If you are sick with that terrible sickness, 1 Nervonsness, you will nd 3 Balm in ; Gilead" in Hop Bitters. A ----- '--If you are 3 frequenter, or` 5 resident of - ---a miaamatic district, barricade your sys- --tem against the acunrze of all coun- --triea Malaria, Epidemic, Bilionee -'-a.nd Intermitteht Fever: by the -nse of Hop Bitters. --.--- own fgnlt if you remain ill. If you are wasting away with any form of Kidney disease, atop tomptin death this moment, and turn for a. cure to op Bitters. ---1 If you are suffering from over-eating or drinking, any indiscretiou of dissipation, or sre young and growing too fast, as is often the case, -, V Or if you are in the workshop, on the ` farm, at the desk, anywhere and feel ` that your system needs cleansing, ton- ` ing, or stimulating, without intoxiost- ` in , if you are old, . 1 ` bl thin sud impure, pulse f ` feeble, nerves unsteady, faculties A ,' waning, Hop Bitters is what you need to ` give you new life, health, end vigor." If you are costive, 1.):-dylspeptie or sueiu ing from any other or the numerous dis- eases ofthe stomach or bowels, it is your . If you are aminister, and have overtaxed yourself with your _ pastoral duties, or ,a mother, worn out with care and work, or a man of business or labor, weakened by the strain of your every- day duties. or a man of letters toiling over .your midnight work, Hop-Bitters Wlll moat surely `strengthen you. i There was an uneasy feeling in Wall- atreet New. York, owing to the recent heavy failures in various parts of the country. The decline in prices are quite serious. T Words o_t Wu-nhg `[ andvco} 7 art. "It 3011 &l'0_ mbring from poor health or `languiahmg on 8 bed of sickness take -- cheer I"he li>et1'-ole'n'xn well in Thorn Creek, PI. district, was opened Wednes- day, and on that evening was producing oil at thereto of -1,000 barrels per day. ` The Grand Trunkhse reduced its pas- senger rates to $15 first-class , and 39.40 second-class. from Chicago . to Boston. The Michigan Central will make the same 9114;: The impressionprevails at Paris that Louise Michel and Prince Krspotkine will be released from prison at the begin- ning of the New Year. , . W,` =___--' v- w----guvoo -wnnIIJ5In '1`henFrench people are much exerbiid over the fact that the Americans have got direct concesaion for a Nicaraguan 8113.1. A wan. umoe--Uver 1). J. Murumsoms store. Mu-ken Bu-eembarrie. Bra.nonUmoe--t'ocwr's ; Block. '1`ot.x.unnam. V EDWARD J. nsaum. j D. C. Mvacuxsox. men, charged with highway rob-. bery wxth violence. have been declared by :1 Kingston jury guilty of common aseault. lI\I._ `___-L ,, I ` The Mayor and members of the Atchi- I san City Council have been arrested for neglecting to levy` taxes to pay a judg- ment. ` _ I 9 '.i`l;e 1}eTvZvZqY(';>;'lV:-V.Cntral fnot earn the amount paid in dividends last year by I $2,490,000. `day. m:l:ohn'S. Ramsay, the man who 1155 been imprisoned for debt, was released Thurs- '1`he Bath, Me. , district showed 3 de- crease . of 9,000. tons under last" year of chipping launched. _` ._u,,__.~- --._-.. _----.. -- --_ - ------J. T The citizens of Port Rowan have sub- scribed thomoney to pav off the rioting Italians. The Sag w5'b.1;. _g-a;>:I_;vi;i1;3;;e;;1ing and Hardinghas been arresfed. N Thor; wt; a. imv;;;'<;;e'fne1zt in Grand Trunk traic recexpta last week. The King of Cambodia has gent 3 pro- test againnt `being forced toaign a treaty. K NIL- __';!__,,, 1- `rs . -r\ 1 l The Franc}; Senate has voted the Ton- quin credits. pegple abe Ieaviug the smallpox infected diatnctsf .._____.__._.._____..___...__._._.. R. HOLT. INSURANCE BROKER AN D General Agent. Real manna bought. and bold. Collection made in any part. of the ~ nnty. Money to Loan. 0moe-1$ot.hwe11'a k. opposite the Runway station, name, lpntgo, 51-Iv "-`-' "(J T Aother Canadian voyageur has been drowned in theTNile. f}<;;h- "I_1.'eland indicates an} alarming revival of outrages in Trnlee. 1 IIVIIL, , I I -.1 In 0 I Z. The . VS(_;)r'ev' 'l"l:;;l;:1-y` "his earned `working expenses under the receiver.-: fI'II The French Madagascar. Archbishop Lynch s celebration was held Thursday. * claim recent successes in . that. McDermott was a. Government spy I A__L1,___m-, so ' 1 ,1,. A Bird ; Eye View ottho World for Three Day!-2 Canadian. United State! --..I l!...-_.I '|I.-.. -. in It aly. . "A Miss Coleridge has married Mr`; Adams, -Jules Ba.stien`Lepage, the painter, is dead. ..m.S `In: om-fl .. I ',-Qonuzgxsmwopxz. ;`.:~ ":I;l`1_3re i.s troubl e ambn the Mahdi : followers. A - rim In low (.8; ma 6! ihwms? N 0 prmcipal mono ' urea until end ox we term. u'n\.A'1`1iY .5. LT. Sonoitors. &.o., Barrie. ' .._.. l (Tvvelv Rdssian Nihilists hive been ar-I rested. ' . burcanadunsukzuauhu-Vyv Isharnnn, Tina '-nn-.._A. .I:A.I_- , ,, . if you are simply tiling. or if you feel `week and diapirited, `without clearly know- ` `in why, Hop Bitters 'w| surely cure vou. Iallllllll cheerh A Lady`: The editor of the Orillia Packet is the most obliging man we know. When the exchange editor of The News opened the Packet yesterday, he found that the generous Orillian had carefully corrected all the tynogra bical errors on thejmargin of his paper. e" sympathize with the Packet man, for we remember one time being nearly hunted into the cemetery by a number of red-eyed enraged men because a lost mind in the shape of a compositor made us speak of a dead re- lative as a diseased body." Now, if we cnuldhave caught that paper before it got.away from us and. written deceased lady on the margin, we would have several morefrieuds than` we now have. But in future our 0;-illia brother need not mark thegerrors in his paper, for we know too well thermonuunental _ diiunltiee which }must.:_be'asurmounted before a` correct line Olly My Iodeflsir. iWhen Madame Maundelbaum, her son and Hermann Stroude were being search- ed by` the Hamilton police in the presence of their council and the detectives. there came to light from the depth of 8troude s vest pocket a tiny roll of much-worn, paper which the prisoner showed a strong disinclination to exhibit or deliver to the chief, assuring the ofcer that the con- tents of the paper were of no ,value to any onebnt Stroude himself. Of course it had to be taken with the other articles on the person of the prisoner. and a little curiosity was `shown on all sides as the oicers and counsel leaned forward to get a glimpse of the treasure. After some delay. the chiet succeeded in nding the inside of theipackage, and there, safely stowed awa , was alock of `hair. Only my moder s hair, said Stroude in broken English, dear to no one but me." The incident started atear in the eyes of some who witnessed it. jhmgj ._; ' J` ' '3` '3 t IN,-.be 8` 0.. II ' VIVICIU, null MU H00 00 p0r8u`u0d 30 tlk anything else claimed to be as good. It is but 25 cents per box at Monkmanh Drug Store. ' - `g- rows 0 ova U05 0009 Guano: Rooms. -..-- ...... .....-V vuvul ovua an nuts. 16 Will &._lSO heal any sore when all other preparations fail. Thousands have testedit. Ask your drnmziat for Mcmanp 17 D...I...v.. n-..:._-_-o nu. _'1`honsands have tested it.' A k "` dmgglat for McGregor & Parke's .rg:K Cause, and do not be persuaded to am, nI\IvO`u:-an A`..- ..I-.`.._-_'I A To theloadies. e McGregor & l a.rke s l Carbolic Uerate will cure any case of Pimplee on the face" or Rough Skin on either hands or face and leave them soft es silk. It wnll also heal anv sure when .1] nu.-- ......-.--.A-`-47 snvu-LU nuayvu . Trousers are easier than but they don't actually op. VVJQCI O Broadcloth is losing its grip for dress suits. A` favorable ovencoat is of soft pliable cloth. ` Somema.acnl'ine vets are mimded out, > heart shape. V '|'Inua'nn-.. A... .....I -._ 1| Scott's Emulsion of Pure ' Cod Liver Oil, with Eypophoephites, is very palatable and agrees with the stomach. Dr. J. Wobring, of Newark, Ohio, says : I hsve `used 8cott s Emulsion in comparison with the plain oil and acid emulsions and find it to agree much better with the atom- soh, and give better results in the diseases in which Cod Liver Oil is useful. tlnvvvo vvun. Inna LLIY lJl`UDc Oh, you did, did. you? Well have you got any more of `em 3: ' Any more of what, my dear 1" Any more cachous, vou hard hearted man. - - ` But as he settled himself to` listen to the lecture hethought : Well, she got on to it after all.---Boston Post. 1 numnigntning. Fluid Lightnin is the only cure for 1`oot.`:- ache, Headache, ` tache and Neuralgia. It does not take a day or an hour to cure it, but in less than a minute all pain is gone. Thousands have tested its merits within the last year. Fluid Lightning is also a. positive cure for Rheumatism. The worst possible cases have been permanently cured in one week. Price 25 cents at Monkma.n s Drug Store. cvv-- sown; good lilivllo Yes, my dear, I would have been home before, but I saw samething that com- pletely took away my breath. um. 1941111131` .l:.a ......a nun Lb - v.-- v v-u---v-vjr.i---- cu, cw:-uvv --vw-vu- . lGanzs-Names of stations. ~ In conversation with a Globe reporter a few. days ago, a leading Canadian Pacic official stated that all the material for the construction of the Lake Superior section 1 of the road was already on the ground, every nail and every pane of glass for the station buildings, was ready to be put in the line would be ready for business by the 1st of April. From other officers it was learned that Mr. Abbot had laid down in the 13 working days between the 8thsnd 23rd of last month fteen and three quarter miles west of Sudbury, and on Thursday laid 5,000 feet, or a little over a mile of track; Mr. John Ross, whohas charge of the work east of Pic, was laying an average of about a mile a day, so that the distance between the two parties was being lessened by two miles every working day. The names of some of the points along the line are, to say the least of it, curious, and will prove trouble- some to not a few conductors, brakemen and passengers. The following are a few of them, with the distance of each from Sudbury Junction :--Vermillion River, 21; Onaping, 24; Pagamasing, 51; Span- 1 ish River, 61 ; Eureka, 79 ; Biscotasing, 91 ; Woman's River, 121 ; Wakamagam- sing, 131; Nemogosenda River, 156; 1: Lake Annotowagarna, 171 ; Lake Kehs- quer-hesing,_J76; Lake Kawnemesenka, 181 ; Lake Magneshquanda, 198; Nip- pissi River, 211 ; and Lake Ogawnsiwi, 221 miles west of Sudbury. If these names do not destroy some poor fellow's reason it will be a matter of surprise, if not congratulation. -Toronto Globe. uwnlel unuer me new 110:. money so L05: 3% Moderate lutareat. Creemore. Uni. ' sly ....__.._.- . . ._._..... ` -~`;5n" __ comparatively small of A `_', : lks. The great demand 'in_Ganada ` V ,tobe for a chea quality, buyera"for- ' ' that a cheap t read must necessarily I _'..and oonse$1e;tl(y5o a we'a'l:.'one; W Pa . make" three gradesif spool silk ; of these different quali- ties the poorest one has by far the largest sale, at the same time they constantly hear of complaints of poor sewing silk. If ladies willtake the trouble to ask for, Balding, Paul at Co s. own brand, and see that their name is onthe end of each spool they will be sure of eettinv the best made. 418- I7 Fast Work Accomplished by Gonna-uction X--.._ Qfgnnggg. .3 $4.41.... . ziuuuonnnolwno-up. The masculine vest in high. The belt is taken off the masculine ` In-Ar agvvla alhe latest swallow-tail cost` has 3 Tn _x.Axn`sunmon sncrxox. `rook Away 813 Breath. _.__j_,, 7 I1 o vL UU1l0 ,3:5:*7*:"` "' 5259' a an nuns.` season, silk 'r."w.Ac J: 0o l- vim " -lllntlo Cloths. _.. .. _.----vu -_------u--------------------c--------- I 8. JOHNSON. BARBIE. IMPORTER OF . and Dealer in Cools-at all `kinds. and teorgetown, Grey and Guelph White Finishing dine. cement: or all kinds, Fire Brvoks and 'lsst.ex-ere Heir. Storehouse at the Northern lsuwny Bwuoh. foot of John am at, near the opot. The bond ot this Lune is better than hat of my other kind, and one nish superior. Pmoo--Corner or John and Elizabeth streets. ----_.. -uuu _vvv 1: put mucu- Itin almost impossible to con nobler not of human nae :-1_oe. _ It`d do`, nothing from the noh1ht_y or 0-Awm that the sequel proved 1t unI}9 f mu, Had the ianitor rst eaved hm 800 and the others had pemhed no one 1` M have condemned him. ``The_ 5 W-: good to. the greatest nuniher 15]dPP that not one man in n nnlllon cm} )1 if nuchn terrible teat game to hun. mgnhwnberenvement wxll awaken sad hert4feltsyI_ni:athy- L N 0 =*="" "m.n uguggg his grief. but a deefi_80 mBo' deoer?yeje`uome nuhlic recogmtmn.- nJ9!if1- L suwvu W0 green neaawoy tor mm w-- mrn, and so nearly anbcated was he he had barely strength enough to 1" the pueagewsy to the roof before he f` umlonnoiona. Meanwhile, his wife 11* been able to one but one of the child` ma iwo perished. `lo 6- .I......-a. :._._---:L1- L- --..mve Eerolsm Unsurpassed. No higher type of heroism was 6? presented than that manifested Thursdl nightby A C. L. Sawyer, the janitor. the burning South End hotel. Hot what no other modern heio has dont sacriced his own children and almost: own life, to save more numerous, but? him less valued, lives. It was a choij deliberately made. Awakened in l? midst of suffocating smoke, he ;zr85?" the situation instantly. His childtf were asleep in the next room, but the D7 had made such progress that there appel` ed to be no time to save them and thi to alarm the scores above. To some 61 tent he owed a duty as an employee` the inmates of the hotel. But when ti} duty demanded the sacrice of lives! loved better than his own. how many plf ents in such a situax ion would have 111*` his decision '3 His action was in prot? and intelligent as it was heroic and 895 sacricing. Bidding his wife to do 15 best she could to save the little ones? rushed through -the smoke-tilled W Ind, without missing adoor, roused 679 - inmate in. the building. The fire 1 gained too great headway for him hi; mm, `Ila In l'|Ann`I-I &lImxn`1|`1\A vnnllh v-vault VI. III Gil Ila yuan 1115 (1-KIBIILIUK K only-to be known, within any modern approximation, by an expert. It is ill. ly credible that under the visage whz. seems so guileless there can `be hidden much deception. But we know, too sorrow, that it does hide there. We 26 erally nd outthe day after an union nate purchase that the animal driven a so proudly before us yesterday is not 1. one that now limbs and whetzcs.` T real entity was marvellously (".llC08i:` It is ,a. wonder that the head of I. mythical sphynx was not lI1.mmu.1 u;- - a horse. If it had been, (Ezliuns wt.`- have been worse baffled to uxnravei mystery. The slipperiness, theniare, the horse-trader, is easily accounted He cannot very well help it. H, is 3.: gether probable that he is half the 1: cheated himself. That he has more V1 tue than he is credited witheis evidei from the fact that he is rarely. if e_V-I known to be rich, and is never a milk: 9 QIPQ \ The Horse-1':-a,der.and the Horse. The habitual horse trader is not alts; a bad man and neighbor ; but he is alwr supposed to need especial watching. E certainly, is a double-moralist we where he sometimes merges his privs code into his oicial one wholly. Hr. the horse, which is among the noblest animals, really, is somehow, practical a corrupting institution. Be contains himself pretty nearly all possibilities the good and the bad. His scale of c" velopments is of immense reach ; and :. worst of it all is. that his qualities x 01111: fn ha lrrsnlun IIv:|;v\ Andy ....\.I... . ------ -.--v-v-V The most interesting feature of mu: rec. exhibition at Montreal, was a company colored. Jubilee Singers engaged in manui tnring the Celebrated Gold Coin Cher. Tobacco, and at the same time delight the crowds of spectators with exquiz eonthern melodies. A gold medal am` special diploma were awarded to this pop: brand of chewing tobacco and the thauh the committee tendered to the The Ad: Tobacco Co. for their attractive exhibit _....v uunoun nuu an wure quxct. During the day citizens have beenb, soliciting subscriptions to rcx1z)\w;g},.31I. inns from our midst. The amoum-H them is something hke $1500. The; ployment agent obred to some furs; and this amount has nearly been sum, ed, so that a. settlement has bs-0!; ;..v.-g- V at. - minu 5yTv unsuv vvuv. H-UUUE twgntl seized Col. Culln`-.r, their em ; carried him to their camp. HES help were soon heard, and the y; effected histelease on cvmdnti. should upbeat upon the street ; He was marched to tlxi; 1-U guard house where he passed An information was laid up colonel this afternoon for uhtaiu under false preteuces. and Chief Ponting arrested him and" to Simcoe. The Italians did m molest. .--_- - ._...-, - .__.:.j__. ..- OUN '1` 8; LOUNT, BARRIBTERS, ATTOR- neya-uo.-Luw. -solicitors m Uhaneery. 8:0. u.uoe--uuulop I.-street, narrio. bucuesuors to bhelate mm or Bouuon, uounm. Boy in atuwurt. W. Louwr. (3.6. or. W. Loam`. Pom` Rowm, Dec, 11 __ that has been rufing mg unpaid Italign railway um halt when about t nnunrI {Yul f`..H.' ..._ .2 nu Release and Snboeqn 03 Arrest` fight An th Gan ~ P 301'! e Wglth tge xgeenvgnl-kl .___.....-._ W'om:n's.Nay. No, Impndence, you ahan t ha: How many times must I rvfusv ': Away! - - I say ! - Or else you'll sure my frlcIHlesI';.}; ' 1 cannot hear such forward fun, 80 quick, begonel If not, l ll rm) .Why, now I 1i have to be sever-'2 -- No, not 3 kiss to you I'll give- Tako care-- I swear I ll tell pupa sure as I live i I never saw 3 man so queer ! A But are you certain no one : nun ' I V December 18 D "` .,uu.'1ullDg 1,`. and coma: - ,d took him grid not offer I notice, an all Of this ta] :3 Woman's I. work of the There is no u women wlmsm making and In considered as . BAN TING. CLERK COUNTY OF SIM,- con. will be at his oice at the Court uric. ovorysoturday. Residence and known. `is an alpha} A` Wllllr ll 5t0l'y. _ l_t`.H blow his M L eat the egg: Every back h wishes to can should never Look after _y( self, she'll lo money is the know a. man's Men love m The surest ro Only whispe heard by all. loudest tick ` the rainbow o the baker n bread. They death to burr Ruskin in has treated w gavity. H study UH-rm oft infu! v "and well cur wo_rk of Neither (`HIE mean, 3_m.`o- who am. :21" His word: '1 opinion n--F morial, .; them. '1`. painting 2' color am. impor_f.fu~{t '- impresni in Whifh 51,` uncnnm:xr=x:: ' not only ('1'. deacripti: ..:.. expresaim; `I0 nn_a.n::.gs- I}. 'L{8I'.I_eI'. lHhI: ` life. with eh tic princimw, ing has Ems? t0 U:.'1.-`11 canhnrcp b grossed w n : thoughf n`:r-'-: mence with seems to th f0l'mid$\})}r- u. how difctilt subjetn crmf readbh`. ri;' ~L thl can on! ducing in: , text `cum. r. turalsc-1...~.... . nuur from tin Vfarm. J Iv - th (I: the Wot}! have to r . excepted, 1 Awhem t?:~-z~. `where 9': V economy--i Vile devises agricultural only takes guides it to proper cu! aidomd to intelligence, tom (Of Hon. G, W. cation, in 3 took 3 very! when he mi any more up ics, or any shown this :1 tion ; for in! of civili7.edA[ directly or u gent and an country d. ml education uh considerim: 4 rural snh_`.-1.: form a _x-A-'1] espvcialh .. 1 pursuiha iv an ` In near}; question `(I educatmn 1 there 13 a [3 mon school t that is, the commmm a~ tinned in (1 the c0ll';;oa The ulnvrrq est attaimm nature uf a. history, `but The result 1 instruction 1 business, 3} 01188;) l&'l)\V- guided by a_ suit the do the Atlantiq` ' lenrned iron; their ngricu ` no country economize: equal to Ge that uctun no constant tion consu raise, and oign con`uu A ' Lizime W. MOVIT Q E31 1' ondenoe moms Provi OVITTIE. J _ ontsna. U.S. mnnmmr. A rohitects 0. ? Plans and` 'red.. Town 9. on carefully 11 0`, &0n I T0 0 0moo-M oe-Long`: H `Flinn I4 nuuu: gmnnmui. 6(AV(ILL.ER sz HOLLAND, Arohitects. P. L. Surveyors. Valuators, and specifications tor buildings pre- 'mred. and Village Lots load out. Earm ? located. '.l`imbar1unitaexamin- 1 81.0. 'l`oront.o 0ice~`-4 Man Buixdings. e0moo-McOart.hy'a ulock. Gomngwood V block. - Tnos. mcmuzov MAURICE GAYILLER. W; J. HOLLAND. ' , 51-ly PA'l`RICK'8 socmnrl 1'ne?g3:`a; ~'I3E`:"5333" otthis.So'-iet will`) 3'` them-st'l`ueu ayineachmonth e r at Bothwelra ball. A selected gubject. will be discussed ateach meeting. Next meeting Tvnzsnu evening. the 6Lh J an mmy. All members spvclall requested to attend. * I Q0-1! " J. A- nl`!ADmuu u- ,, - v in uun IJALV U5 [U11 IN V.IIiB'1'- I menu on goon treehom security. 5 low 98!: rate: or interest. mun? required the term. 8'1`;-nA'I`H v A-RRIE PLANING MILL.-1GEO. BAL ' Carpenter and Builder, and Mum: n_ :- Doors` sun, Blinds, Mouldings. aw. ' um. I in: of :11 kinds done promptly and satiafa`c- { 1 mm. Faotorv. John street. Barrie. u! uruu. Mill, ll] Working Machinery. R. ZIMMERMAN, n:m'r1s'r.T Ooo-Sanders? block. Barrie, Ont. u. uxvn, rn1V;L'1'li FUNDS TU LOAN Us on man Estate at lowest rates. Farmers ` Mom Discounted. collections made in any \ put of the County. man Estate nought and mm. Conveyancing in all its branches. mar- iuso moennn Issued. Oioen-over Canadian Bank of Commerce. Dumop street. 45-1y _ . ,5 uuuuawra. auuuxbora. Noumea. &o.. Mono: ruoau. buns, Anxawn and uruvennurst. `ALTON Mocuvrnv, 04.0. `.19. 1- . rnrunc. . .3. Mounmuv. 1). F. Mowarr. *j I HENRY. APPRAIBER & BILL PuSTl-=l-1:.` , &o. _1c_enta Collected. sex-vanu. Proviaad- vlanrn u w An, AUU`1'1UIV Jun: run T111`) County or Sxmcoe. Terms reasonable. moo at my Store. Craighurst. 46-Jyi :;:-- 1 4:. l\v5.l.I.Ilal1Ul'SDl', . .uAn.lu.u'1`l, AT- [. torney. Solicitor m Chancery, Uonveya.n- at. &.o. Aomoe-1`nrac Door aounn or Post. Omce, ma : Block. uwen street. Barrie. 49-48 A ixmum 8; MUc"1s6N.'"B.im3IsTERs'. } Solicitors. uunveyuucera. 14:0. Munnv m ___- IOOARTHY. PEPLER & MCCARTHY, Barristers. sonoiuors. .N0\8I`l0|I. &.o.. Money and umvennm-at. SAMUEL TENCH. WELL BINKEB. HOUSE and Land urainer. rgsturnu thanks tome public gcgnerully tor mew past. favors, and would iutorm them that he 1:: sun In the busi- ness, and as prompt MN Obsinx as ever. Orders "can be left. an N 0. 30, Peel street. Barrie, and they win he pronnptlyasweuded to. 47-46 I --_.-- [EWSOvN(& ORES WICKE, BARRIS'l`EB.S.T Solicitors of mm aunn.nm- inn:-I. m= _Iu:H_ ** [OHM MACKAY. AUO'1`l0NEER.'COMMIs A mgigaen g:;1zga.:cer,A1a:uer 0:. MEIPIIEO ow 3 Cregmox-n:o8r.;_w 15):" I Iosnpii ROGERS, coNv1cY.Z6im. 0531!: ___x_x;1`|_sjionex-_1_n_ Que9n'p Bench. Auouoneer. QUEEN'S HOTIGL.--A. W. BROWN. Proprietor. Excellent acoommodetlon for : trovellin public. Bar and larder well eup- with (9 best. Good etabllng and atten~ Ye hoetlere. Luggage of guests eonveyed tree to mi from all trelne. Few doors west of Mat- _ Vetreet. on Dunlop street. A ~ ` ' ;_;___ LA 31:31:: V ts. .2. Gas t s` `U bth l'Io_ l1U5ALVlSU.' Ul`JlV'l'l5'l'. uuuu: or Extract1ng'l.`eethalwaya on hand ; leaaant and safe. Uice over Du"a iroeery tore. Barrie. Ont. _-....-_...._____. -_..._-. ... . ... .. ficpn sw;;:aa;;am;3B;;;;; ()nnm.v of Rimnnn. `rut-ma rnunnnnm- MOVITTIE, D. L. SU_ VEYOR AN D 1 `Real Estate Agent.` N. W. '1`. * rrespondenoe solicited wnh x- ` r&t.oinvcst- 1 nouns in Province of Alberta. ,.W.'l`. A. W \ IIOVITTIE. Andreas Calgary, via. Benton, ` dontana. U.S. - - gowns T0 LEND on min. nsmwrn: yr 81x!groens.1ntoreat.- LENNUX 8: LEN- X. B0 itori. Barrio. 2 ;____ H ..;_* _.. _.; I saw` noaisj omm` cuusmumw. (".nnnt.v nf imnmm (MB:-.n...Pnlinn linnrt uunru nuunsna, UUN V16! AN GER. COM- miuioner in Queen : Auouoneer, ppruaer. and Uommiaaion Agent 101' the scale Houses, hands. Farm stock. Household` mature. Goods. Wu-ea. sac. Also tor the \ lleouon o! nenta, Notes and Aooounts.{ Boe-Police Conn. Ban-in. OGERS 8: GREER s GENERAL AGENCY in the town or Barrie. for the collection of `hattcl mortgages, Rents, Debts ow. We are ' so prepared to undertake General D. tective ' E ueineus for Legal Firms. Mercnance and others at moderate rams. Dulce : Ponce court, Ba.r~ 1'10. ! .0. Box 223. ` I!-.-_-.. `VI--/ (7 uouuun 01 name. NOIOB Iloe--Polico Court, Barrie. _-_....._j..-_._.__._.Z___-.._._-... _.._j___________________ , R. LYON. PR1 VATE FUNDS T0 LOAN c all Estate st. lowest. mun, warm-.. "_XiomT" TTm"""-- . _T:-i A. RADENHURS'l`..BARRISTER, AT- torney. Chnncun- llnnvnvnn. :E[63"N Wonn.-_-H. Snwnnv Manumctmer of on daooription ot Engines, Boilers Saw Grist mill. Shingle, bath. and Wood- 'ox-lm: Mnohinerv. .-- ._m.- r:':: _: '_'i._..__._.., R. 3. H. BOSANKO. BENTIST. uqun) Gas for Extramtlnz"l`m~.t.h nlwnvn on lmnd 2 nannn as munuuwun. BARRISTERS. solicitors.` uunveyuucera. &o. Munuy to n. Umoe--Over D. J. Murumsouis more. Item Street. Barrie. Bl'8.n0nUn1cu---Pnlmm-'2 JDIIIFII IIUIIIIIVD. Ullllal" UU1VD'l'J1l$lJIli. rgounty of Simone. 0ice-Polioe Uonrt... _ . 3.11.. G. M Y-"-0 cm ouidonoo on 0 6st side!-`g H31 i`"3ou3x5 :.'" Gm 8%. . _ _ ,.._.:;..._.__. .- - -- ._..._:_ -_..__...._._._._.-.__ I'll LLANEOUS. p nnnn. 1. Arraldl R HILL POSTER. be neat Ooueoned, sax-vents Provided. Omoe up-stairs oppoaue Bank or commerce. .--. .._..._..._. _._.__.._._.-_v.--- V` OTIO E118, ETC. muunadihiiiivf m 0113 manna FOR mvnsr. mum. on noun frnnhnld and-nu-ill! ' FINANCIAL. nnwnsrs. OFFICIAL. LEGAL. OR SaLE.--Four good Building Lotamltu awed comer Peel and John streets, btIl`l`l8._ Also, a lot on Nupxer atreet, hams. Aypby to ' R. R. 110111`. Raul Estate Agent. The Regular Meeting of the above soclot will be held in Bothwel '9 Hall. , opposxua the Railway. Station. on Wnnnnsmv. 7'rn of Juwanv, 1885. at 8 p.m. - A. E. H. Cnnswxcxn. jg. Gamma. I3 WITIU 61-ly II": 51-15 rnsvaluuv U -I-'5" Duuan . But whatever the alterations may be it , is to be hoped that they may be expressed in pure, idiomatic and excellent English. The New Testament revision is, unhap- ply, marred in many passages by an inap- propriate diction and an awkward, bung- ling style-e -a style more sug estive of Greek constructions than 0 simple, natural and elegant idiomatic English. Its authors,` in learning Greek so there cughly, forgot in part their mother- tcngue, and therefore gave tothe world a version sadly handicapped with literary blemishes; Possibly the Old Testament ` revisers have taken warning from the just criticisms which in this respect were showered upon the work of their col- .lo.cks with eagerinterest tor this new A: ; rendering of God's Word. and is prepared` ' i to welcome ' it with joy and ' thanksgiving. V |.-Christian- at Work: p ` _ I V ..............5 IA: usu lawn uz ueorew pa,rauel- . ism. These and similar changes were at least foreshadowed in an article long since published by Dr. Soha` ` `Rut mime-......- `L- -n-_-A! susvisn auapt-anon or the b`eptuagini. _ The established order ofthe books will not be disturbed. The Apocrypha will not be included, but will be revised by an English Committee, independent of the Revision Committee. And it is supposed that some such changes will be introduced as the following : In place of the Hebrew, plural cherubim there will be the Eng- lish plural cherubims, and in` the same way seraphims, nethinims, snakims, etc. Intelligible words and phrases will take the place of archaisms such as taches,` ouches, lrnops, "neesings, and all to, meaning altogether. Again, uni- formity will be sought in the spelling of proper names and places, retaining, how- ever, as a rule, the Hebrew forms for Hebrew names,-` except where a foreign name has been thoroughly naturalized and unalterably xed in English usage. Again, there will be a revision of ortho- graphy, pronunciation, capitals, and per- hapsa metrical arrangement of poetry according to the laws of Hebrew parallel- . These and similar nsaannn. ....'..... .- Attorney 3. Bouoiooru nn Chancery. Notaries QTRATHY 6: AULT, BARRISTERS AND ` bllo. Oonveyancers, Barrie. Co. Isuncoe. Ont. Omoe over Bank of Toronuo. ' H. H. Bnwruv. ' W. Auxxr. SW `:(.)ne who has not committed much of the Bible to memory could read the new `edition for pages without knowing that any changes had been made. The revis- ers have been veryconservative and have left the gold text undisturbed wherever "possible. Some of the broader passages, however, have been softened, and a num- ber of minor changes made, such as re- taining the old` Hebrew word `Jehovah instead of the modern rendering, `Lord. The English revisers, however, chug to the word `Lord." We have found in our labors that the old revisers were better Greek than Hebrew scholars, and that many of their mistakes were due to a too slavish adaptation of the Septuagini. The untnhlinhn nwlnu nc-oi... l.....I... ...:n rrnvvvl VVUII UIJMUIDIUULI bulb been much more conservative than were their New Testament colleagues, and that, to quote the language of Dr. Chal- mers, "they. have conned themselves in the main to such changes as were deemed indispensable, instead of embracing all the cases which- might seem desirable. In corroboration of this, Dr. Conant `says : ` no\A L-.. _AL --_.-_.,SAn .1 a A nun vvl versus `DIV uuauu IUI" IIIIUHL The revisers, wishing their work to stand or fall on its completed merits, and not by any partial criticisms on particular and disconnected passages. are pledged secrecy as to the specic character of the changes made. It seems, however to be pretty well understood that they have been much more nnnnnrvntiun. oi..- .....-.. . sauvyvo 8 Owing to chauees resulting` from death and otherwise, and the introduction of new 4 members into the Old Testament Committee, it was deemed advisable not to be content with a second nal revision in their work, but to seek greater thorough- ness and accuracy by reviewing it a third time in the most critical manner. This hasbeen the occasion of some delay ; but we understand that at their meetings dur- ing the latter part of October and No- vember, ,the' American scholars will throw into an appendix certain of the emenda- tions which they originally proposed, but which were not adopted by the English brethren into the text,` and that then_ the task of publishing the (bmpleted Old , Testament will be rapidly pushed fur- '- ward. It will not, however, be out probably before the first of May. The only authorized editions will be those from the University presses of Oxford and Cambridge, but from these, doubtless, there will be innumerable reprints in var- ious forms. Two reasons conspire to render the publication slow; first, because it is intended to print one edition in four volumes on heavy paper--not for the market but forpresentation to every per- son who has contributed 825 or more to- ward the publication. The labor done on this will be largely by hand and very ele- gant, but, of course, tedious. _A second reason for slowness will be the necessity ` of "getting a vast number of copies ready in advance of attempted sale, so as to be able to meet the immense demand that will certainly be made for them. Tho winnings. -n-L_.. LL-1._ __'-.,I I 1 4 1 On the 10th of February,` 1870, now ovcrfourteen years ago, a resolution was unanimously carried; through both Houses of the Convocation-of Canterbury to ap- point a`joint.c ommittee f`to report upon the desirableness of a revision `of the authorized version of the Old and New Testament. whether by marginal notes or otherwise, in all those passages where lain and clear errors, whether in the ebrew or-Greek text originally adopted by the translators, or in the -translations made from the same, shall on due investi- gation-be foundpto exist. This led to the formation of two companies-one to labor on the Old Testament and the other to labor on the New Testament; and these companies, though including eight. - of the most accomplished English bishops, were enlarged by other eminent scholars without regard to nationality or religious creed; and- further, an American com- mittee on` each of the `Testaments was invited toco -operate with theEnglish re- visers. The results of the New Testa- ment committee have already been given to the, world," with what success our read- ers. have had ample opportunity to know. I\ _,!_. , I I.I 1.. g ghskinn gr :5! VIXUI IBCIIIUTVIFIVO III` mu u-'n:o lusbnshod order at cgsoon nothtlturbod. . A -nror me? llel Grey Flannel so 'c9 Io- - - `> The Credit system. The Monetary Times says : It isgre- f_re shing to nd a man with a `stiff upper lip on the matter of terms of credit. We nd the following upon a neat card hear- ing the signature of J. W. Flavelle, Pet- erborough : V Oaann',-Provisions and seeds of all I kinds ought always to be net cash; cns- | tom, however, of years standing has es-A `tablished a credit of thirty day , Lately I nd a growing disposition on the part of the purchasing public to lengthen this period, sndthe request to have prompt payment is received with much disfavor. That no misunderstanding may occur, I ask my customers to notethat all accounts must. be paid up on the first of every man th, unless otherwise specially arranged v .for, credit will only be granted on these terms.` Afcouipliance with thiswill be of as much advantage to the purchaser as:my- self,'as a'mo`nth s acceiintsis much easier, ,met than _ th:`-99 .,;nQ_i1l'lllt-.'.".o. ' ltll-{VI I `N Carroll, Clnn, Salop :-All who buy it are pleased, and recommend it. Joe. Balkwxll, A. P.S., Kingsbridge :--The public seem to appreciate their great value. A. Armstead, Market Street, Dalton-in Furnees :-It is needless for me. to any that your valuable medicines have great 88168, in this diet:-ict-gre'ater than any other I know of, giving great satisfaction. 45-44 LENNOX 8:. LENNOX, ARRISTERS. AT- wrmzyu at-luw. xzoucibons in Ununoery. Uonveyanoera. 8:0. Omuezwuorner or Uumop and Owen streets, Barrio. J. '1`. Lmwox. xuvarrrox Lnuuox. -For the Brew. 'l?In n-ml .. uunluuu vuu 51111016 15 [IGNI- John Archer, Harthill, near. Sheield :-I can condently recommend it to all who may be suffering from liver or stomach com- plamts, having the testimony of my custom- ers, who have derived great benet from the Syrup and Pills The sale in, increasing wonderfnllv. A I I`..- A 1IY-LL IAI `Ir - --- ` A -- -- ' 5:000 ysuauususuu isnu WGIIIIGIB. All Of these symptoms arevin turn resent. It is thought that nearly one-thi of our poun- lation has this disease in some of. its varied forms. It has been found that medical men have mistaken the nature of this disease. Some have treated it for liver complaint, others for kidney disease, etc., etc., but none of the various kinds of treatment have been attended with success, because the remedy should be such as to act harmon iousl-v upon each one of _these organs, and "upon the stomach as well : for `in Dyspepsia (for this is really what the disease is) all of these organs partake of this disease and re- quire a remedy that will act upon all at the same time. Seigel s Curative Syrup acts like a charm in this class of complaints, giv- ing almost immediatc relief. The following letters fromchemists of standing in the com- munity where they live show in `what esti-_ ; mation the article is held. `Aka ,A -nLm-,B__LL:`I , , he an o - - Like. a thief at night it steals in upon us u unawares. Many persons have pains about , the chest and sides, and sometimes in the back. They feel dull and sleepy ; the y month has a bad taste, especially in the ` morning. Asort of sticky; slime collects` about the teeth. The appetite is poor. There is a feeling like a heavy. load on the stomach; sometimesa faint all-gone sensa- tion at the pit ofthe stomach which food does not satisfy. The eyes are sunken, the hands and feet become cold and feel clsmmy. After a while a cough sets in at first dry, but after a few months it is attended with a greenish coloured expectoration. The gf. 'cted one feels tired all the while, and sleep does not seem to a`ord any rest. After a time he becomes nervous, irritable, and gloomy, and has evil forebodings. . There is v .1 giddiness, a sort of whirling sensation in the head when rising u suddenly. The bowels become costive ; t e skin is dry and hot at times ;' the blood becomes `thick and stagnant ; the whites of the eyes become tinged with yellow, the urine 18 scanty and high-coloured, depositing a sediment after standin . There is frequently as spitting up of the cod, sometimes with a sour taste, -sometimes wilh a sweetish taste; this is frequently attended with palpitation of the 4 heart; the vision becomes impaired with . spots before the eyes ; there is a feelin of , great prostrstion and weakness. A1 of tluann urn-nnlmnrm nun h. an... ....-_-..L 1L 9. 7-. --v-v--v u--vvvvcg went uuav VI! VIUCE Remus to Swear Rim In. Kmcsrox, Ont, Dec. '9.-,-Yesterday Dr. John Stewart was elected Mayor. Whether the proceeding was regular or not is a question. After the death of Mayor McCammon the Council appointed an attorney, not desiring to hold an elec- tion until the regular time in January. Dr. Stewart claimed this -illegal, and looking up the statutes of Ontario found that if the clerk did not proceed to" call for a new election, orrefused to do so when requested, the ratepayers could do it themselves." Yesterda the electors were called together ames Nesbitt, market lessee,` "was placed in the chair, and, Dr. Stewart declared elected Mayor at the close of an hour.` At the conclu- sion of the meeting the doctor went to the City Clerk and requestedhim to swear him in as Mayor of the city, but the clerk refused, saying that he would not `swear in a man thatwasenot Mayor-`elect. Very well, replied the doctor, I order you to summon the Aldermen to meet me to-night-in the Council Cham- ber. `I ll be there. He then left the office. There is fun ahead. 9--<$>-"'C""j- I-whacurnumuusetngcxscomxns - upanusz - Defeated In Brantlard city and Carried in Brantiiconnty. - ` ' ;Bn;A1~"riOi:.n, Dec. ]1._-_-The Scott Act was voted on` in the City of Brautford and the county of {Brant to-dav, the vot- ing in each municipality being s9pa.rate and distinct. In the city the result was : For, 647 ; against, 812 ; majority against .165. In the county there was a majority of 513 for the measure with three nlaces to hear `from. T Dr. scum-t mama. but the city Clerk `ligu-A. 5- 11...... an... 9.. .UlI cvuuw IIUUDIIIU lull . 1." _ `lg `face and said : I -gnythina onten me y hinleeves tor-ght, - - o . . H ' f any-' . ;:if. y ..,.,,W8X: the dummy didn't weiit`ahy`thiug' the fel- low walked aft` saying: You can't bluff me with our town clothes on. I am a `eumthin myself. _ ` ' AL -> , ,.__ 2-37 thin`: that hits the `oh beca.mo_i I.-2..-_I_-__.__ A ,, 0 %Z9aQQ9 [ll ,A`\1 my x1Ni:sr61vw}ux7ronALrY. iid linit 25. gu _woa>l_ keo '1'. qrgv 4: _'1:;11: NORTI_1ERN _ . The need it}; _ Jones, what was that dreedlul noise I heard In your woodahed last evening '1" ` That was the rebel yell. What do you .mean_? Why, I was spanking my boy fer not minding his mother.-." " . MHZ}? :):e`a'ug`:a'1 1':1`,i:1"ee"Vvithout a Bunch of green Hope on the white` label. Shun all the vile, poisonous stulf yith op" or Hops m their name. -' Oh, how I do wish myiakin was as clear and soft as` years," said a lady to her friend. You can eaailvrmake it .30," answered the lfriend, How 1" inquired the first lady. * '9 By using op Bitters that makes yure, [rich blood and blooming health. It did ' for me as you observe. . ff` nan `no-n-....' _:LI.`...L - C ' ` ` If you have rou h, pimply, or allow skin. bad breath, Hop ittera will give you fair akin, rich hlood, the sweetest hresth and health. `$500 will be paid for I can they will not cure or help. . nvv cum on uumb w1u1s.11:, BARRISTEBS. Isohcmora of the aupn-tmeuourt. of Judi-T ouuure or um.u.no. rroctora, nuturws, Uonvcy- snours, 850. Money to Loan. Umces--nouns gen ? monk, opposite N. an N. W. y. Ssauon, arr e. U. 19. Hmwspn.