W, WHICH lllvy DU luunuv vv nuuuuv vu ouch otwb tho_7_nse` of a. little butter. v_1Iii;_: 9. oo_v_er. 9 I i{w Ewor Havy Blue .1inen`s`a_.re " * ' grated-intbtepxd ~ ~ nut 511173 W0 DEKC BBC place OI nu Couunqn 011." The extraordinary" demand for this improve- ment of a. staple household medicine has brought-fraudulent imitations into the market but the public can guard themselves against substitutes (which unprincipled parties are at- temptin to sc11`on-the reputation of this article) yseeing that the name," Copeland s .Sweet_Ca.stoi' Oil, is on bothwrappcr_and dircc- - tion label. ' - rm... .....1 ......:.......1 1`-..: ._ ,. -.... ..,.L.....-..J llnaaua non 1uuu1.b ` The undersigned, lmvingpurchasecl Messrs. T. Copeland 8.: Co s interest in the above pre- paration, are new manufacturing it from the original recipe., . NORTHROP _& LYM.-1I\'. Toronto. Ask for Copel_nml s Sweet Castor Oil. Ob- serve the name. Do not be deceived. Sold by all medicine dealers. Price 25 cents ' ELECTRXCTLY! 'l`x'xo.\ms' - Exonsxoa ELEC- TRIC OIL! _ Worn`); 'r1~:.\' 'ruu-zs us WEIGHT IN GoLD.-Pmn cannop gtny where it is used! Itis the cheapest medxcme ever made. One dose cures common sore throat. One bottle cured bx-onchit-is. Fifty cents worth has cured an old standing cough. It positively cures cntnrruh. asthma and croup. Fifi cents` worth has cured crick in tho back, and no same quantity lame back of gight years st-quding. It cures swelled neck, tuIuors,rheumn.t1sm,neural 9. contraction of the muscles. still i oints. suinnl. tculties. and or the muscles. Bt1I_t'Jomts. sp1no.1.a1mcumcs, and pain undaoroness 111 any part, _no matter where It may be, or from what cause 1t may arise, it al- ways does you good.` 'l`weut.(v-vo cents worth has cured bud cases of chronic and bloody dy- aentcry; One. tenspoonful cures cone in 15 minutes. It wxll core any case of piles thgt it is nosslblo to cure. Sxx or emht applications 15 war- bnck of glght years` st.o_.n It swelled tumm-a,rheum_n.L1sm, neural of the muscles. still`; oints. spinal. tcultles, and nnin in any nart. no wher It will any or piles that it is possible eight applications is ranted to cure any case 0 excoriated nipples or inamed breast. _Foi- bruises. ita plied often and bound u , there is never the slig test discolora- tion to t c,s_ki1i. It stops the pain 01! a burn as soon as applied. Cures frosted feet. _boils,warts nndcorns. and wounds of every description on man or beast. ~ ' . . S. N. TIIOMAS.'PmsLPs. N. 1'. And NORTIIROP &: LYMAN, Toronto; Ont, Sole Agents for the Dominion. - - NOTE.-'-Electric-_-S0l0ctcd and Elect:-ized '1 ma GREAT Snosnoxmss l{R_M_ED\ Axn Plus The success that these medicines `have met with since their introduction to the public some years ago. proves plainly to the most skeptical that they are medicines that perform whu.t they are advertised to. The virtues of these medi- clnes have been well tested. and have wxthstood their trial in a most satisfactory manner. For diseases of the Blood, LIVOI`, _Lung_s. &c.. they are unsurpassed. \Ve have testuuomals of miracul- ous cures of these diseases. and man others. If any one is atllicted. let_ him try_ a_ ottle of the Remedy, and a box of Pills. No ll1_]lll`l0ll8 effects will follow their use to the most dehcate person. as they are purely vegetable ; their being no mineral matter in them. The cost is small. while the advantages derived from thelr use will doub- ly re ay you for your exenses and trouble. The me eines are widely nown throughout the Dominion. and are for sale b ' the principal medi- cine dealers. Try them, an be convinced that these medicines are no humbuz. .No one who cine dealers. '1`ryt.hem, and Do con\`1nce(1tlm.L thesomedieines humbug. liasvtriod the Shoshoncss I i1lsha.3 ever pronounc- ed an unl a.vomblo opinion of them. no family where they have been used will be without them. Full information may be had on all pnrticnlars touching the use. and the experience of those who have used them. by securing thov'I`reatiae or the Circ1_1]:u' from uny Drug ist in the Domin- iou. Free. Price of the Heme y in pint bottles $1; Pills 25 cents 0. box. ` `-"7*V7 *A-`5' vcrsnH.uIsnudc, ILLUCL ~A.a.rL-us. Pain m the Back Dxmnpss ofvision. Premature Old age, and many other disease-slhal lead to lnsnnily or Consumption and a. l rcmnt_urc Grave. {G-"Full par- ticulars inour pamphlet, whnqh we desire to send tree by mm! to` every one ,Q'f`I`he Specic Medncmc is sold by all Drn_-ggisls at $1 per package, or six pack, ages for $5, or wnll be sent free by mull on receipt oflhc money by addressing _.._r_.. l... _A-- ---u---..-.~.. .... _.... -.__ __ ,-_~ _,_ _ _--, \VL\'nson, 0m,. Cnnudn. 3a'Sold in Barnc hyjall [)ruzgisLs and by all whole. sale and rc'.:u1 Druggms :11 Canada and the Uwiled Slates. . 3-I) . .. van a "mu nu uni. AVJICIIV nu. vuu vulva lease. I ,I am paying ten cents for poorigrcnsc. momu.` Now, don ti1_bld_ too longujustv because it is nic_e,_ _ . \\\\* 7` W7` Before Taking. c \ Pain I) 'i7nI3 GREATEST women or MODERN '|'|ME`_s The PILLS Purify the Blood, correct all dis- orders of the Liver, Stomach, Kidneys and Bowels, and are invaluable in all complaints incidental to Females: The Omrmzxr is the only remedy for Bad Legs, Old \Vounds, Sores and Ulcers,` of how- ever long standing. For Bronchitis, Diphthe- ria, Coughs, Colds, Gout, Rheuzmxtism, and all Skin Diseases it has no canal. < PATENT 'Ma n'I'bins. } JOY AMONG THE CHILDREN. .-.--...--,.-.-_. _,- , I most respectfully take leave to call. the attexxtion of the Public gelxqrally to the fact, that certain Houses in New York m-esending to many parts of the lobe `SPURIOUS Il\IITATION S of my Pil s and Ointment. These fraudiz bear on their labels some address in New York. 1 an ant nllnw mv `Mmliaines to be sold in in New York. _ I do not allow my Medicines to be sold any part of the United States. 1 have no` agents there. My I\Idicines are only made by me, at 533, Oxford Street, London. _ ' Tn the books of directions aixed to the b} 533, Oxford Street, London. In the bodks directions_ the, spurious make is a caution, warning the `Pub-V lie against bein deceived by counterfeits. Do not be mislen by this audacious trick, as they are the counter/cits they pretend ta denounce. Those mnnterfeits are nurchased by un-, BE_WA RE 01-" AMERICAN '_COUNTERFEI'l`S. they the counter/ms they pretend n acnounce. These counterfeits purchased by princi led Vendors at one-half the price of my P` 13 and Ointment, and are (sold to you `as my genuine Medicines. I most earnestlv anneal to that sense of genuine Memclnes. I most earnestly appeal justice, which I feel sure I may venture upon asking from all honorable persons, to assist me, and the` Public, as far as may lie in their power, in denouncing this shameful Fraud. ` Each Pot and Box of the Genuine Modi- Now, $1333; A thoug his bums so ni'_de That by _ hdlding V d getstzainoh -higher in denouncxng tins snamexm naua. Each Pot and cines, bears the British Goverrim-vnt Stamp, with the words Hom.'ow.ur s PILLS AND OINTMENT, LONDON," engraved thereon. On the label is the address, 533 Ox!-`onn srnnnr, Loxnox, where alone they are Manufactured. Holloway : Pills and Ointment bearing any other address are counlerfeits. `Finn 'I`u-grin Mnrlr: nF fhnnn Mnininnn are address are caunurreus. The Trade Marks of these Medicines are registered in Ottawa. Eence,any one through- out the British Possessions, who may keep the American Counterfeits for sale, will be prosecuted. ` A fxzned mm` SALE, T. TO LET, - N0_SMOKIN_G, OFFICE, I TERMS CASH, _ No CREDIT, NO ADMiT1*ANcE, ROOMS TO LET, - i{R1v.TE i30ARDIIfIG, % PRIVATE K ` wi:sLEYa KING, ADVANCE OFFICE,`-L '533,0xrom3 S1'1u:r.'r, ILoNpoN, V January 1. 1879. .I.. ' We have in stock}; follofing Cards neatly printed : -- fnxrio; #941122, 187,9.-. .HOLOWiAY ` PILLS Aa. o%|%NTLM%NA1j; ; i __.. TIIE GRA1 MEIDICIME co., 1`. I\Iv\:/\n l'\nI l`nu.-A- 'N_ S3'1`0CK. GRAY'S' SPEGIFIG MEDIGINE. <. in - This remark sct'the farmer's head in a utter, (It's advnncodg )_1in calling shows that very . plain, "L: "I ' V ` I think I won trscll till it, goes up again); ` What d'ye pay ? Forty cents," the mid- .. -\ radllnln sa.id-- The Great Eng- 73393 MARK- hsh Remedy. an ` umailin cure for Scminu Weak- ness, Sperrr.alor- rhea, lmpolency, nml all diseases lhaxfullow M a scquenceofsclll Abuse; :15 Loss of Meinor)'. Uni- - I . II vcrsnlhuwiludc, After Taking. Dxmness of Vision. Premmnrn Old `W-V EEHOMAS HOLLOWAY IGOLIJEN VV1lVUl3~1`D UJJULLLU 4.I..`vsz .:...4.-V... ..--._, Which. together with the balance of our; Summer Stock, we are oiferin at ATTRAC- TIVE PRICES. We draw attention to Special Lines in TAB E NAPEB-_Y- ` - Very Cheap Lines in pun) - ' _ ` ` " -- - - IC`I,_AL-J -..Jl)..-so-In We have already opened up 11 large lot or our mm txuuuuuz uuuuu, wwv-W-"o \ DRESS GOODS AND FALL PRINTS Iv mww1.`.Q1` 'I`\'I.T`.S. Ver Unen mucam um P P Line Table Napkins and Bleached and Brown Table Linens. _.. m--- z...,.I. :. 1.-..` ,.......;....n.. A...-n-+1-.a in event detail. Our friends can depend" l.I.I.ul.7u. L GUIU Lvaynxuo uuu llbvuvuvu ---. -. . .- _. Our Small Ware Stock is kept constantly Assorted every detail. O_ur 4 u,'_:on getting all they want, and at the Right Price. - new-IN s"1.=3ac'.I.`::oN' INVITED he '%OLEARTNG I want s)m(- `gilt-edge, some A number ' one . - I think to thi?vcry top notch it has gone ; Mr. A you1i9d better take my ad\_'ice- . Di_spose 9f your butter while it brings a good nncc. . - SANDERS BROTHERS, From 25 to 50 per cent- Saved bv Leaving your. Order during the ozemng but FALL .A ND WINTER Stpc/c in 07'(l7' to ma/qe room /or DUNLOP STREET OARPETS!ARPETSU GOBIIA MA'T V'mE, MATS, FLDBB OIL-GLOTH. }'r1-IE EMPORIUM; - % JOHN WATSON. | ONE D001: WEST of THE BARRIE HOTEL, WALL PAPER! WALL PAPER! A FULL ASSbi1TMENT .01? V ' { statzlonery, School Books, _..1 __ .._.._I -L-........A. :_ Lr\-.- BRUSSELS. '[`A.PE'l`SRY,S A KlDDERMlNS'l`l41R UN '1 .1.-Iarv-v Ya u-l-I vasnvvvl uuuu av I11 u.q.: up 5:/vu > pncc. _ -b Of couiso you're aware _m~.1 may hold it too onrv, ' '[`Ha--1nI1'.eInltf.nr nnInvHvr\M-I In-.-mm-u vnrv Luonmenu BOOK narosnonv THE VERY FINEST WLETYJQF MTERNS. broughtiuto Barrie. . The xnaugumtuon of1':l1e Natlonal Policy will cause a duty of at least 25 per cent. to be placed upon all forexgn papers, and being alive to this fact, and wishing to give my customers, every advantage, I l1ave_secur_ed my stock bcforethc advance in the tarh I can therefore Ev er Threshing season is now upon us, and it b:ho-oves every man who is a threslier, or who gages athreaher, to employ the machine. which will afford him the greatest satisfection, : do the best work and the most of it in the shortest time. Of course it must be ` Give the Public _v Wall Paper at tlzc-_ l Ild _Figures, and in some . cases Below Last Seas0n s Prices, _ AN `INSPECTION OF_o.S'AMPLES INVITED. -LLJ..L.'J and_ beh_ooves. may A thresher, en. nnonll nthreahar. to emnlov mnchme.wh1'ch hun greatest and - J. I` `L -IL! J.` A to all that thi_s is the common sense view of the matter, and it would be fully for a. person to take 9. second or third-rate article when the very finest is within reach. Owing, to a most; successful record in the various exhibition onnds and in actntl _farm work, it is conceded on all him 3 that the Patent ' ~ Threshing Machine, of greadicelebrity, manufacfured by John Abell at his extensive works in Woodbridge, is the leading machine of the_da.y in Canada, and it is not afraid of any machine ` made outside of Ga.nadian~bounda either, being the most TPERFEOT one built. It is a. saver of TIME, GRAIN AND MONEY, and therefore is justly a. great favourite. Theonly trouble in to keep the supply anything like up to the demmd, and though there is a very large staff employed in the works the continued flow of orders for ' Paragon: now that the V --a----`csuqru-V1--I--xv-4`! .I..l..I.J.U-EJk).L.l..l.LV \.JI season is so imminent is so heavyvthat the large reducing resources of the factory are vastly taxed. ;But still every effort is made .to satis y customers, and those wantin machines should look before they leap and send in their orders right away for one of Ab s Paragon vm.....1..... 'I`ln'nn thev mnv rest assured that of all the market offers thev will have the The butter is frowy, he'll hold it no longer, For every day it smells stronger andstronger; Sorry that he hadn't sold when twas higher, He starts off to town to hunt upla buyer. The, middleman s'trycr goes downlzhrouglx ' ..1:h`es|:u`- ' ' . anomu ' '1UUl Threshers. February 19, 1879. r\ ' 1599;: AU T u M N A :A%|{ s7'; --:----'0:---- ----a " ZI'.n.A.f`IV.AAG`-E A.1=.:I'.=:.:'cv'A.::.s or" 4-`; `- An Increased Duty,` but life Increase in Price. L001: BEFORE YOU LEAP 1 bini Goons, READY-MADE cI.o'rI-Imo, one ~vmA A -u--:_--10: opened large lot of our 1 __._- ggggjlllf ENIPORHUM! A11 at the Closest Prices. mce: Le} ,cl;1_t_Il_ie-every time -when it bring a p,ood_ pnce. . - IJN J.V4\V.l:n)I. |J.l1LlJJIJ- W1NC <..Y;S'. OLOTHS AND FANCY GOODS, _..- ..xx-..-:..,. .4 l'l"I`I {PARAGON} SPRING IMPORTATIONS 1 ; mu` for akimr. `K betote may leap " nnu. senu 111 nnexr ( Then they may rest assured that 01 ' . verrlbes I My Stock of \V2\LL PAPER is `now complete an ex-nblwxcos DUNl-OP `STREE r, BAARRIE. &c., &c., on hzmd as usual, cheapest in town. AND BE sAir1s1-`mix `BUILT ONLY BY Joan 4,3: l,,',L0 l'Hl./V G IIOUSE I . 4. `9'" - *"""""- - szxvrximnm. ` "` I vu":3Ie`rl round' again to look at your ` ..-br. THE NEWEST DESIGNS` IN .-MERCIIAN 1` TAIL_ORS,- --I-1:-I1~::-- E. B. GROMPTON 8: CO. l'1 1-starter _..--=-.- _._ V T H RES'I;2_[:_i~i G 1...-` ____J..-__.__ .___-. next Thirty Days- Tj I In --- - _ IN NEWEST STYLES. _.-on. 1 n1v\ 11 &C-J 560-1 PARAGON MAC I-1INE- " vvnuitrye pay.(.'1 " roruy cc "" 8 I -7; ` L . nipre lnkc Lt , g .1 k 1. h.ad' \'(\VV\l III-`D PATENT .,s,_. _: u__ ....-LL_.. _... -AT THE]- A '1` '1` H E _-.-ALSO-. AT THE . II] 01101! U!'U.UI'3 [1311 ad of all the vezfybest .-.___. r New Autumn Goods, comprising _ &c. BEAVERJ Lanny, `- Wmbnm. Ont Canada sung, Thgd. -gbegyt dblgitr some` "-" .`P15; T " V Whntjd ye pay 1" . dleman said Csrcmse CoLn.-`-The season of the yearvwill soon be upon us when people everywhere will" be taking cold, and in many cases they will suffer much and c die. A little care would often prevent it. In the first place, as one of the means topreventa cold, the daily bath in a warm room, with much friction, is very important.` In no case should the body I be chilled. Use much friction" over the chest and throat,` and snuff into the nostrils a. little of the water warmed to comfortable, temperature. Next, after the bath, take` a `daily--exercise in the y open air, neither too much nor too little, exposing the body to the cold and sun for ashort time, but never exhausting it. ",;j{j)ixe chief danger from colds is the exlggted state of the body that first o it is not able to resist unfavor- ' A uence. People who are not very vigorous should avoid over-exertion and ` keep the strength upto the highest point. It will help those prone to 9. cold to sleep all they can. Another cause of cold is eating too heartily after a." 'day s work, when there are not forces enough to di- gest the tood and keep up the circulation. A Eat moderately at night, if you would avoid a cold. A cold in its early stages may be broken by hotfoot bathsnvarmth to the body,` especially a hot pack or a hot bath in the middle of the day, with lnuchfriction and quiet in a comfortable It is not advisable to take a hot "bath at ni ht in such cases. When you ' Vhsve a on d, don't eat much or work [much unless you have great physical strwgth, whence. hard days work may be h ` ggto equalize the` circula- ~. `_ "the action to the skin. `iiwhi `always suffers when one takes" --IJ ` THREE! A _ SCOTT. 35-ly UNIONS, BARRIE. FIRST-GLASS 1 nosawoona WALNUT COFFIIVS With Hoax-sq turnlhod in addxtlon, - scAI. or-"_ Reduced Prices. egg rqn egg - -n -l&l-L-D-RJ -- ------ EXTRA CHOICE YOUNG IIYSOX, GUNPOWER, JAPAN, """ "" '3 wanna 1" "_l"orI.y-live," the mul- dleman said Lct r bob up to fty "~hc still shook his ' head. ' MOORE. % Barrie, Marcfx 12, 1879. THE NEW PORI{ SI-IIOP FRESH SAUSAGES DAILY. VBOLOGNAS, bMOIABl) MEATQ, ac 40-3m. ' gmos. LISTER. HAS RT-I.\IO\'ED TO Capon & Pcn.rcy s om stand, opposite the Cmrksuu House. Wlxerq he is prep:u'e1 to do promptly and cl1c-rtply 3113' work entrusted to him in the way ul He solicits 3. call from parties mini:-ixug such work, and gtlnrautccs Pctfct Satisfaction and ` ' _.\lode1':'1t-.- Clmrg:-s. ` `vs `. gr 9 Ir` ifhhvfl . ` u. u HOUSE, SIGN & CARRIAGE PAINTING, `BARR : EPA: NT SH or 1 HAY & HA1i VEi~% 1` TOOLS. A To the Queen and Royal Family, and by special appointments to H. R. H. the Prince of Wales, I. R. M. the Emperor of Russia, the Malxarajah of Burdwxm, j and to several 1m1':u: Princes. - . PHlZE'MEDALS-LONDON. IJUBUN AND -PAR|S.% 1'ne,m1au1eman's trycr uownnxrougn - -th`e stu- Whewx 'Whew ! how it sme1ls--one smell ' is enough ; _ I don't wish to buy." Make me one offer, nleaae. ' ' % zr. vv. BENSON, WATOI-1J& CLOCK MAKER Of every description, suitable for all climates, from 2 to 200 guineas. Chronogra he`, Chrono- meters, Keyless Levers, Presentation, Repeaters, Railway Guards , Soldiers` an(l\Vorkmen's Watches of Extra strength. Clocks, for Churches, Turrets, or Public Buildings, Dining or Drawing Room, Library`, Carriage, Church, Hall, or Shop. Perpetual Calendars, Wind Dials, &c. Artistic English Clocks, decoratedwith Wedgwood and other wares, designed to suit any style of furniture; also as novelties for presents. Made solely by Benson. From 5 5s. Gold Jewellery, of the richest and most exquisite designs, with Monograms, Crests and Devices, Enamelled in` Colours, after Designs by the most accomplished Artists in th Precious Metals; Brooches, Bracelets, Necklaces, Lockets, Rings, and all kinds of bsjouleri as suppliedto members of the Court, and other Distinguished Personages. Merchants Shi ' -_,=(- -i ,- Wholesale Buyers are specially invited, before sending their orders elsewhere l ` `n the msnufactory the Illustrated Catalogues of Watches, Clocks, Chains {Ix ver, and Electro-plate, which are sent post free, as not-only are the (liscouns ' `geleetion can be made from the largest stock in the world. Orders should I _ C the Msnufaetory, Ludgate Hill. Benson : Pamphlets on Turret Clocks We -1'1`!-1`? ks, Plate and Jewellery sent Post Free. Watches sent safe by Post to all pan t -Itnnnrdfnnlnrv and Cltv Show Roolnl. Ludnlo lilll lent` H \- -; `so but: muuutuvwsy, uuuguvu uuu. uvuuvuu Avian: .. u. v.. ...... Wu --`ff r:(=`-- Plate Free. sezxt-gafe 6 -Steam factory and City Roomy, Ludgato . V 1* T Went-gag Euabllshmem, as old sond Street. B-nab 49- * f-1' . 39' ' j-- ~ - I V V Constantly on hand, Shrouds, Head Lin-1 2 .. 3 ing, Gloves, and all Euucral Rcquiuitcs. X ' HEARSE FOR. HIRE. Orders by Mail or Telegraph promptly ;attcudcd to. 2: 36 z-- :8 _ _ KTPLACE OF BUSINESS-John-St.,` One Door south of Ball's I lanin,'.z Factor_y.`6i TEAS -I-I-115.-I-W ARE TEAS. Mm . nvrntrtf vmr\'.': H\\\7 I-JAPAN PEACO. New FRuJTsiJ0$?:%&%.A%BB..LYED- GANBIHED FEELS ANID ALMONDS. .0: BENSON S n:'rI-ICDCE1-S`; AVvA.1Vr-I-:I:::D.-:0 E SMI l`lEl, Ffdw `E0 051- aIa.cR6Ps o WI-I EAT A A DECORATING, 1 .-X PER-HANGING, _ 3!S.QL!a@!ll`3ZS`:'.i`iI$!i`@-3 cscsiiog 633:9 Lawn Mowers and Seats, Scythes, Snaiv h:~.', liulios and Hoes. Hay Forks and Barley Forks,. Grainv Cradle and Binding Gloves, [ :1ris_Gr0m1 and London Purple, ...._.) A1` ( W 3. er. McCUTcHEoN MEssRs. A. &W.-JOHNSTON --j-_ I-IOUSEl"lVOl-_D FURNITURE, U N DER'l"A|T(H|NG - - _--..4..\...q....._..;;..;\p\;\,/\/\ LON 1 North _Side Dunlap Street, one door U'est `of " ' Georgcifs Drug Store. GOOD GOODS AT LOVVEST PRICES A W. -TOHNSTON. Barrie, July Htli, )NDoN, LAYER, VALE.\'CIA_-XS, SULTANA, CURANTS,| Cas/:,en s Block, TBay/ielcl Street, `Barrie. IIEIJ rs-I-I-ma run:-r --u--"V.-- IO: 1. L I. 1 A M H'U MI` E R, HARDWARE STOCK Al-IHEK-VYV `Aio"sI`-{ELF .HRbwAR. 843'. _ . . . . A A A IR A 1-, n./-\,~_/ V KINDLY I-`AWv'0R [IS VVITII A CALL. GROGERIET Fiuf, B|sdui:rs, ab. u..u..-.,-nun n., ........ ..p-.,-..u.,n.p-..n.,- --------- H .--.4 ........................... ., V Two `doors \Vost of Edwards Bookstore. Beg to annduxxcc tlxnvf they have movccl tho.`-ir - ` SUB Having purchased a. rst-cl_ass Hearse is; F prppnrcd to do Undertzuung Cheaper . than any other Dealer in this 1' part oi the country. In -- -- _ E .'1.l'|9U8I|'IOl-_D HINTS wILLIK`1E:fiTER. ll]-`..\I}`l.\IUEl{ \\'l'I .'\ l-ILL Tothc-it New l rL-Iniscs Uandertiaking 3' IN ALL ITS BRANCHES IIANDSOMEHEARSE V- -AT-- And all Funeral Rquisites Furnished. J. HENDERSON S -JAPAN PEACO, VERY FINEBLACK TEAS, ORANGE PEKOES FOR FI.AVUUl .I.\'U .: FIRST-GLASS inosawoon an wnuaur Q co:-:5-11-rs Cwm: Hearse furnished I addition. ` son: or ;Reduced Prices- ! SIS FQ_R `I2 1 I I . '0 .. Lcarse (urn! addition, 51-U l1 Ir 131103." . , Lh00k his head. -- "Hy butter- s too ce_H HEALTH HINTS. v as _ bxgzter somutunca lmcumcs very L . vvuun :3, the middleman said ; tie: to sell 2 Mr. A shook `BM EIX` la) ll: UUWI. uuu Lunuvjv one ggohp the rind and the remaiude of the lemonsrvery ne and addeto the `ij ` dig` tdacrtwo well-beaten eggs `:3: 0}, 31111 heaped _cups pf `Susan ' "'_ 1; lines. plate wxth nch crust, $35? ` erI"fiyere' efcrust around the edge, which may be made to adhere to .1. ...u_.I...;`o.l..-nus M` a little hni-Jam-_ ` niwcn. _._ H L-" ` Thigty_-ve is a. ery rntmern; 1" butter, his neighbors `.IorLy-livc.-," the mid- -1mt. he stxll W UUU INU } Got sickness in the family '1" Kinder, was the reply. Your father? Yes---9.11 but me. Ma is using the. plaster. for a lame side and taking the tonic tor a rash that breaks out on her elbows. Pu takes the trachea for tickl- ing in the throat, and uses the arnica on his shin. Louisa usesthe catarrh snuff and the cough medicine. Bill wants the brandyv for. a sprained ankle, and the squills are for the baby. That's all but grandma, and this prescription is to te- licve the pain in her chest and make her sleep harder, ' `~`.'nH-nor on nnvrnrihlln-.li .A `F:I.lniiV. FP- A druggist had put up n p_rescript.ion of some kind or `other about four times a. day fox` 11 certain small _ boy, besides lling orders for 21. large vaxiety of patent medicines and porous plastelfs. The sales were all cash,l but the d1'aggist s curi- osity. was at length aroused, and he said to the lad : ' ' ' w u- n _L _: -L_-_.. 1.. A1... l`_..-.:l.. 7" " 'I.nere'R no Hmmilng auoweu 1" . The conductor exclauned, To a man who had jumped on the car; I'm not smoking aloud, He gently e lained, . For I noiseless y pu my cigar. 0! the tiny little a.nta,- - How they clamber up your pants - At the picnic nea.th the willows in the glen ! How they seem to take delight in The obnoxious sport of bi'Lin - Indefcnaiblc and modest gentlemen ! The great object of goodlfarming is to get good returns for the expenditure of time and money-not merely to get :1 heavy crop for one season but good crops continuously. This can be done for -any number of years by judicious forethought and good cultivation. We will give one instance--exa.mlple is better than precept. An American farmer. for a number of years had his wheat crop average forty bushels to.the acre. It was always _of y the finest quality, and over the required . Weight. His rotation of crops has been one ih, 2 barley with clover, 3 clover, an_d,}7what succeeding clover. He iieifi;-" issed 9. crop of clover, or seeding it bsile ; the barley, he thinks, rather helps the young clover by,the sllght I shading, and his crops of barley are al- _, ways heavy. - The `clover makes great . growth after the barley is out. no: nlnwn rlnwn fl-in 1-nnl: nlnvnr . Fm Dirty days hath September, April, June and November ; From January up to M ay, The rain it raineth every. day, All the rest have thirty-one, Without a blessed gleam of sun ; - And if any of them had two-and~thirty, 'J.`hey d be just; as wet and twice as dirty. ON" THE SIAl{HI;\GE OF DR. THOMAS LA`.\HiV\VI;I'lI MYSI .\IATILDA LYON. ' M illcunial advocates may sound _ . Their Gabrielic horns; The end of time, the reign of peace, This simple notice-wa.rns.. ` ` 9 lb. B 0 Y Born, Worth At least $10,000.00 To the editor Of the Leader. , Tuesday, 022d inst. - , Mother A and child Doing very well,uud the Father as well as could Reasonably be expected. A fut take," bretlxren--~sII.u;E. weep uuruur, _ " "`ARather an unfortunate famxly, re- marked the druggist. A ,I\ 1,:...~1m. lxn4- nu am,-u H-`cu nhnnnm` LI.ll1l'liUu l/HU Lllklgslbbu Well, kinder,.but pa says it's cheaper than going to Lake Rosseau, and so we plaster up and swallow down and feel purty happy after all. - ' 5116111 UHUhn _ Whose side-saddle is this ?"' Slim Sal Dowdie s. Shift it to the deacon s beast, and put his on her n, andltio the two critters together by the tail. This is old Mother Pitcher s wagon; her hoss [kicks like an grasshopper. Lengthen the breechin , and when aunty starts, he'll make all y agin`into_ shavin's, like a plane. \Vho is that a comin -along full split there a. horseback '1" `T I u 111.. -1: 1)....`.\..7a unn 'i"`nm '\V'n`ii I A Jovousw aoI'r6R' AINE>UNcE- MENT T . . Here is the way the editor of the Charleston (W. Va.) Leader heralds to his readers his joy. over one of those windfulls which are liable to happen in almost any family A: A There is a. good deal of Naturei" in Sam Slick s {description of a country church in his day. Sam says :-- Now" that e the case with these country con- gregations, we know where. The women and the old tame men [folk are inside ; the young wild boys and ontamed..men iolk on the fences; outside a settin on the top rail, a. speculatin on times, or marriages, ortmarkets, or what not, or a wa.lkin' round and studyin hoss esh, or a ta.lki'n"of the swap to be completed of 9. Monday, or a leadin off the two hossea on the sly of the old deacon s takin uh lick of a half mile on a. by-road, * right slap ahead, and swearin the hosses had `got loose, and they_was a fetchin of them back. - n 1111. -_.. ..:.1.. _...Ln.. :n L1.:.. 1". | norsenacx 5' It's old Boo.`oy s son, Tom. Well, it's the old man s shaft hoss ; call out whoa.!_and he 11 stop -short, and pitch Tom right over his head on the broad of his back, wha.p.T _ mm... 15:51. and `Mad Pnkmcnmn scale 1113 back, wuap. - Tim Fish and Ned P1ke,T come, scale up here with us boys on the fence. The weight is too great ; ` away goes the fence, and away goes the boys, all flyin ; legs, ....~... 1.... nnlm: gl.nl:e.u. withes. and all. LUWUH DLUVL uuu Until?` no wuuu V Be plows down the rank clover, for wheat, nine inches deep, he gives it one harrowing, the hauls out the `manure andapreads it. He plows this down shallow, so that the fertilizer may be near the surface to nourish the roots of the wheat plant. He sows his wheat with the drill, one bushel and one-fourth to the acre. His farm is a clay loam. `CL; `ynnna n `nunn ....w.l-.m.. A4` .11..-..~..r. l|i1A and g08S U16 UU_yzs, an u_yAu , Lwsn, arms, hats, poles, stakes, w1the's, all, with an awful crash and an awful about ; `and away goes two or three bosses that have broken their bridles, andvo` home like wink. A -- , ,, __ 111.1,... u;.....,...m.4- H '[`;,,.m uxe wmx. V Out" comes Elder Sourcrout. Them as won t come in had better stay to home, said he. ~ And wheuhe `heaps that them as are in had better stay in when they be there, takes the hint and goes back agin. - Come, boys, let's go to Black Stump S\va.mp _and search for honey. We shallbe back in time to walk home with the gals from the night meetin , by airly candle-light. Let's go. --Co11ege 1 rofessor (to Junior who has been taking advantage of his absent- mindedneas): " Young man, I find. on lookingover the record that this makes the fifth time in two years that you have .been granted leave of absence to attend` your grandmotheuh fune:-al.7 -A couple of young men were out shing the other day, and on returning, were going past 9. farmhouse, and felt hungry. They yelled to the farmers daughters: Girls, heveyou any but- ter milk '3" The reply was gently wafted back to their ears : Yes 3 but we keep .it for our own calves." The boys calcu- lated that the _v had business away --and they went. V - I.Il'y IJHLIU 3 Jun DUI! uuw uI.UnM~vu Llbllls, . pot out the milk things -and go to bed; hearme. Tell Jim Blackinhom to go down the front steps mightyqniet. Bose is around the yard." The sun- ceeding tableau were in two lively ..'.......u nmmninnnA hv In Iinrnnnnl -Hand in hand together they sought to stray leisurely down the path of time,` sipping the nectarine sweets of life from every cup of joy that presented` itself, but just as the bargain was about to be sealed a shrill voice was `heard from the head of the stairs, Mary Jane! Mary J anel you set the b'read:to rising, - `he-1|-. nnlz {Jun flndl .nm-`I UH fl! 2 Qeaumg luuxqlsub. won: an Inn: uvlny scenes, mccompamed by the tinmusical %of the family bn,l}dog. Negtufine mnow ad:-us In themsrkoh ; - . J. For 10 I the lion lxeth down Together with the lamb ; Anon, perhaps, alittle child Will lead them by the hand. PURTY HAPPY. AFTER ALL IR} IIIIU VI-Us JLID lllullll 13 ll Uly LUHLLIJ He keeps a. large number of sheep,and to the regular system pursued and to the keeping of sheep he attributes his success in farming, so that he is gaining every year, his land becoming more fertile and his-crops. more productive. He believes nothing improves a. wornout farm more than pasturing sheep. They spread the manure evenly over the whole eld, and there is no better fertilizer than the droppings of sheep. ` n annfnrn At` 4:11;: fnrmnrv fiunnnix A1111... ..... . .1 ,1 _ ]b1"w'A'Q:L;r rUrr.T_ "" There's no smoking allowed 1" exclmmed. rvvxrurvvxzxg 3- SEVERAL ONNET8.` ox nu: Mmvz coasr xvmrrnn. IN THE OLDEN vT|ME TIOKLISH 1-If-a|1'sT \/`axis/N/N/\/\/\4\~/saw -- . NOT FAR FROM THE KINGDOM IIUBUUIRIULUH UCIUCIAUSMU BLVUB U dU\I- - "According to `the calculations of Struve, the total number of stars visible in the entire heavens, by the aid of Sir \Villiam Hersche1 s twenty-foot rcector,- is more than 20,000,000. . Herschel esti- mates those in the Milky Way alone ,are at least 18,000,000. ' M. Chaconmc thinks 7 7,000;000` not too much for the grand aggregate. _ 0 , . 0 T? tun nnnl nxl kn Huncn Hun}. ;nGnif.n 5I.'iJ4ulA a55uJ5au:. _' If we could add to these tlmt. innite host. which neither eye nor lens can catch the faintest; glimpse of,'the mind would be overwhelmed by the vastness of that illimitable creation of` which we sometimes fancy ourselves the most im- portant feature. V ' 'l`.Iun Jiuhxurw. nf' Hun , in at: imnv9nu. [JUL I/uuu 101014; 12. The distatmc of the st:.11' is as impres- sive as their number. ' AI 1 2 n,,,.,,,,,, __ 41.. _.._._...L :1` ___.. Bl-IU UIUPPLUEB UL DLIGUP. M The system of this farmer though emi- nently successful with him may by others be somewhat modied to suit their cir- cumstances. The same rotation is not equally nppliable to every locality and every variety of soil ; but to all a regu- lar system is essential to secure continu- ous good crops, and it is necessary that the system `besuch as toeadd to, or at least preserve the fertility -of the farm, laboring not only for the present but for future" years. EIVU N3 UIIULL lll|lllUCln Alphir Centauri is the nearest, if we can speak of neaijness in connection with 19,000,000 000,000 miles. The light; of that star, travelling at the rate of 185,- 000 mileaa second, is three years coming to the earth. Twenty-two years are re- quired for the light of Sirius to accomp- lish the Same journey; and the Polai star, the most useful and best known of all, ings its radiance down to us fty years old. ` - ' w4)n`\ nhn A4` Hxuuo an-n-lrn rrn1n1inr~r Hun He tcllethl the number of the stars. He calleth them by their names. - On the horizon of Berlin, according to Argelander, there are visible to the un assisted eye, during the course of the year, 3,250 stars. According to Hum- boldt, there are` 4,146 visible on the horizon of Paris. The mean ..number which can be observed in every part of the heavens, visible at the same time and place, is said to be about,3,000. As only half of the heavens can be seen at the "same time by the same person, the sum total for both hemispheres must be at least double these gures. The British Association catalogue gives 5,900. '.AnnnvAinnr in `Flux noinnlntinnci nf )'cu1'a u1u.. _ Each one of these sparks gemming the brow of night is a sun, and in all proba- bility he centte of a. system resembling our own. Each of them is a source of light and heat to worlds which no earth- ly vision can ever touch. . I-rnur -Jlnnolnn in +]I; rllgnl-/xv OF l'l`IP. ly V -l5'.Ul.l Uilll UVUI. |JUl|||1a How amazing is this display of the power and wisdoni of Jehovah. \Vith what reverential awe should we bow be- fore Him as we learn that His ngers have so beautifully garnislied the hezwens. He calls our attention to these things in the words of Isaiah: To whom then will ye liken 1ne,, or shall I "be equal? Saith the Holy One. Lift up your eyes on high, and behold `who hath created these things that bringeth out their hosts of numbers. He calleth them all'by names by the greatness of His might, for that He is strong in power, not one faileth. ' V * JOHN WESLEWS FIRST HYMN * BOOK V The little volume before me -- John VVesiey s First Hymnal --is ofsingul-.1r and unique interest: Rare as any Shake- speare qimrto, it has equally escaped the search of English and American `collec- tors, and no biographer of John \Ves1ey has so much as dreamed of its existence- Interesting as an American printed book, interesting as :1. hynmal in itself, the` value of the book, apart from its rarity, consists chiey in the evidence it nfTo1'ds of the tone of Wesley's mind during his memorable visit to Georgia. Tkn R.-ml /:vnx\I\nrunr` \ "\ \Al nnl :nn' A` IUUIIIUKIIIJIU VIDLU DU \JU\Jl5|ln The first (supposed) production" of John Wos'ley s hymns isithe very rare Collection of Psalms and Hymns, Lon- don, 1738, of which a collation is given by Dr. Osborne in his 131311 volume edi- tion of J. and C. Wesley's Poetical Works." He evidently had not so much as dreamed of the existence of a previous work ; but to America, and not to Eng-' land, belongs the honor of .producing Wesley's ret. hymn -book. L TEA unlnrnn in n nmnlll nnfavn nf` 7A V1 ODIUJ El ulnu ll] luu.'uvunu The volume is 9. small" octavo of 74 pages, and the title-page is as follows: A Collection of Psalms nndv -Hymns. Charles-Town. Printed by Lewis >Thimot;hy, 1737." A mhn Lnnlr nr\n+n:hu 70 lnrn1nu_n-n-I>v LI.1l|llU|ll.l.y L I U! a The book contains 70 hymns~-forty for Sunday, twenty for \Vednesday. or Friday and ten for Saturday. There are ve translations from the German _ by John Wesley, including `_` O, God thy bottomless abyss. But the text varies from that of - later editions in some in stances, notably in the hymn named, for which \Vesley himself afterwards sub- stituted 9. different measure. There are no hymns by Charles \Vesley, but a psalm or two, and Eupolis s Hymn to the Creator, by Samuel WesleyJ r. 5 a-few by Austin, through a_Dorrington; several altered by John Wesley from Herbert, and the remainder by Watts, make up the contents of a. volume of singular interest on so many dibrent g_rounds.-- W. '1`. Brooke. ' -Na.ture preaches cheei-fulness in her saddest moodsj; she covers even for- gotten graves with owers. -~r , , ,-_ L- 1__.~_.__. .'. ...1 .......L....L `r - `VI - - I ` ' 2-: - BIE5.-RICI{.fPa1'e ` carefully fmmxwo lemons ; then .V V think whibe substance which grows nex the rind, it being very indi gutible and useless article; then squeeze the "nice, into a. bowl and remove the _~.nJ i':.`I..'..-LI... _:'-ml nnrl `Ln 1-nrnn;ntlnu ww -. ..---_. --Keep clear of a. tan that does not value his own character. .. n u .1 `up .--Humilit_:y is of a.'1i'races' the chief- est when it- doesn't know itself to `be 9. grac'e'9.t all. 7I'II_-_..L ..L....:L-u vcnnvv nnn1rn unnu- -Never expose your diaappointmnt to the world. C. 6IIR\II\l UCU V-Oh! V ` -g-Though charity may make your purse lighter one day, yet it will make` itjheavier another. L M on uvwv --.- .._--_-_ I--Good tase is `the modesty of the mind; thatjis why it cannot be either igtated or agquired. ` nu , _._,_ -..:-._:A._. ..l`......... -An In i-vu.-u-A. can-nlvvuvvuvn V- ..-1.._-__. -'1_`he superiority of some men is mere- ly local. They are great because their associations are little. ' ' ` ' 1 '1: ,,__'._1___ .5-.r--v.. a... V. .._.__ ,, - --If.a. mancan bevhdppy and content- ed in his own company, he" will generally good company for othegs. A ' `ll .......!...mn 35' nnl-ynnfnin hI1l';"';n'. W av-cu w-vr---: --- ------- . ;; -_.--1Iappiness is not "outside, but'in`- 51516., g A good heart _a,nd 9, clea.rv'con- Science happiness, yhiol; `no `1-ilohes M and no circumstances alone can ever do. (Not far, no_t_far from the Kingdom, . Yet in the shadow of sin, . How many are coming and going, _ How few are entering in !_ ` AI`-I01`: far from the ' olden gate-way, . Where voices w ' r and wait; Fearing to enter in boldly, So lingering still at the gate. Catching the strains of music Floating so sweetly along, Knowing what they are singing, Yet joining not in the song. Seeing the warmth and beauty, , The innite love and light ; Yet weary, and lonely. and waiting,` M Out in the desolate night ! `Out in the dark and the danger, 7 Out in the night and cold ; Though He is Ionizing to lead them 4'.[`en'4.lerly into the fold.` , _ Nofi fai, not far from` the Kingddm, Tis only a little space ; But it may be at lastandvforever Out of the resting`, place. /Theniwake, oh ! soul, to thy, peril,- Rousc, ere the (lee ening night ' Shut from thy view t e gateway, _ The gate"beyo1_2d which is light; Answer in haste the summons Calling thee home to rest; Enter the open portals And be with the pure and the blast. auunan imanttig; GOLDEN GLEAM8 MTHE STARS Gorm.1um s Swmrr CASTOR OIL, equally suitable for children and adults. Endorsed by _over 600 doctors in Canada. The diculty of administering nauseous medicines, and the desirability of having them pleasant to the taste, induced T. Copeland to undertake re- ' searches, which resulted in the `discovery of a -Sweet Castor Gil, perfectly palatd_bl_@,~ of the same strength and medical uahtnes ' asthe` _ord_inary Castor Oil ; and wh (3 equally safe and harmless vat :u-.tino- with more eartainlv _uru;uary UIISYKJY U11; anu WHUU cquuuy B813 and harmless yet acting with more certainly and producing neither nausea nor griping. Some children any it is honey; others, call it syrup--they all say they` like it. _ One parent says-- My children drink it like water ; another- We had to hide `the bottle orthey would have nished it right off ; another- . Mv little girl has taken it twicafwithnnt anv My little girl has taken it twic WOl11(1 nave 1111131100. 115 ngnt 011;" manner- egwithout any trouble, and does not know what It is, though she hates, the ordinary Castor Oil, and we never could get her to take it without a. ght ; yet another- I wish you success of your Sweet Castor Oil ; it is a. splendid thing-- sure to take the place of all common oil. The extraordium-v' demand for this imnrove- nmnn A 4%; _a.u1'.1:Ii