' `I113 \.UJ`4.l:4.LVD .L.I.u;:.:a.u.-a. u. BROWN , Pro rietor.--Exceilent accommo-. dation for the trave lingbpubhc. Bar and Larder well supplied with the est. Good stnbling and nttentivclnosef-i. Luggage of guests conveyed free to and from all trmns. Few doors west of Market-st..nn Uunlon-st. ` - . I`HE QUEEN'S HOTEL.-A. W.` nnnww Pmm-iet.or.-~ExceI1ent and from all trmn Market-st.. on Dunlop-st. V .L`JLL.l1VU".|.'UJ.V 11 U 1. 1:: 1.: , _\I.\ 12- BUIL'[`,) Corner Dunlop and Bu)`e1_d Streets. Barrio. _J. M. NESS; Proprieton 'l`h1s old and popular hotel has been rebuilt of brick, 3 stories in height. and isrttcd up `with all modc-m conveniences. Excellent accommodation forl-he trzxvellingg public and boarders. Hzuwuxd L2!-I`(1ex` , W911 5gj);)[lc.__U_0_9_Q stgbling and shedsi. `:21-Ky --4--. _._ -. .-`rsr1n we-1| 51ppl_1cu. _U_0r9_u7 sbuuuug unu auuua. . v... -., I '1I'IE SIMCOE. HOU-SE, BA1{RIE._ M. SIIANAOY. Prop:-i9t.ov..--}{a-ting rc- cenlly built the above House on the site of the Simcoc Hotel, and furnished it through- uut in_1irsV.-class style, I um wepzlrcd to- give the public Lhcbcst ofuccommo mion. Good ,~smblin5.;:Lnd attentive lxbsllers. Su.mplo_1{ooms for Commercial `_l`ravc1lcrs. Stages leave the Hotel (11L) _0E1llI`I`1\'LE1 qf__L_1-u._ig_s. 2-l_x_' ,, __._,...`. 1r4\rY'.`111 n ah1')`rm . `reams 151.00 In AbvANc:. ELLINGTON HOTEL, (RE- Buyeld Qt!-nnvu Rum-in, J. M. NESSL Prom'ietor.; 'l_`h_is LLULUA uu.n_v uu u. . . . CL.~\Rl{sUN HOUSE, BARRIE.-- JOSHUA CLARKSON. Proprietor. Corner of .\{ulcn.stcr and l)unlop_ Streets; and opposite the Au_\'A1\'c1: Omce. Bumrie. This commodious csLu.bIis11menLis\ve1l1mcdup.a.nd will com are favourably with any house of-the kind Norm of Toronto. Good accummodn.tion for Commercial tmvellers. The best of stnbling attached, amend- ed to bf obligingamd experienced hustlers; Stages leuvct ma house daily onnthe arrival of the up tmins. Jim` wull supplied with the best of liquors and cigars. ?. S.*X1\l-U.l`.ah .D[_\.t11, k,-. .u., vv. Lam-1 Surveyor Yuluator and I)x-zmghtsmzm. A_x;..-n1 for the Britisix l[0x'tgugy Loan Company of ()nI:u'i0. l".u`m. Town and Village l ropv.-rt ' for 5-.Llc. Money to Lend on easy terms. 0 cc- Oxnmrio Block. l)un1opSt1'eut. Bun-ie. 52-ly 1.11 Kb`) [LU 'l'1`1.U1\,LDULV , \/L V Lu run - GINEER. Provincial Land Surveyor. Archi- tect. 85c. Over ()u.pon`s store, opposite the Quuexfs Hotel- mus,` ` A . U.:\ Ul`J.V 11 U in) I. . .|)V.'1.L\,LuLu;,u.. . Auorncy. Solitzitor in Clnnccrf, Convey- ost (imllcc. 0- v v.w`r:r, $20. U:11ce_ -South of the I Qwcn Stvc.et..Ba1'r1c. '3.-\.'R'l`II\ , BOYS Sc PEPLER, . . J:Lrri.-Jters. .\I,torneys,So1iuito1-:4. Szc. Barrie, Ont. l)`.\lton 2\Icf?;u`thy, Q,.C. \V'i1lim Boys, l.|.. B. *l:_`':}n_c_:'} If)._l_ ; lfcp_1or. W! Rye. M I EI\ .\I(j).\Z. J; LENNOX; BA'RI`J.S- A14 ..,..+_1:.\u Rum-.im1"s`. 11 (`.hzufr:cry.` 7 gL`_Xl. \4l.{.l.l`1"1'.lJ.`\.LV ILVU LVJV..L.u1J.---\J1'4\/.v BALL. Can-pcntcr 8:. ]l_ui`.do_r, and .;\Iu,nufac- turcr of Doors. Sashes. Bluxds. louldimgs. &(-. l`l:u1ing'o[u1_1 kinds dmm proxn1;l1y and s-.Ll_isf:1c- EQHly._+:;|.C{Ql`)`,"]:I.)'!h5l SLrcc_L. liul-g. --A- - ~-IC\v19 . '!`\1`\f1 A 'I`|f`1TI`T' l'lil.lllllg'9l '.u_| ruuu u\ In) I): u...,..._, .. tomly. ' 1~`i;\.cxo1'y,',l;r.5'g_lo:_l Bu1`I`|c. 'nARtTNG & EDWARDS, ARCHI- mI.`1`1"lV& tx.uun nu w .. 'l`EC'I`S_. Toronto 56 King-St. East? 1".':.5mx < J US 25111 1i.Ul.x-Jzuao, uu. L121: uuu- S1`.-XBLE. County of Simcoc. Olcc--Police Court, Barrio. ' HUi15J.U1'1`.uuL`u uA1uunu-u,- uu 1 OS['l`OR ofthc B9.1`ric Branch Bible Society, 1)unlupStr<:ct. . _ I 'J.'.'1'3.-1LVL1L\\x, \.;.uuu.1x, \.4LI.u.u`..L_ . _Sixncd_e, will be athis Omcq, u.t_thc Court Ihmse. Marne. every Saturday. R.'C:|(1CIlCG and P.0., Uookstown. ' - ` A "V T-l`6TEI.S_L T _`1 \OMMERGIAL HOTEL AND`- ! :u..\.I,... :1 an! an `In:-via Rhmnf. 'l`m-nntn.-l .z\.z- V wo1"kin`2: NI2\.chincr:,'. BA 1111114 I U U L` .U.L\ 1, mm \x.Lu 1.1 _w BOILER \\'ORKS.--}I. SE\VREY,v Manu- fa.c2urcx' of every description of }~Jn_r;ines._Boi1c1-S, Su.wg.\[i11. Grist 1\Ii1l,gShing1e., Lamb. and \Voo`d- Saw g.\lill. Urxst mm, N1l`ulLLIAIJ). 4,, at-Law, ~S0`i(-Inc Money to l.u~.m. ()'1~,: street , Imrnc. V .__......_.__-___ . Ul1`l`l- ill`; 14 u A l.\ 1; 1., |Lv u uu, Sizn, and 01`n:1mo,nml l n.imc1'. Paper IIa.ng- ins; sac-.,done in the bust style of the art and cheap. l e1'fecl satisfaction guarumecd. Bornex` 01` John xmd l:uss and a. little west of Barrie F`nnm1rv. , ` 40-ly N'EVV 141 V LIL X. D..|.,l`LL)lJI`Jt3."'-`.l.lL..|'J undersigned has opened 2'; Livery Stable on the Corner of Collier and Bayeld Sn-eets.Barric, whcro liars:-3 and \'ehic1cs.1)oublc and Single Rigs, and all requisites of II. rst-class Livery can be found. ALEX. FRASER. ot John n.n Fo11m_.1ry.7_ \ LIJIJLILLVL 1'l..`1.LlO.1.1:l.`L1.V, AUAIFLJJ Estate Agent. Enston. Talbot County. Maryland, has for sale Salt \_\'a.tcr and Inland }"zl.1'll)s of 1111 descriptions, cheap: in one of the Iinest sections of the Union: from 5 acres up. and from $10 pcrnr-re up. Send for catalogues iving full descriptions of farms and country. 1\ ups of the County \\'ith`cn.t-alogues, frcc. 23-ly 1 ILl hV'UUD ALVU L1L.lkJ.L\JL.I4 yu- . BILI'I`\ .---;\ gentleman. having tried in \'_:1m every u.d\'e1-tised rexnetg. has discovered 43. snnplc Inn-zms of self-cure. 0 will be happy to fox-\vn.1'dVthe pruculars to anysuffcrer on receipt of- mstnge and directed cnve1ope.- Xddress J. '1`. .`I:\\'1:I.I., 1sQ.. Mayvillc. Ha.mmersmith. Lon- don. EnQ`lu.nd. - . - \ ILLIAM HALSTEAN, REAL Ifm-vlnnd hnz fur RILII`. Salt. \V9.t0I` NERVOUS AND PHYSICAL DE- genexnan. \':\In n\'`ll"\ mlvm-tiaxml rmnedv. a. 'MIbE.I.I.AN:-:9yJs. _ \`\ .-\..~.A~ [6sE`i5ii ROGERS, CHIEF CON- em .|1l'I.W`. f`.mn1Yv m` Simnoe. 0mcc-I o1ice '1`. SE\\'ll.L, 1.'s( don,- England. __.u_...___.._...._.: .__._.___.4' ? SERVING PARI.-oRs.. -~.-\ \/ ~_,~ _ \ v-~-/\/x rxx-vx. \/\_/\v'\/'\ r\/ \. v|?i{'ii ENGLISH SHAYING PAR- V 1 AD nnnnaifn Han `R31-rin 'H'nf.n.I, nnd next OUNT J5 .bU.U ;.V.L., 1).1L\.n.:.u;uu._., I .\;Lo1'nuys-nl-Lmv, Su1ic'Ito1_`s in (llxuncery, 5-:2. (.'.ce--l)un1opSL_rect. Burrxc. :3`uccc-.3s01'st0 the late Ilrm of Bmxltnn, Lniml, Boys rltcvmrt-' W. Lount. Q.U. U. \V. Lount. '1-`um IDLVVKIIJLOLL DLA.cL.v~;A.\\.1 .LL`A..L\v` LOR, Qtpposite the Barrie Hotel, and next door I ). A. . cDonuld`s Hm-dwa.re Store. Having secured the services of It .1'st-class workman, none need go away without their work being done. The greatest of carctaken and everything, as usual, perfectly clean. Razors concaved or wound to order. W . BLADEN. 30-ly F"I\IIIl!1yI -_ _-,,, u1.UE1j 'Tii{KY, cETf E.,`1 ROV. ` . \ 1 .... : _~.....-mvm- \'n1nn1drn_Iu1 1)r:ux:zhlsIn:m. clean. Razor ground order.- VV. _.__:____...:.?_:.__.._ _. n.-rvv-'l`v`I`I'l`|1 YY11'l' x LmFo1u) '1`1-IO1\IS'0AN>,_( 3WI\>7IL EN: zwrvlrwrz Drnvinninl Land Surveyor. fZ>1:1>Ti SW.\_N, 1;AILfi`1oF THE n. 1\i\'-iuinn nnm-t. (..`ountv of Simnoc. notice. 40-17 - gr V`: .g..- --.v__ go;-POSITE QUEEN S~I' DUNLOP STREET. Razors and Scissors Ground and Set on short u111IsT0191-x1[-1`ii}{ii10N,. DE I 1L \uY'X`I\I.` nmlxn Ram-in P.m.nnh Bible Society. iilaw gigrrm & sgggxvm moan 7ARGHI*T.EG`TS 8:. BUILDERS. J 5. _rJUl'liVDU.LV, nnI1yLr;, un- - PORTER of and dealer in Goals of all `kinds, and Georgetown Grey.um1 Guelph \Vhite Finishing Lime. Cements of all kinds, Fire Bricks and Plasterers` Hair. Oiee nngl Store- house atthe Northern Railway Switch. foot of ' John Street, near the dc ot. The bond of this Limo is bette than that 0 any other kind, and the nish superior. OlIlcc-Uorner of John and Elizabeth-sts ' ` ALTER J. KEATING, .:XETOR- ~ .\'1~lY-.-\'I`-L.\\V, Solicitor in Chancery. and ({un\'cy._w._nc7L-_r. .\'I ey -to Lend. Orlcc-.-Wu.Le1' .. ..... `nun >un\nr., .uu.\...... . . [aim MI: Li. AN BY, no U SE, e:.... .....-1 nunqmmnnl Pnimm-_ Pa.nervIIa. u2- 1-A'.-1 .A1{1Z:`. FOUNDi1Y, `iNG1NE_& KIA nnn L` D \\'nH. Q __H .` `.\\. RF}Y.v Vol. iEx"'v7II%I.} uuun 1 W "LWERY ~b`TABLEST.---THE u `TE .....l.u.nn-nn hna nnnnn 9'3 T.i\'I1I`\` Sf.!I.h1(`. on 'J}.7'i3}iN'r1NG,cH;ER1<, OUUNTYA .- e:.m4n'n will he n.t.his (mice. at the Is prepared 0 Loan on Farm Property a_.t the above rate for a. term of years; no principal required till ehd of term. Farmers will find this the most advantageous way of borrowing money. Special facilities givcxi for paying Off ' on short notice. %:~, ssooo muvm-: ruIJ_s; on. xyas14M1E7;3 -I RENTS and .4cob?v:2's COLL E_cirE D. l U. 11. lJ\'}D;\.L\ IXU, .uu.\ ;..~; - 1.1-mill Gu'~;fo1~ 1*1\'l,mclin{: Fceih n}\\';L)js on luuul; il i.~4_ lnth n1u1au.u! u.ml's;\.fc. (mice over l 13091; Store. Hu.rric. Um. ~ "7-IENRY" JAMES, _ A.U0 lYIONEER, ' _ Insurance :1n(l Estate Agent. SILL 11. Q N .`x;_\ , u.;;u TM: I)i`;'ision, Coprt. (-2011 .111 my :>'tu1'c. Cmlghurst-. SEVERAL G001)"- _ _ `[`ARMAS F.OR SA-LAE. 'IVJZ'LvERWELL"s O!nrIc1i-.-N early `opposite. l_1'o _I o'st Barrie. A @650. LIME` `AND. duci. .. ...,~.\.-~. .v\ .....v ,-\A.,\,\, _r_,., , I"b s. JOHITISON, ABARRIE, IM- nnhmmn nl nnd dnnlm` in (701113 --v.-....... V. ..._._._.__-- 7. Zlibovvn. Stairs. _ .. ,-..~.....-.-. /\-rv- 1--r. IONEY AT s PEEENT. STU DIO:-Opposite the Queen's v Hotel, Barrie. ` tmgv; ,u :.v.nn sum .r.s-..`.'u.z.;..' " ' ` . K_'., 1 -iA>sthnA1a' hid `al :_ CgInplnin:s'. Singgra 'a,n1 S egkcrs ..`..._ ."..`-`-8nIhy 131.:- cva: 1; cu` at, `I $3oR'rRA1Tv5A1NTERs. i>Ij.(:iii'1?I?; 'NiiL'II$ib. 1 . P 1 ` .._........-... Qr 1`tui`.ilnr null .Mmmfac- -HAW BRO p..___...x and Earria. Ol_d P. 0.: Buildix_1g. LLLJJL A.` J.` \/1' ;. .;;. County xrst-. -16-ly '_____.:____.___ Bm'1'ie ea 30-13 _-._..-.. __ _..__, I SOUTH SIDE DUNLOP STREET, ' And has now every facility for fulfilling his 'num- erous and ever increasing engagements. New STORfE,: nnvvmlr mrnvn nrY\Y1' nn amoirtrm . m_ccess;nuy.' rulj :5 ;1_)pugStore,-_Bnrrie., ' ~ ` ' - M. ! Jj:KEEsiKm7f{I1EEr'EIz'. Putps and Iron Piping of all sort; hi St.o_cx. CORNICE WORK; PLUMBING. GAS AND V - STEAM FITTING DONE. ASPLENDID STOCK OF aars1"ovEs VAN-D -1'm.wARE.-a;a. 1-_\_L:.... .1--- ..I.,.. 1" non`! nuir-L-Ir 5:-`ID I 915$ 0151-: u -nu.--.-..._._. Jobbing done cheaply and quickly. ~I)on't forget the Plzu-,c:4 l`hc new Tin Stoxfe. adjoining ML-Ca.rthy`s Block. I)un`.r.-33 St.. Burma. Ofders sop}md,tor his improved _ STEAM, HOT AIR 8!. HOT WATER nrinnlnnnn nun mnnnl nn Ilnlmnlll Removed again to MRS. ROSS` BLOCK. rumi- am. 2 nnnnsite the ` uemoveu ngam [0 mus. Lu:-:9 ...~-... ..-..- bet` 8, opposite _ t V ` vv'o111ngtont Hotel, Sandy, whene did you get Lhat nr-,.LL tting; harness ) I gm them at the establishment u \V'An.\u-:1:`s. \\'hut did you `pay fox-.the m'! 815. made to order: they are htmdsome and all the rage ; he can't be heat, for Style and Dumbility. They are Cheap, certainly.-1 must, go and not a. set.-Sandy. If you want 21 -handsome TRUNK. SA1)_DLE, VVIIIP. BLANK ET or COLLAR you can getpnc. When you go to buy be sure you 0 in the right place, there is 0. large Saddle and (.o1lu.1- in front of the shop, ~ ._ -... .. ... 1\lV'7 n AHHID nm'I'v -3.. .I.`CI-ZLV.|..a.'J.n.I. Ilxi now 11 large supply of 'l`runks from 500. up (0 32.}; \'uli.sc.~s and Suuzlu-,1.~x ut liollom Prh-cs. Also Sin]/la-. marl I)<.nI7:lr- I7(l7`114 .<~:, ('0./(um, Natl- cllm-, (`u,.'r_I/ (,`un1In, l. ru-/1:-~', H /nip; ' unrl Lu.-M-.~', At _p|'ic,o:. in suit 1-\'('r)`bml).'. llurr.rs:; Oil uud \'u.rnish ..lw.'1_\'s xn stovk.` ...-.......-.u.. :nn\\1n"I`I-\' lu\\'|.` ,\[[. UH"! lM(-V1110, At_pric,os 1-\'('rybmly. llurr.rs:;0i1 in REP.-\l l{I.\'(} l`l-'.()MI"T|`.\' l)l).\'l'}. ALL \\'()J{|\" ,\\'AI`._ll.\N'l`l'Il). ! . _____. GIVE ME ./I CJJLL.-Sign of the (iulslcu Saddle, Bnylicld Street, B_a.r1`iu. 10- l.l".K}\I\`] 1-\Nt3| ml I!1>'.al.~` aU\=1 I QDKICCUSSUA` Lu ucu. uauu; Menmmn mum & ciunwsa MAKES THE A Noatozu, Nobbicst, and_ Best Fit- ung Salt to be had Nertla of Toronto. . L` 1\..|1AOLl. v1'LI.\'L\J. v 41441.: 4. :$?iR1'NiG1.j-VVE - ..-u......,. .... 1......1 3EDsg| All the lafest and nobbicst; pzxtterxis on hunt} to choose from and satisfaction given to every custpxncr. - PERFECT 1*I'f _'UARANT .~ ED l nnvrunc `H'r\r\h`Y`! A Th` T?nW.H.s FOR ('.[.nTY[- I-3'-l.I'.\rN. LVL .L2.lL_\lUuL.LuL:.A.I4L xyu PRICES MODERATE. ORDERS FOR CLOTII- ` ING 1`I{0l\Il"I`.l..Y FILLED. .:..._ S at$`_Givc him a. trial and gt a. stylish, well-made uit. ' - _ , _ Fred . `Lovver. Barrie, Sept. 14. 1876. - 377-ly -I-` 1876." s1'ovas AND 'rmwAnE.1F 1&4 - \/\J\/\/\/ 'OHN_ PLAX'1`.OkN, . HAS RENIOVED TC HIS L,- RT.w7RNER 2 I\.' .\l\.u\ r-` .` Mciiill L,'ni\'ur~_4il `.'ullc:.:c' 0,! Sm`3.:t_-0n~:, ul l- lz\ sin-:u.n4:uu1 >311` numip-31., 1 `NEW STOCK or` SSIEG AND SUMMER '1`\VEls`.DS TO CHOOSE FROM. A `Parties buying Cloth elsewhere can` have it made up. V - A 1 av , 1\/rn"l=L ae. LII Ll.V1$1u'UUh ANU nun nun -r uuu nnu LIFE. . _ LIABILITY OF SHAIg`I-.`H0l. DERS LIMITED. CAPITAL .. _ .. ' .. .. $10,000,000 FUNDS INYESTED OVER .. 16,000,000 ANNUAL Incoms OVER .. .. 5,000,000 Rnsaxwn Fuxn .. ' .. 3,750,000 Dmposvmn wrm 'rm; Dbmxxov GOVERNMENT .. .. - 150.000 JAMES EDWARDS, ' Axznnt nt Barrie. . .` (WEB ANNUALINCOMEOVER .. Domxxox G()\'ERNMEN l` . . `SADDLERY `AND HARNESS. .TAAV1\IEVS EITWA ans, (`0NVEY11\'Gh`R, am, ? IISSAUER or MARRIAGE l.|GENSES. Barrie. Sept.` 11. l878._ made Barrie, Marc .A.1e:x.. 11 20th. 1878. riilf `liiiL:}Zi; "i%f'&_5"iv m:1. I WILL I\'EVEll CEASE. T V . .__._ '.'For the VCounty of S1mI:oe.' $300,000 '1: 0- L o" A. iv` 1 FIRE, LIFE,` AOGIFENT AND TICKET . AGENCY, `DOMINION TELEGRAPH ' `AND EXPRESS, ' l.-on-u \. .v. :m.-_.... 1{X7rT1Y& AU UL`, BARB.[S'1`E D Alisa--xv-1'.l Hnlivitors in Clmnzmjy`, N0- rs` TRSUPJ) ' BARBIEI: 6 F1: '1<: Vl'_7VL.I: :z_\ t-[1`L'_I,}:t:. K E If QR. A_NoTBB`_-UIT lay. sample rree. Auuaps, _ . . -{ 17:31:: * snman;c_z_n_z_.s; 99.. '_ on thcln.tcs..axid_1n_ost Fsniongble Goods ` __ `. --n-'-n-c nu-r nun nun-A1 Aunu LD, J:u.jJn.u J..u.u.7-- vv 1'; vv'.lI`11.J pay Age1'1ts'a. Salary of 3100' per monthmnd ` expanses. .or4_:1low.s large commission to sglhonr new and wonderful lnventlon-. We mm: mm .194`. my. Sample free. Adduss, . = _j' M ;_ _ .. 1-mm - mncRMAN Av. 00.- MAn.an'AL1'..:MIOn :3?!`-"F|C|AL' ASSIGNEE au'I;n.s._.. 'sno_.1*, .gf_'uN`3_;- AM 1s*iUr{1fr'IoN,j'&`. V ,. 0|-` ` "' `- `I-I-" DIlI_LA'hl`. ?()m `Ik`z;ZL:VZiZI*ZIZSURAN()E. 00'? OF 1 nnrnnnnl . /\'\Yn r.m:nn\` _FHl F ANT) "rAILoIiiNG]' ' ` 1>._Ej1).WL0WER, ;o1j:<:`Vr 5, \ 'r\unn(.'u-I` .120sT OFFICE BUILDING, BARRIE; {AuNesg` l Au xxuuu ul uu. oIAv`:' ROSS BLOCK, IHRRIE, o;v'1'.' U1t1..u 1LVtDl.{1h1.LVJ1'J uv L \JL' FLIVERPOOL AND LONDON -FIRE AND ` 4. ` IOSEPH I.<<+Ers I GENTS, `READ. TEfIS_WE v:n.I}- 1-mv Auehtxa Balm-v of 810:) oer nionth %n'! FRESH AT:.1?1VA13s IN ___..; u-.u-u-unt (Successor to Geo. Lane} nnI'I' '1'lII nn 0. HI I` m.saLx.aeou;*.L ` \.\A`.\..,~~.~v....v4~ \.~-V..~~7 \r\r\r\A ()tl'\-L-.. Hun I). Honkvr, p;m_\' only i `dross. 'l`ln);'1 "wonns ARE 'rH1Nc.s.'.4LND A 1139? or INK FALLiNu UI3oN1 A THOUGHT MAY PRODUCE THAT Wmczi MAKES THQUSANDS TmN'K."_ymz...~..' For ui com; .3: Sixiicdgs. JAMES Em_vAI{Ds, mm, Hm:-:nr'cT En, Ann CHEAP, ALEX. Meme, L .MERCHANTTAILOR ovpdsmz BARBIE Hum. /P0IL_;9% .C6ufu`. Bah-ie,` .._.__.._. .._ Company's Valnntor. `*F.lS_|'l.8Gi T R.%BKIA.E:.:. H" |v__\n'i:`iu.IH:Ll -211 1; tr! (`H -{Hull Iv|,\ (-HI -.uvvnnu:_p, N Agent at Barrie. ; L` . Wl _I-1. '_I=uL_.LA'f'N_. 'BarrieJ,.0nta%r'i Thursday, August 12879.` - 1r'gnT ONT- Welcome again, from the land of the summer, * Bird in the maple, with jubilant song ! % Now d_oing and singing thy rapturous greet- ` 1ng--_ . i Why hast thou stayed from our gn.rden'so ' ' _1ong ? -Often the little one looked from the window | "When the soft snowakes fell lleecy and dumb. , `Saying, S_3e, mother! the white bees are swnrmmz. ' Rocked on the bow of the silver-leafed maple. East thou one sigh for the orzinge and palm '2 Could the inagnoliafs sweet-scented blossoms \Vaft o er thy sleep 9. more exquisite balm `Z lird of the North 1 thou hast winged thy way homeward, ~ V . . Led by 9. love that was constant and strong; On the same bow that in other days rocked Jl-nan ' ' mee e v 1`}ui1d`a. new nest, but, oh! sing the old sohg. ' ~ Herald art thou of the pageant a.pproaching- The oral procession of summer, our queen '; Let the winds listen, and hasten the sunbcams To spread for her chariot a. carpet of green; Bid the trees hang out their b:\nn'ers of wel- l`,l"ln'IP., ' __come, _ ' V .' Red and wlute banners of benuhful -00m . Sing, guppy bird ytiuthy comrades, admo- mg. _ . ' . Shall route {the last spectre of Winter and . gloom. ' vn(`d,I` lhu lI)ll!1|1l",d.!l(1 , H?-10.. n-:n.l1nn ` .= I. vnc-y . n ur `harm a. Y_\urs,- \V .\ Harrie. . $70,0<)om> s:*mu'iIy an \`_an|:l 1 pvl` " _Nu\\' for :1 scaunper ! Come Sancho !- Such an uf L01-noon as this it is` zmbsolutc sin Lu rem-.un lmlnors. ' u 7. ,..mI~n 1\1'u.u'l `lI`inI:`|inrr nu qhn. m11l(1l)ed if HER ovg_ag_ sncnmca. sin lmlnors." Sn spoke Mzgud Fielding as she galloped duwn the Menne of Lnngford, with her pet N1-.wfuum1!:1iul 1;m1n'ding by her side. 'l`!..n-.. m...-1. Tau` uh-Ln In-4-.f.tinI` ti1:`I.11 31.11111 Newfuulullzuul Imumnng Dy ner sxuc. .'J'hex'c Wul'c few g_;i1'1s prettier than Fnelding, mul s:wu in one point, few she ccmsinlcrcd lxmrc fm'tnnn.te. 1.. l\..:..,. ...'|.mn{-ml qt 9! fncxlxinli} cnnsulcrcu mrmnme. An m-plum. being educated at :L f:tslu0n'- able schnul fol` the \\'ci1i'y life of :1 g:`-\'c1`x1- .ess, fnur years ago, her dead nxothex-`s cou- sin h:u1--\\'hy 01" wlm1`efm'e she wzts ignor- zmt-suddcn1y':u1npted_,l1c1', and taken: her tu rcsidc amid the luxuric-.3 of Imxngf-ml. . W]'1a.t `as the point where she \,\':Ls not f0rt1ina.te ? . ` V 01. ....... :.. ..... ....;'l_.h nun `...nnf. hu- mrtnnate s She was in love, a.n me !~-not be- loved. Of all the visitors at L()l/)gfu1'd, she cared furbut one,.1:1sil Etlxridge, and, of the Visitors, he, alone, t1'e.'Lted her with re- serve. Why 2' She could not tell; except -and that nmdo the tears rise -11-: did not I like her. Would he ever ? l( r ..... ..:.`.l. `H? ..-!.'n& v\onv\`n q-nr $4 frnn, uxe 1101`. H Ulllu In: t:\ U1` ` I am .ri:h. If wha.t people say is true, I am p1'e_tty.- Why, then, dues he ever speak to me with evident roluctcuxc: ,3" she inccsszmtly pomlurcd. It was strange. . Even asshe rode down the country l:mus, her thouglrts ran on the subject. Looking back at the waving woods of the Manor, she added. I nrn vh-In-v than he... S121-clv such an Mzmor, $110 aLlu_e(1. "` I am richer t1m.n he. . Surely such estate as that yonder is w_0rthy possession." A +m..~in hm- nvn--:L siuh in her hc:u't. estate man yonuer ls W_U1'Lu_y punscaai-rag. A tcuriu her eye~a sigh i1ihe1'hc:u't. She \v;_\s_a.bout to resume her rapid ride, when, turning into amothel` lzme, she _cmnc upon a.'womm1, seated on the b:mk._ She was plainly clzul, but were her clothes with grace, while hervface was bowed (Sn her hands, as if shewere ill, or in grief. '1-hull Winlrlivmw nn,:s:a.'-uml the tendc-x'est ' ""'warE, '""""' ' '"" VVlxen will" they go, and the red robins nmnn 9" __.__.-_ ,,. ,~_ ,_ m&Ew [I011-MIL .1. DOYLE, ATTO RNEY: ... x...- Sn`inil0x`_ (k)nvcyanr:er._ &:_r~_.. &c. 111111113, 11 sne_\vc1'e 111, or 111 gum. M;m Fielding possessed the t_en1lcx'cst l1earti1nag'1na.ble. ' She could not sec-dis- tress without boiling over with symp:1tl1y, 3.1111 :1 desire to `relieve it. Co1`1scc1ucnt1y, in :1 second she wa.s_1ea11ing over the M1101`. Are you ill!" 3110- asked. Excuse me, I do not mem1 to be impertinent ; but I would help you if I. (501111 . _ . 'T`l\n uvnmnn migml :1 face tlmt lled IIU: ho` Well as ML; 11. 4" ~ You live there !' ejziculatcd the wo_ma.n, rising , quickly. _ -Then you are Maud Fielding T. _ That is my name, Can I help you 2 You R murmured thoother, bitterly. You are the `1Zl.St.t0 whom I ought to ap- ply. Yet, why not '2 she went on, _n.brupt.ly. You'11'.we it kind, sweet face. Though you could not be expected to urge Mr. Longford to perform an act of injustice thatwould be your ruin, you might pet`- suade him to forgive. ' \Vhni-. {In vnn n1nn.n 1`inul1it`n(1-l\I.l1(1. COUNTY` OF SIMCOE GENERAL ADVERTISER. smme mm to Iorgtvc-.' What do you _mean 1 inqnircd1\Im1d, surprised. V ` ' '1' T Imvn nmnn. Nliss Fieldilm. to ask 1\I1`. sqrpnseu. I have come, Miss Fielding, Longford to see his son, who is on 1115 death-bed, and to forgive him. _ l`Iann nn.nn'ln.f.im'r. Oh ! X-nn1`r!e_ 111V uemm-oeu, aulu. 1:0 Iurglve nuu. A l`I1en, ejn.cu1a.ting 011,! George, my husband ! she burst into tears. V His son ! cried Maud. My. gnar- 7) .12.... La}. nn nnn " H13 SUN 1 U1 has no son. I` TL. `Luis T1311 man has son." He,l1a's. Did you 1`c:1.1ly not know it ? ` I_sA it possible you are una.wa.re'that Gm.- ham Longford disinherited him, and, in anger, put yoit in his place 2 asked the Woman. . l( I`|,....1 u..:..-Jnnn U n\'n1n:|`nnI1 full. , Good gracious ! exclaimed .Mu.u almost. struck dumb by the revelation. Tell me all. about it, she -added, after a. pause. Ple'aTso do. Everything is new to,me."_ . A . n:..1.;:..... t..,...... 1...... 1..-mm aha` ml. ilmvn unl_il mm on S-Jllcxtors. &- to,me."_ .. Alighting from her horse, she` sat down on the bank by the other p side, and earn- Iestlv repeated her request. int! +~m11v 'x`rnn are Ilnaware V011 are esuy repuuwu um: rcquunu. ` And truly you are unaware you usurping the inheritance of Mr. Longford s `son 1" asked the wife, adding: Stay, I see you are. Truth is in your face.` Listen, then`; you shall hear. Perhaps you may beable to procure my dying husband the sole thing he cra.ves-his father s ~pz_a.rdon. George` Longford was of aroving, adven- turous disposition. The dull routine of a. -country-life maddened him-; he would go V 011' to shoot walrusses in the North, `or go out- with the coral divers in the South. 1` Finally the idea seized his bra.in__to visit `South America.` Hisfather vowed to dis-` inherit him _if he refused to remain quietly : at home. George tried. Impossible. Then, after a. tremenduous quarrel, Gra- ; hem Longford did a foolish thing; he. his son in his room . _ l?he' `next ; morning the room was empty. 9 George. : stirteeyd or Soi1tl1_Americu. There. he" ' "ed me; -there` I heartl his story ; how 3` _-his f_at}1e]:.hh,d-Capt him o`.J Weoame back -to En glsn ; imy husband wrote to Graham - ~Lo1:ffoi'd'.` ` The -letters were ret\1tned_un'- * ji'eb. T" L `We -" werepenniless:;'help, as pa_.r- ~';1ox;.. 'w_a'si .1`-efus ed:j tlyllntess, through sun- :' stroke,preyented`Georgejzorking, -and it :5 .n0W. !>:r6i.1g1r`t`11ir'n .td*1i11,, for he is f: He is `so_wea_.k'_the,doctorsa'ys he 3 , iifliiit *.?`.W`13 '-5.9f 9 h"IY 3 =-.o1o_ise .fo,r9v.o_x.: ': 1.1'e; SW9. ..4*.!9.h1 f9?h.1" .n9 : `f ;Lt .o::z*?.- and-ithe ;woinan s tears fell .< f_I8't`Q;4or-_\-hd_;;:. h,elp"me in TO THE klnsf ROBIN. @151` it avg; r oh ! I wi1i,_' rejoined `the girl, decidedly, for she hail heard the recital with the keenest emotion. ' Two d:i._ys--only two. days. `No time must be lost.-. I think you had better leave it to me, and I promise ` you Graham Longford shall see his son, and, if I have power, forgive hint." Oh ! this is terrible. Quick, give me` your ml- dress. _ ~' - ' . ' - With grateful thanks the woman obeyed. Maud wrote it in her d_a.inty note-book, then, forcing her purse on George Long- ford's wife, that she might ride back to Tiltinson, sprang on her horse n.ml gzxlloped home. ' name. , , As she went, :1. thought su-ldenly struck V a. chill through her. If Graham Longford_ for'ga.ve his son. she would no longer be heiress to the Ma_.not. If Basil did not love her now, woultl he then I No. -Should :s]1e't2`y to reconcile ,the father alldrsmr? Yes--unhesita.ting1y, yes. T uhnul` `F1191 n\vAn1F mniltv Of 11. crime I 1es--unues1na.ungxy, yes. I should ' feel myself guilty of a. crime did I not.- \Vea;1th would be 21. l1.>rrm' not :1. joy,_ she reflected. (lmhmn T.nncrfm-rl was :1 hard. - nroud. JOY," sne reuecceu. Grahmn Longford was a hard, proud,_ self-willed man ; stubborn and unyielding, quickly oifeiided, slow to forgive-. Never had Maud thought he looked harder than on that_ day afterdinner. She trembled at her ta.sk-the more diflicult as the very existence of this unhappy sonhad been concealed-from her. Had it been other- wise, had the father spoken of him, ,bravely she would have said : Dear sir, I have seen your son s wife. George is dying. He wants to ask your ' -forgiveness. Oh 1 pray go to him." But that now might be the worst way, for it would put him on his guard, and no persuasion: nor stratagems, of hers after- ward could get him to the sick man s couch. The question was, did Graham Longford, in his heart, yet care for his - son! Maud took a. daring step to find out. While her guardian slept after din- ner, she went to his room, found his keys, and searched his desk and other private re- ` positories. She discovered what she - hoped--t\\'o likenesses of George, one as a boy; the other, some years. older, put away carefully with two locks of hair, -\'i ' dently the dead mother's and the child's. 'l`hauk Heavens!" pomlered i\I:ml.' " There is a soft spot in his hnrart yet. .\ map Iv theatre will be my Lest 1-lmi. Those soft spots are like pelinml-up .`<)il't`.'l.1ll.`l at times: if.the h:m'ieis are rmii<-vml mi-V expectcdly, _ they rush forth, and for lllu ; moment they overwhellii allelse. l\|'uml nmnlm-ml nvnr hm` noun 4]:-. I.i ::3.`t/N. nuu... ..--._ , ii. R. J`. _z131;\1E1a1t'1?I;_ vvum mm-in 0n!xu'i0. Gmdumc of @199 Elm- moment Buoy 0V(*.1'wueuu HXIIUISU. Maud pondered over her mu}: (:2 I/u:-:l.rv, i getting quite _ne1'\'nns an-1 excitetl m"ei' it. l There was a. weight-a. want-n. flutter at her chest, that deprived her of appetite and sleep, and 1`n:u.le her nerves irritable. V ' `Supposing she (lied in the night ? Morning (lzuvncnl, l10\\'eve1`, anl.shc. w:Ls_ in her ordingtry llcllltll. . Better .sti`.1, Gm- hmn Longiorrl was in (L I`Cl11f`.1'l\':Il)ly g;;z,il lnnnnr. mnl, trniigely `enough, nizule xx 3l.I1f.{l1l:1l` proposal. ' It_w:1s 21 c-.)im:i.lence or it was fate. _ I have to 530 km bnsiiiegs int-) Tiltiiison this morning. Maud, `\'.'c_>nld you like :1. c;mter ivith me I he asked: ` The girl leiiped from her seat with spm'k- i ling eyes, and Cllll)1':LCOd the speaker. I slmnl1_ like nothing better, , she said. Th:u1`.;s,`I ll gm runl put on my llIl.l)li". at once, i ' .' 7 Two lmn':3,afte,1', :\`I(1llLl.S!li in the ivrct`cli- ed room by her, until then, iinlmmvn cou- sin's sick bed, his llfll1(.lSU1n()' buy 011 her . knees, and thlc pretty, 5311 wife at the other ' .xji of his pi low. , - Do not fear," said Maud, cnhtiillling I ; c'om'ersation.i . I. min to meet your father - at twelve at the end of the street, then I , will bring him." ' (K Il......nu 1`.-\1vvuIII1>1Vf\II l v\n'n-nun-nnl Olin mu 0r1n;__; nun. . IIen.\'e111`ew:u`d you ! mm'u1u1'cd the sick num. gr-.Ltcf.u1ly. It is for my boy I think. ' ' u T: ..... ........,`l.`.... :g. ..1\.1n.-uh` T will Ln Illllli. - If my guzudizm is obdu1':Lto, I wxll be his friend, said I\Ia.u AL LL- .n.n. nlvxvxr-:I\+n11 ux Inuit flu-~Hv;*.\ ms Irxemt, Sing. .ua.uu. At the hour apprrxxxted she met Gmllzmn Loxlgfbrd. U }nn.rin.n." she exc1n'i`med. I want Lougrom. G-ua.rdm.n, she exclmmed, "you ti) come with -me. There is such a. sad -s::.d case in this street. :1-11d-:Lml I~ mu gurc you would help If you knew. The man is dyzug ; 1113 wlfe mid child are pou- 11ilcSs. ...... Tn.....m.I in muu" n `F:m3nn '22:. I C . G 'a.h:nn Longfurd in such" a f:Ls`.1ion was not unclmrxtablo ; lie had 1115 good points. Without demur he followed his niece. She _ led him to the house, to the room, and, tre1ubTi11g, entered. - 'I`lmm was mm arc-.n.t crv. It came from trexumuig, emei-cu. . There was one great e1`_v._ Gmligun Lrmgford. Before the sight of the wan, pallid, once beloved features which were lifted from the pillow, ho had reeled against the wallwhite, horror-stricken , and slxakingnlike a. leaf, three words bui'stiug from his lips : George, Oh, Hexwen I _ .Fa.the1`, oh ! pa.rd0n, f pleaded the son, lifting a. wa.3tcd'ha.nd przwerfully. '9 .. . \ .Fm- n.!1n.r`.nn(l the two remmned lookmu i umng wa.3r.eu'na.uu p1'1I.yuL'uu|._y. I -For a second the two looking g at .e.'u`:11'0ther. _ . _ '1M`.....'l 83...:/l'lu `any. al>r\1nn {nu fhn u.';Fn at.e:xcu omer. I Maud timidly hurl stolen to the wife, who c1u_ng to her in anxiety and fear. The silence was abruptly broken by a. small. sweet little lisping voice. The boy had moved` unobserved to Graham `-Longford, and taking his hand hanging by his side, had said, his large blue eyes lifted to his grandfather's 2 ' _ Hush ! Poor nzmn. is" ill. You nmsn't grsnutavners : _ r ' Hush ! Poor papa. IS X on 11111311 t make ::..noise, or he ll be worse. _ Ag-Nfmul lnnlmd at Hm lmv. shn sxruv Ins .K~`(2`I'J.'.V1$2K CONVEYANCTNG. &c. [any ;\1A.CJi.\\', 00.\1M1F;sIuN-? `nu\'n~\ :|lH`l`,l`. I>'.-51101` 0fV.\1|.1`l.`iIL[.{'(} Li- make 9.-110186, Q1` no n. ma \\u1`:s\:. As'Mn.ud looked at the boy, she saw his striking resemblance to one of the ph)to- graplls in ]1er,g1m.rdim1 s desk, ,a.11d she knew why Gmhnxu Loilgfmrd caught him up so passionately and kissed hixn. Pmism Hozwmi ! gnsned George. with p:Lss1onnne1y_a.uu nussuu nun. Praise Heaven ! gasped George, with 11 happy cry. - Uh-! father, am I, then, . forgiven I May I die in peace with you as with the world I . TL. 4. Ly... .n...'l )\ ..n CIf\\1IV WA L~`nrv4v!\II!\r1 the,wor1d . The other made no reply. He staggered forward,`th_en dropped on his knees by the bed upon which his,hea.d and outstrotchod arms fell, as he aobbd forth : Dying ! Oh ! my son-'-my son 1" George bent over him ; `-his tears fell fast, his arxns crept about his pa`rent s neck. Maud took the child s hand and the motherfs and led them from the room., 1)..,\.. 1|/I ....;l I 1J'.-.... 1m.-..-m .1... Ivynn I lm momer S and mu. m1um_ 1ru_u1. u_1u ruuuh. Poor Maud ! Howhappy she was ! She did not know Graham , Longford. True, she had reconciled*him.to his son, but it was by :1." trick; he had been led into a trap which his pride could never forgive. In fact, to be happy he must, it seemed, be in dispute with some one. T NI n.nrl, . `YA innit]. nnIdIv_ when t118V- 1'6- Ill (IISPIIEO W151] 301118 One. Maud, he said, coldly, when they re- ` ttirnd to the apartment,.~ `.` you, have mad;e_ rnv mn_wham I lmfm, with nroner cafe. turnea 30 E110 aparumeun,-~ `7yuu,1Luv'u Luau my son-.whm I hope, with proper ,car, will yet'1ive-an(1 Ifriends. Do you -know the result ? I cannot have two heirs." ;; 1' l,..-...... -:I- navfnr-v "' aha .-Lnnwm-ml- the result `I 1 cannot nave BWU news. 7 _I know it perfect1y,'s11e angwered, her thouglision Basil. _ . Nn " m-ind George. Miss (Fielding: `her tt1ougncs.on nasu. No,". cried George, 1\Iis Fielding must not suffer. Isk but your pru-don*-A your help, father. _ _ 1 H n. h she who musmlecule. She is-en-,3 your nelp, 1_a.mer. i . It is she who must: decule. is en- _. `titled to `do`th'a.t;\fo1:-,I took` herjfronik 7 school, zmdfof my own will made her_:m ; ' heiress. Only by he): donsent can I undo -V what Ivhave done. ' Only I say this, she re- 5 mains as she is, `or she has nothing. VVhat- ! ever . the result, I ha._ve been played with, , c%`1;ped, and cannot; readily look over it_..`a ..n-:". M ; r - ` ~ ' Well 1 Can yo{1.tIiix's!<, sir, I hesitate 7 an-, swered the gi1l,' sadly. _ Do irhag is right ; Your son or this child 13 your hen` not I. - H What 1 Will you consent to_return {K2 the boarding-school"_ and be a. governess 2 u 1 mm mmmnt tn do anvthimz rather`. 51$ uupuu, Well cc rt-.. the boarding-scnoox anu De 1!. guveruuua x _ I.wil1 consent to do anything rather ` than do wrong tqthose who` have never; harmed me,. answered Maurl,-witl_1quiet. .l ...:..:-n ocisi_on.. So be it. ; You hgwo had your chance, sum Gmhaun L mgfnr L "Yuu have tx'_1ck- ' ed me. We two cmlunt live under the . same roof. You must leaxc for the school 11, | L... .... 4-..--. nan. . * / It shall," answered pbor Maud. Your father is right. I had better re- nounce - the idleness to '-which I have been accustomed as speedily as possible. Good- by, all. She left. .:mr] rndn hnmn nlnnn. T1: '38 , uu. She 1eft..a.nd rode home alone. It was a. weary, sleepless night she passed. She had sacriced herself ; but that she did not regret it ; it was that she should never see ` Basil again. 1'... n...-,...,...:....',. (Ht .1". 1...,1 .....:u}... .L,. na.su agulu. _ By the` even1ng's post she had wntten to the school. On the afternodn of the next day she was ready to start. , Shn wnq nhrmf. inn llnrlnfl tn fnkn h>.n.\'e Uily EHU \Vil3 l'UiiU_y LU Blclllill. She was about to descend to take leave of Gx:a._h`a.m Longford, when the footman said 11. gent1o,ma.n waited her in the drawing room. ' In surprise at this nmneicss visitor, she proceede thither. . It was liagil Ethridge. -His handsome face was full of tender- ness and emotion, as, :u1va.ncing, he took both her hands in his. .: `wtzruln 13:- .... n 1. ,...n1..:.....,1 m. w -. UUDH. HUI` IIELUUS Ill 1113. I " Miss Fielding, he exclaimed. O11 ! brave, nolilegirl E I have heard all, and know not how to contain my joy--my zu1- I miratiou. Only this hour have I learned from my dear old friend George Lon;for s lips-tha.t you have been living here in per- fectig,n01':mce of his existence. He has told me, also, of your noble sacrice, aml 1 have hastened humbly to cxizxve your par- don for the injustice I lmye (lune. l'ninc:I- lr~n.__+n mn I nlm mnrumroll. U0. IUI.` EH6 IIIJUSUCU L IHEVU (ULIIU. . Injustice-to me I ' she m1u'1nm'ot1, surprised. ' Yes. I believed you were iling pour Genrge s place knowingly, and were two cold-heartecl to.carc for him." , cs n1. u M .. 1r..n...:.1..,. .......I.1 vu.u H.:..1.- ,--L` U h L L .1 1Lu U tJLL-\ .., ' 9 ' 1)o1l:u's,' priwxtc funds, to . land "at 75, ', half yarly, or yc:1,rl`y 011`g()os], inxprovcd farlns. W. 'l`[{O.\ISON & 70., `1il[f`.():.s,:..-`. ...,_. .. . _ p 1'\hih -.1 1111.1 s s;'.'H0n. H :1. most dr:sIml)le me- ,1, ,1 my u-.1\';,~'.'ri.~;ir`nr.:. lts_ contents -_cdi(01'in.l, -wi :Ul1.~'..*.l ma.-:1 -<\'S'l be found to be of `loan. n _ _ _ 1 wmc`.n hsLxu:;.us1n all Inst-class country the kigz weekhcs. . _ . The Job Depa.rtmf.nt 13 sbock_e_d VVIUI an _exten- - - -H ......m=nn: fnr nrmt.img_ ._, _. [)1`(.`SL'1 FIIIV I V|\ll"' K -ll l_llD\\, illlll IKUIIIIL _\llll , JCI,VL\ In |1|\. '13 It. possible tlnt Mr. (l1':t`.x`:uu `Lu!1f_;fn1'tl can he .34; c1'I1el-s'u lvunl, ms, in :mgc1-, for " the m.-.-.-, _\'ul| pluyml on him for his ggmul, tn l1:misl15'\'m from the l\I:Lnm' !" \_'e.<, M1-. ELln'iLl;;'c. I l-Em: :...a;._\~," she :m.~s\ve1'e(l,_ fa.'mtl_v. ' . . ~ ` Yes; but you lo not lc wu the nulj_(lllm1'-' lumcl, he exclnimctl. Nu,-Imt while my xluntlu-1' 11:13 :2. 1' you, Miss Field- ing. You shall stay tlxcrc until yum can better ar1'zm;.:u your plams. _ ' . Your u_xr9tl1er !` .1 home bcneintln hojr mnf 1 ejaculated Muucl, ti'c1ul)ling. Sln-. lifted her eyes to his, then cii\'crc'.l` h-:1` fnc: wi_th h.-1' h:md.~;, .'u1dl'..n'::t int L...., tun . - . .1 1xc`.'e1' cxpectctl thi_s," she subbed. ""1 :ui1 so glad you (19 not think wx's;: of me. Ym1arc\'ery--`."cry kind. I shall never forget it." ' ' v ' . \V-.\: H Hm land: or Hm hum H1-xf m'u11u :I` secret 2 Allczwx-11 kxlows. But, suiucllow Basil's arm stole rnmid tlie slender w:1is't, mid Iris lsucret yvaus \\`i1ispcx`L:d. too. The secret he would not before ceixf-.-sis, beczuise he loved George Longfo1'd,' and had mis1`ea.d M.aud. Basil Et.hridge s fa_.mi1y was best. in `the c->unty, and the pin.-s])ect of :1 univm with it llXl'_)1lllCL1 Gralmm L()l1gfu).'41, Hzuul Fielding did not leave tliu l\Ia11m1'. but was iuurried from if, and Ge-urge, `.\fh<) `did nut die, with his wifu.:-.nd child, there liouk up their 1`jc:3l(.ic1lCU. U`lll(YI'L'U\V. To-marrow !" 7 "` No, it shall not be I cried the suck never Q1"O'cE Lu. '33 It the look 01' the tune that tohl 1u :: secret ? `1r...... .. 11...; n..u:v Nearly all the xnedicixl aut}1 01'ities and those who 'lm.ve been fortunzxte cnousgh to recover from a. stroke of lightning agree ,. . . . .. . -.1 1 A\...1.~4; . . . , . .. .. ..-..,..- . "'0 ' ' ` ' " D D . that the electricity acts with such extreme rapidity as to be absolutely painless. Prof.` Tyndall relates that while standing in the presence of an audience, and about to lec- ture, he accidentally touched a wire lead- ing :f1'U111 a charged battery of fifteen large Leyden jars. Life "was absolutely blotted out for a very sensible interval, without a trace of pain. In another second or so consciousness returned. He saw himself in the presence of the audience and in contact with the apparatus, and realized that he had received the discharge. The i.v1tellec- tual consciousness of his position was res- tored with exceeding rapidity, but not so the optical consciousness. ,'l`n prevent the audience being alarmed, he stated that it had often been his desire to receive, acci- dentally, such a shock, and that his wish had at length been gratied. But while making this e.\'planation, the appearance l which his body presented to him was that - of being in separate pieces. His arms, for , lexample, seemed to be detached from his ' `body and suspended _in the air. Memory land the power of reasoning and speech were complctecl long before the optic nerve recovered from the electric shock. ` The state of things at Memphis, owing to the yellow fever, must be in the last de- gree deplorable, crediting the representa- tions of the latest received (Saturday s) .elp1n-ul. The editor says :-- Never was a city in so deplorable a. condition. Most of her lending men are absent. Of all who under other circumstances`would be fore- most as leaders and advisers, but a few more are now here to share the dangers and counsel the bewildered people what to do. The city govcrluncnt is powerless and help- less. It cannot use one dollar "of the money in its treasury for the purpose of contend- ing with the fever or succoring the poor and needy, and it cannot levy a tzuc for that purpose, and, if it could, could not collect it. Trade, until. October, perhaps November, has been effectually killed as if instead of sixteen we had 1,600 cases. Thosecwho have left us` went under the i spur of. panic, most of those who remain have parted with` that sense of security ' without which peace of mind or health are ~ ' inipossible. In a few days when the crazed ., have become crazier, andthe idiots more idiotic,:we shall, perhapsynd ourselves- hemmed in a. living hell, where to maintain 7 `order and respect for life and property will '; be found impossible save at the. point of ~' 'the.bayonet. - ` ; ' ~ . ' KALSOMINE.--Ten pounds whiting,;Ilis- solved in hot 63' boiling wate1`,_quarter` of a. P pound of glue, should bepnt-to soak over j l niglitvin one pintof water ; itinay now be [melted 'o_n"-a stove, stirring it Frequently ; _ I two olgnees of ultramnrine blue ; one_ounce lgof veunetin-n_ zfecl; mix separately with_ cold 1` 1 or soft water, and strain through a. stocking )?.or thin clotl1'--each in separate vessels.- _ :The whiting may now be stirred well ;-if . _ itoo thick, add more hot water and strain . .th1`-oligh a sieve into` a. good sized pot. Add ` ' some of the blue and red .a.ltern'atelyA until" 3 ' lyou get the-shadevreqtxired, yoifr _ color is` determined pour in the glue, and ' after` mixing`-well applv the wash hot"bo' .'. the_wa.ll; Should the second coat not `be 0 put o;i1'1_nti1* chenext; da'y, heat the mix4 .. tare, _es' the glue; will n`ot.mix with the xy othersingrediedtsrhxxless piety warm; " - *1` z--'According ~toe'.Swiss-paper, the ;1ete l *`-' ,P.rinee I-orIsNspp1eo}x,.:1_eioge starting for ,, ;Seuth..Af:1cas:l1ed;h1s..hfe--mmred`1`)`x.an` -` Ihmlinh. inm1m.nm- mmmnv for 1 ll HOW A LIGHTIQINE: STROKE FEELS. A E insuranco1_compAany for .8160, 030.. um #113135, _uuu nus ,1u0`l1.l3lll'B_U. D .11] UNHAPPY MEMPPHS. Ho. 34 Whole Ne. 1436 . We had the pleasure a few days since of witnessing the operation of -thi'e3l1in1_: by steam, on the farm of A.'M. Mo1' E:;q., Innisl. As we drew up tn the 1:uppu sCtl monster, which was at the time under a moderate headway of steam, we scarcely realized that so much work \va=1'si`eiitly going o_n-the engine sounding only ."t:'.it puffs more like the noise of :1 bellows tl an the usually ciemoxistmtinnnoise of :1 ::tc:- n- boat or locomotive. B)` coinparisun it n':i.~s nothing more than a lullaby, CftlL'l1l;i.il.'Ll fur ' sedative effect than ntln,-:'u'i.~;c. We lank- ed in vain lilsewise fur \'t:lllHlUS of hlak smoke and cimle1';s, n.~';~`.nci:tteLl con`-nunly in mostxuinds with :'m_ything and e\`u'._,-'- thing opemtexl by" ste:n_n, and its 1`l.'-3l\'3 to the si1rro*.1nvli.ng .C0ll.ll)ll1tll)l.C lllil.i(:l`lll of dry straw, otc.-bnt in its stcn-.1 was only pe1'ceptible'a gentle \'a1>t,n' from the in nic funnel, the, Secret of which was that at its base is attaclied a new patent Spark 15:.- t .nguish_er, the ilivention of the m:umfn.c- `hirer himself, by which the Sp{tI`_l\'S are .lejected into n.-rese"1'voir of \\`.'1te1', and es- cape through a tube in :1 chn.rred state. _ l At. flm tinw wn \' ll .l'l1 the tl1i'uslic1"tlze I I.n1`011gu :1. 1.1100 In :1 Cil1I.l'l'L'll xsuwc. At the time we \'is'itcd the tl11'uslici"tl2c engine was distant rmtsido the barn about six or eight feet, and the tlirushcr inside the |)ai'n at one extremity, so that the Ind 'cari'ied u.-casiunally the sniolcc thmuglx the barn, thus provilig to .a (lt)ll1OIlSil'i\iCl.L`l1 tle c1iti1'e.safcty of Alicll s t-hic-.~4liing engine. So slight was the Slnulic that no iuconven-~ icnco was experienced by the man at work, and prmjcd satisfactorily to all concerned that steam can `be utili7.cd lu_-reabmits with the Slllk} impunity that it is fur tli:msa11ds of nlln:-1' 1nirpr;es, aml (h-strn_\'s at mice the t.hem'etical ubjcctiun that steam in tlm :l1- in_ m1da1ig_;v1'.~i the barn aml its -]_%1`ULillCiS. ' We" will not altmnpt tn (ln mr)1'a than `V ' , K` , .1, :1 '.|`., .,i n...,...L:.... lll_`_; lTlluiHI_t`5`l`l:*) Lin: I1.uu annu u..1 luuuu-.u.;. In m1ru:nu1'ily 311) of .-\bcil'!; sis.-:uVu threshing llmclxixw, that it l2:up1'-`wt-d a n__5:'v:\t.s11ccessa. It has In-._-n" In-fnrv the public in \'.'u`irms p:_u`ts nf C;m.'u1:1 fur L'i'_,"}lt _vv:u'.~{, and .\1')c`l is the only n1:uu11f:u:t111'ur that p1-n(111c"3s bath engine am} sopz11'.':tor atdnc and the same establishxucnt. 4 It hits the zulvmxtagc nvcr L`-\'e1'y other Inaclnine 0'u1'ed in its per- fect \w,-1-`kin-,5, -thoroughly c1u.'min_ the " grain, wlwthAe1' whom, |):\i'1e_y 0!` outs. Here is \vh:Lt n. \\'c1H:110\vx1 f:u'mc1`, at Queens- v1llu,vCmmty of Yurk. .\':Ly.'~; _f`1us CX1)(`1`iCHCC last year 2 ` I am nnw vnnnincv Hm imrhrlt-. untrilm \\ HAT` .-\BELL,qS UELEBR.\'1`E1J )l.\;`lllNEI5 CAN D0,. [nan yciu` 2 . 1 am now _1'\nming the pt;1'tz11)lu cn_'.;ine purclmscd from y'ou`eig'nt se:1so`n.' since. I can 1'x`11 it _with half a. cord of 'wood for a day, zunl with as little \\':Ltc1' as any I hawc st-_cn. I.11m'e run, it lictm.-C11 stacks of -grr-in so close tugctlxoi-`that you cm-1:1 11;u`d1y`f_;ct b_etwecn tIn>vcn_gin(: and the stacks when it was driven in :u1d_1'nnnin',:. In fact, I have 1'nn;it:it Mr. I . Dc(:cci' s. so close to stacks of o::.tstI1_:it_ the truck wheel under engine was ngaixlst the strck :i1l, we did not tinisli t1i1'cshin;,r mt the stack till dark. . - 1 have tlm,-zshcd last seasml. inonc day 1100 bilslicls nf -\_;min-' `J00 of wheat mid. `.100 of b=irIcy.- ' 'l`.\ Fm`-\nr.v-H u-:41. it-nnrn r-mum Hun uh-znn uuu 01 wneut :u1u.. .;uu UL I)un.u_)'. To fariners with laige crops the stezun thresher will prove an in\':Llui.h1e l)-mix. As :1 mzlttc-1` of fact the people are delight- ed withtlie ivork :i.h'e.'v.ly done this seztsmi by the new machines of Messrs. Gregg & Milding. 'Tll(:S0 gentlemen had the enter- prisc to purclimsc this SL.l.Su1l one uf :\liell'.; latest lnzumfacture, which we witnessed in full 0]_)C1`.'1tlUll. Mr. Gregg is well up in the running of steam engines of all kinds, while his pzu't-nor ntteiids to the prnctlcnl \'\'o1-k of feeding the threshcr. They ha.\'c been constantly running since the h:u'\'est, and have \V0.'l{` ahead tn hoop thcni busy for weeks. As a_ mzitter of eeunmny the steam threslier is ahead nf all coinpe-titu1's to large agrie\11t1ii'ists, as their terms are nionlerate, being only ten clzdlars it day, which makes the cost te the fzmncr about a. cent a lJ1lSllCl--tllc'\\'a)utlV1UlLl xvuterbeing :1 \'e1'_`,' small 1n:1ttcx' on tl1e`f:u'n1.. 'It is interesting'tqn<~te the rapid pm- gress which inzicl1ine1'y hnd nnule in light_en- ing the.na.ncial outlay efthe fzmnei`. Not many years since.-`the old cylinder \\'.'is in Vogiic,` which pounded after :1 fashion the straw, sepn.mting_ the wliexit, to besure, but involving the straw` and graiii to he heaped togetlicr. _ Manny and tedious pro- cesses had to be undergone before the grain modern system (thanks to Abell ..n.1 other entc.-i'p1`ising and ingenious in:mi1f:icti1rcrs,) the wheat cu.n:hu_ scp:u'a.te.il \'irtu:1lly ch-am, _I;Ul]llll`ll)g.l1ll_)' tvr`he run once tlu'nug,:l1 the fztnning mill in he Iii in l>e`._:;rmi:il iuln {lnrn-. . ' was scpztrated and eleaxiecl ; but under the $40:6o(>_.- unm-.v _ In (:t)IlClllSlI>1l we llH1y.5:l_)' in '>ll`l' .'lj.l'lL'lll- tuml friends to cx:unin:-, \'.:l1cn_uppn1'LI1:iiL_y obrs, the many .e.\'cellcnt :ipp1i:mces now olfercd to encom'a_r_c labor which mezms money saved. Mr. Abell's agent in _t,u\vn, M1`. 1`l1muas Purvis, is always zi.c zmd` can and will at any time feel it at pl0:lS11I`(} to show and demonstrate the mainy :md- wonderful appliances which science introcluces into use for the more etlicient and economical c:m'y1n_r__; on of success- . f ul_ agriculture. MARRIED -AND BECOMES The Wlnitlsy ('Immi--In say-3 :--Willin.m .-\nle1'son 1ncu'1`ied tho wirl.--w lIo.=.lin-S-, of linna, on the 14th of J uly; Tln-y were n1.'u'x'icv.l at Uptc1'_g1'nvc, )l;1i`:t. .\nclex'snn is :1 Norwcgimi and the widow .1 C;m:uli:m. He is her third huslrzmd. Slxe owns :1 farm and has :1. fn.irly coinfnrtnble homo, and is afresh looking womgm of about 1_ifty.- The couple were nmrried about 3 o'clock in tl`e al'te1'no'ou, and started on their-way lame- Wards immediately after the cerexuony. When about twenty minutes on their road, soa.te(l lovingly in the buggy in which they drove, the newly made wife, it is alleged, all at once became stark and staring mad, and tried to kick Anderson out of the buggy. The couple got home" somehow. There the woman tried to hang herself and to cut her husband's throat with :1. reaping `hook. She broke the pots and pans, and 'ma.d.e the household furniture xi complete j wreck. The husband, alarmed for his life, lodged an information before James Mc- ' Pherson,` Esq. ; J. P., of Benin, and the ` woman was committed to the county gaol , at,Whitby, where she`now lies.` She was ` examined by the countyejudge and by tho - gaol surgeon and is kept under restraint as - a. dangerous lunatic until she can be re- ' moved to the asylum. She has become ` dimgerously-eviolent since her incarceration, ' and the g`aol.a.uthorities are obliged;to use *' the straight waistcoat to prevent her doing 3 injury. toherself and others. f _ s . [$2.00 is norm ADVANCE. IVIEAN S'rmL1Ne.-Ono of the pptticst ' and meanest sorts of stealing done in New York is that perpetrated on little children . The children`_a.re sent out by their parents to the grocery or other places _to purchase , some article,w>hen the little one is accosted by generally .1; youth of aibout seventeen, - asked what; he h_a got. ixfhishand, pur- ' . suadedbto showVhi`_m, and; theh he takes the money and` the -"child so" it runs homein great; -- ` \ These mea'n'thefta': aregenerallyt - n ted on the children of people who_-: " .few_ ';pennies.y _r- ryoutha that . ' `Tl-;lRESHlNG BY STEAM MAD ` Loss: m`.H}s OWN WItmA1:r1s`1iai.n.--Tho Huron Expoutor a .y;s:-l[r-\{1Ii. Saunders, nf Hm 7th ccmcesmon of Stanhdn- had 1:. Expositor a`,qs::-Mr-Vgni. of the. 7th :qnce;I3}9n pf _Steph6,n,, had a. `eld of fall wheat gonfamhlg 15' ga, which [averaged six egL1n_1eng_t.1r. : B_g_ 91:9 it was out duwn he we1_1b'mt.o xt to examme it and got lost. Beforohe could find his way out he had to1m.1lonfi'o1` assiistanco. This 18 the ' first instance` on re a. man_bocoming lost in his own eld br0?41 d3Y118ht- ' Lem; KEEPING APPLES.-Mr. J. B. , 0sborne,- Beysmsville, wijtes :~-- An 0 en question among, 'fruib"`lgro\vers is `W mt sort of an apple keep longest I The ac- compgnyin mmple m Pippin and Northern pg fumis 3, positive that eating ` 1Eatf"l!o* kp1r"hI' good condition -till Dominion Day. The samples sent were in excellent condition, especially the winter Pippin. This variety deserves to be better known tlmn. it is. One of the best zmtliorities on apple nomenclature we lizive 1n the Province could not name it. -__.._.-oo--_-:.. io$1{;iu 1'f.u.<.=l`lI1 _--i.:.H'I i -hn NL'm:1wL's Nom.r:un.\'.--In [Russi:l., as well as in Germany, Austria. and one or two minor. nurt.l1crn rc:I.lms, n. noblomulfs title is inherited by all his sons, whd trans- mit `it to their. ollspring, and so on, ad in- _/inilmn. Noddy nobles nccssarily abound. 'I_`lic1'u are forty or fty Cdunt Zichys `in l{uugary,tl1rcu or four of whom are wealthy 1x1n._~.mutcs, and the rust pass their lives in the zmny or {.:m/crumcnb ofccs on the smallest pay. In Galicia. there are cn.ti~ru villagcs'who1'o_every pca. native lms the ..2..1.L 6.` nrnfnnn lulu u:nnn \vlHl H1 H0 (If VlUil"L'B nght to prmcu. --..r-.~_-.-~< _ < [L `I2;-..\1); Wmzx l:`Ul. `rm; }<`.u'..\u.x:. _'wuulLl g1`oa.tl_y' elevate and zuhl tn the clli vicncy f tho furnu,-r:4 of this cuuntry, whn are its ham: and. slnew, if some of their` tum: cvk;-x'y day \vns given to brznn -\vork ; not tn mere reading, but the atmly and in- vestigation of some subject to the extent nf thoroughly undcrst:-.mling it ; and noth- inggwuulal he mfore appropriate, 11.3" WU". us` largely rcmuneru.ti\'c, than the study of 'but:m'y, w'l1ich. will show them the needs, the i:apa.bilities, the 1mhit's and uses of plxmts; or cllemistry, so as to a.dn.pt their fqrtilizcx's to the quality of the soil and the re'quiremcnts of tho crops sown---then they would be men, not buors. --.--/ _..__ coo- Tm; Nizw K.nnmv1~;.--'1`henewKhedive. Prince Tc-wk, is said tu 1m,a;se'.~ss his deposed fattlir.-r':s` charm of inanmcr with 9. good deal rnore"ef dignity, b_uthin stature and ap- pearance. He is the unlyone of the late Kliedivds boys who has been ln'uugl1t np exclusively in Egypt. Some years :l}.;) ha.- started on European tours,bnt when he hml got as far as Vienna, he was recalled. by -.1 telegram from his father. He speaks French fluently, and can read English sufficiently well to nndexstzuul all written in the papers about Egypt, xi subject to Wllicll he devotes great attention. His cliildren, `who are still;yonng;, have been brought up by an English gmerxiess; and speak Eng~ lish easily. Prince Te-wtil;,m1lik~: his father. has been always 9. sednlous uttendznit at _the1nnsque, and is believed to hem devout. but not an iiitulemuit, lVIuliz;n1xnedaxi. L'n- likel1isfu.tl1e1', tun, he is an abstainer frnm n... 1.............,.~ c.;..1.:.m..n luv Hm Km-nu, 11kcl11st:Ltl1cl', too, 110 13 :muu.1uum.-; Ar the 1.--\'cr:\ge3 fox-bidtlcn by the horan. ....__:_- ....e. .,.\.......o.,. V~-~-,- M _ ' ' Tur: BR1'l_`I$l[ `(}r:.\m J.`.\u-1:.-'I`l1L-Mm-/. Lanr E:-pres;-, in its weekly review of tlie Englisli grain t.I:1.i.le, says :-Tlxo.- x':1in,wlnel1 held ell` during the greater part of last \\'eek,.recommL-need on Saturday, and still continues. The harvest, even in the south, will hardlyicommence before the middle of August. Of all the crops 'l>:u'ley gives the least promise of :1. satisfactory yield, Wllicll is doubly deplorable, as an l1ll.T13\lilll y l:u'g: zIr\1`nnth\ i: .-nwn f.lu:I'(?Wiill. `lll.11ti (,'(l!ll*' 1s doubly deplorable, as an igxitnrsxuziny ;.u 5-; acreage is .a'o\f.'n tlu:rewith._ \\'Iicnb into ear nearly a month later, and its lprw Ipects are nut very ]iopcf11l.c\'cii on the lightest; soils, wliilc on liczwy ].'l.H(1.`<|, own - should the weather next nioiith be 'uO3t fa.`.'u1`1Lb10,' two tliird.~iof a crop are all that can be expect;-cl. Outs in tho Hulltil have been comiiig int-J car Iuudei'a.toIy well, but the ce1'eal"c_rups are in no case up to the average promise even of ordinary yc;n'.<. `English wheat is in 1'-sduccd sup1:1y,:m-I the dc`m.'uu1 is considembly iiiizrcjztsctl. -?1._o-....__.:.... . -?--_-o-o-o---:--- 3 ' . A-L\Io1:r-;.ma.--In the whole range .1 _.55:v.crod and pro'fa.no'1itera.ture, yrrl1:11-.~;. there is: uotlxing recorded which has . am-lx stzryiu-;.1-1--gm-t.ios as a. gmnl healthy nv mt- (_;nge.~ -A in -:`l;';: We can be depended upon tV'. s:i~l; L-l~w.:r' than ;u`hrut.hex-. [L 11.1 :1 lxlissl gufvs '_wrfu1'l1l which Ixuu-1' `leis up. DJ; n`.'tex'l:L_`,' it is 1'igl1ttl1en-. nur (lrIL`*~' the Slll`-'3'llt()Bl': tendency `tn 'slun1l,u'.-1' i:np::.i2'_ its vigrpr in the night. Xigglxt amrl lay, :1 the Sa.bba.th, and at lmlid.`1y ti1ue<, with- out a. m0me11t s 'time for rest and recrea- tiun, the biting o11'sp1'i11;; of its existcm-e,-- interest goes on. The seu;~;un may Cl::mgL', days run into weeks, wet.-ks mu. iuunllls, by running nu. '` I . I be swa.11uwe,(l. up into the gmy man -1 ml- \':LI1eix1g years, but tlud: 11lul'lf.(1\gc stnmlss up with sleepless .vigil:uxce, with the intexfest, :1. 1)Cl`O11lll.:ll, stremn, ceaselessly Lik-. huge niy. ;lntm:11'e eat- ,,1._.. L` ' ......,. .....pI....'. In... llltclfcst, :1. 1)L'l'uun1au, aux.-mu, u;u.m.u.;.m. 1:i;;l1tu1;11'c cm lug out the `sleep of some restless xliln l)cro1', t-ho impnid nlortgngo roars up in ga.untf1'unt in_ pc1'p<,-tual tnruurnt t-v tl n1isc1'n.blo Wight who is held within 1` pitiless clutch. It holds the pun-r Vlclill with the rclclxtlcss g_;1'a.sp of :1. giant ; as one hour "of recreation ; nut :1. nmxm.-m evasion of its lxideous prerscxncu. ' _.\ gcni savage of Iuollifying aspect. while the intcn is ])>:l.l1.l;`Z\VCI'y devil of hopeless (l('.~4lm:.'!i~ when tho payments fail. .::-lg--Q@-V2-:--; .. _ -- - o . , 21-hf Gn'.H.V' IX'ST0l'K.--1:l.X`l`l1cl'3 whu nmy hr huldingv on tn their wheat in thu c.\puux.l- (ion of better prices than .'v.tp1`u`;cI1t pru- vail, ulll (In wull to cuxxsidcr wlmt is Hu- cgmtlitiun of tho slnclcs I1-:n'uluLl 3'1 Europa fr-1'4t_lu: sumo [)lll']_)l_|.'5U. l"u_r munu Linn: p::\: CUlU]il:|.lHl.' luwc cunu: nlWlu:p1'cs.~iun in th. l{ussi:m c.\purtt1':ulc in the rcgimls if-ml-ml the Baltic, zuul now thusu cunx1l:sint.~s an--c rcpc:v.ted' fmm the south. The O`1U3n.l ZlIa:.s.-cngnr states that at present in that p: rt _the1'c is an endrmous stock of upwxmls --1` 2,200,000 chetwertsv(l2,320,01.v1) lmslu:l~') of grain waiting for pl1I`Cl1:1S.'I`.<, and :L(l1l~4 that such awretched state of tllilngs \\`;t< -never seen in any previous year. `Dcnuuul `. from abroad. are vex; scarce. Nc\'urtl1-:- less, consignments from {the interior 1~rr-- `vinces como pouring in. -each bringing 1.. the port from 100, to 150 wagons lmnlm--l with all kinds of grain. The l'cslll_t uf this was a. fall in the price of wlu-at of fun- , -roubles, about tho bcgimxing; uf July. Thus, it will be seen, that at Uxlcssn. alum.- there are some 12,000,000 l)`.L~1ll0l~ of '_'r:v.in awaiting shipment, with the stuck lHL'n::l~4 ';n.'r Tn Hm Unifml Stains. tlmm \\'uru. un mvmnng smpmenc, wuu nu: stuck I!u.`u.'.L~a `ing. In the United States, tlwrc \\`c1~.-_ ml .\ugust`2ml, 2v,uaI,`.l70 lnlsllcls of wlu-at and _Imli:m corn in store and afloat," against 12,682,693 at the sauna: date l{\.~.l year, and 11,626,478 on August 4th, 187.`, These extraortlixxaiy supplies of last yczu-`.1 crop held over are a. more import.'Int L\1`\|` munt in the prospects of the grain trlul.- than appears to be generally estimated. j No Mom: ~Dmx Dus.-Thexe has beun continual rejoicing among the alllicted sinm; the first introduction of Arnica and Oil Lim- ment. Not only is it a sovczeign balsam. for the supercial hurts and external diseases of Hoiscs, Cows, Oxen, Sheep, and household quadrupeds, but also for Still'Jointc, Cramps, .Mnscular Contractions, Frost Bites, Whit, lows, Burns, Scolds, and other painful cou- diticns of the esh, tendons and iutcgumenu, to which human beings are liable. A few ap- gications, if taken in season, will save you ya of sulfering and pain, as well as the (le- 11%) caused by neglect. ' vuuapsxu in tha nrnvailina cnmnlaint uf` my causeu. oy ncgxecu. D!s1>1:1=sI.ais the prevailing complaint of civilized. life, and assumes :1. variety of forms. It leads, if unchecked, to serious disorders :m.1 untold suffering. People very frequex-'1_: x-\' periencc a foclmg of oppreeion and dizstrv after eating even a light meal-a sum indie L- tion that the stomach is unable to digest tl.~ oodwhich ithas received properl --:1n.1,1f neglected, soon derangcs the who c tram mi digestion; then follow Sour Stomachs, .\`i~-R Headache, Bi1iousncss,_J_anndico, Liver (Tom- ` p1'1_Lint,tPal itation of tho Heart, N crvuusne.~ ` a;1dGen Debility. But . if _B%X.t01"3 -`I` _d_r;l:q_.Bittera_ are taken irecl_v' in sgzlson, d e*'**`::.,'::,1.%.::a:*.y.f.g"**..d .'oiooin `- V ` can .- J" "Aul(,').uxnn or `Pnlvi)rrJQ!'.`.?5 E? .`.'.'.. .joice in perfect hslth. Erica 95 cents. ` A "AN Otmcn or 1 nsmxr19*``'`' 1*` THAN A Pouxm or Gunz.i1.,h.m.- mm M, ` -an to which fraiil hnuj,`nj%v= K .tho com 1 4. mow m _.a.w1(1s, ' is . ,-_au. nrmmntea In that ,.`-_ol `H the Jiscmzc. p-u--us.-V "WV us wno1'o_cvcry pca.s:I.11L Imuvu nu.:1 Luu to preface 1113 nzuno wltlx tho htlo of \ `V I". CU. as kept -11 . I ll` ` tVh-1 ivi'E"B?AL"ANp" :s:im.L**] W .151.` Q. 11. B')S.-xNKO,' DENTIST ~ - ~ rm. v.u-:.- mcinrr l`no.lh n1w;x_\'s CL) " "V 'I.:SVI`SrSUEl) `T 7 . EVERY THURSDAY, ..._..u,..` an-m-r |7..Iaf. Fnntoflrfz . msuRAN`c`:. \V..\'1`.x:o.\* C. onu, . VL-DAN, LAND, AND INSURANCE AGENT. xv-nn1.`i`L`\"l"Q EVEVFEI I ruuuu-nu, x, 1 ) mo. Dumop Sheet. \\.as.st..Foot at Market Sweet, Barrie. 121:: J H -i H p 1;) 31-`nt`t,hr:Cou1xt.y,umlenjoylng Its -_cdi(V01'iu.l! , the 1 1.1`;-.`,-XL 5-.irm.11ati0n of all npwa upers_ ~.-1.-non. drrsnml) e me-' `lULVi`11 ,-J_, 4 u . . l<)sLa}Iv:;L nlnda-1'.-n(-. into ..lC.\'.\'UI\. :iulu:itu1'.~;, liu.1'1'ie. Hmuimxm Mn (`upi19.l, $1.uUu.Uw: [L 1: IR .-`mi pm: ' 1!.1`_.:-J-` us- k1;1:x .{\?:9 1>1:'v.- .s'rE1%:;\I,: - xw -Inn 4:.-n~-1-;1l.\i:.-,nt. II1l .\'n_)rthcm A:snr:m<;c(U;). oi London, ' (`upil:L1. 3-_>:'_0uo,ooo. - .\'o1-2 h nf'-.o11m\r1 Cn'ri`:`LHi_a1\ Mortgage Cbmpany uixniml), $3,0:)0,u0u funds t_o loun. ' '0m-:c u{u'1VV]r{`csid(-.ncc _ FOR. 1:59 YFIELD 8-. I{ ELALING_TON-S TS. , 11,1... o..,1 19-0 6. Eug1u.nd._ (` EU. Ji. 1.` UISU .lJL\./.ClLV any nu v- I 'l`I().\IlCl~`.lH'or the (`.0unt_vof Simcoo.. Orders left m lhe .~\.n\`.\\'cE oice will be. promptly at- tended. to. and informm ion will be; furnished 1'.\I`[`l0S req\1i1`ing Mr. Ford's services. as though a had. himnelt been consulted. _ 35-ly L{A.'I`HY & AU m`, l5AKt<.LL'1uLmb um} Aft-.tn-m:;r.1, Solicitors in_Clmn:01:', -,5 1.".)`.n;, (.`:mve5':Lncers. B:u`rlc, (Jo. Snncoe. Umm over Bank of Toronto. _ E0. _n FORD LICENSED. AUC- I Info nl .1... .\ n\'.\\'1'I-`. union bc.nr0mpt1y at; AUGTIONEEBS. Ttmglfll SWAN, AUOT[ONEER 0 for the Co11nty'ofSin1mc. Terms reason- .. mu.-..- m, mv SLu1'e.U1-aiglxxxrst. - - . |S:I.I'1`1e. . Lloyd. -.u:;\` _. .\.`UROGU i E, U0 31 BLISS] ONER in 13.1 ... (`om :~_\'unc<-r. Lit-.cuo.d' A\'1clione(':r._ .v\1.;cI1l fur` -f\)H()\Vil1`_.{`ll1:';llI`tU\0U (.`om~ lit 5: '0. l`ifc. ..~\<-s.-`uivn: ngud (l_u:u`:u_x'.cu: .l1vud Uliico Umzmu. `I'm-unto. \1<*,lo1 m. Mutual. llmd . .. .. .-, n VHL: l a'esi --(,`.i1iz-n n la:.s1u-;-.xm~, Puxnp-.my ofMonlroa1' Inc nn.n.. ......,, W ` Depztrtmcnt smoked 1 the ussortxxxcxxp. of all requisite: tray-din_r: fa.cili_nos for turning out I .-.._:..o.. nntu I`. |() `MONEY T0` NE l4`_n9 u Y To LENI 1:-nl mn um I Un. Ha I 1 144;... .,. . Harrie, Fehy. 3rd, 1879, -`gammy- '\N(,`l HL`ll':l`:ll .\f,'cI\t. 1 .-u'.:1s:u`u1 I).-his (}ull:u(~c11;. new Brick 1H-.>c1{, n.:2\:'ly ( 2 'l5.1:*1`iu.. , U.";l`)l'Jl DH Au, n.uu.-..v-. forlhu Co11nt.\">ofSin1.*o_c. 1 e. Ollicc at my Szurje, Umxgluxrst. . IA. (:3 .`.1Cb.`\1(. 1'11. 1 --UL` .|.' l.\JAJ H-l l{`s`i:1m;::A: on 1116 \\'v.~xt side `of John , imm: iuloly 0ppo~. 'M1'. `Geo. Ball's I and Suslx FzI.(:t0r\'. ~.\Iu(fU.\ l{l1Y, (H:-A'UUA'rE OF . ...:u I'.. -1..-..i:r \'lm\lI'cu.1. .\Ie1nburll_c_)yu1 .\U.).\ M 1Jl5mLVu._x, us...-_... Al10r11oy:3-at-liL\v. S mc:-rs, &,-. Umcc ztbuvc Post Omen, Owen %:u'rie. J. `l`.'Lcnno:-1: liaughton Lennox. .lrn`1] , uli_cimrs': . J. (`,0 . umh,-: _ _. ,;-;_ _._.___.,, "GEORGES SOCIETY; _11;\tT15.Rs,"1`)7o Yofr Xxizbi it-" }\_1'<)l ~~--1 In` an ..<.H rm \V. (`,x-:uld.()r,k, .]`.o.=*.sa-st... IUST RECEIVED AT TH}; BAR- HAAT8; run STORE HA TS and CAPS A Complete stdck_ ot ,\Z the. R. J . _'A1 A1 M1 Au , . um.` - ' l`. Bm'ri(=,, ()nuu'i0. the Phil- l)cH".ll College. also of the lmyal College lsnx-j.:~~un.-3. UIHL-c ~0pposi(c Bawric Hotel. ,. vs No llanlu`-`apt `t_o-:ks. B. SIMMONS. , ,1://J 7`? ./ _, |,,-:vu.:. u...\- . " 1I"{K*_ oFi?IcE "ll .... um \\'v.~xt John in.~;~.1n-s nu rrnton l`;U. :_...--u-us: 3U.\ l(l , Ur mu,-u :1 1 . LIL` .\Imnvn-:11. .\[embur lloyul Uni \'1-mil _\'. xxgluml. Mexnbcr College u I".:'l,`()1]\`, 1'1 H :uul S111'gc<>u.~1, ()nt.. 8:0`. 'l{esidence- "(`-m1u)c|`(:n ]5nilding;~; over 1\Ic:ss1's. `w-l1a~1'_" Store. uud two doors _\\'cst` of . l{n*.cl," Dunlupstreu-1, l5:u'1`1e. 1`; H13 .|j\J |.,\4 czmll on ~`m1n-1r5',:md mu :1, \V.\I. 4. L0.UNT., BQm11 ts'r1c1.s, ....,r..... :..u.-`nnrsx in W8" Singers ml 8 camera an use In 11y. For" sale- 0 y `at J. Woods pm; Bnrriisr _ -5 ' _ 1)`) X 11D, 11 Lg) um` .12 5 : .,-fnor, Gonveyancer. &:C.. )n'1~.r.-. Sh-:ri"s Block, D1(1ri1op _ 1.1- y lllrs`. ins'L-rlixm. weexucs. exten- ussortxxlexxp. requisites for printin , tfording fa.e1hnes tu_miug 1`st-cln.:-F3 wot-E. l.'a.rgo type and anpyoprxute cute for all styles of l us .ers and lluudlnlls, and xx sgock of choice fancy 3` meta the ne class of prlngmg. _ - lhzm: forms of evcry_ d_cscr1pu-ml In stock and uppliml at re:}son:1l)lc 1)r{cc. . _ . "l`l-l`.'..\[S : ~l< or b\ll)s~er11)L1on.-$1_ per anuum, u-may in mlvannn: 82 If n0_t S0_p:`ud. Ft `.1 .\l)\'l~1l'.'l`[n`I\'U --ldxght cents per line for zmd two cents each subsequent. in- Ycarly cards not exceeding one inch or-'.,i0n. ` _ ' per year. bpecml contracts for yearly I I .. , , m-c1-nsuv- entr-red mm at reduced rates. W mt-A tho discontfnlmnce of -- '(`-nncinnf nnnng nn m-ders must l_)e s`enp In nu.:x.,. u, -. V- -_ V, _, . Publishers and Proprietors . , rluup -.-V`-.. 7,, , R`l~'.l l{ESENTS `ins `z-.m1 1\I:u-invlusnmnrce Co nun mrrh, Asthma dud `Ali hroncixinli " ml eakcrs all useit .' y J. 2! vol` ('1'!) .\o pnur: tvrm. W. Opposie Post Oice,` ` `Barrie - L~`()`.`\'1-"_~ " i11{oUsX7}fi5 ....4n Fnnu {tn 1. n,___- Y, UU.\LJ.\LLnJJ1\,:_u of .\12u'1'in.[.{e \-t..`\f:, C'.'cc1n01`c, Ont. . - 6_ly I500 ' M. L. sm1'rH,A Gen. A opt, Arkona, Ont. crimlx. ........-a ~ contracts tor ycxu-1y Spcr N 3' Lercd mtont Wrxt-A dx-1'l`isu1g en on orders he sent for the uuscripxions o.m1:u1vc_rlising. Tmnsient notices 1` Lost, \Vamed. For S3110, 550.. S_zc., not. e.\`cce_t1- mg 5 lines. will be adlnxtted for 2.) cents each in- ortion. All udvcrtiselnents 0.:-dered by strurggers ow: those with whom the propnetors do npt cal '...-.1.-L In p;Li(1fuI`l'\` .\o\'A.\'c1-;,_u. rule w1nch_ wili h.:.~xtrict1y udh`-,re to.` Nouccs of local blrths, ni-.u-riagcs. and deznlxs mserted free of charge. ---an n_:_u:..1.,...- nna TI-nm-infnrn The Regular Meeting of the above Society will be held in the Good Tcmplars Hall, over 0. Harrison's St 0 r o_, o n ' \\7`l.` l`|\TT<`.QT\ AV nnf.'r narrlson 5 an 0 ru_, 0 u '_\VEDNESDAY, Scpt'r - 3rd, l879,'at 8 p m. M. H HARRISON, Rnnrntarv. MN 1) \JLV .l\I`.uxI1 1'1'3I`, 2 im(`.rest.' LENNUX Sc ` 'l`lH., l1t`])(3ilf1:ll1t; on tho `iu--ipul Inonoxy required S'l`l{.\ 1`lI\' i: ;\Ul.'l`, Al`.4.V,~ \/Um v 14;; nt. Iniaumnccs Effect- .~.'4`.. Oliicp in Cromp- lv nnmx51LcU101 OSl- ,Ul,J H gxu ; up, v . .]`.o.=*.sa-st... ,\'~ trxpmxsm in getlixxg. . L`yli.-\Dl)O(`.K, .-\g.:enI. 1l~ly rLENb. ID ON IIEAT-. -~~-ma- I 1.`\'\'n\ Kr L . .~sux'cr. This Com- |.l'_(10\1S property. .;\(1- f 063* "11:'-;~;7.\7. ...,...~4 nnm-h Aun- Oliicc in L`romp- I opposite the Post- 37-ly m:u-1 Iu_-5w-2. \, \VESLE\' &. KING." - ll IIA A 11.3 1`\1u. m on good freehold L. 1opcnl:~.x1t; 0n.lh(-, inul mon y L/U1.` V 1.: 1. ;;... w-n`.~x 1}ench,-Auc- nissiuu .-\1.:unt.fu1' au'm Stock. l1ou>'.c- . .~\1.ao fur the .\-.~I:n'.u;.14,. ,O1Bcr~. Of the Latest; Styles. n_nd Prices torsuit the tnngs. Come and see _us. We keep none ` but the ..q...nv Uuu ulu Best `Frshe.5t Guds I ()ON .\7E.Y- ...... nnnu 1? >`.mf- ' SMOKISG: nuoun , > . Secrqtarv. mason- -16-ly UU 1V.|.l!L.EJI\aU1.1.:.a :..Lv.a.:.au un.:.u;.r Stables. 5! and 56 Jarvis Street, Toronto.- The best. $1.00 per day House in the City. Only Two blocks North from Northern Depot. J. A. MCRAE. Manager. __ 3-Iy - .EUROPEAN HOTEL, (Late ocean)! H. G". BIGELOW. Proprietor. This -House win be kept on the European princip1e.- - Meals at. all hours. ' Oysters in every style. and overytlxing usually kept in n. first-class house. \, .`1l1Ll`Jl\ U. u.u.,-;.--.v, .___, Lun\'cyn.ncur. .\'Ir_)ney Olcc-. -Wu.Le1' street. l :x1cbt-.g}g\1x>sl1cI1_c. ' P; A DE N H U RS1`. VIT3ARRIS'I.`TE R (1 A. T ....\....mv .`.n|i:~itn!' in Clnncery, Convey-