U-JIM I-I L) vv LILLY" LL\J\/.LL\/cviaaagv 1 forum County of Slmooe. Terms reason- able. mum 111 my smre. Uraighurst. 48-ly Toronto. Ont-. Free trial pm e 3e} prepaid on receipt of a. 3 cent at: p. _,_-_-. -_..--a W. Mc'VI'rrIE, D. L. SURVEY- T o Oavd Real Estate Agent. Calgary N W. Corres ondence upllone with row-d to in- vestments n Province 0! Alberta, N. . A`. w. MoV I'l"l`IE. Add:-eII_ calcary. via. `Benton; Montana. U; S. - , 51-ly. $500 Revvard` . n _-.. LI... ..L...... -....n.-J 0:: ant! noun nf ` i"1;.I.1'1s4'Lnit ~de th. Pre and leading to misery. decay and mature 0ldA . Bnrrenness. Loss of Po er in either sex. is Spermotorrhuan. caused brain. self-abuse or over- wlll cure recent cases. Each x contains one -month's treatment. One dollar a. box, or six boxels tfoti t1v`o do are; sent ht: mlexll prepgd on rece p 0 pr ce ,0 so 3 es cure 81170186. With each orger 1-egeivx you 1- six boxes. e.ccompsnled*wlt.h ve dollars, we send the purchaser our written guarantee to re- fund the money it the treatment does not eect A cure. Gum-enteesissued on! by JOHN WOODS Sole Authorized out for lieu-ie. -Ont. JOHN C. WES ! 8; 00., ole Px'oprletors,'1`oronl:gB_O1;1t. {never exertion of the dul once. One box nvoluntory Losses and- ~ V ....._.q Du. E. C. WEBT'S Nnnvn AND BaAm"1'3nA'r- MENT, a. guaranteed assume for Hysteria" Dizzi- ness. Convulslonu. its. Nervous Neura in. Headache, Nervous Prostratlon caused by he use of alehohol `or tobacco. Waketulnesa. Men- tal Depression. Softening of the Brain resnltin in Insanlt decay an Rand -dnnth. Pre Old Age. Barrennegs. 0; , ARRIE FOUNDRY, ENGINE 85 BOIQER W9R.K.-A-_H. E;WBEY.. Manu- fnntn-mnp. ....-.... __---- HEALTH Is WETALTIV-H FUHNELEE| V ._ I S Ito: Bedroom Iultolo Pg:.d:l=oa'|I-ls, any Ollllls 30-: . In u.;__.:_ -n II_..l6-his unnnln l<'..~xVtnu-, at Sixpercrmt,.int.u1`e5t. LENNOX & ..f.\Y .\'U_\Z. Solicitors, Burrlo. 1`0>n:\' T0 LEND ON REAL Cornice Poleusndall kinds of rnrnlttiromndo to orderbyrgmpotantworkmon. Also _ ' Pluninc .a:n.cl. 'l.'urn.1n.g new on ihortut Notloo. - . ' DAVID DOUGALL, , 7InVRur"o!th`o"Jnrket , R T. BAlf{'.l'1LVu, Ul.Jl'JnaA,\.)Uu.u J. J. ` . Slmooe. wilfbe at his oil! at the Conn } Ho Bu-rte; every Sntqulav. _ idenoo antl- 0'. okstow-11.. ` .. .. : V A Special attentlonto Cross Eyes and Cats:-30:2.` How igolsr. now ngsmaen I T BTUGG1m` 1.-`us Dang yu;-.a_..--.._ newand zseqond hand and 1 oils-hol``_W`l'R0 ` :::.:r::2 322' 7" `* `:j%y?_'; *5" ilne of bn`sineu.. . . `Rd!-rrln, - - ~ isamog,` _. .1... .. ......_. . ...... . ` .I-.....,._.-4.._-- Tums oI.oa iuovAIiol. `f AERIE PLANING MILL.--GEO.' B.I;IJ. CEPDODMP & Bulldhr and til-H-0--- - ._.. ._.-nn 1 . .\u.u 055 me cuLvnwLL MEDIGAI. co., ' 41 ANN S1*.. Nnzw Y ._.I-7l,,,lY! can (BEFORE) TRADE MAPK. ' R. J; I). G. 3.:cCA11TIiY:LoFFiE3Ta D and Roaiulonco on the West side of John -.1-,-OM ixnmudlzuoly opposite Mr. Geo. Ball's 'p'_,,n1ng and Smsh Fuctorv. .v nr\.: A \Y1-rrx 1\1H\Yrl11 r1n1 "'-~-" >7 .. 1` HENRY, Arrnusm-A :ANn`+ .:;;":1i1?pgau::. A `tu;oouootod.~ r ` ' 1 =%omm~%e-1:; % A *I"`- guuarmje; FOR "SALE CHEAP--7. ....... and an-mnnnd manna oniohojn`.wni:9n'{ s. "J'oH%1IoN, BARBIE, m.l _ PORTER of and dealer in can. 1:! .nl ..-.. . - . um. auurull uuxury, VH1. Benson . +u~m:-_v,as.-_ 61-av-_ H. LYON, PRIVATE FUNDS to loan on real antatn no. lnwnnt ...o... u-...... f """' ' .. BAISTING, 0LERK,0OUN TY _ lmnnn wm'be omoe, st _tha com-Q vol. xxxn. E, EAR, THROAT AND NOSE -__v..- L. R. 0. p.. L. R. c. s. n:.,| ' mnsoauuizusf \.,\-_.__.. -.\,.~:~~.~.-.~-a ..n.-.zv~.v.vv. U Dl\ITEY)L1 11v-w---_._ band; it la Lmul |)lI`zl.!!lU1L 2L_nu Hum. Umce over F.'dw.u'ds' Book Store, Uarmo. Ont. ]R. ZININIIGIHIAN, DENTIST, will VII-ill the llowing plucos every month: . mix`!-:l`.\:\'uL7Is l<:.\,'l`,_-May 5, June 9. July Funurruns. -aq -vuurvvws. .5 milnnuuu Ulla 41 ANN 812. NEW YORK 40-ly V - . ..-...--uv -551-V-FEY 17021:, j-c., ISVSUIR OF MR RIAGE LICENSES. nuuwn ARI -onu ()FFICE.-South Side of Collier Street, op} pbsite the American Hotel, Barrie. ll-H POST OFFICE .;I;I_I4-D--IN-G, BARBIE. nnm msuiu COMPANY I ASSETS. 325,000,000. 4 Has the Largest Surplus of Asset: over Liabilities of any Fire , Insurance Company in the wqrld. HE PHCENIX FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY. of London. England. Enab- llahed 1782. ' nun DU V nnnuu in 1.1.` D U Luna.` vu- COMPANY. Insure: all kinds of Propel-ts; and Private Dwellings. Over 8l00.000.depooite = with the Government. ' ` THE MEROANTILE 'XRE INSURANCE CO.. Capital 3500.000; Government deposit made. THE ABOVE ARE ALL STOCK COMPANIES. THE WATERLOO MUTUAL FIRE INSUR- ANCE C0. -Capital, 8500.000. THE IMPERIAL INSURANCE COMPANY. Estobllshnd 1808. Clplttl !n_ooo,0oo. Fm-1l'i1-abnnlneanonlr. - A ' `Jun... ` an mrius Puhli: Out. Olllco I. COMPANY. Estsbusnsd 1w $11,000,000. For Fire business only. HE SOVEREIGN INSURANCE; Inaurell Propel-ta; and DF`DAfA wnlllnal, vnr 1100.000 danonito THE ROYAL CANADIAN FIRE; I N AND MARINE INSURANCE ooMp4NY.g 3 ---gun \.Iu Asvvput. 111514.; at. J. nuruunu. loll]. Insurances effected at Moderate Rates of Pre- mium. Dwellings. C urehes and Farm Proper- tlee insured It Specie ly Low Rates. - (1 II` n ulnmtr rnumnunnnuna Tcmz or LONDON, ENGLAND, `Capital 32.000900; deposited with the Govern- ment at Ottawa 8100.000. Barrie. Sept. 11. 1878 Old P. O. Buiiding, Oomer ofollier ! Owen Strata. 3 features 9! this Company.` LIVERPOOL & LONDON 6; GLOBE nzsuruxcnoomumv. Llraxi FIRE. mvmsmn mmns "7 - over sao.ooo.ooo FUNDS INVESTED IN CANADA - 900.000 Sum-lt.Pro t? t. dnlboralitl the 3111 uayt.mentn:? its ma I:-gxo prominyonl: 1". nnunng n. .-o. -__-_s.n...___ . mun:-es pr nus company.` (mum noun; or 01315`!-ons : Hon. Henry Sta:-nes.cha.Irman: Thou. (Jump. Esq D .-Chairman: Theodora Hurt. Eaq.: Angus 0. oopor. Eaq.: E. J. Barbesu. Esq. Yunnan-um. ..4r...o...I an` '|t...I.....o.. 9-4-- -1 1).- nun uluulvu Ila up G. F. 0. SMITH. Ran..Sm~ munsvToTam1 J'1MVEs SCROGGIE,' CQNVEYANCER; COMMISSIONER IN B. R.` Agent for the following Insurgnoe Compnles ARTFORD FIRE INSURANCE "COMPANY. _ . _ 0- lB1'ABl .IlBIDII'18l0. ASSETS, JANY. I. I819, ' 33.358387 Re-insurance Reserve,` - - $1,060,.6.9.6. Losses in St. John s Fire, - $180,000.00 All paid in two wank: um. um --v-rvvll nu -uv. v vuu o 5' [16, l.0U,UUU.UU paid two weeks after tlro. MAX Agent for the Commercial Union Innu- anoo of London. Capital. 2,000,000. 47-1) . Ascent at Harris. a, -r. Lnuuv. anon 0 (My. Eu now a large supply of from we 11 to 025 ; Vsliuu and Satchels at Bottom Prion. Single and Double Harness, aoun,'.sad; am, Garry 0omba,Bruahu, maps, . and Lanhu. _ vv 3 Land and Imurdnce Agent, Life, Accident: nna-_--s Omoe.'Ea.st side 0! Owen Strut, neft door to I the Bank of Toronto. 1 ` RAP!-In 01:0 Vu ._..L `non . --' ,ALEX.MORROW, HE QUEEN INSURANCE com:-i PENY. cap1taxs12,ooo,ooo. f -Htoultu boafin on d SEVERAL BEAUTIFUL DESIGNS. [1 At. l.L\Jl.11., LLVDUIVENUE U ER and Gene:-"Al Agent. Real estate bong and sold. Collections made in any port of 0 county. Money to Loan. 0loo-Bothwo1l'o' glczok. opposite the Railway Station. Barrio. n I A y .. ._ Remember T <}7.I3}I..},71Io+2? am; Black, nearby opposite the Sum? : onpnntt Hnuu, "REPAIRING PROLETLY lidim. ALL WORK 'WARRA_N'I'ED. - A1ao Agewit for Agra`.-czlfrural Implementuf GIVE ME .4 (.`.AI.L.-.8i of tho"Goldai: Sujldlo.- Bavald. Street. '0. V 2o-1y [PA1 EN:I' `roe w_EIeH1'.? HoUsE,;sIGN 4- Fassd B4:-`jar FI E LD_ _ sVraEE'r, NORTH or smoon ~no1'1Il.; H" Rates Moderate, Losses Equitably and Promptly Adjusted. JAM E8 EDWARDS. Aunt At Bunk auv anus ul. xoronw. Bu-rle. 21st March, 1883. JAME "1;g)VT11)s, /YIIRT 13 TIYDD I J VI'l.V . hcr.~1..\L Co:n'oynu<: Uw-an `ibr.-1 Lennox. ` HARNESSEMPHORIUM-, 1:). :|:-'-1-e_:ser. ? AGENT FOR THE FOLLOWING GIIMPAIIIES: PAINTER r ~ E3EILRv.1'.}ES- `WAY, . money to Loan. Ole-'-Both vo'll'o station. 51-ly. Sole Agent for the Oolobrstod ...n- -v -ayvvu-u; go-an ova--nun JOSEPH ROGERS. Rea.-Seoy., Agent. Ponce Court. Montreal. Barrio INSURANCE. -s &%~ (HOLT, INSURANCE BROK- R General Aunt. Rm! no-on In---I-4 ; -Ian.-:5 ~- '4; (.2. H, BOSANKO, - DEN'1fI`s".i` 1,;.,uid Luster ! Poeth always on mud: lmth |nl:zuu.}}L n_n _x3-Mo. Omce over OFFICE: Luvvnnuog Agent at Burris. Barrie. Ontarijo, '1"hursday,~ Jujlyi 12,1883. Va, F132. qnd - 19-Ir. 11-I! .; PIC-N10 PARTIESISOOIQLS & WEDDINGS 7 supplied at short notice and on reuonable karma. c -1.. ` u--s--in--sum.-- o on:-unsc-vs. I terms will secure the county or count inveatin 325 can arter a tnirty on s` trial return the s unsold to us and get the r money back. if they do not clear at lent 100. They show that a General nt who will kc ten counties and invest 3218. can after a trial of 90 days-re- turn all goods unsold to us and have money re- turned to them if they tailto clear at least two in that time - There are many persons having money to Invest. who could not give the business porsonalattention-such can employ sub-agenle without leaving home--mal:ing a large amount yearly out of a very small investment. We are not paying salaries. but want men willin to work and obtain as their pay the prots of th r energy. Men not w to work on our terms will not work on any. hoee meaning business will re- ceive our large descriptive circular. and extraor- dlna? oer by enclosin a threecent atamp. with heir address. The rat to comrly with our es they may wish to work. A 4IJ---- sir!`-.)l[I`' In N F` -`\'Wl'll{'l`l2iI . |l.nx1dto!.(:,;;l0u cams A each 8| 0 uh 1 uuq.,, for tin. ' rs! inwrtm Ymmy `"`ds not ex . Ouedin 3 one Inch union. N -, - D15!` yuur - rs l'.'.-ning um _` Nicola} Ion ordurg 11111stQ}x;:'_`"|?0 3,-333"-eta to Il)i,'r|()!1v3I|~HLllI1M`Vn`t_r0l' the aim Puma: yea;-1 \Va\1)leu1_[(Im;`slB`J1-`H111; Tr3:0nL[mia:V1~[ 9: Gz & Mont '30 01 `V '0 no " n0tex oak eed. or ' .5 lines, w A H uhvcr selnemgn ,. Pdgrod V at 5 "mks it: ill be admins d :01! 05 v at ,0nt8..O h gm . *;:r.'.:',:*.:.:?:,1?;",:-.b:"u: ::.:a.':".`:*::'J {xxrnnnanmm umnl There no Q number 0! person: out of em loy- ment in everycounty --yet on tio menw g to wzzork _do 1:: need to hose to war ounnn ex;-opnoo $5oou.xnon on working for no in o Ileaunt end permaneni busineu. The omount our agents nuke nu-ion. some makes: b h on 0500 a month while other: as low as 100. depending on the energy of the scent. have an uncle of great merit. It should be sold to ever! House-owner. and mu meant. we have article or great merit. It every House-owner. y: over lmpor cent. prot. Each 011013 from $150 to $10.00. One aunt in Pennnlvanln sold 32 In lwper cent. pront. Each uloio from 83.50 $10.00. agent Pennevlvnnin two dny and cleared $4.00. n An agent in New York o $46.11) in one do . Any men with one enolggh to work I to day. And will do this urine o eu-onn_mnkotroln82.(m to 08- we 3 your. e only went one man in one county, and to him will give the exclusive solo in Ion no he oontinuee to work fnlthtnlly for us. There 3 no com union. and nothing like our in- vention nude. mice having from 3200 to 81.- oootoinveet. can obtain 3. Gene:-nl Agency for ten oonntlee one State. An one can make on inventment of from to 81. without the lent flak otflioaghsu our (Ewen)?-n wil[ll:'h:_w`rthh1nt those nvean cane x-shitty a reurn good`: they 8100. They show MAUrAmU3xxa Co.. no smlthnoid Street. Pmnburg. Pg. ` 1 |i=LouR: FEES. ="*2.=:.:*.%:.::ma:& ml Order: Ion st tnommox-_ D poorest-a rougnm post once promp nuondedvtio. a Th6 City ll'1ou.r oozuer 8treet,_mar the Ma_rw,~-'B.5ma.. T nommnu nnxanv i`)".ii3.',: u`?i{T1~; {;i.';::g`: my:g}fgg;;;1.;' 19:13: [I~:.\I.\Im .n LENNQX, BARRIS- .` . Att,()1'l](!':!-l1`'1I\W,SQ"C"a0t51gV(:hnc3ry_, UHI`41.'l'l LLUu'Iun.u --' \./u.u v .u 1. 43`- : cencolnzrgisalouor in Quee.n`s_ Bench, Auc- zlonuor, .\p,)r:u.~1cr`, and (}um`nuss1on Agent. for the min vluusus. l_m.nd:x. harm St0ck.}_{0u3e. mid !<`urnxturo, I-Wmrls. Wurcs, Stu. Also for the gollmtbion .0: LS.l.'l|L.-9.NI)Ll)S und. Accounts. Olce .-l c)li`<,-('m1I't, Harrie. _ . I-" L o `D HT, Chop Peas Qqts and Barley aP.AN.sHoa'rs.*ac.. ac i" ' A , bah: uhournndcsnvwd . tilnllty 6800 -4...` IuA\?\'rn 'umI`L1 vI!a unn HYDE Wanting Employment. Ill] llllllrp II-run` nuguu. `nu--.-., `-.-'.._,. -Heoon OANVAS TENTS ton nnm.__` IIOIIUE LTTIIE Ij'1m`i. There number or out of to - men: in ever; County,--yot eneraetlo men wlgllnyn ARAGHHITEOTSI _ 4 _KI-:.\'NI:I>\',-)1cVl'1"1`It: & HOL- x \\'I| .a.~ hihu-14 P, 1., Rmvvcvora. Valu- YAO1-`ITS I.fI5'sx1FEs BUILT TO. omqnn. 6 oI.~n._V it u-- gun-- win II:-null-IE BIlIOU8HE88,- DIZZIHE89,' D Y8PEP8M, DROP8 Y, IHDIOESTIOH, FLUFTERINO JMINDIOE. _ OF THE HEIRT,` ERY8IPM8, AOIDITY OF 8Al.T HHEUII, THE STOIMOH, HEART BURN, _ DRYNE88 HEADACHE, OF THE 8Kl11I, A 6 every opoel fdhonu II dlzordorod LIVEE; KlDNEY&`H8T'al"dm BOW OR BLOOD. Acn,` 1'. nnwifi `ah? `COUNTY VO]`i" SIMCOE GENERAL ADVERTISER. `wonm rownans.` An piouaue sagas. Oontaln chdrcwn tuutln. In 5 unify.`-`unto, and than! Jada.-nu Al mnj In hihitnn no Adult: `w"IIV'n LI - UNI . CHIC. X m lawyer or In Ouldnnugdus Lbwmsr MARKET PRICE.` LI-:ADs'1/`e VAN. V .; nsmm: rnem. -RIFLES AND `SHOT GUNS: mu tfxnlnaioxxn wmr. nnuvn uoitr 9 WILL cuas on RELIEVE `llluoutoa n':99nu-nn- ulwiuvv -um. was .uu-ov-ou--nu -`mu... mmnnmcx J. nnowxv T. GIIIIDLE, PROPRIETOR .1-Info?!- 'roaoNT- 3-: &.c-, BIIU IUUIUH IV UIIU $00K- After all her trouble in getting her pet friend to come into the country at that season of the year, and assuring her that her handsome brother Bob (no other than the incompanbleflieutonant Robert St. Ohm-lee`) would meet herat the ata.tion--to have Bob absent himnelf in this provoking way was notuslly unbearable. Mrs. Din]: rant thn hall. WEB IIDIIIIUI SIVUH } Pun` s She was I dsinty, doll-like creature, lt- resistibly retty when she smiled, as she ususllydi , for though the world did not slwsys go around to suit Eie I_-lswuey, she was not obdurste `in her resentment-the sunshine slwsys came back presently. It in A hnnntifnl (lav, And mmnnnv III IIUKluIUUI.In * You; Miss Elinor Paxton would arve in hslf-au-hour, and Bob-that Iollnp of a. Bob -hadn t come near to go down with the carriage. T Mn. Dick uotuhllv stamped her slionered ouu qnrnngu. > actually stamped slipperad foot on -the crimson rose: of the carpet as she looked at the clock. Au... .1! I.-- L_...LI_ :.. ....u.:..... 1...- .....L \Au.IUl'. Jnut I0. Where : Bob '1" That'I just it. He : otf somewhere, and it : too latefor him to 1 nuke": good impreuion. Nelly said -"I )idn t your brother know I was coming !' And she looked at me-no, you know, I had to tell as and now the nave: 1- will like In I llllll I Come, Ema ! called Ellnm ` garden door. - , Wdlrina nrn\-In-nnn t`n-~n . "lV:.`llki:;"urm-in-Arm down these young ladies must need! aide to avoid I young nun who ~ 1!: A side min `with lnnh {mm M3 H:-llyluxope I lmve not incon venienced you by my absence '1" . ' V It in of no consequence," it ephed the little lady icily. A y . I `Then 01:5 turned 3 Elinor, who we: ' ' wit eiprny o coy . ' Paxton, Allow 1119:. to" introduce you my brother Robert." ` " ` El1nor s sweet eyes glanced on meat the handsome head of close; oed curls which bent to low before her, an wou- rlm-ul tinunh whv7 Eidwnn nn` :1 lfir-I: with UIIU Poutle She was alone, and there was certainly nothing to pout at in the beautiful little room where she set, or in the lovely land- scape aeen through the open window ; but yet little Mrs. Dick was decidedly in the poute. ~ There was a frown on the pretty, white forehead, and the round red lips were pushed out in an unmistakably angry way -fortunately e beeomin one ; for it must be confessed that this little lsdy, from s long course of unlimited` petting, was a lit- tle spoiled, and being quite unequal to the crosses and vexationseoi life, from which her husband oonld not always shield her, was rather given to pouting She was I dAintv_ (lnll-like creature. ir- WK Ivwuuuy I9. `-1 ml Mrs. Dick nag tho bell. A boy up ' . Tip,. luau : Mute: Bob come yet 3" V No, m." ` You can tell uncle Christin to 0 down to the ngstlon with [the carriage or Miss Paxton, donpuiringly. I'll never forgnve Bob 5: long I Uh I" Ill!` Mr: nA:nn $11 Kn-o inn:-n uwn 3 Lin: ur0I(.I.llll.VV01'(1l. Mm: Elinor Paxton was welcomed with 3 little scream of exultation. Oh, my dour dellg'hful. Nelly! Have I you come at lutl This is actually you- inthe ldvelieat bonnet! Where dxd you get that charming dreu undo, Nelly? And, oh, I want to nhow you mine--1t s just perfect." Rn the. India. A:.............:| :2- 1.1.- .::......:.:.... nuuu w uvuxu 3 young man wan I at a side gain with such imp: : mnke collision with him approh V handsome young man, with I brow; and A great bouquet of re ban . IILIIIILIIU UlWD,I IKILIU UIUI Pl'UIUllBL,u It was 5 beautiful day. and company would be sure to come to Dde Park that nlbn-nu.-. \ - ' LIL 118701 IOWIVB DOD `I long H 1 live !" said Mr8.__Dick, going to_he_r room to dress. Elinor illo ddmired that oul the most marked attention: from Bo would win her fnvoz-.--nice as Bob ia-and for him to not thin way now ! And whnt excuse I our ever make for him I don't know!" ' p'___ _|__ 4___,A __ A, _- .g 1- . .1 Ete l"`ho exchlmad, con Well, air 1" returned ha htily. --I hope in _-.. I._ .__ -L-.....-.. 0 Pretty little Mrs. Dick Lawny was in the poutn; ' Shn nu uh-ma and than was om-f.n.inIv `HUN 5 Then the grow penzive. threading out the sunny fnngo of silky loch_ about her fore- head,_9.nd when the olden hair-Twas knot: ted wzth ghe blue, the lovely shoulders encased In a. lace-frillod ucque of white onera-annel. the nhnnnina nnmn-itinn {n Ex3"mU oI-'3u'""amnmg' """"{.': Dick : 1...: dmdtulsmrs. Min: mllnnp Davina --.. ;uu punuci. So the ladies disappeared Sin the direction of their rooms, where they chatted with delight until they came duv wn dressed for dh.lm' mi b grace , rown-e ed lrl of twenty, whose toilet was alws eyperf ct, Elinor was quietly charming nt to e nt 3 rlllnoe. And then everybody sq yn Nelly im- prove: no open acquaintance ! said Mrs. gig: to herhunband, in an aside, after 8!. wxucn nan: so LOW ooxoro nor, and dered `much why Etdwu no I] with her very bonny brother. while the `median!- 13"} gnumprod the words of con` vhitionul roong .Ia.|kwhomthnI' I-Ion} bwen no ne, `rzomg "tea Mn. Dick distantly. breaking, a gun; Mdy Am tan loci for". 1 II: wnuln wt in lawn; um. xur, Bobc V ff ` ` . Certainly Lieutenant St. Oh: tl wu umt in-'liin nin{n'i'mnd among '1 than she AUOTIONEERS. ' -' . \. \/\__/\r'./x. 05 P. 1 II b'\VAN, AUCT [ONEER fnr-Hun (`nnn1v nf Rlmnnn. Terms reason- U lltllillllll DI: UH ot -_ Iisq:'n'goodraoeI1w no gslodhimobort. ' . Buthohnvql exoontedscour` domain. g For y9nn'l xny.d6u'B;e. 7 , Ila. Dick,c0pid_not.Vbut thus 3 I110 ro- ooivod tho tntut burden. . `. . Pa'tfoVc tlyV_ voly! dn they Elinor! mghnm Iron I:Avnn't In-t ihnr `dinna. " IDVUI, I IITT nunur I nag you hsvenft lost your `dung, . Thooook Iudordon iobq -3 hi ortwo hot, And when you hon dined, `eoinolnd join uuintho u ." I ~ nmc mmcmm nu. nick I: fighf` f-.-iho goldono . ty*hu1.boon_lont;._-. nu hmuiv. nt. mnlnnion had In 1: been J.IlIlIJ|lvDllJlVKIjUIIlnw`--an; xrvtwo hot. And when Irv! Wm` `um jdn u.` in an . : -Fifty Tenn buliockn no reputed 3. mm 1' ght have`:-an wild in Ohicago last Wednesday. . `-.-the golden opituxdty had. .1. in. lost; The 991-ken was tnmpfed on. one 19- % ;h:d1appy lint yunion `lad In :3 been killed, _ and_4_;h__o`ciIaizens in retug-n all joigiegl o. v ; . insprisito hnnlohunt, Aold-blooded X , 8``U9[:nmrping-"contemporary hendstho dispmli qilioilfdh L`: '-' e6nt:i1_1iht!`mnowp,*`.`eeo'thueBteen, mm mm ` -`.na 4 '3i`-!'i":'Pv *! i*= ?'`8?"`f * ' " ' 'dn""317}`?-o w?~-9~F*?- H*' "E" {n:li&n`int" `T 1' i vi -:= IIIIIQUK NW Vlillf V wwvaxod wsugmaa Ipfguo 1 -\`."' . _ Shall I ever rowbItl like grandma. 2" Our little N lie nid. ` ' " 811311 I look through hoso funny glauel Andwonr 3 cap on my head! Slnll I be wise mud solemn And never plny or run 2 Shall I wgaxj long Doky dreuen And never have my fun 1 811311 I inoi how deep in the ocean, And Mint nisku the world go round! What become: of the old moon, And ihhv-A an fair-inn urn fnnnrl 9 All! In mo upper xom; . And we cannot sorrow, rememb ring . Qur darling will never grow old. u:]i'$e l"`ho oxclAlmed,oomi:1 M 111.11 -3.. G ....6..___.2 And if at the end of the rainbow There in really} pot of gold? 1: them my winter in heaven, nd does God ever grow old 1" Ah I Nellie hu geinen 1 knowledge G1-utir tl-mu an-thlv ken: A MILLION DOLLARS All I LVUIIIU ll 8IlllBl1 I Kll0WlW Gretta` thus earthly ken; She is {visor now than grandma.- Wiug 'u the wilent men. V nhoulearna at the fet of angels, Afnr in tha mmer fold: . WIIIF EOOIIIQ 0] IRS 0111 IIIOOII, ind ivhbro the fairies are fomrl Y !0l' Ill! IEBYILI II 1118 I08` 0 Afsr in the uppr fold; Knd wn mnnnt narrow. I-en mu m :. xweanuoa ncque or wnxne a-annel, the. charming apparition in mirror was in I its of Mrs. {'3 Int drnulfnl `nu-(L .p that stem. NIl.1.ll'8 _g_g:_s1'Ioju_a MATCH-MAKING. 'th puthn, lnnn -Inn IUOII uwp - duhed in L atul an to t .enIiblo-a. .........:.1-.... -PLm'rs._.- -vggalvssyxsitoui from the ' to a halt. .. 1\..b It wu'n't in the netu.|-o of things for a. handsome young mm end A beautiful girl to he never the least bit agreeable to each other for: whole week. . D..L :4. _-- -II 'D-I.I.. l-..IL -1... A....1-.....! DUE 1` WI! an DOD! IBUIU ILIU UUCSIITUQ to her husband, who laughed at the min- fortnnes of her match-making. And at last Elinor : visit came to an end. `II ... l'\2..I. _.-- L . . _ . ......l _.:LL Link I... llllll. ill: lllla lIJllI.IUl.' I VIIIB IZIHU I-U Ill uuu. Mrs. Dick was too vexed with Bob to ask him to drive ob tho atnion with her Rina want }unI-nnlF- uni` than -`In nnmn She went. herself; and, when she came back, she fell to repronching her brother. I don t see why you couldn't like Nelly. Bob. I never knew a man before who didn't. You can't have very good I-Ania ` ' 1 0011 U N ellv. tu ta. 1).]. -_. -1.2 III 53. . Bob, smoking `on the verandah, received her remarks with provokingcolmnesn. . vnn wnn1dn t_hAvn AH msnminn m-an- HUI" IUIIIBIIB WIFE PFUVUKIIII8 CIllI|KIBSl- V You wouldn tJmve all masculine crea-_ tion at sword : point about Min Paxton, would you 3" he said. . It is a. wise din- popition of Providence, I think, that tastes differ." ' ` It D..L _....- _.:...LL `L--- -..L -_A LL- -LL-_. IB.1==!-r,._":..w x swim mu ,4 n:;to~v ? V - v 3 `st `Eas`ue`.i` Kin Attl1u0n")?`2obtfPll:'rr!6a\" V90 . I clul upo1')t'Lho(}nunty.undonjoyln 13 1113-1 : l_I_l.l_w5t:;lrculxxLlon ofull new; ape;-5 .lt1oaMi In mg qucnon. is 0. most desire!) a ma. . for u,h.,,,-gisizmg. [ts oontcmts-editorial awn NH w`1q.sI_-aumd-xvlllbu found to be of ...-'31,)`; \y]|i.3i\ Hsuugulshul rsb-olaasucountry K 5 - ' w.-okllt`5- ,, ;u-r,`xneut1sstookod with an oxton; , .':33rlzxungnc of all requisite: for prlntln , gm) ~'.""`m(,-ilitlca forLurnimgoutlirst-olalswor . . f)l'3'l'vpun.15)p !")])!'llLLc outs for all styles of Md mm mlls,n.nd a stookofcholoetqnoy . , ... OM. xluwulmas of println . A W9 E },',`; ;,,q M uvary I1L`SL`|'ipl)n in stock and BIN. ,. ........nmm1u nrlcos. . uuwr. But you might have out out the others if you had tried, Bob ; I know you might ! But after your first neglect-Ne1ly was quite interested in you until then-she appeared to be perfectly indifferent. And I'm sure you didn't try to make her other- wise. I never aw you so stupid." And Mr: Din]: rntirnd from Hun nnann nf UICUIIK HUT I-IU5lf0'uUUVVu Bob, immaculate in Sunday morning cos- tume, u. few days later, irted from his breast a. handkerchief of rfumed cam- bric, and a blue ribbon topped to the floor. T III]... -1- _:J.L ._`Ll-L L- L.._L -_.I ..,._L......_l uu"I"lie air with which he bent and restored it to its hiding place would have revealed the truth `had not the ribbon been so un- imistakably feminine in character. Mrs. Dick caught her breath. Not only had Bob failed to fall in love with Elinor Paxton, but he had nctually fallen in love with another woman. l`l.nn..1. 43.}- .-.- L..- ........L t... It... T\:..I. WLlUo -l IIUVCI7 U`W Ill UUUPIH. And Mrs. Dick rot ed from the scene of action, leaving her brothgr to the coming moonlight and his cigar. Nnw thnnah Mrs. nfnlr ntuu-I-n1nr1 an HLUUIIIIKIIII uuu lllll Ulglfa Now, though Mrs. Dick quarreled so seriously with her handsome brother; he was the apple of her eye, and all might have been forgiven, if not forgotten, if events had not subsequently transpixed to break her heart anew. `DAL S..........-.-I..t.. -.. 0...)... ........_I.... -.... IILIUII LII LUVU WIUII 511051161 WUIDKII. Though this was too much for Mrs. Dick to bear without demonstration, and though she said nothing to her brother, she related the whole story of Bob's vile behaviour to her husband, who, however, only laughed at her, and she was forced to make I condsnt of Elinor herself. lm _....4.. 1-.-. H... -1..-.1- ............o ..6 1....- IIIIIU I CUIIIJUIHF OI l'Jl.Ill0l' nerleno She wrote her the whole account of her hopes and plans ; her secret wishes and bitter disappointments, and dispatched the letter forthwith .to Elinor : city residence. But Elinor was apparently too busy at the beginning of the -season to write a. reply. No response come. But it was a. great re- lief to Mrs. Dick to be sure that Nelly knew snd sympathized with her. Qlnn hnrn haw tn-Inf In nilnnpn nvan when IIIUW IIIU. ayxnpahumuu. WIFLI. 1151'- She bore her grief in silence, even when she became swsre that Bob received the dsintiest of letters every week. If the lit- tle lady hsd not,~ with sll her faults, been the soul of honor, she might have read them, for she actually saw them, tied with a. satin ribbon, in the top drswer of Bob s dressing-csse. Poor little Mrs. Dick ! she sctually lost flesh and color, this disap- pointment wss so serious s. one to her. But in November Bob went to the city for s few weeks. and did not notice his sister : indisposition. She wss feeding the birds in the aviary one dsy, when a servant brought her s letter. It was from Bob. She tore it open. It reed: 5` Mv nmsn Qvn'rln_Ri-null 1 nnvns-inn vnn UL, |NJI'U ll! UPUII. .I.lI I'VE 3 My Dun S1enn-shsll 1 surprise you by the news of my msrrisge, which took place this morning? lb was rather a sud- den s'a.i_r,' and my wife and I will be a fortnight here before returning to Dale Park. Be ready with your most gushing welcome,"for 1,` st least, sm fairly iight-- hesded with happiness. Your affectionate brother, ' Boa." Mrs. Dick turned snowy-white and nearly sank upon the grass. "Married! Bob reslly msrried 1" an: nvniha fnnlinan Ant` nnrrnw nf `Inert DUU YUILIY HIIIIIULI l Her excited feelings and sorrow of heart found relief in a. burst of tulnultons weep- ing; You would have pitied poor little Mrs. Dick. I am sure, had you seen the tears running between her slender ngers -seen her pretty bowed head and heaving bosom. But when she had wept off the first excitement, the little lsdy did her best to behave in a. dignied and suitable man- ner as Bob's sister and only living relative. She vvrote to him, and if the letter did " IIYHF UV- UgI'lI|Il|I.Dl1Ul.llu If Bob missed something from this epintle of his spontaneous little nister, he yet kept up good courage in View of meeting her. At last the bridnipair arrived. The rich autumn had all faded ; the fountains were shut off ; the landscape was sad as Mrs. Dick : Iecret heart as she dressed and went down to the drawing-room to meet, for the rst time, the unknown Mrs. `St. Charles. To think Bob : marriage, to which nhe had looked forward with he. py anticipation: all her life, should be 'ke n net 3! DUI) I B13318!" IIIU. umy HVIUK FUIELIVU. wrote him," the not gush, it was courteous and cordial as well as con-ect--considered in the light of first congratulations. TF Rn}: miunnd nnmnthinu frnm thin nnhtln The whirl of carriage wheels, :1 hurrying of form: through the evening : mist, the opening of doors, haste and laughter (Bob's culiar laugh of delight-how well she new it), and gentle arms clasped her; a lovely familiar face bent a. fair cheek for a kiss of welcome. Eie ! u v..n.. u..n..o nu. n..1.v :. nu. ...'..- " 11113 5 wig` lfelly, Nelly? Oh, Bob ! is this your . e ' .My wife? It is madam ! repeated Bob proudly, as he divested himself of his overcoat, and pro red to divest sweet Mrs. St. Charles 0 her-wrapping wtth an unmistakable air of ovrnorshm. lllrl. DU. \.IIlIl.'lUI UK 1191' 'VVl'IPPIl of ovrnoralnp. Wlm Ein nntnhina niaht. IIDIIIIIFIKIDIB 511' 0} ownernulp. . `-` Why, Eie. catching sight of his sin- ter : face, "` didn't you know? No; I thought it was some hon-i_d-- hon'id- V Mn. Dick camo very near fainting, but they bathed her forehead, opped her hands, and nnnyn bar in lunch inlfald. V Wlly DIFIIOQ J10!` I0l'8ll8I(l_, IIIPPUVI-l ll hands, and coaxed he: to hngh instead. The ribbon-- she began. " Wu ,Ne1ly a. Tho InH>unn-. " Ann yon-" I fell in love with her at nt night but everything was no awkward, I made mynelfe late going for the flavors, which were f_or_ her, and- ' And I never received your letter-until a. few days `K0: Ee, put in Elinor. . Instead of returningo town I went J.._._ L- LL.` -gg-:3.` Can. a L: c-nab: nun-A VEIIBT I01 I WIIOIO WB5K- But it was all Bob : fault ma declsrgd .. 1.`..- L..-L-..J _L- 'l-.....`I....`I .5 LI... N..- ".1nneaa OI 1'6tIll'llIng.i0 wwn 1. want; downto the Iouide for I for week: more The weather was so ne, end Bob wrote to me there. .I~:thonvht he had told you of our engagement. and wondered you didn't write after I got hom- mm. .......... _:...a`1'n. \....1.. :. 11-a:.. :..- 5ccur1L_` nl I0\\'c5l. {ales qr 1 ml nmm,-y rwmirunl :1ut11_ _ 'l`l{.\'l`ll\' 3:. .v\Ul.'l`, iulicl . WTIWC 81%! L 805 DUI-I19" - Oh, nave: mind\1"v` broke in Eig, in- A. `_`I never was so happy In all my Mo 1 . .- . T - Nor I, ! exclsuned Bob. Nor I_!:sa,id Nelly softly. `E " LIIU IUUIUKI; Were hers." And you- T fa hi Invn N0: 28: `Whole N00 ..._....r_.~. < \O\vOuI~O\/nuoauuioatn Edited by J. M. Hunter.ls`aq..M.A.. of Barrio Collezlate Institute am-nsuos examination ravens For the benet of studious readers we give below a number of the papers used at the late entrance examination. The bal- ance will appear in our next issue :- FOURTH BOOK AND SPELLING. 1'!Mll-0NE HOUR AND A HALF. 1.-(a) Give, the substance of the lesson entitled The Taking of Gibraltar. (b) Where and what is Gibraltar? (c) Of what importance is itto Britain 7 2. -The inhabitants of term rma were ignorant of the agitation, which, on the one hand, the volcano of the island of St. Vin- cent had experievced, and on the other, the basin of the Mississippi where, on the 7th and 8th of February, 1812, the ground was day and night in a `state of continual oscillation. At this period the province of Venezuela labored under great drought; not a drop of rain had fallen at Caraccas, or to the distance of 311 miles around, during the ve months which preceded the destruction `of the capital. The 26th of March was excessively hot ; the air was calm and the sky cloudless. It was Holy Thursday, and is great part of the popula- tion was in the churches. The calamities of the day were preceded by no indications. of danger. At seven minutes after four in the evening the first commotion was felt.: It was so strong as to make the bells of the churches ring. It lasted from five to six seconds, and was immediately followed by another shock of from ten to twelve seconds, during which the ground was in a constant state of undulation, and heaved like a uid under ebullition. The danger was thought to be over, when a prodigious subterranean noise was heard. resembling the rolling of thunder, but louder and more prolonged than that heard within the tropics during thunder storms. mvnlain Han manninu nf the following tropics (mung tnunuer uwrmu. Explain the meaning of the following words or phrases in this passage :-Terra rma, volcano, basin of the Mississippi, oscillation, drought, capital, Holy Thurs- day, calamities, commotion undulation, ebullition, subterranean, tro ice. 3.---Next mornimz being Briday, the 3rd ics. 3.--Next morning being Friday, day of August, in the year 1492, Columbus set sail, a. little before sunrise, in presence of a vast crowd of spectators, who sent up their supplications to heaven for the pros- perous issue of the voyage, which they wished rather than expected. In\ Winn um: n1nm}\nn7 What was his purpose I (c) `Prosperous issue of the voyngef Explain. (d) ` They wished rather than expected. Why 9 4.-Distinguish--heir, sir ; adze, adds ; fall, fell; gallant, gallant ; dying, dyeing. Correct any mistakes In the spelling of the following :- harraiss, beleive, "grimmace, vif. rlnifnll, IUMUW lug _' | rivit, whit:ch. ` wxanea ratner man expeowu. (a) Who was Columbus ! What was his christian. name 7 (b) Whence did he nail, and for what purpose? ` I.-.\ "Pi-nnnm-nun issue of the VOVl28.' 1" men itoulixsi 66i3IVV`E-i*AN- ,..... unmmiqqlnnnr in `Queen's Bench. ARITHMET1C. 'rIM1:-1'wo nouns. l.-Wha.t in the object of Division? Write down the relxtion connecting the Divisior, Dividend, Quotient, and Re- mainder. - - . ' - n:..:.a.. ...... L....A....A gm-I ..nl.l- hillinn mamuer. Divide one hundred and eight billion, four hundred and nineteen million, seven- hundred and sixteen thousand and one, by eighteen million, seven hundred and forty- eight thousand, and five. T `2-._Fin_ hv ca.stini`( out nines. whe- ZlSb3'l = MN Loawow . Find the weight of 500,000 bricks at 4 lbs. 2 oz. each, and the coat---in dollars and cents---at 271. 6d. .each, allowing 43. 2d. to make a. dollar. A .._......L..-.& wunAn:vvAA C-nu. 13'.na`nn(` engnt tnouaanu, ana nve. 2.--Find, by casting out nines, ther the following is correct :-349751x 28637=10015819397. m...a ox... .....:..1.+ nc annnnn in-:.-In at A 2a. to make count. 3.-A merchant received from England the following invoice in sterling :- 375 tons iron plates, at 8 15:. 6d. - 107 tons bar iron. at 11 14.9. 10 tons bulb iron, at 10 10:. 17 tons T iron, at 15 103. 48 tons steel, at 18 73. 6d. `K inn. winch: . air `'11 1a `IO tuna Bu-ml, uh zuo Ia. uu. 15 tons rivets; at 11 ls. ' Find the amount of this invoice in Cans.- dian currency, allowing the shilling ster- ling to be equal to 24} cents. _ A,_.A+. 8175 new rnd. what will it cost. ung D0 D6 equal M: 13` uuuus. 4.--At 81.75 per rod. what will it cost to fence 9. piece of land 63.5 rods long and 27.75 rods wide. 5.-.-A question in fractions. 6 -Gunpowder is composed of nitre, charcoal, and sulphur, in the propa-tion of 15, 3 and 2. A certain quantity of gun- powder is known to `contain 20 cwt. of charcoal ; nd its weight. and also the weight of nitre, and of sulphur it contains. 7 .-Bought 360 gallons of wine at $2.60 a gallon ; paid for carriage $17 .20, and for duties 886 50. If 3-20 of it be lost by leakage, at what price must the remainder be sold to gain $50 on the whole transac- tion ? 0 Din] Finn info`-na no: a nnfn `AI- non: 8.--Find the interest on a note for $`.357.81, dated January 3rd, 1883, and paid April 6th, 1883, at 8 per cent. per annum. _ n TL- Lanai`: A` Q nnnr\nA n I-xnv-1111111-Ivn 9.--The length of a. second : pendulum is 39.37079 inches; if 64 French metres are equal to 70 yards, by what decimal of an inch will the length of 3 second : pen- dulum differ from one metre '3 an AL u-plumb `:rnnn l-\n}nrnn`n A an!` 5 aumm tuner Irum. out: umuu n 10.-At what times between 4 and 5 o'clock are the hands of a. clock (1) coin- cident, (2) at right angles? ENGLISH GRAMMAR. run:--`Two nouns. l.-All candidates enter-img at therst ex- amination must take the pass subjects in Classics, Mathematics and` English, specified below under the title of rst examination. ` (a) - Analyse fully. (b) Purse words in italics. 2.-Dene Cue, Gender, Number. To :1? of speech do all these inflections .l1.'.l'E ' ddin Gfehoizii rry. an-anti: ed, tram .,Gno \: . UIT UUJ.'I ' G 2 ,3; D.-vvnuu lnuu ' cult of ` who vor ` which ? A 117...... ll..- ......1....` or ' wno=orA ' wmcn I - 4.-Write the feminine o~Abbot, duke, man-servant, beau, monk, widower, gander, lad. Plnrnlize-BeaLu, court-martial, bro- ther, .fnthe:-in-law, automaton, crisis, money, church. . V 5 ._.'Dnnn gml exnmnlifv the followinsz emu-on. 5.-Dene and exemplify the following iterms, applied to ` verb :-Strong, weak, transitive, int:-snsitive. Write out the Pres. Perf. Tense, Active and Passive, of this Vnph ` Invn. 17303. KB. LOIIIU 11: Verb love. Ma\A` I-I ubu2z:)-What would he have said if he ward to coma. and saw me idle 3 HA. Ru tgkhnr nth-in rust:-inn van 1111 90 come. sun I! mi} uue Q . b)-By ' ofgthin medicine youuhdl berutond to 681th. . ' .1. (c) Eve was the fairest of all her own tlnnahbirl.` Inst. _ . 5 (e)?'1`he*|ocretu-y and the treasurer was 'onIundL.. .1. . _ , _ : v(f):Afterr they had went 3 little way: khey returned back, home again. 1 mauhyaai. A d ' a. 5% 1... ..;.u.:.`?. -.a`i`.8`."..'. .`c.. the i-Uh. - ; among: 3.-When must `that be used instead .1 -1.- -.- uvl...`In 1 HO VOID '10V0-' , . 0.-Ootreot (with reasons) the `follow- lI2.00I F IOTIN ADVANOI. OU NI t\'a lJ\l U L` L, 1Jz).1.vLvLu.n.LuJ.\vu, 1 ,\.tornoys-at-Imw. Solicitors in Chancery, 39, (,:nc.~ .l)11nl0pSLre0t. Barrie. Successors to ..,l,1,,,w rm of Boulton, Lounb, Boys 85 Stewart. w, I,ount.Q.U.- U. W. Lount. _ W1`!-y _ _ A .- (d) There ai nt no use of you nying Int. ' to niodi` `icfence can unr- 2.`:-..`2*'f`..':'_..;':`T Euucattoual. lulu KID! . 3-h 5..".i":`A-.1.` L. 8. 80.L.8ANDRB8$ Watdm, Juulry qnd Electra-Plate, FOR YOUI In nnur nnnvn mm 11- way pom: 1'0 Inalu-at inn nun.-ecu cu". Up in Polk ooun , Wino ` not long o I man who lost 1: ildron by L `phtheria, while the nin hovered bo- tqaen life and sleuth with the nine dinoue, want {'11 the lnnnlflfhnnnu nl Hu: 6...... ....,a 7./0ONVE'.YAIV\!V(`>|NG. &o. > _ `i'til{I .\1:x< ,'|(A.\ , AUOTIONEER, I-........aa.i.m~,r. (tonvomncor. Issuer of sqoen mo and deny: with the same wIakx;tdt:i;he health":l:ll:r of the and IQ to en IEnod`o t e ter- rible |oonrge.pn lYho heal oloor was cool md collected. He did not get excited over te mgnkhfof the father whose lut child at that fxnougent hovering upon the optaklill O! immortality. He calmly in- vutintod the matter. And never for n ma. ups-unu ux unuwnuuy. no calmly m- vputigntod mnttor, snd never for 3 mo- Inent lost sight of the fact that he was a town ooer And 3 rofoued Ohrislisn. ` at V... ..L .a.1 .....a.....4-...a H ..:,I L- I mgf he bereft father said that his boys had never mnde a profession of Christianity ; that they were hardly old enough to do no-, and that they might have missed anme gospel opportunities, owing to the fact that they were poor and hndn t clothes tit to wear to Sabbath school. Possibly, too`, they had met with wicked companions, and had been taught to swear; he could not any but they might have sworn, al- though he thought that they would have turned out to be good boys had they lived. H`I"m nnl-rv Hm}. Hm mum in an hrul," upwnoulour Inn 3 ruxessea. Unruman. ` You ask aid, understand," said he. to prevent the spread of the disease, and also that the town shall assist you in pro- curing new and necessary clothing to re- place, that which you have been compelled to burn in order to stop the further inroads of diphtheria. Am I right? The poor man answered airmatively. MayT ask if our boys who died were Christian boys, an whether they improved their gospel opportunities and attended the Sabbath school, or whether they were orofztne and given over to Sabbath break- mgfhn bereft father said thnt his bow; hm] turneo. out 30 Du guuu uuys ussu umy in cu. "I'm sorry that the case is so had," said the health oicer. I am led to be- lieve thst God has seen t to visit you with sliction in order to express His di- vine disapproval of profanity, and I cannot help you. It ill becomes us poor, weak worms of the dust to meddle with the just judgments of God. Whether as an indi- vidual or as a. quasi corporation, it is well to allow the, Almighty to work out his great plan of salvation, and to avoid all `carnal interference with the works of ,Gud." "F1... ALI vvsnrs uynnb knnlz In lnn rlnqnlnt.`-1} carnal lnrerxerence Wuu um wurn: us ,\puu. The old man went back to hm desrxlutcd home and to the bedside of his only living ..|.IA about it an. I am not a professor of religion," said he, but I tell you, Mr. Nye. I can't be- lieve that this board of health has used me right. Somehow I ain't worried about ` my little fellers that's gone. They was lit- ; tle tellers anyway, and they wasn't posted on the plan of salvation, but they was always kind and always minded me and. their mother. If God is using diphtheria agin penianity this season they didn't know It. They -was too young to know about it. ,_ and I was too poor to take the papers, so I didn't know it nuther. I just thought that Christ was partial to little kids like mine, just the same as He_ used to be 2,000 years ago, when the country was new. I admit that my little shavers never went to Sabbath school much, and I wasn't scholar enough to throw much light unto God`: system of retribution, but I told "cm to behave themselves and they did, and we had a good deal of fun together-mo and the boys~-and they wasso bright. and square, and cute that I didn't see how they could fall under divine wrath, and I don't believe they did I nnnhl tall vnn lnhl of smart little HUIUU I child. 1' n. cnua. I met him yesterday and he told me about it all. ll 1 ...... .....J .. w\cn`n-nnll nf rA`;n:(\V\ " 110:1` beueve they um. I could tell you lots of smart tricks that they used to do, Mr. Nye, but they ws.'n t mean nor cussed. They was just frolicky and gay` sometimes because they felt good. I don t believe that God had it in for `em hekuz they was like other boys, do you 3 Fer if I thought so it would kind of harden me and the old lady and make us sour on all creation. 16 II:...! an I A.-\n'6 Irinlr hannnln I sun MEDICAL AND pETAL_ and male Ill sour on an cruuuuu. Mind yon, I don't kick because I am left alone here in the woods, and the sun don t seem to shine, and the birds seems is little backward about singin this spring, and the house is so quiet, and she is still all the time and cries in the night when she thinks I am asleep. All that is tough, Mr. Nye-tough as the old Harry, too-but it's so, and I s.in't murmuriug, but when the board of health says to me that the Ruler of the Universe is makin a tower of North- ern Wisconsin, mowin downlittle boys with sore throat because they say ' gosh, I can't believe it. sl 1 I....\-. blunt nan:-\`n uvlnn Ainli . familiar believe Lt. 1 know that people who ain t familiar with the facts will shake their heads and say I'm a child of wrath but I can t help it All I can do is to go up there under the trees, where them little graves in, and think how all-red pleasant to me them little short lives was, and how every one of them little fellers was welcome when he came, poor as I was, and how -I rastled with poor crops `and pine stumps to buy cloze for `em and didn't care a cent for style as long as they was well. That : the kind of a heretic I am, and if God is likes. father, that Battles it. He wouldn t wipeout my ,family just to establish dicipline, I don't believe. The plan of creation must be on a bigger scale than that, it seems to me, or else its more or less of a zzle. h'I'\L..L 1.4....-A (J Health in lnpttnr rmul less 01 nzzle. That Board of Health is better read than I mm. It takes the papers, and can add up ggers, and do lots of things that I can't do, but when them fellers tells me that they represent the town of Balsam Lake and the Kingdom of Heaven, my mur- bid curiosity is aroused, and 1 want to see . their stiffykits of election. Among the passengers in a parlor car on the Lake Shore Road the other day was a handsome woman, whose husband shared the seat, with her and who would have been picked out as avguiet, sedate. absent mind- ed man. The seat opposite was occupied by a ashily-dressed young man, with" a lady-killing twist to his moustache, and he was considerably surprised when the hue- band handed him A daily paper, with the remark : (1 El'...... an 1-`nu-Inn at {La nnunv plnniu nf remark Have a glance at the news; Plenty of excitement around the country, I observe. IIVL... ...-nan I-non man an hunv with In excxtement urolmu nne C0llIl(l`y, 1 uuscrvu. The young man was so busy with the paper for half an hour, and then the hus- bond offered him 8 popular magazine. This entertained him for an ho , and he had scueely closed the book w .n the good man reached over with : . H II..... .. t\`rIC 'l`1-an-n urn nrhnn 1{nv. reacnea over wxm : . Have aclgar. These are prime Hav- anaa, and I know you will enjoy one." 'l`hn unnnrl man am-Antad with thanks and - o-was o nr-a-naval ALIAS ll WAD Isnnusn nmoxruun. count Wisoonnin, min A man who `in lnnt night ..l.J and 1 Know you wul enjoy mm. The young man accepted with thanks nsturally made his way to the smoking-car, where he ut in nearly another hour, but without the other : company. When he returned he was greeted with : Perhaps you (1 like to look at the latent retumea no was eewa wnn : Perhaps you novel ? Very entertaining, I assure you." `In I-ant` uni wmu'v_ and llDOn beihtl of` n0V6l { very enwnaluxug, J. Insulin: yuu. He read until weary, and upon being, fered another cigar replied that he was tn leiave the train at the next station, and add- "I want to thank you again for your many courtesiea." - Oh, don't mention it." You never new me before 1" Never." 9` Don't know my name 1" No." Then tell me why you were so very courteous to an entire stranger." u v........ rain 1 will n1n`Ain Tn tlnma OOUNOOHB to an enure urnugur. Young men, I will explain. In tunes past when a loafer stared at my wife as is steady job I got up at the end of an hour and broke his neck. This made me much trouble and expense, and I chnngeo my programme. I now carry books and cigars to bribe them. Had you been going eihuu- dred mile: further I should have offered you I dvinlr of bnndy, a. new puzzle, two more dailies and another cigar, and mv . wife would hue seemed quite a rest. " Sir : I " Oh, it s.ell right ! It was eheaper than throwing you out of the window, and I . hope onll et 1: to the hotel safely. Good y, sir-gooda.y-glnd to have met you! T ~ - And that onng man with Indy-killin_r_; Inoultachs an crooke -colored eyes and hair on an even eel picked up his . grip ahcfwulked ont_ without being certain .-wh_et}_:o`r he hpd b_een mashed in a collision ynlqogiuql under :9. l`u;1d7x-o_|ler. same KIND TO A 31':-uuaan ONE TOUCH OF NATURE. ...A; flglgpw gAlqJ,r1[no;9 nruwuru 15 six feotin higptoo. l__ Q9 "6l',y"hl,lf through gm, .tpms,=.tbinkI.Ilya;1 a ,teu store. .81 hnuuoh ayoqnghggx non. -`-Ai is ai x e.et in*hiu..t9.. .9}}L*!1_".h%`f "Mush -MEMORIAL, CARDS mum.-. rm'r1{y & A 6 rm", BARRISTERS 1 UL M. nrno\~;4._ Solicitors in ch 7 91_`Y. No- MONEY TO LVENYD. ' fo$n:\' T0 AREAL u-.'...n..u9\`i\~ nnrnnnt inl.l\l`nlY.. u... implil `)l`r1 I .':rl:',[l rmly Lg-Jmmu so u.u;uu.--c;.. u . mm\\'\'_ Propriutm-.-I~}xcel1ent accommo- dation for Ih~' Iz`z1\'u11ilu,'1)l1blic. Bur and Lurder wollsuppliud with the best. Good stubllng and aL!.m1ti\`nhrmh-rs. Lxxggngo of guests conveyed ructon.ndlmn1 all trains. Few doors west of MM`kol.~.-5t..nn Uunlup-st. , foUN r .u TIj6T,~ E 1 . vnrnn\'.~l-.t'h1l\V. If)!!!` \v - ,-{)1lnes_ .n.m_ Fa. ll _ _, ._ cc,fx`:1V{rr{YJ:J PEP"r'.ii:n 5;` Mc- I `._Un'u\'. Barristers, Sollcltors. Notgrlea 7 . lmrrid.0m- F F P P - . . . . . N. R. .\`I.'I'Q{`g(|g.f,`:T"Y' QC ' 1). III`. Mo\lltVA1r. A_---.\,-.....- 1` . -v\1\v'tiruI1\!\ A_ "W\ CIIVC I .,g, |i.\ 1) il1.\I`I{`U I`. B A.RiitS71`I L `,._,`,,.,y_ .\")H1`H(H` in _(7h'mc_ory._ Co_u_\3ey_- [,`).-IL, -. ..._ H '1 admitted to P25 Outsuo 3011.111. .5|lnca,1 A 1.ul\'crtiwInem.; ` ~ `"`d0mdh Ystt-an 3 fl ion. hz)-`w with wl ; he [mill f4)r[)\!l`[g)`3 `\`:0Dl`IOl ,0r3 do n `lricllxv ;Lvlh.-rml to |-me whgth 8?]! . < es ofloonlb W1 Tbs I r`m~.:ea,:Lml .14,-mlunsormd '. `\'I<:.~%LlCY Publls "0fehar - - hm. 80. And Proprietor. 3 'R;\,'l'H. I t Ix U U L, IJlLIul.\L|JJ.L'J].v|J and .\tmrno_\':z,. Chancery. ,,, Public. (Hm\'ny_zLm2urs Barrie, C0_. Slmcoe. over Bank of Toronto. ...- ` SHALL, AND FOR FRAMING. .r. sm3T\v'1:" L, like HITEO1`, Ifmlnnoinna nnd n. ..... _, V .\Hm`In35.` ' u Lessons given in a.11Branohes of Painting, Dmwing. &:c.. 8:0. Terms on application. 31-up)--Dunlap-`st.. Moorda Brio}? Block, Barrie. Uuulop .11 1'.:uL. 1) wood. 'l`:m-:. |{Ic.\'.\'1:m'. - \\ .GEORG-E S SOCIETY. LVS( NV (`L U I`:-3 H l\Jl\ Lu, untu- i_.,,.,-,4,` >'o1iu1I.m:a ol1hn Supreme Court of turn mr 0nt=u`m. I 1'oncoru, Notaries; Con- ` Mum-_v to loan. Ofcc: Both- .. 1-` xv. " uppt)51I(` N. & N. w. Ry. Station, IHUVK. _VU,\' t\'/ l1l`JLVLV\_.l4\. JJl`.|.l.|.LII1|J' gy_t,)1'x\<:_',`:5-In-IILW, Solicitors In Chancerya 1',, ,,.:.-,r.s_ Cm-.. Qxlicus -~(`,orncr ot,Dun1op an `u-.-nu, H.u-no. J. I`. Lunnox. 1Ia.ughto_n i.3onTRA1T1zSAINTER L `. Ll. l)`l-JPLLV LLLI, 1JJ.'AL\.LJ.LJ.L id (LL.-4 for lcxtmctln nl:u..~4u.nL rL_n sufo. ` |`,|}I, `JLLV |1.L1l`A \KI LLVLJ` '1). .-\r,h1u-ma. I . L. Surveyors. l lm~4 .mIl .~mez-.iIlcaLions for buildings 'l`)\vn uud Village Lots mid out. --3.:-;u'*fI1ll_\' located. 'l`lmber limits &c. Ulces-McCu.rLhy's Block. 11-.:.,~L. l!:LI`I`i0; Long's Blbck. Coiling- ,;\ lll`A.V [LU IUJL. I.lL1.u.u:.vLu.La2Lv wncy, . in_muncory. Convey- ;,-, l)lll:0 -I<`ir.~aL Door South of Post n-1`; I:lu;:k_ :)wcg1 Street. Barrie. -19-ly LOUNT a LOUNT. Hl\V I`: [4, Al.\u1LL1uu;, ,_ .\`I*_t.~n1rmv1~nt_s, Vxluations and .3 for n`chm)I:4. hurches. Public Build- -4~s l r(m1iHcs, Iills, l~`a,rn1s and for mr_v zmd .\".1hu mu Residences. Of- KuiILin:.{ Store, vest of VVolIin ton in-_ 50- y. A16 AND 6!; PER cam`. IUILN .21 :1\.JI\.". l,A1ULI.LI.\.IL\J.1J.2LU, I Co:n:ni4.sinm!`. (?0n\'oynpcor. 3(,m1;y,(u Ll-1-xmu3undo~1`t}\o New Act. Mongy to 1mm at .\I ).lul`.).t0 Interest. Oroemore. Ongtl . 7 AMMUNITION, aio. (V. J. IIoLL.\xn. Just to hand at , {N OUREANDS F513. A........s.......o luv: nan.-I lnnnhn1!1 .H7OTE`L.S~.: A i\R1`Is1"`s 11.` UL} .l\ .1131.` JJD L'\.Il.I1 investment on good freehold t. mics of interest No princi- irml until end of the term. U lfl`, ~]nlicit0l`S. &'.Q;. Barrie. THE -ADVANCE ormcm. Z9,`?$?[!.?s, It The Regular Meeting of the above Society will be held inBothwell 5 Hall, opposite the Rail- .-wnv Station. on WED- nan, opposwe ma nau- _;w:;y Station, on WED- NESDAY, AUG. `Lat, v IRAQ, gt 8 n I]. ` LVJWUAX, Au 1883, at 8 p m. A. E. II. Cmcswlckz-. J AS. B-EDFORD, -2: . Secretary. PULLAN'S| E-`I -WIPIJLLAN A. W. MC V1'1_"ma:. zn. 51-l`y GO TO Q35? BA1_sIm~ yED_ will House. eve 16* 0'.Cooksto_wn , Buaam. m ti-rm u. ::a'::*.:L%"` -- o . of that ne 0 `ON Barrie. _ I:;#`-E e:C;!`1. %.Y' .; Tr um `Q:J1; EN S ,HO 1`EL.-A. _ W. mmwxv I):-nnu-iufnr ...h`.xnn11ent accommo- _ -- vuv vuvuuv nvvvisa svguvo wrap Jivilltmo Positively cures Nervousness in all its stages. Weak Memory. Loss of Brain Power Sexual Pros- tration. Night Sweats. Spermatorrlmea. Leucor- rhcea. Barrenness. Semlnai VVeaknesa. and General Loss of Power. It repairs N ervous Waste.Rejuvenatesthe Jaded Intellec Stre th- ens the Enfeobled Brain and Restores urpris ng 'l`one and Vigor to the Exhausted Generative Organs in either sex. m.With each order for TWELVE packages. `accompanied with vcdoliars we will send our Written Guarantee lovrefun the money if the treatment does not effect 9., euro. It is the Cl!EAi EB'I` AND near Medicine in the Market. ran-`un particulars in our pamphlet. which we desire to mail free to any address. . MACK'3 Mnonmwc Msmoxmc is sold by_ D - gists at 50 cts. per box. or 6 boxes for 32.50, or w e mailed. free of postage. on-reoei totthe mono by addressimz MACK'S MAGNE C MEDICIN mun uu. uv uw. pun` Uuxg UK` 0 uuxua I01` 32.00, 01' wxu go tot the b uddressimz 0., WINDSOR. 0N'l`.. CANADA. - Guarantees issued in Barrie. by GEO. MONK- MAN : so1d.by ml Druggista everywhere 47-ly. two posm e stumps. The cele mbed author. in this admirable Essay clearly demonstrates. from thirty years successful practise. that alarming consequences me. be red- icall ' euredywitlxout t e dangerous use 0 internal med clues or the use of the knife; polntin out a mode of cure at once simple. certain and e ectual, by means of which every sufferer. no matter what 11 s condition may be. mnv cure himself cheanlv. u. uu1.|.uD\JJ.1, DAIVILIJS, IM.-I ~ dealer in Goals of all kinds,a.nd Georgetown Gr-ey.end Guelph White Finishing Lime. Cements or all kinds Fire Bricks and Plasterers` Heir. Omoo end tore- h`ouee at the Northern Roilwe` Switch. foot of John street. near the depot. he bond of thh ` Lime is better than that of any other kind. end ` the tlnish superior. Omoe-Corner of John and Elizabeth-ate - . V We have recently published anew edl , ion of DB. CuLvmuvELL's Cmnmnamrnn *3 Essay on the radical and permanent cure (without medicine) of Nervous Debility. Mental and Physical Incapacity. Impediments to Marriage, utc.. resulting from excesses - - RG!'Dr-inn in n unnlnfl nnunlnnn nnluk nnntn An of means or wmon surrerer. matter what ` may be. may cheaply. privately and radically. HT}; 3 Lecture should be in the hands of every privately and radically. every youth and every man in the land. Address AILIDA A I50. uu2., lullllvllls LA \u.u UAUUDDCD :t!'Pricc. in a. sealed envelope, only 6 cents, or two pasta stumps. author. this Essnv. Lecturer on the Eye, Eat and Throat. Trinity Medical Collolge Toronto. Surgeon to the Mercer Eye and Ear nrmsry. and 0011113 angi Aux-lat to the Sick Children's Hos ital, late Clinical Assist- ant Royal London Oph halmic Hospital. Moore- fields. and Central London Throat and Ear Hos- D,m1_. 1-r ohm-r-H Rh-ant. Toronto. May bacon- fields, and Gontmlv London 'rm-out and Ear nos- p....1.. `Ma sultcd with reterencezq 4.. .- a ` ` " V1 Ear, Throat and Nasal passages. K, 1;L.Il J1 n l\vI.El-V aJ;au.a.;u;, ,\vlll thy ll<)`\ving l-h:v\'lv1l`.\t\'(H.l5 l<..\'l~`. -May 5. June July 6 ,.-\u.z. 1, 3.. .1. ix, ()`c_ :3, Nov.:l,1)oc,a_ ` \\'Yl:lIl{ll)(:l. ho noon of May 4. June 8, July 6. Amt. 3, Slam. 7. 05- 5. N,0V.2 Dec. 7. ,.\[ll)l..\.\'l) ~-Alwruoon o1'.\Iuy4, Juno 8, July 6, Aug. 1l,.~hpt. 7. Hot. 5, .\'o\'. '3, Dec. 7. l`hm"uInLln-luruf LllI5.\IQxltl1 will be at hit! Of- ;1._-.,_~_;lm.1-.~.a` Blur-k. Ilu.rr1o.0nt.- -' .1y_ anxum rLaALV US G MILL}--GEO. Cargentor ac Builder llld `Mannin- turer of Doors. ashes; Blinds.` Mduldtngu loo. Planing of ullkinds done prom tly and satisfac- orlly. Factory. John Street. arrie. JA cuae GURANTEED. MAGNETIG M'EVl'_l|0|lE,BlIAIN &NERVE F000 run: I TRADE K RFTKFV-J For` (724 and Ymmg, Male and Female. pnslivnlv nxnvnu Klnnunngnngm In ..ll 84.. ..L......... Post Office Box 450. \-7&: ---i& -- :w-- 7._ We will pay the above reward for any case of Liver Com laint, Dyspepsia. Sick headache. In- distention. onstloation or Coativeneas we can- W U V'Vlil puy um IIDUVU ruwnru nu any vuuu ul. digestion. onstipation not cure with West s Vefretable Liver Pills. when the directions are strict y mplied with. They are purely Vegetable. and ver fail to give set- iataction. Sugar Coated. Large Boxes contain- ing 30 Pills. 25 cents. For sale by` all brugiato. Bo ware of counterteits and imitations. The genuine manufactured only by JOHN 0. WEST 8: 00.. The Pill Makers, 81 8: 83 King St. East Ont. Free trial sent b mail ly. 4;.u.wuu EUULVJJLVI, ENGINE & `t BOILER WORKS.--H. SEWREY, 8. t. 1. r d :1 :1 of E Bolton. s..w .1`}1`f. !13. m??. 1331., 1... ,.`2.' Wood- w_o_rkln Machinery. . 1-; A any"-w -._ . ----- - .u.. ux. um, 17 ml. V A.1']!i l'U.NU5 U- real eataw at lowestmtes. Fann- ora' Notes discounted. Collections made in an art of the County. Ron! Estate bought and sol . Sonveynnclng in all its branches. an-{age Ll- ccnses Issued. 0FF`ICE-0Vel' Canadian Bank of Commerce. Dunlop-st.. Barrie. . 45.ly (`AM'TTl'M' 'l`D\Tt`1L`l` I1'rr.Irr ...---- - LLLVL\JlHlJ J.l.:JLV_\J1'l., VV_I?JI.J.I.l .llV_L" ER. House and Land Dralner. returnaxhanks to tho` ubuc genemllyforthelr ant favo and would nrorm themethnt be last! In the but none. n and as prompt and obngirg as ever. Orders on be left at No. 30, Peel-st. nrrle. and they will be promptly attended to. - 47-ly. DB; GEOBEE S. RYEBSON, IIIIIIIYIDIVGDVI HM all Hm " Halal Barri #4::