitting wi tears in their e en. The minister had a. glass 0 claret afore him, and Mr. Pinkerton had a bottle 0 lemonade. an baith were mskin faces at their drink. ` ' ' - -- ..-_- -..1.1 B."-sun nan: {Mn races at men` drum. Come awa , my auld freen . says the minister ; ve see what it has come tae, noo; but, oh ! this goes sair against the grain; this disna. warm and comfort the inside at a ; it has nearly doobled me up already. Indeed I ll hafe na mail` 0'13. T although they should put a pound on the gallon. 7 nu7L..4 An an +11%.-.1: n Hm lnmongde, J u]y- 9,- 1885- gauon. 7 What do ye think 0 the 163103359: Mr. Pinkerton '3 I inquires. . . urn. _.-._ :0- .........k . {Ha Ha}. `Fast!-fl! mr. rmxernon r :. ulquuua. Oh, man, it s werah ; it's jist fearfu D ye-ken, 1' never understood till" the nicht why teetutallez-s` faces wre aye nae screwed an` drawn thegither like; I un- derstand it .1100, tho . '_This stuff wad mak me as melancholly as a wudden owl if Idmnk it." T - ` ) .,-A. 1.. A-.. ...u-\v.1wv II 1 UTFUIK ID. V. Bai/:V:, we sent oot an got 1!} 00I_`8UI3P1Y; 1 an Bylm set astir an aglt-tl.0Il In t *`3-" buxmu that resulted in the three 0 U8 huiIJ;_' wut as 2:. deputation up tae LO.fld.011: me we "&`r (}.().M. about this last 1n]us.-` rim mu S\.'Iyt1a.Ud. Upwegaed accordmg- 1y me 1.|.mjnin;,r street, in we sent 00!; cards tzlv Mr. Gladstone, an 901 : _C3-T11 word we mltnit us. So we wlpeo. our feet mm the bass, an gaed ben. ` _ Mr. Kaye, is it. really you I v.see`_ln Lnndum 4" says Mr. Gl.a.d8t0ll9, rmnmg form 121.; mu, un shaking hauns; 1100 - -me x:|-(`V intmduce ye tae Mr. Cbilders. ihis, says ,1, in return, is my esteem- ed 8p:I`i.Lun1 arlviser---this wee fat man ; an the ither gentleman Wi` the Wllddell leg is my worthy freen, Mr; Pinke_rt.oI_1. Keep on your hat, Mr. Childers, I W18 ance a puir xuarj like yersel . H A..,l M- II... Am 114: nnma no` IIUUC (L ljllll 111311`! _l|BU yUlD\4L "Ami now, Mr. Klave, did ya C0m6 00 about that place in the Inland Revenue I promised you 1 inquires the G.().M. N M-` n H ........ I Humunnnmn no - totallers should psytheir share '9 the ynuumcu _yUu ' luliuxnco any \a. v..--- I No, Mr". (}., says I, we ve come up on a. national question. _ We ve come up, tae advise wi you insyour dviiculties, fol; it seems me me ye re jist oundering awa 00!. 0' ae mess` inte anither. Mr. G-, listen: when ye luet th00sand s 0 valu- able livus in `the Soudan, where ye had nae busiiiess me be, we stuck tee ye ; BVBU when ye gaed doon on yer knees tee Roo- shia, am Sucht them no me withdraw Ksiiiorzilf. even then we stuck tae ye ; bu` we ve dune wi ye noo--it's the last strays breaks the cainel s back, an ye V6 Pu` 1" on ; yew-e raised the tax on 001' national drink. an` there s no a. Scotchman but is- risi`x`ig' up against ye." _ - 1`;v{|t._1V1r. K_aye, we _need.m0n6y~ ` t el, put it on somethmg that pan `1 )" `fl may a hafpenny stamp 011 VW ottle u lemonade ; It's 9. luxury, ED `'09 taxes as weel as ithers. - HrVL;I.a_.__ . ._ -2 n.-a ands UH! Mr. G, In I\ - Or hauf-a-croon on cats; there s'fa.u`r 7 Wer mony 0 them. an if they "`: W16 mair valuable they wid be mar . 3Ppl'eciated, am so ta en better care 0 ; 01' - 011 bicycles, or on tea, or sugar, 91 .. ~ l_ WXYB. or patent medicines, or on J0W9h7 . :rmgs, an sic like, ye ken; but really It I Insist extrsor nar that ye should fur- ther tax an article that : taxed `oot o I P`P0rtion already. Aye, an mair than Eh: Y8 raise, the tax on the Btitilh 1'1` WY an ye reduce it on I foreign com`, peutor. Before this the Scotchman-"I. lh01 was taxed 103 a. gallon, the E118 .hm&n a on his beer 1s. 5d., and the for- Gum wine. 2. 1n.: v..:... .. ...`.....I..u vs` ~---- In VII lll UUCK J3! Uuo, CIIBI IIIIV 0V` 91211 Wine 35. 10d. Ye :-e no member. I9 ` lien, for 9. Scotch constituency, an` ye 1'9 . 3!e_ thanking Providence that Scotch . bland rins in yer veins, bit, instead 0' .Q!;'Y__-' '2 he equalize things, `ye add 2:. Scotchman s drink, 3d. tae the Enghlhf m3n'8 an tak? 6d. a' the foreigner!` Oh. Mr. Gladstone, they lined B 06' the `People : William, but ye?q_e """ "'5 T331 11:8 liro` 'I((3hilders, take a note 0 that,"_ `WY . 1-. 1 a.d.1ws. scorcn vxsrrons. UK vvu. vv ----..__ record the and intelligence Col. Williams of the Mid- of brain fever. The news uom over the entire force. was the hero of the cele- A.. _L .I--3J.`.I L`-A .':TLa'.r:1 us. 11. . qL.ih1n,iuta;:. noo ,.I 1' doe . roon.,h&I.I,.`70ie.resd.a1,s- r-. . Yl<)>ur" meniorialiatsg-,tl|e,~;olergy;:? t.: lam}. new ~m!h-epfarestetthet the nation of which you" Ithe head is in need of money, but =~they_`lhint: that in no reason w`hy4y ou should p`ut`n'iore"ti.xes on. an article so universally popular that it-is_ called familiarly an , lovingly ` The Auld Kirk, and which is the greatesolace of '* the peasant and the merchant in the` country that supplies the kingdom with more money, more energy, and ' more brains in proportion than any of the`, three. Whisky -is in Scotland the lone man s companion, the bachelor s friend, the hungry man's food, the eadman -s cor- \ 'sIy wr'v.|l.Ilf`T In J dial, the wakeful man : sleep, and the chilly man's re. Mr. Gladstone, repeal the advance; fair play is all we ask; and every Scotchman, as he stirs the tnddy ladle, will drink your health, and bless yous ~, The G. O.M. scratched his held an re- ` marked Mr. Childers that he wis fast ,_I-_L-J L__a. I_--_- LA --._I.` UGO -A-lllo VIIIIILVID Iulull IIU wad own! 'eTn} humiluted, but before he con commit .himo'el' `further I crios- Mr, Pinkartonwill noo pay a few words. ll- mnbnubnn. no.5 `run an un`:nn Con... inge. mani- "3f"ii` 1'5a'3'kZ:o'7 g.; `$3, lifisuang his wuddenileg for a.ttention,,saya Mr. Glsdstone Mr. Ohildera, an -`freon: gen- -.._I1.. ' L; '.'...`...L..'.. -0. .-.I;.L ` Y" 'nuun ' n erally,-- ladston4'i Mr. Unilders, -.freens he 'em'1ntr'y or whieh`.I"'amia 2 bumble inhabitant is faur "north, the climate is variable, an we need, as: a beveridge a~st'reng"Iiquoir. 1 In the years= gone by the Rtgbtvonorable gentleman tried tae (idu9g_,11s_;..tAe~';d ' _k_'-*l,igkht. A et `--cheap "retiat a f ' _` _ Bit fanoy,giein_g*_ lg Gleaoa carter a gless 0 chape claret on a cauld winter day, or me. o 001- aul , douce magistrates a `pint-o t tae his evening `pipe! As the Right Hon- orable gentleman,.vvisna consulted either- in the making 0 oer climateor oor con- stitutions. -shouldna, in my opinion, try tae interfere wi' 001- natural desire an tastes, but let us enjoy the 1iquo_rwe like . best in peace an quietness.-. - ,- u n.....a.1.......... 3! -...... Man (1 O M Iv-ininkr. U830 Ill UUDUU nu lilllulll-Ivs - , ,-V ~ . ; Gentlemen," says the G.O.M.l rising, -ve ve made a new man of me.` ~i,I ve been too easily led away by a lot of `;irre- sponsibles. I ll instruct Mr. Ohilderlrtae` propose, that the iniquitous tax on -the popular luxury of a law-abiding people be rescinded, and we'll put sotnethlng on lemonade and raspberry vinegar, `an then whatever a man chooses to drink as a lux- ury, he will have to pay his share" of tax.- ation. This '11 `show to all men that they must live and let live, and not seek to forge others to do as they wish them to vsvv vuuvou -V -v u... -__-' do. u Noo,says I, you're a rule G O.M., an we'll a sit in tae the fire an has a ` richt guid smoke an a dram. Mr. Glad- stone it '11 due ye guid tae_ unbend for ,*a Q wee an gie yersel up tae guid fellowship , wi plain, honest folk like us. : An we did, Bailie. A If ye had heard the sangs an the choruses. The washer- woman that kept the place --W.E.G. ca d her a char-woman--cam up twice tae see if we were fechtin . W. E. G. and Mr. Childers said they hadna had sic a nicht since they had been at Greenwich Fair forty years afore. I gied a recitation,and Mr. Pinkerton walked roon the "room, balancing_ the poker on his nose ; an the" last that I saw 0 -the minister wis him getting upon tap 0 the table, an singing wi his hat on the back 0 his heid, What a day we're having. _ So, Bailie, the extra duty is tae come i a`. p Jn-Ems Kus. = -------o~o--------{- DOMIMION PQRLIAMENT. The Franchise 311(1) 3;-nos by a Maaorlty Ornws, July 4.- The Franchise Bill was reada third time last night amidst immense cheering. [An amendment by Mr. Jenkins was important. It was that all persons who had hitherto voted in Prince Edward Island and British Colum- bia. should have the rightto vote in the future. The liberals moved a similar amendment for the other _ ve provinces, ' - -I -- -........ ..II unt)!` down. Mr l'Cb"o' . Beer and Wine OTTAWA, July 6.-'-The Senate to-night ` refused by 30 to 15 to ` agree with the action of the House of `Commons in re- inserting the penal clause which the Senate had stricken out and again cancell- ed it. By a vote of 30 to 13 the Cana- dian Lords decided to ' reinsert the beer and wine amendment which the Com-L ' mom had stricken out. Sir Alexander Campbell in moving this latter motion said he did it not as a member of the _A.-_--_.. 1...; ... .. .mm_ The temper- said no (110 16 um. an a ...e........ -- -_- government but as a. man. The temper- uuce people feel considerably depressed at the severe rebuff they have received. _ --_.--o-&-Q-._____.-- Mlnlnters Drawing Pay in Advance. OTTAWA, July. 4. -'1`he latest opposition scandal is that the cabinet members are in the habit of drawing their salaries a month in advance. Were any disaster to ever take the ministry the liberals -`claim that thehouse would be out of pocket about $6,000. Mr. Somerville, of Brant intends bringingup the question in the . House next Tuesday. The Conservatives, it is understood, are looking into -the record of the Ontario government in this respect. Two of them, it isgallv ed, draw their regu'lu-lvisix mon in ad- [, soil "vision- 0 Inn-.--------- --~~- . _ 1,151.3, Onh, July ; 5..---J. Strachanh grill: and nwmills and about` 7,000 or` 8,000 bushel: ,whe_It and 200,000 feet of. lumber s`pd%350-oordI of gins Wood : and desiroyad, by` _i`8- Mt 0 nihh '1.m"r1ouiis%9timatd W0 beg" La-bout ,_in;urj_;')oo.`: _ on buildings _i and '."~, h I . -_ __n- lgkdiln-Ian. "r'zy7v" V. ov. I Nap : .| :1 1 Ann Ann. .-L `C ?mnm.6Mm.sm9uvm- alton Dertyf rton's lo tor ';sg.a-.g,v;...ia...v&.eu bayu-cunad.lIh.I1Iltod Spun -'...n &... .`_.u n._.`. '.5'The Franchile hillhu at last passed its '|`third roading.:.:- . . . ~ `Twenty-onofoiluron were `reported in lthe Dominion l&qt1yee.: - '"'nfr.'"1}}:{',T% 'b3})ucy-minister 'l J nstioe, is gazetted 3 Queen : counsel. ' ";;;;i.;;a;..h{ fso go; { `and three new l.'_0p0l'tBd from _Mon- L_--I " Edwua Fertin, . Montreal hotlkeeper, ziaabbgirned to death last Friday night in 5 . ' ' - - I '"7n'.'.'3. cumin, Crown-Counsel in the Riel `case, has gone from Ottaiva to Regina. V ' A storm visited Ottswa last Friday and did considerable `damage to fences, roofs, and signs. lIII__ I`! M TI __J I` D `again; `A: \A` yuan. wt...- % The G. '1'. R. and 0. P. have for thel time being buried-the .-hatchet and have! ceased cutting rates- , _ T ; - . __ 1.. LL- -l`!-.._L_ I vvv-wvup vv-vu---- __--_- , The entire! clover crop` in tire `County `of-"Hastings is threatened with; destruc- tion by a small worm . IR` . I . ii ;I'-`;_I`_- I:..__'__I' __`___A|_'__;_. w.v- -'4 P In. Montreal whl roteat against some of the thy Inhynd Rev liqu'or" mefchantn` _ provisions of enu`eBill., - X'1vs;;:;;n}i:.5r{t{e:od the distu- bution_ of prizes to the pupils of the To- rontb sq_h"oo1a last Thursday. I _ _- vs 11 1 unu- Filing .\llv\r w--- _-.-- -___.-.... Geo:-gae 1:.-Moore, Oscu:MoDonald and Robert Rhodes have -been imprisoned at Niagra. Falls chirged with anon. - A A I_____ v'_______] LVLIJRDIH -pa-a--a v------ .. ___ .._..-___ ' .An order inioduncil has been passed ` declaring the Canada Temperance Act in | force in Northumberland and Durham. b s'i'x.;a;cI;x;.T{1}$";[;i$ of Gilmom-V & Co.. lumbermen, working on the St. Ignace River were drowned last "Thurs- .I...... . 561:`- day. \- `III: I In the Commons `on Friday the bill in- creasing the permanent military force from 750_to 1,000 was `passed through committee. 1 ' . in . 1',;|__ \aUI|-IIIIIIIIIUIJQ The Scott Act has been defeated in the County of Hastings. The majority re- corded against it is 338, but the returns are incomplete. ' (VA 'lI'___`l-I_L- - (DIV Luvvlurnvvv v Rev. E. A. Stabrd late of Winnipeg, the new pastor of the Metropolitan ohurch,rToronto, was tendered a recep- tion by his congregation on Friday night. ' _ United states. Last week 183 failures were reported." A vein of hard coal has been discover- ed near Amsterdam. N. Y.. , `I71. _ _I U LIDCII &1.IllIl.\l\l|Iau-on-` --- --. A brilhant meteor passed over Wheel- ing, W. Va , Friday morning. T , ___ 2.._';.L :. ........~.:Ll-inn Inavnn Ills, 11. V w -ans-u-J --v--___,.`. A mysterious insect is committing havoc in the Connecticut oyster beds. ` I,,L2___ __:__]_ Ill 0110 \JUlJuvvvAvuu vJ--1'- ..v.._. I Boston isexcited over a. skating rink elopement, the girl being only 19 years of age. _ T ` ` ' ` *`- --- UI. @690 I Independence Day was celebrated with the usual enthusiasm and spread eagle speeches, " fl!` , t`I_._..1._ `D.........-.`I-`vandal in I-cvlnin-` Ulluvvllvvo Tioga County, Pennsplvani, is rejoic- ing over the discovery of a. vein of lead ore of ne quality. 7,_.1---_ n.....:.. :..i U19 Iu. uuv \1\nI~c-vi . There have been tremendous oods in Kansas by which the harvested wheat. has been swept away. -- . 1- n , _ .-1_1:- ....1.....1.. :. nan Ucvu Divlurrv II]! J . _ | The conduct of the` public schools is exciting the Washington people just now into quite a social tempest. -- 77--.- 1.--- 1....-- ......a.. z... ` m-.;_ uuu tlluyv an Dvvnvvn vv...,-..-- _ I Many arrests have been made in Chi-. cage of leading strikers who were ex- citing others to acts of violence. 1`: ,II T -_i..II L..- nnnnnnfn!` -UIDIUE uuuvsu vv wvu. V- .----..--- J amen Russell Lovell has presented Harvard Universlty 688 volumes of books collected by him while in Europe. - ` -~~A----- --A-.A-nunnnI> 1 Uilllvvvuu V. n..._ .. ___-- -- It is said that the Austrian qgvernment I will refuse to recognize Mr. Keiley if the JU.nited States government will not recall n1u1. _ V The settlers on the Dolores and Man- c0s.Rivers, _Western Colorado, are de- a'ert.ing their homes fearing massacre from ` [the Utes Indians. ` ~-_L' L- 4.1.... ruuu U uca .a.uu.uu.u. Mrs. Dudley has been sent" to the ` Middleon Insane Asylum for an inde- nitevtime the proposition to transfer. her to an English Asylum `having ben T re- fused. 1 -- -- - ~ ` n.__:;:._ ....I ......, WILD lots; 6 ma-