Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 5 Jul 1883, p. 1

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lltll "1,/l)l'JA` I) 1l.\J.LL'l.IJ."g "0 HRt)\V.\', Pro )rictor.~Excellent accommo- dutxon for mu 1 rnvcxlling public. Bar and Larder Wollsuppliwl with the best. Good stabllng and l1lLunLi\'t- hurlL-rs . Luggage` of guests conveyed recto.-,uu1t`ruu1 all Lruins. Few doors west of Market.-nI.,m1Uunlop-st. \ 41.51.-in L 1050, GNU. A DI! Lu uulg LL Uul UJLUUDGU3 t'P1-ice, in a sealed envelope. only 6 cents, or two pasta e stamps. V - , ` The cele mbed author. in this admirable Emmv. Post Ofce Box 450. $500 Revvard `IT- -"III -use than nknvvn cunt:-ynu Can nun Anna (:4 V v- w-uu vu-wvv avvvroa LVJIEIID WYHI L" 57151595: I Positively cures Nervousness in all its stages. Weak Memorg; Loss of Brain Power. Sexual Pros- tration, Nigh Sweam. Spemaahorrhma, Leucor: rhosa. Bartenne Seminal Weakness. and General Loss of ower. It repairs ervous Waspe. Rejuvenates the Jaded Intellect. tremrth- Aauxul. uuuvuuo auxuuml W OQKILOBS. and Loss oti Waste. Intellect, trength- ens the Enreehled Brain and Restores Surprising Tone and Vi or to the Exhausted Generative Organs in en. or sex. nwxm each order for TWELVE packages. aooomunnied with vndnllm-1: urgans In either with each paokass, accompanied withve dollars we will send our Written Guarantee to refund the money if the treatment doeenot effect a cure. It is the eunapmaw AND vmcsr Medicine in the Market. 38'Full particulars in our pamphlet. which we desire to mail free to any address. l\fACK'S MAGNETIC Mazmcnnc is sold by Drui ists at 50 cm. per box. or 0 boxee for 32.50. or w e mailed, tree of postage. on recei t of the mono . byeddreesinzMACK'S MAGNE C Mmmam ` EYE, EAR,'1`HROA'I` AND Nos'173_ nn. GEORGE E nvsnsou, Y.D!VDT_Df``Ii`I HEALTH us .i;WEiALTH r Jonn street. near the depot. The 'Bb'n_ri B? Lime is better than that of any other kind, the nish superior. Ofoe-Corner of John Elisabeth-eta . D ()2\IE` 'hI.- ..h'.\'\.'l)\' uv;..s.uuu.LV, Dttnltllj, IM.-'I - PORTER of and dealer` in Goals of all kinda.a.nd Georgotown G1-ey,a.nd Guelph White Finishing Lime. Cements or all kinds. Fire Bricks and Plasterers` Hair. Oice and Store- house at the Northern Railwu. Switch. foot of John Street. the depot. a bond of I ` his LLln1__5 _l_s_l3et7g:Ar than thug kind. and _ .... vvv. unrrus. W. M<;V;ITTIE, D. L. SURVEY- Ao OR. nd Restnstate A ant. Calgary. N. W. 1-T.C ducb t.h adri- V - m{L'.`.'.' .. p ova....".`.2`-m.`i.. -A ea . ~A,.` W. MOVITTIE. Address eeuguy. vn. }3ton,I- Montana. 8. V -- ~"51ly. -rx.4u.uA:u.l .I.1`J1.VUI1, VVIQIJI1 . ER. Home and nd Dminer. returns that to the Enhllo ' neru. ytor their B431: favo 2151; 111 would form hem that he in at! the b esa. and as prompt and ob n as ever. Orders can be left at No.30. Peeks 1-rie, andthey will be ' promptly attended to. 47-1) ; ` "-"`- "`E 1 TRADE NIAPK. (AFTER- 3 For Old `and Young, Male and Female. pnnitivnlv mu-ma \T.-nun-...-......- 1.. ..u :... ......___ _ ,. --....... mwuunuvflo BAERIE P LANING MILL .-4GE0. O B = uh - turer'otLIl'#>"ong:snl:& nude: `(fig M 0 . . Blinds. M amgr "Eco. Planing of all kinds done p romgmy and an - orlly. Factory, John; Street. an-ie. _ ;;. u_J.\_J.L}, 1fl:j.lH_VWA.';l'l`4V' EUNDS Ur to loan on real estate at lowest mto. Farin- ors' Notes discounted. Collections made in an art of the County. Real Estatebo ht and sol Bonveyuncin in all its bmnohgs. __a.rrl_ge_ Li- nnnsuan Inmm numn... n--- A cuia GURANTEED. MAGNETIC MEPIOIIEJIIAIN &NERVE FOOD worklnuz Machinery. nnmn,n_'uUNDRY. ENGINE 6; BOILER WORKS.-H. SEWREY, Manu- facturer of every donor! tlon of En as Boilers, Saw Mill,G:-int M1ll,ISg:1.ngle.La.t ,a.n& Wood- Earn or we _Uounl:y. Real Estatebouat. sold. onveyuncm branches. arriage censes Issue . Onrlcm--Over Canadian Bank of Commerce. Dunlop-st.. Barrie. 45-ly SAMUEL TENCH, VVELL SINK- _. Land Dmjnm-, rnhn-nnl-|u...b.. J uuuu. .u.- IUUUHISG; UH STABLE.Co(ty {Sim . Court,Ban-lo. `M 0 ` my MoNEvIoLEri| ..... _---ruIE\-`I13: .- \~\.,.,a.--`v\r,-\ -\_-......., JOSE H. `ROGERS; CHIEF mm_T3t__13_I.}_'J. County or Simona. -Omm DRY; $.-H. smwmcv mr......, Special attention to Cross Eyes and Cataraoz-N yuuul uuu D Address HOW S_TQED ! _ TIBMO II-00 I .ADVANOI .uul.UDB THE GULVERVIELL MEDIGAI. 00., 41 ANN Sn. Nmw Y `s. JOHNSON, BARRIE, ha. _ POR_.'l:ER and Coal: nf ml :r at noon, 8ashi;'"l3'1'l'x'1'c'13:"1\{"33`1`t5l`I'x!1`m mo-I ` " ring promgmy aE.tfsfao- 7. Street. 117 up --...___ `ii.:"ii o`.'Ii. fn hr;-. l\I| -....I. Ublhffl Lwuuulwv -- uuJ.V V .u.|..a;.u- u mr_r,'mnnx1s.-inner in Queqn's_ Hench. Auo~ tlonsnr_.\;m-user, und Commxssxon Agent,for [ha mule nf !I.m`~h,-.1. hrmds. l<`u.nn S!.ock.Houae- h1)ldl"urI1iII1ru, mmxls, Wares, Sac. . Also for the. gall.-.-mu of :-,~nts.InLos and Accounts. . Omoe , [ ull('M`m1I`(. Burrno. val. Lhreterencem ... .- ` ' ` " Throat and Nasal passages. FURNITURE. IO ~~.v\r,-\ -\_-.,....., [3 .1)nnva-\~ :-4" (NA MISOILLAN IOUB. ' IIQ on HD0113! N06109: - .. mvm DOUGALL, InBur`o! the lhrkn 7 `True: (-AFTR-J ----w- vv-siry. vu. ;J;senoon,z _____________ -- '61 ly.__ S. PRIVATE FUNDS al estate at lbw"m:t.'m fm`. w...:.. ANN S'r., Nnw Your 40-ly ll'-. :1! the Homl l{rs.|'1 Hfk CON-V wa. ' 01oo-Polloe r uunu DI lnl her and r and ntfdnt. 35-ly " Tw iinotannrv F01}.-:8ALE;:~ That Propirtx lrnozjn pa L'o't ll. `McDonald- ti-et. -ha.ving~t.hereon oonumingzug :aa'%'m`::`:*.u ;+.::'.,`:?;a3~:...:"o%.e2z*:P.;1's.~a 5 users at i Land.;.`AJao`\I_lie Idiolnln& has now a. large aunply of Trn-nk`s from 500 u` to 825 : VI-HIBI and Satchels at Bottom Prices. Single and Doubl Eamon, Collars, Sad- am 0' 0 b Brushes my "7 ..ZZ'z`L':...z..., '3" At 1'! to'u1c . Ha on d D .`- vs:-nu 'a!'5ays x;seoo'n':'3" REPAIRING PROMPTLY DONE. ALL wom: WARRANTED. 1- Also Agent for Ag-rzcu- _lAturalI_mplemeiits.. GIVE ME A L'.lL_L.-4Si of tho"GoIIen Sddle.f Bavpld Street. ujtjie. 20-ly AT1H0UsE.,sIG1v% gr msco it In 1 1'1` E Y to! I .22:'z9;':1:..::s1s:*zshz,1:.ts..:m':':e..':5.o :IAYFI E LD STRELET, l_\ _VI.'\\)I\.'\.L, CLLJ\Jl..J.\.IL`-I.'lIHLV -. Umnrniasiuuur, Conveyancer. Issuer of .\hr1'im;r~ 1.! -unsns under the Now Act. Money Lu Lmu uL .\I.)dc1'ut.o Interest. Creemore. On:-.1 ' Y Old P. 0. Building, Corner of Uollier and Donna. .QrnAn_ 11.2 LJILL 13101311 1.1.` IJU LIQJJ \JJ.'J COMPANY. Established 1803. 7 Capital $11,000,000. For Fire business only. '.l.l.J.'ul |J\.I V ].`Jl.\llJI.I.\.XI.V .I.L`C\J.IUL` `JIM COMPANY. Insure: all kinds of Propel-t and Private Dwelling. Over $100,000 depoaite with the Governxnen \ and Private Dwelun HE ROYAL OAEIADIAN FIRE ` 'AND MARINE INSURANCE COMPANY. [HA1 ENT `roe WEIGHT. l'uI:l I. IIKIHLV LIL L LLUIJI LL` Q `J IJIQJ-V \.IJll COMPANY. of London. England. Estab~ llphed 1782. ' . HE SOVEREIGN INSURANCE - Propex-ts and Pl-Ivan: Dwnlllnon vnv-Ilnn nnn nnnnlha ' ' bz vIzv"o.-l:':zI`.;?c'.," " ISSUER OF MARRIAGE LICENSES. l`\I|I|Il1I' A!!! man- Imam Insum cnmrmv I ASSETS. $25,000,000. hlvnnf an-ml...` A4 A ......A,. ......_ 1 1_.|.u2u "nu Gl.nY o [t_ (;1.u.u.nu.uc1.\, JJLJLVLLLIL will visit lllo f)llqvg|x`1g laces every month: l'l.'.\'l~1l`.\\' June 9. July 5 `M-_ 1. .~l.- .1. > out. 6. Nov. 3, Doc. 8. iv\'l:m:lm;l: womuoon of May 4. June 3, my, .3, Aug, 3, 3:-pr. 7. Oct. 5. Nov. 2. Dec. 7. - MlUL.\.\'l)~A_ftorno0n _or May 4, June 8, July G_ Aug, 3, .\``5pl. T. ()C(. 5, NOV. 3. l)O(!. 7. '1`n.-,l-ozlmlmluror Llm.\IonLh will be at hiu_Of- LLLJUJJ LL). vbU,VVUgUVVn Has the largest Surp1us of Assets over Liabilities at any Fire Insurance Company in the world. HE IMPERIAL INSURANCE ll nm 000, Wnr Rh-A hnnlnnnn nnlv, _- __-_._ v-., ._-yuan.-.` u, Cbltal 2.000.000: deposited with theVGoern- ment at Ottawa $100,000. OFFICE.-South Side of ooum Street, op; posite the American Hotel, Barrie. h 11- James sown us, Agent at Barrie. Barrie. Sept. 11. 1878 _ son THE rouovnm: courmss: HE PHCENIX FIRE INSURANCE Ilnhnd mu. THE MERCANTILE FIRE INSURANCE CO" Czipital $500,000; Government deposit made. THE ABOVE ARE AI;L STOCK -COMPANIES. THENVATERLOO MUTUAL FIRE INSUR- ANCE CO. - Capital, $500.000. V .-.- xxvmsmn FUNDS.` - - over s3o,ooo,ooo FUNDS INVESTED IN CANADA . 9oo.ooo Security. Prom t Payment, and Liberallty in the adjustment 0 its Losses are the prominent tenure: of this Company. - IIAs!AI\n nu;-un .-._ _-.._..._-__ CANADA BOARD OI` DIRECTORS: Hon. Henry 8ta.rnes._Cha.lrman: Thos. Cramp. Esq" De .-Chairman: Theodore Hart. Esq.: Angus C. oopor,Esq.; E. J. Baa-beau. Esq. Insurencesetfected at Moderate Rates of Pre- mium. Dwellings, Churches and Farm Proper- ties insured at Specially Low Rates. (1 ll` r! nnnmu ' rnumnn nu.-nun vlvu AuI:uL'UI.I. uh DH G. F. C. SMITH. RmI,.m- Oct. 5. Nov. `.5. Dec. 7. Th.-, ro:n~s.Im1nror his Of- [1co.Sam1--rrs' Hluck. `Barrio. Ont. -1y _-g:--L Jgryfg scRoG1E,|_ CONVEYANCER; COMMISSIONER IN B. R.` Agent for the following Insurance Companies} - Ems QUEEN INSTIRANCE com. PANY. Co.plto1312,0o0,000. good Well at the door rand about onevtourth or ` `o!Lad.:.Also~t.!i " , no ':.::u 1.: 1%. SophIn,Btiwoo.t`.uwcn`n`JFaln;.l.'l?y nr.iry. or one`-fourth 0 an aorant, `ha thereon a.--11 roamed House with llnrvthow leaizeo`t`go:_FnIldln, Bolt rag: '7 - o i .+.wt19-99n95-A9-ws== 9%. ,\Hf-*.'~.- nasus, Jill". I. I819, - $3358.08? Re-insurance Reserve, - - $1,060,424. Losses in St. John : Fire, - $180,000.00. All paid In two weeks after are. {Also Agent for the Commercial Union Insur- tniaoot London. Capital. 2,000,000. ' Y . Agent at Barrio, G. T. LOUNT. _____... ALEX~M0RR0Wi --vvvuvv um .0lco, East side of Owen St:-at, next door to the Bank of Toronto. Ran-In 01.0 vu....-u_ Qnnn - V -- vysutnn I . . nsnnmannn IN` 1810. ASSETS, JAHY. I819, 1 9-`l..1 l.S`Il.`r(l*n.o`.A Pa em-am R R. HOLT, INSURANCE BROK- ER and General Agent. Real estate bought and sold. Collections made In any part of the county. Money to Loan. Olee -Bothwell's Block. opposite the Railway Station. Ban-le, On}... , ._ . . 51.117,- cx-::A'RL1=:s `WAY, Lamd and Irmufance Agent, Life, Fire and ' I ' Accident. _______*___ ,. ,'I.`l!'.0RD " ' Hagupmy. FIRE INSURANCE A , `. Esnnmimnnm {am Hvlul-);I wood. m.. .. I L LIVERPOOL & Lonno & GLOBE. r INSURANCE COMPANY. Lin; Xi?) FIRE. PAI R 2 _------ u uv--uuuuuul-`Ida: Clwlit qnrxox AT rm: .. POST OFFICE BUILDING, BARBIE. Rates Moderate, Losses Equitably and Prompily_ Adjusted. auu DIILIK OI '1'0l'0!1$O. Barrio. 21st March. 1883. ._____:_.._.______._.> J A MES EDWARDS, nnnrrnnna mnrrp 1... smember the --`Stand , _Il!iowa a` Bra Block, nearly opposite the Sum- mnnptt Hmnp fA1{1vE_ss EM1=._ORTIUM-4 CITY OF LONDON, ENGLAND,_ u.-: nn ltllll ..--. - -Noam or smdon nomn. I K. J. IA. ll. \'.lU\/.`1.L\.J.lLJ.--\_;;_-`_~`_\J`:` and Residence on the West. id .*1"ronz, ilnxllmlizllxly oppoaiw Mr,'a:9?tg11} I'.an1ngnm1.~5ush Fuctorv. \ - . ..v_ A c.`-g--.- Sole Agent for the Celebrated ...v_.. .....-v....., uvu 1.-nova`. sMIT}r. IOSEPB ROGERS. Res.-Seoy.. Agent. Police Court, Montreal. BAH-in "V" '7 "rt morraett I.-seoy. Monti-enl. H5NlWOy, UUTYOCT Q Owen Stroetn. unififiif \1\_A_AA - A _ _ -- OFFICE: '-T:i.;a.`_s_e:I., nnlv nf Trunk`: fwnn Ann uni Bargio. ii. 41`. n. rm..xNKo, `DENTIST 1,1.1ui.1 1: ti for lC\'tr:Lctin Peeth always on Mud; it is huh lllchmnb an auto. Otce over EdWurd.~I' Hook Store. Barrie. Ont. V-Jul ll. IJVV XXL`, l1.U\JJ.L\JL`.I'Jl`Jl.\t J .f0r.Llm County or Slmcoo. Terms reason- able. 0:1m- an my Store, Cmighurst. 46-1y . I "$3,353,931 Ar ll:-A I ;a'..'n. Bu-rle V my. 13-1}" ..----, 11-P7 fa " wn`Lnwq}BUceTor8'Eo?1:n?$ emngtoui ` . A can x.Lnn:IaI.ouxcI'. 18-$2.? ' ordenleti cu: mm b tcuauno th ~ poatomgoprotxizla` ypggtundedmugh 6 {-1-he any [Flour mun. V A Oollief Stroel_,-uqaru Market, Ban-5'9. % r. GIIIIDLE, s on.-n. ` ' Pnnpmm-rnn ' ' ' - hon}. ind an ha ha ofaunday exceP6d)- . . ......'.-. I`! . iv . n bnnumn -man nun: Ilvv-I ~\ra-cu _.. ..._ in T`iIhIm4i:_;aont oiiAnxn-st. I 17-Imos. i I`)`1 2 I P10-NIC PARTIES SOCIALS dc WEDDINGS supplied at short notice and on reasonable terms. T ' art of the Town; In an tit! to .a:i`}ypIt u-ehuer. from 25 lbs. upv9vyag:.uat wig: `LOWEST MARKET PRICE.` mymu b` poatomgonl-otxizl; ypggttmdedmugh Mariuf turedfrosh v da . Ask our grocer ggr them and o'3vm $88 no 0 er. Made in the various styles and quality the beat- Dellvex-ed In all parts of the town. 1='- 1- BHowN.| In thanking the public of Barrie and vicinity for the liberal patronage bestowed upon him in the past. begs Iostato that he.has at conderrable ox pense increased his bakin facilities and is now pppared to do a laggpr bus neaa than ever. j arm. |I=LouRsI=E'EE 1n thanking me public or Barrie and vicinity for patron e upon past. begs tostato t at he.has conderrable Dense bakimz facilities and is now BEAN. sHoaTs. &.c-,1 oeive our large descriptive circular. and extraor- dine otter by enoloein a. three-cent stamp. . with air address. The t-to com ly with our terms will secure the county or oonnt es they insy wish to work. A .11---- THE V \Ll'6l!, _ ' Rnmlzn MANvnc1-umxo 00., 116 Smlthneld Street, Pittsburg. Pa. 4 1 - Y. the goods unsold to us and. get their money book. if they .do not clear at least 8100. They show that a General xagent who will take ton counties and invest 3216. can after a trial of 90 days re- turn all goods unsold to us. and have money re- turned to them it they fail to clear at least 8750 in that time There are many persons having money to invest, who could not give the business personal attention`-such can employ sub-agents without leaving home-making a large amount yearly out of a very small investment. We are not payinz salaries. but want men willing to work - and obtain as their pay the proteof their energy. Men not willln towork on our terms will not work on any. hose meaning business will re- ceive large descriptive circular. dinary by enclosing stamp. There are a number or person: out of em loy- mentin overyCoun_ty --yet one tic men wi ling to work do not In to be. hose willing to work can make from $100 to $500 a month olear, working for us in a pleasant and permanent business. The amountour agent: make varies. some make as high as $500 a month while others as low as 100. :1 agent. V e haveen ax-tinle of great merit. It should be sold to every House-owner. and Eye over 100 per cent. prot. Each sale la from .50 to 01011). One agent in Pennsylvania sold 32 in two days. and cleared $1.00. An agent in New York made $45.00 in one da . Any man with energy enough to work a to day. and will do depending on the energy of the. hvvu unyu. nuu ulxrwu lial: All 386115 111 ROW ene enou h day. will do this uring t e on enn mske from 82.000 to $8.- 000 a year. e only want one man in each county, and to him will give the exclusive sale as 10 as he continues to work faithfully for us. There s no com tition. and nothing like our in- vention made. srtles having from 8200 to Oi,- ooo toinvest. can obtain a General Agency for ten counties or s S to. A one ` mske an investment of from % to $1. witho ttho least risk of loss. as our 0 rcuisrs will show that those investing825 can after a thirty do s trial return the goods unsold to and get th r back. 8100. They aoHN&*LEY; \T[{,_{l. I1 1 (V; A U u L, a24a_:.v:.|.4..1a.:.'u.\.7 7) mm Atlrwrnnys. Solicitors in Chancery, No- an-pubI_1c_(}on\'evu.ncors, Barrie. Co. Slmcoe. Out. Ofco over Bank of Toronto. V ~ |HXTlMllINMlY IIFFBII YAO H, -J1`s Eb SKI! -`F8 BUILT 'ro_.o1mn_1;. " Dll EU`-IILIW gs angina Iwuuuu; ~._v-,-__,. .099p; qANvAs J'1`EN1`8'FoB ~ L - - - _ _____ __ ."._:`...`-...`."_'A'.-- - Wanting Employmnt. . 0 n.tariq, Thurd`ay, JL.n %ly1 11883.1 person: ment 1!; oyeryCoun_ty,--yet energetic llmr Chop Peas Oats and Barley DOMINION BAKERY WILL CURE OR RELIEVE BILIOUSNI.-'88, DIZZIIVE88, DY8PEP.S`I.4,` Dnorsr, INDIUESTION, FLUTTERING JAUIVDIOE. - or THE HEART, ERYSIPELA8, AOIDITY of sur RHEUM, THE srouxcal, - HEARTBURN, DRYNES8 HEADAOHE. . . OF THE sxm, A d I f :1! :'or'r'.7'a'L"n'ia'ia', x.o':3E'a,"a':s`% l55a.?L?E _-"--v uu up-\J\llJ. 1'. musuau a an. P~~*=*- TOI UUNI 0.) IMILJLV L, LJLLLNLVLKJLJJLNNV 1 _.\;mrno;.'.~\-ul-Imw. Solicitors in Chance , 5;, Lfilne -lJuuXupSLroet,B&l`rio. Successors o. H, mm mm of Houlmvn. Lount, Boys & smwgyg, W. 1.oum,Q.L:. U. W. Louut. _ .. j %woii&"3bt:ns.` A159 piouant to tgko. Contain their owl Plnfautivo. In a late, aux,_ nhd Oman! bstroyor cl worm: in Chi!-l1_{eg;o:(.-411913, '%' 2F']'_.(>_'U".EI., hon BUILDER 2 LEADS THE >VAN. THE UNDERBIGNED WILL DIIJVIR {Bo Address. BISCUITS FREDERICK J. BROWN A MILLION DOLLARS To ALL ~ _ . 4 ' . . . *;ga;B:;;qa l &C: MIAKDI lJIUUllIl% IV I 0lIGI'Q (l5IlVI'o _ ' `amusement began to give place to in'i-. tation st the indignity to which his work hnd boon sub , and vague projects of ' ' ' him as he paced the . WURNMONN ' got`, with uni -Suddenly lie ' his an 7 pparkling with 1 "in idea`!/=Vhidv='li1dioildonlyooanrro_l to_ _ '.- ; I .- ; "'_,.`f""`...,..." .,:""""`."`'.. - ~ % H .;-_ inn no. uuuu we ODIIVII 36931811 insuncu WIHI 1116. The following morning Wiertz gave the nishing touches to his work. put it in a" * frame, and dispatched it to Van Spaeh, in? st:-noting the messenger to wait for an answer. ` He rubbed hishsndsdwith pleasure as he pictured the old gentlennnh delight and astonishment, and nntieivdted the sense- tion which this tour de force would-crested inn-tisticeireles. ' ; , In due time the messenger returned- with the picture in one hand, end. I note in the other. Wiertz hutily _d`umissed him, opened the letter, sndread asfollbws: Sm--I beg to return.yonr:extr`e.ordmnry production, which I ennnotfstlnpose is in- tended for my port:-ait,'as it` been .no re- seI:1blenoetoi_me..e - . ~ - .5 .. ... .-.....__u.:__.~ _u-_ 7'u:u_- i- - . VAN PPAOH-"- When the a.rti|%'ruo$Vor6'd'fmm` his as- t6i1'1:hnie3:`f"nt he burst into a as of lmghtot which made the studio ring. - - - -ma .....a..`.. .-.L`.".}...n._:.._`i.*.u 'u.:;....' T ammo ` His money Hm-pngon` has 9_.j}o;-tn-Q hi! over-reach . himself for nnnn_ HI I'!ln'I'a:II.vA I-Ah` N: `nu Hun fining I R. .1. 1.. a. z1co;x1{THY;oFFI6i;i Rusidmlce the; side of John -4-mm irnxnwlmlxsly OPDOBHG Mr. Geo. Ball's .l:un'pugun_ nu over-reaoneu. nunueu tor onpe. . He oouldfhive iold it for ve time: .I..5 :4 ".4 I.:...-_a.|..'. I....l.I.L_.I -.1: nun uupu. no cmuu nnvq I011} 15 IO!` nve tune: what itoost him-'-the bonlghtod `old Phil - intinia 2" ` ' - - ' \- E: `p1ac_ec1 the r'vajected:15ic'tnro once more on the eu`e1,.nnd regu-dad it long and critically, fonly tdbeoonio more can-` yimged Apt i];n.m9rit.' , He" knpiv `tint art udget wpld pronounce it ,a`.:ol:'of-d oenvro.V in mn.'n'Amnn' Iuiagn in ohm" nlnnn GA in-I- n"n7inc:bdii_b1zg'ihor.. _-pi~`e.or simeje` 2 11131110 XVWII yuniiei-weiig . `s. motamorphogig. Whil` 'proue ng tlia likeneu, 115 Ind M'n'1tmIivI n.-".l'n`a'.n`v'hu.'nsnaa;h1u-n it- 5umu1uuIl:'W I119. .' . ' ` In art, as in 6verything`elso,,.Ilike to. have my money : worth for my money, until do not oholo to y younthe sum of thrge thgnund fglntl or opp afternoon ; uuua. uu nus came to y. younuno sum 01 three thouund fnnca one ; whoerk. Aknleygfn do not otmidglglael worth t tmu qqrio , must decline up y-t_her rmgaotionn with you. and remain, 311-, yen: obebiently, . . V ` Plan VA: aunt Ill UHF ununeu. He had represented the old no seated at a table, strewn with paper an parch- ` ments, his full face turned towards the spectator. The head was brought out in masterly relief against a `shadowed back- ground, and painted in the artist's best style ; bold. free and unconventional, show- ing no signs of its hurried execution. Thelikeness was striking in its delity, giving not only the features, but the char- acter and expression of the original, so that the canvas seemed instinct with life. Tho fn"n-du-no nan-mi-nu `X724-Au. ...... AL- uuum Ul " maitre 1'.lBl'p80B." -` ' Wiertz was aware of his visitor : failing ; - nevertheless be acceded to his request with- out demur. The fact was he had been conquered at first sight b the old serive- ner's picturesque head. hat head was a perfect treasure to an artist, with its bald cranium, wrinkled forehead, shaggy brows overhanging the small piercing eyes. hook- ed nose, and thin-lipped mouth, which shut like a trap. Wiertz was fascinated, and while his visitor was pompously explaining his wishes, the artist `was taking mental note of every line and feature. How much will the portrait cost 1" was the notary s cautious inquiry. My terms are ten thnmmnd inn... mwe omy to man you good morning." Alarmed at the prospect of losing this Apromissing ``subject, whom'he had al- ready in imagination transferred to canvas, Wiertz hastened to add : " Those are my usual terms, but us your face interests me, I am willing to make 9. reduction in our favor. Suppose `we say ve thoussnd' But M. vsn Spach still objected, urging that such a.` sum wu exorbitant for a. strip of painted canvas." At. Inna: nu... ........1. L......'._:-- ._s suurusug Ill: uueny. All l'8Y0ll` I" The moment his visitor had, left the studio Wiertz seized palette and brushes, placed a fresh canvas -on his euel, and dashed in the outlines of the portrait from lnen10l'V_ H9 nnintnd nl `A? A cunni- V _ LAR"c::ii`a-afmi"/"'_, V Kmmwznv, MovIT'rIE & . HOL- vnvn \...l.:o....n_. I) I. Q uuuuuuuu you Vain- uaauuu Lu uuu uuvunea or we potllt Irom memory. Ho painted as if for a wager while the summer daylight hated; and, thanks to his marvelous rapidity of execu- tion, when evening came the picture was all but nished. EL. L-.1 ......\....___.;__! 4.1 _ J1 - 1 was um uunary 5 08111210118 Inquiry. My ten thousand frana, monsieur, was the reply. T The lawver am:-tad. lf.nI`A(` ha...-...1..1......, muuumur, was me reply. lawyer started, stared incredulous- ly, shrugged his shoulders, and took up his hat. ` V In that case, he answered, dril . I have only to wish good moming. m-oanact of lnnina em. soup UL punwu. CIDVII." At length, after much bargaining and hesitation, he agreed to pay three thou- sand frames for the portnit-fra.me in- eluded, and this being settled, he rose to take leave. L H 7L.\.. ..._ T A- __x,,- , -I I` UIKU M1515 V3. When am I to give you the first sit- ting? he inquired. There is no hurry, replied the artist, who had his own intentions regardi this portrait. - I am somewhst oooupi just now, but will let you know when I have a morning at liberty. Au revoir !" The mnmnnt Mn wi.+m- 1.! I..u n... uuuu cue Denlllilllll. v . One day he received a visit from ,3 cer- tain M, nu Spseh, a notary, who had been seized with the desire to have his features perpetuated by the celebrated artist. Msitre van Spsoh-a dry, wrinkled, keen- eyed old gentleman, with an expression of mingled shrewdneas and self importance- was one of the wealthiest men in Brussels, and as avaricious as he was rich, schn- acteristic which had procured him the nick- name of Maitre Hn.rpago n. _ W88 nwnrn nf hi: u;-:I-rnn - Gail"... . uuu. uymay no added that his taste in- clined rather to the gro 119 and eccentric than the beautiful. nu-mA...1.... -_--:._-J , ! '- - l.llllLlU- Though his brush was generally occupied with classical subjects or weird. alegoricsl desclgus such as the Contest Between Go and Evil," he occasionally consented to paint portraits. This was a. favor, how- ever. which he only accorded to those` whose physiognomy ha pened to interest him. Itzmay be Edd that his in- cllned rather in than m-nI........ -..A ....-.._L..:- tic y :uu.uu_xu vv Iertz, WEI uuenunmg the artist- world by the powerful bnt_ extrnugant graduation: which are now exhibited `at ruasels in the museum which been his name. T f`l'IL._._..I_ 1.2, 1,, I -- UWOH `Ll Lonnox. Thirty ears ago the Belgian painter, Antoine Vgierfz, was astonishing the artis- bv` nowerfnl lmt nth-nvnannf Di uau .x...;; 'he.de(egn _t try 150 mp um, But pay! it : very ` though `imp!-opir; I ventured "Hn.ng`it ' To my great unr- Quath, he, _"-You'll say ` How young 2 1f you re vme. _ She smoked his ipo-3 odmmon ugly cl: 3 He vowed its vn ue dated from that day;y I volunteered n. pt_1`,' but that was wrong- hryou, hound, "my bird's eye : rather strong." t _ Di mean a hcnrlet Jersey. . I, lean du-ihg, Chose a dull crimson, thinking rod.too staring; Here he pronounoel killing-_--who'd have thought it 2 - Mine simply lnrmleu. How I winh she'd bonnht it ! uuua Iunplv nnrnueu. now 1 Will! she'd boughtitl Italk md laugh, and work quits hard to ` nleue: And you 1 otten trunk rm scarcely head. He looks so much at her. It : quite should -1 A riulifalria Pour .When 151 put dandeliz;-in her hair He called them lovely, that I can dochre; But when I tried them, sure of sdmirstion, He called my wrqath a. orel than-a'tion." .1 um um mngn, Bll wot: qmta hard please; , Di, eooly nonohalnnt, just taken her eat; And yet I often think I'm scarcely hard. much at hf. It : lI|`l{ill Ahnnn J \ r\/\I~/\l\/ A PAII'|'ER_:_ REVENGE. hit *5: our. null onemenuy, vat 8uon.; H3: .1 nmu: xurni IIVO Innnl snakes, and, that all the V town may have 3 chance of seeing tpl Ihnllhim :3 comxninionaim to carry` thnough the. streets; for a day or tqo. Nn_tn:.hd-.-nation, oh 7" . . Spank wds =speechleu ivith `Y0u-you not do `it W h a'nnmmnmd_ `:2 - n)sE1 1t_ SWAN, ;1Ub71[6I:Iii:`I{ fm-Hm l'nnnlv nf Qlmnnn 'I`nr-Inn v-Annnn- up.-- - ._- . guy u-vgvu, IIUI-V\lllII n ';`AsvIhyb'itI'1ro:"aeem to have made` 1'5. "sensation, I think I shall advertinait to 30' hodior-at v francs. A ticket, and, that In ll town mnv. ham 1' nhu-ma nf nnninnr " !'Iu~ ehnt'2"~hqInmmex-ed. VIRIIIIII --.1, .n {`.Why.not 3' I an dandeut the pint wouidIuoopdd-1ocon;lont t Iwvou1dn t v_e .fi_%` up. {or lo_n'g t1is'n- t_ , Qhounaud ;:~ v'm wk . .'.'..; nl1..'vx. _ . . . ., .. .4 , .iiii.ff.5rrehe`ad,. with` ~ .9": :.**:*.: 1 116 .j .,he. V It -mg mg .5 ' into a ;:oId. ropm, oengmg me uoor benmd him. . Hehsd not gone manyyards from the house, `however, when he `stopped short and reflected. "So long -a.s that ill-omened csnvss remained on view in Melchior : window) he, would nol:'f"_know a mo'ment s peace. The story would -be sure -to get w1nd,'_snd even` his friends would join. in` the lamfgh against him. He would hardly `dare `to "show` his face "abroad. At any sacrice, this scandal must be stopped. B\'1t--_fteen thousand franos ! He fairly crashed in he mlnchntlv 1-ntrnx-nrl his ltnnn ` UOWIIQI EH6 1191158. " Monn'ienr'Wiertz, he began, in acou- cilisto1`y`ton6.. I have `reconsidered the msttor, a.nd'#an`d I ugree to your terms. I`will take from` pimure for the sum you named." A . j `_`Wiex-tz throw away his citzar, and rose. Monsieur, you are very kind._ But it hI['>enI th:toI, too, have been considering. In 1_bti1lia'nt ides huoocm-red -to me. ' :'l`|uA -n-J--Kr -Kudnaal ' - -`H..- .I-....d...! vuxwr huruuu 011 mu neel. A I leave it, then`! 'Goto the deuce with your picture! he retorted. `as he left the room, banging the door behind him. 1-`In hid tint mmn mnnv-man-I. c-Am ii... D|lV"I_lIWBBll IIIOIIIRDQ ITIDCSI 116 I&ll'Iy grained as he reluctantly retnced his steps fnwnrdn tha hnnnn, KKUIIIUU I83 I16 ITUIIIC ! townrds the house. K Il'n'n.`3an-.' KHZ..- (I _Dl'IL|l8llF IQEI 0(X7III'l'8(1 `:0 1116." ' _o_ notary ahudde;-ed.` `He ' dx-eaided 'WiIrt: a` ideas, and he had aLpresenti- merit thit Ioi1 ie'frah was it; store nruo Hung vub In. one w1nu.0w-- Stay a. moment, interrupted his com- panion as he icked the ashes from his cigar. and carelessly changed his position.` You must be aware that the picture in its present shape is ten times more valu- able than a. more portrait. It is now a. work of imagination and invention, and I may own that I consider it one of my most successful canvases. I could not think of parting with it for less than fifteen thou- sand {tan ." 7|... .....L..... ..__...-1 u 1.1:;-L__,, u , - mm, xv, Eroparml. `arm rliuu Bllll IIDHIHI The notary gasped. " Fifteen thousand francs. Youarev 'oking ! . N01! at 8.", hut in mv tn-inn - Ivnn Lruucao 1uu,arB !E)Kll1g I ' Not at all. hat is my price; you may take it or leave it. .. "There was a moment's pause ; then the visitor turnedon his heel; u~r1.........u 41.--`: -11-`- n__:;.____ -.u V nu Uplill UULUIUQ In` felt thst he was caught. it Q..-L 1...:..... LI... W Lvuuvur um uuiupunure. _ Come," he said, at length, forcing a. smile, let us try. to arrange this ridicu- lous affair amicably. I willgive you three thousand francs afonce, and take the`hor- `x-iblo thing out of the window- Htnv A Innlnnnl inn-mu-.6...I 1.}- ..,..... 1)ulr-IILULIBOJ I118, (116 P3111101` "ll')l'ael`- rupted, you said yesterday that it did not resemble you in the least. See--here is your letter to that eect. Van hank nn'In'nnR and kit L1. 12.. `D . U1 IF lU IIUU UB3`: auvaumge. The notary took a. turn across the room, ~ to recover his composure. nnmn_" ha mid at lmmn. In.-ninn .-. IUUVU IE WIISIIUIID I115 permlsslon. To "Wiertz a house went Maitre van Spaoh, in a white heat of rage and indig~ nation. On entering the studio, he found the painter lounging in an arm-chair, smoking his afternoon cigar. - Ah , if. in vnn, M'nIh-A '1 was: him Bland uuu LHUBO cigars UXUUIIBXIU. Monsieur, interrupted the notary. cut- ting short these courtesies with scant cere- mony ; let us come to the point. There it at this moment at Melchior s window a. picture--a caricatui-e-which makes me the laughing stock of the town. I insist on its being taken out at once-at once, do you understand 7 - . u1\T..:. _.-:4._ n _____I:_J AL. ,.1 , llllllflollnu. I V Not quite, replied the other imper- turbably. It is true there is a. picture of mine at MeIchior'a,. but I really don't see how it makes you ridiculous. Van nn f. can 7.._.RnI>, H-mt nnl_.-n .v IIUW llv IHGIUB yUU ruucuuulls. You don't see ?---But that picture is my portrait, sir---my portrait ! cried his visitor, rapping his cane upon the oor. YOU)` nnl-trait T Anhrm the nlthnr uni: l`l`a""'."" v nae; znrnuu suyunu. ` .-urieilg 1-|1rl`}`}Ih'l`[SI$Nl} -Ten gong go I ,,m.m_ and tour contl oich on sequent In. Yul-ly cm_'ds not exceeding one Inch :35 ,,- y.-;u-. mlocial contracts for year] . mm-rutl mm at reduced rates. Wri . 1' line `for. I ' - ' . ``"",:` l1.~1il)c:-iuntfor the discontinuance of 5 H. In . un or!jip(,,,q mad uri roriismg. Transient notices -I1 H2 w,,:,1.,d, For Sale. 8co.. 850.. not exceed- `5 liulu. -.'ili lmmimiued for 25 cents each In- vx.`.n 311mivertisouxentaorderedbyatran era 0ru0z:\\\'ii}1 \\'hnmihnpz`nDl`1ot0i`8 do not ea] " ` .\N'(JE.& rule which wili r!l)`iii|i`1f'H.l`\' W 'II"`r;,,`._,. ,,n..-mi to. Notices of local births, 5-! *' ' ,ni1.imt11sinsov-tedtreeofcherge. ` 3 gram: `rm 4 \\'E.~1l.i~`.Y. Publisher and Proprietor. vunuur, ruppxug nus came upon me 1100!`. Your portrait "I" echoed the other, with a look of sumrise. Of course it is, as any one can see at as glance. You--" "But--excuse me, the painter inter- muted. van Enid vmitm-aw H-ml-.1'+. did mu. nuns ms was caugui. Such being the case, continued Wiertz, and the work being retumed on my hands, I have 3 perfect right to dispose. of it to the best advantage." The nnbu-v tool: 2. tn!-n nnrnnn I-}\n 3-nnrn IILIIUAILIK Lll IIIUUTIIQHIII cigar. Ah , it is ou, Mantra '2" was his bland greeting. 0 what fortunate circum- stance am I indebted for this visit `I Pray take a neat. Do you smoke? You will nd these cigars excellent. wfnnnnr ;nfnI-I-nu!-Ar` 1\n nnhav-Ir nul>_ BULII KKUSH CIUWU5 LU I33 `D ID. ' Among the rest was a. friend of Msitre van Spach, who could hardly believe his eyes on recognizing the worthy notary in such a. questionable shape. He hastened `(at once to inform him of the liberty which hsd been taken with his person,` and not long afterwards the old lawyer burst into- the shop, startling its proprietor, who at once recognized the original of the famous picture. M. MnlnH'n9 " 1-uanvnn I411: in`-s-nnr T putuln-J. M. Melchior," began the intruder, I have been made the victim of a shameful nncticsll joke by one of your clients. It is my portrait, air, that hangs in your window; it in I, air--Maitre van Spach-- who am held up to ridicule in that in- famous daub -pil1oried for all the world to see as an imprisoned bankrupt! If the thing is not at once removed, I shall apply to the police." A1 . `hi! H11-Ant it,-nn ninl-n9a-t`nn1nn I-nnv-gin IIU Id) 1101106. At this threat the picture~dealer merely smiled. I must refer you to the artist, monaieur, he returned, coolly. The picture belongs to him, and I cannot re- move `it w1thout his permission. Tn 'Wiaz l lwnnnn want Mnitrn van m?ll"on he sent for a. timers, and drove to Melohiofs, the well known picture dealer in the Rue de la. Madeleine, whose window offers such constant nth-action to lovers of and ' - JUU pulp UPULI lb! I have not yet decided," replied the painter. Give it a good place in the window, and if a. purchaser presents him- self let me know." VF]... ..1..L...... ..-..- 2..__.....I..L..I_ .'..-L_II...! .'._ HULL IUII IHU nuuw. The picture was immediately installed in the place of honor and soon attracted a. curious group. ` All day Melchiox-`s window was surrounded; and next morning the `papers noticed the wonderful picture, and 'sent fresh crowds to gaze at it. Amnnn 4.11:: run}. was nfv-innrl AF Iuih-a uuu. TUUIII IUI' 15 Ill yUllI' WHIQOW I Find room for it 7 I should think no ! exclaimed. the dealer, enthusiastically. My dear fellow, it is first-rate. I have nothing of your: more striking and original -,-and th is saying much. What price do you put u" nit 7" * T Hnvn nnf. vat nnhln 1-anlinrl Hun LAOUNT 81." LoUN'r,. `MEMSRIAL M%XEosz `IUD IIAUDLICIB uecmne Ina GGCTGDII. Then the notary`: accessories vanished, the backgroud becoming the wall of a. cell, with a. barred window; while the table, with its litter of papers and parchments, was transformed into a. rough bench, be- nesth which might be discerned a pitcher and I loaf. I171.--` LIA- _.-.. -..I..:.......I 4. Id. ....Al--.. uuu I IU.Ka When` this was achieved to his satisfac- tion, the artist signed his work, and gum- Ined on _the frame a conspicuous label, Bi? the inscription: Imprisoned for e t." ' `.` I_hsve something to show you, began Wiertz. I have just nished this study, which I think is fairly successful. Can you nd room for it in your window 1" 1('nrl rnnm Qns-it T T nhnnlrl H-n]: an I" I thev doeiprlg-s:e;;'yes, Ya. grifnmer curve to the thin lips, and a scowl to `the heavy brows. A Itubbybeard nppegxed on the chin,` and _the sttitude became dropping and decreplt. Than Hm nntm-v'n nr-nnsunnnn vaninhnrl , =,W5lia.t 'il_i,_}"_ hp, aikgd, 'ne_rvouI1y. (I A. cut: ..:.L.... ---._ 1.- L__- _,_ .13 A. `_ 0 ,:I man`-s_ anon; magma, `bed 19;: AW '.I'"#3_1ik9..a :47 .-'.|I'0..`V9.'! nV!3',;.i`|}1..59 ` eel` ital}; xilzvoeinf-book -3: .h...; .:`%. {shun 3. nmannt.-.:.Fbr 1.af..m..`.v. ink. 1.1.} .Ir9`.|lU7y1U-uu -V-_ ,7 gun; ;._`;vnecK Ilmsgfnt.-.-2-..I"_. !;`gidQv5_z`: ._ uh, -10,; l ' IA) IIIIIII ULIUCF. colored and bit his lip. He ms cn.uoht_ No. \\'(`II _` I Barrie ,. L. emanrno sup HEARTLE88 A swmnu: The trial was begun in Paris on Tuesday of Marquis DeRays and seventeen other persons, who`are charged with manslaugh- ter, fraud nndinfringement of the ublic companies and immigration laws. 11 the month of July, 187 7, Marquis DeRays ad- vertised land for sale in the island of Port Breton, in Oceanica, and inaugurated a scheme for eniigrntion there. Legitimist papers interested themselves in the enter- prise, and ve million francs were subscrib- ed to further it. Of this sum, Marquis De- V Bays 4 pocketed two million. It is stated , 700.000 heetares of land were sold, al- though the islnnd only contains seven thou- sand hectares. The Marquis had maps of _ the island published, in which were indi- ' cated imaginary houses, churches and roads. ' He also instituted militia and gendsrmerie ` forces, and necessary civil oieers. Finally -he delssetehed to the. Islandfour old sail- `ingis ps withanumber of emigrants, the j11`a16ri' of . whom Lperished under most _ ensigerahe L /circumstanees. `On one vessel WW ishnte dene the manage. more `die`d"_' from hunger and disease Hort Breton, and ve others ,wete;p_tuL , `.a`utl`e`steu -by-natives of the ` I 4pI_i}'i_i!.'vf.`,(J)Vi_il_'y'y`l00`of the nn!ommstelpe_o- su'9I{6ei1"Iu _1`e7dohi`ngoa'fri'en8ly country. ; 3 Do nor.-Retain wuemain om? night with; - nntsbotti 1'. Fowlt 1-'3 Extrlscb of Wild ,S,tnwbevI'y_n9,n_r`nt build. This is the aeaton for bowp1_. q;n_plnintn, Colic Cholera Morbuq, 8,;ni the;r[m_edy '9hov' n_n}i1:e is the `uni 2' fiilxn}i'sneo1' ' '36.` ` 99`; *3? re` fgmgspepl , auyuig I It s my belief, Mark Keriworthy, as you've been drinking. Just come right down to business. Do you want the horse or not 1 (1 UA__,_ [H _,_____J ",_Y I. r UI.' IIUII I Horse !"' roared Mark, I want none os your horses. I came to propose for the hand of your daughter ! The old farmer's jaw dropped. Darn my buttons of I didn t think he wanted my sorrel mare, an its only the gel he's arter! Well, get thee along into the house, lad, an see the missus; she an you may x thi_ngs up; an you can tell her - I see no objectmns whv you an our Mary shouldn't run in double harness if the 13.33 is willing." Mnrlr (1.19. nn n-nun}: RAH-on mibk ll. I\`l` Wllllllgn Mark got on much better with the old i lady. He was a. favorite with her: and his mission ended successfully. , Ttie weddimr is xed fnr Hnn 1i`mn.n. nr uuuy ru ruuwug mar uuwn wxm 8 dry cloth. " M-i-s-t-er Courtland !" and Mark's hair stock on their end_s with horror at the pro- position. `Do- you know what you are saying T TU: mv `maa? Nfau-L l(.-n-'.'.......Ll... .. IBUIUU. UXIUULL auucusaluuy. Tlie wedding is xed for thd Fourth of of July. BUIIII 3 I guess we can make a. deal. You re 11. I chap I likes, an I'm glad she's going into good hands." Where is she I Well, you can go an look at her if you like. I told you she got uncommon hot this moi-nimz-a little soft after the change of spring diet. However, you can have a good look at her, for she : stripped, am they re rubbing her down with dry cloth. M-i-s-t-er Com-Hsm 7" gm] `(Wm-1: : ...;.. auu 1:15! in unsar us as ucur B. Gracious ! gasped Mark, blushing at the farmer's poetical imagery. And now what do you propose otfering for her I" I .nr_1;__.! __._1 1.--"; 1 u -n M LULV 11 U1` 7 My hand and hcarb and all my worldly goods.. My fortune is not larga now, but I am industrious and sober, and I hope `in time to he able to- `` QA_ 1__A__` __,______ _A_,, 1' 1 9- vur auu sun 1:: lll.I|}UIlHl|UIl uauusome. Handsome ! Bless her heart, you may say `so. Small head, ne sloping nose, little ears, square chest, round quarters and leg: an clear as a deer s. " (:1-nninnn 1" naunoil lTa~.~L L1....1.:.... ..L uuuu nu up 21016 00- See here, young man. I don't like chaff I It ain't no fodder for cattle on my farm. The question is, have you got six hundred dollars? 6` V ..- L...:.... _:._ :1 _-_.1 L , 1\ llll nun-:u UUUEYH 5 Y es,twice six if need be. Do you con- sent ? `g f ________ _A AA__ _,_ ,1 1 I Ir a A little wild, though, it seems, Mark ladded, `with an angry sneer on his lip. | Ill DHU LUUIIIIFY. So 30. She : vnmw, vnn nt-m- and run 1 lS|IUHn Eh'-what ! Mr. Courtlnnd, stam- mered Mark, do you mean to say-would you insinuate -is it possible- `1 T.l`|vI1``I1\nv\ Jan ; 1...}. .... ..........`.I It _yuu luUlLll|lv -13 ll. p0sSlDL8-- Lord'man, dnn t look so scared. It don t hurt her a dollar's worth. She's none the worst: for that. It was all done in fun. She s the best tempered dreature in the country. * *5 A Hula mild +l.,..m1. :4. ...,...... \r....1. auueu, 'wu.u an angry sneer ma up. I So 30. She`: young, you see; and as I I sand before, she's free from vice, zml 1f that is the case, you can do anything with her. um1_.__ :_ ___._;L:,_ - .1 .9. it . cf; There is something in that, Mark re- Dlied g1oomi_ly. Her youth's in he!` fa- vor and she 13 uncommon handsome. H II.....1........ I DIM- 1.....L,.__; __-.. .,.__A luuunuu. The next morning he was down at the farm betimea. K` Tn nL;. ..... LLI_ ..`._._.Z_. , `)1! __1__ `I Il'7-J- ...._.__.___._. 3'r.GEo1 SOOIET H13 HUSH. First rate. Sweated a bit though after her morning's work. . It in rnfhnvv `Inf uranknn .}.m~.nbn/I uwur uur Luurulng 3 WOTK. It is rather hot, weather, Sssented Mark, with a. sigh of disgust. That : an Rut non horn T on 4 an L I umsnx, vuhu II. Blgll. OI cusgusn. That s no. But see here, I ain't so al- mighty sot on getting rid on her. Sl1e s clean in wind an limb, an sound as a bell, barring a. scar on the off knee, which she got akylarkin in the stable with Jim Bates. in DL. __'L_L I 1:, r1 .1 1 n 1 I ll. JJLGFJ Ill UHU I.'l'l1UUll IKUIKIUU, IVIHTIE. lgging a strictly honorable young fellow, and having a natural dislike to bulldogs, shot-guns and sugreptitious interviews at the back gate, he resolved to get the old man on his side as soon as he had broached the subject to the fair one. ' So he wrote : DEAR Sm. I have looked upon your Marie for some time with longing eyes. The greatest ambition of my life is to pos- sess her. \Vill you consent? I feel bound to add that even if you refuse I shall do all in my power to carry out my intentions. Yours truly, IVIARK '_,l{ENwo1u'm'. This missive he dispatcherl by messenger to Mr. Courtland, with iiistmctioxis to wait for an answer. ,. (f ...,J .. lI......,I..I ...____3' LL. .1}! ____. nor an unlwur. ,; Cool as lizards ! says: the old man. | Guess he meant to steal her. Well, tell him to come over `tovxnorrow morning, an I'll trot her out. P rhaps we can make 1:. deal. I IL-.. `ml - L ,,,; 11, I guru. When Mark got the message he was puzzled, but attributed it to Mr. Court- hud s homey way of speaking, and was` well pleased. Tho nnvl-. rnnl-n:n:v Ln nyna Jnnvn on! `LA luflll IJUIIIIIIUUI Is aha well this moming ? asked Mark, with a. tender air, as he shook hands with his host. Kl D:_-L __L_ C1__,,;,1 1'. n ,1 ll.lUl'U IUUUB II. Half an hour afterwards ftho detestable -canvas was in his pouessidn; but it was not until `he had cut it 011% of the frame and burnt it to ashes that -the felt himself safe from some fresh manifestation of the paintet-`s vengeance. Mnnnwhila linrfm mnhnil the nhnck PIIIIISBI 5 "EIIKBEHCD. Meanwhile, Wiertz cashed the check, and after deducting the sum of ten thou- sand francs-the rat price demanded- forwarded the rest to the charitable fund of the town in the name or Maitro van Spach. 5 very cuuruuug uuuguser uaxneu .lVl3ry. Young Mark vhenworthy admired the broad acres of his wealthy neighbor, cov- evted his horses and adored his daughter. . Mark is nnllmm bran` and 'n1-aim-n tn gvsnv TI-IURSDA-Y ";:a,::fxE:;."::i?' f:9vr3"t'*' ` ~.~ t h V ` ` " ` -' It 1* ` `L iii`r% uc?.x33z? 3n?.'33'}';`, '1 iocs. ` ` _ . . Ml ,`m.,1 m ch s.-uu,uon, nlsta. most doalrab 9 me, 3 oontent.a-edlt,o;-13) ul` 1-. t .`in ; f 1- 3 hr ls K. . 5*",,.,.L3u,n.1sul:cLcg1r:w1llbo found to be of dlstlnlgulsh all x-at.-class country . _': ,{`i'7,]1l Yhich `' ' ` k '3 ' t entlsstooked , , 33!) Dana!` In with an argon. m`o1t3M3 'mx;un_t_` of all requisites for pg-hm _ H ,,,..,11ms for ugrnlnguut rat-olasawog: U.p0,m.1 a(1i)}p.rl*;)prIa:.1ecutts for :11 style. of )-)LuI`:)1\H`1`l 4 B.'"" 9` kfh0i06fBnoy ,_,fortl1L*l|n0(,1LSS o pnntlnlg. P rm-nus-wf wverydescript on In stock "1 DH` 1 [Y HlmK . "'$'z?s'3?x??6p_;1 Q9; snnum mmae; 3211` not so` ~-\- ,. 3.. line for -""'.i`,;l];)' Kl] l`}l{'l[SI.`(U -flfenseng `go .:...m-[1:m_&n( f0}l`P_oI3l 1`t`I0 uh sgguenthh """"'* --- A..- 1...`. THE OLD MAN IIAD MARE ON THE BRAIN AND -HE HAD MARIE. UVUUU. lb HUFHUE uuu IIUUFUU H13 uaugnwr. Mark is college bred, and `prefers to I 11 Mary in the French fashion, Marie. ;'f`lU n ntrinv hnnnmhln vnnnn fnllnm me have the picture, and wi_1l say no more about it. ; 11.1! ._ 1.....- ..&........-....I.. 4.1..` Jntnabnhln Old Anckew Courtland is n granger of Deculiar qualities. He not only has :1 pleasant home and a good farm, but he is famous for his fine breed of horses, and not the least agreeable trait in his chsractor is a very charming daughter named Mary. Vnnnnr Mark ~ knnwm-thv sulmir-ml thp 27. Whole; No. 1628. 132.09: P" norm Anvniols. A SLIGHT MISTAKE G9 T0 ` L. s. &c.L.SANDER8'. (Eabhshed you-I) ' rot: voun Watches, Jewelry and Electra-Plate, Dunlap-uh, BARBIE. vvuavunuu - . -Even the best-behaved mmlical t:1I- ents are occMiondly,c.u,t&iug-up. 4..'..Can 5 man ,a,ea-vemtwp, .mn.sers ?" vuu uuwvu n u`, - V Certainly, s.:til0tl.qnJ`ac}iQ99?;a"(:_:ln. : --Never look A it hb ` 4 '_ em} ntl, .,pecaa11y.;i_uha,c ;'cp1e;'fa, o{ E" ' a, n`-.1...'.~ n:u.-u..-:.;;;. _..'u .L.'. 14 -...l (VII`IUvu.--J'- ?v-,v-v.vvv, vy-v: _-y7_n'\_a - no. ': '--It`doe3`M(o'6At1_`xn.l;ter hoiv you `hmq:1n1- endo_1_- tries to glo`-3-`-he i i?a.1ivayirIlnpgiIg. ' "u'.;`..v_. ."2'. I .I.n' |`..i':.|`..'i._~_-`._'.g:-'|:....r __, 1 "".f '"-`,."- *.'~ f`7' "..*.`:.*".'."."*'a."~"' `-I-Hanhtn is Ac'led that usigso lmng mnl \v!1_ep_he s.inV his `scqlfjshr i|on-Betti :-ow`cr. , -,-0nn 1_;egi1`Ixnk;iyy`4\ttLi`: ? i9mex1s:>! 'Go on n ylyhtilgg lxd |f;;off ~'c:m`t. ,, . _ . un.,.:.; -, .4-.. :- 1. : ......- 1..-.-_ _ V v-- -- `V-v`v_-Iv:--`g T-.!, 1.:-. -av .. .-`u `V1.1: va ._VVhe`uv-a mil is .,}):l1f;~8`!$}:'p5J!7,0i`," 1 31 may nrbor a.` an.-xpicgpu Jhpti ,};x_p ; juglg; put. is ` 0*` `I 3 ' . ' ` I . ' . _/ ;.N~u` IIUIUIIIIIL3 [)U8IpUllBlIlUllL- ` It is expected that some changes will _v-t be made in the judges appointed to tr'_v Klu- casen, so that too much relizmcn cannot hv glaccd on the accnmcyeof the schedule .-. V at as they are concerned. - ..__...._.._ ' no.-%..._._ -Ocou1-so, all imported eggs are stowed beneath the hatch-ways. . . , ,. .` AI, `L...L L-L_`__.J _.__l2-._I _A_.I IJUUHUH IJUJU NU. \JulllUI'UHu In the North Ontario cast`, as will hv r membered, an order has been made for i indenite postponement. ' T}. h: nvnnr-far] H112} I./\l'nn nhnnum: I3 \'1 duugcu Dllyll iluu \Jl|lllL'l'lH`l. ' East Simcoe-Octobcr 30, at Urillin. Judges Buyd and Cameron. Cardwe1l--Nov. 5, at Orrmgcvillc-, Judges Boyd and Cameron. est Middlesex-Nov. 9, at Strntlm by J udges Boyd and Cameron. Ran} 1\fhIr"c-:n1r_N nv, IA nf Lnnrlnn Uy UUUKCS l)()y(l illl \./iLIlH.'I'UII. East"Middleaex-Nov. 14, at London. Judges Boyd and Cameron. Tu Hun Nnl-H1 nnnr;n mum` on (VH1 hr- i oskvu uocwks LBBEVEYANT AAQ r'..mmia..i.mnr in ()nnnn'n Rnnnh Ann. - Wt.-11:md-Ju1.y 3, at \Vellzmd, by Jun Patterson and Fe-,rgnsL-n. S. V'ictorin--Jnly TL at Lind.s;1_v, Judges 1 a.ttersun nuzl "`-rr_;u:-xun. . HaItnn-July 11}, at .\!i1tm. by Ju Pattersnn and Ferguson. PrescotL-~:Inl_y '.'4, at L'Hrigi1ml, Judges Putters-.n and F(.`I`:__{lL~`uI'. C0rnwu.ll---July 30, M: U_a-rlnwnll, Judges Patterson mu! Ferqnnun. Wxxai `Nnv-H*u1n1hnI-Y-:n:l..._.\nuuao A`. SUIKIIL West Simcnc--;\ug. 13, at lmn-io, Judges Patterson and F.-.rL:unun. _ Mnskoka-.-\m_{. 21, at Jirscc-hrids_:o, Judges Pattprsmn and Ferzgnsmn. Kingstnn--Aug; 29, at I\'in;rstnn, Judges Patterson zind Fergusoui. South VVC-ntwm-th~July 9, at ll:uuiltv- by Judges Burton and Uslor. West Hastings-July l8,:1t licllcvillo, Judges Burton and ()s1c1-. ' East I-{umn-July '24, at (}ud_c:'ich, I Judges Burton and Oslcr. East Elgin--.-Xug. (S. at St. Thvmms. Judges Burton and Usler. West Elgin--An 125, at St. '[`lwm:u. Judges Burtun and Oslcr. R':.nnT_-_Ann `HI -.0 \\.'..|l.....1 I... l...z.` JIIURUB |.)lIl'l/`HI IIHU, \/SICK`. Monck-Aug. 20, at `N1-lluxul, by Jude Burton and Oslur. N. Leeds and Grenv11lc--Su t. ."., Brockvillo. by Judges Burton mull (). Lennox-Sept.. l0,nt -.\ :n.p:n.ucu, by Juol-.r Burton and Usler. ' South Es'\ex-Sept'.. 17. M. S:u1.dwich, ` J udges. Burton and Usler. _ West `York--Scpt. 24, M 'l`o:'uutu, I Judges Burton and 0330:. North Gm-y--)u'uv. 14. at Owen Smm by Judge: Bun-ton. :;nd U.-slur. East .Nortlmmberl2uxd~-July.ii. ni 1' bourg, by Jnltlgcs .'3nyd and Crunurnn. South Ronfrew-July 10, ab ltenfrow, 1 Judges Unyd and Czuneruu. North Rcnfrew/-Ju1y 123, at l)I!ll])1`U'n` by Judges Boyd and Cmucmn. S. WelIingtun-Sept. 3, at (hwlph. I Judges Boyd and Czuncx-rm. Funk S}n\nnn _(3r-fnhnr Q1) 4:} (Iv-illin I auages rancersnn mm rerqmmn. West Northnmberluncl---.-\mgnsn L, :1? Cobourg,,by J\1:];:es Patterson and For` `Vnaf .qnnrInn.__.{n1r 12 4} l!urI~;n In- Owing to the umuc-mus on;_;:Lgcn1cm.s uf the jndgns, it has })(`CHll1c not:-,ss.'v.r_v to try nea.rly all the election cmms during tho summer mctatinn, and the fn1h,)\vin1,: dates and places of trial lmvc m-cw:-dingly been fixed :- . -r IKIUBL IIUIISJFUIID LIJIU VVUFK `H I.'IUl`Ull(`U L` Chamber's Cyc1_op:c-lin ut I-English Lita.-rz: tux-e, ____-o.__15..-.1_ ...._..- PKQIVDB UI. IIIU B!.7U.`)II\| lIlUUUn `VII . 1 What slwuld be done in nagzml 1 -authors and u()'11tc111pux'2xr_y, lilerzmxru Very little can he dunu. Fuw nf t] thorn are of any innportrmnce. T._ ._..._..._I L._ L`. _....__ C _., , .,,L ) 1 -....... ...... V. ....J ....`- ,. .......... In regard to gures of speecll Z Hnly 1 very few. such as the M-.-lzaplluro and tlx~ Simile need be taken nntico of. __ _ ' What pieces should be luarnwd by ln-au"' Only the host, such as H"v.watha.'s sailing. Sir Humphrey Gilbert. The Prairies. The slliplmildcrs. =- The battle of Blenheim. Thu lines of the Ocozm. Fallun is thy thrune, 0, Israel. The Psalm of Life. The Elegy written in 9. country clmrch vm-d, J. Ill. yard. _,...... I, How can the Sc}1ol:u's be led interest in literature .* I._\ II_. AL . ; .- J. ._ L, I.2_. , Cl.:1u . . . , V , CAR l`HY. Barristers ,&c_; Barrie, UM. Hg,-ru\' Mn(`..m'rm'. Q.C.', _,_ A. M.-(Lu:'rrI\', .. ...r-rrvnn \(I) IIIJIV Ila KI-3 l|L'-`lklllj Kill. ((2) What traces of it l`ulu:LiIl. This in nearly all that can be In: the piece by itself. It will ln: 1-r--Ii compare it Willi ntlu_r lriuccs. Afu ing with the l`I; lius ln.-on I two miglit be c:nup:m-l, kct-1nin_-_; i the Very clilferciit ubjztcts of tliu twu Then it will he found : K '01.... LI.,. 1. .L . l.'\ ).._:....A: . I LIIUH Ila \Vll| UU IUIIIIKX L (4) That the tu-st (11 fewer words of Latin 0 piece than in the tirst. (b) That the secuml than the Hist. Why I /p\ Tlnnf it in uni an or IIIIHII IJIU Il|3\4- II II] I (c) That it is not so uzuay as it_wa~n i other place to set down In nrclcr tlu parts of the 3:.-c.u11(l piece. Why 3 \Vhn+ uh-nilul LA `lulu: ill xnurnv-J I n."n0.,n..-c.a-nu-. Edited by J. M. Hunter.-11`.aq..M.A.. ol Ban-to Collegiate Institute _____..________.....___._# . -..., L .... -. __.... _ 1. (}ettl1ep11p1l:s'u. undcrstmul all diicult words in the 103501). Du `this : nothing more. n 1;V....\I..l.. ..I'l ..1l....I...`.. l'....,..- ...I. J ...._ .... -.-`. r...,........ UVUY PU3IlUlUo 3. Get them tn grup the piece whole,-_:md the relation tho parts tn other and to the whole. ` As example : The Nurwcgia11 colonies in l`l`0lJ The aim of thu author is to .` ; (a) How Hrecnlmyd was (1iwu\'\ n-I. (b) _ How it was culunizud. (r) How the cnlnny prospered. (ti) Huw it was dL'.`lU`u_V|H]. /..\ \\n...+ .....,..... ..c :+ ucu us see some or nne tmngs ualmlly tiught under this-name : a),The meanigga and uses of words. b) The story the piece or in: steps of the argument. ll!\ nAP;wn;ns\ nun} van:-A C,-.....L!.... IIUDUFIBIICB UK H.U llg. (j) The beauties of the piece and tho learning of passages of particular beauty by heart. In the higher depzu'huen_ta of litcraturw teaching a. number of other points am dwelt upon. Is it wise to teach so xnuuy ttiings under one name I Answers : . 1. Not if they are taught as Oi:u`:'.?o~' slllvjects, 1'. e., Derivation nny lug fmlghl, but not, (if I may be allow:-d the t-.\'pn.+ siou) to touch derivation. It is L-xtrennuly useful in showirug tho style of authors. 0 I\,_I,, `.,.__ __ A.\...._ . __-___ ._ _, I__ 1!- ...5 luv`-7-. Is there any general principle that w guide us in selo.-(`ting what should be` mm at in a. literature Iufianll I General I I'i.-wiplc. The teacher shuulnl aim at brin`-,;in-_; - the object. the autlmr haul in viuw in writil `the piece. How m_:;y this be .Ct.'-|H][)S]l\'1 1 11.4.11... ......`..'A " o~v:vAn'iiug._ .Zc3'.""-_ Ioux .\1;\<:1<.-xv, AUOTIONEER, ...m.:4..i.m.u- lmnvnvnnnar. lmaunr nf LL` \.ILJLIr .l.I.1J.VlJk)J.'\.l.l.Ir A , investment. on good freehold 'suL`ur1I_\ M low:-st rates of interest No princi- al mnvxnvs" required until end of the term. I`1(A.I`lI 3;. .\Ul.'l`. Solicitor-s.8cc...Barrie. uUbllIII`4 Hl\JlU- 2. Explznu all ullnsmns. ever possible. R ant Hunn hi I!l`1~u\ uuu argument. c) Derivation and word formation. Ed) Grammar and parsing. . (e) Ra-writing. of piece in pupil : uwn words. . V _ Sf ) Allusions, their explanation und Inc. 9) Figures of Etymology, Syntax um! Rhetoric. (h) The author, his life and works. (i) Contemporary literature with char. acteristics of the age. ' Thn hnnllsm nf Hun nhmn nut] 01... 2. Only two or three, very rarely five, these points can be dwelt upon in any cu lesson. ' - 0 rm-....:.. 1:uI....,.-.. . :.. 4.1. |...,.1. Ila..- IUSSUII. ` 3. 'l`herois.1ittlosc0pc in, M11 hunk I lure fur dwelling upnn tlmsu points \ constitute the essentials of literature-g ing proper. Y- Al. .._. . _... ..,_...._,_l .___2_, .2. I., ALA, What could.be taught literature! Qet us see some of the things" uaunlly iught F! )U I`.'l`H BOOK LITERATURE -----4ro--- - 4o>- ~-- - ELECTION TRIALS V Uttlli'0lil:: xgoualoooual-tuna!`-0-saIsvonJs.... ....... .. of\deri\'M.i1m shv oriazin in thuxect \l'I._. I |l`..;lll ll Why I in Innm l;uu....... sT;[{:[`lIY & AU Iv *-+~\_,__ A` ....A lHm`nLVS. n1'Y. 1'30 map who In--......... Afu.-1' pl} .1. n.-..l in take Judy : litera- 3 which ,, . L Ivy Mo~=v.r9,L.=.-!,5.;`,, ,% [()N."1\ TO LEND ON REAL ,.....L x..o......-o Y muunv y )3. '/.1.\1.\I'1`.mIAN,' DENTIST, ...;n ..:.m um fnllnwlnuv nlnnannvnrv mnnth 2 ~-.---~------------ w-.u.___._.n. ~@:i;%_g;mn gagm xsxssmtn` , 5: [?0UN'l` kk-`i`1E)UANTA, BXRRISTERS, 1 ...,._.,.u-q-m-I.u\v. Chancery. IIIIWJ. u...~. ., :x*.\'j>.\' Rh *1 wxwo \-~\ A 4` _ X B .. 1... nmrmxvs-at-lnw qocito ARRIS. " rs!!1oh,n,,y .\'.\IALL, AND FOR FRAMING. LEGAL AA/\ " : - -n-Pi` .\`n b..\.1:r I'H?l'i A. ll.-\ mom`! savamu. BEAUTIFUL DESIGNS. .'l|!|t'\`l'~ ll 4 `I311; .-run I.ea~om- ;:i\'er_1 in s.1l`Bra.ncl1oa of Painting, 1):-awin . &`o.. &o. 'l`cx`ma on app canon. STUDIO:-Ilunlop-8t., Moore : mick lilouk, Barrie. .`x`I`AlJl, AVLL/V|.lI..I.lU K11.-lL\JlJ' ll\.\'l)_ .'\I`ulllll`.l}l.`i, P. L. urveyors. Valu- `su-. l`l'.I.n-1 and spovitlcntions for buildings ,r.-.1. `l`m\'n and Village Lots laid out. lllm.-I --mu-fully lo_cau.od. Timber limits lm-l. .~'zo.,xu. 0tces-McCnrthy`s Block. )',V .~`u~-_~uL_ llm.rr 1o; Long's Block. Coiling- j MEDICAL AND DENTAL .1. s 1 1 mvmp L, - ARCHITECT. Imm \I.-n-un-Alnnnfn Vuuuntinnn and `M- . ilk Q m:1:T\"S' HOTEL.--A. W. f|\\'\.' lh-nun-:..tnu h`vnnIlnv.> nnnn-unnn- [oRTRA1T6AINTER I ).\ s\'; uluu uuxx, ux1.u.1.\.uJ- ,m.,;-u.-y.-.-zxt -1nw. Solicltorslu Chancery _,,,,.-r,)_.x.:_(')2I1ccs ~()ornorof Dunlap n 1- acts, H:u`r1e. J. '1`. Lenuox. Haugh on Vl L\J LJLJLVLI KIA` LIIIJIL u 21! Six per cent. interest. LENNOX 8: ,n`uliciLurs, Barrio. ` ' _A'iZ'?'3"`_` r|snIuc1A_ox'LE; RIFLES AND sum`. ({UN8g V AMMUNITION, &o. :4.` I Ill) IA, \IJL1.LAJ .l.ll\JJJJ-I\J vv st-3 uppn.~niu- the Railway Depot, Barrie, ill \ _\ .\('Y. Proprietor. 19-ly. AT I5 .u:n 6.15 PER CENT. _ '1') mmu RS1`. BARRISTER n. i.-imw in hmnnnrv, {`.nnvav- gun n. V... ` S()H<'_iYOl`8 ( my mmu-io. BMXNICO, A_1')ENTTi'i` 1;: ._- f.n- Ifvnvu-tina I`:-nth nlunum nn Au`31'I6`Ii I::'Rs.L .,. a A-,\ ;.;.u.L o15.Ts or` oo"N{ .'l`nRv n..n.'u..... n........n.....-.. -...I mw. PEPLER dz Mc- Barristers, Solicitors. Notaries . x Hut, \ Ul`A.V [L U luJL, 1J::.1.IaJ.I:Lv1.aJLv -In-y, .\`n1it`itn" in Chancery. Convey- .` mice ~1-`irst Door South of Post. .12., lHm:k_ Union Street, Barrie. 49-ly `|l"'V IUIJIJ, 'Ll\-\JLLLJ.1.`J\J.L. .\I.~z;sureInents, Valuations and r'm'.~'--hools. Churches. Public Build- --+ l'r0:ni. Mills, FB.l`ll18 ind for :r_v and suburban Residences. Ot- 1mlim.; Store, west. of Wellin ton 50- Y. om W n1'Ullh|l'lO. l ;.-,. I\l-mvYt opposite N, J mat to hand at I 1 xx: \-V. J. IIoI.I;AND. Ao`vER1"I'sEMN:r's" ./\/N./\/N/\/\/NI "3T|T3 ' & CRESVVICKE, BAR- : .Hr\v nl Hm Slunv-nmn'(`.nnI-t. nf I 1N OUR HANDS F01} :........o.......4 A... ...-...A lunnhnla THE Ai)_VANCE QFFICE. :---- The Regular Mdtig. `of the above Society 3 will be held lnBothw`el1 ' Hall, opposite the Rd!- wny Station, on WED- 'NEsDAY, AUG. 'lst, ' 1883.-At R n m_"':I`5 "I J A Horalfs. ff/V 'l`m.: v1:.\:'I`1*.A L, (LATE BIGELOW H H Bid n1mn.~\it(- I{uiIwnvDenot. Barrie. unusual, Auu. 7` "3 'l883,-st8pII_I.'.?i-> 4 `KJ ` Al` . ISXSSUED _ v THURSDAY . rn..-. 110-..; -n|` IJ IJULUJDJ \IL` \J\IJ.V' Beddin . Greenhouse. and . ndt` 3'.`e!.'nea .'.`.'.'a S,s-. MR.J. O. -MORGAN. Owen 'l.h|uU vv I.\Jl.Ll'J V unnu- a of the Supreme Court of 9, Proctora. Notaries, Con-~ y to 1mm. Olocsz Both- N. x N. W. Ry. Station. 7 JAS} BED`l'ORD, Ram-star 1mm. Umocsz Bom- N_. W. Ry. Station. _PuELTKN's H . POLLAN A.- E. H, CRE\\'1cKn- A. W. Mcvrrrm. cn. 51-ly . E. P. Puma. ._ F. Mow;-rr. ._v.._~vu`v.,vvvvv.A.~,vv\;./.~.vyv~.v`~ruvvu~n'- wuanuunazj r . .. . . . 1'. _` `*1 .,.'r\ 3.... ,' 4 - ` -.._a,- v -4` ` ,2. "` ' pg. ..1 Parlor. lumas` V Bqdroqm I,u;on`.. Ilebo'nrdI,~ any clash-I,'&o., % Cornice o1u.|nd`u!l'kindn of Furniture mug ti: o` oxfbycompotbntworkmen. A .P1an`.1:n."n'-I1';d. _ nan. nn llhm-taut NOHDG. DR. E. 0. W:s'r`s Nmwn AND BRAIN Tann- MaN'r. aguar-anteedfsecie for Hysteria" Dizzi- ness Convulsions. ts. Nervous Neura Ia. Headache,-Nervous P_1.-cstxptiou caused by he useotalchohol or to V .Waketu1nesa, Men- tal Depression. Sof ng of the Brain resultin in Insanity and leading to misery. ecay an death. Premature 0ldA e, Barrennees. Loss of Power in either sex. nvoluntary Losses and Sperma ceameusedb over exertion or the brai -lb 2 r dui , On In Wll1l(l3.lll`0 recel:1ltQc::e9Es,.1ch 3mmn3 031: month's treatment. One dollar a box. or six boxes for five dollars; sent by mail prepaid on receipt of price. We guarantee six boxes to cure any cxse. With each order received by us` for six boxes, accompanied with live dollars, we ,will send the purchaser our written guarantee to re- ` fund the money it the treatment does not effect a cure. Guarantees issued onl by JOHN WOODS Sole Authorized A nt for rrie. Ont. J OHK C. WEST 8: 00.. le Proprietors. Torontgh (13:15. trij 1:: w- -v-: :- We will pay the above reward for any case of Liver Colngoldnt. Daapepain Sick he.-.da.che, In- digestion. nutlpe. on or doativenoss we can- not cure w1t.b.West'e V etable Liver Pills. when the dimotiunxue an-lo yoomnlied with; - They 11188351011. uunuuusuun Ur vunuvuuuuu wu unu- the dlreetiouxure an-io y complied : The are purely Vegetable. And never fall to give an 'leta.ot1on. Bugs:-Coated. Large Boxes.oont.ein- ing 30Pllls 25 cents. For sale by. 11.11 Drugieta. Beware of counterfeit: and imitmlone. The genuine mnnufgctured only by JOHN 0. WEST 5.: 00.. "The Pill Makers,` 8185 83 King St. East Toronto. Ont. F1-eetriel package sent by mail prepaid on receipt of a 3 cent stamp. 35-ly. two poem stamps. author, this admirable Essay clearly delnonstmtcs, from thirty years successtu Iimctise. that alarming consequences me be rad- cally cured without t e dangerous use 0 internal med cines or the use of the knife; pomtin out a mode of cure at once simple. certain and e actual, by means of which every sufferer. no matter what his condition ma be may cure himself cheaply. privately and ru. ioally. - t$"l`h s Lecture should be in the hands of every, youth and every man in the land. ' A A 11 canon L. R. C. P.. L. R. C. S. E..| Lecturer on the Eye. Ear and Throat. '1`:-lnlty Medical Collelgc Toronto. Surgeon to the Mercer Eye and Ear Inrmary, and Oculls and Auriat to the Sick Children s Hos ltul, late Clinical Assist- ant Royal London Oph halmlo Hospital. Moore- elds, and Central London Throat and Ear Hoa- p...`..= 1'7 (`.hIu-r-`\ Street. Toronto. _Ma' be con- sultod with references, ` -V! Ear, Throat naasatzes. ' _,,_, ,___- -._-,. 7._.---...._. Wohavo recently published a new edl` _ n of DR. CULV nwn:LL's CELEBRATED Essml on the m. cal and permanent cure (without medicine) of Nervous_ Dcbility, Mental and Physical Incapacity. vlmpedxmenta to Marriage, etc., resulting from excesses {#13:-Inn {an n nnnln nnwnlnnn 4\n`vv ......L.. .... glam! at ou cw. per nox. 0 Dozen; tor $2.50. will b ddreaaimzMACK'S GNE CMEDICN C53. Wmnson. Omx. CA ADA. K Guarantees issued in Barrie. by GEO. MONK- MAN; sold by all Drugglsta cverywhere 47~ly.' "*` 1'5-~-ALL SORTS V.s}eVATORY, Bead! Greq n-q mam tm`! v.4 5" anq1e'J`e'-. mn1`: f .`x? 3?;i

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