Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 28 Jun 1883, p. 3

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Ion win no xormea. `IOIDIIIO unuormou mn- csmplnont. No. 8. will bograent with the Munav band. Albert no No. 194. are -'-Several families of mm` ta arrived in Barrie last week. Some of em were quar- tered at the American Hotel, but they were all engaged by farmer: on Saturday. One who `came 5 oou le ofweekl ego wee in town on Tuesday In rank _el 3 piper. `A nl n.- -A-a in-ge ihdedtisi ineeting of the District Orange Lod Oriilis. on Tuesde , it was decided that t e Barrie and B ford Districts-twenty-ve lodge:-should `cele- brate the Glorious Tvvhlfth in 0:-illig It-in UllIl'l0W-UW6nUy-IIVO 10085--IIIOHIQ 0816- brate the Glorious Twelfth in Orilliu. It-is nfnnnm Iehnnn III! `M: `thing hnn-ant` Inibaunn |:`...F"::.:...-':~:.:*'"m..so.`5`.:*:.:;:`?s'.`.':i:*:: that 11:11, -We are informed that a partnership he been entered into between Mr. R. Power and Mr. A. Minoan: bell to carry on the lumber business. The tter will. it is understood. lever his connection with the British Canadian at Mldlnnd. ___-_- ___-__... ._.- `V-...._..-. v. zuuvn to think the people of Bsrriefo:-t`} :;we'11eroua support accorded. them, as avidenced y their iubacriptiona. Over eighteen dollars were collected. . ` - - euu u\-AAJIIIA IAAU ullv unuuu UUIDA -Before takin a trip you should first pro- vide yourself wl an accident ticket. good for $3,000 if killed or $15 per week if injured in any way: 0. `M. Edwards, Agent Citizens Ins. Co. . ` 20-ly _.A Tmwn nun-in under 6!... ...u...:..... ..t UL. --an vvu 7 av-by --A Lawn arty under the auspices of St- Jamea Ohurc Veapra, will be held at Mr. W. H. Pa.rtridae n tchmnrrnw nflznrnnnn Tan --m.r. u. n. rota returned tron: New York State on Friday last. He looks well after his sojourn unong the Yankees, but prefers livin in Canada, and intends to settle again in Bar rle and cnrrv on A llenernl nuctinnnm-inc hnni. ulu um grass and mo geese and 0118 PT shoe 1 '! Do on :\m.k that Barnum drew the plan. To Kave numc-thin new for his OIMYID7 It wnllu like a ch'~,kon. can it g ? Will you tell me about it by-a_ud.- y 3" H 'l"L.._,: u In uauma, IDO 111561108 50 BOWIO agmn In 1581'` carry on a general auctioneering busi- ness. ` :The members of the Barrie J uvonile Bmd desire, through the columns of the ADVANCE, thank Barrie for the eneroua sunnm-t nnnm-dad thnm, u nuinnmui 11 um!- unmet unuron vospra, will be held at Mr. W. H. Partridge : tomorrow afternoon. Tea will be served from 6 1:07. p. m. `A good time my be expected. _M. ('1 D 0-..! _..L___._.a t___ \v._ `L4. vluucv vu uunv vvuvulvlllusc -Thos. Bailey. for being under the inuence of intoxiosnts was on Monda assessed 81 and .costs,to help to pay for the etnleuk plank on the Dunlop street sidewalk. _\T..--. 3.6!. 4.1.. ._..n L-.. :__:_.I-_ 1,, ,, uuu uuueuy nvnvvv Illuvwlllko -Now doth the small boy indulge in us- tatory exercise, and then swear to his ma- ternal relntive that he fell over a fence and thus turned his shirt inside on - t)-__'. L_I_:_ ,,- . 'u - u - n ..- ....rv-.u-. u. In uuuu uvuayau no uuuuuuuuu. --A match between the: Barrie and Midland 01-icket Clubs was played at the Park on Fri- day last. The match was not concluded owing to lack of time. ` ' Int... D--1.-A --_._ uAl- I-' -v auuun vb unuuu - H---"I=`he Packet says the Minnow, a trlm little yacht, built for Go]. Jarvis. by Carley, of Barrie, la the" latest addition to the sailing craft on Lake Oouchiohlng. _'l"u\l nnnnty `An KAI-.. -.-`Ann LL. l.........-.. --.. -nu nuv-uvvnu uuv Lv\1uVBUV\I UV uuwuu. -Barrle Loan and Sivin Com y pay 5 per cent. interest on depos ts. T 6 security of deposits in a Loan Company is undoubted. _._A -..nl-.1. Irma-.......... LI... 'D__:_ ._.1 \un,_ .1 ._ .u......u.. uuuv uuvvuu I B -A magnificent a k of pansies and roses just received At the J 11 street conservatory. Call and inspect. G undrell. A A ........L2_... -: LL- n-.._:_3.,_ vs -.._. ........ .-..rvvr- vie aauuuunualg -A meotin of _the Dominion Day com- mittee will be old on Fridsy evening next. All the members are requested to attend. nauonous ANINIOSITIEB Ann uumonpm. PREROGATIVIB mnwee wm oe new runny evening n1 requested to attend. _'n......l.. 1...... .....: u.'...._. n ........ , , ___ . .... v.. V...-nu -Oouimeroiul travellers are very plentiful these days. They are almqt as numerous as the pototoe bugs. ` ~ _1.... nm.:.... - .....-_ ._..L.._. W A M - wanna rvvwvvn. uuaun " --Jas. O'Brien, 3 poor creature. was arrest- ed as A Vagabond last week, but was dismissed on promising to do better. - A ....-.....u:......; .\_-u_ -1 _____9,_ . v - v\nIl\lD\lIUJI --Mr. P. J. King is acting Chief of Police during the absence of Ohief Rogers in camp. -'1`he Northern & North-Western railways rehlilliblishing a amide to the beautiful Musko- s on. -Mr. Fred. Wilmott was in town on Mon day. He is pleased with Guelph as a plaoeof residence. - uuy. no 1: 1-1. An. nruvvlh um-annu ' 19' -Smart i1;telHgent boy wanted imlediately to learn thgzwrinting business. Apply at Tm: AnvANc_no oe. day- --l00.000 dolls!-s to loan at low rates by the Barrie Loan and Swings Company, Bothwelfs Block Barrio. ' .14- -zuu. neu Wednesday. ._Il_`D'I HNANCI. . The Finance A Commltce presented :1 report Woommeudlng payment of the following M- uounln :>~ - James McBride ............$213 00' J0-n.Scott . . . . . . ........... 10600 Jan. (JArson........'......... 87 50 3 VArley..........-....... 500' W.Jouea.................. 030 In` u..n-u- . In A" T-Mr. P;m1k Kielyhu charged Mr. George Inrbour. hotel keeper of Flol. with hnvino Joun: on luelauy. mu. one no Mrs. M: Heigwood with nun t'inE.h 1-J: Ti raicnio belting her over the h ,A-nnnv anal (Inn Tnnnt gunman-u-I CA: an Inn. u-v ...-J vv unrvvvvuo --Mr. G. R. Ford returned from New York Mata nn F!-hint: Int :1. I....I.. ...-n .u-- |.:. lay. ._.._- (-Muz:ling dog-`time at hand. -FArewell sermons are the order of the "-4 `AM. Kelly, of Hamilton, was in town on Vedneaday. uy mun. amen uougu no. we, are Enggral interest in this demonstration -tnnnn atom-lion tnln to-Ban-ia"'n LATEST LOOAI. `l.|NE$. I011` Wlill UIIB a No. 19-1,1:-e I dnmnnnlzrntinn .. ..... --nun: Ii 9] up-urn; o :' Thom : little to tell, my child ; `tin lain- I thuform of 3 man, with a monkey : rain I ! WWII Iuglli WJIIULI UL 5110 LOW IHIPKNOT. On his hendwu 5 cap, a blue cap, rlohin gold lace and bran buttons. Bin coat, but how can we describe that an. Short in the Wlilt And volumniona in the tails, glittering with rgooul braid and oicial knots ; it was the un form either of a .Mu-nhnl nf Hm `mm. Jll, I00WBuu UH U110 pIl'lJIlI' FIDIO I-Iy nose fromhin wife. It read :-"I have one out. You will nd the key under the om- mat." And then that do raved man Jumped * no and down and onrsexftha heard of Mn UInIUo LUIL "III LIIJII UIJU BU IIIIIIUK UIIU LILIII up and down and onrsecfthe heard of his lnthmv nun! lulu Cgtl-my-.In.huv nvuI__.um Hal Ill IIOWII Illa UIIFBEQ 15116 0%! OK I aiher and his father-in.-law and--we ed. -One day last week 3 uniformed indlvidunl alighted from the trunznnd matched up street, attended by 3 block body guard of one set- vsut. The individual was 3 marvel of got- geonsneu. In appearance be somewhat . sembled Bismarck and atillvmore Mickey Fir; with as slight touch of the Town Inspector. On his handwu 5 con. :5 blue nan. rial; In vv-euv nun. vv.-._-.v-- -- -.u. wanna, suuvvxxu witmmwu d knots; the orm either of a .MsrshAl of the Em- nim Ar mm nf `Ru-nnm n mnvnn sling... ml... 01 inc nun uvur IVER in F116 town. Ely! an Winni (Manitoba) Times : The Original Nash le Student: gave their eeoond oonoert last evening in Wesley Hall, and'attrncted a very large audience. The various negro mel- odies were well rendered. and several of them were repeatedly enoored, The entertainment in an excellent one, and they deserve to be, and no doubt will be, greeted by mother large house to-night. u-nu. --van aw -nu.-us Ivvnvunv ii:-gziewnlk, all the`-t.i`x.ne elling out-obi-E: 3? names culled from the ogue- and various other `nlman. Ha arnhined tint ha um: I`horu are still many inquiries on to_ the nature and habits of the " Dude," inquiries conxmcminble inasmuch as they evince n env- ing for information regarding the animal king- dom. To further the cause of science and natural hlatury we give this further descrip- tion of the " Dude." It is` ' llllll uuuou UUIII `I18 u6u1ogue- llll VBHOIIB other `phoes. He explained thqt he was looked out." We man ed to boost him thunnnlu lulu: Iplbnlnnn kin nu mm! with in IUOKCII 005. W6 Hill! 00 1'0 D0085 nun through the kitchen ' ow, and with in- nite diionl , in the interests of journa- lism. follnw _ On the nu-l_mr tnhla lnvg ll-IIUIISII UIIU KIIUIIUI-I VVIII-IIUW, uuu WIN! Ill- lism, follow . On the parlour table lays none from his wife. It read :-" I line none me unuorm cannot or a ._mu'unu or me mm- pire or one of Bsmum I canvass alingers. The h wid uni 130 b 'd mbozgeweroebnilt a '61:: mo'3'..1`}.': WIFE BIOVBII 01.131101 IIGIIIIJEII, DY F118 Uflll Pitrhrch, W. D. Gordon, ., of Kingston, uIhtedbvP. 0.1 . Uhmt. Partope; P. O. P. Atkinson, of Nowlmrkot; Ppt. Wnlhce, ofalrinton, And `sixteen Pub. from New- mm-knt uul Am-mg Buninenh ommnanaed :1: 0! KIIITIIIOII, IKE IIXWIU KI. ll.'0ll1 HEW- nm-ket e.ndAAuro|-e. Bueineee commenced et 7 o'clock, `Four ctndldetee presented ::.:: ."";::.:.:.`:*.*?..:~ "=2 " `::*"'~'** em ' e tea as. unmet- ing at 4:80 the next Inorningfgtglefreehmenh were pravided by Pet. F. J. Brown,of Allan- chla_ Lettan were read from P. G. P. -The other evening we were getting home, -it was not very lete-when our-ionity com- ed 115 to pause and obeerve the extraor- V inery gyrationa of I innn, before as house on Owen utreet. He would rear around on the sidewalk and then make A dash at the door, thuln uni kick it and then retreat again to. the ni awnlk- I the time vallino out A link nf Flllllll um KICK IF III `I181 the sis walk, 11 the time 1 name: gnnd from ip an: n "W \_ --u" - 7 Encampment, loitgi, in connec- tlonwi the I. 0.0. F., was instituted in "Barrie on Wedneedqy evening. the 20:}: ink. with eleven cha.1-tet-'noInberI, by the Grand `p.l.:I`fl'!'l_ W. D. Gmvlnn- Fkn _ nf Kinanhun przmuea ny rat. 1-`. .1. m-own,ox nuan- dslo. Letter: were read Donouih, G. S. W. Oliver, P. O. P. Button nnrl nt mu I-nurntnn not balm! able to be Uroaalncomu for year ending 813! Dec. '82,83l3..660.79 Tum [macs paid to 1st. January, 1883, $l,954,13l,61 WT; KC WIT; so:-Isa; Pat. Alex. Monow. Tnuunr; Pat. 8. Oman, `.1. W.; B58. E. W. K lat G. of '1`.; Pat. F. J. Brown, 2nd G. of .; Pat. T. Dull , Guide; '.P.It.'-L Collins, I. 8.; Put. J. Butler, 0. 8.; Pat. G. Sewn , lat Watch; Put. R. Orr, 2114! w . v. `H mm. and W.: Psi. A. Roam. ii: 6 . sm"'""`'. i'u"v'v2J:; '15.; iii T i3r1:,'2i}i W.; Pat. N. Inith, 8nd Pat. A. 11033, 4th W. Thecunpoponuwzthgoodproupeota, ..:w ....... ..,~::v.*:.:; -Inn-uh Hm; -The services have been secured of the " Original Nsshville Students, who will sing in the Town Hall on ,Fri- dsy evening, June 29th. The company oomes highly recommended and will no doubt drew a e house. Thecompandy is compos- ed of ac plsntstion hands, sn will render the old plantation melodies in their most ex- pressive style. The entertainment will be one of the best ever given in the town. Says the Winnibesr (Mnnitohm Thus 2 The Orioin Al f(;l:'iiI_O-l0`K`{t7el":I:V--PC. H. En-per, 0. P.; ' . ` ' :'P." ;G. Hill 9 8- $v .~'%'.` . in. sorIbr.'P-t Ahw `Mm-nun. 'l`rnnlnInr: PAL 8. Oloh. -On Friday afternoon the clerks of 3 local freight de ent of the Nothern railway assembled n Mr. Robert Quinn's oice Toron- to, to y a well deserved tribute to Mr. Al- bert elfer, the cashier of the department. "Mr. Telfer, after about fourteen years active service in the emp`oy of the compsny, has lately changed his etste of single blessednesa for msrried bliss. His fellow employees chose this 0 portunity to show their esteem for him, and 1'. Quinn. tha mmnldin thair nnmn nvnc. this portunity to show their and 1'. Quinn, the agent,2in their name, ros- ented him with a. ver handsome solid si ver itcher and salver which they had purchased or him. The presentation was accompanied with some very com llmentsry remarks from his chief, to which 1'. Telfer responded in a. few nest and well chosen words. -Mr. Penton s lessure and ionic grounds are now open to e public. very arrange- ment for the comfort and convenience of guests has been made, besides the usual ac- cessories of establishments of the kind. For those wishing a. quiet retreat within a few minutes walk of the town, a better place can- not be found The unds are beautifully situated on Kern eldt Bay and can be reached by either land or water. ~.A d ball and social will be held at the roun s on the evening of July 2nd.` Do nion Dhy. Dancing platform outside ; Fireworks, &o. A ood quadrille band will be `in attendance. in. George Burns will act as Master of Care- monies. ' ' urnui. spare man. `Ina touowlng will _com- o the "Excelsior: " of Bax-rie:-A. Dyxnent, . McCarthy, E. Hill, W. Johnston, B. Smith, G. Lennox, A. Burns, 0. Lawrie, E. Gregg, H. Gratrix, W. Todd, W. Hartley. Play to comznonco at 9:50 Lm. uonou I1, G. :5. W. Unver, r. U. r. nurrn II and era, refrotng tbeing able tube 0 L The ol1owi11;z:` 2oox-a were installed . 3 . V . . ~.2I..:.*.v-.t:::`;.`Z?.`.2`Ec ard, cover point; E. Binghini, W. Buchanan, W.~Ornng, defence eld; E. Robbins, centre, B. Brown, and C. MoNnbb, homo eld; A. Cameron, H. Leak, R. Henderson, home; R. Grant. spare man. The following will com- pose Bax-ria:-A. Dvinnnt, "Ij{}tg zT3ixh%aiiE . ,. ;._.._...;...-_.a..-..ag.~.;`.-n_n.n..as4-u4.gog.a-noIo -The following lacrosse team will come from Oma to Barrie on the 2nd of July, to play a match with the Barrie Juniors :-A. Guru, goal; George Tudhope, oint; C. Mill- ard, point; . Bingham, . Buchanan, W.~0fIDR. eld: E. R.obhinn_ nnntr-A, Ivnvulbllt uv uuaaave --The eneral manager of the Northern & North- estern has promised to make a con- siderable improvement in the rolling stock of the company for next year s traio This is much needed, as some of the passenger cars have been running ever since the road opened ln 1853. a period of thirty years, and are de- cidely in want of a new coat of paint. The ideas of the railway patrons of the present day are deoidely in favor of more luxurious accom- modations than were considered good enough for their fathers, and the companies who pro- vide thebest coaches usually secure the lion's share of the busloena, -We understand that the merchants of Barrie arein he measure compelled to kee their stores 0 on Dominion Dey throng the notion 0?? oau lo of members of that *)ody who rotate to 0 one their places of bus- ness on that day. Those are the kind of men who if thev not to Hanvnn wnnl `wgnt 4-1` A. so must: me any D gr-Ana success. The tire- worka have been In-chased, sud they are said by competent ju gets to be the beat lot ever brought to Barrie. y component Jung: gr-ought to Barrie. l"L.. ..........4I _.. mess on was asy. 1'nose the mud of the got to Heaven wouldwant to es tablish A op on the golden streets sud sell their immortal crowns at 20 per cent pxdit. _..'l`lm mndnln hi ha alunn an n-3-nan an H- ver ueuumnu and coat over twenty dollars eao . The preparations for the day are now complete, and only ne weather is necessary to make the day a. gx-And The fire- been nnmhn.nad_ gm! than no ...;.u their Immortal -The module to be given as grizee on Do- minion Day have arrived. and are now on ex- hibition ot Sanders Jewelry store. They are ve beautiful and coat twenty dollars nrenarotions the (luv nrn nnw Saturdav. the day of J uly, 1883. At 12 o'clock. noon, at the mac: count. II `III! mm or mains, _-.-o III-`IRE, LIFE AND AOOIDENTM 20-y MR. JOSEPH 12001735, Auctioneer, Thfllwl Frcehld"rtl be] to `, "=...., '=m PARCEL l-'l`he last half of Lot No. ajsouth side of McDonald-at. "Edwards Plan. 0. There is erected on this lot a rough-cast House one-and-a-hsltsmorey hlghand woodshed. . ,4-,3 Psncnr. 2-Lot No. East side of Bradford-st. "Stanford's Plan."B| e. half an acre more or less. There isa one storey clap-boarded house erected thereon. This lot will be sold subject to mortgage for non. Pmom. 3-'l`he W} of the mm 3 acres or lot No." 2 th side of Rose-at. Bu-rl d halt a:rle:.uThere is 5 one storey zouse erected thereon. - I ).--an A |III.-Il1l.AA|._II7n ALL) .,_,n on uuzuvcu IIIIUI Uvn. Puunn. -'l'ho W} of the W of lot! south side Penetsnsulnheno-at, Roe : Blogk. Bu-tie. an perch. egmore or Ian, uponwhlolnuexjecuodaongstorey rough cast house containing 4 rooms. Dunn. .A_Y4n II and Q1 uuul. .43.. on. n...u.... TOTE BABE! - Pawn. 1-14 Na. III. onuae East side of On- tario-It. V of Stayner. of an acre. Pnacxr. 8- C 15 on son side or John-at... Burner. . . L\\LI|a nxwu VULVJIILLIILVD U1` DAJJIP V parcel will he sold aeparaulysndiugx ' tonraervedbid. tobelnthe hands 0! the tloneernttheumeofanle. . ' Tholota noon which lulldlnp are rooted will besold anhjecttoamonthly tenant.` 'Puoel2wlllalsoboaoldsubJeot ton-Marquee t . ' V 0 'l?'aVmdorwmnot be bound to account. for. nmdueanrulmw. or nmva thaumuanuu nf nnv The Vendor wul not be bound `to pooonnt nee or show. or prove the contents 0: 13113 _ documents or evidences of (me not in or turniahooniu of thenme. ~ ' aeoan, documents evidence: or title In his _ furnish ' ottho $u: .:..m.`:. i"u'.m: .1`u'3';%`a: u. the vyqndor tc;un_er _o_e1_|t. ot the purohnae money. and iiwutluc nousss -) AND (- TOWN LOTS Pusuc Agucnoul The 1) v.....::.;;. W M t per cent. the Inlnnoc within I) day! with nnnn making mnh nlunnent the nm-chum thneotnle. vendor an cent. or the money, and eereatsta per cent. :2 titled "%..:.' .2:..':".,...* $3 a::"'.,.,....."'*` en 0 whxoh shall be paid 101' by Mm. beenutled to In The other ~ : Tne other -c_ondmnns_ot Sue will` be made known at time of e.- ' cal I For tuxjher particulars apply to the undersigned. H. D. `STEWART, ' ow3n`5t., `llnnnln [nu.n1e.uuaJuno.uss. "' `V Villagas of Allzgdale Q Stayner A Grand Success. I':'el:g1l:!:lhe.an 11,)` ma cgrrvgfnoe, the expenses of The other 4nditinns.of Sale will` he known sale.` TERMS AND OONDITIONS OF SALE- Ennh nan-ndl will Ian nnl gang-ab-Ia.-`.1 -nlut'. We hereby tende1_* our sincere thanks.to_ the people'of Barrie for their1_ibera1 patronage and assistance, in making thls, Our rstM1Ilmery Openmg such an unqualied success. K UOTION SALE OF `AGENT cmzsus lN[l!fl0E co.`, McCarthy's Block, Dunlop-st, Barrle. WUN|VERSAl EXPRESSIONS 0F AMIRATION Bhrrle, Mldland V and Gravenhurst. DRY GOODS,MILLINERY,CLOTHING, HATS &CAPf~5 cRoMP'[_oN 85 R\_(_AN, _ vvy any urn Because we have only One Price, and good sensible people like that way of doing busines. Wetreat rich and poor alike. We sell to the smallest child as cheap as to the sharpest buyer. There are many other reasons that we could-give but haven t time, as the people are crowdingjn for Bargains. Come you to the Golden Beaver if you want Good Value in We are making things hum just now; yes, and we have the'Goods to do it with. Big Sales every da --no dull days at the Golden Beaver. Every day a Big Day. Now, why is this ! Becaus we reach the loom, buying from manufacturers in almost every case. Because we have a large outlet for goods-`-three stores, one in Barrie, one in Midland and one in Gravenhurst. Our purchases are large, which makes it interesting for manu- facturers to do business with us. ' ` T 'I")__,__ ,_, n\I\aIlIIllIllbJ $0 VIII IJIIDLIJUIBD VVLIII Ilo Because we have the money to buyTwit.h, and whenever mtoney will down the price we use it. ' ` I n` I` U`! . . ... _ -.. - _ A Now, whom do you suppose that little man was ! Well, listen and I will tell you. That_ was our MR. CROMP l`ON just starting for Europe to make otir Fall and Winter Purchases, and thelast words he said to me were the following, he took me aside and then he looked at me a moment, and then he winked one eye, and then he said to me, says he, yan, send me lots of money so that I may pick up lots of bargains, and we will astonish . the people of Barrie this Fall. Says I to him, says I, Crompton, I will if I have to steal it." _ Now, not wishing to destroy the good name of the Golden Beaver, we have decided to raise the money by Selling Goods so Low that the people will be compelled to buy from us. .....v.._.u-us-us use nu] sv tuu B|(||lu|| .,u a sinus LIIIIIJQ He arrived in time and boarded the train, but before doing so many a good-bye was said, and as the train moved slowly away from the station, he might have been seen wav- ing his hairdkerchief to those that were left behind, as much as to say fare-you-well until I return. _ ` . . _ O>nSatu_rday',AJune 23rd,- about 6 o .olook in the morning, a little` [man about 5 ft. 7 in. In height, and accompanied by a grip sack which he held in his hand, might have been seen. makin_g his way to the station in a great hurry. no orphan.` :n `:1-\\4\ n...-I I\.~......l...'I 4|...-. I...-.3.-. Lab Lnl`...-A An:-an. an ...........- .-. ........,l L--- ._...... PRHCHIFFIONS CA-IVIKFULLY O0MPOU1l[)3[) MANY LADIES NOW CONSIDER TORONTO MILLINERY AT A DISCOUNT. com: Ann sea bun nnonmsz 'w "HAVE Lois or nizu 2 SHOWL ROM CHOWDER Nothing Ever `Seen Like 1t I-Iere! 'o`tfM1:.:.mn1-nr OPBMNG WHO T7vAs ALL DAY AND EVENING. @693 noulsmch ssavmws ID.-.- p at: e ' Oioo. V ..f`3 ' - - -=`%`::. u a. H .|LV.I.12ll" m.u:Ln1 1J.V 1`LIl.4l4I.' 1' ent bow to learn the printing busincss. Ap- p u this 011100. 20-. J \.lIJL`J" JLV 14.3.12 _ .D.l\v\JD - D.l\JIil`J`7 3 sum of money. Owner can have the samofl 'by proving property and an 113 expenses of this adycrtbognenn P4]; B A '1 21-3: pl INHURI WITH THIH RELIAIILB-VCANADIAN C0. "torDwe1lIng'oI'~4PrlvatO Omees. Over W. ' vqmu -,uv_- .I'.\.EaLVl.'.----5L'1'IAl5Ll`J H. 'Boot ash sto . A 1 toW-.H. mr_1i',' M .' p" 24-11 .:.v=torBw . `m w _ _~uax-rte. T . ' ' " H. en'Booe1utHanrf'Shoe::ore.0mAapeDs1y?4%';`g. PARCEL "I-8onth halt or broken Lem: ma `"- 39' A 2* .f. a5 . $.`?` ;f:{ .` t'JI` ,?;o'``?.L A` " x`?;:`r.5.-:.: ABE F SALE-"o0 ACRE$.s"Vn $125114 09341 if<())!1I's:KSiH:>":3:%y.\ Immnc dine` Lam. con. 1. mos: non clay loam: 70' Possession. , _ - cleuod.t.h balance in hardwood Bush. gm [. .Tendm-rand `applications for rticulat 5 and lon-110.38 5 good Bonsazllx. ~a> Fmnenarn nd50B-Wm be neccivcd up to at July, 1! ma. 1- V" e 851% : ztlrlving (ma my,=1_asa. ` v . - - ' . ` W water. 5 . ~ 1 . - - 4 -otuoonvem to h h a h 1. F . . ""`"HAE1~ HDSKW 95 09931`- WO1` en` 0 $th3`npr9]s:'|et1)1r. J(A#]l`EwB" Vendor-'3 501% D! gg?0. _ ` 5-tin-p 214 . !'21"wpm. FOUND, IN RAE _`BROS s-roan.` "hv inoney. gwggr can hay; {he gqgofl nilnvlvuu n-A-uu-o- .... -*-_ _---- OY WANEEED; SMART. INTEIQLI [Gilt MEI ! Chi! nfinfino` hnninnuan A u: ` ooMs -',l`0.~ 7R1?7.'7NT.`.---SUITABLE "f0'fBWell|D1D.1>rlvnt-B run... n..... n: MALL|STE'R, STORY -& co... n..- 11...`. Hr... ,r . MAJt_tIsI.w~ mm .& so-. ours West oI;t_l1e Barrie Hotel. ! One Dooriwest of Queen s, Barrie, ARE OFFERING HARDWARE, FISHING TACKLE, AMERICAN STEP LADDERS, FARM AND GARDEN TOOLS, "SUPERIOR BRANDS OF WHITE LEAD, READY-MIXED PAINTS, JAPAN COLOURS FOR CARRIAGE 1 AIN'1`[NG, GLASS, PUTTY AND VARNISHES, HUBS, SPUKES AND BENT STUFF, CIRCULAR AND OTHER SAWS, LEATHER. BELTING, LACE LEATHER, - PACKING OF DIFFERENT KINDS, NICHOLSON'S AND JOWl'1`T S FILES, HILLER S HORSE RASPS, JACK SCREWS, BIRD CAGES, AT ROCK BO'I"I'O].\/I PRICES. u--- T One Dadr West of the Queen s Hotel, Barr-is. P. F. EWAN, A LARGE srocx or WHOLESALE AND R1'An.. ,,,, , vij,__. V A L U A_`l'3*ii W` _`w mm AND TOWN _P_BUPERTY . $91: :- The 1-mdcgsbignod w_m mccive wndqrs until the.- EXIJ L`; 1-: our aitrxnrg .1v : ' Ir... um -O.m..._~.... ._._-...-_A_-___ , , 1 - zmas. ., `I F the `loll " - . u....`I.'.:~s.m ....`i.;".i:.?...";.`:.f`.`.'1p*`,?`1?..s1..`.? ` 1 ` PARBEL 1..-'- LrIt 12` in An. rV.........:.... -0 an .11.. "' 1" """-'-Cry"-I-YEIu-`J |.'g` WWII 0- DIN. Juana Known on application. 1 Puwm. 1. :Lot mi Om8 .com:nmg us gcconoessiog of So nth Vpumm. n,...\xT.+m- 1.... m 1- u.`- m_..._ -.l ;n nun, uvuunuuu All) 80788. Pgxgcxn n.-_-Wa.tor` Lot 20, in ni_: Town. of, `i-7o{'KLi:'." Importr, &c. Barrie, Nov. '20. 1%. ITHE %SI_NGER! It pays best to canvas for :1 Solid House, \\z a Reliable Machine. whera every umchinu :41 in 11 neighborhood will sell two others. Sm-In house is Tim SINGER A\'I,'l-`.-\1"l'l'I(l.\'(i (`n 1-nu , tho. lau-rest. and most suc-ccs'sful sum is Tim SINGER ;\lA\'I.'l-`.-\1"l'l'I(I.\'(l x mi l'A.\'\ , the lamest am-ces si`ui Sen im; Machine Uumpun{in the \\'urld: and suvh :1`In . chine is the (:FI.'I.'l.\'P2 s1.\'(:1:R. suirn 1-`.'I~i'. him ,aimplo.strong, doing the widest ruligu--1 wnnd cquivveri with ever) Vuluuhlu iil1F1`Ii\a- ment. N.l. \V'clm\'e mudoun lIumen.~v| wim- tlon in the prices of NeL-'.`.l(rs. Oil. x\HlH.'hn1< um. and Parts. so that the cost of keepin a SIN! & iii: in repair is less than half the cost. of coping an) other aewingluuchine in repair. .100 (iliwa.-s in United States and (`unn.dn, und 3000 utflces in lint Old World and South America. Princi ul Uliim -~3l Union Suuare. New York. Hem} IIHN: in RE l\/f(3_\:/;iE`%D`!% --Editor or Ml:noAN:nLI: mcvnnv. u.Toa.vold loss in tho Mails, please send mom-y by Registered better. 1 mm, 1....-...m.mw I-IAVI nnu 1. .u-`nu u I: v [Lawn 1|.) nuun u. \-u.; sou: AGENTS FOR AMERICA. 7 De)` St-. New York JOHN STEPHENS P87` from doe. up. uNLP'sT- doz` I`Il01`0. \'I.s'l'I"Nf-' (`ARIN IN E.\'l)l,|I,.\\` \'\ Ulblua I Uuv ""{ BARRIE, ( Old South Amerit-u.. l'ruu:1 at U11 `-3! Union Square. York. Head J Omnrlo and the North-\Veal I36 Kim: .~`\:u. West, Toronto. Factories at Elizuhcth. .\'. Glasgow, Scotland; South Bend. Ind.. mm (' u H]. W. STEPHENS; Has bponod .1, ltarrin the above prvmhu-s. stock ombraues an material for Fancy H . with pattern smrlcd : . -... -r A n\~n n--.- .-..r FANCY VVOOLS AND YARNS, SILK FILOSELLES ,})'MBRUlDEl{\' .L\i Cl{|<}\VEl4 SILK. LACES AND EMBROIDERI ES. SILKS &.CIIENIl,4LE (BONDS AND 'l`.\>`>'I-.|.> ` GORDON STAR AND POINT LA('l'I. lH{.\ I I I- - CARI) AND 1ll{IS'l`0L BOAIlI):`. SCRAP PIUTUILES. TISSUE PAPER. 1 _...nu A\vl\ mrxtaux -Ite virtues are unquestionable and its curati \' 0 character absolute. as the writer can personnll y testify, both from experience and observation Write at onceto Haylock 8: J enney. 7 may Street New York. enelosln $1.00. and you will receive b return a remedy hat will enable you to he-ur `lio anybody else. and whose curative clructs will be ermanent. You will never regret doing so." -- met or MIROANIILE Rxgvucw. l.1'l`onvoid loss Mails. please send mom v | Lardine, Bolt Cutting, Cylmzlrr ' and Wool FANCY STORE W. Joue........... MRS. L. STEPHENS iDLxn...L' L |\Luu.u~.;, ;.. BEADS AND TINSEL. Illuely IICJIOTW lll6.l1wrI16g,ujus 1.! me: umy Absolute Ours for Deafness Imoum., _ Thlsoll issbstnctod from ouller s cfea of Ilnnll WHITE ll-IAR . 08 t n the Ye ow Sen, known as O ' box nnxurm. Every hlnese sherman knows it. Its virtues as u re- storativeotheorinalwere discovered by s Bud- dhist Priest about a year 1410. Its cures were so numerous and many so seemingly miraculous, the remedy was omoially proclaimed over the on- 0761' MN )'8I-I'D I10 UGIIIIISBII Chinese eople. Sent. ch uddreu I. 81.00 par battle. ' I address it $1.00 bottle. mun w1uT1m DEAF su mu 1.... .....a..'........I - mlmnln 1-. ma mum `#1135 performed a miracle in my case. have no unearthly noises In my head and hear much bother. I htve been atly benemtcd. M deafness elped a great. donl-tl1lnk anon: bot a will cure mo. llnve takunhigllest .W1ll'd8 at all l-lxlailnilnu Uuld and Silver Medals and Diploumu. UUI-LIIIIIIIIIUH IIVIII uhvliuunnu nan: - ROYAL MAXI. LINK. _ Runniniz in exolilslvoqonnction with HIV M- ; the-rn nnd.North-Wcsborn Railways. |`ln- me ` niconl new Stotmcrs . . .TLN1IC ./"VD P./'I(`Ii'v:" - . IUHI Innun {V.nIlinou:nnaI 1-\ .-rx Poaitmelryvlfeatores lheea/rin-g,a.nd iithe only Ala.-nluh I-Mm for Drnmu knmrm. and seemingly mu-acmous, remedy omohlly proclaimed tlre Empire. In uaebecnme sounlvoraal that for over 300 you-alno men has eustegaauon 5.; 1h .5 49. . charges , t an address 8(i.p00 nor bottle.` pm 0 W TOILET ARTIQLES-A FULL LINE. LADIES` UNDIERGLOTI-IING CUT! : CD604) Dd trip UOKIUIFOIIOW 133118 D) l.l.:- lll aide to`I arq 8oHIlIfldFrenclx River. 'l`lu- Nortl1crnBcl1e xv av6'CoIIl.`.gwoo1~nvr\ 'l`uesda.y and Saturday at I p.m.. a Pam-umgm Llvenc eve Manda nndF1-lday 2p.m.1:-n rm ' arrival of.\ oN.8c .W. 1!. morning tmin.~41 fm Parry Sound: and will leave Collin wnml an :: :.m. and-l cnotnn3.nnl m._ every odm---l.-w *0!` `French RiV0l`, F9!` might. and p1L'41-m.;.(- :11: man . station agent of the a.b`ovc ruilmu . low . land. 35 Yungo-at. 'l'o!'0ntn; Vi. . I. Gra`n.' _ _ t_-. "*1- xltonaonto .-mos, wgio. sour. C-,CAMl_i!_RO.`I. 3Illlla|'.:m' ` - `Brent North&n.Iuu!tC0mpany. Colllngwoml. "m9A..' .'.'.'z 7. I [EABS*'TI=MILi.l0N. I ST &1V['PI1\TC3 DON: A CALL IS SOLIGITEI). 11-ly ."ll.aJ'l[VllIJ .I1lVu r.nl II ' Will leave Collingwood 1-\ \`l'_\ WEDNESDAY AN!) sA'l`l'l:l).\.\ A 4 .m.. for Moaford. Owen Sound. liillum.-;., Mnngtasvaning, Little `nn-cm, Gorr Buy. .\l|:nIIm MillmmrlnllGcorzinnI YDcrlsLoSnu1lBtv.Mnri--, M1113; M ` . | These 3'.f`fl`3J':`3 D"`"01*Inu1t5u-.zm.ru- vtor thosiyiner Lake gmdc ne';vH Pd bum w""I` by! ' Staeamcrsin CumI'do. to) aM.`""""'1"'*"' and _ug~Qm._ Amesot or Srmcn, : -. 1 gions v1a.lho ufanltouu 0Dlau~ -5 du` }`I\-nr Marietonokinsw Ialgnd mmeln "1 ml` 5" I of Which due nnnouncemcntam hem`; a`m"""" r cilaeav ndtrip t16l:cInuren':w'.\'r]I:a(:1:ani' `HM 3 e tao`Pu-ry E }`U..-` Sowxdudrrcnchmu-r. 'l`|llI. : `ltlll. L`:\JII lJlJI.'l"ll'I.ll{ l`\JL\lll .`. ll of'Lot 8.'Oan. 4, Township of Flos. contain? '_.ing1o0&og'\:,`_moro 031$ 15 ucix)-es cleulictlllunul `waoededo `halnnc. good, ,enn L . Good-8nr1m.x-aokznlonn t W 8' front of un- 0llR|S'I'MAS`& NEW YEAR'S HOLIDAYS, ARM FOR `SALE -"l`I-I'VE I~o1i;Tr1T1. .5, 8. Can. conlu inn IN) Anna. mom or Ian. 15 notes clenrml u CAPITAL, 1.vom:, ueeaeddowwhalnncejn good P 0 and lhml 0000- . _ _ at I 'e'h'ont. of . _Y_0: f ` . VVHI be Hold 11!. up . tururu` applyt.oJ()|{.\' ?33'V~ =':6'W0l`&.N -H'.\'.u' 3'1` 111....` .13.... 1... woe W `on n..._,... _ Evin`;-`D; V-l.:\j'H 1 vm_`, acne last, 1883. CALL AND SEE {SPECIMENS .-\'|` STEPHENS ST U-DIU. avc money and murhiuery by using Hu` 9:`: I Dy uegliwn-.u Llohwr. Only Importedby HAVLOGK & .1 an N : v ' (Late Hsylock 8: (Tu) .-- .. . ....-._.. .1...-. Antonin A '1 llnn Qt N1... \',\..1. colunmwuon Aun Eibkcunu any: nnv u uAn I l\'H P00 CII00 8?BAL8Al 0? HARK'S OIL .2 DRORS WEST OF G. B. MEADOWS. M`="dALL BROS . None but First-::Iu.x.s Wurk Ilfmlw. mm M cow. IN'11_-'rHE,2na m 1882. NONE a1m~1U1r~5c-v_vI'ruou'1' Tuls -oII..s 2- Chihlrcrds Aprons mul Paltnu Having Reduced his Prices for the lcotland: South Bend. Inc ununvnr Haw-rln Hm: MRS. STEPHENS. I. a I nrncna. Manager Barrie om.-,c, hunlu 1 Cabirzr/.. from$3 [.1- (202. "up. [ [ DUNLOP-8T. .3 23-tmoo-Vp A lab-dah-duh young man, A (ah-lah-Lab young man, Au almost new, And utterly too. A tm~ln-la young man. A tall, uothetio young nun, An utterly sweet young man ; Agront uwellhead, An utter bred, A liulshod quite complete young man. A Roman nose young man, A tooth pick tom: young man, Who sucked his cane To soothe his brain- 'A tight-tit. clothes young man I. '- NEXT DOOR BANK OF OOMIEROE. 2 wsrnuw hr-uv~q.Mv-.4-a`v'u`uI\I'h0|uIN:'%'IJinI'\uUOuI THURSDAY, JUNE 28, 1883. ...\.'..\4-\4\ A A I` 1\;\ r*.-\4\4 AA/\1\1\;\ vvuulUlA'l' J_VaT1g]!fI_ *1-nuprxl. . ' ' we moved` cm`-Mr. -o. n. no. ' to the Ooyilglnltltute Board in : of Rev. Mr. ;_ny,.wl_so lshlcgvlng the -. [Chemist and Drugglamwlll be found , 1 ~-----1-V IUI UIIU V OOLLIGIATI may Iin _, I, -- GEORGE MON KM AN. 0. M. EDWARDS, cm W IN Djalnq...--"canon-o-not .Bl`Idt0I`d--on:---a-II A 0111 Solioltod for all kinds of ,5, Patent Mmlicines, Dye SW03, Soaps, Uombs and Brushes. A xneeiinv of ihe Town Council was held on Hominy night, the Mayor in the chnir. Proa- 'euI Maura. Pcurcy, Brown, Outlook, Cald- `VOU. Ron, Morrow, Duff, Pnrvis and Dickin- fou, Sovomi accounts and oommuniontionn were presented and read, and on motion were ed over to the tender morale: of the oom- lnitwu, TOWN COUNCIL I OF MONTREAL. 'riai:'>uo. T rnuprxgn. :`A '5' 9|_ $1,133,000. $906,992. 20-1) Loy "IO dll, wnwn WK I69! ll uuvu uqvu on the evening. Ame thoee w o were one- eeeful in winnin'th_`e erent rlzee were an follow: :-100yu'd nee-lIt, . McCarthy. Barrie, box 0! ~olgerI, pljeeented byhlr. P. HA`I1liII'3do A B.`|l'!||rl!0W etrew but . ent- od by mom & Co; Ben-ie. Viol with vole, one prize let, N. Fr`uer,.l qt. ttle In-Anv. mounted by Mr. W. Kennedy 2nd, Bli. sldlllg long..Jump--1:-, Mr. J. Gmhllhltazm to l men :-nee , bne box b1qcn;t_I. Menu. dhtingulahhid vwu lat of ooarthy, 1 box of oigm, presented by 2nd, J. Hamlin, pair sllen, '1`. Sibbcld. _Man`-iodl An ; ' e o himself; 2nd, Jan. Brgum b. tat. preuented by T. Hunt. Old no! prize-J-lat. Brunton, Sr. relented by Mr. F.` Brown. and thatnlol the v in M- Hunlin and.Mr. Hunt for their -Hofrhon, Sonleundculn-on \ mitt.-` Tlgf . _ _ II00. ` , O ` girl: nndboyfard hfdobtod to`Mr. Ed. Meek- 5* Dlialord...-......u.... She Committee further recommended` that Mltion of Wm. Kennedy for 5 redllclihli of license be 139% grgnted ' ` ' l~ . "IL-" , The Allendnle emplt->.y:ee of the N. & W. Ry. held their plo-nlo and nines on Friday lent, 22nd inst, in Laney : grove where D l e rogrammeofgemeewae n th :1 h. 35 ilg) the Allaudele bran bendggnvenlcri ghe roceedinge with , some excellent music 8 Hearn e eh-lug bend weain attendance for dunolng. Ale 0 number availed themlelvee of the opportunl y of trippin the light featu- fln, mm!` the enlendld lerge p tfonn furn!_al_1_ed ?'`' 5:": E`Z"'-'2`:`.u:1}'`e'.`:' 0 0091 '3 P919 98359 ' tic, over the splendid e gntform furnished by the oomxmtte. A rge number of the Barrie folks rowed over In the ovonin to on- .-- Qhn aum. which was kept up an late in by the oommme. 4 mrgu nun... .. ..... the fgyththe duos, wlzll: waillinptuun ov . 0 one mufnf in rilxfflul 'th erent p_I-lzgg !eu_a_ `b :- 6 8611 innh '1'-'-" 1 --------vy ---------- -- ~~-~~- , -_-~ ne, George W. Hewitt, B.A.; Dalston, W. ichardsou ; Hillsdale, William 11. Cook ; Penetanguishene, S. Sing; Midland, Richard Strachan; Rugby, Samuel Down ; Orillia, Samuel P. Rose, Thomas Williams, John B. Armstron . superannuated; Goldwater, Ste- hen A. rkells ; Rama. Kennedy Orei hton Fawn.) Dr. Harper,~chairman; S. R. e, nancial secretary. . Tun Bnacnmzmoa Dxs'nucr.-Braccbridge, Henry S. Matthews; Gravenhurst, Thomas Dunlop; Severn Bridge, Richard Pinch; Ut- terson, Ernest aull; under superintendent of Bracebridgle; flinzton, one wanted,,one to art Carling, D. Cattauagh; Iro- uois In to be supplied; Huntsville, '1`. ex, 8. N. Hill, supernumerary; Perry and Armour (Richard J. Fallis), under superin- tendent of Huntsville ; Maganetawan, '1`. Leonard; Rosseau, one wanted; McKellar. William Hall; Reuben Toye, J. Crawford, superuumeraries; McKenzie. Hiram Fusee, under superintendent of McKellar ; N ipissing and Stoney Lake, Hugh A. Brown, under superintendent of M anetawan. H: S. Mat- thews, chairman; T. nnlop, nancial secre- L--u IUPUYIIII 1 tum. ury. Tun Ooumowoon D1s'nuc'r. -Collinawood, John G. Laird, E. Snliowa, an rannustedg Avening, Andrew Armstrong, amen Liddy, (Lnven er);-Steyner, E. Hill, (H. Wilkiqgon, aupennnneted) ;-Parry Sound, Richard Clarke; Parry Inland, Shawansgn. And French River, Allen Salt ; Christian end Beauaoliel-Islands, Native Asclatan under superintendent of Ooliingwood ; Wi lien: Elliott, at college. J. G. Laird, chairman ; R. Olnrke, nancial ..u.--% *%.:~:;.1%.:*.*.;-'*;.:*.rm*~=:,e-="r.:;~ - Inon _ ,3 on par an. 9. or 8ewroy'I In n.- `on v'I'h`undhy next, the` tlfof `1`he" hsnd V `onntint; pl-iaotioo ' V min cunp! and. ' .ftun!i6,xnsybg, ex- The Toronto Conference of the Methodist Church adopted the basis of union by a vote of 137 to 87. In the Niagara conference the basis was defeated by a. small majority. The minilters stationed in this district are as fol- lows :- 'l`nn Dannvn hvumnlnr _'Rnvnn'n mnlxrnlm -- yvulcwu or wm. ncnpqdy for r0d|ln not granted. `- " The Oommittae uino received I oommulliolf an from E. 8. Lally respecting the tile! 0!! Si or Lot 7 on West .u1op:_.Bayae1d--t. Tim M taxes were returned aglinlt th19t- "10 Committee oonuiderd io land! 0118'!` *" ""P0ulblo for the - ' ` ' r . '7 n.-...___ ._, U. nnrper, u.u., \Ue0u nurper, D.n.)' 16: without a station for one year at his own re- quest ; Allandale, Matthew B. Com-on; An- inhn-rhnn 2 Hillndnle. William H. : sole ooucn." After considerable discussion, in which Messrs. Morrow, Brown and Pearcy, besides the three that had first spoken, took part it was nally sgreed to withdraw the motton on the understanding that the pine plank now lsid remsln, but the sidewalk to be completed with hemlock. Tina fhuunn" khan ndnnv-not` 1owa:-- Tan BARBIE Dxsmtcr.--Barrie, Ephraim B. Harper, D.D., (Cecil Harper-,T B.A.)'left without 1; ntntion for one venr at own ra- [LU UK [III IUIPFUVUIHUHW WUFU IDUUIV-F: Mr. Purvls spoke very warml . He held that the Chairman of the Board 0 Workehnd taken upon himself powers he did not poesesa. The hemlock was a good job, the best alde- walk over laid in the town. The pine was a bad lot, and the whole thing won a miner- able botch. AIL... nnnuAm.kIn Ainnuaaino. in n.|.l..|. WOT [OT 3116 WOTK (10119, 116 um) IDHBQ 50 per- form his oontmot. 7 r. duoed hemlock pink and now he condemned it. Shortreed. was a practical fniinre anyhow. All of his improvements were faiiurol. Mr. Put-via annlm vm-v wmmiv. n hold Shortreed had intro-- ..-._ -.-_- nu. van vvuuv M}. Dickinson ex lalned that afteria por- tion of the aidewal had been laid several loadln ratepa era had assured him that the hemloo woul not answer the pu e. In the face of this assurance. coming rom men of experience, he thought he would have been guilty of culpable ne leot had he continued using that class of lnm er. Being reused for time it was lm aaible to wait for t e meetln of Council, an he had taken upon hitnael the responsibility, believing he was working in the best interests of the town. My nun {"3 run} nnu-an mk My Tlinlylnann ID 3113 D33` IKIUBTGUIB OI U118 `Own. Mr. Ross did not agree with Mr. Dickinson. He had beentold by men of ex erienoe that hemlock was the best, but whet or it was or not, the Board of Works had not the power to change a report. He spoke very warmly, and held that the need not pay the contrac- tor for the work one, he had failed to per- form his contract. 'Mr. Shnrtread lmd ln1'.rn.- pink;-. Pu:-via moved, eecondeci by Mr. Mor- row, that the Chairmen of the Board of Works be instructed to take up the pine planks and put /in hemlock, and thereby cowy out the in- struction: of the Council. V M. m..1.a....... ..-..1..x....a 4:.-. -u__ - _-_ 1111'. B033 VOVCQ IO!` NIT. 5VOV8n90n. Mr. Ross moved that the Clerk be inatruot- ed to have the deed from Thou. Mullhollaud and the by-law now'pu.saed placed on-re- cord. Lana van umiuaubno The next order of the meeting was practical- ly a vote of censure upon the chairman of the Board of Works. A "report of the Board of Works had passed at a former meeting author- izing the laying of a new sidewalk on Dunlop Street, the same to consist of three inch hem- lock planks. Part of the sidewalk had been laid with two inch hemlock, and Mr. Dickin- son ordered the remainder to be laid with D TIE. ' wt ---. ..... aJIu.l_wj.'Wl_lV ll.-lX`VIll' nu: - < ..=~ 52u!:.:';:.?..,.oa."'?.Sa`:z:!`i`33{2i`':: Dine. mr. uuu- aupporueu nu! monon on the ground: that the money we: not well spent by the Board. The grounds were a dlagraceto the town. ' I116 DOB!` A u... . nu BUG K)Wl-I. After some oonalderable diacusaion Mr. 0. H. Ross w`u elected by a majority of one. Mr. Ross voted for Mr. Stevenson. Mr Rn... mmma nut 5|... nI....I. I... n__;...__. rreuuywnnu Mr. Rose Km out he had promised Mr. Stevemon his support, and would sup rt him, yet he thought the Council ahoul be represented on that Board. He thought the monlee of the Council were not well spent by the Board. He thought, too, that sectarian feelin were absurd in oonneetion with this quest on.~ He thought it would not be right to send a mun there who would be controlled by Judge Gowan. He sold that practically the Board was controlled bthe Senior Judge. Mr. Duff supported h motion the around: that the monev wan not well nnnnt rm thou ht Mr. Stevenson should represent the[ Pres vterinnn. . WWII KIGIIIIOCK. The Council then adjourned. `FITIOIIOIII 01 F110 U0 Mr. Dickinson 9: Inn ll Chg. nhln--. vi-us ME-r`nB'o]s+*cuu*u{ou R. R. MEN'S PIO-NIO PINS VS. IIEMLOCK. ._.I_., ,1 Al ; T. DUFF & cozs. BU `H18 118! UK we lily, I0? IQIIFIIIOB OI BCVQHH rods out from the shore was covered with a vreenish looking powder. The supposition is that somebody was using Paris Green on the potatoo bugs-that fairly covered the beach. -02: Thursday last Ellen Dusohovo ed her husband Thomas Dusoheve with ha 3 levelled a rgvolver ather, and also with carry- ing rearms contrary to the law in such cases made and provided. Thomas was bound over lrn Irnnn than manna an Hun Hut nlnna-an Ans` lull `!'I'lDly 0I'Illl1B(lo U1`. IIDII II awonuulg the in'urieo, and is `doing his ntmoct to save the in urod ngers from Amputation`. E15410 Illll PNJVIOBII`. IIJIIOIIIII WIB DOIIIICI OVBT to tgodthe peace on the first char eand oo kee mini for trial on the second, but owed out on bail. ` - -Newu comes from the North West of the nu-row eeoepe hem drowning of Mr. Wnllnoe Rose, of the Mounted Police, brother of Dr. Ross, of Barrie. In crooning; river by I rope ferry, his boat w_n swept sway and he was left clinging to the to , where he rennined over an hour, before ing rescued in 3 very exhunted condition.` ' -A serious accident ooourred to \ e 8. II --uh: AC A`lnI|1'n`A hpnbnnnnnn nn `HA In '-A IOHODB ROCIGOIII OCXIIIYIW U0 ' Harris, of Alhndnle, bnkuman on the them Railway. this week. -He ' wan oouplln can at Longford, when `by some means h right hnndwu on his between the bum rs ind terribly crush . Dr. Ross in atton 51 um Iniurlm. und in `doing his nhnont to save vDuulop street in company with A Ind and A little silk cup young man, A corset laecd young man ; A too utterly utter llnised from the gutter, A ` who runs this Town young man. Au eye-glues quiz young man, A ` perhaps it is ' young man 3 A perfumed dear From our to car- IM you know who it ix, young man. The other evening we were walking down H herlittlodnughtex`. By no passed the " ude uni the following conversation ensued :- What in that, mother--thnt curious thing, Ambling the streets with I languid swing ; A ' With A Ipike-tall coat, a gorgeous vest And e e-glean dangling on its breast; WW1-t o -akin gloves and bell-crowned hi0, A`ud Iuc pear, thin legs, `and u atonuoh at? Lorie And weird it looks to me. I '05. mother, what can the'oreu_ture 2" " Uh. hush. child ! hush i tia no goblin rude- "liaonly a hunuleaa little ` dude i' " But what is u ` dude? Oh. mother, dour. How dul they make 1 thing so queer? D it tzrow while we were {nut nleon. -A grand lo-nio under the uuipioea of the Flo: B. O; hm-oh, wu held in Mommy : grove,'FlqI, last week. Nearly the entu-e popnhtion of the Township was in attenzhnoe. Amonwthoae who went out from Barrie wan an n u..n......m vr nma1.um_ 'l`, Amon 511050 WIIO WBIIF DEF XIOIII DIITIB WII Mr. D, McDonald, T. Illddloton. '1`. Si:npIon.,M. J. Fuwloy, A. Anal! and P. J. King. The plo-n!oAwal I' decided Iuooeu every reapoot. - Elgllllo BBQ Dlilll I16!` OVBI I116 IISICL II. 1'. no: and Goo. Lount appeared for the re- spective parties for the suit, and the evidence created grout amusement. lubd Jhout half a dny and ned --VDnn!el and Samuel Sullivan were on the street the other night in I oondition that left no doubt in the mind of Constable Sweeney thntethe were drunk. He had them arrest- ed, but u a. measure failed to rave his one. Samuel was dismissed, and gnlgxment will be given on Daniel on the 29th 8. u -A curious phenomena was witnessed on the bay early on Sunday morning. The water at the head of the bay, for 3 distance of several I-nth nnt from lm nhnm was nmmrnd with A -Thero'ivu A funhy who at the Police 0 ' rt Tuesday. Mu. June ;iloyo|Iu'ed _ M`: BR tin hart: Ta ninnln an `lmlthtn hall nuns Hun Inna, _;;T-.:;T.n.... % ........u grand :)dgfel.l:: toumanoxogzdgyin July 211; prox, on whlchooouion all the lodge: in the nainhborhood will ioinigindnnouter m-ooou. D1356 U110 UIOPIOUI XIJWCIIUD In UHUII. _ 1513 expected there will be three thousand waiters on tint dey. ` ' ' . n--..A. . v--- ._ -nur. rumor xuexy nu ontrgea Mr. ueorge Harbour, hotel kee er Flol, with having stolen 8 ll of lurd rom his eleigh in February jut. T -6 one was tried at the Police Court on Tuesday and Mr. Harbour was committed for trisl. ztiparently the whole thlng origi- nated In 3 J e. x-ox, whlohoocuion all the lodge: in the neighborhood joingindnnonuer prooeu ion will be formed. oronto Uniformed En- ...-nnvnnnt No, R. will In nnnnnmt with lm --~ ---4 u nu u vunu nu Iluvs-In Did grow vlvhl-1: we were last sale 0 : Uko thu and tho and 8 P|'Y ' lb8(`D'!

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