- NA|(l(.{'I'i\'l()l"'I'HH1'l(Hll~l. Hizlt1:l11eIIts (:)n`cc|'ning_{ the affair are Sm: many that 1i1licult,_y was ('X[C!'ieTlC(`.(l in"; gettixng, even from-th4~ 1n-i1nc`:u:tors thcm- ` nelveia, u cnlxcrcnt, statement of it, but it is_` mnuewlmt as fullmvs -:~V While the ymnn-,,v~' pcnplu wuru rcnliu`;_{ rufrcr the fzxtiwlc uf tlw ` ptirty, V Mr. (`oak Hui nlmut doing the : .lal)ours urtmnli Hm fzmn. Miss Eumm Cook prncoedml to tho ;_;rm|.'u'_v, and :13 her _ hands were (:0\'e!'m1\\'il|I Hum` when alu- was discm'evn-cl; n1n.~sL hnvc been in the zu-tr, ...l' ,..-u:_,.. u...... :...a'1 . . . .. .. I ` Wclluuy, 3 ul ouuuuusu, , l33iver?_Stm "?ii3i:%Kidnev=:i __j _I_. ..- ages, and us un!urpnssed_ && I I I\IIn-\I-vial I Iw-w.. Ar`-` `cry ki 11 bfskin Disease, it has never been known '0 n . Thl Great Household Medicine ranks amongst the landmn n9.cennr'1eIof Life. This Household me leading neceuariemf Life. These famoul Pi: purity lending neceuariowf Life. V Pilh purity the Blood, and not most powerfully, ye! soullungly, on the --` --V , -1; -I1.-'_1,_-__ . .24. II: Sehrching and Healing Properties ire know" '-hfoughoullbe World, For xhecurc of Bad Legs, Had Breasts. 1:13:11- ,-.. 3.- n_'._ - .. ., - .3 711...... ._.... . . .... ..~. -A.. ...___, A In: I nus ullu Ulllllllltlll RIC DIIIIIIJIIIUIAIIUH vun; u| 533 OXFORD STREET LONDON, And urn. mm In- nl! Vmulnri nf Medicines throunhunl lhe (3 V (5! 1 u!I>=u= -F \-:+:o as uNAc3uAm1:o mm m: uzoungpnv or `rmscoun. tnnyu sea 21 ;xAp4g5n_4a THISMAP THAT nu: ULIIULIU U] LIUUJL UULLIIU I-ll LIULI. LU 1|. 1 By `the central pout on of its line. connects the . East and the West hi the shortest routc,end car- i-xce pziaecn era. wit out change .01` can, between Chicago uii Kansas City. Council Blumi Leaven- worth. Atciiiaoii. Minneapolis rind Bt.,3`aui. It connects in Union Depots with all the principal lines: of road between the Atlantic and the Paaiiic Oceans. `Ila equipment is uurivnlcd and mngmn- cent, bcin composed of Most Comfortable and Beautiful riy Couches. Magnicent Horton Ec- aiininc Chair Care. !E'ulln:an e' Prettiest Paince Sleeping, Care, rind tii_c_ 13cut.AI..ino oi` Dining Care i_n_tiio wo_x-id. "1_'iiree '.l'z'gin.'i u_eiwoeii Cliicaizo and Tun are bugging of a Penuaflvania man who stole 5,000 bushels of can before he was discovered. That's nothing. A Michigan man stole 6.000 uaw-logs and had his brother sent to prison as the thief. Wan -girl 61...! :....-..A:-- --~-~-~ nunio World. "1"nreo Trzuna between Clucao Museum River Points. Two Trains between Ch!- cago and Mmuenpolla and 3!. Paul. via the Famous H,-u nn-r I an noun-`an :- the United States and Chi{uda.' Baggage checked xhrouzh and rates of rare nL waya as low as compemoru that orfcr less n ' (C!._ ` W _ BIKE: At your 14 R. R. Cl wu.L CURE on RELIEVE BILIOU8NE8-S , DIZZINE88, 0Y8PEP8IA,~ DROPS Y, INDIGESTION, FLUTTEI?/N0 - JMINDIOE. OF THE HEART, ER YSIPELA-S , AOIDITY OF," 8Al.T `RHE UM, - THE STOMAOII, HE.4I?TBUW,- { DRYNE-98 HEADACHE, OF THE SKIN, And every species of dlsouo arllln from 'dll9l'd0,| Od LIVER, KlDNEV% 5T0 AUH, . ` BQWEL8 OR BLO D. . n In The PIN: and Oimmenl are Manufactured only at -auau 4;`:-g--' _1---1 n aunnlulnl CW0R0K!.L1iA!E!}1 l I-.9 and visa \X7nno in vv .nI..DI'.rI I Ln!-I IKUU I I5." A New and Direct L1ne.vin Seneca and K.m:.~,- km.-,h_nn recently been opcncdbctwccn Btchma Norfolk. New on News. Chattanooga, Atlpnuz, Ax gums. Nn5_h_vi lo _Louluv1lle. Loxmgton,Cmcmn:m. ndmnnpoha am'l_Laf.1yettu, and Omaha. Minneap- ' oh: and 81. Paul nnd lmcrmcdmto points. TA1} 'I`hrough-1 nascnp;e:a Travel on Fast Expr-.55 ra.m. _ '1`Ickets.for sale at all principal Ticket Oiccz in Canada. _ . Bntuzazg and rates of 1'. u1Lni:'ii'i2'a.7 M. auuu wawruu uy rue use 0! me great GERMAN |NV_||a`-OBATOB, 1_c_)3' poslti__v_e]y and permun_ently cures I M P01 ..... -nuvuvl wvuv W prusun BB U18 H110!- Wuo said that inventive genius went un- vrowardod? A New Hnmpuhire man who has invinhd ' ` . !!!'9df\:ln2al:enftYpn;`;k::h()\Y:\.c?.EtL?f` 1-` - I`REEMA_N S. 7 wonmj pownnns. Aro pleasant to take. `Contain their own Pu.rgn.tive..Is n. snfe, sure, and cflectnl destroyer at worms in Children or Adult!- rss or the ' GREAT ROCK ISLAND ROUTE. .0. gym-out Ticket Ombc. or address ca. ' . [gar detailed intovumtlqn. set the Maps android- ra of the ` v PATNET Maouoluas, `N/V./\/N/\/\./\/\/I UNACOUAINTED GEOGRAPHY THIS Ind NIIIIUCBIIOHE I114 53. 1'81, VIE I110 111 `.`ALBERT LEA ROUTE." ew and Direct Lina.v.n'n Banana and `L --'l`honsanda t are Annnnllv I-nh given annually rob d of _thoir yioummli. van um- -. T 1 W7 T `u....""?;`a `:..`.`J,`. io:r 2:"5 53,333??? 13; ` 95 The olovuare sold to hotels ; the bnuhol. ` - ` 1' illlthn houu after dgcln. ' A _ 3 5 Mn 9. y 130 feetlona as aw mmoamm nu taken wit`: spam` . 9|-IIIIIJ IKUU I tube, address 5. 81'. JOHN.- Gen ! Tin. & Pals my` HAYDOOK & 00.. NEW YORK. _OA_U l`ION 1- are deuired to notion tint the none of J. H. F1-nail,` Iole agent, i F;-gun moron coo: E03. packages of Burdock : l'..ive_r lls. All without up counter .1 4 , run ALL UIBEASES OF THE KIDNEYS, R_E'[`ENTION OF URINE. J dock a New_ Liver Pills are aperfect cure. One pill w11l utiafy the moat skeptical. For Female Illnesses. No:-won: Prontratlon. Weakness, :6 Launudo. Want oi Appetite, and sick Headache, Dr. Haydo. Liver Pills will be found an Eoctnal Remedy. . , 'l`hn-u urn nniunn-.1 2-. LI..... .. -n'.-A.- ,., 1 Izrnsvaiy rm ll sugar-Coated. If you mail them free` to any address on receipt of 25 cents. DO NOT DELAY. HAY_'D__oc_JK & 0. 1! A fY|'I l\\? . sena me another yin! to keep in the house. our doctors treated me for chronic continge- uon. as the called it and at last said I was curable. . our new ver Pills cured me. I had no ennetlte: Dr. Hm-dmwa Nnw Liv..- *2s'.':;::.;:::;":;;.:.:;*a *::.:.':.*;**.:.:;*.; ..::,::.`:.-.u,i... ..,.:i;; ..:.'.:i .?:a..1`..".:.'3 ,...'..'..`."%%.`.`i.`;:`:{ :1 - Send me two vials. I went one to family. , r a poor appetite; Dr. Heydock`e New Liver Send me ve viele of your New Liver Pills by Pills ve me a hearty one. ' return mail. . hnrh eydock has _cured my headache that was Doctor. my billlousnens and headache are all e 1'0 o. - gone. FOR ALL DISEASES OF THE KIDNEYS, RETENTION Dr. Ray- s New a nerfect cure. on nill will ...:.c.. .1... ._..-. _.--_.,_ V . __ ._-_ .._- -rv ...-..u -u. uuvvvunl Ltuultuya '_1`l;dy are universal in theii effects, and a cure can allpost always be gnu-anfeed.` Each Vial Contains .Twent3 Pz'lls--One Pill :3 a Dose. Twenty-ve Cents. For Sale by all Drugguts. ....n`I.'5 }.': :.. t.'.' .'.1'a.2.'....'.?';'.f.3.`;3,.'+7'..`?`.}; .'.If..7 .,`3E`38i`P `!'.'!` "2_e_Eh.n;. we will Price, HTBIBLE Dr. Ha dock, you of all h lousnesa. No more noxious I of all billiousnee. . V doses for me of of five or ten pills taken et one time. One of your pm: cured me. Send another vial to keep in the house. . Thanks. Doctor. `My headache has left me. ` Our doctors counting. ` curable. Your Liver ` . Dr. aydock cured mv headnnlm um. wan ` 1. The patient complains ofa feeling of welght and fullness ofthe eplgnstrlum. ` 2. Dlstentlon oftlne stomachuud Bowelsby wlnd. 3. Heart burn. V A 4. A feeling cl weal-mess, palns In the limbs, and great sleepiness alter meals. ` M 5. A bad taste In the mouth. especially In the morning, and tuned tongue. 6. Constipation, with occasional attacks 01 dlarrhaaa. 7. llcaciaclle In lront of head. ' 8. Depression 01 splrlts and great melancholy, wlth lassltnde and a disposition to leave everytlnng for to-mos-row. V AII..lAI_- _L., - , __' -_-._.,. -v- -v---vn-vvv- All of the above symptoms go to show functional derangement of the Liver: and now comes the great importance of any error made as to the condition of the patient. He should immediately provide himself with a LIVER STI MULANT. the most common form of which is a Pill. Dail ex- perience shows that this. when the pill is -.o no: ind-ad properly. is the readiest mode of inc ting and promoting" the action of the Liver.and can be almost always relied on. I have devoted many years of my life, as manv of you now before me know to compounding a Pill that will not readily and systematically as a Billions Remedy. I- do not believe in great pu tives. and therefore have made 9. Pill. one of which is an active and thorough dose. I have calle it Irrnmcu, T1E'1EnC1'if 'A"BEA%Nis svsmir The Liver has been known as the Great BLOOD-MAKER and BLOOD-PURIFIER of the circulation. From its size and spongy structure, it plays a most important part in the ani- mal economy, as regards assimilation and nutrition. Food taken in the mouth and acted upon by the digestive organs or the stomach is converted into `the Glucose or Peptone, and in these forms enter the Portal vein- Here, by the action of the Liver, `these substances are converted into a form of so r and pass out of the Liver by a. large vein, called the Hepatic vein, into the general circu tion. The new material now formed serves two purposes, viz.: the maintenance of heat in the body and assisting in the cell growth of the svstem. Dr. Murchison says :-- The composition of bile and its secretinr. in vnrv ..m....I..- n ;- um Iuumwuance ox neat in me may and assisting in the ceu growth of the says :--_ The composition and secretion is very complex. It is constantly being secreted by the Liver, and, increasing suddenly before eating, gradually de- creases as soon as the appetite is satised and feeding ceases. Now, if `this most important organ of the body becomes torpid, or the uassage of bile interfered with, emaciation and dis- ` ease ensue. I` note eight marked peculiarities that now occur, and which we all know of : The People Know Them: The People Use Them! The Peopiofralso Them! iwzur HUNDREDS OF-LETTERS my mom 1_v21'1LN1's ./ILL owm THE HADITMBLE GLOBE Below will be founda brief Summary pf a Leettire upon the Liver, delivered before the Eclectic Colleve of Medicine, by > - ` ICLOTWHNG, % or sunwues OVERCOATINGS, &.`c-, &c.. &.c{. EXTRAORDINARY LOW FIGURES! This week and next week GBIAAT BARGAINS are to be hnd in Ready-made Clothing, Hats, Caps, Shirts, shitting, Tweeds. Underwear,`&c. _ A BIG "SLAUGHTER ON . Dress Goods, _Woolen Goods, Clouds, Squares, Shawls, Skirts, Mantles and Mantle Clot/as, Gloves, Hosiery, Furs, 937:. A RARE OPPORTUNITY 1s OFFEREI5 YOU 03' SECURING GREAT BARGAINS. CALL AT ONCE! s ' 51111511135: and ovearcoatings NORTH OF TORONTO. O FraWley&l)evlin sJ| CLEARING SALE PIHENIX HALL BLACKMHBE your new Liver Pm has rid me otiallb lousnesa. I ' ` Suits `and Ovem,-oats .' EVERYTHING IS NEWAND NOBBY. ro1'n.wx:oi::-s x"omw womzx. FALL AND VVINTER vwvvvvv- -vvvvwvvvwwv JDC)B\'l"'I'.F'A.II; TC ATTEND AFTER DOING A l{.[:SHIN(`r SULVIMER TRADE HAS JUST OPENED OUT {None need Want Good Warm Clothing ! ITS VARIETY AND CHEAPNESS` VVILL ASTONISH YOU} BE SURE YOU CALL! MALARIA! &MATLAnIA:'T !] on. .HAYDOCK S :|ETwML%i\7E.' PILL`. AN IMMENSE STOCK 5 !~`l'!'..\'E OF THE TRAGEDY. ORDERED TRADE JDIFL. U". IIAYIDCJCIS. DRY GOODS, READY-MAJDE CLOTH NO, &t ~A/\A/Vvv OAI',L AND SEE OUR IMMENSE STOOKHTOF SANDERS & \JHITTAK_E_IgI Bought m the Cheapest'Ma.rket ahd Sold at GEO. BLA0KM9._RE_. VVe are Showing the Largest Stock of AND THANKS TO ---FOR OUR -- , A Llruukanl; iupou hearing that the wui-Id was round. said that accounted for his rolling about so much. i l.\'H.-\.\'l`l'\' is in alulost all cases the out- `."UWl.'ll of an m'cr-wrought brain. 1):`. E. C. \Vu'st's. Nerve and Brain l'rca.tmeut removosl tho cause and elfects a, cure. Sold by John \'V hruggiat, Agent for Barrie. ` 'l`lm7iiishaiul who Iinds himself cnnfut' . ml in :u';,guuu-nt hy his wife instmitly l)(.`,f.'_lllS ll! I;llll'I|ill` l_lCl'. 'l`wi.~'i:, who nuler from an eufechledv and illrmrIlcI`I'(l state of the system, shonhl take '.\yer .~i Harsznpnrilla ninl cleanse the l)l0ml ' l ur;,;u nut the lurking distemper that under- miiuzu the lu-altli, and constitutional vigor will return. ' l --.-\ priui.-1, fncio cash: Wlicu ncluuk is 1l.G- i 1-us:-:1 Hf living hchiml timo there-is some- Ithiug wrong rm the face of it. - . J l~`nn`rr',\`A`ri:i,\' Valvular disease of the heart is nut very common, its disturbed action may lie`. 411:9 tr: -lmligostiv.-ii. livasr irregularities, &c. i '\ .\`tnnianh disturbed with wind, or imligesb : illlll! fuml will onuso pain and tlutterin bv l'l'()\|'1l|ng on the nerves (`if the heart. Bur ock lllnml llittors will speedily remedy all such luillicultioa. ' . v FRAWLEY & DEVLIN. OF I prove half of one of your plus to my babe for Oholera M01-bus. The deer young thing got well in a day. Your pills are marvellous. mgg gunned 1:11:33 morning is now cured. and no m3?:.`:l.`i .`. .f.'.;`.`.13'.'.`.:.'.: .. :.`;';2.'..`."P:.<:2:<;d OFTHE LATEST sg 1PATTERNS ac; a DESIGNS. ll` dz-nggint does not he them, we Five Vials for 81. B AT ONCE. F was Paints, Barrie. I21. rruwll, I010 agent, i ` this IN no.1- skeptical. , `_ __-..-. non. ;GeneI'al Ir. Hay_dock s New An csxdnnngo says: Women seldom [stop to think." True enough, but you imi;,rht lime nd1od: But they never fail i tn amp and talk. nu ..l ..... L- L ,t.', , I- OPPOSITE THE N. R. F . STATION EMBRACING A LARGE STOCK OF ]M:1sc`e'11a.n.eou.s Books ! ' SUITABLE FOR DAY AND SABBATH SEJHOOL PRIZES Church and Family Bibles, Prayer Books and Hymn B00/"5 for all C'lmrches,'\Photo., Scrap and Mental Albums. An endless mzety cube 3: 1' Ann {W531 101 in th market '"i*'=`* W` `" A - earaOA D8 nsplendx assortment. 103- NAILS, LOCKS, HINGES, SCREW PAINTS, OILS, PUTTY, UL. AND PAINTS mixed ready for use, SPADES, SIIOVELS, HO'}2:4. `AND GARDEN TOOLS, BAR" IRON AND STEEL and a. full stock of BLACKSMITIFS AND CARRIAGE MAKER'S GOODS, GUNS, AMMUNI- TION ANI) FISHING TACKLE. TENTS, BEDS, TABLES, CHAIRS AND STOOLS ON AND. Everything Portable. ' I I Call and Em Directly Opp. the Queen's Hotel. lT5::i1 %! U Iv Aonvonnauivia 0113!! 0 H135 ll-III U [H 0_ il [D21 1) E. As my prices are in plain gures customers can examine for thomselva. Handso - -' 3.50 in I __.-._.`._.....-. .\.. .._.._ ....-.....-. ._.-_______._- j . _.... I ; 0\jr-: uf uur heat citizelm would sav to the ` publgc }.lmt. he lung trxed_ Hall's (fatarrln Cure, I and It 13 all that 18 Lclaxnned for it. Price 75 lmttln_:. hold by \V. (7, M1iL3EAN, ] 1 . ' In | It is apnero coilncidence that alike at an L-,_xecut1on `and an a.1_`t exhibition the l h`xu1g.g1ng ggnumttee occuplea a. very respon- ,.s1l)Ic posltlon. 3 \\' . . ....... Y ......._;. , r vtv . 1 W315 HlHCU\'Url`ll,' lllll-`EL lli|\'U IJUUH Ill 1lIl?iU'l-I uf r_{cttiu,; sonic our fnl'l.l1l`.|llul'lllll;, uu-ul. ; when l"rulorick Muuu, whu \\':|.SllliUl_V lying in wait for hm", lmpml frnui his hiding place upon her, uucl in It slmrt, Hliurp slriig .'.,'lu n\'0rcuIl1ul1u1'lIy slmer'nti'ui1;4tl1, _clmk- `, lug her to sleuth lwforo Hlln cnul cry mu, . llor Iuutlmr iuisHiu;_; hut` from tho` kivtclwu prnhnlily wuul. tn HeI! WlHll. was keeping; lll'l', and wus'1muu:;cl upon by the iniirderuiis villain, \\'l10`ll'|1(,`.l{ her :1 hluw on tho liuml with n hmmnn-r 1:1` nllim` hluut. iustrmucul, lllll` .s'tllX1lIll];.; her : thou ho strangled llor l withn rape in the nnuw manner as he haul killed ll0l` dmiglitur, wlm:i0 yet warm hudy lay upon the -,;r-mud. ' Mmm. it ap}ne:m4, had had B01118 words with the elder Mr. l (_3m:vk, an is now discnvoroil; f It nxnnlal uI\nnv'n~ .`I'1i livivinir L':]ll)l]l 7` - T " ' 7 Sign of the Circular Saw, Dunlap street, North Side, Ba_m' G. B. MEADOWS wishes everybody :1 HAPPY NEW YEAR, and begs to unnmn. order to contribute their temporal hapninesa he win give 2.`: g 1- j 4- 41.: jj g 1;: L- T Remember the G. B. M. House Furm's/ting Estrzblis/znmzz. T ' Corner Dun/op Street and Railway 5', s1'ovr-z, % LAMPS, H GRANITEWARE. P|PE_S. SHADES, ' .T|NWARE, . ELBOWS. ' BURNERS, WOODWARE ' DRUMS. . CHIMNEYS. CUTLERY. DAMPERS WICKS, ,BRUSHES- PRICES TO SUIT THE GLOSEST BUYER. PHO'l`0GRAPHEl{S! Large Stock of China. Fancy Crockery &. Glassware V HIGHEST PRICE FOR BUTTER AND EGGS. A.ABGQ j""""""" ""_._-:-_TT` `,,"j` ` Black, Green and Japan '1-ea. TL. n.L..'__!_l)..`l_.'__._ D-_..J... `D.....'4 lY-L..._'.__ ...-.l `BL ..- D'-..-.--- A Dr. I`rice'a Baking Powder. Fruit Coloring and Fine Essences, Anchovy ] u.,(.. 3;`, Paste, Bloater Paste, Lunch Tongue, Roast Dunk, Chicken and Turkey, (,'u1;,,,-M ' W'In'te s Pickles, C'anned M'uahroom9, Gadburg/`.9 Cocoa, Rock Chm-ulatc, Kingsfordis Com Starch, Snider s Farina, Hominy. I).m-.g.. ' Biacwits, Macaroons, Christy's Sodas, Pure Gull! Baking Powder by the lb. I=| RST-G,L_IA\SS STOVE? 4.. A NERVE AND BRAIN Foon is needed in all cases of nervous and sexual proatration. Mack's Magnetic Medicine meets this want more e"ect;ually than nnv other preparation. and the price brings it within the reach of all. . Read the mlvcrtisement in another column. Guarantee of cure issued by G. Monkman, Barrie. _~ l_-9t gj lflali gggggggg lulflul """""""""""""" lu"0JO`|l' `lD`II'IO'lol ............................. u` -. .\ 0AN'i`bii1"sT0RE. CASH 1882. FALL! I882. Sole Agents in the Town for the National .\1f g. Co's .\'orth-West Camping Goods, mu: Barrie, 1st. Jan. 1883. SIGN OF TI-IE 6 51-ly OUR STOCK OF THE ABOVE GOODS IS THE L./YR GES T in the ('01mt_:/ of SilIlC(I( . AND WILL BE sow AT ELECTRO PLATED GOODS, CUTLERY,` LADIES` IsAs1 ENLARG`EME+.PS BY THE ARGENTIC GELATD30. BROMIDE" I RO'CES>'. j Which are equal in every respect to Collodion Transfers. '0 . ....- ..- \-lI\4 ....u.-uu. .;uu uu:I|,hlU|S uw mun. j Tuv. Ceutral'l`obacco1)epot, Mr. E. Bethe] t pmpriutor. is gaining in popularity with the i public. The beat and purest brands of To- ; |):u:un a.n Cigars are always kept in stock, ; and no one who once pntrouizes the `establish- 4 munt goes mvay unsatised. _This week a 1 new ansortnnent of goods is opened out,m1d com rises every rcr uiaite of the smoker. Don t fail to try the mntral Tobacco Depbt, ` l adjoining McCarthy's block-the only exclu- ' ` sivo tobacco cstnlxliahmont in town. u.:.1 Inn, In _ Scott : is the Best and Cheapest Plat}: in Town. V--. ....,..-...- aw A E m GE0BGE_ M1fi`3lT ---J.='-o R- L-MASAND NEW YEARS .-_-_.jO-'----:- 31-1) Great Reduction fro`1`1.1l resent Cash Prices. Thin n nv- hnhln nnnr! hu- 39IT~kTTl%7J50K8EllERa ]hspEctz'on Invited. R-A.DUTTON, ' . ' A . Ll'll`I.P. m Lu I 1 v`. The constant dropping of water will wear away even`th_e hardest stone. So the constant irritgtion of a cough : will an wear upon the Inn 5 as to induce m- Icurahle Consumption. Balamn will cure the worst cough, speedily and ollecttmlly. agyurd s l ectoral- I Corner of Collier and Hayfield Streets, Barrie. HOUSEHOLD rlinulrune uubzm-Axmo .-AAA J\/\e BOTI-IVV'E'LL S BLOCK, V DUNLOP STREET. Bag: to intimate thnt he has made full preparations for the -- -- --\ . --.-- .._.__ so DAHS-?~.``;-V.2v.`.1Eu?.OL/I DATE. 7rR33:nIzs. iilf, 3Is6uTf`sM.ri.c}` loohihf vlnrngnnhuliulnuohgvcultu-0Ioa'I-Inn`nu` uuodsa-no 'Il'IoClo'Iol`IINu| `El-IEQLF AND HEAVVHARDWARE. ac: \/\/\./\/\/\ IKAK/\_.l BofrHwELI.. s BLOCK B.A.RRIE -` .5.-..\. !1\-nlnvnhll I \\',u.'rzm Lrmjox, of Waterloo, writes thst ' llngynrd s Yellow Oil has done great good in I his family, his wife being cured- of Callouse lumps that other medicines failed to remove, he also states that ,5 neighbor was promptly . relieved of Rheumalism by the same. remedy. ! -` Wlmt's in 2; name 7 Bright cl1ild-- ! I know what-they call `em, 1na.xnn1a.,wl1en I tl1ere s twins. Mamma-What, Katy 7 `Gil)l0ts. I ' 'if'SWS"":'"V!VL win. 9- `roan av-IV: This qffer holds good for nvr.-. --q-.`-- SPECIAL VZLUE IN OTTON BROS. T0 POSSES8 A gnggg H" In me marl EDS 3 splendi GROCER, --::.v..:T `Undertaking I IN ALL rrs BRANCHES [gnnnsomnnmnsn No Trouble to Show Goods. \VEhavea speedy and positive Cure -for Uatarrh, Di htheria, Canker mouth and Head Ache, in S [LOH S CATARRH REMEDY. A nasal Injector free with each bottle. Use it if you desire health and sweet `breath. Price 50 cta. Geo. Monkman, Barrie; W. B. Sanders, Stayner, wholesale and retzul agents. 4 48-1)! -- Boy, why don't you go toachool T` Cause, sir, daddy is afraid that if I lama everything now, I shan`t have anything to [ lam van 1 come to the academy.`- b I I \v.__.,- I` "` ` " AT THE And all Funeral Requisites Fumiahed_ G. B. M EADOWS. .... A |_'. 0 1 - But, my dear children. why do you i curry that open umbrella in this fine weather ?" 9 Because when it rains we can never get it. Mother takes it then." 'l`l1ousunda of dollars au be saved by usin proper judgement in taking care of the health of yourself and family. If you are Bilions, have sulluw complexion, poor appetite, low and depressed spirits. and onerallydebilitoted, do` ~ not delay a moment, ut go at once and ro- I euro 0. bottle of those wonderful Electric it-' tern, which novor fail to cure. and that for tho trifling sum of fty conts.--'1'ribuno, S0141 by (loo. .\Ionknmn. ---.i*Ioble Act of a Tramp," runs the heading of an item in a. Southern pafwr. We did atop to road whether he sawed a 03d of wood and etimed a dollar; but it was p!`0bu.bly something easier. Il-ll_, I l\v - * . ._.u -.....v-u - HoIowuy'a-Ointment and Pills.-Counael for the delicate.--Those to whom the _c eaole temperature is n rotructed period 0% tnsl should seek the car `out o of remov- pportunit in; all 0 tgples to goodfhulth. -._' cooling Omttnon p_i_ranveringly had upon the skin, in the an t reliable rem jfor`ov_oroo!_nipg all (Hangman urn.-- n._.-L'._ ...a pan u--`unusual W goou IIIIIUD. _ This Ointmeng, pgranveringly rubbed upon the skin, the mobt reliable remedy for overcoming All diseuea of the throat and cheat. Quinlev, relaxed tonsils? ubfe throat, _Iyvollen lands. .9rdi,n.Iry tank; ,In.d.-b.rnM=1I II- . Y .P"' vdhng it tiusyuou. may button ` as goon I (I00 ' V Ixed b '9uow:;'. ampwgg x: tratmenz A with"Int_!i_:onzq ;*th_9y 5, ~'$.}AnI'..u `.2.-a=.m -` - inan in- . `Ginsu c" arm. ' a- 2 , Y dlltuliing `favor gnd; Miss Einma'C0ok completed the familyynow "in a few days. Eunna was the eldest. and This is a very nice stone structure, and it is a few feet from the main road, with the Ottawa River perhaps 300 yards from the back door. Ad joining the house was` the granary and store-room, a large and. very substantial building. On the opposite i side of the road weregthe barn, pig pen, and I stables, all of which were large and gave! evidence of considerable wealth on the part ` of the owner. In the house dwelt Mr. R. 4 VV. Cook, the proprietor, a gentleman well advanced in years (probably 70 years old) ; his wife, a little younger. and his grown-up family. composed of W'illiain, a young man about 26; George, a few years younger; Fannie, about 20 ;_ and Maggie, about 23; at home, there beings son absent in Win- nipeg, for which place (.'eor_r.{o was to leave. had the appearsnr-o of 9. lady over forty years of age. Comfort and happiness reign- ed in the household, as prosperity seemed to perch upon all Mr. Cook's efforts for suc- cess. There was still another occupant of[ the house, a young Englishman named 5 l"redcricl< Mann. who luul been taken into ` the service of the fnmiiy some three years 1 before. He hailed from London, Englmnl, * and was, accordingto his own story, -about eighteen years old. lie was blue-eyed, fair-haire(l, slight of build, amlfive feet: four inchesiu l1ei_i,r.ht, .'u:cUI`(ling to descrip- tions givcn of him. The family spent a pleasant New Year's Day, quietly enjoying ivt, and the more so because Misses Fanxiic and Maggie (took and their brothers \Vil- ham and George badi been absent at a party at Lachntc on .\'e\-." Yr-:u"s Ihiy. 'I`hvy re- ' turned home .on the morning afterwards. . nnd were a few hours in bell when the lor-'l rible affair or-.r.-urrc-.d which lnuiislierl happi- ness from their home for ever and made :n sorrowing l rovinu-,of (,Hmlm- for such :1 nrinu. " .. I (?.\'r.umu is the seed of Consumption, and unless taken in time is a very dangerous dis- trme. Hall's (fatnrrh Cure never fails to cure. ` "I'i&.'C 7:").uents. Sold by W. C. MULEAN, Bar- ` rie. . 1-3m i - There is an East Indian lady in Paris I wlm can talk in twelve languages. Fortu- natcly she is not married. - .. ..-.....,....- ---A nian who holds his opera glass in . hath hands, with his elbows sticking out on i sides, in a prete'r:Lhle to a lady with 11. big I hut at the theatre. You cankiclc the man, i T`In1: f`A..&_.i'D-l.--_- .\___.A '1: vs vs .- - , .,...,..,---. , I { --The False Prophet -who is disturbing ; Egypt is the old man who knew how the | vlectiou would go. [ . . VYVLL, -_,,'A, - _A..J. __ nu ` .._-_.-.. ...._... ,,.,. - I --This criticism is ml!-d0 On Tennyson" that when he condeacend to Simplicity he ` he rises tn gmndem; ll"OR'I`l-INI'}.s` FOR I-`AIHIERS AND ME- UHANIUS. `- ! '"'Z'11..};}2iZ"aZ'a;{L{';' {.o:T15{e"a dollar j store when he gets-all his decoratlons on - I uv ____,_ 1. _ _ _ _ _ _.n_:_.__ ;_L_1J_ ,4; v -.5.-u u ~-A 1ady s train has to take the back ! tmck.--So has the person who steps on it. " Come up higher,': said the choir lead- j er to the tenor who sat wlth the congergation . ing becrmse there s nothing straight about .H. --We suppose trout fishing is czilled a.ngl- I 1 W--'I`l1e mam who was hanged at the yard- iurm had his obituary under the head of 5 Shipnoose. ' 9 ml 1.1-1-- I1._,\._L..A ...L- :_ 3:,` 1 - `WFUK, [IN LD II|l\V \I|D|.'1'VUlU`|o It would appear Jhril liming killed K mother and daughter. he then went into! the barn-yard, vVllUl`s- .\lr. (`look was attend - ing the pigs, and s'pr:u:-,1 in upon him with the uxe. He struck him a stunning blow and, when tl1e o1d'n::t'n fell, hacked away at him until the life \\ l1rll):tl .tBI`Ud out of` him. No fewer than :1 dozen axewounds were made in the old man's skull and neck. Till ? H'I`Rl'GGl.E [N 'l`tll". |5l'2llRUO.\l. I`hen goinginto the house, he entered the bedroom of the-sleeping young men \Villia.In and (leorge. He attacked the lat ter tirst. Both slept in the same room, but in separate beds, and with one blow the murderer disabled his \"ictim, and with : another killed him outright. A sharp cry or groan was all the warning William liadof the fate of his brother. He turned quickly _ in his bed, only in time to confront Mann, from whose axe his brother's blood was dripping. `He had not" an instnnt_to think, when crush c:une the axe upon him, andisnch was the force of the blow that his thigh bone was fractured. Then the-mur- derer aimed blows at him with tlieaxe, and one of them struck "him on the back of his leg intlicting another terrible wound, still he fought for dear life, and the noise of the struggle brought Fannie, his sister, from her bed. \!"'.l`M.' ..-,..'...(. ...,.....-- I I -To save a dollar is the easiest thing in; I the world---don't spend it. ' ~ 1 - 1 ,.__L; 4__-_.. 1:I-n:..._ ! .- 0--.. - I [never hear anything, that's against me," remarked the deaf man. A L..`)..*.. L....:.- l..... 4.. 4-]... LL- said L- -1- -The pborest borrower can always return thanks. Bugle tnmming are vriocommended for a windy day. ' _ +The softer your job, the easier it is to get hard money, ` T T\__.1A.!-__ J _ _-`lJ2__ .. ,..L...... A nu`... V" "-4" nrsaaonuvvllu -To a Communist in a beer saloon the ship of State is a schooner. m- __ _._ - 3-11.... :- u.. ....:._n u.:... :_ nu. nun.-.. uvu - up--.-. ..- --Anything but a pleasaxit trip: Falling over a. sidewalk obstruction. ~ - . .. u .u.-..-...... V-0.-- ---The journalist, like the . carpenter, makes 9. living by means of his ads. `l):..__._._,.l- ... ....2,l L- I....l. III... - AA-.. V- ....-.. .-.--...J, . -.-Denition of a soldier of fo1tune--A soldier who has none. W-;.':v8-ix);-(-l;1g_;3-V1a.|.1;;3-x.1:i'ed: Birds of 3 feathehr ock on new bonnetu. nttention now was turned upon her. `A terrible night met the gaze of the young girl, but she did not falter 9. xnmnent. She rushed forward, and the nulrderens In the unequal struggle that followed she re- ceived two esh wounds in the shoulder and beck. ' Iler screams now broiuzht her sister Megan: on the scent-, and the latter hem,-,; the more active of the two was able to catch. the nxeof their nssnillmt. They were all upon the hell, and the struggletwns severe Mn(1(r;A\ Ilnunr fnlv u Ivnlllnlit lnf un `|l\l`:`nn. -A press opinion-- That s good cider." -Bound over to keep" the piece -a. torn" snnl: ' IvI.I8bELI.Au:ous. A -Ling una 4.: wisdom. ,-.u ; IA le mo of wit, ` May me. e your life more useful And cheer you up a. bit. ` ,u-u-1..-1-..,.,....... .._.-. . . , , [none ornan annulus 2| oekuud nthomeb th ind ti . 12&`%.:z:$.':zvb.ea:m":a::2 '" -`'=`*'- M .- womon. unnd hwuntodovexwwhgxge work torzun. own time. Youcanwork _ reams or rive `r. No, hub ion: wk time 'to the pay you nearly , 9 No `one on mun mnktenormoua pay, `no. d. 3`l1`:;ty E:1|4`l,oo;hzh%|qmag'h`:>`n`o{:!ln; unmu unru.v1ALV lLVV1liUItA'1'Ul1 as me only specic for im tency. nervous debility, universal lassitude, orgetfnlness, pain in the _buck or sides. no matter how shattered the system may be from excesses of any kind, the Great German Remedv will restore the lost functions and secure health and happiness. 31.00 per box, six boxes for $5.00. Sold bv all druggists. Sent on receipt of price, postage paid, by W.'C.' McLean, Sole Agent for` Barrie. Circular and testimonials sent free. i .1-3_m. -Rubeson says that the iPennay1va.nia R ailrond whipped him.-Sal:n _Sunbcum. Score one for the ring. This is the rst I instance known where a railroad lobby was of any good to the people. Perhaps _Rnhc- j son will wish he had lived in Vermont. --.bu-. ..-uuuuuu up AIa||lsV\llvnuClJu - Piiosriwrxmz Is A WONDERFUL l}U\'G. --Yet so natural, so. reasonable. Why? If you have feelings -of goneness : too weak and dragging to rally ; too nervous to sleep ; an appetite hardly sufficient to keep body and soul tooether ; headache, "with pains across the bacfk ; the whole system- relaxed ; per- haps coughs and sorelungs ; and will use one, to six bottles of Dr. G. L. Austin's Phospha- ` tine as the `case may demand; it will not fail to make you an enthusiastic friend. Why do we say thus ? Because. Phosphatine sun- lieaa want. the very properties the syn/rm i- acking and yearning f0I.- It is not amedicine, but nutriment instantly converted into blood. bone `and tissue It is also delicious to the taste. Try it. The result is as certain as that cause and 'ed`ect go hand in hand. As drug ists. Lownrzx & C0,, Sole Agents "for the I ominion,!55 Front Street East, Toronto 7-Icy. --Lillie L---, with her little brother, called at a house on her way to school one morning to warm. Some doubts wereex~ pressed as to her brother being old enough to attend school; Oh, ves ! says Lillie, he is six, and mother says if he hadn t been sick, he would have been as much as seven or night I UUUII DIU II seven or eight ! ` TIIIIEE omens rannmv Iucxso VIITII All AXEI I - .- = ` A "All persons wishing to test the merits of n. I rent remedy-one that will positively cure 1 `onsumption,Cougl1s. Colds, Asthma. Bron- chitin, or any affection of the Throat and Lungs--are rer nested to call at G. Monkmaifs I Drug Store an get a Trial Bottle of Dr. King's '. New Discovery for Consumption ea of we}, 1 which will show you what 1: regular dollar-size I I bott-le'will do. . ' - V l --Tliere is, one little na.timml_matter that has been neglected about long enough, it seems to -us. If the,p,oddess of liberty is allowed to go barefoot for another century. her delicate toes will spread out over this nation like the shadow ofla great woe. flnrn. A-uunn 76 A... ......l...... ...Zll ..,...-..L I ...--...... ....v ...n. ....u-uvu u. .. b.u.~v Ivvvu Goon Am'1cE.--If our readers will accept prof. fere:1 advice, they will always keep a. bot tle of Hagvnrd's Yellow Oil at hand for use in emergencies, such as Burns, Sca.lda,Wouuds, Lamen_e,sa, Group. Ohilblaina, Rheumatism and all varieties of aches, pains and iutlammationvs, I it will ever be found reliable. u ..n . 1-- "1 -- You know I am. a member of the lire depzLrt1nent, said Biggs, and if I find your young spark in the house, it will be my duty to put him out. Butv father," replied his dhlghter, " if you do,like 113 not I shall have a. new ame within a. week. Biggs limbered up immediately. Pnnununr-run vu . IIr1\\v1'\nv\nvvu .......,. 17-; u - vlvuivnv vv us --She admitted to her mdther that the young man had made a. very strong impres- sion on her. . Yes, said the old` lady, I can see where the impression mashed that lace at as :1 clean napkin. Don't let it ' happen againf IJHHEAHI , JlllSlLl'l'Y AND lJlSSll'A'l'lON.-1118 GREAT GERMA_N INVIGORATOR is thel l\I`\`l! ..n.u.4!.\ Lu. ..........6........ .............. .l..LH:L.. -- What did you think of my train of thou;.:ht?" asked a lecturer of a supposed friend. I thought it lacked only one` thing"repliedthe supposed friend. Ah!` responded ' the delighted lecturer, what was that?" A sleeping car," was the answer. . ` A min). -To all who are suffering from the errors and ihdiscretions of youth, nervous weakness, esrlydecsy, loss of manhood, &c., I will sends receipo that will cure you, FREE OF CHARGE. This great remedy was dis- covered by B missionary in South America. Send a. self-sddi-essed envelope to the REV. Josnvn '1`. INMAN, Station D, New York Pity. ` 84-ly --A little boy some six years old was using his slate and pencil on a Sunday, when his father, who was 9. minister,.enter-, ed and said : My son, I prefer that you should not use your` slate on the Lo1`d s day." I, am drawing meeting-houses," was the prompt reply. nun. --..--._ - _-..---- wan, vvII!'|I l'I \a&C&IIn Will you heed the warning. . The signal perhn s of the sure approach of that more ter- rible iseaso Consumption. Ask yourselves if you can afford for the sake of saving 50 ots.. town the risk and do nothin for it. We knowfrom experiment that Shi ol1 s Cure will Cure your Cough. It never fails. This ex- plains why more than a. Million Bottles were sold the past year. It relieves Group, and Whoa inq Cough, `at -once. Mothers do not } be wit out it. `For Lame Back. Side \.-:' Chest, use Shiloh s Porous. Plaster. Geo. Monkman, Barrie; W. B. "Sanders. Stayner, wholesale and retail agents. ' ' 48-ly 4117 I v - --- MYRTLE NAVY 1! ` follow. She could not get away fast enough to Mr. Ross` linuse, seine five hundred |IlJUl| Ll|L' lll.'l|, IIIIU LHU Hll'Ug}."IU~WllH HUVUFU Maggie never for U moment let-go her des- l perate grasp of the axe, and the `bed was overturned in the struggle. She was then victorious. As she arose from the floor in possession of the axe, \\'illiiini lay on the tloor to all appearance dying. Mann glared ii moiii_ent at the desperate girl, who held the axe `poised above her head. He then attacked l"annie and threw a glass lamp- stand at her,- which he followed by the lamp itself, Bl1lVL'!`ll);.{ it"in pieces on her head. Mi1,r.{,.:ie retreatedto the otlierrooin by a window, and called upon her sister to to escape his fury, but at length miinaged to reachher sister. The murderer then tied down the back stairs. The girls went, ; by the front way. At the front door the; girls attempted to escape. . Mann had nic.'m- 2 time armed liimself with :1 poker and stood ` at the kitchen door lm)lll1l.{ at them as if~ irresolute whether to go on with the ivork , of l)lu)()(l or not. l`liis frightened the sil- ready terrilied girls still more. One of`. them ran back upstairs to look after her brothers, and the` other ran out on the road where she saw Miss Pratt, the school teacher ot the \'illa_ve. She licggerl lierto l`l1ll-lni` assistance, as murder had been done by the : villain Menu`. The tcuclicr l'I.`(llIll'Cll no second telling, hut rzni as fast as possible yards up the road. Meantime the hircdl man had turned toward the l'1\'Bl`-zul(l lled. ` 'l'l{l'i .\llJllllHlll-'.|l (`A l'Gll'l'. The murderer was at once pursued and I the. following day was captiiifed at Laclnite, a village many miles away. lie had ran fast and far but could not escape. Detec- tive Latour ellected the capture. Prisoner takes the wliole.all'aii' iis coolly as if he was not interested in the smallest degree, When captured he was in company with another young man who was also arrested, but it is supposed lie is only a chance coin- paniony picked up on t_lie_ road. Mann will surely be lining. William and Fannie, though terribly wounded may recover, Maggie was not severely injured. - 11515 a _ Mn. THOMAS W. RACE, Editor and Proprie- tor of the Mitchell Recorder, writes that he had a prejudice against Patent Medicines, but being induced to try Burdock Blood Bit- ters, for Biliousneas that occasioned such vio- lent headache and distress as to often disable him from work. The medicine gave him re- lief, and he now speaks of it in the most favorable terms. I ... .. N sw Ln`:-1 I-`OR Fummoxs VVEAKENED nv Dxsusw, DEBILITY AND DlSSI1 A'l`ION.-The f.`.'DT<`A'l` GERMAN I'\T\YYf1!\DA'l`t'\D . Linn -Teu years old to hismnmma : 1_V[am- ma, dosen t Uncle John call us lads? " Yes, dear, why do you ask ?"v B668-1159, if Fred do5en`t wake up, and Uncle} John sees him dozmg, he will call hun a k1d-nap- I? per. .. V 4 Mn 'r...... .. uv n . 1:*.::.... .....l Danm-.`n, Worrru KNown~'n-A Fact Worth Knowing. The beat household remedy known for Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis. Asthma, Whooping Uough and all throat and cheat troubles tending to- -ward Pultnonnry Consumption is Eagyardfu Pectotfal Balsam to be proourred of any Drug- gist. - ` . us-. . . . . `_V___ 3'I EI'IlI EIVEUK IIIIIVITEKIII I Is it not `worth the small price of 75 cents to free yourself of every symptom of 'these_dis- tresamg complaints, if you think so call at our store and get a bottle, of Shiloh s Vitalizer, every bottle has a printed guarantee on it, use accordinglv and if it does you no good it will cost you nothing. Geo. Monknum, Barrie; W. B; Sanders, Stayner, wholesale and retail agents. . 48-ly 5.- V. - --"Pa., are we going to have any girlvun- ized iron on our new house 1" Any wsh-9.-t ? Any girlvanized iron 1" Gal- vanized you mean, don t you ? Yes, pa; but teacher says we mustn t say gal; it's girl 7" ' V ` DYSPEPSIA 8; LIVER OOMPLAINT `L. :5 -`AL ...-..LL LI... .......II .....3.... Al `YR nan!-u h-\ vv-u 0 A Rndwsnn--Of one dozen " Tnannnnv to nny one sending the best four line ryhme on . " Tunnmr," tberemarlnble - little gem for the Teeth" nn'd>B . th. Ask your druggist for address. . ` A 38-16in -A boy in 9. country school was reading the following sentence : The light-house is a. landmark by day and a beacon by night," and rendered it thus :- The light- house is {L landlord by day and 9. deacon by night." -.- -tr , n .. . --v u 17,, _,_:,,,s -Jerome ! Jerome ! cries Mrs. Butter- eld to her eldest boy, what `are you throwing to those hens ? Gold beads, mother, and the pesky fools think it : I nnrn ! / T. & B. THE MURDERER ARRESTED AND WILL BE HANGED 2 EACH PLUG OF THE OH.` WHA1: A coum ._1 n , - . L oeknnd th b ind ti 3`:t3>_nq1ne_u_I._I1`>v;v_?bI:t`,)g-g tho gubngf Egg. In Bronze Leann. FREE OF COST `IS MARKED _... - u Luv ...'...*,: ::'.:'::a:......' :m';'s::%*;:1%.:*:; :.:::! sum tlon and a. premature vo. nd for circulars with timonlala tree by ' mu]. `Th INVIGORATOR issold at x no or six boxgc for 85. by all dmggisuforpggm 1:; ggg mulhuecunly sealed. on receipt of price , annually robed bi ." t `thug-edviothlI`:1a.l;. px-(5 on . noes health restored by the use of the grggt an , us-_IIuIrIlI III [IUUIIFI I V". V which sltlyely permanently cures IM POT- aucv caused by excesses of any kind). SEMI- NAI. wEM,(NEas.and all diseases that follow iusggquenoe of Silo?!-Abxalslsgss gloss oi! einergly, ou memo ,u verse I: e.psn , beck. dimnesgot vision. premature old no. .3 `Oh Wednesday last came the new ef a. most terrible butchery, the horribledetails of which are probably unequalled in the history of Canada. The matter receives additional interest tn the people of this county from the fact that a brother of the murdered family lives at Big Bay Point, Mr. J. B. Cook. ....- uvuvu V; L) IL` Br! 1055 or One ' 10:33` emou,u;}v;;:aulnl:'mtude, pain in we .....`.`,=.$i:*::t.:.::?.:.?'::a:::::::':: .::e.:e:;an - ny nu drug-giataf ` ,$;?`3;`";{.:`;'unJ: n1y sealed. 1-ecei: - P, J.- CHENEY DI-ugcm - - 187 Snmtniht IlI..1..1.. 4 an u w. `v-COIL` 01' W9 0. 137 summu-st.. 'ro1oao. omo Inn. 8019 Aceom:_nn_m. ROBBED health resin!-Ad hv M... m laugvnf-. , 2? uchaners should look to the Label on the Pals and llxru If mu nddreuis 1101533. Uxlord Street. l.ondunalae\' are annrinm . D33 URPUNU :9 I KB: I I-IJIII-Jill`, And un. by al! Vendors of M edicincs throughout Civilized W'urld: wnh dnrccuons for use in almost every laugvn -. K4?` --v_,._- and BOVVELS. givingtone. ene ,and vigour lo these great MAIN SPRINGS OF Ll O-2. They are com}. denlly recommendcl sf u never failing remedy in all cases where Ihnconsluuuon, tram whatever cause. hag become impaired or weakened: They are wonderfully efficacious mull ullmenls Incidental to Females of .h ages, and n GENERAL FAMILY MEDlClNE,gfe unsurpassed, rul |Ill=CUll.' in van A.K:5I.-, Iluu uauuulru Old Wonnzis, Sc-res ami Ulcers, I .. :. ...:-.r..1-am. l`l`.I2k."-`J If ..n'......... Iv rnh;u=.II on the V K `II 5`lIXCL'J YVI9% KEV: 309%---, 1lioan2n. vxl!i1.!c rc.noL'-v. If effeclualy ruboed on neck and chess. as salt in-`.0 meal, il Cures dare Throat, Digmtcrin. Bren:-\:i!in,Coughu Colds. and even Asthma. For 0la:nduL9..- Swcilizzgu, A bscc-uses, Piles,`l-`xstulaa, ggnnj 4.`:-ng-Ajngln and lixrl ll um nddres` l4onduuolce\' are Ipllfilll I Four Persons Bulchered bv a Boy ! l