Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 11 Dec 1884, p. 8

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z, mo. 17--Farm stock and blot 18, con. 9., "Ora. at 12 ... E Henderson, proprietor; uctioneen T cum sxms. --g -mucus also @055 . 84 Park Nil. KILK1 070 060 ?.2 $065 to 3 0 70 I In 9' 050-00: . 299... 5'1 ; o 18. . c 11..;'. AIR I. 1590-0 0 17.... lll 010 012 070 070` VVV 070 075 016 018 012` 018; A12` vconstabkfs revolver. IJU lo . Gravenhurst constkles last week chased a horse thief for miles before capturing him. Both were in buggies, and the chase was very exciting, interspersed, as it was at intervals, with shuts from th -.m 1 3' u u I ' . ..~.,., ..:s:::. 0 W M T A{r IKE KEIPENFELDl_`_'mNERY,_BABBlE; __.-_v-v, no-VIJJLQ IDV- U-1' Fall lines in Giocerieqtilways on hand and at the lowest cash price: % L - - V V V F&l"l|6l'B' Producg ta_;_I:"_ep in exchange. - Call andyou wlI1b;o`,s'3t1sed with your ur- chase. . ?V _- ` ` 47-? . r man MANu_i:i wnmnz iv - --`oi j J} I Has Ju-t open9d ontgqnne ne lots or TEAS, SUGARS, I\l\ Awe ..... .. '._, 2 nouns mm or QUEEN;_ 1;<)'1~1;.` : RATQDIIE ` 1 ueIu.'soLo s1'Au__o. 2 DOORS EAST-OF QUEEN'S HOTEL. She is prepared to do all kinds of stamp-A ing and will keep a. supply of materials for F A N C Y W0 R K. Lediea and Children`: Underelotninlg and Children : Apron mode to order. 47 46 ____________________, .1`lEW-GR0<`ERY :--- Sale to commence each day at` TEN O cLoox, at Two O'CLO0K to 4 .p.m.. and` at Smvmzv O'CLOOK. nu. '1l`he whole stock will be disposed of for cash on yl Private saleof said goods at cost every day at the above mom. [mum sum `anon mu." Barrie, Nov. 26. 1884. onnn-nIsm1oc nms; 3 At the Auction Room Opposite the Amt Hotel. on Market Street. . sea was R-E3 Fl-AG!" Saturday, November 29. 1884. CROOKERY, sun: to De goon clay loam and well cultivated. "ERMS. One-tenth of the _ urchaee money to be paid down at the time 0 sale.- sumcient within thirty days with interest at the rate of seven percent. rer annum to make up one- thlrd of the purchase money; for balance. texluna liberal, and.will be made known at the sa 196': further particulars apply to ' JOHN LEYS. 4760 Solicitor, Toronto. -:- READY MAIIE CLOTHING, DRY Goons.` BOOTS AND saorzs. _ b _ 2- - U U 1 I C K Has resumed business in Fancy` Goods in EXTENS]_VE SALE] I203 {I038 IS LOCAL NIWQ. at: rate parcels. His is a very desirable and choice farm pro- perty. situate about citrht miles from either Tuttenham, Beeton or Allislon. in a well-settled part of the County. About ninety acres are cleared and free fr am stumps of the North half of said lot 18` on which said half lot are erected frame dwel inz. plastered outside. two log barns. frame granary. driving shed and other farm buildings There we also an orchard of about two acres on this lot. 0! the west half of lot 20. about 80 acres are cleared and free from stumps and on the remisea are erected a dwel- lltxgntrh part frame an part log, and log barn and s e. . _ i`he soil. havin reference to both parcels. is said to be good c ay loam and well cultivated. TERMS. One-tenth Of '1}!!! nrlrnhnnn Innnno 56 we aoove 7 Please see large bills. 1 acres. [HOPE 01` 1885. Also. the West half of lot number twenty, in the fourth (`oncession or the said townsmp of ladjala, containing one hundred acres, more or 888. The above lands and premises will be offered en bloc, a.d it not sold will be offered ln lW0 seggrate parcels. in in A vnrv nch-nl-no on.-I ah`.-.I.. 0..-... ...... Iowmlt vuxuame tuna and premises. viz: ` T The North half of lot number eighteen, in-the at h Concession of the township of 4djala. in the County of Simcoe. containing one hundred acres. more or less. T Alan tho font half A! Int nunnlu... L...-_4.._ 3.. A. D. 1884, at l'o clock in the afternoon, the fol,- lowinz valuable land and premises. viz: Th Nnrth half Of Int. nnmhnr Aiuhfnnn In-9}: -uuuuu unnuu an roucneIo-1nwnmng 88- ~urera are requested to examine the favorable terms oered by this Company. andto note the ample security altered to its gglioy holders. F. -STA NDLI WWII! nnh-nnl Under and vlntue of power of sale contain- ed in a. certain Mortgage. which will be pro- duced at time of sale. a.-'d upon which detault in payment has been made, there will be sold at the Queen's Hotel, inethe . A an vnnv vv uuv Us ruunsw. uni vif"Iifuji}"E5g`us_n_, AND FOLLOWING SATURDAYS, __ - _. .. w... .v. nu. av vi 0 Ilia & \)U'In A Toronto drummer (mi 3 $55 purse in Urillia and restored it to its owner.` All drummers are honest, but the wonder is how an `Orillia man {came to have so much cash. VIN. LIIVUI a. million. `runny R my bsi - dande- ldberal Iggrm o`rl.)lI:y?ul::1f3eI totally free from all vexatlous travel. occupation. habi contestable ant} non-to eitable. after two or three years. . . . . V Prominent ob ect-Sound Life Insurance. Besulu-1`his In any has returned to its polio holders over 34. ,000in bonuses. and pogid 000,000 in claims, in all over $10 000 000 during the 37 years of its establishment, and has Never entered a com-tot law to contest a 9310810 claim, all claims being pain Immediately on proof of death. - Cost. The lnwnnt nnrmintnnf ufh anfntv. ""'l" "'131' a` ' rit : ms co e an o o s m- panv izinnganadags shoe:-nsgreomythe results of the past ear's business its new business having ` exoeede that of any other British omoe. being 81.169000 in nine months, from 1st April, 1883. to 3Ist IIecemb- r. 1883. . Its extension payment or loaning system. whereby policies may be kept in loroe, should nancial diieulties overtake thn insured. is unsurpassed in its liberality to policy holders. Loans made on Pollcle:.-Inumdinnr ma. 1: . - cu-an um um. Montreal. . General Manager for Canada. J. GILPIN, General Agent. Barrie. 47-7 DFUOI "I (183511. ` Cost- The lowest consistent _ with safety. This Compan) does not pretend to do Insurance at cost. it is an absurdity to suppose an re- liable Company can turmsh Insurance :1 cost. Can any respectable merchant do business at cost and ny his liabilities? ` Invan mnnt llnln-_mhn hunt nnnnritv rutner Luau U18 l&l'R88li IIIEOIBBF. ' ' Bonuses paid in cash every three (3) years. This i ompany always diVidP8 its prots ever)` three years, and its rates will be found to be as low. and compare ver favomblywith any re- iiab e and respectab e company. The Directors have established this Com ny in Canada upon such a basis as will entit e its policy holders to the full benets of as home in- stitution. W ith the further security of a British oice and for this purpose have empowered its Canadian Board to deal finally with all matters connected with life insurance without reference to head oice in England. All mlrninml in Fnnnrln cu-A invn-tad in Hana- w no-an ounce tn nzngnana. All earnin s in Canada are invested in Cans- di'ai_1'1` Eecurn es. - nhnnnini-{Our nn -`Ln.-nu-lbw `C okhn IVA-us, FARM _PRPERTV mmm. lNO0ME.(Abont) . - yoop. j with Canadian Government 8100.- 000. Invested in Canadian -securities over halt a nnllllnn ' AccUMUi..a'1mD?Lsmvrs,L A` .` `ooomoaob. way uuu ny ms un.uuu.1e8 I lnven enl: Bule.- The best security rather than the lamest interest. Ilnnnnan Illll III on uh nvnntr fhnnn (RI vnllf ' llestw best 251:. all woml Grey Flannel go act to T. W. Gray 6: 00,50 --wv-wvw-v-u IQIUJVV VVVITIICJ VII`? IIIICIIICULQ `C ` mam-pa 3331-1-ix`: ts pal ny holders. on l ollcIes.-Intending as- urera are reaneated to examine tlm fnvm-nhln BY PUBLIC Auc%1'IoN --OF-; AUCTION SALE aqo Tsu_sI-{SL3 or ya-up nuruuv V||.LA'iiE" or 3:51-on; Tn thn (`nuntv nf Rimnnn nu PROVISIONS; Fnvrr. &c., In `Ir I-i&Iu'-I9!` V '1: -t-h';`(-Eounty of Simcoe, on I'\AIY .IimlI In A` .-. mun. -r UIIIC vvnuyuuy. uulcl UV uu umy'on'em1 my hold F.-STANCLIFFE. ontreal. Gnnnrnl Ilnnno-an far On or vujunu: ._ON.;_ --Clothing. F1: on the cash and o get the bottom [one ance of bartering at A m........a... .1-.- - price system. You llhout the annoy- Wo & 00,`: lhhrln J. W. MORROW. Auctioneer. 39-12 l`. &c., &o.[ Amerian -m-n.u--=s'r1uLYED FROM THE PRF!1\rI- M ises of John Newton, Lot _ 13. 7th Con. Ves- abo,ut.tbe 15:11 August 19. A st,ja re-d milch cow aboutyeara old, white across the bins. ghoul: oi! the left horn. ; Any grson ziving in- -ormatton of her` whereabouts` John Newton. Vespm ;- orfenry Rioli..Bra.mley P.O. will be rewarded. ~ t - V v e 4860-!) V Hardwood Lands. containing six Hundred acres more or less. situate on water's ed e at entrance to Penetsnguia-hene and Midlan har- bo . Inspiendid position to take of! cord wood and other timhrs to advantmze. either for rail or water shlgfin . There is a fortune in this for any prize man who i would `actively `handle the wood. Price, oi ly Ten Dollars per so halt cash balance on time at low interest. :1) pp y to Kh:A`1`ING ac mnwsou, Peneta`r;gt}1i- ens. .. ` I . S l`3RAY--STRAYED FRO Ievqbon, Lot. pg"'n`I-nun. 4L- av ' M 7th Con. Von- Oioe hours. 8 a. m. to 7 p. m. - Sundays excepted. ' Monel Orders nted on all Money Order lqlt_Iices Oanad gt? nee a,v nlted States. Great Bx-itai Edward Island. Newfoundland an `India,Va_nd_Saviuge Bank dbnlli tn rnnnitnul Inn , - unv- 33003 In Uanada, United States; tireathrltain and India, and Savings Bank deposits received be- tween the hours of 9 a. m. and 4 p. m. tered Letters must be handed in 16 min- utes fore the close of such mail. - The letters (and all other mail matter) are taken from the street letter boxes every day. Sda t7.30 olk..dt3 0-:am;:,*:r::'a:.#~,:m * m M _ "son 7 J. EDWARDS Postmaster. `Au.-Ian nouu uuu uwuwu - - . . . . . . . . . Northern Railwa (Sout.h).... ...... .. North Samcoe Ra lwatf. Penetangub shene and Midlan . ............ .. Newmarket ......................... .. : Newmarket ........ ... ............. .. Hamilton and Beeton Branch Rall- wak ....... ........... .... .. 1 Muako Branch Railway ...... . ;. .. Collingwood ................... .. Colllngwood ........................ .. Orlllia ................. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Orillia ........ ........ ... .......... .. HillIs$Il.le,Craighnrst.Dalaton,Crown ` R b . Ed . Steel ;. :-$rgnfell.g9l`l;1esda ean :-Midhurst. Mon ay. _a.nd Friday...._... nuluuule. uraxgnurst, ualston and] R (t} mwnEIgin....;l.il..': ug V, gar e, e '3 Square and East Oro.. .......... .. ' t-Grenfell. Tuesda and Friday.... 3--Midhurs3 Mon ay. Wednesday andFri ay . . . . . . . ..... British Mails. ma (N. .,)Monduy and Tuesday ................... .. 90 (Human) Thursday... ...... . . DAILY nuns mm mom Toronto.f......... ` . . . . . . . . ..] Toronto.......` ....................... .. Toronto... ........................... . . Northern Railway! AN0l'th). Grand - V Trunk Eastan ttawa. ........ .. 1 Northern (South)... North Slln Iunnv Don natural 4 1 -_--- ---pg-nu D was I Toronto. ............................. .. 'l`oronto.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Toronto" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Northern Railway South . . , . . . . . . . .. Newmarket . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Newmarket ........................ .. Allandale . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Allandalc Hamilton 85 Beeton Branch Railway Penetangnishene, Midland and No!` Simcoe Railway.... ..y Muskoka Branch Railway... . . . . .. Grand Trunk East and Ottawa .... .. ; Orillia. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . j Orillia . . . ........................... .. Coillngwood ................. . . . . .. j Colllngwood .................. Northern Railway North . . .' ....... . . ; Hillsdale. Craighurst, Dalston and G1-ownHill-.._.. or _ - BARBIE POST OFFICE; PA.E BROS; .. ovugnunnnnvu ` Benfc forget tr5f-3 .i)'tJ1.ying elsewhere ` V to see our beautiful 031;;-ich F331];- -- -..-- 5-vzvo KJIII-I.l\J|4l.lIl.Is vvuuucltul. Don't fail to have a. look at our Velvgtueeng in black and colored. u;eVthe collect appointed for St. Andrew's Day in the English church was the only recognition of the Scotchma_.n s -day in Orillia. 1\I_.4I,n, , -. '5`. - - -~ ~ ' ifadi'e-"75o1 Jerse3;s};1;1- fider ` Vests remarkably cheap. 'I\.... a .........a. L..c..._.. L___:_ _ _1_-_1 , r-__ J.--_, w . . - - - u V . ~ . Ask to see our Holland at; 12c., all Linen. . 1 Our Canton Flannels (Grey), a 10 and l2%c. Something wonderful. nnh b 4'..:l 4-,. 1.....- .. 1--.. -._ _-_-- 200 pairs more of those beautiful, extra size, all wool Blankgtg that everybody raved so much about at 50. a pair lower than last season. .1.\`I-'___ -1- :.. ...___ _-.___`-L -_ 1 ._-1 -. _ designs.) ' . Fur.'_I'rimmings 9. specialty. 50 p1eces mate of those elegaant ` Costume -Cloths for Dresses, at 200. per yard; all shades. A-I_ L--- ,, 90 lo q . can Than previous seasons. And as usual with little or no expenses and plenty!" Ready.(`ae at our demand. We have managed through the depnession in (L several Manufactures toprocure some of the Greatest Bargains ever otfmd, suit the present Hard Times. anus I. v u--`av! - Wincbyg, a la`rgeAlot at l0c,, equal to the best. ever o'e1-ed at 12;c. A aunnnb :_ T-J2-.., I'!I_4.-_- .__v -..--v --.7- an .y\. .5`; `.1 _ ' A great, driv; {:1 Ladies nvi] l3tg1- and Mgntle Cloths. (of the latest Hnniann In the following articles we have just to hand :-_ Juan ' A V- V1 `in vs: V Ilvsullvllg W "fiT,j;ne1g i;;1:ey,acaz-let and white. Ex_t_ra_ val_ue. _ T FAl.l AND WINTER SALE 30 DAYS SOONEB Parry Sbui1i1_w-ilrl a-Ii>p1y'to the Ontario Government to help` it with nancial aid in getting the Pacic Junction railway. D (`1 Qlnoinl-I.-....I .1 `I -I_-n I 1 I PAE BBOS., BARBIE. uuuuue, HHIOI ' nAu.Y nuns 1:-on MANCHESTER HOUSE, Owing to ghopresentv Low Prices of Grain, we have d :Cidrd to hold T our Annual ` _....-' _--.--..--u, up` -qrusnup, LVVVUIIU And last but not.leas't ofall you wi be surprised to see the bargains we oil- in Men's Under Shirts and Drawer Over Shirts, Cardigans, Over Coats prices never heard of before; Read: made Clothing, (latest cut), and in fat everything that is made to make Ma: Woman and Child comfortable for tb~ long and severe winter that IS [redic ed Before throwing this bill to on side, note how it is we can sell so shes and at the same time give sot`-.x.=' at perfect goods. Ho seconds. B: the best to be haul. Firstlv--We bu`: for cash. Secondly-We pay no Clerks Sill ies, Heavy Rents, &c., which is plall to see have allto come out of those wk buy. But we give our cuscorners ti: henet of all that, therefore enublin. us to sell as we do; 1139]; in grey, scarlet white. ue. ; eyg,i s largelot 10c,, equal at at at. drive in Ladies Ulster ~.ntlo Cloths. (of M98` Frimmings 9 aces .e -Cloths for at all uses anton at lc. fail 39113 Wool Jerseys and Under narkably orget before buying elsewhere Ostrich MANCHESTER HOUSE, ma` '15-i-i&?aI I I I 3!. Wednesday U U ~--~ - -v--v v ---V--V-I IHIIAVVCIJO R. C. Strickland, of Lakeeld, has been appointed overseer of Stony Lake and Trent Valley vuters by the Dominion Government. T AT THE GELEBRAHD T `1050ami . ....-..~--, V- -0 \-nv|II- M;fc)gi-;ci1ooI board has resolved to engage no teacher until the requisite cer- ticate is shown up to the board. 11-..--- (V- - 3 0108! Knowledge or the said facts. M. And ; make this solemn declaration com: b tioufelye be_lic_vlnz the some to he truv. 811 emf virtue of-the not pueseo in the 'l`hix-ty.-8V M i ergo: Her Majesty : reign intituled AD 0 C `d! -Jl` ,the an preeston of voluntary and 93` iuaguw T V x , , before me at the wn or Barrie, _l1_;qth ,;Oount_.y. of {sun- `valf and day or ,:.uln~A.U_ ' Q. . " W e""1'J-i.'..;"i.i'$'.'c'3I"" COUNTY OF QIMCOE, } AI, Samuel Weslbil . rowrr: otthe townotbu-r16 [in the county of sunooe. proprietor of T5 `Nonrannu Anvncon newspa 1', do solemn deohu-e that no wee during a past yell`. 5 50'-`la! weekly circa tion of 'l`ma: Noml`-3" Aovmcn has been fewer than Twelve H dred and!` t 1: _And Eggnigtlinhnr of the area and Fort ht i` And lvhrt 1 -2115 tlfglgatlisher of the II NOR'l`!!lBll"A.DVAN0l and thererone have {"13 knovilodgo or the and I . I lllk this nnlntnn rlnnhauunflnn nnnsciw -v `as: Ilvlllh uuuuu. Preferred positions in the paper will bf sold at an advance of one third on above rate: This rule will be strictly carried ow. courzucr cnnzons. Advertisers will please bear in mind_ that 11: tics of intention. to chan e advcruscmen; must be nsnded in to thee ce not later 015* Saturday at 10 o'clock, and the copy for 5; `change must be in the Anvmor. oilice not ink` than 18 o'clock noon on Tuesday. in any W otherwise the advertiser's annou cement 111' not be made public until the week fouowm CONDENSED ADVERTIBAH KN T8- Condensed advertisements on First P: such as Wants of all kinds. Lost and F90" Property for hole or to Rent. Specic Article! Eto.. ECO mliat he I1-nnmnnnim-I with the C88!`- Pro " "" -u | party Sale or lien-E. `Ee'ciTi`8_A'rt'1cleI E00. . E to-. must be accompanied with the 0855' and will be inserted-First. insertion. 9 9" per word. each subs: quent insertion. 1 cent word (net: es. add d I! `cum ;v69rde)' bu t. a. 1-eau'331oS` :3; eelgcgrtwo W e when the number of insertions 0` W same matter exceed Faun. --o--- In the Inner at the Olrcnlatlon or W > 11_..4Q_ -_,,, `For one mont.h-the t.hre__;;;>>:Zx't!_11y rdtlz W1!- or cons. added. 15 . . [ or two months--tho three monthly W` with 10 per cent. added I ' j I)-..O.__-.I _,-u- I on L: It tool} sgen clergymn to marry Rev. J. W. Wilkinson, of Beeton, to Miss Arvilla Richardson, of Aurora. Il'._,,,.I , I V 5 Inches. 5 column. 1 Inches. i Column on I'-..L-_ I t\_u,, -v ..-v-vwn 3 vvuuuu 20 Inches, 1 Column| .7`-.1:------ insertion or we same matte . _ I Legal. Olciul and Government 8.d`.'Ci'IB: manta will be charged at above rates. CO TRACT ADVEF TIBINU. following rates, which are (11 am (1 on correc: commercial principles, and. as they wxll be strictly adhered to in making new contracts` after preaont contracts expire, there will be only one price for all: I I f Contract advertisements will be taken at 11! I 1 Inch. ,- ucquenb msergmn, 4 cents per line. _ `I Readin nouces. 10 cents per lmc for first x: lsertion; cents per line for each Subacqueli insertion of the matte Learn], nfnial and u..un..........,...s ax!-m-0-AA ADVERTISING RATES. 7 The Advance has a. sworn Clroulauox of Twelve Hundred and Forty- Elght Copies, Almost, if not quite double that of any other Paper pub ished in Barrie. E` ADVERTISERS snovnn NOTE nus mom: (12 lines solid nonpariel make one inch). D 'mANsu.N'r ADVERTISEMENTS. - I First insertion, 10 cents per line. Eachsu: ; sequent insertion. 4 line. Readimr notices- 10 manta mm `inn cm. man- {THE nonnmm Aniim. y -un a:u4na.-.I.n roan Umce Block. Panama 1' uishene. one acre and a. quarter in th- centre ofvthe Town. Corner Lot. Post nloe Express Olce, Custom House. and Court Ok ` in same block. Splendid site for an Iactorr o-` woollen mm Close to smion o Nnrthei Railwa. . Price 81,000 Apply to KEIATINE i& HEV SON Penetangnishen 451! FOR 8ALE.-I-n Post Office Block. Penetang a; qu8l3erAip_th- N non}-o nl OI... "IA... t\_._,, ,, ` :3 VVIVIVU, `I-lllrla Uuvup.) House Furnishings. A spam bargain in Carpets of all kinds, Lu, Curtains, Oretonnes. 'Lambrequin Table Linens, Napkins, Towelinga,&:_ And lent kn! not loam ..r..n .__'_ - 1mg iiuiiacion has the Orillia News "Letter It says: We have now 391 bona fide subscribers. V 7 erg. Another `large lot just to hat in black and colored, (dirt cheap. ) "Asia; Pu-`no.8-L...._.. A No. of Inches Run on Ono L Inner non. ' 13- 52 Inser- Inscr- Inst: ' tlons. tions. tion; _ (8 mos) (6moa)I(_l_;j -. ,..._.__, . _._.._ as 2 so s 4 00 ! 5 oo 3 25 3 75 1500 16-00 25 00 as oo 46 w `PRICE FOR na ' 47 50 S. S~McCu:-mack, recently pl'il10i0l;l of the Orangeville, schools, has just died of typhoid fever. b u ! W 5 140! D 2461 D 455' J 800! nxnu -` 86811 by J Boimua-I \'\ M8.` or. or . 4000. A .1` said not-. .l?G_p1'0Scu llll I'(`V(' ha for U _pl'8 CI in never fuz Terms on post oic 3390 OH 1. gt BRO . OR S A aicrr-5 l'3VV!1_\' :2 `Ilia:-nu-n 1-,. . This f u` `hBl`dW(f lltfd on Q: Dbn .LV caution .~ nder \\ L. ll Stave 1 Papers . John cdnvention, .conaouo' m.m......~ ` ,%,.,,< .m% Ihrw V0fl|0I0IJ A f _ Gravenhnret has good eleighing. A The lake at Oriliia is oeiemdztwiuh -ice. Shelburne had -a grand` St Andrew ; night. ` - - The Asylum doctor at Orillia has 84000 a year. V , - _` - T _ Bradford, too, is saying," Let there be light." . ' Shelburne sends 19 delegates to the Sir .Lu. hi JOHN beisold whirl: I on app! CUUHH Thv hih 9 clay I: being: \andw 8115 11 dwfviz mu..- In El] Of Sin posad tent h Contn "PL .. 41.11., follow and 5 Of lam {rs Al... rursxmxxt Mortgapz~_ \ of sale-. tht-1 Auction, by he : POLICE CE kvntm Ara.ep'av1`y olce or self to h Barn L Chaffev councxl is agitating a railway -over the "portage betwern I enins1'11b. and Trading Lake . ~ l'1t\ nrru -row TH: llll-.\ `large 3 cam 'cons- nnil .. !:.?.`.. .u rm Septom have U: nvnnn. . _ 1. 1. .- 31 X 3'4 work `7'(')ld ; I 'I'H().- Tc; 3`! V Tlzxzeyoung man Boyd, who was killed at Bradford. was buried with Masonic honors. V T J7`, `Eng vunnn K'IH5` The It for 9! Faeh in ..I. , cu :01.` t\\'1 will M nun `Out I 11'... Iazvkf cal p far twn '10 w F OI-n 1: 7'Iv`}xe Northern railway elevator at Col- lingwopd has been` closed down for the season. V - ' A `tow I W. 5 `mm. L sale j 1 Chatsworth -debutingoity had ighallenged the Meaford society to a public < ebate. ~ * T An Englishman, named Edwards", drap- ped dead on a Gravenhurst street last week. ` - ' :3 H`. M om1a;o1s;g.e.;: ;;o;; e;e...a""' a. .:..ae_m the church by a bee last week. -. . q `A There were only 12 honor `pupil : in -Oz-illia.'s high school for last month. If_ 'f,-,_ David Barclay brouar t into Cruiavale recentlyon one load 6 bushels bf bar- ley. V . 'r\ A. n - - - .'Re'vV. Dr. Oochrane, of Braxuntfcgx-d, is ghortly to lecture for Meaford Presbyter- uans. . - ---cw nu-va- Li}: k"e:{, we;'(')-x-i_liia, has t;i:hed 0. course in Toronto Business College. ' T. J. Crawford has been re-elected captain of the Collingwood re brigade . l'I.......II9.. ...I-._..:..._ .._:n rm. .__, n,,,,,,,, I T7(i3 shouting at uvn-.. timely hours in Meafotd " ` `- * "mam ii}; (t(>`ri(x:aV. ;'m, mo. .. . f ul balland supper last week. ' A " f n,,-Ins, -rs, .. 3 -3 A 55,} iagxieii "i.o}.E}ew`- }.I1'o' :);;zen last week at 3 gift concert in Uellingwood J. , & D. Appleton have leased the Beaten skating rink and are tting xt up. `Mr. A D m-._-_ :--.._-_-__-i- T '1`t1eTx-jails` 8;; igia to Huc nocomk on: the Pacic.Junction. - ` p Heaferd Wlie11'aryqe_>eive*t y has deeided against Imperial Federation ' ' ` QC 0 IB,I! II I , _ _~w--3-a ----u- -u-- uu-v -Auvooca IV Ilro A. H. Watson, formerly proprietor of the Meaford Monitor, is `now in Toron- -Ln Th; .gmo;. {on} 5" Sew `wi Ka1l`in` Meaford has been revived. ' - ` TTbz;;';oil;s_i;ia;:;1;:1;iii`-T-iz:>:'x:{>;1ru;r`:;;'as burned down laat week. Lou $2.600. , --The County Oourtvof tho"(:3onnIVy"-ofjv Simcoe began on Tuesday before tljeu` Honors J udgos Ardagh and ;_-`lvioys. rm uriminaldocket is 1:3! and"t_l1e_"ou'riloueu nulniberiine`. A~fnl1repo`rsuoxa week. $50 reward hasibeen offal-ed for the wanton window breakers, who snmahed ih windows uf J. W. -'I'udho_pe'a proqery, .tnGra.venhnrat,.the other night. ' IIUI I I 000 His IIIIUIUW I I I'C'Uy`eI1`n I more, will celebrate the eight anniversary of their church by holding a bazaar, tor the sale of useful and fancy articles, on christ- I miss Day, beginning at. 10 o'clock; 3 eoire-, tea. served at 6, p. m. till 7]). III., and n` I Christmas Tree and` .l,it'erefry"`en,ter_teinInent beginning st7:80 p in Thebumr will be held in the Ogenge hell and the remeindc 1- In the church. Rev. Mr McLeod, of Barrie, will assist in the evening. T ` -.se ' 281 .4 3.. .:,s'.:':.::?.x."71::. '3... .2` a` . uuu uuuruu. nOV._ III M pho gvening. LTIIIUUI H. Coleliun. Tin: ms!` RIDING or emcon. The names of the delegates epivointed by the East Riding Association Wu be found on our second page, as" wed as 3 report of the convention at Urillia. ' On the 28th ul*.., Deputy, Grand Master Long, of the Ancient Order of United Work- man, iuatitued Cookstown Lodge," No. 228, with twenty-two charter members. The c-lectedvoicerg follow-:` _ -- Past Maste;,-Rev. R. Fletcher, Maater,-Ja.mea Mayhew, _ Forema.n,-_-James Spindloe, 0ve`reeer,--Alex Webster. Recorder,--P. F. Stewart, .Financier,-R. J. Coleman, Rvce iver, - J. G. Monkman, Guide, - Geo. Christie, J.. W.,--W. R. Chantler, 0. W.,-Henry Dunning, Trustees. --J. Rees, Jamel Spindloe, Coleman. G vuu. LUUUIHBUU. U60. VVCDD, Wm. Essa toovnehip--Geo. Duff. Wm Din- woody, Jus. G. Chapman. 1). Dunn, W. H. Davis, I T. Lennox, J. T. . Fletcher. Wm. McBu:-ney, Wm. Cunningham, Jas. Donnell. 'l`. W. Lennox, John Lennox, T. Scythes, Robert Tegart. Tcssorontio township--Geo. McGirr., J. Cobourn. John Graham, ar., John Graham, 'r., John Gallagher, M. N. Stephens, R.J Ludlow, Richard Baycroft, J. 0. Rogers, Wm.. Bellamy, Copeland Magi], `Thomas Iviadill, A. J. Rogers, Robert Wade, M. Irwin, Joseph Kidd, John Cumberland, Jas. Gilmore, Jas. Martin, John Martxn, Isaac McCleary`, Robert Mnrphv, Wm. Foster Robt. Benny. Joseph Kidd, James Brett, Henry Baycroft. v , _ VI IFCDIII VI} lnnisfil township--Wm.' Black, J. A. Campbell. W. R. Coleman, E. A. Fawcett, 0.. R. Ferguson, Geo. T. Fisher. J Rainey, John Ross, John Lennox. Wm. Crispin, Reuben Mathews, Frank Ross, Henry Sloan, J. W. Sloan Robt. Spronle; A. Gregg. John Beatty, S. Oonlter, A. Edgar, C. Grose, B. Bill, H. Grose, J. P., Geo. `Wallace, H Grose, jr., G.` P. McKay, M.P.P., Dr. Calli- gan, T.'Connellv, Wm. Howie, Jas. Hunt, J. A. Stewart, Stewart Wright, John Hep- `kins, S. T. -Reynolds, Jas. Black, Isaiah Wilmot, Ed. McUonkey, Jas. Reid, Wm Latimer, R. Leonard, H. Purvis, J. L. Bur-' ton,`John Dodson, .M. J. Hamlin, E. A. Little, A. Miscampbell. C. Pulling, W. P. Soules, Wm. Leunox, John Blackmore, Jos. Haggard, R Wi'kinson, H. Lennox, J. W. Armstrong, J. W. Fennell,- Wm. Metcalf, Jno. Robinson, Geo. Webb, Wm. Webb Eana. tn.vnnhin_l.l...m hum I'l1.... n:._ Ct/`IIKIIUW 6 ' Moved by Dr. Oliver, ` seconded by Mr. a John Mackay, that this Association desires to record itsa preciation of the distinguished honor recent yd conferred by Her, Most Gracious Majesty the Queen upon the Right Hon. Sir John Alexander Macdonald as the representative political leader and statesman of the Dominion-Sir John's continuous ser- vice of forty yearsin public lifc-over half of which period he` has been the undisputed leader of the country as First Minister `of- the Crown--makes an unparalleled record of political stability under responsible govern- ment, and demands from us on this occasion a renewed loyalty to our beloved chieftain sand a declaration of the fervent hope that he may long be spared to advise our-[younger leaders in the perpetuation of_ that practical and progressive statesmanship which has crowned with_ such signal success the Ad- ministrations of the Liberal Conseivative party of Canada. ran meme or soon: smcon. At a meeting `of the Liberal-Conservative Association of the South Riding of Simcoe, the following delegates were ap inted to attend the coming convention to ii: held in Toronto :~~ J. W. Norris, M.D., president ; John Stewart, and Dr._ Buchanan, vice- presidents ; Col. R. '1`. Banting, secretary ; ., Cook, assistant secretary; J. Boddy, treasurer. . . I.._:.I L_____I,!,, -Irv . C\I u o` ` vrvunutv. A . St. Andrew : Presbyterian church. Cree. more. will celeb:-ntn lm .a..s.. .....:..-...-.._ -. I HLIIIHIV 1UI'H",h Inll IJWWUI} XIII.` EVHIIIX VIon,V_Ettio Boyf, Btt I13;-ttio. , 5 "_ 8. ___A. . _u ml_ lhul - rAnnia lga-(l.I8TlI'r::tk.' Davin. Iainia zin I-hum Rams}. Ila-Iztin I_I!uus,, nnnwe rum. ` SITE; uavu, Gallo Thompson, Mag ie'MoMille'Ii, (Mary Swim- merton. Jennie elie), Walteremsvor, Alex. Sidaworth. Jack James, Jack, McKee. E. ,TA|unnLn-use `noun: rpinhfnan DAJQQQ` "anim- DIIIUWUKUII UCUB UDIII IIlJB_ EH32?` Ill. a Johnson, Agnes Lgigha, Ruben Hondu- vuo unvya_nauv v'Juvv|IlyUl'&K'y U neatl}, u would only `use a little uncnmmou senge, he wouldremember that dog puisonera do not poison dogs for the public benalotl `but because they are animat_.`e_d by malice- J-2-2--.{-on Appomtato paruupaco In: tnefconvom &I.- .1 LI.` IQLI. _-_.I CQLL nunvjvyx vv GUI-jvqprv Q; T. $71161` ail on the 17th and 18th. `At the meeting of the North Riding of: Simcoe Ooneervpive Association, mentioned last `week, the following delegates - were ap? pointed to participate in the proposed de- monstration to` John Macdonnld : ' Barrie-4-Mean-e. W. F. Orr, Dr; Oliver. L. S. Sanders, ME. H `Smithy, B. Hinds, R. King',"ar.`, G. A. Radenhurst, Jae. Andertog, F. E. P.~ Pepler,'M. Shanacy, `FJ. Brown, Jae; Sol-oggie, T. Lennox, J. Kennedy, S. Wesley, Edwards, E. E Williams, E_ Burns, Ghae.e Henry, S. Purvia, I. A. Mc- onthv. R. R.'"Holt, R. R. Raikea, W. E. l1_-__ v _ __-_~-- -. --v-3, no-n o-nvwvn ' 3;2:m_l<`>n,. F. Telfer, D11?-. gambell, T. A, Rrnuvn mun-IJAGOA . VI` xi, v.-vumuu, L`. Lunar, Ur. uampoeu, .'.l'. wland, '1`. A. Brown, R. 'Bruddette,- T. WWW. Fair, James Mitting, '1`. Lindsay. . W. Swain. Capt. Wheeler, Arthur Whseler, A Dudgeon, 0. Cameron, 0. Stephens, E. Scott, 0. Macdonsld, Andrew. Loexerbie, Alexander` Clark, P Doherty, D. Fleming, 1) Stephen, Arthur Clark, T. MoGirr, , J. M. Brady, W. A. Hogg, A Oumeron. Snnnidale Townshi --Messrs. Wm. Swit gcrgtmarn Harkin, saao Carter, William t. . South Nottawasaga-Messrs. Wm. Mxllie, Jas. Johnston, Jno. Msokay, John Lott, Ed- ward Msckay, Oliver Gleason, Jsmes Oar- leton. Wm. Msckay, Wm. John Flack, James MeNaught. Stsyner A-Messrs. Dr. Wylie, M. -Carlton, EV?` dlgergie, Jno. Algae, Jno. MoMsdalv, . o '`I-_ A.-___I__"__ It 1? 1 1M .19 mull vvy, uayxu null, nuury {I L` 8111. Ves ra township -Messrs. R. Leadley, Chas. . Wattle, David Garvin, James John- son. Jno. Kent. - - ml... :.11._:...__,_.., n- ` - - nun. auv. Lxouv. . The following resolution wais carried with applause : ' V Mnuml In" D... n!.'...... ...........:...'1 I... 1:- \Ig .1 UVIII Flo; townahi'p--Meaa1-I. NoahG1jose; Wm. Harvey, David Ellis, Henry O`Neill. n Vanm-n ttiwmnhin _Mnnnm T An a-nu 0ollingwood-Measrs. T. Long,'G. Mober- _ ti t1______ `I: III up 1-` SIIOOI coxsn.vA'nvn.~ --uuuu nu; an `Hanan; `IUD; McK1~:Lum, Dec. 4.--Charles Morris. of Spence, whiie chdpning at one of V Arm- stron '5 saw log camps yesterday, was struck by a. allinz limb- and -fatally injured.` T He `leaves 9. wifeand family at Spence ' ' ln. Grey mun- - Uwun Us-9-' Duvih, Techie I Mn-tr Quinn- I M1 in greseuts given an ey Send i I ~ as cents D0.pE30.&IlC by mail . , you will get tr ` a. package of goods of large venue. that will ital t you in work that wl lat once bring you in` moneyefaeterthnanything else in: yrlca. ~Anlubout the 8200.000 in present; `each bot. Agnte wanted everywl-e either sex. of en es for an the tune. or `re ume only. to war for us at their own he ea. For- tunes for all was keno ubeolut ly squared. uon't delay. -an. Hu.1.I:rr& 00.. Pormnd. Re; 60-; y-will I-no AB MD! 0113 IITKBIF lrul`tin `mong the best people. Original from beginning to tend. Original, sparkling, trustworthy. pure. alive. onto: prising. Itbera over $2,800 worth or present: to subscribers for the largest clubs. Active agents wanted everywhere. Agent : outtaaent free`. G',Iddreas_ theJR.UBAla' 0`. RENT - OUGHCAST DWELLING. . stories high. hard and soft water. Aim at this '1-.3-A ' can-IJUU ucuo {[099 NE w-`1_ro_nxnn.': Send for free epeclmen copies of the RURAL NEW-YORKER; the great National Weekly _tor Ame-rlcen Homes and Forms? The beat writer: in the world. Over 600 Contributor!!- soolllnstmtlone ennnully-380 acre: of experi- ment grounds . It is. conducted by practical farmers. 11:: Free Eeed.Dlctrlhutlone are world nenowned. Sample copies. cent tree, wnll ex- plain cu. _ Ithu the lergent circulation hept people. Orlrlnnl frnm h...a......... .. v- w-uv-- vIIIUV' UV? \z?\77;1JNnsn4Y, Dnc. implements. at low '( o'clock noon. IG. R. Ford, auctiozxeer; V Auction aale bulls pi-(i;tc;l' at this oice will have 3 free notice given under this heading of their data, etc In......_.-_ . .. I-1 *- .__--..-.- --... .. . ..-. `Honor Roll. . The following is the honor}-pll of pupils in, Miss Eva`. Lee s` form. Model Suho:-I : Semors,--Frank Ewan, Minnie R{pgers, `. 15611: .-Booth, `Fanny Gurton; ' Harry; ]),..ve;;`,` Alice Mucklesnon, Phoebe Lawson`. [-Currie Pnrvfs, Allco Greenwood, Annie Crojm"pbm,:_ Fmnk_ Oo`oper,_Ma.ggie Sidsworth, (Duke Winteir, Igettioo Gordon), "(-c"ndA_l'QW Ran`kin`, 1BllERBOHM'8. LONDON, Dec. 9., -- Floating cargoes - Wheat slow ; maize -rm. . Cargoes on pass- age-pWl1eat, rather easier ; maize rm. Good cargoes red winter wheat o` coast 333 to 33s 6d ; good No. 1 California wheat of!` coast 84s to 34s ,6-1 ; No 2 red winter wheat for shipment present or following month 32s 6d to 33. London-Good shipping No. 1 California wheat for inst shipment, etc., 3343 Cd to 35s; do nearly due 34:, was 345 6d ; mixed American maize for prompt shipment 22s to 22: 3d, was 21s 6d to 22s. Arrivals. otfcoast for orders-- Wheat and maize small. Weather in England wet. Liverpool-Spot wheat -a downward tendency ; maize strong. Paris-Wheat and our quiet. .-.van:LI:Au3Ll, IJGUn V, I-0 GRAIN--`Wheat, uominalv; red winter at ` -80 to 82 ; white at 80 to S3 ; spring at 80 to 83. Uorn at 60 to 61. Peas at 68 to 70. Data at 30 to 31. Barley an 50 to 65. Rye at 58 to 60. A Oatmeal at 4.35 to 4.50. Corn- meal at 8.20 to 3. 25. . . rurxups, per nag . Carrots. do . "eats per bag.. Pursnipsudo Beans. per peck .. Hay. per ton .. Straw. per ton .. ' 200 ushels. v Vucaun L" 0 10.... 0 12 0 40. . .. 0 70 0 40 0 70 Toronto runners Market. Tonowro, Dec. 9, 1884. Grain receipts continued to be 0 small to-day. About 200 bushels of wheat sold at 73 to 7450. for fall and sprmg and 54 ta 57c. for oose Oats steady. at 32 to 33a}c. for -Bsrlev weak, with 800 bushels sold at 61 to 640. No peas nor rye .o'ered. Hay scarce and rm, at $8.00 to $11.00 for clover and $12 00 to $I4.00 for timothy. Straw soldoat $6 50 for loose and $8.00 for sheaf. Hogs sold at $5. 60 to $6.00 Butter and eggs unchanged. . i.;;.;.:...;.i'.;.;a'c..;.;.:: I II Lambs . . Felts .. 0000000. . I000`. Whest,fa1l per bushel . . . . . . . . ..$ 0 72 to 3 0 76 Wheat. spring, do ........ .. 0 72 074 Wheat. goose, do ......... _. 065.... 058 Barley, do ........ .. 050 .. 0 66 Oats, do ......... .. 0 32 .. 0,133 PO38. d0. ocnnnsnoun own Rfe, . do ........ .. 050.. . 067 uoverseed .. do ...... . . . . . . . . .. Dz-essedhogs, r100lbs ...... .. 675 625 Beef.fore ua rs` .... 400.... 500 Bo-et. hin quarters. ........... .. 050... 760 Uhickens.perpa.ir ..... ...... .. 040.... 050 ' once--ou.u-.u.. 055.... ueesc-.ea.ch .................... .. 0.80.... 076 Turkeys, ea.ch..... .............. .. 075.... 150 Butt -1`, pound rolls ............ .. 021.... 022 Butter-,1a.rgeroI1s .............. .. 000.... 000 butter tubdai;-y...... ........ .. 016.... 019 Eggs,fresh. per doz .......... 021 023 Pouat.oes.perbsg .............. .. 045.... 060 6p1ples,perbb1....B&........-.. $53 nons. green, per .` ....... .. . .. . Cabbage. no ........ .. 025... 035 Cauliower, _ do ......... .. 010.. 1 26 Cele-ry, do ......... .. .. 0'(_ 'I`nI'nlnn not-`ham I UAIJIT BIKINI Green ....... Truumed and Cu:-ed._. .. . I ..-ml. Auctionh printed IIAVH A `FAA nnlainn 10:10:: Cow, per 100 lbs I`. Steer, nova}: nmns. , .. ll IJBUUUI _lVlIQ IIl-IQIl`O- I rd, col olaoltol Eggo,pe1-dozen ......... Apples, per buahel....... Potatoes, perbsg ........ Umons, per bushel . . ... . . Tlllip, ' 0000000 8663!, ` cpjgncu C I I. I I I 4 :00 pg 3. Osbbage,perdoz.. ...... Hny,perto'n ..-......... Straw, per ton.... . . . . .. Flour, Bake:-'9, per 1042 lbs `I Flour, Family, Flour, Putty, _ - -0 5 0 o o ' u (`mu-n man] 5 5 ua vuncuu, pt; I ` Cornmeal, .'.l'EIP4S l`Wj. ` _ 7 .v- -----u. nusigfo "l3`l.ouu. ta! 6: 0095. Blue: and If dog Afxoisonera," says the Boeton World in `moralizipg on the poisoning of Mr. Hazlitt : mutitf dog, would only use a little common sense, and dose use- less cure, nobody would object. Bless, our exco`._lent contemporary : heart, if he would onlv `mm A little m..mm........*..'.'._-- I nogmoes nuns; 1...... noon.-:.m.. -Ansenmsofthewesk." " Tn: Nonnnnx. Anva_x'cI:.~0rncs, . e Ba*emz, Dec. 10,1884 ~ The heavy rains on. Saturday prevented farmers from coming in; and "consequently" deliveries were small. There was a slight upward tendency in wheat during the past week. and oats are steady at 29 to 30 cents. Barley, it is said, is about all marketed , in this section, and for the `next two weeks great things are expected in holiday `produce. Following are the quctations as we go to YIFDII I ?`$ y','e'ch'I.'III .'. .'.'Z Butter. tub," per 1b.. ... . . P:fam. .:31i.p,.'_lb'3'T7T f Fa1lWheat . .. .. .`. . S ' W 225 h*'= Ts`.1}iZ '.'." | ,0 on .` `I:?'..'.'. _WHY NOT .vwmm - u o o u o ca Jer - . - - a..;':: ::::::::::::%:::: 93611:: `333 {Montreal Marketa. _ T V MONTREAL, Dec. 9, 1884. I`lfI...-4. ..-..-2-A`V Barrle Grain nhrket. A`; 4.. -411 wool Ii kets cheap at T. V . ac 0091:. V - A deepatch from Parry Sound states Miss Viola Armstrong, daughter of Mr. George Armstrong. formerly of Orillia, was drowned on the let instant. An Indian messenger from Byng Inlet states that Miss Armstrong and Mr. Carter, manager of" the Georgian Bay Lumber Company's store,left the Inlet on skates at 8:30 in the evening, for Parry Sound, and both went through the ice. 'l'he bodies were recovered on the 2nd. --Fut pile co ed and black Velvet- een. Extra val I '1`. W. G: ay J: 00%. The schoolrnaste "who runs the Col- lingwood Bulletin. locates the village of Ravenna in the County of Simcoe. s It is said he is getting out a jogmfy for simpletons. He is amply qualied for the task, and will display unlamitedlsym-. - pathy for the mental `condition of those towards whom_a fellow feeling makes" him wondrous kind.

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