It is the ofllnial p-war of the County, undenj oying u it doaa. the largest circulation of all news apex-s mwlishz-d in th 4 .~;_e:_:tion, is a. most desirabp me- diu u tor...advems1ng. Itq contents -ed1to1'ial. 100111. news. and s_el_:cted-w1llhe found to be of the kind which dxstmgulsh all 'tst.-class country weekllea. - . v The Job Denartlnont la stocked with an exten- UDI!4L'11 n.Uu1uJ.\.>3, u1L1.u1.' uu.u- STABLE, County of Simcoe. _01ce-Po1icc Court, Barrie. . . ' -ti . 1.. DAL` .l.LLV U , \J1Jl'J.I.\n1L, uu u A.` I; .1. - Simcoe, will be at his Omco. at the "Court House, Barrie, every Saturday. Residence and P.0.._ Cookstown. . .IJ BOILER WO1{KS.-li. s1sVv1_u~J!, manu- facturer of every dcscri tion of En nes.Bo1lers. Saw |MiIl. Grist Mill, is lngle, Lat , and Wood-. worklnz Machinery. _ Ul'.l.L\ LVLIHIJIJILLVLI 1., ILU U nu, . . Sign, and Ornamental Painter. Paper Hang- mg 850.. done in the` best style of the art and chca. . Perfect satisfaction uu.runtecd._ Corn r of J o n a.ud'Roas-sts.. and 0. M10 west of Burma l<`nundrv_ `40-ly Saw [Mil]. Gris}. M111, working of John an B_`T9n.d:- 137' 11]. V JJLIIJ. |J.L'L.l).IJ1.'l|J.i.L.lI..A.'a undersigned has opened a. Livery Stable on the Corner of Collier and Bnyeld Strects.Bn.1-rie. whero Horses and V_ehic1e5.Doublo a_nd~Single Rigs. and all rc uisices of a rst,-class Livery can be found. A EX. FRASER. - - Lvounary. `_ _ 4 _ xv-:.v NEW LIVERY STABLES.-THE Hm l`.m-nnr nf (tnllinr nnd Rnvnld St:-eets.Bn.1-rie. - full descriptions of (arms and country. LLJIJLILLLI. ll.-1LI.J\).I.1_'AL|.LV, ..Lv.|2:_1.1J Estate Agent. Easton. Talbot County Mzu'y_ln.nd, has for sn_lc Salt. Water and Inland Farms or all descriptions, cheap ; in one of the finest sections of the Union: from 5 acres up and from Sl0_ per acre up. Send for cumloguegfiving the County with catalogues, free. 23-ly apqof. 1-V1311 V U U 0 11.1.1 1/ J. 1]. 1 U.|.\.u.1.u JJ.l`J'V _ BIl.ITY.~-A gentleman, having tried in \'}un every advertised remed ', has discovered a. simple means of self-cure. a will be happy to forward the particulars to any sufferer on receigt %f gostuge and directed envo1ope.-Add1-ess . EWELL. EsQ.. Muyville. Hammersmith, Lon- ` don. England. . vu ...-,_. I -TRATHY & ULT, BARRISTERS ) ...-..a Aum-nnva_ Solicitors in Chunzqljy. No- v ' `I113 1'41.` U14 L011. 0115 V-LL` us .1. 1.1;- LOR, O posite the Barrie Hotel. _a.nd__next door D. A. _cDona1d's Hardware Store. Having secured the services of 9. rst-class workman. none need go away without their work being done. The greatest of care taken and everything. as usual. perfectly clean. Razors concaved or ground. toorder. W. BLADEN. - _ 30-ly _. .uow-uvv<-vxtvv-11-r`I-`B4 ` ILLIAM ILALSTEAN, .REAL C'o\uiLy `Mm-ulnml hnu fur nnln Salt. Wntnr nml Inlstnri Ni.i{i?6U'.` AND ENLIYSICAL DE; \')lin nvnrv nvnrtinnd relnndv, hm: discovered a. ` . m./-\/xxx/\/\r\,-\/-x /\,\/ , r\/\/\r./x. THE ENGLISH SHAVING;PAR- 1 An n...\....:o.. H... Dam.-in `KInfA1 nn nnvt vv.n.- vary-av nu-:3 Q-o1P0s ITE_ QUEE's HOTEL, ' DUNLOP STREET. _._-- Razors and Sci-sisors Ground and Set on short nctloe. - _ 40-ly &1si@ir1Ne&%sgAv|mja Pmoun J D. uurxuoun, _JJLLIal.Vl..l'J, Jun- - PORTER of and dealer in Coala of all - kinds, andueorgetown Grey, and Guelph White Finishing Lime. Cements of all kinds, Fire Bricks and Plasterers liair. Olce and Store- house at the Non-thernvnaiiway Switch. footot John Street, near the de ot. Phe bond of this Limeis bette than that 0 any other kind, and the nish superior. 0lce`-Corner of John and Elizabeth-sts - :\V TERMS IILOO IN ADVANCE. Is preoared' to Loan on Farm Property at the above rate for a term of years ; no principal required till end of term. Farmers will nd * this the most advantageous way of borrowing money.'- Special facilities given for paying off on short notice. of Physicians End Surgeons, Ont..'&c. llesxuence In Bank of Commerce Buildings over Messrs.` .~&zmdcrs'.JcwcIIer Store, and two doors West..of tho Barrie Home ." Dunlop Street, Barrie. ' --- saooo rmvm 715:: [OR uvzsmsr 'si,- BARRIE.-' `fnC.lTl l IA nI.Ank'nN' Prnnriemr. Corner wtj I .__.___j._._ __-j.-,..-:,__ _._.__ IOSEPH SWAN, BAILIFF OF T-I:I_E Ark ivininn nnm-t. (`.mmtv of Simnoe. Mf ' /vvvvvvv ,. _\.\ __ ..\~ `..,.vv..... _r\A4vv\\/vs/\/~ ` [OSEPH ROGERS, CHIEF CON- um ARTJP r`.nmnt.v nf Qimnnn nfnn_Pn1inn . v...-.... _._..-__._-_- . OHN MELLANBY, IIOUSE, uh". and nu-mamnnfnl Daintnr Pnnnr `Hang. x./x}\r VIOMMERCIAL HOTEL AND :o..|.1-- u and M Jm-via Street. Toronto.-- RENTS and Ac00Uiv1's COLLECTED, `1HRIST6PHE`RA HARRISON, DE-Z I nnurmnn nfthn Rnl-rln Rrnnnh Rihln Rnnintv HEN av JAM ezjsi, AUCTIONEER, [Insurance and Estate `Agent, ll|l.l'Ii'llLgG3, nuu uuuuua luau; uuu Anvv \'h ~.....,-. WESLEY 85 KING.-Pub1ishcrs and Proprietors -j If 0 THE ARRIE FbUNDRY, ENGINE & BOILER WORKS.-H. SEWREY, Manu- .ct.nw-.r nf nverv dcscrintion .En5zines. Boilers. AROH ITEGTS ' &. BUILDERS \/\/ \./\_/N./\/\/x/\' ARRIE `PLANING MILL.--GEO. n A I'.`I'. f`nv-nnnfnr xr Ruildm-, and Manufac- l:'kAFlME'RSV or-' s lM_COE.. Thg celebrated manufattqifi-3 of _ 1 Farming Implements ! Mrssns. Sownos, Fonsna & 00., Millbrook, have opened an agency for the sale of their ` manufactures in Barrie. ..__.. -.____- --`.---_---__ LV.l..I.`o U\JI3.LV J3\JJ.\IL\IL`g Agent, will be on the market every market day to show samples and take orders. Impla- mantn mnv be men on ` any W snow sampwa and use uruurs. unpu- '- mentumaybeuoenon G'o1ler_-st., adjoi/wing Mr. P. `Kean : Store. Barrie, April 80, `.1879. 17~ly [_"i{13.z'xNTI'1~Ic}, CLERK, COUNTY :. Qirhnnn wm hn at his nm:-.n_ at the"Cbu1-L _ SEVERAL G001) FARMS FOR SALE -ELL'iI~fc fT3"" ii*6 E'17iE",(E.i:..} RHII.'I`\ (`.m-nor Ilunlnn rind Bnveldu G A. YIU I101, D\._1\L\.Lu:.;.-.. . Attorne . Solicitor in Chtmcery; Convey- ance:-, kc. Illce ~-South of the Post gJ?ce. , ' 5' Owen Street. Barrie. ,..._.. 0n'1cz- -Neal-ly_ oppoite the Post Oic, `Ron-pin C_ULVE.RWELL S unuuunwvvus MR. JOI-INmf.]u3.'I3..`.'1`ON*,. .nnnG-. 1'3"` ha nn (`Ln vnnl-`MIC: awnrv Inn`-Irni `W600. LIME AND com. S:.'J6`IiNSON, BARBIE, inf. pnwrmn M and dmtlnr in Goals of all [ONEY AT 3 PER I3o_vvn Stairu .. .\n.~.--nu-u Avrnnvum 11-. STLJ DIVO:-Opposite the Queexfs Hotel, Bar_ri_e. MISCELLANEOUS. Va/vv\,\.~.\\ V .,,v...... Jvvvwvw/\z\A 1 ()nl, `HAW BRO p__.__ 0RTRAIfl` j2SA1NTERs.. vmw camp." `And has now every facility for fullling his num-_ erous and ever increasing engagements. - Orders solicited for his improved . STEAM, HOT AIR & HOT WATER nnnnnnnn IlIl'\ IIIIIIIIII An IIIIIIIHIIH ` Pumps and Iron Piping of all ports in Shoes. OORNICE WORK, PLUMBING. `GAS AND STEAM FITTING DONE. V ` _ ASPLENDID STOCK OF KFSTOVES AND TINWAREJE1 1--|_L;_.. 1-..- _\__....I.. .._.I ....:..l.l.. [N EWSTORE, QDTTTW s:'1nu~. `nnxnnnn Q'I`D!4`,!4"F t-:u-1-vu Inna: -Iuunnnpuuru vv - nl1_1:NAcn's_ mp Tumm Jn_1aAfr|aI:'s'. | Don't forget the Place:-The new Tin Store. adjoining McCarthy's Block. Dunlou St... Barrie. Removed again to MRS. ROSS` BLOCK, num- ber 3, opposite the _ `V Vvllington I-Iote1, Sandy. where did you get. that neat. mun harness? I ot them at the establishment 0 W.\nxIm's. Vbat did you payrfor them?-$15. made to order - they are handsome and all the rage; he can't Be beat for Style and Durability. The are Chenp.certaln1y. I must go and at a set. smdy. If you want a. ha.ndsome_'[`R_,NK. R. MCCONKEY, GRAl)UA'1`h1 un -` MoGill University, Montreal; Member Royal College of Surgeons. England. Member Co11cge_ and }lcsidence_ - Bui1dinga_ `I_\_[essrs`.` \nyuv---u- .-nu`-- --r1...----- ` WILL x1~:n_:n cx~:._x's1~`.. and at set. sndy. [you wants. handsome TR NK. SADDLE, '1 IP. BLANKET or COLLAR you can get 0119. When you go to buy be: sure you 0 in the rxght place, there is a.'1ax~ge Saddle and 01131` in front of the shop, __-- ..._.....- Auvrnl .1.. 3%. X .uvJ.a.:1. Has now, 8. large supply of Trunks from 50c up to $25 : Vxijses and Satchels at Bottom Prices. Also ;S2`n_I]le and Double IIanm:.x`,_ Collars, Sad- dles, `Curry Combs, Brm-7103, IVlrips ' aml Lashes, - At prices to suit. everybody}, Harness Oil and Varnish z.l\\'ays 1n stock. V v\`I-In A1l'\Y\YfV tiI)1\\IlD'!VY K T|f\\7I.` Al I V urulsu L1 u)a Ill amuun. REPAIRING PROMPTLY DONE. VALL ` WORK WARRANTED. GIVE ME ./2 CJ1LL.-Sign of the Golden Saddle, Bayeld; Street, Barrie. l0- \aucuux:nur bu us MERCHANT TAuLoa"8Z{:"[uIma MAKES THE Noatest, Nobbiest, and Best Fit- ung sun to be had North of ` Toronto. V ' - -----:- __._._:._ All the latest a.nd`nobbiest patterns on hang to choose from and aatinmctxon given to every customer. `H-:1u`1-icr FIT-_G_UARANT.~ED mn'r-we Mnmz-.n `Avrw. nnmmn wnn mnru- fvravnzx). L0-WEB, (Rumnpmnnr tn Geo. Limo L\1JIJ1.I. JLLVLDL v 4154-4 .15 spninc. 'rwEEDs, A u u. _ 1_n......L .....J ....Ll.:....+ ....l-lm...... An 1..."? J. div` &A_& \aI\.r-an-an-nu as --nail PRICES MODERATE. ORDERS FOR CLOTH- ING PRQMPTLY FILLED. Q'Glve him a trial and get a. stylish, well-made . Suit.` . 1 Fred. I..:ovver. Barrie, Sept. 1-1, 1876. 37-Iy `Umbra 1\.uur;m.\.o -- U\J.u v 11 ; nmv I cur, (ommissioncr in Queen's Bench, ' Auc- uonccr. Appraiser. and Cou1mis_sion Agent, for the sale of llourscs. I.u.nds, }:`u.r1u Stock.}[ouso- hold Furniture, Goods. \Vm es. kc. Also for the collection or I<.ux1Ls,N0Lcs:uxl .\<:couuLs. Ovtllco --l u1ice Court, Bu.rr-Re. OR A NbOB13`;I-'vUI _1T. . or the Incest and most Fashionable Goo Z.4.j-- Iiunuw-s'r.. on-osma BARRIE no'r;L._ NEW STOC ~ OF SPRING AND SUMMER ' TWE 3 TO CHOOSE FROM. Parties. buyii, Cloth elsewhere can have it madqup. . ~-cg 3.. les. 1VIoE.a.o, Barrio. March 20th. 1878. 354.1 $300,000 "176 LOAN 1 FIRE, "LIFE, ACCIDENT AND TICKET AGENCY, DOMINION` TELEGRAPH AND EXPRESS. ` BARBIE. orl~`Ic1.AI ASSIGNEE OFFICE. `WITTWIV RIFLES, snow arms AMMUNITION, &c. m u niu I An L. R. wirm ER %mmwmmmmmm&wwmM - ..,V- , MICHAEL J. DOY LE, ATTO RNEY- at-Law. Solicitor, Convdyuncer. &t`-.. &.c. Money to Lou.n.- Ofllzc -Sheritt"s Block. Dunlop Street. Barrie. - - Ii)-ly Begs to inform the inhabitants of Barrie and surrounding country that he has commenced business in the above line, and by his long ex-l erience of andkprlctico in the business he open to be able to give entire satisfaction to all who patronizehiln. _ . V . Lpdles III-cues in silk, Satin, Velvet, Mex-moes, &o.', Dyed or Cleaned equal to new Genslomenu Sllltl Dyed or Renovated and nicely nished. ' T Feathers, Laces, Umbrellas, Sun Shades, dyed all the newest color: And dressed. Kid Gloves01es.ned. _ _ All kInIll"01.!1!!9.!lPlll..!!!hpery ` .Clinn3.o: Dyed. . _. . 2 $193. Barrio. 29h._ ` NAs'rE.No'1* 1 WANT `NOT . HLAAUOHLAN M.T6noN4Lz>, OFFICIAL ASSIGNEEV isrdvl-:3 AND TINWAREJ Ig_ . 'OHN PLAXTON,3 `Ins REMqv1~m`IT( ms Ml INN." 9.1 _9II_9!!l!-`.|l!IIl..._l!_I'apery *c'.0Fl|9d.:9..l .D!.0.d_- \-. 2 Cgrpets, ; tommbnloths, Hou-tlr mg, `&i:_., icleuxvegi, vS}1,e_epVSkin; (}lganed`or`Dyea. . FEATHER BEDS ;.1tE_Nov`AtmD. .4;.ag;n1~r'.1i__sj. -,`vT7'A;.1s1"r z 1;. ,;; -ngmmuggn. pm: . .. aim`- L'amj;;z_1;cI;4L H61z1 _2L.BU1Lo. `*I176>.D.UNLorgsg3.; '1;4,s2r; BARRIE. I.Io:'m`ry onus. roe semum . _ Barrio, am 13, 137;. ;1o'1y 'sADm.ERv AND mxnuess. ~ |.,V-,\,,- ~--'v-v . - \ .,,..vv\.-_-~.~v~..,~.4~y~.v\-V- 1` _1_VI. CLARK, '1- 0! `the latest Goods I rent, HL'lI`l`l8. A. J. Lloyd. [OSEPH E3c3II7:,_ EUTEI slms DUNLOP STREET, 'lIIv&\) I-Iuia-r uuuww--u--u Jobbing done cheaply nnd quickly. ARNESS EMPORIUM. `A; n.A.-"_:u1=L ....... .. Inn-m unnnlv nf '1`:-nnlrn fr-nm 50:-. nn tn .,ROSS BLOCK, BRRIE, 0N'l`. For the County of S1_mco9.- FRESH AEEIVALS IN . __.._.,..,_.j..., ...___ 'nhscELLANEous. v,~\-N~..-.~`_~_v....s-.~v.- . \.. - (Successor to Geo. Lane) Ann-II `full nn 1!. nl I` ' UHLV lV.l.AUI\A1, \.;uu4.m.u:.n.u.u ER, Conveyancer. Issuer of Marriage Li- censes under the New Act, &:c'.. Crccmorc, oft. . . 1 5. y ' ' The Job Depztrtment sive assortment of all requisites for printi . tfordlng tu,cilit1es for turning out first-class wag. Large type and a pyopriate cuts for all styles ot Posters and Han bills, and a. stock of choice fancy 5' etc the line class 01! prlnti . Bl Illfon in stock and M_\K forms of every descrip IIDEIINI at reasonable prices, 'I_` [this :-For Subscription--81 per annum, tnctly in advance: Q it not aopuid. FOR AQVERTISI. G -Eight cents per line for rl.-st_ ill.-30l'tlOn. and two cents each subsequent in- ortlon. _ -Yearly -cards not oxceeding one inch'$.a per year. Special contracts {or yearly dveruslng entered xnto at reduced `rates. Writ- on orders must be sent tor_ the (1|SC0l1_llnl13n(:0 of ubscriptions and advertising. 'l`ransxcnt notices 1! Lost, Wanted. For Sale. sw.. &c.'. not exceed- n*: 5 lines. Will he admitted for 2.3 cents each in- ortlon. All advertisements ordered by strezygers or those with whom the proprietors do not eel must be paid for 1:: ADVANCE. a. rule which will be strictly adhered to. Notices of local births, 'mu;rrie.ges. and deaths inserted tree of charge. ......... ...y ._ vrvuvrv n..L.v:..1....-.. nut` Du-nnrinlnrx For the County; or Sim_ooe, ..w(,RD3 Lmizf-;13mr:tGs`. A bank or nu: fauna UPON L Tnovcirr my pnonuvcn: THAT wmca mums Tuousmns '1'mNK."--umma. "rA_uI.onINc..~ nu nnnvu u.u..v.......v - :1; Panric} m, Aunfinp, ALEX. MQRAE, F MERCHANT TAILOR ' Pomcu Coum`. Barrie. `GO TO PULLAN'S FISHING TABKLE, LI uztn H. PuI.I..AN_. Bag-_rie%. Ontario," Th`u`rsdAay, September 11. 1879. I .l4l`44\ALV.|JI`41\a DLnuu, uuu v u;- ANGER, Genet-u.1 Agent. Insurances Effect- ed. Rents and Debts Collucted. Olcc in Cramp- on'a new Bxjick Block; nearly opposite the Post 'tllru. Bnrno. 37-ly Demg we soumnux or not 20 m me an Con., Innistil, .100 acres-more or less. . About 30acrea cleared and _fenc_ed, soil is chiey clay 103111. There are'on the land slog house, log stable and a. log barn, also a. frame barn, well, root house, shed, .20. About 60 acres . `well timbered. The property is delightfully - sittiated -on the shore of Lake Simcoe and m theimmedizxtc neighborhoed of the most valu able farming portion of the Township. And will be sold cheap with easy terms of payment. Apply personally or by letter to , ` WATSON C. 01212.. `VALUABLE FARM FOR SALE` Beiugweaauu; hal-f_c;fLot 26 ih the 8th Con.. InninI_ mn sun-m:.mnrn or lain. Ahnnt beg` to inform all parties wishing to lgorrow money'on Farm, Town. or Village Property; to efl`ect.Insurance on Life.'or Buildings and Contents; to buy or _sell Farms or Houses ; or to have CONVEYANGING done.. That in all the above matters they will be liberally and honorably dealt with at their old office. -We represent Seven of the best Loan Com- pa,nies in Cmizuls}, and ti number of Fire and.Life Insurance Comganies, British and Canadian. We Bu and ell Mortgages, nrul final in all L-inrls: n Raul Estate Securi The under-si ne(1,1ong estgzblishetl and well- known, F1N.A501AL, REAL ESTATE and and Uana.<.uan. WC nu $110. aeu ivxorlgugcu, .a.nrl deal in all kinds 0 Real Estate Securi ties. For pa.l'tics wishing to Lend Money we find good Investments; for those desirous of . Borrowing we negotiate Loans on most favor- able terms and with the utmost possible promptness. All communications are treated as confidential. On First-class Farms we can `Lend at Specin.lly Low Rates. We promise on y u-/ml w-J can per_f')rm. ~ xv mUr\\.I'arn.T 11. (VA ` Bar rie, June 5th, 1878 ` LVJ ' To "Hie Farmers an-I Busim-sw Mm of` the County of Simcoe, ' known. wnu m,n._ REAL ESTATE :1. an 4 Au uusn, DI-EAR Snc,-I have now thoroughly tested your Tallow Cup which gives me entire satisfaction, and I nd it does all you claim for it. It is a. perfect and even feeder, and by raising or lowerin the Cup on the screw, can be made to feed est or slow in a. moment. Iam using it on my double engines, and where I always had to use two cups (one on each engine) the one does the same work and - _much better. I it attached to my steam pipe, where no other oiler that ever I saw would feed, and by this means the tnllow or oil is mixed with the steam before entering any of the valves or cylinders, so that every thing the steam comes in contact with receives its share of the tallow. I would not be with- out the cup for ve times the price of it if I could not get another, and I can strongly re- commend it to everyone who runs a steam engine. r Yours trulv. Barrie, J uiy, I379. I R. J. L. G. McCARTHY-OFFICE. and Residence on tho \Vest side of John tract, immediately opposite Mr. 000. Ba.l1`5 lauin and Sash Fu.c_Lorv._ . QR. GRADUATE OF vu-..n:u 1v.\ `M'nnh-nnlj Member ROYEI 1); SEYMOUR, v\_..._ (V... `II .; EYM 0 U pus IMPROVED OIL 0 CUP. `i - ' Of every `description, chaste arid elegimh dc- Rirvn:-1. CHEAPER than thev can be 'nurchn.a- U[ every (.leSCl'l])Cl0I1, CHZISUC 8.110. eleganp (IC- 3i ns, CHEAPER than thev can be urcha.s- efin any other town in Canada. ' ey will also undertake the Piping of The Lesecs oi the Barrie Gas Works beg to announce that they have on hand an excel- lent assortm'ent_of ' At such rates` as to defy competition. In- tending consumers vyill do we'll to give the Losseos an opportunity of tendering for their work before making their contract. All orders will receive prompt attention. G`-rag 1='1xt31%re . V Manage)`. . P. 0. -Box 251. Residence, Poynts-st., North old Commercial Hotel. -_ _Barrie, Dec 10. 1879.` ' , 50-ly IVIV-/IPORTANT NOTICE. INVESTED FUNDS . - - - FUNDS INVESTED IN CANDDA - 900.000 Security. Promgti Payment, and Libemlity in thagdiustment o as Losses are the prominent features of this Company. CANADA BOARD OF IOIRRCTORS Z , Hon. Henry. Smmes, Chairman ; Thos. Cramp. Es .. De .-Chairman; Sir Alexander '1`. Gnlt, K. C.I\ .G.;' heodoro1{a1-t.Esq.:Geo.Stcphens.>Esq. 1-__.._--....... ..av,...o...1 nf n.r...1....oA `Doing no 13...,- \/nu-\1., I IIUUI-Avnv ;u.-. u, .4.-,.. V`.-. -..u..,..y.....>.....-5. Insurances effected at Moderate Rates of Pre-` Itililllgll. Farm and Non-hazardous Risks aspe- c a. y. ` G. F. C.`SMI'I`H. JOSEPH ROGERS. Res.-ecy.. Agent, Polico Court. 10.. Mont 1-eal.. .. Barrie DEAR SIRS :~ -The undersigned wishes to in- form you that he has started manufacturing all kinds of Silver, and Oroide Plated Harness Trimmin s such as.Terretts, Barnes, Hooks, Bits, Buc lea, eat. Gold and Silver Electro- Platin , and having many years experience in New ork and other States, I am not afraid to warrant my work both as regards workman- ship and durability, in every par- ticular. _ . ` ~ NI 1: n......:....... 1...... DI..4...1 .4 Mn. ghm-taut ncumr. , N.B.-Car1-iage Iron Plated on the shortest notice and warranted to give satisfaction. mun-. TJa`.AT\1?'N \.r\.r s : x I \ l\J\./\z\1\/\r\J\J\/\1\1\-v- M3?Fv1ELD_sTaEE-r GROCERY FMONEY smn I8 u_onv muen`.-a Barrie, May, 1878. Thgrsubclgciar wiinstthfg gnkful fox-_tho libero .11) e van a past. reapectmu 90- p loitgaafcontlnusnoe of the same, and bgga . to state that his |IeAs, anninus 8:. rnovIsmNs| LI. - L on II --I I . . Cannot be beaten eithnr fotquality _or price. He ' -deals in th.Best Markets. and cannbt be 7 ` Imdersold by any house in town. . As much as he . his hads on. bought, and _ the market price paid. > 'LXl.i.Ul.I`.,A.L\D, UU J..Uu vv an _I. LVl.\J' nay? . If so. cull on W. Crmldock, ' 1oss~st.. near the Foundry. und szwc expenses `in getting . our Loans. Yours. WM. URAl)l)0CK, Agent, Hal-rin_ ~ 11.1y INSUBANGE AGENTS AND BROKERS 'bnE.1I1g:w BRICK STORE. NORTH sm or DUNLOP smmr. CRAIGHURST CHEAP s1:om.:. I -New and cai-efnlly:o:l-acted Lsto-ck of S0008. El.'.E|ES; BEBE KEBY `RDNPQ AND ' Rl1'`|'c`.R, T'HO_M ATS L ENNOX [III I Ililllllllg llllllllluullnv. uuuvllinlu I _ BOOTS AND snons, -nmmv-aunna cnornina, And all`other oods kept in n First-clan General Store. heap for Cal}. Th: public in my neighborhood will` nd. '18 to then` ad- vantage to insp'ect:'my Itock and compare urine: before nu:-chasing alsewhere. ' vantage I50 mapecu:m- prices bfafore pm-ohaung' yellgoafvzexltu mg;-Inuit All HOUSES, smas GH|lR'GH`S ac. anocaruas AND PROVlSl0HSh A tow boon North at the w ou1ngmn Hotel. gavngla Street. Bu-do `-I-VERPO0L &_LoNDomz GLOBE J INSURANCE COLVIPANY. _ ~ I` T LIFE INT) mm-`.. COUN'1f_Y OF SIMCOE. GENERAL ADVERTISER. LLV uuu u.zu.Vuu I:u.|.\ , investment on good freehold security uL8und 9 per ccn1.. dupoudunt on the aluount. required. !\o xxrinoipul money re uired until end of the term, 5'1 l{A l`HY Sc A `LT. Solicitors,8:c..Bu.rriu. , . j Nov. 18th. 1878; [OTICE TO CARRIAGE AND HARNESS MAKERS. - mnnums PRODUCE, ,, _A L-" , u.uu In-.:_,-1 nu. \V. THOMSON & C0., ,, __!L- `n-_; nm_. 1 I.-Secy.. Mont real. . Laud a1;d Lom Agent, Barrio truly, . J A R \V ruuvuusu;-5 yang"..---. I _JO8EPH SWAN. nun ' lju n.Aa\/MAIu\/-1 \~ vv-, Opposite Post Oice, Barrie. _ 79. . . 29.-ly B.uumr., ` .Ie2Z1"?;o`E2tEsEac'zi JAME LEADEN 1d`,`:Iln"|n.'| ,3! unit!- urs Wllly, .JAS. XVILKINSON. `lI`l.-nu. Lllu Du: J AMIS5 LISAUISLV Elizabeth-st., Barrie, Ont W. LITTLE}E{ALES,' VV .I..lJl\l.J.V BUM , Flour Mills, I3;a_r1'i April lat, 1379. 23-tf. 46-17 OU`-NT LOUNT, BARRISTER I u.........m...o.t.nw S-xnlinimrs in Chancery. Heart linked with heairt; in each noble en- ' denvor-' d';.ut.....'.I .....1` ...::,. denvor-' A Hiubaml and wife i \Ve zje altift, oh, my sweet, `on the bmutiful .' 1-ivex--- ' ` The shore of my" boyhooll, fa.r.back in the distance. ' ` uuamnce, Still I can see ; ' But your love. true and faithful, stxll makes my existence ` A heaven to me. The strong arm of love hasnever yet failed me, Never, dear heart ! Nor your faith, oh, my darling, when censure assailed me. - `I :4`- ...'1..... ........a. Loses its sweetness ; joy a Ijadiant owers Bloom never for me, _ As lonely I walk through the desolate hours, \ for thee. ` S .-The light of her smile, . The" waxes of the river of life yet before us, Look tempting the while. \\'ith Faith for the pilot, gmd Love to casf n p.r ma I fear not the storm clouds that ho_ver around um- _me, Drifting with thee. . - For the spring-time and summer of life yet have found thee Faithful to me. street, I'enew.ngu1um:nu. V______`______ 1`_ A. RADENHURST, BARRISTER ...,....... .ClnHnimr Conger- On, an to the shore of the blissful'forever- Husband and wife ; "Together we'll oat down the beautiful river- The river of life. | (C'on`tVinued. ) She had too much good sense to be bash- ful, but spoke with a quiet modesty, which contrasted very favorably with the spark- ling chatter of her fashionable cousins ; so that when Mr. Hamilton lifted his hat, and said `.` good morning, it was with a deter- mination to make a further`-acquaintance with the Harrison's country cousin. ` " Mamma, said Sophy the next morn- ing, do let us give a.` party. We must have one before Maggg1c'leavesv'; and we. had much better have it early, so that she may come in for the return invitations. T 1lnn l>. tlnl: Mmrcrin cares for n:u'ties.. may come 111 I01 MIU 1'uuu.I.`.u lllVlI1il.I41Ull3. I don t think Maggie cares for parties, A observed Mr. Harrison, looking kindly at her over his newspaper ; besides, it is full early for quadrille pa.rtics. Oh. hut if we have it at once it will be early I01` quaurlue pu.ruu.~s. Oh, but it we have it at once it will be done with, said Sophy ; and A as for Maggie s `not caring for parties. you are quite mistaken, for she is as fond of dune- ing as any one of us. v Yes,` dancing, \VcI1, as you like, said Mr. I I:u'rison But what does fuan1|11z\ say 2 ' , . `Ink Vim nn .nhin:-Hun in Hm wm-Id. mamma say 5 - Oh, I've no -objection in the world, replied Mrs. Hu.rrison, who was as fond of gaity as her dmlghters ; so get your desk, Soplry, and make out :1. list. of u:m1es. Snnhv was anrm hard nbwork. while IVII`. .jopuy,. and make out 2!. 1156 U1 11u.uu:.~5. Sophy was soon hard a.t'work, Hm'rison,to escape the discussions as to who should and who should not be invited, took up his ha.t_and walked off to his co1_1nt- ' iug house. . *` M.-nmma. said Snnhv. as she reached mg nouso. ' Mamn1a._ said Sophy, as she rcztclled the end of a. tolembly long list, ` let us in- vite young Hamilton ; I thought he seemed particularly anxious to improve our ac- quaintance yester Rn T H1nnrr}1f., Snnhv. said Bfrs. Har- quzunnance ycsnerun.y. - _ So I thought, Sophy, said Mrs. Har- rison, sagcly nodding her-hea.d.; `-` if we can only manage it ; but your papa has such odd notions. However, we must see what can be done." But there was no ..,.-.1 1--.. M ..- t:|'......:..,,..'.. ,1:..1nm..,... m. M}. wnat DC (10110. Dun Luere was nu need for, Mrs. Harrison's diplomacy, as Mr. Halmlton found an excuse for calling the [next day, and made himself so agreeable to the master of the house `that he readily ac- quiesed in the proposed invitation. CHAPTER II. During the tiine that intervened before ` the ball little else was talked about, and Maggie grew thoroughly tired of the sub- ject; but she had yet to learn how much there is of practical discomfort in` a. large party at the house of pretentious` people. The proceeding day `was :1. scene of the wildest confusion. Beds were taken down and carpets taken up, that supper might be laid in one room, and quadrille dances in another. The study was turned into :1 coffee-room, and the dining-room into a. card-room`; so th'at.poor Harrison fairly took ight, and was seen no more till even- ing, while the `boysjrevellecl in the connno- tion, and.took their meals when and how they could, securing divers forbidden dain-H ties in the scuffle. _ Maggie sought refuge in her own cliarnber, but she soon found that that was required for a. cloak-room ; so she put on her hat, and went for :1 long country walk, in which she contrived to lose herself, and only reach home in time for 9. cold com- fortless late dinner. -1'... 4.1..` ~.-nnrninnr mnltfnra rwpw wnrun and 7$Td,00()J cccc rity uL8_um_1 rortless late uumer. In the morning matters grew worse, and the racket only subsided "as the hour approached for the arrival of the visitors, By nine o'clock the rooms were full-that is, about fty people were cram- med into a. space scarcely large enough for half that number, so that irting was car- ried on upon the stairs, and love-speeches whispered at the landing. However, the evening passed o` well, and was what Har- riet called, a decided success. But the aspect of the house the next morning was so utterly forlorn and desolate, such a chaos of rout seats and drooping garlands, such a litter of tom nery and champagne corks, such a medley of `chicken bones and dirty platters, that Mr. Harrison who was a sworn friend to order and regularity, might well be heard to exclaim that he was glad itwas over. A _ u A...:I mm Ivnolltr him all this nmitv and it was And you really hke all this guity and dissipation, Miss Cameon T said Claude Hamilton one evening. (6 T 'llns.-I N- vni-I7 `much t 1`Bt`." ' uamuton evenmg. _ V I liked it very much mdeed at first-, replied Maggie ; but I am beginning to get Ijathertired of it now. I must confess, and we live so very quietly atv home. :6 Am! n1-Av how do vou emnlov vour and nve 80 V61`-y qulpuy an uuuxu. And pray how do you employ your time at home, Miss Cameron, if I may be allowed to ask the question? - . ~. 64 m. 1' turn nnvnr nf. nlnsn. m renlied. allowed to ask me quesuon : Oh I am never at 9.1053, she re lied. 7 'Mnmma likes me to keep up `my accom- plishments ; so I practice every day and draw a. good deal; than we have always `plentyof books, and generally we play at nlmn in the winter evenings 2 80 that. With `plentyof books, and generauy We play an chess in the winter evenings 3 B0 that: v\1n:n nnurh-um ant` fn`nm7' wm-1:. th dv in Bewmg 3110 13110 ULA, mu: IALIJB dften pass too quickly. _ . Inmy day, said Mr..Harnson, girls learnt housekeeping ; and, I` have heard my A mother say that she could ihake a; pukld' and knit a atockin before she was sxxteen. . H A...I 1 ....'.. I-nu n n nnina fnn, nnt-In, and kmt Bmckln Dexore sun was auueuu. \ And I can e a pudding too, uncle, laughed Maggig, and do Ofqn whgn Mar- tha. is too busyl" It 1TFl...L`.. I-1..-.l n1nnul>.nnJrHnaa 7" udrn ma. 13 too busy.` What's that about `puddings ? asked Sophy, sailing into the room in full even- ing costume. Oh, Mr. Hamilton, I did not know you were here. Are you going, to the Stephens to- ' ht '1 V . "` No, I really co d not manage it, he replied. Three invigations for one even- :...- n-:..t.. ..........I ...... -.m"l' Jag-nal Hmm THE county cousm, I)'Alton MC v---- .-----:.-.-, vgtho Omce. Dun10D Street. East. Foot of Mnrkei: . - Street. Barrie. - repnea. " '1'nree 1nV1l}a17l0n3 101' one even- ing fairly scared me, ` so I declined them all, and `mat called in here on my way home." twasasto ' ' how often Mr. Hamilton had latterly ca. led onhis way, hm-nu . ~ nome., " I "9; ' " Oh how very: shabby of 1 9`: lolaimecf Sophy W1! "_`'`1 SHOTS OI II dlstance, . gm "i!I'1ii7Htorg.; uu me. _ Life. when apart, The r_iver of Me. WEDDED. vmter evemngs ; 50 unao, wuu and fancy work, the da.ys_ \ IIIISIIIIIW ,, I shall tell M rs. Stephens how very badly you behave. But the young la.dy s raillery only elicited an exaggerated expression of despair at his inability to join her party, and an offer to escort her to` the cab, in which the others were already seated. NI:xmm1.. exnlainmd Srmhv m1tinr]v_ VVIIIUII UIIU U|4HUl'3 `V6113 alrcillly 36336. Marnm1," exclatnleq Sophy, eagerly, M the cab droveo`, (hd you kmw Mr. Hamilton was in the drawing-room I" I did," said Wmnxv - Inn! on I iznnur AULVIBI 1U JJDLVLI .\r;1 LVAJLLJJ `. latutc at modcru.tc_inLc1'e5t. LENNOX 8:. ..|CN1\'0X. Solicitors, Barrie. ,- QKIHIIMJII W113 lll DHU Lll'H\V1Hg'I'00nl 5 I dld," smd Fanny ; but as I knew he did not come to see me, I forgot all about it.' - . ll TL ........ |3UlIy, VUICJ llluUH.1)|lla U|1|a- > I did .not' know he was there," said Mrs. Hamilton ; but, after all it does not matter. Maggie is only a. child, and you need not fear, Sophy, dear." But Sophy was not so easily consoled, and 9. cloud ob- ' soured her fair biow, which was only re- moved by two Vwaltzes and n. gallopade, aided by the fervent devotion of 9. gallant captain of Dragoons. -` And vnu rnnnv nan mnlzn 21 nnflinn '1 ca.pLzuu U1 uruguuus. And you really can make a. pudding 1 said Mr. Hamilton, as he drew his chzur rather unnecessarily near the table where Maggie was ,_at work. T rnallv am: anqwm-nrl ltaain Rut. mg 6. V ~ Because she volunteered to stay at home and amuse her old uncle, said Mr. Harri- son, laying his hand, caressingly on her hair. ' H `D..a. 21. _..... ...~ ........!!.._. 7 ....:,I lI........\ HUUIIIJ Ibo It was very provoking, I must say, and you might have told me, Fanny, said Sophy, very much put out." ' T Air` nnf.` L'nnn7 Tun wad Hwnrn " >an;(` \Vlli1Ia ID lallfii EU very 3Ul'Pl'l3lllg Ill E1135 5 1 . Nay, I think it is very surprising, he I said; and I question very much if you could nd a. dozen young ladies of a. cer- tain class in all this great town of Winter- bury who could say as much . And there s another mystery to be solved. How is it you did not go to the Stephens this even- in 7. ' gRnt-suntan aha tvnlilnfearnll fn nhnv nf. hnmn 11311`- _ But it was no sacrice, said Maggie, for I did not want to go. I began quite to long for `a. quiet evening at home. You play chess, Mr. Hamilton ? Ah, then, you and uncle can have a. grand battle, and I will sit by and watch the game. But Mr. Harrison declared` he had not nished his paper, and told the young people to try their skill till he was ready. 4 'I`l1n nm mn lunwnvnr nrnarneaprl lmnf. 3 Lvluggu: wu.a,_u.u wurn. I really can, answered Maggxe. 4But what is there so very surprising in that T 1 Nnv T think il: in vm-v nnrnrinina 11:: n DIICIY BKUI (Ill HG \ViIS ruuuy, , -. The game, however, progressed but slowly, a.nd'the supper tray came in before it was half over ; and after that there was another hour of pleasant chat ; so that when Mr. Hamilton at last took his leave, he left quite convinced he had passed a. far p1ensn.nt-cTr evening than if had gone to a. dozen balls. ' ti A__.`l ._.L,.L ._._..L -5 .... ........2..,.. .11.! H4 UUZUH UH-115. ' And what sort of an evening did you have 1 asked .Maggie, as the girls dawdled over a. late breakfast next morning. ' (I `l)....L.L-. .....11 7 .....'l Q,...L.. `I.....,...3.]l.. . . has `nvn Fuxn OYAL. INSURANCE 'CO"`Y "OF I IF'FLI VERPOOL AND LO.\ l)Ot\'-FIRIC .~\.\'_D I.I.-1}lILITY OF SII.~l'I-`I-.`H()I_ (:2-:h`.`; LIMITED. . {`API I`AI . .. .. .. ' 810,000,000 I`x:.~ms I.~zvv:s1*1:n OVER .. .. 16,000,000 ANNUAL Ixcom-2 Ovmz .. _ .. 5;000,000 3,750,000 In... .... I\r\ tuvurnir mun l1n\1|\'In~J UVUl' Us NLUU UIUHKIHSD IIUAD llI.Ul'lllIl"- Pretty well, szud Sophy, languully ; but I think I ought rather to ask you Hm}. Prov hnw Inna Hid ho nhnr T _.H'\n Ullla that. (S L- 9` l.Ull- . Oh, he stayed to supper, and it was nearly eleven o'clock when he left, re- plied Maggie~ ` Wnw nrn\'n`:1n(r V" txknlnimnr} Qnrfhvl pucu uuzggm b `.` How provoking ! exclaimed Sophy pcttishly ; and what` in the world could you nd to talk about all the time I Oh nlpntv nf fJ1inrr;:," I-nr'1T}nJ Nfnnrnrin. mm to tan: about an we nme 5 , 011. plenty of things," rcpcd Maggie. I think he \\ l.SVl'8.t1leI` curious to know how sober da.msels like me pass their time in the country ; so I gave him zxslight sketch of my occupations, -- very much to his aumsclucut, no doubt. cc AnA .1:,: .m.. 4311 1.:... mm .....,1,. nm HG. ton. ((1 iIulll,ll5Ul|.lUlI\a, MU \.LUllU|:. vA_nd did you tell him you nmcle ' beds and hemmed the table-cloths ? quireul Harriet, _rather spitefully. Nn_ Hmmrh T min-hf. h:u.'r-. dnnn 9 (llU.l'ULl I].?1l.'l'].UD, _1'iIu|-JIUIC BIJILUI uuy . No, though I might have done 50, said Maggie, quietly ; for I do both sometimes. And as it was, I only owned to. being vulgar cnougli to know how to_ make 9. pudding." T?.nnHv Nfslrrtrin " rpfnrlzn Pnnnv 7 T IIIIHSBII puuuung. ~ Really, Maggie, returtcd Fzmny. I begin to suspect you are .1 very deep little girl. V V A vm-v nillv nnry intm-rnnfml Snnhv. I 'll`1. :3 f`A very silly one, interrupted Sophy, hastily." What would_ he take you for I I consider pudding-making about on :1 par` with dish-washing, and certainly no lady would wish to do either? . 51 'T..'.... T ...... A..- T ..... _. 1...1.. 7} ....l.I {`mx1'.\r. ANNUA1 . Iucsunvn .. I)m-osrrx-zn wrm THE l){)'.\`.11.\'1o:{ (iO\'ER.\'.\1E2\"l` A .. \VUll1ll. \\'L'5U. DU UU Ullallkifu , Thn I suppose I am no lady, said Maggie, for I must say I see no reason why a. lady should not do both, if necessity required it ; and I know dear mamma thinks no girl's education is complete un- `Iess she understands housekeepmg ; "and I am sure work is no disgrace to any one. But I beg pardon for speaking so warmly. nh Him-9 in nri nnml :niJ gnnhv JJLIIJ 1 U5; IJELKK/IUII lUL >BEJUiII\l|lg EU WEI]. ILIIJ. " Oh, there is no nee: , . said Sophy rather coldly ; 1t is not of the slightest consequence, I assure you . Wh]n H-n Hfn nn1nuHi- at-nnn wna rrnn(r U|lHUllllULI\}\7, J '(I3Dlll'U J Ull While this little domestic scene was going on at the Harrison's, one somewhat simi- lar took place between Mrs. Hamilton and her son. They had breakfast early, as usual, and were seated on either side of a. noble re, buming in ` :1 grate of polished steel. She was a lady who` might be be- tween fty imd sixty, though herveyes were still bright, her cheek still smooth, and her gure quecnly in its proportions and bear- mg. . ' ' ~ 4` Aml wlm nr-n tlmsm T-Tm'rismns 3" she my. _ .~ 7.` And who are these Harrisons 1' she inquired. when her son had told her where he had spent the previous evening. Ha `hnlnnm: +.n Hm rm nf G:-nntwinh. K10 1130. SPCHU E110 PI'8V'l0U8 L'\'UIllllg. He belongs to the rm of Grmmvich, Harrison & Pardon, he replied .1 ro- spectable, Well-to do concern, and old Greatwich as rich as a. Jew ; so is Pardoe ; but theyiare bachelors, and the Han-isons are a large family." V Grown up T inquired Mrs. Hmnilton. Grown up, was the reply. At least the girls are ; the boys are younger, more schoolboys, in fact. 'I"hm-n um: 21 mumn rlnrinrr whit-.]\ }TI'9. SCHOOIUUYS, In NICE. There was a pause, during which Mrs. Hamilton gazed thoughtfully into the re. At last her son broke the silence, rather hesitatingly, it seemed. 'l`hm-n in 2. vh11nnr crh-1. ncnnsin. I he- nesxvauugly, 1|? SCUIIIUU. There is a. young girl, acousin, I be- lieve. staying with them at present." Yes '1 said Mrs. Ha.miIton,inquirin;:1y, ll8V8, smylng WIDII. P118111 35 ]_)I'8S8Ill.7. Ha.miIton,inquirin;:1y, as her son made another stop. ' -5 lm mv nnmn fm- Hun w1'nl'm-. contin- Her 3011 IIIZKIO ILYIOUHOI` SE01). She only came for the winter, contin- ued Claude, in his turn gazing into the glowing embers ; and she will leave early in the spring unless---unless I can persuade her to stay. um.....:..m.;....1..:......1 1.:.. unnI'1\rn` H. net to stay . V Claude !" exclaimed his mother. It was only one ford, but there was a world of signicance in the tone, and he drew himself up rather proudly, and met her steady look with uninching eyes. 5` Mu Jnnr mnthnr ha air-Jainled. whv THE FREEHOLD LOAN AND SAVINGS C0., TORONTO. steady 1001! mm unnmonmg eyes. My dear mother, he exclaimed, why do you look at me like that? Have you not, for the last thretr` '61 four years at least, been telling me that I ought to man'- ry, and now that I `am really thinking nknnf. ii-.. vnn Innk n: if I had broached . 15630, UUUII vvnuus IAIU vuanu A vu5uv In`-V ---_w- my tlunkmg I about it, you look as 1f I had anvnn nu+.nurnnnsx and unheard-of idea." ` about ll}, you 1001: as 11: 1 nau. uruaw. some outrageous and unheard-of idea." mmmm vnn have taken me so C1 some outrageous anu ullneuru-UL iuezs. ` Because you have taken me com- pletely by surprise, said his mother. I have never seen--never heard of this young lady before ; but if she is one really calculated to make you happy, depend `upon it you shall meet with no obstacles from me. ' ' ` umL.._..!.. .`..... ........ A-.. m.-.4-km- av- "'1'nere's my own near lnonner, ex- claimed Claude, affectionately kissing her delicate hand ; and do not fear that I shall do anything mehly. I have not yet said a. word to exther Miss Cameron or her uncle. At present, 311-1 want is that you should know her." ' . . (C I nan kin` l:4l>'ln t\1'IC'l\l|lI nc `huff l`.Innr1n " should Know ner." 1 1 s_ee.but little chance of that Claude, said his mother, gravely, going out so little as-I do ; and it `would not do for you , tobring he'rhex`e. ` - No. I naet}mt-" mid Claude 2. and , 150 Dung I181 8l'6." No, I see" -Qhat," said Claude ;_. yptit must be lanaged. There 13 only one way-au' pone you give a rty. M -A party ! said Mrs. Ham" ton. You. and invifn f.11`n'H'n.rri'unns. he re- "A I 7 3310. Mrs. D.8llll1Ir0llo Yes , and invite the Han'ii;ons, he re- plied. Don t `you. think it would do, , mother? They would?`--b e only too hap? I to come, and it wonldioefn q nito nat gslhavebeentheresoqito -~ '/(}w|n1Au,Arl lnli ` tom me." ._ ``'1`here s dear moghgr, ex- lqimod hndm nffmtinnatelv klsnmr ]. DHUHS 1 Ul.l:.{lll.r l'ill.all.U1' DU 333 yUll Pr_a.y, how long dld he stay I" -the of course, referrmg to Mr. Hamil- President, - - - ` Hox. Wu. McMAs'rtm. Semxmy. Tmn,, . . Cmmnus ltomznrsox. Inxpmor,` - - - Roman` ARMS'l`R0.\'O. Money admncod on easy terms for long periods. ropnyablc at borrower-`s option. _..-___ _.....v.nnn n,___._ I vuvbil -V Ho; 37; Whole No. 1439. : the ' - - l\/\/\/\/\/'\/\/\/\/ I LOOKING FOR PERFUME In the dru store of- the village stood the a nun! . Au`: ...........`.....,Jl the sad- eyed`c erk concerned In the mixing of some medicine the boss had lately learned Was acertain, never-failing cure for nearly every ill That humanity fell heir to in --porha.p: twna Adam s will. In the room the smell of native drugs, and those from o'er the sen. A drug with such an odor that if held up to the face Of a marble Julius Cknarmr 'twould provoke I wild vrimnce. U1 mqroom me amen or uamve urllgs, and the sea, Made war upon the nostrils, 1e;l by hssafceti-- dn-- The clerk had nearly nished, when 5 cu- tomer came in- A middle-aged, round-shouldered man, dya- peptic, gaunt and thin-- Who after looking rounil awhile and clear- ing out his throat, Draw a bottle from a packet in the lining of his coat, And said, My darter "Tilda. J am sent `long with me to git Some fasifnablc pcrfumcry-don't know the name of i|:-- But she said twzL3 what the city girls--the, . _ reg lar-up er ten, Put on their c othcs when they dress up to meet gent1_emen. ` She sent this ere to get it in~-she said - ftwould come to less If she furnished her own s right I rnthet guess- So fill it up with sbmethin that would make . the Queen of Spain Turn up her nose in raptux-' if she smelt of < "Tilda Jane. on'a B:_'1cl4 'l'c. Matilda. thought a nickle's worth would be enough to fill V The bottle cl ar up to the cork, and some to spare ; but still I know .perfumery's mighty dear, and if that ain't enough, Why, here's another nickle, for she wants the best of stuff. Then the clerk explained that perfume, with its odor sweet and keen,- ' Was not measured out in qua._ntities . and sold hke kerosene, Butthat it came in vxals (here he held one up ti) view). And was retailed at a xlolla.x1-- tw:xs the boat that he could do. A dollaf for that drnp o scent I" the _ furalist here cried ; - Well, I guess my girl will hr. -v to let that city feller slide. She thought perfume would fetch him, but `I "can't stand such a tax- She l1 hcv to do the best she can with cloves and sassafrax 1" --_-u There was an old couple in a sleeping car on tho Canada. Southern the other evening who in due time, retired to n. berth. About ve minutes aftex`\v;u`d-3 2:. soul-stirring snore broke upon the 0:11`: of all present. It proceeded from the old gentleman. John I nriml the old ludv. and no it PYUUUUUCU. Lruxu. nu; L John ! cued the doubt nudging him. \V1mf a Han n\:1H.m`?" ily . H Y . . ,, v . . _. -Stop your snormg, szud lug \\1_fc. Snorin !" cried the old man md}gna.nt- Iy never did such a thmg m my l1fe._ 03' hn wont in slnnn a.u'm.il1. .'1.Tl(1 1n 2]. httlo ly " never out Sllcn :I. mung lll my ULU. Off he went to sleep again, and in \vhile the `snoring re-coxnumnccdwitll rc~ doubled vigor. ` A Once more his wife awoke him. Du stop that snoring, John, she re~ marked pleadingly. '1"-xin + Ind Wis: Hm 9nIrin," smid he. marxeu pxeaumgxy. _ Tain t me, `ms the engine," stud he, testily; never'sm)red in all my born Anita days." , And although he was waked some eigh- teen times during the night,his only answer wan - DU. L. L` \J1\I.lJ. J.ll.\JJ.'l.LV Mug 5; U \'.I' TIONEERfor the County of Slmcoe. Orders left at tho ADVANCE omce will be gromptly at- tended. to. and information will ejfurnished parties requiring Mr. Ford's services, as though he had himself beenconaulted. - 35-ly was : V 'Tain t me, tis the engine, and judg- mg from the. magnicent proportions of his snore, the old man might have been right. _ Out on Michigatn-avenue a. man near seventy years of . re started :1. small `con- fectionery store some months since, and the other day sent word to his three creditors up ~town that he had failed and desired to compromise. The trio went down to the store, which they found in full blast, and the four sat down for a talk. NV A . . _ nn nhnnlnrnnna I an un YlDnl_ cuse. You owe me $12," replied one of the creditors, and each of these others $15 a piece. - That makes S42. Shust forty-two," sighed the old man.` Now; then, ho\v. much money have you on hand I Shust zixty tollar und no more. Very well, as you have had bad luck we will settle with you fcr one hundred and twenty cents on the dollar, and you can go on.a.s before. at v..... 1' ...:11 .1,. .1..4. g1..~...&I-m.m.. up"! I me I011!` Sm: uown I01` :5 uun. You see, shentlemens, I do no pees- ness, und my family eats up all (let brots, explained the tmdcsmxm by way of ex- u v.... ,...... ....... Q10 " nnv\`;nr` nun nf H-an 011.38 DeIOI'8. Yaw, I will do (lot, shontlemens, u_nd I am much obliged. for such kind tre:Lt- ment. U . .....L ....J- 'I.:- ....`...... H... 5..-nut nnh H101:- He got out his money, the twenty per cent. was added to the claims and paid, and before the creditors retired he insisted on treating them to ice cream. A They had been one an hour before tho old man rushed out and halted a policeman and said :- NIC T6951: in nnmznnssl und bzws 120 0111'. a.n nzuwu ll pouueluuu uuu. aauu ;- If Ifails m peesness und bays 120 cents on der dollar, wlmt does it mean 2 ' U n nnnnnu Hmf. vnn dnn`t nndnr.=d.:1nd cents aer uouar, wuau (IUUS lb uu:u.u 5 A It means that you don't understand how to fail," was the reply. ' Yul. Ant hnuihle 7" whinnnred the nld 110W to Ian, was uuu Ivy Ish dot bossible 1' man. u 1 ..L._..l.`| ...... (IA U111. I should say so. Vhell I go back to der shoe peesncss again. Vhen I fail: in dot peesnessl makes everythings. Vhen I faxls in dis peosness I pays more as I owes. JAMES _1YfwAm>s, CONVE Y./l;\'CER,, 6%., ISSUER OF MARRIAGE LICENSES. .....-. . rn mum --A doctor of divinity was once giving his" class some instructions about preaching in such a.` way an to gain attention and up- probution. Young gentlemen, said he, it's all contained in a nutshell. When you go to preach in the city, take your best coat; when you go to preach in the" country, take your best sermon." .- 1 1 11 I ,, 11 .._.-_ -Uncle Sambo was caught with a. stolen chicken hid in his hat, and when asked `how it come there, he replied 2' Fore do Lord, boss,htha.t fowl must have crawled up mine breaches leg. . --The game laws should be amended some more. It in all right to impose a ne for shooting game out of season, but what is wanted now is a clause inserted to en- to shoot game and catch sh in sejion. vWe have found it easy enough not to shoot out of _season.. To kill it in season is what bothers nl. ? ' ' -A country womslf` some ten minutes in frontjof -bre in Springeld to at a patent.` ` tra in operation, whgfwu prettylnril, ed, and after stud '_` theplugpd, O2, intently moved on 1- ip' .ont, to the great amus - mant of a dhm 2 Tnw a.m...-1 6!. ovum L195 gL:gpi:I,t:a,thu1uvIIu t u.I.UVUl-l 1p1ng,on` e grea. amuse- ment of ebyiihdersz Tew dollars ! I` V tot_l1dn't`%i_v: fir cents for all the flies in ' BANKRUPT AND BANKRUPTS Oubt nuugmg nun. ``What s the matter 3 ____._.:._____.__,____ , @5112 Jun Gtovneri [$2.00 IF NOT I I`! ADVANCE. IT WAS THE ENGINE Barrie. Sept. 11. 1878. 'rIcK~LH"-i'I'r-B|1's Ul`l 1/'lIhlUUJi1L|o lady, no` ` asked John, sleep- Iplyn whispered the old Two hundrod*b ArreIi of'Oun'$diti apples were uhipxled on th`~29th inst-., to Liver- pool on 0 Beaver I.ine_atearner, Lake Winnipeg.. This is the first Ihipment c.=t' the season. It is understood that these apples were wnin the vicinity of St. atharines, `. nt., and were worth by wholesa1e,'8l.60 to 81.75 per barrel. A Deon Fun.-A correspondent of the London Agricultural Gazette gives an in- teresting account of in duck farm kept by Mr. George Monk somewhere in England, At the tune of tho.v1sit, he says, there were twelve lilmdred ducks, kept in nine or ten different pens, each pen containing all the ducks hatched in one week; num- bering from one hundred and twenty to one hundred and fifty. The hens are al- lowod with the young ducklings for two or three weeks. They are tied by the 10;; with a. cord two feet long, in-a. warm,` well- ventileted pen littered "with straw. The young ducks can run out into an open pen for food and sunshine. The food consists pen of boiled dog s meet, beef livers, mixed with shorts and barley meal and in little boiled rice. This is all made fine and tho- roughly mixed with the hands. lt is fed dry, mumbling into hits as it leaves the hand. ` Mr. Monk nds ready sale for his young fat ducks in the London market, but we imagine the customers would not relish the savory meet so well did they know it was formed partly of dog s meet." Ill 5 I\L|aUUlUl.lU_Y DU curry UIIU UUUB UVUK LHU V inter, without the necessity of destroying; one of the insects. Even this quantity is sometimes greatly exceeded, according to Mt. Pettigtew, of Manchester. In a. recent review of bee farming in 1872 he says : -- An old aunt of the writer's, about eighty years of age, makes 10 a your (200 lbs. of honey) from four hives in ordinary season. \Vh&t is done byvthis old Scotch lady might be done in thousands and tens of thousands of instances by the rural population of Englam .-Food_ Journal. BEE 1*`An.\n:m.-Fevg people, except those who have tried the experiment, are aware how protable a. subsidiary occupa tion bee-keeping really is. A swami se- cured in May, a roomy straw hive in which to house it, a rough bench to support It, and it. A'Innnn rnhf tn nffnrd nhnhnr fm-1n EU IIUIIUU 10, B rqugu DGIIUII LU 3lll}PUl'lv IF, and iv. sloping roof to afford shelter, form the whole of the plant necessary to enable the embryo honey-merchant to commence business. VVhnt then is the result 1 Com- petent judges assure us that on an zwemge every stock sutvivig the Winter ought yield from ten to twenty pounds of honey, leav- in a. suiciency to carry the bees over the \ infnr wimnnf. Hm nnnnsnitv nf dnntrnvimv Oman TABLE V PLANTS ron FAR.\IE1{.s`. --Table decoration is one of those innocent fancies which may be indulged in by all classes. Many farmers wives and (laugh- tors are also gifted with excellent taste and wonderfully acute inventive powers. Not a. few of them, however, who have no green- house despair of having table plants in!` their dinner parties. These, however are quite within their reach. Nothing can be easier than to grow a few of the finer hardy` plants or annuals in pots, or, simpler still, take up a. nice batch from the garden when wanted, place it in a pot, vase, basket, or china. basin, set one, three or more, such on the table, and remove back to the gar- den next morning as soon as they begin to fade. Polyanthus, Priinroses, Auriculas, Aubretiae, Arabis, Forget-mo-note, Stocks. \Va.1lowers, and nearly all bull)s_ may he treate the same way, and have :1. line e'ect. A few common Fern fronds, cu . from 7 the hedge-rows. add much to tin,- beauty of some of these. But iiotliitig can equal the natural foliage of most of them, es ecially the leaves of Allrlclllfls.--.`ljI)`x- cu tural-Ecuicoznist. ' IILB. FPEHCIS I13. I". l'pl()I'. ` lnsnuna u; -4. _____._______..,___._._ `ENNOX & LENNOX, BARRIS- 1 ....... Aolnrnnv-t.-law. Solicitors`: n Chancery. _ ck JADLV LVUA, 7.lJA1LLum.u J ters. Attorneys-at-law. Solicitors`: Chancery. Conveynncers. 5:0. Omce above Post Omce; Owen rsntt. %l:n-rliie. J. '1`. Lennox. Ilaugmon Lennox. A . . 1 0V . How To Cnoosr. A PLO\\'.-Plow.-9 fr.~- quently annoy those who use them in :1 most mysterious manner. Thev rcfllse t. run evenly in the ground a.nv.l refuse tr keep to the land as they ought to do. '1 in examining themnothing sec-um to be v.'1m_r.r. .Every properly shaped plm:;;h nuztlnt tr- haven slight concavity along the lmse ..z' the land side, of one-eighth or lllrue-.';i:\ teenths of anincli, so that the` ilnplcmrn will suck into the soil and run `UCII lily. This c0nc.'u'ity may be shown hv holding J. steel snlxizm: to the bottom of the plough. If this part is convex, us it not ux|fruq\1\-1il- ly is, no nmtter how high a. 1'c'.mi.a.`.io:i the: maker of the plow has, it will not .-.m_`,' in -the ground, and will annoy the IrlU\Vul'.1n till the evil is remedied. The land side an` the-base should also be slightly CunC.\ L', t-- the same extentof one-eighth of an inch or more, and ought to be convex -r bulging un - circumstances. If tlmn apparently triing items are properly (XL tended to at the time of selecting a. plow, muchitrouble may be avoided which often seriously perplexes the plowman. and causes him to lose much time which may thus be saved. FARMING IN ExonAxn.-In Engku1 and Wales there are in round numbers, 37,`.3.30,-_ 000 acres, and nearly one-half are owned by 4,500 personp. Three of these persons mm 420,000 acres.` In Scotland there are 1`J,~ 000,000 acres of which 9,400,000 are mnu-~i hr) '70 nnrunnn 'l'l1n nI1]:n nf RIIHM-I-`nn by 70 persons. _Ihe Duke of Slltllcrlmitl owns 1,326,000 acres in Scotland, and nin--- tenths of Scotland's area are in the lizimls of less than 1,700 persons. Une-half of Ireland is owned by less than 650 pCI`.`1(_:ll5, and two~thi1-ds by less than 2,000. These numbers are very small in comparison with the dense population of which they form :1 part. These land laws now demand special attention because the inuence of Ainerica has made farming in England unprotituhh-t even, it is said, upon farms for which lmul lords charge no rent . By the law of entail , which many Americans only know b the part it plays in the novelsthey re , the landowner can, by deed or will, keep ills estate intact and from being sold for nmny years after his death, and, as heirs ll.`Jll.'lll_\' renew the deed or agreement, many 0.ilX\lv.~x have been tied up in this manner for him. dreds of years. This law witholds mllcll property from good management, and fa- vors the imposition of incumbrances hr which tenants have to pay in increased rent The law: of primogeniture and , the hm which allows a. landowner to make u lc:\;~1(s for 999 years also tois`. to tie up estates and keep land out of the market. Anotlicr law gives to the landlord anything which :1 tenant adds to his farm-such as a. bftrll ; a greenhouse, or a mil1-a.s soon as it is nn ant` wnrlrn r11 :-at-Hv nnninut nnn-?.ul. il KXVUUIIIIULIUU, UL` I-I l.LLLlL`i$3 IIUUH 113 lb 15 added, and works directly against n.p,'1`ic'11l- tural improvement. By the law of distn~.<.= the landlord recovers trom a. tenant whu cannot pay his rent without ordinary pro- cess of law. He simply seizes enough of of the tenant's cattle or furniture to satisfy the debt at public auction, and those Wllnm the farmer may owe for the cattle or furni- ture can do nothing. While the Englinlv farmer could makes. living at home them-, laws could be endured; now, when he cuu~ not, he must come toAmericn, where fn.rm mg sys ; and he willbe seen ere long on Hm 1-mu} lnndn nf our Western Staten or H16 Uroau uulua 01. our 11 cnwxu naoawa I those which lie just above our northern boundary.--[N. Y. Timc.s.] }1}_;EiJi'wvu"1'137JLS i-E`i5n'g ;;;. the Broad lands _of our Western States or LLA-.. -'I.3nL `:1: cunlr nknvva nnr nn-thaw-.- The hin es of the body are properly the joints of t e body. Gout, Rheumatism or n cold has an, effect upon them somewhat main. one to the effect-"of met upoq real hinges. icold is_moet Apt to cattle m_the 'oin?.s. Rheumatum attack: them meet vxolent y and frequently. The surest method. of relxevimz nneumauum EFISIOKB 12116111 1110513 vlownuy and frequently. surest moched relxeving inammation and gum in the Joints, reducing white nwel1ing,mn and soreness in any part. of the body, is thorouglgly rnbbedin; itwill reduce the in- rniizt hnd0il Liniment. If - ammahon and relieve the pain at once. Price" 25snd50 cents. ` . Mr Tran Am Txum Fmxzm. -Why keep on and pnrehnai New Rernedm when the . H. Downs Elix 1- has stood the test no long. and Inn always been 1. true and faithful friend I It in 3 never-fnilin remod y "wn in c 11,0 00 .011 `.";sa.u: .e..." ,1...`II.`.`:...x-_.'s`a :..m." .. ` " WnuTheBn_.Io'v s trm:.-'-.8I `(H v 9_f the l_lvor Volfgflo 60`l}l_0`_Qf,.;::;eltd vv nu" Ina DILIDVS xsxqlrml.--uIucejtorp:m :3 of the liver lathe ohie! cause of_.itn disorder, it requires` aunlte:-siv`e which will arouse it to '.oi1vicy. Bate:-'I` Mmnhgaicm in- ` . hi" ":1, ' c 11.,- I25. 2a. ..`1...`Sn.2m* :'i o'?L`iK;e'.3 i'..3. Heir? pxxtxyiriiis, DOWY6U AWAN`[' Mo. ..-..q nan mm nn \V, (`.1-zuldotzk. "ROSS-8b.. vnrmngymcmave we puma: removmgnthe Constipation, I burn, Ye owneu of he Ski u..r.s... n.:.. :n thmrinht d. _ the Connipation. lbtmbnw, near: kc oyneu the ` -and-{White of | in under the ' want. .9. S 1::.c1:)i:}:tf up u. ;u....-4. . -___ I SEPH ROGERS -ACVONVEYAN ...... 1-.\.m..:..aimi}-r in Dunc-.n's Bcnch.`Auc- GONVEYANGING. 8:0. - ` . , \ -_,: _, , -`-./ g \4 vxx. \ - rdixr MAKAY, ooixmiisio mu (`nmym-nnmr, (ssmer Mnmriuxze u\....... .4... 3--..-. - ._ ....,: |')nahl`nnnn nn Hm \Vnst side \I,E ASTEE SI: "6'0NV`EY- A xxnmn (1.-mm-ul A mmr. Ylxallrnnnes The undersigned begs to announce thathe hug removed tonhis own More opposite his old premines. He thanks the pubhc for past fa.- vors, and respectfully asks a continuation of` nnhlin nnronmre. vu ~----V. _ ...._.__._..,._._-_.. . ['E:A1{THY, BOS7S;'"3_cM1- EPLER, n.. ...mpm ..Mfm-nevs. So1icltors.8.:c,. B5:-rte. ,1>.. R. J. >ZIMMERMAN,T DEN- mmm n......:- nnnn-In nu-ndnnm nf the Phil- ' Cures Caturrh, As;l-:;a. and all Bronchial Complaints? Singers uni S sake:-is -all use it aucceslfully. For sale on y at J. V\'oods Drug Store, Barrie. M L, SMITH: CALL FOR THE GREAT.` SIERRA nnv,un.sMoK1xG: ,-T1{A'l'l1X (15 AU I11, DA1\.J.L.I.D1.u_1.wu I` and Attorneys, in_Chun:-cry. tJ.rI(!s Public. Conveyn.ncer3, Ilarne. Co. Simcoe. Om. Oico over Bank of Toronto. 26 IV. .__i..j_._. ._..._.,. :.____ LEGAL ADVERTISEMNTS '\f\I'\/\/\I\/` \ MOINEY. *TO LI-inn. Iiomzy 1`O LEND ON " REAL` u.x.n..on no mmlm-urn. invurest. LENNOXK5 horn omucm BUILDING, BARRI` vora, um I'uup\1uuuJ public paronage. . .._-.a.- . " _AI1o'rIoNRs.'W (-/-\/\,~_A_/~.,. _,\/V_,V-V \//\/\/`L/~.f\/\ /\ /\ i0SEP}I_ SWAN. AUC'1`[ONEER cm. nu. I".-mntv' nf Rhnnno 'l`m-ma I-nmann. E0. R. FORD. LICENSED AUG; T mYn\Tmn`Dlnnhnl"nnnOwnfQirnt-no {M-Ray-a TCAIVFIIY, BUYS O6 1'.l`.:L'1.4l.uu, Barristers, -Attorneys. Solicitors, 8:0,. Barrie. I)'Alton McCarthy. Q,.C. Willimn Boys, 2. Francis E. P. Peplor. ltfxcis Rye. @' E ISISSUED avaav THURSDAY, .. nm;... I1.`-Jan hon-6 nal IF;-uni nlll. LOU`-NT & LOUNT, BA1m1s'1'r;us, Attorne 5-n.t-Law, Solicitors Chancery, Szc. L lco - )un1op Street. Barrie. Successors to the late firm of Boulton. Lount. Boys 85 Stewart. W. Lount. (LC. G. W. Lount. _ :1`. G'EoRd17:'s . SOCIETY: j_........__.._._. _;._~.,,, ._I. _lVI7DlGAl.. AN-D DENTAL 2/4., \/-..~\, - \ ..-\_,-. Ada. _.r'/`_/`_/\ KG. II. BOSANKO, DENTIST I x....:.: n... bu. W`-vnnfina POE! D.1V.'.'II.VB On UDDK 1].` D_VV :11.` . xxu \lL L\l .L\ LIAJLII for the County'ot Simcoe. Terms reason- e. Omco _n.L my Store, Uralglmrst. -16-1y No Bankrupt btovcksn. R. SIMMONS. 1 EMQVAL. JAMES Ianxmnbs, Bumnc, "insu RRNE-E. \A !cCarth'y.' Wilnmn L. Francis - n'\v\-rrvxr '1) ` D1 , m b U1i"11ANDs FOR ....,...o.nn.. nu nnn frnnhnld 'L1>L~*It%e*4_;)%urtl1era1 gfuq IS ISSUED `II l)o5.u.\'1o~: '1` 150.000 JAMES EDWARDS, A xmnt at Barrie. I IV- M. L. SMITH; Gen. A ent,>Arkon.\. Ont. A The Regular Meeting of the above Society will be held inthe Good Templars Hall, over C. Harrison's St 0 r e , o n -' WFEDNRQD A v .m+. .- .&l'1'lBUl.lH DDUFB, U ' WEDNESDAY, Sept:-;' . 3rd. 1879. at 8 n'm. "V DULVDDUA1, D` . 3rd,1879, at 8 pm. M. H. HARRISON. Qnnrntnrtn * * : Company's Valuntor. Of thc_ Latest S_tyles, and Pnces to slut. the times. Come and sec _ us. We keep none ` but the .:.nn.n,1, FA `Complete `stock of uuv uuu Best 'Frcshest Goods ` ALTER J. KEATING, ATTOR- NEY-AT-LA\V, Solicitor in Chancel-{'._ and Louveyancer. Money to Lend. 0mco-- Vale!` stroeL,PeneLa.nguishcne. V___ ____ _____ ,____--..,.'.n 1. A 1-\11`rL|'1'VDD J. J._ BROWN, .,Saedunn.n" 35-tf IIA T.-S and caps LUVVRII ua, Agent at Barrie. Luuoun , Secretarv. Agent, _L1") IRIE. n l 0Sl.~ 37-1} l 1. BROWN. P_ro rietor.-Excellent accommo- dation for the tmve lingbpubllc. Bar and Lax-der wellsupplled with the eat. Good stabling and attentive hostlers. Lug go of guests conveyed free to and from all tx-aft? . Few doors west of Mm-ket~st.. on Dunlop-st. I`AuI.4lLVu'J.UJ.V .L.Lu .L.u.u, `LU :.-a-- BUILT.) Corner Dunlo and Bayeld Strcets.Ba.1'rie. J. M. NESS. ro rictor. This old and popular hotel has been re uilt' of brick, 3 stories in height. and iatted up with all modern conveniences. Excellent accommodation f.ox-the travelling public and boarders. Bar and Larder wcll nupphed. Good stabllng and sheds. . 21-ly EUROPEAN HOTEL, (Late Ocean.) 1!. G. BIGELOW. Proprietor. This House European principle. Meals at will be kept on the all hours. 0 stcrs in every style. and everything uauauv kept n a nrst-class house. - D R. U. 11. DUD{LLV AU, .uuu.\ ;.u.u. Liquid Gas for Extractin reeth always hand: his bath pleasant an `safe. Ulcq over Edwarda' Book Store. Barrie. Ont. arlidxirs. ' Ofstcrs style. I usuauy kept rst-class ` give the public the best of tmcornlno '1`l]Lh ouu.u\:u.-1 JLLILJOJIJJ, IJILLI-LNLJ-`J: M. SHANACY. Pro rletor. Having re- cently built the above 1 ousoon. the site of the Simcoe Hotel. and furnished it through- out in rst-class style. I am 1-eparcd to ation. Good stabling and attentive hostlcrs. Sample Rooms for Uoxnmcrcial 'l`rave11ers. Stages leave the Hotel daily on arrival 9! trains. 2-ly `-9 -vsvfxffrui n ; 'rr\11n .D.UJ.l`JLJ 3151; Stables. 51a.nd 56 Jarvis Street. Thc best 1.00 per day House in the City. Only Two bloc sNorth from Northern Depot. iii A. MCRAE, Manager. - y THE QUEEN S HOTEL.--A. W.. ritox-.-Exce1lent dstlon for ling public. Bar a.x_:d_La.1-deg THE SIMCOE HOUSE, IBARRIE. P1-o`px-letor. nnncr hum um nhnvn I nuns nu thn aim of ()Il.'Jt1E\l\D\lLV lL\J\JbJA'J, uzx;|u.\u.r1.-- JOSHUA CL.-\I .KSO.\'. Proprietor. Corner of Mulcaster and Dunlop Streets. and opposite the AnvA: Ofilce. Barrie. This commodious establishment is well titted up, and will com are favourably with any house 0 the kind Nort of Toronto. Good accommodation for Commercial. travellers. The best of stabling attached. attend- ed to b obilging and experienced hpstlex-s. Stages leave is house daily on the urnval of the up trains. Bar well supplied with thebest of liquors and cirmrs. * trains. um- nnd cigars. T tuuum Inna um ur u.u.uu.--uuu. BALL. Cargenter & Builder, and Manufac- turer of Doors, ashes, Blinds. Mouldings &c. Planing of all kinds done promptly and satisfac- torily. Factory. Bayeld Street. Barrie. ,. I1.l.I.\L)JL\JJ. 1L1.'JL\u- ll.ILLI.LIrLI!\.ILV, 4/12- POSITOR of the Barrie Branch Bible Society, Dunlop Street. ' UDILAILI D W .11.`, 1JlJ.1Jl.L' 1: ur ;.;.;u 5th Division Court. County o_f Simcoe. 011100 at. my Store. Omighurst. ' 46-ly R. ZIMMERMAN, '1`IS I`. Barrie. Ontario. Graduate of t adelphio. Urrmal Colle e, also of the Roy of Dexnmlsurgeoxxs. 0t_ ca Opposite Barri 1) EN - he al College e Hotel. .-....u-A