Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 13 Jul 1882, p. 2

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V g: 4 ' Hr. - A 1 uurcxna-ow`... &__. t - ___V._. -_.- .-\.-sq tsagssm 5:-c\4Ar& 1 k yard U'L1':LP ere: rlmeszed 2: mmlerrf t;x'm:L-.Be: -aeac.-maxi} 2h IAV-nan run. a 5.....- 9... .'_- _._:_ so 5 'kI`hPhml.":i' Bzteamxhecugur `rs dnil ' ' Presbyterian chant! 1-leffta-=h-*v-_i-1--did-d=<=f.u. pa. ..n..a..a by a. ....;._,:going:ox.:a_a on xhe71*2.x1_a.b_r enjhurino A u-cunt. 1-... ' ` ' 3 '):;sfartbe&een.'~ecnfA}eI:h_5:r'ixi; ennaei `r-iai 1`/.r_ acre.-11 i:._ bszxa-- 1 c-.``B:in'L`sI': rfnie, Bzizjshvceriezs. a:.~d_ 5 B.%~ : is : e-at 0:: Innis; zn-.'s.':~.ing , Seymour ire hum germ * ma z.=:a.-e :2 ;vamhu-imam ms m::.~;:nea_ j - 5:: 1:: tr: fo't*.s_hn. 2; T'K.:.-4-n~..~.n;-"cg 9':--..-. 13.; 4; -- _..': -_' rr ES.A1lIX.$I`l0.S PAPEE. Enutatiouxl. }a,5.,...,7 W - ~_;`_;_ `A `g? P...u:r R15 0., N-Q-nun-rap.-._--_. ...-.k.::, _ -. .4-.1. rnmu, m rounra DAY7 _ 01' AUGUST, A-D-, 1882 - `, f Jlartin . _j-_ 2 33%` rnzxl `."V33F`$'2P6I`g g 3,` 3;- .341 $1:-. 333'" `twat ? ; r5 ";,'a&" 5? _ . I`E(&.7&51'u.' g-_~`h....._`-_x_ _. - FARM PROPERTY DQYAL Tovnshipofsunnidale. .-mun Lraagnnze us: rnqsdsy eyenlng, gllsbcadinchtnthevet-faunas` yat this` inter! _'.1*a-_\' x1ten;:n Sundays: form-. 1 u-unAnuu1ucuI:tI1uVIlI.l_\".In,l v0-I'I.!Ie over . `mi 3 Aha.nd_cvfInIinnsIix.hria;,-lixzsandhaq. ls: Tnadny eraaing, <};~1\`o,ss1'weA ' intbe, V V V _ xhglixh -b3-`spuinl ji 1 Azrr.1s;3 Oae. -July 5. 1392 5i`E=3'SS$x~.EE_'5`3332:? ........ ---.... .. ---.....~.. S-am! will be saga o.;Ju1_v-.~a.,tor` the 12% 41113 c rnnin`-13 The Elasen I-u c.-I-:25-` v3.'n&i.f~: mar?! _Va..`! his 3:-a.':;e_si 9-xnixxac-'.;s..-" _1"'v.2;-.1:~_. the Ext}-" 5 . . _ 7 , '-.\V- 3... go I.......`. `....__. __ `. --:u-.v znnuw ."`~-f- E - _> n__._...:_- -L-n_____ ca.-- :_ .1. 'oB_'.r-3-._a'G 3.41}!-1 . for Lr;mx A Slndid 101 of COOTCH just an?1 ved. We will make` them up in our usual GOOD STYIJ) H:I'L 1.151;. lbntrtgagmnts. cw: us A TRIAL itwrigrjrn 3bhanrr. ORDER SEEDS, g seen GRAms,&c.; ,:._. _`..Vr-u `an N lHd_la1'i die `roman tiehowrr SIDOT See our 50 cent` LeatherT suulmza nssnnrs A GLonIo_q sucisssii STEPHENS En':`x8i1c:mase:-.:_a,m.p,n4 :3. --....-_.. `.___-_, ' E\'ER`i`THI.\'G NEW urn CHUICE _ We want"yonr trade. We appreciate. and we ask It_wi_l l save you money. We-have the Largest Stock in can showyou the `a1A'ticles_\`ou want, and wehave` the P] GEN1`LEMENs warrE VESTS, LARGE A$SOR'I`.\IE_\"p_ U. _ ' The enormous chargedlat (_)iher_ stores seems to be sending all and "all who comepnrchase, and all are `suited and so .well satised tha _ come again and bring their friends. `Customers nd that our RETAIL Pl times Lower than the Lowe-st-way. way down far belowother dealers heavy expenses, have had to mark their goods at least fty per cent, :1 selling at. 'We have met those in the last fourweeks, a hundred times, fresl stores.` `They, went, `thew saw, they came, we conquered. and our B001 went to their [homes._' The Masses come to us; they have learned where `\`f 333013 U1. ..NP1GET,,4 N1?W.S131T! PH=E!1!;'2$.h....':'ALL SEEDS! GOING WITH A RUSH ! SANDERS BRIDTIEIERS. 200 sold last month, and the rush still going on_ Vernon I-lbuse. _ Guzvu`-anteed all Wool 16, made on the premises. Another lot of eea&cn1LI>J3En1s'sUI%Ts;5>,,;c, `V Just nished, Nobby Styles and very Cheap. Trade a. Booming I One visit wili satisfy. you that our Prices are away below the Lowest, Opp. Sitvimtrsetf Housf, Barri CLOTHING! I ever was Trade Better. Never were e B00'l`S 4 ALL AIgpsuI[gI1._ PURCHASE. TAKING THE LEAD IN NEILL BROS. -v. 4 j :-'. T-JTIIE A Lafgcst ` Stock.` T The Greatest Var-iety, _ ']`he Latest _St_v|es. A V - Tlte Bst Value ant] `FIvE POINTS CLOTHING HOUSE. GEO. BLACKMORE. 3 . Dn'n5=`-"VII-e13.'1mz . 2 SIC? TABLE MATTS. AND KINDS or HOUSE FURHISHIHG ARTICLES. SOLE AGENT I\ nzbsm _~.\ Ngzf to "`T|ou (THURSDAY. 311.: :3,` ;':= THE VERY NOBBIEST SUITS I '3Jl_ .16 ` ,ArnId s Patent Net Ha:-nse Y::~..i,;`g,.~, sgat I P'\ A 9- ; _ _ Lace Balmorals. _.. .. ..... uu u: ucwre purcaas ` _' argest Stock In Town for_you to select from. W: wehave 1he:P.R1CI-IS` TO SUIT. 1 Farguhmson : Grorry |.'llllSS, BlmY '1`i:e'Bs`: ere: izrezzed. 301.: .1923 ! zsa I`) - `as_k_ all to ca [1 _ VI`! ,,-__v_.-\. sq... LLJ' ._.,'.- :1 that odr PRICES `ael: Lr belowbther` dealers, who. w;:';'; the; fty more than v.: at-: : aimnnrl-A .-I oZ....-; -1- ` ` Yvf C- \' GET AT 'Ijl.$W5 yr um smut new Auozcnnoal 10 Sending pilrchas-:~.-; that they 7:6 A-u- 'l)l',-`I'I" AI? '\I'\Ot-\C\ -, v ... T: : .. . `T3`-4Y5s SAD IROSS. 4:.;?.P:':'.` 573-`:- .WRItnvD: -n-n-.-n---.._ ._.__`_ ":e5-.7-*9`?!-EI;_\`I ;'.r&ee`;.s_ TT Li _ I-.-a.a"""'.x'.`.." .....*'*...,..'-'.:.-2:.-*.:"" TN IMEIY ' BARBIE iOP. '- 3. BROWN. LEADS THE VAN. `on us 'befcre'purhas. F "III! In` nn'A-o l_..___ \ Dunlap Streyr. B;4-:- our so Large ---. ...v-\. nuuu v~-- 1 .o ,fresh from cube: ~- , Boots and shoe `Iona vl-._-. the TRUNKS Rinoaadbefuthuliqgndfa 3 Ts .... _. YOU SHOULD SEE TIIEI, is BARRELL AND BtI.1:. muuxs I TRUNK8! Inuuxs: c.x_\'.\*o'r as SURP.{KD -BY .s_.\"Y. SOFTK, s1bn_ Dtxwr :D11rab1J.1ty _::s...;..~...a.-.;..j 12.-*L;'_:'.\ 1:99.471: ' K43 :`.v.u31x,vcD; Wcinouiqbgdayxithe JNO. M. B0'|"lIWELl.._ _____ --v_. ._..-v-.. >- ine rise: is 5.54.3 .1:-' AT Since the Glgoioz} 5:15;, Qwnfm&au ;- i-;g~--- ~- 7 ` "`"` `F0: M`r:!`;uUai'Al31.I1fI um enhzhxenai, m- {!.'Y`L,--`&.'}&`. ` bx-dad cn npcm Inga `mi _` themst-rs weaom nu.` znanhswharesagn myx.'mzL<"tk'n:. mnlaiii 3 ( &-nn1"_..v'-rori Gtwia. _`g- ; -.in__ __._3, - . . . . - Ix!-on3&'aazn:.hs:np.":-.:.hisaecsm cf ciunu-_r we 1:1: snyhehind .. ;...;.$;... `'31-. 1 ,........, --..-~..> ... .zn_;t'ess ;:_:a;-;. Lb-2 D- 4_ :~.=:ssir_v ::'_ 12.2.4 _" of the crmi-V. mic 155-: max` ::m:n=_ as mere}; a.-:s.73sxs ne cen_L We hxresc `3: shara tbs; the. _......_. _--. .v_u=-:z_ -.'_r xv.-;mae:n;s Lbs: nine can be sxchszzgai my `nine 3 c-Lbet ` mmmcdida l i7:'.`2e 'tx:m.i3e c `given by the Ham` 3: Bay ; I:n1_.n.'>' 'v 'f::: it :"u:x`t-as z:>:o::ar;us1~a: 2:22-5* `Cu-if the hexaz; `tn.-,5 ca`? 2:415. or iftvii czrizz. 2:5 krrsi 53.3 the dniira Lad ' v ;.v,-._v-3:155 :.:' mcmar inazxzsch :5 they` ': in-:-.ea::'-c` :a7.s:'.z: vita in 's.:::14 Ir;-'-:5` 1:-.-rs: as-L:_e: to `ne 531$ 5:32 '1 of z.':-:- :~s~ :`ese-;;=;.;';-: ' -F'-=-`.}. : .- o - it tn; 1--.._ -. --..-....a...__ 7 x-z~s:-3.:-s s:1.'.7.i: -.5.-- - `JEFEIIXE az-:;:.'-.=.v ,mmn.=_r as 1. :.:-ol -:5 We i:. 5 33: : E52: c:vnsi5a_ tnie. mi :5 3 cut in: law. s:`1e: w':ic 2':.be ymesem :~.~`.`..a.:,;`.~ of m:c2:_r us ..s':r:n: I-L `r..-tn-nu.-.2 ----- Eigilt-.51Tnes&n_t.andgives 0'35: p _T _ V V -v__vf-resaizgsentenndidnenunu at _r::~3:: :ox.ht-oecicnca-aeznthe nan-!,ore:hso;9cea'1x, Mr. Mills. '-f"ss.'t2:,:. !o:;:-;rvc:.nnotbeso1ci`t~e:anse_it'r' ' ' :1s.iL>e_lz' the 1-='-;%_:sr2'\*'e ca? snk-5.3 ` Ixtweeklute :s`a1:xefx.:-a 3 `; " 7: - , . _ - `E b`':... 5 8 $733 ORE` "at 3ona 35 1 .-sr\n- mm-_`t'1';TT 1'53 -.-\:us= -...-._ -`- - ' m-:d;7r_r 5:25 @375 55,3 . :.'ne mane; is not-tine :1`; C. 3-2 : mi-E? !'!!'.'\hl.=Rs,~n -3.`... ...--._. 9 ssglx fotsane dun. -o ginmehnbdraiscitbonnnsciollsnr _ _ . ,5yar3_v.sa-tat.bej.{thzm`c Ocean. lL:sne;r:_ *!`.~`'-*'* _'*'.'* `tc~d1_vist.Z'2eke'_tsL\:.'x Opals xbed'-:~:s `1*3-`=" ."T`i`_`?*`:.3" to t.be7t.!1ief.Ax.he gn.:bb-3, @"f `7`."`-7 e ;ier,:hea&vec:meg.nhu;&na:~:hepinaai-`:'g?n`iE``VtEsah . .- .~ . fhariozcanatewxfcc-rigxhutbe hcnasx+9`he`at`ma her3be-talpnnnbig 5:-ifoixhebanestman. lltvnersazxis ta:a`@'.'--3'`'`.-7 9` '-m.a-`.` men ? Pu;-gem mm `ho Ifehmsareswhdameiir mm: ci:hene;a.yas-, hk of ' ' >_,. `-I I revaad} _-_ -.`-oovu ; xu .:lilaZI._1`.lS_Ima._4,'i&d to 'us.u.uL3Il)ckWDL .Iaae_v as nndef go}d:.nd;:'hfe:,bu_gaidandsi1ra'ue1_: ?n:ne\'-' anuycxzcu. -xnnxvaasteru-3.3: rude theta`:-t `xvi; I-eeauldha. ,,___,. ._ .,........_ .. .. sinp_|oui'i'I'-nyapgr` to mghgsxnaauat-Lise;-nay; spa '-pa ith:q>ag!aatex'tantlIingeitbe'whoiepo}i-( ti thsiuid. Alileqiellnnisinpattait he? QE$ilIG)bI'i&mh`3_% &r:t_nbva<'the:'u.la.nae(ithe 4.-.(:isa':ce atom. -u,u1asai:sou`inpm+..ae_ ax.- V j I V l'|.._L._ __L_.I L:_ 1- .1 ` X. __ --..-ow vnunlajanj IQ 1l&W' lp;In'ndeI'iIlhe ugunuiquin tune IIdu_:htnal'ou-xena-.|xsaIienitoihe- IntIo`p'eviouutidstehwex:_a1-uig ,8&7-l_i'ilVa11iAlW_" ._` ' thengzifevyurggna Illeneecn-' i)'(,lllf%}$hI`l"E'id$il'qj..`--t (;s'i1oae_v_ is; igg man. '13:: wasmsnngns-gk. -.14 ---- ` 1~ep:ae:z;s' -.'.b.g' -. ft? Aixsx` yak. ,. zrn.-11' Is` 11033:` 3 .e1chcun:*xn:isE2'aiyoa -'g:1::e-1:r;-wnufzka-yf ` c:a:~azuu~esos`_b<*. an-its 131 - .'-1-` .-"na' - F Dxy ms}-:.neGna::Ins;aeczat'ca'ns.sI}.zive` ` - T , ` int: 55 ` Y 4. -:.~e:-: :.."u.=x::~3sAxs1:c:e&I1 guise :ahas;SQdun,hn.&ne inurdsy. Hep-L-ga :_'s: we c-:-mmeneemam` cl S1. Jain"; 'ubhi'uuy, nndans-an-ad Av cam-en; Tear;-n~:o, tn x.~.3g.1u,-g;bII!-ne use in mean S:-ashngafxha e`nemx.,e 1,,-Mxiqnuun. -itln-E-r.1-=i-e-. eituaa 3; 1`, ~ ` ._. - - gun-ieevi|iaut%;aie&ns -f _V`Lann~`n.-E smiqbetillnual :3 hihitadlnda n stagger .u--i-.. 3:` "nix:-.' L:::o'uti.ron'1.-newsrfnll. B4-43.115! . { ~- . . . _ 2 `Pal 3;-n pm yazr toe.-3, ieszm nakmgj 'jcv-.'.-:-he you tn.-uiupau 4t.s:.be_rvhweV`t~~euinxIhe ;c-:-1-.-`r young bras in xhefntnr he ai h:.;\m' 3 Ibdthag _z ;.u.r Luu 1 3.1197 2s_ nummg. 31:! Ga` znsu_r_r22.;m -ht'::3s: Fa ;n.."t:i:r.h:s' i-=2`. be grazjn on: per. _._- ..-- `~51 3-:1 mi (35- vi; .uu_n~.:u:-.a-In > ' -:a:'._r:.c:-as-cox than, .\ ou-thug` 5 your :5 vka. an-_\....z.`_- .~..__`-:,, ....._. ..ua-.u _.-m.-. man than-., .\ovr -iia:y:fxbesarn_~:miin2C:m:nnac:nhwyauh,:v:_tuauha-e._ k"!-`.3. slab-ILL , x -1 ~ - .3 fxraeas of Sim-? flaoe njaandnsn * 5 lvn.-.vsn ..-.93..-_-- V1 .- A` ..._.;_- : _- , r , - - K . --.-.-..:.. us cans) .-Ann. 59.1` teries war: siazcesiaz the, vicar: cz:"cm ibe f-:_:':s was txmrinoed :.`::.:~:nzh; i can: the afte:':.e.:-cc. A gm-r_r of Es:-dzxi gar". bk-_1r up the ` bear; gum 0.21 Wezzwz-s.i:_r `the has u-swam have s::.a.c':ed' the and 2:93:23` 2'3:-ed the 03:1: .'I"::e Bass U-n_'~:"_r ire`. h-."_3e.i mi xtwemy-seven I :-t:D5\i., The Kaaiire has 2.--- __.._`_: -x',_.s

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