Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 4 Dec 1884, p. 2

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-awuv way I 171118. In the complaints peculiar to females these Pillsnre unrivalled. Their use by the fair sex has become so constant forethe removal of their ailments that rare in the toilet that is without them. Amongst ellclasaes, from the domestic servant to the peerees, nui- versal favour is accorded to these renovating Pills; their invigorating and pnvrifvinge pro- perties render them safe end _inv_alua.t_>le in _ SI." nncna 0 l-Iu.u'.`-.-- 1-- Our Canadian Silk Indus.-tziv is prosperous`. 7The great ditiiculty to be `contended with is the low grade of goods required. In nothing 13 this more apparent than in the comparatively small article of sewing silks. The great demand in Canada seems to be for a cheap quality, buyers for- getting that a cheap thread must necessarily be a` ne and consequently a weak one. Messrs; ` Balding, Paul. &. Co. make three grades of spool silk ; of these different quali- ties the poorest one has by far the largest sale, at the same time they constantly hear of complaints of poor sewing silk, If ladies willtake the tronble to ask for Belding, Paul & Co's. own" brand, and see that their name is on the-and of each spool they will be sure of vetting the hast mu`... 1 a an uauuu an uu uuu uuu U! 8801! 8 ' oettinv the best made. Llvuo : _ Are they? We'll V cheat them, ; answex-s`the laddie, and the blushes pale in the Caledouien cheeks. ~ V T --v .--u---- w vvuvwan vane In the davs of old a young fellow stut- tered and `stammered and lay awake at nights, thinking how he should pop the question. We are quicker in this age, and I know one or two couples who never really mentioned it. They took it for granted that it" was to be, and found` themselves making an engagement who married very much as _ if it had been an appointment to go the` theater. . Q an `inn nn`u:t AL..-. ...- -_--2- 0 --`-r uyyuauuuavltv UV 50 0115 UIIUDIIUIK ` " Div ye ken whit-they're aayin '1 asks the. blushing Scotch lassie of her back- ward wooer. _ ' . No; whit ia t '1" - `iThey re sayin we're gaun to be mar- ne . V :1 A .1 A gov .. -rni: Lnm-xmx onus. ' no mare catch on; Holloway : Pills`. .._I - :_ L- K ' ' ' ` THE NORTHERN ADVANCE. tie Number next utter he recap ux ocaer. The lust Five Annual Volumes of r ARPER S WEEKLY. in neat. cloth binding. wi.1be sent by mail. postagepaid. or by express. free of ex penue( rovided the Ireight does not exceed one do at per volume). for $7.00 per volnm--. Cloth Cases tor eeaah volume. suita.b.e for blndxn . wu. no sent. byxn-Ail, poatpznd. on re- ceipt 0 $1 00 each. Bemmuncea should be made bi Post-Oloe a Money Order or Uratt. to avoid c _ nce of 1088. Nnwanmmra are not. to conv tum aA1VerLi8t- .4E':eow-44. no 11114 18-17 rnwnomwo: |rouonns or;`mon an mnns% The ehoema.ker s is. 9. 'heelin'g 8l't- - `Sharp shooting---Killing the painter. 3 -New son and u1Il F'elt mm at 'l`. W. Gray as con. A game 1a.w- Never trump your part- ne:- s ace. ' ' i > ` ' "l L- _-L..L In 1' 5 UV- It takes a pretty good tailor to patch 8 dog s pants. V -3079: sum and overcoat: at '1'. W. Gray at 0093. Contempt of court-The`fellow who has just been refused. an..- ......a: an. an, an and R10 0Vel' UBO USU but uwvu. I -8439 0111-86. 86, $7. $9 and $10 over- conu. '1`. W. Gray as Co. V nu, 1-2-) J.L..l- wink (30IIvlo '1`: We uruy, G. `.1110 A false count. ~The kind that rich American girls generally marry. ' --A -. 'II-..-- In_.._ AI...-nu at Ih linlh _ "gang" "11 7.,"h store. `.1 . W. any It Geo . money Umur or uratu, w zwmu uuuucu u; guao. News (were are not to copv tuis ment. w thou the express order of Harper & Brothers. Address HARPER 8:. BROS.,_New York. II0l.'Bu `Io `Vic IIII, `Iv vvo No lady objects to gettihg the sack now, provided it beof sealskin. on Q- _- A_-'.I L- 3..-. nr\v1\V\; av", r.yu.-v- -v -v -- -~ -It will do you od to rea_.d Gromp-VI I ton & Ryan : advert ment thm week. -- --- 4-n_.-__ I- 11- `I.-uvA nlhln IYQFW vvoa \nI a-vJ---- - -.--..r .v.. -1`. We Gray 6: Oo.-lve some very cheap Blankets and Comfortablel. .lI; _-_ _`-_-..' 4.-.. 1.5.. in ings. vuvug lilblnjvuw -u-own. vv-_..v_ v....._._ The Proverb, It is never; too lte to` mend, does not refer to darnitgg stock- 6-4-n 1555-: --Men, Buys and ulmvdles Fur Caps gheap at the cash store.` T. W. Gray ea .41. `JV! The richest man in the world lives in China. A sort of China.-Astor, as it were. - - ' ' ' To whirr is hew man, said th pun- ster who felt-of a buzz saw to see if it was in motion." 3 IV`ia:i-o-z1:a.VlW Pills are the favorite purgative and anti-bilious medicine; they are mild and "thorough. - ` (`C1 ' A >, J T\,________ `so aa.vu.v.. . s ' A correspondent wants to know if` the new process for making wheat is a bran new process. ' `V .- 1 rs-11 ,,,., LL- t--____'L- ....-_.....L:..- R. J. L. "G. IMCCARTKHY--0FFICE ANDK Residence on the West side of John Sn, mmeaiabely opposite Mr. Geo. Ba1l`s. Planing and Sash Factory. V aux. -uuv. u..B..u -Men s large 8' Shirts and Drawers at 35, 50 and 65 cts. the Golden Beaver. Crompton & Ryan. ,e.,_ g__..__..-_ -1_:1_1.___ 1...; `I7--- v-v.-:-v-- ~- Worms often uaaifoy children, but Free- man's Worm Powders destroy VVorms, and expel them from the system. ` I I I .0 Q I :4."I'..-){i<{.h;$i1y.iciai; says death has no sting; Did he ever press his nger on the ghting precinct of'a. dead hornet 2 1! fI`l_-___ ;.I__ _A_1__ uggv -a-----` '._ --_._- _ To Remove Dandru/'.(-Clea.use the scalp with Prof. Low s Magic Sulphur Soap. A delightful medicated soap for the toilet. ' 1 u____ .___|_1:_|_`-3 ___ J St. Ma,ry-Street. reterborougb, . November 20th, 1881., Sir,--It` gives me grasp pleasure to inform . you if the benet: Mhupvge recexved `fromf Seis;el a .Syru p. _j 1 have been` troubled torv yegrs wxth dyspepsia ; but. after a. few doses. `pub/liTai1'e on What towear." Now what we want is [a sequel, entitled Bow to procure it." | I IV .' , TN,,'I I`L.'IJ___ __._ -lL___ l___L I W EviL-A-Children are. often fret- ful and ill when _worms are the cause. Dr. Low s Worm Syrup safely expels all Worms. PI) `I III Don t forget to carefully look a. fellow over before you -call him _a 1ia.r.-White- hall Times. And if you cannot look over him. don't call him one. ,__` ,_- -,__ , % -The larmers of lnnlsl say it pays l them best to, son their produce for cash, ` and to buy their Dry Goods for cash at T. W. Gray 6: C099.` ~ ' T It :aurv II any --u up---., --- V. ...v "Her waste is enormous. Well, then, why don't you get. her a pair of cor- sets? ' Oh,Vyou don't understand_me; Nothing can stay. her extravagance. ws____ 4v__-___ c___l.I-I_ ._._._ I..._ `L. HE Q.UniEN STo HUT n.-1,.~;;.' ' w-. ukuwu, P"0prictA)l`. Excellent accommodation for the travelling public. Bur`a.ndo1a.rder well sup- . plxcd Wilh the best. Good enabling and atten- tive hosucrs. Luggage of guests convey-edn'ee street. on Dunlop street. I b k - .. To to and from all trains. Few doors w,o.-st. of Mar- --Even from Snnnldale we hear the echo '1'. W. Gray 6: Co. sell us ood re- liable Dry Goods, Clothing, ants and Furs, cheap. 1 should uotfeel nervous, for vluvo U-Iuuvonc . The American Ambassador at Vienna, Mr. Kasson, has lately forwarded to his Govern- ment an interesting account of a remarkable surgical operation lately performed by Pro- fessor Billroth, of Vienna, which, wonderful to tell, consisted in the removal of a portion l of the human stomach, involving` nearly one-third of the organ -and, strange to say, the patient reeovered-the only successful operation of the kind ever performed. The disease for which this operation was per- formed was cancer of the stomach, attended with the following symptoms :--The ap- petite is quite poor. _ Tnere is a peculiar in- describable distress in the stomach, a feeling that has been described as a faint all gone" sensation; a sticky slime collects about the teeth, especially in the morning. accom- panied by an unpleasant taste. Food fails to satisfy this peculiar faint sensation ; but, on the contrary, it appears to aggravate, the feeling. The eyes are sunken. tinged with ' yellow ;` the hands and feet become cold and _ sticky -a cold perspiration. The sufferers feel tired all the time, and sleep does not seem to give rest. After a time the patient - becomes nervous and irritable, gloomy, his mind lled with evil forebodiugs. When rising` suddenly from a recumbent position there is a dizziness, a "whistling sensation, and he is obliged to grasp something rm to i keep from falling. The bowels ctstive. the; skin dry and hot at times ; the blood be- coming thick and stagnant, and does not? circulate properly. After a time the patient ' spits up food soon after eating. sometimes in a sour and fermented condition, some- times sweetish to the taste. Uftentimesl there is a palpitation of the heart, V and-. the patient, fears he may have heart disease. Towards the last the patient is unable to re- tainanv food whatever,-i as the opening in the intestines ,becoI;I_ies_cloced, or `nearly so. -Although,-this disease is indeed -alarming, au'erers-fwithaths above. nainedisymp ms 1 nine hundred and ninety-nine casesfout of a thousand? have no ch-ncer. b'.1.~8im91! 9" 49*-N8. 5. Ldiieue easily-removed- ifvtrca f ; `ma proper-m`;n; iier. The safest and.` best. 'for"th`e_ disease is,.Seigel's= Cu rative Sy nip,-Evegetable - `preparation sold by 4ol_16I,liitt=-*-kid =m`edi7. M cine vendors -throughout th'e'*world;"`andv lb; [ the proprietors.` K~`.`~J.i Wib1`ll`:mu;.a\ .2.-t :2 as vu-w, v__v-`.- How often do we hear of the sudden fatele termination of 3 case of cranp; when 8 young life might havebeen saved by the prompt use of Aye:- s Cherry Pecto'ra'l ! Be wise in time, and keep a. bottle of it on hand, ready for instant use. ' V ' To write for all time is the ambitlon of every author. The man who originated" the series of negro miustrel `jokes is the only one up to date who has vapparebtly succeeded in his endeavor. ' Purge out the lurking distemper that undermines` health, and the constitutional` vigor w_il1 return. Those who suffer from an enfeebled and disordered state of the system should take rAyer s Sarsaparilla. to cleanse the blood, andrestore vitalnty. ' o no uI`&fl`n& Inuvuw vvznwgyu - rnt wnoi: won!-D1 A Sklfal Snrg.1calZ0perat1on, _ A _,__...`-__, A _._L ILL: -IJI-c-J- {cheap at, the cash as. "f A found relief it I feel quite cured. s 3 K September 8th. 1883. ' ;D,r;8zr,-.--I find the sale of Seigel s'8ymp `Iteadilyincressinar. AJl.who have ._tried it V ` eveyyghighlv of its. medicinal ; None describes it as a Godsend to dype`ptio:eople." I always recommend it `with con ence. A _ Faithfully yours, _ (Signed) Vincent A. Wills, '- ` `Chemist Dentist, Merthyr Tydvil. To Mr.`A. J. `White. Sei;{el s Operating Pills are the best family physic that has ever been discovered. 9 They cleanse the bowels from all irritating sub- stances, and leave them in a healthy condi- tion. They cnre costiveness. A. J. White, Esq ~ Baptist Missionary. Heneingham, Whitehaveu, Oct. 16. 82. Mr. A. J. White.-Dea.- S11 , -1 was for some time sficted with piles, and was ad- give Mother Se1gel s Syrup 3 trial, |,3_I_ I 4:.) I ...n nnulr Iunnnu tn Qlta tht ~_--_.. ._ _.-___..-___._... . R. ".3. H. BOSANKO, `DENTIST. ` LIQUID . Gaafor Extracting Teethalways on hand ; it 15 both pleasant apd safe. Office over Uutf`s Grocery Store. Bax-me, Ont. I vised to Mower ounguu Dying .. ......., which I did. I am now ha-DD! to stste that ithu restored the to complete health.--I Vremain, A yours re-peotfnlly. 46.44. ~ (Signed) John H. Lightfoot. `ICU vvvuuvu uuvu--v--v ` By Georg: that. 1 `The world is great; the birds slly from me, The stars are golden frtnt upon a trre ` And out of reach : my little sister went And I am lonely. The world is great; I tried to mount the hill Abovethe pines, where-the light lies sostill. But-it rose higher : little Lira went, . . And I am 1-.nely. The world is great; the wind comes rushing- ly - I wonder where it comes from; sea birds cry And hurt my heart` :l my little sister went. And I am lonely. The world is great`; thelpeople laugh` and talk, V ' And make holiday`: how fast they walk 3 I m lame, they push me: my little Liza. went, - And I am lonely. , Merit Proven. DO1l8.t`_'.lp0I1 [dollar is frequently spent on the faith of recommendations for articles eu- tirely worthless. Not so with McGregor s. Speedy Cure ; you are not asked to purchase it until its merits are proven. Call at Monk- man s dmg'sto1e and get a free trial bottle, and if not convinced it will cure you of the -worst forms of D3 spepeia, Liver Complaint, etc. ,7 no matter of how long standing, it costs you nothing. Sold in 50c. and $1 bottles. See testlmonials from persons in your own LA.-nu A Wide Awake Druggist. Mr. Geo. Monkinan is always wide awake in his business, and spares no pains to secure the best of every article in his line. He has secured the" agency for the celebrated Dr. King s New Discovery for Consumption. The only certain cure known for Consump- tion, Coughs, Colds. Hoarseneas, `Asthma, | Hay Fever. Bronchitis, or any aectio_n_of I the throat and lungs. Sold on positive amarsmi-.nn_ Will give van a. Trial bottle Thousands sayso. - ` Mr. T. W . Atkins, Girard, ham, writes : 1 never hesitate to recommend your Elec- tric Bitters to my customers, they give entire V satisfaction and are rapid sellers Electric Bitters are the purest and best medicine known and will positively cure Kidney and Liver complaints, purifythe blood and regu- late the bowels. _ N 0 family can afford to be without them. They "will save hundreds of dollars in doctor s bills every year ' Sold at ,-nu- ........4- .. L-,.4n.l. 1... l'1...,. Mnnbmgn l UUIIOID `LI KL`-'KiV\)l 5 LIIKIB CVCLJ JVQI KJLH iffty cents a. bottle! by Geo. Monkman. duced. in -this vicinity by J TDmggist, Barrie, is 0' preps!-.1 teeth of which everybody ape: tnnainsm. I;8I'g8'l28 25 cu. \ The most interesting feature of the recent exhibition at Montreal, was a company of colored Jubilee Singers engaged in manufac- turing _the Celebrated Gold Coin Chewing ; Tobacco, and at the same time delighting : tne crowds of spectators with exquisite I southern melodies. VA` gold medal and a 1 special diploma were awarded to this popular `V brand of chewing tobacco and the thanks of f-the committee tendered to the The Adams Tobacco Co. for their attractive` exhibit.2-ly A amen in T ime eaves n/ihe. Serious = results oft follow a. neglect of constipated Jbowelund had blood. _ ; Burdock Blood Bit- ten regulate an'd purify the liver. kidney: and thegblood. `Take it in _ time. TRATIIY 8; AULT, BARRIS'I'_k.RS;AIy'D ;Attox-nevs, Solicitors 11: Qhancer . n-otaucs Public. Uonveyanoers. Barrie, 00. S mcoe. Ont. Omce over Bank or rorunbo. 7 11. H. smurnv. 4 ' W. AULT. . TBuck1in's Arnica Salv. The Best Salve in the world for Cute; Btuises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fevez, Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chnlblaina, `Cams , and till Skin Eruptions, dud positively cures piles, or no pay required. It 18 zuarau- teed to give perfecf.>s,atisfaction, or money refundud. Price 25 cents per box. For sale `by Geo. Monkman. - 51`-Iv - --u-vu -{c-v--na- 1 There are but tew that have never suffered almost intolerable pain from Toothache, Neu- nlgiu, or like acute pains. To them such an instant relief as Fluid Lightning in an untold ` blessing in time of trouble. No disgusting of- 1 i feneive medicines to `be taken for days. Une j apgllinution not Fluid Lightning cures. Sold ` at onkma.n s. ` ------ ; L '1'he.ElItox-y ot Hundreds. \ Mr. John Morrison, of St. Anne, "N. S., was so seriously altcted with a disease of the kidneys lhat dropsy was developing and liagfe Lw: Qegpaxmd of. `Two bottlm nf T ' ' what to no. ~ If troubled wi sore use McGregor &. Parkea Garbo th an nnhea.lthy,slo w-healing lio Uente. You will nd it. invaluable for healing. cleans- ' ins! and comnletelv rnmnviriu unnr Qnnnhln ..,-.. .. ... ....u at ugvguuaruu Luz` unsung, Cl88ll3 intghugd completely removing your trouble. If 0 Blood 13 out of order, take with it 8 few doses of McGregor's Speedy Cure from Monkman s Drug Store. T . wvvtvu nuuuuvn it run ' 1 * Cod` Liver ml, with Hypophoapnites, in Tnbercnlar-Diseaseaof the. Lungs. Dr John Babington, Conrnnna. Mxch.. says :. "I have prescribed Scott's Emulsion, Awxth satisfac- tory results in Tuberuular diseases of the lungs, and`Mesentery glands ; also in Neu- ; ` ralgia due to defective nerve nutrition." [ -------.-v-2--------- ) A Plant of Rare Vxtuos E In the common and well known. Burdock. V It is one of the beat blood puriers and kid- ney regulators in the vegetal le world, and ; thecompound known as Burdock Blood Bit- ters possesses wonderful power in diseases of the blood, liver. lndneys and stomach E116 Ianroab auu Auuga. ouxu uu yuuwuo arantee. Will give you a. Trial bottle `ree. f__ Regular `size $1. pg nPEb ?ERi6b1cAL. 1:... Vans` 2 V Scott : Emnislon of Pure - Jubilgergingers. CU-|_ 3.'"C~8l'l.Q `nd % Starr ; Oorn 301, . Inc: an... A I\ no IIVIV Ualng Intro` ! John Woods. pl-`epargtion for the rd-y speaks with en'- !5 an. - ARRIE PLANING MILL.-GEO. BALL, Carpenter and Builder. and Manufacturer of Doors. Sash, minds. Momdings. Sac. Plan- ing of all kinds done promptly and satisfac- !or11~ . Factorv. John strcct, Burne. "155 Us Sill I bottles 0 . -04-- _Lv_ Bhniona, I Li,` I p5jD'l.'lll'l'.l'Hotr'1-),A . V oounncsnu-om... vauwuule Wu-H `* A Dan~'cauaaan,u.,... `nu. and General N. The route of the Callan let em . has been nally located. V '40? --Boya Undeahi a and 1);, 35 and 40 cts. cxgkpwn & Rgfm 3 'I`I-an Manntragl I-{van v\.-\l:.. . , ` ' ` ;u,`n. `U . igba _, . nllce ' // `I 1-1ver.Pn having clusei, , . nlonre Vigzt d T116 09 35 an rgdry! 5 309 olll 20' 2 ' 40. Gr; w Gf`7 `.00 T` O r 0 019' ' pl! -. --u-----_-._ _. _ _ _' __ VV. A man named Jean Puitraq ha arrested in Hull on a c"largr_- Hf C feiting. -Ready-made units: from 3 `Que ponular cash store. '1'. w AI- 35.5 at w, Merriman, the negro who oqmmimd assault on the little girl in Winds," ` been cqmlnitted for trial. h ac. r-zu,na uuu upecmcauous IUI` Duucuugs pre- red. A lown and Vnlage Lots lam out. _Fa;'m been carefully located. 1`unb:r1un\Ls exam1n- ad, &c., 8w. Toronto 0i':c- V-4 Man Buindmgs. Barrio Uuice- .uuCa.rthy s olock. Coumgwood Ot11ce-L0ng's lock. V Tnos. nammuy. MAURICE GIAVILLER. \\f I Lr1\1 I A7mI\ . .'.I `'1 -1lloIi9u shirts and Drawers (nmol :`llcwool)choapor than ever. 1". w,,,~,: 00 `av: '-James Ridley. of Endly u,wnm Ottawa county, was accidentally kgued,` Tuesday by a tree fallmg on him, ` jI.4-- man: I...... -:i"}.1' in b " - W wooi -1-`ieoa. 3.1% g'g`.`;'-`... 1.`."w'.` 33".: 6: co. "m `Ivy Ipis reported at Montreal that am. cial manager of a public Company cg; ing on -businessin that city is ~.u 49,-; to a considerable amount. ' Quill I .-Do you want untearable nm.,,,% 1 all wool tweed for boys wmr. 1; ` Gray 64: Co. have them. 71' 1 , } Mr.` Henry James, the new-1-,-. [ed architectof the-Milltia 1)._;;,; Alfred James, his` son, and 2:. 3m were chargcd at Ottawa F};x.r.~:! purloining an apple tree. ru . I tractiveness. Th spot tn" A--Sty5li;h milixary adds a Crompton & R-ya. 3. A v r Acommitteo frozn Muntr.... [ mg of United States Cunsul .- Messrs Bc:a.ureg:Lrd, McC4ff;.=. . mer, called" on Governor ,,m~~.- Albany on\Wedn'esda.y, and im- to the Muntreal carnival. H; 'w.onld consider the matter. Weat[Sho're road has fed me labourers wages to 3 dollar a. day. , OUN '1` 8: LOUNT, B.;\R11ISTElts, A.T'1`u1g. neya-an-Law. aolxcxtors in Chancery, &c.r u...cc-uunlop Street, narrie. Successors to the lace nrm or -Bonlwn, L.(_)unt,`B0ya ac awwart.` W. LoU.~'r, Q0. 11. W. Lomvr; --A penny savea in a. penny arm Buyers of Dry Goods can save money min to T. W. Gray dc com. 101' 1) 500 3. They sellfor cash only, and cheap. a-2---Q-Q--.-u-n g "Tge{{I7p=a,;;%'m[ Colliery, \ ban-e,4waa burned last week. ` [ - . '1-I . IN! I I I Zhundrzd labdurers on th:: R335: ter and Pittsburg railway ha.v.~.; `-.,_.m ._ charged. - 7 A solemn public session of ; Council was held on Thursh: ca.thedr;sl,_ Baltimore. ' Clevland has had a new Keri: town named after him. L The loaded boat on 21. and Hglvaon canal passed p r: Y., on ednesday night. T At Montague ,_ -Tex, Fry fty masked men entered cm leased all the prjsouera, ber. ` `-'_.v--.-.. -w~--..- ' ` There is trouble on the " ~-the whites a_.nd natives. The depots of ar_mamem~s ;. port; ape feverish with a.c'.:v1 -It.` estimated the to` dsaths from cholera in In t\Inll Lord Granville has re as peacemaker betwe :n `C o MCCARTHY. PEPLER &. MCCARTHY.` Barristers, Solicitors, Noun-ies, &c.,` Money to bow. Barrie, Anianonaud umvennurst. D'AL'l`0N 4\1CCA3TBY,Q.U. E. E. P. rnpwu. J. A. MOUARTHY. T L D. F. Mowxrr. b benetted by other catarrh FW [50 It You Have Failed is '3 Dr. Stari-'3 Catarrh Ct)x1(}I1cr}T:i`,:; 0iV_0d universal endorsement. Joh Y5, Dragging `Barrie, will supply 30"` ' The re 1,1 bent = co 8 mg ln[,inat> mmnwon . >101] of *1` ` `Vlng 5 4 `mi 01811151` -clubs. room" .h`` I `.q`1~ in to Bum u ck H"0 Bitzerr `iii;-Q1 V tlble rem jg; Cures disell Vi h3:b=ld. live . ` \. P `Q L \kldue.V5: =' , ., jug`, g.-gun--. H; I"V ry easy to catch cold, W` M` '3 _ it unless you use 347: Blliam. the bust rained) cm and lung truuhlep . . _ Jnptive tendencim i National stat.- i troops will be fv_>_r-V s.- a fortnight. `ll 1`. an nu: van: ' I ` 6 IUD f T M. Clemenc- i interestedly aq ;. 4 and Ciua: T _ The Inaliangp.zrii;x:.: the King on hxs hra' '.other`plague'-s.tricken -A u,.:._-.'.._ ..._:..-. _ .\ICID%C tlnsnauv uv|I\4u\.;AI x.A ~.\. `A Belgian_writ.mg fr--;'x . reports the discuwry of .1 3 Etxropeans at`Lcupold\'i1le. AL I).._.'. cl... ...;l'.'. ,_C I)` gauunytawuuu I-L .AJ\.p I \.lL\AV|ll\ . At. Paris the e}-So of 1_>;p-1:.-, M: with" a revolver shot and kxllcd M.` .\1`.-: commission agent as t.he'P;sl;us dr he? because he had slandered her. bilious a:.::5:r:i: ~;_;`:(LT`l\'2;`: : etc--.'_ thomnghly on_rod by Flint/:+ .\1:unlrali0,? _ 30111 `in Barrie by John VVuods, 1)rUES A nu-uig nxpoaacnt. of London, was recently robbed of : - watch in -the immedmte neighborhood Cranbourn street, close to the nowng French quarter of Lower Soho. I gave. information to the palm }` was soon informed that a pickpockw been arrested with the stolen waki his possession. He went down to 31*` borough street to give his mdenoe._w` as he entered the door, a Frencw thrust. a letter in his hand. In conm;:= two sovereigns, a two-sh-.Hnr-.' piece, ` half 8' crown, the eXuc.I!;,' <`v1J\ t`lWV" fee for a barrister and "ms Clrfk. `V them was the following t.~.::c'h'.-' 35' scrawled iu the vilcsc h;u;!i\`-1'.'.1I;- " talk well; you ml! by _-_-;u r~u=: will defend 1118'. IL "313 . L.-I3 I`- L " Schooled Fretichman who --MN W On this daring expedient 4 1 H `~"~`-V3 ' I l . . The great. cnminal 1aw_yer,Mr. Po; his counsel the man he -hueie :"""~`kd ARRIE FOUNDRY. ENGINE 8: BOILER WoRKs.-l;l. SEWREY. Manufgsctmer of_ every (1 acmption of. Engines, Boxlers, Saw Mill Grist. m1iU,`Sh1l1gl8, Lath, and Wood- wnr `nor x\.fn.nhins=.I-V4 r.j-:u - V ` A Double PurD5- _ The popularf remedy, Hagyards 5- .0il, is used both internally and cxtcf natngje. for aches, pains, colds, croup, r11vmf: deafness, and dxseases of an mtl.u11l13" Abotins of the Liver. Unltgcziz News. General News. mm. _l1I'lBL mgu, `DUI workmg Machxnery. Riiid 81118291}: breathn one` mig frain. note` wa lasted -11 ind the .gradun!-E ending. _ I n keg E9 vwnpa-..-. _ Ohm found it music w on just ready 2 ll mj` of spzk liftfd on ed it" `the. watql .he`avi VUHN MACK.-xY. A uu11oN1s1gn,coA1.\11s- szoucr. UuI1\ c_)a.uccI`, lb'allt:._I` 0. ma.1`nuge Licenses under the new -ACL. moneytu Loan . at .MUder;1Lc interest. Cree-u10x`L-, Una. _ my Dace: froh V t plea on g00q cu rapt Ziii'}.; and if look-o duty-`_ that V. ve c, bed. screw: the bi; wizho It.` Zclimbc actly. and 01 wa:`:.~` Whr-I ing thrc I took 3 my face thing b There '5: there be 'r('aot.iu, Sibl t- vA _"_5V music I sound 2? Atwen my face up" .. II`: "-7 iii. -Whisper `I L_ *3';:;. lllelaucb - ~ In pun. s1A.L\_uD 1.` U11. .lLV V_1L5'.|.`- I mum. on 5000 frcehom security an 10 n -. db mo 3 of mtercsa. N u pruwipal mono; requu-ea until um ox um` t-o.-rm. 51`nA'1fti 1 8:- AULI`. bouuuurs, e:c., B{l.l'r.lt:. ` ` . sgbb vvater. I have 3 doz} 'hangec the BID Vlllatrilv` w `Vb ed r bumps. 'Chin};s --_, T. .% '0 .. -seemed ter of f: askea; % u-nu-vv. our eat? lfur 0 , ght: have ! again A AL F lash vhdrry, caught m.LVuuA co .u1uVu.VuA, nA.tSnl`l'.l!i1t5, A1`- IJ torncya at-Lxw. .-uncitors in Uhancery, L-onveyanoers. 8:0. Omces-L:ornerT or human and Owen streets, Barrie. ` J, 'I`. lacvunv, H Annumnw `l_._~...... put his a mome in the v hear thc or the I body Z1 1`lY_ Whisper 11 `KT _wo T. BANTING. CLERK COUNTY OF SIM- cos. will be at his ofce; at the Court ouse. Barrie, every Saturday. Residence-and P.0. Cooksmwn. W. MUVITTIE, I). L SURVEYOR AND . Real Estate Agent. Calgary, N. \V. '1`. Uorrespondence soliciwd with 1-cgard_t;oinvest- ments in Proviuce of Alberta. N.W,T. A. W. McV1'I"1`I1<.`. Address Ualgary, V19. Benton, Montana. 11.8. V . OShJPH`P.k.)GERS. CONVEYAN OER. COM- nmssxoucr iu Queen's Bench, Auctnoucer, Apprulaux-.`und uozumissiun Agent. for the sale of Houses, Lands, '1<`zu'1_11 Swcx, 'nous::hu_ld ,Furn1Lure,_GpuuS, Wares. w. Also for the .0uUeuuun or Hunts, Notes and Accounts. Omce-P olic. Conn, Barnc. . ...._- ._:_.,_,____,__ -_: R. HOLT, INSURANCE BROKER AND . Gencrm Agent-. neat nsuue bought and Bond. Uuueouona made in any part. of the County. Muucy to noun. Ou1ce-.Bothwc11`a Block, oppounc um nuuway station, barue, Onwno. T _ 51-ly 1-gw sum or. Ultlfjb w lU.Kt`.?, BARRJSTERS, tsoluators of the cupnme uourt. of Judi-[ cmure or untano. rroctons, hoturxce. Convey. anccrs. 8:0. money to Loan}. Umces--Buu.n-' $70113 Block, opposue N. 6: V. W.` Ry. scauon, arne. -- U. E. Hswsozv. T A. E. H. Crynswrcxm. - .ENNEuY, GAVILLER &. HOLLAND, .Arcl1it-ots, P. L. Surveyors. Va.1uacors, &c. Plans and speciticauous for buildmgs Dared. [own and Vlllnge. Lats lmn nut. I1`;n-m > you: ll -LJ_VV`1LAV. 11\4`\J1.l.lJLV lL_x:44|. .l`UI\- 1 1111: 1, bounty OI b`uuc-oe. ~ lerms I`0n8011alJle. ` Ulco an my btore. Uru1gnur:.L. '_ 46-.y O H. LYON . PHI VATE FUNDS T0 LOAN . on item Estate at lowest rates. 14`a.rmura' News Uiscountca. Uullecmuns made in any part of me-County. Real butane bought and sold. Uonvuyancing in all its branches. Mar- riage Llcenscs lasllcd. Utce-Uver Canadian Bank of Commerce. uumop street. 45-1y $770,006` :5 A. R.-\DENai_LJ1_ta` 1', B.-_~.1u;1.s'1`m:, AT- . Lorncy. aolxcuor m Ul1anccr_, , L,onve_y.au- car. 850. Usncu-Karat uuoxf no um of Post. Umue, Emu : moon. uwcn street, 1$urr1e.- 43-48 HEAuN_ at MURCHISUN. BARRISTERS. aolmxwra, uunveyuucers, 8w. money no Loan. . un1ue- 0vcr_ D. J. l\1urcmsou's more. MaPK8L b'L1`ceL. uarne. branun umce--r'ouer's hlocx. l`ut.uunau1. T T M.nu.v'A'..n_I H..~...u\:r Y) (1 1\tn...-.....'..... . [A_;1nB's wm!:K1.Y-Iu.u STRATED-- I IQ _\l\V8lI Dll'6G_ll J. I`. Luzmox. UNEY TO LENU UN REAL ESTATE AT six p--.r cenc. Interest. LENNUX 8:. LEN- NUX. Solxcinora. Barrie. Dguuns. J_.Ul:M.u.lll:LLll. _ _haDWAr3D J. 1;lu:ARN. . D. .0. MURCHISON. ffiliifacmizs, cum h fiounty of Simcoe. 0ioe-`-Police court, \ P!` `L : R. ZIMMERMAN, DENTIST. Uice-'Sandera block Barrie, Ont. {os1m7H' 75$ ;i;\`.T_.I_.i} 1`i6`EiCEB;: 71 11;` ;} l`nnnli7 nf .\`|n.;-nix .'| a.1vn'1.: v-n..nnn.,b~.n.. 1 ENNOX 8:. LILNNOX, BARRISTERs,'AT. J tornuya at-Law. .-uncimm in (:h.. n4-4..-u :. 850. heats Cuupczed, servant. Provi Boo up-stairs oppome Bank or Oommer xuuunl. AFKHALSER 5% H1141: POST ded- ARCIIITECTS AND SURVEYORS. _-,. ._-'...---.._.__. **- -*---- 1 HENRY. Aiipnusna 8; BILL PUSTEH. i9 Collected. Servant. pfviu ` 'i:Vv"s6N 52 CRES w1cKz~:., BARRISTERS, tsolmltnrs of um cum-.-ma unm-r. nf Ln...-H; 7-AUCTIONEERS, BT45. Em` :3ELLLlEOU. MANUFAGIURES. ,1N OUR HANDS FOR INVEST- nul-n:.nn unnd ft-uuhnnd Qn1.'tIni.I1 piHsiomvs. I "JOCK. - ucuy. GjAVlLLER.- W. J. HOLLAND. ' 51,-1 DENT! STS. F1NA1_\Icl'A|..". Tvgu-Year .---ow tr 72-13 cm. Tfiians. JIVOLJUIIU VVLIU uUlFUBB ll'|_lBW(`I (.I|y DOHLIGEI do, an en'erta.inmg and 1ns_truct.ive family onrnal. entirely free from ohyectionable tea.- . tures in ehhgr l_et@gr pres_s or i1lus_t1`ationg_ "b93;;vc so t:ARI'r.'~:1 5 W533: '-` `. -`I 1.: 1.. T -- _ Crniswrcxs. ['15. uauearox LENNOX. ? W. I14!` ' 51iy |cA1unrsanmn%nwImnn same] ` A telegram from Quebec says : F. H." Bignell of this city, who left in June in; command or _ ine _ transport _`x'pditi_of1 to the Great Lake Vhiistassini, has returned home. He left Chicontimi ladenwith ca- noes, and `assisted by nineteen men, chief- 13 Indians, with great dicultydhe reach- ' ed the northern `boundaries of the. Pro- vince of Quebec. This is the summit of the watershed. The elevation, however, is only about eight feet, and an ordinary observer would be unable to appreciate the change which this great watershed makes in two great river systems of America. The streams on one side rush northward to Hudson Bay, and on the other southward by the Sagnenay IIVL- .;__L.. clan-rs A-nasal` infn "I`II'II f. I outer lullulwuru U usu Duguvuuy The party then crossed into Rupert's Land, now commonly known as the North- east Territory. After eight or nine miles canoeing, or 350 miles from Lake St. John, the natty reached Foam Bay, the great northwesterly extremity of the great I Lake Mastassini, and eighteen miles fur- ther on the `lake they reached the Hud- son Bay Company 3 post, where provis- ions were left for the main expedition. mt- 1):.......u ......;. .1... ..;..........I cumn.-I AF. LULIB vvclv Ivan ll-II euw usnus v'_.rvuuuuu. ' Mr. Bignell says the general trend of the great lake, as far as known, is from southwest to northeast, stretching away from Foam Bay and the Heights of Land in the southwest to an unknown distance towards east Maine and Labrador. In fact, noone at the post of the Hudson Bay Company, ervants or Indians, could say what were its demensions, or where it ended, an I no information was on record there on the subject. 1'J1......... Q...-.5 13 L.` `km 1'70}: Ln vinuvnnonA 8nu>:n's Wnn:x:r-.lTs now. }or twenty tsi (1 its: 'th Jead ;."u?w&y .~.`7'.'39.}..r%n ;3xm.m.`` aoonatantinoreiao of vamryqudsrltic, resources. it is able to 089 for che.3.ensgntnx= ttrscti null, .b vlb ;;gx:e. emb:::inun:(:4piul~ u:t!gtI?({ story by W.` E. 02313: illusts-auednr cles with `cannula! refnrnnnm: tnthe W em: And Smith, ULI. IUUUIIJ UAJUIU VII VLJU uuUJvU From Sept. 10 to the 17th he voyaged on the great lake, noticing the low. lying character of its shores, the deep and num_- erous bays with which they are indented, and the enormous d;pth of its water. whlch renders it navigable by almost any sized craft. Occasionally 7 islands were met with. Some of them were `very beautiful, and `others were pretty large; Upon one -of these he was weatherbnund (or some time, the sea on the lake .run- I I ning mountams high. ' (X... -5]... 17.]. '10!\ ....II.-.. I\` u`aIr;mo`:nn I _will not euro or help. ----- If you are sick with that terrible sickness,- N ervonenees, you will nd a Balm in Gllead" in Hop Bitters. -If you are a frequenter,` or 18 resident of -en znia.sms.tic'd1atrict, barricadeyonr sys- --tem against the scuurize 7 of all coun- -triee Malaria. Epidemic, Bilione ' --nnd Intermittent Fever: by the -_!me of Hop Bitters. If you" have ran 1), piuiply, or allow skin, bad breath, Hop itters will` give you fair skin, rich blood, the sweetest breath and health.` '$500_wiIl be paidfor a cue-they ulug IIIUUIIIIBLIIB Lllgllu On the 17th. 120 miles of navigation had been made.and yet the body of the lake, which had gradually expanded, had not been reached. -He feels ea ised, that the great lake and its satellite form no "part of the Saguenay system, but `lie be- yond lt altogether in Rupert's Land. ".nn` manna M Nnnnlnvnv-n `rlnnnnnn who UIIIA IO unvvsvvuvs ll-I Link!!! 0 ldwuu Last year M. Napoleon 3 omeau, who has contributed a great deal to our ac- quaintance with the geogra by. of the Province of Quebec told the eogrsphical Society of. Quebecthat a great inland sea. existed between Hudson's Bay and La.- brador. M'Comeau had never seen the great lake, but derived his information from hunters. Indians, and agents of the Hudson Bay Company. One of his in-I formants, a veryintelligent white man, had lived for ve years on the west side of the lake, and M. Comeau had perfect condence that the. wonderful story he told was true. 11 (V 1' _IlN ,, L ' Last January the Geographical Society secured from the Government of Quebec and from otheresources the sum of $10,- 000, which it equipped an exploring `party that is to remain in the eld for nearly two years. surveying the great lake and all the `country "between Lake St. John, Rupert's River; and Hudson `Bay. . Mr. 'Bignell the gentleman who has brought the first denite information of the lake, is a. man of scientific attainments and a. `member of the Geographical Society of Quebec.` V own fault if you remain ill. If you are wasting away with any form of Kidney disease, atop temptmg death this moment, and turn for a cure to Hop Bitters. The spreader mhmsm. _ l Nihilisxu, like murder in j the United States, is not conned .to the lower and uneducated classes. The highest social elements contain the germs of this disor- der. The-TMosc_uw Gazette remarks that sedition having reached as-high as Lien- tenant-Coloxwels it will probably not stop there, and we must be prepared for. still more surprising revelations; while the Viedomostibelieves that the canker of Nihilism has now eaten through every classof society, private and oicial. If you ere a minister, and have oven-taxed yourself with your pastoral duties, ores. mother`, worn out _with care and work, or a man of business or -labor; weakened by the strain of your every- db.y'-duties. or amen of letters toiling over your midnight work, Hop Bitters W111 most [surely strengthen you. * If you are 'su'ering from over-eating or drinking, any indiscretion of dissipation, or are gonng and growing too fast, as is often the case, V T -_ ' ` ` Or if yonvare in the workshop, on the `farm, at the desk, anywhere and feel ` ` that your system needs cleansing, ton- ` ing, or stimulating, without intoxicat- ` ing, if you are old, _ . ' ` blood thin and impure. pulse -` feeble, nerves unsteady, faculties V ` waning. Hop Bitters is what you need to ` give you new life, health, and. vigor. Words of Warning and Oomxort. Ii youiare snering from poor health or `languishing on a. bed "of sickness take I {cheer 1 aili If r i on uresimpy n . or on eel y fweek and disggm-ited,`y `without clearlyhknow- `in why,Hop Bitters 'wi surely care you. mu-5 ;:..ruuau_'nIuu, urqugaea ;`i)tl.gnsnnyeciv:si 1-:t'er%:ces'I:othe W eitnnd South.` including the W0!` d a Exposition` at New rleans entertaining short. stories, moat} il- ustxa mndim r-mntpa era by high am or- nice on the chic topics or t 9 day, Eva: yone who desirous. trustworthy politicni I (is. an =.nVe1-mining: and inntrinntiva fnmilv ---so If you are oontive, - or dyspeptic or suer- ing from any other or the numerous dis- ' eases of the atomache or bowels," it is your , A x.adyTwun. 7 . Oh, how I do wash my skin was as clear -on as you-Ha, said . lady to ho-friend. 2 Van nan nnln Inglrn ;t an AIIlCA`l% I'll ` -`ill IIIIEIIJUIII, III I III llvuvl. uavuuo You can euilv make it no, answered the friend. How ?" innirod the first lady. B using Hop utters that makes 1-in]-I H nn And hlnnlnino.`-xIndL`tlI_ If did if 10!` me II you ouaerve." :7.-.1; * . ; fir None genuine oui 1. bunch of gt-oen_Hopa on the whitqz.?'.l'ab,el. Shun ' all th Vll I'|(II'-flIIf\'IQ nlIn, (`U . "Vi uiiiag Hoiittu um rich b 00d and blooming y z,.__,.. . . I for me as you observe. .. . | TIUII ULUUII III UIUUIIIIII 35% you `T:`f`, ': {'5' Ann nanunn mln '.`. :'iI,t9 9.91 `mun Oomparod and . -A1mos :`eb_e ny ,dav. -sajid frother Gard-' inert as Judge Cadaver fell over the stove- -hearth and opened the .meetinp;,. I find in do newspapers an article entitled : `De Fuchei-.of de C-'nll d Race. or `What kin we do wid de Cull d Man, or `Am De Black Man lmprovin !' De average white man loves to lean back in his cheer, put his thumbs into his vest holes, an pat us on do back fur good boys, feelin dat he am dead-perfeck an dat we may some day secure de right to sot in his shudder. lV.....7I..... .-Lab nun An `nnknn A; ;'~`n`.: .f".z1`::".,.;'i:....".::;'. -3;. % Hops in their name. A ` nay secure uu ugub nu nus ul nu: ouuuum, G'rem len what am de. fucher of de white man ? What kin we do wit! him? Am de white man improvin ? Let us" lean back an study him a bit. Who suf- fers polygamy to walk frew de West wid its hat on its ear en openly defyin law , an decency? De white man ! l~ court... nun unannnaskln `nit An nun!-I iiARPE9.'s wmiiii ............ ..s4 oo !iARPER's MAGAZINE... .v ............ .. 4 on BARPERRS BAZAR .................... 4 oo HARPERJS YOUNG PEOPLE ..... . . .. 2 oo !!ARPER's FRANKLIN SQUARE LIB- EARY. one Your (52 N umben s) ....... ..xo (1) Postage Free to all subscribers in the United States or Canada. E E DU UUISOHUJ 8 J19 Ivuulv up-nu . I ~ "Who am responsible fur do liquor traick an its burden: of" woe an -misery ? De white man ! _ . ' - T .nnL_ 4-].-- 1.2":-_.-___ -3 _:.J...... ...-J Uu wutw Luau : Who takes def"money of -widers an .orfa.ns an his foller-men an hies him across do front or to safe quarters, wreck- ing scones of homes an bringm min to hmidreds of people? De white man ! HCITI-.n nu An tn-nui.nr'I not-want n`? An nan- I uuuuuauu UL PUUPIU t .:/v vvuovu sun-u . V Who, as de trusted servant of de peo- ple, robs an plunders and embezzles? De `white man ! 411-; n `,,-A,_, ,,`I !n_',,_,,, A- ,1.,__,_ VVLIIIIU IIIGII 6 - Da.r may beten whitemen to ebery 1 one-cul1 d man, but fur ebery one black 3 man convicted of arson`, adultery, forgery, R burglary or murder, twenty-eight white men am hauled up an sent. bber d e read. What dar am one cull'd man in prison * he has fty white men to keep lnm com- ` pany. So much fur deir honesty . W1-uni urn An tn]-vifn nr\nn n fnnhar 7 Ha nu . KJU LLl.\'ul.l nun uunc uULJvuuJ What am de white man's fucher? He am growin sordid. ' He `am ' becomin selsh. He am incited by ambitions which trample laws under foot an give no heed to de voice of honesty. Dissipa- ahun an wine-tipplin an gluttony am shutterin his nerves an thinniu his i blood. In two ginerashuns mo three out of ebery ten wh`te men will be vicious cranks or silly fools. HIX7l...L I:-. .4- .-I- ...2.1 L... 0 \?..m._1 . Vilrrnc. . - A new treatment whereby. this hitherto in- curable disease is permanently cured in from one to three applications, no matter whether standing for one year or forty years. Des<;rip- tive psxnnhlet eentffree on receipt of , stamp. A; H. DIXON & Son, 305"Kinfg`.S_treet West, Toronto, V * 14-13 V VICIIDE U5 DII-I, IUUIUI hat kin we do wid hxm? N uin . I In hs vanity and egotism he am p1ungin' forward to destrucshun, an be am bound to fetch up on derocks. Arum An ny`-u:l>n 1-nun `I-nuxs-nu;n 9 T.nn`r II\.' Luuuu I-Ill uu uv qvvn-as Am de white man improvin ? Look ober de long list of statesmen, poets, artists, advocates,` phvmcians, philan- thropists and naturalists of twenty years ago an match it if you kin wid de names of men of to-day. You can t do it! De white man has passed his z_enith an am now on de down-hill side. High libin , fast libin an a constant excitement hev combined to befuddle his intelleck s an |wreck his physical powers, an thirty years hence a thinker will be a sideshow in himself. We doau want any pattin eonde back by white` fo1k'ses.V We am hoein our row right longside of him, an let him look out dat we doan reach de eand fust.--Detroit Free Press. ` nus ; unetr mwgorating purifying} p_ro Safe and invaluable all cases ; thev may be taken by. females of all ages for many dmorgauizabion or irregular- ity of the system, speedily removing the cause and restoring the su'erer to robust . V . Consumption Cured. Annld physician, retired from practice, having had placed in his hands by an East India missionary the formula. of a simple vegetable remedy for the speedy and. per- manent cure of Consumption, Bronchitis, Catarrh, Asthma and all throat -and Lung Affections, also a positive and radical cure for Nervous Debility and all Nervous Com- plaints, after having tested its wonderful curative powers in thousands of cases, has felt it his duty to ma.ke.it known to his suf- fering fellows. Actuated by this motive and a desire to relieve human suffering, I will send free of charge, to all who desire it, this recipe, in German, French or Eng- lish, with full-directions for preparing and using. Sent by mail by. addressing with stamp, naming this paper, VV. A. NoYs, I49 Poweifs Block, Rochest_er,_ N. Y. AK P\l\C-Q IA The volumes of the W EEKLY begin with the am Nun_1bax-`for January of each 5 car. When no time 13 mentioned, it will be undersnood that the aubsoxiber wishes to commence with the after he receipt. uf 0.-der. on... 1-. lvn Annual Volumes

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