Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 2 Jul 1885, p. 1

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-7 ._ _._|..'____. _ v-- .v W --The amount of rhinvvnich fell here last Sabbath exceeded an inch. W _ nvov .l;ronght us out of the range. of almost wintry winds. ";;a.13$i?.?:L{5.'.E.I .}Zi{.Iv."'1IJa".n. ot`l.13'rV decidedly e_oo1whve from the} North- ZUIWIII rain. 11'. '--There w:as 5 little front 01; Monday 1A big drive i1%hite qumut W. R. 1 Phillips & Co s.' ; 4, 1 1 ` I` `. 9 I . `I I l\ `C ` iilxffari " daily :1: G. Minn- dlfe1l`s English Po1Yl`t-nghop. ,,,,,,L ,n ', -1 pin a -The gardens here look splendid and vegetntion has been nely refreshed by the Intn 1-sing. (W-:-ZAW;1'mber of boat houses are in course of construction, between Carley : and the n....:. n.+_1.. -V-SVoe our new p ' for 5, 7}, 8, 9. 10, ll}, worth 6, 8, 10, l 125, and 15. W. R. Phillips & C0. -Money' Money 1! Money!!! to loan at low rates. Mortgages purchased. Barrie Isoan &. Savings Company. -Improvement in the water courses in the town near the Model School are under the personal inspection of Councillor Plaxton. -Ten cents savedand deposited each day with the Barrie Loan & Savings Company at 5 per cent wxll in ve years amount to $206,- 96 ; ten years, $471.89. :B.ev. Mr.-Keefer. of Hamilqn, preached" in `the Town Hall, on Sunday evemng, to `a. large audience. -On Friday the public schools and Col- I la `ate Institutes will close for the summer ho idays. The small boy will be hsppv and the teachers will have an opportunity of strengthening their exhausted mentsl ener- (boon -Dr. McCarth , Surgeon of the 35th Battalion, arrived ome from the North-west on, Monday morning. He looks as though the campaign agreed with him. -D A1ton.McCa1-thy, M.P. and Mrs. Mc- Carthy, are among the passengers of the Allan Steamship Parisian, which left Quebec for Liverpool, on Saturday last. . -While disease endemic and epidemic are found in many places on this continent, and sickness of various kinds in some places in Canada, our own town is perfectly healthy. -James Meredith, a Toronto commercial traveller, was robbed of $37 in bills and some silver on the Northern train from Allandale blast Friday. He believes he was chloroform- 1 QMr. John Gordon, of Lefroy, showed us some stalks of s ring barley last Wednesday, which measure 3 feet 2 inches in length. The late spring has evidently failed to dwarf Lefroy barley. -The I 0.0. F. held their first meeting in their new hall, McCarthy s Block, on Monday evening last. It is a beautiful room, very handsomely furnished, and the Society cannot fail to enjoy it. Z-;Tho Oddfellows, accompanied by the 5th Butt. band, will go tothe Union ceme- Ieni-I1 An Wnannnnv nfnrnnnn GHQ Rik` 3nnG IJIJIILI. Jllllh IJBLIMI, VVLIJ. 6|} UILULIU \.IllIUI-I UUI-LID` tery on Wednesday afternoon the 8th` inst. to denorate the graves of their departed bethxen whose mortal remains are resting t ere. -'1`he Salvation Army is gains? to have a six weeks camp meetilliz, at Big Bay Point, to begin early in July. The Enterprise will run twice or three times a week, to accom- modate those from Barrie who desire to attend. V- --', _-..--- -1`he An lican Synod of Toronto has ap- pointed the ev. Rural-Dean Stewart and B. R. Rowe, Esq., members of the Mission Board; and Lieut.-Col. O Brie M. P.. a member of the Widows and Orp fund and Theological Students fund committee. , I A ,, __ A _ | -The Barrie Bath Rooms have recently improved in their adornments and appliances, and the exterior painted so as to make it much more agreeable to the eye. V 1 ' -Particular attention given to the admin- istering of Vitalized Air or the painless ex- traction of teeth at Dr. Bosanko s office. The most approved apparatus is used. 8-tf. -Operations are rapidlA going on at the foundation of the new bui ding to be erected A...` 4.` `kn `Dn_-I WI-nan M011 in Juuuumuuu UI. uuv uvvv uuuunun nu uu cucvuvu asset of the Barrie Hotel. When the gap is lled by a handsome structure it will make quite a. change in the appearance of that part of the street. ` ` I A1 a nu.- -Plnk, (1 Cream Nun : Yelling at '1`. W. Gray 0095. < .E LI__.__ __`I___-_L -There was mother of those pleasant moonlight Excursions, up the Bay laet Fri- dav night. The Enterprise took I goodly number, who tripped it merrily by the light of the moon`, for an hour or two. The boat returned to her wharf about half-past eleven. EIULILULUU ll! Hung Q uxvvv, .I.vu_vuuwI, uu hureduy. Quite a. number remained in Bin-tie to do the county town, and enjoy the day amidst the beautiful scenes it pre- cents, and the boating on its magnicent water. --On Sabbath morning last, the Rev. Mr. McLeod preached an interesting and instruc- tive sermon from the words Whosoever shall do the will of my Father, the same is my brother, my sister and mother. Not- withstanding the storm there was quite a large oongregatio A -01-eum India on lawn for dresses --'1`he steamer Enterprise went to Grassy and Big Bay -Points on Thursday morning last, with a. large number of excursionists from Elmvale and neiqhboihood. She steam.- ed out of mt at ab_outi .9 s.m. with ags ying and playing lively and cheering nlnug-inn 1-n+.mm-ma ml: n`mrAn- n nInnk in lm u cuucu BIICCCHSI uny- Ifiseases of the Eye? S.'TA.\'DIN'(:. vvvu--- v -0:1lier street Methodist church. Ser- vices held in the town hall while improve- ments are being made in the church. On UVUl.LI.l.|gl U1 Uuuvo Luv vvnuvy us uuv scenery on each side and the pictnreaque view: up Lover : Creek, and neighborhood, are well calculated to heihten the enioy- ment of such a trip after e labors of the pinch 3393 nuns:-|'I even1n8* II! -Nothi; ZcLd the henlth-viving eifeet of a pull across the Bay on the calm- evening : of June. `The beauty of the nnnnnwn An mud-n ah-In I11!` tho ninblenu-annnn -A Sabbath school "excursion f1:om Stayner ionicked at Lally a Grove, '1`o1l_endol, on l..__..I-n (Inux n nnvni-nor I-AInnnn4-I in L-Erna 'l'lA+.I*;n!I h `mun-n nal" -.8-4.-L-.I `:99 `LA - `chapter 9!"-Local-.Eilt0'I";o- .1 at ngsij of the Ear, Snndnv, J aly 5th, the Rev. J. M. Wilineon, B.A., will preach in the morning. and in the evening the Rev. J. W. Annie, B.A., pastor, will preach on Shame and Realities. All are eordnlly invited. ` -ForBa1-gains Men : Ready-Made Suite go to T. W. y as Con.` __`\nIv;I-in Qhn gin An QIIIIAIIII I-kn I:..l..I, IlVAU`Jl-IUI-Ill} aynuous UL $110 lIUVVLIo -One of the severest thunder storms we have had in this part of the country occur- red on Sunday. The lightning was exceed- ingly vivid and its nearness was indicated by the thunder being heard almost instan- taneously after the ash was seen. Rain and hail came in alternation in the morning and showers with luzhtning and thunder con- tinued all day. We have heard of no dam- age except to telephone wires and instru- mm1i b.rg" ' 1% `blue - 23 mm in iery. g oves, n ns, laces, etc., at W. Phillips & Co's. *1` III` IICIKCIIID .l.lI.Ull nanny-ivnuue Co s.` .-A-Dnrin the sto on Sunday, the light- ning play . some freaks ith-the Telephone instruments put in by the Toronto Telephone Co. It completely destroyed the magnet connected with Mr. John Woods instru- ment, melting the wire leading to it. We have not heard of any damage to the chief telephonic system of the town. _nIIA A` `Inn lhtvlxua` unit-AAIIQ lI`lu-mnnn urn The Masonic excursion and pic-nic last Wednesday from Barrie and Orilha to Straw- berry Island was as might have been ex- pected a most pleasant and successful affair. he weather was beautiful and everybody went with the determination to have a da s enjoyment all they succeeded. The Ori ' started from her moorings at the foot of Bay- eld street on time carrying about 300, con- \ sisting of craftsmen, their families, friends ? and invited guests. The Enterprise carried the Orillia folk to the island and on the re- i turn trip the order was reversed. Captain Mclnnes did everything in his power to make the picnickers comfortable which, V con- sidering the imperfect condition of the ` wharf and buildings, he succeeded well in * accomplishing Tho luau-ul A`. El-an QK6-L D. nap: #1"; 0.311}. The band of the 35th Batt and the Orillia Citizen's band furnished the best of music during the day. The devotees of Terpsi- chore gave her full tribute during the day while the admirers of the beauties of nature were enjoying the picturesque scenery of the island and its surroundings. The disciples of Isaack Walton had their enjoyment also; At six o'clock all were piped on board by the whistles of the boats, but pleased at the day s exercises in the bracing air and amidst the natural beauties of that popular resort. Thrnn nlunnhn worn nu-nnnum-I `nu flan!-gin vuv uuuunun vvuuulvo VI. ULIDII pv uuu. Luau: In Three cheers were propose for Captain Mclnnes and the Orillia brethren by Mr. W. B. Sanders, prefscing the proposal by a few approprinte and well timed remarks. The cheers were given with a vigor and ea.rnest- 1 ness indicatlve of we mean it, and Mr. J. B. Thompson returned the compliment on hnlmnlf nf (`I-1.11111 lmlnn Rnih Bantu alrnornnrl IlUIXII>o l_I-UVVVVUL, ULLIU UV I-IUU [U- ect much discredit on the boys, for this was the first time this season that they had had 8 game. I believe our club will give them a. challenge as soon as they get a little practice. Thn 5` Anftvna Tan:-noun (uh nf I-Lin JJ. LI. LUIIUIHUU IJLIU UUUJPIJLUUIJU UH eh;l`fNol;!( )x" i111a lodge. B_oth boats steamed nu`: `nun `IIIIIIQ 4|-n ft`-no A1-inns-snno nOun:nn A` rv.11n:n out for home to the`cheering strains of music by both bands. The Enterprise reached her wharf at about 9.15 and all will long remem- 321' the pleasures of that health-giving holi- y. - ` UUOIIFUWE Advance Correspondence. On Saturday evening our base ball club g:iy1'ed thst of Newton Robinson, and were y beaten. However, this does not re- Rnn` 4`:lnuAt`:`- An `kn Hana `An `L:n VI I-"HILL F V UIOCHOEO CURED, `$0 MATTER 0. mm L0.\'(: STANDING. - ,-U1 Dcrsons suffering with Chroni ingering D1sgases._ or any other Disease who er Acute. 0' Chronic. should bear inmind the I rtance U} hB.\ 1Ylg an Opportunity to Consult no of Sharge. Ph slcians of such Skill an Exper- lgnce `us 1) CTORSV McCULLOOIl * and R55 1` 9 who are the most successful Medical and Surgical Practitioners and Specialists on the Comment of A merica. l37'C.`\T.T. DD(\'hJD'l"1'.V' An 4-ho Annvn`.`nAvu- III CV UIVVQ The Actives Lacrosse Club of this place will take part in the tournament at Alliaton on Dominion Dav. l\.. LI... IOLL Al T..I.. LL- l\_..........-_ :_L_.._I LII-DUIJIL VII JJUIIIIIIIUII Ilfyo On the 12th of July the Orangeman intend getting up some sport at this place in con- nection with the celebration. There will be lacrosse match for a silver cup, and other games. i W. F. Whelan, druggist of this place, was at Beeton on Monday, answering three charges laid against him by a sneak de_tec- tive, but we are glad to hear that through his lawyer, Mr. Lennox, of Barrie, that he came home with a good account of himself, having put the detective in for about $30 costs. M We think this will teach some of the detectives travelling through the country a good lesson. Tho. nan-Jan f\n'l'+.I1 nf. Mr Jnuhno Mn, 5UU\L IWHSUI-Io The garden party at Mr. Joshua Mc- Mahon's on Thursday evening was a grand success, realizing about $35. Masonic Installation. At the regular meeting of Kerr Lodge A. F. & 'A.M., No. 230, held in the Masonic Hall,` Barrie, on St. J ohn s Day, Wednesday, June 24, the following ofeers were installed for the ensuing year. by M.W. Bro. Daniel Spry, P,G.M.: . . W. Bro. Wlllmm Downie, W.M. 17 (`IT I` TB..-) 1`lT:l...-1.A. T h In = M3 Jig: ginlhgizldlenfjore, the fctender of the rp ' ten : migration harity London, Ont., left Live 001 on the 18th June, in the S. S. Lake innipeg, with 9. party of 30 girls and 20 boys between the anus: n5 5 I'll!` I4 van:-a who are In-nnahf. nnl-. a$ or"`5 3a`i'-"y2`?a,'v'J1e`i7'c'L`1I% 521? to this country for adoption or hire, chiey among farmers. They are expected to arrive- at the Guthrie Home, near the city, on or about the 1st inst. This will be Mr. Middle- more s thirteenth annual visit to these shores with juvenile emigrants from Birmingham, England, since 1872. Already many appli- cations aceompanied with good references have been made for the children expectedto -nu:IIA- I-uni: Innon as-A I'Al'III;`I'At` `Rn!-fjlnr nan, LIGVU UVVI-I W IVI UIIW Utllllllwll arrive; but more are requn-ed. Further par- ticular: may be obtained by addreasin MR. H`. Gumnws, Manager of the Guthrie ome, London, Ont. ntttho 8oottAet`! ' If 30. Give us prohibition. Our sales for May and June, 1885, are ten per cent. in advance of. those of May and J nne, 1884. We still oo!_1tin_ue to lead the Dr) Goods trade, and are-now offering great bargains in `every depertment. Give us I call. ROMP- TON 8: RYAN , Golden Beaver, Barrie. ` N The balnnoing one of the rockets fell upon a. man a nose doing it suicient in- jury to require a surgeon : attention. Immigrant cnudren. . __ III Il!J,1I,,.,,,,, MiE,;QLEA3 2%: I William Fred Wilmott, I. P.M. J . F. Falling, S. W. R. A Douglas, J. W. nY|;A` gnu-Iv non Well Contested Gaines -Adinirable Danc- ' ing-l'ine Toi-oimght Procession and A Grand Display of Fireworks. Our young Dominion s Natal Day dawned with a clear sky andgan unclouded sun typi- cal, let us hope, of the bright future of her people. At an early houi` people from the country began to arrive, and crowded Dun- lop Street. the favorite promenade. As the various trains arrived, additions were made to the host of visitors and s ht seers, and the hotels were pretty we lled. The steamer Orillia brought about 200 persons from Orillia. and the Enterprise added largely. to the number. Notwithstanding the Scott Act, which was strictly observed, a ood business was done in soft drinks and imitation Havanas. The published program was observed as I nearly as is usual, c on occasions of this kind circu;nstanc; will alvfvags arise which will inter ere wi some 0 e original ' arrange- ments. The street parade in the morning wasnot aslarg: and im ing as was in- tended, still t e Fire rigade with their gaily decked steam re engine and other arts` of their apparatus preceded by the 55th Battalion Band made a very respectable appearance as they passed through the various streets. The different games were well contested, but our space this week will not admit of particulars. In the lacrosse matches the Bradford players beat Toronto and the Barrieboys beat the Bradford play- ers. The Gravenhurst Juniors beat the Barrie J uniors. There were between two and three thousand persons in the new park to witness the games in the "afternoon. It is to oe regretted that the comfort of the visitors was marred by the clouds of dust which were rising from the imperfectly sodded grounds of the park. Merry dancers were tripping it during the afternoon to `:he splendid music of Prof. Byrnes orchestra, and the crowds enjoyed the sweet strains of our own excellent band. A strong north- west wind interfered with the boating which was expected, still a trip round the bay in the Orillia was much enjoyed by many of our visitors and citizens. The torchlight procession" in the evening looked very pretty, and thousands, in spite of the cold wind, as- sembled on the market square to witness the reworks and balloon ascensions, and to listen to selections of sweet music which greeted their ears. At half past ten the National Anthem indicated that the nation's birthday ceremonies were ended. A LARGE CROWD OP VISITORS PROD! THE SURROUNDING COUNTRY. mm DMINIl]N S 1s-m BIRTHDAY. -..v - -uv-v-w suunuuuvvllvllje A short visit to Messrs. Morgan & Mc- Vittie s fruit farm yesterday enabled us to see something of strawberry culture on an extensive sale. The farm lies a little north of the town and consists of about twenty acres. Some twenty-two varieties of straw- berries are cultivated varying to that extent in size and avor. We have never seen ner berries or a more abundant crop than is now on the vines. A large number of pickers was at work, and the busy work of packing and despatching to the trains indicated an active market and plenty of orders. The product is about 60,000 quarts in the season and the wages paid to pickers amount to about $60 per day which is no small ad- vantage to those who earn the money. VVe do not wonder at the demand for these berries, for in addition to their size and ne avor the system of mulching adopted effec- tually prevents sand or dirt coming in con- tact with them. The berriess may be eaten directly from the vine without exercising the teeth upon silica or requiring the stomach to digest any of the proverbial peek of dirt. We noticed also that the law of gravity was permitted to take the large berries to the bottom of the boxes instead of keeping them all on the top. The excellence` of the pro- ducts of this farm combined with the enter- prise and courtesy of the proprietors will secure for them a wide and reliable patron- age. -Co ee Color India Linen Lawn at T. W. Gray 6: Co . . Gentlemen ! Baldness need never beendured, While Dorsnwend s Toupees can be pro- . cured. Go and see the latest styles of Wigs and Toupees manufactured by Prof. Doreuwend, of Paris Hair Works, Toronto. They are as natural looking as one s own hair, and cannot be detected as being false. The Prof. will be at the Queen's Hotel, on Monday, Tues- day, Wednesday, and Thursday afternoon, July 6th, 7th, 8th and 9th, with an exten- sive stock of all kinds of Hair Goods. , His lllllila QIOA kndnm ulsnavn has an ----L -- - -- ~ - The Grip Printing and Publishing Com- pany are about to issue Part No. 1 of their Souvenir Edition of the Illustrated War News. This edition will contain a complete history of the Rebellion. and will be issued in two parts, each containing 32 pp., of which 12 will be illustrations. The history has been carefully written by the author of The War in the Soudan, and the engrav- ings gotten up in the best possible style. There will be a large two-page illustration, printed in colors. of the principal officers at the front, and the cover will also be printed in -colors and will form a very attractive title page for the edition. Each part would make an ordinary book of 120 pages, and when bound in book form will be one of the most attractive and valuable mementos of the rebellion. The price of each number will be 50c,, and we predict a lar e sale. Part 1 will be ready on the 3rd J n V, and can be procured of all Booksellers, or from the Publishers. vovv uvvvn. UL 3.11 nsuuo UL 1491]. \XUUu. [113 good: are bemg worn by a. grant inany throughout the Dominion and give the great- est satisfaction, The Hiator o e N orth-West Rebellion of 1885, hing lea M.A., has just ' edinTo ' by A. H. Hovy me Uontinent 5? CALL PROMPTLY on the'ABovn])AYs' and DATE.` 1 ' d the time and N898). W116 3 '1t`1 and :1 (?})Il1::]sT CONSULTATION wxllbe GIVEN `mm. Ob` CHARGE. - , ' N..B.-Sce posted Bills and Cll'Ol.11&l`8 for the Testimonials and Certicates of Cured Patients themselves, which testify to the above fact`!- ..,.__.. It is profusely illustra an easy owing and pleaein just the book for the times. Bradford in agent for Barrie. We take gecasion to speak more fully of the work at some future time. -cw {I-VCIIIUT Major J oeeph R0 ere, `Vlrs. R0 are and Lillian, arrived: at. ueeneton, , the 21st -nlt.,`the steamship City of Chester, of` the Inmm line, on which they crossed, hnvin nude a splendid run. . We are pleas- ed to ear thatMre. Rogers is much imp:-ov. ed in health. . (31/.oo i>ia:R ANNUM IN ADVANCE. SINGLE COPIES. FIVE GENTS. Souvenir Edition of the War. The Luscious strawberry. .....L ..:..:a. L- II.____ It which will NEIIVOU DEBILIT be 2.... manently Cu d, no matter of how long utandlng, an tall Chronic Diseases of _ the CI1est-Aln\'hronlc Diseases of the Tm-oat-.lll C onlc `Affection: of the Heart-AIl Ch _nIc Affection: of the Lungq-twSucI1- s Cqmsum tlon, in its First and Secol Sta.-;es- ronclutIs- Asthma -; Couvu, Ive Asthma - convul- slons-Catarrh I he Head-Catarrh In the Throat and __un s-Caturrh of the Kidneys_(`atarrlngtf t e Female organs. _--m-n---mnm Al` WRIT`-FUD`! `.'I.3,, 3}a%J6`19Ji}ox1NB - `cal Yiuno tuner. Orders left at Scott's Book- store wi I be promptly attended to. 50-tr. v___________________________ : uuunuuh. uusn r'Aruv1 run sauna nu . the Township of Ves ra., consisting of the 931 4} of lot 6, in the 4th on.. conta.imngVl00 '1L'rcs.`n1ore or less. A good creek runs an the 19I._ For further particulars 8. pl at the AD-z \A.\cr: Office. or to the owner, '1yBANTING. Lookntowl. 32.13:, ( W 7 7 ii oH1{b"ig'i'd'i4INGER1NG' CYYFII LE CIIIU lll I at all`: TIII u?` Kidneys-(`atarrln`fv ft cl BHEUMATIS of (`l?REl),whelher ` Ti _ 1- 3:: 3h- F. Iyusas ATTENTION!-S1a.uszhter House. g wliass. Ropes. Hooks. &c.. for sale "}_1':`D>-_7 .'\pp1yatthi`s0fce. [ 25,-28 N \,rA1.Lu3.}31.E BUSH FARM FOR SALE IN i wmle ,1`0Wps_hip7 Vespra, consisting t); `-*-`_ FARM FOR SALE.-122 ACRE FARM FOR farm for sale or. rent, Lot 23, 7th Con. V03` WM 1% miles from Barrie, on good road; land 18 Sandy loam with clay bottom; 90 acres cle9l`0d W1 well fenced, all under cultivation 40 acres In crop, balance seeded down; _g W611 03 WET. 8. small (1 ' t e barn Md` 005- Rouse: 18.I`2e b8.rrI1)?3R Y nflslthln rlnzr 11116 ! gm:-n -ADVANCE om ..,. - 4 yardv ,-n waver, pogd 131 8333,18 under tggggm. h5"'*1`"ge mm 6 if ofcattle. driving 30.. 5 that will hold 20 hen and pi h05ss'y terms Dlement sheds. 9he%V-illbe so (1 an 8&1 N the goodyoun omhaxgrriber of years. gpt 0 pre- or rented or_(t:e!,lor to mg owner 0 . mises; ' oo tf ROBERT HU3BERT' UUIN G NORTH. Laave Toronto 3 4 _ . .00 . . 11.45 a.m., 5.10 pm r at Barme, 11.18 3.311., 3.30 .m.. 8.m p.m ` ` C11'I1Rwood 12.25 p.m.. 5. p.m. 9.55 p.m Muqfcoka Express. Saturdays on`ly. . . .l2.80 p.m. ` H u 0 L H GOING NORTH. ' mo _ -, AnY$e J 33311?` 1Z3:'.$'.. 8_-583;: Le B ' GOINGSOUTH. _. 42 6 ' 4 ..4. .m 41"rr1veutHttu?i'iton * / 11.o57I:.Inn.I. m.0`7" :'1;'EIl.1`I!11x("e"l3:;r;-.i!; for Toronto at 7.15 3.111.. . D E ROOMED HOUSE`, ON ?`J1:Ek&e rent for summer. ' One Dnnilfnn `l.nndin9_ Dnilv mall. "l"`V;3|I|v l3th, ""3 A.'?'J.`!Z"'\!I|v I6th, --.43 _. ----. n_____ me on pa. for Advertisement. Iiglelyteiltetslgxeis office. - 27-28 Q __4__A'__-____ __ '` -j 7' ' , + '. P dB tter Knife. on Dunlop O1:feI't_ `acu e 27; The owner can the bride : father. 1}? J, W. Annie, B. A.. Ge _e . Express A out for Ba e, to of . Bemrose. Esq.. all XXXIV.- No 27. WHOLE N .1782. VOL SAMUEL WESLEY. Proprietor? ` e Celebrated European and American Physicians and Surgeons, -':-----------> NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. 4---"-`"-' .v__ - , By 35 who are su erin'g from -` r\Q9TI`1 `I 1'1TIWTT"\` Non-[ruznn RAILWAY com a"N-oR'rH. r'VA___ ` _ 7 _ , _ _ ;vn.u [sir BARRIE, ..A man ha nnnnnllm at I-ha 5 VA. v-aw-V.----' No 27. wuumss N0. SAMUEL Proprietor. lv - - T1 1? C - CC I ynd may be consulted at the -1-cw-QQUSQQ T,}I'\l ` MW! . - Bmmosm.-On Thursday. 25th J une. residence of bridal by V aLm;Au-B1~:MabsE.-0n Thursda . 25th J up x:...:2: };f`&?.':2::- Tvlilll-W381 WT| unulu. 12. a.venhurstN 5i.=":"i\'="il:E'o"'i"-3:21., -snvutxun g__.'suE};-' ' ---FROM-- DB `_ ISIVUII ltlllll GIIII. FR D!-.-1'Dro any in >113 red--G" ldney ease of the Kid- he ldneysg &co9 &eo he rinary Or ans-- Lop eof the ens- -C (ERS in their ad ._Hthout the use of SIP AS E '.!.1:`: . lee tlc Flt; or -01:01` , or St. ltuv .- Th! Neck - Pol - of t ' body cure - n-Lu `bago-llemor- -llem rhageof the g fro e Lungs, ate. F I I` t P811 ". i..1'.` 322? `I n-or-I nilnn - ROABERT ,tx-eated ccesatullinno I matter f now LONG q treated successfully, - nomatt of now LONG EVERY DE- S C R I P T I 0 N JTE or CHRONIC. V1`; LVUUIILIAU LIUUDIV, U1` to summer. Landing. Dally mall. enhurat. Excellent Address THOS. shinen 1 2% W-ROE, Point Kaye. M x V * . . I of eve descmptxon I 0 4.40 3.111., 5 7.15 mm. . I ll mi:-: smconnovsl Interesting Letters? from % Fmvanoe Spacia1% Gorraspondants. % Trees mowed Down by the Getungss it .cut by s Soythe-'l'he Rule P!ts-- ltstters oteneral Interest. vBArocns Houss AT BA'I*ocHl s Cnossma. --I' hsye just sat down to write you I few lines in the room where Capt. French was killed, viz : in the house owned by- Mr. Bstoche s loyal half-breed, and you would be considersblg surprised to see such s house in this out o the way plsoe. It is 280 miles `nnln `JIA \5Q:`Il\It` Tr. :n `sound: in IIAnn`nsI mm or THE ms M muons, Ul-IID VIIU VI UIIV WC llKiV `HID 85 IIJIJUD from the railroad. It is `built in regular frame style, well weather boarded with boards cut by the half-breeds with a whip saw. Ithas 7 rooms upstairs, and I think I countedesix below. The ceilings are ooved and tcngued, well puttied between a 1 joints and matching, and painted 4 coats of white _'zinc and varnished. - The walls are all pan- nelled with the centre pannels grained in chestnut, the styles in oak, and the mould- ings in walnut. The -work was done by Me- chanics imported; from Montreal especially for the job. All the rooms upstairs were un- furnished exoepting "the room where poor `French was carried to breathe his-`last, and where Gen. Middleton made his headquart- ers, which contained a large walnut centre table and a lounge with the cover torn oif as French's body had been put, upon it. The house is not so much damaged as you would sup se as it only shows the-marks of .21 bu ets. I was shown over the house by Mr. Batoche himself, who seemed rather proud of being the owner of this buildin , although he had lost over $20,000 in this p ace alone, besides losing $8,000 in one lump at Fort Pitt where Big Bear had raided his stores. Behind the house was his store and wars- houses, 2 good sized buildings but which showed no si of any damage. On the other side of t e village the first house was one owned` by a blacksmith outside of which stood a threshing machine and horse power. Thu Innn`\:nn mos nnvnnlnfalv I-`Halal! `xv hnt INTERESTING PEN PICTURE 0!` THE %fM130RTAN_[TU THE SICK UKIUU D UIIICUBIIII-I5 IIICUILII-IU nuu. ILUIDO "VI: The machinewas completely riddled blgrvshot as well as the buildmg. Next came the store owned by Kerr Broe., who weredriven out by the half-breeds before the Fish Creek n...1..a. ...1.:..1. -1-.. ...,....:....A ...~....:A...1.l. (huh- UUU U, IJIIU I.ILI. Ill{U.|D UVLUIU VHO ELIIII vavun fight, which also received considerable dam- age. Then Fisher s store came next. This was the place where McConnell and all other prisoners were conned in the cellar under the store, a small hole about .10 feet square and about 8 feet deep. The cannon played prettv well upon this `building, damaging it in the upper portion so that it will have to be built over. The building adjoining this _..-- - ....... ..L....... 3..-`. nab nun I-my nnnnkn ant` W'DB D HOW DUUIID Juan Pun up I! uwvvvuu uuu. did not receive much dama e. In the upper portion of it Lieut. Fitch's dy was laid and a large black red i pool of blood now shows the spot. Below the village a short distance is where the ferry crossed the Saskatchewan, and here a hard struggle took place owing to the attempted capture of the N orthcote. A large wire rope extended across the river, an the breeds lowered it as the_boat came along so that it took both funnels and knock- ed them over, and then the enemy com- menced ring upon the men on it but were not able to capture it as Gen. Middleton soon came up to the rear of the breeds and they soon scattered. Upon the top of the hill is the cemetery in which are 25 new made graves lled by the bodies of the half- breeds, and a number were buried in other spots. To the north of the cemetery is the priest s house and a large well built church as large as the Congregational in Barrie, -and at this point can be seen where. the Gatling gun had been in use as the bushes were mowed down as if out with` a scythe. All around the banks of the river (and they are very high on this side) are numerous rie pits which would hold from 1 to 4 men in each, and in many places these pits com- manded a view and within range of the ferry crossing where the breeds had to keep clear. Behind this again were the pits built for the protection of the main body, and inside of 1411': nnmin unn-an hnlll tn nrntect the Fe B311? 358%. "EI5f{Jb1:'i12iiiig; `adjoining was 3 new store just put up by Batoche and AL} nn nnntun Inna`! Annnnnn I-1| th nnnnr pl'0U50Fl0ll OI lill llllll. DUB , Gnu. usaauv Va this again were those built to protect the wagons and horses as well as all the wound- ed who were in the centre. The council chamber lay about a quarter of a mile from the church but was burnt down, besides a number of houses lying on the half-breed settlement which extends out to the east about 3 miles. At the `present time all houses have a white ag ying, and each man, woman or child you meet has one` al- ready and shows it immediately` they see a white man. The place looks in a bad con- dition at the present time excepting the farms of the breeds and they all look in _ condition,- but as the mail must leave y a man who is here at the presenttime, I must now conclude. V ~ 1 Anna n:- . 1101:. had one Dlvvvvoy vivv The Borne Court of_Revis'_ion closed on Mondsy evening, 29th met. The brewery assessments were the only matters of im- portsnoe. Simpso V 5 reduction of one third. Mr. J smes Ander- ton. represented by Messrs. Lennox & Len- hslf taken o` his assessment. . Arnall 85 00. obtained` ` ' . hn Ross Robertson pt rietor of thglivginx. Telegtun, Torotito, yaited our '2._'I.. `.7*.,1'.?.`f:..`.?;.`l..."a.3.";"e`{.'i.'l`n`a:` 43.51 town W W093, uuu. WI! uuv gum", V` an.` u s . We understand that he and me..,.j . 1 Sanders and D. Spry took til 1 after midnight to regulate the man`;nMu$ matters that led to the important gathering. Prof. Doronwondh Visit. It will be seen by an ndverhaement in an.- ther oolnmngoi .*.`29LPr- . Irunl Dnseinarges - C I \.'1In4-I, vu Q\tOCC\tC --Vw .._.- v- V----v--_v. All BLODDDM EASE `.!&'.`.?.E Ia-Scrofulous Ulce -Running S01-es-' salt Rheum -Scurv Eczema- Porego -and Skin Diseases. 1` Every kind and Description IZITCIIR D!-.-1'Dro all Parts of the Bod .. red-1% i)iseasen-Bright s ne s--Can(-er of the .-U Diseases ol` the tnlorosis, or Stop e of ( ERS Worst Stages Cured ~ them the knife. DYSPEPSIA, ERYSIP AS, ':.':1::: Fallilur Sh-Ixnnnn- _ An Int-(In Will or mftm, sir, - Your obedient servant, Om: Wno Wu Tmmn, ran: INTERESTS" or BARBIE. THE comrrv or smoon: AND THE DOMINION or CANADA oun cmnmox. BARRIE, COUNTY OF SIMCOE; ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JULY 2, 1885. 1-onto, will be at the goon : Hotel. on Mon- avulu, wan III`! It 0116 QUXIII EOUOLV` on M.On- | day, esdsv, Wednesday and Thursday, ' J nly 6th, 7th, 8th and 9th, with a large stock of fashionable Hair Goods, such as Lsngtry. Parisian and Pompadour Bangs, Water Waves, Switches, Wags, stc. -Every lady in want of. anything in this line should mnlrn n. nnfn nf thin nu! null m. 4.1.... `D........-.... Bantu nuk ` n'oV1.oov mu. nn=o_ 1:1-` for the Twenty-Firth Week Iinguns June Oblu 1 l The June frost in company with this spring has been `loitering on the road, having only just arrived in the fourth, in place of the second week, but its attack on vnnnnnn :1: LL}: In.-13A-- L-- L--_' _-.__ raulvv VI Ivaav DUUUILU. WUUI, UIIO IF! IF?-5` Ul.l vegetation -in this locality has been very moderate, its Aicymllilreath leaving but few tracks behind. ' depression registered 35 by thermometer 7 feet above and on Tuesday morning the 28rd, w ' e on the nnd the hoary appearance denoted 4 or 5 eg. lower, from this the night temperature ranged up to 63 on 27th, when the calm sultry air charged with electricity produced thunder away 8. E., but we got no rain that night. Thisrangeof28 inthe nighttem- peratnre made an average. of 49 during the absence of the sun. On the reverse side the sun warmed the daily temperature from 62 W on 22nd, to 98 on 27th--a daxly mean of 80 . The daily average ranged from 52 22nd, the coldest day, to 80 on 27th, the warmest day-- making the week s ave e 66. or 4 below the following week. T e shortest daily range was 42 to 62. on 22nd, and the longest was 47 to 95 on 24th. The extreme range in the week was 63 . Thu (retool-and-, Q`IUIA\nU\`an::4\ p'1aC\unan:4\'a 3-ax -wu no nun-Iv vs.--nu 5 All . ILIIB 3110111 maize a. note of this and call on the Professor at the hotel, `and procure one of his ne styles. He is a. perfect artist and turns out the best work in Canada, and all who patron- ize him on be sure that they will be well 7 satised. `Don't fail to give him a cell. ` ' i 'i:l:: ;ut1:1ga`:af;;d:;);e;aion in the week was over this ocality on Sunday, ` th Qllf. Ana 'rAa:nI'.nrn(1 0Q.0K I-\I-I I2`|A1\n1n_ nepuc `C9 or lectlc Flu Falling Sickness, Ap Loss of sense and Mo Paluy-Neuralgla--Ohor Dance - Goltre, or puses ln all parts Abscesses-'l`umorI-Lu ` go-llemor- rholdes, or Plles-llem Lungs, or Bleeding I II an Inn '11.. _._ i__4'_....-- 4.. vuv WUVB W1 uvcr onus Luunuoy Ull Duuuuy, the 2lst, and rezistered 28-95 by the bar- ometer, from which it attained the highest, 29-26, on the 24th. The result of the above depression was some 4 hour : rainfall of less than 1 in. on Sunda , this being the third Sunday in the mont , and each a wet one. The amount of atmospheric disturbance was 0-31 in. i `l).:._ 4- no (I !|,,,,_ ,_ nu , ,, ,1 fell on 2 days In the week, the showers lasting about 6 honrs_, and the total ~ rainfall was 0-27 in. Thunder passed. away 8. E. of us on Saturday last , but no rain fell in Barrie. We got our. share on the follow- 1 ing kdav, Sunday again, to be noted next wee . ll'\L_ L-L_I , ,,,__A_ ,1 _.___L3___ 3- LL- I-v II CUB: The total amount of sunshine in the 7 days, ranging from `4 to-13 hours each day, was 67 hours, from a possible 1085 that the sun was above the horizon in the week. I? The Pkevailing winds were southern 4 days, northern 2 days, from a westerly direction everylday in the week, and in 1 day, a few hours from the east. A strong wind came from the W. and N. W. Monday and Tuesday, some of the waves of which was estimated at 6 to 7-l0ths of full force ; <:;nl0t;l111e8 other days the winds were 0 to : vnw: There was 5 meetin in theztown hall. on Monday evening un er the auspices of the .nnminnn Aninnnn -in lthn `nine-nnl>.n nf nu-n- ww- IICUIIIICY VVVI-IIII6 QIIHVI II? CIIUPIUVC UL UIIV Dominion Allianoein the interests of pro- hibition. Mr. Robert King, sr., occupied the chair. At the beginning of the meeting -the attendance was thin. but people" came in gradually so as to fairly ll the hall. The chairman briey addressed the meeting upon the objects in view and of the condition of the temperance question. Mn Q4-nnnn noun a shawl: as-Ir`:-Ana ant` nnm_ IIIIU UUIlIPUl'GllUU quca lllUl.|o Mr. Strong gave a short address and com- E mented on a. resolution he moved. 1 , st; 112.. .n__ _-_ ...._A._.I-:.-.I 1.1.; .......L2..... .... IIJUIIUULI U15 3 ICDUIUUIULI LIV l.I..l Cue ` Mt. Hindley con tulateduthe meeting on 1 the success or the cott Act in crushing out i the drinking usages and making Barrie asober ` In-uu-rn IIUVVI-lo The Rev. Mr. Keefer, of Hamilton, was l the chief speaker of the evening. This gen- tleman is a rapid, uent but not a very pleasant speaker. He explained the obiects and work of the Dominion Alliance, review- , ed the eld of temperance legislation and ' talked of Sir John Macdonald and the Sen- ate in the sirit and phraseologv of a Globe editorial. e has evidently a keen relish for the humorous by the way he told the story of nding the name of C. H. Ross, Reeve of Barrie. three times on the Barrie petition asking that `beer, porter, light wines, etc., be exempted from the operation of the Scott Act. He thought the Reeve of Barrie could only sign the third part of himself with one signature, and to represent 0. H. Ross complete needed the name in triplicate. The comical way in which the speaker dealt with the Reeve s three fold signature created immense merriment. Mr. McKee, Public School Inspector, made some amusing re- marks. A number of resolutions were pass- ed but lack of s ace prevents their publi- cation in our colhmns this week. One of these resolutions thanked the Conservatives of East Simcoe for votingvfor Mr. Drury, and one moved by Rev. J. . Annis thank- ed the 86.mem'bers of parliament who voted down the Senate s amendments to the Scott Act. The choir of the Collier street Metho- dist church sun a number of pieces during the evening, w en, the Rev. Mr. Keefer closed the proceddings with the benediction. ' Queen ex. rel. Fisher v. Wheelan.--Mr. Herbert E. Fisher is a public informer, and laid three rosecutions against Mr. W. F. Wheelsn, o Oookstown. for breaches of the not relstin to chemists and druggists, known as thm Psrmsc Act of 1884. The court was holden in eaten on 29th ult., their worships Thomas Atkins, David Lewis and George Fisher presiding. The prosecutions were conducted by Mr. Geo. Green, of Tot- tenhsm. Mr. Haughton Lennox acted: for the defence. The cases were all" dismissed with costs to be paid by the prosecutor. Mr. Fisher will not be so anxious to" prosecute in future. , Mr. Wheelsnis very high] esteem- ed.by all who knowhim, end the silure of that _ prosecutions gives. very geners1.sstis- se 1011. ' JJUIDIJCIITI U DO MGR, DUIIUIII ll ble class at 3 p.m. Conrmation studies and evangelistic services Wednesdays st 7.15 p.m. Service of son , Fridays at 7 pm, and conference for Bib e study at 7.45 p.m.e Subject; for this week, The Parable of {also `Rnn-an 'I(`ih-'I`rAn_ ' ' -__--w-vvu STA.\'l) I.\'(:. vu- % 1i'$'i3r`:'."n"i"'rre ""5 VIDA OBI 110 VIA! Announcement of Christ Church, Reform- ed Episco 1, Rev. William H. Barnes, -Rector. hutch services in Lecture Room of Collier -street Methodist Church. Sunday School and week day services in Y. M. O.A. hsll, Dnnlop street. Fifth Sunday after Trinity. Morning subject. The Presence of Christ; Evening eulgect, The Charge An-in-O-, 'nn1n'|-meniscus! nnnn nnhnn` Ant` -'-WhlVte Ilia % and LuwnuitT'l`. W. GrIV&0 Io ' V - 4 ._-v,- ~-v-- '15- -Even1ngW' ' se:s~;ec,'u:i.a"on.rge Belnhazur. nnday school and .1`11kIn nhun at 2 nm nnnnntinn Dominion Alliance. cm-at church. 3003011. m'-"(");'Ee-1`;<'i"s-1;<; :0 _' made clothing a specialty at W. R. P Illipa & Co's.` V "\'I__ ...._._.__ ..- L!-- l,, , I A ,__ ]PARABB.AI HEB. 8 mun. POINT8.] _--uvvvuvhl STANDI.\'(}.

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