R (1 UUDALV AU, 1J.|:u.\ +a.u.; mquld a.s'tor Extracting reeth always on hand; ms both pleasant an auto. Oloe over Ednrds' Book Store. Bgrrlo. Ont. ' " __ _.':'.'.'.'(7-CT? A x'r nmumfgm ..I. I A EURETGURANTEED. nuanuuc unmclnn tear-onz) -rmmz Ivuu-on ~ ~- ---"I For Old and Yaung. Male and Female. 1-.,_su__-I.. .......... "l\IIIVI\`II\lInn in 11 in: Rtjl. I'll! \lLlb ll .Lvwu5` Qvvvvw Iawvwvw _ Positively cures Nervousneaa in all its stages. Weak Memory. Loss of Brain Power Sexual Pros- tration, Night Sweats. Spermatorrlicea,,Leucor- rhoaa. Barrennese. Seminal Weakness, and General Loss ot Power. It repairs Nervous Waste. Rej uvenatea the Jaded Intellect, Strength- ens the Enteebled Brain and Restores Surprising Tone and Vi r to the Exhausted Generative Organs in elt er eex. t3.With each order for l rwanva packages. gcprnpagled with vedol_1ar_ ,,-._ `A _. elter each order for TWELVE packages. accompanied vedollars. we wlll send our Written Guarantee to refund the money it the treatment does not effect a cure. It `is the. CHEAPEST AND BEST Medicine in the Market.. t?9'Full particulars. in our pamphlet, which, we desire to mall freeto any address. MACK'S MAGNETIC MEDICINE IS sold by Dru- I gets at 50 cts. per box, or 6 boxes for $2.50, or w l I . mailed. tree of postage. on regeipgof the money: -1-<'\i1ikV MACK'a 1VlAuNl."|'Iu uu.--.un.m... .. ........ .. `sts $2.50: 0; _w-l mailed. postage. on receigt of mone . b addressing MACK S MAGNET C MEDICIN 0., WINDSOR. ON';'.. CANADA.` 7 SoldinBa.x-rte. by GEO. MONKMAN and all Dnuzlriata everywhere 47 ly. giants": III?! I`: ;i:nHI"EE_i'5E:'wELL,sI:u'k{ 5 I?!) Itnnnn and `Land TII-ninnr, I-Atnihilthlhk Sold in Barrie. by u: Druggiats everywhere ___.__j.._?_._.. Public Notice is hereby given that on and after ` ' Saturday, the Eith of July, Inst., '2)V0l' Bank or 'l`-zronm. NT,` BARRISTERS, s-at-Law. Solicitors in 'Cha.nou'a; B Sn-eet.Ba.rrie. Successor: unt, Boys 38 Stewart. CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE. OF BARBIE, A ~ WILL BE La 1roLL_ows :-_ ' SATUR.DAYS,.....10 A. n._'ro 3 P. M. WEDNESDAYS, 10 A. M. T0 1 2. M. Other days-us usual. .1 Q OARNEGY. . Barrie July 4, 1331 x -T_:________. T H E llllllll #[jI!};h_ll Al'A__|3'l'|Il|Y,; Vol, XXXL nu.-gc -- lI'>.i 'm lnnn 1: an] ndntn nt ininstnnn. Farm. . . " - 11. LYON, PR.lVA'TE FUNDS` Mnnutncuuru uuu Euavnv ........._. VGENUINE .HA'A"1~:A _.__g-juj s. JOHNSON, BARBIE, 171-1 Knnnmifn in` ma dealer in coal`; at ml Olce a_nd Warereomu. the _ Brick Block, opposite the Queen's, Dunlap-at .-.c-_- . Olir Cigars are Warrsnted. WE MAKE NONE BUT THE BEST 1 We aaka. Trial by all Dealers. .8Ixi5ken ask fer wvrun BARBIE clGABr, \ B. MODERMOTT 1 Blur Opposite the Quen'a Hotel. --lgdrrie. _:::--- Barrio, Jan. 4. 1882 IAKE NOTICE! um I: "V `V t Bar-one ) NIAPK. ( - u . u 17 , ,, nl_l- -._.` Pos,t_Omoo Box 450. nmns ANVD sum? aims. Auunmwn- Am. nd Sur- new _;_n_{,_unw nesmnsn I ......-.6111 nnhllfld 8. IIGW BC. 'O'.l`IOE.. w EATING, ATTOR- Y T WAEJE .A'1`-L.\W,Solicitorlnchance .and - ` oer Money to Lend. 0mco- star `gi3gno9R.i9E?____________' " -ggxbmx HU RS1`. BARRISTEB. . Au-nay, Solicitor in Ohpnoery. convey- Flrst Door` South at Post` &; weg Street. Barrio. My ':un`\V Xv MISOELLANIOU uvvusp.-\~\ .-s:v~.:-avvv~ ; and Omiimnntnl Phlntar. Pnnar Han}:- nanum, oN'r., Manufacture the Finest Brands ot .--u- g -`:7 A \* :JL`\J-LL`-I-'1 .`--`- W'-- An.-- __.1 IlY_-nnnnin- thn 7 > V 4-Znnt IANITOBA _LAND AGENCY.-- mlm nndarslznedo ,2!-V53 `Pi . W LUUII Ilvvu ------..__. We have recently published a. new ed!" Mon of Dh..CuLvnnwnLL s CELEBRATED {Essay on the radical cure (without medl- eine) of Nervous Dehlllty. Mental and 11 Incenaolty. Ilnpodimente to Marrlage, The oice hour; of the - b The 311717 AND cum:-n`.s'r place to buy your --44-:3 A nnnnnnl-A L) LILIII -uuuv Aumvmnox, an-o". rfyuuua, Iv prom Iaraet. JG MILLL-GEO. __' ._A |l..-..A__ J. s. OARNEGY. Il ..-..\. .L Ill-l_lUl|lo. win. 41 `Amt 81.. NEW Your; MLIU PULLAN%| risnlue neat. UJV, av. H. PULLAN ._. `_3M-Minna. . gx -_\-. - , MANAGER. nuLp 7 W111. D1 47-ly. Lt (`AT and M 47-13 . ' ' L. 8.`&0.Ia.8KN_'D_EB8! (lsuhll.I_hedyeu-3) ` FOR YOUR V ` A Waaclug, Jcwqlry ` and Elictro-Plate, Dunlap-n., . nxnnll. 2-IY a--. vvou. ...w - - ss-n.nLxsnihi m 1810. ASSETS. JKIY. l.V I819. -T 83,358,887 3868110 .. ans, re, -`- . . j Allpqid n\two_\yL9e_i:s|tt orre. V Also A `n: to ._:ug C"1nmerrt3inI Unibn 1na{u- me of Igindon Oapltag. 2,000,000. A man} :0 Darwin `741. '1 TV?-E Rrooi; 3.` LONDOIEE GLOBE INSURANCE COMPANY. H LIFE XE?) mm:._ mvvcmn EUNns`-. . over ao.ooo.ooo FUNDS INVESTED IN CANADA - 900.000 n'...._JL.- D-n-nut Dav-rnnnf and fjlununlliu In I Boom-y. Prom the adjustment 0 !"n": .a'.` features of this Company. cum; sqniir DIRlcu'on8: Hon. leenx-yStames.Chal1-man: Thos. Cramp. Esq.. .-Chairman; Theodore -Ha;-t. 'Eeq.: Angus G. _ Voopeg, Eaq.: E, J. Bagbeau. Esq, Insurances efl'e cted at Moderate Rates of Pre- mium. `Dwellings. Churches and Farm Proper- ties insured at Specially Low Rates. n II to I:I\tI'!l!Ir YHGIFDIJ Df\l1I`DH - u "WHR DE A III! TWIN uvu luau-.uu any any G. F. 0. SMITH. ` Ran.-Sac` .OON\IYANOlNK_&O. ~ \'\/\/\_- \ '\/\1\/\ form MACKAY, AUCTIONEER, o Commiislunor. Conveyanoer. Issuer of u.....:.ma Licenses under the Ngw Act. _ Iglgxzey JAM Es sonoa (Hi, CONVEYANCEB. COMMISSIONER IN. B. R. Agent for the following Insurancg Compaxiies 1: CITY or LoN1$oN, ENGLAN1), Ca.plta12.000.000; deposited with the Govern- ment at Ottawa 3100.000. ' I Cepitel 82.000000; deposited wnm me uove_rn- |_ THE MERCANTILE FIRE INSURANCE 00.. Capital $500,000; Government deposit made. STANDARD FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY. ' Capital $500,000: Government deposit made. `rm: ABOVE ARE ALL STOCK coumxxus. Victoria. Mutual Fire Insurance Comfmny. Stock andMutua.1. Union Mutual Life neur- nnne Comnnnv. - V ` I! uuua AL` V nanny Au vngva Soon:-l . Prom 1'. Pt ant. I the adiutsyfment its 1,4159: In Fagin:-an nf thin (`.nInnnnv_ Stock anu mun ance Company. South S1',d'eV Worsley Street", third door V West of Vlfulcaster Street. Barrie. I ' ` 11- y IILLAIILJKJ ___-._ .-,, GONVE Y-.:I;0E'R, c., ` Issues or MARRIAGE uoauslss`. OFFICE AT THE ' ' * ~- POST OFFICE BUILDING, BARRIE.. Imiatk susurimi BOMPANY ! AQQTRTR. 32.-1.000.000. [ARTEORD- FIRE ` `INSURANCE company.` . - ,___,._-___..__ ._ .5... w uuu. T_Im:4. KENNEDY. Y0 1133]}: L0. w6`u,vvu,vv_v- - Has the Largest Surplus of Assets over Liabilities of any Fire` Insurance Company in the world. ' `Rates Moderate, Losses Equitably and ' Promptly Adjusted. JAMES EDWARDS. " - A cent at Barrie. am-1e; Sep_f_._1_1. 1373 THE PHCENIX FIRE INSURANCE _`mg(`);ig2E. ANY. of Londong England. Estafb- HE P HUSH IIL 11n._l:a LLVD u uqu U12 COMPANY. Estab- llshed 1782. THE IMPERIAL -INSURANCE COMPANY. Establisned 1803. Capital $11,000,000. F01-.Fire business only. = HE QUEEN INSURANCE COM- PANY, capimu2.ooo,ooo. 0 - ---_--n _ THE SOVEREIGN INSURANCE COMPANY.` Insures all kinds of Propel-ta mm 9.4 vnte Dwellings. Over $100,000 deposite HE BU V n3n.m1u LV .I.LV :3 u nan `J14 Propel-t and Private Dwollinis. with the Govern_m n . Old P. 0. Bu orrioa: ding,` Corner of ollier and Owen Streets. ~ ~ A.` on A1?M,D -MONEY 7'i`o LEND or _ Esmte at six per cent. interest. _ I AMNNOX. Solicitors. Barrie. In thanking the public or Barrle and vicinity fer the liberal patron e bestowed upon him in the begs tostatae t. at he` has at conderi-able ex-. me increased his bak facilities and is now prepared to de a larger b ese than ever. :--:"L Made-in the various styles and quality the best- Dellvcx-ed in all parts of the town. --_A-crib? lfyu u r ' I ' , - 3.` ... 7 - ;.' Manufactured f1'es,El"vary day. AsT: our grocer tox-them uuiyouwnlnoenoo er. g FOR THE FOLLOWING GUMPAIIIES2 ,--___ . cor OFFICE AND RESIDENCE: `DOMINIBI menv P10-NIC p.uz'rms so61AI.s..=& .wi:nnIa supplied at short notice and on reasonable, `terms. *4 __'____.. - .-`n;-Lu-iv`? "'rr" - HE ROYAL CANADIAN FIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE COMPANY. ' 'OD~ " , a Uvu-. . "In 35.9 yearlcdinpto at reduced rates. Wx-n. m we sent 91-_the discontinuance `of onsandadvertxslng. Tmnnlentnotloes P" d,Fo ale. &o..&o.. not exceed- . 65, 0 mam A_1l advemseme . -. h the proprietors do not ea! m `"- W o,[ nAD\'A.\'CR.B rule which will d to. Notxcea of local births`, . us! D5 " any `` ams inserted free of charge. ,\', Publisher and Proprietor." uiuu nu uyuunuu; uuvv uuuua. JOSEPH ROGERS. Res.-Seoy.. Agent. Ponce Court. `Montreal. Bu-rte -. ar. BROWN, LEADS ITHE VAN. . '."-'1?` 2 ; If t dfreslitiverydny. ' `igrutremumyouwmnunoo 0::-1:` H -, s_b;_* ` 4' I ;- -_ :3 `ii A _ _ :41. V-i L `@0303 Am! Tiiiieae. AND A xiiifiilxxxt N8 Uon `L ';'h0fJG!fT%MAY 7PmJ`i`3i'f`t"EVTlf'11T wmcn nuns 'rnoUs_ANn_S'1'IIINK4'-` 'r.i1ie(i`fi;1\fi;;':LERK, COUNTY _ a......... sail! ha :1: higulloe. attxppqugg. UIUUUIIFIIIUH IIIIIII ASSETS. $25.000.00_0. ' ,,, -A n..__I.... -0 A manta nvnl Z[.\1`.\1l`4K.LVl.A'.V, ,1J.|:u.\;.ug;_, will visit the rollqwlg laces every month: PENETAt\'Gb[sl{lLNla-- 3y 5. June 9. July 7, Aux . 4. Sent. 8. Oct. 6,_ Nov. 8, Dec. 8. W EHIlll)G E -- Forenoon of May 4. June 8, Julv 8. Ausz. 3, Sept. 7. Oct. 5 Nov. 2. Dec. 7. M[DI.A.\'1) ~AfLern00n of May 4, June 8, July 0, Aug. 3, Sept. 7. Oct. 5. Nov. 2. Dec. 7. Theremainder of the Month will be at his 0!- ce. Senders` Block. Barrie. Ont. ' - - 'r.`BA'N'rmu,;uums .~. ;.... ` ntarAi%%- %}T%hMaysJ S `"2 an pafb IJ'l. I a|9G9~rrsL zx e.-mI'i x`?`ai'-"y dd. Asks READ IIIJMUE Duuvu av:-wv.-.---.. qr? - mum-max J. BROWN j--.j.--------.--- . a3a,vuv,vvv. | Agent at Ba.r_x-lo. o 1'._Louu1'. I nun vvv,vvv | t. nnd Llbenlity In I are the prominent guvvnn ua. Agent at Uh . `ho:e={:}gf&3cu1a:1on of all news pets ' 4! tb-53.99tin' 1 t,e'nt.s-editorial '?l1ll!h`mdVr13:gtgd -tvsillcl;]en found to be gf iggsohmscinzms i 38. - ' entisstocked with an exam. -a` ;2:::"I`r rm-:,za,::;.:.:`e.`.t:2 . .~ 11 o `otacihz1esf0""qt1l3cl1ts for all styles of IA g bmsbafnprinting . 5 _ . PW me ungtL`?e,y descripnon in stock and ecounty. lnileluurnlg \ is a. most dean-ab 0 me-. hall tst.-clese country` fpwpnad n stock ofoholcetnnoyf ` nanlm;1i(1:$'>n~3l per nnnnln.` bsc vI;l";_{`15:`F,ces-s2It not so paid. in ad`l'; Br[lNG~Ten cents er line for NRAQV mdtour centseach su aequ pun. v (19 not exceeding onedneh rt1 . Ir*." YW17 rpecial contracts for yearly 7M'd'S to Wrlt- "nal"? ";f 1:: sgrllt. for the `of mg. Transient. notices `i 14 "N dvertis u| `ons and . _ t _ .uM1 'vau29d~%'.3 Zh`?3r'o;& 93:33:. or: smcon -"*"~{`:- ; t_`I;.!fs':. 1,`:-3 2 ..._.. \THEVI5F|AR`I/iACY| T3 is -_ E (mom BRAZQL.) _ _:m'a Nefw. C'omp o'und."1'ts. wan-` dezful affinity to:t1ze Digestive Apjaa"1'a'tus"and the Liver, incmas- ` ing. t1ze`disso1vi21g z`z`ices,~ reliev- ing: almost instan ,t1z`a` dreadful nsults or-D.yse%s.fa.`Indigestion. and the TOR I -LIVER, makes T Zepesa an _eve1;y` day necessityin . every house. _ It acts ,g'en_ty*a.nd speedily in Biliousness 0s_t1'veness,,.Head- ache. Sick eadach e, Distress af- ter .Eating',Wizz(! on the Stomach. Heartburn,;Pains in the Side and Bac1r,,Wan.t ofApgetite. Want oi F1'nnr9'v. Low Saints. Foul Stom- Patent Medicines, Dye Stuffs, Spun; . V T Choice Perfumes, Combs, Brushes, * Toilet Soaps, ` Or anything that is usnnny kept in a. 1_-at-class . Drug Store. Puvsxcuxs rrmscnrrrloxs CAREFULLY AND ACCURATELY PREPARED. Large Stock or -4 _ _-____ _ __.-up o`wu-aluinfn unbu -uvu-.- .. `nuts GR;-JEN & 1mLLIBo1zE| -_._ .....I vvn `53yZ.'`5;w s;;33 t3T2=eu1 seam. sch. It invigorates the Liver, car- Hes 6!! all surplus bile, regulates- +7. . Rnumls- and gives tone to the u N U A. auuuuu. a, ..... . -... investment on good freehold security at lowest. rates of interest No, princi- pal money required until end of the term. SPILATIIY 8c AULT. Solicitors. &c.. Barrie. , V 7 A . O*O5( aclz. _' It Inngorates we 1.1 var, um- `zies aflall bile, the Bowels, and gives tone whole system. ('.'nIr I-his nut and take it to 70111` % W. -1~i &;-.;,.s;-J1g.;ns Old Stand. W. '1'. BARKER 85 co. W119 :9 system. A Cut this out and take it to your Dru t and get .110 cent Sample, `era argo botz.1e for 75 cents, and tall yourne1zhb'braboz;t .7. () LET.--A FIRST RATE STAND for Marble Works. lntely occuglxied by G. Smith. or would beagooq stand for an mplexnent () LET.-A .I5'.|..K.I.` lillh Dxnuu W or-ks. Smith, Agent. Apply to La`. Lee :2: son, FURNl'l`,URl`. nt-mnnns. BAYFIELD-ST. mumm. a~FUHN7;[URE3l T . . . _ V Parlor Suites. Bedroom suites. sldeboardu, Easy chain, a(_:., Cornice Poles. and all kinds. of Furniture made to order by - ompetent workmen. Also Planing and Turning Done on Shortest Notice. ' DAVID DOUGALL, ` In Rear of the Market. V zrhnu IIRAZIL I |PH*9E5Ei'. fi3!!.='*' `I "Leann. n.....___ _ _` '\/\I\t\,\,V\ \r C- Mcofgfgi B C /, artiste;-3 soucnom ' bf . gums Mccmrux, Q0 MCCARTHY, -~ . _\`_ D. F_ MGWATT Li __ _ /.. umvgog BARR ' ISTER. AT. Bane. Out. 17'. E. P_.`pm,L` Sstisfnctibnt Guaranteed. old or Med Pictures carefully Enlarged to look equal to main Barrie, Feb. 28, 188]. Efg am '133t7i7i1]-Jigs. collar! dk. :(]1'u-ry 2?, Brufhes, IWW u1up;.L:u-nun, 4'. . ?':t%:':1I':h?:'.f w:;',Id{i'i}.Io'. : U; -I-__ 'J'1L'_...-c -i\n1?1l `III-. ` Vbrllnu-nu-;u.-....._ msnmy ,,p WARRANE ""'i .1. Q99 45.5115: L4'Jcu -uurqz:1,.ptgumu. dirt IE 4 cutL._`;_"si ". arena F*x9?=e*- `ea 29-= '..~'rr,- 124:. ..V. .. ZB..EEiVZE:S _ FIRST PR.ZE . g _ _ __4. noN"r roman THE PLACE: R. J_ L: G, :ucuAn.1n 1-..u;- l:J.\.I:.ar . th West side or Joh_n 1 wqgggggzgegg `:,':,,,.,;n., m. Geo. mu. `f; and Sash Faotorv. ..x-- A_. `;;,;[; Tgnrn nnwrmrstm c'AL:r.. AT 2 7'. Terrna on appuuuuuu, . :-D 1 _t. M60;-9'3 8Tu9a'n-31: Blggkofiie. MS` I oR'rRA1m6A1NTEn I ' rL1;N.IT"tJ~Ei. Wayn- easofxs given in a1lBmnohs of Paintmg, Drawing. &c.. &c, 'l`e1-ma on app cation; _ .1: -3:1`. `liunlnvhn d0PB' `PEI BEST IN BARBIE. __-- Just arrived. G. E. VALLEAU, MANAGER. yuonpa, pruau :and_Laaha, 'RyrHunnAY" eat. East. Footot sc 7 . mp rBax-rle. ` * 5` Street. De rculatlon ape;-3 ostci _ ngection, IS most gleairab me. ' -: ' _ lts4_qontent.s-ed1to1-1.1` in; .`. '~---1 A- 2:` I ' rot thecounty, sndeujoy1.g' Sponges, m be Rramh as W. _c. REEVES`. A __._. ..,..'..a_,.__--.. ......-.... _..9-- -r `TH: V came: or TH riiar: "~'= f _:1}nIcAp_- Hm ateagu, hm; length,` ` `Half 3 length onward. Into thaalluy of mud," . 'l`Ian ham-r lfnxn Hnnnrlerea. THE COMBAT AT NEW ORLEANS BETWEEN TWO CAPTAINS WITH SWORDS. Into thanuuy 9| mud,` - ._ The hose bbys oundered. Follow the Chief En"gii1_eer !" \Vade.in add n or fan !" Into th `vmcy of" mi . ` Went less thug: 43.. hiudy, V . --1-`ouqw the c1?gier'inufgri;e& 2" \v._.,a thgre tugan inifear! -. . No I he got on his ear. ` Anrl wnllnwf md qmmhloa. Ana wauowrw nun gruuu * '.l`l;ein notto; `kere 1y,- Theira not " on w y, Theirs but ti, and sigh An nnurgr than! ntnmblo If politics were not the cause of a New" Orleans duel it could safely be counted that it owed its origin to woman. Such a duel was that in which Capt. Emmerlin was one - of the principals, an affair remarkablefor several reasons-the small pretext for the meeting, the unusual weapons chosen and the extraordinary result. Capt. Francis Emmerlin was anoicer of the Prussian `Dra- goons, who prided himself on his skill as o swordsman and whose manner `and bearing were those of an abrupt, stern and rather overbearing soldier. A man of imposing qualities, he could not fail to be an attract- _ ive object at those grand balls for which New Orleans was once so famous, where the` beauty, gallantry andfashion of the city were wont to assemble. At a splendid ball given at the old St. Louis Hotel, afterwards the State Capitol. Capt. Emmerlin appear- ed one night in all the "glory of `his dragoon uniform and huge mnstaches---then seldom worn in New Orle'ans--viewing with innite ` disgust and ` self-elevation the crowd of frivolous women and spindle-shanked youth who streamed around him. Contempt .for the obvious degeneracyof the human race, as exhibited in these frail and puny exam- ples of masculinity who surrounded him, aggravated the usual scornful expression of `his martial countenance as he twirled his military mustaches. From this elevated 1 "state of mind there` was a sudden diversion 5 and inter:-uption-an expression of mingled pain and wrath on the countenance of the ' bold dragoon, accompanied by erce impre- cations and menaces. The cause was soon explained by the retirement of the Captain from this position with. a_ limping gait to`- wards the dressing room, followed by a delicate and insignicant-looking young man of half his size, who was tryinlto apologize the irate Captain for isomet ing. When. tho two reached the corridor the erce German, boiling over with wrath. exclaimed to his companion : :4 mp - gm vmi the man who trod upon Mud'to ghe ` ht}: ghen, Mud'to`th 1e rbt them, 11...: :.. Cu-~n'\ nfthmn `: Him tonne Ian; 0: Huang, Mud in fn1'1t.of `them `: Garments were aundered, Down in the mud one fell, Mud, too, that had: smell. Murmnrlhg " Thing is a.'e1l. And nobody wondered. Flashgd the brass_ pipes so fair, Flashed the swift water: in air, Into the nmokohpuso there, . Kliluln C-Inn Inn!` trnmneta Into nnokohouno there, - Wlnle the loud trumpets thundered, `Back though the` mud they went, Giving then-`feelins {rent In hard words of i intent . Towards all who.ha.g1 blundered. ' __ When cnn their glory fade? Oh I the wild words they said ! `Uhn nnnh` hili R Wndrd. 2 Oh I the wua worus may uuu : Who, could has a wondered Honor the chsrge they made, It Beat any dreag (funds. V Yea {V by I but) I-e31. io"l l1_o'gbt mi f And wallow and grumbled; l`hm'n| `not in '. `kc renlv; his oompamon 1 Sir ; are you the man upon my foot '1" . H 1' `am the unfortunate individual who foot 1 I `am the unfortunate did 30, responded the quiet civilian; but allow--- _ I urm...... amlm Hm}, " cu-mwnrn the haunhtv a11ow---" Then take that," answered the haughty Teuton, throwing his gauntlet into the face of the audacious offender. A :.....;..1 ....n...- mmnnmml the counte- T8. Illlli II}?! III II] A: onward they numb! ... A fearnu pauor overapwuu :.u_u_ uUt_|uvc- nance of the insulted man, his gray eyes I.:...u...I ...:H. . u:nAi-vn and savmm glare. of the insulted ms gI1Iy_ uyua kindled with a vindictive and savage glare, but suddenly the bystanders were agreeably surprised by a quick transition from inex- pressible rage to the extreme of civility and coolness. _ _ ((17.-.n-u nor nut 3 wgfg the only wow Your card. air, were the only he uttered; and receiving it, he retired, re- sumed his place in the quadrille, and no one who could have observed his gay and happy air during the remainder of the evening would ever have suspected that so vivacious and jolly a fellow hsd A become involved" in a mortal controversy with so ten ible a. rep- resentative of the martial prowess of the renowned warriors who had resisted Julius Caesar and conquered.Napoleon. _ "'31- mar` Inn!-n;YIO in 1'00"} N0. u|WC`)NEY To LOAN. uwsun: uuu uuu\|uvu.u.....r..---__. _ The next morning in room No. 76 of the St. Charles Hotel there met three gentle- men, whose dress, expression and surround- ings betra edtheir nationality and previous 1 history. hey were evidently of that heroic - nace that had recently wrested Texas from ': Mexico and who had passed years amid the ` perils and trials of frontierlife. One of them was the sma11'gentlemau_`who had so unfortunatelyoutraged. Capt .` Emmerlin by treading on_his favorite corn. His name was Scar-ritt`, and he bore the rathermodest title for a frontier warrior of Captain. Bis companions were his friends called into consultation upon the affair of the previous evening. .It was early. in the` day, and yet the affair " in question had proceeded` ina ......:.1 ant` mnnlnr mmmnr. -A chgllgngg UVUI-Illlao nu... --..J. -_ -_- sum?" pi-Seded in a `- rapid and regular manner. , A challenge had been sent and accepted by Cipt. Em- - marlin, who`had}`);owever; somewhat exn- ; bar:-sued Capt. mm friendi by eelect ; ing the unusual weapons, cavalry swords, < the `ddel to come o']wi1;h1'n` twenty-four hours. A . y _ The Dutchmen is d-d emphiutic shout his cavalry swords," remarked Ssrritto to` his friends, {fend very unreasonable in-not illowing me timeto learn` how to wield the ` ' nnnent, bntl reckon we willhave to aoooxn` ' modae'hi`1n.- ' L 1 Of course, -3jo' `ed. iii one,oKil friendi: zc- rt-..e... um '1-afnne to ght with 5any f the audaclous onenuer. A fearful pallor Overaptead th_e_ counte- ........ 0` Han immlmd man. my eyes Au oLn??Triiu:L. 1 " U: c(gune,"~]o1ueu.u1 uuv uuua uwuup a Tenn @811 ? refuse to ght with any weapon. from s twelve.-po1.mder':to .3 too$h- pick. Expectin mm 'mphT_tar.ma I have oohanlligd a. gen en(_1'sn-g. creole of thiacity --whofIe`rvad in the F'rwen_chca.vslry 51; one time, 5113 hi hu_ givx melt`. by. Em; Iitlgrilic 2; gilzknd-thelg;1bhmin; . - - n ` E - . n . rm ' u -...` .....:"". '.?s: the Franck cuiriuieagin. mu which we gun-una~tnovuuwnmq.u. H6 77381: `Wit the }onit,"bt`tight cs sword the Franck cuirusienin. mnc `ages gerrpctivgs um; `the broad. sword of thii _-__._..;.~._.._._- -_...: -. :4. :. ......|....: In... 3 jword _'0_I' me ,,l1'encn cuu1.Iuau~u- lnucui` mqfe hgctgde than _the Prussian" _ and,.u it in worked like .5 our` ` I `hinllxit iI.\_the` Vry. thing for this occasion.` " `Ydu;hi`ve `only tb let him ghorlway pt on, reoive the blow 0'1 3? ?"`.a`1-" 3'19 d,',':f `mi . _Iny. and I ll1nger. ythinglyon fetch; -9 _ ~._ 1, .. . . III]; mu" _. 7% Rich` ..b9ahfi-.1t:ed.w.ie` Dy, lu .I.u I'llI5Vl`GIn| Ill-I-Illa `yvll -v--_- rhii '..= nigestionwa-:.vict.e.,lou-.:$l'h9 dn. 7- M, at.thahdunmI$u1 eaonsustuntr ed 34;.-n..':::.':'... nA.:.::a.- -.n...e'..s.m.-m.q..: A 60:` a;sa>t2r*:ri:`.g*;`* wt. arr A ` ' O 1 . . % imnwe ';_ :'..i..;"-l;'..1'.`n3;;t '3 ,-"`I".'5!V`" ` ' ` ' aw _.. uuR8DAY` ddxapoxeon. 1 |----- -mJ- H.-an nantln- ia;}7z1?onTohm' la,--stmg; "hi: IIIO`I'I.' Wll8l_IV_l0 grgy mount 01 inc mornmg `"ea'-'.:'.K".;1"s":`g&"3.`2;`""i""::;`.1`i` E . . . WI . . one 0 n1 ` .:::.`.t~::-0:32;; of ' Luitilworkedlikei -` -' ` imuzi-..=ne. my. .s:;':?:.P:F. 2:: -*"'~%:*:'..``- ?.:*:.:: A "'Yon,`ive"onIy `P .. _g,.'on` mu], `g the '.~_ reewe b_loIy '3 d gh yhich gm. 5.. gyod 1e_.I5jIn rtzimiuuo `roan no-ti menu. to each the tide anything I yoh :31 in gun! gains Wk and 1 - ~ . ; ,- VL ,1 ` iniu wtier-to,I,o;, -was-:ibte. `r._i:_i.-aa*h:W.-'9-:!=.;hva% won m npdb or Vliuy-`W11 ! `IP91! . 5;|'gn< ' 3,1 tom.` Into. a um ; '**"",,,,. ' -1! 'iiI;'. 'L_;- _'~...._.'._, P!.59.:`.1.'.3.1 """5|m "'A""7',' "".-"V"T':'7""".""" """` ' .-'_.; ya I i a..."33"."s':sa.1;ta."'-." .`I .n:'..:.; 1:2: ' ~SelooiH h~a d.t,woAa.uch men, so wiyoiiy unti- :p0d0I to each ,oGhe_roin nppeuxzupco, met upon the~eld..of honor. Thadrlnan was tall, _muscularand-l:n 1;e, weighing ntlenu 220 pounds; his antagonislz was It wiry little fellow. oexjthiuly not over, 125 pounds in weight. ` _ " ` All LI... .....u-xlngunnnfa hnvllhli Dar. ' "|.`h'e" German advanced on his antagonist, weigub. All .the"1_1rran'ge_meuts havmgbeen per- fecterl-"and the principals stationed three . Jfeet anart,` theiword was g1ven"`to charge. who did `not move fro_m hislposition, and giving his-huge broad-sword a wave over his `head, brought it down. with all_h_is, force, as be imagined. upon the head of. his adversary. But `the quick eye of Capt, Scarritt detected and anticipated his den , and, without changing the" position of ' own sword, which he held at right angles with the hotly,` hereceived theierible blow obliquely on his head. Simultaneously. however, throwing himself forward and nearly _under_ the huge body of the German, he `plunged his lo'ng cuirassier s sword deep into his capacious abdomen. ,With such force was this done that had` Capt. Emmet-V lin been a man of ordinary `proportions the sword must have passed completely through hisbody, As it was. a fearful wound was inicted, bringing the combat to a sudden close. The wounded German was removed from` the eld` on a stretcher, while his adversary quietly walked oil , came to the city, had hiswounded head dressed, and the next day was engaged in his usual duties _ and pleasures. It was not however, with the unfortunate German. He had been nearly disemboweled and for months limer- edon the verge of the grave, from which only an extraordinarily strung and vigorous constitution saved him. When he recover- . --`I I... ...-.........:I `hi. oi all and cnmmerc1a,1 Iconstitution saved him. when 113 recover- ed he `resumed his civil and commerctal pursuits a. greatly altered ma.n.-Philadel- phia Times. I . Edited b J. M. Hume ..M.A Y ,Co11elateriE':3tute `an... ----..____, Don't be `alarmed friends of the femle, friends of the grunge. `We have no present purpose to discuss vexed question, no anxiety to consider whether or not. the teacher is getting money under false pretences when he clog the school for six long weeks,` and ,:v wV>vvv- _____ . c. at. getting under Iaise prerences wnen ne closes long rushes of to parts unknown. We might assume, as a self- evident proposi- tion, that the teacher has a. holiday. The ` closed shutters, the silent play-ground, the teacher in the company of his osrnet-bag, the increased passenger trsfo, these are proof of cumulative power. * . Tom, Dick and Harry are sure of the fact. _Did they not wstch the ruler of their little- world coming down their village street, dressed in his best, snd with a smile on his fire that would have Absolutely no meaning, if holidays werenot ostulated? Gran then the holiday, how does the V` teacher spend it Yd wisely, foolishly, much `like the rest of Sometimes he crams himself with indi estihleiood; sometimes with , indigestible know edge; sometimes he spends in three weeks at a fashionable hotel at the l)mI:v'roRs :- indigestible knowledge; sometimes ne spenus in three weeks seaside his sslsry for three months; sometimes he camps in Mnskoka, and only washes his face and combs his hair once a week; some- times he oes to Grimsby and irts with re- ligion on. young ladies; sometimes he stays at home and works in the "harvest, and can't sleep at night on account of his arms and neck hazing burnt bv the sun; sometimes he resolves bein} burnt by to read hilosophy, and only succeeds in read- ing noygs; sometimes he undertakes to canvas for the_ le of a book that everybody needs, and nds that nobody wpits it; sometimes he receives a letter stating that he has been left afol-tune. but usually he doesn't; sometimes he goes back to school tired; sometimes test- all: smnetimeo he feels he has played the fool back to school urea; sometimes rest ed; sometimes he played fool 1 during the holiday; sometimes that he is a. better and wiser man Yes, there are teachers and merchants and preachers who are fools; and there are teachers and merchants and preachers who are wise; and the msjoritv of men are mostly wise and A occasionally foolish. _ I . The tea.cher s holiday is a golden opportuni- ty to act u to his nature, be it wise or foolish. If foolish s will go in search of expensive pleasures that will leave him emptier in brain and heart than when he set out. If wise he will resolve to get out of the rat in which he I.-- 1...... enunllino dnrinm the bvszone months. will resolve to get out or we run In much nu has been trsvelling during the bygone months. to seek thnt society, be it of nature or of men in which his mind will be relaxed, his ideas broadened, his hopes brightened, his strength increased. There is no need that the teacher go very far from home to find what Will suit him. Yet 3 change of scene is best, and a fsir proportion of the tescher s holidn` will be most protably s nt in trsvel. here is nothing that b ens a nun sofsst as travel-_ ling. one feels himself compelled to look at men and things from a higher standpoint when ...... nnnnal across 1 nrovmoe. or catches 3 and tmngs Irom a. mgner smnupcmv wnen one passes across a provmce. glimpse of the busy life of the city. Men are apt to forget "the vanety of human interests. to forget thntthe Ltream of human life is ex- ceeding bron as wide asnll faiths, all hopes, .11 fanrs. On v when we get intc the great ceeding DIM II W106 allu LIXPIID, nu uupua, all fears. y intc great , current ot human life, when we see its wrecks ' and its successes do we realize something of i the insignicanoe of the stresmlet that ows 4 past our own doors. And the teacher has to give some lessons in steering to little craft, 1 that go bravely eiiouszh iii home waters, fbut ' pitch and heave in a r most alarming fashion when swept out into the broad `current of hu- man life. Wise then is that educator who tries to leave something of the great expanse upon which many of his pupils must soon sail. To have travelled some, to meet with men 1 whose line of thought is totally different from , his own, to hsve with men who set ._ upon principles at variance with his own and . yet were honest ani_i worthy sud of good re- rt, tohave hsdit driven hometo him by ' :..:.... nvgvnnlnl that than in 1 hiohar mid hat. B011, tomve nluli unvuu name to nlul Ly vingenmpleathatthereins ' rmdbet- ' teiculttire then, my within the and: of his district, to have felt that there are more things in_life end society thsn can be u_:connted for by hi; plnlogo hy--dl these experiences are of the moat evi eat value to the educator of ......u. Rn an nhinf fontnra nf u: Iuunlme- n 'tin7."',so7iiz;E1iief'iiitui~ia 6? '1 mhy mightone year be his * IA:-an nitv. Mnntrnl or Torom Detroit, 01'. 11 ml mung pcrnnt. 15, in new York or Chicago. He_w1ll gstherr enough from inch 1 visit tofnnie !>nz:vl w_ot-k tge g- wing eat no an mtere; :ill he s e to mukdenitelvon nuvugintg ?aY1`%`;.E1:'u.`:`5' '.i`;`g.:i`;.'i 3-7`"-H ;?Ja.`:2 on which `be before truly vary hgueideu. A visit to the Toronto Zoo. for inlkln, Jpn. - {%`k`mn1ov W' EA-'iING. A :1"I`OR-` . 1:7 a..n..m-u- In hannarv. and OSEPH KUUEND -- UULV v u .n. LI.A.\ ~ 0 oenuommlssioner In Queen's Bench, Auc- I.1onoer.Appra.iser, and Commission 'Agent.tor the sale, of llouses. Lands, Farm Stock.I{ouse- hold Furniture. Goods. Wares, &c. Also for the ' collection of -mnt;s.1V_!nt.es and Accounts. Oloe - -Po|io.e Court. Burns. 7 ' i;..""-..; '":;..r;; will be 1 e to 3 4 1... mhinh `ha I: ` on wmcn no nut mum: umy vary vngucnueu. A visit to the Toronto Zoo, for instance, wnnI(I '0-ism" him danih nohnhn iii n'1s-aim] `III. A van I59 me Loronw aoo, :0: Insane, would "give him denite noh_o'nn in natural his- tory. to the Globe or Mail oi _of the m':,...**=~'.:- *.;:,,., t.b:.: o an eqmpxnen ' e book stores,` of the wonderful vgtiety of hu- m`sn 1eatning.V and no on ad A.n,ol:horyeu't5e might takethe rout: of-tho Uppot Jake: and. revel. in the lorieuof wlhr Indlk .' Sunrise upon ghe - V 5 th T `'..r v.....- ' .m-.....v...L.a..% TEE TEACHERS 4no1i.1[i)AY. 8 most evluauu vuua w use euuuwr or nth. So the chief future of the teacher's Juno mnht nnn want In hi: visit in nnmn miallucationul. I. DO um cugul. Atuouu: us gnu vwuuur u my night one visit to some city, Montro Toronto, Bnklo or nit, or, if his means permit it, to New no hinnam Ha will Irnthnr Annnah fnnm nt 0! ms arms nun uecn ; I ..-.1.o nnnnnn/In Cn roux`- .. of Barrie Loans made. on Sdtislaov Lowest Rate of Interest, to nor as may be agreed upon. 1-: no. 38. Whole 11. "903:-S :h`!||_!I_lg~_QIIUI_ vv v-v v--v -~v~--, 8 ' .. . . In the?f:'t place; you've got to look well;or else yon ro nobody. A man may be. homely, and still popular. Whiskers cover up most of his face. and if he has gota largqmouth, nobody mistrust: it;.nnd if ho ho: wrinkles bad on his forehead, hm friend: speak of `-3- ---nu ncnvna and (If hil db` WA` _vv'o"IuIA`N on wovnu 2' {1 {On the ~.whole,.'it. is It dreadful bother to be a wqnjgpI_1`,.d_g.ndb to do the business up In ....nJ= nluu-un, forehead, hm tnenan spams un his many cares. and of his thoughtful sition, and tell each other that his wrink es are lines `of thought. Lines of thought, V indeed ! when in all probability his fore- head is` wrinkled by the habit he has of -scqwling at his wife wheu the coffee ian t .6.-nnnr nnnnah_ -aeowung as uu strimg enough. - A woman ml] A `woman must slygsys be In guuu mug. throughout Her but must be frizzed and banged as fashion demands, and she must powder if she has a shining skin; and she must manage to look sweet, no matter how sour she may feel: and she must hang just so, and her laces must be always spotless, and her boot buttons must be all in place, and her -nger-nails clean, and she mustn't whistle nor climb fences, not stone cats, nor swear when she's mad. _ - Q1... Anal` nn nut nlnnn l'I|.(`..'lll8B She nlula when she's mad. She can t go out alone, because she be protected. She can t go anywhere when it rains, because her hair won't stay crimp- ed, and she ll et mud on her petticoats and things. 8 e can't be a Free Mason, because she would tell their secrets and everybody would know about that goat and that grid-iron. She can t smoke, because it wonldxftbe feminine. She can ! go courting. because it is unwomanly. But she must get married before 30, or every- z....:.. ...:n c....I m-nmma_ Paonle will sigh must get xnarnea Derore ou, Ur mm,- body will feel wronged. People sigh over her and wonderwhy it is that the men don t seem to take, and all the old maids and widows will smile signicantly- and keep quiet. Itis eve body's business who a woman marries. tihe whole neighborhood put their heads together and talk over the pros and cons and decide whether she is good enough for him. And they criticise the shape of her nose and the way she does up her hair, and relate how lazy her grand father was and how her Aunt Sally sold beans and buttermilk. ' A woman must wear No. 2 boots on No. 3 feet, and she must manage to dress well on seventy-ve cents a week; she mustn't be vain and she must be kind to the poor, and go regularly to the sewing society meet- ings, and be ready to dress dolls, make aprons and tidies for church fairs. _ mm must alwavs have the masculine but- and tidies for cnurcn mu-s. She must always tons in the family sewed on so that they never will come o"while in use, and she must `keep the family hosie so that no- body would mistrust that t ere were toes inside of the stockings when they are on. at... .....`.o. Imm I-mnnlf in continual resdi- 1 tr:-img Enough. ' must always in good Order |.........l.....L I1... I-udr mint be frizzed `OSEPH ROGERS CONVvEYAN- ..... nmnmlqninnel In Queen's Bench, :A1_1c.. of the stockings wnen tney are 011. ' She must hold herself in continual readi- ness to nd everything her husband has lost-and a man never knows where any-. thing is. He will put his boots away on the parlor sofa, and when he has hunted for them half an hour he will appear to his wife with a countenance like that of an avenging angel and demand to know What she has done with his boots '1 cu... .......+ am}, all the. rlnm-s after her done with ma boots 5 She must shut all the doors after lord and master, and likewise the bureau drawers, for a married man was never known tnehut a. drawer. It would be as unnatural as for a hen to go in swimming ` tor recreation. l u. um... ova 4. nnn msmv tricks in the 1 recreation. vi Ah, there are a good many tricks trade of what is called living together .! A -m......... :. nvmnona in take care of the trade of what is called '* nvmg wgeuuer .; A woman is expected to take care . baby evenafter the rst infantile wonder multiplies into a. round dozen. And if he doubles {up with the colic, or the trisls of cutting teeth, necessary evils of the mumps and measels, and scarlet fever and rash, and throat distemper, and short sleeves and bare legs, and pim sticking into him, and too much candy, and a. bad tem- per, why, her hnsbsnd tells her that he does wish she'd try to quiet her baby. And he says it just as if he full believed 41...; .1... aim-m unu 1-nnnnnsible 01' its ex- And he In ]l13I'a as u ne mu uvuuvcu. that she alone was responsible istence ; and as if he thought she was con- sidera.bly- to blame for it, too. Am: when nhn has the headache. nobody M m2.oo1`r u`6'r`m Abvhuon. side:-ably to blame for 1:, too. And when she has the headache, nobody thinks of minding it ! A woman is always having the headache ! And if she is ne1~ vons enouvh to fly, nobody shuts the door any easier on_ account of it or tucks her upon the lounge with a shawl over her, or ma-Ilm: her to death. like a man has to be the lounge mm gnaw: over nut, u. codilea her to death, coddled in such circumstances. WA'wn:nhf nun An` inrlnnit IV coddled in such circumstances. . We" might go on indenitely with the trouble being a woman brings; and if there is a man in the world who thinks a. woman has an easy time of it. why just let him pin a pound of fslsevhair to his head, and get i-nnin 2. mm nail` of corsets and put on a una OI 131391 nun" uu nun Alvuu, an 5... inside a new pair of- nets put pull-back overakirt, a. d be La-woman him- self, und see how he likes at. NIORTGA B8 BOUGHT .._.-- Borrow from 9. home Company and_I manta commissions. ace. Annlv tn ` HIS JUVENILE DAYS Unpublinhedfnge from the life of George Washington. t in the merry summer time. To him, the mother of the father of his _...._L--. _since school was dismissed? LU uuu, uuu nuuuuva. >v- vuv -----v- v- -~~~ country: . George, `dear, where have you been u`l:I'-:..u. 1...... ........`I.m.n Inn smce sonoox was ummueu u Huin t been nowhere, ms. " Did you come straight home from school, George T." Yes, ma a.m ! But school in diamihaod at 3o c1ock and it is now half-puit six; How does that come '1" Got k in. `S What or 1"- - u `lt:.....I _9 :..........t.. I....'.. P Missed m - joggrsfy less'n. . But` your teacher was here only an hour ago and said you hadn t been at school 1 all day 1" . - V Got kep in yestiddy, then. : d - ?Geo1-go, why were you not at school _to- , 3, 9! I Forgot. Thought all the time it was 1 Saturday. ' Don t stand on one side of your foot in that manner Come here to me. George, you have been s(imming. `F No me. - Yes1youh'avo,'George-. Haven't you '1" - ::'el(i pf chi `Geo 2" N uygogruno er, rge ?Then what makes your hair so wet, my V If . I - Sweat. M I run so fut eomin from _..I. ....`I ' W -E ii a'Z"Lr"1""- - 5 I 3011001." . But your shirt in wrong side on ." _ 1 ' _ P_u1; it on that my whenI_ got up this ` mornmg for luck: Alweyuv _1nn whey y_on I play for keeps If your shut ; on made out. . Andyou _h_even t the right sleeve of Vyoyiir shirt onjoursrm etlll, George, thereiltherdknot tied init. Howdxd ` thsteome t.h_ere'l"' A A ` `L tied it in when I wun t " I.lll_I sun shirt 033 H `IIIJ-J6 `I IIIIKI UII4 Didn't have it on; He 30: tooth: tied Lthutknotin thonvlunit upon` me. 4: Gem?` .1! . -. T_hst I honest truth.` he did." _ _ ' '_ cane T$` n;.`."u.2:%j``.2`;L..;. : ..~"%....@ :.- uv snow" - . `..j,*1i;At,`,1>6:- ;d";n_%. `-?`einT to com : _ V1`l.'1'1'vr'.tl!e`.tirand!ul'm""""'Ioone. ` .1110:-eli ro- :`:?*` W '9 '**"= *5 v*='i IIB HUI, iuu 5:21: eta Ln In nrntnnn hum- _ THE ITARRIE . 1 Loan andsavings company. (LIMITED) 1, 1).._...'.. XIII 0V8! Elli! Lllailll WIIIW 9%, I171 I1lUy" {11127 thpt baby May wan driftin sway from them , going guy; 4_ i 'k V age where so mhy mm loving handi, " yaiq to keep her, or oven to smooth vnth thexr kmd nolicitude her lut brief sorrows, they, too, ghiiauhnn Flu thichi hnnr nf nu-tina 1 I-IILP In _ `There WIl,lllKll1Ih'--g I who bent over the lit 1 L'..-- 61...} L-`an Man can Ioucuuuu not an uruu wrruwu, envy, wu, ` ` thi-Iii! h f ' V i " ,.Th 03% l(: opc`1r31l::% 3116 w "l'!'0t'iIil3r"I'| . T ...'..l.Inn L11 :-Inn nmn and nnnfirv-n nn ha!- o ring: of` lilies on nor cneeu; me 10V0ly none: eye: new th .I0t, `but. were t_urned.md ' "xed ; t `'b`i`e atn on ni `pm pa aims and went, uttered and seemed Roth to leave its 4-..; m-I-rm. Oh. the awful. cruel strength CE [IVE UUIIUF` IIUW. 1119 rungs U1 _,;l:l den luir by dump and unntin-ed on her white forehead; the 1-090: Jvere turned to lilies her cheeks; the lovely violet eyes -._ mm nnl: hnf. um-A unturned And jent, uttered and seemed low to leave as sweet prison. Oh, the mgful, stren ll: . 8 delvili ' .7 ` I3- `lfeu of love! They who Jogger "liter than life could not lift a hand to avert the destroyer; they could only watch and wait until the end should come. Her merry, .J_...a...u Indenk unnhd nnvnr nunin lllldden until the end would come. ner merry, `tag laugh would never again gladden th 'jl1eaaV; her little feet wouluuke no xn ' muulcu they ran meet n..`.... 1i.ih'6"Mav mu dvnhq- nmfall the mm mu_ meyvranpgw u. them. Bacy May was dy1ng,nt?n all the `house was darkened and hushed ! Then it was an the shadows fell in denser waves about us, that she stirred ever so faintly, and our hearts gave a. great bound . an we thought She is better ! She will . :y_,, _|_- I_._...... ..-. 1.5- -5`. manna` as we thought. "bne 1s neuer : Duo vnu live." . Yes, she knew us; her. .e eunoved from one face to the other, with _dim, un- certaingsze ! Oh ! how good God was to give her back ! How we would raise and bless him all our lives! She ifted one .s.:..... s......1_mm-_a1immt`nn1se1ess. but bless him, can IIVOI`. ene xuwu uuu dainty hand-cold--almost"pulseless, better, better- -we would `have it so-and laid it on the rough, browned hand of the run ed man who sat nearest tn her. His eye 'ds were red with weeping, but now. a smile lighted all his bronzed face like u. rainbowaa he felt the gentle pressure of his little daughter's hand--the mute, im- ploring touch, that meant a question. W hat is it, darling T he Isked in I I--- 1.4:... ..t :........J Ohnnlnnnnvintx Or to W KIM . In H, uunulgi nu Iunvu ... bi-ol:en..toi1`es of joy and thanksgiving. She could not speak, and so we raised `her on the pretty lace pillow, and her wee '.'.`llll`.8 face shown in the twilight like 5 fair star. or a sweet woodland ower. She lifted her heavy eyes to his-eyes that even then had, the glory and rthe pro- mise df immortality in them, and reaching ....1 `ant Hula wnntnd su-m|_ ggid if; her 01 net uuuu vvuuuzu nu-nu, m... ._ .--- wear, ute-hke vo1ce : e lp me across, papa ! Then she was gone! We held to our breaking hearts the frail, beautiful shell, 1...; ..t... ...... I... await whithnr we might. breaking hearts me rrau, Ueuuunun uucul, but she was far away, whither we might. not follow. She had crossed the dark river, and not alone. Over the river xhc boatman pole Carried another, the household pet. She crossed on her bosom her dhnplcd hands And fearlessly entered the phantom bark: VVe felt it glide from the silver sands. And all our sunshlnegrew strangely dark." Gide glide sands. And sunshine grew Oh, Innite Father! When we weary and disappointed ones reach out pleading hands to Thee, wilt Thou take us even as the little child, and help us across over the mountains of defeat and the valleys of humiliation into the eternal rest of Thy presence, into the green pastures and be- side the still waters, into the City of the New Jerusalem, whose builder and maker is God l"--Dctroit Free Press. _.--. There is something peculiar about som- nambulism when considered from s scien- tic and philosophical stand-point, The sleep-walker, it will be found, still retains a. dim idea, even while he is asleep, of the condition of affairs when he went to sleep. For instance, if he leaves his clothes in a certain part of the room on retiring he knows when he rises just where to nd them, even in the dark. _This is aquestion which opens up a wonderful eld for phy- sological and mental research. While young and giddy we become a somnsmbulist and excited at great deal of curiosity by our strange freaks during sleep, and this one question of the slumberiug mind and its memory of the facts existing ....:.... s.'.`.I.mn aim: than most reinnrknble mind and Its memory or trip uscus eiuauuy, prior to i sleep was the moat relnarknhle thing about it at all to us. We puzzled over that a good deal. At night we would retire to rest and the next thing we would know we would wake up in the middle of a. contiguous melon patch, and there would b: two or three other aonmatnbulists there in the same, patch, and as much surprised as we were. Still there is the same truth starin us in the face. Every somnambuliat there ad through his sleep retained in his semi-conscious state a perfect recollection of where every article of in clothing was andhow to get out of the -stairs window without waking the old people. 12.... an!` Hun um nwnar of the melon without wakmg me om people. Bye and bye the owner of the melon patch procured, at great expense, 3. large humorous bulldog, who was" also 9. nonmem- btilist. H e walked in his sleep a clood deal. Thatis why we quit. We didn t propose to decend to the level of the brute creation. We just said, if a bulldog wants to aomnam, he can do so and we will leave the eld to hiun_ IIU VII him. \l7. mm. We madethia resolution one night just after we had plugged 3 watermealon. While atooping over in the act, we felt. as ng of coscience and heard our suspenders reek. Perhaps the casual reader has never out down on a buzz saw and felt. himself grud- 'ually fading away. If no he does not know what it is to form the ac uaintsnoe of a aomnambulist bull-dog in C. e prime of life. An... chat -nmnnnhnlinm didn't have somnsmnunsr. ouu-uog In mu pruuu u. uu:. After that, `somnambulism didn't have such a run in our family for a while. We never slept so sound that we didn't remem- ber places and. objects that had made an impression on us prior to slumber, and that is why we say that there is something in this matter that scientists would do well to I..-I. :..L.. D..,.......m..n U11! ulnuer bunny nvnuuun look into.-Boomerang. THOSE THOUSAND HOOKS ON ON! LINE It ain't the lack of sh that worries us, but it's bait." said a red-faced, yellow- beardod sherman as he overhauled a long trawl in a snug little cove near Biddc-~ ford Puu],'Me. -`It does require a dretful sight of bait tu set a line proper. Naow here, for, instance, pointing to a coil of line three feet high, thcre`s a medium trawl ;` it s as end line, over a mile and a quarter long, and every three feet a cod hook fsstened to it._ Let's see; two naughta is naught an` two's :8 two. Well, inusingly, there's about 2,(X)0 or 3,000 houks to be baited with herring, clams, squid or what 1 we kin ` et. It takes half a da tbbait the trawl aune, and as fast Cs" its baited we coil it up in one of these. ere baskets. Sinkers are put on each end and corks. and, when the end is over you jest row or sail oil , slacken up until the end comes; then let go and stand by for an hour or so. You see you've covered a mile of ground, and , if there s any kind of tishin you ought to get from 200 to 500 pounds of cod, haddock or hake. ' A cent and a quarter a pound is ,n what we get:-then the cod liver and hake ` sounds brings up the price. Dog fish, a kind. of shark, is vet conunon jest about now,'but their live]:-3' `fdly pay for them." ly Don t large sh tearyonr line 1" we asked. No. Tha`t s'the beauty. of a trawl ; you m km hook. sB00-pound halibut, and he'll I_oon._.drown ;hl_mself on the line that gives est so much and can't break. To get bait nn sun hob ska... `anon :-5 IIQ` i|l'\ ant` BOMNAMBULISM IN DOGS B 0! l!lI.ln0l'uuuy nu uncm, 4 her llttle wasted arms, ..._ lI.-L.. HI... C!l'\:lIf\ . Jun go _lu.ucu gun can 5 owns. 10 gm. mm. for trawl: we not those herrin nets up and down_ -the coast, and we git I. good many . squid: on em."--[New York Sun. --Lvuw unvuu pllllplv put up nuuuo oaU,- 000 on` the-nos! Clinditona Land _were beautifully scooped. Ono mu who couldn't. givehbut. to help build a church lost 8700 an t 4:31-An. . _ . : ' KIYU UIIII Ul on the mop. . 10 Tu: EKUIUAD rxsuvnlalolvg Ah I) ALL WHO!!! 1'!` HIV .`C0!".33.31'- `- lno, ~or nerve F003} 0 PHWHV .dnpon Scion- tio ` A.1ntm' ' ms: 1).-.:' ;Boutni.\-1l11~c}nnnn.V n.i........ ne u.-[cu-ug:||'auny'.;::roIn:l>A1ntin, .34 '~BOI0nI.'-.lIQ- . onus. Oonnnn' ' Bow.-: 8h:.HuduKmW xlrvounmuiiz -Now Haven people put up about 820,- III nn- tluyunnnr linbntmm and wm-n VV. IrIlVI--7`. Money Lenders and Private Bankers We beg leave to call ;;In- attention to the L\II.....1.... L. "La . To win Hinton. Piabtottg Am 1: ALL up nnv `r-ntmmnh. .`.PIn&&ntin.' .-`M. ..-...... H313 his-- eyes the , said in your attention following facts : , 1. We LEN!) MORE MON! -`Y 0 3 8iVn P'P'tV _ than any competitor. 2. We lend upon Town and VII-I-AGE 5' mtg.` :)su:`Ax~:;sp:;Ia)e!if));; and costs extren}01Y reasonable. . . An . ' 4. We charge the borrower no commlsaxo _. 5. We pay promptly and conduct our bum- neas with m-ivacv. ' . - _ . . A, lll,\m.. ?j-I` . A EHEWSON, j -nnR.\'E\'-.\'[`-I, &\v U. IVE ply PIUHI near with privacy. 6. We dm nvenen _------r>? -- --~~- `-` MMIEDIOAL Ann DENTAL - `V - "'` V-,1 `:44:-:`p/1-u\1-rt? 0. V` E (1031 gCL|U|'ULlI.l W Ivn rut. ---'- --~ - my in a . ' V , . . 7. \V::r<:fe:r up all doubtful P1t" "ht1" < Whnn nnnnihln. . VVC C188? up Ill lLU|.lI.rIu.nn `av...-- -- - 1 - when possible. N.B.- In our Private Banking De nrtmgnt `'0 buy Notes and Mo ages, In !`}" money`-to any amount on epoait, for whxoh We my (3 mm CENT. interest on call, or 8 P33 cm-_ on um-tv dnvs notice of withdraws}- 31 m; ;;:<';}}};L "i()'rT " w. THOMSON 3.. Co-. _ D....7.. rife call, 6 1'55 CBN1`. on thirty `days notice Our long continued and very great "success in business is ' a "sufficient proof of our 200`! Itunding and integritv ' REl7KRE.\'('Ei -'I`hs Bank of Oomtneroe, and V or all the business men of Barrie. |W. THOMSON Q 00. _ . Bu-brie`, Ont. ' on I.- `uuu: uuuu... Apply to m, 1881. was with.pr'iv.acy. ' _ . _ 6. We deal generously Wlth Pu.' `1dnt dlv in IPPRP, , . .. |U5l!il"l'1 SW AN . AUU1. l\lJ~`_?""' 1 to ' T 1 . 'rormu,r"' Iblo. `3tt3e(:3xys?r%,`33:fzhur ts _ `H '-. _ _ _ . _onuI-I`r'r\\Y % 1) __.___. . A" Auo'rqoNIi- NVW ]osEPH SWA ONEER ",$.!=.,',0 """' `'s`. i`y' chl- uni ' null` RX , IJLUISALV D131} 5 Vvcd ` ERR, Appraiser and Bl1lPpIter.&.. Collected. 3 id 3. OM08 3 ' _-.v. vnuvu an my Duulu, unw---'--'.' I %LT_ G HEN RY, LICENSED AUCTION- Ro to o,.....`.`.-. J29!&1.=_r3:9E,E`P9A`.`2&..S"...c.?n ~-r----v I van. unuuu. uvur u-uu.......-- - L__ (mo. 1:. FORD LICENSED AUG` _,, _'I9N1;mmorzhegountg_gts1mooo. Orderl :4 _---\Iu.`II ll - `nu. ti. Full) L1U1LVu,1`JU.- `HIV `.1; 'l`IONEERtortheCountYof81mooo. mm be romptl 0" t3.A3;`&`-T;3$3?1:'x':vm Ks nu-mined 3-Inded , le . khoush - Eng} foqulrai Mr. Ford nlerylgulluk hlmse -en onnsul . `DIEM. Awnnvhndw _ u.u;un A ...... U[V]ic`e--Bu_th1vcll's Block, Barrie. --j - , ....... ", :;..*::a1`,2:*:.':r13::-::;:u:' % can to unit everybody. I19 I EH3: THE CENTRAL, (LATE BIGELOW on SEQ?! 9m>2s.i.w1h Ra-,i!!'_`7 9? "`' 10.117. 1 `um UIMN 1'ri.ALa, (LA on. W vm'?$`;:p;..P.;? """" Tr1rn...-_.-, _ _ M. SEA .l'l.`J Dlunuv Iv 19-ly. .-.. . II\I'\" L... H mm D mlALVb1UJ.V AND ."""- Toronto JOHN KILWEE. `,",". l1l_l`l:uerloau noun.) Rm ohtnnoo .__. Than Pro11tietor.-Exoe1len |99'P_'P9 ._.- DQDUULV M Street. OYSTER BEDS. 69 Km Mug; 5!-Ir.` QUEEN'S HOTEL.-'-LA." - 1U\J.|.L\J Lizaaau 0o:mni_isl0ne!`. Marriage Lmenaos New Mon to Loan at Molomce Interest. Creemore. On`: nuun Llvvlvp ....-___, _,,, 'zi$i;ifE'RTAN. DENTIST, _..-.-. um enunwlmz nlaoes every moqtlg: KILWEBIS MANSION -- SALOON E__,A,g__o_Ys'rI:R Bn:ns,_g9___.1n_g_ _._.--- --- _.-X-inn J AS. EDWARDS, Valuator. 'n`;m`vvl`JEN'B nU'usu.-_A. ;vv- 4mnmmh `P rietox-.-Exoe1lent Mood I"du_lI|l|l' ....."-.'.=_vz>!wiw':`:n`It}.`:.` "?1`2io.?? .&`uu '.u ~ --~- nun vnuu; .|Ivvlled" wig: the u...`_. PM Al MB E0. DUDLEY II can ID ve lessons on tlie T1-In r-- -- g.`.,ru- _--._ V _ J'k / - ~ :A ;, G. McCARTHY_._OFFICE . ,..-...... .... um Went aide John "wvIA "W11: mat lnuee In for own at Edward! Bock ' repared. "EN1nE6i;"Mv"1'1?fiE & BUB. LANI). Arghitects. P. L. Surveyors.V_a.lu- siors, szc. Plans and suecioations for bu ding-I Lots laid `out. Town and Village _ ull located. Timber limits mcc_3s- N_[cC_:9:xjtl_x_y a"Block. `Ilium. Arm lines caret atnminnd. 850.. 8:20.` _ ADVERTISEMENTS A R-<:H I1"I:'E1_'_s' ` Boulton. mum, u. W. Lount. ANKO, DENTIST _..__ s.<.........n..o l"AnI'.h always Nn unu. vunoggu nu-.. ..._.._ , nrefull `.&:c.~ mces-McCo.rthy a Block. V. Barrie; Long's Block. Colllng- -N. DYMENT. President, '1`. SIIORTREED. Vice-Presidents, J, Mal.. STEVENSOPL Vice- Pres1dent., J. Mch. STEVENSON WILLIAM LA1DLAw'. VPETER DAYMAN. ? e. Satisfactory securities at the n Interest, be paid in such man- .. ..nu-on}! nnnn. JY W. J. I{oI.L.\.\'r: , BARRISTER, AT-_ :17 a..n..u>.-u- nnnvnvnnoar. T161-1.37 Farm lines 0!Ll'8Iuu6 . examined. &'.c.,&'.c.` _ (B Dunlap street, Bu.rr1e;, wood. moor. Issuer or New Money Creemore.0nt. . 6-1! A. W. Mcvrrmc. en. 51-ly R. LAIDLAVY. Manager, J.V .l\.1:u:.x u , VLENNOX 85 23-'17 LLJ.J.IvI.la SVULVJILLL ISL` \XLl.` .I'J_ II: , BOILER WORKS.--H. BEWZBEY. Innu- tsactux-x; 101,! 63? desert tlonlorli esaB`gV1l%-3. aw = 3 Min, , .a.n - working momnm.` ` W - manner or every dent Sgw Mm; arm Mm, -_ . \-`u-n-12::-p:~:.a. nu or or D9011`. 513$?-31! (15. Mon] Plining or d.l1,kIndnIoIo?"pr:m ly an orlly. Fqqtol-1. John tre_et. rrie. vuu u.I.u'*.u IA-J'Q~_J.\ A9 1., ,|L\_J U 9.52. ` Sin`. and 0rniIminta!Pa1nter. Paper Hang- ing 8no..done in the beat style ot_ the art and cheap. Perfect eatiatectienxuernmood. Resi- \ dance and Shop. one door northgot Sew:-oy'e l Foundry; , ~ ~21, 40-ly uenco am Foundry". In yr U 11.. lJ.I.\.ILV. L llvl. V 2113 J. |J4.`_JJIJ - 1_olmn oxueal , uatiowestntes. Fann- ern Nous dlsooun . collections made in an; rt 0! the County. Real Estate bought and sol . 3 . nveyancin in all its branches. m-has Id- cenias iasu Onrxon:-Over Canadian Bank of rt DI} thb Co\lnty.- Real Esmte Do In and soul. nveyancin an-inaa`I.i- comes iasu Ornos-Over COI1l__ll1E1'ce, Dunlap-a_'t.', Bat-1:19. 45-ly . a. . an-rv--qr rI|i!\'rtNl"l' Irrrnr I n1-11-rr ' l.1!.I.U mu LIEJLV uu., Iv .|nuu_,..u.:.s_Vn. ER. House and Land D1-ainer. return : thanks to the public generally for thelt:-`Bast tavo and would mtorm them thgt he lee in the bus nose. and as prompt and ob! as ever. Orders can be left, at No. 30. Peel-3 Barrie, and they wlllbe nrnm ntlv attended to. - 47-ly. `1-inns 'cu'.oo|u ADVAHOI. ` be left at E0. 30. Peel-I promptly attended to. J _E. JUILLVDULV - 1: and healer 11 Goals or all klnds.nn'd Genflhtown Grey.'sn Guelph White lJQ1\IL\uI.lll,: I All.` I Finishing Lim'e., Cements of all kinds. Fire Bricks and Plssterers Hair. 01oe'snd Store- house stthe Northern Rsiiws Switch. foot of John Street. near the do ot. he bond of this Line is hette than thst o an other klnd. and the finish superior. 01cs-- mat of John and lliizsbeth-sts ----______._ _`y c [b`E1e-H 'n r cou- $TABI4Ei.0!lIt7 Of slmooe. 0306-P011150 ?ourt. Barrie. ylpuv vv nu; yvun up ' aIaooT s &. SHOES" ISAT J. CULV'EBWELL S! ,I `fi-'____ 3ARRlE FOUNDRY, ENGINE J; BOILER. wnmzs:_._n_ RIEWREV `Ihinn- EN}. Eln` :- Um... IAIIEOI. ~_\_ `|TRA'I.` and Attorneys, Solicit, Conveynnoenorig` Change. N V 110, go. ah!-`cog. urles Pubc. 0"` Om " of 'l`.)ront.o .._ - . v-/\1 Y\Y"|'\.`)A.D . DTQTFR ?. -'~