-; -BR 1.1.}. 1n.-n.....1l...._. .on....| V `)grw:g;r higl fortune in um` Inn -1.`; O - 7 Msxunuc 39?`- nnma 00,1 Montreal. P.Q. nxilnu A IIFZF every Vii! .g'e. 1` W minion. duo. a. few 'l`ravl'eru to sell .-\1 G . ob`iI'\:ur power req tsom l5BumentoI,wo,. or Pd actnrian I stones. Hotel. 1-` Mn- u rvun-I US$130!!!` Dunrop streets. commanding views of Kemp'enhT-Id: Bay. rooms and. closets. woodshrd. :oft watrr. am} has! but house. has [In onnrl Inn--no _ Al..I'. .-'l'hat - nated reauu-nae corner of p'easamlvs?t- Nevtull and one of th_e nes: conuimng ten `stable. had and an acre 0 also e -an an I -3'_l`lA YE!) FROM THE PREM- iseo of John Newton. bot 1.5. 7:11 Con. Vea- pru. stint the 15:11 August last; 3 H96 milch V - A PRACTICAL BWWKKEEPER AND AC- connuns. witn evenings tn spare. i8*p- e- ` pared to anuuge with profs axons! mengtmdeo mensndothers topasnheir books, make cut accounts, bounce shoe 3. etc c.mer.- by the hour or on contract. Address BOUKKEEPLR. ADVAXGI Onxcn. 01-19 ESTRAY-STRAYED FROM PREM- Newton: go; 1.}, nllnn ah-.-It oh- I: L A-- v I\J sum` I.` ._-I1.UU|1'lil}AS'I' D stories tugh. hard and soft it this 0mce- . ' HQHJIJ `ll U.llI.llUi-lo ' ' The Mayor `suggested thatin future" con. tracts aurctics be requix-eA._1 to protect the aonnci1. T ' - Jar. McLean thought the matter should be oh I business-l:keTba~1s.T Persons gup- Tying contractors on credit should look to . them and not the council, and in cases of doubt they should have gn order from the! contractor ' ` - T II_ n,,_,. __ ..L-_ .L|..L- _- .: _.L. Ii 1 ~.~ v' r ' LE I` OR FOR SALE-'l'hat p`easamlv sn- reaiqqacap cog-per I Inn fan 6-tn-D Lav LIAJIAVVIJ UV sale in any Barrie. VANSIUKLE VJ` 'U A qnunzi hsrdandsoft nu l"l'IuW UUD FOR syn: the Bayviewmills. .5: gnu. 4749 . 2 watex. -A pp}: British G;-sin Trade. * n:m:zomu s. V LONDON, Dec. 2 - Floating cargoes - Wheat quiet ; maize, none oering; Cu-goes on p -aaage--Wheat and maize quiet. LlVr- pool .-.Sput whoa: strong; maize rm`; No. 7 I I Calrfvrnia at 63 lld; No. 2 _C8llf0l l.ll3 at- 6s 8d-bnth a penny dearer; A. R. W. `at 653 lI'd ; W. M. as 73 ; spring as 63 lld-:11 two pence dearer ; mane nt 5s.4d. ahnlf I penny dearer. Faring-Whe_nt and that firm. 1 -1 uuur ur on v.;un.u1c6. Onucx. __--.-..--.-, -asva Q, Avvlo GR.u[NV-Wheat. nominal; red winter at 80 to 52; white at 89 to 8?; "spring 33130 to 83 Cum at 60 to 61A Peas at 68 to 69. vats st 30 to 31. Barley at 55 065. Rye at 59 to 60. Oatmeal a:4.20-to 4.25. Corn- meal at 320 to 3 25. ` 02%`. cn.....a.....-.. Turkeys. esch...- ..... .... Butt 1'. pound Butter, ungermls ..... .. huuer tub dairy ...... .. Eggl. ixeah. per coz.. Pounoea. per ...... .. Apples, pet bbl ....... . .. Oman green, per bag. Cabbage. no .. I u:DJin0W1', do Celery, A. do .. 'l'urmps,perba.g ...... .. Carrots do ------- -, `eels Pnrsnips. do Beans. perpeck Hay perton isu-aw,per[ton .... .. CZA...A_A A C. 1 KJGLJC . - IKU Oats. , d0 ` 5% 2 8. I ' 0 . Lliverseed - do In-eased hog; per mo lbs- Barf, fur: quarters . . . . .... Bgf. hindqunrters ...... .` U ckens. 1- par ...... .. Ducks. do Loon sank ,--vvrv .--~ ---- V""-" V. -'l"' V," . Tonosro, Dec. 2, 1884, Wheat receipt: reached 2,000 bushels to- day ;` prices rmer as 71 to 75. for full and - 72to74c. for `spring; with 55 to 67} for goose. Oats abundant and unchanged at 32 to 33. Barley sold, to the extent of 4,000 ` bushels, at 52 to 66, the bulk going at 55 to 6x.c. Peassold at 56 to 58. Hay plenti- ful at $7 to $10 for cluver and`8ll to $l3 50 for timothy-. Straw steady at $7 -for V loose and $5 to 39.5" for sheaf. Hogs unchanged at $5.75 to 86 25. Butter 21 to22c. for pound rolls and 16 [to 19c, for tube and cracks. Eggs 22 to 236., with all oexed wanted ; no new-lard in. ' Whe .2. 1311 per bushel . . . . . . . . ..$ 0 72 to 3 0 75 Wheat. sprung, do ........ .. 0 72 .. ; . 0 74 `Whear.gooee,. do ........ .. 055... 57` Barley. ' 0 do . . . . . . . 0 50 0t'6 . . . . . . . . .. 032.... 2 LL an _g_ . A to \.auuI.1u\.u.u . _ ` Mr Pearcey thought the mutiun ehonld_be vithdi-agwn. _ ` T ' ' . The mution was carrigd. Mr. McLean askedblk Bruwn coifeming certain applhanta for town rt lief. ` I1: p.-(urn rv.Yano:' fin-...a'una> nnr1' flnan ROUGE mnls. Cow,perl00lbs. .. .-.._.3 550 to 8 6 00 It RIVI Bah ' Q0141: I` 4 'lNDLlNG worm AND Fmwoon FOR L _r-are-fm an miunn the Harvihnr Mm- mo}}EI:Z, Ec. 2, 1884. en: aims, V vilacoi 0 100300 AAII .:;`;;::;ul.L\I.-1,}; ` . 43:3 4 CHILI`:- _ Mr. King said there war: hills in against` the contractor `at last committee meeting which about equalled the amount coming to. him. He mentioned cases, and as he had promised me -man who` had supplied the telegraph poles to bring the matter up mt . council, hethonght it, only just to put the motion if it would Hive the T_I-eaaurer power. A 11.. D--- Ll........l.a~sI.... ...-o..... ..._.-. ._ .|_- IFGRGENUINEWALTHAM WATOHES , Subsctiptions received 1or al1Dail_v or Weekly Paper and Magazines. - DAY} BOOKS, JOURNALS, % LEDGERS, ma. ALBUMS ALL SIZES & PRICES. 3:31.55, PRAYER anmu BOOKS, _- _..-_ -- -ta-ogugv-`Alan-I` -v \.Il-I'J\..ll\Jlu Don't` f:i`l' to have a look as our` `lilack ax:_d culor`ead. ' VIv);n:t` vt;:af<;;<;yipg elsewhere to see our beagvtiful O3t1-ich-P9ath- ' i_J-:1di-i:;"?W:;ol Jerseys and Unilerv} Vests remarkably cheap. `I'\_,_9- A--__-- L_(_ _ I ' I 1 PAE BROS ..- _.` - ---_... Ask to see our Holland at l'2._&c., v0urT(`anton T-`launels (Grey), at % 10 and 1- go. Something wonderful. ; T\.-"Jo-f-.I 5.` 1.....- .. l._-|_ _- _.._} naapwu - - 1-oI9\IU _` Winceyg, large lot at-10c,, equal to the best. ever oiered at 12;c. A guest drive in Ladies Ulster and llantlo Cloths, (Of the latest designs.) - E__-_1__'__..__2____ , 0 Ii lllu vvuglzn uuc new _uvuu.|-wu. . Mr. Dickmann said he couid not haee -how. the couhcxl or a, committee coulireaolve itself intoesoourt, and find out what lhr.-ins `there wene against the contractor. The committee had endeavored "to" guard Against any nerson anurizag They hazynot been aware of anv-bills agavust the contrac- tor and'h.-ml noeoption but to recommend the [payment of the a-:`cuunt u _ the work was Inn A Q In: naaalnalllals "' P"""""J ' .50 pieces meme of those elegaanti Costume Cloths for Drsses, at 20c. per yard, all shades. % " A_L L- ___ -___ iv II 1 . ant Than previous seasons. Andas usual with little or.no expenses and pleat, Randy Cash at our dmnnd. We have through the riepressiou in`; savers`! Manufactures to procure some of the` Greatest Bargains ever crfemg mic the present Hard Times. _ -v:-:: 200 pairs more of those beautiful, extra size, all wool Blgnkgtg that everybody raved. so much about as 50". a paiflower than last season. `l!I.'___-`I- :_ _._ --,__I_. -_ J _I_:A- In the ronloeing articles we khm 3...; A to hand : _ - r-.- Qur*"l- w-up: ac-an usvu-owns. _F]a,nne]3 in grey, scarlet and white. Ext__ra_ value. _ _ ` i | FALL AND wmmz sat: 30 DAYS S003` E1 ran IIAYS SALE ;PAEBBOsas man: IT Xi W T W Uv'o. Tlcwhdz thin: V .'ilt*=IoIB ha ahsmfdto W55 decttieity lu.-re, makoamaoeu. -The -whole .hing I/In visiaaatty-"to attempt. g to get ehrctht-.ity. in a [rack place Fke tis. Let us approach the gas company at Fwy hi: pa::_.='he thought it \ nuke to bitmw-_' 22).: gas lighting? more an: :2 . j present -32 impra. The _ V0625 beabf at e.;t~,_y2n-.2 to :15. 'I"tL: .u3:I'- gifrtien cf` the hJ'Vn` mil not h*so I3 MANCHESTER Hausa, i Prices o{'Gzs7j1,_ e hay": ci ` ' _ourAnnnd T For Blgin Wat@he s, Thernostv complete stock North of Toronto. _..~-- _.._.._-, ---r-...u, .L\J"'.L|usE"! nah ingrtmscarlet B1ldWhi8- And last but not least of all you: 106- . . A A `be surprised to see the bargains Wecf keys, I large inMen's Under Shirts and Drama 3% Over Shirts, Cardigans, Over Cam I3 I-di8' prices never heard of bc-fore: Rea. Iltl Cloths," `119 13F? made Clothing, (latest cut), and in :3 , - everything that is made to make 3!: `rimming: 3 3Pe131tY- 3 Woman and Child comformblz for: 3088 1211088 818383". long and severe winter that L3 :rr_-.:'_ 6 0!` 200- ed Before throwing this bill to 2 it side, note how it iswe can sell so the 39 .`' and at the same time give SO11.". lL' V ' ` . ;+.:rfect ooda. - `3 . ' mton lhe lestgio be hallo wands Igc. FirgtlV-We buy for c&;'u_ r'ail our Asc0nd}y_We pay no (`;;._._r`,-, 5,4 rennin Mack anAd`ca;lo.-'ed._ is-s, Heavy Rents, dzc , whici .2 :..1. W90] Jarseys Under` no see have all to come out i f :},::e :; rarkably buy. But. we give our -3;: Jreet before buying renet of all that, there`-re .'r.-.':.; us to sell as we do. MANCHESTER HOUSE, sco"r`r's BOOKSTORE VVALLL PAPER TJUST'_I`IN,%CHEAP. r-`on SWISS WATCHES, Can be found a complete stock of T515 - _ The motion was passed. lleasra. King and Myers xoved fht the, Treasurer be requested to rgtain 'he moneys payable-to wharf contractor, until maytenal Ind wages due are pet!)-ed. Mn Ilia};-Ir-..1nn unt` `IA nn|1Ll rant >a::n . `nun.- THE JEWELLER. . Appetite, Iudigcstcon, L`4':'orz.S.'l~'>3v 131.5}:-L.. bi.-I. nr factunts of the Liver and JII?`v rv __,o`.:I:1 st `cf Y('_.""I_ `' Q "-.11 ! 'Vuo cg I ua .uwcr uuu J1-G`-`-"".7 ' .\'. `.-?3`??h?s.`Boib. Human. sate Jew. -S'cr0fu 4Il;5a%;`ga_z;e;%ariszngTfmm Impure BM ~ action qf the Bozcefs. AT THE cmzsnarnn Also full stock of GREAT NEW LOT OF `G1 !- Ahothef large lot j=.f-:2 to L5 in black and colored, (dirt C}1eap_) Home Furnishings, Aape; bargain in Carpets of all his is, L, Curtains, Cretonnes Lambrggm. Table Linens, Napkins, Tow}:-Eingsti Anti loaf. Inn! nnt Inna? n&`.aH ..-_ T`: Hr. Orr said he did not agree with the Reeve that elect:-ic light could not he put hto small places, as it was successfully Iorking in towns half the size of Bsnie. The committee was only to get information. He agreed with the Reeve that the gas com- pany should be `formally approached, but only after they hsdtthe necessary dsts be- tween the two lights for comparison and guidance; He heldthst at present they had no contract with the gas company. _ ll-n "lunavn 3.34` Ghent n. OI-snow II:-2.9.. fr-on I ll|"4I\-3. '1 r:l lder.~2i':I1t-.r _- iday or Inn: _ wood of Hz, to be dd. nn tn` Ind` IIULAKLI \)l' r`\ uated rvai Dunlap Strm-L4,` VIOWB of Kenn 1001118 and rims; Ht`W&UT.und halls:-. E2. d tmmnt. Go er St. cm, H J 8. JOH;\'. . and Denis Georgetown, Ur Lime, Conn-nLu Plasterers` , Hui Railway Swim} depot. Tho hon that of any othq mnA_{fnrn1r nl $50 `;:r;v:.tj Rntnhnl X\'l`u` QUIJU In - Samuel Wi Manor. or m 191` A ...,.. LU In HI" Chsttc-I xn also Dr:-p s Bnaimun fr ` at mod--rm do. I .(). v and vi Dublin gn- wonld inr RH!` Orders (`R and thcv ` won. A rum: Did nott-. mu b0Dl`O8eCL`.tn x7um`rQ` _ BIRD ` Seen by V . un- Q If GCPBS. NH 101:. For VANCE U Cookmrw ..|. HI! 3a_lary wxck. 1. 25, : lean, ahr and on NELI4. 0 `on }'.'1'.; n\I\A `Peru ' Wm: 2. Elrnwu Millfiril.` T day. . M188 I`! In each .. $0 makv H Ofthe .'Li)t.. EAC mu` onlnv-vr AL! V th :1 1. .. Mambo 1'. A180. 11) D D H. Ir.` Dickinson saidhe thought the motion ghly commendable. Because of the refund of the 31.: company to extend our [facilities "h' lighting, "it did not follow that we in Jlutremust behehind the age. The-LReeve's objections were very like those [against rail-. ways fty years 1.10, md just as sensible. They wotd be" the better of knowi_ng.the diference in cast in gun and electric l':g'mng, And he would anpporthe In-.-tion with plea- ' CO., PO. I _3Wu;~' in) X'( n ha 1 or I pm (`I n DCVCI` fu Terms -4 908?. oi. 1.` ml ' ca.l1tir>x nder -. .11 UN: This far h8l`dV'v lm ntvd on t 9: DUI} '0 U L Ll Sc,BR().. .f)1t_:5. L H" Stave l Paper: W. H, ru Willialxx . Jane Pad Amlonng W: b(10'8 fa` V Stuart A( under A Fl oldest dm township b Rcevevhad paxd. F'l'J"E3%C H.415 ULJILIUCI U: 51511.`-533' EV Mr. Pearcey demed. go-tag; glad the gas com panv. wonldri exaitendv tru- nt probably it. - wag j just as`, wgllj [He thon;,`ut'the Hoses e showed, as usual,` that he ' was on botsides of the question. It would not Lint themto know the-coat of electtic ghting. It-sounds big. ifnoching etuguud he did not Agree with the Reeve, with to make them believe Barrie want like Brace bridge, or Orillia, or some otbet backwoods . vgx. '5' "':r`-;.= h_ 1 ._ J` Iaki:~gn.uhcdvuIapotto V g_py.ndthceuupny:hou!dbo up iohvo made. lndthechaix-an _al re" "uzdlpoliu wnghdthcoounpu refuudtox .lO d,nnd {as they were fun): weith 'l`Au-n-. '15- 5 A "n:nn Chair Oknin `A.- Gtmzu z: MULnmu.> I`:-:lhnu'v\ . J. \z( J Stuart 38Ll'_luul Annie 2 B A'r1r:u7_v ~ . le . at I Unequa. _n _ Page 7; - Ul'&hB.u2}; ` Pointers , P7 Ot m Groonhou Roar: '..'I'A ' ""'_I5Fxig7-Y3. Vconcl ud c ADVA\`(I' nenmr- Page I}. tl'iCi'_Y In Music Ft Insplror ( Case ; A r or Forun Kxxuxzm Thoe. . Wanmcu ` An `K Paige 2. * .t-`V6 Con V01 ` Noble Lives ' iiun Tnfn I-nu! IX tlluunvb wunu nut: 5-n VIII-IIPCIJJA , Mr. lyen said that A: they` were free from contract they had 1 right to use what they eohld get light elsewhere for. ' ; '!\Ln Irlounr nah-I tho nnntirn l|t`x!.}- Hr. nn RODIU I1) V the Into rr America ; A.%)iash(por , $114` Ln 0 urin. Q . !.`.`.E .5111 lm John I remah Brdfc Cllmi` b_3(31': n In H. VEULN Kl\I'.v`l. Hnllu-3': u. House, Iispr Ville. IVOR {U $55.1. I rs. A I 1 `."'-"`A `" .4-`v'*~" `-""." "u"":"`".'5;"' mI?gnertmn'cf the ml! not `gait . next wear as :t was `is. The;uis': vfrgg? nkezzy great ; 3:22 or `$24 ' per `lump W per- yetr, M1 between 31.200 0?. a.n:i h__ fmbt it better fafthe 'crwp,_ura:.'m-3 Lin increase the number of ligtzm upr " IA- 04-4.... J..n..ul :'u..iinj-,.n .TmE`. I . \/ll&ll . KING, E . Doc. 1,` Tvon.-in ' Cl; .1a:;1` or??? in bar! nnnl KC RI-IS" LU I753 IIBU The c~._1ncslj;.l.j:;u'rned.. Ti] VUIIJIJ sun usuv uaawvvuunv sun- The Mayor acid the moticn could do do from an Advance Correspondent. ms.--A BOILER AND TW'0' -[fun an ' as. nearly new. suitable for saw ml `r z`ii ri`'ee. ij'.' .`rc'%e`.'..".;:.a.`.?" ' - . be scan by applying to J OHN ! LA._X'l`( ).\ ?rl;$'nrie. >-..---.. _._- c-o.---.-..__._ ( VALUABLE BUSH FARM FOR S\LE 11*. use Townslnip or Vespra. uomnsungm! uh.- Weat Q of lots. in the uh Una . wntninh 2 lo. 11388. moreorless. A good creek mm on the 01. l-` r further ni uurs 3 at the Ab- VA-\'cI';`: il:& OP ning.-ru.-- A """" _ ____v __ ._....,ug '5: `IRS! 91"? fllh lot. For partial: an cvpl vucr: Union. or to the otvllerdi. `{BAN'I'.l NI: ' Cook-mun. V ` ant, r?il\r\ I----- TEACHER WANTED -A male or fcnalr teucher.hblding 3 third cl: celticuto. for S. S. No. 10. Flea. dad a to comn es:-cw at openingofthe school in January I885. Apply petsonully or by letter to MA'l"l`HIv.W LA I\.. :sUN. Secretary. Ctoealand H0. 4749' 1!! same nwcx. amcnuxd Inc for gay mcturr 6- . woonen mill Close to Price OLW Railwa . az unison Penetnnguhh A solidspea-ker, says his oLj=ctin life is to ' ' The services at the .8. A. barrsck's last; Sunday were res! good. Capt. Lewis fare- Uelled, and in reviewing has work since I hkingcharge st Strand. said thst although )6 was disooursged st times he was deter- mined to knew to the line, sud if there were. my toes sticking over they must not b_'srne him if his `st: wss sharp. The `best evi- dence he could give ss to his success were on the plstform with him, sud surely. if be his been the means through Providence in reclsiming even one poor drunkard he wilt not lose his rewsrd. Capt. Lewis is a good ssve souls, and although he" never studied theology sstpght in the eoilvsget -yet he. hopes to be enabled by giving the true word. illitl lilnplicity to the humble mesui "nib . doiuggood. "' -` i mums I4dg,,'A.`1?..~&-A7. 71, v`_8n-sea,-i ; acersforths ensuing. year on .`I,ussdsye7,eusg,.Dec.2.A . ,'. , centre of the l'own.? Coma Lot P69: `men. I in same block. plendid Iitejor or C'l'!"ol|- Vunfll (V `.4 A. Q. rzxpma name, Cusvom nuns, nah Court one .___._____ ...--.. , I Olce bonus. iu..m. to? p.m.-'.-mndeyeg excepted. Money Orders granted on all Honey Qrder India. and Savings Bank deposits received be- tween the hourso! 93. In. and 4 p. In. -Registered Letters must be hnmlnrl-in is Inln- tween_ me nonrs or 93. Regtuered Letters must be hav-dedrin 15 min- utes fore the close of e-ch mail. The letters turd :11 other mail matter) are aken from thestreet letter boxes every day. o-`1.5"ci: 2n?:`3`i`5";`.3 ' " ` ' `-" " as u t -_ J. nnwmbs` ""'n"sLE;-rqnr good nuncun~t.os.mn ' ....".'.`.92.:_ :es1-:6 Jobs street-at same. A_*_ -- ; v ~ ---_ ooasuildi Lotmntu ? I.` $1-e:-rl%'erl End John S::ets. Barrie. Also. 3 lot on Na ier Street. Bu-1-.3. App to R. R. HOLT. Agrnt. . lg I I M...`{:i;; '1i~';;.':i;.'..'.';.'.'.'..: : :: :: ggllngwg .... ........... .. m``..a..?'..%...:::::;:::::::::::::::::::: ; . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..` . . . . . ._ I Hi11'8{ I 1 I1 n.1uau_zue, u-axgnursnuaxston, U1-own i` Hill :_..5by.`i3&;;.'s'e.:;e':;::::::::::::::E renfell. Puesdahynnd `Friday. . . . } 2-Midhm-st. Mon y. Wednesday and Friday ...................... . .1 _Raio:l(SoutII},)........ . . . ` o - smcoe was . unani- .. sheneand .... .. Newmarket:.;....` ............. ..v....'1 Nowmarket ........................ .. Hammn and Bet_on Branch Tla.il- _'1 RV , , _ , , . 'l.'l`l1l1K Eastand Utt.awa.- . . . . . . . . ..'..--. an.----u uvno aonvan . . . . o A|A'hJOl-pittallltlltllilllaa`>1 Toronto..`....V ........... . l`oronto; ......... . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Northern Rilway (North), Grand A Trunk Ensinncl llttnwu . ` VCKICBSD LUSDEIIB, LIIIIJIBIIG, HDOLI . ` Nort Simcoe Railway . . . . .. Muskoka - Branch Railway... .... .. g Grand Trunk East and bttawa .... . . - Orillia . . . . . . . . ..- .... lgrisllja . . . . . . . . . . .. M `omgw . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .,.`; ; Collingwood . . . . . . . . . . ., . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . r Northern Railway North .......... . . ~ !{iI!srIa.l_e._ Craighnz-st, Dalston `and Z \ Pgrnwn Hill . , _ , _ , .- ,. - . `-":IlI.: .n`i:?::.`::-"(bl )George ALambaV- ;`(.`!_)) Rtlje Henderson; (3) John _W:nt.er; (4) Ebbne Dimsdale ; (5) `Arthur Freeman ; (5.) Eddie` Arnold; (7.)? Frank Harvey ; (8) -Maud Strong; (9.) Emma Packard ; (10); Gear 3 munh Am.-1. sigma... III 1 u_.L...;..- D-.. nuguv. nugar, 'a(.cele. uutcneufa _ ' square and East 0:-o....A ........ .. ` % :A_r;:enren;'ruesda and F'riday.... .-` :--Midhurst, Mon ay. "Wednesday ' sandi-`riday . . . . . . - \ . . ..... 1 British Mai1s,._m (N.Y..Monday and Tnosdnv mu ll-Iglilnv I\.VmL Toront_o._. . . ; . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Toronto ........ . . . . . . . . . . . .. 'l'omnto.- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Northern. Railway South . . . ....... .. New-market . . . . . . . . .. Newumrkez . . . . . . . . . .. _AIlandale . . . . . . . . j } ......`.. . .......'.... ........ [ Hamilton & Beeton Brgnch Railway 3 Penetan uishene, Mxuland, and! ` N71-n-t xlimnnn Dnflurdv xnu3uuK_.. brmgnumt, uaxswn anal Crown 3 Rugbv. Edgar, Steele. TMstchelI;'aA Sana-I-a and Fan! nm ' GLAYTON S FAMOUS suoa I-Iouss.| _B_gRRIEPOSTOFFICE % no % Opp osite 1 Queen : "Hotel- Exwnv AHEAD or ALI. %omi:s. ?Single and. Dtplile Vets with Duplex Gmte. READ! PONDER 81 READ AGAIN L `CW Advan "e Cum-espondence_. T At a meeting of the Dramatic CoLnpany,.9. reaolutiuu was pa-nu-.d vutmg that a lcttu of ecsndul-ence be ecu}, expressing general Iympathy with Mrs. Alex. McKcchniu in her late and and "sudden bereavement. The. eomranyhave lost in him an active and aealons supporter. The "loss an]! be irrepar-V able to the company, unit will be to the com- T Inuit; at large. SEE THEM A1` ` u`1mNBR0s. BEFORE YOU BUY. moat smvlss % _ ECONOMICAL, L POWE RFUL, % DURABLE;. 1I.lJUllllf3`o UN and Friday. . -..._... -4. ,.__` - ' " -""-- - ov- JR SALE. - A 11.33 ' Engines. nearly 3.3.) m`1itnhlnA!.D.- Pl ! uern nuuway moan), Trunk Eastand Uttawa.-N nrfhm-n Rninwnu lanutiu HEEJT 1siC1 s'./."c:;: '1"."y`.'.'{Mb':ii}>'- ` and Tuesday ma (Hali!ax,) Wed- nesdav . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ . _ =;na%:EiasiyAmanagea. sun 1 ucsaay Ina u1au1ax,)\ nesday..., .................. .. V nun? nuns mm mom C'iJ$f17Yi'7)`i:I{"3}$,'`{I.EZ3'f Maggie Bindlgy -, (3.) Mary Vickus ; (4 ) Fred 0:. ton ; (5.) Joe Booth , (6 ) Annie Mlllnr ;' (7.) Annie Graham ;(8.) Alice lrlachstock; (9) For: Little ; (l0.) Arthur Ball ; (11,) Edna Pro-ck, Ed. Lyon; (!2.) George Wadds`; (I3 ) Con English. ' T . ' ' - - 'un;..nu __I` \ flonont. '~n-m`...- .1" \ `D. I-I- gash we buy for. [nu xvi]! ndeverything asrepresented or F y no sale. % T %{ `Irv g%rateVst%inducements to close cash buyers % 4 % A Ins Siock of Boats and Shoes the cheap- % est inarrie. } T n matter what others o'cr,(see us before I yuubuy.` ow prices" we sell at. (I vantages offered over other dealers, DULY nuns hos: ' Neit Door to. I-`_ar'qnbar2 on s `Grocery. .1" 4,, 3 m 3 W111 present wnn eacn aqvzen or Cabinet Photo- ~ _ m h one 8 x 10 u._ch frame, glas. mat and 105033,, 1c compete. ` L ` ' ' V 1 Pezween the above dates they offer Cabtrets ` at from $3.` per dozen. cash at timeof sitting. V 9 co 3 m [ Re-sxttangsextra. - - 7 ;.Tu.;,V .1 V A .BAnnAuD.Bnos.; 11 13 gm 3 Photographers, 44-td Barrie.` 9. 25 `nrrn - ' `7'I\IlJ6 `Vt, CUIllIIC I XQCKIJ i`III W a Booth.-Albert strong; (11 ) R.-becca Pac - ltd ; (12 )VMa.tv Fletcher. T j D TWO ` II`? In I] 610.50 a, m l>I|"- 47-19 ' I .---...- va -Una-Iiilillwluy ' cans; Imguu or uuuurrous : don. Henry stun dhasarnnnn; rhomcrump. mag- Don.-lthunnnn; 'l`huodor`v_unn, r.`uq.; Angus C `Hooper. Enqx. E. J. Iurboun. I-lag. _ auIlu'unu:'o' unwwo at Modern: nae. oi -'rcu'.iu m.) uneump..ChIItclu1 um I-`urn: ..u-opunco, inunrea u speouu) Low Rates `. u.r.p..um'ru, _ Vtuumrh-mtenhn ' noamu. 1" Mr "' - "n-"--'"- lemons}: monxnmn, "I cusuasrup lI_Hl6B|sT. & - manor? Ta; GLOBE :2}- bU.ltANbIUO.IPAb X. . 1.uI's_Aun lflluz. mvtsnn iuxns.` - - `_ wrws uevusrxnm awn? .- `$2335. =.>=I-ms. 1'10 !-It! Payment. um ubenuu u. we uuuuumml on Ill houeoate tho` urommgm cum on unoU9mvon1._ A ' ' I ` - IJLHAIJA llllln nu` II'mIn3 . `rho following-iv:-.t;.xj;'l'x;-x'1ot roll in Miss VKin.g a division for November, 1884 : . Raninrn \ '~'.rr.rr.n}nn-: I`) \ Liam:-:4; tiiiwn. cgoncf. nvmsou, `lllififfialn Manna: uncmus on. If `saw . tom: -auacntnrnv FARMERS. THRESHEBS AND MILL owmaas 2 nouns west or tnsnmys uom I . A call solicited tonnkmago DRUGS. PATENT MEDICINES, DYE [ sunrrs. soaps. comas, T AND BRUSHES. % um noon to a or commence. I The nnderigned have r5ecidod`to oer the` 3 ub.ic an uuparalellcd opportunity to secure `t\..|.v.n .\.t\ r: . _ . . .. -v\.z...9o.\-`A . NOVEMBER 1. 1381. TO DECEMBER 91, 1384. - ` - (both days in c'nsive\ ` will present with each dqvzen of Cabinet Photo- Izrahha nnp R 1 In 1: oh frnmn along "en; ....: . ._a.....,..,.._. `*1 I `AN Exwmuwlyyg INDUGEHNI. MCLKOIIJ lI'JlIlGllJ|v" llll UUJWIJ Illtcln Mr Brown expiaiqed the cases} and then. gave it as his iea that the churches ehonld [support their own` poor. Rehef was a large item in Barrie. Toronto spent Van .3 city -only 8600 or $700, and Barrie gave out all most 3 similar sum '3earlv. "'1 be` cburchts. ought to take care of their own poor and hunt them up, and the wrx would be better done. Evxdently remembering the w_or'd_S of the 3213) mi th 18 _ ` the Sc ntch got nearly 111 the to Let, in an earlv part of the talk on chant-v", Mr. Brown said, ,`.`The Cathulu: Inzehget nine-tenths cf` the amount spcnt it: relief in Barrie. He was not afraid to." lay it,' because heha1 kept the account and he knew it was true lfh I- I I Lecturer on the Eye, E31-and Throat. Trinity Medical College. Toronto. Surgeon to the Met.- cer lglye and Eu-_ Inrmary. and Ocnlist and Aunat to the Sick Children : Hospital. late Clini. call Assistant Royal London htlmlmic Hospi- tal. Mooreelds. and Gen London Throat and Ear Hoepuul ` , 1" K`-lmrv-N Street. Toronto. May be consulted with reference to Diseases of the Eye, Ear -Throat and Nasal passages. M Special attention to Croat Eyennd Cntarggtm . I v _-~-' _-- --'-- w-uyu v yvnuuuavg Isl} UCUBIV {Bump ANT) Gnbu PlO'lURES. _B{K'l0Bl'P'l'I0#S OLEULLY OOHPOITUDID. guinnugedAequ:ltoAlnrd.otivqm-snermoll.` Mccoll Bros. & co . I'll!) l'\I?Il\ TOILET Ax*r1cLxs--A FULL LINE. EYE. EAR, THROAT AND NOSE. " '*' ""' u~5;7?a-o." av AL; o:AL_:n_s. so ---`win be 1ouna- -L /"*_"'UI W In` eney.- weuneqdny. ' . lvilmva e.--Tnnruday. A - dulimesing .uiII_s.-lI`ridayund8ntur~ is Ports; will, haw tvvvodnya d in each woes m Janina ! 1856. Pu-u Ina up make urnnxementlcaneommnnicaz-mtn`ny 1 at the above places. ' .10-63-p Euuuu u no wuunu [I'VE nus L-Iccnulcl yuvucr. Mr Ross thoughtthe znotxon was in the hlterestn of the counc_il, and that the [Tress- Inter should be suatamed by - some such ex saion oro inion. V p'?l"}.. `Julian? nnnnacl'nr` OB-:0 :n `n1I1.c.'n.`.vn