Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 14 May 1885, p. 8

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Fall Whea;'.'.u. . . gpring Whegt V. . ? `BK i;oT}Qi iv":-'o}iuo3 S:Ir'1L$:.' " Bee.f.hindquarter's."...'....$ 6 oo to 3 6 50 Ron` fnv-nnnoanlznu-a. K 00 R an lJDlI:IU,' IIUII ll 0 ' I 0 ` Dresqecl hogs, per Chickenp, per pair. . . . . . Dudka; per paxr.;..'.. Geese, per-lb Turkeys, er 1b..-:.. Butter, tu ,.per 1b.. .. Rliui I01` nap IL. y3 -IJUQIQ Ill-IlIll!IlCI'UUI Uc ' 0 O 0 I 0 ' w Beef, 0 0 I V '0 n c -Beef, per Jude, per cwt....,.. Muirliongcarosss, per cwt_:. . Lamb,t-fr lb ; .'.....-. nrnannn Anon unit I[\'\ `ha VTRAWBERRY PLANT .`- 5 splendid new varietign. gnu!-2:: 9\.th.2.e [AND 'rUNING..-Mr.I4oa cs! ' tun . Ordez-I101 re wll`gprom1l:.tly attends mun um nuan nnnm FOR SALE IN the Township otves ra,-consist! of the at } of lot 6 in the 4th op., oonta g 100 sa,_more or 'less. A good creek mum on the `I Cows, all weights. 2 C I I I Y Calf skins, 7 to V ,0 CC CC vmuu 51531;` D: ----.0 9'-o 930;! 0'08--use rnmed and Cured..... 0 10.... nbs 075.... tsOIIoIolo-II-Iconic 040-out HIDES AND SKINS-1NSPEC'l`ED. 1 Steers, 60lbs.-and up 0 08.. . . 9 cc ' u .4` O 0'! 3 Cali skins, 12 to 15. 0 (C II Consumptioxi Cm`-ed. ._l._,_.'.__._ , A , 1 I '"E}{iium. . `An- CALI` SKINS. U UV sun A0 07...._ 600... An . _-.. v-AUIUUU can our NEW "-'"1\?l""nii:s. tor` making 4: G M1? ohggper than coal .eauallsl"a.s3soo . 0 Fire or power raaare all from 15 Burners to 1. 33., ..'l`m:OAxAn- -Amt} ygtggt, Mqntreal, P.Q ` - 4241; Hotel. Factories; Idlus.`8tree `Mines, '3dreu- . . .4a- mam: m-Aorunma Oo . 11 ` t. Fnnogxg xgvigr 'LJV'.l'.I!ilJ, Ajtl every Village. '1` `mini , 813 . f Am 313 1\1A:HIIg:S,Tlf.:1Y were to 5 W Nnw 1- cent. cheaper thanoou .30 oFireor ower re fl-nm I!5`Rn1PnA1-nn`I~%I `I'I....!_.A_ mre"ia.anu I , usinese Pra tiee. C %%32:ia::le,PenmanshiB`3al3ommemial Lag: rr 1; , shorthand, ' h" o T ' Wri 11%? BY:-enoh, Physiology 8:331; gileneygrae taught ythe most practical and nterestin methods. The staffcomprises eixexperlence . teachers and lecturers. The various denart- ments are elegangly tted up with the latest and most approv apparatus for Business Col- lege Work. Students may enter at any time. . ad?'For a copy or the Annual College Circular ress. ` 11-36 M. Mwoonmcx. Principal. . - - nuvnywag '_ ANTE D. A .ARESIi`}-i:'T AGENT IN Vuhqg. Town and_City__ot thg_`Do_. ll!-....-n-__ .l\'nh\n clan n In '. waal&_&I, \J&V J-I Offers yo man and women the best facili- ties for 3 3 a Complete Training for Buli- ness Pure ta. ` Bookkginlg, Commercial Arithmetic. Bank- ing, Act usiness Practice. Business Cor- _1;_ea_pondepce,__Penmanshin. Commnminl I... v-vaaaq `LL; BUSINESS GOLLESGE, GUI4`.'|'.'P'l-I nwrm Northern n!-th Western Railways. To all points East and West. and-Mahitoba. For tickets, rates. etc" apply to I mu m nearly every case a very sinall caish ""y'- ment be accepted. and easy terms ven for the lance. The `vacant town lot: can be urclmsed on 5 ll easier terms. in one the pu.r&uer intend: to build lmmedia. ly. Apply to STRATHY & AULT, 1:-1`: Barristers. Ban-lo. . u., IVV _. ` -.,- _ -- anvil - acres. About Soacres cleared. A well situated, about 3 miles from A ston. 4 lo`oc`1' farm, ` T_INY.-E. 1; 88 in let Con.. (except 4 acres) a * very ogd farm; 81200. _ N 5 t 9 in let Uon. 100 acres good land, price $1000. 0 _ - VESPRA.-Part of 21 in 3rd Con., 63 ac.. soil rst class. all cleared. an excellent farm. W. lot 24 in 6th Con.. small clearing, well `watered and_timbere'd, soil good. g _e Part of 22 in 6_th1Con. Veep;-a. 110 acres, good. houeeand barn; 3 200. . _ . Several Park Lots~West'of Mr. Ewan`: res!- denoe and havinga ne view -of Barrie and Kempenfeldt'Ba3*B. . , ` , ']1hie above In are oered especially cheap an nnearyeverycaseaveryemallcaeh y- I_nen_t will accented. and vnmlv farms HR?`- v-. no .1:-A vvluu V1100]! pxvpctblu. TECUMSETH.-NL6t4 in 11th (`on.. ma 80 acres cleared. Food situated. miles from Al mm. . LIUICI v,vvUu uvuuu, uuu av UIIUU UUIUIIIUIIU` ed-loading. By midnight she had {com- pleted her cargo and sailed for Port Arthur and-Duluth with a large list of iqgaengers and a full consignment of` e ight. ~ The Campana was the first boat at the Qenada _transportation company`: line to leave this year. She will be fol.- lowed by _the steamer Francis, Smith, of thoume line on Wednepdey `next. 13 Great Ne`:-the`:-n'1`ramferoom y-V : ates - came gi.-measly -for. on. and--`the sun on gvvu Auuu, urns-maul urumsru 111 run near- i I n`0R'I`H ORILLIA.-Pa.rt of Lot 3 in 1st Con., 80 50., 40 cleared. excellent soil, good buildings, pro rty well watered. a. rstv-class farm especi- allypzgdapted for stock raxsing. NOTTAWASAGA.-E i of lot. 1 in 8th` Con.; i a. splendid farm. 90 acres cleared. good build- ings. plenty of water from a never failing stream, no waste land. (\I)l'\ TnA_4 I, 1 - - - A- --- vac... av 11 any!) lull; RO.-East alves of Lots 33, 31 and 35. in the lat Con.. 100 acres each. Large . clearings on 3 parcels. Cheap properties. TECUMSETH._N 1 T.nI- A 1'n nu. n..- um uuvl vu uwvuo uuvu UAUDALULIII lllflllu '71Ei3:I-)'6N'rm.-E 1, of W ; of 3 in mm Con ; so gsores good land, rst-class orchard in full bear- ng. anvuwv vuuu sun at All . I301-I g Q )tablin all:lt:i:.o:l; :1`1 eDunlo l`'1'}fu`13g P. ' a cottage and lot opposite last described parcel; Af..LANDALE.-A comfortable double Dwel- ling House on Bradford street opposite Northern station. 10 good building lots well situated. I -`ARMS FLOS.-Pa.rt or N no in 7th con, 90 ms. about 30 acres cleared an, free trom,stumps,new frame dwellin house, soil good, balance of lot can be easily c eared. . I_NNISFIL.--S. i of 3 in 14th Con., soil and buildings icsd. about 60 acres oleared.valuable timber on anoe cheap, terms very easv. N of Lot 19. and South Aof Lnt 2nd in mm mm. timber balance veiieaav. got 19, South &of Lot 20. in the 12m % Con.. 100 acres each. Both excellent farms. ` ` Mtrnnxrmm 1:! 1 ..a nr 1 -n n;__ ".4. .. ..- e quurwrly lnamlments. rnces $150 to 3411). That comfortable 2 story Dwelling occupied by Mr. L. Buttereld, with small office In front. and two lots - price 81000. (Innd hnnlilnlr Inf. nn Rnau nfnanf ...a:..:..:..... OIAAQ vnwuuvulh BL UDII-AUHUV {JEW- Dwellin House on East. do of Owen street. i I d yMr. Both ell, out 00 van! ::::::::.:a; .120... W m '1 W" Hon 0 cupied by Dr. Bailey. h vi d stablinsg agmched. on Dnnlnn Ah-An: At'1l18nlg|?2a I101 stabli Dr. (`.nh and 81000. uood buudmg lot on Ross street adjoining Mr. Craddook sresldence; . Dwellimr Hnmm nn Ilhuut. - an nf flurnn .9.-- .-vu-o `yuan. A3131 D General Papsonger Agent. .. -_.V V.- "1r.;?i'g*ai}s}f.$t'7a;oa at Collinqweod on Wednesday. he" rst departure of the! season was the tug Annie Clark with nine shing smacks in tow bound.for the sh- ing grounds at Killsrney. '.l`he same day the ~tug Pilgrim arrived from Meuford. To-da the steamship; Gamnena .a.rrived_ from wet; Sound,'and at once commenc- ...l `I-unt`:o\n| 1).. ....'.l..:...L4. -1... L-.\ ___,, an man. 0: manuractunng nusxness. number 1' Vacant lots on Bradford angl Charles streets, South of Buttereld s toundr all fine buildilgg sites.- * M Several co ortable houses and cottages n ; Charles street; an excellent opportunity I r a * mechanic to get a comfortable home as these houses can be paid forP13 small monthly or quarterly instalments. ces $150 to 3400. comfortable 2 storv Dwellino nnmtnln Vj CVAVU \lI. VKIVQIIII IGLIIL DUUKIIILI UL `"1 brewery adjoining rai way track, sui1 aux kind of manufacturing business. Bradi I`)-nnnlna n-non!-n On-uCI. I`. `Data-....A..IA!.. BARRIE. -Ba view Saw Mill (Perkins) with \ about 4 acres of and. and two large water lots: to be sold for less than half the cost of the ma- chinery in the mill. 4 dl ARFASI at nrn-nan A . Dnvnl nn `nnlfnn uuluury 111 M16 LIIHL 4} acres at corner of Bayeld and Dalton streets, nmmediately north of Bigelow property. An eligible building site. Terms easy. 3} acres of vacant land Qnnth nf Andm~I*nn n All euguue uuuulng sue. Terms easy. ` 3; acres of vacant land South of Anderl:on s. railway auitabletor ; anv kind of mnnnfnntn I-inn` hnninnnn, l (TOWN AND FARM PROPERTIES) FOR SALE CEZEAP K i w.'A.' mus, T QUINE Agent N. & N.:w. Ryg, moral Passenger A aunt. n- __.: - VALUABLE "LANDS THE GOLDEN BEAVER, see our MILLINERY AND DRESS GOODS before you buy. I A correspondent of the Orillia News-I Letter says : On Monday, `May 4th, shortly after Captain Hedger had launohe ed the Severn Beauty, he had, an almost miraculous escape from a watery grave. The boat being heavily laden with boom chain and not properly ballasted, could not stand the heavy sea prevailing at the time, and before getting away from her moorings the length of herself, she gave a lurch and lled to the deck, and in a few minutes sank in about 30 feet of water. The captain and mate, with a cool head, jumped on to a boom near by and saved their lives. We mourn over the loss of the boat, butnot without hope, for efforts are being made to raise her again. We understand the Captain made the bargain on Sunday hight, after being to church. to . deliver the cargo on Monday. He must have -f tten the 4th Commandment. V and thus . as his reward. l We havethe largest Stock_ of MILLINERY AND DRESS` GOODS 1n Barrie. Tastes di`er_ Knowing this We have determined to_ keep our stock large enough, and_ of such a Wide range in variety, style and prlce, as to exactly meet the Wants of the many. Those who buy from us need not go away thinking It is not exactly What I Wanted, but I suppose it will do. on the contrary We can and W111 make you say I have found `ust What I Wanted, and am well satised Wit style and _price. GUELP H,ONT. Anna iI\n- _...1 `___..n nouns Barons vou BUY! THAT S ALL wr-: ASK. CROMPTON & RYAN. --- unun. - R "AND TWO 1 Engln near`-1? nel3vU_IsItJ:table for few: ml 01` P0681! rm .&ppyvo ,. V 1311. sc. L. Q T. 0. Th ~ "mu be -seen by applying to JOHN 19'i1roIr.yB%3-`e. -1----------------'--~ F..g; IIII r-nun`... SALE. A .`!v,'18-lily new. auitnhhi fn The service in connetion with the meet- ing of the clergy of the Rural Deanery of East Simcoe, was held on fuesday even- ing, in St. Jameslchurch. The Rev. G. A. Anderson, M. ,A., Protestant Chaplain to the Reformatory, read evening prayer and part of the Communion service; The Rev. W. J. Armitage read the Lessons, and assisted at Holy Communion. The Rev. W. H. French preached an appro- priate and powerfiil sermon. The: Rev. A. Stewart, M. A., Rural Dean, was cele- brant, and the Rev. Canon. Morgan assisted at Holv Communion. .A-large proportion. of the congregation remained for the latter.--i aoket. 25 pun- ' "Come and see, Spa_des, BLACKSMI'1`HS-Ask t Springs and Axles. WAGGONMAKERS--G MILL MEN---Ask us for : THE om) HO_t_IE Above criticism, and JUST ARRIVED`! slam 'I'I-ILEIIMZI s1'::E TI-IEM! Gravenhurst Banner : On Tuesday last the dead body of a. young lad was found 1n the water just above the culvert on the railway switch between_Mickle s mill and -DeBlaqui`er s. On the body being recover-V ed the deceased was found to be a. bov about 12 or 14 years of age, son of Mr. J. . Thomas, of West Gravenhurst. . It is sup- posed that he must have attempted to walk over the saw-logs which were lving in thewater at that point, and to have fallen into the water. Prices Dowh, ij0Wll I OELEBRATED ENGLISH WAULKENPHAUSTBOOTS! CbAY l`0N S muons SHOE Hausa. gs => MW ca s@:;xsm17 8 gW@ Which we are now selling at a Great Discount. v gown: A nvunn.-V A-rV|Ll.|5 .Lv.A.cnvu--"" - ~ 'HARDWAI{'E}E:(`)'I`t EVERYBODY. """'"3ER;`I'I.-Ilsa: Pnlcgs mu. soon ADVANCE- S'I`OCK OF WALTHAM .__._-._-_ ---gt: - `cw: v S0 stylish and a.ppl`0priate: fbr spring time, that A` purchasmg them 1s a pastime. Now open and ready for the lucky purchaser. HARDWARE NEVER so cusui; The Banner says there has been quite a ripple among the Masonic part of the population of Gravenhurst by the visit of Dr. Ramsay, of Orillia. -A Lotus Rose Croix Chapter of the Rite of Memphis has been established. _A petition has been signed by 25 Master Masons for a Blue Lodge. Two of the members went to Barrie to support the petition before the District Deputy. Ann R- A. DOUGLAS, 9: Spdesg Shovels, Scoops, Gardening and Draining Tools. 3-A-Bk` us the price of Carriage Bolts, Iron, Steel. Skeins ad Axles- ' md `unequalled in Style, Variety and Price. Ladies and Gentlemen- s THE JEWELLER. -----FOR THE---- CANNOT BE UNDERSOLD` - +_, -AT- Brb.rPi and lbboooonintu two! I i Vlloorsohanm um u. - V` 1:. anm nun1op_smoc; Bu-rle. vnav vuv vs vuv wuss , IJl.II- UIIU UIMLUI W10 great presence of mind held on to the lines until the animal got over his scare, when they continued their drive. III` "I II PURVIS BR9_s_. 1.: V has MISS WAITES. formerly operator hem 've resumed work. and will be pleased tgwmggv, orders. If by mail, box 130; 0!'at Mrs. ,8 giom Fancy Sto two doors east of Q1198; n. All orders receive promp 5 W - Barrie. March mu, mas. 1 {___.--- . ;MAGl-IINE KNITTING ! keeps all the 1116 UBIIWTBI A Imported and` 1 Tobacco tnotod bran D690` dsof Two young ladies at Jarrattfs Uorners came near having a. serious accident last Saturday. While going up a hill with a horse and buggy the horse took fright and began backing, and turning round threw one out of the buggy, but the other with nu-nut vuvnnnnnn AC nu`-`A Inn`.-I Au: 4.. 4|... A lad named Jackson undertook to run over the saw logs under the Severn bridge and struck his head against one of the timbers, inicting as severe wound and knocking him into the water. Fortunate- ly another little fellow was present who helped hun out. V .. ' The regatta gnnounced :3 take on Greve-Coeur Lake on the 19th, in which" Jake Gaudaur was to row, is declared off. WV IIl\3\aI VIII?` 9 `IV ILIIU VV PUB IUUVIJ 7' WI` U519 would have been welcome to attend and make it more representative. He hints at its being denominational. I think it . was as unsectarian as the short `time would permit. Some of all denominations were I asked, and if they did not put invan ap- pearance that was not my fault. Yours truly, a MADV 12`. '_qnt)\V Atcontlnuatlon of County News From our Third Paxe. 3 Orillia [expects a. big boom` in picnice and excursions this summer. Four boats are about ready for the expected rush. TIVI Al I I I W ILIVIUIIIE \IUlI\lIlU UV-I l.UV\JII\I X32} QIIIUVUI` ed myself, we had a very good represen- tative meeting. The gallant edilor says he does not wish to underrate the move- ment. Then, why does he make the in- sinuations he does, unless he has such a motive? My intentions were good, and had that generous and kind hearted editor any suggestions to make or friends he wished there he knew perfectly well they v-plan`;-d `an:-yn knnn n-vn`nl\nr\n drn ..I-in-`A tuna: UIIU PWUEIIU WILVI L 1539 U993 III` IIIUVIWEUI in the volunteers, and those who had relatives 61' intimate friends among the brave men, 8116. asked them to assist me ` by inviting others to attend, snd,I atter- Ill: -v\IInt\ run `Inc: an uvn-iv nnnt` nvunanu-\u\-| The fwowllov-wing letters addressed to `the Editor of Tim Nonruaaw ADVANCE, have been received tor publication: I . >' .'-,'1'he".Ban`-is Supply (fund. Da.ur:.S1a. -.1-I-"notice thafthe, Editor the Examiner sees 'fit to underrate my efforts to secure a . proper representation of the community at our rst meeting to `organize the Barrie lupplv Fund to pro- eure additional comforts for our volun- teers now under arms in the Northwest. The gallant and generous editor thinks the invitation was "not zeneralenough, I suppose, because I did not call upon him and ask his advice and co-operation in the undertaking. I fully agree with him the V invitation might have been more largely circulated, had time . permitted. ' `But when my husband received the letter from Mr. G. P. McKay, M-. P. 'P., telling him ` all the Toronto people were doing,` and asking him to stir the matter up here, we felt there was no` time to lose and I at once consented to do what I could, and on that same day and the next, in a most disagreeable snow storm, I `went amom {Jun nnnnln nil-in T lznnm inn]: an infnlnnl-, `JIDCKIUVQI-I0 UIIUVV BUVJI III I. VVIJIIII . ZIIIU` the people who I knew took an mtetestl those I L :5 _' V gm` 3 ._ H` The Adm1Idh:..of;.% `no Not Nooeuarny imply tint We Hold the Opinion: or-tho Writer. um rams mvn an. nisrmcw nuns. VII`-II , MARY EM. ' SPRY. V; out: vsvvv vvavsw uuv, WUlC VV.Ul [IUWUI'Uu| Ten of the" auengeu wezfe__lrillcd_* o1_- wounded In t eoontet. - _ . Last Wednesday night wuthe coldest `ever experienced in Iowa Wiloonlin and other western States. uch damage '1: Anna u--cvu v voovu | WI! COIIO. ` uu uw Luuugvsnvqu. `_Lll`VU luulllllillli Dlly all turn in a`nd assist 'the"emperbr `against external foeagi , A % The emigrants on a French ship bound to Buenoe"Ayree mutinied because of the` poor food'.furnished_ "1_:hem.._ The eeptein was ' severely wounJ_6d.u,we1_I at seyferel of 'the erew'beforetffey"we1':e'd.e1`poIrj`ered. ' man Inc `Ln Iunnnnnuununna J r.-" i`E."$'i.Te'&3%2'a'?{& a"e}`i'11"aJ`i to be iuauizrated.` In the meantime they sill tmvn in mind s'uin'nl~.'+.hn"n'vnnnu-An 5'".-{nu -` Mr. Gladstone has given notice that he will ask for a dowry for the Princess Beatrice on the occasion of her. approach- ing marriage. He will ask for a present allowance 0 375,000 and an annuity of "$30,000 Anti {aha Omsnn ' null 9"n'In'Av cl... i('Vl`Vhe-libel suit, Adams vs. Lord Chief Justice Coleridge.- will be tried next month. The libel- consists in the Chief `J ustice writing a letter charging, that Adams was guilty of djsreputsble prac- tices. - . , ,.,,_, --..--...._,. e The Earl of. Dudley had ,$l.,500,000in- surance on his life and that with her dowry will leave his wife one of the richest women in England. ' Sir Sta`ordVNorthcote s motion of en- quiry as to what is to be done with the 855,000,000 war credit will draw out a. full vote. - It is expected the government will be sustained on a strictly party vote. ` I`heMahdi s forces have suffered fresh defeats at the hands of insurgents, and it is reported he is now at Omdurman with only a few. aoldiers- ' Baron Brabourne "who has hitherto acted with the government, publicly an- nounced his aeoejsaion .froin_` jtl_1_e_ T Lxberel Palrty last`jWedn`esda.y. HVL- 13___I - 'I\._jI, - I As -A- V--- . UUU. ' A best of tbe Author of ``&`he Ancient Ma.rin.er" was unveiled` at -Westminster Abbey ti few days agonby `ex-Minister: Lowell. . -The G'rZo:e1_<-governtnnent is, recalling all its diplomats but one, and that 1: the envoy at Constantino ple. "IL- `l'\,,,,', A, I I . .. . -- _.___ -___- r-v - This i5a1:io`i:Vailors have put.their needles away and hung up the goose. They want more pay and Iess hours of work. . 'I AI _-_.. ---_.-- vn. vv vnuo I It 1{a' ascertained that the late explosion at the Admiralty was caused by 12 lbs. of gunpowder enclosed in 9. metal run I .- ow` Do t. __v=_..._.. - TheA c1~erl;abrated lady Lbnsdale was married last week to Earl de Gray, son of the Earl of Ripon. ___- _rr_v----v- vo vs-v au\Au.IlLlUJo Wliamine prevails in Kordafan and the revolt against the Mahdi is spreading. Ia.-run` `inn no.A`A...:'p-..J L- 'lI\____-, 1' I` r v... ..r,..---vv v-v ---up-can all IillIVK\LII5Q ' Egypt has apologized to France for the Bosphore Egyptian affair and all is now serene. , . Tlie :53} f: t)":':i-`Ch-a`a.;1<:3'li.o::>. Ireland,` it in said will be Baron Fitzgerald. FIVL- 'm__.__;:__. '-_- _- _._-.. ___-------u-var-on v unlvo Thggormation of an Austmlian Navy has the approbation of the Admiralty. I`nrn:nn cu-4.-u..'I.. 5.. 'I'f-._.1___, The Kingvof Denmark has declared his willingness to act as arbitrator between Russia and England. Woloeley vigorouslg o pose pass] to `evacuate the on an. ` Several Cossack villages have `been et- tacked by the Chinese. T ` II! I Z gill pay the Alexandria indemnitieajn J une. ' ~ --The Salvation Army peo le exhibited a new wrinkle in their march ong our streets on Wednesday evening. The women were accoutred as a broom and dust pan brigade, while the men carried some tool indicative of their, worldly calling. Blacksmiths, masons, wood cutters, and other industrial pursuits were represented. The van was led by Captain Calhoun, while the rear guard was commanded by one carrying a good sized salted cod fish,` which he flourished" in the orthodox way. Whether this was in- tended as a reference to the shermen of Galilee we do not know, but the whole thing is a singular burlesque on the life and teach- ings of the Savior of mankind. l.--__- _v..~..w--v-on yvvuvuo ovvwuulg Jill their Announcements. . Scientic American. Among the sub- jects treated of in the `last number of this favorite weeklj are, Compressed Power of a Air, Education of the Artisan, Phelp s Induction Telegraph, Healing by Faith, Velocity of Projectiles Hollow versus .Solid Shafting, and numerous others. `If. 1,, _ ___.._-_._=, -.-- .-`nun--1-vsaw vvcavsuo V T have received a copy of` the Snorting World of America. It appears to us to be a first-class paper in that line and nely illustrated. Special "attention is to be g'ven to ti o Dominion by the publication of every Canadian sporting event and the reproduction by illustration of her promi- nent men. in all spheres of life. It is well edited and is evidently a thoroughly re- liable and life sporting newspaper. ' an ovvc -; -I-sung, \ia'uI.|vII Do} I The following _ate the names in order of merit` of the pupils of this school who stand highest in their respective classes for the month of April`: . _ ' 4th Class.-Maggie Dinwoody, (A. O. Corbett, Bella Chapman), Mary Din- woody. ' '_ V 3rd Olsss.--Minnie Arnold, Wm. Din- woody, James Speers. . Inna _.Dnn`np-J 'I'..'L7._:__LL 131.`. -1 svava nu), LLLLVU vuuyluauo 1st Class. - Senior -- Eddie Arnold, [ngham Sharpe. (John McKnight. Minnie N ichnlson) \ Juniors -- Harry Morris, Alfred Jarrett, Maggie Irwin. ` WI! D A rang? fl`..- -L -.. vv uuuJ , U GIIIIUD IO[JUUl'5o nd Class.-Rachel McKnight, Ethel Morris, AliceChapman. ' j 1+_ (nun FAA}- A_.._`J `Pacic, of this line. will bail on Mond3.y," May 11, after the an-iva.l`of the noon train from Toronto, for Moaford, Owen Sound, and Wisrton, and calling at all the local [. pox-ta, be_twee,n..h9te.,und_ Sault Ste. A Mario. A AC`.-u&:`n" ha-n42`:-..;. _I`I ..__,I_ .yv uvvvv `-5 NU-lpll ln Ullitle 'rIo" A"?`anti3 oe:t17u'ame:un:q. will rob.- Sbll" 1";nWedIrdI' y and "th rth. Km. sy.:..f'or` Pth; Soemd. The nfnnrnnlv vndfnnut an-I-nu! L- .I._. n_'_.,, ,g'u upuy uu.xunvwu.I,ysp..aur (g? aounu. _'1`he steamer meteor arrived ' today from Owen Sound, departed for Midland, and arrived again from that port to-night. Mr. Du'ev`s ne new steamer, the Tele- gram, built at this part this winter, will sail on ',Wedneed_ny,. for Midland, Parry Sound,.Byng Inle andoher . The schooner Mitch an tug Othe 0 left the dry dock on Friday to make room for the steamer Wiarton Belle, which was (locked. Some Pubuoatlons Worth Reading thnluo Annnnnnnunnndn . ogpoaos the pro. anal to evnmmtn thn om World Lord Wo1aeley s .health is said to be_ nnr ' 8. S. No. 4, lat... (Bx-aden'u.) ..1`.._2__... -_-_ II, , -ran nb:1`o1t's mam. v 4.1.1. AU I-8 "III: I "55 WM. DAWSON, Teacher. IUVE cney to lend st lowest rates. Agent for Ltg D mini G nge n 0 on re Fireinsurance Associ- Csnndian Mutual Aid Life Insurance and eserve Fund Accident Associations. V A-THOS. 8. MOLEOD, Dalston. mm overytgoulter & I. Barrie ueigy BA'YJ.='IELi) " STREET. ~ folirn or stncon norm. ' UIIIOU 0VOl' U0 and Saturday. v une'rownen1p otvee re,-consist! West eo`n., acres more good creek runs on the lot. or further particulars 9. pay at the An- vnzon Oioe, or to the owner, BANTING, Oookstown T 82-tt. ' VALUABLE `BUSH FARM FOR SALE IN * . `VAIIO 1 AC In! R In __._ ..... GEO; DUDLEY. ;HO:US`E,`S_IGN g mason u'.n.Avv:snm.n1 ruAN'1`B.-A rew of those sglendid new varieties. Jerecg` `Queen, Mano eater. James Vick. Arnold's ide. Bid- well. &c.. at 250. per doz. For sale by A. HOOD Fruit Grower. Orders left with J. J. BROWN, wm be attended to. T um ,An old physician, _retired from practice, having had placed in his hands by an East India missionary the formula of a simple vegetable remedy for the speedy and per- manent cure of Consumption, Bronchitis, Oatarrh, Asthma and all throat and Lung Affectiona, also a positive and radical cure for N ertous Debility and all Nervous Com- plaints,\fter having tested its wonderful curative powers in thousands of cases, has felt it his duty to make it known to his suf- fering fellows- otuated, by this motive T149 Power's B ook, R0 and adesire to re eve human suffering, I will send free of_'charge. to all _ who desire it, this_recipe, in German, French or Eng- lish, with full direotiousqfor preparing and using. Sent by mail by addressm with stamp, namin this paiei-,teW.NA& one, 0 as r, . . 45-sow-44.. nay. per wn . . Straw. per ton ruuawea, per Dag . . . . . . . 8p lea, per bbl....l.).a.g.. non en, er . Cabbcgm pdo ' .. Cauliower, do . . gels , b do .. urn sT er ag ...... .. gar:-gtpa,'pb;1g) ee per .......... .. Pa:-sn'1ps. do Beans, per peck Ha.y.perton Straw. mar tnn _ , , A , near. [0138 1l8.l'l.'.6l`B I - I I liiillca giafkhin c ens, per 1) r. ......... .. Ducks, do, Geese. each ................. .. Turkeys,` each. .............. . . Butter, ound rolls... .' ..... .. Butter, urge rolls . . . . ..,: .... .. Butter tub dairy . . . . . . . . . . . .. Eggs, fresh, peg doz . . . . . . . . .. Potatoes, per bag ........... .. Apples, bbl ..... .... .. I1 l'\I`\ (nvcnnn nnn nnn vnv I U: uvvi-A Dressed hogs. Bier`? rs Beet. toreguar Beef hin quarters {`.|'n$rnI\n nan main vv man. guuw, uo Barley, do Oats. d do Peas. do Rlye, - - do 0 over seed do ... or 100 lbs. 'Beaf. fm-nnmzr Am _ . . . _ _ _ _ ,, _.-_.._.._ ..-.--. -...-J is in better 7suZ1)plyZa_ii prices were easier ;. timothy sold at $20 to $26.50, and clover at $16 to $19. Straw easiegat $11 to $12. 50. .Hogs scarce; goodliggt weights are worth $6.75 to $7 3 heavy, to $6. 25. Eggs more p`l'enti`f:`l, selling at 13 to 140. Butter un- Wheat. spring, do Wheat. goose. do Rm-I av. . d n Whegtlwfall 1;er bushel. Green" Tnmmed Cured.. .. . Lambs 11-14- vvvacso UVU u g u_ u ' 0 07 _._ 00 Toronto mu-mers Market. V Tonorrro. May 12. 1885 Three loads of wheat sold on the street to-day at 87`to 890. ; one load of goose wheat was taken at 840. About 200 bushels of oats were sold at 48c. Peas nominal at 700. Hay supply and timnnm um! .4: con on can an -...a ..I......_ _. UUACW, [IVA IIUI-la n c 0 0 o 0.. I I Flour, Baker's, per 106 lbs Flour, Family, Flour, Pastry, Oatmeal, per 100 lbs . .. . . `canton ROUGH HIDES. Cow, per100lbs. 6 00 to 6 25 I ooooduco 650ooII in A v n INC .-sup` luanuun at-v--`cool NPeltaOlcIoI`III-II No. Irtha Toronto. _ and nuns: Itorkoto ` '- ~* \ '..'_A nanma hf thdfaak. PAI E R I ` 1 -I," -I-II!-9 T-'.'"='- " `Q5-A name 6! the Week. '_1`nl;,NoB.'mlmrAnvANcn Orncn, L Buuun, May 13, 1885 _The mgrkot was good on Saturday with` a. fill` Suliply and ready sales. On Tuesday therawu very little done. _-..'.I- 1I_..:_ l--I-`L

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