Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 11 Sep 1879, p. 4

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Sole Xgegit oiiih % 1 E_'|nIl- -I -'4:-"an.-In-1.1;. Fegcliua 2's` Sohliby _ ail Drugqisi, [, VEGETINE V HAS NOT ITS EQUAL. LUNG DISEASE. 4 Vin a. I vuyv\n/Au.u_y , V D11. B. SMITH, Dispcnsixxg Druggist. 989 Niagara Street. vspifpns ,\/Em"-:`1""INE. waters, sa_lt,g(`lIea_I L JJQLLV la McGn_moR. IOVVA, Nov. 11, 183's. nzvxaxs: - , ._` 2. .` ; ._ . The Very brcdtlthat dallymg strove To aunt its btiiner-color `out, . Roailient tn InI1fTn}.H'.:m1xf. ' " Yours truly, sm.m.\, .u..i.. May 12, 1372, `'l'n'\' -- ' , I.Bl;'FI-`ALO, Dec}. 27,1876. ' ALONZO COLE. hf.-I c..H..I.I.. ....... 36-1m. -._._, ..- (ass oxionn s1'nz:r.-|.oiunou, And are sold I) all Vendors of Medicines. throughout the ritish Posaeasionl, who keop the American Counterfeit: for sale, ` be In-osecuted. . TheTmd Marks of these Medicinu are registered.-`in Ottsws Hence,any one through- out;the-British. Ponesaiona, who may_keep tho A?_:9e.1-icon :--0ounte`rfeits for gsle,.w1ll be proaecntd; shqnllflook to the Label on5 ' . If;the address is not` ` a=W-- - _ S 6, Lonctonnlgey are ppmous. _ it is an infallible remedy. If effectually rub- bed on the neck and chest, as` salt into meat, it Cures SORE THROA.-T,ABronchitin, Coughs, Colds, and even.AS'.l.`HM.A. For Glandular Sweuings, Abscesaea, Piles, Fistula, \ ` Amxevgry kind of SKIN DISEASE, it 1): never been known to faiL The Pill: and Ointment are mnnufaoture .onlv. at - ' ' - Yet, see, how on the breezy bough,. , In haste to have its scarlet It flames and utters iuthe sun. 1.118 1'] I. only at A 3..-`. .5. Itssearching and Healing Pro- ` parties are known through- out the World. ' ` ._ For the cure of BAD LEGS, Bad Breasts, Old Wounds, Sores and `Ulcers, Llver, St_omach.K1dneys, and BOWELS, givin tone, ener , and vi - our to these great M N SPRI-N OF LIF . They are condently recommended as 9. never failin remedy in` all cases where the constitu- tion. rom whatever cause, has become impair- ed or weakened. They are wonderfully ei- cacious in all ailments incidental to Females n"n nnnn - n'n(1 nu,o f1T`.NTIa`,'D A l'. 'I`A'KITT,V CECIUIIB 111 an GUIIIBIIUS Incidental `D0 Dveml ofall ages; ind as~a GENERAL FAMILY MEDICINE, are unsurpassed. - ` ' or an age MEDICI "` ` - ' I These famous Pills purify the BLOOD, and eat most powerfully, yet soothingly on the This Great Household Medicine Ranks amongst the leading necessaries of Life: ,_. , ,,-_ _.-.--_'_`4-'--nu `I171, - . VVI.\'n5on, 0m.. Canada. g'SoId in l'3nr'r1e-hy_ all Druggisls and by all whole. sale and relax! Druggnsls m Canada and the United States, ' 3-ly. fnum: MARK. The gm Eng. `raw: nunx. huh Remedy. an ` ~un!ailin cure for Semina Weak- ness, Spe_rmator- . rhea,Impou-..ncy, - ' and all diseases that follow as n . ___ sequcnceofSelf- `~\` . 1- ~ Abursc; as boss ` - fll ' '. '- ` - gqrore gagnnlg. 1)3e,s:.";,2,':;;1`l,.;;;, Agter Twig; am ml 4: ac . lmness o nsxon. rcmnlure age, and mnnyolher disease-alhat lead to Insanity or Qonsumplion and o.,I'remnt.ure Grave._ y3 l ull par- Lxculnrslm1ouI-pamphlet,:;rg!_<`1h\v%des_|Ee lg sand !rc_e y mm 0 every one e .poc1 c c Acme Ii sn!d by all Drnggists al $1Perp11]mge m- six pack. ageslor`35, gr_w1Il he sent free: by mail on recelr-I oflhe uy mall lo A"The Specic 1\Iea.cm"i3 Drnggists $1 per package, ages for $5, or will recelpl money `by addressing THE GRAY Mnmcmn co., 1n..._, - vaxu. n. ` ' `s8 amaze eina".oL{ srgggo 9 Lnnvm: H-. mm. ......o.... 4-......|. .. 'lA` ELECTRICTLYI - TiioMAs' Exonnsion Emc- nuc OIL! Womir TEN TIMES rrs Wnmirr IN GoLD.-Pain cannot stay where it is used! It is the cheapest medicine ever made. One dose cures common sore throat, One bottle cured bronchitis. Fifty cents` worth has cured an old standing cough. It positively cures catari-ah asthma and eroup. Fift cents worth has cured click in the back. and t e same quantity lame back ofeight years` standing. It cures swelled neck, tumors, rhe_um_atism, "neural ia. contraction of the muscles. sti _] oints, spinal Eilliculties, and pain and sorenessin any part, no matter where it may be. or from what cause it may arise, it al-_ ways does you good. Twent.-ve cents` worth has cured};-ad cases of chronic and bloody, dy- sentery. One teaspoonful cures colic in 15 minutes. It will cure any case etpiles that it is possible to cure. Six or ei ht apphcationsis war- ranted to cure any case 0 excoriatod ni pies `or inamed breast. _Forbrui'ses, ifa plied 0 tan and bound u , there is never the slig test discolora- tion to t e s_kin. It stops the pain of a_bui-n as soon as applied. Cures frosted feet, boils, warts and corns; and wounds of every description on man or beast. V H. N, TWHITAQ nun: rm vxv tr man beast. ` "N . S. N. THOMAS, 1 m;LPs.'N. Y. And NORTHROP 8: LYMAN, Toronto, 0 Sole Agents for the Dominion. ` N ow.-EIecmc--Selected and Elect:-izdz eou 1'. RHIEUMATI-SM. , r \ Pain In the Back. D Casron 011. Mum PLEASANT. -Nothing clings with more tenacity to. the memory of the child than the bitter struggle it had with its mother when she administered to it the first dose of Castor OiL But now mothers and children will rejoice to hear that this nauseous yet splemlid medicine, has been made pleasant as cream, and still more efficacious than the `crude oil. Don't fail under any circumstances to try a` bottle of Scott & Bowne s Palatable Castor Oil, and you will never use any other cathartic medicine. Price only 25 cents a bottle. 35 lm. Pnorma TORMENTED by the many disagree- able sensations produced by dyspepsia, or are thin, nervous and weak, should use the stan- dard tonic--North1-op 6'. Lyman s Quininc Wine. They will find it agreeable. and bene- cial. It enriches`-the blood by aiding digest- ion and assimilation ; soothes and invigorates the nervous system, and imparts a healthful ap etite. When used as a remedy for bilious and intermittent fever, it produces the hap- piest results, if taken between the attacks. Convalescence is hastened, and untimely de- cay of the physique and constitution is arrest- ed by it. The spirituous constituent sherry wine, is of the best quality, and the aromatics combined with it, renders its avor addition- ally pleasant. They who use it gain esh as well as strength, and it exerts a cheering in"- uence upon the mind. It promotes a heal- thy secretion and flow of bile, sound repose and regularity in the action of the bowels. If judiciously used it may be taken without apprehension of any ill result by persons of the most delicate |constitution. A fair trial is all that is needed to prove the genuineness of its claims to public confidence, and to the truth of the general verdict in its behalf. -No article of its class commends itself so strong- ly-to nervous invalids who require building up-none is so well adapted to fortify the sys- tem against the dangers which threaten the debilitated. - It should not be mistaken for a more stimulant of appetite. which many so- called touics simply are. It so regulates the stomach that it is enabled to perform its var- ious functions with regularity and vigor, and its action is not only Ask for the Quinine \Vine of Lyman. Sold by all diunszists. thorough but prompt. - Northrop 8.: j A:-us I01` me " Lguxmne Wine of by afll dxuggists. , 51011 13091. ' ' The undersigned, having purchased Messrs. T. Copeland & Co :-interest in the above pro"- 'para.tion, are now manufacturing it from the onginal recipe, v NORTHROP _& V LYMAN, Toronto. Ask for Copeland's Sweet Castor Oil. Ob- serve the name. Do not be deceived. Sold by 911 medicine dealers. Price 25 cents urc no. use we place ot all common oil." ' The extraordinary demand for this improve- ment of a staple household medicine has broughtfraudulent-imitations into the market but the public can guard themselves against substitutes (which unprincipled parties are at- tempting to sell on the reputation . of this article) by seeing that the name, Copeland : Sweet_Castor Oil, is on both wxjappeijand-direc~ tion label.` 'I`lnA .....l......:........I L__.:_... ..,,,, I , I It ";u.y uoue gm nns taken 112 W 1ce;w1tl1out an trouble, and does not know what it in, thong she hltes the ordinary Castor Oil,` and wc never could get her to `take it without a . ght ; yet a.nother-I wish on success of your Sweet Castor Oil ; it is a. sp endid thing- surc to. take the place of all oil. extmordinm-v demand fnr u`: {menu-um, Fragrant as thistle-feathers blown At the scant mercy pf the air, Sheltcrless, homeless, anywhere - . .ACo1i'nmim si Swxrr .GAs'rox OIL , equally i suitable for children and adults. Endorsed by over 600 doctors in Canada. '_ 1`_hediicnlty of administering nauseous medicines, and the desirability of having them pleasant to the taste, inducedT. Co and to undertake re- searches, which test: ted in the discovery of 5 Sweet Castor Oil, perfectly pahtgble, of the same strength and _medical-uahties as the ordinary Castor Oil; and wh e equally safe and harmless yet acting with more certainly and producing neither nausea. nor giggling. Some children say it is honey; others syrup-they all say they like it. One parent aays- My children drink it "like water; " another --" We had to hide the bottle or they would have nished it. right off; another- My little girl has taken it tw icejwithout anlyl trouhle, is. thong ~PA fEuT uisploluas. V._I'o'v` 'Am'oNo' '_'rH` 5' "Vol-|ll.D'R"EN' .' .-_ _- -.-an. T:iiAv's sPT Tt:`I`r'i`ic:V*Ii1FI:;I:irii. nu Mnnr -" ' `du3s9mqr'-,1okf:orthc`sa;uy am.` |rnmm mmns AGBIEIILTIIRAL Immmsl CataIogues_ and Tlnfshtrs Pazp]alets r_ Free on Application. When you visit the Great Industrial`Exhibition at Toronto this Month be sure to see the A T V Splendid Display of [FARMERS ANIJ THRESHERS 1| [MILLER S IRON-BOUND READER Tohciich in the sun, be drenched with rain,- 111$? bf ntedhlorvbrief. - v Nbrthern Boo}: Depositorsf V- FULL SUPPLIES OF ALL '1`.HE THE EMPORIUM, JOHNT WATSON. ONE DOOR `VEST OF THE BARBIE HOTEL, O monrnzrm B00 K nerosnonv com MAr'r'ma, MATS, noun on.-stern. From 25 to 50 per ~ BRUSSELS. , %'[`A.PE'l`%SRY, K1DD|s:RM%1Ns'r|;R, UN 4oARPETs:vARPETsu DUNLOP STAREET S.A.]..\'vl'13:E3I`E1S BROTHERS, Clea7"z'ng'out FALL A ND L uuvay Luz-Ava Lu [Juli Linen Table Napkins eifz Bleached ani Brown Tgble Linens, Onr Small Warn Rh"-Ir :. Iran` .......4....n.. A........6...1 :.. ........._ .:_;_n ------ --v-v-v -u--ts-uzw Isuzu rovtvonvio I011 FIU "_II IIIUIV LIIIIVHW. Our Small Ware Stock is kept constantly Assorted in every dctail. Our `friends can depend ; upon getting _a.1l they want, and at the Right Price. . ` 'IN SPECTIO'E' I_N"V7'I'I`E'ZD H1311 ___-_._._._ -_-.- ..--., l`+s`2;*::.:a`z2 * "::,:3.*:*:$; .2::.;:*&.?%:n:?:h Which. to other with the balance of our Summer Stock, we are offering at ATTRAC- TIVE R,lCl*}. We draw attention to Special Lines in TABLE NAPERY. Verv Cheat) Lines m mu-p. xYtM'x1nu-n cvnxrr no {New Fallaoods 2| IGOLDEN E1%*IJP0REUM%! All at the Glcjsest Prices. |s79. : A u TU M N} H879. LARGE A.I1El.I`V'A.2l:a$ or 10 acorcn m we no urcucn Itawlii "of tinted `glory brief, No blossom-but a withered 1 Puauc AND HIGH SCHOOLS, J gun A3 E NE W 1:1. 0 I`Hl./V G 110 as E .r J UST R E CE I V ED ------:o:---- " We have already opened up a. large lot of our New Autumn Goods, comprising ij ALI? 1A: n 3:.` n- DRY OOD8,READY-MADE CLOTHING, QROOEIIIES, 0- ..--.4-. ua.;.u W1NC 1v. YS oL`i}:7'}is AND FANCY GOODS, L......n..... ....'n. LL- 1.-I.___..- -1: -..._ cv.-..-_- -_ cu- SPRING IMPORTATIONS 1 LEA._RTNG SA1.E=J01 m naaw no nave ms sczmel: , flutters m. the "DUNLOP STREE r, BARRIE. wioooampea, ONTARIO. :3 -3 MA NUFAGTURED BY THE NEWES i` DESIGNS IN cent- Saved bv Leaving your Order duringntvhe --MERCH;.AN'l.` TAILORS, - AMONG WHICH ARE .+-`I'I-IZI3- ._'UsED IN THE- l0 11311115 133 U&lI1lUI'-C0101` U111 Rcadiest to.bu'ct it about ! E. 3. GROMPTON 3. co. T`-_.-;_.J.__. next Thirty Days. IW BIJUURCIUII E0 Dpqcll L111!` Very Cheap Lxnes m pure ,,.`II\I,, I -`I in &c., `&:c.', &c. Ev Emvs'rE% 'HL.wIs. A-.-\'l` THE. CALL AT SCOTT S. -A'I.` THE-- JOEN --ALSO- nanny ox unzea `glut-ytmcr, blossognfbut wit}1cg'c(l leaf ! IN dyspepsia the whole "character of the individual gradually changes -for the worse 3 the most Vplacidmap grows petu- lant and` irritable; the `loving heart becomes estranged by groundless sus- picions; the cheery face wears an op-A Apressive sadness; while all that was. oncejolyous and hopeful and glad goes outistv ength into the night of settled melancholy, conrmed madness, or ter- rible suicide. -. A TALENTED editor of a popular maga- zineirode all `day, some ten years ago, eatingnothing since breakfast, taking a very hearty dinner late in the night when hungry and `fatigued. Soon after he went to bed, and has not got. up yet. So if you want to get up- perfect1_v- well any morning, do not eat a hearty supper ' late at night when `weak, tired and, ex- haunted. 700771 _A'l` THE AT THE WNTER St0.(:`/92.7 ! order to make r A;3m:.::.,._ V . ;W9"Md8 Works ~ ,Wo9dbr1aze. ont.. emu ABEAVERJ Inaporters. UNIONS, BARBIE." , - ------- - ~-mu-nu. uuauu nuws U DQ118011. l`l'0l 5 5s. (gold Jewellery, of the richest and most rexquisite designs, with llylonograms, Crests and, _Dev1cee, _Enamelled'm Colours, after ` Designs by the most accomplished Artists in th Preewu,Metn1n; Brooches, Bracelets, Necklaces, Lockets, Rings, and all kinds of bxjourerx |5_ll1PP11.d to members of the Court, and other Distinguished Personnges. Merchants Sh: porn, and Wholesale Buyers are specially invited, before sending their orders elsewhere to 0 turn from the rnmufsctory the Illustrated Catalogues of Watches, Clocks, Chains -]_'W,111'Yo 311"? 8}"! Elediiro-plate, which are sent post free, as not only are the discouns hberal, but a selechon canbe made from the largest stock in the world. Orders should I sent direct to the,Menufsctory, Ludgate Hill. Benson : Pamphlets on Turret Clocks Wlkhu. Clocks, Plate and Jewellery sent Post Free. Watches sent safe by Post to all part of -World. `Imam Panto and City Show Booms, Ludgete Hm London. West-End Esta Ilshment, 95 our |Bond In-eel. Beat lllled 1749 so- `\`\`u 10 me queen and noyzu Family, and by special appoir Wales, I. R. M. the Emperor of Russia, the Mahurajalx 4 Princes. __-- : it-`CIv.'-v Ofeverydesoription, suitable forallclimates, from 2 to 200 ineas. Chronogra hs, Chrono- meters, Kevless Levers, Presentation, Re eaters, Railway uards , Soldiers an Workmen's Watches of Extra strength. Clocks, for hurches, Tnrrets, or Public Buildings, Dinin or Drawing Room, Library, Carri, Church, Hall, or Shop. Perpetual Cslendsrs. md Dials, &o. Artistic English Cl c , decorated with Wedgwood and other wares, designed to suit my style of furniture; also _as novelties for presents. Made solely by Benson. From 5 5:. Gold Jewellery, of and exquisite with Monograms, Devices, _Ena1nelled`in Artists Pl'e0iJ'llI'M6hl.n : Brooches, Ru-engine. 1ur....u.r__-_ 1- . . -. - -- - - - - - rnnsn SAUSAGES DAILY. ` 1301.} 40-3m. Barrie, March 12, 1879. He sohcxts a cgzl} from parties roquirino such work, \?n:Inrnfo (`ha n nun: Au: 1:: prep:u'eu to (to promptly and cheaply any work entrust:-41 to him in the way of (HOUSE, SIGN 8: GABRIAGE PAINTING`, A }T\?(;1 `n A huh Y!` A svr...-.. HAS RE.\I0\`ED T0 .% `Canon av. Pearcy s 01] Stand, oppo-site um Clarksuu House, Where he is proparetl to do promptly and '[]`(\TTf1"r.1'I.'I`I'f`|\"` A H - M - ~-- *" T (3,... _.Z._i_____.:. op: To te Queen and Royal Family, and by Wales, Emperor Russia. the Main. HAY & HARVE:~`f1` TOOLS; HOUSEHOLD HINTS 3E"s"-7-YYATHE$ favarvdngnrinnn .n:o.1.I.. 4:- n - in -Qij-1&5 1 -Qnjjuu EXTRA CHOICE YOUNG HYSON, GUNPOWER, JAPAN, `lII\lInI'IIE I` I I IZ3l I F 1?! I ..... ...................................... .. cor-rxws With Hearse furnished in addition. runs?-cuss 1 ROSEWOOD 36 WALNUT son: or Reduced Prices. 7 `$8 "?." `S3 PB|ZE MEUALS-|.0NLDN. DUBLIN AND PA|S. TEAS -2:-151A-I-;`..eLI1E TEAS. VFFD A (V'D`f\T{1'.` \'l'\TT\'{1 13IV'Q\T I 1 A D A \`Y 15171 A run Tl-IE FIR8 ";;|:!p:'+E r Hlrn n I.'i..;.-_ , u NEW FRuITs-uC J'T ARRIVED. GANDIED PEELSW Aup ALMoNbs. | `- it. ~ 7 ll Constantly on hand, Shrouds, Head Lin-D E .. 7 2 = I ing,' Gloves, and all Funeral Requisitcs. J IHEARSE FOR HIRE. Orders by Mail or Telegraph promptly [attended to, KTPLACE OF BlUSINE_SS-John-St.', Ono Door south of Ball : Planing F_actory.'6n ___,____- . --.. ._ 4. DECORATING, PAPER-HANGING, EBL'h@&Cl2I@EI'E@3 Qoe Lawn Mowers and Seats, Scythes, Snailhs, Rakes and 11009, `Hay Forks and Barley Forks, Grain Cradle and Binding Gloves, Paris Green and London Purple, )A'I`( S. J. 1\/roof :-I-c:I-IEoN W HEAI.T,H HINTS. M ESSRSA. & W. JOH NSTON GOOD GOODS AT LOWEST PRICES ` A Is; W. JOHNSTON. -r u ...u ..._A Barrie, July l-1th,_ 1379. 'ortI:. S'I7rle Dunlap Street, one duo?` U/'est of Georg/:n's Drug Store.` LONDON, LAYER, VALENCIAS, ASUVLTANA, CURRANTS,| HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, UNDEBTAKIN _A_--4 HARDWARE STOCK JNEW PORK SHIOP II:-In I I-I--\r Fl!` I-|&lVl\II`I-I IL L1A:\i" HUNTER, Cashen s Black, Ba1;fieZd_3_S'treet, Barrie. KINDLY FAVOR US VVITII A CALL. HEAVY AND suau -`i i:uiii16wARE. ac; /x/g/xz;/\J\/-g/\/\1\4-\/\ AA l\I\l\ /x1\;\;\...; Two doors VVesb_ of Edwards Bookstore. TEZEC-)~t.RlES mun-, alscurrs, :43".- I ...n.p-..n..n plauuu.,-nu.,-nu-.,u.nnnuuu-n.guu-I-I0 n|InI|u"u`u|`ll'In'III'IqvIn.'I Beg to gumounce that they h_:u'e moved their WILLIAM :fITI'1iTER. ' ---- zu;---- Having purchased a rat-class Hearse i: r prepared to do Undertaking Cheaper than any other Dealer 1n this part oi the country. ` - -A A _ M`? 1{I..\IE.\I BER W 1') SELL `inc such and gllarzntees Perfect Satisfaction. and Bioderate (_`h:u-gas. FARM HINTS. ' To their New Premises 'HAN%nsoME HEARSE Y 1 --AT__ Uindertaki n g IN ALL ITS BRANCHES And ail Funeral Requisites Furnished. LOGNAS, smonnn alarms, &c THOS. LISTER. a. Hanpgnsows appoiritmenta to H. R. H. the Prince of arajah of Btu-dwan,: and to several Ind'au jjj &j 1 L I JAPAN PEACO, VERY FINE BLACK TEAS, ORANGE PEKOES FOR FLAVOURINU n- ` `13,399 6135909 is! I-' I R81 -OLA88 nosswoon an vmuur CC>:l'I'11\TB With Hearse furnished Q addition. SOALE OF Reduced Prices. `E2 '9-." `#3 51.1) i who have passed away there were npne 7'v,v'vho exoe11ed`E1-nst Moritz A1-ndt,* a Vpfgjiter of_ great repute, and tsingulatly e to adefenceof Christianity in all hewrote or said. He lived in the Na- .j>g1po_i1ic.,ege,send= labored to exciterthe .-of the Prussian people in de- ` fence [of their rights, though a born Swede. He wrofetlgoth gayelgi-y and p11;ose. D ` 94%. ,..e9geo_.nin, ..e..I.n,u,st, give T_ Aneixe the" noblest of ._Geru_1an writers -,-Home,7 -rays Dr. Channing; is thechief school of human virtue. Its responsibilities, joys, sorrows, smiles, tears, hopes, and solicitudes for the chief ' ihterests of human life. Go. `vrhere a man may, home is the centre. toiiirliih his heart turns. The thou home nerves his arm and"` ` ' his `toil. `For that his heart yearns .w_13en-" as is `afar o'. _ There he garxielgs u his best treasgres. God has ordsined for all metrngi e the highest`) earthiy_ hgppi- ness iii idingfor `all thefsanotuary ; ot:1i61e. -- --Springs are little things, but thev are sources of large streams ; a helm is 9. little thing, ibutit governs the course of a ship ; a bridle-bit is a. little thing, but see its use and power; nails and pegs are little things, buttliey hold buildings together; :1 word, a. look, a. frown-all are little things, but powerful for good [or evil. Think of this, and-mind the little things. ` A ;';2.7 A` 3 To; sayi:jp$'A 'mn.-;_se1e'ct ;; nice ham und-Bqilit ;-when done, let it get coy} before you skin and trim it. Pre`-' par" 8* v..8`?. f'-`e.1?`5'f`;9" .."!_'1?'_9 his 'p-i'.1.Y: tE;;'?`3: 4?! `3`. -. .B81 3*, ie1Lhihv=and-I-make 1noxswnsfwitIr{a: M _|.-_.. i._`c. -1......a. ..._ :._.L .....-..a. . .....;-.:.: -Giv'e 9. helping hand when you may, and, if in need of assistance yourself, gratefully, take it if it is freely offered ; but never wait for it. . Independence is always honoured ; therefore be indepen- dent, and by self-reliance show that at least you are deserving of success. --There is a beautiful Tp:ecept which 5 he who has received an injury, or who thinks that he has,_ would for his own sake do well to .follow-- Excuse half`, and forgivd the rest. ' -i-`We cannot live on` probabilities. `The faith in Whichfwe can live bttavely antfdie in peace nmslzbe a certainty, so far as it professes to be a. faith at all,` or ib is nothing. ---A life of. cztrxml case, :1 death of stupor, and an etermty of horror. are A closegly allied. In the mattorof convert- ingasoulto'God, all lguman poweris reduced to zero. A A V ` The lute John `Crossley once enter- tained the Prince of lVa.les and a num- ber of . other people at his magnicent _ house at `Manor Heath. One evening _ after the guests had been shown over V the beautiful place some of them sat conversin with him res ectm his 8 earlier days. And concerning his mother he answered thus : Oh my mother was a remarkable woman ; she was once 9. farm servant, she lived fourteen years in the same. family ; she had to milk the cows and churn the but ter, and carry it to market ; she had for a long time only 6 a year wages, and yet she m_anage(l to save a nice sum, and her leisure hours were lled up with spinning wool; her mistress allowing her 9. fourth of the prots for herself." And, said a friend who was present, perhaps you are indebted to your good mother for some of your success in the spinning `world '2 " Oh, yes, he re: plied, under .God's blessing I owe everything to my mother. ' JJIJLDUIUH U1 UUIJIJ. Jude, the" Apostle, the brother . James, called also Lebhus, whose s name was Thaddeus, a near "relative our Lord, wrote the Epistle of Jude. St. Jhh Hmn ]\:171.nd un-Aha Dan- vku. uunu, VVLULU DLIU JQIJIVSUIC OI Jude. 1 ` St. John, the Divine, wrote. Revela- tions. ' ' NOT ASHAMED or ms MOTHER uuullus uucu LC. JIJUI/LY6 Hillll-I38. . ` Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John, wrote the Gospels named after them. Luke wrote the Acts of the-Apostles. Paul is the author of the Epistles to the 1101113115, Corinthians, G:11_atians, Ephesians, T Phillippians, Collosians, Thess:11on_ians, Timothy, '.l`itus,' Philo- mon, and Hebrews. V ' A James the son of Alpheus, "who w-.15 cousin german to Christ, `and one of the Apostles, -wrote, the Epistle of `James. u u. IlA\JL7u Peter wrote ,the Epistle bearing `his name. . The Apostle of `John wrote the three Epistles of J_ohn. ' ` _Tl1r`n J-Ln A ..,..L1- Ll, . ' I I` " Nnw.Po_2'}A'roEs.--An exchange` says, to cool`: How potatoes, wash, rub the skin o`,;gn,, _ pinto suited, boiling water." `(if ihei above 1150 .dry, with `cover a little at one _ aide to allow the escape of steam: Boil some milk, putin `er diain, give a. hake`7aLnd said` a. Vltmze. tableapoonful of butteT'.`a f1d - thi6kenwith"@6_uf'!' .`w v`et'riioo tli"i`ii milki Takegp ghe p6!:'.t.9 e' ' insfo Vg vgetablq !ish' hdg(Jtup ogef tl;'e ; T v ~ ` ` l."..."5""` ~."' To" B`1"6i"i A "HALL;-Selebt a n_i'-,_e. hay} __ .9 3.41` 2'1 , 4.`.`_"_A . _ IIIIIVNIIO Ezekiel, Daniel Hosea, Joel, Amos, Obadiah, probably Jonah, Micah,'Nahum, liabaklcuk, Zephaniah, Haggai, Zech- ari:1h,1w1'oto the books of prophecies bearing their 1-esyective namcs. T\I'a++knm M....I. 1'...1-,. "') -A :, i3;1vid\vro. c1.nosL of the book of Psalms, Asaph penned a few `of them. Solomon wrote Proverbs Ecclcsiast-es ) I and the Songsfof Solomon.-` Teninh {nu Hun ....!.n.. l\ 41... . A, LA, uuu LIJU uuu`~D'n U1 DUJUIHUII: Isztiahis the_:1uthoxf of, Hm Iyrophncy of Isaiah. ' ` '..' ... . . UL LDGIIKLIIL ` Jermiah wrote the book hearing his name, gun}! the Lzzrne-nlatirvns of Jere- msah.' ' ... 1-u-\..-_ . uunuuwu ` - _ Elihu was most probablyhtho penman of the book of Job. -Moses may have written the hrst two chapters and the last. Some think Job wrote it him- self. Z ' _unu uuuu-`s,Ul um: .l\lI]gS. , . Ezmcon1Vpile'l-the two books of the Chronicles. He is also author of the book bearing his name. Nehemiah wrote Nehemiah. The author `of the book of Estlxey is unknown. 4 1m.-I, - ' " ` vv unuu UL uwul. Samuel is the penmzm of the books of Judges and Ruth." He also wrote the first acts of David, and probably N athun and Gad wrcto his last aclvt.-1; and the `whole was fo1med_ into two books which were named after Smnuel as the most; eminent; person, called _the first and second books of Szunuel . vs ` -- TA..`.....:..l. ... -_L V, ncuuuu _UUUK5 OI ozuuuez. 7 Jeremiah most probabl_v compiled the _two bookaof the Kings. ' ' IL. ! AL- 4. ... IIr\h ` ` " " \J\|D, J.` uu.1Ucl'u auu UUCUCTODOUJ) . Joshua, Phinehas or Eleazar wrote `.l1e book` of Joshua, but is not cermin` which of them ` ca,._._._1 : .u' ' - - - - - Moses wxfotc Genesis, Exodus, Leviti- cus, N umbers` and Ducteronomy, i Joshua. Phinnlmn m- mlnnvun mm-.+n To GET RID or Mom. IN CELLARS. -A German agricultural journal gives the foL>v_ving : Put; some roll brimstone into ajpan o.nd_fset fire to it ; close the doormakin the cellar as nearly air- . tight is possi 10 for two or three hours, when the fungi ` will be destroyed, and the" mould dried up. '/Vf%VVf 7f5fHi:ivvA'Iib or con. -----' ` 5" 1`h'ere1'a'.'a.la.mp-who Vqteuly 1' it - Auidettho poor travleer in theliight: _ Tin Godf_ow1; W'ord! ItsV_be.-zvming my 9 ' Caxi`ttTrn a midnight` into day. There is a sizorehouse of rich fare, . Snnnliad with nhanhr anti"!-A um..- . Give me this lamp to light my road ; This storehouse for my daily food ; Give me this chart for life's rough sen; These healing leaves, thisrheavcnly tree * us uoaa own w_ord_! _ It cures of sin, And makes thcfguilty conscience clean. ` There is a. tree Whos lcznlicszimpart Iicalth to-the burdened. contritn In-2.1 uxcrc Is tree whose leaves impart burdened, contritc heart : "ris God's own Word_! It of sin, makes thn'(InI'H.u nanunlnnnn .-Yr-an There is storehouse rich Supplied with plenty and'to spare : > '.[`is God. s_ own `Word ! It, spreads a feast For every hungeriug, (thirsting guest. There is aehart whose-acings show_ The onward course when `tmpests blow: "1`is God s_ own Word 2 There,_there is found" Directions for the homcward bo_umL' * i 5u`uiir:ix2 iiteautiig. {M10 WR5?E"-rue BIBLE GOLDEN GLEAMS To REDUCE Co1:_1u.;LsNcY.-The diet should consist of acid ,-and sub-acid fruits, and such vegetablesnu `beans, pease, to- matoes, cabbage, spinach, and asparagus. Very little bread should be eaten, unless it is mainly composed of white bran. If the patient is accustomedto the use `of meat, he may eat, moderately of lean beef or mutton and the least oily kinds of sh. Fat meat, butter, gravy, soup, turnips, potatoes, rice, and farinacious food generally, shoul(l'beavoided. Care must be taken ncit`to over-eat. Two meals a day are sufcient. The patient should take as much active, out-of-door exercise daily as he can endure, and, if possible, perspire freely. He should sleep upon avhard bed, in a well-ven- tilated, cool room, andeupon rising take `a cold sponge bath, followed by a vigor- ous rubbing, with a coarse, dry towel, of the whole su1"facc'of the body. The rubbing should -be repeated upon retiring at night, He should not sleep over seven hours during the night, and not to wink during the day. He should drink nothing but water, and as little as possible of that. The above course, strictly followed, will -effect the desired result, and at the same time greatly im- . prove the general health and strength. ' sugar, milk, the sweeter fruits, beets, A brother of sur- * to -0 T__1, \J.IIl.l1l.LV DLUJAE STAMPING FOR BRAIDING, ' V- CUSHION TASSELS, .;&c., &u. w. H._ FREEMAN BARBIE. _ . -uvlv azswuu Jul . IIILU \/UAUUTIIIICI - *PAJ%E~IAtcE:`wrenT. TOYS OF ALL KINDS. DOLLS, AN IMMENSE STOCK .BohemI:m Ware and Ohma Goods. BRA1DS,LACES, I ` BERLIN AND OTHER WOOLS, - UNDERQLOTHING, &c., 81., GOLD,.SILVER & OTHER CARDBO ARDS, WAX FLOWER REQUISITES, SLIPPERS, OTTOMANS, E CHENEILLE CW` A RIDYKTI1 DOD DD A 'i Y\I\Yn ~ l6V.IA.t3.A;AcIEl VARIED A & COMPLETE` F'.\'nr Mrzlxn nk nfn Han ("nu-.4-.. El . SILVER SPANGLED HAMm:nes.~-Too: much cannot be said in praise of this`. beautiful breed. The most indifferent portion to the beauties of the feathered` race could not pam.aool; of this variety by without 9. gIaiuce' of admirat-ion.(_ They are also, without doubt, one of the greatest egg producing breeds ever in- ` troduced into this country. Finest Quality nd. Flavor` _-. --u w--- tau 7 Opposma Qz:_m:r<`s HOTEL, BARRIE. August 29th, 1377. A 35-31;: .j- The undersigned has the sole agency in Barrie for` the " [sigma $rA_gHL% l}a;1i|3:`:ir cumult} The best 0,117 ever oerd t6 the public, Lower thazi can` be Bought in `Toronto. cuezLp1y,, prlvzwely and ma_tcau_I/. nTThis Lecture should be in the hands every youth and every man in the land. Address , A . The Culvcrwol! ncdical Co.. 41 Ann St. , New York. Post Office Box 4586. 3-ly 10AL OIL FOR THE MILLION. B? we 1:.xnnELFi}%c4=%a LOAD! Ur DWU postage stamps. The celebrated author, in this admirable Essay, clearly demonstrates, from thirty years successful practice, that alarming consequen- ces may be radically cufed without the dangerous use of internal medicine or the ap- plication of the knife ; pointingout a. mode of `care at once simple, certain and effectual, by means-of which every sufferer, no matter what his condition may be, `may cure himself vcheaply" privately and radically. This Lectlim shnnlrl Be in tho `lmmlu ' We have recently published a. new edition of Du. CULvmwELL s Cannnnnmv Essnr on the radical an-1 permment cure (without medi- cine) of Nervous Debility, Mental and Physi- cal Incapacity, Impediments to M:u`riage, etc., resulting from excesses. li'Pnce. in a scaled envelone. onlv 6 nenm HE GREAT 0;-_{17.s7F.-)Tiv'"1_1?\rAN MISERY. . v - , son of the year is, to `get the greatest . of the dam, which was ample ' to pro- Rmsrxa Pros."-The most important thing for the swinevhrecder at this sea.- possible growth from his spring pigs There is no period in the life of the hog when so great a return for the food con- sumed is possible, as during the rstsix . months, and it is here the tidvantugcs o_t'-- skilful feeding _are apparent. . Unless great care be taken, the growth of `the: pig will be seriously checked when it is. `from three to ve weeks old; The milk mote "a. rapid growth in the litter of pigs during the first two or three weeks, is not suieient to answer the demands` of the same litter as they `grow `older 5 hence the pigs should early be taught to look elsewhere for a part of their sub- stance. Thisfis. an easy matter ; a little milk or nutritious food of `any kind, in liquid form, placed conveniently by, where the pigs can have access to it at all times, but beyond the reach of the now, will soon do * the "work; and it should be replenished frequently through the day. If this be, attended (to, there will be no stunting of the pigs at this critical -period, and their growth will be uniform and rapid. A good clover pasture is a _vn.luuble adj unct,.and helps wonderfully. Theti-ucjsec_r'et of successful pork making is to push`- the pig from the date of birth until it` is big enough for the market ; and the earlier the age at which this point can be reached, the greater is the returnfor the food consumed. A slop made of corn and oats, ground in about equal parts, V5itl1_"a5little oil meal added, makes the besfood for the sow, while suckling, to increase the flow of milk ; andt-his, with clover pasture and plenty of soaked corn during the summer, will promote a, rapid and healthy growth of the pigs.-- Nat. L. _S.Jou_maI. - ruauxuug [IOU]. excesses: li'Pnce_, m envelope, only 6 cents, or two postage stamps. celebrated llthnl`. in fjl-I .-It]Iv1;ri2l\]n nun mu nun uwuusu ; trying ever) xmu OI medicine that could et, but none seemed to do me any good. until I lied your reat. Vegetine remedg. I had used it only a-shor time before I could iscovc-.x' a very great change in my health for the better. Ivdon`t consider that your medi- cine has its equal, for the diseases which you pro- osc to cure. especially the disease that Ihave ecnafictedwith. ' _ JOHN 'l`l{0M_AS. ll`. IL. OIl`.\l`4.\h, DU'IUn Itnko great pleasure in recommending your` Ve etinc. I have been su`c1-ing for along time wit: the Lnn Disease; trying every kmd of any szood. vour crest Vmzntinn Dmuxua II-. R. Srr-:\'z:Vxs', Bos'ro.\`: `lonln. onion-\f ...1;........... :.. 61lO'I_(: ..Bl9< ORDERS so LICITEI >. w. B. GAPON, T nn.-mrww l'hn.<:-v.~`a `lifnmxw D.y-..-.... weig 1t. in gold. terrible disease. havebeen troubled with Kxnxmr COMPLAINT for several years. Since takln the Vegetine I am completely cured of the dney Complaint. To_ any person suffering as I have. every drop _of HS ood medicine is more _\'a1unblc than us Yours frulv, 4u.1\m Al-o Lu. uAnvnu\; DEAR Sm.--About the first of November, 1876, I was attacked with what is termed _Sc1.i'rIc.x RREL`l\lA'l`lS.\I comfnencin in the hip Joint and extending to my ankles, w ' h at times was very painful. causing lameness and preventing sleep at night. and at times preventing me from labor of any kind. After applying dl erent remedies or almost every kind recommended, I could get no relief. I then commenced using your Vege- tine about the first of March last. and have con- tinued to use it until the present time. New I have no symptoms of the RBEUMATISM left. in fact 1 think myself entirely cured. My age is 65 years. I therefore take great pleasure in recom- mendin it to all who may be afflicted with this terrible isease. I havebeen troubled with Rmvu-v nmimr Arvvn Prepared by . I . II. R. S'l`EVEN,'Boston. Mas.-. , nxuungs Mn. H. R. S'n~:vE._\'s: `nus In Q... A I....`.4 ; - ..-vu nan. nvu.u5u nl IIIII1 nun. :--..,....- if-mm: _: 3 \ rt: _ ._ - :~. .2.-a%'.\i:;:`.`z1`*...%...e * *;3:1=%.:a:;.?:*7 ~ =.n!`..`.*-P`.'r?.*.`,`,","`,1* _ . ., v V . . More. Valuable than Gold. A SCIA'I`IC.1 RIIEUMATISM. KIDNEY COM- PLAINT. ` ! Ifnnunnu Y.\.... \Y,,_ - n--. V Bt'FFALO, Dec. 27,1876. .1111. H. R, Smvsxsz Dear Sir-I reside at No. 745 Ningaraustreert, of this city. I am 69 years of e. For several years neat I have been in fee lo health. My 11681` Bll'-l. IUHIQU Ill: NU. 1'53 Hlwfli ll'UI3In, Ul. am . For years past beenvin tee health. My complaint is what the doctors call General De- bility of the S tem. At times _I snifered severe pains in my do and back. [used a number of remedies without recelvinganv reliez. My at- tention -was called to our advertisement` of Vegetinein our paper. v made ugmy mind to try the Vegetine,-sent and boug t some. It seemed to he mctrom the rst, and in a_. short time m healt improved. Iheve uscdanumber of batt es..and am now enjoying better health ' -than Ihave fora number of years. I have re- commended the Vegetinc to my sister and also to several acquaintances. and they have used it. with equally cod results. It is the_ best medi- cine for Wen. ness and General Debllity of the System that I know of, and I do with great con- dence recommend it to all my friends as a good medicine. I would also state that for a great many years I have been a sufferer from Rheuma- . tism, and since I commenced using the Vcgetine I have hud but very little trouble from it . Yours, very respectfully, ' MRS. SAMUEL GREENE. I am personally acquainted with Mrs. Greene. and know her as a reliable and honest lady, and also know that the above statement is true. Yours. respectfully, V nn 1) miinrnu `1HEAPES'I` ANb BEST 1 V . - . _ ALULV LU UULIS. I know this man to be a tr,-uthful. reliable man. If. E. NEWELL. Drnggist, Main-St. -1-: ICE CREAM, Ivnlade up my End" to Try we Vezcllne. R. KING,-JR-s. -TE[E srocxrnn MOS'I`- u uuu uv \I\JIvIl'l-Ii {Ever brdught into the County. nu Wm us now; untu some breeze Lgavea it, with wanton touch, ali !` Wrstdd (Indfhblplcss on the grass.

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