..`.rq'. . ...au-1.-r..' dmra . `baa ;er1ik6xar3 ,.. run. nea far uh"on`the" Pacic, but Inof nndhnnls 61--L ...L -_' At - saga uuwn wu Y .11: cureeall 05101031 2.000.000; deposited with the G0vern- .- 2 meat at Ottawa. 8100.000. Rclervefnn ' 50,000 Sterling. - THE mn_RcA`NTILE FIRE INSURANCE co Oapltal 8500.000; Government deposit made. "rm: Anon ARE ALL 3100:: ooumxms. THE WATERLOO MUTUAL FIRE INSUR- _ ANOE co- Oa.p1_tal.50o.000. . THE NORTHERN ASSURANCE COMPANY . or ABERDEEN AND LONDON. ` -.Oa.pit`cl. _a3.ooo.ooo 8tetlIn'." Up-staiAr:;(`)]\7D(J`4;N H USE: ggon Lgnpac J:1Lemwa: Flat. JAs; scaoeeu-:, % CONVEYANQEB. COIQIISBIONERIN B. R. A .Aentor_`tn'1onqwxi.g 1nsurfui6e_c6hupnl3a mmnwm gm-1:; no ., 2:. PIC-N10 pmxrzlcs socmm an wn:nn`masT `supplied at Ihortegtioe and 9: reasonable ' 2 PIIVII, it Inthankin th t_ " for the libralep?z`t`ron`:;ge %::?o:vw::lnc:1p:\a1fh:y; 111 3110 D88t.be8.8 to state that he has atcon-' aidel-able axm-nan lnnmnml `KI. |a..r.a-... a..-m axuenuuu expense xncreasea ms mung facili- ties and is now prepared to do a larger business than ever. A _ , BREAD 1`sd.:.:n.:::;;*:*.:e.:::z::=:.:.:d.:;-;"v W W Av. vanu nnwvnuus [la-BAIIIIGSU IJTKJM nun int.hepa.at,beg_s toststethah ,hu t -' aiderable expense increased mmmra$`. prepared to do a lunar hnnhuuu Parlor `Suites, Bedroom suites. a Sideboards, Easy Chain. &c., Cornice Poles. and all kinds of Furniture made to order by ompetent workmen. Also `Planing and Turning Done on Shortest Notice. DAVID DOUGALL, In Rnnr nf mm In: -L... 1' riendhip 1056. rd fun, ` t, I ll run '. TL:-:ADs_1'_uj_E VAN." ZlI~".il'..3_B__2_EI./C)\7V'l.VI Farmers. you cannot afford to do without the RURAL NEW-YORKER for 1885'! It is the National standard of Ruralisrn. The editors are farmers. They own 380 acres of experiment grounds, which are conducted in the interests of subscribers. - The best writers in the world- 500 original illustrations yearly. Its Free Seed Distributions are worth to subscribers many times the cost of subscriptionsp It costs more to publishrthan any of its class, because it is -origina.l_through'out. It is altogether unequnied in the originality and enterprise with which it is conducted. It contains 16 pages--fine paper Liberal inducements and good pay to those who` . secure clubs for it. Reliable agents wanted everywhere. Over $2,300 in presents offered to subscribers. Our premium list offers liberal remuneration for services. Sample copies free. Posters and premium lists mai`ed to all appli- cants. Address the RURAL NEW-YORK- ER, 34 Park Row, New York. 50-51 MONEY T0 uun Sedthre'e.tam 1 Sun 00']! - 3r.German)o;th0p6l;$TANp::B_ 0`;- oUx.'rv1ux.,JovRNAL m ms wonw; ORANGE J UDD Co.. DAVID W. JUDD. Free. 751 Broadway. New York. 4330 run sn.so A van. A MILLION DOLLARS DOMINION BAKERY `AMERICAN AGR1cuL.'rua1'il FURNITURE tnre of the recem M a company oi aged in mnnntao Id Coin Chewing time delighting with exquilite id medal and: ed to thispo uh: nd the thangl of the The Adams tive exhibit.2~lv ; or LONDON,.ENGL`AND,g Eu become one of themost ixiaportaixt popu- llrtoilet articles for gent.1emen's use. V hen the beard is.gray or naturrmy of 5.1: unda- ainblo shade, BccKx: U1`: a mo remedy. PREPARED RV 1:. P. Hall & Co.Z,iN/a;shua, N.E. " son by all nruggui. ,..;:___--..-....:. _:_..:..___. PROGRESSIVE -_.`-, .- up .-nu-oolvltiunv. Old people llke lt for its wonderful to restore to their whitening locks their original color and beauty. Middle-aged people like it because it ppowents them from getting bald, keeps dandnxlf away, and makes the hair grovthiclc and strong. Young ladies like it - ns a. dressing because it gives the hair a bean- tiful glossy lustre, and enables them to dress it in whatevettorm they wish. Thus it is the ' favorite at all, and it has become so ainlply because it disappoints no one. BUCKlNGHAM S` ms seldom dooia a populu-. remedy win such 3 Itrong hold upon the pubuo ooudnnce as has BAu. s Inns Rsxswnn. Thecases in which ithss accomplished a. complete restoration of _ color to ti_1u hair, and vigorous health to the scalp, are innumerable. ' . A l\I.l .....__x. 1-1,, a. Hair Ron wer. 31-.i"'."""z`:"""`.":"'T { r :- to; on a Fire llleggtreot. Barrio. Lessons given in 511 Bnnohe or ainting. Drawin . 0.. to. Terms an anal mun. `pxvo. oer E n'e's- mar ` LOU NT 3.1 Lounr. A1` 6 AND 6; PER CENT. mscmi -_... _ v- an: -un Ill DIIUII Hntg; &:o.. I u-1r1H3';1"1`t71a" 3 "Brown? PREPARED BY Tffri" 5 V 1.1.1 I.I\J\l\J'11.JlJ, In Rear of the Market-. 11-ll X alfd Sqlaioi 11 and set on lh&l"tv' E&a_i`:1l%en?:.0wen Street. nbxt door to . J. OULVE_RWELL 8 "%'W;U6;&S*V|NG W103 and...l'7;.mram-r4; Agnt, Infe: F6;- and ` ` Accident; Lnnnms Tmmuue on. 2 FARMERS,` THRESHER8 AND MOLL OWNERS Jsavn You_1z.-ApiiINEnY --br wn.- SINGLE&DOUBLE imam-zss For Heavy D'-aught or Light (`am-{age use, in anv Mounting required, Aums m srocx oi: mm in onnsn. :3-oPPosI*r'E BARRIE`fI:'(.$;l`I;I::V ' .. PVNLW 3'"..'5 ??.". " `l\-vv-.1. . Ed so 1:189` pition.--.3, String Bells, Broad. Doub'e and` Bin` 19 Bella, Brushes, Curry gombs, Whips, nee Pads of an! kmds. Harness Oils and Varnishcsq N` Fall lines `'21 Groceries always on hand and at the lowest cash prices . Far nets Produce taken in exchange. Call and you will be sstistied with your pur chase.` 47-7 I-"A.:Rnz:EB.s: TEAS, SUGARS, 1'57: nvv-.. iznouks EAST or QUEEN'S HOTEL. [ BARRIE. NEILIJS OLD STAND, `Z DOORS EAST OF QUEEN'S HOTEL. ' She is prepared to do all "kinds of stamp- ing and will keep a supply of materials for I Ladies and'Chi1dren`s Underclotnlng and Children s Apron made to order. 47 46 Sale to commence ach day at TEN 0`cLocx. at Two O'0LOCK to 4 p.m.. and at SEVEN O`cLocK, am". 'll"he whole atok will be diposod of for cash on y. ` ` Private sale of said goods at cost. every day at the above mom. I lea.su sec lance bills. ' `I (U n I nnnnvxr NEW GROCERY uld nave am- as as pron)?` eroic and self ife to do '9. little on6Ig;=h9 ke-tilled ,--_...r'.nr! Buds. 21::-iir7.' -1323. 1 Barrie, Nov. 26, 1884. FANCY G55|5 l!1RS.S_TEPHENS Saturday, Nnvenvber 29. 1884. AND 1:-omowmc. SATURDAYS, At the Auction Room Opposite the Amedcan ` H0081, _on Market. Street. ' -- -v- :----- u---- -ru----: 7-` gun-a.neoed' 4' `tn oliv or sperm $11. w uuua omce in nangmnd. . 7 d"%i1i8e:cx::xl_i::':?in cazade areliixiveatfedtz epopuar yen proape yo z e - pony In Canada is shown from the results no`! the past ear`: business its new business In. exceed that oteny other British otlice. 9.164.000 in nine months, from in April. 1888, to `it. xt:`b:;'1m" t ioaniagqmm e n on pnymen or when-eb polii bek ti toroo. oh ti *1--=*"'..w-i":" =;".:'*"3-;=.f:,:~::.`Z~'%: t-.3 '-mi -is nus ` e on. ;..`'.".`.`. nude on Poclu.-p9Intyendin' ; I,lIl'l'l are requested to enmine the rev `fi Ofbrd In this Pninnnnv and on main 5|... ' norms oueneu ny this Company, and to note it ample security offered to its lmy holders. F. STANCLIFFE. o ' ' ' r!GexT " 4 ' r Cundl. J. GILPIN. General or 41-1 READY MADE CLOTHING, pRY%GOODS B00 I`S AND SHOES. I-_un:_rl an-a requested to enmiuo the favoinl terms olered by this Company, and 1 ample security offered to ma nnlinv ham...-. EXTENS_l__VE SALE l'UUl III ueaul. Co_at- The lowest consistent with safety. This Company does not pretend todo Insurance at cost. it is an absurdity to suppose any rea- llable Company can furnish Insurance at Can any respectable merchant do business a - cost and pay his liabilities `I Investment Rule. -- The best security rather than the lamest interest. ' Bonuses paid in cash every.three (3) years, This Company always divides its prots every three years. and its rates will be found to be as low. and compare ver favorably-with any re- lic!) e and respectah e colhoany. _ The Directors have established this Com in Canada upon such a. basis as -will enti its policy holders to thetnll benets of a "home - stitution; W ith the further security of a Brit oilice. and for this purpose have empowered its Canadian Board to deal finally with all matter! `connected with life insurance without reference to head oilice in England. eaminm in Pnnsuln mm ln.m.o'..a :. l'Q_-- Cheaper than an House in or north of To- 'nntn_ . _ Has resumed business in Fancy Goods in __-_ Deposited with Canadian Government mo - ooo. Invested in Canadian Securities over unit a million. -_-.c:;-- 0 Thirty light Your: business expeenbd. lalbernl Form on Policy. Policies totlllf tree from all vexatious restrictions. re my travel. occupation. habits, &o. Also. to yin- oontestsble and non-forteitable. after two or `three years. ' - Prominent on ect--Sound Life Insurance. BesnItI- l`his om any has returned to I polio holders over 851,800 .000 in bonuses (1 $6,000,000 in claims, In all over 810 060.000 nring the 37 years of its establishment. and Never entered an courtof law to contest 9. sing can claim. all claims being paid lmm proof of death. - (lost. Thn lnwnaf .~......:..o....o 0 j BIG STOCK OF % HORSE BLANKETS._ .A.. G-. BIUIE. Accuuuuurmn `ASSETS. - ANNUAL mcomm, (About; - axis` x;c'>t'::l'v;'ayo. but he its aim 1 watching. 0. ': n`-..`:..G A-o..;...A nrrxsu. EMPIRE MUTUAL I. autumn Co. Eaubuahecl 1841. or-a:A_1aLBs ___--.-: -1: vt it 7%" TORONTO. sou: av Au. onusns. 264: BY. .. PUBLIC 7.UCT|ON Has jar-t opened out some fine lots of rrisu. am R g Suzanna: (`.n `la- mcco11;Bros. & co.. "I"I\D (\\YN P. 17. LC 0 Q R E, ` Mcore`a Blocii. Dnhloxrat. Ba.rri"e.' .._j._..__. sea THE RED FLAG! FANCY VWURK. :)-i;;n was ever ested Thurldi !___A..--A ` KPROKVI-ESIONS, FRUIT. &c., &c. +01:- -OF- '.1. w. momzow. - A nnflnr ` Auctineer. 39-12 zsssss.-M vv~_, - Ft hams one I I raifuse ? I. vvies broke o M ' wenty of them er'x;ploygx:, {pd .. .,-....... vu|lLv,Q uuu I-lull; El lllll'Ul'}lllUu8 wen constructed gown is as much a rk V of art as 2; picture or. statue. ither can it he arguedethat the work 13 an, since it is to adorn human beings, care, after all, nature's masterpieces 7 3 words are but the expressions of an V 'nion held by artists from time imme- rizli, . and indirectly ` expressed by mi For there is neither drama nor nting in which` cnstume, both as to or and (1 mpery, does not fnrman ail- purlunt element. and _th<=re are few })N'S.'~`iV(` sczentes in our works of fiction 'v.4hich the dress is not mentioned The cnmncions tribute tn -its signicance` is t only due to the realistic force nf such ` criptions. but also to their power in roasting character.---A,m`e'rican Queen. ' _..;4-j--- uuvu Lu uuuuuurl ucllUVlu Ill llienai uld never put them to the proof. 1: after your wife ; never mind Vour , she'll look after you) The want of ey is the root of much evil. Egotiun n alphabet with one letter. If you'd w a. man's charaeter, follow him home. u love women; women love 3 men. surest road to honor is to deaerye it. _ y whisper scandal and `its -echo rd by all. It : not the `clock with that eat tick `but goes the'bea:; Home in rainbowof life. Don t complain `of bkf until vnn have` l~n-o.x`.I"I-'- ' . .....uu uu ulucu btlul lul I UIECK ry. It's a._ poor musician who can't w his own trumpet. He who would the egg must first break the shell; ery back has its pack. The man who has to continue believing in his friend} lhlll hnnnui -.6 AL... A. AL- , .. IAl\<|I|\w)Q I ll`! IllL\l `ll DllullJU'IDl Ill` g `hm hm} ifs (lay; and mum; give way Hm march of progress. However. "it hmdly be exrwotod that Hm `present Jr-ration of Cavjadian farmers, en- 54306 with the cares and business of c. with their prejudices and habits" of ugh? strengthened by years, can com- mtawithhnergy the studv of what.- mnto them an inanrmountablcyand midahle science, Every.wri_ter` knows w difcultitilto present naticulturzil je-ctn containing scientic terms in .3 ' dsshlo shape to the Qenerslfeader. and H can only be . accomplished In intro? cing into our schools an intelligible t book on the_el_emon'ta of agricul- ul. science`. ' ` .3...____-_--- s Woman who Works at BoIIIo.__ notice, says 3 Ohiosgo may; "shit" `in; f this talk eboutvhat `is designated omsn s labor the every-`day routine of the housekeeper en whose lives are passed in home- ing and house keeping. They are not ideted as acnve workers. They are rded as a negative, non.-productive Yt the nrnfnnninn at H... L----- is ignored. Is is no reference to the work of the V D\4\J\l .. a ucgauve, non.-productive Yet the profession of the house er is regarded as the most natural proper evocation of women. There other trade so complex. None more .' ult Add to cm. H... ..-...- --#-LL -- ' DresaTNot Sinful Vanity. {nskin is the first great writer who A treated the subject of dress" with due vity. He has shown, us that 9. serious dy threof is `L needful. virtue, instead a sinful vanity. and that a hurmomous ;.....H ........A.... _l..J -__ _._ V um. (me the magi: ndltion tl treat at 9 , TL.-A - ' ~_-.v-..-we V- nvnovvvu C VIIIIVIIIUIIO The German System---non. G. W. lossfs ' " Limited view of-the 8nb]eet-- i_ V V soct__a1.nvs:snts:en.x.- """"'-m"'ji 'cuiauscutocuine:xoeptiio Olassestoi, [n nearly all the advanced nations the , gvhemeeiyee, - ,uestion of a more liberal `agricultural education is beiniz mooted. In Germany here is a graded system from the com- non school up to a university course- hat is, the elements are beizun in their Here is Sicily, the - s elsewhere, sesfah ing population have little or nothing-to say to the lsndsfolk by way of marriage ;_ _ holding themselves more metal, mo in- . dustrious, and in every way superior to ~mm"Y_'3 'hf 9,~ `md *9 30319 *3 000` those who live by the harvests of the` `illillcd in thell` llleh schools, thence ' t0 earth or quick return` andiegy he colleges. and then to the iinivsrsities. -I of t,-,,de_ But there is much mere ghee- he university course enibraees the hiizh- t},ie_ The daughter of e emeu [ended pro. st attainments in chemical analysis. -the` ' pg-ieger win neg be given to ghg mate, of ziture Of 50118 Plant l?l`Wtllo '8t``8l men in any kind of business, nor will the l8tOI'y, b0t3T|y and th8 sciences. ` son of the former be subred to he result of this systematic agricultural the deughteg of the 1egi;e;-,~ A peeeeng, A structioll 1135 bl'0"i!l1t Tami! *0 bf 8 farmer without sixpence, would not` let" n8in088~ 303 8lll1".ll9ll *9 Pldd`lll!o his girl marry a dwell-to.do' shepherd. A. 1193!) 18501` 05 the German D0888. workman, or rather a day labourer-' ` aided by superior lmowledize. _miirht not Nb,-eeeien "_wee1d not eeee-eeiyed into i )8 d0InOOl'3tl0 idll Of till! Sld Of le of 3 mulgtggf not he i. Atlantic, yet useful lessons mav be into one when thehead was_ the. keeper si-ned from the instruction imparted by of mine of me . The heebmdmu, who eir agricultural institutions. . 'l`here' is on prune _VfnQg'd1gd;in3:thg mm; `rho 0 country in the world that utilizes end emu"; dig, 1e,_5;mVbe '5 he 'm.; -ghe cononiises her sgi-icultural_ productions co'.he]-d -the e;'.1;e;-5" e_ed',he- iiial to Gerinany. and it is noticeable, ggein the mo yhol 1eok`.`r.fg_ e'g_; ie` eefyjee at iictustion in values there are -_ not Tho, ghophord is above the goatherde; . constant as elsewhere. The popular go on down to tli'e IIioI,t_lI_I_i':!'0l 00 1>l<'=T.di39.lY?-1`. on COIIIIIIIO pretty much Wlllt they gnggg. "nu-pgggigi even tho gf -ggjgg 1-id. ise, andale not denendent upon for- dog India. When eoondil -i0.|,l!i" llW:V.1'i; n 0|llmPllD- Tl? 95008993 Gore sreeqiisl, and there jar_e.no"o"i'rert iibjee -. .7" :n graduate in agriculture amides tho" tionii to the _d'OIiI'edma\'l'iIgo. the mother` ,. rations of a great number of laborers.` .of _the young man" takes the hand," d his superior knowlodiio of political, She kndw`s`whsthci- son stones to marry, nomy--it is a `standard course-alike: 1- because-~h'e-is`ei_hllen,`~silent, rude; contra;-5 .- ' = devises the best niarket. So that diciousuandg _fa`ult'ndiiij:; icuitural education in the `abstract not secogdg nignt;no'hicohod ii any unto, _ ly takes care of production._ but also} the `hoohin the house Aw , instead` `of. ides it to a proper destination. Thai stsblin itss he oi lit. and himself ope: cultivation "of the 90 ii 6'03.-_f the nia t out of oers ; or becsiise--.-in . , ered to require the highest `order, of one place in Bieilyg.-_.-h,e.ss_t on the ichest. elliizence.- and hence the German. sys-V ~giom'il'- fest.an_d.kick'ed zhis *lie_eis,'"'?so i.. mt` traded 8-irriciiltursl education that parents, ihesrinit the noise,'_mightl n. G. W. Ross. the Minister of Erlu- know i,h_ei,_ ho,w`_g_di;,gui-had infhig mind, tion, in a speech in Hainllton lately. "and wanted toniarry as-sooiiasconvenient. k is very limited view of this question, -: Then the gnothgr know.` who; 1; before i en he said farmers were not entitled to " her, 3nd gooeptd her dutiog as a, good 7 more special education than lne0lln!_1- woman should.-Temple Bar. ,or any other class. But herein is wn this gentleman s lack f peuetra- I We Do Not Claim _ I - for fiillv rilna-i.nn'tliil nf .lin onnilml A.I__L ns, 4,, mm: wide so complex. None . Add to this the cares of mother.- end what else can a. women engage hich will so completely ubioxb every of which she is capable I ~`l`o ' b_'e-it - housewife `haul anAaL.'a.`. I... .... ...----v-Ae- \1n A|Iu|Ivv|'Iyn cI_Il\-I II III! t and successful farming the whole ntry dunends. W here the minister of mtinn shown a sha.lln`wness is In not Hiderinq that a knowledge of agricul- en>`tl1er0 is a. six-rplna of land and mu em.-h a-tmnsifion and chanqelof rauifsis gningon [as in this country 12; thnwnrl: bench and office to the There is no dnuht that to Afarm \-_c(vrld over, Canadian farmers will u to receive a special education so as nmmqu their farms noon xed scienti- }n'ix'x(:ipl0H. The rule of thumb-fa'rm- L...) :s.. .1... .. 'l..... .....I ...-_._L IIIUUIII` . I V ti": the present productive competitinnl Val mlvjocts is essential; and should m a part of every man's edncati,nn,` e-cizxllv in :1 new cmmtrv. like ` this. ll Y null! UUW Ul` Illa. U011`! i until you have` ta.ate_5d1'hinV d. Theywho live in a. worry invite? ;h to hurry. - ' ' " `I Vn ; for fully nine-.ten'tba of WI] IIIID KKJIIUUKJIIIIII 9 ICIBQ `VI yu"D|lra' ' 9 capital `civilized peonlowthose of Ontario not. opted, is embarked < in agriculture, V ectly or indirectly. and_ upon A intelli- `. ` L nuU\l` nu-nnnnn'n' t n n m u urn `tun --LA`.\ ..... nu uompneuexy souqrn gy 1 - u housewife and cnothefnh no jg Dccupation oz in idler. P lII'pIV1IIt 9 December 18, 1334. -uvwvv -our , . V-_-.- I white lie often told tpakea`a bla.c_}_< nu. .. ..--.. ....--:----- til: GREAT XIII) FOR SUCH IDUOA-' 110818 CANADA. ' uu man: we darkness-and all was a mother ,e' ' T-V-- ens`-so W ` 3`?! 3`'."' is every The Inn nth, rh9umhgu ro boqj-ppm.-ah` of ih-d Aw-the: 10 new < i.i.=*%, . .11-m-d -..Y.9W.L .9; cu," zxuqtn. elm. andiwl uuu gross. Inn 2666 15 two gross, isn t; it '3" A meteor shot across the sky like 5 ash of lightning--s thnd-a moan-s. chuokie--Va dark foray stealing sway in _ e dsrkness-s.nd all us silent. , _:_ uuvu usvmuuu lllllllsg 1, [nu3;_" - Well, exclaimed his friend, "144 ig one gross. and 288 is two grou iun t '3" A matanr nhm: nnlinnn "H... .|. .. ::i._ - '9 ::tFn so "V ` d ` rn er? a[':`:'5'- s'an': 'i'e'."1:`%"x' 3311 731} such dreadful things, I mugt," V nTlI`n:Iu|n:I `-3.. ...2-`.__I can A I u ':"4."' ' . . . 8ay. dxd you hear that Ito to-ds, .4 No, anaw_e_mdVthe other excitedly,__ ;What iii: 1" ' " ' `I 1:00 `gross anti`:-elv, `;`: 1l?`.l; d hi` mPWin in ,3 ynournful 1:!!! II II - _ [ u U, Iuawul Wm M: 1____' llf\L 3.! A `no 0roI_IIorV ~ `runs 283 j-oke reached wheenigi ",` from % Pittsburg, qndin g`oi_ng _tho `man u." ,, Two pet-Ions meet. in h dark alloy, and one I EVE Z I dent to conduct my _-w-vwu-go: vul.ulI1IIl lhll Absceeaee, Erysipz-las. Piles.-.Unvaryin2 success "attends all who treat these diseases according to the simple printed directions wrapped round each pot and box. They are invaluable to the young and timid, whoaebaehfulneas sometimes endanger: life. Though epperently local,` diseases of this nature ere essentially blood diseases, but 3 little attention. mod erete perseverance, and triing expense will enable the moat (Inl- case to a. happy iuue without expoeingeeoret inrnaitiee to "any mm. 'l"lu ninem...e ..s....|.- 4.- I-`--I :_n7 vu-uvuv vayuunus Icurui IIIIITIIIWIQI 50 any one. The Ointment checks the local inam- mation and sllovistentthe thtotbbing .pninn.' Those dmotionl also clearly point omit when and how Holloway Pill: are to be taken, thnt their: purifying snd _1-egulntin i wen may saint by ndiuntimr "(ml ntnmu: ..`.:..- with him `under er the fight the their camp: by iet. . , have been busy 1e amount due 500. The em. 3 been arrived remove the Ita1,V settle for 8600:` 1y been subacrity pnrifyiig V Z T li`n"= mu- UIY Illil Qdilllting" :18 gii: V-the comma on. ` ` ` ` V ' .- the cqnstitq on; killing and Dressing Poultry. Food in the crop injures the appear- ance, is liable to sour, and purchasers ob- ject to paying for this worse than useless weight ; therefore keep from food twenty- four hours before killing. All poultry, but more especially turkeys. should be killed_ by b`eeding in the neck, and picked while the body is warm , and in no case should poultry be scalded ; wet-picked poultry is not wanted, in this market, and will not sell for more than half price As soon as the poultry is picked. take off the head at the throat, strip the blood out of the neck, peel back the skin a little, re-- move a portion of the neck. bone, then, just before packing, ' except in warm weather, draw the skin over the end and tie and trimneatly. "Draw the intestines, making the incision as small as possible,- and leave the gizzard, heart, etc , in. Pull out the wing and tail feathers clean. _ luau: saronmu-,. ` I"-hum'aipAm_ can fool the vpwo-oh W-that ,in. hit whine biutll, _HIgyud q_Y_9ll9'[w 01! Gun! -their '|I'|l I'|I.' `Cohen, Inid`1n1_rieI.V ! an uuuauulal. nvnuc UL IIILU ~u1uuu. Gentlemen -1 was a great 8: `erer from Salt-Rheum on my limbs, for a dozen years .7 - previous to the summer of 1876, at which time I was cured by Shaker Blood Syrup. The skin would becomedrv, chap, crack open. bleed and Itch intensely, so that I could not help scratching, which of course made them worse. At the time I com- menced tak`mg.ShakerHBlood Syrup (in.the summer of 1876) they were so bad that they discharged, and I was obliged to keep them bandaged with linen clothe. The skin was drawn so tight by the heat of the disease that if I stooped over -they would "crack open and actually bring tears to my eves, -'1 he first bottle beneted me so much that I continued takins it till I was cured. Hop ing many others may learn the value of Shaker Blood Syrup, and. receive as much benet as I have, I am`, - A Very trnlv yours, C. A. Howann, West 11th St, N. Y. TI ? [1 Il_Y _-_ A__-__L I ) 0 -- -A AIVU VZIIII ' that Shaker Blood Syrup will cure every- thing but the faot that on the purity and vitality of "the blood depends the vigor and . health of the whole system. and that disease of various kinds is often only the sign that nature istrving to remove the disturbing cause, we are naturally "led to the oonclu-_ ' sion that a remedy that gives life and vigor to the blood, eradicates acrofula and other impurities from it, as Shaker Blood Syrup l undoubtedly does, must be the means of pre- * venting many diseases that would"occur without its use ; hence the field of. its use- fulness is quite an extended one, and we are warranted to recommending it for all de- rangements of the system which are caused by;an unnatural state of the -Blood. nnnflnvnnn I Inns 1- Iulnnn` .. E--- f_--- - uuuvuu, gnu, Vnnuufuul-ll-Ilgi DDUIIIIQ Sotordsi 3 thebllioo ` h h d If int: n no t.nn hiuue pound` _tho nigat plgoe Bcilyeheo at on u "atom -his foot.and.kick'ed n'g1u q,'_might` knowwthgtb he. will iitdihod in. his mind, wanted to mnrry an-`noon u oonvonient. before 5 `night;-no"'hitohod in I _inlte'nd"of. _- 5. :.':v;`._-' _;.I:: :i-`;;;`."':',=:`?, **.:`.13*.,~`.'`e::`..'." ?-'.`.s`.i.?`~ -'2?;z?`~- 7 nohonsware obsolete,` but I thunk` thoro- men who create: a comfortable home and rsieeachildren worthy" and wo- manhood is the noblest` work of God, and is quite on much of. a prodpoer ;u. the womagrwho write: 3 book; invent! some machine. or follow: sprofeuion. Holloway : Ohmnont and Pins. 1, _____ .. `I:!___:._ I , n-I V . -_- __-.- -yr- -1. Barrie. . 52-5; : eswu Lnunw the jonitorgi hotel. He~d13 and almosthii morons, butto was a choice ened? in the 0. he `gr83P9d His childra tn,` but thdri at there a.pp0If' hem and then -..... A1: `rho President ot.tI_:o O.P.R..Intu-v1o`wod.L ,Geo. "Stephen, ivuvzinterviewed at New York./Ho. said there need be no fear _in - reg 1-d,t'o the monay1forTtho.branoh -`nil-I ways. . '1;'hoy.w_in4ba~ built; and r the object of~the erd law is to put sue re'str'ction's` upon stock running at large that road fences will _be._ dispensed . with altogether. Fences` on highways, whether in city or country, are a relic of a past age, and shown tbatthe existing laws with regard to cattle running at large * are defe_ctive.- With such a large amount -of capital as :we have mentioned being wasted, it behooves our legislators to move the passage of a stringent Herd Law. s This would both save poundage us: as surge Lupus. uuu V fees tc farmers, and else a_ heavy tax in` building road fences. thla w,filiolZ5rfi-(;1'rin'<`a'a1"_v.;':ou';1_t-`oi-'54::V 722,750. V hinis" nits : ls`:-go` item. and` oh; Al.-{An} A! H... .....I 1.`... :- L- .....; -..-1.. A Herd Law. In several States of the American Union they have what is termed a herd law, which dispenses with all the fences upon public highways. The question of fenc- ing is becoming a serious one in the older districts "of Ontario. In these the rail timber is depleted, and soon even the cordwood will be gone. The cleared farms of Ontario, of say, 30 years ago, are now lit to be re-fenced all" around, and this will entail a large outlay. A great num- ber of the farm transfers that are being made are of property with bad fences, and poor buildimzs. All these have to be replaced in some way or other. The matter of keeping up fences is of great- er importance to Ontariothan our farm-t ers imagine- According .to the latest statistics there are some 22,000,000 acres of land in an improved condition; or un- der fencing; and the average numbenoi rods per hundred ,acres.. may be, safely laid down at 800 ; and this s't.81 per rod would amount to so-many dollars-A-invest ment on a farm. ._.Q.f_\_eouv-s'e this would Province {or fences alone. But to -Itresent a. lumpysum of ;8175, 112,800 for at individualis7e_theA question, every farmer will have.-in; the vicinity. of 260 rods of; feneing to do on the hiehway, which-'of A course represents so -many`. doll'ars};"`of capital against-' the farm; " and through, V the whole rovinoean aeqqunt__qf:,854,- -van.-nan - .`.n.a.i:.=.V...: a...=.1....'...' u.....- .'...1 ' ` nus-nun vs, Iaunv woo IJAUUDUIJ IUD usua- . Steps to stop payment of the check were successful, and in the course of a few weexs a duplicate was issued by the bank. With. thisin his possession the gentleman s'art-ed early one morning, 'a day ortwo afterward, to drive to Middle- town and deliverthe check in person. When on the way he was taken sick. and was obliged to return home, and for over _a week he was conned to his room. On the day after Thanksgiving heagain start- ed for Middletown with the check in his pnclret, intending to secure the stock His surprise may be imagined on reach- ing here to learn that the bank in which he had been abont_to invest his ward s little fortune. which was familiarly known as old _reliable`, and which he believed to be as solid as the everlasting hills, was hopelessly bankrupted. He remembered it distinctly. and gave the` night and time. This `called to the Postmsstersmind that the morning after the supposed mailingof the-letter the drop box onthe door contain ad only an `undir- ected circular, which he easily found in the oice. `the gentleman guessed out the matter and drove rapidly home. In ing letter safe and sound. He put the letter safely in an inner pocket, and went about doing his regular chores, intending to write a second letter and mail it that evening. Becoming ' heated by vigorous worls, he took off his coat and hung it up in the wagon house. Soon afterward some friends drove up to spend the remainder of the dav with him, and he went to the house with them, leaving the coat with the letter in it in the wagon house. He did not go to the village that night 'as he intended, and the coat and its contents were for a s time forgotten. The next morning he wrote his second letter, after. which he sought the coat containing the first letter and the certied check, which, to his surprise, had disappeared. A care- ful search for it proved fruitless. None of the family or hired help could throw any light upon it, and he was compelled to come to the conclusion that some tramp had stolen it._ As it has "not since been heard of, that was probably its fate. Qfnnn fn Ilfns-\ nnnrntnndn ll` -1.`... 41.--`- the boot of the buggy he found the miss- IAIIIIU III W931 vuun. "bu-Iuio wuitodnt full week, and. hearing nothing in,r'ola'tion% to the tronamtiqn, he" __Wl'OCO a Aeoond l`et.tor,.. inquiring 91 his frlcnd uh; `til success in getting all of the qtoek, asking, an "I motto: of form, if be bid received the certied chock.` He was soon informed that no such chock hnd come tohond. He went to the Post Of- 'ce,. but thercnothing was known of it. `in tin mucus co:-nu on-3'42. {L 9 --I--4I u`7"'A:;-lo. you m:il73!(.19i?`; :u|:l;ed *hs,P-`ma-9!: % ,I 0; 1| .0 .1 Q Arvin no sun can: vuvux HUD LIIU UH` d ?';:f3;o .10 deposited ntin reality an an- it the 9. I ..t`i'n N61; York 031! ifew days `previously, and contained an advertising `iny. and went :6 bed", fooliharlihnt he done hinvork well. '1. ___!A-.I - _-II __-I I I `d:rooco3":.;`: o.ch.:hadboen hnd0.d,tohim. .circul`u-. . H6 drove h_0lI.I;`o~ Put. the buggy`. nun. yuuuu` IIII `IVVUII uauu III) III! "pocket, he `drew out what heeupoaed wnuhe envelope containing the choc and :dePoeitod it in the outer box- Theen - .. .I.......:L...I _.-- :_ ...I:;.._ ._ -_. uuvvu uvauav vuw llIlLlIl{Un W-Kaoertied check was. procured from V the bank where the money had been de- posited for the full amount, and duly en- " cloned in a letter directed tothe Middle- toavn man who was to negotiatethe'pur- chase. On the way to the Post Oice, which was two miles distant from his houae, the writer of the letter lost it `out of his pocket, havin pulled it out with his handkerchief. t fell into the bottom of the buggy _` "When he arrived at the Port Olee it was closed for the night; and, putting his gloved hand into his -'IIih`n`rnO `an A... An` 1`:-L LL-...-__-_-J lulu , nu}! uv xuI?.W -V_V|lU"F CUUUU WWO thirclls of the required amount could be picked up, and he had no doubt that the entire number of shares could be procur- eclet an early date. The amount of the. trust fund was $3.750-enough to buy thirty shares at 125,- at which the stock was quoted before the failure. ` I A nnuunnti n`|4-nu`. u-nu. -.-._--__.-J F L Mzonnmowh . D01!-..7_..-->A man living `not far from thin ph,ce'_wrote to a. friend here. ub'_out.fonr' weekingo, to buy thirty shores of the stock of `the Middletown .Nutional Bank, which hu uinoefailod. The `money to be-thus invented was a` trust in his hundsfor 5 niece, who was soon to be married. The money had previously been inveatnd upon bond and mortgage. which had matured and had been paid. The Middletown . friend did not know of thirty shares for sale in a. lump, but he knew where about two-' |:l'n A` lkn nI1||:uA4-` . m . . -..L --.JI! i UUIl -the 3..-. ' Alter Twqntyvthroo You-3 811130:-Ins. `Rev. Wgm. Stout, of Wisrton, `was cured of _scrofulong_.ahIceu_thut_: seventeen doctor: could not ctiyp. ( Bitten Vwu `tbs nnlv an I1, ' It nun-an all VV IIOU WED IIIIU UIUUIIIU I She said you weren't ery" prompt in paying your debts. ", Well, ky thunder ! shouted Jones, jumping to his feet, I_ would giveo$25 If she wereva man for just ten pinata, new wvv HF} uuy IIIVIUQ ` - " "You women-are very foolishto quarrel over tri_ea,.?-'- said "Mr. . Jones. Mrs. Smith is o` very~.pleae,ant yperilon. a -little telkutiye, pet-ham, but one the whole a` very eetimable woman.` You shouldn't attach onyimportanoe to what she sgye. What was the trouble '3 : I 1. nI.-'_-:n _ , nu: .u:uy uuuwcuuua mull: impuritju ox Vdymm. highest poing etween Italian treet. The tire uards turn out -* eers were boon lasted a. few mums -'=~- `chumd ;nu;u:nam`mgs ~I shell never call ZmMrs. Smith -agaiVn, < said Mrs; -Janet; I - never want to see-he; anyemore," ` A V 5` NV... ......._.....,-..- _-.... n..-1:-1.,;- _---_._a yuan an-uvunujlih ' D ' `Flint : Mu;drakevPil_la~..y:Cnro Liver ma _Kidne9 diseases. Forra.'o'hin'g every pert of the human body and driving ' out `disease they have not equal. Can be obtnined ~ of `John Woody; Dmggint, Barrie, price 25 oh. UIWUIIUUII IIUWIIUIVU u|uu- ` Th noisiest talkerifor God are ofte the -hardest workers for the devil, ` nnvn nuunuuuu lull D IUUI. ` When: person marries for money, love goes `where it is cent. ' ' Hearts may harbor agranoy, but honor dwelleth nowhere else lIII__' _'.-:_:_-; 4,10, _-'n nu - -- uv1&`;l`v.i.<;;_:1::.y`i..x;tl1`:: ;7;;ce 9. wise man, but a. kick suiceth for a. fool. nn____ _ ______ _._-_._2__ z,_ , , ,, , I VIIUAL W WIJULU LUQl'UI{I No man can enjeyba. success who has never made a fpiLu_re. ' A .1__!-, H, , aking 8 Cup of 06800. ~ According to Lamartine, it is the hard- est thing in the world to do the simple things in life and do them right. i Who can keep 111! temper? Who knows how to control his appetite? Where is the man who can hold his tongue`? Who `knows how to forgive an injury ? Where isphappiness to be found `I What man knows how to live ?"'and where is__ the woman who can ma.ke..good- coffeel It must be one of the hard simple things that Larmartine refers to, [for where there are a score of housewives who can make rm jellies and delicious preserves and pastries, there is not one who can be de- pended on for good coffee 365 days in the year. ' e v 8anotum-0n1ous Levity. - i Education is nothing but mind varnish. Better lunch on a bxt of crust than dine with a whole loaf-e _ __ V 0' u c How tohlake Haggis. A Ask your butcher or tripe merchant to get you the night-cap or money-bag when they are killing; then take it, after emptying its contents, put it into a pan of hotwater, salt and scrape it well, re- move every particle of dirt and slime, then throw it into another pan of clean cold water, into -which cast a good lump of salt andlet it stand an hour; have ready (if a largewone) half a pound of suet chopped ne, half a pound of onions minced very small, and half a pint of Scotch oatmeal; season with pepper and salt ; ll the bag. sew it firmly round (but be sure there is plenty of room for the meal to swell). stand it in vour kettle or pot of water sufficiently to well cover it, and let it boil gently from tour to six` hours. ' _ Moan. : If on learn another man s game for a $5 bill you have nothing to kick your- self about. ` The conservative spirit otAn1ma1s. If a man begins to save against his old age, "we call it thrift, and praise him as a small capitalist who is giving hostages to fortune ; but if adog accumulates a store of bones or food, we look upon him as in- dulging in dangerous caprices, which may endin the necessity of putting a bullet through his head. There may be ex- ceptions here and there. But-, on the whole, there is no sterner standard of con- yentiality than that which we enforce on our domestic animals. There is nothing equal to the indignation of an indoors dog at any invasion of the privacy of the drawing-room by an out-doors dog, and nothing more melancholy than the servile apologies which the big dog will make to the little one, for even proposing to break through the animal etiquette of the house.- ____4g A e severe- H gi ve VII`: I ,, . The `Truth is =Lndiee -and Gentlemen, I not thet faotzinto. 3 Trap end Ate it off rather then he knocked .on the head. At thil,qu_eeti9n there was --uproar-ions laughterpnd much ridicule, but the Fox csl`m1|%.w*a.ited' for a pause and then said : I `'1: :5 `Ion Anal on-an nun`:-0 - `Ant LA -nu--n vvuuvvu av: u VGIIDU dluu Iouuu Iauu 3 Vifhila it has coatane only 3 foot to learn the mica of man. the rest of you may pay for your Experience with your Livers. ' K ug nu-,-.,u-9 gwll-*_lIl_Qllls-`UX~CB: uuqu -_-y!` I tormented y` 911 hands asjtd how the Ac- ciloiiatixt moaned,` and he` ' presently re- p : .vM.---m...n. :- .1 ...a:-- _...1 n__u_...__ The to: the `rap. A Fox Appeared at a-Picnic with one Of. hiliot Aw_u-at; once Lju- tfflti V A" hnhnln` An Qn` `an: `kn `An- uunpuul nu I01` I15 0n_'tn0_ racilic, but lat preient that when `the l'8il,WI]_,.i_Ifl1 1 . open for tnicfin: the epringof 1886 a line of steamship: will to 1-unto China and Japan in connect1on withit, As for `the railway from 8Imth e'-Falls to Montreal all" the arrangement:-have been made for the immediate conatxjuction of that line, and also of the bridge across the St. Lawrence below Lacbine, connecting with it, and by this time next year the bridge will be completed and trains running over it, which will begood: news to the people of Montreal. - rrEp"ia'7{eYv`B'vZJ;LZ:' Wstan noato fail at _ e ve pear tojtri o , ness On this. oida, oithgomlg. .V Whilst stars are nightly shining, Andhesven is-ovgx-head, - Enooungemt _rcpx_mng. - _ - or Trip Lightly. Trip lightlyover trouble, Trip lightly over wrong, We only make grief double By dwelling on it long. Why clasp ~voe s hand so tightly '? Whv sigh o'er blossoms dead '5 -' Why cling to forms unsightly '3 Why not seek joy instead ? Trip lightly over sorrow, Though all the day` be dark, The sun may. shigneto-xnorrow And gailv singthe lurk ; Fair hope he's not deported`, Though: roses may hnve-ed ; Then never be down,-hearted . But look for joy instead. ".2_ I2_LAI__ _- __ , , "i3"E'3"'3'; 3; iumag; Work mkqaclo. -..J..- I.. run. t'1_,__ ........_....5. W, oralist. except gets his private `wholly. Fox, the noblest of ow, "practically, He containuin possibilities of its scale of de reach ; and lb! . 5 qua.1i_ties an "5 any modenlq earl. Itisharl e visage which n be hidden know, to mm there. Wagon-1. 02" an unfortlr ' imal driven arday is not the - wheezcs. ; ly coricealedzs ~. head -of mmmted upon .Edious would to unravel ill; 5, therefore, `Of ` accounted for. V it.- It is alto` 3' half the tnp has more VIP ith is evidenl `zirely, i'f'ey6!y ever a millwl"