BOOKS AND PAMPHI}E_'J.`S,un - and Ornamental. DODGERS, ` FLYERS, M I-Ill-I MEMORIAM CARDS, PROGRAMS, % ' ORDERS OF DANCE, A MENU CARDS, % A LABELS. nnnrrn A \YI\ 'I'\ A 'll*1\ -u-.'...... 1 .Blank Forms I of any kind printed to rdor. ` NoTE HEADINGS, % LETTER HEA_DINGS, MEMORANDUMS, WEDDING INVITATIONS, WEDDING CARDS, I VISITING CARDS Tuaomanu names: % -s'r:AIvI-- % LJ.l!ll..l.l.'JI\I UL RECEIPTS, CHECKS, _0RDER& ENYELOPES. lIIlIllKArJllJl|PllINTIrJl;. mil reepectfully eolicit_'an oportunity to furnish estimates for all kinds of work in all the styles of printing, such CARDS, ;1weounp""7=f`7`7l"5i'5'X ""l7:'vI:'c1r:".v vg 1885.. mambori and th . mu; 4 requested _to.9ttond. .. 9?` may u. up ; . 7 Jon" .F95.b;_.; IJIINLOP st. mans, HA8 UNRIVALLED FACILITIES v ..__.y-on 1-33--_ ' . PROMPT AID TASTEFUL EXEGIITIOI --OF URDEIIS OF ALL CLASSES OF-- BLANK - FORMS V Always kept in stock STATEMENTS, BILL HEADS, j . NOTE CIRGULARS, LETTER QIRCULARS. '`T'D'l'\G ' or1'nn---` V ` ' ---or um:-.--% A fun line of MORTGAGE. ' [' W ->-4.p-< " ?T1..' :%`Iof:1:1~'e9:f1{n`l`i.9:eI?$-' Iubject will be discussed at 'ea.ohmeeti . Next Tvxsmv evening, the Sn JUNI; mae . All be nan ` ted.tottend. w'f`vm "" wJ.A. f15?3qA'rHY. eoretm. V T `A full linetat all prices. HOUSE LEA_S'ES.' SALE OF LAND. SNIPES, ETC. -wwuuo vovvv VI. 080- Mr. Pipeshad tolduhiin he would be H ' `wanted at Doncaster. He couldn't for : had received these orders, as Blsokton V the stable; but one thinghe was clear ' nhisapassinq unrecognized if he `wore silk also, and be q uite1`ss-well awelrje-as_ she, _ the lifeiof him see for what `reason. he was `now thoroughly well, and would naturally do all the .-leading` riding of about--that there could be no. hope of on the Town Moor. There would be far too -many there who had seen Ger- ald Rockingham go" with the York - and Ainstey not to at once know that he and Jim Forrest were identical.` He did not wish `this, and made up_ his mind that he must forego both `York and Doncaster. .Foregoin_'g York, he reected ruefullv, meant foregoing an afternoon with Dollie`; but it was `im- possible thut he . could attend these meetings and decline` sueh mounts as inight be o'ere'd him,` and hel1igdZprom- ised his sweet .h eai't` ,`tha`t". i5..shbuld ; have fthe`-_g`ratication'zof:seeing` ` -ride. and,` hehoped,` win; 1 5-,B,ut he`hnd esquite 'overloolred~ the"fa'ct that there 1 were-plenty of. other eyes would see 1 1 who~he.tal!y~v;w', . (\ ,1 :Th9 ratt.hink."the detefsqihdf a go a: :d"'haL vis stark `withMr. Pineal I V Therein: one little,-p'ee_u1isri',tTy shout`, j this v9ri!!%li:;'*!%s~: `aiifeklr. = $11491 a;b.vs9.; she: `a iiisn spf rent y`to have any 'frbur:hie'f ' ~' ' _ _ . rsi.`. {e nsjnrsll hitUnEr"6iiii?i ..ns tir'r.`:a'II%'& - -as-"Wu 1wm.uu~uney>saia. `an ~` ' : 'e- ..: !. ?`P*"+!9,`9Pii}i9h3,`s!ff,fJ;' :::'w ` . ....... uiuuf _ giiexiigi 3Q`li9.9;.'9.Ym%!: hem. . T ' ' v o . mimaaxlong um; :QHAn:I_knu; 11.227 L .-'.\$L 4%!` ' Snobbishneas-- rank enohbishnessl But. attwenty we turuup our noses at that which we are very %thazikful` for at forty ; disdaining a career in our hot youth whichwe see in middle age with envious eyes successfully lfollcwecl by othere, `Still, one could har'dly,ex`pect Gerald tc; beetoical encugh to take` this I V v latter view` of the. cage. - _ . _ _ 1 | `;__ '|1g__A-I I . CHAPTER Xxx. GERALD niscovsns HIMSELF. The more Jim Forrest thought over . it, the more he shrank from the idea that his actual name should be pro- claimed to the world. He was quite aware that it would be bitter grief to his mother and sister that he should have descended so beneath the` social position of the Rockinghams as to earn his living by professional race riding, and yet what was he to do? A man can not live on his social position-social position, too, in danger of falling rapid-A lv` to pieces from lack of that very necessary aliment, pounds, shillings, and pence," wherewith to , sustain it. He was making money rapidly in a pro- fession inwhich he delighted, and yet he owned to himself that he was a little ashamed that it should be known to old friends and acquaintances how he earned his bread. . J .s. JOHNSON. BARBIE. IMPORTERAOF 0 and Dealer `in Goals of all kinds, and Georgetown, Grey and Guel h White Finishin '" Lime, Cements of all kin 3, Fire Bricks an Plasterers Heir. Storehouse at the Northern. 5`:p`lT`*r2?".?, ia`3?`o`3f;a"f: .f%:l%2't't:?z5h2 :: that oftny other kind, and the nish superior. Oioee-Corner 0! John and Eiiqabeth atreetn. v- v nun. . u VVGID IJU .l|.|l|Il.lUI{ uIUUuU5' ed; Mr, Thorndyke walked home with the Rockinghams, and as, after: bidding themgood night at their own door, he wended his way throughthe gorgeous summer night` to his own house, he pondered a good deal over the strange suspicion that had come into his head. He liked Ellen Rockingham: be dis- agreed with her on many points, but he recognized what a ne character here was naturally, though, in his opinion, somewhat spoiled by class pre- judices and mistaken `training. It be was right in his conjecture, he felt that when the thing came to be publicly known it would be a severe blow to Ellen. Would it be kinder to break it graduallv to her-to give her a hint of what be suspected 2 On the other hand hemight be all wrong in his guess, and then he would be making`Miss Rock- ingham unhappy for no purpose. Very much puzzled was J ohn` Thorndyke as to what he had best do under the cir- cumstances. He, a man of decision, wa s undecided, and could see nothing for it but to await the upshot of events. VA RACING RC :44: By HAWLEY_ , -..`.;_A}:.:L1v_'\1_1o1z or ,Bnnnzm - iq Wm," Tm: Gnu _ Job}: Thorixdyke: _af ` l`1 6` l`A _c1,1ri-_ duly; hemmem what` `she had told him about A `, ld s mysterious dis- :*npe%mo.9%and how they: W64 Wom- :plpte'.igho;"ai1ce L of Whbrq "he , fiiiafsi, or whiff? V758; f `?a'_I'1_ i;. ih_l1ed T0,.FIN . _s5u:$. <.-" :\ PM I . X1`1'd.;1:;n the converation turned I intoanother channel", and the history of Jim Forrest was nofurther discuss- ... `If- "HL __._- J I .II 1 V33 VVUUQI OUVVQZKVC Don t know about that, said Far rington`. Headeof families are lucky if they don't-hear any worse of their sons than can be said of Jim Forrest. I fancy there are a good many fathers who `would be glad to hear their sons were making money instead of wasting it. e , A "'`And I WPP08Q. .Fo.rrest inakes a good bit of mohey,_ replied Thorndyke. "VAR 9 D llllnnnanc-1`. :;...1..... 2- LL--- 3...... van! Ill nuvuvl, _ zopuuu .I.uul.'uuynu. "Yes; 9. uccessful jockey in these days makes an income that most pro fessional men would jump at ; and if he's only `steady and keeps it," ' cati `put by a good bit" every year. That's a very nice champagne, Durnsford--not too dry, but letting you taste the avor of `the grape." A_.I AL... AL. - J I -' - "` =-uggnvoquvu LU: wuutq uq .t,,!,,._, > L H ` = " 1 V `vI`uv;a,,u[ wlgt: hef`: ins; .jdoipg `and ie..;`.a`ahed across him that possibly this Jim For- rest might be Miss Rockingham s brother. If so, how pained she would be by the discovery of the fact which he himself quite agreed with Farting- ton. was inevitable. ' V . CHAPTER XX I X.-- CONTINUED R0?E5lS 8:; GREEBIS GENERAL AGENCY I1 e town of Barrie, torbthe collection-,0! chattel Mort ages, Rents, De We are also prepare .to undertake General Detective Business for Legal Firms. Merchants and others , at moderate rates. `Otllce : Police Court,Bar- rle. P.0. Box 222. ,g______ '\ _ _ Ar FAt'L'r. no mo. THE NORTHERN ADVANCE," ~";;v`"%.;m9.*;;r!';f$nss.. ` . .% } - % ;* 8 r~somL8n.Ma::naaane'3. 1?` -1 ~``1` `7`-`5"`i'.`P_: *3 1`9&`rottul: Ly. "aaae zm`Lg.;gg %~ _qun't_h9ln ig. --hhlouldfp-,,.!l.'t ' ` t" 14.`: ,"` . `,?"'V~9-y_+o:. ;vr__, senu 1n your A- 1Tb-*B!r9=wt;i;;fis`%zohe mo_mo_n t 29,, OtA_≪~tho\ on am can. o,Jim a aooiaglnstqnra, t wm~a?t on .. ~.;.;x.i.:..;c~.+~.A_;_r;-2z ; .:-..'. C .1. I `presume you Know the conse~ quenoes 'of:reft.:ing?7'~ - * J` I 19ha1li1}av9t.`a9nd in my jacket: sup ... .:" -. , .; .,; . Th:.:vonet:nodded;.`. ; . 3 2 J "Y *9Aib9n%v%r kins! .t1< =:I.m.A sir M9rn4=s191=&ns1.I ih=e!q;9,. you,I v9r_y muc for the gpenmg -_`h~t,V-.;y'9`uj-,_` _. ndmg my; bus. circumstances": forfig%',jnyi%cn1@e :th`r t`Yo;k:or Dozi- cas 3 `xi: `3221 H` A:`:.`.u s;'..'z. ~. .. Y'g.u1.mue9_-.$g -.vzqre.;;;Ffoxraot.`.hdc. I .0311 3 be 88l_Il`Ig_l'lsIIr1l5_`l,:;v_I_uoh-.-`rubbish as. that.-. 4 P39` reason for ;r9}3==. r9fn96!+%: -and in iaclioi. ' ' ' `77I"z;}ery s_orfy, ~re1rnd J iVm\, quietflvthpgzgh rmly, but I can not ride ther'e. ;. __---, --av! .-..vuvu5uIo-' 4 ` , .- _ "Ah, `Forrest, don't fall V into that mistake. Your `thinking needn't begin j till y_ou z__'e,. `_up_. You .'ogn tl_1ink to some purpose; then,--witness ,..the way you rode Pihroch. at Goodwoo('l--'i-but- previous to that leave all the_thinking? to Pipe and myslf. I shall want `you. at Donoastor. Why, you will know in due course. - ~ V \ * - s I My]good- fellow, se,id`the Baronet, IA peyyou 9. pretty liberal` retainer to ride for" me whenever I `want you, not to ride only when it suits your con- .vni.n9~ . . .` . ~ I I know that," but I thought. you couldspare me _thib` time. Sir Matine- duke. Blfa.cktonis'_ e,ll_right again, end I presume will r;id9 Bushrangr in the Leger, and I:t,hought-e .- . - A1,. `pnnm, ,;___9. 1.11 _-A, .1 :--v-V-3 I havstrong rasons for ndt riding at Donoaster, and hope you will excuse me this time. ` f ` (.1: w . ..L' A- 5- - SAMUEL rniton, WELL SINKER HOUSE and Land Drainer. returns thanks to the public general] for their. past tavern. and would inform em that he is still in the busi- nose, and - as prompt and obliglng as ever. Orders can be left at N o. 30, Peel street, Barrie and they win be promptly attended to. 4746 _.-. - e 1 "Yes, Sir Marmaduke, replied Jim, ' "but I am very anxious to speak to you about it. "What is it? VValk your back alongside mine, and tell me what is the matter. V _ - -.---v-J I1 ovlul QAIIIID V 1;ipes tlold `:;hat you would be' wanted at Doncaster 2 said the`Ba.ron et, asAhe swung himself on to his back, preparatory to riding home to break- fast. A The Baron nodded good-humoredly to Jim in return of his salutation, but it was not till the morning's work was over, and a lengthy conference with the trainer brought to a conclusion, thathe afforded Forrest the slightest oppor- [tunity of speaking privately with him. n`D:..__ ..I1 -- zvu vu-I But one day about the middle of August Jim Forrest was told that Sir Marmaduke had arrived at Newmarket and would be out on the Heath the next morning. Jim went up, as he otten did, to" ride gallops or trials, or whatever there might be for him to do, and found the Baronet already there, and in close conference with Mr. Pipes. There are owners who leave the entire management of their studs to their trainers, very often not even knowing when or where their horses will `run, but Sir Marmaduke was not one of these. He looked pretty closely into. things himself, was a very fair judge of racing, and, `generally, after due dis cu'ssion;with Mr. Pipes, dictated what the plan of the campaign would "be. This morning he s was having a great parade of the whole team with a view to arranging which of them should be sent to full their Northern.engsge- ments. - . ` ` I ' t;_._r_ r'v..;. \:': no6`," and the}: was a -n\l.\I wvnv-v - ``-I don t. know," replied Mr. Pipes. `_He went yachting after `Goodwood, and Captain Famnqton went to Scot- landto shoot, but I don't know where either of them is now ; the last I heard of Sir -Marmaduke he was at Cowee. He generally does have a look at the horses before a. big meeting; but, of course, I don't know for certain." A 7'IVl.__- ._.,_ , ,_,_ "ifer 5;; :1 5535 JZSIWSF 77119 may and he mayn t about. Mr. Pipe s infor mation. _ - _ _l rvn IInIlV\o\Q V on-no -That you will most `likely learn when you get there. He s going to send a pretty big string, and I dare say there ll be riding for both you `and Blackton. Anyway. Forrest, I have told you Sir Marmadukeorders, and as he pays you `av "retainer, I suppose you'll think t to attend to them. m: n-9" '%nr=P!s;ie f$:='3'%iZ notf ind`Jtht~ v'iraaa" conclizs1on for any one to arrive at witholllf t}`0n.b1ingn_Mr...Pipes...for. it was odd. but the t-1`&.ili9.r\ f.roIn. long habit had-be-. come excessively reticent and cautious in Z his ~admi_saions.' Sir ' Marmaduke. who ha'df`a.high'[ opinion of. him, was wont to say that when you could wring from Mr. Pipes thathe rather fancied a ho're_e s' chance, ,it was tatamount to being told you ` had _a stone in hand. He erred `undoubtedly on the side of caution. but was clever" `in-his vocation, and enjoyed the implicit condence of his employers. n'....._.'. P...-.a.I LL- `-n:.nnun nan-an} of IIII YIIIIIIVJ 95 Ft Having found the trainer, Forrest at once asked whether, now. Blackton was an right again, it. would be necessary for him to go to the North. ha...` a... G3` "A-nAnAunLn`n A-Anna , Mn unum.-nuUunUAu'1' DWELLING, 2 tori hi h.hax-dandaoft waw. A l at thgs ogge. g - 1'48-ti? M.S.;:h;1$sS`i; K.f:!Tl;;(i"t:l.!O 8 orders," rep] ed Mr. Pipes. i D..L dd-Ln` an-\ Ln cunts` nun `l\lI Q"- Where`i he?" inquired Jim. % `Is there any chance. of his being `down he1:eTb_efo}e_York_? - - --- IVIIIIITII LILII L III`? But what can he want me for T - persistedvJim. ` u'l'|I.-4. _-.- ._:Il _.-..s 'I:l_-`|_ 1--.... ":1, ;-;i;`;;'?' **U9.e" _ . L_ _ _ a..e.;..- 4 1% %,,,,,{~'!9.xis1xt.. $1}: Mam. .o: .L3;5,e_%__;_3;',`;`:g,`;`;f;;* `;`?t .9` ` - -A " or - hN'z1'~Win." j ` ` M 0??-iI:l. Innhn.'.!l! r . A" F `**?1.*ii!***;%*ranzK;dd with . . L -!=.h 3%4:9!} 9.%4do:imt:.}4 ,_. . naval ll] one ,elsa.4 . : A ; `.`I. am-very`, very sorry,lSir Marma- ` duko!,.bu_b-;it;9an t'.be done.` Ride in l.=.n,y, 9`?1.i I waft. forv the; .l:eb.gons . I ,hgv_e `already `given you. . ;{`BntJ'. have baokodxthipgrey coma Vi .'.?V.-*6 "T89i*1Fi'l';3.`.d- 1 .Bar!.=lW,-ll` 1l;8\hgr..r"1. .,Lt1yins lawn his (W98 .?.hi.{ .llh;I1.9B|=_:-,in.. , . I regAtd_ him-Ayntho beat ol`. the your whet: he likes: l:o}_tary-.`;b_ub. apparently he will only d9;lht`%f9rl.3zn- ? l ` V `flyhink 3193-'a`;r$*%5~,Sirl _o._f tlie;year.;w.hemit{a:his day. .- .. for; `mr':*?ell;ihc>ra:x.:Iss.aa ...m. .,..x -. s _.J -u_un.nv'L,,l, `, I - Ah! Phaeton : Leger..' Now for ' my boheme. ' Once more a. glorious _re- venge for you`! On the ` very scene of your father's ruin, you shell win this year the Leger, the very scene that `broke your father last. Listen : I have. leased the Dancing Master from old_ Greyson till the end of his four old. careerlf. All that's to begot out of him _wil1vhafve be_en go't', by that, I fancy. I want `you to ride him. , He ll run with you, and apparently he won't with any 9139.; = -. .-: , 111' Ah i _`~_Yes;" repl_ie'd.Jim, it was a curious coincidence, but. the rst few sovereigns I ever you were `over the very race that r;1ined,..snd I_rmly- believe, kill- ed; my father, ` -L . .un.n 111' e- 3 ' -~ v-v-u on-I\llIUJ ~ Ell IIIIIKB 8 out -of the turf than -ever fathordi, .3" % . _. it my >-_-__ J ' ` ` ` -- ----,_-....,.. .`.'No, -I am afraid not, Sir Marma- duke; still, I wish my mother and sister to getxfather more used to our al- tered circumstances before they know how. I am getting my living.-. Gettino vnrno l:..:.;...m _.._1:A..1 -- _... v..- anus `uuuulg lily llVlllg-' .t ` -Getting your living 1" replied the Baronet, laughing, ;`fWhy, if you-are .only_.aJi3t1Q.careful, you will 0011 he ` worth money, and make a more nni-_ A: 61.. L..'. Ll , ,, -~..-._-..._._._..- ____a .-_-- Fon BALE.-ROUGHCAST DWELLING, 2 stories high, hard and soft Apply nu.-this nlnn 19 aa- vvruv UV IICIII. UL IL 35 '- Jf,'cen understand that ; s only putting the thing off. You can't ex- pect to be prominently before the pub- hc and not be recognized. :.1\*r.' r i - ` If I ride there I shall be recogniz- ed ; and though I am not ashamed of ythe way I earn my bread, I-don't want my people to hear of it as yet. I 'nnn I1I\t'n-n`n-nal>LL-L . 9 o. no, _ Perhs;:s`u;1`otU;wB:ut from" myi know- ledge of Mr. Elliaton, it was not a card in his game that he would omit count- ing. He sails pretty near `the wind al-h ways, and is about as sharp as practicu- er ssthere is on the turf. Now to re- turn to the original question. What is your obiection to riding at Doncaster ?" 111'! it 0 w`;-\`?\"7`l'1:y",';`;""goc`> d' `follow, you came between him and Cranley Chase.` Till your birth howas heir at law. 11'IVL_L _._._-_. A - , I n"'1'3._-y` Jove ! though, said the 1 net, smiling ; did he? Well, you re- \ paid that last taunt with a vengeance the day you got Pibroch home a head in front of his colt at Goodwood. He -must haverepented bitterly of his advice , for he lost a lot of money over that race, -I kno_w. J--.` -vonvon uv_vvuu aqua: as saw. That never occurred to me, nor any of us, rejoined Jim. ND.-...'l`........ ._;z. . L; o,_,,. - .. 1 an u--av -v Ys; it was nuts to me tond I had just dne Phaeton, and hit my black- blooded cousin in his only vulnerable spot-'-the pocket. But why should Cuthbert detest me_'l_ __ n\J'.aII\l\Q union acwnlnalnuuv, walla . `Why, except some boyish prank at his expense, I never did anything to incur his enmity; and yet his conduct to me at my father's death was simply brutal. He seemed pleased with our ruin ; he jeered at me, and bade me go get mynliving as a gamakeepet or pad- lvnnrvu . W-hegbiitated for a moment, gygax f;`@;'&maduke keenly. .7 ":44? nvnnltllr whit than qr aovv a-can-n you .n. uouuvuvnq Mr. Elliston had much more than that to answer for .in bringing about my poor father's ruin, replied Jim Curious; my "father was about the best friend Cuthbert Elliston had. He received nothing but kindness at his hands; and Cranley was his home whenever he chose to make it. so ; and yet he seems to hate us all--but more especially myself. ters, Solicitors in High Court of Justice. otaries Public, Conveyaucers. Oioea over the Bank of Toronto, Barrie. T1.-nvgun I'll`! I! I1 1:._._..._ 1- `I9 V ----- loUNT. STRATHY 85 LOUNT, BARRIE- .I 08!; uncierstand his dislike to you, ` replied Sir Marmaduke, dryly. u1`lTl._ ..----..4. ..-_.- |____:_ ..__-_L -1. I UIJV VIDA Irvln V5 `annuity. vvvnu -..a-..._- A Godd heavens! you don't. say so! What, the poorfellow who was broke over last year's Leger, and died shortly afterward?" - ` "Yes," rejoined Jim, briey. Knew him 1 continued Sir Marma- duke ; of course I knew him. What racing man didn't know cheery, genial Alister Rockinghsm, who bore his 1'- sistent bad luck with _ such unfaifijxg patience and good temper? lt was very hard, his cousin, Mr. Elliston, neglected to give him a hint about Phaeton " all - 'mII.'-s..- L-) ..--..L ......... LL-.. uxuu uucun In: [.13]. luvv nu. uvvavv. Neither do I, Forrest. interposed the Baronet hastily ; but when I pay you an annual retainer for first call of your servlces, I certainly expect to ob- tain them ; and when you decline to do whet I have engaged you for, I am en- title}! to ask the reason." 1 L- __.1`l' Quite so, Sir Marmaduke, and I will tell you my story at once. You knew my poor father, nodonbt. . [ am the only-son of Alister Rockingham. ufV-...I `truth.-pl`-uni I porn. 1-J4\u\ O nor! an ' /;;'3'Juuuunu LUUIJIJ ., '3 "I~~ oii tiow exactly what theynmiel sye eb9ut.,.vme," he replied at length. `.`1,-of course, that I'm catled 'the:.`;Asrisboeratio Jock, that my name is often" `put in -inverted commas, et.o., _5h{_i_.C;pthin Farrington told me only the other day that it was useless to sup- pesethat 1 could much. longer con'eal my identity. Hog yes very kind, and didn't seek to pry` into my secret. 1a\T-:A.l_-.. T 'E` `ml-nn\t\anr` your Tau wotx, bv so `simple 5 ..Iemet_1v1- I assure you it is true that he 18 en_*' 3' cnrednnd. `with nothmg but Hop B*."' ;snd \bn1y.tgnl days ago his doctors 38 `"3 up an_d id he must, die, from Kxdney 8 I.`.- Akin hhnl Shun 3 .-!`"J`5t$E};'i'."".'1"1:.'3iu'1:i':'.5'"1".I i',' `s r:.'.:,j an vile, .pouon_om mil with Hop " .`.`_.Ho'pI intheirumqr ' ~ - >. ,:.'.,1!lantlo.'lllD'lOQ(' Gray in con. . j _ . ' GIVE; up by the Doctors. : "Is it; ppuib1_e that Mr. Godfrey is up -112`, At Workgtnd-.curod by `simple 1emedY7 ' .1. nlnnva mm :4: i. 9...... nut. ha in entire Y . The` fee of doctors st $3.00 3 visit wovff tax a man. for a yeuxlnnd in need of 8 d3 -iisih, over $1,000 :5 year for medical attfqnd` ance` alone! Andone single bottle of 91 Bitters taken in time would save the $1.000 Ind all the yea)- s sickness. HEWSON 8c CRESWICKE, BARRISTERS, Solicitors of the Supreme Court of J ud1- oature of Ontario. Proctors, Notaries, Conve - anoer 850. Money to Loan. Omcea--Bot - well a look, opposite N. an N. W. Ry. Station, Barrie. T - tuvaocu I fpntient. ALoI1nxJoke. _, `A prominent physician of Pittsbu1'g`"`. `to .3 lady patient who was complaimn_g,0f `her continued ill health, and of his inability `to cure her, iokingly said : Try HOP Bmi Wters 3 The lady took it in earne8t_3"` `used the -Bitters, from which she obtained ornament health. She now laughs at thf ` octor for'his joke, but he is not so Wed `pleased with it.. as it cost him a 20 J `I|nf;nn# l'1:>oU<-luinugluuu" "'5 I-u he known are I8 no` 3 Ilclguuu. `"3 by Hop Bitterzorld 1" ca `W 3 VVVJIQVC Thousands Upon Thousands! of testimonials of the most wonderful cures. VIU1it!fi1y sent-us, we do not publish them. '08 t_hey do not` make the cures. It is our medxome, Hep Bitters, that make the cures. 1!: has never failed and never can. We Wm R_lV reference to any one for any disease similar to their own if desired, or will refer to any neighbor, as there is not a neighbor- hand in Hm Inmum .......u 1...; ._..-. ,.1..\m {N . . 3V'IIC`I W0 Inll" llfilllu By, Wlymg on testimonials written in vid 31 V ` 1W8!-20 of some miraculous cures o `m`d Y 301110 largely pued up doctor Or P3t_nt medicine has hastened thousands to am" 8`_'3V.5 ; `the readers having almost in- sane futh the some miracle will be perform- 'd `"3 them: that these teatxmonials mention. While the so-called medicine is all the time ht"i`8 them to their graves. Although we have V - 1I.-..--__;_, up 1. - . -v vvggp `av AJIU IJUDU WLIJU JJKGUALUU3 Jim is waiting with a little knot 01 lost spirits whoseill luck compels them to attend to their vocations at New- marketiinstead or being present at the great carnival of the North. The) "may be at Nowmarket in the Ilesh. clixetering like bees in the gatewa)' l Rutland, but in sprit they are all on the breezy Town Moor, absorbed in it` struggle for the Leger. [III I Jim Forrest down at Newmsiket is anxiously _awaiting the result of a struggle on the Town Moor, He is in a. hurry to grow rich, and, _as we know. he invested part of his Goodwood win- nings on his` old charge and at :1 pretty remunerative price. He dgets dread- fully. He wishes now he had not al- lowed hispride to stand in the way of his career , that he had gone to Donate- ter to ride the Dancing Master as Sir Marmaduke had required. Utter snobbishness, he mutters to himself. As if there was anything t. be asham- ed of! Not one of my father s oI~.i friends would think a. bit the worse of me, and I should like to ride the win- ner of the Leger. I wonder whether he will do his best with Blackton?" -uuv U:-an vs JJIADIJLDLISUL. JThe Baronet has had a very good year upon the whole, and, in ta-clng parlance, taken a deal of money out of the Ring. It was whispered `about that if the Dancing Masterywins, that erra- tic body {will be about broke, whlch. when Bill Greyson hears, causes him cu shake his head and remark, That's an ominous sign My coIt e t to run for his life, but the man or the horse to break the Ring I've never seen, in al; my ve-and thirty years experience. and don't expect to. T:-V. `Ia`..'........L _1-.__ -L `K ' CHAPTER xxxr. WAITING FOR THE wmr: " There was tremendous excitement 3, -Doncaster on the Monday before th; St. Leger when it or zed out that the Dancing Master was now the 1,,-opem of Sir Marmaduke, and would run if) his colors. It further transpired am the horse had been quietly but persm ently backed to win an enormous 5131 and that the money had been dribble; on in the interest of the Baronet and his friends. Bushranger also had ar- rived, looking excessively well, and evidently trained to the hour, and i; was rumored the Ponton Lodge stable stood to win heavily on that ham The public is much disturbed in its mind about which of Sir Mar-maduke'g pair to intrust with their money. Veg. eran turtes think it more prudent to back the pair coupled, while some good judges, remembering the Dancing Master- s performance at Epsom, shake their heads and prophesy he won't be in the first three, and that if Sir'Mgr. maduke is to win the Leger it will be by the aid of Bushranger. A Dnunosn `ma-- `-- V"-"l'1a.ts a thing I'll think : joined the Bardnet, as he an to his back. LENNOX 8; LENNOX BARRISTERS. AT- tomeysat-Lnw. Socltora in Chancery. Conveyanoere. 8:0. O1_ces-Corner ot Dunlon and Owen Streets, Barne. J. T. Ll!NNnY_ I-IAnnuvI-nu ".lr\1\1nv 809 theyW w.rere '3" : "Ln -~ -.--- , (To be Continued.) l'ou'*ot -Doctors. vow: in {He Lqg` Russ-.. win easy. I1. For the HAHN E MUHUQIEUN, BAH '1'l!}HS,. I Solicitors, Oonveyancers, 850. oney to n. Office-~0ver D. J. Mu:-ch1son s Store. Market Street Barrie. Branch O1ce--Potter's Block. Tottenham. - Enwmn J. Hams. D. C. Muncmsox. ..__.- r mount. know if _.-.. luc 1:} 1?. 5 am" 8 ir Itter in "Set at II-.A - 1 `that other 5-|.. I.ln1|al.|o1DJl:al.\, A1 _ U`. `torney, Solicitor in Chancery, Conveyan- oer, &o. Voioe-First Door South of Post Omce, _H1nd s Block. Owen Street, Barrie. 49-48 | spurs -dare. 1 W ha) ; W00 8P6 "duty heir `Kin (`)1- tro .i`iJ R R. HOLT, INSURANCE BROKER AND . General Agent. Real Estate bought and sold. Collections made in any part of the County. Money to Loa.n.- 01ce--Bothwell s Block opposite the Railway Station, Barrie, Ontar 0. A 51-15 nu IVVVUDII Lawn UL Luuurculu nu] re ulred until end or the term. A LT. Solicitors`, &c., Barrie. F.___.._....__.T-..____ luv: - u\rI nova ---0 Gnonan: Romans. $70,00 .`3n``2n`%5`;e` 22%" at lowust rates of interest. N a principal money required until and ot the term- S'I`H-A mnv `Rx I numn 1. Arrnnlamn at n1n.u.rUB'1`ER. 0 &c. Rents Collected, Servants Provided. Dtoe up-stairs opposite Bank of Commerce. n. uxuu, rxu vnln .l"U1V.lJE! '1'U JJUAN y. on Real Estate at lowest rates. Farmers otes Discounted. Collections made in ang p of the County. Real Estate bought an 301 . Conveyancing in all its branches. Mar- riage Licenses Issued. 0foe-0ver Canadian Bank of Commerce. Dunlop street. 45-ly unuu x .-.1 large amount. 0! nvate Iunus M. to land on stranght loans. at owest rates. 18 MOCARTH Y. PEPLER 8: MCCARTHY. "I HENRY. APPRAISER & BILL. J. Collected. Servants OSEPH ROGERS, CONVEYAN GER. COM- miuioner in Queen's Bench. Auctioneer. Atppruiaer. and Oommlseion Agent for the sole 0 Houses. Lands. Farm Brook, "Household Furniture. Goods, Wares. 8:0. Also for the collection of Rents Notes and Accounts. Ooe--Police Court. arrie. ' OCARTHY. PEPLER an MOOARTHY. Barristers, Solicitors, N otarlea. 8:0 . Money to Loan. Barrie. Amazon and G:-uvenimrat. D'Ax.'rox Mocuvrnv. Q.C. F. E. P. Pnpnmc. J. A. Macmmv. D. F. Mowrrr. OHN MACKAY. AUCTION EER. COMMIS- aioner. Conveyance:-, Issuer 01 Marriage oenses under the new Act. money to Loan pt Moderate Interest. Creemore. Ont. 61y Ill UWOII DDPGEII J. '1`. Lnxuox. Durne. C. E. Hmwsozv. unea oaremuy Looaneu. umber nmus examin- ed, &o.. &o. Toronto 0foe--4 Man Buildings. Barrie Otoe-McCarthy's Block. Colllngwood Omce-Lon|z's I-Block.` name Omoe-Long's Block. THOB. nnxxnnv. \U `I ll at you man, aunus. mouuungs. aw. rum- In: of 3 kinds done prom tly and satisfac- tonlvg Factorv, John street. arrle. . can win: `Lav:-LU. \JElaIIl. $1. VV. 1. orres ondence solicited with re ar toinvest- {manta Province of Alberta. .W.T. A. W. OVITTIE. Address Calgary, via. Benton, ontana. U.S. . I .135 QUEEN'S IIUI ' ` -W Proprietor. Ex -_.. I etravellin public. , odwltht obeat. -' ve hootlera. Ln ot: -. -. Iosndtromallt Fowrsweag tot Itreet. on Dunlqp strqbty` V` g ll 18 non lessanu nun saw. Grocery tore. Barrie. Ont. BARRIE FOUNDRY. ENGINE 8: BOILER Wonxs.-H. Snwruw Manufacturer or every desert tion of Engines. Boilers " um am: 111. Shlmzle. Lath. and wand. -- `V A n- nmuusa'1"1'. u1m'1'1a1'. O ' Ol Zimmertnurs stand. Sanders kxopg. new Post 011100. Barrie, Ont. - Litalized Air tor painless extrqctigg pspe_cia1ty. 6-ly, ` unnu. '.l'U uninlu UN n.I!a'A.l.a .l.1i'1`A'1`l AT Six er cent. interest. LENNOX 8: LEN.- NOX. So oitors. Barrie. V -an-nu. vs avnvuvvg uunsavo ~LovN'r. Q.C., H. H. STRATHY, G. W. Louwr. OBEPH SWAN AUCTIONEER FORTHE County of Sfmcoe. . Terms reasonable. _ moo at my Store. Craighurst. 46-ly '1'. ISAJVIILV U, Uhlih UUUlV'l' I U! lm.` . con, will be at his 011100 at the Court ouae Barrie, everyasturdav. kgaidenoo and B0.` dookamwn. _ . [EARN ac 'MUiRcBioN, BAR TERS,. __.So,l`ig it:qrs,nOonv_gyag1co;1;s, 8.20, _onp_y 1'ov'v {as} Fafes &'iEie'1"-17.` '13 6-D'1`YI.!`('3i;&.l;;1`(;;l.5 gutted S'1`RATHY& LT. Solmitors. &c.- Barrie- . ,._._-'*T.._..:%...._.._----r__.-.:-:;r_::'__.. , _._._ " SEPH SWAN AUCTIONEER nnntv nf Rmnnn, 'l`mvmn rnnnnnnhln I 315911 ROGERS. cmnir coxsunm, `nggunty of tslmooe. 0loe+Police Court. W. lYlUV.l'.I.".I.'1li, U- 1.1. BU.FtVIiXU1`C ANU -5 Real Estate Agent. Calgary N. W. to invest- mnt: n Prnvinnn nf Alhmvtn W` 'l` A Y Carpenter and Builder. and Manufacturer Doox-ail Sash. Blinds. Mouldings. 8210. Plan- promgtly and nnln Wnntnnn `Inky. ntnngb uARRIE PLANING MILL.-GEO. BALL, E&E: T [01:31 To` LEND ON REAL ESTATE yr ix nnr nnnt. intm-mt, Lmwnnsr 2. I mm- EONEY.-A larse amount of rlvate funds to land on strmnrht. lnnmi, nu. nwnat 1-nfnn , H. LYON. PRIVATE FUNDS TO LOAN . on Real Estate at lowest. Patna, Wm-mm-n A. RADENHUR(S['1{/BARRISTER, AT-' torney. Solicitor Chancery. Convevan. ' ' ' ""` """"_""`*"T R. 3. H. BOSANKO. ENTIST. LIQUID _ Gas for Extracting Teeth always on hand; Isboth lessant and safe. Omce. over Duifa rooery Barrie. VEN N EDY, GAVILLER 8; HOLLAND, L. Architects, P. L. Surve ors, Valuatore, 3. Plans and specications or buildings pre- .red. Town and Village Lots laid out; Farm I6! carefully located. Timber limits examin- , 8o.._8go. Toronto 0fl1oe--4 Buildings. T. BANTING. CLERK COUNTY OF SIM- I .- (mm will he at his nlnn, At thn nnrt D. L. SUB EYOR A155` . Real Flntatn Ammt. (`.nlmu-v. N_W,'P, l\nDc-LJo val VVIIIUI y"`i'eacx-1 l1`.ng{n3`s`." 3.0333 Grist ill. Shingle, Lath, and ring Machine!-v. mm, umu ng Machinery. 511! 1 QUEEN'S HOT! mnriatnl-_ Exoalld _.._j___._.__..._..._.___. _.-.._.._._... .._...__. ,.._......_.?- MISGELLANEOUS. _AUO'fIONEE s, ETC." ?nI-__-I"`_T- c-wnns"." ST. PA'rizIci'VsocI1iTir' OF BARBIE--Ml3'l.'ING8-.-,-' `The regularnonthl metin`g'a` t this i wlllveh ,>herstB'l?c ' ' nemhzfulgg ' at Bothwelfs all. A nalmuia -' 5 l'!l00Ku snnv. MAURICE GAVILLER. W. J. Hommn. 51-ly FINANCIAL. LEGAL. `H. BEN NETT, nmxrxsg. . Olnn. Zhnlnnv-Inna : ntnn _ vr. ANDREWS so- 5 Icuz'rv.- Barrie. `l_1,oet -` ms. The 1-9 month- A; E. H. Cmcswroxm. I310: v HAUGHTON Lnmvox. Wu. Gremlin.` -`v 1. f:.". L:)`.'.r`. Iishmnnd liqm. ; `L!h-9M*Y 9` shoe . , . . ..\-V '.u-4.0. rm-.. .~\'.':~'; v,2'.'n*r\ r .-., `I n~`. Y':':. 114.. .1 _ _..-.....--- cw, v-v .- QYIJOOVUIII" ,IJo Vyly, Barrie.` _0opii 25` gents at thg dfoe; 'or' [tent by poithid, ion receiirt of.~th|t % A #93; 188.6. ,Pb1i'h5d brtho Prpprietorg S. W'e'Ile'y," I . (V 0:` AA`nL.n| AL A`... .1113 - _ j? courmr or %smoi:,] 125;: cam;-.g _ JJLQII order. |memT ulnsmvzl ASSIGNMENTS OF ~ I CHATTEL MORTGAGE. ABSTRACTS OF TITLE, DIVISION COURT BLANKS, { MAGISTRATES BLANKS, SURROGATE CUURT. BLANKS, CONSTABLES BL`A_vNKS.M . T VOvliATTEL MORTGAGE, DISCHARGE OF A VRENEWALS or FARM LEASES, " JUDICIAL DISTRICT EQUITY or REDEMPTION; STATUTORY LEASES.` DEEDS, MORTGAGES, * GHATTEL MORTGAGES, QUIT CLAIM DEEDS, ASSIGNMENTS OF MORTGAGE AGREEMENTS OF A AT 'ronou'ro% Pmcas.