Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 21 Jul 1881, p. 2

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W.` 1?!-.-.v_v.v--r, -~~ " '1'ul':ure,.v;i'ill be taken to `ibis . matter {to abomaasmaumc. ii: . un-_ ' ' `$T;!*!`- !!-' ;' it It ".' BARBIE IHARKETS. E.\'TRA.\'(,',1-I EXA Ml NATION. THE RIFLE. . av; 301 `. 2971} ..J.G Hume.. 297 .8. Hu'......294 `. ~ 289 287 . 286 .'MissSpringer280 ; 279} 077 On . . 377 -J Matthews. 365 . , ` 362 1; _ ` 361 356 _ 355 in . 355 . . 353 950 cm: 334 oon TURNlP| 001 .347 '11: -`SUUV 2. 391 385 900 I Ba;rr_io my 4, 1851 SAT'URDA_YS,..T...10 .4. in. refs 1:. u, WEDNESDAYS, 10 A. V , we 1 pm.` 0bhr days as usnnl. ` ' T ` ' --.- i-F`uIilio Notice is hereby giventhaf `oi and after Saturday, the 9th of Tulg/, Inst., o '1`,IE'E.`: {J-.C1. .\/\IfVVutl*|DI.]_'|,__[I_`;_[_) . rom e rem` t d ' (1, Mary-st, aboutpsevclzeiviieks a.igol,maei:c%uaei)d white 4 year old cow, in calf. The cow is well bred, has straight horns and white face. The nder will be rewarded for his trouble by returning the animal. Any one k ' h after this notice will be pi-oacu_ted.eepl'ng er 1\11\V|V11vII-II .- . - ..---- UUI vuu noli De name tor the and assets or any part thereof to any arson or persons of wbogg gsblgim notice sh_ I not hav been re; celv y t e agid o1icitors at t e time'o such dist:-ibut.i_on. " '7 _ Dated at Toronto this 19th dayg -of July; A. D., 1881. , MCCARTHY, Hosxm, PLUMB an .Cnn1:m.u~f,v ' 4 m, . a..1:..:n.-__ -.. -:.._.;....:.a ` __, Pursuant to Section 34 of Chapter-A107 of the Revised Statutes of the Province of On- tario, notice is hereby given that all creditors and others having claims against the estate of Txrsooonn W. BUCK, late of the village of Wunbausheue in the County. of Simcoe, in the said Province, Lumberman, deceased, who departed this life on or about the twelfth day of May last past, are required to send by post repaid or to deliver to Messrs. MoC.nmn , osxm, Pwmz &CRss:LxuAN, of the City of Toronto, in the said Province, Solicitors to the Executor under the last will and testa- ment of the said deceased, on or before Siyru R: DAY. ms Ssvssrnniwm Dav or Ssrrsnmsn, A. D., 1881, a statement of their names and addresses and the full particulars of their claims and of the- securities (if any) held by them, and that after the said (late `last afore- said the said Executor will roceedto distri- bute the assets fthe said ( eceased amongst the parties entitlhd thereto, regard eing had only to the claims of which notice been given as above `required and the said Execu- tor will not be liable for the said assets 811V Dm thfnf fn ants nnunnvl nu -\n-II-'-- A` I 5 J IN ALL 7i'HE NEW AND MOST APPROVED VARIETIES. ..x. .r. .4v*rV*/\f./\/`J\. vvvvv~ Ann ..- , . /. .-z.-. JV .~v-.vv-ax.-;\.-.-V-.~,. .;. 1 CINEY TO LIEND--$5OV,0'00 FROM private arties. `eas terms. Mc- DOUGALLS 8: ORDON. Soicitors, &c., To-| 1-onto_ 29-3mn. ST R A Y E D C` 0 WV.--VSTRAYED 7 from the premises of the undersigned. 1 Barrie, July 20, 1881. I ._-._.--j-~i- V cammnu BANK or commence. OF BARBIE, WILL B3 A8 FOLIDW8 t--- .` BROWN.-In Barrie on the 14th inst., the wife of Mr. A. W. Brown, of a. son. MARRIED; MORRISON-SN`EAD.--Ou the 4th inst, by the Rev. J. Milner, Mr. John A. H. Morrison, to Miss Polly Snead, both of Innisviil. 29 91: New "ADnerticn1cnt5.- (`XECUTOPJS NOTICE. ` , uuuuruulg LU uw amu DCIICCIIUC " A. That the By-law shall come intn force ;uu1 take edct from and aftcp the passing thereof. Qinn.-L1 illlu. uuuuwrslgueu uy U18 Lreasurcr. ' (5. That it shall be the duty of the Treasurer of the said Cormoran- tion and he is hereby` required, on or before the Twenty-ninth Days of June and December in each year during the currency of the said debentures, .to pla.ce.to the credit of the said special account, a auth- icient sum to cover the principal and interest then nextfalling due, according to the said Schedule A. That. Hun Rv_1nnr uhnll nmnn {non 4'.\..,.,. .:...1 4-1`... ..(r._A4. :..-_.e ___.1 THE BAD MEAT VENDING. CoU.\'cn. HALL, BAIUHE. I June 17, 1881. _ 5' KLUUVU uuu lll uuuluuu LU an U(allUl' l'1lLl'-5 LU DU ICVIGU 111 eacll year. _v ' 5. That the Warden "of the said County of Simcoe, the Treasurer, and Chairman of Finance, shall and are hereby authorized and re- quired (so soon as the proceeds of the debentures issued hereunder are required for the purpose of retiring the said debentures hereinbe- fore mentioned) to sell and dispose of the same at the best obtainable price, whether by public tender or private contract, as they may judge best ; and when so disposed of they shall place the proceeds thereof in the Bank of Toronto, at Barrie, to the credit of a special account to be called The Retirement of Debentures Fund. The monies to the credit of the said fund from time to time, either from the said source or being the proceeds of the special rate to be raised under the provisions of this By-law shall` only be .used and paid out . on account of and for the purpose of retiring the said debentures of $69,000,vso becoming due as aforesaid, and of those debentures of as like amount issued under the authority of this By-law, and that such payments shall only be made by cheque, signed by the \Varden under the Corporate Seal of the said Corporation of the County of Simone, and countersigned by the Treasurer. That shall lmn flux. rlI`Il'.v nf flln Trnnuiurnv 1.? &l s 1 ` a nirl ('4.-..\...... The oice hotlu-s of the thereto. . , 2. The said debentures shall bear interest at the rate of "six per centum `per annum; and the said interest shall be payable and paid half yearly, on the First Days .of July and January in each year, in manner as settout in the schednleof payments hereafter marked AA. 0 rm... .mm.-Inn ..'lm-.11 nnnun Hun uni:-"I rlnhnntnrmx tn hn imumd under setout 1n the scneuuleot payments nereauer marxeu " n. 3. The warden shall cause the said debentures to be issued under 7 the Corporate Seal of the said Corporation, and shall also sign each debenture, which debenture shall also be countcrsigned by the Clerk and Treasurer of the said Corporation. A "Plan cult` r1n'I1nnh1I-an nnr] Han rnfnrnf. fhnrnnf shall b6 nnvable And for thepnrpose of raising the said various sums so required for the payment on the said days of the principal and interest on said "debentures, it shall be the duty of the said Corporation of the County of i- Simcoe, at its `general meeting in the month of J 11110 in each year during the currency of the said (l0l)0I1tllI`(.`S, to impose :1 special rate on the whole rateablc property in said rnnnicipzility of a. sufiicient sum to meet the said payments of principal and interest, said special- rate to be called Tho Consolidated Loan Rate, and to be over and above and in addition to all other rates to be levied in each year. 5 'l"1ni' `H10 `Vin-`(inn Inf flip :1-xii] nnunitr nf Qinnnnn {lug I`..m......m- A By-law to raise. b . woyeofy loan on Debentures. the Sugn of 869. ._ for` the. Purposes hereafter so on . V Wnnnms, the Corporation `of the County of Simcoe has an out- standing Debenture Debt of Sixty-nine Thousand Dollars, which matures on or about the Thirty-first Day of December, A.D. 1881, for the payment of which there a.re'~no funds provided ; Am. nruvnw-Au Iw an Ant of the Ontario Legislature. passed in the payment of which there are -no tunes proviueu ; AND WHEREAS, by an Act of the Ontario Legislature, passed 44th year of the reign of Her Majesty, Queen Victoria, and entitled An Act respecting the Debenture Debt of the County of Simcoe, special power has been given to the said the Corporation of the County of Simcoe to pass a by-law authorizing a loan to be made to the amount of the said sum of sixty-nine `thousand dollars, and the issuing of the debentures therefor in accordance with the ~ said Act, without the necessity of obtaining the assent of the electors of the V said County ; 'I`u'unw.wnRlI:_ Hm said Cornoration of the County of Simcoe, ' under and '1`rea.surer or the sam Uorporzmon. 4. The said debentures and the interest thereof shall be payable and paid on the days and in manner and amounts following, namely : J.` U. 01` - Dnnnrrrvnn. THURSDAY, JULY 21, 1881. THEREFORE, the said (iosporation County Simcoe, and by virtue of the power so given to them as aforesaid, and under the provisions of the said Act, enact as follows 2 1 That thn.Wnrden of the Countv of Simcoe shall, andT is hereby the provisions of the said Act, enact Iouows 1. That theAWarden of County shall, and required to, issue` debentures in such sums as he may think best or may be found most convenient (but to accord with the annual pay- ments in Schedule A, hereafter), to the extent in all of sixty-nine thousand dollars expressed on the face thereof, to be payable in gold or its equivalent. Said debentures to bear date on the First Day of January, A. D; 1882, and to be (payable at the oice of the Bank of. at Toronto, in , Toronto, at the es set out in Schedule A, hereafter, said debentures to have the proper coupons for interest ' attached thereto. 0 ml... ....:.: ,i..1..,..;....,.. ..1.t.n 1...... mom-.=.+. alt um rate of "six nor R. '1'. BANTIl\;G, ` {Warl- soH:1a:pU::..E1L ow PA.Y1\IIE1\1'T_S. BIRTH. M ALKIN. )1. ` 28-3t B7-T.Kv75. 35:. J. s. oxnnmai. K " `1. Mmmxn; nag: avulu uv _\IL\nun.n-.435` , 91i,ci_o1-s as aforesaid. $3,500, ' . $3,500, $4,000, ? THE CROPS AND THE TIMES. ` $4,500, PRINCIPAL, AND WHEN PAYABLE. 34,500, L11.` U, Clerk morn, 82 29-3mo. 1st Jan., lst Jim., SEED LUMPORTED) lat Jan., lat J an., 1tJan., 1st Jan., 1st Jan , 1st Jan. , 15.15 811-: 1st Jan. , 1st Jan., 1st .15.; NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. .131: Jan., lsf Jan. , lst J an. ,' , 15838 f1ss4V `I885 \ 1886 , 1337` . 1-sss' ; 13913; , 1392' , 1894 ,- 1595 , ISOU , 1s97;_ slsso; ,1s9of ` 1893 C-11. vu luzczn 4.-S. W. 1 Lot 29, Con. 2. Egg. Puzcnn 5.-E- 2; Lot 26, Can. 2, Tiny. Pmcu. 6.-Lot 53, Con. A, Tay, 40 mm, Pnrceln 3 to 6. 'i1_1o1nIive, are wild hndg, and are timbered`w1th'valuahle wood of vnri. ` kinda. They offe aaplendid' d t 3:: speculation. The `gum land: .`:$.'i3m gleairable properties and well worth invavtgnrg In. ' ` For terms. which will be liberhl dad a. nngedto unit purchasers, up y_to the Bum: Bnmon or ran Bun: or tunnel; or to -Mooumv. Boys & Pu-Tun, Bu-tie. Ru-fin NI`.-ml. 1n iacm 4- 5 uvn IIIDO pantry. stone cellar under whole house, plenty ' of hard and soft Water, good outbuildings, with barn, stable, shell, and good stone milk house. This is a splendid dairy or grain farm, situated 2. ; miles from Cmigva.le_ on the North- ern Railway, and 10 from Barrie. I havp raised on it from 20 to 50 bushels of _wheat' to tho acre. If not sold before the 1st of Sep- tember, to. be rented or worked on shares. Reasons for selling, bad health. Apply to JAMES NEBLY, Jr., (fraigvalo 1'. O.,"On- tario; Co. of Simcoe. awn!-no av: scan a-" PARCEL 1.--P:.rt of Lots), Oon. 6, Mulniur, about 180 agreg, 140 of which are 019;-ad, and the balance gddd l,u_u-d_v_'v6ad`b, 11. Tgg;-9 :3-a onjhe 131-Qgipea Dwelhng Hog 9 9nd" ggoa I Barn: ' .1. ` GAlN.--l50 acres, north-east quarter Lot 24, on the 9th Con., Innisl. 50 acres; north half Lot 25, on _'the 9th, 100 acres. Eighty acres are cleared and in a high state of cultivation, with an orchard of about 200 choice fruit trees. New frame house 34 x 24, concretcd and brick clad, 8 rooms , hall and I pantry. stone cellar under whole good outbuildings. I `lvmms awn wmnnnwns a---- The fdllowing Valuable P1-oVpez-ties are of- fered for sale :- ` ' on 111 um uuru U011. OI urn. 8001115 30 acres of very excellent land. With good Frame House, Barn, and Stable and good Orchard. One third of purchase money required down, the balance as may be; agreed on. Apply to JAMES EDWARDS. Barne 1`. 0. MRS` CAHPBELL, on the_ premises, or to, . ---- - | A fine Mill Site in Penetauguibhcxne Har- bor; 400 feet frontage on the water. \\'ould also make a most desimble villa site. A block of '26 Rnimina TM. a.. n... ..:..:..:;.. uuwr li8I'UOI'. ' . ' Six quarter-acre lots in the centre of the town, adjoining the New Post Office, Express and Telegraph 0fce`B1ock. V For particulars address FARM FOR SALE AT A BAR- GA1N.-l50 n:)r_tA-gzzsgnrluarter T.n"I-. 0.1 M. H... on. n-.. u u 1 Lu 4:). 1) 14 .12 DULILJJIJ I.`11.I.\lV1 Will be sold "on reasonable terms. Being the North-\Vest part of Lot Number Six in the third Con. of Om, about 30 of verv otnnllnnt lnml \\/`:43. .......a v........,. {.123 -1>..-W'1Y';*=-i 15% . _*-any sf. the L b"*..'! ""1!b'= l`1'!""-5!-In"rig up rm: % ghmm % 3n""`$kj`'"%b nia- _. ouon-vto`t'= - 1ovt*9'..bueoucaae-o:iv?. 3' "` ~". """?"'." "'.' "'" "M '.T"_'"." the present with. bung- the_ guilty ones tovjuntice. ...~ ,, ` t _ Well be known that `;w_ ~".`1:_ t.:n.".` ':..'L..... '.'.:n In him. `in Signed. --....v....;-. uuxa a run; Bin-tie, Match 16 1880. Puzcm. 2.--W. 5 Lot 32, (Jon. 5, cm. 40 more: clam-ml, 1..|...,... . Cpaigvinle,` July 2! 1881. ' Barrie, June 4th, 1881. Imxnasr AND Wm:.\' PAYABLE. )ENETANGUISHEN'VE. _- TO ' BE SOLD AT A GREAT BARGAIN. I 2_s-4: ,E STI R A'13'L`-.*rT:"s,v1\LI:IVJ FARM NI! 1... ....1.1 ..... ..........._.m. L.__.- A Basnronn man blows `about 9. natural curiosity in his garden in the shape of a pear tree loaded with fruit, andcovered with healthy looking blossoms. Suvxzn. wants to resuscitate its brass band. The Sun young man ` is s lesder in the movement. He would also-like to lead the basnd--when any one calls the members in to take something. , .. A Ann Lawrence, is _Gollingirood boy, smokes, but as the 'ciga1-`stnbs about Col- ,A limrwood both]: are not` wm-u ninkinn - Ian 151: July, ] Int J.-m_. 1 .'1i"n g':i`1i `er Lot co: .1`..- 1st .Jau., I let July, 1 lat Jan., 1 1st July, 1 1st Jan., 1 1st July, 1 1st Jan., J ().J. PHELPS, [L.S.] W,\Rnr::\', FOR "SALE Lot 32, Con. E333, 100 oured, . balance well tim- , 10:14. ,1s93 ,1s93 ,1s94 ,1s94 ,1s95 ,1s95 ,1896 ,1s9n L;s972 -u...;;4:.a II I. .11. '.lJ1J.\` quarter ih COIL. Innial. 50 um-an - DRAWER No. 17, Penetanguishene. nngwoou notegs are not worth picking up, he made a rpxd on`a. drummer : asmplen. The _Mayqr let him Of with a rpmmd, ' Ar A73.-m-I-n'\r * ohu"-3-an `u-.'..l.... L-.. .'.:.'.;-'; Ton Ls. 7,030 A 46,810 (3,740 6,4`-10 . 6,640 7,1` 7,040 7,310 7,420 uuwnun, uuuna we cigar awn! _a.n9ut U01- lingwood hotels not worth pmkxng _` 9.1-aid on `a. drummer : nsimrnn 4, Velpflx 27-1?` 9 3.2:: p ml . 100 nu_ . . % w. _THOMSON 3. Co-. I Money Lenders and Irivaie Bankemi We beg leave to-ip:n-1-1:`: out me iollowin -` possessed by our long oatablinha "` L-~-- n and wow Anwu ...... : `I wAI ,&I'\'1nnnInn:n---n. -_ , - V N V ' - I Notice is hereby given that n. By-law was ' passed by the Corporation (f the County of Simcoe at the last session of said Corporation, held in the month of J uue now lost past, pro- viding for the issue of debentures to the amount of'$69,Q00 00 for the purpose of paying oil` a debenture `debt of said County, and that such By-law was registered in the Registry Oie of the County of Simcoe on the second day o_f July, `A. D., 1881. ` Anv motion to nnnnh M. ...a- ....:/1.. 4.1.- v_-... , uuy UL qluy, -A. 1)., 4551. Any motion to uaah or set aside the same or any part thereo must be made within three months from the date of registration and can- ' not be mxide thereafter. ' Dated the 2nd day of July, A. 1)., Iss1. ' 1 27.3: 3. I. BANTING, Clerk. ,` V __ Atia meeting of the legal profession of the Town of Barrie, at which every member was repreaented,the following reduced scale of cor.- veyancing fees was unanimously adopted: Drawing 1:. Statutory or Quit Claim Deed, Statutory Mortgage or Assign- . mnt of same, Agreement for Sale of Land or Bond to Convey in Duplicatc._ $3 00 Lease, Chattel Mortgage, Bill of Sale, Power of Attorney (ordinary) or A5- ` slgnment of Judgment . . . . . . . . .. . $3 00 Additional Copy of any of the above - Dncnmnntsx if rmmirml G1 M Auuluunal uopy or OI tn Documents xf required . .. . . Renewal of Clmttcl Mortgage ......-.u. unuvuw AwvvvnJ .n.vu,vxx Ava: UL Alumn- GRAVENHUBST wants a chimney inspec- tor. That's a job that would soot most people. ' A rt- .......-......... L-I.-_1_ __-,, _ __1 1 9,, |'\ItI\dll\Il ...,_..... A , IMITATIONSOF .-L\'Y \\'0nU:`~ .;\T.\'D ;\I.-\RI}LE.`\` .\IE.\'T[().\'.\I3I.E. A ` _-*= ~- v..\'1"r15n.\_' BUARDS n.\' 1:xHn;H`:n>.\ Sign Writing, Fresco and 0jrn2iI.1.1;e_11M1;`e`1`l' . ing. Kalsomining, Glazing, &c.. &c. _ . k$'("..\I}RY.\l`.I4`. DAT\"l`Y\?l: '-':<- o.- I 3'CAlI.RIAGE PAI.\'TING.'fr`,?. "tori -.----.- , vwvuv -pv- -f':'_."IlUL'.\`l-I 1' --QI --"-""-'-"*()l IUI"-* "- G. D. was for many years Fresco Pain _ urmsh _Dia_grams nnd_Designs for Frescq Work, either m 011 or \\':xtcr. ter in 1c:\din'_; Shops in Turuntn. v.4 \Vho guarantcS"a1lWork in any branch of the trade intrustcd to him, to he cxc. ` . `r`|r1 n\rnt1\'\'1n /\`rV A\'v\' uv.\..y..u .1. 1...-._.- --..-..... -.-- . -.- -- IBARREE EAINT $1109. [Don tMiss our Great Ju1Y Sale. E.'B. CROMPTON & 00., `fuss - LARGEST STOCEI; IN TOVVN ' TU SELECT 1"I{())I V Having had expcricncein connectiop witllnl tho gsifablifsrlxctl l;l1;~i1I1`c.~s!-1 uf 1:. .\'e-ill, ,f I . for the past ten years, we can, w1th a con u encc, 0 er muse ms to 1.11:: Iluhljr M , thoroughly posted in the requirements of the Boot and .s`hm,- gm;1,,_ __ _ _ ..... .. .. -.- - .- A -I\1'1 -:~.3rA 1\/l'T1\T1:'! f\T`r`rs ...._ 'l'ERM Ardtiction of 1Ope17g, UN ALT. l I'-IICHASICS 0}" up Avvsunsou vv--.ua u vv -..--- JAs, NEILLY, -12th con. West GwilIim- bury, cut fall wheat on the 7 th. '1- ............. _...._1_ .___L - -1_---_ 2. ,._.4,_ - . . I Economical llouse-keepers and all pzxrlics xlusirinlzllne \ ('l`_\' lk ,7 \':2 fail to u.t.teml our Great July Sale. \\'<-. shall tile-:n` mt gurdlcss of cost. so we 10 cll'ccI un 1-nliry (,.(.`H.l`;!.ll|.`L` l:(>1'oxc pm Wh`ex-e we` intend carrying on the 'I_`rade in 5111 its_Branches. We may just my in , ment that~weAwill offer. to the pnblxc B00318 \;;\'h1) SHOES as ;.;or,ul as Iran bet; ` ' an n c `T T` Our Stock otManufacturcdGoods'h:_1s been carefully selected from the bust 1r1:11;crsju(-am] IK.-T"""T' /\'TT`K'T' `I A `KTTTTT1 A /`1f`r1~r-_, A ` |lLlUlUU5|-ll] 1 V""` ` ""' "1"" `"7 ' ' ' "'V" ' PLEASE} CALL AND EXAMINB OUR I .11 .........`l.\.. IL \1\$i't.lll.lI\`1s:-`.4-u ...,- .. .4 H.765? c. Harrison aZ'd6.`.' mopp. the sihnlersett no um...-mun; intend am-rving the Trade all its Branches. may mg; 5,. ;,_ Ilse, ~ ... V`ana`!l O>UR OWN MANUFACTURE 1.. M. nnnnrfcmnn we can assure the public at Genuine .-\rti<:1c. \\'.- int:-ml ,_ J.l.l bun: uuluu ununv nv mu. ........ -_-- I , ,_, , ....,.1,`umng Best Stock that can be Produced and em[:lzoq7v/z'ng mm, 1 Best War/cmen. ' ' ' m .0R'PORA.'l/`{I(0N OF THE :0. M` 1 swoon. T -an. 1, sun -via- n llvuuv van Unnv . vlnv V Lavmmnn people want a cheese factory. That`: the kind of lavender kids they are. Ia`.-n {Ln nan! `mud: uvnn-n 61...`..- um--- . 1).'..L`l.- 8-ly `$ON\*EX;;\mN(:I_1\*`G 'I`AI`.1Fl`. I `I -9 _w _> ~ ~ - ~ `J _l U In this Department we can _assuro public };,g,_.m 11` 1'.-. 0;..-7.. 41...; an In pa-n/lair/2/I an/I pm*n]nqn'nn win... 2 CLEARING SALl*} powEI%%,E9!%H%J38ICESz x.=:.s-;.vca_a \a...-_...._ _.__-._ , V _ V .' ~>4-uc Which is entirely New." "0 will consider it no trouble tn.` 51. W, (. I " :6 _ punLIt:"_jo1|cs. - --_.-- ------ wv w---1u:-- 1-: CI Inc \1 Done in the Highcst style of the X17. F/'c,~'I`u am] ()rnnnm/r/ Painliilfly l (II>r`)' I/-Iuflinily uviuing/, ("!l'I`;:I'__!I I rIiu/I'u_r/, .{"r.'., IV. ......... --_,. Twnmrv-man! candidates wrote at the recent entrance examination, at Bradford, of whom 16 were sucoeesful. ` Central Faint Shop, _U_j----- I`urtib11Iar n.ttcntimx is c:1HL"1"u) the opening nf the above Paint Sh Non-l~`:19t Prlnu from 5 cents per yard. I./I-Inch All Linen Towels; 1:: cents Eat-In. Good Table Linens from '20 Cents poi yard Great Bargains in l|llc Quilts. Large 101 uf Drcsa Goods. 8 (301125 worth 1. : <-cm; - "' " 1?: cts., worth 20 cents. T , " . lScts.., worth 320 coul- MllIlnery,_l arnsola, kc, &c., at .\'omIn.'lI I r|<-4-- "COLLIER ST!_{EZE" l_`._,_ VVALL PAPER New and SL".`OIld'h(I.Il hand for Sulc ur I-. \-'h.u.;->. 11- ` S. J. M CUTCHEON. lanlples with prices sent td any part of the County on Zl[Jph'.'.'.!,:' = LI I:f'\Il.lAl:!!\n "ll /1`: GREAT M ID-SUMMER ` '- _ JJVJ!/IXID4 `mm Bcnncls (,.`u_rm:`/' In Hi1.s-tmy'.s ultl Jctlxrlr; Goon Czmnn is thsname of `island near Parry Sound. We have its antithesis Lake Simcoe--bStarvation Island. ' GEO. FROM THIS DATE. `NE _j[IA\'I TIIJC .-.._:._.:.: :ajL{n-1: l\ j --..ow'$ L {V99-3L IIM :- `-5-.-THE oRIGINA1,----- IN THE sronz LATELY 0(ICUl`IEl) my _2 DOWN \\-'Es.1? or m.;: .<;'mm1._ LND_ S] DNEWB00T&SH0 E j___-..; ;_____.____ ON ALL I`I'-I CI:IASES 28 -3 mos. `WM. McCosn, lessee of the Beeton our mills, left for parts unknown one nightwe- cently. The village paper says no one lose: by him; ' - ~ 7 A `Da..u...--._ ...___ LI-__ `,1, ,,,n- -. u '7ru".%?:r3:'c1~'1-1>.x'_ _----::-:.-..T NEILL 131103 ...L -.1............ 1.. ......-.._.,2_A, a-) ,A'I` THE ( ALL Klv.\'-US on-' ;n- DUDLEY, NEILL lBB()' SOUIIL side Dun/022 Srrm n- _ Juno 2;.r1 ss1. ` 1ssm.U'r1n.\=' or SulP.-'.\ ()t.it'l` is hunl co-partnership fornn-rly sul-sis the 11n1ersi`gm.-cl. as (".r Merchants, in the town uf 1 day dissolved by umtual t'0H.~ L' said business will he carriul . who will receive :1'r.1 pay all . co-partnership. ]).'xtml.fhv'< `UH: nlnv nf Jun.` In reference to the alum-, hzu Mr. Norman's interest in the while thunkim: our many friund tcrruptcd support the late tirn for the past ten years, I In-pt` fully 8tll,(lyill`_'j the l'I.`I|llil`1`NH tomcrs to mori't an Em-rm-:x.=u*-l H ........ _-_,. _ A Pnxnramx. man caught and keeps a live weasel. ` MUSKOKA hoxxoretl the Twelfth nobly at -Bracebridge. . . A MACAULAY farmer captured .3 loon in one of his elds. .~n. q "" .`.9'.9" ',"-" 3"" '"". " '"-" """_` "'__ `mug M .13 shelnlelveu that the authorities -_..-....`m:..: 1.. +3.. m-gum am. In-Ina. PUT` My specialty will still he in 'l`': lmve a full stock to suit all t:uh~~ S0c. per ll. l l:0\`l>tl0Ns-lr:I{sll, .\'x r \\I China, Glasswaxre. l.:unps, 5 Enrtlxenware, lem Jalrs. of all of acarcfully selected stuck with f constaxly to hand. Chin-ma Tarllna l`u~nf,,.4 nml :1 uunslzalrly to mum. I Chums, Ladies, 1 r:nt-*, 3` butter making. S \-'.\Rl.I`_\' :|f.H1L' I %m`LE'y%IiNn ICE GREAM - ---f-5".` South Dun/op Street, HERE u-parcncrsmp. Dated-this `Nth clay < f` JWS E. H. 'EbW1A`R'os. I}0()l{SEI.I,/'.'/.' .: .~ _ . L ; , / I.) I \....I . ENGLISH BUN 1101':-+2. vuu v. on... ..\..--u Ai.LISTON and Co_llingwd play. lacrosse to-day at the `latter place. - , 1,1,1 an rn-v _,,1 ,n,,,, L .mnn AAA uung. S. VARl.Ii\', : TL AMMUETITIZJN. &.c- :;r1x_oL's+: 1V.u.\a'm: BARRIE. . I111}: o1to1"s. P nsmuc ncxliy SHOT GUNS , at the UH Mulcaster-s 01 I`.\ 1l'1`-.\'E.l r v .L..AoL, PULLAN S THEY udtied $1,565 and struck off $8,440 in revising Collingwood roll. ' T... `KT.-co--- 101.1. _-.. 1IT....L f`...!'IIZ..- .'l . Barr V illl (:0 To a as , Barrie, I ""/`:17 /".V\'}.'I _ ter-st . B651` -3 '.\`l`.l-.}I\'. . .\'nl:.\l`.\.\' Articles :1 but. NIP -..u--. .. -1.; -nunnvn - -.-- V`.-`V- .-on-o nun: unv- Fon the past lralf year there were : Births, 37 ; marriages, 23.; deaths, 17, in Orilliaf DURING June there were delivered at ,Beeton cheese factory 106,644 lbs. of milk. f1n.uu.n-.n.-...... ....._A.- _ _L:_____ :_.__-, \Auu- :1 theft! vvvvv -- A Gmvzxzwnsr baker : oven caved in the other day. _We `dough-nuhlaugh at this calamity. - ` f'lI___._.-- _'-..-._ --_J_1_1,, , I I -1 LIGHT hay-crop around Alliston. BLACK-rot in Bradford orchiat-ds. NEW stores building at Gravenlnu-st. Cook's mill at Mid1and is -lighted ,by electricity. ; -n_-___.__. L, _,._,,1,L ,__.I L_.__ - FmE.-The barns and outbuildings be- longing to Peter McLaughlin were con_- sumed by re Tuesday morning, including the contents. The 're is believed to have originated from sparks from the locomotive 9 a.f-iaohati to the*8.40 train. By the utmost exertions of Samuel. Alexander's men, Charles Anderson's men, and other neigh- bors, the dwelling was` saved. Loss about $1,700 ; partially insured in the Stand- ard. Mr. McLaughlin wishes to return thanks to all those who helped" to sxwe his property. - .____ BUSH FIIiEs.-Bush res having` been- raging about here from Saturday till Tues- day night. I_Mr. Steele is a sufferer to the extent of several acres ofwheat. Other sufferers, in the way of` burned crops and fences , are Messrs. Fisher, Cline and Gowan, the latter-of whom sustains a loss of some $300. ' 1. O. G. '1`.-Bm:E;sey, G. W. s. of the.' Good Templars, will address 0. public meet- ing hereon the 28th and also at the follow- ing plnces: Newtown Robinson, 29th; Anintnn 30H1 - Cnn]:nf.nwn_ 3151*. - Nnnha. IJIJLUUH E L` U W LU IV ll. 1.\rU UIJIHUH, ltillall ; ikuiston, 30th ; Cookstown. 3131:; Minis- ing, 1_st Aug. ; Ardtrea, 2nd ; 'Co1dwa.'ter, 3rd. IN wmcu ARE FOUND THE FOLLOWING IN- TERI-ISTING NEWS'BUDGE'1`s AND NOTES ` mom READERS. - It is to be hoped the fate of Sizer and `Hayes will be a warning to persons ` "tempted to turn-to some account the car- cassof abeast that may have died on their hands"-an occurrence that is by no means unfrequent. Whatever other use they may put it to, it is clear that they cannot dispose of it for human consump- tion without incurring a severe penalty- The extreme limit of punishment was not resorted toein the case of these two men ;- but yet in the sentence imposed on them the law has been vindicated, and the lesson they have learned will, we fancy,beone they and others will re- member for life. The hapless families of the prisoners--one of them already shout "to become a dependent on the bounty of the corporation--were con- siegiad by the Judge, and this accounts for his dealing with them more leniently. than otherwise might have been expect- ed; From the enquiries that have ' been instituted there is good reason to believe that this has not been theionly occasion herabonts on which unwholesome meat palmed oi!` on an unsuspecting P155153; ' .',8ev_era`| other cases have come to which may! con- __;:._1' ;'n'n.-.....i.;. 914.`:-. 4.1.. ....'n..`.e..:c.-..`.' _ ......-6 vyunu LIUU " `. `U8 IDVCDEGQ, by which all the chaff would be re-_ jected." i ' V As our contemporary says, to" expect children to be trained in the principles and practice of _morals where the teach- er himselfis notoriously decient in both, would be to expect an impossibility. If the love of the good, the pure, the gen- - erous, and the benevolent have no abid- ing place in the heart of the teacher, he is not likely to,la_v the foundation of a noble character, nor create in the hearts of the young 'a, love for a virtuous, a use- ful an exalted life. Our contemporary. is led to these observations in noting the coming examinations, or some of them, V strikes the Packet as evidencing that the high and honorable` principle which should characterize the man who aspires to train the mind and morals of the On- tario youth, is wanting `in many cases - still. It believes, therefore, that, as the Minister of Education is said to "be in possession of the names of those who trafficked, or were willing to traic in Tooke s wares, he would be only per- forming his duty, were_he to publish the - names of those who were guilty, or who , wished` for the opportunity of being : guilty of this new species of Simony. To all of which we say aye !"' But it . is "not likely anythingiof the sort will be _ done; at least, such is our estimate of Mr. _ Crooks that we fancy he will let the cul- ` prits go. ' cumstances quite as glaring, in the re- He let culprits go under cir- cent investigation into the case of the South Simcoe School Inspector. Most - disgraceful -and damaging disclosures were made, apart from the matters under investigation, but not a step has been or ever will be taken towards following , them up and punishing the guilty ones. One teacher, for example, with a grin on. his face, admitted, while giving evi- I dence, that he had cribbed at a num- , sure there was any moral culpability in `her of examinations, and was not quite t it if he could do it cleverly !. The Min- M ister of Education, with unexampled harshness and injustice, sacriced the In- spector, but allowed men like the teacher in question, whose moral insensibility t was clearly shown up, to go without a reprimand. .\Ve do not, in view of our knowledge of Mr. Crooks, look for any move on his part such asthe Packet suggests. Either -he does not fancy stirring up the dirty pool and calling at- tention to the defects in his educational system, or else the parties implicated have the necessary friends at court to shield them. ` VPaclcet in its premises that [our public we` heartily azreeiwitlla` the Orvillia I ! school` teachers ire, with few exeep- 4 u (ions, 8 strictly mom], respectable and intelligent class," and we join with it in deploring that some moreperfect. dys- utem Of stftmg could not be invented, bv whit-.'ln 1: H... ..L..a- _-.,n 1 THE TEACHING. PROFESSION. A BUDGET IN BRIEF OUR I.EC:'.|;`_ER BOX. ANTER iv11LLs sn,mr'-_nu. on` COUNTY NEWS, ALLANVDA LE. - as.-uuuuu null ULBBDB in{c6\_u 1 plaesjor in the suburbs of `they This is a private trip of his Excell- ency, who wants to see the Northwest for himself and be able to judge of the. resources of what his predecessor in Qice termed the illimitable wilder- ness." He is not asking the expenses of those who accompany `him to be borne _by the country, and, therefore, the crit? icisms in certain of the papers of his ex- clusion of Canadian press representa- tives from the party,- are out of place. There will, no doubt, be competent cor- respondents among his ' Exce1lency s suite, who will do all the reporting that may be deemed desirable. And their correspondence will reach a class of peo- A ple, through the medium of the British press, whose attention to the country it is most desirable `to attract, and who will likely be more impressed with news about the Northwest comingto them in this way than by that? Whiolr is c1'rcu- ` latedeamong them through native .chan- 1 11018. If Lord Lorne goes through the great region to which heis travelling, I I with his eyes fully open and determined ` counts are sent home about the North- west will not disparage it, but rather will largely aid in peopling it with old country yeomen, who are now only waiting to hear more about it and from T unmistakably reliable sou rcee. "to see and know the country thoroughly, 1 we may atter ourselves that what ac- ` an nnavu away. Awwuu vun uu wan to Keep 3 V oh their _M;abla;_theaeV nights; Re rt: goto prove that there are in Canes: at the present time a. very large number of horse thieves who are lying their nefarious avocation in the ru dis- tricts.` Last "week information respecting rnrnrnnx rnnirrs or VALUABLE nonsns V was received at police headquarters here. One sufferer was Dr. Spohn, of 'Penetang., who lost a favorite animal together with buggy and harness. The horse "and rig has, `however, aince been recovered. at Hilladale, but the thief managed to get . avrav.` .. - zxrnxsivz OPERATIONS orfmn mrrxnxuv. . MR. Joim McGma, Indian agent, was in Ottawa last week perfecting arrangements with the commissioner of_Indian afiairs for `the transfer of the Oka Indians. from .4 Two Mountains locality to Muskokn. It is un- derstood that the removal of the Indians will shortly be made. Ten thousand acres of land have been sacurcd.in.Muskoka as a -reserve, and. the Indians will. be located upon this and` supplied with. provisions, farm implements, etc. The seminary au- thorities are to pay all exiienses connect- ed with the transfer, iuclud ng-the cost of the land, which was secured from the On- tario overnment at 60 cents an acre. A few ofg the Indian families at Oka decline to move, on the ground that they do not ap- prove of the scheme, but Mr. McGirr thinks that all of themwill join in at the proper time. _ _ ; A FEW months since (says the Bulletin) when th_e.Messengcr was under the manage- ment of itsplate editor, a highly` sensational report was circulated to the effect" that there were strong suspicions of foul play on the part of one of our citizens whose wife was said to have mysteriously disappeared. The public were led to infer. from the way in which the matter was stated that the hus-_ .band s hands were not clear of his wife s fblood. Such astory seemed to many at the time to be utterly without foundation, and as a complete refutatfnn of the entire fabrication the woman who was said`to have been murdered has returned to town and is now living here. ' Omnnm Tiln('5 : The sou.-serpent'ha.s got to be a. fabulous length ; we hesitate to say how many feet long it is now-it would frighten the editor of the Barrie ADVANCE, and we are anxious to entice him up and feed him to the monster." It would be a. beautiful meal for the serpent, served on toast ; and if we could only get some one to write up a. trustworthy account of it and afterwards compose a. seventeen-line obitu-V ary poem on us, we would not object to thus sacrice 9. valuable life. you what we will do`, oh, Times. We have a. gentle ' subscriber in -your fair town who owes us siik years subscription. We can cheerfully spare him . But we tell. 3 '--IfAy6n wanh int` stock of wq1l ietin town to select rom,.go/to Edwudf bookstore. * . ' THEY are going_ to have the Governor General in Collingwood to-day, after he `leaves Barrie. The Ent. is very anxious tha.t;as Lord Du'erin,tl1e popular Irish Go- vernor .General, was recewed with ccad mills "faltha on his visit to Collingwood, our Scotchfriends will join heartily in giving `the noble Marquis from the `Land o l Cakes and Heather an equally spon- taneous \ve1con1c. The editor isn t quite sure of the hrase, so he calls it a. spon- _ tztneoue we come. The trulybad editor is not in Collingwood now, or else his n '. would have come into use. (7 "`.o"t'I` ash an dhu, old chap; thnr what you are after ! AT ORILLIA, the other day, the Mayor and Mr. Booth, J ._ P. , investigated the claim of Wm. Hodges, of Ore, agent for W. R. Hodges, against James Houston and Robert Forth, for ve sheep killed and two injured. by two `dogs, owned by defend- ants. It was proved that James Houston had sold his dog to his brother Charles six I months before. Charles boarded with James, but the charge would not lie against the latter as keeper when the owner of the dog was known. The charge against James Houston was therefore dismissed. The damage being proved, $12.75, inclusive of costs, was apportioned to be paid bypForth. Elsewhere we publish the Globe : crop report-news which has become an annual institution with our big contem` porary. It is a very interesting and important budget of information, and the enterprise of the Globe in securing it is to be commended. The coming har- vest is, according to the report, by no means a disappointing one, if not fully up to as a whole the unusually good ones of the past few years. Prices, too: it may safely be said, will rule high ; so that it appears the farmers will have no cause to go into the dumps over the results of the season's operations. i This is gratifying news, for good crops and` prospering farmers go a great way to- _wards making the good times we all desire to see. Authorities on the com- mercial affairs of the country, also, re- port the outlook as very cheerful -less failures, more money in circu_1ation, busi- ness in various branches of trade and in- dustry increasing and taking a. substan-e tial shape. Altogether the times are far ` from being out of joint.i We seem to ; have reallyentered upon an era of solid M progress and prosperity that will `last for . along time to come if everybody will ` but try to prot by the lessons of past periods of depression. SA-YS the '1 ac!cct :--- Believers in the ex- istence of the sea serpent are increasing. 1t was seen by Mr. A. J. Ca.va.nagh, P.L.S., of Brechin, oft" Curthew s_ Point. Mr. Cavanagh describes the reptile. as being about torty feet long, with a. head about the size of a. ma.n s, and in elmpe like a bull dog's. It was tra.ve'lling at about the rate of fteen miles an hour, and making a noise-like a small saw mill. This is a clear case of mincepie monomzmia. or Welsh rare~bit' illusion, for tl1e.sea.-serpent has been at Rossenu, the guest of Monteith, for the past three weeks 2 A 1>Aar\"of gentlemen interested in the success of the Midland railway and the pro- gress oftthe village reached there Monday night by way of the Northern and North- Western railway. Upon. arriving within six milesof Penetanguishene the trainbacked to.Wyeva1e with the passengers on account of the bush res along the track a mile in extent. One of the cars took tire and some diiculty was experienced in extinguishing the ames. ,' A great quantity of cordwood was on re along the track and farm houses were in great danger. ' Bncavsn the Herald made fun `of the Martligras procession, in Penetang, , which was intended to make fun for the people, the mardigrasshoppers are annoyed. Whereupon the editor writes out an ex- planation saying that he supposed that the more excruciating and paralyzing his jokes on the affair, the more in accordance with th eternal tness of things they would be. 7 Tm: relatives, friends and syrnpathizers f_the accused in andabout Collingwood will no doubt be gratied to learn per- 9 leading editorial in the Ent., that as the"resu1t of the strong pressure brought to bear upon the Sultan by England he has consented to commute the sentence passed; u pon the alleg- ed murderers of Abdul Aziz to banishment to some remote quarter of his dominions. UNDER the heading Lafontnine, the" Penetang. Herald contains the following :-.- - N ous rmarqous qu'il ae fait cdntinuement a. Lafontaine de neuvellers amelioration: Lea uns enteurent leurs terrs de clutures de fan- taise, d autz-es batissent des granges, d au_tres agmndissent, reparcnt leiir maison; dfantrea encore ameliorent leurs terres, a chetent des instruments aratoirea; etc. ' Just so! Just so! _ -wzmc -ma uons 1'I'-uv:Vs. muouu me "pe_1_'sonals" in last week'l_ ,Pen'et .- _ per was one noting . the ar-, rival of A g`-`gek-newsh, and family, from } 270 miles up the` North Shore. It is vyr1t- ] ing such locals as this which makes editor- iial life short. _ ` - IXISI-NAJNSVILLIS 3011001 gruuuua an: Lu " bad state according to the village a paper- But if the editor of the village paper he one of the pupils,'. it is not the grounds _but the school itself whichcneeds overhauling. The editor refers to a proposal being ax- cepted, and further on_ to an unwholy alliance of certain railways. . . A Bmcsnmncn young lady, who was making purchases in Crompton & Co s st01`9: laid her purse down, containing over $27; and turned for avmoment .to_ another part of the store, but upon reaching fog` the purse discovered that it had mysteriously disappeared. After this. the insidious hlp pocket ought not to be blamed so much. g - - ---..v- V- A Coumowoon woman detected in the act of milking a. neighbour's cow pleaded that she wanted-,tl_1e milk to keep herself and children from` starving. Enquiry proved the truthof her statement. What sort of charity, if any, do they dispense in Collingwood '! ' ` Knnnwsvxnnn school grounds arein 9 hurl nhxbx ' nnnnl-Jinn in flux villnae unner- THE GOVERNOR-GENERAL S TOUR. Tn: eicient editm-o_of the E-nt. does. not fancy our interferen'ce.in` the . pros ec- tive row`(his own ' seeking) between in: and the Mess. men. Sh! All for your own good, sweet lamb; all for your own good. We cannot hear to see you crushed. A r1,____, _ 1 n, 1,: 3.. AL- AMONG the" j$e}'sona13 in last Week : . enetamr_- nnnnr urn: Ann nnnn {Bo or." nnpnins unbruns __`___i, ,__ . .1 - Fall Wheat... "1 :-ea.dwell... TPBSGWBII . . . 3:23-5 Peas. mu. ya wanna. u..--- -v v'--' -'--1" -'V""' Bmousm-ss, Indigestion, Constipation-311 forms of Dyspegsia yield at once to: few doses of Z apesa, t a new compound from Brazil. A 10 cent sample proves it. - Zornsa, mom B'nAzn..--Ita wonderful affin- ity to 1_:_1_1e digestive a_ppara.tus of the human" stomach, its moat sgpnemg effect upon a. torpid I T.{va:'_ and in cleannnn ind. toning: the svstem. 1 uwxnacn, m_I moan sgprwlnu enact uox-pm Uvef, Md "1 clfilnlmg toning] the system, can be tegtgd mgh a 1 cent lamp 9 bottle n...............- 1-__u.._-L.-`__ n__-u.__Lz.... -n I Sm,--As we are convinced that s. fastu-all.` is the most valuable gait which a general purpose horse can possess, we propose to offer, at the coming October Agriultural Fair," Barrie, a special prize of. $10 to the horse, mare or gelding which shall walk one mile in the shortest time. Animals competing,Amust be sound, of passably good form, not over si; years old. the bone. de property of residents "in this _co1_mty, and may be of any class except race horses. We give notice thus early to induce some of our young farmers to train their horses in thi desirable g*a.it.. ' ` vnliru To nu udmu-man. FOR BY WALKING HORSES. Efihern hhancui LVL Lllifllll LJIZ LU LUIUI-I|IUl!4 Illllllio 6] I Slnn-pe,I`.yizzie. Killyleagh . . . .-L Irving. . . . 277' The Examiners have also recommended that Sarah McLeod be admitted, thou gh I her marks are slightly below the mininum. l JOU dl.lU.ll8_8UIl, lJ...LV.lLllC8UI|g... - a -_o WatsonMari n.Barrie P. Sch. - 327 Miller, J. A..3 Medonte. . . . . MissKilbauk.325, Scott, Marg t.Barrie P. Sch.. . 324 Boucher-,P. J. Batteau . . . . - . . B.J.Madi1l. . 321 McKenzie, C.Barrie P. Sch. . 318 .McWi1liam,A. Coulson . . . . .S. Arthun. . .318 Di1_1wodieLi zie. l4'I`ecumseth. Miss Yorke ..-317 Tyndal, Letitia. Allandale . . . G. \Vhiteb1-ead. 307 Barnhartsarah. Mitchell Sq. . R. W. Metcalf. 307 FreemanEdith. Barrie P. Sch_; 306 Grahame,` L. .Private tuition. 304 Mason, G . .. Barrie P. Sch.. ' 301 King, Gu1i_e.. do do" ' Bogart, B. . . . do. do . . . Perry. G. . . . .Shai1ty Bay. . VViceGe rgi na.Painswick . . Huff . . . .294 Miller, Lillie. Barrie I . Sch.. V Simmons, E.. do. do.... . HuaseyLizzie.Mt. St. Louis. Ha.rrisonLo ise. Lisle . . . . . . . 'MissSpringe1-280 Lennox, H. -{Barrie P. Sch.'. Hurst,-F.... do; do.... . 277 M CarthyLiz ie Toronto&Barrie. 277 Sl1arpe,Lizzie. 'l"l.n 14`vn.~unnm. Lana n]a.\ unnnn-um.-u-.,'l...l .y... . : a-1.-. Aunjh. Miller, G.. .Mt. St. Louis. cotrey. ...4 King, R. W. Barrie` Pub. Sch._\V B I{arv y.<. Frazer, A... do. do. - 4 Keenan, 1).. do. :10. 7 . Orchard, H..Victoria. . . . . . .'..Jas Reid . .. . Chalue, T. . .Penetang P Sch.T Callaghamz Nolan, G.. . . Barrie I . Sch . . . - Graham Mary `do. do. Bremner, W. Mine'sing.._. . . . N eve, J no. . .Da1ston. . .... . Boys, \V. ...Ba.rric P. Sch.. Crease, E A.Privatc `tuition. M Phee Teanie;Bnrrie 1 Sch. Bird, Carrie. do. do. MoreauVic a. Penetang I Sch WrightNellie.Ba.rric 1`. Sch . Crow, T._... .. do. do. ` Bird, Ernest. do. (10. ,1, *" ':- ' Sneath, H. . . 1\Iidh1_{`..:.f.". . . . . .(}. Sncath. Grz:ha.mHat ivj,`-.2etri'xe I . Sch. - Lennoy ,, `a-.'. do. (10. T`; wan, M J . Penetang `P Sch. " Loan, Mary.Ba.1'rie I . Sch. . J nmieson, D..Mincsing... \VatsonMn.ri n.Barrie P. Sch. The half-yearly examination for entrance to the Collegiate Institute was held on Tlmrsday and Friday the 7th and 8th inst. The whole number of candidates was 92. Of these the. local Board of Examiners, consisting of the Public School Inspector and the Principal of the institute, have passedthe` 48 whose names, in order of merit, are given below. Of the successful candidates it is gratifying to be able to an- nounce that`no. less than 26 are from the Barrie Public School. This is as it should be." Our town schools should be in a. posi- tion to furnish ,a steady and abundant sup- ply of material to the Collegiate Institute, as the latter in its turn recruits the ranks of the teaching profession and sends its periodical quota to the Universities and the professions of Law andcMedicine. We learn that theattendance at the Institute ' for the half year just closed has been 168. We shall publish the result of the Inter- mediate Examination as soon as they are made known. NAME or CAN- svuooa SEC- l`EA(.`iIER. TOTAL DII')A'l`I-3., "riox. MARKS. - ...44l VV.Barrie`Pub.,Scb..\V y.429 A. . . do. ' Yunnan 1) (`In Jln 1'31! 414' JJJU ' VV IXTUUII UI lalll UUUHDJ LIL. DHIU .l1Ul..lU.lB of the chair, being ably gsslsted therem by Reeve Anderton-, of Barrie, and Alder- msm Pm-via in the `Inf. and 2nd vine-chairs TOASTS were proposed and duly honored, the com- pany singing `f The National hAnthem ig drinking to Her Majesty. T en followe a succession of other toasts," including ;T1te_Ag,1;icu1t3xra`l1aInd 1'\]Ianufz<;)t11111'ingf 311- us mes an r. no. e o e Woodbridge Agricultural Works. T A Among those who responded to the several toasts were Dr. Oliver; Mr. W. K. Rankin, of Cookstown ; Mr. R. D. Robbins, travel- ling agent for Mr. Abell; Alderman D. Purvis, and Mr. Thos. R. Purvis, the agent for this District. The dinner passed off most felicitously, and the only disap- pointment on the occasion was the delay in thearrival of the ELEVEN` CAR.-LOADS _0l~`i IMPLEMENTS. The delivery consisted as follows :-7 port- able steam-engines and separators com- bined, value, $7, 75; _3 complete horse power thpeshers, and two separators, value, $1,(4if;5i5tota1 value, $9,530. This does not include other sales effected by Mr. Purvis, one of which was an engine. and separator bought by`Mr. N. Grose, of Innisfil, a short time ago. Mr. Purv_is has good reason to feel proiid of his season's work `as an implement agent, and the .mo.nufactory.h_e represents may well regard him `as an industrious and competent sales- man. A 1 . 1". Ewan, (meua1).... 150 co ca 253 J. E. Rogers, (meda.l)- - . 78 90 72 240 M. Shanacyu $l5....... 70 85 75 .230 James Dunn, $10....-.. 70 70 76 - 216 Wm. McIntyre, 35...... 68 V` 67 74 209 The ries were Eneld, the ranges 200, zmd.600 ya.rds-s'even" shots at each. Thursday last prchasere of iigricultural implements from the Woodbridge Works [were in tpwn to. receive their machines. The active agent, Mr. T._ R. Purvis, re- ceived his customers with characteristic courtesy, and entertained them to a. ........u.. ... ....... H t\fVIIII\',tI,, uvu; uv-:J , nu vuuva vvuuvu. Vania:-An vv .- DINNER AT THE Qt:m:N s which Mine Host, Brown prepared in the highest style of the art cuhnne. Over forty guests sat down to the admirable spread. The -Warden of the County did the honors nf +}u: nlmir Raina ahlv suznigtndl therein Aye:- | Pills. Electric Bitters. Peruvian Syrup. l'I_...-..._ T ..lV`nnu Dy IVUBYU ll.IuUl'|:ULl', U1 J.)lH.'.l'lU, HULL :1.1ucL- man Purvis, in the 1st and 2nd vice.-chairs respectively. The spread `having been amplv discussed-. the usual loyal and put- riotic V BAR RIE GOKLEGIATE INSTITUTE The series of matches in connection with the Barrie Rie Association has closed, with the. following result :- :. _ ' 1st. 2d. 3d. Ttl. n `n n__,._ :_...1..I\ on on Q`) tun" I P. F. Ewan, (medal).. .. J `I?! Rnnm-n lmerIn.H... BUT 1TO.\"T FORGET THE PORTABLE ` ENGINE AND".I.'H.RE8HER. f.U|Ll'B, WM. Trxoxsozi gig Co. Barrle, July 19, 1331. CLOSE THE B. R. A. COMPETITION. A PROSPECTIVE Panza} ._.-.__. LETTERS TO THE La-u1'ron'. .j.. spazn Tl-IE PLOUGH! J.M.BOTHWELL.

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