V blugun----' - _ . R0) A ital Ten MiI1ionADolla.rs- Gov- - pnglid-_ `?.` 54oo` om; assets. over ah `lia- 0'm,`,ent dcp0=\., giulion Dollars Alao_ agent %{lities.T'my' for the ` I ' __ r nrrru.|\T 1 Mu. RAnfSn', of Orillia, has" shipped anotherlarge consignment of veichles to the N orth West. vuu guvnvu vvvuvl ALLISI`-ON now has 9. pound and a pound keeper. All they require yet is'a Zoo and they will be a city. 1. Illlrlfll 1\'1x.s.W \V!UV)VE,/-7 beloved wife of Robert Wade, Esq., J. P.,.Lis1c, died at her resi- dence on Saturday, after a. painful illness, 1'\.. I) C1_......-- .t IT ,1]: ____ ....J `L... Lain; .. uuuuu vu ~ uuuu .u.-.,, guys. can yw-u--- -.. . Du. R. ,S'nsvI-2N of Collingwood hug; -`appointed to louk after the physicial wel- fare the Indians on the Manitoulin o- serve. a ' ' Cxzamxona is 11.130. prpring for iv. big dash on Dominion Day. Horse racing and other sports and games ll the bill. Good enough. , '0 . . . . . _ -..- 1.-.. - L.._.-_ 1_..'._L ._........1- Lvuv uauu Bmumonn has 9. human behst named J enkius who amuses himself by throwing iron cog-wheels at ladies and children. Hang him. ' ' A.. n_:.1.... 1-..; 1)..-. ml. 0...`... .....-l 11.43115 llluh ON Friday last Rev. Mr. Spragge was presented with a very handsome gol by his late parishoilers in Brapdford and West Gwillimbury. I _-_____.`L_I___.......L- `IA ; `LI Il _.._.2- -1. u unu u_- u uuuuvu-J . . A nousa belonging to Mr. H. Morris, at` Egbert, was burned to the ground on Sun- day week. Supposed to have been the work` of an incendiary. rn___ 'I'\,,!___:L:___ 'lI'_LL__1:_L._ _ A`I12_L..... u v;u u. nan: ...vv..\..... . Tun Primitive Methodists of Alliaton, have succeeded in establishing an appoint- ment in Alliston, and will have a. resident mimster stationed there. 9 ' ` - :-nu. .: --.--- ._ _: b , _`_x I AI.us1'dN in already preparing to h?sv e,-A in nelnhrnthni n'n an `Int nf JnIv_- G4-and Leaye l Lj Arnvc at '1`-us Ancient Ordef of United Wdi-kmveg will mu-fm-t In the Model Farm, Gnalnh on susuuuau. uvu---v...... ----._-. Mn. Ammw of Cookstown was some-' what seriously _injured by a runaway team on Tl1i1rsda.y. He was thrown from the. waggon and seriously injured. ` 'Il'.. T..--.~ 1In.u- l\` l'\-Inn :3 nvnnnfnrl wan 'Ull auu owsuluna Ill usvuo . cs . J J Mu. Jonx KEAN of Orillm,.is expected home shortly, he having almost completed the Government mills near Fort McL6od, which he went out there to `build. A mass band is being organized in Cookstown. If they make haste they will be in timoto joixnn the jubilee over the great Conservative victory` of 1882. m..._ c-,.:. _........ .....`l 1...--mung nunhvh An-- gruitu Uuilnvl vuwnv u v nun.-._, ~ v. ...v_. THE foot races and lacrosse match nn-- nounced to come offnt Alliston on Satur- day last, had to be postponed till Saturday next on accpunt ot. the inclemency of the \vcn.ther. '- '>,,1 _A. AL- l1.JI:n:-nvnI\r1 I weatner. 3 A THERE was received at the Collingwood elevator during the month of May, 201,069 bushels of corn, and 97,103 bushels of wheat. In Barrie we principally elevate rye-in small glasses. k _ - . ' LMR. CHARLES KELLY of Collingwood, was presented with u. purse of $50 by the Presbyterian Choir, on the,occa.ssion of his departure for Toronto, where,-he will pur- sue his musical studies. V ., LL- .... ..2nn AC I-kn nn- S111: 1115 luuawm. avuuum. _ Tm: sermons_ on the occasion of the un- , niversm-y of Bradford Primitive Methodist Church, were preached, in the evening by the Rev. R. McKee,`0r'1l1ia, "and in the morning by the Rev. E. Harris. :11... .`..a. ..c 1.....1m.- at-. -Hm `Pun-v Sound -l1l0l`UlIlg Dy Luv Lwcv. u. au.a.u.uu. Tm; cut of lumber at `the Parry Sound Lumber Company's mills-for the month of May was as follows : At the wa.ter~l-` mill, 2,050,000, and at the steam mill the cut was 7l0,000 feet, making the total amount cut by the two mills for the month 2,760,- 000. -- 1- t\,__.... L-.. Lana unn-on. UUU. Mr. Lmoll. of Orono, has been guaran- teed a. bonus of $1,200 by the `citizens of Penetnmguishene and. has already com- menced the construction of a large Steam Gristing and Flouring Mill. The mill will contain four run of stones and will be first Mass in every respect. ' - WE notice in the new time table, North Simcoe branch, that a. new station `called Perkinseld has been establislied, we pre- sume in honor of Mr; Perkins whose eld e of operations has been in that vicinity for 301118 time. Perkinslield is the first station "after leaving Penetang,-about'5 miles away . __ .. ,...._V' - -- _R [1-o:`1:v\-\"\I'|IUIY uuuyo `MR. Josspn TYNDALL, of Gwillimbury, had occasion to visit Toronto" last week. He put up at the Albion Hotel; and was shown to bed in due time. When retiring he blew out the gashgd when found was in 3. state of unconsciousness, in -which he remained for 28 hours. He was brought home on Tuesday, and it is thought will I16 mew uuu um K(blLI_u\.n u...... state unconsqi5usness, He and ` entirely recover. u-1...... -....- . __ THE letter boxes on our streets give the ` town quite a. city appearance, and will be found very convenient. Grateful citizens will remember they were procured by the exertions of our Member, D`Alton Mc- _ Carthy, M. 1)., while ingratea will gmmble because they have not a daily delivery, which Mr. McCarthy "is also trying to ob- tain for us. The hours of collection are 11 u..m , and 4 and 8 p.m.--.-(C'oll.ingwood Entci-prise.) . ,1: _..._ ...._. -32.... `L-an I'JIl/I/la! `II larva, DURING the `past week our new office has been besieged by both ladies and gentle- men. We are at all times pleased to have our friends call on us, but it is 11 dangerous place for any slouch batted individual to fool around in. We are up on the second at, the windows are large, and the diat- ance to the sidewalk is `about twenty feet, and such an` individual would likely nus; tain serious injury were he thrown to the ground by our d---l.-(Alliat0n Herald.) 1,. ..'..L l....&.. an-an In-nu`v\'IA . the station on Tuesday mornin We'understa.n(1 no proceeuiugs uuvu vuun taken against this disciple of Cain, as yet. All the parties live in Newmarket, and we believe emigrated there from here `by way of Aurora.-(Bx-adford _Witness.) - tunate mishap last, week. _Whi1e attending the large circular, pretty heavy tour at the time. some chi s got wedged in between the saw and t e frame and Mr. Foster in attempting to clear them out, while the saw was ` in mo- tion, got his hand drawnin to, such an extent that he could not extricate it, and got it badly burnt by friction, before the saw could be stopped. been obliged to lay up since in consequence. --y-(Pcnettmguisluanc Herald.) ' Tan 6 a; m. express for Hamilton left and pro- gressed favorably until op to the -Big Mill when Mr; Foster has ' M11, Fosrnn, head sawyer in Beck s mill ; met with a rather strange as well as unfor- - I which was runninv a ' olsrnior ooums station on Tuesday mornm uuu pru- opposgte Mill when it jumped the track. The conse- quences were fatalto the trucks of two freightcars,` and they were terribly smashed up." A large number of sh cars shipped 1... \`r,.1.1,. um. . nf Kilnmev. had to be re- . , I b Noble Bros.. of Kilumey, : ipped and though the Auxilliery __Gnr came up from Allandale as speedilyes pos- sible the best part of the morning was gone before the truck was-cleared, and the down train from Meaford had to wait for a free passage.--(Co_llingwood Enterpn'ae.) Vote for lllccarthy and loyalty to Great Britain. DIVLUDL D uxonnuu, u-u........... Bewsre of the stuff that pretends to cure ' these diseases or other serious Kidney, Urin- sry or Liver Diseases, as they only relieve for a time and mskee you ten times worse after- wards, but rely solely on Hop Bitters, the only remedy t st will surely snd permanently cure you. It destroys snd removes the osuse of diseue so effectuslly thst it never returns. _omqm s1.oo up to'83,50. 25a: to $2.50. Clxildrens certs 450. up to 606., cheap, cheap st Eclwer:l s Vote for Ivoilntlhly gpq . our Industries, h __ IA __ T ' -Oh'xldren s` ' best vslne in Town, M V 2inohes longer, boxldove-tsilveql . upto $1.09 st`Edws.rds eBook_s.tore_. . T 7 Vote tor '1llot:srtI! . . .,'.*`.' I.na\'}`~ Ilztiritr m U. Arrive at llumilton . BRIGHTS DISETASE, i` nmnwrns. ,4.- -1 1.1.- ..&..4 OI-nut nu-nlmntil in la mf Votoior xlccu-t Iy and (I0 PIN)` an-t mu ---k.-; - --!-- SEALED TENDE 5 ed and endorsed 0 AL." will be _r the arrival of the Eu TUESDAY. Iran Twp Nnxw, for the forms` head waters of the I Harbor. Lake Ontu-. A man nttho loml ed a.q_d endorsed "Tagger tor unmunnux bereool this. km than-rlvalotthe 1 ` .` `t 0 . for form` " Gaul-to connect the lIIIe:r(u; a.teru otogxe v : to Presqlfile` map ntthel ' ~. en -. with plans and 5 icatiomoftli`. x` ` o oe and at Bx-ighhu'|_ .a' THE Enema war or formsoftcndercnnbe -, - . , _ Contractorsnmreq : -~ ,toht-Ar in mind that an accepted bankhclxzine ~- thenum of (mmunt Iwoom nyoachlnn ' - ' hsnm 9 betorteit ed 1! e party tend` =4 - eclines to enterlntp contract for the exeml` ~ v `of she works at the rates and m-lms subn . 3 - suhlect. to the condi- = can ntthts d OIUFTIIUBSDAY ;ma:x1-. where printed 1~. nuau?m.;_.`,, r~."7 ";"`*? tzo'r1c1s_},;go coNrnAg0&`7. `T `Wu. smunn rnxnmn Q3 "` '-to .5; "nan = -M an E .``3~d$31T&?dmmT`nut'{hm omu. um u:.theIoqu_.1;t,y`-:~. . _ ieat|onsottha"_._ _ ` = canj heiseen Brighton, ` - 1ttert'TnuBsnn 3 ;ru:x1-, pr` ted formsoftcndereanbe -`-- ` Contractors are req -. -'~ 7 to hear shit bank_c% -A ~ 'hs\1ms betortelv ten_d_ exemt rates and prldas subnii asulucct no tlons and on the terms in the specication. The cheque than sent ill be returned to res tlve parties-who8B*il1derI_are not .' Denartment duel not. however. bind tseif to of t.lve'part!es -who'tb,nd mare n tame` ted.` '1g Department ` t. owever? Rags: to ucqept the l_owestAqt_ tender. " ` .- " - .,BRa'(IN, Secretary. 22-it ` . -9 .1` _ E . ?'1r 1 Dept. of Railways and ' 18. } \ Ottawa. 22nd may. 15 . ' 3 I T . Fonelon I-`ails, Bckhorn Rapid! and lV3_g_n,-Ielgh l`.a'IuIlI.' . NOTICE To oisnmnwrons. smnmn TENDERS` Edd:-eased to the under- signed, and endorsed `Tender for Trent Nevi- gation " will be received _a.t this olce until me an-ivai of the Eastern-and Western.-Mails on WEDNESDAY. was -Firm Du or Jam nnxr. for the construction of two but Locke. Bridge A _ also: e construction of a Look, Bno horn Re ids. and Piers and other works at Fang: Fells; tor the construction of, e ka. :1. am and Bridge Piers at Burlqigh Fells. - The w ks at each of these places will be let se mt .` ' ups the respectiire localities. tog'eth" x- with nlans and specicetiongot the work_g,_o_g1_r_,e seen ---....-o _.__ Maps of respective looanues. Iogem r vvuu 2`m`i;1"3`&a%%3}l`9.'f'?.%u%`:x`a$a`;'BzrEs1%.`{r 32 Twnrrv-N331` Du ouluxn-. xnx-r. where 'print- ed forms of Tender oslibeobtnlned. A.` like olnsll or information relative to the works at Fenelon Falls will be tut-1113113 at that law. Ind for those` at Bnokhom - d Btu-lei _ lifoprlation maybe obtained at the r,-ealdeet oer 9 office. n-A__L-_-.....I. Falls will be human aw um. nun VI Bnokhorn; lnronna on resident , eer-'8 Peterborough. ' Contractors are teqnelted to bear in `mind that Tenders for the dlerent works must be accom- panied by an accepted hank che ue. as follows ;- For the Fenelon Falls wor .... . 31.000 Do Bnokhom Rapidswox-I:....$500 no Bu:-1einh`Fallswork...._. _1,_ xv- V..- _ -__--, Rapids work.. .1500 Do Burleiahlolls work .... . 31.500 And that these respective amounts shall be for- feited it the party tendering declines enterin `in- to contract for the works at the rates and 1) cats nuhmimad. suineot to the conditions and terms t`6`;3;:tf-tie-t't'6"tiie'ivorks at and pnces submitted. subjeotvto stated in the specications. us sent in will be returned to ' .The cheques th the different parties whose tenders are not so- nanted. _ 1* J Wu uuu Illllvnvuv r_-..._ ..__-, co ted. . 7 ghls Do ax-tment does not. however. bind Itself to accept a lowest or any tender. By Order. . F. BRAUN . Department of Railwhq _ ,0lta.wa.. 22nd. TRENT uivlenrlou. TO THE \ \1mmnNnm'r mun: . -.'0F.*" GENTLEMEN :_ The general elections are close at hand, and you will soon be called upon to ex- ercise your franchise in the election of a Representative to the House of Commons of Canada. and at the urgent V request of a very large number of the Concervative electors of your county. I have consented to be a candidate for your surages. ,,--5.5__ 2. ___-_ L- In acceptingthis position it may be necessary -for me in justification of the act, to make the following explanation; I was as you areaware an aspirant at the last two Conservative conventions hold in Cookstown, at which Lieut.-Col. Try- whitt was declared the nominee, which I acquiesed in thetimc. s Since then, how- ever, satisfactory and undeniable proofs have been placed in my hands that I had _ a majority of the rst convention and that the last was packed in the interests of my opponent.-the attested proofs of which will be laid before the public. From these causes, and the urgent re- I L i quest of the large number of the Con- ; y I sorvative electors above referred to, Iam _, now before `you toreceive your verdict I as an appeal against the fraudulent wire- ; pulling gentry _ who have forced my y friends and myself to this alternative. sou1'H SIMGOE. Having served you for over twenty years in a municipal Voapacity, lling every position front the lowest to the highest-the Chief i Magistrate of the. County-I think I am sniciently known to refrain from making. yourany pledges for my future conduct. Ifelected, I may say,` however, that thepresent prosperity and high nancial standing of our country is, in my opinion, greatly owingito the wise and able administration of the pre- ; ssntGovernInent, under the leadership of tke Right Hon. Sir John A. Maodonald, and I shall do all in my power to aid thsmin the. further development. of the resources of our prosperous and growing A 1 ;L-n :.;- 1.]... ....;.....L:... - FCBUBZUVU VI vun y-v-rv---_ .._.. 5-- ,__u country._ And shall, in the meantime, support every good moaaure, no matter by whom introduced, thithaayfor` its ob- ject 9 the interest _ and \ welfare of the oountry, and the mnintcnance of British oonnection--the great bulwark of our _ prosperity pend freedom. In conclusion, gentlemen, permit me `to any thet if e1ectod,`I Ilmllioonnider my- golf the representative of gn, and than do all in my power tof|dve__noo` your interehto ond merit your egoeI_:_1. -{I I have the `honor -to hegontlomon, ' `Your obedient ennui. V ` _ .j _.;_.I`)"A.Y1D.DUNN. nent Railwh s and Cans ,0Lta.wa.. 22nd ay. 1882. l Ir Trent Nu !- q/\/\/\/""""""' (EONSERVATIVE MASS. MEETING --_ n 1 1, I!_L-__ 1.. LL. BRAUN. -a\`(I I Secretary. \ 22-5!. bums SHIRTINGS DREADFULLY WET 2: Ve have just received :1 lot of nearly I200 yards of the above ('oI_n at Wholesale house, Where plasterers and other .work- men have been making altemtiuns) and which, through i I ' J a mishap, have got wet, with clean water. The Goods are the And never sold in-the regular way for less than 20 c \7v1:-3 sI-IA.LL CLEAR TIIE Commencing on FRIDAY, JUNE |6th, at The Goods are heav#y_enoi1gVh for littl Boys % T V or Farmers wearg \J .................................... InI'--Nu`I.0`-1':.Iu.I'u.uq..-"om ..J~I' THURSDAY, JUNE 15, 188:3. _ _ _ ._A.\<. -_.\,\, G`Don t fall to see them. K DQI1"|' fall 10. Buy them. _ . V A . 3i Don t fall to .tell your friends about them. C'Don tA fall to come Early, or you won t ge cleared out In NO TIME, ` One continued Vergiict of Admiration fr:->_rr_1_t"J;1[ndreds day visnt our Mammoth Establishment, - -1 ran A _ lection-s have been rewarded by our being able to Our extraordinary exertions [in making se show the . - OHOIAGEST ANDMOST `STYLISH GOODS J _ . .......- 3| -Irina Binslness we have Bought _Heg1vily, and I---_ In the land. A'nticipating a La: consequently are prepared tor tl everyday enjoying. Everybody : Very BEST Quality! . The verdict of the people is withing, and as we are positively and emphati ~ . - ` . can show you such a Magnicent E Lhdles . Monk, Misses , Youths ,`Boys and C With the hundreds upon hundreds of pains to select from, and every p ceivnble Style and Make. One look at our Goods and a knowledge of on plains the cause of our CONTINUED RUSH since our day of opening. I ` ` ter, and give better Satisfaction, by buying from_ us, than ' i i Il'\I.I -capacity. 2 the ll_e Bill, quoting ' ellort am If? The public meeting called to listen to the addresses of the Candidates, `on the evening of .\'omination lay, was fully as largely attended as Mr. .\lowat's meeting of the previous week. The 'l`own Hall was crowded to its utmost numbers being unable to obtain seats. `With the exception of one drunken individual, who was promptly ejected and locked up, the best of order preva1led.- Mr. MeCarthy s en trance was a signal for long continued applause; and .\l r. llrury was also applauded as he step- ped upon the platform. Mr.pBoys occupied the chair. Quite a large number of ladies were as:4e|ul)lu on the platform, and took a great iutcrestin the proceedings. Mr. H. H_. Strathy first (MlllTUSSC(l the meeting, and spoke eloqu., ently for about an hour. Mr. Drury-spoke for live!` an hour, but a severe cold detracted so-newliat from what would otherwise have |,gn.aii excellent address. Nevertheless he _pla_eed his views before the people in as strong a light as possible, _takiu,: ground against the National Policy, especially in its relation to the farming community. He also referred to from the Grit and to some personal matters. McCarthy rose to make `the real feeling of the meeting The cheers with which he was greeted was a telling testimony to his im- xnen.-se popularity. llis speech was a splendid l was received with enthusiasm. luck of space will not permitof even a sketch of the t`onservative (}au s address; suf- Iiee to say that he completely lloored Mr. hrury on the 'l`arriil' question, he dealt with the other pulilic issues eilectually. and -that when he concluded he was given three rousing cheers and a tiger. Barrie will do its duty on 4|... nml. - , ('ampai_~_;u Sheet, \\'heu l)'.\ltou closing address the became apparent. . ' V` T " . T. ' `P _ V . `~ /G % V ` V T -*2...-;*s.=.*.:*.1-:*::;=,,.%':.:.:a."a..'s'zz:".:." -.__. ._..._i..__.._.. ._j-.-\._, _ . ` - 0arridgeTopaa11pays onfaud. _ A % H3',}. .,.Y...,.i.".`E{`.,'.?..`1..`.t. % w. B5. cAPoN. / On. ,Qu l_nt'aHou-I1. Burn ~~%~:.m-3.-1,.-:-.. W. ma-v-'-~*.z mm *%-M we` 2 ``"" 'V "`{-% :.`. ~ .=._._._.. ;:-(;n`s:a:11_1;r1tly ar_e prpared every day enjoymg. .very Such_ Astonishingly Low .s_-I|_ -.1... ..1.. Qn` Great Special Bargain van? B:s'r QUALITY! Q7-wwjn- ri!.h.ius, and emphatically the only SHOE Concern in Barrie which Stock of _ _ " ` '1 -' ----I Qlgllalnngmg .nd i (7l|(5Cl'h illlu the `. 0th. frin Btislness atlo:'?l:agI3I?3'2;Esz1` BOOM ow LL_l- allrhll '1` |nI'ISI rlf such Magnmcenr. Dwcls m as chlldrens Boots and Shoes, 1f pair NEW ! NEW ! ! NEW! 1! in every con- : our Prices complete a Sale at once. This ex- BD A Gail will convince you that we can do bet- than you can by trading elsewhere. -Quinn LI `Next door to D. Farquha1son s, Grocery, Du:Io1;vS}ret, . OF THE VIII- %`%%;i*5tot20x::`:: ONLY , > mi : Iorduj uiome. Staple: * an II:-eunxnox Q om, Portland, In wolft get any, as they wlll be Vole for McCurtlny.and Cmmda for Cunadlams. '_ ,;0[Ty up `nu ~-, , _ -11' no1lars:G0v'ernm[ t . CID|`1'|Tcn \hpl(?sri1t,$100.000. en dc ' 5 mo first-clnsga Bx-lush `Stool-t Companies r.`.nl.~1E.s:nt to the puhV1m over Born -ve Million .\\~m; m~S`.cm-ity, wnh rqtcs as reasonable as D0 .1063,-L~\xru5 c0In1):L_Iucs. .\l_1loss<;sSemed Canudg, In all large nsks parues wishing to In ml.-._mulx npour e:gp__e_m1e.' I_VIon'ey Ii3i3iii """'iIi1i f'roN. turn uneunmz. won TURIUIR. t C hundreds of enthusiastic peop1e}whoevery shment, which is the Largest ' " r than cents per yard`. I _ Bslness have Heavily, ON RECORQ- which we are uclxjllegant Styles as we are showing can F`;`` ' "ml. wmpmm .`.T.T,;.t;;.....{.;;.n.......;.`:,.1x..,.TTT 9 ,9 .4; gang? niumox :{ _: 3 Suits, for Mechanics inur.ms_Tnmlmx `W. B. __APON` Innotolnatoukehhstockot U LAT! MANAGER FOE TUBXRR 00., j I 3 _ _ n V __ On Friday evening about six p o'clock Mrs. .\l unt._{on1cry,` resident on` Worsley-street acci- ilentally fell throu<.v,h a trap door, which had been ina.l\'ertently left open, into the cel_la.r_ In the fall Mrs. 1\lontgomery strucl; against the l-rick wall fracturing her skull so- badly "thatfrnm the first no hopes were entertained of her recovery. l)r's. McCarthy and Wells were called in, and did all that professional skill muld do,` hut the patient gradually sunk, and died on \\'ednesday_ morning ; having only had one period of eonsciousness of some seven or eight minutes duration immediately. after the accident. Deceased was a. most es- timahle and hi vhly respected lady, and leaves zslzsrge cireleo friends to mourn her loss. She was the mother of Frederick Montgom- ery, Deputy Registrar of the County of Simone. The relatives have the sympathy of the entire community in their hour of nlllic-_ lion. ` ` - , .._._._...._...__. .._..._- . New'aIa'?o6iiliiini7iiiggies rn- 1II1....n..;...aI..'_n. 1- 4.. _.. - - n 41.... .2. 15-..: W_l-N. ll]: :7 I fwlrlazt. '2 ch . n as........ ::..:.:.:'.-.:s:.-:.:.-:.+?:.wl 110.1` Prices. IMPORTERS. ` Barrie. `_ \76 TIII m.!!x%?..a!.'c`3ne..9 Iomc soI_-ER Iimgon. . `I'll! Annotate. 0! th 'r.5!:}-$31.31 C':l1e:e9 dnn.'Eng.. ma nacho: Izod 'xaminer for J unlox-. Elamenuufy and Impr- '|`on'l%ol-fa C6lleeI.Iandnn.'Eng.. Ind author- xamlner Junior inter- mediate Certicates. wil in prepu-ed m organza Oluses tor the Season ll? lat. September next. Terms. to:-Select or Pub c Ola-sol. cu: be ob tamed by enulrlng. ntJSoo '5 Bookstore. Bu-rlo. tt or address PORTER. Bu-tie. On- tario. - ' -am UU|.\u nun: u. , '| .)r0nl0. 7.1. : a.m., 11.15 a,in._ `.0 M-rip, ll.l0u.m., 2.:. ..)p,n\_, ood Ii.` I0 p.m.. 3.30 p.m., it g.,11im,'\\' ' GOING SOUTH. e(.1ngvL)O(1::I.39r~.nL, 8.05 a.m.. -._-in Iirtrril`/. 4.0.1 n.m., 10.00 a.m,, ..u |`urmiI0. 10.10 n.In.,.`.2.`20 p.m., . V lnnncw . mygy 9.11.3 0!1t ario W111 mitory by_t.hat GENTLEMEN, _ As the unanimous choice of the Liben 1 Conservative Convention held at Orillis. on the 26th of May, to be the standard bearer of the Conservative party, in the election impending for the Commons of Canada, I have deferred to the desire so A cordially expressed, and present myself as a Candidate for the seat now given to East Simcoe, necessitated by the large increase in the population of the late North Riding. '1` 0 T H E Free and Independezgf u As 9. claim upon your sullrages I dc- clare myself a supporter of the NATION- AL POLICY, as developed by the present Government of Sir John Mac~ donald and his able collegues; The tide of prosperity which has followed its in- auguration, benecial as it has been to all classes of the community, and especi~ ally to the farmer and mechanic, makes it impossible for me to appeal to your judgment other than as s conservator of a. policy that has done so much for the Riding. in which all my material interest a are centered. ` EAST mnmc or SIMGOE. Looking at the unassailable fact, that the National credit is higher than at any other period in the history of the coun- try-surpluses instead of decits-in- teneat_on the public debt decreased- necessary public works paid for out of over ea:-nings-with general content- ment and prosperity from the eastern to the western limits of the Dominion`; you fellow-electors cannot but contrast all this with the imbecility and went- oness that characterized the Reform Government during its dismal existence from 1874 to 1878. Condent therefore in the wisdom and selt-interest which dictated the general ballot of 1878, `I` ask you to p`m.ce our young constituency in general harmony with the verdict sure to be repeated in 1882. V "L -1` __-_. I UUHU I am personally known to most of you in the Riding, and shall take such oppor- tunity as time affords to visit you in your own localities. As a local man, whose interests -are inseparable from yours, having lived the greater part of my life among you, I ask on such an im- portant occasion a. resistance to political faction and a. united effort to promote our personal interest and the country's Ori1lia,VJune 1311,1882: ye (}m,v-nu...a.. . we ut Hurru~_ 6.16 NUI .'l`l{ SL\ICOE- . IL: u-rig. ,1} lJUB'l'.--ULV D11 1 U nun 1 u v lzuuv ING. the 27th May. on the war from 'l`ollen- dnl to Allandnle Station, & smal SATCHEL. whlchmhe owner would be much pleased to have rem ed. Finder rewarded by leaving elther with R. J. J.-Buowx. Barrio. or Jam. (Lu.- nn AITH. Tollendal. 23-2?.-p MR. .1. J.-mu unuru. Tollendal. The next Entrance Examination will be held in thecollegiatc Institute building on __ _ . 7 - - -I 7 nn.1, I nnn. Lluuouuy (Juno 5 :u~wy,v--... _.,..- , '7 _, At 9 a..m.. each day. Intending cnndldaws should send their names to the Principal. Tuition Fee. 85 nor unnum. but those who hn_vc Tuition Fee. 85 per lmvc passed the Intermediate Examination. or who make 70 1- cent. of the Entrance marks will be admitte l'ree.l n......:.. 1...... An. 1522-) 33;], the_Colleg1atc lnsmutc ouuumg on ' Thursday andLF11'd`ay, June 29th 4- 30:14.7. . . n .. .. .....|. Rnu rnmmnnu mmdldams should Luuuuwu |l'I:I:. 3 rrlc, J unc 5th, 1882. CALULILLA \4\IAa---w----_._ _, TUTE. ENTRANCE EXAMINATION. 'OST.--ON SATURDAY EVEN. 1 Ivan Ohn s2-nh M nv_ on the wnv ARRIE COLLEGIATE INSTI- "l'IT'l`la` uu.. lhuniltop at ut Barrie, 7 GUI} JVC rive % Aye:- s Ifair Vigor, FOB BESTOBIIIB GRAY HAIR TO, ITS NATURAL VITALITY AND GOLOB. I1` is a most agreeable dressing, which is at once harmless and eectual, for pre- serving the hair. It restores, with the gloss and freshness of youth, faded or gray, light, and red hair, to a rich brown, or deep black, as may he desired. By its use thin ' hair is thickened, and baldness often though not always cured. It checks failing of thehair immediately, and causes a. new growth in all cases where the glands are _ not decayed; while to brashy, weak, or otherwise diseased hair, it imparts vitality and strength, and renders it pliable. The Vines cleanses the scalp, cures and _ `prevents the formation otdandruil; and, ? by its cooling, stimulating, and soothing ;.properties,it heals most if not all oi the harness and diseases peculiar tothe scalp, ; keeping it cool; clean, and _so!t, under which conditions diseases 0! the scalp and : A As a Hair The Vxaon u'lncompin|$'le. 7 It is color- \leu, contains neAiIh_4p_1'-`oil`.`n'<:r dye. ""1 Wm not Ion vyl'm.ev'c:I:nbric;T lg imparts an L '-'5... uxl.` '-'.`_'.n 2| .-`.1311.-_'. :_..;`..-_.. -nut an on vocAL_Mur.. I am, Gentlemen, . Your obedient servant, -lgruunluanu -u-tlcllfor the toilet `it an-n_rv--e<.H!WMx V * Jtnno "111 'V `A-itory by that Jraity of mining 0F.ne Government, for ~escnt award, is sv" JAMES Quinn, 1 non N0. U AL- ..-.._.....---y -}o--- `Vote for 1VlcCarlIIy an National Policy. co LATEST LOCAL LIN ES. 23-.8in `X31711. Hurric. WW 3-Uh. la-uvuuu. --- S1.\ICOE--U-OING NORTH. - . ., ; ' - gt . 9.30 n..m., 8.15 p.m "J Mmxxi,-1zmgmshcne. 1.00 p.m.. 10.45 p.m V13 at W _ ~ (i()[N(}_ SOUTH." .79 1%-nx-I:u\L:11isl1e11c ut. 36.15 u..{n.,' 3.10 p.m we Hurrxcr _' 10.00 3.111.. 5.35 11.111 `La 2.N.W'. --Lc-tter tiles, invoice "ies, Hart 8: mako, at Edwards Bo`okstor ' --(`.npt, Kerr, formerly of the Lady c l.'IL`L s was" in,Towu on-Tuesdny. He has cuuumnd of a. boat on the Upgmr Lakes, will remain at home for a coup c of week: .. ..,,._.1_..n 1.-.. nnuv rm p\hibiti( Edwards l$00K8B0l`(_3. --(`.npt,` of the lxtlrcs now_ but weeks. --.\lr. l\ln.undrell has now on exhibition at ` his ouservatoriea on John Street, zrspleudid lot of bedding plants. especially Verbenas. 'l`li_cy are very beautihil, call and see them. -.\lr. Marpole of the rm of Sullivan &_ .\larpule was in town on Tuesday. He reports; that the work in their section has rogressed sp1cmliilly.and that the contract wi 1 be com- pleted long before the time expires. The rumors that at one time prevailed, of trouble emtoiig their men had no foundation whatever in net -A - - n ,1. _.-,. nnnunrnntl Ill} -1l'fE`$Iequcuu-u vv Mayor held 2; 1e! sulta :--Jamea Lat months. and Hire .Wm. Fletcher and each ned $5.20. "11. - f`A`un.v _uoi21'H`R_M_` `iAILw;_'u'-5 U()l.\'G .\'0R'l`H. - 7 1. . n.m.. 11.15 5 re.-icnl Iu ---_v r~-'. v m0,~S`.m-ny, reasonable at Drums 3L.gur.: In ms 3 mum "mv talc-,;x-auh at our expgnso. Money valuujuons made. and bccuritxes In- panned. -a. - . ." u. A. l1LAC1{S'l`0CI{. LL.3_,, ` ` IIillsdulc,0nt met -'l`he splendid order that was preserved at the two rent political meetings held in the Town Hal , reflects the greatest credit upon the citizens of our 'l`own. \Ve do not believe there is another Town in Ca.na'da. where meet- ings of Tthe same size, "and under the same cmumstauces could have been held and as good order kept. --'l`he boys, and some of the girls, had a high old time at the circus on Saturday, and lvh5`%equence was on Monday n'1orning' the levee with the following re- Lntclim was sent up for six Hiram Height; 1)enn_is Kenny, and-Catherine O'Mara were 1 at an fined. o.zu. -The. County Council met on Monday night in the Council Chamber. and after pass- ing a resolution to expend $50 on the briclge over the North River between the Townslnps , of Orillia. and Medonte, adjourned until Tues- alaymorning. On Tuesday the Council was further adjourned until the 26th inst , in con- sequence of the general elections, --At the regular meetin of Kerr Lodge No ' No. 230, A. F. & A. M., he d on the evening of J uno 12th,the following wereeleoted oicers-for the ensuing year :-Bro. O. W. Brown. W. M.; Bro. D. E. Brown, S. W. ; Bro. Fred Wilmott, -|.`.\V. ; Bro. Wm. Thompson, Treasurer; R. W. Bro. Carlo Forbes, (P.U.D.G.M.), Secretary; 1; m 12.... nmielsmv.(D.G.M.)a.ndW.Bro. ;'Eo.~Wm.'Thompson, '1`re`asurer; u. H. (P. U.D.G.M. ), R. W. Bro. Daniel Spty. (D.G.. M.) and W.B1fo. J. Gordon, Benevolent Committee. _ Benevolent Uouluuuwu. ~The circus has came and gone, And body is en.tiaed--that it was a. poor The mcnagerie contained some fine spec of rare animals, but the circus was ab -~- - '-In--. .... 1.... mwelled through C bod sn.tised--th_3t "5 W "' P."'" 5'"""' Theymcnagerie sqme n`;s3I;1$:'t: 'u1` Wu hcanad Poor nrshow as ha8vW'nd t r0 1g an origi. for many years. There was B3 yd the im_ ml net 111 the whole peraormnnceo E. United prcssion left in Barrie yvas tlgat thgttgs fraud` States Circus was a. b1g.Un1ted . What am the Toronto papers mm by _P"T ' h h ? mg? 3? .0w. ,_ u..L....l.u1 niaht the I115 IUUII ll BLIUW --At 1 ts incur on Saturday Ibeep 101?: it Mr. F H. Ball. K was entered by a. vicious (108- H. Ball been awakened bv the D01" a late hour Saturday mgnu ms: fold` of Ba.1l,'Kempenfeldt, Had not Mr. {#11 been awakened by noise, there is xttlevdoubt. that several of the shoe _ would E-vs`: been killed. Fortunately Mr. was WA hunt` .....I -_..na-um` On lht the um Fortunatiab *'- Ow ." . awakened and managed to shoot bra!`-B; TM! Ilentlemgn hm: Inst Eortv IBVOII shoot the Draw- :1 h 1 or rt sgven sheP."`t hveitnelggd 1: <(1:gs:)inyaeveIiTyBI.-5-nd MW announces that he will sell out-hi! k and mu. .u.....;.; L- 1...... .\.mm lmranser. now that he will sell NW 1" ' And not attempt to keep sheep hereafter- ._Wm. ...: .... .. 5.. 4-1.... mm: Oonl '-\~ uuu Ilulabelnpli I30 Ktip luvup uuun-.---- ---With reference to the new 50389 Church, and following -the remtrk 1!! 0 lm ' to We t::...,;1'-.::;.:':;:*:n":* `?.;:::2:?..`... laid 3ie&{~a&ii`f,: `*.$i`.1-`*i`5$.f;`` nextsgbbath 18thinst., in th -Oran` HI- f,95>osnt_e the B. tint Ohm-oh.) . T 9. B3?- ` - Wiley. Mi will conduct a . sihflth. and reguhr Iervioer mid 1}: um mu mu the erect-io_n.of_ th9I1,'.': . rxlrzg which will be d_i1r'ing -"gho 9 . wt lat: IllIg(::.:ll:'lI. Au-3`Ef..:1.It: ; AC-EN 1' TV `" ms URANCE COMPANY n-:nx__ `l'\.aIIJu.n . (inn, UUINU DUU111. ` 1-,;\\'uol1:'-.3@r..m., 4.00 p.m rpm, 7.0 5.00p.m mum, 10.10u.m.,.2.20p.m., 8.26 p.m ;.\ l!l{.\NClI -GOIN(} NORTH. _ . 11.10 u.m., 2.10 p.m. nhur`;~st. 1.25 p.m., 6.00 p.m. --'-._._ (IOING SOUTH. -nhnrst, 0.10 a.m., 2.10 p_m_ __..._. .rriv. G-1011-111.. ('..30o..m. - ---- ...:41/\I.` nr\y\v(1 r)yl`u L! C "a mu 1. 1118 I156 ,' lawn ~- ma plzni are alrd .""" ' I ` i for I oonvouienjz church b`{:,':g.w hnndrnl wonluppem 5 ., l ;_ , mu no (no. ' *ii.TcT ,__... mun AG EXT FOR '1 ---~ A -urn Flu: Lovm-av, ENGLAvN`D. A- no, ' 11..:I uoI\'(_} soum. " I`. I SAD ACCIDENT 111;. 6. 10 n..m.. 11.25 n..m.. Z 1159 7.00 n..m.. 11.20 a.m.. IIIIY .. 5.35 , 1o.15p.m M1 nrnr nuns. DI , every- nnnr nffaur. Arrive an . .. ' - .\u}.~;KoI;.\ _Arr. at (. heave Hu.rriu_ `raven -..w-.-.--gr---s--------u-uuuv Edited by J. M. Hunter 1 Oollesrinte h uugvununnx um -nunuulvo Simcoe has carried off its share of honor: at Toronto University; The `lion s share goes_to' former pnptle of Collin ood Ooeginte Insti- tute, although Brarlfor has again done, well in its re resente.t1ve- Mr. McGarv. Mr. Creel- man of ollingwood is gold medalist in mental science, and Mr. H. J. Hamilton obtains the rist prociency scholarship in the first` year. Several other gentlemen from the same school distin uish themselves verv highly. Te nave no doubt Orillia. will inin with ([17:51!) H1311 FIJEXIIBEIVBI VCTV nlgnly. , We nave no doubt Orillia will join with Barrie incongratulsting these schools` most heartily on the continued success of their former pupils. , NORTH S[M(.`0E'8 'rsAe1nm s CON\'EN'IION. The U. S. 'l`ea.ehers , was held in the Model School, Barrie, on Friday and Saturday. "It was very successfui, and the interest was kept up throughout the` meeting. The Con- vention was called to order shortly after ten o clock on Friday by Mr. Morgan the. l r(-si~ - dent, who intimated thait he would not at that stage give any address, but would` take occasion to say a few words before the close of the convention. `ll- `l4`.n.1.nmnn AF "t.nv'\nn :..l...uI..)..nI ... .. the Cos. UK. UKIU GU11 \r'Ul.l|;lULI. - Mr. Farlayson of Vespra, introduced in a brief-som_ew11at too brief--a.ddress the sub- ject Grammar to Entrance Candidates. A short but very practical dlscussion took place, tending towards the opmion so often u_r ed in this column that more composition am less rammnr should be taught In our schoolsy Mr. potten gave an amusing instance of miscon- ception of meaning on `the part of Entrance -Candidates. The sentence `The toast was drank in si`ence was corrected by a large ma- jority of candidates into `the toast was eaten in silence. The next subject `Music in Pub. lie Schools was introduced by Mr. Fuincy, one of the few veteran teachers in the Riding. ' It;was a. good address but not listened to as attentively as it might have been. , Mr, Rnnttrm s remarks on the Tniinrmpalinfzn EUUGITDIVGIY 88 Hi llllgll HEV6 DDOD. Mr. Spotton s remarks on the Intermediate Examination were listened to with the closest attention. He pointed out thatthis examina.- . tion had been diverted_ from its original pur- pose as a mere promotion examination, much to the detriment of the schools ; that some most undesirable features had been disclosed in connection with it. too much haste to pass it, advertising scholarships to draw puplils away from small but deserving schools. Rivalry ; and jealousy between schools judging of mast- E ers and schools by the numbers which pass the examination and that the way to remedy I these evils was to separate the Intermediate from the Teachers Examination. Q..1.nnr.nan+lu n rnqnlntinn .-tirlninnr flan Rn, trom me Leacuuru nxu.uuu:w1uu. - ' Subsequently a. resolution atlirminq the de- sirability for-'au_ch _a sepamalzion, -and express- ing the convxctxon that attelulunee for at least two years at school (not necessarily `a. High School) after passing the, Entrance Examina- tion should be req_mred of _all who wish to present thcxnselves as cruxdldates at the In- .ter1netliato' or Teachers` Examination. \l.. V.mnn u1-.hnmvl1f.f|1l nnnnr nn `Hintnru .ter1ncu1ato'or Lcacnura .nxuuuu:1.L1un. Mr Young s thoughtful paper on `History in Public Schools was vel1_ receiveil, and we hope to be atle to publish it}. \Ye trust also that Mr. McKim1_cl of Orillia, will permit the publication of his paper on `Book-kceping,' is mner of great merit and calling attention to ' pubuczmon ox ms paper on `nuuls-Kccplng, a. paper of great calling attention a subject of pru.ctica.l importance which has unfortulmtely been too much neglected. M... Inl.nunn n hrinf mldrnns: on ` unnnnszi. unlortuimteiy llccu nuu uiuuu uu;;u:uwu. Mr. Johuso_n s brief address on" `Composi- tion excited a. very interesting discussion.-- one of the best during the Convention. The remarks of Mr. McKee, of Orillin,` were specially interesting as they describcxl a method actualty in use, and from which much" good has already resulted. ' V M r. Little on `Elementary Arithmetic `was good has already resumeu. Mr. Little `Elementary ii ratlier weak and fell somewhat tint on ` audience. No discussion followed. .u-4-Me. nnint n hrenk was made in audience. No (ll3Cl1SSlDl1 Iouoweu. At this point a break was made in the proper work of the Convention -by the ap- pearance on the platform of two agents-one representing Gage &. .00., thevother the Can- ada Publishing Co ,-to each of` whom was given a` brief period to set forth the unprece- dented excellence of the new School Readers published by their respective rms. A great deal of hyper eriticisiii was indulged in, and the wordy contest was, at any rate, lively. Certainly the new readers will be a vvas ; im- provement on the old, and for that the public will be thankful. A committee was appoint- ed to examine these readers and report at next Convention. " - On Saturday morning, some time was well taken up with anvaddress by Mr. Hughes of Toronto, on drawing. Mr. Hughes showed very plainly, that useful drawing, pattern drawing, &c., can be learned and taught by those who have no artistic ability. It is to be l hoped that teachers will try to put, the hints. he gave into practice. Mi.-as Latlertv. of Orilha Public School gave into pr'act;ice. Miss Latferty, ' a. most interesting and instruetive leason in reading before the ionvention. The class (selected from among Miss La.fferty s 0\vn pupils) gave evidence Of thorough training in what is above all the secret of good. reading ; aclenr appreciation of the meaning of the writer. The emphasis may _ha.\'e been slightly ,.....n..m.-n4-ml but that is n.1most;.incvitn.blo. and The emphasxs _na.\'e ueen sugnuy exaggerated, but that n.lm0st.incvitn.blo, will `certainly cure itself as the pupils become better able to, appreciate the sentiments and objects oi the author. < - - Snvnrnl nmaers were crowded out tor want 01 the author. Several papers for of time, but they may be cxpcctedat the Convention to be held in Qrilliu sometime _in the latter part of the year. An imnm-t:mt seen was" taken im the adop- part of the year. An iuiporhmt step ~- tion of areport recommending that Pu.rk s Manual of Methods be studied by the tea.cl1- ers before next Convention, with 9. view to discussing in the light of practical experience the methods recommended in it. . nu 14`n.!.-ny mmninn NIL Jame; Hughes gave methods recommended. 111 11:. On Friday evening Mr. J times Hughes gave his Well-known lecture on, `School -room Humor. Many of Mr. Hughes stories are exceedingly funny, and the lecture abounds in capital Word-painting. _ Tim fnllnwinrz otficers were elected for th_e capital Word-pzunmng. The following the current year :-J. 0. Morgan, M.A., prcsi-V (lent ; J- M. Hunter, M.A , vice-president ; J. B. Carruthers, sec.-treasurer ; Miss, Lalferty, Messers. Sneath, Young , McKee, and N. Campbell, members of committee. Messers`. Harvey, Snenth and Hunter. were appointed delegates to the Provincial Associa- I-.im. . - ' tion. `A Vote fol-Mccarllny and continu- ed Prosperity. Town HALL, Ono, 29t11AMay, 1882`. , The Coui1cil'inet p1_1rsu:mt to adjourn-` ment. Present all members. The Reeve in the chair. The minutes of last meeting M... ......,a ma mn:-med.-.-' Mr. McLean chair. The minutes 0: ms llluuuus were read and conrmegl.--' was instructed to examine Town line road at Prices` corners, and report at next meet- ing of Council. Certain communications presentecl at last meeting, were necessarily laid over to next meeting to be held on the 5th of J une next. Council adjourned for the ' ' _----... A}: 'n!51`l'I'nI n\Y %iaTfutattoun1.T IJIIU comm` or REV_IsION. The Court of Revision held its rst sitt- ing at the Town Hall on Monday, 29th May, 1882. Members of the`court'a.l1p_re- sent, mudllaving taken the oath required by Statute were duly organised. The Reeve :rs Hm chair. 7 Dhuuuuu w I in the chair. umvnnsrrv or .'no1:oN'i`o. ` 1 o 1 mn. . 1a.lS'L'- Ur` Arrnnum The decisions entered on the R011 were Thns. R. Sanders, Let E 26, Con. 6, over- charge on land, reduced on $200. Thos. R. Sanders, assessed for S W} 23,- Gen. 5.- 50 no. at $525. and taken off Non Resident Roll. Robert .Milb,ee, 29, Con. 1.-100 ac. `at $825. Improperly as- sessed, assessment sustained`. Alexander Watt, jr., assessed for E g 24, Con. 4.-4 100 ac. at $825, and taken of! Non Resi- dent Roll. Angus McCuaigh, for NW ~ 17, Con. 7.-50 ac. M3500, and taken off Non Resident Roll. Thos. G. Wilson, pt. lot 22, Con. 14. withdrawn. Thomas G. . Oliver, pt.'N Wpt. 1. Con. 11.- ac. re- duced $50. . Thos. -Henderson, Sr., S W 0 pt. 14, Con. 3. ~-Assessment sustained. , Donald Gilchrist; W 4; 16, Con. 4.--Assess- ment sustained. Michael Quinlan. N Q19; Con. 1.-Red1iced 8100. James Jamieson, assessed for S W cor. 16, Con..1.+~- acre instead of Geo. Hart. a Major Huddle-0 stone, assessed for lot 18,.'Con.-200 acres instead of Thomas Dr y, Sr. Francis Smith, assessed for-S Wl8.f 0 ' _ ac. instead of `Wm. Edwards, no change in ii valuation .of4ssid.H1otsa-II,=en,?1'.d.s 03130- 1 JohnReed.6f 0 ' SIM,->.2.0on'.-1.9.-_-s 01' Y -H . i :33: :c.n.:,99" `-`s`s a.`?`.";.`3.`; v.7s7 1o'i`>'.`2ause3ia;E,;,r_...s_u;h;; John Reed, assessed for S 11: 1 A2, U0n.`u.- 50'a.c. at $375, and N , 3, Con. 9. -25 ac. 1318100, instead of rch. Reed; Arch.,Reed, assessed. for S pt. Ex} 3, Con. ' no. at 8286. George 0rma_by, as- ac. a.t$l,725, 9.--'75 sensed for lot 20. Con. 6.-200 as tenant, andlement` B. 101'. to be tak ,. ' Adjourned ~M qnday,` 6th of I he f`ne`xt.Ij A * . . Vote for nlocarthy and our pull; Ilc lgullqllncs. % . < _ ~ ? _ .'--[w. 0. ; Ram. _1?hotoghSphex:` Barrio, in % _.':..:.m mare nntf I110?` :1,e:.g_\'c liufrii-, \r at Cullnngwood I ' non -.W. O.:Re3eu.Photogt`apher. _bar:_-nu, u. _ ' an stint " in; more anti mmehggynhnty _ 0 I_IrtiI.tg` A` Thpfgrowds, , 6 July shown is mmnio to npm. ~ . _3.:-J". ' $.11 1311 .- I ,'; . Es ..M.A.; Oolleciate in tube onb couNcVu.. u---:- LIST- OF APPEALS. 1 ,. LL. many, , \V I18 the xgrns Lnotrr win`: Is our run GoUN'!Y`\ - "` ,, `V! 3`. ~ `iii: :u.us1'oN 13' axreauy prepanng w nave,-It big celebration on the lat of _July.- .0006. ant "win excixrt to the Model Fara}, Guelph, bit was Aucxem. umer ox umueu workmen the 16th. `_m"1`:i:;to;\rietors of the .Al14iVsAton` Wooie Mills have established a branch agency .in Tottenham. A_ ' . "