nnun` cIX)%.`{rjL`1HUIL...3'I-ll WHO 0 0 0111 oggnlgkind, do .not_: xpelt *he_1`-rd in this Tour,sA.:ne!ns v'1`.=J*.r them-nut. . r;'-:: . > .7 _: ' :i*isufuu:%m*m:utiigi 6511 this E146. I GOI;DE|;l`EiLEAMS. TV :-iT?T'|_` [Bi-i-i,"A'p1;il` 22,-1879. J. _noa.1;ly; printed: -- `u . F0_R `sALE, .1 TO7LE l`, _ "$10 smoxma, OFFICE, j TERMS CASH, V ,'N0`CREDIT, No ADMI'f'1`ANOE, ; ROOMS TO LET, _ l1:Vv'sto i.-'.1;-3 fdIloiving`Car(`ls. ` T PRIVATE` BOARDING, PRIVATE` 533,Ox>nn STREET, LoN1>oN, 7 ; .-lttnuazy 21. 1879. regmcreu 1n uwawn. 11ence,any one through- out the British. Possessions, who may keep the American Counte'rfeita.for sale, will be prosecuted. . 4. - uve and thrive pwnere cows would starve, or atleast make poor returns. These nimble animals will climb over rocks and ledges where cows wo_uld not venture, and almost every herb that grows,,even down to Canadian thistles, suice them for food. Pastures are'greatly benefited by being cropped by sheep. They not only keep down weeds, but have more - fertilizing material in -their droppings than do cows. In the milk of the latter, much phosphate of limo and saline, as well as nitrogenous matter, is removed, but sheep carry 011' only what is on their backs. A ock of shm-p always multiply much more rapidly than a herd of cows, and this is especially true of the large .mutton, breeds, wllic-l1 often produce twins. Not to be toooparticular inthe , enumeration of the advantages of the ock-master over the herdsmun, I will only add that sheep will` fatten much more easily than cattle, and when `slaughtered they furnish not only meat but wool, the letter on article that only keeps indenitely. UHU ILHIUFIUKI prosecuted. power, an aeuouncmg this shameful Fraud. Each Pot and Box of the Genuine Medi- cines, been the British Qovernmmt Stamp, with the words Honnowufs PILLS AND 01m'n1m"', `LoNnoN," engraved thereon. On the label is the address, 533 Oxsonn srnsnw, LONDON, where `alone they are Manufectured. Holloway : "Fill; and Oinlmentlbearing any other address are counlerfeits. ' ' The Trade Marks of these Medicines are registered in Ottawa. Hence, any through- Possessions. mav keen I13 SGXIIIIIIB _lu.e(1lc'lneS, - . I most earnestly appeal to that sense of justice, -whiclf1,I feel sure I may venture upon asking from all honorable persons, to assist me, and the Public, as far as may lie in their power, in denouncing this shameful Fraud. Each Po}; and BM: at th. r:....e.:... M.,1;_ HI LVUW IUTK. - ' I do not allow In `Medicines `to be sold in any part of the nibed States. I have no agents there. - My Medicines are only made by me, at 533, Oxford Street, London. * In the hooks nf irtmtinnu .m...1 in Hm uy me, an uao, uxroru mreev, London. In the books of directions aixed to the spnriousimake is a caution, warning the Pub- lic against being deceived by counterfeits. Do not be mislea by this audaciouitrick, as they are (he caun_l_er[eits they pretend 1 denounce. These counterfeit; are nnr:-.'hnnm'l hv nn- mey ure me caun_(_e1'[eus may pretend I`) denounce. connterfeits are purchased by un- princi led Vendors at :one-half the price of my Pi Is and Ointment, and.are sold to you as my genuine Medicines, I mmzt em-nnqtlu annual on Lima. ..........' nc Hx.;n.t,cftaiu Houses in z-L;-ens-`2'11- to many parts of the lobe SPURIOU IMITATIONS of my P` s and Ointm'nt, Tllese frauds hear nn tln-h~"lnhp`lu nnvnn -..`M...-.a.. uvu LA1 LULV o 01 my rms auu Umtmcnt, These frauds bear on the_ir"lnbe1s some address m New York. T .11` AL lI`1l\III hit) II'..J:..2...... L- 1,. __I I - "The PILLs Purify the Blood, correct all dis- 'orders of the Liver, Stomach, Kidneys and Bowels, and are invaluable in all complaints incidental to Females. The OINTMENT is the only remedy for Bad Legs, Old Wounds, Sores and Ulcers, of how- ever long standing. For Bronchitis, Diphthe- ria, Coughs, Colds, Gout, I_{hcumatism,. and all Skin Diseases it has no equal. I- mdst respectfully take lc:_sve to call the K attention of the Public generally to the fact, IN ' thatcgrtaiu in ew York are sendin tn mzmv nsu-ts: nf thn rvlnlm QDTYDTAITE ' In the first place 11 stock of sheep costs less than one of cattle. A farm which will carry twenty cows will carryeight times as many sheep, and to stock a farzn with -twenty cows. and corresponding xtures will require an outlay of 9. thou-. _sand dollars, An equivalent number of sheep-sa.y one hundred and fty--cau be purchased for about half the sum. Again, a. ock of sheep demands much less care than a herd of cows. The lat- ter must be milked daily, and the work of the 'da.iryn1uid' in making butter and cheese is constant and laborious, demand- ing also skill of :1 high order to make it eminently successful. Then sheep will liveyand thrive where would L _ , '1'`! run n" 1nnnI- I-v\l\1rVr\ .-....... ._.. ...., -BEw_AFu-: or-'. `AMERICAN _qoUNn:arE1'rs. . ..-._.-...__ .....-ca -.-c.-n-.-.4-as-sna- - TIIE4 GREATEST `WONDER 0F MQDERN TIMES an."---. _`rn.&nxr. Musl.-, 1.1: Gum ;.;n_1- 'l IlAhh' _.\ul:x. _lIsh Remedy, an unlailiug cure for Seminal Weak- ness, Spcrmnlor- xhea, llHp()h.'llC)', and all diseases llnalfulluw ns :1 snquence uI'S'clf- Abusc; as Loss K ; -` of_l\1emory.L`ni- "` . - versnl Lzlvz.-zilude. C1" Ta3Ung- Pain mthc Back Dunn_ess of Vision. Prcmulilrc Old age, and manyolher dxscascsthnl load In Insanity or Consumption and a Premature Grave. l;3='l-`ull pm-- licularsinourpnmphlct, which we desire to scudlree by mall to every qne E`l`l1e Specific Medxcmc is sold by all Drm:g1sls at $1 per pnckpge, or snx pack. ages for. $5, or will he scm free by mail on rccelpl oflhe money by addressing . ,_ , , ,._ ___.-_-- --4 `IVIO, \V'I.\`n.=.on, 0111... Canada, gjzfsold in Barn: by all Druzgisls and by` all whole-" sale uu-I re'.:ul Druggis1s"m Canada and the United States. _ , _ '3-ly, '1 BE GREAT saosnormas REMEDY AND PILLS p The success that these _medicines have met with since their introduction to the public some years ago. proves plainly to the most skeptical that they are-medicines that perform what the are advertised to. The virtues of these med - cities have been well tested and have withstood their trial iga. most `satisfactory manner. For discases of t e Blood. Liver, _Lungs. &c.. they are ttnsurpnssed. '\Vc have testimonials of miracul- ous cures or these disea.ses._und many others. If any one issiicted, let him try_ 11_ bottle of the Rented . and a. box of Pills.` No 1n_u11'ious etfccts - will fol ow their use to the most delicate person, as they are purely vegetable: their being no mineral matter in them. 'i`he cost is smnl while the u.dV1'lltlgCS derived from their use wil doub-- ly relpay you for your exgenses and trouble. The med cincs are widely nown throughout the Dominion, and are for sale bgthe principal medi- cine dealers. Try them, an be convinced that these medicines are no humbug. No one who has tried the shoshoness.Pil1:-.lms ever pronounc- ed on unfavoi-able opinion of them. no family where they have been used will be without them. Fulliuforiimtioii may be had on all pnrticiilurs ' touchingthe use. nud the e.\'p_erien-e of those-. who have used them, by .H`(l(`.lll'il)g`_ tho i'i'entise or the Ci:-culur from any in-nggist in the liomin- ion. lfrec. Price of tin: lic-xiu-y in mm bottles Si: Pills :35 cents a box. MARK, 1 _1 I : , I U l S I C \ mthc D or we muscles. atnfjoints, spinal dilculties, and rain and soreness in any part, no matter where t may be, or from what cause itmuy arise, it al- ways does you good. l`wen t4-ve cents worth has cured bml cases of chrome and bloody dy- sentery. One_ tenspoonful cures colic in 15 minutes. It w1ll c1_1re any case otplles that it is possible to cure. SIX or eight axipheatlops is war- ranted to cure any case 0 exqo ated nutages or inamed breast. _Fox-bruises, 1f_u. plied o n and bound u . there Is never the s11g.test discolora- tion tot e skin. It stops the pnm of 9. burn as soon as applied. Cures frosted feet, bolls warts and coma. and wounds of every descrlpuon on man or beast. . ~ ` S. N. THOMAS. PHELPS; N. Y. AndNOR'1`HROP & LYMAN, Toronto, om. 4 Solo Agents for the Dominion." No'r1-:.-Elctm:-Seleoted and Electrizad sure no BERG tne piece or nu common 01l."' " 1 The extraordinary demand for this improve- _ fment` of "a. staple household medicine has `brought fradulent imitations into the market :`but the publie- can guard themselves against substitutes (which unprincipled parties are at- -tempting to sell on the reputation of this article) by seeing that the name, CopeIand s Sweet,Oastor Oil; is on both wrappexgand direc- tion label. . . The ......`l.......'........1 L-_.:;_.. ......:I.___:I tr..-ArL or the muscles. stfjoints, spinal ELEc'mIc"rLY! THOMAS EXOEISIOR ELEC- TRIO OIL! _ Womu TEN TIMES rrs_ Wmaur I_N GoLD.-,Pa.1n cannot stay where it is used! It 13 the cheapest medicine ever'made. "Ono dose, cures co_mmon sore throat, - One bottle cured brouc_hit1s. Fifty cents worth hascured an `old standmg cough. It positively cures catarmh. asthma and croup. Fifty cents` worth has cured crick in the back, and the same quantity lame back or eight years standing. It cures swelled neck, tumors, rheumatism, neuralgia. contgraction _ Tcultxes, pain and soreness In part. where VN STOCK. A. Hyde gives, in the Country Gentle- man, some of the advantages the shep- herd possesses over the herdsman, as follows: ` T_, :1 1- . s . .. .. . mun muel. . ' V _ The undersigned, having purchased Messrs. T. Copeland & Co's interest in the above pre- paration, are now manufacturing it from the original recipe. . * _ NORTHROP & LYMAN. Toronto. Aakfor Copeland s Sweet Castor Oil. Ob- serve the name. Donot be deceived. Sold by ell medicinedealers. Price 25 cents - wuuxu nave unlsneq 113 ngnn OII ; " another- little girl has taken it tw iceiwithout an trouilc, and does not know what it is, thougg she hates the` ordinary Oaatar Oil. and we nroumc, and (1088 not know what it 15, though 9:91`-dine}:-y Oil. and we never coil get her to take it `without a` gh Q vnf. nnnltlua-_H `I vial. `nu. ............_ -2 me nape; wig ordinary Uaator U11. and nevexf col g ght ; " yet another- I wish on _success of you; Sweet Castor Oil ,- it is a sp endid thing- sure to take the place of "all oiL' . The extraordinm-v doxmami far tlnimnmun- t` h'er' it `without uwpuu uauwt I f uepny D16, 01 `N18 same stren _ nngdpfmedical $13593 38 the ordinary" astox-Oil ; `and wh e equally safe and harmless yet acting with more certainly and producing neither nausea nor Some children say "it is honey; others 1 syi-upi-they all say they like it. One parent says -- My children drink it like water; another - We had to hide the bottle or they would have nished it right off another- My girl taken icelwithout a.nv Cori1._mn's Swn1:;_6As1`on On. , equally ' suitable for children and adults. Endorsed by o'er.600 doctors in Canada .Thedi.tcn1ty of ladmmistering nnuseon: medicines, and the desirability of havingtizem pleasant to the taste. induced '1`. caneland "to `undertake m- L-avwll u-uuvvu-g -uvx--v--vu, s-nu uni desirability-` taste, induced T. Gepeland `to 'I1z}`dertake re- aqarches, which resulted inlzlio discovery of a SwectCasbor0i1,*perfecy-pal_augb}e, of the szuye streggth ,medi_cal _ guahtzes solo Agents for the Dominion. ' Non-:.-EIcuc-SeIoot.ed and E_le_ctrized `.2 n`Ai'mirr..` l'lEDlOII\IES'. aov AMONG -rue cu-m..pn:n. T HEEP BETTER THAN CATTLE Giiiaf Maulcm co, 1:r._.,___ r. . .. _(:RAY'S spzcmc ` MElbIlE.,. Inu \..a. n. `WESLEY a.,KmG. A ADVANCE OFFICE. LP+il' _ ` 11 , THOMAS HOLLOWAY K,` TN A XIE _.\LUt `Pam f at rreozrou taking. ) J. .L.l..L1vJ:ul.`.I,_.l..l.V K1` ' , ` minent is so heavy that the large rodncing resources of the factory "are vastly 2389211: 1sBs:(n tl:1:ill every effort is made to satnnfy cnatogners, and those wanting machine: should look before they leap and send in thezr orders nght away for one of Abel] 5 Pamgon Thrashers. Then they may rest assured hut of all the market oifel-s_ they will have the rybest PERFECT om` builft. It A saqler o:l'l`tlMtIg, 9lkIl21VthAND.l 1Iloy1:nI_nr,uk and tngefcilro ,- agreat avoune._ eo y rou ex: -921) pnuppyan ng _eup ta -and though there 13 a. very large staff employed in thaworks the continued ow of o , . , ~ Paragon: now that the suuccxsuux rt,-curu Lu unrvanuua uxnmlmon grounds anq In acmaz farm work it `is conceded ' 8 `on all han that the Patent -`PARAGON Threshing Machin, of great celebrity; manufacturd by John Abell.otA his extenaivewo;-kg in W`"'"* i "LLa"e" o'i.`ih.}"?:`.if... {?,.1."1 .`1.2.`i?3:`..:?.?f.5'.,.`1E.`:{` ` W Whine -L :1 .1. .13 J.` .l. to all__that this is the common sense view of the matter, and it won` take a. second orthird-rate article when the very finest in with in 1 successful record inthe-various exhibition ounds and in actuai fa A0` 11" 1...... .. LL-L LL- .'n-;,_ . So preach it to cm parson, Jest lay it out plain and square, That the land ows with milk and ho: That peace` and health are there. An call back the clerks an runners, An show em the peaceful charm 'l`lmtA waits to cheer and bless them On father's dear old farn3. -L .I..L .L.l"' Threshing seaeon is now upon us, and_ it behiooves. eve ' _max_1 who is at thresher, or who ten- gages athreaher, to employ the machme _wl_1_1ch M11 as ord hm the greatest satisfaction, and do the best work and the most of It 111 the shortest hmc. Of course it must be QUE A FULL ASSQRTMENT OF Stationery, School Books, THE VERY%FINE$,WaEr.oF PATTERNS - __ -. _...--`.30.: Ever brought into Barrie. The inauguration of the National Policy wil} cause a. duty - least, 25 per cent. to be placed upon all forengn papers, and benngalnve to this fact, and wishing to give my customers every mlyantage, I have secured my `stock before the advance in the tariff. `I can therefore WALL PAPER! wA|.L PAPER! THE EMPORIUM. - - JOHN WATSON. ONE 0001: WEST or Z`HE- BARRIE HOTEL, r -ALSO- 6060A MA'l TlNli, MATS, FLDQII Dll.-MOTH. [NORTHERN BOOK DEPOSITORY Give the Public Wall Paperat the bid Figures, and in some raises Below Last Seas0n s Price.', ` Februn-`y 19, 1379. auiifmtcocu. u an . "rm: o ` From 25 to 50 per cnt- Saved bv Leaving your Order during the 3 RUSSELS:M _ '" 7f"}(i5|:371`sI2\*, K1DD|gRM1Ns'rI;R UNIONS, 3 DUNLOP STREET oAa:Pla3'|.`sz % q:A&:Pm`s :2 SANDERS` BROTHERS, Cleiaring out FALL AND IVINTER Stocks Which. together with the balance of our. Summer Stock, _we are olferin at ATTitAC- TIVE PRICES. We draw attention to Special Lmes in TAB E NAPEBY. Vm-v (Thanh 1.5111: in nnl-9 -- -__-- - ----- ---:--.-. v--u u--vuuvu--- ---~- nv II on C%UlV IJIZVIIU. Our Small Ware Stock is kept constantly Assorted in__e_v_o.;1'y_(191'-ail.'..O11.r.riend.s.can-41epen upon getting all they wept, and at the Right Price. ~ ` WINSPEOTIOE, INVITED F5?! Iceman -nvu tnxvns. we uraw anwuuuu w mpucuu macs 111 `llllihl rl. . v _, . Very Cheap Lines in pure ._ Linen Table Napkins and Bleached and Brown Table Linens. nnr Qmall Xvnun Qtnnl. 1.. I-....L .......J.-._u.. A __-_1._.I :.. --._.._ .1_4._:1 n___ 4-, - , , 1 ' What hdsts ov cm go bzsckbrokcn In health, in mind, an purse, To blame themselves for errbr And their llzml, hard lot to curse ! An how many mourn when useless, ' That they didn't see `the charm, The safety and independence, Uv life on theygood old farm. 090 L EAR T N G one`a66 p Asg*:s*%:s;;1;L;s%ii Y \'|"I.1"KT`l3G'I'\ TITXYT 130 [New Fall G00ds 2| "III "ZKZIfI'IKTf "13 I I`III`' IUTTXIIITH, KT -;--4 I '3 -Vljnj :13: I Sm An Increased Duty, but No` In%c_rea;se injPrikce. AN INSPECTION OF SAMPLES INVITED. A :o::-- LOOK BEFORE YOU LE, IM1PiumvI2 A11 at the Closest Prices. "\rv7V\r\r\r\r\r\rv ' i *'s'7.'z""A u TU M N 3 I873. So when the rozul to state prison . Lays by the good old farm, , An a man sees a. toiling brother Well out of the way of harm, He mom-ns t he hudn 1; staid there, A-tillin the soil in peace, \Vhere he ll yet creep back in dishonor, After a tardy release. Ms W mi ;o;--_.-..__. We huge already opened up a large lot of our New Autumn Goods, comprising Q1355 A `KI- T--I I IQ :2 bnvaoos, REKDFMADE cLo'n-`mm, dnoosnuars; ac mm. YS oL'6i7A}vD EANGY Goons, SPRING IMPOR TATIONS I THE My Stock of WALL PAPER is now complete and embraces vxshmg to give customers hr-.v'e secure therefore ...., .. ....... ......._......,, ............g`..u.cu u_y uuuu {Layman ms e;tensive.works he leadmg machme of the dagom Oangda, and }t 1: not aft-and of made outside of Oanaglian nnda either, bemg the moat . us zPAHA"'EoN: - AND BE szms D. BUILTONLY BY rnepoye must learn thE_nt1aa_rzii1I.-_ oanemoi-e n essence "of `b'ooks.. An the girl: must learn that beauty Consists .1n mo.re n their 1o'ok's. I {vs can steer olean uv failtlres, An. big nancial alarms,` > ` Theboys hive got to nit clerk1n r - , An"get back to war on the farms. I know it ain't quite so nobby, It ain t quite so easy I know, , Ez parting your hair in the middle, An settin up for a show. ` ` But there : more `hard-dollars in it, An more independence, .~_too, An more real e and contentment, An health t t is ruddy and true. I know it takes years of labor, But you've got to hang on in a store, Before you can earn a good livin DUNl.OP STREE r, BARRIE. :I:aA.1=I. Anii.1vALs or :., &c..' on hand_ as usual, cheapest in town . THE NEWES_T DESIGNS I_N --MERCHANT TAILORS, - ._.___.J._. ....n uuuuw nun THRIZJSHING .Irv um 41.. 1.....-"..--:_;:_ _ _ , JLOTHI./v G ll()U'S+7 1 --'I'~ CE[ E- next Thirty Days. 3'6ui ;';o"t "`1;:.:z:uc;,x; yon earna good livin An clothes, but little more. mw anyumng 0188 out 8. I1 mo111d'`?fb-f-!The- water in making bread mat_ beL.tepid. It it is too hot the 1-.-.:....:|u..=.;-1|:-..c ......'.n...1.. Jr. 1...:1 PATEN -3-... ..LL___L;,, , . 3. GROMPTON & co. T'-.g -; __..L 4-. 560-) 860-1 E 1In{rE.i~ FzL.s. .-AT THE- -Ti-I E room /or AT TIIE An} .[`[~lE vyuu. -11]. inc Work I An you steer well clear of temptation, On the good old honc-at farm, An :1 thousand w_ays n fashions, That only brings ye to harm. ' There ain't but few that can handle With safety other mcn s cash, An the failure of many who try it, Proves human natur is rash. she matter,_nnd would be reach. 'ounds farm wo s that folly for a person to Owing to rk, is Y therefore ' ' 1;] zilke up to the 13443.8...` TIIIBSIIBB BEAVERJ '. in order to make` I:n.porVte'ra. of at '3 this fimt, A-mun: we (lay; uv Te ill.-wn`.upon u'$P-"ty - hm must learn that 1ux?1iij1' Molns more'n essanmnr I.-.'..l... BARRIE, 5 orders for I .0` I! World, Load ""'| Panto . '7 `ml 0"! Show npomn, Lud:zzIo'B.b , < _ V . . VI uwuuguume _ .lel'30nz| , u . 5 ` "cwherc mu P5"; N111 Wnolegu ` fromthe `Buy"8I`es' ' T . nnnuf V pecmuy ' ' . %'n1'V, Silver, ma E-1:t"Y the Iustmircintds before sendxng their orders r` - :tL_ but a selection can which are sen1;atalt3';es of \VltchuS Ch h.Ch` dltgct ' V. nacouna Watches, ;l.`M.`nf3t?Y, eI4l:((1Zn`tt0heRl~,38t sm: i1l;et?l 1: s\-7l;(;1tdonlyJi? 1 . 1 to and Jewellery gong P 1"` BD!0n g Pam mp`: on Turret C100 mt F1"-`E Wgtchea mgzsafo by Post to all Y9 IIIIOII 1749. ' _ ll Enabllnlgmont, 95 0... _non upon: 8* LOIIOI. V luI`0d 17490 aw as. qom Je_wellery, of the riche sta:1-1;iTn:)`;t *3; , after Designs` to o from the mn nufa_:tory_ Illustrated C Uf d ' ` ' - . A ' every escnptxon, amtnble for all cllmates, from 2 to 200 guineas. Chronogmfhg, c1m,,m. me Kayla Levers Presentation R 9339, Railway Guards , Soldiers an Workmen s Watches f Ext tre Drawihg `1)zgom,m[,sib,:1gth'0ag!i`;l:,"`L" h1'h3. Turrets, or Public Buildings, Dining; or Did`. &0- Artistic English Cloclu, dec:;lx`-`:;le ~(1H'}11. or Shop. Perpetual Calendars, "1811 nut any lliyle of furniture; also as no It} with `vd8Wd and Other `V9305. d5'E'i t 5 5.; Gold Jewellery` iichestvfmies for prese1_1t_s. Mgdo solely by Benson. From and _Devices, Einmellod in Colours afte `B03? exqmslto desxgns, with _Monogram_8. C_"'~'"l` Prec1ans_MetIJB ; Brooches, Bracelets Nlocklkslghs by the most accomphahetl Artxsbt_1n't_n 26;.-`P".`:3v'e:.':.*".... * the com; and :::.;':; L;;%i:*;a.::;';:o:EgE:" : e,:" ;"**' an 6 ` _ v rc `O . 9, fro _ o Bnyra are specmlly mvzted, orderss: C\;xaiens th ~ _ . n JeweIlen. 8il!\lvar,ul.'.1iuI!!`11.E.r_ya_P.'e I.n.t"8ted Catalogues of Watches. C11. .a:.muns , 4 - 2 T - C 3 7 7 Of every description, suitable climates, to Levers, Presentation, Re Railw, Watches of Extra strength. Clocks, for (ghurches, Tun` Room, Library, Carriage, Church, Hall, J Dials, `A.rt`is l_tic English decorated with We lnit nnv Iv -1 A """ " V FRESH SAUSAGES DA ILY. 40-3m. To the Queen andndyal Family, and by special appoir Wales, I. R. M. the Emperor of Russia, the Maharajah u Princes. Barrie, March 12, 1879. ,.. There's got to be a xiiit, He solicits a icall from parties requiring such \ Mnrlnrnf `3ENsoN's,'"WATcHEs eve":-y description. auitnhla rm. .1: ..u:.__._ _ x4;xu 1.u;4.u.\J V DU Capon dc Pearcy-`s Old stand, oppos Where he is prepared tovdo promptly and cheaply any _\ "h"\r/\-v-we-.-.-up. ' A--- -- -~-- HOUMJ, SLGN & CARRIAGE PAINTING. `D1`.{`!( H3. A'l`T?\Tr1 1) \ nun 4n- . -nay"... 1 [HAY & HARXTEST TOOLS. j :1 jjju EXT-I-C-A CHOICE YOUNG HYSON, GUNPOWER, JAPAN, F I R81`-GLASS ROSEWOOD & WALNUT COFFINS With Hearse furnished in - addition, 1 HOAUSAEHOLD HINTS SCALE OF Reduced Prices. sea son sso O " 40 " 30 P|ZE MEDALS-LONDON. DUBLIN AND PA|S.`$ 1'A`l"IA\`I' hwlnnn HE NEW T1:->oRI:sI-II0P NEW FR u|Ts`JUT ARRIVED. CANDIED PEEL AN,D ALMONDS. x ' u `U jj? ~ I . 2 --.. - Constantly on hand, Shrouds, Head Lin- E -- _' ing, Gloves, and all Funeral Requisitea. iHEARSE FOR HIRE. Orders by Mail or Telegraph promptly Lnttended-to. ITPLACE OF'BUSINESS--John->St., One Door south of Ball : Planing Factoryfit T... ---`\aVJ\JI .n. DECORATING, PAPER-HANGING, as.m:_m's3u::;<:r::srca a_ca.. HEALTH HINTS. ._.___.\.___.__j__T GEORGE Tsmrr, Lawn AM0wcrs and Seats, Scytlujs, Snaiths, Rakes and Hoes, Hay Forks and Barley Forl. :, Grain Cradle and Binding Gldvcs, Paris Green and London Purple, ) AT (..____. .5. J. 1\[cO'-l'V_;J".lI'(JI-II:'J()]NI' /\`-r\v\ ...,.\ `W M ESSRS. A. &W. JOH NSTON GOOD GOODS AT LOWEST PRICES A 8; W. JOIINS'_l`OI\'. "art/:1 Side Tllzuzloj) -S't'reel, one (II.-or "'63! of Gco7'rrcn's -Dru 0 Store. A :3 2: Barrie, July Hth,_ 1579. LONDON, LAYER, VALENCIAS, SULTANA, CURRANTS,| HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, UNDVERTAKING _,--.A4\ HARDWARE STOCK 1LI.1AM"` THIUNTER, Ca`shen .sV Block, Baa/eld?`Street, Barrie. KINDLY FAVOR US VVITII A CALL. HEAVY Ai\Ib"sH-E|.F` If-IAVRDWARE; 85:: .-\...~..,...-.,. _ . . . _ . A A AAA AAA/\..,; Two doofs \Ve: cnoczmss, i='r}Iii"r, BISCUITS, ac. In'InI'In'Iul'~ IIIl'Inl'II'llI'll`IIIII.lI|lII.lI.;'I|IIll`Iu" .Inl|u'Iu'u`II'I-In-Dunn!- cg tn :':.unnx11m.-bth:;t thvy l1a\`b rnrmed their WILLIAM :_ifITrI'TEn. EM uuu uuu squamc, 3 honey, there. . ZUZ Having purchased A rs_t-class Hearse is! - prepared to do Undertaking Cheaper ' F then any other Dealer in this ' part oi the country. L A Q A 1:1 -'..\I1-I'.\IHElL \V'E SELL HAS RE.\IOVED TO i_ng work, and guarantees Perfect Sm .\lodcra.te Charges. ` To thcir \'s-_w Premises Y. BOLOGNAS, Vest ol'vEdwi1rd.9' Bookstore. _ _AT__ VHANDSOMEHEARSE 'Usnd.Terta]a1 n 8 IN ALL ITS BRANCHES --When after leaving your country .3,i.n5.9t` P39 dP9`7 You -hoist their-1` bush'9_1s of plums and pears yuan ` train. do not forget to fall 9.11.... 41...; ` rl, opposite the Clarksun House. And all Funeral Requisites Furnished. J. HENDERSON S I2P0intmonts to H. R. H. the Prince of Nah of Burdwan and to several Ind'an J APAN -PEACO, VERY FINE BLACK TEAS, _ ORANGE PEKOES FOR FLAVOUIIIMR : _work entrusted to him in the way of -9- . .u..__, -- 5, SMOKED MEATS. v&(' gmos. LISTER. $59 <@a Vckilnshiscoun. at on! 1--` e 1 1, |".ld_ y.mler1I 3110' d E1)-$0 yosl w.u1d i.-W gug'LD Va. tuuuao auu P6513 8.lX)II'a' your- _m '7 0 y I wmx-,9;-_ if you did_`'1`z`ot_ live in so small 3! FIRST-OLAVSS `ROSEWOOD & WALNUT corn-11vs With Hearse turn lhcd addition, SCALE; OF Reduced Prices} I 4; =9. `.3 Satisfaction and 51 "Y - -- I'm `a rutabaga, and here's where. I pliant myself, said a tramp as he entered alfarmhouae the Loithqr day land: seated himself at the table. ' We ailrs` bile ours, said the _tarmer's wife, and soused him with a dishpanfuli of boiling water. - , andikt jinn]; wohqgnthdnpwn l$Q&In.\J '. 4111 _..L2__..... _.l.`I. .10 tumor` `L:-up` an ,n:\`-, unnllr --A young gentleman meeting 9`.-hand some milkmaid, said; Whatwill you" take for yourself and year milk, my dear 2" The girl; "instantly replied, - `fYoj1rself and agold ring,.3ir.f L --:1 UV|_l_I.I5 utuy gown D88? RGVBIYUSGI fora young man that " embraqd A opportunity, and says :- 'If"'1i vfiii come over to our town he can do better. --A commercial exclm.n'ge` gives the startling intelligence that dressed hqgs are moving "briskly to the sabbard market. V L V 5 - - You call that a trunk, do~you 3" growled a dejected hotel porter. "I_t only needs a lightning`-conductor` to make; it look like at boarding house. 5 _,__,,,, 1 1 --A Dentiss sig`n---Drawing, music and dancing. 7 ' ' He went wway` higl.1l_y. dielighted, de-L claring that :1-great burden had been taken off his mind. \ vunu, l:|l5`a'U3UU}.I tut: Unllbillll. V _ 1 "But11havebn t-got; an_v--not a dol- ar, was t 1e reply. A Then how can they rob you ?"T That's so-ne\'er thought of t.hn.t!" chuckled the man, as his face brightened. After the_v've gone `to the t_1'oul)le of knocking: me down and dragging me into some `nlly, they Won't nd :1 red in my, pockets--ha! ha! ha!" . . T-In uvnnf uuvnv l\;n]\]\7 :in.".-`JxlnJ Jn A badly frightenecl stranger, whose} dress betmyed the fact that he hadn t; much ready casll, called at the Central Police Station the other day, and com- plained that two men had been follow- ing him around for several hours with a View to robbery, 1 A man vnn 1m,l- lmnm. I,.....;. ..-._.. LUL Luz: wuu LU uuluc mung. VVell, nor, exactly; I. stopped hero to feel in my pocket for thevkey of the barn. , I shall slcep on the hay tonight, and see if it won t cure this cold in my head !--Det2'o2't Frre Prcss. V mw uu 1uuux:1)', Well you had` better` leave your money here until you get ready to leave town, s11ggested the captain. Rxwf T Hnvnn f.-ant nv-.n_ nu! n .l..1 COOKING .Pno\"1-:R1:s.-~ l`hcre is a green- ness in onions and potatoes-that renders them hard to digest. _Fon hcalth s sake putthem in warm water for an hour be- fore cooking. . . .Good our is not tested by itsoolor. White may not . be the best. The test of good our is by the amount of water itiabsorbs. . .`.In cook- ing a.` fowl, to ascertain when`itAi"g1one, putre. skewer in the breast, and if- the breast is tender the fowl is done. _. ..O1d potetoesmay be freshejaed: qpeb'yp1u'ng- ingthem into cold water befolteo Oookin .-..y ,`Never put 8 padding that `is to.be into anything else but a dry ..... ..'."1 -.`~?....'m..i .a..;...- ma :.. e.....1.:...`. ; vuuaucu, uuu _yuu uusu bu 116 (N11? OI ID 1" Board and checkera [fell between them He could get on his hat quicker than she could nd heir bonnet,*:md that was the only reason why he got out of the house `first. A \Voodward avenue grocer found him sitting on 3, basket of cranberries at the door its he was closing up for the night, and asked him ifho was waiting for his wife to come along. `V911, nnr. nvq-nn - T M-nnn,.,1 1.....- vvuxuuuvu. nu. Juu. A_uUVU. V He looked down the board, saw that such was the case; and roared out, You've moved twice to my `once ! I haven't. 7 ' _ I ll take myvonth you have ! Ican`t play against any such blackleg practices. \Vho s a blabkleg? You not only cheated, but you tried to lie out of it!" 1!.-......'l ......J ,.1.....1.A.. 1-11 1.4,," -1 nus . \ L_un u uuu : I -l`UWll HIIHX I V9 got :1 king. ` - ' One, would think by your clxildish actions that you ntaver played :1 Ag-aim before, ho growled out. , ' ' 1 know (:nTo}u'ghAto Lent you. Youdo, eh I1 Some folks are awful smart. ' A 1 run -u....`. an .u\'|. 1\:.u5 Lullhul cu u.u.uuuUl' HHHI. \\_7lmt'. in thunder are you jumping `that Way for T A king can jump :mywa_v. No, he can t. Yes, he can. - _ Don't talk back to me, Martha. Grat- tan! I was playing cI1cckers_wheii you was in the cradle. ' :-r 1 I. r Iv Lu) Au. uu\. vxuuxuy I don t cafe I I can jump two men whichever way you move. `In ]nn]'nI] 1`.-nun l:1.. I ..... ...'IV ..,._._ A.1__L .,......u. _ , . And some folks ain't ! `she snapped, as her king captured another man. (4 \Vla..I- {n +l\n.mln.. ...... -...._ :._.._..:._ __ |u\,r\,\ n An I.LA|'_l| VIII: 1 , Put them nwu right back there 1 PVC concIu(Icd- not to move backwamls, even if Hoyle docs permit it. She gum in" 51guin,:1nd when he_jmnp=d :1 man her nose grew red and she cried out: ` ` ' 111911. - -' '- uuv. ' I didn't mean to move tlierj, I was thinking of the social. . u ('.n.`o- l..v.1'.\ 41... ...\..:..1 1| ._ .1 Izlllllnllla U1 UIIU Dklyl. C:m t help the socinl,_ .M;u-um-<.we_ must go by Hoylef lllllll all ll'Y J.l\JJl`:` I In about two mmutes 2.-he jmnpod two men mu] wont into the king row, shout-- ing .` ('1_'owu him I (91-mvn him! `I've N H ...\L..1 . ' I CHoK1No.--When a particle of food or any other body, becomes lodged in the throat, go upon all-folirs, and cough." If it is not expelled, the patient should be "seized by the heels and suspended head downward,` while his back is percussed by another person. If the body can be seen by drawing the tongue well for- ward, seize it with 9. pair of ' forceps, or a book made by bending the end of a wire or a. hairpin which has been straight- ened. Sometimes it may be elevated from its handle. _ If it is out of sight, and all efforts to expel it are unavailing, press it down with the nger _or a smooth rod with a rounded end, throwing the head back as far_ as possible while doing so. `A body which has lodged part way down the esophagus, may sonietimes be pressed down into the stomaeh by pressing hard upon each side of the neck close. to the win?! ninn position by means of a. spoon ' ,,a ..__....v --A young lady down East adveu )1` a " V ._`A'I"[ ......._L`__EL_. "4a11'1brac,ed'_,I_;` Ull\.Ll`Ll'lD uuuvu: Juu WCIL` VUUFH 1 She snuxru chance to jnmptwo more 1neu,_:u1d g:`l.\'(? in Hm point, but as she IIl()\'.t`(1 he cried out : uT).,L Al, '1- ` ' JLIIIKXDIJ LIIILI Ill- I don"t sec mlything to"grin at, he suec-red, us,he moved aman 1mck\vrd_ `_` Here 2 you c:m t; move that way 1" she called out. I c;m b, eh I ] cr}xzips I never played checkvrs befme you were born ! Qlnn nun n I\1xnv\rn.-\ 0.. ;,,,_ . vv u_y J _ u w uu.u U.l`U, sue repuea. They sub down,. and he" claimed the first move. She at oxic objected, but when he. began to gt-ow red in_ the face shc yielded and he led off. At the fo\11`th move she to:k a man, chuckling as she yanked him in. A H T :1.'\1\'.`- ..,.,. .\....n.:.-_ L_'....3.. ,: H I (Lll\l EJKIJ [I15 . _ . Well, Mrurtlm, we'll have a game or two before we go to the social. I expect to beat you all to flinders, but you wqn t care. ` {evenings very pleasantly, andhe-*sup .-.-on '<- Up to three evenings ago such as a checker. board was never knovi'n}in ' Mr. Gr3.ttau s house. He and hisqfqd, partner have managed to pass thelh posed they were happy enough, until I ' friend from the East -paid them a ying visit, and asscrtediover and over again that the game of checkers was not only all the rage there, but that it served to quicken the perceptive faculties, enlarge the mind, and render the brain . more active. After giving `the subiect due` i thought, M 1'. Gmttan walkedydown town and pur ch'.ised :1 checker-board, and when evening came he surprised his good wife by bringing it in from the wopdshed, and saying: 4: m..n !\r,...n.- --4>-"` 1 , punk}. Of course not, and .if I beat. you, W11 y y_'u wou .t. care, she replied, Th:-.v sat. down and 1m- .-l.;:m...1 um HOW HE WAS RELIEVED Anu nu wno amt provid Had better go to Texas. .Lne riurners to U_lul.l. 1 The little, shnr1ing,,carollihgl;sbes That brak our nightly rest, . Should be Eacked off to Babylon, To Laplan or to Brest. ` ` F:-`om Spithesd cooks. zo` o'er to Gseece, - And while the'Miser waits His passage tothe Guinea coast Spendtlmfts are in the Straits. S insters should to the Needles go, \ inc-bibbers to Burgundy, Picnickers -lunch at Sandwich Isles, Wags see the Bay of` Fundy. Bachelors to the United States, Maids to the Inn; of Man ; - - All gardeners to Botany Bay, ' And shoe-bla.cks.to Japan. _ `Thus cmigra.te,~and uusplsced men VVi1l then no longer vex nn, PULL Cal}-I. C `Wind pipe. A Lnns cmxgra.ve,~ana misplaced I! longer vex us, And all who aint provided for _ better (In tn 'l`m`ma :1." The Brewers should to Malta go, The Boobies all to Scilly ; - The Quakers to the Friendly Isles, The Furriers to Chili. ,. The llttln, niunrlinn an-..lI:.;.. L..L__ THAT cm-zcxzn BoAR_D__ abs "u1i iithvifezti 4433444---- A PLACE, FOR U3_._"_,AI-`I -"-, 7 'rI_1'-arts ~.'-L" ".-.-~;:."-:..%"s;""'::*:`_= I, ,. V; . .--Strife, ItdvS,:m'y./soul; to'fbe~m`no- cent ;_ yes, benecent, Does any man a `wound thee, not only forgive, but `work ihtothy thought intelligence of the kind of pain, that than mayeat never inict it on another spirit. Then its work is done; it will never whole,` nature Oh, love much; and be`org'ivefii! CROUI - Pam:-:N1i1\ r;. -An exchange recommends the following as a croup preventive: L First get An piece of chinnois skin, make it` like a. little bib, cut the neck and sew on tapes to tie it on ; then melt together` some tallow and pine tar ; rub some of this in the chamois, and let the child wear it all the time. Renew with the tar occasionally , se=;d39me;i`e:`r-Sf? . A--Strii, g,;;a.y.3o Anni, - nnu kannnnhb '_ yloux`-A` * Body By Vhealthful ex- ~ rcies 110*. .b.Y..s cowering overs gstove. AWa.rm your" spirit by performing ind- yendeutly noble` 696.8, nnuzy iznobly sqeking thq sym hyi ofg:y"oi`r fepowa, who are `not Bette` thfm yourself. ` I |'lII...... ._L..- _..- 1-.II_;.L:,, - - _v- ----V-. ....-no Jvtusuulhn I-'ihey who are fallenlowest remem- ` her the heights of virtue, honor, and `S ' ....~*:-'.:c*'- .'-r :4-*= vs: ~ : pkeacelvwhoaeaglginjpgg ghey Aonqe beheld, and whose pinnacle they once almost touched. And ere we not all In [some some and some degrees fallen `in _ -v~ 1!"1'- .--,- ~\.-- _.._ ..v-~ --\lIIAAhLl a' LIJLIIAUI-D . 1{i[maei:g in_2}{p;g1e_ of` d_oi_r;g g_.m;,1gg, .Whaeg,-:ve` jr _xcu#!18;;1{e vvf9'rh,;,V are 'pa- ';,ourseIves`..-.'to uhdertake nnnthnr 'F`" Peoplg 1.10 the j_m`pre t-.hey' 210. " He that dos`nothin"g' renders himselt, in_ggpal_;1e_ of . L.- iwec ~. x- '_. .. ;.;m 'l a..a.3.a%:T:..?Z'..-i.~; ' ~">' ' u--lm ..'L.I..a..I.'s. 3.` -1;-`We are *Is1i7?iys o!Iv"`}:withi tliiie whdf-imagine thinkgi iy do._- =', o .b'1mllow, yolfinust di'e1'-"with peopile ; to be profound, you must agree with them. ' (-I think the first virtue is tofestmin the tongue ; he appro'ac'hes nearest to the gods who knows how-to `be `silent even through he be in the right. ' ,``We thinkgfui they -1- O .b ihnllow, yoliinust di'ei"`with pop']e_ ; L- L- _..-I..-_.'| -- ' --Logic is the `essence of" trintln, {and truthis the most. powerful tyrant ; but then, tyrants hate the truth. T` -It is. not ml Viszlble togo out of doors without anything on your head, nor into company without anything in it. ` H01` BREAD.-0118 of the most injuri- ous dietetic habits is that of eating fresh hot; bread, cake and biscuit. . The Prus- sian government compels bakers to keep their bread at least one day before sell- `ing. If Americans would follow their example, there would be fewer dyspep- ties than `at present. _ . - v -A_ >pzmsionuLo man should be 1-gard ed with the same caution as a'1oaded blunderbuss, whtch may nccidentlly go` _o' and do 1115 ;_\'u i_nj}_Igy,` _ '1-.1-`.1 n -Hov would you be if He, \vl_1i`<\'::li.Ais the top ofjtxdgnxent; should but judge you as you are? ' --The mind lmth xjeason to xemember that passions ought to be her vassrxlanot her masters. ' ` would wl_1ihis ton of illdsrnwntf szhnuld but :...1.... --'Our wealth is often a. sna.'re to our.- selves, and always a. temptatio11_to others. . A ' --Murm1u' at 11ot11i1'1"g"." If our ills are reparable, it is ungrateful 5 if remediless, it is vain 1 ' ~va_y UL uwruui um ztuu llil.pI)1I1`-3'3`. It is a difficult, it is an impossible matter forthe unbelicver` and tha fro- _ward to please their great Creator. And it is 9. diicult mratter, also, for Christ- ians, _ those sincerely desiring perfect unity with God and _men_, to please man kind, who, as long as the earth stands, will go on misinterpretinrr. misjudging, and misusing one another, either wiih or without denite causes. ` - vvu uau uuvm uu nun: U1 pxcuslllg 11161]. It grieves us oftbimes sorely that those whose favor and good will have blessed us should, for some unintention_a1 offence, at the last manifest as hearty a disfavor toward us. 'Our_ highest Friend -not thus revenges us. N oteven as we de- serve repnyse He our misdeeds, for His mercy ever entreats us. ' `R..+ an M. ...n 1\I\1:r\~UI\ -:._:...'.. A` J - LIJULVJ DVCL x;uux'vu.br5 us. But so as we believe, striving cheer- fully in His Name and service, and press- ing forward, unbiringly, in zeal for his glory, it matters not our innttmemblo shortcomings and failures. He then is pleased, and stretches forth His hand to lead and guide 11s_in the way, the precious way of eternal life and ll21ppln=.`L a`. It. in a difmm. :+ in on :..W`.~:u,. God`, on the co11tm'ry, tries the hcizrts of men. According as the Iiemt truly be1ieveLb,loveth Him, and `won-keth for His glory,` is He (pleased. And does not this very fact; prove how. much easier, then, it is to please Him than to please mortal men, _who are wise in their [own conceits and slow in the -benevolent practices of conisiderateness and charity? We have but, botry humblyand faithfully to please Him ; yet with all nur trying, we can never be sure of pleasing men. Tl`. Jrinvnu nu A6`!-Hnsnn mx...-.1.. LL..L LL -_.- uuu umu nu: _L|1II1'Iu1plL`H. _ Moreover, it is not at the o'ect'of our works, the consequence of'our doings, that He looks, so much as the motives of our action, the earnestness and devoted- ness of our labor, the strength of our en- deavor for the right. in=a1l a`u.ira, .Mcno watch and record o1n':1c_tsInn1'e. than theyvstudy to comprehend our motives. .'They observe our doings; atti'il1xti11g, 113 is too often the czme, dsc motives to the ulcer, upon` whom they vent tlueir dis- pleaslxro witl1out.suicient house. In fact, friends are, not {'2-oqucnlly trans- formed into` lnitterost one-mic-.~:, through the S1101-tsiglitediioss of their own lnnmm nature ' V ' v a I`! 1. .1 . ' r- - HE[.DACIIE.'-~ Two teaspoonfuls of powdered charcoal drank in a tumbler of warm -water, will often cure severe cases of headache. T ' uuu Auvul UL ILIUH. UJIIJ. UI GOG` God 13 justly indignant with us every day. {Some faults oi` sins of ours incur His righteous displeasure. A But with Him is mercy and plcnteous redemp- tion, .' and always when we approach the Heavenly Throne in repentance and sup- plication will He" forgive our iniqnitir-s and 110111 our _inrirmiti0s.' ]I'..........., S; 3,, A s .1 .1. . .. To please God 019 men, which is the easier -matter '1 At; first thought some might say tlmt the pleasing of God, in this world of turmoil and care, is so vm'_\j diicult :1` thingto do that the answer to the query is obvious. ..I- -:a :4 ...;..1I'..'1-.... .1:m-__u . , ,1 ._-, vuw liuuny us UUVLUUS. But is it, rally; less difficult to otztain the favor of men than of God? f_`.A.1 .. .....n_. :___1:;__,,, ;uA unbju. we wuuux ylem. W151] gmaness 011 treasures to Him to keep, And rejoice - m the sweet assurance ` - He giveth His loved ones Sleep. . . , , ,..-_ ___-_ -V--`. All dread of the distant future, all fsarp that oppress d to-da.y,. ' V . l " ` Like mists-that clear in the sunlight, have noiselessly passed away; ' , Nor call nor clamor can rouse them from -_ slumber-s so pure and deep, For only His 'voice_` f ` `reach tbn1;` . ' ' rho give His 1ovedg'on o`a sleep. Weep not that their toils are over ; weep not - that their race is run ; God -grant we may rest as calmly when our work like theirs is done ! Till then we would yield with gladness our treasures Him tn keen. He gixfes it, oh vgo gently! 5 A :11 `I1 - ' `hush to :-`est * W Thabubc that she softly pillows '53 "'tem1crly on her breast : anauows arounu unemcreepd And, silently Wawhinger `them, .. -` , _ ` Hegiveth ' . 1<{>v.9d,Qy.!9J2..,... ` I18 mun Iielll TGIF I0l'- E ICRSOD. IO!` `H10 P850.- way has grown too steep ; And folded in fair, green ` ' _,~ . _ - He giveth His loved ones sleep.` `Like weary and worn out.Achildre`11; thst sigh for the da light s close," He knows `_thn'.t t ey oft are longing.,for home.` and its sweet re one`; . . . V So He calls them in mm their labors cm the shadows around them creep` Ant} al.u.&'lu u-y..l-..1....-. -7-.. ~LL...._~ ` Hebaees when t_-hAeix-Afoovbteps fnltr, when thei`x-~ " ` hearts grow weak and faint; , He?ma]1"iakewh%I)1 thiir strenlgthtixva faing, and ' ns eac cqmpain" He bids them rest for. a. season for the path- wav has grown tnn stem) : VED ONES BOILS.-Boils are the result of impure blood, but one can be c_ured by wetting it with the spirits of` turpentine a few ltimcs. '