Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 2 Jul 1885, p. 8

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Tho PI-loeolnllnc In the IaO_0lI.A'l`ol`0ItO. V -AnoIunootthoWook. All- duVUl% l`.ll.ElIJ.` QUVQLVUE \ l'l'lUU, Bunny , June 30, 1885 F! Whe`tooIoo-anon co spl'lngWhttu._... .....o 077110! 0 8` B.rley-you noon-noovoolop 0 50....- Ah , n on A no IE3 uoogggj -oouoco-oust RWIOICCICI OUOIOO.-O0 ... .- _ v--q `.5 in VI. GI! [J10 'BAn1ii1E""nbglj_1-:L,- BARBIE. ELIZABETH $1315.71`: Blmam LIQUORS AND CIGARS. READER! `i cm skins, 12 to 15. 9 u u . A Clinton boy\.me near killing a lad l named McCra.e the other day with a. cata- pult. The ballfroin the machine struck she other senseless, in which condition he I remained for some time. The catapult and pistol are unlawful weapons, and the carrying of them by boys should _ be punished. - V Y our skins',.7 to 1'1'b'. Q u u 1WET Tun Nona-nnnx cu, ; 7 `RADDF- ,Tnnn an IQQK I IHE N9RIHE1N.4DYANCF+ STUDIO `terms easy. vv xtnm a. mile oto |postomoo. sec. JOHN KENT, on SALE.-LOT `a, CO . acres, well timbered. railway station. im rovement u of the Eaatlifnnlr Meaford Mirror: Chronic Growlers `tell us that the wire worn, Colorado `bug, gooseberry slug, plum. curculio, and cab- bage borer are ruining the crops, and cholera and starvation stare us in the iace. To make this list of evils complete the enfranchised Indians and Revising Barristers .. nou1d be added. c()};_ wjq llnuvnu afnnn ML... 1.. Ge ral *7 t a 8113309 on e(re:.nBa1iaon1.%.1: %?):n4t6i.eB819; u-tausanuwn o___ .4 I II- VIIIIIIIHEUU In` l ' In abundant! furnished with the choicest and Shrubs Climbing Plants. extra assortment of glemacis.) Roses, Peonies, rder Plants, Bulbs c. Agents wanted to eng ' , with e uses pal % men. psply to _ ?`?&3 3a"xi a31`u:}; ) 1-His" ooiu.uss POTATO; 1.14033 bush Is to th b vY;ix-gltgeixlxlgcavidence/Goof the: Rural $I%v:e'YoyrI ::2m.;':gt.*%s;*a:r:a.`z:a Mm- _._.- v --.-`E Incl1`1'd`ingV~the'celebrated Niagara and Jesica. 3 .31: be .Bla.b ,C t d- tiaymnjphsgg. try o my urran an ZLIZ :12: -g- -- - - ?-v----v---- -tit 23' ' K Dalwa ' stock 11 mimm om`; new .:.f'2.tu2'1?e3$a'r`i%, u:*s ple. Crab lzglee. Pear. Cherry. mum in A 5 _,::,,;::m=::=~........ awn man and m A ple. crab A ple, cn;,;,.,;_"1sf,;;; K%.:2,so+::r::::s..`%:? :.3&:?u==*~n~ ALSO G134 pa VINES 1-_ _1_-_i:_;.. LL- _ ,,. or sr. cnrnmns om. NURSERY DOM Yl uuuue unu Darn; $1200- Several Park Lots West of Mr. Ewan s resi- dence and havinga fine view of Barrie and Kempen1eldtBa. . The above In are oered especially cheap` and in nearly every case a. very small cash y- ment will be accepted. and easy terms` -ven for the balance. The vacant town lots can be urchased on still easier terms. in case the pure er intend s to build immediately. Apply to ' STRATHY 85 AULT, J is-ly _ tors. Barrie. -Youtln9s Re 11';-Made Suits cheap at the Cash Store. . W. Gray dc Co. 11;` ;.-n.. 1 co m an u0n., (except 4 acres) a very farm; $1200. N } 1:9 in last Uon. 100 acres good land, price 1000. ' VE PRA.--Part of 21 in3rd Con. 63 ac., soil ` rst class, all cleared..an excellent arm. W. }of 24 in 6th Con., small clearing, well ` watered and tlmbered, soil good. Part of 22 in 6th Con. Vespra, 110 acres, good house and ham; $1200. Several Pm-1: rm. w..+ A` mr- n~__-_o_ i - _._, ......-yvuu -vs uvvvn xausuls NOTTAWAS`AGA.-E A; or lot 1 in 8th Cora; a splendid farm 90 acres cleared. good build- ings. plenty of water from a never tailing stream, no waste land. ORO.--East halves of Lots 33, 34 and 35. in the `let Qon.. 100 acres each. Large clearings on 3 parcels. Cheap properties. TECUMSETH.-N Lot 4 in 11th (?on.. 100 acres. About _80 acres cleared`. A farm, well situated, about 3 miles from ton. , V TIN Y.-E. 88 in 1st Con., (except 4 acres) 'vex;y_ goodtarm; In . . oR'rH ORILLIA.-Pa.rt of Lot 3 in 1stCon., 80 ac., 40 cleared, excellent soil, good buildings, property well watered, 9. rst-class farm especi- ally adapted for stock ralsing. . I Wf\'F'l`L`XTAG'Al1A 13.1 _AI-;_ - .... .. I --_ --.. wvnvu vuvuo uuuu cuuuuuub (arms. MiDONTE.-E 501 W } of 6 in 10th Con ; 50 I agree good land, rst-class orchard in {unbear- g. .A1' 1: ide oe- 8966. " '"*'-'* :;cgtm?an81r1%st opgosfte lastdescribed parcel: Af.LANDALE.-A comfortable double Dwel- ling House on~Bx-adtord street opposite Northern sta ion. - ' 10 good building lots well situated. FARMS - FLOS.-Part of N g 1 T in 7th con , 90 acres. about 30 acres cleared an tree from stumps,new frame dwelling house, soil good, balance of lot can be easily c eared ' INNISFIL.-8.} o : 3 in 14th con., soil and buildings n. about 60 acres oleared.valuab1e timber on lance cheap, terms very easv. _ N g of Lot 19. and South lmf rm. 20 in n... 19. umber balance tex-may Vei" E."" * 19, South }of Lot 20, in the 12th Com. 100 acres each. Both excellent farms. MmnnNTW I7` 1 Al `I? 1 -1 1! _-__ 1:41, an -- , , , , -__-- _- coconut. and tworlots - price 81000. ~ ` Good building lot on Ross street adjoining Mr. Craddook sresidence; 250. Dwelling House on East a d0 of Owen street, occupied ymr. Bothwell, most conveniently situated; 81200. - House occupied-by Dr. Bailey. havin good stablin attached on Dunlo street echgoining Dr. Argsglrs residence - V - Cotlzmrn and Int nrm fn In.n1........n....a _.._-_-- any iuuu 01 manuraomr business. - ' A number f vacant lo on Bradford and Charles streets,vSouth of Buttereld s foundry. all fine buildimg 11 sites. Several co ortable houses and cottages on Charles street: an excellent opportunity for a mechanic to get a comfortable home asthese houses can be paid for-PIS small monthly or quarterly instalments. ces $150 to 8400. That comfortable 2 story Dwelling occupied` by Mr. L. Buttcreld, with small oiiice in front. and Good building Int nn Rnna afs-ant -.u..:..a__ Au bug: me uuualng 811:0. Terms easy. 3} acres of vacant landsoath of Andex-ton : brewery adioinin railway track, auitablor for any kind of manu ctur business. A number I` vmumt In n An n...ao.-ma ...a According to the Orillia Packet, the Anti-Scott Act people of that town, gave Mz. Harley, the Whisky Detective in the employ of the County Alliance, ca hastily prepared reception on Tuesday on his arrival at the Northern Raxlway station. \ (TOWN AND FARM PROPERTIES) FOR SALE L CIBIEAP. BARBIE. -Ba view Saw Mill (Perkins) with ; about 4 acres of d, and two large water lots; to be sold for less than half the cost of the ma- ohinery in the mill. 4;; acres at oorner of Bayeld and Dalton street_s, `xmmedmtely north of Bigelow property. An ehgxble building site. Terms 3} vacant lnndnnth nf Andnl-fan : TIIE OIINAIEITAI. DEPARTMENT. abundantly fnrniahml win. 44.. ..s...a--.. _ VALUABLEWLANDS THE GOLDEN BEAVER, See our MILLINERY AND DRESS GOODS before you buy. V We have the largest Stock_ of MILLINERY AND DRESS GOO S 1n Barr1e. Tastes differ_ Knowing th1s We have deterxnlned to_ keep our stock _large enough, and_ of such a w1de range in vanety, style and pr1ce, as to exactly meet thewants of the many. Those who buy frgm us need not go away thlnkmg I_t 1s not exacuy What I wanted, but I suppose 1t W111 do. On the contrary we can and W111 make you say I have found ust what I wanted, and am wen satised Wit style and price. .SEE OUR OOOOS BEFORE YOU BUY (LIMITEDJ Eve have larg .-_:gj1lgl Qljj A young lad named Morin, while sh- ing in Beck's saw mill the other day, fell from the log on which he was standing, and in spite of the efforts of a. man named Whalen, who also fell in the water, the lad sank and was drowned.--Peneta.ug Herald. T - I 01' K61`. s. Ches- THAT'S ALL WE ASK. cnomr-rou & RYAN. GRASS SCYTHES, CRADLE so YTHES, The -.-' v- V- The Free Grantaezette says the most slangerous, rlckety old bridge between Lake Ontario and Lake N ipissing is that over the Muakoka. river at Bracebridge. On two occasions men and teams have fallen. off into the river. PARIS GREEN! WHOLESALE AND RETAIL HEAVY HARDWARE- HARVEST TOOLS! ALarg`e.st Stock of these Gobds in Town, at Prices LOW" . than ever. - ` ,_.____._j, Wh lch we are now sellina at Discount. STOCK `OF WALTHAM '. B. CAPONS. SNATHS, STONES, A few days ago a dog was chasing 9. three-year-old colt belonging to Mr. C. .Irwin, of Adjala, when" it jumped into an old well 75 feet deep and the dog follow- ed suit. They still remain there says the Shelburne Freefziess. :. A. DOUGLAS, .0""33 -Di33i"938. -L088 of Appetite, Indigestzon, B/I/nzzsness, D3".P9psz`a. Jaundice, A17ectz'o13 of the Liver and I\71IW'v M12168. Blotches, Bails, Humors, Salt Rheum, scrofw Er:/snrelas, and all dz',seases ar2'se'ng from Impure B1004 -Demged Stomach, or irregular action of the Bou-e1s- THE JEWELLEB. MACHINE OILS, GRINDING STONES, HORSE HAY FORKS, ROPE PULLIES, HARVEST M ITT5; BUILDING HARDWARE Wot Uculs uuuupu wuuvvw `______ _ ' ho or power an-ed ."Ma.de in all me: 8 In l5Burnersto1. for Private Houses. Hotel. Factories, Mills. Streets Mines. 3.`:-;.,.'..m;..T"n. %mra' MG" M35"? 9 0 , 5 is an ' Street. Montreai, p.q. st` F""' 4241 13:3. ANTED. A RESIBE A every Village. Town and mlnion, also. a. few Travellers to 9 Am GAB Maonmnzs, for makln cent. cheaper than Fire from 15 Burners to 1. m__-_ n-.-` n.-.._:.... Inn. Rh-nets. ll 3x;'J`1u.`a.`:.i'a to} H _ . . Own, V Briar PIE! and Tobaooonists fancy 8 W E. BET Dunlap Street. Barrie. 00 PURVIS BROS. -30 9srBea71;i W;-(le sum at" '1`. W. Gray '.Co s. ' The Contra.) A keeps. all the Imported and ` Meersohaum Inn Diana and VFA1 Inoted brands 0 -Domestic C1113? 1 Tobacco D090?` In!` a B. Do _ a (nreat A step-ladder broke under the weight of a. Bradford lady who was papering a. room a few days ago, and in the fall she fractured a bone of one of her feet. Mrs. John McKinstry is the subject of the painful accident. ---..' .- vv "" "L The yacht Nellie, covered the distance between Midland and Vlctoria Harbor the other day in forty seven minutes. The distance is seven miles. She ran with double reefed fore and main sail, the wind north-west. T The same authority ea. 3 that the crops 1 in M uskoka. never looke better than now I and never promised a better yield. A There was never a greater crop of black ies and nnnsquitoes either,\ V I'|_.l_-4-j C ____, , .. ...- ___ ""-7 Eawns d Muslim: at'T. 11'. Gray dc C095. A Bradford boy was hit with a stone a short time `iigo and received a painful wound. Throwing stones in" almost as common as the I didn'nt know it was loaded, folly The South Simcoe News intimates that sanitary regulations are not strictly ad- hered to in Bradford. Slaughtering is done in the most populous part of the village. The present of some strawberries caused the editor of the Stayner Sun to forget for a while the pile of dime and delin- quent subscribers. Pity the sorrows etc. B. Topn was knocked off the rail- way bridge by a passing train, falling. some ten or twelve feet. Strange to say he was but slightly hurt.-Free Grant Gazette; The Stayner Sun says the manager of the Georgia Minstrels ned some of colored boys for singing on Sunday con- trary to their contract with him. `White : barber shop took re on Thur:-V day morning last but it was fortunately extinguished before gaining much head- vay.--Oollingwood Enterprise. e s}.IZun 31: .._`__..v. . ya some boys got ' into a. vacant store next its office last Sun- daf and cut up dog on p hur to throw at pauers by. generally. using wbellingwood, has -sneak thieves; A saddle was lately stolen from the stable: of Mrs. Thomas Fair. A H Ting Zlr1a(1'(1'ackM rtfliel Army of. Jeaui, Orangeville, was gutted by re last. Sun- 1 day morning. ` A I And Oondoinod mo numb: 1 .#n- .._._I__ A... Aj_.---g hm mg most attractive estab- lishment `Steyner possesses. That must `be an interesting hamlet. lII ID D E III I Mr. F. J. e'f7-Collihgwood was considerably injured by the blowing down of an awning during the gale of Monday. comm onmg-n1srn1ornnnns, `cu-rIrnnnnvsnIoonAxnnx: - `nxonuxau Aswan. rm "E-BS '6I;Jel.Eg{."3E"'n3Z;}a have re- solvedto celebrate the 12th of July. - jittine am was seen in Mr. Gill : gar- den, Ooulnon, on Sunday night. A `V. I Lita; buildigg in going on at Burk : II VUIQUBXII IIIUV CZVWUTCV` -_-u xnphntormlvanoo Roadonwho Like The Inn-ow of the lost. The ravages of disease among the French troops in Tonquin are appalling. Three thousand invalided soldiers have be`en sent home and the deaths are twenty a ay. - - Last Friday the steamer Itelia struck at point on the coast of Peru and sank in fteen minutes eerrying sixty-ve persons down" . wrth her including twenty-ve children. 7 It is said that the Tory government intend to treat Irelandin a liberal m nner to the extent of giving her loc self government. ` I Henri Reohefort says that Olivier Paine died of fever while in the camp `of El Mahdi where he is said to have been held a prisoner. ` - . ' Richefd Cross hae ordered the return to Dublin of fty detectives who have been for. some time on duty in London. 7 ` ` `Sir Atiiiii to be ele- yated to the peerage and will be the first _Je`w to sit in the House of Lords. L;i~.'1`iz}LtI&;1}'h'cnurchn1`is the first member of the new government to enter upon the duties of his oice. u 11-. Mr. Sha-Le'ierre,`eii:;iestina;te'1- gen- era], has been granted a_ penfion `of $6,000 a year. i V The Queen is said to be grieving at the near approach of the marriage of the Princess Beatrice. ' ___. .._.-_-.J av rvnn-wonunavbiu Vdeelaervativea are protesting against allowing the crimes act to lapse. 1:- cn_-_ 1- _2__..__ , - A is being erected at Vienna by Japanese "residents. The Imperial House of Commons ad- journed last Thursday till July 6th. 7 Col; Fred Burnaby : posthumous po- litical novel will shortly be published. 3 3 1 l \I Prose`? No! It is one of` the most majestic poems the Legislature has ever written` The echoes of political strife died away, the voice` of party was hushed, the cry of the factionist was not heard : old men recalled the interminable forest- land of their youth-time-young men be- thought them of the grandeur of isolated woodlands pwhereeven yet our stately trees root themselves in virginal forest soil: politicians rose to statesmanship and this to patriotism : and all united in poetic provision of the avenued beauty of On- L tario s highways, as they assembled to D J Encourage the `Plantir. g and Growing 05 11' consider rather than debate An Act to Trees I time ! . A Seriously speaking, however. this is a And the poem was read a t ' i matter of "great practical importance, as, `they should have been. indeed, are all uestions affecting the forestry of our rovince. Not toosoon did the Legislature awaken to the neces- sity of counteracting as far as might be the `calamitous effects incident to the rapid depletion of Canadian forests. The e'ect upon agrl`culture-upon the general rain 5 fall-in regard -to storms-and with refer-' . ence to small streams is now as an `e`ect ' becoming generally known and felt ; the 2 causes however have not been so early or so generally impressed upon the people as preserve such forests -as yet remain, and adopt a generous system of tree planting if she is to retain her prestige as an agri- cultural Province ; in fact it is acondition precedent to general prosperity. This, by-the-way, is merely introductory. We will pursue V this `subject more in detail upon other Maple Leaves. In the mean- time would it not be well for municipal councils and the people generally to think this matter up ? rnr\:n`-:1 004.1. T...... moo: tr 1r Ontario must. _--w was: It vnninu The wheat harvest of Australia promi- ses well. ` Bismarck waata a canal to connct the I Rhine and the Ems. I Rebellion in Chinse` Turkeata "is spreading. - - g. r) '1 Famine and disease are making` sad havoc at Kordofan. v;.II.||AvllJlll. DJ. , UIIUI The sum of $50,000is hereby apportion- ed and set apart for the object of the fore- going section, etc. -Prose ! 46 v. ch. 26, I Ont. Act. `V . --. a A wunvvwvvu IAIVU, vuuvu B11511, UIIUUF IILIU provisions of this Act, he lanted within such municipality on any hway, or on any boundary line of farms as aforesaid, or within six feet of such boundary. The Treasurer of the `Province * * * shall recoup to the Treasurer of the Muni- cinality one-halt of the sum paid by the Municipality, etc. ~ rm... ....... -3 mm Anni- 1.......1__ -.__-_L.-__ ;:::.;,:;j:,a.;;:.:;;e, "Z123: i'.?J1Z`{r',"l nZZ`Y3 on _, pme nassagrat spruce wa nut or whttewomi tree, which shali, under the nrnvininnn nf this And 1.- nl...L..A ...:u.:... av V V5 3019 IJIUUUVUUIV, WU lvp from thy roots and the axe from thy trunk. ' -Poetzc press. The council of any municipality may pass a By-law for Daying out municipal funds a bonus or premium not exceeding twenty-ve cents for each_ `and every ash, bIWOnd_ Hnfinnnul 'naAnn vwvuv] -uvv vvuuu LUI. UDUII uuu VUI' basswood, beech". birch, Buttemut,'{>e:ar I no 7 (!I`|8I'I"\T_ nhnnlmnf. n`n1 `|:n`rnnuI onnvdn _ Y mIn;:;i.l:`2ltJh June, 1885; _ _ V UCT lpD'llT6 Does amen bare his head in some old church? So. did I standing in the shadow of this regal tree, and looking up into that completed glory, at which threehundred years had been at work with noiseleseiingers ! * * `* "" My heartsaid, `I maynotcallthee property and tint propert mine '. Thou belong- -esttothe air. Thou art the child of `` summer. Thou art the mighty temge wherein birds praise God. Thou - longest to no man : hand, but to all amen's eyes that do love beauty. and thli have learned through beauty to be- hold God! Stand then in thine own beauty and grandeur! I shall be a lover and protector, to keep drought ingeld. T W * ' The Great Northern Agricultural So- oi met in the town hall, Oollingwood, ortglxnodqr of last week, to arrange the prize list or the Fall Exhibition, to be held on 29th and 30th of September, and 1st and 2nd October. : Communications were received from Dalton McCarthy; Eeq., ._M. P. , offering a. special prize of $20, and from a number of others offering` prize: of from $5 to $25. The prize lint willbe placed in the hands of the printer at once. mm. Leaves. `-mans, LAW, AND AGRICULTURE. Leaves would be counted owers if earth had none, t V -Poet y. A man was famous according as he had lifted up axes upon the thick at:-ees.-~ mill nurron wly `A 103 bani Ill dnmnli-Ina .1. 'Il'gI.ln- ha 4).- .-..... :; a".:.:;1"s.L'.a";:*u... "".'_ " "'"' #1010119. I O30 Inf! II|'3`_frun_o bun Iinlnnfn Qhl"I. nnlt mnkn no. mint` ......:..1 hytheauno The Old World. ELUVD-*" `Scripture -nrnn A141 -_ v;-, ' vv --v av vvn_I-Ill-Ivllll JD IIIIDUI various reasons to continue the dition. j - - . The Marquis of Sslisbury has tele- graphed to Gen. Wolseley that he sympa- thize: with his views on the Sonden ques- tio}3, yet the government is unable for Vlllnnl Ilnnnnna I-A nnnL:nnn 4.1.. -._.._ [BAKERY FOR sum: in a thriving country -doin agood business and can be inorensb 1? nqoesgsary. Will be sold cheap, or exchanriigd for 15 to 25 acres or land near a town. or further articular: aply at the Anvmon omqe. V __ 2 . - 24-27 . H-`,!j:.!`E.':.[:.5BP 3` his cert and severe] bruised about the face and ribs, Mr. . Saunders was on the roof of Hull s shingle mill adjusting one of the sugports of the smoke stack when the wind lew down the stacks and scablding. Saunders jumped from the scsbld to the roof, but it portion of the falling timbers struck him breaking his sun and doing him other _injuries. The 53.1 mvwe an wnetner In want 01 not to call and examine my work. Ir`-E`? '-f|I'II\1I-:- o1t'i>A1N'r1_Ncs, . STATUARY, &c., 8:0. Copied and enlarged to life size from the small est picture. Large parlor pictures all sizes from 32 up to 3 00. and a, choice lot of frames always on hand. `All work skilfully got up in the best style and especial attention given to likenesses of decease ersons. not_to be sur- passed for beauty, and nest in the Dominion. 13.1 invite all whether in want of pictures or call my work- now Is nu: ma TO'GET SOME . _ LAKE HURON ,.- -_ __.v-v..v * OLD DAGUEROYPES, AMBROTYPES, ENGRAVINGS, 1\-I-r 1-. A -g.-___.._. ALL SORTS OF PICTURES, l'\CC\ -u . ..___._ __, Caz-lings and Labatt sH Celebrated Ales al- ways on hand. , Opposite B. Hinds TDominion House, ' DUNLOP STREET -e -e BARBIE. {sn-:rnr:N's rnoro. DONT FORGET THAT 7 S 'I' Ft. IT` (3 II 5 IS THE PLACE` TO GET CHEAP AND SUPERIOR ERUBEBIES. tame n0u8P8. PARCEL 2-Lots Hand 18, on the West side of Elm Street, as shewn on registered plan No. 22, of the Town of Barrie. T s property con- tains about hall. an acre. It is wen situate at the head of Kempenfeldt Bay. On it is a rollg cast house. one and a-half stories hi h, a h t- chen and a. shed, also a frame stab e. Good well water on the premises. TERMS.--_Ten per cent. at the time or sale, ten ler cent.'1n thirty days thereafter, and the lance to be secured by a mprtgage on the premises payable in three years. Interest 7 per cent. payab e half-yearly. The purchaser to have the o tion omaayinsr cash. F01` furt er nn . nnlsu-n nnnlw I-n Mnuana The Gravenhurst Banner says the follow- I fng are accidents and casualties of the late windstorm in that region : Mr. Richard Newton killed by a- falling tree, Mr, J , C. Young in going home. was driving. fast to escape the falling was pitched out of sezsrelzr _, __.I _.2I... G-.._.I-.._ ____ . J1z~dri1ir't1i'r";;Etf;:i12i}'5"zi'll`;;1y to MESSRS. MACLAREN MAGDONA MERRITT ac SHEPLEY, v'endox-a Solicitors 28 and so To- PAUSE JUST HERE; van u-nu. vnuuuuu Ill] WUl'K "&"E)I-IN `s'.1:'EP::-In Ns. Barrie. January 15. 1885. at 12 o cl PARCEL 1 side of Sop On the premi P8108 houses. Drpnn-v 0 _`l .n. 1~..v..-.1 so -_ LL- cw: _ _ - -__, --_`.-- ock noon, the following freehold - premises: .-Lots No.16 and 17, on the south: hie Street, in the Town of Barrie. see are erected four eemi~deta.ched THE 9TH OF JULY, NEXT at 12 n nInnl.r nnnn nu. lnllnnrlnn a.....:_-u.: Usal e contained in a certain mor e which will be produced at the time of sale, ere will be offered for sale at Public Auction. by George R. Ford. Auctioneer. at the A ` uuuan. any 51 vu1.'1'U11:ot the power of UNDER AND BY VIRTUE ofthe powex; Wm age continued _mo1;tga,ge wing}; '\I\l\l'.unn` -4. 4.1.- A.:_._- - VAlUABI.E viniti PBOPEBTY 2 . mmas AND SKINV$i--1NSvPllC'l`EH TD-2' N0. 1 R (23: o": I ' C M 2 ll- Last Wednesday night Mr. a.ndlMrs. A. Russell, of Gravenhurst, were stopping at the British American Hotel, Kingston. and upon retiring blew out the gas. Mr. J. .McDougsll, of Montreal, passing the bed room door perceived a. strong smell of gas and gave the alarm. It was found the room was full and the inmates` were nearly asphvxiated. A little while longer they would have been `past recovery. VVDUI-lIUD_l,!lUl'1IH IlX Z'UU---- Oomneol. canton 2000330 Wllhodwol`.--n...o.... 0 16-00; UnWlIhedW001......o4.. 0 9-000 . ROUGH nrmrs. * perl00lbI. ........$ 6 00 to 3 CC I ____ RKH 25' An JV CLUVU PVK Wvlllniili Hm wwn:OO.IIOOIlOIO St:-ur,per ton.......... $22! '3-1'.`...'.".'!""2'.' `.}" -onto Stree Toronto. Toronto, une 10. 1885. .....u y-guuuav LuDll.':UOl`lJo .I mve of ayimz cue. turt er pa` culars M VUV _ _ ' . , . . . . ... -uuuuuIIIu%UVo `Ea. Beef.hindqua.rters........$ 6 00 to $ 6 50 Beef, foregnu-ters........ 500.... 550 Beef,pers1de,percwt'...... _5 00.... 6 00 Mutton, carcass, pet-cwt.. 550 6 00 C n o a oul.IO oo lOl 0 en 1- r.......; 6 .... -Dnokn.I') a1I-mung-`.1 ....... -- nan nan \J KW PI: Tm-ko yg UH`).---~ cl Jon-~ BIIWOI`, m `, phi` 'lbVnouo I -'0 .' . o I 0` 0 9'0 Lard, per 1b.... "`.`I.lII.---,.I "`,- ""'.0IIU.l`UII'IOsooIonIl Eggs, per4dozen...'.......* ro`at03, P91` W.-oo.oooo Hun rm: hm` -nu: sun or run nunu-rs nuance- 1-nn: mar wax. ,-Pink. Sky. ream and `White India Lawn at T. . `rav & Co s. A little boy, eight years old, of Haldane Hill, went out a. ew days ago to chop in the bush. His mother missing him went to look for him and found him lying on the ground with a broken leg He had chopped -down a good-sized tree which had lodged on the stump, and as he lmocked it off it caught his leg and broke

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