Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 4 Dec 1884, p. 5

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52 Inser- . tiona. I (1 3 1'.) IIIIU. UHF UHIVUU LPIIUU Ul. UIIUUU IE, 30. I]'0g that.n0's0 t lssivith-staid them. The evils that flirv frombur godless"sys'tem' areonlv too `apparent. Juvenile crime is increasing at an alarming rate. The habits of `our children are retrograding. Parents are regarded as old, fogies ; little respect is given to their opinions or wishes. in any 5 company children. are rude ' and ippanr, sometimes worse than ippaut. "Once they go to school they get beyond parental con- trol A And this -because they are only taught how to make their way in the world. Edn- cation does not abolish crime. It is those who come from our pl.lbllO`SCl'lO')1F,tlIO3e who are best educated, that till our prisons. `Such will soon be the state of affairs in Canada i.nless some change speedily takes place. And if such a state should exist we have only ourselves to blame for we are a self governing people. , - _A. GENEROUS BENEFACTOR. civilization is the libeiality of men of wealth to educational institutions - Not a year passes but public attention is called. to some remarkable gift for founding a college or adding to the endowment of some college already in existence. In recent times good beginning has been made in this direction in Canada. Mi. Monroe of New York has made some princely i benefactions to Dal- . bousie College ; McG-ill College is deeply indebted to the Redpaths of Montreal; Queen s owes much to the noble-hearted, much-mcurned James Michie ;. whilst time would fail to run over the list of names . written in the Golden Books of Victoria, Trinity, Knox and Wyclie -Colleges. In only one case, however, has a seminary: been built and endowed by one man. '1 hat case is McMaster ail, that man is William llilcMaster Through the liber- ality of this large-hearted man the Baptists of Canada possess a theological seminary that rival the best in the United States. But it seems that that was only the beginning of his gifts to education. Woodstock College is a high c'ass school under the control of the Ba.ptists.- It is proposedito place it on a safe footing, and $138,000 is riquired to do so. Uf this sum $50,000 has already been i subscribed. leaving $88,000 yet to be raised I When $56,000 more is raised by the deno- mination the Hon. Mr. McMaster.has prom- ised to donate the remaining $32,000. But I One of the noticable features of American I even this is not all. Mr. Mci\Iaster has given assurance that once Woodstock Col- lege is placed upon a satisfactory footing he will build in Toronto and equip for the Bap- tist denomination a literary college to be federated with the other denominational colleges, -and affiliated with Toronto Univer- s ty. VVe have a pract1cal apnlic'ation to ap- pend to all this. -Some of the rich men of our county might do a noble service for higher education if. they would establish scholarships in connection with the High Schools of their neighborhood, whereby proiiisiiig pupils who have not the means, might be enabled to obtain the educa- tion these scliuo`s nfforil, and even eniibleil. -to enter upon a university - career. If this were d'i,ne the fees of tuition might be con- siiiereibly incieased, and the necessity for .deu_ian-is upon the public purse obviated. _ `Xlullrnn-fun )-din`: Cnltniil Ixun doonnil n nn-an .uI.:vI_InlI'ID upuu I-III `Juunav PLIIDU UUVIwbUlLo Walkertuu High School has issued a very `handsome c1rcu1ar.' glving all necessary in- " formation in `regard tu the school. its modest pone contrasts very favorably with some cir- culars:we have seen. It is a. sllortsigbted policy to, aacnce - truth in ordezf to` gain" pupils . Peter Jacobs is now suffering from a broken leg, and few are the comforts of his life. ' Quite a change has come over the spirit or his dream. At one time he was the idol of the hour at .Windsor Castle, where he was introduced to Her Majesty.- He should not be allowed to want in this land of plenty, and we hope Mr. J. Adams, or some other philan- thropist, Wlil see that his wants- are su p- plied.- Orillia Times. - (`.4|II'|..Il!1nl\ll mn`A-nn:aA -1599: n "I'Vl.n IIWI `- \II IJIIII J.IIIuICUn The C0uiII3W00d Enterprise says : The Pacic arrived in port from her last trip, yesterday-evening. She reports terribly rough and stormy weather, and met the Maguetvand Africa, hath boats being safe. She reports 9. foot`. of snow on Mauit.ou_|1n Island, on the South shore of which the Steam Baruze-'1`ecumseth went ashore on Sunday. She also reports `the City of Owen Sound ashore at Michipicoten, and ' fronrthe posjxiou`0f`t.he boat. and the ter- nble character of the shore Capt. Camp- bell thinks the City will be a total wreck. ` ~-f. --vi . Z3. -~~2$'-- 3"` .:r}.7`. Vile have received-from Mr. J. G. ume, L Shanty Bay,.sornewhat lengthymoteu (of :1 iv sermon on "_'1'he?Bible Schools? deliver. red by the Rev. J-.- F. White. . Unzonu. natelv we are notable to give the whole ` `communication. but We give themain posi- .tions,`-.o_f th6.I'0V_el'eng1_ gentleman- The rst steps in Education must be undertaken by the parents ; afterwards othersu.-ebrought into share. the.r69.p',onsib}lity.`. .:It isthe par ents duty to.exerc_1se thegugresteat care in choosinga .teIch8I'_-3 _, The character of` the teacher should be -irrepronclrable, but great attention shonldalsotbe given to the sub. jeetshe teaches.` Amongst many the 1m. pressionis that our P. 8. system is ea near perfection that no change would tend to its benet. Is this the fact 1 Enquiry shows that it is not. Children should be educated not only with a view to_this life but also to the life to come. Is this object attained by our present system? Out of 5,203 schools 4 .627 are returned as being opened sud clog. ed with prayer. In about half the Ichools the ten commandments are taught. In a" few the pupils are allowed to read a few verses from the Bible. Many of the schools have noreadlng or teaching of the Bible at all. ` Sacred history is not taught. We have ask- ed for a change, that religion should be at the basis of all education and we have been to sink their differences A and unitedly de- mand for their children religious instruction, and the united force of these is so strong that nn o'vmr t can lone `.,with.nf.iLnrl them refused. The three chief protestant bodies ` '1`. -PA'l`RICK S SOCIETY - - or BAR-us.-mcn'r1Nos.-- The regular nnonthlxjmeetings . of this So iet will e held on b I p .1}! therst Tues ayin each month or at BothweIl's 11 all A selected subject will he discussed at each meeting. Next meeting TUESDAY evening. the 6 h J umsnv. All members spv.-ciau requested to atusnd. may J. A. GCARTHY. secretarv. Dealbra in and mnunfactnrers of M] kinds of Wo'~denVPumns. Galvanized and Iron Pipes put. in to or"cr. also Whvdmills supplied to order. A call is respectfully sVol.citc-d. .. . um.nv b'Y.'li`V l'l'T Nea ly & LoL}E. Proprietors)`; LII IIICI 40-ly SIMGOE pumpwnnxs, ' One Door ;T<;r`t.l_1V<>f Barr 8: Henry's Blacksmith shop. ml vvv-an u V--.-.... .- x';ciau rc('1'3s't.3d `io-attend. - J. A. OCARTHY. Secretarv. BARBIE. f1`."G 11'61aG1:'s SOCIETY. ` The` Regu-1:{- Meeting of the above society wnln be held in Bot~hwenl's Hall. nnnnmfn thn `Rnilunlv HUI Ill DUIUWUFIB nun. mpposwe the Railway Station`. on WEDHIIBDAY, 7m 01 J Anmnv. 1885. a.t..s p. In. Jionn P. FULLJAMEB. Hnnnntul-I1. THE}. 01 Jul uuyv Iyvr sum. NEALY &'I:(.)F`TUS. mud Anna. secretary. Eight Doors East of Old; Stand. MoGarthy s Block, JMALtIs%Ta.fsToR%v &_ co-. ` ~ g BART IRON, IMCALLISTER, STORY &Co'Y. HORSE suons, HORSE NAILS, _ _ L CARRIA`(_}E AND SLEIGH %W_0ODENWARE ` _ ~ .. ' . Alwaysvon l1andL V _ ? J` Buyers will find the P%rlc aLs lnieregjjng. where his numerous patrons will nd a larger assortment of G. BLA CKIVI ORE9 Ono Door West of Queon's Hotel, Barrie, Direct from the Mapufacturies int Eufope T A full Stock of uuuv. Swvam for cash. When did you see Cottohs as cheap 9.; they are to-day T v A When before eould you buy adecent Overcoat for $3.25 We have Km; um . When before could you get 15, 16 and .17 lbs. of good Sugar hm $1.00; yaw: can now, f:on. r;L}z- f:im.d.+ the Grocers, all along the street. V h ' ` ` The only concluiotfwe cah come to from these facts is, that farmers are better off to day_ with gr oda at such prices, than_.they were when they got the higher prices for their wheat, or in other \\"J'.'d8 farme s ere not so badly off as some of them t.hink_they are; _. T ` @"l`o insure your gqetbinhg all the above goods at the prices quoted don p fail to cull zit Has removed to more convenient and larger. premises shd we are iorry that such in tho case ; but it nu nor. ch; _ t'hihgVthht`is aiayaoiyn in`: in-ioe. 0- We venture to Say that. ` `And Other C`ommodit.ies have as G-REA? A TUMBIAE AS WHE AT. 'THEN!'GOOD COTTON GRAIN BAGS sow} at $4..')0&to $5.50 per dozen. THEN! Goon SCOTCH WINCEYS sou) A1`( 15 to 20 cents per yard. - . S THEN_l SHIRTS AND DRAWERS WERE ma-,--'sgy, V600,, 90; and`=$.l?25 per garment; ; THEN! A 9001114 OUNCE ALL WOOL; TWEED suldfor $1.oo:pe;- yard. 1 - THEN: B1j;s'_1~ _MAKE ALL WOOL `WHITE-1` l'IT |\1`ll'I'.~llIru I A. an _ AA A- goong! 0 J. Joya.` Q-LJJI sold at 50 cents per yard. m Tnro-` nH'h!I!' - .n.o.naa.- u auraanla. LI&LlL3.IH IJIJ IV \I IV Ll BLAN KETS sold as about $4.03 to $3.00 :5; pair. JJLLL K) 3.\l\J V` IJUGU IIIUIISIIU ' $l.3.')pe;`l;11'L;hel`, ind other graiha in proportidn. REMOVED I SEASONABLE SUITINGS I NORWAY` IRON & STEEL, 1 BEST moor con. -CHAIN, A -.mvn,s. AND vmzs, THEN! FIN E ALL WOOL GREY FLANNEL4 A FEW YEA1{S AG}O Wheat brought $1.25 10; IF. than no.4-I ab`: A - . n . .:_u- : - u . m 4&5.`-. Ila:-dzvare ! nhy, in 3 up of 010 01' than ever, at extraordinary low prices. MERCHANT TAILOR, D R Y -Have received a Large. Stock of ordinary THEN : CROMPTON & RYAN S. NOW 5 We sell a \Vincey at N cents. as good `as we uf-sed to sell :1: 20 cents. _ V . . I LNOW !'We sellvne 3?] woo! Grey Hannah ' at 25 to 35 cents per yard. ` V NOW ! Te. -H12: ui woxndtarfdl linv all wad heavy Tweed -at 55 cents. . Such kn Blankvtls we Se at $2 60 to =34 50 per pair. _ amp- for _, NOW! We at N x gasp} Cc-rton Grain Bag at $2 5'} {er dozen. NOW! vvl at r and 75 cents each. NOW! Goxi Wheat H-P5 uh: uv. TU cents per bushel, . o v Jul: nu! |ruu.\ 1UHmAVI'J '. -Dwv11ing' 0119-door west cf the VVe! Jmgfou Hlltrl. 'I arms may. Apply at the AU- VANCE OFFICE. V 12-tf ._.-:._.. ` BARRIE. -Fi:-s't c1"ss store and tlxvelling on ` South side of Dunloz--st., formm-Ly occupied by ] Mr. [Wm llumer. Will he sold very cheapo: store part reutcdto a good tenant. l .i)1I`\.`io-\lI 51!! I}-Dl'L'Incn 1111.9`: nknnf I 5|:Ul U pl..n. 1'l7lILU|U.U {1}- ,UUU LUUZHII. .h&)`\'ltW b'aw Mm (ken-klnsp wilh about 4. acres or land, and two large water lutsi to be sold for less Khan ha If the cost. of the machinery in the mill. | 111 _nr-uu nf 1-vnnonlv In-`J Cant}. AI A...l.._A.._` } ID IHU llllll. 1 3} acres of vacant land South of Andertorfe ` brgwery adjoining railway track, suitable for ` any kind of manufacturing business. - A number I vummt. Imn nn Lu-..d!m-A and ` any xuuu UL u.Iuuu1uI'I.urlug uusmeas. A number f vacant lots on Bradford and 3 Charles streets, South of Buttereld s foundry. I all ne buildin sites. Quinn:-nl nnun ny-rnhln Ln nnnn 4...) `-55---- -- ` ll HHU Uulllllll UNCE- } Several com ortable houses and cottages on. ' Charles _atree.t,; an excellent opportunity fora. mechumc to get a. omforxable home astheao * houses can be paid {or by small momhlyon } quartaxly instalments. Prices $13010 $00. T1115 comfortable 2 R101`? lhkpninu nt-,r~n1-nd quu.1'Lux Iy lnuluuut-ms. rrlces 1:U to $` W, T] at comfortable 2 stpry Dwelling occupied by Mr. L. Bu1te1'_t1.ld. wnh small ottice in front, t and two lots; pr1c- $1000. II-nn hnildinuv Inf nn Dona ah-not nA.'n!..:..... H|""; `iUU. . I ALLAND an E.-A comfmtablr double Dwel- ling_H ouse on Bradford strea t. opposite N orthcx :1 ~ station. 10 good building lots well situated. F A R M 5 l__-_ _ 1rLo,=1.-Vr-`am of N mo. in 7!}: con , 90 acres. about 30 ucrgs dented and freetrom z~tumps.new frame dwellmg hon! e, soil good, balance of lot can be easily clcared. IKN'l`I|.,-._*~ '1 hf R in 11?`) (`nu an`! and T` (TOWN ANIJVFARM 1>R0PEnT1Es) F'C`)7 P.. SSA-LE CH BAP. pric- Good building lot on Ross street adjoining Mr. Craddock `sreuidence; 8250 V Dweijimz Hmma nu Ens]. 1-`idp nf Owen ah-not Jul`. unsuuuuxs EFCHIUCDCG; 0200 hweuin House On East side of Owen street, occupied y Mr. Bothvs ell, moat conveniently situated ; $|200. Hnusua. nnnI1nin'hv Ur Rnilnr hon:..n. n.....4n Buuuluu ; alzw. V House ocnupiedbv Dr. Bailey. having good stabling sttmhed, (B Ivuulop su-eex, adjoining i Dr. Aruagh's re-idente ; $90U. s3(, otbtago-. and lot oppuante last described pa reel; 50. One acre immediately East of Mr. R. King's . x:es'idencc on 13 aka street; an c..c.-`llunt. bujldmg aim; $400. ALLA ND A I F`. _ A nnmfn. l--.M._ Anu'Ll.. n.....n. can UU Ullll) C.'Bl'C(l. 1.\NIsb`JL.--*.' of 3 in 14th Con.. soil and buildmgs good, about 60 acres clearedwaluablo timber on ualano - , cheap, terms very easy `I`Il`!'\l\\Y'l`E` `I3 1 -0 `Ir 1 -1 ll 1.. n...--., 49.. --- | ..__-- ._ .......... , ......-3, u.,..u.. V51` manq- MED()N'l`F2.-E i of VV of 6 in win Con ;'50 acres good land, first.-cl_a.8n orchurd in full bear- inn. mg ! IRTH OBILLIA.-Part 0' Lot 3 in 1stCon.. 80 ac . 40 cleared. excellent soil, good buildings. progeny welrwatered. a. rst- class farm especi- ally adapt ed for stock raxsin A N01` \.vA.qAuA l_m1..':..o1 a.. on. n-.. . z, in the` 'ald. in". undrod ally mu led for stock tanning. NOT AWASAHA.~-Eo 10121 in 8th 0011.; aaplendld fa._rmf90 acres cleared. good'build~ tugs. plenty 0 water mm a. never falling stream. no wasteland. f\I(\ CI `I7 I `I 113.. DAL IV-.. -A , , I ' Uullo -5. VV ..3 OI 0 & clearimz, good land. 'I`lNV_..-l12, L RR in u..- .u-..-- . V--vvwu ' `V-7"E;PRA.-Parc of 21 in 3rd COIMTKS` 116.. "soil rsl. class. all cleared. an excellent`-farm. W.}of 2: ix; 6th Con.. {man `clearing, well ;-watered and umber: d. -011 good. Part. of 22 in 6th Can. Vespra. 110 acres, good house and barn; $1200 Several Park Lots West of Mr. Ewan`: rcsl~ dence and havmga. tine view 0! Barrie ant Kemvenfeldt Ba.\`. The above lands are oered eepecially cheep end in nearly every case a very small cash pay- ment. will be accepted. and easy terms given !ur the bovance. The rat am. mwn lots cari be rm-chased on still eesie term_-`'. in case lh6~Dl1l't hnzsr intend! `(.0 build immemately. Apply yo = A B'l'RATH`. 8: AULT, `ll-Ir V 'But,rlsI.ex'l.Ba.n'h. ; cxeurxuz, goon Hum. 17 V341 Com, (`except 4 acres) I- ! TPDVQTID I I1-_- _A (In 9,, 1| 1 pm. _._ wouu-.--. -v --w u ---u -0R0.-S.W: f6in th .. I zlearimz- stood 133.1- 7 can 50 acres. lug` VALUABLE LANDS NOW! ILL BUY THE wromv. mm -Y\\'v1H1'nn' l\lIL4`-f`I'|l'nI` nnazl n? Ohn `.(YnI such -articles! at 35, 50, so _)`crcd m LWO 513. D IIIOIIOY cient ate of tin`; kery day 'u_I _m'u- exther .* ctlled . vnn nu-J VV_ I taoneer. - ml at TY [BE_B_, , mg. IIIUUO MIC onto. nLE -. . .Ll`Ll 1. iv:-K;-.`V\` 1-~.w-um -,;. pm-.r to his ru- 1]_ in (Ir;n\'-hhnumt. ho I`:n'luc-r.~' oi'(M'o say they can save 1-ggby plIi'('lIu.~in'_f.' Suits and Over- : front '1`. \\'. Gray 6. (Jo. 1.x` ymmg mm are fvur lemnn pics. (I tur ii. .chmch I-social by an Or1l;ia. g lady. `She was mad. few nice Astrnchan Fur Mantle, A anleeu to give satisfaction, very_ ` p at '1`. \V. Gifuv dc Co s. A. Mnntz, nf Musknku, h`as's`01d0 a onths Hereford bull calf to Wm. am; "of Michigan, for $200. - ' osiery, Gloves. Mitts, Shawls as, Hoods and knitted goods of al 5 at T. \V. Gray as man. I eeton is to have a 25,000 gallon er condenser; the tank will be _20_ deep, and 35 feet in diameter. _ Our 55c all wo Tweeds a.ro_the Same .ti1_ne ago `at 800, den Beaver, Crqznpto & Rvan. he (`an-mrs: ol Vespra know a thing wn. '1-`hey buy Dry Iuboodsund ( lolli- a_nl the casln More oI"l`.- \V.?Gr.ny,& 00. be `\V:tllx'crlmI Herald [has reached c<.nc1u.-inn that an hfmest farmer in 1' ' r . I I ' ` he Boetbn World is hypercritisal n. anybody attempts a joke at its ex- e. The editor must be intensely ch - lne Dreis Goods In ihe new shades old brown. seal brown. bronze .,lc. garnet and black at '1`. W. Gray 5. nu-vwuu Iuvllvv (Jun Jun Ulllly U1 LL00 fnrrished as fullnws: Simone. 984`; akuka tnwnships, 34; 'ParryTSouud nshipa, 165. A " 4 ur genial friend Mr. Elliott, pout-_ ter and drnggist of Chatsworth, *iat b e _ er of one nf the moo`: pecniiar babigi, IJYf\Ol\f, fknf Olnnnn I; run. -1.-LO ntInu|"`rnI"n`-`I1 rAbu_rn in the Dominion. L Mrs. E%_llidtft;* Le bmh to a. child jthe other .evemg_ chy a.ud well fm'med i_neve_1`y partii; n- res aw In half `meted 0 log` other am of be ll of e from dwel- rn and .r. W R. and Mrs. Aihersnn, of Col- wund. celebrated their crystal-[-15Lh- ding with uixty guests last. week. eebee's Royal George while `en and had to be shot. He was h$lO00._ ' :rancis' Cardinal, of Goldwater, Twas" antlv killed by a. tree falling on bhitn 1 he wonds. He leaves awidow-and e family. ' ' irncne's Scott Act majonty of 1183 fl]Pr;nhuA nu `n"anII1n o Qnnmnuun 09.4; large quantity of dynamite is stored ` A acebridge, :md_somo fears are ex- ed tlxereanltant. , . (mg township has organized an agri- rul s>ciet.y, with James Dunn, as tm~y-treasurer. V no people oI'l'Cs1.-m say that they ' ya" get at good article from T. `V . It (`U35 Burl'I0. ' - In Hewitt. -of tho Collingwood freight 3, smashed his hand last week by _ng_a dour on it. T ' _ e Collingwood Enterprise. wants an tntiun in that town of the nature of hcspians of thin, A he people of Flos all agree that the post Dry Goods Store in Barrie Isl`. ray >\' (B095. 9 1\1<-ufurd Mirm-1' says ' The` S.va.- I _ x; .-\m.zV\' is not d good that ...1q...~ .... I... :4 `See nur ne ll-'wool Blankets at 0, $3 and $4, ey are wonderful` e. Golden Bea. r, Cromptou - ` ll, jcxcept that there ism right.-_a_I`I}_i 0,11`!- kuucklea of a hand being V-disoen6.Vblu- [way ur-nu "cu nu Iuuu Iu Uvuly yugtv_I\gII' an n. u. y ;u {nun u-r1155 _v11u 6\J\J\-I vlauuu .in.m1 1""I`uI`l)V llmu:m;(,`.or(l, Mellon and 1:11] 7\vooT 14- (`lush In-4-.~..~ I.:o0(Is" at 25 cm. per" :1! `H3 `V . Gray ,C0 H. . . '1`. 'I`4rI.<*_\` `w.-ts bnnque.ttcd at Bc~ ... 4-,. LL. .... 31:6 Longfurd Transportation.Co warjty men. he Marslxallitbs will build a chm.-ch at; chmont. rilliu has over 1,000` children between V (1 16 years. llingwoud council passed. a snow bv-~ ust. week. V _ V eaford has an _orga.nizad band` of try thieves. V ` 4. I\l\l'\ I _-,, 3., _,'-_L,j 3,, l__-_I.!__ ,__ pl!` `pic. Bracebridge, were burned down eek. - ch" Lake , is` 9. new post-ofce in township, with Archie Menzies as _ aster" ' Sounders are nnagitating for a ction. cebridge mechanics institute has on hnnd-$300 for books and $100 `vening classes. . (window blinds of W. M. Spencers" em and Pacific Junction railway Fa had eleven": tramps` i_I1 th_ree IIIIOW at the [Cl C. nu. - Chilvlnuvv -wvcuvov-- u. ...v 5. _ . Marrow ottlvsvo -- . llingwood has a choral society. V rillia has a snow shoe club of .25 mem- '...a r'runnnnvst1&`co`:`_, nxcn NGES As1.oo_a,1.1tnws.- ;|ua |.llU|l.|Ull lulu; Vt yuov-at-anus lpoundnlarm bell. . ` oulder dislocb.ted.. _ _ . illia. Times : . There is. m113chA_zieede"Qf d constable in town, ` " v e new English church at Cfaig. pvned on the 16th ult. _. e T. `V. Gray 6: C098. hehvy ljress as at 15 and 20 eta. per yard. ' 3 cf at last Tara fair for $30.` V _ccb:*idgn has vappninted its deli- to the Sxr John demonstration 0. You-lcr, aged 22, was recently `lzulzxt the Lake of Days, Muskoxa. czgrce Gnpda to hand` this Week, Jersey Cl.,th. Crompton & Ryan. `BS1131. K rr and Mclienny will contest e Rxcveshipe of Collingwoodft-owxr as. Cameron, of -010 Sta_tion}~`;hade .1750 uund Ja.nuary- calf was dis-_ Wl":ee`n ineatedv in bulldings i illia. this year. adford is to have her sidewalks clear yow this winter. ' `Ilia rementalkv `of purchasing a . _ . . . _ --.J ..1....... Ln - aonsoa mo mteruungfhrajuftph Advance Readers Who Like The T ._.._A-- A. L... Q.--A re of Collingwbod bestAcit12`ens. .departed for 9. winter sojourn in '-`A ' iF'l`hoxna$ `church ymmg `ladies `of non lmavoorganized` a sewing so- cexnber 4, ; F Mcafoxjd Foregters had a`Vvery' sud- a,m1iveraa.ry oyster supper last TEL.- m unm-n1smcrEn;" Il\Jl\l"l`lll lI|IIUIl (III II 'll\J5U ICUI II-lL7l ll! xwud is. fast. becoming a rare The Sal vation `Army captain of Golng- wood re-establishes his reputation, which he c1`ims was damaged by the Enter-' prise s exposure, with` the atfadavits of` seven witnesses. The only thing that oc- curred during the ride` to Stayner was the resting of the heads of Miss Evy Bush and Mrs. Bouldeuagaiust the cap- taiu s shoulders as he sat between them. The Enterprise, however, does not appear to be overwhelmed with the weight of evidence, for, it says : It will benoticed that nothing is said regarding the Farce do Manton. and from the aadavits it ap- pvais the Captain only acted as any wife would be gladto have her young husband act. by graciously `permitting two young and liau.lso_uie women to rest their fair lie:l(l3l)p(_)l) his manly bosoi_u-he, poor fHll')W, no doubt considering it his duty as H. shepherd to tendeily `care for the luiulis of his fl cl-;. '1`he`choir willyplease .~.+iiigv`lIoiv happy I could be with either, were tother do.-zir ch':irm'er away. The Bulletin [)l1l)_llSll':h' the sworn, 8ta.i,8lI1ellIB_ as an ailvenisexiieiit ` i -___ -- _-7 -- --_.-rw-:3 co TRACT ADVERTISING. Contract aclvertiscmnuts will be taken at the fo'1owmg rat. is. -whi- n are man. (1 on corn ct- conmu-ruml prim-iples, and..as they will be strictly adhered tu m ma.ki_ug ne_w conuuuta after present. contructsrexpxre, mere will be only one price for all: ' The Orillia. Scott Act Association has put. candrdates in the field` from Reeve downwards. The Packet. thinks a mistake has Feen made in opposing Mr. Quinn, N ot at all; Mr. Quinn ca.n'down_ any one put up against him. T - H vs . - - ..__. This is how the Bradford Witness makes 9. gentle intimation to delinquent subscribers :.---THE TAX CoLLIsc1'ou mak- eth his calls. His smiling countenance beamed in on us Saturdav evening. He [will call again. Subscribers in arrears will please remit. 1' tin n . .. Q11 Mr Clelandvhas moved to his magni- cent new premises in Mesford, erected on the si'e of his store which was burned down last year. The premises are said to be unsurpassed north of Toronto for the purpose for which they are intended. re TheiGravenhurst Banner lectures the Bracebridge Grit sheet on the folly of continually attempting to injure the N. P., and in doing so says : As to the farmer, we do not think the average farm- er thinks he is any way badly off. The Bamner is a patriotic though Grit journal. Inn on I .- - one I- Illuch .... .... a '2} Inches . . . . . . . . . . .. H 5 Inches, i Column . 10 Inches. Q Column 20 Inches, 1 Column. -we e`ditdr of the Port Hope Guide Has 1 been at his old tricks A again--swantonlv Iibelliug respectable ctt~i_zens. [He receiv- ed his usual whipping}-t,he 8th he.ha.s re- ceived since he has occupied his present position. A . ` - rnn r\ 011- (V .-.. -- .1`; vvuva wuuuuo me Preferred positions in the paper will be sold at an advance of one thu_'d ma above rates. 'l`his_ rule will be strictly ('.I'l`led ou'. v CONTRACT CHANGES. Advertisers Will Llvuse bear in mind that no- lice of intention to change advertisements must be minded in to the otce not later than sauui-du.,v at 10 o'clock. and the copy tor such" change must be in the Anvaxxcm o_1cc not later Lhzm 12 o'clock 11004 on `I ucsday. in any Week; utl1cl`\\'iB0 the aclvexti.-ex- s manuu cement may not be made pub.ic until the week fohowing. eospsmssp ADVERTIFAMENTB Condensed -advertisements on First Page, such as Wants 01! all kinds. Lost and Found, I-'1-uperty-for sale or to ttent. S; ecic Articles, Ew., Etc. must be accompanied with the cash,` and wnl be inserted--1*`m~t insertion. 2 cents per word. each subs: quent. insertion. 1 cent at word (uamee. adoru sses. and figures eounte `as w rob) bu! a reduction to 1 e nt 1- w d will be0ms.d'e when the number othingtiougrol the same matter exceed Faun. A ' . .e_n__.,, `For one month-.-the three monthly rate with 15 per cent. added. *Fur* two" months--the three monthly rate wixh lu pt 1' cent. added. A/ah I)....n....._-.I .___5;-. 0 AI --- - Mr. M. Robinson, of Meaford, has I given notice of motion 1' n council that.- he i will move tohhave an oioial audit of the accounts made before nomination da.y. A good move and one. which should be suc-` cessful. . ' ' ' ... ...- .._..--... V. ....a nu uuuuuvu on ID Northern Advance. counmt or smcom. 3,0 I.Sa.1nuel Wesley, T0 wrr: the town or narrie. in the county of Suncoe. proprietor of Two NORHIICRN ADVANCE newspaper, do solemnly declare that no w;ee durum: the out near, the `actual weekly cu-cu ation of 'I`m-.' Nomnmm rD\&AN(aEFhu. heiertxittewci-r than Twelve hun- e an or y-e g cop es." - j I And that lam um nunun..- ..o .1... ..-:.a In the Mutton-oI` the ogrculatlon of the Nnlitllnrn A `I-.. .. -- nun: nu VIIV EIIIIIU LEVI?- The young ladies of the 4th line, Notta-. wjasaqa, Presbvterian Church have pre- sented. .tl_;ei;;. paitqr. Rge3v;..J,v-K,,,...Ii_eg1ry, with 9. bebmifiii astmc$.n4`furV-coat~`o;d the inevitable address. . ` ISIIUWJUIIJQU :1 hrlsie sullu mots. v An mag e 330 emndev ~ ti . siously believing the same 55?: u;9.`.f.f',fi , \'il'tI1e 01 U18 My passe" in the '1 hirty-seventh your or Her Mvsestyh reign intituled An 49 ct. to: the suppression of vuxuntury and extra-Ju- clicnul umuu." flan] n iturl kn Inna _. _. cuouu umuu; Declared before me at the Town om Barrie. in the County of sum. cue. (his 22nd day on Julv. AJ) . 1554. H.wou'ro.\ I._x.NNox. I A CUl'I.lInih`)iIl|n-I0 in OI lid ULLDII OIL UIIUI-Vac Lastweek Samuel Donnslly, `ef the 3rd con.,. Essa, - was druwned ..a.t the oatinghrid e crossing :Fletu_cher n; mill pond, easto Alliston. His"`h< n-sea also shared the same fate. urcu cum 1- uny-elgnv comes.` And 1. am the publisher of the id Nowrnnnx Anv NCE- d t , 8 knowledge or uh; said ancts.heref e have mu And 1 make this unhmm n....1.....u.._ -___-.__ HINGE l:lAUUl:l'l'0.\ I._ENNox. A.ACuI'umis51oucr ir B.u.. kc . for County of auncoe. m;':w`.:;3 t;`;:hiliiren` a\ins=.:l.cV$}lxVeir voices with the joy ous exclamat-ions of the en- thusiatic people of Breohin in praising J. P. Foley for having a. Sepa.ratelsohool_ established there. l __A_ ____-I, L1 I 1-'\ In - .- -- v.--.-----...--- .-V vguuurtv`. - -vJ-- cu- On .VVednesda.y`"xi1oi7ning :'the lake was frozen over half way across, but the ` westerly wind broke up the covering, `ex- cept near the shores.-Orillia. Packet. - Isaac Day, of Creemore, has been ap- pointed principal of the Bradford Schools. Miss Flora A. Sawyer; of Piobon, takes the position ofjzhird teacher in the same inifitutign; _ * V ' ` -1'1 1. c u , `, __._-_..-__. -_ --.-v. Meaford has 81693 91 to meet liabilities of over $3000. The town, however, is not bankrupt, is it hiaa:$4,000 or this `your : money coming in in February. 111,, n. n. 1 in no `known in connection_ -Misa Stephen well` and favorably ith the millinery in charge of that dz Ryan's. trade-in Barrie is no Department at Cramp . /\ I11 I 1 "` A. opsou_;_ t ostrs _ .- piles A young s'3h of Mr. Diids," Graven- hurst, was pintting up his revolver in his hip pocket when it discharged and the bullet penetrated his knee. A- A-.. -_ . an - ---A- THE NOTE HERAN Ab \"r7mcE' run rrn nrn .1-xun-nun:-uy.-.-. No. of inches Space. _ Onev I Inser non. onm.in- be pro- default be sold mo; Illll I -)5 > SAMUEL WESLEY; " 16 `0 Inser- Inser- . lions. tious. (311108) (611108) ( H250 $ 4 (NF nnp PRICE run ` I . .. A- -vv 875 1600 2600 15` 05 25 oo Z6 63! hhe fol:

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