F 100 Columns and 100 Enzravings in each issue. 1 AMERICAN AGRICULTUBISTI Agent for the following Insurancecompanies A MILLION DOLLARS Ruorb nd Scissors Ground and set on aha`:-t Notice. I : 6-Iv ` `I GEORGE Axnmzws overseer in the Loweli . 3 Carpet Corporation was for over twenty years before his remov to Lowell alicted wxth Salt Rheumlins its worst form. Its ulcerations actuall ' covered A more than half the surface of his ody and limbs. He was entirelv cured 'bv Av1:R s- more man nau me s_urIa.ce ox n_1s nouy and. limbs. He was exmrely by AYER 3' `SARSAPARILLA. See certicate m Ayers Almanac for 1883. ____ A ___ __ PAINTER! """""" ' ' ""' 15119013331813. 50 80-.- vere'tl1et I could not move from the bed, or dress, without help. Ietried several reme- _ dies without much if any relief, until I took. .A\'ER'S SARSAPARILLA, by the useof two bottles of which I wa_s_ completely cured. Have sold large quantmes_ of _your SARSA'o PARILLA, and it still retamexts wonderful ` popularit .1 The many notable cures it has etfected n this vicinity convince me that it is the best blood medicine ever offered to the public. _ E. F. HARRIS. River St., Buck1and,`Mass., May 13,1882. Dr. J. 0. Ayer 6:00., Lowell, Mass. Sold by all Drugglstd; $1, sixjrottlea for 85. ' The following letter from gnu of our "best, known Massachusetts D ' interest t9 eyegjy sueregugma alfomd not Popular-It at home is notslwnys tho but toot of marl , but we point proudly to gho fact ant no other medicine has won `for null Inch universal approbation in its own city, mm, and country, and among all people, as V Eight nueummsm and a j __ _T_L [__l}he_uma G39-JR .F9'3~ Aygr Sarsaparill. Lessons given in all Branches of Painting, Drawin . &c.. &o. s_-ru'1`61-xnoe on Igpp t:_etie`n}1v, t I .- -3 me, es 0 Eire Hell Collie? street. `Barrie. 1I`ovwvvo .11!/`V -IIVILVV `LU :):_1J;nnoac f: Lennox Flat. oRTR.&ITj6A1NTE1t I CIIOIQIII-AV CDC 3 CCZDVIIY ' Eaiml, 133.000.0015 scerung. LOUFNT 3 LOUNT. i'ma;ii{aI{S{ s be touch.ed, impetuoslty, AMMMUNITION; &o. A H. PU l.I.AN A1` 6 [AND 65 PER CENT. 7ras'rmas.~` PREPARED BY THE NORTHERN ADVANCE. " gill} years 880 1.. an attack 02 Rheumatism, sose-. . IIOVG from the had. m- Fishiaig Tackle`, PULLAN'SI "Ei ht V I. .a in &c`o: GO TO- I03 BO"I`I-I'VV'2BLL S _:BLocK, BARBIE, `Beg to announce that haying_made arrangements to import their stock direct are enabled thereby to offer cAama'rs ATFROM 33 PER noz., cnnos AT 32 Pan Dozen. QUALITY THE B_EST.,3 FIRST PRIZE AT BARRIE, 1881:, 1882` I883. A very marked reduction in Chopping Axes Jones Spades, Shovels and Grain Scoops at greatly reduced gures. Chain, i all sizes. Lanterns, Lamps, Coal Oil, Castorine Machine I Oil, Paint Oil at the Iowestvprices in 20 years. A V V _' OUR GENUINE O CHEMICALLYO PURE LEAD STILL LEADS. A full li_ne'of` Shelf and Heavy Hardware.` Prices down, down, at O ' ' 25 l_F?UB..\_/Is B9039 : (V0 13.1 ..l\n0 i AN. `25 ' - Sign of the Circular Saw. North -Side Dunlap street, Barrie. We are offering the following lines of Goods at astonish- ingly low gures: Guns, Ries, Revolvers, Ammunition, Re- loading Tools, BARRAUD 23:305., PlEIO'l`0G-RAPHERS ! -:- HARDWARE -:-J LU A E II , j-:`:-: -1 ;_-_j _._.._ PAINTS, ou.s, cuss, ac. P. SANDERS, V Jllerchant Tailor, DUNLOP S'l`REE l`, BURNING ANDJLUBRIGATING OILS JOSEPl:l l..Eg_gn'r0N, B CAPON, Toronto and Barrie. SOMETHING NEW IN MAPLE LEAF CROSS CUT SAWS. UNDERTAKEE BARRIE AND`? smouo. 1='A.J'_.:I'_.1884. W`!-IOLBVSALE. CARPENTER AND BARRIE, ONT. DEALER IN- And all Fune1`alR6quisites Furnished. .4 Orders by Telegraph or Otherwise, Promptly attended to. ` . G. .0; DOLMAGE, Manager, Stroud. STEAM WORKS AND `SHOW ROOM, ACOLLIZEIR.-S'I`.`, BAR `RI B COFFlNS_AND_CASKETS OF `ALL KINDS FI.`.<>..`i?$.~.. % ..<.=1:a.r>e, ' I;:3ck' or Madewtovdrder. nu slight (lg f, If neglected, tame embm. e ai-icted:- -lty in breath- T dull, heavy hick, sticky, T and teeth ii: `a disagreeable d? -Is there 9 there a `ful- he liver yen PIOTURE FRAMING. [and prices always in stock. - All orders will re- ,f6ive careful attention. E Congregational ` ` . . Church, Funergsls furnished cum- nk of varibus designs plete. Casket; and Cof- comazsr. annals; OPPOSI i'E THE Iutv IL VUI VVVIV as? Is there ing suddenly re the sacrv , . L 3 ,_LL -........, `IL .... ..v... an-nus; m.u.aucaaLu1. DU cents to 85 easily earned ever eveuing. That all who want work ma test t e busmess, we make this unparalleled 0 er : To all who are not well satised we will send 81 to pay for the trouble of writing us. Full particulars. directions. etc.. sent tree. Immense pay absolutely sure for all . who startat once. Don t delay. Address Snu- ON 85 00.. Portland, Maine. . 50.4 t..2%::;E.::&::.:::.W Sm door to I'I-_..J- lIi_L I'__-I `AAA __._ for working people. Sand 10 cents ostage, an we will mail you free, a. royal. valuable sample box of goods that will put you in the way of mak- ing more money in a. few days than you ever th0l1ht possible atany business. Capital not requ red. You can live at home and work in spare time only, or all the time. All of both sexes, of all ages. grandly successful. 50 cents toss earned evening. That may a business, was m..:.... 01-IATRWLBS Land and Insurance Agent, Life, Fire and `l|Al.l)nm I Cheaper than um House in or north of To ro_uto. ~ SINGLE & DOUBLE HARNESS AL_wAvs IN STOCK oi `MADE in onncn. IAS't1'ixiiBe11s.Broa Double and sin 1eVBells, rushes, Curry Combs. \Vhips. xnec Pads of all kinds. Harness Oils and Varnishcs.. ` For Heavy Draught or Light ("-arriage use, -in - ` anv Mounting required, D1117 ux UDUJIII ce, andthe a c`old,'sticky kidneys be- d, rheumatic tment proves latter a on- his mala yil. vsmall quan- 1 remove the y. Itis most Its (-"iuu'1dian investments are large, and are constantly increasing. ' Its rates are favor- able, a.nd.its system of cash bonuses is very popular. `-.41---. _-_g_I ,1_,_.-____ LI__ n- _,_~___, -5 2;- -.;,|, _ . .. -...-- v...-- .. ..., .--vn-vn van. General Manager for Canada. J. GILPIN, General Agent. Barrie. 47-7 Agents wanted in unrepresented_dist1-icts. Fall lines hi Groceries always on hand and at the lowest cash prices. Farmers Produce taken in cxchange. Calland you will be satisfied with your pur chase. 47-7 In Canada this Compan "s new business ex- ceeded that of any other ritish office. 519 Policies being issued for $1,154,000 of insur- ance.` D _ - bonuses. rv,r-.w. `It has paid during the 37 years of its estab- lishment over $10,000,000 m claims and _ .,-.._..v-n I-tspopularitv and prosp'erit.y in Canada are shown from the results of` the past years. business. Its Canadian Brancli is under Canadian . management. all its carnings-bcs`idcs lar c sums from Eng1and-bcing invested in t e country. Its Policies areissned here, and its claims paid immediately on satisfactory proof of deat . ` ' FARMERS: HEAD OFFIOE FOR OANAOA, MONTREAL. ACCUMULATED ASSETS. - - ANNUAL INCOME. (About) - - $1,000,000.00 Deposited with Ca nadlan Government Invested in Canadian Securities over luufa million. - . - mnv M_ADE cLonum:, D R Y G 00 D S . BOOTS AND saoss. % P . [ Has just (;)en;d o1:t:<;;e `fl-n'eA lots of t TEAS, SUGARS, 1-`vs:-.vvw.~-A`-.. ____-__ EXTENSIVE SALE ICBOCKERY, B'I`C.. | --ON-` [BRRITISH EMPIRE `EBSTABLISHBD 184: ? Saturday, November 29, 1884, U CLUUK, l`.lVl. 'll`he whole stock will be disposed of for cash 011 Yo prirnfn nah: nf anid annn or r-nut nt'nIIr- Ana Ladies and Children : Under-clothing and Children : Apron made to order. 47 46 2 books EAST OF QUEEN S HOTEL, BARBIE. E At the Auction Room Opposite the American Hotel, on l\Ia1'kct Street. _ Sale to commence each day` at 'I`r:.\' 0`cI.ocK, 9.; Two 0`cLocK to 4 p.m., and at Sa:\'1m N 0 CLOCK, P.M. . Tina \v'Imn`n vfnnlv u-HI kg JanAnnJ A6? 3.... nan:-.I.. U111) . Private sale of said goods at cost every day at the above room. Please see large bills. I \\' MODPHIV She is prepared to do all kinds of stamp- ing and will kegp 8 supply. of materials for Barrie, Nov. 26, 1884. usn.n.'s ow snub. 2 DOORS EAST 0FAQUEEN S HOTEL. NEW GROCERY MRS. STEPHENS Has resumed business in Fancy Goods in FANCY (30005 v-v -on--n- - av: vuv Barrie. 23st Marc): 1883. BIG STOCK OF `, Hoass BLANKETS. AND FOLLOWING SATURDAYS, MUIB. PREEMAN S WORM POWDERS. Ame pleasant tortake. Contain their own Putgative. Is a. safe. sure, sud. elrectlll input or worn: in Child:-en orulilh. BY PUBLIC AUCTION _oF_ mituAL me msunnuce co. P. J". LEOORE, Fing a Njzmeil SE THE RED FLAG! FA15IcY .-WORK.` F. STANCLIFFE. Montreal. ._..-._..u 1u'_.___--. A- A PROV'I SIONS, FRUIT, &c., &c. Moore's Block, Dunlop-st. Barrie. " J. w. MOREIOW. nr-fin nnu H , Auctioneer. 44.1. 0 vnvnnvwn IU. UU luumr. rst stag `ct a. _cure, and strong ho{d erseyered 1_n - nun. pel'B6Vt:u7u 1:: use rs end!-. aturned, an *~ - lv\nn"'j|V walling Health is impossible when the blood is impure, thick, and sluggish, or when it is him and impoverished. -Under such condi- lulls, boils, pimples, hemlaehes, neural ia, lwnnatism, and one disease after anot er Ts tlcV(310pc(l. Take Aver : Sarsa.parill., 1.1 it will make the blood pure, rich, `warm, 1.`. \'ituli'/.ing. [ ` ; Fmxn way down in Georgia comes l.s- 1`(.*p01`t that they .have ah-rooster vhicli lays eggs. Many persons use Lu words "12Ly and lie ind`scrimin- v..l.. . ' L110 wauuuuuians we nave rucelvea. untnis-I akably rove. . - We re er by permission to Mrs. P. Elliott, anover, Maine, who was cured by Shaker lood Syrup of 11 Scrofula Sores,the severity f which conned her to the house for two ears. Six months, previous totakin Shaker iood Syrup, she could not get a out her oom without crutches. Her friend says I id not think it possible for her to live many onths she was reduced to a mere skeleton. er cure is hardlv less than a miracle. There s no doubt that in Shaker Blood` Syrup. we ave the most remarkable medicine that has ver been produced, and a positive cure for yphilin and Scrofula in their numerous OTYDR, W F! MnTnnn Anon` D-.....'- I D lieotive Irish Wit. A few weeks since, an Irishman, direct mm the old country, called upon a. well-5 nown Bostonian, presenting letters , of ntroduction from mutual friends in_vEng-_ nd. nun" auu mm. W. _ (ll .71 F0 Hereditary gcrofula. ` Are you aware that in your blood the aim: of acrofula. has a. prominent place`? _his is true of_every one. It-is liable at any lme, on the sl}gh_te_st provocatxon to develop ion and many other diseases are out- rowths of this impurity of the blood. baker Blood Syrup has a wonderful power ver 3.11 actofulnua trnuhlan. ma `Hun Ilninnnlr- A thoroughbred Boston ' girl never alls ita crazy quilt. She always peaks of that insane article as a non ompos mentis covering. Ayer s Cherr Pectoral is recommended y hysicians o the greatest eminence on otl: sides of the Atlantic, as the most re- 'ab1e remedy for colds and coughs, and all ulmonary disorders. It affords prompt re-' ief in every case. No family should ever e without it. ' V 'J'uI-: fullowmg is from J. \V. Ptolemv, of \':nnipeg, formerly grain buyer for \V1lliam }i11csl>y, of Hamilton and Grimsby : `.`I -was or many years much atllicted with Costive-T css, Bihousness, and ultimately Dyspepsia. sutTe1~ed very much and tried many differ- nt medicines, which gave me only tempor- ry relief and then I was as bad as ever gain. I was recommended by a. friend, who `ad been restored to health by it, to try lc(:regor s Speedy Cure. v {I did so, and it lwas not long before I felt like a new man, and * have enjoyed excellent health ever since. Hrs! commenced taking it February 7th, 571). Sold by G. Monkman. 'uunU| unuuu uyxuy nun n wuuuvflul p0W8l' 9.11 actofulous troubles, as the remark- ble testimonials we have received unmis- .9}n"\]v hvvnirn ' President-elect Cleveland is tryingto issipate the belief that the country is `going to the dogs. T He has refused be gift of a Newfoundland pup. A. little girl `suffering with the mumps clawed she `ffelt as though a headache I slipped down into her neck. The signs of \V0rms are well-known`, but 0 remedy isnot always so well deter- inml. Worm `Powders will destroy them. A tool and his gun are soon parted`, pecially when the former blows down e muzzle of the latter to see if it ` loaded, "For the Oomp1exiou.-For Pimples, lotches, Tan, and all itching tumors of the in, use Prof. Low s Magic Sulphur Soap. It is said that one-half` of the world oes not know how the other half lives; I d it may be added that it's no no of heir business. - There is ; glacier in Alaska moving I long at the rate of .a quarter of 3 mile year. In this country we have no laciers, but we have messenger boys. uvs U\-I avg. A no-bill acts`--"C'Ovinin'g: man-e'y_,? ` 3 'l`h0-dark ages-_-A-.Thos6` Of ,.;.c01ored family. _ - 2 .A lunch is 9. kind ofei `fa - H ` - 06 , ~1i.m'. . . .fn.ea L`.un't is hypocrisy us well .38-bad Trz:uuu1'.u'. ` " , , fun: u)-an who desiI`e$ 9. fast" horse 1*.-1r.~4Ls for goal`. . _ '_ -. ` L ,` `- I _ . . ? .1 s{l}Qge1)_3 golden, dumb people 4 ...,_` A Vermont newspaper isvprinted on aper made of sa.wdust.--Detroit Free reas. It should be edited by Barnum r -Forepaugh . - A sugar dealer may be wealthy, but e doesn't` like to hear people say he as lots of sand. . i- . An exchange asks: Will the coming oman work?" That will depend upon UW lazy her husband is. The desire of a lawyer is for brief ;xistence.-Boston Post. With a fre- uent stay of proceedings. Worms often cause serious illness. The me is D1-.VLow s Worm Syrup. It destroys d expels Worms effectually. While her mother was taking a y ut of the butter little Daisy asked: Is that a buttery, mamma. ? Good The Year Round.-Na.tionsl Pills c :1 good blood purier, liver regulator and ild purgative for all seasons. I. IV` V .1 `I .f'.1i;e Bostonian received ~ ..... -.4..w-. mm Lxrrnli '1_?n xids wnfh -rnn: wnou gygun KIN. "' I .h7'v.-r;.\.:~ -`-'"' ` ` :51 ~ 4 .::= - '3 < Witty Suyinsl Snndwjghed ` `min "Kara- ....oin|1n far thn nI`Innn_|'l`In: '|:..o iflcs" `or -`~___VWV- 777 3 .TA man is called" a cormed liar? hen nothing that he says is conrmed. The telephone may be thdcaus `of Vbe red halos. Halo!--halo`!-`-hVa>lo! ee7 V . " Winn It would 5, o be 20,- sh great differ; e,_ a.nd_ km, hm w1fe.. A -hearted, im. 86. She [my imam nun... I9`, I -7' ' `-"*JI`V-`V5 .-.._,.,v--.., --._ ,,,,--- L`:.;_;i1t to grow nch. V El I\`[ahdi's favorite air-'-The camels ;m: c0u1in:A,b 0110 I A " ' ` January 1, 1885. Young ladies who will not .m'arr'y r.`I.~(-n they have a chance'Miss it; `.'.'-3'." An oil well drillei is al_w5.ys'?run;iing nis business into the ground. ' ` my pugungu Iiuuninvtgunvllvil WIUII I`! graphsjor the 8o1`!6us--'l.`he Beat the Scissor; can Find. muxuxuxu Lu D1161! XIIIIDOYOUI J. McLean, Agent. Barrie. 1-2 Po'iidenoe,- Penmanship, Common-oial`Lav'I` Te- , shorthand. Calig h o -, rphy French,` Physiolotgfgayn $313.3: taught y the most mac 1 and me eds. Sixe riencedteachers andleoturers are permanen y on the teaohin sta . The- various -do ments are elegan V tted. up with the la eat and most approve an tus for Business College work. thus ins the comfort as. well as the ta (1 advancement or atudenta. Students may on at any time. 1 For a co or the Annual Oiroulaz-E-Mailedi Free agllress. MACOOR CK. Lg}; ll L V Umurn DU SIN li Oers youuxlznmen and women the besi faoili: ties tgr 9.031 ts g a complete Training for Busi- llr 0 ' neggokkggfing, Commercial Arithmetic, Bank- -ing, Act Business Practice. Business Corres- `P hi Comm 1al'La '1` - ...'39`.33.? 91:01:`:-Iillnasgirxetl- p Cnlin|-31756111.: or wvng. Dr: Starr : corn solvent -'1 will positively do all that is claimed for it ; there is not a corn in the world that it will not remove if used according to directions. Sold in Barrie by John Woods, Drnggist, price 25 cts. . ' ' e _ . For all diseases of the.blood, liver, kid- neys and bowel: take Burdock Blood Bitterii It is purely vo etable, can do no harm, and is always ban ciul. ` .- V The cheapest and-Best. On account of its purity and concentrated atren th and great power over disease, Bur- dock lood Bitters 18 the cheapest and best blood cleansing tonic known for all disorder- ed conditiona of blood, liver and kidneys. ` A Golden Opinion. Mrs. _Wm. Allan, of Acton, declares that Hagya.rd s Yellow Oil is /the best household remedy in the world`-for colds", crou , sore throat, burns, scalds and other painfu com- nlnlnl-. , War nnhnn id urn" fnnnn. A Card. To all who are suffering from the errors and indiscretions of youth, nervous weak- ness, early decay, loss of manhood, &c... I will send a recipe that will cure you, FREE OF CHARGE. This great remedy was dis- covered b a missionary in South America. Send a so f-addressed envelope to the REV. _JosEP1I T. INMAN. Station D, New York City. A 11-10 VIIKUCU, UNI I-ID. DVCIUD Cl-III VULIVL lllllllll plaints. Her opinion is" well founded. atarrh. A new treatment whereby this hitherto, incurable disease is permanently cured in from one to three applications, no matter whether standing for one yearor forty years. Descriptive pamphlet sent free on receipt of stamp. A. H. DIXSON S: SON, 305 King QC-van}, Wnaf 'l`n1-An!-.n (`lunar-In 14-117 at, Toronto, Canad ILQ .I.I.l J.Jl4'\I3\JA.V KW |JUJ lly JUIII IJIUUUID. 7 And many more are using them with great benet. They almost Do Miracles ? V ` Mrs. E. D. Slack. How to Get Sick.--Expose yourself day and night ; eat too much without exercise ; work too hard without rest ; doctor all the time; take all the vile nostrums advertised, and then` you will want to know how to get well, which is answered in three words-` Take Hop Bitters ! R ? Wang` manning itxrilanndr. n Innnnln 4-.3. .I.(II\U ILUP JJIUUULEI T IE5` None` genuine without a bunch of- green Hops on the white label. Shun all the vile, poisonous stuff with Hop or Hops in their name. CHAPER II. Maiden, Mass., Feb. 1, 1880; Gentle- men- I sn'e1-`ed, with attacks ofaick headache. N euralgia, female trouble, for years in the most` terrible and excruciating manner. No medicine or doctor could give me re- lief or cure, until I used Hop Bitters. The first bottle Nearly cured me ; c The second made me as well and strong as when a child, 7 , And I have been so to this day. My husband was an invalid for twenty years with a serious "Kidney, liver and urinary complaint,` "Pronounced by Boston's best physic- 1ans- Incurable 2" e Seven bottles of your Bitters cured him and I know of the Lives of ei ht persons In my neigh orhood that have been saved by your bitters, _ Ant` rnunrl rnnaan nun n:nnp `Lawn u-J5`: `Loss and Galn.- A A CHAPTER I._ .. y I was taken sick .9. yeerago With bilious fever I My doctor pronounced me cured, but I Pot sick again, with terrible pains in my back and sides. and I got so bad I Could not move ! " . I shrunk ! From_ 228 lbs. to 120! I had been doc- toting for my liver, but it did me no good. I did not expect to live more than three months. I beganto use Hop Bitters Di- rectly my appetite returned, my pains left me, my entire system seemed renewed as if by magic, and after using several bottles, I amnot only as sound as a. soverei n, but weigh more than I did -before. To op Bit- ters I owe my life. R. `Fitzpatrick. Dublin, J une 6,, 81. .. - ~wn:vu`vuv'Irlln!n8n`l11'a11K"WIIli"I`"f'1W'." After aomosfurther ..,_oonversation,:`sthe fore er said : ell, Miather X., 0i'me very much pleased wid .tha_ new _coun . .It._ .a a foinei lace.` When I go back `I , "tell me frien 5 what a foine land it is, and what foine gintlemin ye have in it. I'll tell them how foinely ye have treated me ; how you gaveme two glasses of foine old ' brandy-- - ` (lE,_., ,9 L....I... 1... LL. -._-.- _- J 1 : tI'l' ' vb wane T Bu:;,~ , b1'oi in the amusad `host, I haven't given you but one. f\l1 run IIIl\II`.l:C|" u~\n`un 4. '34..` A` asuvvst V ssvvu _yuu uuu UHF: Oh, well, ye wouIdn t_ma.ke a. liar of me to me friends. 1'hat'0i know." Another glass was forthcoming at once. _ ___.____ pnd of IJIIU UL VULUCIII GQIIIUUL LCII We do not think the same. I think her e es an azure blue ;* He says ull gray, instead, I call her hair an auburn blue, While he declares tis red. When her complexion I compare To roses pink and white, He smiles with a sarcastic air I do not think polite. Whene er her attitudes I praise, So graceful and erect, ' - He stares quite languidly and says, She poses for eect. ' I say her gure is a dream, A vision made to waltz. He smiles: Things are not what they 'em n 7 And winks: Perhaps it's false. I alwa s like to hear her play ; He on't admire her touch. I like her bright,` vivacious way ; He thinks she laughs too much. To me she's fairas fair can be ; She seems not "so to Jim. V You see, she is engaged to me, And she has jilted him. v'UmLi>iI Iiuslnnss COLLEGE.` I" (31 T F" J: A Difference of Opinion. I have a friend 1 knew at school, A man whose taste is ne ; - And J im e opinions, as a nule, Do not conict with mine. What he admires I giraise with care ; He censure: what blame ; But of is certain damsel fair I"I 7- J- .._L LL_`..I_ LL- ___-_ T Goodtor ail. vu LLLIJ 14Jy` FANOY 00009. L I Cheap 0.018 and Braids] and `highly anding? Doe! accompanied as from the alpitation of mptoms may 1; they tor- th<`e dreadful} ` . "'3':-A.J'u:E-:l::|.\1'3-' 7 FOR BRAIDING AN D EMBROIDERY, Silks, Canvases, Patterns, Chenille, Cards, Tassels, Taboo Draper, 4-c. onvsm. Pnumesronss, J. OUkVIIIWl.l.'S nun GUTIING snsnavlrccuagnpn Orders left at the ADVANCE Office will be romptly attended to and information will be urnished parties requiring Mr. Ford's services. as though he had himself been consulted. Sales taken in prices to suxt everybody. Auction Rooms and Oice. --Few Doors North of Wellington Hotel. Baveld st._. Barrie. `sacomn-nun FURNITURE- } BOUGHT AND soup. FI3g:___E_MAN's| Licensed Auctioneer for the Count} of Simcoe. RIFLES AND sum` GUNS. CITY OF LONDON, ENGLAND, capmumooogooo; defaulted with the Govern- ment at Ottawa 8 00.000. Reserve fund 50,000 Sterling. THEVMEROANTILE rmn INSURANCE 00 Capital 3500.000; Government deposit nude. rm: ABOVI ARI: ALI. sroox coupmxts. THE WATERLOO MUTUAL FIRE INSUR- ANCE CO. Capital. $00.01!). THE NORTHERN ASSURANCE COMPANY OF` ABERDEEN AND LONDON. r1. _!L-I nn AAA AAA n;-_|n__ as-ly. . JAS. SCROGGIE, CONVEYANCER, COMMISSIONER IN B. R. ` 0FFIOE-Up-stai1;EOND()N HOUSE, nn. Lannnm 40- Tmmmnm Flu! ORANGE JUDD co.. DAVID #53699. Pres. 751 Broadway. New'York. BAYFIELD STREET. NORTH or SIMCOE HOTEL. GEO. DUDLEY,- H0 USE, SIGN g mason (5-OPPOSITE BARBIE HOTEL, ' T mmnop s_'mn:m'. ~: _ . 43m: YEAR 8l.5 A YEAR. Send three 20. stamps for Sample Copy (Eng-I lish or German) of the Owner AND Bn:s'r AGRI- | CULTURAL Jounmu. IN mm wonw. j MONEY T0 LEND