TtET1a""6f.'nE{Y (`aha `. 0 ; `the me ntp).ebet'.w`een `, The conditions to -oommjnnioation into V Hungbolt. ' Battlefordz` vernment mmnano vv >4.` uvu uu next,inalu;1'1ps x. 5'8. :1. p"v`};?s2in3i*"` .1 0 . rs '8 8 Ik1rk_andEdm '1 be be HUN onton. ., keptu between W an `LA 4.4..--` e em- Instru- .that_ a. line .0! telegraph inni g n9!--Md at _ '31 1N,972- 14.736 s:=...AL..mE2;T'2*:`::3.2.v.2 evase;~:3Ab ` n . -- . I rigggg 9}.M9._Y next, Ina lump sum. for um 11 ,__.. % A 1`:I.zo RAFiI/ Lmas. emu 'rt7nMouT0?I. !' '15; OT IQ'.E. _ _ :07 acres more or less. Of this'30 acres are cleared and under ngood-state of cultivation; and hnvin situated thereon` a. good Frame House. Barn ans Outbuildings; balance of land well timbercd with Cedar. Pine and I-Ia.rdwood`.' -The. farm has a. splendid situation. bordering on Lake Slmcoe. has a living stream running through a. part of it, ne oung orchard. hard and soft water convenient. ences &o.. in goodrepair. Tormamade known i`:`i:``"1%`h:`i`J im z" ``:`. `" `} `oAi`.i": r' ' ' ~ on eprem aes.or . MORROW. Auctioneer, Barrie. -' . . - Innlam. Am-ll 29. um . A -- -- Ionic 37,801 12318 506 31.56 713 1+-au..v.n...u.-uu on uI!1.--'.l.'l'1l5I(l`J WILL 'M. be sold at the BARBIE Harm," BARBIE. on AY 6711, by Punuc AUCTION. that ne Farm situzxnedvon 7th Con. of Innisl comprising one~ half of Lot 24. and the whole of Lot 25. containln l67a.orea more or less. cleare I ungqg a-good-state_o_gcn1tivatlon: hnvimr ..:4..._;,. go` right down to Edwu*d a, to marrow and I ......... an uuu unuuuuus u-ultuul. --What a all this about, wife?" She look- ed at him with a toneof reproach, and then proceeded .with her work. Co_me, come, wife. wha.t s allthis topsy turvy about 2' This 3 time when she raised her eyes there was light. ning in them, Why you great big goose, we re house cleaning, and what s more, I m determined to have them rooms papered. I'll have him send up`wh'at we want. -.\ftcr that the guid mon o the house subsided .uumw.vv. nucuoneer, Innlsl. April 22.1882. ---.__._--.--,-:---.:_ ' in health from any cause, especially from the ,LK' ; uu auuu 1yLun1hU ' use of {my of the thousand nostrums that pro- 2' misc so largely, with long fictitious testimon- iala, have no fear. Resort to Hop Bitters at once, and in a short time you will have the A most rdbust and blooming health. ..._\Vl1nI>. a all this ..L.....4. ...:t. 42'? on. . L -I V -----<._4>-o>~------ ON. Monday morning Freddy Vanden- ~ burgh, a. son of Mr. John Vandenburgh, lot 6, 6th concession of Innisl, met with a very serious accident. He was riding with his twin brother George, aged seven years, on a stone-boa.t,his father was driving,when the boat came in contact with astump,a.nd he ` had his left thigh bone broken in two places and his knee-cap knocked out of joint. His sufferings were something dreadful until Dr. N icol arrived, who set the bone, and reduc- ed the knee-cap, when the little fellow ex- pressed himself quite easy and free from pain. We are glad to hear he is doing Well. --A dvocate , . uubutt-. - I ` I 'Sl'II_I'PING.--N0 less than six schoonersl are now lying inthe harbor. One is from L. Cleveland, with coal, the others from Chi- I cage with grain. Those from Chicago left ` there on the night of Thursday the l3vinst., and emrived here on Thursday the 20th., 1 taking one week to make the trip. The 9 Midland Railway Company's elevator is now at work discharging the Midland Rover" `. of `corn . The managers claim that this en- ormous elevator can discharge a vessel at the rate of two hundred bushels per minute, andet the `same time load a car with grain in ve minutes. iii\zEfi*Z3ii`'z{iIia`.II'i*`ri`I-3`Iii`ivifft _ _be Burma: `Ho-rm. " n.m....`. .. uum uuumgu, wuu corn. two sailors were at work in tlie.-rigging. The triangle on which they were standing gqjve way, and they fell. One of them before `reaching the deck caught hold of a part of the cordage and though he came around with great force escaped uninjured. -The other whose name is Daniel -Mathieaou, of Goderich was not so fortunate. He fell with terrible force on g the deck from a height of nearly. thirty feet I crushing "both legs to a cruel extent.` He was removed to the hospital on the three" o clock train where.both legs will be ampur 'tated.. . . 1' .Q.. .... _._ 1? '1 .1 Smuons ACCIDENT AND MmAcvLoUs }v`s- CAPE.--V-On Friday the 21st inst., soon after`. the arrival of the "schooner-Jane McLeod 1 from Chicago, with corn. two sailors Rf. wnt-Ir Iln fhn w-nn;nn. ml... tau .-.n..`l.. A... ._j..._. ism 2\Zr11icrtt2senm1t xxx. .\x. A Rons1NdTxMs.-Satnrday of last weelr was an exciting day in Midland, and culmi- . nated in thearrest of the Chief Constable followed by that of the acting assignee of the -estate of Hall &_ Oonnell, _who failed here recently; An attempt was made to ar- . rest an" individual known as James Bush, but he was allowed to go. The circum- stances which induced to such acaptnre are these. About a. month ago Hall & Connell, made an assignment for the benet of their creditors in trust to E. C. Clarkson, of Toronto, and J. W. Strachan, was sent to take charge of the estate which _np to his arrival had been looked after -by John Brawor J other things seized under the assignment, wasaspan of horses which Bush had at; one of the Town constables. Among ~ tained possession `of before the estate was vested in the assignee, and had at work at Old, Fort, some`-three miles from Town.. The team were advertised to be sold by `auction and Brawer, as auctioneer opened _the sale on` Saturday._ Quite a crowd had gathered as a report obtained that Bush was likely to cause some fun. Brawer how- ever, stationed himself on the platform of the Queen's` Hotel while Strachan, was standing close` beside him. N o sooner had Brawer, commenced the sale than constable Hicks stepped up andelaying one hand on Brawer's shoulder and the other on Strach- an, in stentorian voice proclaimed You are my prisoners. The sale was then ad- I I jonrned siuedie. Bush then rushed for the horses which he attempted to obtain by force but was prevented by the crowd from doing so, still he retained his hold of the lines until he entered the Qneen s Hotel yard when he was assisted out bv the pro- prietor. Brawer, who amonzr the excite- ment had been let go by the constable, at once arrested Bush. for creating a. disturb- ance on the street in contravention of the Town By-law'but was obliged to abandon I the arrest as he himself was a prisoner.` I A Both Brawer and Strachan, were taken to` the Police Cort where it was ascertained ` that an information had been laid by Bush ; charging the prisoners with obtaining goods I under false pretence. The information had I been prepared by Bush's Solicitor in Barrie I and was in blank to be sworn to by who- ever could do so; One Smith Choate who I had the custody of the -horses when they [ were seized refused to lay the information I and it was subsequently laid as above. - The prisoners were admitted to bail to appear on \Vednesda.v and mi that rim: Hm r-nan 1 I 1 1 4 1 }_u`La"I1|t:ru were numlueu E0 mm to appear Wednesday and on that day the case wasldismissed. An information had been laid against Bush for creating a distnrbztncc on the street. He was ned one dc_1hu and costs. - ~ Mn. _W. A. Hogg, proprietofr Of the 1914- ivrpl-i.w has been appointed Landing Waiter ,l at the Port of Colliugwood, and will con- i sequently retire from his jounmlistic en-I terpris'e. (That is not meant as V_a,joke'.) In future the Enterprise will be. conducted 3 V by Mr. J. W. Brady, the former associate . ment. editor. We wish our contemporary all possible success under the new manage- ` ADVANCE Office, April 26,718.32. $33i9so?:8$888Si'i}:88~3S888S? I"N"OOOOK-$OOQ!-10?!-1$IOQca@ _.__,.. ' Paugman and` H.` Telfer. Secretaries- Messrs. Rodgers-and T. Patton. Treum-'er -Mr. Wedd. ' Executive _Gom.-Mes'ax-s. J. Binnie, Jr.,0*Hamond, Liddle. Matthews, Andrews,`-V H. Telfer, F." Telfer, and`.'.l.'.- Brown. _ Committee of Mana.genient-Mes- an-'3. Hanltain, Rogers. Birnie, Matthews, Pangman and Telfer. T Soliciting Committee --Messrs. Panggnan and Biz-ni_e.` MARKET MATTERS: `:11? YOU ARE RUINED AD`v.-12~:(.'AE 26, 18.32, 99Q9QQ-r:c:~x.-ouamoa':~.=.A ru . tel 11 e kg}: b$1'$?e'$wmfg. and lgdmontou,-`nd ca be .tmnamltt'od fremof MIDLAND. THE Collingwood Council after calm and mature deliberation have passed a by-law prohibibiting the, use of cow-bells. A sug- gestion from one of the rnembers that" the provisions of the by-law be` extended so as to include pontswns not acted upon, pre- sumably because of the great inconveni- ienoe-tlmt would arise whenever a. re-as- acmbling of the Council became necessary. 5,: - 17-299- ? Canned-{Corn Be ef,'. Lbstefs; `TEA ssjjs. __. ...-va Sole Agezits in tho;I`own 1'0; Nnt_i< ` TENTS, aims, 'nnuas, Everything .I o'ta6le. . [ Sign of the ~ Oircdlar Saw, Dunlo1iVstr'fi, ivazz. Eide I _ . part and uzamme. IE`.-"U'ZFl.`17IAS`B'.`EI.C>S 2` [,' Bdrrie. NAILS, Locxs, HINEs, SCREWS`, PAINTS, olrys-, PUTTY. GLASS, AND PAINTS mixd ready for use, SPADES, SHOVELS,--HOES, `MAKERS GO()DS, GUNS, AMMUNL . ` TIQH AND FISHING TACKLE. S018 Alits in the Tnwn fnn I-L). *kY.;:-._.'1 I"-n ` 'v,,.,`,1, ~-'-vvv-wvvv' 11` took three hours, 11 full Council, and a by-1aw,for-Collingwood to a.1`:p,oiut a chief engineer `of the Fire Department at -`}50i1yea1'. Pretty -soon each individual inhabitant of that village will want `to pass a by-law every time he needs to drive a. stray dog out of the yard. o 1 *n;smnw;;1:::{`: ` Dept. of I{&iIw'dy'$ and Canals. I_ ; ouawa. 15:11 April. 1882. . can also be obtained. V ' No payment will be made on the timber until it has been delivered at the place required on the l`eS3`)c(.1iV'C canals. or until it has been-examined. an approved by an olcerv detailed to that ser- V108. . Contractors are requested to him! in mind U133 an accepted bank cheque` for the sum of $300must accompany each tender. which shall be forfeited if the party tendering declines to enter imp a contract for supplying the timber at the ratesand on the terms stated in the offer snbnntwd. . l . The chnnnn thus st-nt In will be returned to the . I the stizfeii in" submitted.` 5 The cheque thus sent In will be re;';pcctive parties whose tendersure not acce ted. his I)ep2_u-tnientdoes not, `however. bind tself to accept the lowest or un,v_ tend:-r.- I - ' By order. I ' u an A |'\' Anne, Ottawa River. , The timbcx-must be of the ualiucs described. and at the dlmenalbns state -on a prlnwd bil! which will be supplied on n plication. P8!'50nR") or by letter, at this olcc w nere forms of Tcnduy -un 15 btai d.v L NoanxEv.'mr-.(y at. wirlifbo made on until I SEALED TENDERS addressed to the under- Sisned and endorsed Tender for Timber and Lock Gates." will be received at this olee until the arrival othe Eastern and Western mulls. on THURSDAY. the 11th day or MAY next. for the or before the (in! furnishing and delivering, on . dab of October. 1882. of Oak and Pine. Timber. sewn to the dimensions required for the construc- tion at Lock Gates for the new Locks at Greece's Point. Grenville Canal. and the new Look at St. A9310, ihc timhnr must. be of the aualilics described, M lgtsltuntcd. A ply T` ' NU .L4U.l EUIL unulgof I but garner `Toronto and Daltondt: Barriewo stories. ., ,` Wm3- ':.iPd 5hd' g `mm and so" m'~*;;::`:r.z*?;+'::m&`;f%;l.,in'n`:e?o W OTTAWA. RIVER.` Gsenville & St. Anne Canals. `NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. "OUSE AND LOT Fun SALE-,- Rn On the corner 4 "Toronto Daltonsh, r .. om. nmrinn. moms. wood shed._ stablg, cheap Hardware 2 unvvu nu unvvvnus Holloway : Pills. Ayer _a Sn-aaparilla. M Hayward : Yellow Oil. Burdock Blood Bitters. Dr. `King : New Dico\'cry. Mack : Magneti Medicine. Telegraph Lines--F. llraun. Photographs-W. C. Ilccvea. Insurance-G. A. Blackstock. Farm for Sale-George J enner, Boots and.Shoes-Tunrner & Co. . Dr. Wiatar s Balsam of Wild Cherry. House and Lot for Sale-William Freek. _ _~ 7...: u aA:.v1LJJl'Ju : National.Mf g. Co : -Noi-th-West Camping Goods; amp ms, CIIAIBSANQ _sfroq1. _oN num. 1-`. BRA UN. , Secretary. 1 GL%A8s%W.%RE dw- 4m:-.-- ` I;>fr:'o:Sa;'_;f~at;o::I3. . . ` I . I .` ._- . V. `~ . .. .7 f9 .-: _, 5,1. ,. 1. ; gr` : 2:: - . . -A-0 '. 17-2i` `we 13 be .|.\JL`J.'.IlllJ DLLVUD DUH. DA`\.l.aI`J.-- Sevcra.l Casesof splendidly Stuffed Birds. will ld heat 30 C MAUNDREL Hotel. ' Come and see them. at GEO. `S, 2 doors west of tho \\'c-lligggrin V -1 . I Febg, 1881. .__j.__... TUFFED BIRDS FOR SALE.- S9_;v'cf.lj3,se_ofsplendjdl5' St-u_ffcd w A..- Elariigern `Z}I1hanct. wuen possible. \. . I N. B.-In our Private Banking De artmeut we buy `Notes and Mortgages, am receive money to any amount on deposit, for whinh we pay 6 PER cam`. interest on call, or 8 PER CENT. on thirty days notice of withdrawal. Our long continued and very great success in business is a suicicnt proof of our good 1` standing and integritv I Rnrznaxcns -.'I.`ha Bank of Commerce, and I any or all the business man of Barrie. tuv lI"f"l'\IlI'!I\A` - ...- ..---.. .. ...b Awvvu . 1. We LKND MORE .\10.\'E\ one given property than any competitor. ' s 2. We lend upon Towzsj and VILLAGE. as well as -FARM property . 3. Our rates are low and costs extremely reasonable. ` 4. We charge the borrower no commission-. 5. We pay promptlyuand conduct our busi- ness with privacy. 6. We deal generously with parties accident- ally in arrenr. ` . . - ` 7. *0 clear up `all doubtful points in titles, when possible. i N.B.-Tn nnr PI-ivnlcn R...l.:m. n........a.......a- I T ---- I We beg leave tocall your attention to the 5 following facts : ' . 1 nr..'...--'.. --__._L..,, ' -.,-__-_`-vvw: Money Ln;lers and I_'rz'z-ace Bankers ;1xTL_I"ANNU.:{fI1~I(3T1bE.' w. THOMEBN e. co., - ,`._ v, V wu-IVU c--IICII vli KUElI XII jig` \Vit:hTt.he hundreds upon hundreds of paifs to seiect, from, and every pair A.\'E\\' ' NEW 1 I ~.\'E\\' ! i ' in -;=\ (: peivable Style _and Make. One look at our Goods and a knoxvledge of our Prices complete a Sale at ouvv. T plains the cause of 6ur_CONTINUED RUSH since our dz! V _ y of opening. A Call will couvi'nce- you that wn -':\z; ` her, and gl\'6_b8ttel` Satxsfaction, by buying from us, than _\on canby trading elsewlnere. The verdict 6f the people View ....__- ---:- in l1lII \a\J\Jl-I'D In` Ihve*land- Anticipating a Large Spring Business we have Bought Hceu'1i_x-_ (H. consequently are prepared for the BIGGEST BOOM ON RECORD. which \\'- BVBTVA dav eninvinrr. Ftvlrhnritr an - v vvuuvtii-us:-4|] QIG Pl every day enjoying. Our extraordinary exertions in makino .~ Granville and St. Ann C'zmnls-F. Braun. ---::. all WEEK. $12nd|vIl home easily made. Cusuy Oullfreo H:\dd'u Tuulh co.. Augunn..\hi|c. : ux. nu "0" *`?!??'8h'%?':s'lu Lvvv Prim The verdict nr Hmn -nnnnln In 211:5`: .. ;;-..- One continued Verdict of Admiration from the hundreds of enthusiastic peuplo win. day visit our Mammoth Establishment, which is the Largest "UK _-_._ . . _ . . ..v_-- _-w-vu-v--c - - - - -w - - - , - ~ - - - v . . . . . . - - v . . : s lnuul Ladies , Men s, DON'T Fonaryr THE Anmuzss, H B00TS %sHon Best 8; Largeststpck of Bpots e%hoeg\ North of Toronto, is being suld at Pride: you would pay for Shoddy Go . EISGVIIIOFO. We have just re'ei\'e(l a Full Spring Stock or om` Turner, Valiant & Co s. Celebraiezl Prize Boots and Slumst} )1 Ladies, T.-'\`lisses and Children. V V % cAL|. AND see THEM. YOU mu. as DELIGHTED. -A-4,,{_ Electric Bitters. vr u RAISED THE STANDARD AND LOWERED THE s>mEs ' I'T..r:! :4 in n DOQITIVF. FACT ihnf thy AT PRICES which can be had atno other, lnounse in Barrie. While nlail1luiI|i:|:g tho: . ,t'Q--L-- In. Q` Q hnaigl I :MAN`A`n3MENi*, CAREFUL BUYING-AND {SMALL mm; TRllNl(S,BAGS Ann7AT|s's AFwuuLEsALE. 93:255. Evan? DAYWAN ovA*r-mm. ?~i:Io"zhson & 00., Barrie, Ont. T29-ly . Ehizinc. SEEDS, seen GRAINS, ac. (|,"ll`I U|]_l(;], IIUIISUIJ III lJlllLVo '- Innlv lllI.ILIIlr(IIlIliI`_; standard orqugllty In Excellence of Work and Material 1.}- .-.--s.--qvzu. .'\V'I\ ;i,'..Sardims,, i =':`==%*`) IEPRING! SPRING uAu;;LAlLl\4Cll|4 ULUUIX U1 . 5, Missesugys and childrens Boots and Shoes. L..._.l..- 1,, ,1` la; sunple Lwith us, : `-lIl\I\l_ I\II Ill\p uJI\4\J `--\J ' a U EV"Yb0dY Surprised that such Elegant Stvles as we - be sold at ' ' Vtcli * %I3J:EL!A%L__Ig nPRlNG STYLES EVERYTIIING NEW AND `CHOICE IN ' ` nrrunrugm. ?n------n:0: -: __.._.. iI; is a POSITIVE FACT that the 1:m..;.;.; in April; nss. (With which we ah: content) we have _ _ v . and as` we re positively and emphatically the only SHOE Concc- rn in Iarx`i'- - can show you such a Magnicent Stock of -_I Il-,,1u, n 1 - - -- -7 _ - 1 I..\ l'li \I.\.\'.\|-III FUR {'1 `:`x} E. a .Ne:rt door to D. Frn'q'u/m.7son s, (1'rac?'_?,/_: Dunlap S/rm. [fur Entirely New]. IN THE COUNTY OF SIMCOE. Opp. Summersett House, Barn} - T ` _ 8-1y With cha.mcter'isti`c forethotight, is laying needed in every house, and is det: [KEEPING :<.>::4":.'f:T.f;jV! :i:3:S3: i3lASS was In View !m:vvm QA."E'.;E% REMEMBER OF 8T0 VES Just Rice wed. ' of the large inux of 1 -.B. Lvmmmww EEDSH E ew% GoWt.' tMm1 Min Carpenters Tools, Boring Muclnima-. \Vood and Iron Planes, Spades, Slnovels and Garden 'l`ools_ Plow Lines and Trace Chains, New York Prepared Kalsnmiuo. `IN ALL KINDS one "`H_.N * _%'3-? ," - __ W, N &:-.----.______I mg selections have been rewarded by our being rub. show the (PF BAR R H E Y DUNLOP-ST, HOUSE S OLD sumo "'.:'_1-J::E:1-Imzza FOR AND OTHER lND['(S'l`RlE-5 IX B.\Rl{H~2. , _ \yj--' AT LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES. cnmNuss,% BEAUTY! -JOHN F new settlers which c'a'nnnt but result 1 V ment nfthu - ., in laying m a. large st: 0, determined to n` he already enjoys of in large stock of just , such rtermined to nminfnin Hm vnnnf Furm':Inn,g Man- I. HENDERSON S. I am ortorang AT ow meunas. u..\'1'z' .\n.\'.u's an FM}: .-Tn` AND S Ila .~...2.-a..:.' NEILL BROS., ofjustfsuch zlrticlv > nmintnixx the replntatiwxu If ' ` E.AB;GA1NS- .. .-Ag .. are sIIO\.\=in'_ ? frmn 11:. invl ud- : unlforgk, '3 JYAL lav zuem `um.-1 uses. '1 we TEiii}Li{i$X"."Xi$'i{i"} 27, 13:32. CITY ?`q m I- .n.:~-.v'-- : I ."l'f[~': (zl HF 1nunKsI THUNK8! TRUNK8! TRUNKM vou snoum `see THEM AT FIELD AND GARDEN `CANNOT BE SURPASSED BY ANY, WHITE AND GREY LAND PLASTER. [SALT IN BAR>RELL AND BULK. Largest Assortment SOUTH SIDE DUNLOP STREET, Ever offered bfore in Barrie, x`md for Durability NEW ADVERTIEEMENTS. i We "are offering to-day one of the > Jun. M. I_3o'rHwLL. -AND._ +o1r_. Inan,d.horb:iI 16 fdooaoumin -the,_gx- - - amdou of-which an quutxonod, xa;n.;`as.?.. :os,.uum. n.:.nog,;.ae`. : df,_C37l,93_l .:.-:2Iz~I'6dulion the A 75-"? T: unuuu cub. 1.1113 W8 are DI'8p,3l`0(1 170 PPOVG-V The following statement taken from page ` - 25 of the Public Accounts shows that the charge of extravagance rests properly with the Reform Party, and we challenge denial of the correctness of the figures given; or I the `comparison instituted. We have taken Ithe year 1872-73 as the last year of .Conserva.t1ve` rule prior to the advent of the Mackenzie regime_,' and the year, 18734 as the first year of the `Iatters administration. `Subsequently we have . rule, and 1878-79 as the first year of the present administration. If our Opposition friends are not satised ' with the years taken, - wewill take the ,expenditu_res_; for-. twelve months later in each, instance, which would-make an even worse showing foronr` [taken 1877-78 as the last year of Reform- Reform friends than the ones quoted, . The e`xpenditures are as follows.-;__-_ 1 . < . -mun In '- um`.m'. . '\VU \\ LII UUIII LII Ialll HFUICIU. ' ' Where an administration is extravagant and wasteful of public money, it will gen- = erally he in what is known as the coxitro1l- ' able expenditure, that is, in that expendi- ' ture that can be increased or decreased at will. In a country like Canada the con- ! trollablo expenditure must gradually in- ` [ crease as the country becomes more thickly populated, and the areas of trade expand. But that increase can be made with an eye J to economy, or it can be lavished reckless- ly and with disregard to the public trust. Acomparison of this .expen_diture_ under Reform and Conservative rule will estab- lish beyond cavail which party has been extravagant and which economical. ' Such comparisonis attempted inthe sheet above - referred too, purporting to have been taken from page 1.8 of the. fublic Accounts. This com arisen, as might be expected from t 9 character its sponsors", is decidedly untrustwor- thy. No such gures are to be found on page 18 of` the Public Accounts ; the comparison is unfair in almost every par- ticular, and the figures are many of them incorrect. This we are prepared to prove. following: taken {mm mm; `of-i 'we will deal in this article. ([153 Illlglllr PLJUiI.l' ILUUUUHSEIFY. The result came to hand last week in the shape of the first copies of the Grit enm- paign sheet. They were issued from Ot- tawa. and sent to the country as supple- inents of the Reform weekly papers throughout the country. There is nothing startling about them, at least not to one who has in years gone by found" it necces-` snry to peruse similar out-pourings. They contain the usual headings Rapid Increase _ of Debt and i Expenditure, Coi1ti-am, swindles great and small, .\Ialsdminis- tmtion mid disregard of public interest," but the hand of Gordon Brown is seen in such phrases as Ministerial Junketings," bold-faced corruption" etc., etc. The gracious document opens with the usual 7 sweeping charge of extravagance and waste iiinearly every Department of the Public Service ;" and it is with this charge \\7l.,..... .... ...`l......:..L....L1.._ 1. ,_ I ` ...... -.. . . . . . . . . ...u-nu ... ...... V l _ F or the past few weeks there has been a. gathering`extraordinary, of leading Grits at Ottawa. Inersecrret conclave assembled. and professing to believe that the elections will beheld this summer, they have brought the glarixig light of their gigantic wisdom to bear upon the past, present, and possible future condition of affairs in the Dominion. \ Mr. Blake `was there to give a. legal opin- ion on constitutional questions. Mr Clmrlton was present to do the funny busi- ness. Mr. Anglin contributed small items from his-_vast experience as regarded print- ing contracts. to do the g9;erinv and Gordon Brown went all the way from Toronto to- attend to the slandering `and any other dirty work that might appear neccessary. ' "I`l\n rnnnl}. nnmntn lmnrl luu'+. `nvnnlr in 41... Sir Richard J. was there A `paign sheet, usually issued from Ottawa by `As the timefor a general election up- prunches both of. the great political parties, to say nothing of the lesser organizations such as tl1e'Can:\da First Party of Quebec, and thenew Independent Party of Ontario, are rapidly and energitically preparing for the conflict. The` ranks are being mar- shalled, the leaders iufe taking counsel, the faithful are being drilled, ammunition is being served ' out, and altogether the country is getting on a. political ` war foot- imz. One of the recognized institutions of 1!. Canadian political contest is the cam` both parties .,_' served out as ammunition for the guns of both, This ammunition is usually prepared with great care, as upon it toagreat degree depends the fate of the campaign. All the guns are served from it alike; whether the individual gun I be one of the heavy pieces of artillery that belches forth thunder and smoke from the oor of the House of `Commons at Ottawa, or the little pop-gun that haunts the rillage hostelry or springs up like mushrooms on every Township and Concession Line dur- iug times of political excitement. L`-.. 41... ..._..L l..... ......J... LL L... I I iucuu U1 mount as rugurus um uouon D1111, but also In increased commercial activity in other branches of trade. Already se_v-' seral of those now engaged in manufactur- ing are talking of enlarging their, business, and beyond` doubt new enterprises will spring - up. Once these operations are fairly in `working order, Barrie will become, not only the capital of the country, but- the chief. commercial distributing centre of the North. "Barrie should be a city, under favourable circumstances` will rapidly be- come one, and we believe those favourable circmnstances are now about opening; Again we congratulate the people of Barrie uponthe stand they have taken with re- gard to our Towns future prosperity. ' Tan Orillie Times asks why do the Mail nnd its allies to strongly advocate a second erbitntion on the question of` the Ontario Boundary? Smelyt the Times mun IIIIIICBO in the `IIIIO predicament" - an the character in a certain novel, whose upper work: be like 3 eei_ve. f The'conten._ U]. uuu LUI'Yl_l Ill uucu.` uuuc1`uuu_ng. ' Tlmt 9. new era. of prosperity is now open- ing up for Bztyrie is beyond doubt. The stimulous to trade that will obtain from` the large expenditure of money_ now as- sured, . will result, we do not doubt, not only in increased facilities for the employ-" ment of labour as regards" the Cotton Mill, hut also in innrpasmrl nnnnnnn-inl nnfiuihv LIEU nun. Luau uluy Inyu VULUB were poueu. against, shows how overwhelming the pee ple were m.favour of the bonus, and is a "guarantee, most satisfactory to the company who will now take charge of the enterprize, that they will have `the support of the Town in their undertaking. Tlmt 11 nnw mm M nrnnnm-itv inn.-u-u nnnn_ I335` `V 811] ._u . Centre Ward. West Ward . The number ef votes required to carry the by-law was 24], therefore the _very ha.ndsome'major1ty of 122 was obtained. The face that only two votes were polled: against. shown how nvnrwlmlminu Hm man. 0.4 MPAIGN 'LI ['E-`RA TUBE; ~ 72.411 F01; THE BONUS. y ca.n'w"4 1 LL. . `4",T 270,361 eu,4a7- < `,J-h`l-l .. =8. mm. that the B0 _ . dilputena. legal ques- tion, th'at'anuo it cannot be settled by srbitntidn but umut come befcre the. con- stituted _ _con|'|: `hdving jurisdiction in'th9 mam. .t!..I.-Run `.981-er metltod of -qt"-3 t1ment,mI.estibo?9.' . j eithet.` to. .99!r.;o'f. .-ktnziorg mac`- or and no Iliniaiiaidhdl .'.r.;..:u.. F. 883.885 3 mass: 133 137 : uwwlil s 1329:: AGAINST. I - muur preaenlz-Ieacner; was presented by his ;'m`p;1,g'ih:g vety hgnghomeipaper case and 1' n.k,uLnd_!aj.n_d annddxouraa a mark of their- n';I'}JIto9iIti9n~9f his, service! 89 teacher. '- V : j f';_ ogmng-.,~.m'n-; Iimnosu.-,-A meetinlz of- _QhejOoll'mgpood;Oclioket: and Lbcroue Club wu:held*ljnb-week!for1e:pu'?:`ose `of general :=Jolx'nrB_irinie, ,` was elected. `. Ohinnun.-V-;-u;d;tha:oie'ei'h" ofie Club were. I: .sel1`eoted;-Au v follows; >5` Presidents; . 4-;-4_Wplb'a1: Townsehd,` Esq, n er of N . . '.&fN.`W.'By a; Thou. H ` ,_Eaq. :,P.~P.,?` at V. _mn_.uonn;;u'u,wv---Un ljnllrqqay uxmjnoqn. April 6th.` , `a." n"umb'er `oi gvioitprs; usembld the Webb Ward School", Oqilliugwqod, and,` after the-examinultion \,o _f jgme of the classes, Ma'nd,also` a number of `f reni1:a.tions . and song. by dierent . pupils , and Home ` singing by the achopl, Mr. Tristram Ohislitt, ' ,he1r present-tevlchejr, `was presented by his 3dpi_1g=,wit_h:a, very.'r mun mm. .... 7- uuuyu5 vyuau uuu View 0! P5181113 pota- toes to start a stitch factory, beside; sup- plying the dmand for `home consumption of thatplago. . L ` ` when they feel out of sorts of xi morning, HON. Alex. Campbell has introduced a Bill in the Senate to define the right in certain cases to assault, wound, or kill, cer- tain prisoners. We can breathe" freely once more ; the country is safe. Now all the Central Prison oicials will need to do will be to go out before breakfast and` as- ssult (and wound and kill a. few prisoners, just to getup an appetite.` Heretore `the only recreation they had was to belt a. prisoner about the head with clubs until he become rsvinsr mad, then cast him naked into the dungeon and refuse his parents . permission to see him when he was dying. ` u -._-.- V. . ...........-J ".5-nu. uuvuuna lU lb. Arpaowurxu Nvpruns. -'-It is rumoured that Mr. A. Gollan of this place is soon to be united in the holy bonds of matrimony, to a, young, rich and exceedingly pretty widow .x-esiding a short distance .from`here.- We be- lieve that it is the intention of the happy couple to start for Winnipeg on the` wedd- ing trip. .Mr. `G. intend! to take up ajmlf. section of land aonzewhefe in the vicinity of. Winnipeg'with the View of raising pota- toes to its!-ch factory. besides ann- DOING WELL;--Stand True Lodge, No. 547, I. 0. G. T., has ourished its banner `to good purpose since it reorganized, to judge by the large and increasing crowds that wand tlxeitjwagy to the lodge rooms each Wednesday mght. Success to it. `A ........ .....--... \'r..__.. . _ . v.-...y -\rlr*lQlI \.FL uanv V\lLUll V1 UBIJo Buxnnmc 0m':uA'r1oxs.---Buildmg opera-V ti.)ns are exceedingly brisk at_present. Messrs. Perry mud Mason have just com- . pletd a line residenc for Mr. E. King of Argus, and have several other large opera.- .tions on hand. v A Mr. Wm. Jaffmy, J_im.,` has Arrived home from Winnipeg, and gives :1 very favour- able report of the N'o_rt11 West, - = `l)..---_.-.. l\-;- " "I ' -1.-` OUR \'o1.Uxrssss.-0'n the failure the Company of Volunteers at B0nd~Heud, Capt. Rankin called [on his friends here and announced his intention of raising a company. A meeting was arranged and all the loyal villagers responded with the ex- ception of a few hen-peckecked husbands, with martial ardonr. Several meetings were held, oicers elected; recruits ocked ' _in from all quarters, theservices `of Sergt. `Bradford were secured as d-rill instructor, and drill commenced at once. The Com- pany is now full, and are being drilled every Wednesday and Saturday nights. On the 8th inst. , a grand-march out was held and the men performed very creditably. The work on the new armory is progressing rapidly, and will soon be completed. The 24th of May next, will see Ivy one of the liveliest villages in the Dominion, and pos- sessed of one of the best Company's of Volunteers in Her Maiesty`s service . the bosoms of whose wives were not lled I .1 aI`i"=`I =5'T'A_'}V'Ir .>**..-"- -V-` .ifh!`:i`!dP\if5ihoo px.-il a. uumlser of v:..~e....'.v.....;..m.-;.: PRESENTATION.--On Tuesday evening l `last the residence of Mr. Wm. McConkey was the seeneof one of those pleasant sur- prise pnrties that makes the heart glad, alike to those doing l1ono_r and those being honored. The many friends of Mrs. Annie McConkey, recognizing her true worth as Organist in the Bradford Presb_vterizm' Church, assembled to pay her a` slight tribune for valuable services rendered, and presented her with a beautiful and tastily V designed Gold Chain and7Locket. The ad- dress was read by Mr. Simon Fraser, and the,pr`esentation made by,Miss A, Kilkcnuy. Dr.- Forrest, replied in well-chosen terms on behalf of Miss McConkev. Refresh- ments Dartaken of, social chit-chat indulged. 1' in, innocent games played, and a very , pleasant evemng spent-. _ A LACR`OS'S!-I.-'A meeting was held on_ Tues- day, April 11th, for the purpose of rear- ganizing the Kil-lyleagh Lacrosse Club, and the following officers` were elected :-D. Bukie, President : "M. S. Harp, Capt. ; Jas.VEassons, Field Capt. ; F. Crey, Sec. ; W._Little, ]`reasm-er; W. Sharp, J; Little, J. Eassons. F. Whitelock, R. Wright, com- _mit:ee.i This club has been in -practice these last three years, and has never been beaten yet, and hopes to ma.intni'n its hon- our this coming season. The boys are in better trim than ever. 7 nuuuu unu mp.-renccu -. .- .. .- 2154333 .562 Public \Vorks................. .ll.999 Lighthouse 8.: Coast Ser\'ices.. 56 682 .. .. .. V F`ishcries............... ' .. 21.629 ,_ Miscellaneous .. .. .. .. .. 38.312 10.435 Indian Grant.s,. .. .. .. .. 79.293 67.824 Dominion Lands. .. .. .. .. .. .. 45.487 4.115 We commendthe above` gures to our Reforxn friends. .W_here noiv should the charge of extravagance rightly rest I The increase under the Reform Administration was made at a time when the" population was positivelyvdecreasingp, and when the `expenditure should have decreased in a like ratio. The increase under Conserva- tive rule resulted from a legitimate increase of trade and population. Yet the increase under the Mackenzie Administration more than doubles that under the Administration of Sir J.ohn.A. Macdonald. In the one in- stanceit was $31,673,540; in the other it was $604,909, a difierence of $1,068,631. The Reform Party have always posed as the party of economy and retrenchment. Thev always have, and are now, promising a reduction in the expenditure. Now, when they are aspiring for office, it is time for them to come down from asse'rtim1 and allegation to hard facts. The above re- cords show that their etforts in the direc- tion nf retrenchment prm'e(l a disastrous failure ; and yet they have the hardihood to-appeal tn" the people on the score of economy. This first shot has proven that a portioneat least of their ammunition is worthless, that the recoil is intinitively more dangerous thanthe discharge. In future numbers we will show that the bal- ance of the charges made in the same document are as worthless as the one we have just dealt with. I.\'TlRESTING- ITEMS `I-`RdM OUR SPECIAL COR KESPONDENTS THROUGHOUT "THE DISTRICT. ueoiogwal Surrey and Obser- vntorics.. .. Arts. Agriculture & Statistics Immigration and Quarantine Murine Hospitals . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Pensions. _ Snncmnnuntioxi:.'...'...'.'.'.. Militia and Do:-l'cncc.. .. Works'.. .. .. .. .. Servic Fisheries .. .. .. Miscellaneous Grants. `I7 , ` 'servativo ucuuuxg ul. P18061188- " The full value of the above. statement will be seen in the following comparisdn of the increase under. the -Reform and Con- Adminietratlons. Where the lines are dottedlthete was as decrease :- . ' Reform Civil Gpvcrn1nent.. .. 1. ..8 132.881 - Adminlstmtion of Jusuce.. . 00,071 Police . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . .. . 6.571 Penitvontarics . . .. 124.891 LegisIu.t1on.. .. .. .. . 169.561 Geological Survey and . \'ntorles..........`.......... 31.18! 8,401 31,204 . . 18.312 . . . ... .. .. ... . 7.2.1!) Con. . S 37.801 11976 ' 5% 380 129.972 uuulsb 0611106 una- I heading of Fisheries. Tlla fn uolnn AC 41 20,435 67.82! -1,145 Froxn_the above it will be seen that there was under the Conservative Administration a decrease in the expenditure of `$29,297 in the item of Arts, Agriculture, and Sm. ; GMDJVLIB - - . . - - - - - . ~ - $.51: IVLT95 ' Sfrerannuntion .... .. ` 106.588 113.531 1 ms and Defence. 618.138 777.698 "Public Wox-ka....... . 998.591 1.013.593 Lighthogsc & Coast Scr\1ces.. . 561,967 417,566 I~`isherles'..... ._. .. 93.232 82.810 Miscellaneous . . . . . . .. 81.167 101.602 Indian Grants . . . . . .. 421.5% -189.32 ! Dominion Lends.. .. . V 87.628 91,773 ' tistlcs ;" $14,401 in the Lighthouse and C0385 Service" and $10,943 under the heading Of Fitzhnr-inn. unnngrauon and . unrant1ne...... Mn no IIospitz1ls_..... Pensions .. Su rannuntion Works . .. . Lighthouse Coi Scrvices.., ..... .. Fisheries '. . . Micellnnnnu mtistics . . . . . . . .; Immigration and Quarantine .. A7 _, uuu:m.:y UK` Our. volunteer system. The expenditure for the last two tinned years, is as_ follosys z--; Inna-n ...._.. -- _` since it was made at the xgense of th ef-' ficiency of our volunteer system. The exnenditnre fm- tlm hm om. ...-....T oonnriwmn. "SUBURBAN NEWS Mmnr we suggest to the respective pro- prietors of the two Bradford papers that v the! letup on that Post Oice business and give their readers some news. Accord~ ing to their own showing they are a pair of the most disreputable scoundrels that ever inflicted agony on o. suffering constituency : and we would mildlyjinsinunto that it never ays to wash your dirty linen at the pub: ic pump. _ BRA DFO RD. HILLSDALE. UTOPIA. nfy. 180.691 57.481 . 105.812 -998.591. 7.249 ll,4_16 31.533 713 ' 1.953 - 6.933 159,562 . H.999 vAQ_IIl.UI .- The Parties tendering mhst neme. in `atidideh _ to the tel ~ the gunglrum they-are prepiaredm glvejar the _ jh axim V tee t. t cngpu`3>lf1`'j- = 9'. - `:,, -. ,`_.. '. .un.,-go. -.--- V 1l1ll.l11_D0/IE ' U81 Gcvernment . charge. i`hn hunting 4