Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 13 Nov 1884, p. 3

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vnnv tlavuvv -V --.. we-v-_--van.- Do, if a. man says he loves you, try to nd out what he means by it ; 2; good many men love themselves when they imagine they are lovmg you. A u-Ans n nan-\.1A"4;--an "..:_..J Do attach as -much impdrt-ance to your mmd as to your body. ha `ha ~no4'.rn-n` - A) u-.n.. .J:...._.__..1 :_ ouuua. VI-`Inna - Dov`. ..-.-nuuuvI.\ILl. Do observe 3 the faculty 6f observa- tion, well cultxvated, makes practical {men and women.` ` ' - `l\ . I I . JUIJI. A----- -0- vv Jv-`~- `|-V\JIlJ a V Dc `be natural ; a poor diamond is * better than a good Imitation. -r\, _I-__-_.. . LL- 1',- I. n u :'1.`heT1V :: o:'|t"_'-F - -`l,:;Tl;;:':x1:;`-`c.'l>'t.1`.l; i. .111!!! ...J yield if timelytreated with std ; Paco - basin` ndanm Dhnnnnl: tn tnlm And mfg fnr . V SIM--IUWGN W Hnqj. on au;a1nia~of.1 , J % rziew :3! ;;`<`>?? "W - "" .'m nnvnnvwu alxft ' inn voy- ..i_4- ...'."-`l.-'.Q$. -`j`=uv n:.. 1.4- 531,1.` "nun nut` >VlI -09--J-w v---~- -~---, % v mew c u . 33??? `Ii:7iii*3`m ionotvtnvwuene. % - 81.09 at _Io:$!o. or 8!: in 88.00. . v-__ lation of ex e- tter of . A Perfect Beauty. Jub1lee~slngaQ. !_L-....L.__ Cngbnuu. . WIUII CIIIC LUV` WITH! Pleasant to take and safe for` THE ;N9RTHE.LRN% ADVANCE- . .l.Ul nlvl-ly. FIRST PRIZE AF BA1={iz1E,-1'881,%i1;:18582` 1333. caamsrs. AT rnou :3 Pan 1502.; canoe A1` 32 pan oozes. VBO .'l'.`.EI_`VV'ELI; S BLOCK, " V`- ~ `BA`.RBIE, Bag to announce that .havingfnado ahfangements to import their stock direct 4 ht`-Q56 t.her6by~to`o`er ` " ' PAINTS, OILS, cuss, &c. !Vacation is jnast, school begins, fall is at hand, and the boys and girls, both _litt1e'and big, must be supplied with ' Durable, Gonteel Boots and Shoes fo1f School and Dress Wear.| You will nd just .what they need in our ` BURNING AND LUBRIGATING OILS `BOYS AND GIRLS DEPARTMENT.` -Our stock is unusually large, varied and elegant. The choicest productions of the leading manufacturers have been culled with the above result. ~ All the latest changes in school and dress boots are plentifulilydisplayed in this department. Our prices are exceedingly low. Come and see them. No trouble to show`goods. )SCO'l"l"S BO0KS l`0RE. IWALL PAPER! WALL PAPER! 7Also Samples of New York s Newest Dosigns in Gilt'Papersj which can be had here just as cheap as in Toronto, i BARRAUD BJ.=1os.,% ; P0TOGRAPERS! Express Vvaggons, LADIES LEATHER AND PLUSH HANDBAGS. --FULL 8TOCK AT----f J0sEPH%l.EH(;H'r0N, Gnolwn SMITH, WHITNEYS (`)ELE-BRATEl) BABY CARRIAGES, 'I'oron.1:oa.n.c1 Barrie. For: THE FALL TRADE. New FALL S1:_C)GK_J.JST m, . '. - . . ' " '3'." UN D~E%R K E R . ` _, V .. ' J; : _'_ . I ` " ' - - A i'.;`l.I ` Corner of Collin and Bqyeld Streets, barrie. JOHN _9L.A_YT0N,-. B. CAPON, QUALIQY` TI-IE `BEST. 'VV'I-IO_L.E:S.A.LE. love TPhe seed rny* evan- GARPENTERQND W68 ,% HANDSO ME HE A Rs..~; Next I361)? t:)-I-`:a.-1'_quhar;o1Ps' Grocery. DEALER IN Una-er1:aK1ng E % IN.ALL ITS BRANCHES -And all Funeral Requisites Fmniehed. SCHOOL! GOING PIGTURE FRAMING. and` prices always in grave- menb e sur- comes in its mon g from ca:-let estroy _ f the `ce`iv"oa.rAef:u1 attention. 5 C00i8.nal (`In II an Funerals furnished com- stock. All orders will re- falete. Caskets and Cof- ns of . various designs `COLLIER ST. BARBIE. -"Qrrd's1_`1"r: run hllrcll, ?1;a;;a q}ndiI&isafanceg"Age;t,` Life, 1?-zranal ` Accident. (imoe, Eest side of Owen Street. next door to the Bank of Toronto. - I-n-__.;- an . u . ...... , - __ _, _--.-.. ., -u-v. Vvgvtlllglll '?Re-inswrance Rese r've,~ - - `$1,060,424. Lossesin St. J ohh s Fire, - $180,000.00 All paid in two weeks after re. : Also Agent for the Commercial Union Insur- ance of London. Capital. 2.00o,000 47-IV. Aonnf nf Y2":-vn'.. A 1'- I AI---- Licensed Auctioneer for ihe County of Simcoe Orders left at the ADVANCE Oice will be promptly attended to. and information will be furnished parties requiring Mr. Ford's services. as though he had himself been consulted. Salas taken in prices to suit everybody. .I. PAL` 1. IMBHSDHBIIGCX 150-1 000. For Fire business only. HE SOVEREIGN 'I.\'Sl. RAN(`E C0'Y. Insure: all kinds of Proper;-) -.1.a Private rI$A`l|!I nL`HF 310 (M30 H..\u.uayt..r u sol. IRA HE SOVEIU-_;1u.\' -1.\'sl.`vRAN(`E Vdilojtu ][h Government. * . [THE MROYVAI`; CANADIAN um; A1\D r MARINE Ixsvu men (O.\n`.\:\ x`. - _ OFHOE: .- P. U_. Bidi-2.9, I mw`e'o or ollier ` and, I/'u.n. `.\'1.ro.n.nV ; M" . Auction Rooms and Oice. --Few Doors North of Wellington Hotel. Bavtield st.. Barrie HE QUEEN 1.\."L-'vA.\`c-` " v ' Cupital$12.0co.cc?> ` 1' (OMPAAY `sncown-nmo FURNITURE BOU(ill'l` ANII sou). uter- run TIIE rouowmn covmmes : | . AGENT J an: PHOENIX FIRE t.~:.sL'ru.\'ov r~o.. } otnondon._ Enuland. Established 1722. [ THE IMPERIA L INSURAM-at COM- } PANY. Established 1303. `:apn..1 311,000, 1 000. only. GEO..DU;DLEY, HOUSE, Sl(}1_\? ~ FR 1; S00 THE jgtnacgxrzum FIRE INSURANCE co Capital $500,000: Government deposit made. -THE ABOVE ARE ALL STOCK COMPANIEQ. THE w_A'r1mLootMu1'L'.u. mu ; msun. ANCE co. Capital, ;5oo,oo_o. THE NORTHERN ASSURASCE COMPANY OF ABERDEEN AND LONDON. n-_:.-I an nan Ann:cIa__I1_'._ BAYFIELAD STREEGT. NORTH. OF swoon HOTEL. Capital deposited with the Govern- ment at Ottawa 8100.000. Reserve fund . 50,000 Sterling. ` 01?'FICE-- Up-smug in wax uuuasn, on Le1z71o.f;' J: Len'uo.L" Flat. II,Iw RIFLES AND SHOT GUNS. JAS. scaoeeos V ICONVEYANCER, COMMISSIONER IN 3. R. MONEY T0 {ENE ALEX.M0 R ROW Parlor Sulfcs, Bcdrucm sullen. Sideboards, Easy Chairs.-&c., Cornice Poles`. and all kinds of Furniture made to order by: ompetentworkmen. Also Planing and Turning Done on Shortest Nctice. -wv-- ..-uh .-.. Agent for the fonovyjingtlnsurancc Compa`nies aa Anavs a.vLuuuvo ulgu-:10. 2131: March. 1883. A IvIiL|..Iou DOLLARS Remember the Sta/as}, Moo/e's B/it/c b I0_c7.', ncariy o;:p.'.-ztetl2e Ssznzmcrsezt [~1use. PAINTER! PATENT TOE WEIGHT. %dE R F93D, 7:21;; iiijisj FURNITURE` CITY OF LONDON, ENG LAND, Sole Agent for the Celebrated nuborna c.pnI{x',' }'1f..' LOU NT 8:. LOUNT. AMMUNITION, ago. H. puuuu A1` .6 AND 6 PER cur. uu. yupnal. :;'z.wu.wt). Agent at Barrie. G. 7`. LOUNT. ""' ""'_,' ' """ """""'J ""_ 9"""'O Ev`: truth believed is that the fatal con- `~m1uences seem to have so little con- '.-':(,`El0I1 with their cause. They follow {tee in time, but with the most inevit- : able cert:1inty. Melancholia, loss of Jeep, lethargy, ill temper, and 9. `gen- "_`1lll_V juumliced View of life are among `menu, but are not the most serious. '2 any one doubts the value 01. the pre- miption, let him try it. I could name .\ lad of nineteen whose whole life was \'llll11`3.tCd by this and nothing else. I could name it dyspeptic, who travel- ed in search of a cure, all in Vain, till a. stranger told him to masticate his `neat, and he obtained instant relief, But there is a better instance at hand man. either of these. Mr. Gladstone man about whose physical `.vigojr 2 where can be no question. Men l-arej~ `gnown in troubloue times to cavilf at`: _.' his statesmauship, but no one has guys; -thin to say a inst hisdigestion. Now.` as eirly as thayear'l848,_ Mr. atone formulated himself to the `rules? of chewing food. Previously to tl1at7-- he had always paid great attention to ~:he requirement of nature ;. but atthat date he laid down as a rule for his children that 32 bites should be given_` - to each-mouthful of meat, and o some-E What lesser number` toibread, sh, It is also known that to get `into a habit of followingthis example is as easy as can be. i A little attention paid `-to it for two days will ensure of the uiuty being unconsciously performed. through life, with the most..benec}aI:- results. Truly, history V turns upon small causes! The philosopher of ~fu -' ture ages may busy himself with pen- `ering what the course of the worl would have been had the number _ .2 . _13X{r'1'13' BUEEALL, In `pant-nffhn 1|-Tn-I L V LJJ AJ\.I\/\.ll1J4lJ In Rear ofthe Market. Fish ing Tackle, GO TO ' PULLAN'S FUR 11-Ir U\I A.n\an v nvuvwvnao ': L-`For nearly 30 years she endured pain i which no pen could portray. Scores. of times have her friends heard her pray that the cup Cf her suffering, which was full .to overowing, might be removed by death. The autopsy re- xeuled the cause of this terrible agony. The fall had fractured the lower lum bar vertebrae. The fracture had re- mained ununited. Theresulting inflam- mation had eaused disease of the ad- mins: vertebrae and the spinal cord. T... 4.1.:.. st... .....1... ........ -1.` LL- 1_:.._1 .5 .u..u--~.u caucus gnu urnuul. vvnuu Were this the only case of the kind coming under my notice. it seems to me I should be fully justied inlifting up my, V0108 and pen against the zhoughtless and dangerous - practice mentioned above. But this is the . fourth case to which my attention has `r-een called within as many years in whic}1 death has resulted from having a ,t-Flair removed from the person about to others ; 1!: W111 make you an 1nygu_u:_g.m_u ember of society, to say nothingevpf ightful wife. the advantage it will be to whetfybu` arry ; every man like: to talk` 56615" imseltl ; a. good .list.ene1-__:`n1al_;`e_s ' a.:de_-_- 1'1- 4-".3; cI'v1\:l'|&m:I\lI4`I . : `If More man, 2;) doubt considered by himselfa. gentle man, removed a chair upon which a lady was about to sit. The ladyhad '.,loubt1e.ss entered into the spirit of frolic which prompted the act. Had the man taken the chair and. brained her on the soot he would have -been committed for murder. But instant death would have been innitely pre- ferable to the torture which` that thoughtless act entailed. A sprightly md intelligent woman was transformed into 9. bed-ridden sufferer, whose agony was so great at times as to almost de- 1-rive her of reason. In. .....,..I.. on .......... -1... ..._:..__1 _.g_ I uu-.. xsv gun. .~-4 -r\l saw... .-..v- vans! V- nay-.. ` J any wanton increase of 11:. Our` system asks for foodwell chewed and 1' .-mil lubricated, and `we give it dry mggets, at rapidly` recurring meals. Ibo highest authority on disorders of ligestion and their farreaching conse- uuences has said that A no . constitution ;_n the world can survive the neglect of this duty. The diiculty 'of_ getting- . A...._4.`.. L,.1:.....\.1 :. 4.`l...z. 4.1.... .f.`..L..I ..-_ .iAbout 7.oooaepeopT1i`ii$aen;t1edito doodle-V brate the death of this god of dread. An old woman was sitting. by the image, representing the mother of the dreaded duty. A circle about fty ~ feet in diameter was formed round, the image, in the midst of which moved hundreds of spectators, men and ,women crying .~.t the top of their voices: Fear is Jcad 2" Fear is dead 2 ' The "old wo .3-an near the image, on hearing `the icath of her son", broke out into In Jutklble strains, mourning the A loss of her bcslaved son, thegod of fear. Some `~*.'0m'en again, atraid, We should think mat the deity of fear may not be actual- ,I,... 1 .-..,.A 5...... Li- ......._A.L .......-....-.1. 1 The Duty of Chewing food. . This subject is dealt with by. the Hon, E.Lyttleton in one of the Health Exhibition Handbooks. Theveriest ..i`1IIard,he says, who thinks for a gioment on the daily task intrnsted to L111` digestive machinery, how incess- qitiy it occurs, and how serious are the issues involved in its .i fullment ; .:I1 who has moreover learnt anything 3 A1... JAI2 ....... l\0 LL--.` .\......._... .......J v -;;v --\.--v V- -\.av_.- .44-4-J navv wv vsvuvuwo 33-. dead, arid turn his wrath against zhose who was shouting his death, :'-3verenn1y approached the idol, kissed feet and Scat_teredTfA'uIia11s uponit to , 1 -opitiate its anger. -- Sind (India) Times? ` v November 1884. mu guru ngvuu u v. ..u u--.J u..u.b the delicasy of these ergaus and :heir close relation to happiness, will ':ude1`stand the need of lightening that `ylsk as far as we can, and the cruelt _ L -1.` 3 f\.-.. Fldge f this please Q % from xgnuux wuu. . V A. _ Do avoid whispering ; it aa_`,bd` 38. `saline sboth emto: `be '%coh.d6mnes1: L here is "116 `?e_xbcuse~-U forzjjter be'j_=-`bf; T hem; if you have anything -t6.a'y`.-V y it ; if you hiya? not,` dd .h.old`.'your. ngue altogether ; silence .i:-golden. V .- Do cultivate the 1136?}? 1ia:iing'i3 others it will make you an invglpgble ,( ___2_L_. L- _-.. in`. - v--g -in-an-v nu woonnnvn 4} iag~ic2an s Letter in Providence Jounml, Folly Thdt is Crime. .....9- Y 44-.. 1.. n_--..-.1- ._ manna or Emmy mm. Of all the humor of the present day `there ii nothing much better than e Holmes pun joke. ' T e `no III at Ann 1. Vl.`Io vv.V' s;E&}ii}$lg$i13Zg:'r"a}ier, taking hold ofthe cloth over the instrument, ar`eYyou a.llhreaadl3l' '3 ` _ es rejp 'e t e customer. 1116 -` `wall iihic _ read: Positively No `O1fedi;t,,. . ',`fandi' look pleasant. K ` Wife-;%_`Mfliqt e"the matter now, John ? mg tote gets bottle of Fluid Lighten- ing! You know it _cures all such things an Toothache, Non:-alga, Headache. Lmnbngo, Earache, Sore Throat, etc. It gives instant relief. _ M _ ._ Well, est keep your even on `-ign,he.esid. [hinting to a legend on _ , `that neuralgiaend tooth. -ii`; L .Wife+Why;doh't you go to Monkmn'e= W378 nottdhhposeithntirhecnuse it is recom- mended for animals that Arnica & Oil Lini- ment is an offensive preparation. It will {not stain clothing or the fairest skin. . A well-fed hog rose up in his sty . And dropped a regretfvl tear ; The beautiful snow has come, he said, And slaying will soon be here. A single trial of Dr. Henry Ba.xter s Man- drake Bitters will convince any one troubled with costiveness, torpid liver or any kindred diseases of their curative properties. They only cost 25 cents per bottle. The New York market is extensively supplied with foreign eggs. We thought our fathers cast off the foreign yolk for good more than a hundred years ago.- Boston Transcript. V There was an old man came from Rye And got badly sluggcd in the eye, I `wish twas my nose ' Tis accustomed to blows, Said the comical party from Rye. Are you troubled with Salt Rheum, Rough Hands, or Old Sores of any kind that cannot be healed ? Even though it be of years stand- ing McGregor & I arke _s Cerste will cure it. Beyond a shadow of a doubt it is the best healing compound ever known. Bails, Fes- terings, Frost Bites, Burns or any Skin trouble are alike cured by it. Sold at 25 cents by G. Monkman Druggist. (.17 CO `I 11 - IO es; brethren." :83]! -tithe. cl who; is presehing the `fnn,'eu1- berinon; on: deeised brother waiiaut down in` a sing1enight-torn from the arms of his lonng wife, who is thus left, 3 disconsol-`g ate md,oIz_ at the early age of 24 yearI .* V'l'wnntv.twn_ if vnulnlnn-n gals. 4-`Lg: imes,` ' life, the [ arm now ~uau_vII; nu out: early age 01 Z`! y68!'lu"" "l`went'y-two, if 'you pleue, sob: thgi widow, in the front pew, emergmg from h`e_1f hnndkexfchief for an instant. The invention of the drum is ascribed by the Greeks to the god Bacchus. Whence, undoubtedly, arose the expres- sion , Tight as a. `drum. ?_ - . 7 l 1-` I A Prominent among the greatest medical dis- coveries, by the many cure: it has a'ectedL= McGregor s Speedy Cure leads the van. Sub. 'ected to the minutest chemical analysis it as been found to contain none of th, ;n'_ 'I1ri9I1_I:iI,wredients characterizing the worth. an vaneeies dnilv o'm-pd tn 4-1;. ....s.I:.. i s Worm Powders are safe in on casa. They destroy and remove Worms 1:: children and adults. `Texas girl, followedher lover 3,000 miles and married him. She must hays lgeen Iuckemd out. | A m:>i.1;ixnia.}T'ieiuE:oeisefZu1Vl7 'p;;ne the towo red, but when afterward he has a. brush with a. policeman he loses color. ' WNatZi7c$na1ZlZ iiZlsZare unrpassgdzas a safe, mild, -yet thorough, purgative, acting upon 3 the biliary organs promptly and effectually. Prof. Low s Mag`ic Sulphur Soap.-Hea1; ing, soothing and cleansing for all eruptive `diseases of the skin. Delightful for toilet use. . - ' uuyup upunuuwuw uuuruuuergzmg the worfn, peoijies daily offered to th ' , Every ingredient possesses a pecn1iu- I:lta,.l1l)`t::-" `3bm34'! th V3503` cdlnplaints for which if is compounded. and itsefoocy'is`hein3 ..; isbliahed by testimonials hourly recon,-aha, We arethereforo condent that we have ; 'n'renn.mti6n.whinh we nan 1.9`... 4... ;.L- __u_1:- ""75 ivr j1i?&}i7.nI1Z"}1};.{1{,5"Ie';3iiea the undertaker when asked how his busi-. ness prospered. C11. -I-s_,,,'-n 1- -,, -11 pened ` hock- sed-- over- d co!-T ighm favor little than` eardn is de- butit her of `goesV :11 I.-. Is your husband an Odcl Fellow ? Well, I should imagine he is ; never saw such a strange man in my life. 17 1- l\ E T A colored young" man of Brenham found an old bombshell and tried to break it up with a. stone. The local paper says I that his end was `pieces. ' - A1` 0 .I (1 1-1- '7 iii; 1$t{tl; 'g i i{Zn receive. This %' applies particularly to advice. Q 3111- n ,I1 There. i$ % ztnlgitibh vizhout ` energy than energy without ambition. ' 4 ("I I 1\ 1 It i Mi? {{{e'o;i"tI1'aE";I;1I'Banmarat lhas-grown stout. `It : a. stu'," I\,, T _,,,., `TY ,, `II , ,,,, ,,,_ -1` Dr. Low's Worm Syrup will remove all kinds of Worms from children or adults. gtalimity of cheek can rise to the grandeur of luck. ` `13Ev};..? ..r2L;{,}'.ougn or cold no matter of_ how long standing. nu nu: uuunvgvru b'UnIl0.8I|'U that have pg. mtgbp which we can offer to the public wii thehssurance tha it will be found not gay 3. 1`-eliefhut an absoluge cure for 'i:'n`..}Ia`i.`.i'.1`.`2"1`;i`.?aa .f`$t`. .1; .?e'i'i`. ? Monkmqnfl _mg Story. , ` " '-my Ln-rmz: .'rntNGs mum -rm: wnoun wonnn` xxx. -.-1.. the towns ' urning 9. first ing of Witty sayings. Sandwlolic :Pua- gra.phs,for the Ser1ous--The Best the Scissors Canfind. - The corset has -come to stay. _ Light infantry-Torch-bearers. The cash system is a. no-bill art. Cut on the bias --The guillotine. Burglarious ditty?-- Off: in the steady night.` ` T ` I . `II III` . . , , I _ Wiiirgvhzestv upproba.tiVon--App`lause fro;n I the` gallery. A QI1 V 19 . u I '1`l:e haxzld drinker generally gets a-head in the world. V `V j M T I The darkest hour is when you can t `find the matches. ' _ A-ipromising young man- One who gets his clothing-on credit, ' * if It is then mnufactring chemxst who] ' always has 9. retort ready. ` T `I - VIII ',, Fli1:s are like 'ddles'--no good without` the beaux. ' B A ta-'tot;al1er-.-' `he tea. mefchnt s ac- countant. ` ? . _Up.to arms-Th sq-ualling intnt at m1du1ght. ' ' - ` Known by his 'zvz--ThV seltzer- % water dealer. A ' . sewing silks. Th ,;..`e;aa`.a i:;..';""A"`." ` ` `In notli that in the "comparatively Iimll ` 0 great demand in 0 . .. .1*- -. 10! Wthin more .-A m`Idoofc'n Jain; `_-;u. ` 1 Wfa::"t.8;olv`9nt' ...-.--.'. LA.) .-.I -433 -..-- - .I..-n An`; -1 U L CVIIUHU JIUIIUIQI IUU UVIIZIIIH. IIVUIIIIIS ttat caninjnre the enamel in the slightest glegree ; by its constant uaethe teeth retain th,ereteiency and bent even to the ex- tremeduration,o life. So Joby Woods, rgcen-di-n wag; ;q.gurah-ve_.,-r:nvod' Lat Id? 39 ` u-e the boots up the npxds. , "-tI..-uuoA- -Jinan n nnnn lI'III.17 `IQ `IR ;I I1`- `UVFCI IJCIIIIIM. young 01' 91: cutarrh. A new treatment whereby this hitherto in- curable disease is permanently cured in from one to three applications, no matter whether standing for oneyear or forty years. Descrip- tive amphlet sent free onreceipt of stamp. A.` DIXON &'SoN, 305 King Street West, Toronto, Canada. _ . 14-ly "3 TIIWII1-t [IUD-U uvw-wyu-v remove:-ho'rd snduoft come ; clean, safe and bu-mleu.;. Etch bottle ho: a brush attached to cork fora ying. Use no other. Sold by John oodo, drnggiet, Barrie, price OK A0,: Scott's Emulsion of Pure . Cod Liver Oil, with Hypophosphites, in General Debility and Emacistion. Is a most valuable food and medicine where the ap- petite is poor, and the ordinary food does not eeem to nourish the body. This is easily digested and assimilated and gives strength and vigor tothe enfeebled body. L _ % runes Toth rowger; the Peerless D, entix'-ice, contunl nothing Olin`. nan n-{nun lun AIIQIIIA` in (kn cinlsan UUIBI y UIIU snfnun. _ - `However ntmgy a man may be he in un- u.11r1ibi9'-1*h9sh waive advice- on - w--vvv ---vw- v I Perfect beauty is only 'atf.t;{ned by pure blood and good health. These acquirements micro 4-Ln nnuunaanr o: vnnunn nvhv-aunn q _ _.-___- ,-___,__Y_ The most interesting feature of the recent exhibition at Montreal, was a company of colored Jubilee Singers engaged in manufac- turing the Celebrated Gold Coin Ohewing. Tobacco, and at the same time delighting tne crowds of spectators with exquisite southern melodies. A gold medal and a. special diploma were awarded to this po ular brand of chewing tobacco and the than 3 of the committee tendered to the The Adams m_t_- ___ re- 1--.. 1.1. -:_ -A.L..-..A.:.... .._L:I..:L 0 1-. DLIU cumuuuwu vuuuwnuu. UV vuv Luv nuaxun Tobacco Co. for their attractive exhibit.2-ly ac `runs can To ali who are suffering from. the errors and indiscretions of youth, nervous weak- ness, early decay, loss of manhood, &c.. I will send a recipe that will cure you, FREE OW l'1IJ A'Dl'.`.I`. l`l-n'u nwnnf. rnmnv man din- wxu noun. a lculyv yuan vuu uuu: Jun, 1.-uuuu OF CHARGE. This great remedy was dis- covered b a missionary in South America. Send a se f-addressed envelope to the REV. Josnrn T. INMAN. Station D, New York (V31... 1 I `I1 A Valuable Patent. The most valuable discovery patented in modern times is that of the best blood puri er and liver and kidney regulator known We refer to Burdock Blood Bitters, which is making so many wonderful cures and bringing the blessed boon of health to so whats`! `snvnnn Llllllallul VIII? N many homes. fi11i{e3f Seriously Ill. V _ A person suffering with pain and heat over the small of the back, with a weak weary feeling and frequent headaches, is seriously ill and should look out for ' kidney dlsease. Burdock Blood Bitters regulate the kidneys. blood and liver, as well as the stomach and bowels. Fve the possessor a pleasant expression, a ir clear skin and the rosy bloom of health. Burdock Blood Bitters purify the blood and tone the entire system to _a healthy action. I \ UIUULI DI-Ill BUULI uwaauu. ll-F39 C5\i\l|-lllcl-IICI-IUD 1 1 1 `testable ; a cheerful; happy spirit is in- w].)c'>vb`o:v':-c.11-tvnted ; m'arty-rs are de-! fectious ; you can carry it about with you like a. sunny atmosphere. 'l\.. Inn nlu:nI-In I-nuaikcns` 3 An nrrt\::l (xv- ILIIPBLI vuv UQJ paw s-anus nnvv an uvuv Do spehk intelligibly, and not :3 if you hadvpebbleein your mouth ; and do remember that your none was given you to breathe through and not as a vehicle ofsoun L V U UQIIL J F City. `L-`i)`o.,..i.f"y.c)-:1` -1:1 . 'sc:.z;.'t;(.i-a-fous friend, forget -in ; try to remember only what is to the credit of others. UV vuu H: van`; up vvn-vouo Do be exact .in money matters; every debt you incur means loss to some -one, probably to some one less able than you to bear it. A `an nnnnnnrl - rill-l|m"lIUu1 nun 4-In J\III lll~L\J I \QIQCQ' Uvvnnlvnrr-A Do be strictly truthful avoid ex- Vaggeratiou ; if you mean 9. mile, say` a mile, and not a. mileand a half 3 if you mean one, say one, and not a. dozen. 'n,_ __.--I_ :..4...`n:..:LI_ .._.I ....a. ..... :1.` ' Luuu uuu ..-.._-_. Do, at least once in a while, reect 3 most things, if worth consideration at all, look"di'erent upon regsction. 'l\- ._.....:.-I -.{..a..u. AC .'....:L_L3-_, 9 um; guv-. -----....__- - .. n\aA.I.\J\IlJO\IL.lg Do avoid causes gfv irritation in your family circles ; do reect that home is the place to be agreeable. `n- :1 - ........ mu... 1... 1...`.-- _-.- . 'on` to sani- struc- it not icken- h may be ex: many when

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