;.:.r.;: rot * EVI" I VVITEIIEI `T II-LII - 81.00.? Bottle, or Six for 85.00. vs . `ii greslits iilveh aivia".`~~'Send us cents postage.a.nd y mail ouwill ettreeapao eor L gge gglug. tlliggwill 0 gmf M 3:$,:*.%%2';:;':.~* L` #1! about the $200,000Tin presents with eao` An-ant: `wnnfn Avnrvwhnrn. nf Aithnr wruuvu in vvruuu ---v- u ' _ _ h - Genefal Agent, -Barrie, Ont. "Fire, Life, Accident and Marine Insurance `pfected qpgavqmblgtwglsg; .,- -52-51;; ~ taster A y ` ;-: ` n*'*"`.: 1* All $200,000 in presents each box. Aents wanted everywhere, or either sex, of a a es, for all the time, or spare time only. to war for us at their own homes. For- tunes for all workers absolutely assured. Don't delay. 1!. HALLETT 8; 00., Portland, Me. 60-4 `bnolute `Security. _` : Local` A ents wanted, for Counties" of Grey Paxfry-Sound Districts. '- -u -Jinunn 71'ni-n'""" :2. Bruce, D erin and Simcogz, 8.139 Muskoka. and `.2 I5- _..:.. H Its searching and healing properties are known throughout the world. | For the cure of Bad Legs. Bad Brea.sts.~ , I n ' I I'll `I II '7` it mm irirgxlitvrenaedy. If effectually rubbed on the neck oschest, as salt into` r_nea.t, it cures Sore Throat, iptheria. Bronchitls, Colds, and even Asthma. For Glandular Swe llings,VAb- sccsses, Piles, Fistulas, ` G%0U'If,{ TRHEUJMATISM. UCUH KHUVV ll LU 151!- The Pills and` Ointment are Manufactured only at ' 533 OXFORD STREET, LONDON, And are sold by all Vendors of Medicines- throu bout the Civilized World: with direc- tions or use in almost every language. Kai` Plirahasern nhnnld lnnlt tn the Lnhnln nn uuuzs 101' use 111 uunosn every language. If Purchasers should look to the Labels on the Pots and Boxes. If the address is not 533 | Oxford Street, London. they are spurious. ill` and sick gvels freoi, healthful m futtlfo And every kind _of skin disease, it has never been known to fall. 'I`hn Dino nn` {\v'n!-nnnn nun `\Knnna..6-....,..`l giving tone, energy and vigor to these great MAIN SPRINGS or LIFE.` They are condent] recommended as a never failincz remedy in a 1 cases where the constitution, from whatever cause, has become impaired or weakened. 'l`he ' are wonderfully efficacious in all ailments inei ental to Females of all ages, and as a. Gen- eral Family Medicine are unsurpassed. ' |\A JJVBQQ JJ$lV| JJLUEDUD ' Old Wounds, Sores qnd _Ulcge_rs, All approved forms of Policies Itnslled on tavon-able terms. Thi Great Hougehoid Mladicine ranks amongsf the leading necessaries of Life. Thane fnrnnns: `Dill: nun-H'tr tho `nlnm-I and one LLIU wuulng 11809858-I'leB OI mre. These famous Pills purify the Blood, and act most powerfully, yet soothmgly on th `I '1'_'__.__ HL__,,__, 17-1 in I i:iV1}Eaf':'SVt`tiI`ii`zaJ,f:i1U,"fi"tif1eys and Buwels, nnuv-nun. nun A._.._.-..- __.J NEW YORK LIFE msunnma cormmv. ru1'1'y'auu11u .lJllal'1Ulr3u_ __R. KING," ).{1.`_.% fgarrie. V ' ` JA`rS."3.`OKRNEGY', _-_-_;-| n.__._A_ ~n__.._~- n. utes oerore the close of each mail. The letters (and all other mail matter) are taken from the street letter boxes every day, Sundays excepted, at 7.30 o'clock . . d 3 o'clock and at 8.30 p. m, A a m an at nnqc o -...--___, ;--___;_ omc hoursgs 'a.`m. to 7 _p. m. .-- sand, exeptedb d . d x l oney r ers grantc on all Olces in Canada, United States, 33: P1'il_l06 Edward Island. Newfoundland and Indla, and Savings Bank deposits received be- tween the hours of 9 a. m. and 4 p. m. Registered Letters must be hnndnrl in 1 a ....-.. tween_ me nours or 9 and 4 ' Re xstered must be handed in 15 min- utes efore the close of each '1 pt bnggn I23.-$r)a2I.`,e uuuuur | Orillia. {Iv-illu'o uryqa . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Onlha . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . _Hil1sqale, Cra.ighurst.Dalston,Crown Hm.` I I O I I I O ULIOO CIIlI< O I I I 0 0 I J O homo] Rugby. Edgar, Steele . . . . . . .. . . . . 1 } 1- renfell, Tuesda. and Friday. . . . 1-Midhurst. Mon ay. Wednesday and"Fridav. . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Collingwood.. ..' ..... . . Collingwood ......... . . . Orillin _ _ _ , , AT norrnern Railway North), Grand . Trunk East. and ttawa ........ .. . Northern Railway (South).... ...... .. North Simcoe Rgxlwag, Penetangui- shene and Mxdlan ..._ ........ .. Newmarket ...... ..... 1 Newmarket ........ ... . . . . .. tact - u o . on Hamilton and Beacon` rapglgxnail. 1 W&Y.'.- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .~_ wa .... .'.`..V.`..'7.. Muskoa. Branch Ra.ilway.. , . Coll_ingwood. . . . ................ .. Cash Assets, - ` - - [- Cash Surplus, - - = - . - Paid 0 Policy Holdgrs,-T ;. yuan; auanua uulla _z-`nu Toronto.........'........._......4 Toronto.. . . . . . . . Toronto........,.. . Parkdale ........... .. . Northern Railway (( North), East. and uII u u - o -- unto {Maw Orillla. .... ..,............;;;JIIIIIIIIId gogiingwggdd ...... ................ .. I n . . . . . . . . . . . . . .' . . . . . . . . . . . Ngnhgga Railway North .......... .. . Hillsdale, Craighurst, Dalston and R (i?wm1m""i' '11" Z , ar e e, u%qvuara agd East 0ro.. ...... . f I ':-Grenfell. Tuesda and Frida.y.... 1 :-Midhurs Mon ay, Wednesday _ and Fri _ay. . ................... . . 1 Brltish M8118, ma (N. Y.,) Monday and Thursday.... ._ ............. .. ma (Ha.lifax,) Wednesday ...... . . DAILY MAILB DUE mom "`nn4unI-A - ` J a_ua.nua.;e'.....-. . . . . ..`..-.... -' Allandale .. .. .. .. .. .4 Hamilton & Beeton Branch Railwa -Penetanuighene, `Midland an V Nort S1mcoe Railway ......... .. Muskoka. Branch Railway... .... .. Grand Trunk East ..... . .. . . . . . . . . . . -- Ottawa ............. .... .; .... ..; Orillia; . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 nrillln - __._- --nun run Toronto. ..... ................... .. Toronto...;...,..~ .......... ..... .. Toronto.. ....... ............... .. Northern Railway South Newmarket .............. Newmarket,...;........ ..... Annr1nIn- . - .699!-owavfs Pu-I-s ' BARRIE'13f5V's'71" O&5FFICE 36-ll HOLLOWAY Sg0lNTMENT ";1-(:50 reimrd to c;hei"n`is>' whd will. ad, on. analysis of bottles of Shaker :B1ood' Syrup.` one! `particle of Mercu , Igdide of Potassium, orauy mineral an - 9 ance. =. x g 4.8bID EVERYWI-IERE. 29100, 81.00.1 or for .I.D 1` -7 "9 V5? VIITUU Vvlllylvt I w\---- ":3 hlllsg. Canoe:-,~ Rheumatism. (`.3 an-h. Ulcers` and ` skin and Blood Diseases of eve;-y degcrlpp > ` Ann-an ` `c . : 1,5: -_x' __I._' _2`n' inns ESTABLISHED I845. cures cqrplgtely scrotal! -glulll-1 l'nnnnIn'_- IIIIAI-In|nl.InIn`.' DAILY NAILS FOR zm'ty._\ Insurancqat Low Cosl. Equitable Dealing. -.Iv.v#I;`;DWARDS Postmaster. THE - v o a . u .- s55,ooo,ooo.. 8l2,(ll),000. sga,ooo,ooo. :400Dm Jmwaml j'1o50.aml F08 up ` to orderbycompotontworkmen; Also Done on Shortest Notice. A is A1-urns U\tsto. .--' ':g;rn;oe"Pole'a`. iux`d"$1lkin_'t1s of Earn` ` iigure m-do Planing and Turning PaI'i_`>r-'L`init'as1. Bdrg.9Ii..$illt6f _ b)>_SI(lG_I).'l')'8_l`,I'Iv, EI"ly`.'ClI3AII'I:, Em, Bu-r1e.8ent. u. is?! I oo1Vi7E xafvoirzz, gm, ISSUEROF MARRIAGE ucansss OFFICE AT THE- !-|l\`r\llI f\1'.I`l'IlN'l'.I TITYTI7 `l\I \YI`I 1'! A 1115?`! ;QYAL Iusunincecnmmnv sj ASSETS. 325000.000. Put in}; 3170?: Qou. L ?u'1I.2.Tci J: ion'p:p3 i3Fs;?eZ{,'vs?t3" ' a I; ','e'u' I 'v' T ', and Check Valves. Steam Gsutres. and Water Glasses. lrllnworsin tglseling We Stop . V M . promptly attended to. , x"'I? I IIC .IIIVCuIIIII: vi II cut` a 1 ASSETS. s25,oo5,m6. Has the Largest Surplus of Assets over _L1a.bili- ties at any. Fire Insurance Company % , = in `the world. ` , ..l Sleigh Bells, Skates`, V M L Axes and Axe Handles, XCut Saws, Tubular` Lanternsf Hinge, Lift Up, &c,' T Meat `Cutters, Cow Chains, &c._, at Sad- iU.-.:j.:-j STCVES`! STOVES .'. .'. ALL THE MOST APPROVED MAKES, WITH THE LATEST AND BEST FURNISHINGS `T AT MANUFACTURERS PRICES. .`--__. __ , Z7 , METALLIC WEATHER STRIP ! BER !-`iii STOVE& F U RN AGEDEPUT, POST oFFIoi: BUILD'IN:G, BARBIE. ', mm wogxgf AGENTS wmnn. TORONTO KNITTING MAOHINE OO., 46-45 lI6 BAY STREET- Tannnn-n JAME_EDWABDS, I ; 191911!!! IN Ram ziodmgie, Losses E.uitably- and`. ` ` - P-romptly A`djust'e6.~ . . ` . ..mm_:gs zownnns, Llnniif at I:-1--I RE racy,- WILL KN! Viden 0-19 SOUTH SIDE DUNLOP STREET, NEXT DOOR TO THE_nQANT_OLN TEA sroae. -_.- --_v -.p-av--up-a o---ss "`-- -`j' " I "'* "'I "" J """' `V "" ` ' ` "J sketches, the more mature will be delihted with the editorials and news matter, which in every issue w lbe found s icy, incisive, and entertaining. In the matter of tele ra hit. service aving the advan- tage ofconnection with THE TOR N 0 DAILY NEWVS, it has atits command all the dispatches of the Associated Press, besides the spe-. ()1 cials from NEWS correspondents in "every section of Ontario which the daily paper is so famous. Asanewspaper it has no superior. It is Independent in politics, presenting all olitical news free from party bias or coloring, and is absolutely wit out fear or favor as to parties. The parliamentary, reports are written in a humorous vein. and deal with men and measures without gloves, and having regard only, to brevity, justice, and truth. It is in the fullest sense a family newspa er. Each issue oontains a verbatim report of Rev. Dr. Tal- mage s atest sermon in Brooklyn Tabernacle, Clara B'elle s New York `fashion letter, The Man-About-Town," sketches of people and places, a serial story of absorbing interest, a political cartoon, and a rich variety of condensed notes on Fashions, Art, Industries, Litera- ture, etc., etc.. etc. Its market quotations are complete and to be relied upon. It is just the paper for the young folks. and the old folks will likei-tjust as well. Our special clubbing terms bring it within reach of al . ,Specimen copies may be had at this oice. - Send your subscription to this oice. THE TORONTO \\'EEKLY NEWS isvau `Illustrated Paper. unsur- passed in all the features of enteryrising Journalism. It stands con- spicuous among the best journals 0 Canada aa a com lete newspa 1-, which will be interesting to every member ofthe fami y. The chil ren will like the pictures, t.he young folks the stories and the funny delighted nnulra rnnftnm `II-alts`: In own-up (ocean cm I `\1\ In-gun! n-ml .-. &_...l...!_.- .....I .'!!!-.!:$.-` ?!!\I9!T.',9lPP5.T53 .EB..A9_E5 Torolltoweeklu News .!S_9.5.1.`_I+E.B.u_A.9_v_e_Is9. "VV'ILL SAVE ITS COST IN FUEL. nscmss KN nrrrifri -1316-r'1'13' B355ALL', In Bear of the Market. For, $|.5O {Mar Year. @PANY ___,_ _.. - - jut` lIII'Tv| STREET, TORONTO. j Agent at Barrio PATENT (16-.9./)1 j ' 5 iiihnufactured "fresh every day. Ask your -;vzroo'o;rto'1' them andwou will use no other". E; Maddin `tlhe varidu st: +TIaH17rn1-a in `all nn-M-c In thanking the public of Barrie and vicinity for the liberal patronage bestowed upon- him in the t,vbegs to state that he has at con- aidera le expense increased his baking facili- ties andis now prepaifed to do a larger business than ever. ` " ` ` In - 1 " -p` 1 m- A. '; MadeA'i_1 1`flhe styles a.d`.'quali1 ,-'De1i_Wered[inrp1l Harts` of tlretown. PIC-NIC PARTIES ooLu.s 8: WEDDINGS supplied at short rzotice and on reasonable Gringo .o__ FREDERICK J BROWN ! % LE-ADS THE vA ~. #510 CHARLES DONALD & C0.. . V 79_QUEEN STREET, LONDON, F.C., , {Will be glad to correspdnd with Apple Growers, Merchhnt and Shippers, with a view to Autumn and Spring business ' They will also give the usual facilities to cusfomra requiringfadvances. 32-20~ "APPLES. mus. APPLES-, J. HENDER_SON S.% % NJMINIDN BAKERY TI-IE. TURNSIOUT BETTER GOODS THAN THE IMPORTED. smmcm, Ignmnlrv, No Seams, Real Ribbed Tops, Cap Heel, Perfect Shape. Ann qunmv or wank. j*BI5UIT5 HAS NO EQUAL FOR gtomv PLAXTON -. SOLD ON THE IN- STALMENT PLAN V OR AT A LIBERAL DISCOUNT FOR CASH. NEW ir'1n1-I"i71E>N 2 !Do not confound it with any other. It isa snAm:'6i' sums ONE HOUR -_-:---au JOHN PLAXTON .w p.m 4.15 p.m CAN BE LEARNED _ _-, ..- two postage stamps. The celebrated author, in this admirable Essay.'c1early demonstrates, from thirty years successful practise, that alarming con sequences may be radically cured witho11t the dangerous use of internal medicines or the -use of the knife; pointing out a mode of cure at once simple. certain and effectual, by means of which every sufferer, no matter what his condition may mzhy cure himself cheaply. privately and radi- ca y.- t'This Lecture should be in the hands of every youth and every man in the land. ` Address THE GULVERWELL MEDICAL 00.; 41 Am: Sr" Nsw_ Yomr. I Pnathlnn Rnv'1:n " i Post'Olce Box;45o. .-Iuusn I nun IIVU I E- A New and Direct Line,vis Benecs and Karma- kee. has recently been opened between Richmond. Noi-folk,New on News Chattanooga. At1snta,Au- usta,Nsshvi le Louisville. Lexingtomcincinnati, ndianapolis and Lafayette. and Omaha, Minneap- olis and St. Paul and intermediate points. TA}; Through Passengers Travel on Fast Express rains. A Ticket for sale at all principal Ticket Omcesin the United States and Canada. Baggage checked through and rates or {are al. ways as low as competitors that otter less advan- es. or detailed informatiomget the Maps and Fold- ers of the GREAT ROCK ISLAND ROUTE, I At your nearest Ticket Oman. or Address We have recently published a new edition of DR. CULvE1uvr:LL`s (-`1~:u:- g g BRATED ESSAY on_the radical _and per- manent cure (wlthout mcdlclne) of Nervous Debility, Mental and Physical Inca.- pacitly. Impediments to Marriage, etc., result- ing from excesses. Q'Price, in a sealed envelope, only 6 cents, or two postage stamps. he celehi-ntnd nnfhnr ;.~. nu-.. ...1-_.-may-V \-III-J-I I lIVVI'\ IDI-IQIIII IIIIU I B your Ticket Omce, or address |?- R. CABLE. E. ST. JOHN, . Vice-_PreI. & Gen ! ll'g'r, Gen`! 'nu.. I Pan. An. (ELI Il`_Al`_l\ " Ul-ILUILU U] IIUULL LUUILIVU II I LIULI {U I By the central position of its line. connects use East and the West bi the shortest route, and car- r1e_s passe ere, wit out change or cars, between Chicago an Kansas City, Council Bluffs Leaven- worth. Atchison. Minneapolis and 8t. haul. It connects in Union Depots with all the principal lines of road between the Atlantic and the Psc no Oceans. Its equipment is unrivaled and mum !!- cent, bein composed of Most Comfortable and Beautiful my Coaches, Magnicent Horton Be- chninz Chair Cars. Pullman's Prettiest Palaoo aleepin Cars, and the Best Line of Dining Cars in the arm. Three Trains between Chicago and Missouri River Points. Two Trains between Chi- cago and Minneapolis and St. Psul.via the Famous `Ina In-sq: n -A --..-_ .- rt-VI. 3/LI(}UN-s};' ' _ 3}'z2}Ess, ..DY8PEPS'IA, /JROP8 Y, INDIGESTFON, _ FLUTTERING JA UNDIOE. OF THE HEART, _ERY8IPEl.A8, A010/TY 0F _ SALT RHEUM, V THE 8TOMAOH, HEARTBURN, . DRYNE88 HEADACHE, ,_ , . OF THE -SKIN, And every species of disease arislndfronf disordered LIVER, K-IDNEYS, 8T0 BOWELS OR BLOOD, AQH. `I . MILBURN & ('30.. This ramouis Brand, PURE, BRIL- LIANT and almost TASTELESS, is far superior to any other Norwegian Cod Liver 01] yet introduced. D? "SKREV GOD LIVER OIL KENNETH CAMPBELL& CD. Ix: t== ' l==I-~`- -*--4l- WHO IS UNAC3UAlNTED WITH THE GEOGRAPHY OF THIS CCU?! Vrav mu 1 ct: -1 :vAu.uuun vunc |nAnvun-I- -rue How `l"t}SI.AH\[_ nE_s rionsTs WILL cum: on nsuevs Ilinnnu-nn A p - - . . . . 4- JIIJ JIIIILIICBPUILU Cal-Ill $3: `Hui. Via `one 3 I "ALBERT LEA ROUTE." raw and `nh-Ant T.lv|n nan Qnnnnn and` tr MAR IINAr`.nIIAIu'rrn wrru Tu: nrnn::A|:n.nv Al `rune Imported nd Bottled only by v vvyoul 7.02 a..IVn..[ MONTREAL. !m'o you place a. dollar`! :2}: of .\'ew.~'p:cpe1' adverfis - . got our prit-vs. The e.\':u.I., F of may paper, our list of u'I`~4. 1,-In-m-1'ul1_v `furnished, '~ upon application. '~`--ud for New Catalogte. fa Ll A n n A n . c:;."i4`6bE:""HT _-XV |`1\'.iI`fi .\ rvnr Proprietors, TORONTO. `I I T T I I, .-Xv;1\'ertising Agent, Detroit. Dlicb n 5- , amp D.m ii IADE. . P 4.12 p.m 9 50 p.m 'l\(`I.._., II-IIUI Esqd I- IN- '{o (No get COM- su,ooo.- CO Y. ` PM can 1' ' le. ndsee AND nts. -._........... .... u .|.wlUuu.|Ul.lu paper. ~ _ - A Lancaster, Pa., street ban_]o1s begs exchanges at the newspaperotces. and encases himself in newspaper under"-. clothing. He sleeps in two barrels,"- drawing one over his head and the~ p other over his feet, and has $800`fi`n"` l ; bank.. V Perfumes may still be used in th'e*i" bath, but they are out of fashion at; ; the opera. And well it is so, for}if:- there is anything that will rendi3tI?1L1 9`-` 2 atmosphere of a large room unbearable; 3 it is the combined perfume of aphixndndl extracts, (-1 o o {The Old World is doing very `well in the Way of modernhumbug. Liverpool has a factory entirely to turning out relics of the battle of Waterloo, and Zurich has an establishment for making `used postage stamps. | Tim hnnv ,.+-m,;. ...... Ln:-13` _,*L, I I .... '\ll\-ILA \J uvuua Jan I D The newstreet car rail whlch has `come into use in European cities and is seeking to.be introduced in America is level with the roadway and has a narrow crevice in it; in which the wheel withanarrowededge runs.- 7 ` . 'I`1m..+..l' Ant`.-.`....J..._L-. :_ i i -- - .. w -sou-.u vu\A vusu Auuu. The et al. defendants in a suit ...in court in Virginia are upwards of 3,000. The suit is against a mutual insurance company and the names of all the parties to it ll `ve closely printed. columns in a Richmond paper. . A T:Rh(`.QQf.n1~ 1).. ..a.......;. I.-._:-:;.' _--vnudVVU, of the Prettiest but `most isolated plac nd can only be reached by ?' digg ge ride of -twenty-V6 miles- Sierra Valley, Sierra; C0-}.d9?1-3` i5` tme` in_ the State. It lias'notel631'9'Ph 00$? munication with the. rest of the wor , \\.--v.. x.-...... - vnqwvv vi/`no v.l\l vuv vvvssx. : "any. men and can be run by` one '-ztulxxis (`I10 'uf_Lhe.sigl1ts of the Inn- e }fi:m-_y depzu't:11<-11t- of the New Orleans A:u11 E.\*posi'tion. T Iioplxer mils are a legal tender to the. W.;mm11tot" five cents in Dakota, that 7`-~i11g the State premium paid for the ..:< .~'m1cti'on of the animal and the tail - `wing taken as aAcertica'te_of death. 7 A Philadelphia parrot: that. had_got out of her cage and perched on _the top ofa street car gave the. driver sofne ,_trouble by crying stop, `While he could not discover whence: the order came. ` The courts of Philadelphia granted twenty divorces in ,one day recently. Chicago has accumulated 694 cases on her court dockets, so much greater is the demand for divorce than` the dis? patch of the law. 'TVL_('\1`|1I'T 1|` 1' i and .1 ' ` * ' " ` "" A manuscript page of Lincolnfs last message, in his own handwriting , sold *for $150 at a book sale in VVashington not long -ago`, T T- lVl,.-...L._.] ;`I_..--_ 2- ___. -_;,119,v Wfni m7 1Z'm1 there is an` establish- hm-nt which makes abusiness of lending ; bonnets, "veils and black dresses E for funeral occasions. . -- -.....\ -.~. uvuwuauuuu C-.n`1' Cal.,` is the,Boeton of the Pacic coast. . At least. it sends 'lifty-eight`diercnt kinds of beans to v`::<- New Orleans exhibition. 'U1(:1'e is it wild old ram down in mudy. Creek "Township, N. C., that '.~>\`0S persimmons and has learned to -'.}tL0 them down by butting the trees. The Philadelphia Times has resur-, cvcted an old theatre handbill which tuntains this notice: The pvublieis "mrbidden to laugh, because the-`play is .1 tmged`y." In New York a drunk disrobed and wwnt to bed on the. sidewalk. He was ` ~`: limp -that the police. could not dress. `vim, and he layein the station all night i-:2 gt nude state. ` T ` T \ c0ttOT1~1)iCkc'1` that can do the work . .,' 4.1 _,._ L- ,4 I V \l"\J\|AA|\/ as 4 A NwmYork Chinamn has started" a free soup restaurant.as a blind for a big opium ioint`. in the `rear of his L 13 rcnnses. \ ...............-.:-.L .4-..-- -1` 1":___-1_7_ |,.. V -- v- -_-- _.-~-avg-nu. An Illinois woman has put an in-` junTction on her husband's body, pm- venting her father-in-law from disin. teningit. ' ' ' 1 \ a ii type-settmg_ school 15 a new insti- tuuon of Russla, It will _proba.bIy facilitate 1 the publication of N ihiligt, documents. 4 so a 45:1: . - ` , \_,._,, .._,\_,J --- -._...a-v-..-u The question is up "in an English wurt whether wedding presents belong in the wife or the husband. d whool boy in England. nu I-\.n.A.nv - ., _..._.._. Hog raisers around New York are found to be feeding their hogs on worn out horse esh. ' It has been proved that aopenny will [;a_V for a. good substantial dinner for 9, VP} - .......;:.... 1.. .. -4 -, `'3 III Luunv ;v\.v V- 5...... A patient of the General Hospital, Toronto, has had his tongue-amputated to remove cancer. 1 \-v 9-. - 1 UT?I:u`:Ei.g1:ts 0 London" ar 360,000 gas Jets, consumlng nightly 13,000,000 cub1c feet of gas. ,, ,L_'__.L -1` A`... l`1____A_ 1 -7-.- all`-ILIIIJO A Baltimore restaurant man has fur. nished eleven oysters which lled 9, quart measure. VFLA nz-Jinn hurl tn `anon. on 43..-}.-- (1 ucu V lbbtluinnuu The police had to lasso, an insahe Tennesseean who was chasing his wife on horseback. ' ..1--1, ,1. 1 " -an . .. -.... LI A 'fhe revehuea of the Girard legacy to Philadelphia are now $980,000 per 811111] In. ,,_._L____-_._L ..- _, 1, , A '/`.r`- . I I ` Dog raclng prom1ses to be the next. popular craze of some of the large cities. Arizona has a species of wild potatr. They grow "only to the size of walnuts. Left-handed penmanship is no_w regu- larly taught in some American schools. II .,-...-: --_ -v -.., ' 6n_ly one t-;went.y.nine of the people of Italy subscribe for 2. news paper. TX-.. ....-`Aim.-u .\..A-lung L.` L... 41... ..-__L All sorts of Items concerning Science and Art, Social and Governmental Prue. 't1ces the Wide World over, Elecnric lighting of crainbia proposed in England. _ . f\1.)'T\l-..I..:...\ 1.-. A]... ____.,,i,, 0 n M C`)4l.c`lb.I{7:1`c-i'eira is the fyopujlr wine of Washington tables. f\I_ A-.. ._ A.--......A.'_ __E_,_ 0 .I A comm: or nxcnnnmanv IN - -rmnnsnna Ixromwnon. mm mm FAGTS um mums. January 1_, `18__85. ` VVUIIVI `)1 '\|"lUI\III III III VUIVTC - Beoause'., f she reghed, tree; _l`ea._ve. -`once a year, at least; --3:'(' salt Rheum. .V Salt Rheum, Pimples or. Blotchee be thoroughly removed by` a proper` 9 petion of McGregor 8: P.erke a Car 116` @'Gregor e Speedy Cure for` impure-Blood.` Be sure and get the-genuine. Prepured by "hrlrnnnlv `E .p'A,> M. uuuunwu vvwav vnavnsua u, Luxv-uvusn.-. jI love a graceful elm tree, she re; -nrrked. ' A T clTT,__ `I ___`L 'l' _-._- _._ .i__, -L__._ I) -I;_ How Iwiah I were an elm `tree, he responded, quickly, ; _ A V A ""I wish you were, toad . , - .4 . & .~ Why do. y0u3f ~,he inquired, with .a world of-devotion -in voice. ! tun _____ _- 9! _`I_- _-..u:-_1 KlL_.'.-._ I-___- 4 aura unu. gun ouqgyuunuc. Luapnnyu. u aregor 8: ...p.a:e.; ma%:at :25; ouiwga. jMonkman sT Drifi; Store. any any Joke is Peteluuul. .. .5 5 It was "long. arm midnight; axra ind; ininutes were clicking by like 1 hours.-. ' ' "`T `nun an nnunt-n`I1` nInn `nun aka can ` uuu u1V.pr Lisa;-W vysu upa,-_ ,1; eroti1a'i"Tro11bls;"!':>lf',t`1?ngs. 'Dr." Johnson, Cedar Ra ids, Iowa, says: I. have used Scott s mnlsion in Tubercular troubles, with satisfaction, both to patients and myself. . ` - _' - - - -uu-v- --q=-u--.-gt Fluid iightning not only cures Toothaehe ' instantly, but also Neuralgia, Headache, Ear- ache, Rheumatism, Lumbago and Sciatica; Pain of any kind can not remain one minute where it is applied. When you hear of Fluid` Lightning you hear of one of the greatest marvels ever known in the wa of a medicin_e,_ on 1.4-, nntv nun;Ia `EA nnun an inn`! :n n vnnnlr` mgrvels avr m:dicin_e,_ as it never tails to cure, an ,i`1`otinAa week` or a day, but the instantit isp1i__1ied.?f_to the affected part.- Sold at1Monkma.n-*3; `food mvr L .'1...:~a:i Hypf oaprn g I bero1a?"T9:i1ble?i't':f the'}nga.' 'D1:."`A". F 1"-`l.__.__.. (1-1-.. 'I'S-_.'I_ `I'-.__ ---.. _ ll` . scams : pmuluonpt `E 60., d 1782. uuu 110 `-'v'IIll|IU\I II IIUDVIUIF Hulln ' ``What s the use of ghting about this ? he said, nally; I may be in the ceme- tery next summer. (`T 91-n'n1r n1-an any-\1:nJ `L-An --:1` --A-J UCLJ IIUJLU \-IIIJHWCI . I I think, she rephed, yon w1ll need your summer clothes wherever you may be. ' ` yuuuuzn w lllbll (116 nut; uuuruu auu COIISUIUIICDIS of almost every disease. Their medicinal eicacy is wonderful in renovating enfeebled constitutions. Their `action embraces all that `is desirable in a household medicine. They expel. noxious and effete matter; and thus the strength is nurtured and the ener- gies stimulated. j.__ .4} ' Would Want 318 Summer Clothes. A They had been quarreling about his next summer s clothes. ` She wanted to have his light suit cleaned up for 1885, and he wanted a heavier suit. l(1'ITl__1)_, L1,- __ ,_ ,Q1` 1 1' 1 . I u III- T T ..._:.______.- ` I-Ioylloway s` Pills. Teachings of experience. --- The united testimony of thousands, extending over more than forty years, strongly recommends these Pills as the -best puriers, the mildest aperients, and the surest restoratives; They never prove delusive, or give merely tem- porary relief, but attack all ailments of the `stomach, lungs, heart, head and bowels, in the only safe and legitimate way, by depur- atiug the blood, and so eradicating those im- purities which are the source and constituent nc nlrnnnf cnvnvuy A:nnnA "l`L.'.2.. ..._J_'-E_,_I 3:11., I: UL LOJVLJLUKLI UVIJO `III II ` Not at all, Mr. de Ga.uque-I don t `object to Waltzing, in general. , It is only my husband s absurd" jealousy, Von` know. But I m sure he won t mind "my taking a turn with you, you know. _____4j, ,4 i A Our Canadian Silk Industrv is pros erous. The great difculty to `be conten ed with is the low grade of goods required. In nothing is this more apparent than in the comparatively small article of sewing- silks. The great demand in Canada seems to be for a cheap quality, buyers for- gettin that a cheap thread must necessarily be a ne and consequently a weak one. `Messrs. Balding, Paul & Co. make three grades of spool silk ; of these different quali-' ties the poorest one has by far the largest sale, at the same time they constantly hear of complaints of poor sewing silk. If" ladies willtake .the trouble "to ask for Belding, Paul & Co s. own brand, and see that their name is on the end of each spool they will be sure of getting the best made. 18-17 v v---- w v-vJ\vvv any contact So I rvnay really have the next waltz ? -so good of you, Mrs. Mashan1-I know how rarely you l1 consent to waltz with anybody. I am greatly fa.vored_.` u1\m...+..11 M. .1- r1....,..... r .1-._u \1u.u.a.va.Lus UVUL all allklo A bite-.-a bite of this apple ? I guess, mister, you never saw that boy's mouth open.-. A bite of an apple would feel lost in his mouth. Generosity is a nice thing to have, but I had rather have the apple, said the vouthful philosopher. ' He Preferrzi the Apple. Come, my son, give your brother a bite of your apple ; nothing looks so well in a. little man as generosity, said a. gen-L l tleman to one `of a. party of children quarreling over an apple. A I-.:+o_._.. H4- l'\` n.:.. ......1.. 1 r .... .... ALL V Consumption cured. An old physician, retired from practice, having. had placed in his hands by an East- India missionary the formula of a simple vegetable remedy for the speedy and per- manent cure of Consumption, Bronchitis, Catarrh, Asthma and all throat and `Lung Affections, also a positive and radical `cure for Nervous Debihty and all Nervous Com - plaints, after having tested its "wonderful curative powers in thousands of cases, has felt it his duty to make it known to his suf- fering fellows. Actuated by this motive and a desire to relieve human suffering, I will send free` of charge, to all who desire it, this recipe,.in German, French or Eng- lish, with full directi__ons for preparing and using. Sent by mail by addressing . with stamp, naming this paper, W. A. NOYES, ; 149 Power's Block, Rochester, N. Y. ` A: an... 1.! u nlIIl\l Incendiaries who are rich enough to employ alawyer to defend them are now spoken of as pyromaniaca, just as a. poor ragged devil full of liquor is called 9. drunkard, while a man who can employ a doctor instead of a police- man toltake re of him is called a dipaomaniac; nd a poor girl whosteals is a thief, but a richer one is a. klepto- maniac. In Arootgok Countv, Me-., it is com- plaired that people have to go `a hun- dred miles to court. Now while it would seem a little diicult for the old `Aron-stookers to go to law with one an- other, the young Aroostookers cau pro- bably go to court at their" next door neighbors ; but it is human nature to lgvumble. _ j ` | _ _-__ _I3___!-L _---- .__, _ ..,. uvvulul uIvuuI,ll you.` ' V A woman, w.hose'child.T -is .illin; "a public-institution in Xenia_ O.-, has se- cured an injunction restraining the Superintendent and" matron from ad- ministering the prescriptiona of an allo- pathic physician and permitting her to call a homeopath. In Annnnbnnlu 5----`-1-- "- E` 9" inhabitants have just; begun to sing Grandfather's Clock, and probably will not hear of Wait_1`ill_ the Clouds Roll By for several months yet. ~ A Ilrnlhon nylu-.m. ..I..-:I_'I :'. :n.'.--- u Wouldn't Object to Him. "43:eow 44.